27th March 2014 - John Paul II Catholic School


27th March 2014 - John Paul II Catholic School
John Paul II
Catholic School Newsletter
27th March 2014
62 477104
Friday 28th
Adidas Fun Run Bellerive Beach 5pm
BBQ in park afterwards
Sunday 30th
Rhys Donaldson’s baptism and First
Communion at JPII Mass 8.30am
Monday 31st
Running Club 8-8.20am
Guest speaker on littering from the
Southern Waste Management Authority
Etiam sit amet est
Wednesday 2nd
0-4 Program 9-11am
Parent & Child Creative Arts program
9.15am (music room)
Thursday 3rd
Mass 10am - Sassafras & Bluegum to
Sunday 6th
Daylight Savings Ends
Wednesday 9th
Parent & Child Creative Arts program
begins 9.15am (music room)
Thursday 10th
School disco 6 - 7.30pm
Thursday 17th
Holy Week Liturgy will be on at 12pm
and not 2pm as advertised on the
161 Mockridge Road
Clarendon Vale TAS 7019
PO Box 40 Rokeby 7019
phone 6247 7104
fax 03 6247 6438
From the Principal
Jim Ireland
Dear Parents,
Radio Breakfast show:
Thank you to the families who supported last Friday’s radio Ultra
106.5 breakfast show which focused on the launch for the ride for
Autism and Anti–Bullying week. Proceeds went to Autism Tasmania
and the Donaldson family. It was a fabulous morning and a great
community event. Well done to everyone involved.
School Board:
After the AGM I wish to congratulate the new members for the Board
for 2014. Chairman is Rick Bennett, Vice Chair Paul Sheen, Secretary
Kristy Broomhall, Treasurer Colin Groom and ordinary members are
Jeff Reilly and Tim Petrusma.
Parents and Friends are President Adrian Easther, Treasurer Linda
Bennett/ Tegan Magee and Secretary is Cassie Burnett.
Howrah Stall:
Thank you also to those who organized and attended the Howrah
stall last Sunday.
27th March 2014
Rhys Baptism:
This Sunday Rhys Donaldson is being baptized
at the 8.30 Mass at John Paul II Catholic
Church. All school community members are
invited to come along and it would be great
support to Rhys and his family to see as many
people as possible there.
STCSSA Swimming Carnival:
Congratulations to our swimming team who
attended the Southern Catholic School Carnival
last Tuesday. Their behaviour and performance
on the day was outstanding. Thanks also for
the great parental support.
1st Place:
Casey Moore 25m Free
Tom Francis 25 Free
Dana Gangell 25 Free
2nd Places:
Ewan Spencer 25m Breast
Darcy Easther 25m Free, 25m Back
Annie, Grace Thurlow, Casey Moore, Skye
Kelly- 25m Relay
Casey Moore 25m Back.
Lewis Rowlands 25m Free
Tom Francis, Blair Gangell, Will Broomhall and
Lewis Rowlands 25m Relay.
Alex Bennett 25m Free
Katelyn Thomson 25 Free
3rd Places:
Ewan Spencer- 50m Back
MacKenzie George, Georgia Groom, Annie
Thurlow, Elisha Petrusma- 50m Relay
Annie Thurlow-25m Free
Blair Gangell 50m Free, 50m Breast
4th Places:
MacKenzie George-50m Free
Darcy Easther- 50m Free, 25m Breast
Elisha Petrusma- 50m Back
Will Broomhall 25m Free, 25m Breast
Alex Bennett 25 Back, 25m Relay
Alex Bennett, Jay Boxall, Bradley Hallsworth,
Oliver Quan- 25m Relay.
Meegan Jordan 25 Free
MacKillop Enrolments:
MacKillop enrolments are due by April 17.
Please refer to the separate notice below.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support:
At John Paul II we use the Positive Behaviour
Support program to encourage and promote our
three goals: We are learning, We are respectful
and We are safe. However, if children are non
compliant or un-cooperative there are a clear
set of consequences that we will use in such
situations. I have therefore enclosed a set of
major and minor infractions and their
consequences that have been agreed upon by
all staff to share with you. We expect and would
hope that all families will support us in this
important process.
There will be a more detailed letter sent to all
families after you have had time to look at the
major and minor lists. The staff, and in
particular the leadership team of Mrs Bearman,
Mr Lennard and myself, would welcome any
Special Prayer:
Lord of all gentleness, surround Rhys and his
family with your care and comfort as they face a
very difficult time in their lives. Please let them
know that their Catholic School Community is
here to support them in their needs. We ask this
prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Jim Ireland
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
Talk is cheap! It is all well and good saying you
are going to be respectful but what we want to
see at JPII are actions! We have been speaking to
the students at length about bullying and
disrespectful behaviour and they certainly know
all the answers. It has been wonderful to see the
improvements in how the children treat each
other but this needs to continue everyday and
parents can reinforce this at home.
Remember the golden rule: Treat others the way
you want to be treated.
27th March 2014
From the Assistant Principal L&T
Dear Parents,
Ultra 106.5 breakfast Radio Show
On Friday 21st March Scotty and Joe from Ultra 106.5 broadcast their breakfast show live from JPII. It was a great community morning complete with Sponge Bob jumping castle, a fabulous breakie BBQ, coffee van, ‘Wodger’ the wombat and lots of activities and give aways for the kids. The purpose of this celebration was to launch the ride for autism and it was wonderful to see so many families supporting this great cause. Maggie Curran, Georgia Groom, Jake Stanley and Pearl Reilly did a great job reading the weather live on air and Jasper Reilly told the joke of the day. Well done to all our on air readers! Enormous thanks to John Belbin and Mrs Bearman for their early morning call out and set up, Adrian, Adrian and Christine for assisting with the BBQ and the wonderful JPII staff for all their help. Special mention must be made of Clinton and Crystal Taylor who had the original idea of getting the broadcast to JPII. Good luck to Clinton and the team as they ride around Tasmania! The proTits from the BBQ are around $220.00 and half of this is for the ride for autism and the other half for Rhys and the Donaldson family.
Grade 6 Fundraising Team
WOW! What wonderful Grade Six leaders we have at John Paul II. A dedicated team of students set up their own fundraising stall, making and selling rubber band bracelets to raise money for Rhys. At 50c a bracelet, the team made close to $100 which means they sold 200 rubber band bracelets! Congratulations and special recognition to Pearl Reilly, Mackenzie George, Brock Lamont, Annie Sullivan, Hailey Smith, Jake Stanley and Kadisha Schramm.
Howrah Sunshine Market Stall
On Sunday 23rd March we held a fundraising stall at the Howrah Sunshine Centre Market. Many thanks to all families who donated a lucky dip prize for this stall and to Ms Jody Rye and Grade 6 student Pearly Reilly who came along and helped to run the stall. We raised $91.00 and there are still a number of lucky dips available for purchase at school. Children may bring along $2.00 to purchase a lucky dip if they wish. Many thanks to market organizer Liz McNamara who provided us with a table free of charge. FUN RUN FUN RUN FUN RUN
A reminder that THIS FRIDAY 28th March is our school fun run at Bellerive Beach. Please gather from 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start. After the run (or walk!) there will be a BBQ with sausages, hamburgers and soft drinks available for purchase. All funds raised assist our Grade 5/6 trip to Canberra.
Anti bullying week
Last week we focused Tirmly on the message that bullying is not ok. Our whole school display in the hall tells the story with the words, ‘Take a Stand: Bullying no way!” Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. On Friday we recognised the ‘National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence’ and Joe and Scotty from Ultra 106.5 spoke to the students about this in their question and answer session. On Monday morning Sean, our PCYC in schools youth worker, spoke to the students and showed a very comprehensive presentation about what bullying is, what to do if you are being bullied and how to stop if you are being a bully. The students responded positively to this presentation and we will keep reinforcing this message everyday.
Fran Bearman
Assistant Principal Learning & Teaching
All students in grade 3-6 were brought together
on Monday regarding ICT rules for their iPads.
Please ensure all home apps are in the home
folder and that their photo is on the lock screen.
Thank you.
Kelly Collinson (ICT Coordinator)
27th March 2014
Assistant Principal RE
JPII Early Learning 0-4
This week JPII 0-4 Early Learning had a fantastic morning at Longbeach park
Sandy Bay. The children were very excited to go on the school bus. We were so
lucky with the weather as it was a perfect morning, which we finished off by
celebrating with a cake for Charlie’s Birthday.
Our program runs each Wednesday morning from 9am-11am.
9am - Activities / Play
10am - Music Time
Shared Fruit
10:50- Pack Up/ Story
Rebecca Woolley, Lisa Sykes (JPII 0-4 facilitators)
Come play, create, explore with us!
Normally we would celebrate JOHN PAUL II DAY next Thursday, April 3rd, as stated on the School Calendar, however a decision has been made regarding when this day will be celebrated from now on. JOHN PAUL II DAY will be celebrated on October 22nd or as close to this day as possible. The reason for this is that October 22nd has been declared Pope John Paul II’s Feast Day, this occurred in April, 2011, and it is only appropriate that a school celebrates on the feast day of the person/saint that it is named after. You may be aware that Pope John Paul II will be declared a saint this year, on April 27th, which occurs during the school holidays, therefore we will henceforth be celebrating the feast day of our saint. The school will also arrange a small service, early in Term Two, to celebrate John Paul II becoming a saint. Tony Lennard Assistant Principal: RE
Team App...have you signed up?
The John Paul II Team App is a great
way to keep informed of what is
happening at school. Sign up to team
app and then search for John Paul II
Catholic School.
Breakfast Club...can you help?
We are looking for volunteers to help
with breakfast club from 8.15am 8.40am any day of the week. If you are
able to assist for 1 day or 5 could you
please let Mrs Bearman know.
Thank you!
27th March 2014
Canteen News
Friday 28/3 - Mark Thurlow & Sarah Hull
Thurs 3/4 - Tish Hallsworth & Fiona
Date: Sunday 13th
Fri 4/4 - Canberra BBQ - Canteen Closed
Place: Bellerive - Hobart
Thurs 10/4 - Subway Day - Canteen Closed
REGISTER NOW & WIN (When you register for Palm Sunday Pilgrimage 2014 you will be
automatically entered into the draw to win accommodation, restaurant and other store vouchers! Make
sure all your family and friends have registered for a fantastic day - and for a chance to win!)
Celebrate World Youth Day, Palm Sunday and the Tasmanian Church with the fifth Archdiocesan
wide Palm Sunday Pilgrimage!
Palm Sunday Pilgrimage 2014 will see all the favourite features including: Pilgrimage walk, Special
Guests, Concert, Great Food & Pilgrimage goodies, Children's Activities, hundreds of large palms,
large street procession through the centre of Hobart and Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral led by
Archbishop Julian Porteous and many of our priests from around Tasmania!
Join with thousands of people from right across the state for a day packed to the brim with energy,
spirit, celebration, fun, singing, walking, witness, faith, action and hope! Celebrate young people,
celebrate our Church! A day not to be missed!
Fri 11/4 - Julie Groom & Fiona Roberts
Fiona Roberts
Canteen Co-ordinator.
Cooper Screen Academy
Calling all budding actors! Join Elka Bezemer – loved as
Bettamilk ’ s NIKKI at a special Grade 1-6 workshop.
Saturday April 12th 1pm-4pm 131 Macquarie St.
All details at www.cooperscreenacademy.com
For More information and to register go to
Many thanks!
Sara Cooper (Bachelor of Education - Drama Major)
Academy Director
March, 2014
The Principal
Dr Sally Towns, Principal - MacKillop Catholic College
Newsletter item:
MacKillop Catholic College !
MacKillop Catholic College invites applications for places for Year 7 students for 2015 year.
Application forms and information about the College are available from the Principal’s Secretary by
phoning 6245 0099 or email: enquiries@mackillop.tas.edu.au
You can also visit our website and download an application form: www.mackillop.tas.edu.au
College tours are available.
They are conducted on a Tuesday morning, starting at 9.00 am. Bookings are essential.
Please phone the Principal’s Secretary on 6245 0099 to arrange a tour.
131 Macquarie S t Hobart
mb: 0407560597
COOPER SCREEN ACADEMY - Now in the heart of
*Weekly Screen Acting Classes Grades 1-ADULT from
Term One 2013
*2013 Career Course
*Monthly Intro to Screen Acting Workshops
*PLUS... Train with top national casting directors in
2013 - Neighbours, Packed to the Rafters, H2O -Just
Add Water and more!
Find us on Facebook and join our online CSA Newsletter
Lost and Found
A set of keys have been found and handed in
to the office. They have a fish keychain
27th March 2014
Ultra 106.5
Our own famous
Diva and her
adoring fans!
Over $100.00 was raised for Mr
Ireland to go down the giant
slide (with his shirt on)