Contract Reference Document (PDF format)
Contract Reference Document (PDF format)
ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) Discount Rate Retail Prices Shipping Terms Icom America offers the Commonwealth of Kentucky a fixed discount rate is based on product group and subject to Icom America's current published retail. 21.25%from published retail 49.25% from published retail 37.25% from published retail 47.65% from published retail (HF 36.25%) 37.25% from published retail 20.00% from published retail 37.25% from published retail The retail prices offered herein are from April 2016 and for reference purposes only. FOB Destination. Icom America offers free surface freight on all orders for the State (CONUS). SUPPLIER PART NUMBER 94412913 94412917 94413342 94413419 94413511 94414100 94414314 94414628 94414803 94414804 94414815 94414860 94414894 94414901 94414904 94414913 94414927 94414968 94415064 94415078 94415081 94415181 94415195 94415196 94415251 94415333 94415339 94415352 94415355 94415358 94415376 94415436 94415460 94415461 94415462 94415463 94415491 94415494 94415499 94415514 94415526 94415529 94415532 94415538 94415576 94415578 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. 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Amateur Avionics Landmobile Marine Systems WLAN Accessories ITEM DESCRIPTION 94412913 R75 CD SERVICE MANUL 94412917 F3 CD SERVICE MANUAL F3S F4 F4S 94413342 718 CD SERVICE MANUAL 94413419 78 CD SERVICE MANUAL 94413511 F40GS/GT CD SERV MAN 94414100 V8000 CD SERVICE MAN 94414314 CD SERVICE MANUAL F11 F11S F21 F21S 94414628 M88 CD SERVICE MANUAL 94414803 CD SER MAN F30GS F30GT F40GS F40GT B900000005 94414804 CD SER MAN F50 F60 94414815 CD SERV MAN F43TR 94414860 M802 CD SERV MAN 94414894 SEE 94414845 F33GS F33GT F43GS 94414901 CD SVC MAN F1710 F1721 F1810 F2710 F2721 94414904 CD SERV MAN A24 A6 A24E A6E 94414913 CD SER MANUAL F14 F24 F15 F25 *94414867 b100000168 94414927 SERV MANUAL CD GM1600 94414968 ID1 CD SERVICE MANUAL 94415064 CD SERV MANUAL M72 b100000199 94415078 CD SERV MANUAL M504 94415081 CD SERVICE MANUAL F3161 F4161 F3061 F4061 94415181 M604 CD SERV MANUAL 94415195 CD SERVICE MANUAL F3021 F4021 UPDATED 94415196 CD SERVICE MANUAL UPDATED F70 F80 *94414953 94415251 CD SERVICE MANUAL F5060 F5061 F6060 F6061 94415333 CD SERV MANUAL 92AD 94415339 CD SERV MANUAL A14 94415352 CD SERVICE MAN 7700 94415355 FR6000 CD SERVICE 94415358 CD SERVICE MAN F60V F61V 94415376 CD SERVICE MANUAL F50V F51V 94415436 F9511 CD SERVICE 94415460 7600 CD SERVICE MAN 94415461 ID880H CD SERVICE 94415462 80AD CD SERVICE 94415463 CD SERVICE MANUAL MXA5000 94415491 F4011 CD SERVICE 94415494 F3011 CD SERVICE 94415499 CD SERVICE MANUAL F5020 F5021 94415514 FR5000 CD SERVICE 94415526 V80 CD SERVICE MANUAL 94415529 T70A CD SERVICE 94415532 R6 CD SERVICE 94415538 7200 CD SERVICE 94415538 7200 CD SERVICE 94415576 M412 CD SERVICE M412 94415578 MA500TR CD SERVICE MA500TR EXTENDED DESCRIPTION R75 CD service manual F3/F3S/F4/F4S CD service manual 718 CD service manual 78 CD service manual F40GS/GT CD service manual V8000 CD service manual F11/F11S/F21/F21S CD service manual M88 CD service manual F30G/F40G CD service manual F50/F60 CD service manual F43TR CD service manual M802 CD service manual F33G/F43G CD service manual F1721/1821/2721/2821 CD service manual A24/A6 CD service manual F14/F24 CD service manual GM1600 CD service manual ID1 CD service manual M72 CD service manual M504 CD service manual F3161/4161/D & F3061/4061 CD service manual M604 CD service manual F3021/F4021 CD service manual F70/F80 CD service manual F5061/F6061 CD service manual 92AD CD service manual A14/A14S service manual - CD 7700 CD service manual FR6000 CD service manual F60V CD service manual F50V CD service manual F9511 CD service manual 7600 service manual - CD ID880H CD service manual 80AD service manual - CD MXA5000 CD service manual F4011 CD service manual F3011 CD service manual F5021 CD service manual FR5000 CD service manual V80 CD service manual T70A CD service manual R6 CD service manual 7200 service manual CD version M412 CD service manual MA500TR CD service manual UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER 94415593 94415596 94415599 94415602 94415605 94415608 94415609 94415641 94415692 94415695 94415697 94416500 94416534 94416541 94416576 94416603 94416646 94416649 94416651 94416670 94416673 94416677 94416679 97712311 97712352 97712480 97712938 97713343 97713420 97713510 97713513 97713705 97713930 97714097 97714197 97714627 97714806 97714811 97714816 97714833 97714840 97714843 97714895 97714915 97714917 97714922 97714932 97714933 97715066 97715079 97715082 97715091 97715148 97715149 97715171 97715182 97715252 97715259 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION 94415593 F3101D CD SERVICE 94415596 F5011 CD SERVICE 94415599 7410 CD SERVICE 94415602 F3001 CD SERVICE F4001 94415605 M24 CD SERVICE 94415608 F5121D CD SERVICE 94415609 F4101D CD SERVICE 94415641 F6021 CD SERVICE 94415692 9100 CD SERVICE 94415695 F6121D CD SERVICE 94415697 F6011 CD SERVICE 94416500 M36 CD SERVICE 94416534 2300H CD SERVICE MAN 2300H 94416541 ID31A CD SERVICE MAN ID31A 94416576 F3261 CD SERVICE 94416603 7100 CD SERVICE 94416646 F3210D/F4210D CD SERV CD SERVICE 94416649 F6220D CD SERVICE 94416651 F5220D CD SERVICE 94416670 FR9010 CD SERVICE 94416673 FR9020 CD SERVICE 94416677 F3230D CD SERVICE 94416679 F4230D CD SERVICE 97712311 F3 SERVICE MANUAL F3S F4 F4S 97712352 R8500 OLD SERVICE OLD SERVICE MANUAL 97712480 M700PRO SERV MANUAL 97712938 R75 SERVICE MANUAL 97713343 718 SERVICE MANUAL 97713420 78 SERVICE MANUAL 97713510 F30G SERVICE MANUAL F30GS F30GT SERVICE MANUAL 97713513 F40G SERVICE MANUAL F40GS F40GT SERVICE MANUAL 97713705 SERVICE MANUAL F21 F21S 97713930 SERVICE MANUAL F11 F11S F12 F12S 97714097 V8000 SERVICE MANUAL 97714197 M802 SERVICE MANUAL 97714627 M88 SERVICE MANUAL 97714806 SERV MAN F50 F51 97714811 SERV MAN F60 F61 97714816 SERV MAN F43TR 97714833 4088 SERV MAN 4088A 97714840 R20 SERV MAN 97714843 F43GT SERV MAN F43GS F44GT F44GS 97714895 SERVICE MANUAL F33GS F33GT F34GS F34GT 97714915 SERV MANUAL A24 A6 A24E A6E 97714917 SERV MANUAL F1721/D F1710 F1821/D F1810 97714922 SER MANUAL F14 F15 *97714886 F14S F15S 97714932 F24 SERV MANUAL F24S F25 F25S 97714933 SERV MAN F70T F70S F70DT F70DS F70 97715066 SERVICE MANUAL M72 97715079 SERVICE MANUAL M504 97715082 SERVICE MAN F3061T/S F3062 F3063 F3161 97715091 SERVICE MANUAL ID1 97715148 SERVICE MANUAL F3021 F3022 F3023 97715149 SERVICE MANUAL GM1600 97715171 SERVICE MANUAL F4021 F4022 F4023 97715182 M604 SERVICE MANUAL 97715252 SERVICE MANUAL F5060 F5061 97715259 SERVICE MANUAL F6061 F6060 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION F3101D CD service manual F5011 CD service manual 7410 service manual - 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ITEM DESCRIPTION 97715317 SERVICE MANUAL F50V F51V 97715331 SERVICE MANUAL 92AD 97715337 SERVICE MANUAL A14 97715348 FR6000 SERVICE 97715351 SERVICE MANUAL 7700 97715356 SERVICE MANUAL F60V F61V 97715370 FR5000 SERVICE MANUAL 97715409 7200 SERVICE MANUAL 97715423 F9511HT SERVICE 97715432 M36 SERVICE MANUAL 97715439 F5021 SERVICE MANUAL 97715444 7600 SERVICE MANUAL 7600 97715445 80AD SERVICE MANUAL 80AD 97715446 880H SERVICE MANUAL ID880H ID880 97715456 SERVICE MXA5000 97715473 F6021 SERVICE MANUAL 97715490 F4011 SERVICE MANUAL 97715493 F3011 SERVICE MANUAL 97715515 F4001 SERVICE MANUAL 97715517 V80 SERVICE MANUAL V80 97715519 F3001 SERVICE MANUAL F3001 97715527 T70A SERVICE MANUAL 97715530 R6 SERVICE MANUAL 97715573 M412 SERVICE MANUAL M412 97715574 MA500TR SVC MANUAL MA500TR 97715592 F3101D SERVICE 97715595 F5011/F5012/F5013 Service manual 97715598 7410 SERVICE MANUAL 97715604 M24 SERVICE MANUAL 97715607 F5121D SERVICE 97715608 F4101D SERVICE MANUAL 97715691 9100 SERVICE MANUAL 97715696 F6011 SERVICE MANUAL 97715710 F6121D SERVICE MAN F6121D 97716530 2300H SERVICE MANUAL 2300H 97716539 ID31A SERVICE MANUAL ID31A 97716573 F3261 SERVICE MANUAL 97716645 F3210D SERVICE MANUAL F3210D 97716648 F6220D SERVICE MANUAL 97716650 F5220D SERVICE MANUAL 97716669 FR9010 SERVICE 97716672 FR9020 SERVICE 97716676 F3230D SERVICE MANUAL 97716678 F4230D SERVICE MANUAL 98812145 M700PRO OWNERS MANUAL 98812203 R8500 OWNERS MANUAL 98812456 F3 F3S F4 F4S O/M OWNERS MANUAL 98812934 R75 OWNERS MANUAL 98813344 718 OWNERS MANUAL 98813421 78 OWNERS MANUAL 98813509 F30GS/GT OWNERS MAN F40GS/GT 98813703 OWNERS MANUAL F21 F11 F21S F11S 98814186 V8000 OWNERS MANUAL 98814198 M802 OWNERS MANUAL 98814613 M88 OWNERS MANUAL 98814785 ID1 OWN MAN 98814809 OWN MAN F50 F60 98814817 OWN MAN F43GT F43GS EXTENDED DESCRIPTION F50V service manual - hardcopy 92AD service manual hardcopy A14/A14S service manual hardcopy FR6000 service manual - hardcopy 7700 service manual hardcopy F60V service manual - hardcopy FR5000 service manual - hardcopy 7200 service manual hardcopy F9511 service manual - hardcopy M36 service manual hardcopy F5021 service manual 7600 service manual - hardcopy 80AD service manual - hardcopy ID880H service manual - hardcopy MXA5000 service manual - hardcopy F6021 service manual F4011 service manual - hardcopy F3011 service manual - hardcopy F4001 hard copy service manual V80 service manual hardcopy F3001 hard copy service manual T70A service manual hardcopy R6 hardcopy service manual M412 service manual hardcopy MA500TR service manual - hardcopy F3101D service manual - hardcopy F5011 service manual hardcopy 7410 service manual - hardcopy M24 service manual hardcopy F5121D service manual - hardcopy F4101D service manual hardcopy 9100 service manaul - hardcopy F6011 service manual hardcopy F6121D service manual - hardcopy 2300H hardcopy service manual ID31A service manual hardcopy F3261/4261 hardcopy service manual F3210D/4210D service manual hardcopy F6220D hardcopy service manual F5220D hardcopy service manual Service manual hard copy FR9010 Service manual hard copy for FR9020 Service manual hardcopy F3230D Service manual hardcopy F4230D M700PRO owner manual R8500 owner manual F3/F3S/F4/F4S owner manual R75 owner manual 718 owner manual 78 owner manual F30G/F40G owner manual F11/F11S & F21/F21S owner manual V8000 owner manual M802 OWNERS MANUAL M88 owner manual ID1 owner manual F50/60 owner manual F43GS/GT owner manual UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 22.09 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER 98814851 98814877 98814911 98814945 98814946 98815033 98815083 98815159 98815160 98815180 98815192 98815253 98815256 98815260 98815284 98815318 98815332 98815338 98815350 98815353 98815380 98815437 98815454 98815455 98815457 98815492 98815525 98815528 98815531 98815577 98815579 98815591 98815594 98815597 98815600 98815603 98815606 98815638 98815693 98816438 98816439 98816533 98816540 98816575 98816601 98816644 98816647 98816671 98816675 3310004631 2300H 05 2730A 05 2730A DELUXE 4088A 15 7100 02 718 42 718 48 7300 02 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION 98814851 OWNERS MANUAL R20 98814877 OWNER MANUAL F1721 F1721D F1821 F1821D F2721/2821 98814911 OWNER MANUAL F70DT F70DS F70T F70S F80D F80T F80S 98814945 A24 A6 OWNERS MANUAL 98814946 F14 F24 OWNER MANUAL 98815033 OWNER MANUAL M72 98815083 OWNERS MANUAL F3161 F4161 F3061 F4061 98815159 OWNERS MANUAL IDRP2 98815160 OWNERS MANUAL GM1600 98815180 OWNERS MANUAL F3021 F4021T/S 98815192 OWNERS MANUAL F43TR 98815253 OWNER'S MANUAL F5060 F5061 98815256 OWNER'S MANUAL R9500 98815260 OWNER'S MANUAL F6061 F6060 98815284 OWNERS MANUAL IDRP2000V IDRP4000V RP2000V 98815318 OWNER'S MANUAL F50V F60V 98815332 OWNER'S MANUAL 92AD 98815338 OWNER'S MANUAL A14 98815350 FR6000 OWNER MANUAL FR5000 OWNER MANUAL 98815353 OWNER'S MANUAL 7700 98815380 7200 OWNERS MANUAL 98815437 7600 OWNERS MANUAL FIRMWARE VERS 1.1+2.0 INCL. 98815454 OWNERS MANUAL 80AD 98815455 OWNERS MANUAL ID880H ID880 98815456 OWNERS MXA5000 98815492 F4011 OWNERS MANUAL F4013 F3011 F3013 98815525 V80 OWNERS MANUAL 98815528 T70A OWNERS MANUAL 9881553 R6 OWNERS MANUAL 98815577 M412 OWNERS MANUAL M412 98815579 MA500TR OWNERS MA500TR 98815591 F3101D OWNER MANUAL F4101D 98815594 F5011 OWNERS MANUAL F6011 98815597 7410 OWNERS MANUAL 98815600 F3001 OWNERS MANUAL F4001 98815603 M24 OWNERS MANUAL 98815606 F5121D OWNERS MANUAL F6121D 98815638 F5021/6021 OWNERS F6021* 98815693 9100 OWNERS MANUAL 98816438 M504A OWNERS MANUAL M504A 98816439 M604A OWNERS MANUAL M604A 98816533 2300H OWNERS MANUAL 2300H 98816540 ID31A OWNERS MANUAL ID31A 98816575 F3261 F4261 OWNERS 98816601 7100 OWNERS MANUAL 7100 OWNERS MANUAL 98816644 F3210D/F4210D OWNERS 98816647 F5220D/F6220D OWNERS 98816671 FR9010 FR9020 OWNERS 98816675 F3230D F4230D OWNERS 3310004631 TH-90C-RP-SMA(M)-B IP100H ANT 2300H 05 Rugged 2M Mobile 144-148/430-450MHz 50W/50W 0731797022233 144-148/430-450 with MBA5 50W 4909723130819 4088A 15 Low Power FM Handheld Short Antenna 7100 02 HF/6m/2m/70cm Mobile HF with DSP HF-NO DSP *EXPORT ONLY* 100W FCC HF 50MHz OPC1457 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION R20 owner manual F1721/D, F1821/D, F2721/D, F2821/D owner manual F70DS/DT, F70S/T, F80DS/DT, F80S/T owner manual A24/A6 owner's manual F14/F24 owner manual M72 owner manual F3161/4161/D & F3061/4061 owner manual IDRP2 products owner manual GM1600 owner manual F3021/4021 owner manual F43TR owner manual F5061/D owner manual R9500 owner manual F6061/D owner manual IDRP2000/4000 owner manual F50V/60V owner manual 92AD owner manual A14/S owner's manual FR5000/6000 owner manual 7700 owner manual 7200 owner manual 7600 owner manual 80AD owner manual ID880H owner manual MXA5000 owner manual F3011/4011 owner manual V80 owner manual T70A owner manual R6 owner manual M412 owner manual MXA500TR owner manual F3101D/4101D owner manual F5011/6011 owner manual 7410 owner manual F3001/4001 owner manual M24 owner manual F5121D/6121D owner manual F5021/6021 owner manual 9100 owner manual M504A owner manual M604A owner manual 2300H owner manual ID31A owner manual F3261/4261 owner manual 7100 owner manual F3210D/4210D owner manual F5220D/6220D hardcopy service manual Owner manual FR9010/9020 Owner manual F3230D/4230D IP100H antenna 65W, 2m (144-148MHz) mobile VHF/UHF dual band transceiver VHF/UHF dual band transceiver with the MBA5 remove head bracket FRS low power FM handheld with a short antenna HF/6m/2m/70cm mobile transceiver 100W HF transceiver with AF DSP 100W HF transceiver - export only version - full transmit, no AF DSP HF/6m transceiver with an IF-DSP and internal ATU UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 23.87 30 $ 185.85 30 $ 330.75 30 $ 353.59 30 $ 103.54 30 $ 1,574.21 30 $ 692.21 30 $ 652.84 30 $ 1,337.96 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER 7600 02 7700 12 7850/7851 BOOK 7851 02 9100 02 97715154U A120 A120B A120BE A14 A200 TRAY A220 A220B A220M A24 01 A6 AD100 AD101 AD101 AD106 AD109 AD110 AD114 AD118 AD120 AD121 AD122 AD123 02 AD129 AD52 AD55S 22 AD92SMA AD94 11 AD94 11 AD98FSC AD99N AH2B AH4 12 AH-5NV AH710 AH740 AH760 AH8000 ANT SB ANTENNA 1 ANTENNA 2 ANTENNA 3 ANTENNA 4 AP90M ASAP FR6000 UNIVERSAL PL ASAP INDOOR CABINET 30 ASAP INDOOR CABINET 46 ASAP INDOOR CABINET 60 AT130 AT140 AT180 AW F50 AREA 51 AW F50 STUD/SWIVEL KIT SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION 7600 02 HF + 6M 7700 12 HF Xcvr w/Tuner & PS 7850/7851 BOOK 7851 02 HF Xcvr w/Tuner & PS 9100 02 100W HF-UHF AM/FM/SSB/ CW/RTTY 97715154U SERVICE MAN UPDATE F4061 F4062 F4063 F4161 Aviation Mobile Radio, Open VF 36W 118-136.992 (v04) A120 w/ 120V Power Supply & Cabinet A120 w/ 220V Power Supply & Cabinet Airband HH Entry level full keypad BP232H A200 TRAY Mounting Tray-A200 Panel Mount Aviation Radio FCC Vers 41 A220 with PS80 A220 with MB53 Airband HH 5W VOR BP210N BC167SA Airband HH 5W COMM only AD100 F50/M88 Adapter BC119N and BC121N AD101 Li-Ion Charge Adapter BC119N 01 to Charge BP211 AD101 Li-Ion Charge Adapter BC119N 01 to Charge BP211 AD106 Charger Adapter Cup BC121N BP232N F3021 F3161 F14 AD109 GM1600 Adapter BC119N 01 BC121N M90 AD110 F70/F80 Adapter BC119N and BC121N AD114 M72 Adapter to BC119N 01 AD118 14Pin Plug Adapter F9011 Adapter cup fits BC197 for BP264 Adapter cup fits BC197 for BP265 Adapter cup fits BC197 for BP232 AD123 02 M24 Rapid Chgr Adpter AD129 M73 Adapter Cup to BC197 Earphone adapter F3161/F4161/F30G/M88 AD55S 22 R8500 Adapter-110V SMA to BNC Connector ID51/T70A/F50/F60/M73/M88/R6 Adapter cup fits BC119/BC121 F11/21/3G/30G/BP209/BP210 Adapter cup fits BC119/BC121 F11/21/3G/30G/BP209/BP210 AD98FSC Ant Connector Adapter For "J" to "BNC" Conversion AD99N F21 Adapter to BC146 BC121 AH2B Antenna Element/Base AH4 12 Automatic Antenna Tuner AH-5NV AH740 Fiberglass Mobile Mounting Antenna Element AH710 Folded Dipole 707/M710 77, M700PRO AH740 Relay Driven Cmpct Auto Tuning Antenna F8101 2.5-30MHz AH760 Heavy Duty Moving Coil Antenna 1.6MHz-29.999MHz AH8000 Discone Antenna Wideband RX TX 100-3300MHz ANT SB Avionic Switchbox ANTENNA 1 118-940MHz Mountable Antenna, Field Tunable ANTENNA 2 144-174MHz 3dB Gain Mountable Antenna 59" ANTENNA 3 450-470MHz 5dB Gain Mountable Antenna 40" ANTENNA 4 152-162MHz 3dB Gain Mountable Gray 1/4 Wave 21.6" Wireless LAN Access Point ASAP FR6000 UNIVERSAL PLATE Internal Univ Accy Mounting Pl ASAP INDOOR CABINET 30 ASAP INDOOR CABINET 46 ASAP INDOOR CABINET 60 AT130 Auto Antenna Tuner M710 AT140 Auto Antenna Tuner M802 AT180 706 7000 Tuner AW F50 AREA 51 Water repellant Case with New Belt Clip AW F50 STUD/SWIVEL KIT F50/F60 Stud Screws + Swivel EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ 3,519.34 30 100W HF + 6m transceiver with dual watch EA $ 7,205.63 30 200W HF + 6m transceiver with single receiver EA $ 31.38 30 Technical reference book $ 13,386.71 30 200W HF + 6m transceiver with 2 independent receivers, internal power EA EA $ 3,031.09 30 100W/100W/100W/75W, HF/6m/2m/70cm transceiver EA $ 22.09 30 F4161/D service manual-hardcopy EA $ 791.19 30 Airband mobile with 200 channels with open VFO, 8.33/25kHz EA $ 915.53 30 A120 with 120V power supply and cabinet for base station EA $ 934.31 30 A120 with 220V power supply and cabinet for base station EA $ 202.49 30 200 channel radio with full DTMF keypad EA $ 40.79 30 Mounting tray for A200 & A210 EA $ 1,098.74 30 Radio only EA $ 1,656.99 30 Radio with PS80 04 power supply for base station option EA $ 1,327.11 30 Radio with MB-53 for mobile mount EA $ 281.66 30 Air band 5W handheld transceiver with VOR navigation EA $ 241.06 30 5 watt airband transceiver with large display COMM ONLY EA $ 16.94 30 Adapter cup to install in the BC119N or BC121N for the F50/60 & EA $ 16.71 30 Adapter cup to install in the BC119N or BC121N for the BP210N & BP211 batteries $ 16.71 30 Adapter cup to install in the BC119N or BC121N for the BP210N & EA EA $ 17.57 30 Adapter cup to install in the BC119N or BC121N for the radios with the BP232N/H battery EA $ 11.30 30 GM1600 Adapter BC119N 01 BC121N M90 $ 17.57 30 Adapter cup to install in the BC119N or BC121N for the BP253 or BP254 EA EA $ 15.04 30 M72 adapter cup for BC119N/BC121N EA $ 50.20 30 14-pin ACC adapter to use with Hirose plug accessories $ 14.43 30 Adapter cup that fits into the BC197 02/03 for the BP264 NiMH battery EA $ 14.43 30 Adapter cup that fits into the BC197 12/13 for the BP265 Li-ion battery EA EA $ 14.43 30 Adapter cup that fits into the BC197 22/23 for the BP232N/H batteries EA $ 14.43 30 Charger adapter cup for M24 EA $ 16.94 30 Adapter cup for BC197 gang charger for M73 EA $ 15.69 30 Earphone adapter for the F3161/F4161/F30G/M88 EA $ 40.16 30 110V AC power supply adapter EA $ 12.55 30 Antenna connector adapter to connect a BNC-type antenna EA $ 10.10 30 Adapter cup installs in the BC119N or BC121N for the BP209N & BP210N batteries EA $ 10.10 30 Adapter cup installs in the BC119N or BC121N for the BP209N & EA $ 13.81 30 Antenna connector adapter for "J" to "BNC" EA $ 4.02 30 Spacer for the AD94 adapter cup EA $ 375.87 30 Antenna element/base EA $ 216.49 30 Automatic antenna tuner (long wire/AH2B) EA $ 934.98 30 Fiberglass antenna element (14.8ft) for short range communication $ 269.83 30 Folded dipole antenna with an SO-239 connector. Covers 1.9 to 30MHz EA EA $ 1,452.66 30 Relay-driven compact automatic tuning antenna 2.5MHz-29.999MHz $ 2,086.44 30 1.6MHz–29.999MHz heavy-duty moving coil automatic tuning antenna EA EA $ 213.35 30 Discone antenna wideband RX TX 100-3300MHz EA $ 49.57 30 Avionic switchbox EA $ 11.30 30 118-940MHz mountable unity antenna, Field Tunable, 1/4 WAVE, CHR EA $ 26.98 30 144-174MHz 3dB gain mountable antenna, CHR, 59" high EA $ 34.51 30 450-470MHz 5dB gain mountable antenna, CHR, 40" high $ 12.55 30 152-162MHz, unity gain antenna, NMO compatible, 21.6". Factory EA EA $ 345.13 30 Wireless LAN access point (no AC adapter included) EA $ 16.32 30 Internal universal accessory mounting plate EA $ 856.54 30 30" indoor cabinet EA $ 1,223.63 30 46" indoor cabinet EA $ 1,898.19 30 60" indoor cabinet EA $ 432.98 30 Auto antenna tuner M710/IC-78 EA $ 445.53 30 HF automatic antenna tuner. EA $ 471.71 30 Automatic antenna tuner (coax 50 Ohm load) EA $ 21.96 30 Water repellant case with a swivel belt clip for the F50/60 & M88 $ 13.18 30 Metal stud that screws into the battery and a metal swivel clip that slides EA ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER AW F70 AREA 51 AW STUD/SWIVEL KIT AW SWIVEL B ANT BC119N 01 BC119N 02 BC119N 51 BC119N 61 BC121N BC121N A24 BC121N AD106 220V KIT BC121N AD106 KIT BC121N F50 BC121N F50 220V BC121N F70 BC121N F70 220V BC122A BC123SA 51 BC123SE BC133 BC139 02 BC144N 51 BC144N 52 BC145SA 31 BC146 01 BC147SA 14 BC152N 11 BC153SA BC153SE BC156 BC157S BC157SE BC158 01 BC160 BC160E BC162 01 BC167SA BC167SD BC171 01 BC171 02 BC173 01 BC177 02 BC179 01 BC179 02 BC190 01 BC190 02 BC191 12 BC191 13 BC192 12 BC193 BC193E BC194 02 BC196SA BC197 02 BC197 03 BC197 12 BC197 13 BC197 22 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION AW F70 AREA 51 Water repellant Case with New Belt Clip AW STUD/SWIVEL KIT F14/F3021/ F3161 Stud Slides + Swivel F14/F33/F70 Swivel Clip 118.8 to 126.8MHz, cable 50'4" B ANT Antenna A200 BC119N 01 Rapid Chrgr 117V BC119N 02 Rapid Chrgr 230V BC119N 51 F50/F60/M88 Rapid Charger BC119N 61 F70/F80 Rapid Chargr F9011 BC121N 6 Unit Multi-Charger BC121N A24 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD101 x 6 BC121N AD106 220V KIT Gang Chg BC121N + BC157 04 + AD106 x 6 BC121N AD106 KIT Gang Charger BC121N + BC157S 07 + AD106 x 6 BC121N F50 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD100 x 6 BC121N F50 220V 6-Unit Chrgr BC121N + BC157SE + AD100 x 6 BC121N F70 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD110 x 6 BC121N F70 220V 6-Unit Chrgr BC121N + BC157S 09 + AD110 x 6 BC122A AC Adptr-Trickle Chrgr F3/F4/S/G/F11/F21/M1 BC123SA 51 AC Adapter for RC US Plug BC191/BC193 AC Adapter EURO (vers 92) For RC BC191/BC193 BC133 Drop-In Trickle Charger F3/F3S/F4/F4S/T2H/A4 BC139 02 Desktop Rapid Charger for BP217 BC144N 51 F3G/F21/F30G Rapid Charger 117V BC144N 52 F3G/F21/F30G Rapid Charger 230V BC145SA 31 AC Adapter for RC US Plug BC160/BC119N/BC144 BC146 F21 Trickle Charger Base BC147SA 14 AC Adapter DTC US Plug BC146/BC193/BC152/BC171 BC152N 11 F50/F60/M88 Desktop Trickle Charger/Improved LED R3 R20 Slow Charger (vs72) 1000mAh BP206 R6 AC Adapter BC194 220V BC156 12 R20 Desktop Rapid Charger BC157S Gang Chgr AC Adapter US Plug BC121N/BC197 220V AC Adapter BC121N (vs 14) BC158 01 GM1600 Desktop Trickl Charger M90 Rapid Charger US Plug (vs11) BP232/F14/F3011/F3021/F3161 Rapid Charger Euro Plug (vs12) BP232/F14/F3011/F3021/F3161 Rapid charger M36 M34 Includes BC145SA with US Plug BC167SA HH Wall Charger 117V 80AD 91AD 92AD ID31 ID51 T70A BC167SD Wall Charger 220V A6 A24 T70A 80AD 92AD BC171 01 Drop-In Trickle Chrgr F14/F33/F3021/F3061 series BC171 02 220V Trickle Charger F14/F33/F3021/F3061 series BC173 01 M36 Desktop Trickle Charger M34 BC177 02 92AD Rapid Charger Desktop BC179 01 A14/A14S Charging Adapter w/ BC147SA BC179 02 A14/A14S Charging Adapter w/ BC174E BC190 01 F50V Sensor Charger BC190 02 220V F50V F60V Sensor Charger BC191 12 Rapid Charger NiMH BP264 BC191 13 EUR Rapid Chrger NiMH BP264 BC192 12 Trickle Charger NiMH BP264 Rapid Chrger LiIon BP265 (v32) F3001/F4001/V80/T70A BC193E 33 220V Rpd Chrgr LiIon BP265 BC194 02 Drop-in Charger R6 BC196SA R6 AC Adapter BC194 BC197 02 6-Unit Charger BP264 F3001 F4001 F3003 F4003 DTC BC197 03 6-Unit BC BP264 220V F3001 F4001 F3003 F4003 DTC BC197 12 6-Unit Charger BP265 F3001 F4001 F3003 F4003 RC LI BC197 13 6-Unit BC BP265 220V F3001 F4001 F3003 F4003 RC LI BC197 22 110V 6-Unit Charger BP232N BC157S 07 AD122 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ 21.96 30 Water repellant case with a swivel belt clip for the F70/80 $ 13.18 30 Metal stud that slides on like a belt clip and it attached to a strong metal EA EA $ 8.16 30 Swivel clip used with the AW Stud/Swivel Kit. EA units. $ 229.04 30 Base station antenna 118.8 to 126.8MHz with 50' 4" cable for Avionic mobile EAplug (not $CEC compatible47.06 Rapid charger requiring radio specific adapter cup; 100-240V with a US style for Amateur/Marine30radios) EAplug $ 47.69 30 Rapid charger requiring radio specific adapter cup; 100-240V with Euro style EA $ 62.12 30 Rapid charger with AD100 installed for F50/F60/M88 radios; 100-240V EA $ 50.20 30 Rapid charger with AD110 installed for F70/80/9011/9021 radios; 100EA $ 191.39 30 6 unit multi-charger; requires radio specific adapter cups & BC157 AC adapter EA $ 372.11 30 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD101 x 6 EA $ 372.11 30 6 unit 220V gang charger kit BC121N + BC157S 09 + AD106 x 6 EA $ 372.11 30 6 unit 117V gang charger kit BC121N + BC157S 07 + AD106 x 6 EA $ 368.34 30 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157S 07 + AD100 x 6 EA $ 372.11 30 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157S 09 + AD100 x 6 EA $ 372.11 30 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD110 x 6 EA $ 372.11 30 220V 6-Unit Charger Kit BC121N + BC157 + AD110 x 6 EA $ 10.04 30 AC Adptr-Trickle Chrgr F3/F4/S/G/F11/F21/M1 EA $ 15.69 30 AC adapter for rapid chargers; 100-240V with US style plug EA $ 16.32 30 AC adapter for rapid chargers; 100-240V with Euro style plug EA $ 25.10 30 Drop-In trickle charger for the F3/F3S/F4/F4S/T2H/A4 EA $ 76.56 30 Rapid charger for BP217 battery. Charges in approx 2.5 hours. EA $ 41.42 30 117V rapid charger F11/21/3G/4G/30G/40G series EA $ 47.06 30 220V rapid charger F11/21/3G/4G/30G/40G series EA $ 11.69 30 AC adapter for BC119N; 100-240V with US style plug EA $ 20.08 30 Drop-in trickle charger base for the F11/21/3G/4G/30G/40G series. EA $ 8.78 30 AC adapter for trickle chargers; 100-240V with a US style plug EA $ 26.36 30 F50/F60/M88 desktop trickle charger (requires BC-147) EA $ 18.83 30 Trickle charger R5/R6/R20/BC194; 100-240V with a US style plug EA $ 18.83 30 Trickle charger R5/R6/R20/BC194; 100-240V with a Euro style plug EA $ 69.03 30 Desktop rapid charger for the R20 (not CEC compatible for AM radios) $ 75.30 30 AC adapter for the BC121N/BC197 chargers; 100-240V with US style plug EA $ 79.07 30 AC adapter for the BC121N/BC197 chargers; 100-240V with Euro style plugEA EA $ 11.30 30 Desktop trickle charger (GM1600 & M90) $ 42.04 30 Rapid charger for radios with the BP230/231/232 battery; 100-240V with aEA US style plug $ 42.04 30 Rapid charger for radios with the BP230/231/232 battery; 100-240V with aEA Euro style plug EA $ 35.77 30 Rapid charger for M34/M36. Includes BC147SA with US plug. EA $ 21.96 30 Wall trickle charger; 100-240V with US style plug EA $ 25.10 30 Wall trickle charger; 100-240V with Euro style plug $ 29.49 30 110V drop-in trickle charger for radios with the BP230/231/232 batteries EA $ 28.24 30 220V drop-in trickle charger for radios with the BP230/231/232 batteries EA EA $ 13.18 30 Desktop trickle charger (M34/M36) requires BC-147 EA $ 56.48 30 92AD rapid charger EA $ 28.87 30 A14/A14S charging adapter w/ BC147SA EA $ 28.87 30 A14/A14S charging adapter w/ BC147SE EA $ 50.20 30 Sensing rapid charger for F50/60 radios EA $ 53.34 30 220V sensing rapid charger for F50/60 radios with Euro plug EA $ 42.04 30 110V rapid charger for radios with the NiMH BP264 EA $ 42.04 30 220V Rapid charger for radios with the NiMH BP264 EA $ 22.59 30 110V trickle charger for the NiMH BP264 (not CEC compatible for AM EA $ 42.04 30 Rapid charger for radios with BP265 Li-ion battery; 100-240V with US $ 42.04 30 Rapid charger for radios with BP265 Li-ion battery; 100-240V with Euro EA EA $ 24.47 30 Drop-in trickle charger stand to use with the BC-196S or CP-18A (R6) EA $ 21.96 30 120V AC adapter for R6/BC194 EA $ 320.03 30 Six unit charger for radios with the BP264 NiMH battery (includes AC EA $ 320.03 30 Six unit charger for radios with the BP264 NiMH battery (includes AC EA $ 320.03 30 110V six unit charger for radios with the BP265 Li-Ion battery (includes EA $ 320.03 30 220V six unit charger for radios with the BP265 Li-Ion battery (includes EA $ installed); 320.03 30 plug Six unit charger for radios with the BP232N/H Li-Ion battery (includes AC adapter and cups 100-240V with US style ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER BC197 23 BC197 32 BC199SA 12 BC199SE 13 BC202 02 BC204 12 BC205 12 BC207S BC210 16 BC211 BC211E BC212EX BC213 BC213NAC BC214 BC214E BC217SA BP206 BP208N BP210N BP210N FM BP216 BP217 BP224 BP226 BP227 BP227EX BP227FM BP232H BP232N FM BP232WP BP234 BP237 BP240 BP245N BP251 BP252 BP253 BP254 BP254FM BP256 BP257 BP261 BP263 BP264 BP265 BP266 BP271 BP272 BP273 BP275 BP279 BP280 BP282 CEN EXD 380 MXI CEN EXD 400 MXI CEN EXD 400 SMI CEN EXD 450 SMI SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION BC197 23 6-Unit Charger BP232N BC157S 09 220V BC197 32 6way Gang Charger M73 AC adapter wall charger M24 US plug AC adapter wall charger M24 Euro plug BC202 02 110V Rapid Dsktp Chgr ID31A ID51A IP100H BC204 12 Regular Charger M92D BC205 12 Rapid Charger M92D 12V/3.5A AC Adptr VEPG3/IP1000 Rapid charger cup – BC123S req M72/M73 6way Rapid Charger USA IP100H 6way Rapid Charger Euro IP100H Rapid Charger (includes BC123) F3201DEX F4201DEX Rapid Charger AC Adptr US Plug F1000 F2000 F1000/F2000 Rapid Charger Requires BC123 6 Unit Charger US Plug Incl. AC Adapter & Cups F1000 F2000 6 Unit Charger EURO Plug Incl. AC Adapter & Cups F1000 F2000 AC Adapter 5V 1A MicroUSB M25 Wall Charger (v12) BP206 R3/R20 Li-Ion 3.7V 1650 Standard Battery Pack BP208N F11/F21 Alkaline Case F3G/F30G F4G/F40G A6 A24 NiMH 1650mAh Battery A6/A24 F3G/F30G/F4G/F40G/F21?f11 NiMH 1650mAh FM IS Battery F30G/F40G BP216 T90A Battery Case AA x 2 BP217 Li-Ion 7.4V 1300 T90A 91A 91AD 7.2V 750mAh NiCd Battery GM1600 M32 M2A M90 BP226 Alkaline Case 5 AA M88 F50 F60 BP227 7.2V 1700mAh LiIon M88 F50 F60 Li-Ion 7.4V 1900mAh Battery F3201DEX F4201DEX BP227FM 7.2V 1700mAh LiIon IS M88 F50 F60 7.2V 2300mAh Li-Ion Battery F14/F3011/F3021/F3161/F33G BP232N FM 7.2V 2000mAh LiIon IS Approved BP232WP 7.2V 2250mAh LiIon BP F3031 F4031 BP234 GM1600 9.0V 3300mAh Lithium Battery Pack BP237 F70/F80 Battery Case 6-AA batteries BP240 Alkaline Battery Case 6-AAA for F33G/F43G Series 7.4V 2000mAh Li-Ion M72/M73 Alkaline Case for M34/M36 5 x AAA 7.4V 980mAh Li-ion Battery M36 M34 BP253 1650mAh F70/F80 LiIon 1650mAh Battery BP254 F70/F80 LiIon Battery 3040mAh BP254FM IS F70 LiIon Battery 3040mAh F70 F80 BP256 Li-Ion 7.4V 1500mAh 92AD BP257 92AD Battery Case AA x 2 BP261 Battery Case A14 A14S AA X 6 BP263 AA Battery Case F3001 F4001 BP264 1400mAh NiMH F3001/F4001 BP265 1900mAh LiIon F3001 F4001 T70 V80 BP266 M24 1500mAh Li-Ion 7.4V 1150mAh Li-Ion Battery ID31A ID51A IP100H 7.4V 1880mAh Li-Ion Battery ID31A ID51A IP100H AA Alkaline Battery Tray AAx3 ID31A ID51A BP275 M92D 1500mAh 1485mAh Li-Ion Battery F1000 F2000 2280mAh Li-Ion Battery F1000 F2000 3.7V 1500mAh Li-Ion M25 CEN EXD 380 MXI Stub MB F43GS 380-420MHz CEN EXD 400 MXI Stub 400-430 F24 F43G F4021 F4061 F70 CEN EXD 400 SMI Stub F50/F60 400-420MHz CEN EXD 450 SMI Stub F50/F60 450-470MHz EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ installed); 320.03 30 plug Six unit charger for radios with the BP232N/H Li-Ion battery (includes AC adapter and cups 100-240V with Euro style EA $ 323.16 30 Six unit charger for radios with the BP245N Li-Ion battery (includes AC EA $ 9.41 30 Wall charger for the M24; 100-240V with a US style plug EA $ 9.41 30 Wall charger for the M24; 100-240V with a Euro style plug EA $ 43.93 30 Rapid charger (includes BC-123SA AC adapter in the box with US plug) EA $ 40.79 30 110V trickle charger (9 hours) for M92D/BP275 EA $ 56.48 30 110V rapid charger (2.5 hours) for M92D/BP275 EA $ 53.34 30 12V / 3.5A AC adapter for VEPG3/IP1000C EA $ 38.28 30 Rapid charger for the BP-245N (requires BC-123S AC adapter) EA $ 320.03 30 Rapid rate 6-unit charger - IP100H EA $ 320.03 30 Rapid rate 6-unit charger 230V European plug - IP100H EA $ 81.58 30 Rapid charger (includes BC213SA) for F3201DEX/4201DEX EA $ 26.36 30 Rapid charger with a US plug for radios with the BP279/BP280 battery EA $ 16.32 30 Rapid charger cup for radios with the BP279 battery (BC-123S not EA $ 310.61 30 Six bank charger with US plug AC adapter and cups installed EA $ 310.61 30 Six bank charger with EURO plug AC adapter and cups installed EA $ 13.81 30 USB charger; 100-240V with a US style plug EA $ 44.55 30 Li-Ion 3.7V 1650 standard battery for the R3/R20 EA $ 13.81 30 Battery case that holds 6 AA alkaline batteries. EA $ 47.06 30 NiMH 7.2V 1650mAh battery EA $ 82.20 30 Intrinsically safe NiMH 7.2V 1650mAh battery for F30G/F40G IS radios EA $ 30.12 30 Alkaline battery case AA x 4 (T90A) EA $ 78.44 30 Li-Ion 7.4V 1300 battery for amateur handhelds EA $ 39.53 30 7.2V 750mAh NiCd battery - GM1600/M32/M2A/M90 EA $ 31.38 30 Battery case holds 5 AA alkaline batteries for the F50/F60 & M88 EA $ 69.03 30 Li-ion 7.2V 1950mAh (typical capacity), 1850mAh (minimum value); $ 251.00 30 Li-ion 7.4V 1900mAh (typical capacity), 1800mAh (minimum value) blue EA EA $ 79.07 30 Intrinsically safe li-ion 7.2V 1950mAh (typical capacity), 1850mAh EA $ 47.06 30 Li-ion 7.4V 2300mAh (typical capacity), 2250mAh (minimum value) EA $ 90.99 30 Intrinsically safe li-ion 7.4V 2000mAh (typical capacity), 1900mAh $ 47.06 30 Li-ion 7.4V 2300mAh (typical capacity), 2250mAh (minimum value) IP67 EA EA $ 136.80 30 GM1600 9.0V 3300mAh Lithium Battery Pack "Surface Shipping EA $ 24.47 30 Battery case that holds 6 AA alkaline batteries EA $ 21.96 30 Battery case that holds 6 AAA alkaline batteries (1W output power) EA $ 56.48 30 M72/M73 7.4V 2000mAh Li-Ion EA $ 21.96 30 Alkaline case for M34/M36 (5 x AAA) EA $ 42.67 30 7.4V 980mAh Li-Ion battery (M36/M34) EA $ 69.03 30 Li-ion 7.2V 1650mAh (typical capacity), 1570mAh (minimum value) EA $ 97.26 30 Li-ion 7.2V 3040mAh (typical capacity), 2900mAh (minimum value) for EA $ 114.83 30 Intrinsically safe li-ion 7.2V 3040mAh (typical capacity), 2900mAh EA $ 72.16 30 Li-Ion 7.4V 1500mAh 92AD EA $ 30.12 30 Alkaline battery case AA x 2 (92AD) EA $ 38.59 30 Battery Case A14 A14S AA X 6 EA $ 18.83 30 Battery case that holds 6 AA alkaline batteries EA $ 26.98 30 Ni-MH 7.2V 1400mAh EA $ 38.91 30 Li-ion 7.4V 1900mAh EA $ 37.65 30 Li-ion 1500mAh battery for the M24 EA $ 62.12 30 Li-ion 7.4V 1200mAh (typical capacity), 1150mAh (minimum value) EA $ 87.22 30 Li-ion 7.4V 2000mAh (typical capacity), 1880mAh (minimum value) EA $ 42.67 30 Battery case that holds 3 AA alkaline batteries EA $ 69.03 30 7.4V 1500mAh Li-ion battery for M92D EA $ 43.93 30 Li-ion 7.2V 1485mAh battery EA $ 53.34 30 Li-ion 7.2V 2280mAh battery EA $ 31.38 30 1500mAh Li-ion battery for the M25 EA $ 9.10 30 380-420MHz stubby antenna for land mobile portable radios EA $ 10.04 30 400-430MHz stubby antenna for land mobile portable radios EA $ 9.10 30 400-420MHz stubby antenna for the F60/V portable radios EA $ 12.55 30 450-470MHz stubby antenna for F60/V portable radios ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER CEN EXD 470 SMI CEN EXS 150 SMI CEN EXS 160 SMI CFFR5000 02 CFFR5000MT CFUF8100 CONTROL STATION ASSEMBLE CP12L CP17L CP18A CP19R CP20 CP22 CP23L CP24 CP25 CP25H CR282 CR293 CR338 CS2300H CS7100 CS9100 CSA120 CSA14 CSA220 CSA24 CSF11 CSF14 CSF2000 CSF2000D CSF3 CSF3001 CSF3011 CSF3021/F5021/F5011 CSF30G CSF3101D/F5121D CSF3161/F5061 CSF3210D CSF3360D/F5360D CSF33G CSF43TR CSF50 CSF50V CSF5122DD CSF70/F1700 CSF8101 CSF9010/F9510 CSFR5000 CSFR9010 CSGM1600 CSM24 CSM324 CSM36 CSM412 CSM504 CSM506 CSM604A SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION CEN EXD 470 SMI Stub F50/F60 470-512MHz CEN EXS 150 SMI Stub F50/M88 150-160MHz CEN EXS 160 SMI Stub F50/M88 160-174MHz CFFR5000 02 IP Repeater Link Card CFFR5000MT IDAS Multi-Site Trunking Board CFUF8100 Optional Cooling Fan F8100 CONTROL STATION ASSEMBLE CP12L Cig Lighter Plug/Cord CP17L Cig Lghtr Cble-A3/A22 CP18A R3 Cig Lighter Cable 12V CP19R T90A Cig Lighter Cable CP20 Cig Lighter Cable-A6/A24 With Noise Filter CP22 Cig Lighter Cable A14/S Powering BC179 CP23L Cig Lghtr Cble BC193 BC160 BC119N CP24 Cig Lighter Cable M24 CP25 Cig Lighter Cable M92D Charges BC166 CP25H Cig Lighter Cable M73 High Stability XTAL R75 775DSP CR293 High Stblty Xtal-910H R8500 CR338 TCXO 718/78/746PRO 707 77 746 CS2300H 2300H Program Software CS7100 7100 Programming Sftwre CS9100 9100 Cloning Software Programming Software for A120 CSA14 A14/S Cloning Software A220 Programming Software CSA24 02 A24 20/A6 30 Cln Sftw won't program A24 15/ A6 21 CSF11 F11/F21 Program Sftwre CSF14 F14/F24 Program Sftwre w/ MDC Program Software F1000 F2000 Program Software F1000D F2000D CSF3 F3/S/F4/S Program Sftwre CSF3001 Program Software F3001 F4001 CSF3011 Program Software F3011 F4011 CSF3021/F5021/F5011 Program Software CSF30G F30G/F40G Prg Software CSF3101D/F5121D Program Sftwre CSF3161/F5061 Program Software F3161 F5061 CSF3210D Program Software F3210D F3230D F3360D & F5360D Programming Software CSF33G F33G/F43G Prg Software CSF43TR F43TR Program Software CSF50 F50/F60 Program Software CSF50V F50V Program Software F5122DD F6122DD Programming Software CSF70/F1700 Cloning Softwre F70/F80/F1721/F1821/F2721/F282 CSF8101 Programming Software CSF9010/F9510 Cloning Software F9011 F9511 CSFR5000 FR5000 Program Sftwre FR6000 CSFR9010 FR9010 Program Sftwre FR9020 CSGM1600 Program Sftwre GM1600 CSM24 M24 Programming Software M324 Programing Software Includes Adapter Board CSM36 M36 Programming Software CSM412 M412 Program Software CSM504 **NO LONGER AVAILABLE** M504 Program Software CSM506 M506 Program Software CSM604A M604A Program Software EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ 9.10 30 470-512MHz stubby antenna for F60/V portable radios EA $ 10.04 30 150-160MHz stubby antenna for F50/V & M88 handheld radios EA $ 9.10 30 160-174MHz stubby antenna for F50/V & M88 handheld radios $ 40.79 30 Multi-site (conventional only) IP repeater link card (requires UC-FR5000 EA $ 862.81 30 Multi-site (conventional & trunking) IP repeater link card (requires EA EA $ 276.10 30 Cooling fan unit EA $ 0.01 30 Install mobile into power supply and cabinet to make control station EA $ 26.98 30 Cigarette lighter cable with noise filter and right angle connector EA $ 18.83 30 12V cigarette lighter cable for use with BC-119N/BC-160 EA $ 25.10 30 Cigarette lighter cable 12V EA $ 32.63 30 Cigarette lighter cable with DC-DC converter, 10-16V DC required $ 30 Cigarette lighter cable with noise filter and DC-DC converter. Charges with EA a 12V/24V cigarette lighter38.28 socket. $ DC input available. 43.30 30 Cigarette lighter cable wtih DC-DC converter for use with the BC179 for theEA A14/S. 12-24V EA $ 21.96 30 12V cigarette lighter cable for use with BC-119N/160/191/193/213 EA $ 17.57 30 Cigarette lighter cable that charges the charger in a vehicle EA $ 16.94 30 Cigarette lighter cable to use with BC-204 trickle charger EA $ 16.94 30 Cigarette lighter cable to use with BC-210 rapid charger EA $ 144.33 30 High stability crystal (775DSP/R75) EA $ 263.55 30 High Stblty Xtal-910H R8500 EA $ 65.89 30 TCXO, high stability crystal Unit, ± 0.5 ppm (-10°C to +50°C) ICEA $ 53.34 30 Cloning software for 2300H EA $ 31.38 30 Programming software for 7100 EA $ 37.65 30 Cloning software for 9100 EA $ 56.48 30 Programming software A120 EA $ 48.32 30 Programming software for the A14/A14S EA $ 56.48 30 Programming software A220 EA $ 40.79 30 A24 Cloning Software EA $ 45.18 30 F11/F21 Program Sftwre EA $ 47.06 30 F14/F24 Program Sftwre w/ MDC EA $ 45.18 30 Programming software for the F1000/2000 series EA $ 45.18 30 Programming software for the F1000D/2000D EA $ 25.10 30 F3/S/F4/S Program Sftwre EA $ 45.18 30 F3001/F4001 programming software EA $ 47.06 30 F3011/4011 software EA $ 45.18 30 F3021/5021/5011 series programming software EA $ 45.18 30 F30G/F40G Prg Software EA $ 45.18 30 F3101D/F5121D series programming software EA $ 45.18 30 Software to program the F3161/4161 & F5061/6061 radios $ 45.18 30 F3210D/4210D, CSF3230D/4230D & F5220D/6220D programming EA EA $ 56.48 30 Programming software for the F3360D & F5360D series EA $ 45.18 30 F33G/F43G Prg Software EA $ 45.18 30 F43TR Program Software EA $ 47.06 30 F50/F60 Program Software EA $ 45.18 30 F50V Program Software EA $ 50.20 30 F5122DD/6122DD programming software EA $ 45.18 30 Cloning Softwre F70/F80/F1721/F1821/F2721/F282 EA $ 50.20 30 F8101 programming software EA $ 45.18 30 F9011/9511 programming software EA $ 45.18 30 FR5000/6000 programming software EA $ 45.18 30 Programming software for the FR9010/9020 EA $ 40.79 30 Program Sftwre GM1600 EA $ 45.18 30 M24 programming software EA $ 62.75 30 Programming software for the M324 fixed mount EA $ 49.57 30 M36 Programming Software EA $ 45.18 30 Programming software for the M412 fixed mount EA $ 49.57 30 M504A programming software $ 75.30 30 Programming software for the M506. CD comes with dongle required to EA EA $ 51.46 30 M604A programming software ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER CSM72 CSM73 CSM802 CSM88 CSM92D/M424 CSR20 CSR6 CSRMK4 CST70 CSV80 CSV8000 CT17 CT23 01 CT24 CY5000 41 CY5000 41 D 150-155 CY5000 41 D 152-155 CY5000 41 D PRE 150-155 CY5000 41 PRE CY5000 DUP KIT 150-159 CY6000 41 CY6000 41 D 457-462 CY6000 41 D PRE 457-462 CY6000 41 PRE CY6000 51 CY6000 51 D 457-462 CY6000 51 D PRE 457-462 CY6000 51 PRE CY6000 DUP KIT 457-462 EM80 EMR64536/ENC EX2785J01 EX2785J02 EX2785J03 EXTWARR211 EXTWARR212 EXTWARR213 EXTWARR611 EXTWARR612 EXTWARR613 EXTWARR811 EXTWARR812 EXTWARR813 EXTWARR912 EXTWARR913 EXTWARR914 EXTWARRPT1 EXTWARRPT2 EXTWARRPT3 F1000 01 F1000D 01 F1000S 05 F1000T 09 F121 MMB F1721 43 F1721 MMB F1721D 41 F2000 01 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION CSM72 M72 Programming Software CSM73 M73 Programming Software CSM802 v1.0 #11 M802 Program Software CSM88 M88 Program Software CSM92D/M424 M92D M424 Program Software CSR20 R20 Cloning Software CSR6 R6 Software CSRMK4 RMK4 Programming Sftwre CST70 T70A Software *Disk Only CSV80 V80 Software *Disk Only* CSV8000 Clning Sftwr Disk Only CT17 Level Converter CT23 01 PTT Microphone Adapter CT24 Digital Voice Converter CY5000 41 136-174 VHF NXDN Repeater with PS CY5000 41 D 150-155 VHF NXDN Repeater with PS and Dup CY5000 41 D 152-155 VHF NXDN Repeater with PS and Dup CY5000 41 D PRE 150-155 VHF NXDN Rptr with PS/Dup/Pre Sel CY5000 41 PRE CY5000 DUP KIT 150-159 Duplexor Installation Kit CY50 CY6000 41 400-470 UHF NXDN Repeater with PS CY6000 41 D 457-462 UHF NXDN Repeater with PS and Dup CY6000 41 D PRE 457-462 UHF NXDN Rptr with PS/Dup/Pre Sel CY6000 41 PRE UHF NXDN Rptr with PS and Pre Selector 450-512 IDAS 50W repeater w/PS URFR6000 + PS CY6000 51 D 457-462 UHF NXDN Repeater with PS and Dup CY6000 51 D PRE 457-462 UHF NXDN Rptr with PS/Dup/Pre Sel CY6000 51 PRE UHF NXDN Rptr with PS and Pre Selector CY6000 DUP KIT 457-462 Duplexor Installation Kit CY60 EM80 F30G Full Size Speakr Mic EMR64536/ENC VHF Duplexer 100W 6 Cavities EX2785J01 P25 activation sftwr upgrade non-P25 radio to P25 EX2785J02 DES activation sftwr upgrade P25 radio to DES EX2785J03 AES activation sftwr upgrade P25 radio to AES EXTWARR211 1-yr Ext Warranty F3001 F3011 F14 F121 F50 F5021 EXTWARR212 2-yr Ext Warranty F3001 F3011 F14 F121 F50 F5021 EXTWARR213 3-yr Ext Warranty F3001 F3011 F14 F121 F50 F5021 EXTWARR611 1-yr Ext Warranty F3161/F4161/F5061/D F70 F1721 EXTWARR612 2-yr Ext Warranty F3161/F4161/F5061/D F70 F1721 EXTWARR613 3-yr Ext Warranty F3161/F4161/F5061/D F70 F1721 EXTWARR811 1-yr Ext Warranty All P25 Radios EXTWARR812 2-yr Ext Warranty All P25 Radios EXTWARR813 3-yr Ext Warranty All P25 Radios EXTWARR912 1-yr Ext Warranty Radios included: F8101 EXTWARR913 2-yr Ext Warranty Radios included: F8101 EXTWARR914 3-yr Ext Warranty Radios included: F8101 EXTWARRPT1 1-year Ext Warranty Repeaters - FR Repeaters Only EXTWARRPT2 2-year Ext Warranty Repeaters - FR Repeaters Only EXTWARRPT3 3-year Ext Warranty Repeaters - FR Repeaters Only 136-174 16Ch No Display 1485 Li-Ion HH 136-174 No Display NXDN 136-174 128Ch Display 4 Key 1485 LiIon HH 136-174 128Ch Display DTMF Key 1485 LiIon HH F121 MMB MTG BRKT F121/F5021 F121/S/F221/S/F5021/F6021 F1721 43 136-174MHz 50W P25 upgradeable mobile F1721 MMB MTG BRKT F1721/F1821 F9511 F1721D 41 APC025 VHF Digital Transceiver 15/30kHz, 50W 400-470 16Ch No Display 1485 LiIon HH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM EA M72 Programming Software EA Programming software for the M73 EA M802 Program Software EA M88 programming software EA Programming software for M92D & M424 EA R20 cloning software and includes OPC1382 programming cable EA Programming software fo R6 EA Programming software for the RMK4 EA T70A software EA V80 software EA V8000 Cloning Software EA Level converter PTT microphone adapter to use SM-26 or HM-152 with a PC. Requires BC- EA EA Digital voice converter (supplied with RCFS10 and works with VEPG3) EA 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater EA 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater with duplexer (150-155MHz) EA 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater with duplexer (152-155MHz) 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector and duplexer (150- EA EA 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector installed EA 150-159MHz internal duplexer for the CY5000 (9MHz minimum EA 400-470MHz analog/digital repeater EA 400-470MHz analog/digital repeater with duplexer (457-462) included 400-470MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector and duplexer (457- EA EA 400-470MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector EA 450-512MHz analog/digital repeater EA 450-512MHz analog/digital repeater with duplexer (457-462) included 450-512MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector and duplexer (457- EA EA 450-512MHz analog/digital repeater with pre-selector EA 457-462MHz internal duplexer for the CY6000 (5MHz minimum 9-pin full size speaker mic for F30G series. IS approved to work with F30G EA EA 148-174 MHz duplexer, 3MHz minimum separation for the IAS 100WD EA P25 activation software for F70/80 & F1721/2721 radios EA DES activation upgrade EA AES activation upgrade EA 1 year extended warranty for a total 3 years EA 2 year extended warranty for a total 4 years EA 3 year extended warranty for a total 5 years EA 1 year extended warranty EA 2 year extended warranty EA 3 year extended warranty EA 1 year extended warranty EA 2 year extended warranty EA 3 year extended warranty EA 1 year extended warranty EA 2 year extended warranty EA 3 year extended warranty EA 1 year extended warranty for a total 3 years EA 2 year extended warranty for a total 4 years EA 3 year extended warranty for a total 5 years EA 136-174MHz 16 CH, no display EA 136-174MHz 16 CH, no display, IDAS EA 136-174MHz, 128 CH, LCD, 4-key EA 136-174MHz, 128CH, LCD, full DTMF keypad. EA Mounting bracket F121/F221 F5011/F5021 series EA 136-174MHz analog mobile (P25 upgradeable) EA Mounting bracket for F1721/F1821, F2721/2821, F9011S/T EA 136-174MHz P25 mobile EA 400-470MHz 16 channel, no display ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 40.79 30 $ 59.61 30 $ 49.57 30 $ 41.42 30 $ 56.48 30 $ 41.42 30 $ 36.40 30 $ 50.20 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 26.36 30 $ 119.23 30 $ 75.30 30 $ 753.00 30 $ 1,399.33 30 $ 1,778.96 30 $ 1,778.96 30 $ 2,070.75 30 $ 1,791.51 30 $ 381.73 30 $ 1,399.33 30 $ 1,778.96 30 $ 2,070.75 30 $ 1,791.51 30 $ 1,399.33 30 $ 1,778.96 30 $ 2,070.75 30 $ 1,791.51 30 $ 381.73 30 $ 9.41 30 $ 924.94 30 $ 426.70 30 $ 345.75 30 $ 411.64 30 $ 15.69 30 $ 27.61 30 $ 38.91 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 43.93 30 $ 69.03 30 $ 40.79 30 $ 58.36 30 $ 81.58 30 $ 78.44 30 $ 100.40 30 $ 153.74 30 $ 112.95 30 $ 203.94 30 $ 291.79 30 $ 131.78 30 $ 232.18 30 $ 188.25 30 $ 207.08 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 536.51 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 789.40 30 $ 131.78 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER F2000 21 F2000D 01 F2000D 12 F2000S 05 F2000S 23 F2000T 09 F2000T 25 F2821D 21 F2821D 22 F2821D 23 F3001 03 RC F3011 41 RC F3161DS 75 F3161DT 65 F3161S 55 F3161S 56 F3161T 46 F3201DEX 14 F3210D 01 F3230DS 13 F3261DS 55 F3261DT 35 RR F3261DT 40 F3360DS 11 F4001 03 RC F4001 42 DTC F4001 43 RC F4011 41 RC F4011 42 RC F4161DS 75 F4161DT 65 F4161DT 70 F4161S 21 F4161S 55 F4161S 56 F4161S 60 F4161T 18 F4161T 46 F4201DEX 24 F4210D 01 F4210D 21 F4230DS 13 F4230DS 32 F4261DS 15 F4261DS 90 F4261DT 55 F4261DT 85 F4360DS 12 F4360DT 01 F5011 51 F5021 51 F5061 21 F5061 IGN SENSE CABLE F5061 MMB F5061D 51 F5061D 61 F50V 01 F50V 11 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION 450-512 16Ch No Display 1485 LiIon HH 400-470 No Display NXDN 450-512 No Display NXDN 400-470 128Ch Display 4 Key 1485 LiIon HH 450-512 128Ch Display 4 Key 1485 LiIon HH 400-470 128Ch Display DTMF Key 1485 LiIon HH 450-512 128Ch Display DTMF Key 1485 LiIon HH 400-470MHz P25 45W Full keypad, 256 CH 450-512MHz P25 45W Full keypad, 256 CH 400-470MHz P25 upgradeable 45W Full keypad, 256 CH 136-174 16ch no display HH Li-Ion BP265 RC BC193 US plug F3011 41 RC 136-174MHz 16 Ch Rapid Charger in the Box F3161DS 75 IS 136-174MHz IDAS Portable w/o Keypad F3161DT 65 IS 136-174 10Key F3161S 55 IS 136-174MHz 4-Key Portable w/o Keypad 136-174MHz 4-Key F3161T 46 136-174MHz 10-Key 136-174 ATEX Intrinsiclly Safe IDAS 1W No Display 16Ch F3210D 01 136-174MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Portable w/BC193 F3230DS 13 136-174MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Prtbl 128ch w/dsply 136-174 IDAS HH w/GPS 512Ch BP232WP, MB94R F3261DT 35 RR 136-174 IDAS Waterproof GPS Larsen Antenna 136-174 IDAS HH w/GPS Full Key 512Ch BP232WP, MB94R 136-174 IDAS Type C 400-470 16ch no display HH Li-Ion BP265 RC BC193 US plug 450-512 16ch no display HH NiMH BP264 DTC BC192 US plug 450-512 16ch no display HH Li-Ion BP265 RC BC193 US plug F4011 41 RC 400-470MHz 16 Ch Rapid Charger in the Box F4011 42 RC 450-512MHz 16 Ch Rapid Charger in the Box F4161DS 75 IS 400-470MHz IDAS Portable w/o Keypad F4161DT 65 IS 400-470MHz 10Key F4161DT 70 IS 450-512MHz 10Key 400-470MHz 4-Key F4161S 55 IS 400-470MHz 4-Key Portable w/o Keypad F4161S 56 450-512MHz 4-Key F4161S 60 IS 450-512MHz 4-Key Portable w/o Keypad 400-470MHz 10-Key F4161T 46 450-512MHz 10-Key 400-470 ATEX Intrinsiclly Safe IDAS 1W No Display 16Ch F4210D 01 400-470MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Portable w/BC193 F4210D 21 IDAS 450-512MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Portable w/BC193 F4230DS 13 400-470MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Prtbl 128ch w/dsply F4230DS 32 450-512MHz IDAS MultiTrunk Prtbl 128ch w/dsply 400-470 IDAS GPS 512CH IP67 BP232WP 450-512 IDAS GPS 512CH IP67 BP232WP F4261DT 55 400-470 IDAS Water proof BTL GPS 450-512 IDAS HH w/GPS Full Key 512Ch BP232WP, MB94R 400-470 IDAS Type C 400-470 IDAS Type C 136-174MHz, 45W Mobile 8Ch, No Display F5021 51 136-174MHz 50W Mobile Replaces F121 F5061 21 LMR 136-174MHz 50W Analog, LTR F5061 IGN SENSE CABLE 96" Cable With 3A Fuse F5061 MMB MTG BRKT F5061/F6061 136-174MHz 50W IDAS Mobile 512Ch HM148G 136-174 50W HM148T RR F50V 01 136-174 BTL *No Voice / Vibrate F50V 11 136-174 VOICE VIBRATE MDC1200 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM EA 450-512MHz 16 CH, no LCD EA 400-470MHz 16 channel, no display, IDAS EA 450-512MHz, IDAS 16 CH, no display EA 400-470MHz, 128 CH, LCD, 4-key EA 450-512MHz, 128 CH, LCD, 4-key EA 400-470MHz, 128 CH, LCD, full DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz, 128 CH, LCD, full DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz P25 mobile EA 450-512MHz P25 mobile EA 400-470MHz analog mobile, upgradeable to P25 136-174MHz radio with 1900mAh Li-ion battery & rapid charger (BC- EA EA 136-174MHz radio with rapid charger in the box (BC-160) EA 136-174MHz intrinsically safe IDAS radio no DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz intrinsically safe IDAS radio full DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz intrinsically safe analog radio no DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz analog only radio, no DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz analog only radio, full DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz ATEX intrinsically safe IDAS portable EA 136-174MHz IDAS 16 channel MultiTrunk portable with rapid charger EA 136-174MHz IDAS 128 channel MultiTrunk portable with display. EA 136-174MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, no DTMF keypad EA Railroad specific version: 136-174MHz 512 channel, IDAS waterproof EA 136-174MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, full DTMF keypad EA 136-174MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, 512CH, 4-key 400-470MHz radio with 1900mAh Li-ion battery & rapid charger (BC- EA EA 450-512MHz radio with 1400mAh NiMH battery & trickle charger 450-512MHz radio with 1900mAh Li-ion battery & rapid charger (BC- EA EA 400-470MHz radio with rapid charger in the box (BC-160) EA 450-512MHz radio with rapid charger in the box (BC-160) EA 400-470MHz intrinsically safe IDAS radio no DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz intrinsically safe IDAS radio full DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz intrinsically safe IDAS radio, full DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz analog only radio, no DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz intrinsically safe analog radio, no DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz analog only radio, no DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz intrinsically safe analog radio, no DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz analog only radio, full DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz analog only radio, full DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz ATEX intrinsically safe IDAS portable EA 400-470MHz IDAS 16 channel MultiTrunk portable with rapid charger EA 450-512MHz IDAS 16 channel MultiTrunk portable with rapid charger EA 400-470MHz IDAS 128 channel MultiTrunk portable with display. EA 450-512MHz IDAS 128 channel MultiTrunk portable with display. EA 400-470MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, no DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, no DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, full DTMF keypad EA 450-512MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, full DTMF keypad EA 400-470MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, 512CH, 4-key 400-470MHz waterproof IDAS radio with GPS, 512CH, full DTMF keypad EA EA 136-174MHz mobile EA 136-174MHz mobile EA 136-174MHz analog only mobile EA 96" cable with 3A fuse EA Mounting bracket included with the F5061/F6061 EA 136-174MHz IDAS mobile EA 136-174MHz IDAS radio, RR firmware installed, HM-148T included EA 136-174MHz waterproof radio EA 136-174MHz waterproof radio with voice and vibrate features ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 131.78 30 $ 232.18 30 $ 232.18 30 $ 188.25 30 $ 188.25 30 $ 207.08 30 $ 207.08 30 $ 566.01 30 $ 502.00 30 $ 432.98 30 $ 124.25 30 $ 150.60 30 $ 549.06 30 $ 561.61 30 $ 400.97 30 $ 362.70 30 $ 377.76 30 $ 784.38 30 $ 304.34 30 $ 360.81 30 $ 502.00 30 $ 552.20 30 $ 530.24 30 $ 533.38 30 $ 124.25 30 $ 116.09 30 $ 124.25 30 $ 150.60 30 $ 150.60 30 $ 549.06 30 $ 561.61 30 $ 561.61 30 $ 362.70 30 $ 400.97 30 $ 362.70 30 $ 400.97 30 $ 377.76 30 $ 377.76 30 $ 784.38 30 $ 304.34 30 $ 304.34 30 $ 360.81 30 $ 360.81 30 $ 502.00 30 $ 502.00 30 $ 530.24 30 $ 530.24 30 $ 533.38 30 $ 561.61 30 $ 217.12 30 $ 247.86 30 $ 376.50 30 $ 9.41 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 492.59 30 $ 535.26 30 $ 321.91 30 $ 389.05 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER F5121D 56 F5122DD 02 F5122DD 12 F5220D 01 F5360D 01 F6011 51 F6011 52 F6021 51 F6021 52 F6061 41 F6061 46 F6061D 61 F6061D 66 F60V 01 F60V 11 F60V 16 F60V 18 F6121D 57 F6121D 58 F6122DD 02 F6122DD 12 F6220D 01 F6220D 21 F6360D 01 F70DS 01 F70DS 04 F70DT 11 F70DT 14 F70DT 31 F70S 23 F80DS 31 F8101 33 F9011B 01 F9011S 05 F9011T 10 F9021B 01 F9021B 21 F9021B 41 F9021S 05 F9021S 25 F9021S 45 F9021T 10 F9021T 30 F9021T 50 F9511HT 01 F9511S 01 F9511T 15 F9521S 01 F9521S 31 F9521T 15 F9521T 25 FAB02AR FAB04RE FAB2E FAS24V FAS25V FAS270C FAS27U SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION F5121D 56 136-174MHz IDAS Mobile; 50W; 128 Channels 136-174 RS-232C Data Modem Radio 136-174 Ethernet Data Modem Radio F5220D 01 136-174MHz 136-174MHz IDAS Type C 400-470MHz, 45W Mobile 8CH, No Display 450-512MHz, 45W Mobile 8Ch, No Display F6021 51 400-470MHz 45W Mobile Replaces F221 F6021 52 450-520MHz 45W Mobile Replaces F221 400-470MHz 45W Mobile 512CH, LTR, IDAS Upgradeable 450-512MHz 45W Mobile 512Ch, LTR, IDAS Upgradeable LMR 400-470MHz 45W 6.25kHz Digital Unit Installed LMR 450-512MHz 45W 6.25kHz Digital Unit Installed F60V 01 400-470MHz LMR/PMR HH F60V 11 400-470MHz LMR/PMR HH Voice/Vibrate F60V 16 450-512MHz LMR/PMR HH F60V 18 LMR/PMR HH 450-512MHz Voice/Vibrate F6121D 57 400-470MHz IDAS Mobile; 45W; 128 Channels F6121D 58 450-512MHz IDAS Mobile; 45W; 128 Channels 400-470 RS-232C Data Modem Radio 400-470 Ethernet Data Modem Radio F6220D 01 400-470MHz F6220D 21 450-512MHz 400-470MHz IDAS Type C F70DS 01 136-174MHz Vers. P25 F70DS 04 136-174MHz FIPS P25 AES *100 Min Special Order F70DT 11 136-174MHz Vers. P25 Keypad F70DT 14 136-174MHz FIPS Keypad P25 AES F70DT 31 IS 136-174MHz P25 Keypad F70S 23 IS 136-174MHz Analog Intrinsically Safe F80DS 31 380-450MHz FIPS P25 AES HF LM Transceiver w/ALE FCC F9011B 01 136-174MHz P25 Trunking No LCD F9011S 05 136-174MHz P25 Trunking w LCD F9011T 10 136-174MHz P25 Trunking w LCD Full Key F9021B 01 *SO* 400-470MHz P25 Trunking No Key F9021B 21 *SO* 450-520MHz P25 Trunking No Key F9021B 41 *SO* 380-470MHz P25 Trunking No Key F9021S 05 *SO* 400-470MHz P25 Trunking F9021S 25 *SO* 450-520MHz P25 Trunking F9021S 45 *SO* 380-470MHz P25 Trunking F9021T 10 *SO* 400-470MHz P25 Trunking Keypad F9021T 30 *SO* 450-520MHz P25 Trunking Keypad F9021T 50 380-470MHz P25 Trunking Keypad F9511HT 01 136-174MHz 110W P25 Trunking *No Ext Spkr Incl* F9511S 01 136-174 50W P25 Trunking No Keypad 136-174 P25 Trunking 50W mobile Full Keypad F9521S 01 *SO* 400-470MHz P25* Trunking 450-520MHz P25 Trunking F9521T 15 *SO* 450-520MHz P25 Trunking Keypad 400-470MHz P25 Trunking Keypad 45W FAB02AR Std Antenna A14 A24 A6 A23 A4 A5 FAB04RE R3/R20 Antenna *FAB03RE 3310003410 FAB2E V8 Standard Flex Antenna V82 FAS24V 136-150MHz Antenna For F50/M88 (Blue ring) FAS25V 136-148 MHz F9011 Ant FAS270C Q7A/R2 Std. Antenna R5 R6 92AD 91A 91AD 80AD FAS27U 400-470MHz Antenna For F60 (Green ring) EXTENDED DESCRIPTION 136-174MHz IDAS mobile 136-174MHz data transceiver, 9.6k/4.8kbps, 25W, RS232 136-174MHz, 9.6k/4.8kbps, 25W, RS232 + ethernet 136-174MHz IDAS mobile 136-174MHz, 50W, GPS, 512CH, type-C trunking 400-470MHz mobile 450-512MHz mobile 400-470MHz mobile 450-512MHz mobile 400-470MHz analog mobile 450-512MHz analog mobile 400-470MHz IDAS mobile 450-512MHz IDAS mobile 400-470MHz waterproof radio 400-470MHz waterproof radio with voice and vibrate features 450-512MHz waterproof radio 450-512MHz waterproof radio with voice and vibrate features 400-470MHz IDAS mobile 450-512MHz IDAS mobile 400-470MHz data transceiver, 9.6k/4.8kbps, 25W, RS232 136-174MHz, 9.6k/4.8kbps, 25W, RS232 + ethernet 400-470MHz IDAS mobile 450-512MHz IDAS mobile 400-470MHz, 45W, GPS, 512CH, type-C trunking 136-174MHz P25 radio, no DTMF keypad 136-174MHz P25 radio with FIPS AES installed, no DTMF keypad. Special 136-174MHz P25 radio, full DTMF keypad 136-174MHz P25 radio with FIPS AES installed, full DTMF keypad. Special 136-174MHz intrinsically safe P25 radio, full DTMF keypad 136-174MHz intrinsically safe analog radio, no DTMF keypad (P25 380-450MHz P25 radio with FIPS AES installed, no DTMF keypad HF 125W transceiver with ALE (automatic link establishment) 136-174MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, basic model, no display 136-174MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, simple keypad 136-174MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, full DTMF 400-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, basic model, no display 450-512MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, basic model, no display 380-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, basic model, no display 400-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, simple keypad 450-512MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, simple keypad 380-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, simple keypad 400-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, full DTMF 450-512MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, full DTMF 380-470MHz P25 Trunking portable, 5W, 512 CH, display, full DTMF 136-174MHz 110W P25 Trunking mobile with full keypad. No external 136-174MHz P25 Trunking 50W mobile with no keypad 136-174MHz P25 Trunking 50W mobile with keypad 400-470MHz 45W P25 Trunking mobile, no keypad 450-512MHz 45W P25 Trunking mobile, no keypad 450-512MHz mobile with full keypad 400-470MHz mobile with full keypad Standard antenna for Aviation handheld radios Wideband RX antenna (BNC) 136-174MHz antenna (BNC) 136-150MHz antenna for the F50 & M88 handhelds (Blue ring) 136-148 MHz flexible antenna - F9011 series Wideband RX antenna (SMA) 400-470MHz antenna for the F60/V (green ring) UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 398.46 30 $ 470.63 30 $ 574.16 30 $ 436.11 30 $ 542.79 30 $ 217.12 30 $ 217.12 30 $ 247.86 30 $ 247.86 30 $ 376.50 30 $ 376.50 30 $ 492.59 30 $ 492.59 30 $ 321.91 30 $ 347.64 30 $ 321.91 30 $ 347.64 30 $ 398.46 30 $ 398.46 30 $ 470.63 30 $ 574.16 30 $ 436.11 30 $ 436.11 30 $ 542.79 30 $ 712.21 30 $ 1,430.70 30 $ 743.59 30 $ 1,487.18 30 $ 1,079.30 30 $ 572.91 30 $ 630.00 30 $ 2,353.13 30 $ 1,026.59 30 $ 1,267.55 30 $ 1,380.50 30 $ 1,026.59 30 $ 1,026.59 30 $ 1,026.59 30 $ 1,267.55 30 $ 1,267.55 30 $ 1,267.55 30 $ 1,380.50 30 $ 1,380.50 30 $ 1,380.50 30 $ 1,913.88 30 $ 1,292.65 30 $ 1,355.40 30 $ 1,292.65 30 $ 1,292.65 30 $ 1,355.40 30 $ 1,355.40 30 $ 23.22 30 $ 20.08 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 7.84 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 8.16 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER FAS56U FAS57US FAS58U FAS59V FAS61V FAS62VS FAS63VS FAS64V FAS65V FAS67VC FAS74U FASC25U FASC25V FASC55V FASC56VS FASC57U FASC57VS FASC58V FASC59V FASC61UC FASC61VC FASC62V FASC63V FASC72U FASC73US FIP PR-15-4H FIP PR-45-4C FL222 FL223 FL232 FL430 FL431 FR5000 01 2CH KIT FR5000 01 UR KIT FR5000 14 FR5200H 51 FR6000 01 2CH KIT FR6000 01 UR KIT FR6000 11 2CH KIT FR6000 11 UR KIT FR6000 14 FR6000 19 FR6200H 51 FR6200H 61 FR9010 11 FR9020 11 GM1600 21K HM103 HM126B HM126RB HM128 HM128L HM131 HM131SC HM133 HM133V HM135 HM138 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION FAS56U 450-520MHz Antenna For F60 (Red ring) 450-490MHz (Red) F60 StubbyAnt FAS58U 430-470 MHz Flexible Antenna FAS59V 150-174MHz Antenna For F50/M88 (Red ring) FAS61V Antenna GM1600 150-162MHz(Red)StubAnt F50/M88 160-174 (Green)StubAnt F50/M8 Flexible Antenna 4 17/32" (115mm) M72 / M73 FAS65V 148-160 MHz F9011 Ant FAS67VC 136-174MHz Cut Type Antenna FAS74U 490-520MHz Antenna For F60 (Blue ring) FASC25U F4G/F40G 400-430MHz Standard Antenna FASC25V F3G/F30G 136-150MHz Standard Antenna 146-174MHz Standard VHF LM Ant F3011/F3031/F11/F3G/F30G/M2A FASC56VS Stubby 150-160MHz "F" Series 150-160MHz 430-470 std antenna (red ring) F4001/4011/24/2000/4031/4261/ FASC57VS Stubby 160-174MHz "F" Series 160-174MHz FASC58V Antenna M34 M24 FASC58V Antenna Standard antenna M25/M92D FASC61UC 380-520MHz Cut Ant. FASC61VC 136-174MHz Cut Ant. FASC62V 150-160 High Gain Ant F3001/F3011/F3021/F3161/F3261 FASC63V 155-165 High Gain Ant F3001/F3011/F3021/F3161/F3261 FASC72U F4G/F40G 470-512MHz Standard Antenna FASC73US Stubby Antenna for "F" Series 450-470MHz FIP PR-15-4H VHF 4 Cavity RX PreSlctr FR3000-5000 Voter FIP PR-45-4C UHF 4 Cavity RX PreSlctr FR4000-6000 Voter 1.9kHz SSB filter 78/703/706/718/R75 9MHz 1.9kHz SSB filter 706/746/756/775/781/R75 FL232 **NO LONGER AVAILABLE** 350Hz CW/RTTY Filter-HF 6kHz 1st IF filter 9100/7410 3kHz 1st IF filter 9100/7410 FR5000 01 2CH KIT IDAS 2 Ch Conventional System Kit FR5000 01 UR KIT FR5000 + URFR5000 136-174MHz Repeater 50W Digital Enabled 136-174MHz 50W IDAS Repeater 100% Duty Cycle FR6000 01 2CH KIT IDAS 2 Ch Conventional System Kit FR6000 01 UR KIT FR6000 01 + URFR6000 41 450-512 IDAS 2 Channel System FR6000 + URFR6000 + 2 PS FR6000 11 UR KIT FR6000 11 + URFR6000 51 400-470MHz Repeater 50W Digital Enabled 450-520MHz Repeater 50W Digital Enabled 400-470MHz Repeater 6.25/12.5/ 25KHz No UC/CF Card 450-512MHz Repeater 6.25/12.5/ 25KHz No UC/CF Card FR9010 11 146-174MHz 110W P25 Repeater FR9020 11 440-475MHz 100W P25 Repeater GM1600 21K HH Water Resistant GM1600 radio + BP234 battery Microphone (RJ45) 706/703 ser. SCREW 8810010220 HNGR HM126B M504 Standard Mic Black HM126RB M504 Rear / M604 Mic Standard Black Earphone mic 2-pin straight T70A/T7H/V82/91A/4088 HM128L F3G/F4G Earphone Mic Speaker mic w/earphone jack T70A/T7H/V82/91A/4088 HM131SC F3161/F4161/F70/F80/ F30G/F40G Mic w/ Earphone Jack Remote mic full function ID880H 2720H Remote mic partial function 2300H V8000 HM135 M802 Microphone HM138 F50/M88 Waterproof Spkr Mic EXTENDED DESCRIPTION 450-520MHz antenna for F60/V (red ring) 450-490MHz stubby antenna for F60/V portable radios (red ring) 400-470 MHz flexible antenna - standard on F9021 150-174MHz standard antenna for the F50 & M88 (red ring) Standard antenna for GM1600 150-162MHz stubby antenna for F50/V & M88 (Red ring) 160-174MHz stubby antenna for F50/V & M88 (green ring) M72/M73 flexible antenna 4 17/32" (115mm) 148-160 MHz flexible antenna - standard on F9011 136-174 MHz cut antenna - F9011 series 490-520MHz antenna for F60/V (blue ring) 400-430MHz antenna for LM portables 136-150MHz antenna for LM portables 146-174MHz standard antenna for LM portables 150-160MHz stubby antenna for LM portables 430-470MHz standard antenna for LM radios (red ring) 160-174MHz stubby antenna for LM portables Standard antenna M24/M34/M36 Standard antenna M25/M92D 380-520MHz cut antenna for the specific frequency desired 136-174MHz cut antenna for the specific frequency desired 150-160MHz high gain antenna for LM portables (10") 155-165MHz high gain antenna for LM portables (9.5") 470-512MHz antenna for LM portables 450-470MHz stubby antenna for LM portable radios VHF internally mounted 4-cavity RX Pre-Selector (requires ASAP UHF internally mounted 4-cavity RX Pre-Selector (requires ASAP 1.9kHz SSB filter IC-78/703 series/706 series/718/R75 9MHz 1.9kHz SSB filter IC-706 Series/746/756/775/781/R75 350Hz CW/RTTY Filter-HF IC-706 series/746/756/775/781/7400/R75 6kHz 1st IF filter for better receiver performance 3kHz 1st IF filter for better receiver performance 136-174MHz 2 channel conventional system (2 repeaters, 2 external 136-174MHz, 2 channel analog/digital repeater (FR5000 + URFR5000) 136-174MHz analog/digital IDAS repeater (power supply not included) 136-174MHz 50W analog, IDAS repeater 100% duty cycle 400-470MHz 2 channel conventional system (2 repeaters, 2 external 400-470MHz, 2 channel analog/digital repeater (FR6000 01 + URFR6000 450-512MHz 2 channel conventional system (2 repeaters, 2 external 450-512MHz, 2 channel analog/digital repeater (FR6000 11 + URFR6000 400-470MHz analog/digital IDAS repeater (power supply not included) 450-512MHz analog/digital IDAS repeater (power supply not included) 400-470MHz 50W analog, IDAS repeater 100% duty cycle 450-512MHz 50W analog, IDAS repeater 100% duty cycle 146-174MHz 110W P25 repeater 440-475MHz 100W P25 repeater GMDSS VHF handheld for survival crafts with spare BP-234 battery Simple hand microphone (RJ45) for IC-706/703 series & 7100 Standard black fornt mount mic for M504 Standard black rear mount mic for M504/M604 Earphone-microphone with 2-pin straight connector Earphone/mic with 2-pin right angle connector Speaker/microphone with earphone jack and clip (straight 2-pin, both Speaker/microphone with earphone jack and clip (9-pin) Standard full function remote microphone (squelch/volume) Standard partial function remote microphone (squelch only) Hand microphone; water resistant, remote function for M802 Waterproof 9-pin marine style speaker mic (IS approved for UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 8.16 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 7.53 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 9.41 30 $ 10.02 30 $ 12.53 30 $ 7.84 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 9.10 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 9.10 30 $ 6.90 30 $ 11.30 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 10.04 30 $ 34.51 30 $ 34.51 30 $ 8.16 30 $ 9.10 30 $ 409.76 30 $ 401.60 30 $ 188.25 30 $ 94.13 30 $ 106.68 30 $ 78.44 30 $ 78.44 30 $ 1,964.08 30 $ 1,691.11 30 $ 1,358.54 30 $ 2,371.95 30 $ 1,964.08 30 $ 1,691.11 30 $ 1,964.08 30 $ 1,691.11 30 $ 1,358.54 30 $ 1,358.54 30 $ 2,371.95 30 $ 2,371.95 30 $ 5,459.25 30 $ 5,459.25 30 $ 575.85 30 $ 67.65 30 $ 52.08 30 $ 52.08 30 $ 18.83 30 $ 17.88 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 49.57 30 $ 62.12 30 $ 66.52 30 $ 57.10 30 $ 81.58 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER HM148G HM148T HM151 HM152 HM152T HM153LA HM153LS HM154 HM154T HM157B 11 HM157SW 12 HM158LA HM159LA HM159SC LG HM162B HM164B HM165 HM166LA HM166LS HM167 HM169 HM169 IS HM171GP HM173 HM174 HM176 HM180 HM184H HM186LS HM189GPS HM192 HM193 HM195B HM195GB HM195GW HM195SW HM196B HM196SW HM198 HM200B HM200SW HM202 HM203EX HM205B HM205RB HM207 HM211 HM213 HM216 HM217 HM36 HM75LS HM-9000 HMDDNRR42HDW HMDDNRR63HDW HMDDNRR70HDW HMDRRTT1928 HM-HD7I6WP SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION HM148G Self Grounding Mic F9511HT HM148T DTMF Version of HM148G F9511HT Remote Control Mic 7000 7100 HM152 Modular Hand Microphone HM152T DTMF Modular Hand Mic Replaces HM100T HM153LA 2-Wire Earphone w/ PTT F3011/F3001/F14/F3021/F3031 Durable Earphone Combo w/ L Connector ID31A ID51A IP100H Mobile mic (RJ45) 2300H/2730A ID1/ID5100A/ID8800H/208H/2100H HM154T 7000/706MK2G DTMF Mic 2100H/706MK2G/208H/2720H/ID800 HM157B 11 Command Mic II Black HM157SW 12 Command Mic II Super White HM158LA Compact Speaker Mic F3001 F3011 F3101D F3031 F3210 HM159LA Heavy duty Speaker Mic F3001/F3011/F3021/F3031/V82 HM159SC LG F3061 Speaker Mic Low Gain earphone jack + clip HM162B Command Mic III Black HM164B M304 Standard Mic Black M412 Standard Waterproof Spkr Mic M34/M36 HM166LA Earphone Microphone F3011 F3001 F3021 F3031 V82 HM166LS Light Earphone Mic w/ Slim L Connector ID31A 05 Waterproof Spkr Mic IPX7 M73 GM1600 M92 M72 HM169 Waterproof Speaker Mic F50 F60 F70 HM169 IS Intrinsically Safe Waterproof Speaker Mic HM171GP GPS Spkr Mic F3101D F4101D F3103D F4103D HM173 A24 A6 Speaker Mic A22 A3 A14 **NOT for the A4** HM174 Waterproof Spkr Mic 92AD Equivalent to IPX7 Microphone A220/A210/A200/PS80 HM180 M710 M700PRO Microphone HM184H Waterproof High Volume Speaker Mic 14pin F3261 F4261 Compact Speaker Mic w/Slim L Connector ID31A ID51A IP100H HM189GPS 80AD 2-Pin GPS Mic HM192 Command Mic F8100 use w/ separation cable OPC607/8-726 HM193 Hand Mic F8101 HM195B Command Mic 4 Black HM195GB HM195GW HM195SW Command Mic 4 White HM196B Standard Mic M424 Black HM196SW Standard Mic M424 Whte HM198 Std Hand Mic 7100 M324 Speaker Microphone Black M324 Speaker Microphone White HM202 M73 Waterproof Spkr Mic Speaker Microphone F3201DEX F4201DEX M506 Speaker Mic Front Connect M506 Speaker Mic Rear Connect HM207 Mic for ID5100 Noise Cancelling Speaker Mic F5061/D F5121D F9511 F5360 Waterproof Speaker Mic M25 Std Hand Microphone A120 Speaker Microphone A120 AM HF mic (8-pin)718/7100/7200 7410/7600/7700/7851/9100 HM75LS Remote Control Spkr Mic w/Slim L Connectr ID31A ID51A HM-9000 Speaker Mic FR9010 / FR9020 HMDDNRR42HDW Welded Rack Mount 19" Wide 42" High, Heavy Duty HMDDNRR63HDW Welded Rack Mount 19" Wide 63" High HMDDNRR70HDW Welded Rack Mount 19" Wide 70" High HMDRRTT1928 Open Rack "19 RRTT Series 28" High HM-HD7I6WP 14p Waterproof Spkr Mic F3261 with Mic Jack EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ 42.04 30 Self grounding microphone for mobile radios EA $ 69.03 30 DMTF mobile microphone EA $ 90.99 30 Remote control microphone (7000/7100) EA $ 27.61 30 Standard microphone for low/mid range mobile radios EA $ 56.48 30 DTMF modular microphone for LM mobile radios EA $ 78.44 30 Covert durable microphone with earphone combination (right angle 2EA $ 109.81 30 Covert durable microphone with earphone combination (right angle 2EA $ 34.51 30 Simple microphone for Amateur mobile radios (RJ45) EA $ 56.48 30 Basic DMTF microphone (RJ45 connector) all Amateur models EA $ 109.81 30 Command Mic II Black EA $ 109.81 30 Command Mic II Super White EA $ 29.49 30 Compact speaker microphone with revolving clip and earphone jack EA $ 48.32 30 Large speaker microphone with earphone jack and metal alligator clip $ 57.73 30 Large speaker microphone with earphone jack and metal alligator clip (9- EA EA $ 188.25 30 Command Mic III black EA $ 27.61 30 Standard black hand mic M412 & M304 EA $ 54.59 30 Waterproof speaker mic for M34/M36 EA $ 33.26 30 Earphone microphone with 2-pin right angle connector EA $ 62.12 30 Earphone microphone with two pin right angle connector EA $ 60.87 30 Lightweight IPX8 waterproof speaker mic M73/GM1600/M92/M72 EA $ 65.89 30 Waterproof speaker mic (9-pin) EA $ 90.99 30 Intrinscially safe waterproof speaker mic (9-pin) EA $ 225.90 30 2-pin GPS mic for F3101D/4101D series EA $ 66.52 30 Aviation speaker mic (2-pin right angle connector) EA $ 103.54 30 Waterproof IPX7 speaker microphone 92AD EA $ 116.09 30 Microphone for the A220/A210/A200/PS80 EA $ 66.52 30 Microphone for M710/M700PRO EA $ 74.05 30 14-pin loud waterproof speaker mic (no accessory jack) EA $ 40.79 30 Compact speaker microphone with slim right angle connector EA $ 203.94 30 2-Pin GPS mic for 80AD EA $ 401.60 30 Remote control microphone for F8101 EA $ 53.34 30 Hand microphone for the F8101 EA $ 175.70 30 Command Mic IV ith yellow backlit LCD in black EA $ 175.70 30 CommandMic IV with white backlit LCD in black EA $ 175.70 30 CommandMic IV with white backlit LCD in super white EA $ 175.70 30 Command Mic IV ith yellow backlit LCD in super white EA $ 53.34 30 Standard hand microphone for M424 EA $ 53.34 30 Standard hand microphone for M424 EA $ 34.51 30 Hand microphone for 7100 EA $ 40.79 30 Standard speaker microphone for the M324/G in black EA $ 40.79 30 Standard speaker microphone for M324/G in super white EA $ 78.44 30 Compact IPX7 waterproof speaker mic M73/M72 EA $ 131.78 30 Blue speaker microphone for F3201DEX/4201DEX EA $ 53.34 30 Speaker microphone M424G/M506 EA $ 72.16 30 Speaker microphone for M506 rear connector EA $ 62.12 30 Control hand microphone (ID-5100) EA $ 90.99 30 Noise cancelling mobile hand microphone EA $ 75.30 30 Waterproof floating speaker mic for M25 EA $ 29.49 30 Standard microphone for A120 EAand two programmable $ 62.75 30 Microphone with built-in speaker and front panel includes up/down buttons buttons (P1/P2) EA $ 62.75 30 Hand microphone for all Amateur HF radios (8-pin connector) EA $ 62.12 30 Remote control speaker microphone with transmit indicator and EA $ 50.20 30 Speaker microphone for the FR9010/9020 repeaters EA $ 315.01 30 42" rack (includes assembly and hardware) EA $ 352.03 30 63" rack (includes assembly and hardware) EA $ 357.05 30 70" rack (includes assembly and hardware) EA $ 172.56 30 28" rack (includes assembly and hardware) $ 75.30 30 Large waterproof speaker microphone with 3.5mm accessory jack(14-pin EA ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER HM-HD7I7WP HS94 HS94LWP HS95 HS95LWP HS97 IA-10301 IA-10401 IA-BC171 IAS 100DU 01 IAS 100DU 11 IAS 100DV IAS 120DU1 PS IAS 120DU2 PS IAS 150DV PS IAS 1RU ANT SW-DUAL IAS 1RU ANT SW-SINGLE IAS ANTRLY-D IAS ANTRLY-S IAS BC-RHADPTR IAS BC-RHCHG1 IAS BC-RHCHG12 IAS BP-RHBATT1 IAS CP-RHLP IAS CROSSBAND CONTROLLER IAS CS-RHSW IAS DVN 4522L IAS FR5000 DP KIT 140-145 IAS FR5000 DP KIT 150-155 IAS FR5000 DP KIT 150-159 IAS FR5000 DP KIT 152-155 IAS FR5000 DP KIT 160-165 IAS FR6000 DP KIT 400-405 IAS FR6000 DP KIT 440-445 IAS FR6000 DP KIT 457-462 IAS HPUK F1721 IAS HPUK F1721D IAS HPUK F5061D IAS HPUK F6061D IAS OPC-RHI14 IAS OPC-RHI1D IAS OPC-RHI2 IAS OPC-RHI9 IAS OPC-RHUSB IAS REDHAWK IAS X-BAND 50 IAS X-BAND 50 AIR U IAS X-BAND 50 AIR V IAS X-BAND 50 UU IAS X-BAND 50 VV IA-TC100A IA-TC100B ICT 22012-20A ICT 22012-20AR ICT 22012-20BCR ICT 22012-30N ICT 22012-35N SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION HM-HD7I7WP 2p Waterproof Spkr Mic F3031/F4031 +All 2p Radios HS94 LM Ear Piece Type Headset Headset Earhook Type F1000D HS95 Headset with Boom Mic Land Mobile + Amateur Radios Headset Neck Arm Type F1000D HS97 Earphone with Throat Mic Land Mobile + Amateur Radios IA-10301 GPS for IDAS Mobiles F5061/F6061 Quick Silver Split Dispatch for IDAS Mobile Connects to DB25 Acc Connectr IA-BC171 Heavy Duty Vehicular Charger IAS 100DU 01 NXDN 100W 400-470 Base Station Repeater IAS 100DU 11 NXDN 100W 450-520 Base Station Repeater IAS 100DV NXDN 100W 136-174Mhz Base Station Repeater BBU PS 440-470MHz IDAS 120W Repeater 465-495MHz IDAS 120W Repeater 136-174MHz IDAS 150W Repeater IAS 1RU ANT SW-DUAL 19" Rack Mount Ant. Switch IAS 1RU ANT SW-SINGLE 19" Rack Mount Ant. Switch 1RU Dual Antenna Relay FR9010 FR9020 1RU SingleAntenna Relay FR9010 FR9020 IAS BC-RHADPTR 100-240V Chrger Adpter use w/IAS OPC-RHUSB IAS BC-RHCHG1 100-240V Single Unit Charger IAS BC-RHCHG12 100-240V 12unit Charger IAS BP-RHBATT1 3.8V 1200mAh Battery for GPS Mic IAS CP-RHLP 10-30VDC Cigarette Lghtr Plug/Reqrs 4 USB Cbls IAS CROSSBAND CONTROLLER IAS CS-RHSW Utility Software IAS DVN 4522L UHF Pass Reject 400-512MHz, 3 Min Split, 4 Cav IAS FR5000 DP KIT 140-145 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR5000 DP KIT 150-155 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR5000 DP KIT 150-159 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR5000 DP KIT 152-155 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR5000 DP KIT 160-165 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR6000 DP KIT 400-405 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR6000 DP KIT 440-445 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS FR6000 DP KIT 457-462 Duplexer Installation Kit IAS HPUK F1721 P25 High Power 110W Upgrade Kit IAS HPUK F1721D P25 High Power 110W Upgrade Kit High Power 110W Upgrade Kit High Power 110W Upgrade Kit IAS OPC-RHI14 Cble Redhawk 14P F9011 IAS OPC-RHI1D Cable Redhawk Icom F9511 Digital and Analog IAS OPC-RHI2 Cable Redhawk 2P F3001 F4001 IAS OPC-RHI9 Cable Redhawk 9P F3161 F4161 F70 F80 IAS OPC-RHUSB USB Cable to Connect Mic w PC / Chrgr Adptr Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. IAS REDHAWK GPS Speaker Mic w/ LCD Display,Battery,USB Cable IAS X-BAND 50 Cross Band Rptr Analog Introperability VHF-UHF IAS X-BAND 50 U AIR Cross Band Repeater Base, UHF FM-VHF Air IAS X-BAND 50 AIR V Cross Band Repeater Base F121 and A110 IAS XBAND 50 UU UHF-UHF Cross Band Repeater Base, AC Pwr Sup IAS XBAND 50 VV VHF-VHF Cross Band Repeater Base, AC Pwr Sup IA-TC100A Travel Charger F3161 F4161 IA-TC100B Travel Charger F14 F3021 F33G F3011 ICT 22012-20A Second Supply for 22012-20AR Version ICT 22012-20AR 12V 20A PS 120/220V Switchable Rack Mount ICT 22012-20BCR 12V Single Module Power Supply ICT 22012-30N 12V Module Mounts Inside Rack Mount Case ICT 22012-35N 1-Module Power Supply, Rack Mountable EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Large waterproof speaker microphone with 3.5mm accessory jack (right Earpiece headset; use with VS1/OPC2004/OPC2006/OPC1392 Earhook headset with boom microphone with 2-pin screw down Headset with boom mic; use with VS1/OPC2004/OPC2006/OPC1392 Behind-the-head type with boom microphone with 2-pin screw down Earphone with throat mic headset; use with GPS receiver for IDAS mobiles that connects to the DB-25 accessory Split dispatch dongle Heavy duty vehicular charger for the F3161/F4161 series 400-470MHz 100W standard version 450-512MHz 100W standard version 136-174MHz 100W with 20 amp power supply 440-470MHz 120W public safety version with 70Amp power supply with 465-495MHz 120W public safety version with 70Amp power supply with 136-174MHz 150W public safety repeater with 70Amp power supply Dual antenna switch for base station operation Single antenna switch for base station operation 1RU dual antenna relay for FR9010/9020 1RU single antenna relay for FR9010/9020 100-240V charger adapter for use with the IAS OPC-RHUSB 100-240V single unit charger for RedHawk mic 100-240V 12 unit charger for the RedHawk mics 3.8V 1200mAh battery for RedHawk mic 12-24V cigarette lighter plug requiring 2 USB cables Analog gateway that provides an easy migration path from analog to Utility software to upload stored tracks, optional PC programming, online 400-512MHz 4 cavity duplexer, 3 min split for the IAS 100W analog 140-145MHz internal duplexer for the FR5000 (5MHz minimum 150-155MHz internal duplexer for the FR5000 (5MHz minimum 150-159MHz internal duplexer for the FR5000 (9MHz minimum 152-155MHz internal duplexer for the FR5000 (3MHz minimum 160-165MHz internal duplexer for the FR5000 (5MHz minimum 400-405MHz internal duplexer for the FR6000 01 (5MHz minimum 440-445MHz internal duplexer for the FR6000 01 (5MHz minimum 457-462MHz internal duplexer for the FR6000 (5MHz minimum 136-174MHz 100W mobile kit 136-174MHz 100W P25 mobile kit 136-174MHz IDAS 110W mobile kit 400-470MHz IDAS 110W mobile kit RedHawk 14-pin cable connects GPS mic to radio (works in analog, P25 RedHawk cable connects GPS mic to P25 mobile radios (works in both RedHawk 2-pin cable connects GPS mic to radio RedHawk 9-pin cable connects GPS mic to radio (works in analog only) USB cable to connect mic with PC or charger adapter. One comes with Speaker microhpone with GPS receiver. LCD display shows basic orientation of all members within a group. Battery & USB cable VHF FM & UHF FM cross band repeater Airband AM & UHF FM cross band repeater Air AM & VHF FM cross band repeater UHF FM & UHF FM cross band repeater VHF FM & VHF FM cross band repeater Travel charger piece the BC-160/BC-171 fits into. Req CP1/CP17L or Travel charger piece the BC-160/BC-171 fits into. Req CP1/CP17L or Second power supply module for ICT 22012-20AR External rack mountable power supply Single module power supply - rack mountable Additional module (mounts inside the ICT 22012-70N) Single module power supply - rack mountable (4 module capable) UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 69.03 30 $ 15.69 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 134.91 30 $ 181.98 30 $ 26.36 30 $ 69.03 30 $ 62.75 30 $ 235.31 30 $ 3,168.88 30 $ 3,168.88 30 $ 3,168.88 30 $ 4,263.86 30 $ 4,263.86 30 $ 4,182.29 30 $ 552.20 30 $ 313.75 30 $ 592.99 30 $ 313.75 30 $ 43.93 30 $ 65.89 30 $ 627.50 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 314.38 30 $ 75.30 30 $ 1,085.58 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 366.04 30 $ 1,339.71 30 $ 1,763.28 30 $ 1,547.42 30 $ 1,845.48 30 $ 172.56 30 $ 141.19 30 $ 58.36 30 $ 62.12 30 $ 18.83 30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 366.46 1,568.75 2,039.38 2,039.38 1,568.75 1,568.75 28.24 28.24 213.35 298.06 446.78 243.47 752.37 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER ICT 22012-70N ICT CS120-20A/IC06 ICT CS120-20AG/IC04 ICT CS120-20AG/IC09 ICT CS120-30A/IC08 ICT IC04 220V ICT IC06 220V ICT IC09 220V ICT ICO11 ICT ICO11 220V ICT RMB LARGE ID5100A DELUXE ID51A BLACK ID51A ORANGE ID51A PINK ID51A PLUS ID51A VIOLET ID51A YELLOW ID880H 15 IDRP2000V 26 IDRP2C 06 IDRP2D 26 IDRP2V 26 IDRP4000V 26 IMPACT HD3-I3 IMPACT HD3-I5 IMPACT HD3-I6 INSTALLLM1234 INSTALLLM6789 IP1000C 100 IP1000C 20 IP100FS IP100H IUK2CMA JPSPTG10 K220A K220C KA KVL125 KLEIN DOUBLE AGENT-S8 LAIRD EXH 160 MXI LARSEN SPHL10160IC LC146A LC158 LC159 LC168 LC174 LC178 LC179 LCF21 CLIP LCF3000 SWIVEL LCF3021S CLIP LCF3021S SWIVEL LCF3021T CLIP LCF3061S CLIP LCF3061S LOOP LCF3061S SWIVEL LCF3061T SWIVEL LCF3261S SWIVEL SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION ICT 22012-70N 2-Module Power Supply, Rack Mountable F1721/F2721/F9511 120V/20A Power Supply w/ Cover ICT CS120-20AG/IC04 F5011 110V PowerSupply F5011/F6021/F5021 ICT CS120-20AG/IC09 F5061 110V Power Supply F5061/F6061 ICT CS120-30A/IC08 Power Spply w/ Cover 120V / 30A ICT IC04 220V Power Supply for F5011/F6011 & F5021/F6021 ICT IC06 220V Power Supply & Cabint F1721/F2721/F1821/F2821 ICT IC09 220V Power Supply & Cabint F5061/F6061 110V Power Supply&Cabinet A120 CS120-12AG/ICO11 220V Power Supply&Cabinet A120 CS220-12AG/ICO11 ICT RMB LARGE Installation Kit Brkt for 2nd 22012-20A Supply D-STAR VHF/UHF with MBA2 Remote Head MMB Mobile GPS Dual Band DSTAR v20 w/GPS Matched Color LC179 Dual Band DSTAR v30 w/ GPS Matched Color LC179 Dual Band DSTAR v60 w/ GPS Matched Color LC179 ID51A PLUS Dual Band DSTAR v65 w/GPS Dual Band DSTAR v40 w/ GPS Matched Color LC179 Dual Band DSTAR v50 w/ GPS Matched Color LC179 ID880H 15 Switchable Dual Band Mobile IDRP2000V 26 2M RF Module 144-148MHz D-Star IDRP2C 06 Repeater Controller D-Star IDRP2D 26 Data RF Module DStar IDRP2V 26 Voice RF Module D-Star IDRP4000V 26 70cm RF Module 440-450MHz D-Star IMPACT HD3-I3 IMP PRSM-HD3 2p F3001/F3011/F3021/F14 IMPACT HD3-I5 IMP PRSM-HD3 9p F50/F70/F60/F80/F3161/F4161 IMPACT HD3-I6 IMP PRSM-HD3 14p F9011 INSTALLLM1234 F3001/F3011/F121 F3021/F50/F5021/F9511/F5061 INSTALLLM6789 F9011/F70/F3161 Communications Server IP100H Up to 100 Terminals IP1000C#11 Communications Server IP100H Up to 20 Terminals IP1000C PC Dispatch Software IP Radios Wireless LAN Subscriber Unit Dual Command Mic Adapter M400BB M424 HM195 JPSPTG10 Pilot Tone Generator for IAS Voting Rcvr (1950Hz) K220A Chrome Magnetic Mount K220C NMO Permanent Mount + Unity Gain Antenna 108-512MHz KA KVL125 KLEIN DOUBLE AGENT-S8 *F50/F60 ONLY*2-Wire Kit DRing Earloop 155-160MHz ant. F3161D/F3261D Railroad 151-163MHz Helical 1/4 Wave Ant Center Tuned to 157MHz LC146A R5/R6 Carrying Case LC158 R20 Carrying Case LC159 Carrying Case-A6/A24 LC168 92AD Carrying Case LC174 T70A Carrying Case LC178 ID31A 05 Carrying Case LC179 ID51A Carrying Case LCF21 CLIP F21/F11 w/Clip LCF3000 SWIVEL Leather Case with Swivel Belt Clip LCF3021S CLIP F3021S w/Clip LCF3021S SWIVEL F3021S w/Swivl LCF3021T CLIP F3021T w/Clip LCF3061S CLIP F3061S w/Clip LCF3061S LOOP F3061S w/Loop D-Ring LCF3061S SWIVEL F3061S w/Swivl LCF3061T SWIVEL F3061T w/Swivl LCF3261S SWIVEL F3261S w/Swivl EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Dual module power supply - rack mountable (4 module capable) 110V power supply & cabinet for control station use on P25 radios 110V power supply and cabinet for control station use for 110V power supply and cabinet for control station use for F5061/6061 110V power supply and cabinet for control station use for F9511HT 220V power supply and cabinet for control station use for F5011/5021 220V power supply & cabinet for control station use on P25 radios 220V power supply and cabinet for control station use for F5061/6061 120V power supply and cabinet for base station use for A120 220V power supply and cabinet for control station use for A120 Bracket for second power supply (use with ICT 22012-20A) Dual band, 2m/70cm (144-148/420-450MHz), D-Star mobile radio with Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS in black including black Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS in orange with orange case Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS in pink with pink case Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS in violet with violet case Dual band D-STAR/ analog handheld with GPS in yellow with yellow case D-Star Ready mobile with 55W, 2m/70cm (144-148/420-450MHz) FM/DV D-Star 25/5W, 2m (144-148MHz) RF module D-Star Repeater controller 23cm digital data mode 23cm digital voice module D-Star 25/5W, 70cm (440-450MHz) RF module DV mode Heavy duty speaker mic w/3.5mm accessory jack (2-pin screw down Heavy duty use speaker mic with 3.5mm accessory jack (9-pin) Lightweight heavy duty use speaker mic with 3.5mm accessory jack (14Icom installation charge Icom installation charge Manages up to 100 radios in a network Manages up to 20 radios in a network IP based PC-dispatcher IP license-free radio for wireless networks Dual command mic adapter Pilot tone generator for analog operation only (requires ASAP mounting Aviation mobile antenna with a magnetic mount Aviation mobile antenna with a rooftop hole mount KVL unit powered by 9-volt battery 2-Wire Kit D-Ring Earloop for F50/F60 155-160MHz antenna 151-163MHz helical ¼ wave antenna center tuned to 157MHz R5/R6 carrying case R20 carrying case Leather carrying case for the A6/A24 92AD Carrying Case T70A carrying case Carrying case for ID-31A Carrying case for ID51A Leather carrying case with a clip F11/21 radios Leather carrying case with a swivel for the F3001/4001 & Leather carrying case with a clip and cutout for the display Leather carrying case with a metal swivel clip and cutout for the display Leather carrying case with a clip and cutout for display and keypad Leather carrying case with a clip and cutout for display only F3161/4161 Leather carrying case with a loop and cutout for the display Leather case for the F3161/4161 with a swivel clip Leather case for the F3161/4161 with a full keypad cutout with a swivel Leather carrying case with a swivel clip and cutout for the display for UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 995.84 30 $ 144.33 30 $ 144.33 30 $ 144.33 30 $ 439.25 30 $ 160.01 30 $ 160.01 30 $ 160.01 30 $ 125.50 30 $ 144.33 30 $ 16.32 30 $ 629.21 30 $ 418.95 30 $ 418.95 30 $ 418.95 30 $ 387.45 30 $ 418.95 30 $ 418.95 30 $ 455.96 30 $ 1,039.50 30 $ 1,260.00 30 $ 808.76 30 $ 1,113.53 30 $ 1,039.50 30 $ 37.02 30 $ 47.69 30 $ 61.50 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 43.93 30 $ 3,916.00 30 $ 1,332.00 30 $ 1,320.00 30 $ 400.00 30 $ 357.68 30 $ 615.37 30 $ 47.06 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 1,998.59 30 $ 43.93 30 $ 16.32 30 $ 16.32 30 $ 18.83 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 26.98 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 23.85 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 31.38 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER LCF3261T SWIVEL LCF33 SWIVEL LCF50 LOOP LCF50 SWIVEL LCF70 CLIP LCF70 LOOP LCF70 SWIVEL LCF70S LOOP LCF70S SWIVEL LCF9011S SWIVEL LCF9011T SWIVEL LCM72S LCM88L LCM88S M25 01 M25 11 M25 21 M324 01 M324 02 M324G 21 M324G 22 M36 01 M400BB M400BB SW M422 MMB M422SW MMB M424G 21 M424G 22 M504B MMB M504G MMB M506 01 M506 11 M506 21 M506 31 M506 41 M602 MMB M604A 41 M604G MMB M700PRO 41 M73 01 M73 11 M802 11 M802 CHEA M802 MMB M88 01 MA500TR KIT MB VP3 MB103 MB103Y MB107 MB109 MB111 MB115 MB116 MB117 MB118 MB123 MB124 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION LCF3261T SWIVEL F3261T w/Swivl LCF33 SWIVEL F33/F43 w/Swivel LCF50 LOOP F50/F60 Loop D-Ring LCF50 SWIVEL F50/F60 w/Swivel LCF70 CLIP F70/F80 w/Clip LCF70 LOOP F70/F80 w/Loop D-Ring LCF70 SWIVEL F70T/F80T Swivel Keypad Version LCF70S LOOP F70/F80 w/Loop Non-Keypad Version D-Ring LCF70S SWIVEL F70S/F80S Swivel Non-Keypad Version LCF9011S SWIVEL Leather Carrying Case w/ Swivel LCF9011T SWIVEL Leather Carrying Case w/ Swivel LCM72S M72 Leather Case With Swivel LCM88L M88 Leather Case With Loop LCM88S M88 Leather Case With Swivel 5W Floating HH Metallic Gray BC217 FASC58V 5W Floating HH White BC217 FASC58V 5W Floating HH Blue BC217 FASC58V Black Marine VHF Fixed Mount White Marine VHF Fixed Mount Black Marine VHF FM GPS White Marine VHF FM GPS M36 01 6W Floating Handheld M400BB M424 No Display with Command Mic M400BB SW M424 No Display with Command Mic White M422 MMB Black Mounting Brkt M412 M422SW MMB Mounting Bracket Super White M412 Class D VHF FM Black GPS Class D VHF FM White GPS M504B MMB Black Mounting Brack M502 M504 M504G MMB Gray Mounting Brack VHF Fixed Mount 25W Basic Model FCC VHF Fixed Mount NMEA2000 25W FCC VHF Fixed Mount NMEA + AIS RX 25W FCC VHF Fixed Mount NMEA + RearMic 25W FCC VHF Fixed Mnt NMEA+AIS+RearMic 25W FCC M602 MMB Black Mounting Bracke M602 01 M604 M604A 41 Black VHF M604G MMB Gray Mountng Bracket M700PRO 41 Simple SSB *Export* M73 01 6W IPX8 Submersible Handheld M73 11 6W IPX8 HH w/ Noise Cancelling & Voice Recorder M802 11 SSB Transceiver M802 CHEA Ctrl Head Ext. Cable M802 MMB Mounting Bracket M802 8010018981 M88 01 Handheld Marine VHF MA500TR KIT MA500TR + MXG5000S Mounting Shelf VEPG3/IP1000C Alligator Belt Clip F11/F3G/ F30G/F40G/BP209N/BP210N MB103Y GM1600 Alligator Clip MB107 91A/AD Belt Clip **Needs qty=2 8810010470 screws** MB109 M34 M36 Belt Clip MB111 92AD Belt Clip 8810010470 Alligator Beltclip F9011/F9021 MB116 Front Handles 7200 02 MB117 Carrying Handle 7200 02 Mobile mounting bracket 7300/ 7200 Carrying handle 7300/9100/7410 MB124 F3001 Alligator Clip F4001 F3003 F4003 V80 M24 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Leather carrying case with a swivel clip and cutout for the DTMF keypad Leather carrying case with a swivel loop and cutout for the display Leather carrying case with a loop and cutout for the display Leather carrying case with a loops swivel and cutout for the display Leather case with a metal clip and keypad cutout for the F70/80 series Leather case with a belt loop and keypad cutout for the F70/80 series Leather case with a swivel belt loop and keypad cutout for the F70/80 Leather case with a belt loop for the F70/80 series radios. Case is not IS Leather case with a swivel belt loop for the F70/80 series radios. Case is Leather carrying case with a swivel clip for the F9011/9021 radios Leather carrying case with a swivel clip for the F9011T/9021T radios with M72 leather case with a swivel belt clip M88 Leather Case With Loop M88 Leather Case With Swivel 5W floating marine VHF handheld in metallic gray 5W floating marine VHF handheld in pearl white 5W floating marine VHF handheld in marine blue Black Super white Black - available late February Super white - available late February Radio, battery, charger Black box marine VHF fixed mount with black Command Mic Black box marine VHF fixed mount with white Command Mic Black mounting bracket for M412/M422 Mounting bracket super white M412/M422 Black Super white Black mounting bracket for M504/M502 Gray mounting bracket for M504/M502 Class D DSC marine VHF radio Class D DSC marine VHF radio with NMEA2000 Class D DSC marine VHF radio with NMEA2000 and AIS receiver Class D DSC marine VHF radio with rear mic and NMEA2000 Class D DSC marine VHF radio with rear mic, NMEA2000 and AIS receiver Black Mounting Bracke M602 01 Black radio Gray mounting bracket for M604 150W SSB transceiver - EXPORT ONLY 6W IPX8 submersible PLUS handheld 6W IPX8 submersible PLUS with active noise cancelling and voice 150W advanced SSB transceiver with DSC An adaptor that allows 2 control cables to be hooked together for long Mounting Bracket M802 5W compact radio with 22 programmable channels AIS Transponder & MX-G500 GPS receiver Rack mounting shelf for VEPG3/IP1000C Alligator belt clip Yellow alligator belt clip for the GM1600 Standard belt clip for the 91A/AD Belt clip for the M34/M36/M92D Standard belt clip for the 92AD Standard belt clip for F9011 series Front handles for the 7200 Carry handle and mounting hardware for the IC-7200 Mounting bracket for the IC-7200 Carrying handle for 9100 & 7410 Alligator type belt clip UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 31.38 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 23.85 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 28.24 30 $ 23.85 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 23.85 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 31.38 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 25.10 30 $ 128.26 30 $ 128.26 30 $ 128.26 30 $ 171.18 30 $ 171.18 30 $ 219.87 30 $ 219.87 30 $ 150.77 30 $ 308.87 30 $ 308.87 30 $ 16.94 30 $ 16.94 30 $ 248.66 30 $ 248.66 30 $ 18.20 30 $ 18.20 30 $ 319.34 30 $ 395.24 30 $ 484.24 30 $ 431.89 30 $ 518.27 30 $ 18.20 30 $ 516.69 30 $ 18.20 30 $ 1,138.61 30 $ 164.90 30 $ 204.17 30 $ 1,790.37 30 $ 14.43 30 $ 33.89 30 $ 232.43 30 $ 785.25 30 $ 62.75 30 $ 7.84 30 $ 8.79 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 5.65 30 $ 12.55 30 $ 6.28 30 $ 57.73 30 $ 18.83 30 $ 18.83 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 7.53 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER MB126 MB127 MB130 MB130 MB132 MB133 MB23 MB2730B MB2730R MB2730R1 MB28H MB53 MB62 MB69 MB74N MB75 MB86 MB87 MB93 MB94 MB94EX MB94R MB96F MB96N MB98 MB99A MBA1 MBA2 MBA4 MBA5 MBF1 MBF4 MN100 MN100L MOUNT 1 MOUNT 2 MOUNT 3 MSA 1421-00LRM MXA5000 01 MXD5000 01 MXF5000 02 MXG5000S MXP5000 01 MXR5000R 01 MXR5000T 11 NCF14 CLIP NCF14 LOOP NCF21 LOOP NCF3000 CLIP NCF3021S CLIP NCF3021S LOOP NCF3061S CLIP NCF3061S LOOP NCF3061T CLIP NCF3061T LOOP NCF30G LOOP NCF3261S CLIP SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION MB126 F8100 Mounting Bracket Alligator belt clip IP100H/ID51A/ID31A MB130 Vehicle Charger Bracket Fits BC160/BC190/BC191/BC192 MB130 Vehicle Charger Bracket Fits BC160/BC190/BC191/BC192 Flush Mount Kit M424/M324 F1000 F2000 Standard Alligator Type Belt Clip Handle & mounting hardware 718/R75/R8500/77/707/821H Base Station Mount Kit 2730A (Body+Head Brackets) MBF4+MBA4 Remote Head Kit 2730A w/ MMB MBF4 + MBA5 Glass Mnt Remote Head Kit 2730 w/ MMB MBF1+MBF4+MBA5 Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. 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MMB 2300H/28H/228H/229H/ID800H/2350H/2710/207H/2200H/27A/208 MMB w/ HM176, SP35, MBA3 A220 A210 A200 (vers 03) Mounting bracket 7100/7000/703 706 MB69 FMS M412 M402/M302/M45/M304/M422 Alligator Beltclip BP209/BP210 F11/F21/F3G/F4G/F30G/F40G/F3 FMS M424/M506/M604/MA500TR M504/M502/M602 MB86 M88 Swivel Belt Clip SCREW 8810010430 MB87 Swivel Belt Clip for F11 F3G F30G M2A M3A V8 Swivel Belt Clip BP232 F3011/F3031/A14/F3161/F14/F24 Alligator Belt Clip BP232 F3011/F3031/A14/F3161/F14/F24 Alligator Belt Clip F3201DEX F4201DEX MB94R Longer/Away from Body Bltclp F3161 F3261 F3021 F3011 MB96F Leather Belt Hanger MB96N Swivel Belt Hanger MB98 F50/F60 Standrd Belt Clip Wall Mounting Bracket VEPG3 & IP1000C MBA1 Controller Bracket 7100 MBA2 Remote Head MMB ID5100 Head to Radio MMB 2730 Remote Head MMB w/Magnets 2730 MBF1 Controller Mounting Base Suction Cup 7000 7100 Mobile Mounting Bracket ID5100 *V8000 MMB MN100 Antenna Match Box MN100L Antenna Match Box MOUNT 1 NMO Permanent Mount MOUNT 2 Trunk Lid Mount MOUNT 3 Black Magnetic Mount MSA 1421-00LRM Locking Radio Mount for F5061/F6061 MXA5000 01 Dual Channel AIS Receiver NMN MXD5000 01 Multifunction Display for MXP5000 MXF5000 02 Fish Finder Unit Requires Transducer GPS Receiver See MA500TR KIT MXP5000 01 Marine Commander Main Processor Unit MXR5000R 01 Radome Scanner MXR5000T 11 Open Array Scanner NCF14 CLIP F14/F24 w/Clip Nylon Carrying Case with clip NCF14 LOOP F14/F24 w/Loop Nylon Carrying Case with loop NCF21 LOOP F21/F11 w/Loop NCF3000 CLIP Nylon Case with Clip NCF3021S CLIP F3021S w/Clip NCF3021S LOOP F3021S w/Loop NCF3061S CLIP F3061S w/Clip NCF3061S LOOP F3061S w/Loop NCF3061T CLIP F3061T w/Clip NCF3061T LOOP F3061T w/Loop NCF30G LOOP F30G/F40G w/Loop NCF3261S CLIP F3261S w/Clip EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS EA $ 188.25 30 Mounting bracket for F8101 EA $ 15.69 30 Alligator belt clip EAcharge while $ in a vehicle.52.08 30 Vehicle charger bracket designed to hold a rapid charger allowing battery to Requires charger & CP17L. Will not work with t $ 52.08 30 Vehicle charger bracket designed to hold a rapid charger allowing battery EA EA $ 23.22 30 Flush mount kit for M424 EA $ 10.67 30 Alligator type belt clip EA $ 12.55 30 Carry handle and mounting hardware for the ICEA $ 53.34 30 Base station mount (MBF4 + MBA4) EA $ 40.79 30 Remote head kit w/mobile bracket (MBF4 + MBA5) EA $ 93.50 30 Glass mount remote head kit w/mobile bracket (MBF1+MBF4+MBA5) Universal mounting bracket for smaller Amateur mobiles. Radio Width $ 18.20 30 141mm (5.5”) screw spacing 50mm (2.0”) One radio mounting hole fixed, EA $ 313.75 30for A200/A210/A220 Mobile mounting bracket that includes HM176 microphone, SP35 externalEA speaker, MBA-3 rear panel adapter, and harness $ 25.73 30 Main Unit mounting bracket for the 706 Series, 703 Series, 7000 & EA EA $ 23.22 30 Flush mount kit for mounting controller or speaker to a panel EA $ 7.53 30 Alligator Clip for BP209 & BP210 (non N version batteries) EA $ 21.96 30 Flush mount kit for mounting controller or speaker to a panel for EA $ 6.90 30 Swivel belt clip that screws into back of radio EA $ 6.28 30 Swivel belt clip F11/F21/F3G/F4G/F30G/F40G/M2A/M3A/V8 EA $ 6.90 30 Swivel belt clip EA $ 6.59 30 Alligator belt clip EA $ 10.67 30 Blue alligator belt clip for F3201DEX/4201DEX $ 11.30 30 Alligator belt clip with long clip that angles the antenna/top of radio off theEA body EA $ 21.96 30 Leather belt hanger. Use with the MB103/Y, MB94 or MB98. EA $ 23.22 30 Swivel belt hanger. Use with the MB103/Y, MB94 or MB98. EA $ 8.16 30 Standard belt clip for the F50/60 & M88 EA $ 40.79 30 Wall mounting bracket VEPG3/IP1000C EA $ 25.10 30 Controller bracket for 7100 EA $ 25.10 30 Remote head mounting bracket for the ID5100A EA $ 40.79 30 Bracket to attach the controller to the main unit EA $ 25.10 30 Bracket to attach the controller to the MBF-1 $ 53.34 30 Remote head mount. Adhesive pad and adjustable pivot points securely EA EA $ 21.96 30 Mounting bracket for the ID5100 $ 301.20 30 Antenna matcher. Matches the transceiver to a dipole antenna. Covers EA EA $ 285.51 30 Antenna matcher. Matches the transceiver to a long wire antenna. EA $ 14.43 30 NMO Permanent Mount, 17ft RG58 cable, no connector EA $ 23.85 30 Trunk Lid Mount/HD, BRKT, 45 DEG CBL, 58A/U PL259 $ 28.24 30 Black Magnetic Mount - 3 1/4" diameter, 12ft RG58 cable w/PL259 EA EA $ 33.26 30 Locking trunnion for F5061/6061 EA $ 222.49 30 Class A & B back box AIS receiver EA $ 1,395.13 30 Multi-function display EA $ 460.16 30 Fish finder unit (requires transducer) EA $ 266.69 30 GPS receiver EA $ 2,512.28 30 Main processor unit for Marine Commander EA $ 1,857.90 30 Radome scanner EA $ 2,970.86 30 Open array scanner EA $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip F14/24 & F3011/4011 radios EA $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop F14/24 & F3011/4011 radios EA $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop F11/21 radios $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F3001/4001 & F3101D/4101D EA EA $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip and cutout for the display EA $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop and cutout for the display EA $ 16.94 30 Nylon case with a clip for the F3161S/4161S radios without a DTMF EA $ 15.69 30 Nylon case with a loop for the F3161S/4161S radios without a DTMF EA $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F3161T/4161T radios with a full $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop for the F3161T/4161T radios with a full EA EA $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop for the F30G/40G & M36 radios $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip and cutout for the display for F3261 series EA ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER NCF3261T CLIP NCF70 CLIP NCF70 LOOP NCF9011S CLIP NCF9011T CLIP NCM88 NCP1 OPC025A OPC025D OPC1000 OPC1069A OPC1106 OPC1107A OPC1122 OPC1122U OPC1132 OPC1147N OPC1154A OPC1156 OPC1174 OPC1309 OPC1380 OPC1392 OPC1457 OPC1529R OPC1532 OPC1533 OPC1534 OPC1536 OPC1540 OPC1541 OPC1542 OPC1655 OPC1797 OPC1862 OPC1870 OPC1871 OPC1939 OPC1954 OPC2004 OPC2004LA OPC2006 OPC2006LS OPC2078 OPC2091 OPC2144 OPC2204 OPC2218LU OPC2253 OPC2254 OPC2273 OPC2274 OPC2275 OPC2308 OPC2309 OPC2321 OPC2328 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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ITEM DESCRIPTION NCF3261T CLIP F3261T w/Clip NCF70 CLIP F70/F80 w/Clip NCF70 LOOP F70/F80 w/Loop NCF9011S CLIP Nylon Carrying Case for F9011 Series NCF9011T CLIP Nylon Carrying Case for F9011 Series NCM88 M88 Nylon Case w/ Clip NCP1 Nylon Chest Pack OPC025A OPC 751/745/740/735 OPC025D 6pin HF DC Power Cable 706MK2/G, 756PRO/2, 718 OPC1000 20' Connection Cable HM157 (mounting hardware req.) OPC1069A Control Cable IDRP2 IDRP2D/V ID1 OPC1106 M802 Separation Cable OPC1107A M802 Main Unit DC PC OPC1122 F121/F1721/F5061/F521 Cloning Cable, Radio to PC OPC1122U USB Clone Cable F1721 F1821 F121/221 F521/621 3M DC Power Cable AM/LM mobile V8000/2720/F121/F5021/F5011 OPC1147N M802 to AT140N (10m) Shielded Control Cable OPC1154A 3.5m Front Panel Separation - R1500/R2500/2720H OPC1156 ID5100 3.5m Extension Cable 2720 OPC1174 M602 DC Power Cord OPC1309 DC In Cable IDRP2 IDRP2D/V OPC1380 Power Cable IDRP2C Headset Adapter for HS94/95/97 Works w/ M73/M72/GM1600/M90 OPC1457 4-Pin HF DC Power Cord 7200, 7410, 7600, 9100, 7000 Data Cable (RS232 to 3.5mm) 9100/7100/ID5100/ID880/A210 OPC1532 Copy Cable for F1721 Mobile to mobile cloning cable OPC1533 Copy Cable F1721/F70 Cloning btween mobile/portable OPC1534 Key Loader Cable F1721 KVL3000Plus cable to mobile OPC1536 Copy Cable for F70 Portable to portable cloning OPC1540 20' Connection Cable HM162/195 (mount hardware req) OPC1541 20' Extension Cable HM162 -for added distance only OPC1542 Remote Mic Cable M504 OPC1655 M34 Cloning Cble Adptr OPC1797 Plug Adaptr Cable 92AD Multipin to SP/Mic connectors OPC1862 Cloning Cable F9011 OPC1870 Portable to Portable Zone Copy Cable F9011 F9021 OPC1871 Radio to Radio Cloning Cable for Portable to Mobile OPC1939 15Pin ACC Cable F5021 F6021 OPC1954 MXA5000 Power Cable OPC2004 Adapter HS94/95/97 F3001 F4001 VOX Conversion Cable F1000D F2000D OPC2006 Adapter HS94/95/97 T70A OPC2006LS Plug Adapter Cable HS94 HS95 HS97 ID31A ID51A OPC2078 F5021/F5121D ACC Cable D-sub 25pin OPC2091 M24 Cloning Cble Adptr Slim L-Type Plug Adapter Cable for Spkr Mic/Headphone ID31 OPC2204 Cloning Cable F8101 Cloning/data cable (USB) ID31A ID51A/7100/ID5100A/F5122DD OPC2253 Front Panel Separation Cable 3.5m 7100 as Supplied OPC2254 Front Panel Separation Cable 5m 7100 OPC2273 5M Connection Cable VEPG3 M604A 8pin Connector Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. OPC2274 5M Connection Cable VEPG3 FR5000 D-SUB 25pin Conn OPC2275 5M Connection Cable VEPG3 F5061D A110 RJ45 Conn OPC2308 GPS/External Modem Cable F8101 10cm OPC2309 Shield Control Cable Between F8101 & AT140 (32.8ft) OPC2321 Cable for AH740 to AM HF Radios Adapter Plug Cable w/ PTT Sw HS94 HS95 HS97 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip and cutout for the DTMF keypad for F3261 EA EA $ 16.94 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F70/80 radios with a full keypad $ 15.69 30 Nylon carrying case with a loop for the F70/80 radios with a full keypad EA $ 18.83 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F9011/9021 radios without a full EA EA $ 18.83 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F9011T/9021T radios with a full EA $ 16.32 30 Nylon carrying case with a clip for the F50/60 & M88 radios EA $ 27.61 30 Nylon chest pack EA $ 28.24 30 12V DC power cord (751/745/740/735) EA $ 28.24 30 12V DC power cord with 6-pin connector for HF radios EA $ 30.75 30 6.1m/20ft extension cable to use with the HM126RB/RG/HM205RB EA $ 9.41 30 Ethernet cable for the IDRP products EA $ 28.24 30 Seperation cable between controller and main unit (16.4ft) for M802 EA $ 17.57 30 M802 Main Unit DC PC $ 62.12 30 PC to mobile radio programming cloning cable with RC-232S connector EA EA $ 62.12 30 PC to mobile radio programming cloning cable with USB connector. $ 27.82 30 DC power cable. Comes standard with most mobile radios (9.8ft) and has EA EA $ 49.57 30 Shielded control cable to connect the M802 to the AT140 (10m) EA $ 12.55 30 3.5m front panel separation cable EA $ 13.81 30 Remote head extension cable (3.5m) EA $ 8.79 30 M602 DC Power Cord EA $ 20.08 30 DC cable for IDRP products EA $ 32.34 30 Power cable for the IDRP products EA $ 47.06 30 M72/GM1600 Headset adapter to use HS94/95/97. Use with EA $ 56.48 30 DC power cord with 4-pin connector for HF radios EA $ 25.73 30 Data cable (RS232 to 3.5mm) EA $ 26.36 30 Radio to radio cloning cable between P25 mobile radios EA $ 55.22 30 Radio to radio cloning cable between F1721/2721/D series mobiles EA $ 141.19 30 Key Loader cable connects KVL3000Plus cable to Radio. For portables: EA $ 77.18 30 Radio to radio cloning cable between F70/80/D portable radios EA $ 33.83 30 6.1m/20ft connection cable to use with the COMMANDMIC III/IV $ 30.75 30 6.1m/20ft extension cable to use with the COMMANDMIC III/IV with the EA EA $ 30.75 30 Extension cable for rear panel mic connections. Use with the HMEA $ 29.49 30 Cloning cable adapter for M36 EA $ 37.65 30 Microphone adapter cable connects multipin to SP/Mic connectors EA $ 118.60 30 PC to radio programming cloning cable with USB connector for radios EA $ 78.44 30 Radio to radio cloning cable between two 14-pin connector portable $ 69.03 30 Radio to radio cloning cable between 14-pin connector portable & EA $ 59.61 30 D-Sub 15-pin ACC cable. Connects with a PC, external speaker, external EA EA $ 7.53 30 Power cable for the MXA5000 EA $ 16.94 30 Adapter plug to to use the HS94/95/97 for the EA $ 16.94 30 VOX conversion cable to to use the HS-97 for the F1000/D products EA $ 15.69 30 Adapter plug to to use the HS94/95/97 for the T70A EA $ 21.96 30 Adapter plug with VOX and no PTT to to use with the HS94/95/97 $ 75.30 30 D-Sub 25-pin ACC cable. Connects with a PC, external speaker, external EA EA $ 21.96 30 Cloning cable adapter for M24 EA $ 21.96 30 Right angle plug adapter cable to plug old straight pin connector EA $ 125.50 30 Cloning cable F8101 EA $ 47.06 30 Cloning/data cable with USB connector for ID51A/ID31A/5100A/7100 EA $ 47.06 30 3.5m (11ft) separation cable EA $ 59.61 30 5m (16ft) separation cable EA $ 94.13 30 5m audio connection cable between the VEPG3 and the M604A 5m audio connection cable between the VEPG3 and the FR5000 series (DEA $ 147.46 30 SUB 25-pin connector). For use only with systems that do not utilize $ modular plug 94.13 30 plug). 5m audio connection cable between the VEPG3 and the F5061/D series andEAA110 (RJ-45 connector with speaker EA $ 109.81 30 GPS/External modem connection cable $ 106.68 30 Antenna tuner control cable for AT-140/AH-740/AH-760 for F8101 (10M EA EA $ 109.81 30 Control cable adapter to 4 pin type for AH740 EA $ 62.75 30 Adapter plug with PTT to to use with the HS94/95/97 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER OPC2338 OPC2344 OPC2350LU OPC254L OPC346 OPC347 OPC440 OPC474 OPC478 OPC478UC OPC510 OPC515L OPC566 OPC568 OPC589 OPC592 OPC599 OPC607 OPC608 OPC609 OPC617 OPC656 OPC726 OPC871A OPC891A OPC-9000 OPC922 OPC966 OPC966U OPC980 OPC999 OPC-IAKVL1 OPC-IAKVL14 OPC-IAKVL9 OTTO V110282 OTTO V110396 OTTO V110432 OTTO V110433 OTTO V110519 OTTO V110756 OTTO V110822 OTTO V1T12CD137 OTTO V1T12CS117 OTTO V210200 OTTO V210272 OTTO V210273-S OTTO V210274-S OTTO V210314 OTTO V2C2CS11 OTTO V2G2CD211 OTTO V2L2CC11 OTTO V2L2CM11 OTTO V2L2CS11 OTTO V410395 OTTO V410399 OTTO V410469-S OTTO V410470-S OTTO V410479 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION 14p Program Cable, Transparent Data Transfer F3360D/F4360D Programming Cable, Transparent Data Transfer F5360D/F6360D Smart phone data cable ID51A Power Supply Cable 80AD ID31A ID51A T70A OPC346 STD PWR 281H DELTA 100H 2000H F320S F420S F1020 2710H OPC347 OPTIONAL 7M DC PWR CORD 281H DELTA 100H 2000H 2340H Mic Extnsn Cable D-Star Mobile 2700H 2000H 2710H 207H OPC474 Clone HH-HH -A3/A22/F10 OPC478 F11/F14/T7/T2/A3/M59 Cloning Cable, PC to HH RS232S OPC478UC USB Cable 3.5mm Plug OPC510 7800/7700 AC Pwr Cable OPC515L DC Pwr Cable A3 A22 M1 OPC566 AT130 to M710 (30 ft.) OPC568 M710/M700PRO Power Cord Mic adapt cable(8 pin-RJ45) 7100/2300H/2730A/ID5100A/ID880 PC to OPC478/UC cloning cable A120/FR3000/FR4000 OPC599 13pin Conn w/Cable-706 OPC607 F1721 3m Separation Cbl OPC608 F1721 8m Separation Cbl OPC609 F5061 1.9m Sep. Cable F1020 1.9m Sep Cable F5061 OPC617 Acc Cable F121/F221 F1020/F320/F420 OPC656 BC121N DC Power Cable OPC726 F9511HT 16.3 ft Separation Cable A110 headset adapter 50mm OPC891A M504/M422 Power Cord M412 M402 8900009041 OPC-9000 Programming Cable for FR9010 FR9020 OPC922 M72 Cloning Cable Adptr M73 OPC966 F50/F70/F3061/F30G CLoning Cable, Radio to PC OPC966U F3061 Cloning Cable Radio to PC F30G F50 F70 F3061 Cloning Cable Adapter to use w OPC478UC M424/M504/M506/M604 OPC999 20' Extension Cable HM157 -for added distance only OPC-IAKVL1 KVL125 Cable Mobile F1721D/F2721D/F9511 OPC-IAKVL14 KVL125 14p Cable F9011/F9021 OPC-IAKVL9 KVL125 9 Pin Cable F70D/F80D OTTO V110282 Earpiece for Spkr Mic 2.5mm Straight Plug OTTO 3-Wire Mini Lapel Mic Kit F3S/F4S OTTO V110432 Earpiece for Spkr Mic 2.5mm Right Angle Plug OTTO V110433 Earpiece for Spkr Mic 3.5mm Right Angle Plug OTTO V110519 Body PTT F33GS/F43GS OTTO V110756 2-Wire Palm Mic Kit F10 F14 F33G OTTO V110822 2-Wire Palm Mic Kit F50 F60 F70 F80 F40G M88 OTTO V1T12CD137 Throat Mic w/ Earbud & Body PTT F30G/F40G OTTO V1T12CS117 Throat Mic w/ Bdy PTT & Earbud F14/F3021/F33 OTTO V210200 Evolution Hvy Dty Speaker Mic F3/4GS/T F11/F21 OTTO V210272 Genesis Wtrprf Mic w/Removable grill F50/F60 OTTO V210273-S Immersion Rated H20 Evolution w/Coil Cord, IS OTTO V210274-S Evolution Spkr Mic, w/Coil Cord, IS OTTO V210314 Evolution Spk Mic w/Coilcord F30G/F40G/F50/F70 OTTO V2C2CS11 Legacy Spkr Mic Profile Speaker Mic F11/F21 OTTO V2G2CD211 Genesis Speaker Mic - F30/40GS/T OTTO V2L2CC11 Speaker Mic Low Profile - F3/4GS/T F11 F21 OTTO V2L2CM11 Profile Spkr Mic F30G/40G F50/60 F70/80 M88 OTTO V2L2CS11 Profile Spkr Mic Profile Speaker Mic F14/F24 OTTO Headset Dual Spkr Noise Cancelling Inline PTT F3G F4G OTTO V410399 Skull Mic System w/earcup and 80mm body PTT OTTO V410469-S Headset, Noise Cancel, Over the Head, IS OTTO V410470-S Headset, Noise Cancel, Behind-the-Head, IS OTTO V410479 LtWeight Single Spkr HdSet w/inlinePTT F11/F21 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION UOM ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 147.46 30 14-pin programming cable plus Type-C NXDN transparent data transfer EA EA $ 84.71 30 Modular connector programming cable plus Type-C NXDN transparent EA $ 47.06 30 Smart phone data cable EA $ 12.53 30 Power supply cable for use with external power supply; 10-14V DC $ 28.24 30 Power cable for the 281H DELTA 100H 2000H F320S F420S F1020 2710H EA EA $ 43.93 30 DC power cable (23ft) EA $ 62.75 30 Mic extension cable (RJ-45 M/F) (16.4ft) EA $ 12.55 30 Radio to radio cloning cable (3.5mm to 3.5mm) $ 37.65 30 PC to handheld programming cable with RS-232S connector for radios withEA 2-pin connectors EAconnectors $ 43.93 30 PC to handheld programming cable with USB connector for radios with 2-pin EA $ 12.43 30 AC power cable for the 7800/7700 EA $ 16.32 30 DC power cable for single unit rapid chargers EA $ 105.42 30 Cable to connect the AT130 to the M710 (30 ft.) EA $ 20.02 30 M710/M700PRO Power Cord EA $ 28.24 30 Microphone adapter cable (8 pin to RJ-45) $ 10.67 30 Programming cloning cable for PC to radio (must use with OPC-478/UC) EA $ 50.20 30 Cable adapter converts 13-pin ACC connector to 7-pin & 8-pin ACC EA EA $ 35.77 30 3m/9.8ft separation cable for remote mounting kits EA $ 47.69 30 8m/26.2ft separation cable for remote mounting kits EA $ 34.51 30 1.9m/6.2ft separation cable for remote mounting kits EA $ 40.79 30 Accesory cable for external terminal connection EA $ 7.53 30 DC power cable for BC121N or BC197 gang chargers EA $ 40.79 30 5m/16.4ft separation cable for remote mounting kits EA $ 96.64 30 Headset adapter A120/A110 EA $ 7.53 30 M504/M422 power cord EA $ 169.43 30 Programming cable for the FR9010/9020 repeaters EA $ 40.79 30 Cloning cable adapter for M72/M73/M92D $ 52.55 30 PC to radio programming cloning cable with RC-232S connector for radios EA EA $ 105.42 30 PC to radio programming cloning cable with USB connector for radios EA $ 19.45 30 Cloning cable adapter for M424/M504/M604 EA $ 30.75 30 6.1m/20ft extension cable to use with the COMMANDMIC II with the EA $ 94.13 30 Interface Cable with RJ45 Connector for P25 mobiles EA $ 144.33 30 Interface Cable with 14 Pin Connector for F9011/F9021 EA $ 125.50 30 Interface Cable with 9 Pin Connector for F70D/F80D EA $ 31.38 30 Speaker mic earpiece(2.5mm straight plug) $ 106.68 30 3-wire mini lapel mic kit (earphone/cable with mic/cable with barrel style EA EA $ 37.65 30 Speaker mic earpiece (2.5mm right angle plug) EA $ 37.65 30 Speaker mic earpiece (3.5mm right angle plug) EA $ 75.30 30 Barrel PTT - connects to headsets with pigtail EA $ 61.50 30 2-Wire palm mic kit with 2-pin right angle screw down connector EA $ 78.44 30 2-Wire palm mic kit (earphone cable and mic/ptt cable) with 9-pin $ 316.89 30 Throat Mic Sys w/tube ear piece and body PTT with 9 pin connector for EA $ 373.36 30 Throat mic system w/acoustic tube ear piece and 80mm body PTT with EA $ 58.36 30 Evolution heavy duty mic with hi/lo volume switch, 2.5mm earphone jack EA EA $ 112.95 30 Genesis waterproof mic with removable front grill cover. Mic output EA $ 104.17 30 H2O Evolution style IS rated with hi/lo volume switch (IP68) EA $ 102.91 30 Evolution style IS rated with hi/lo volume switch and 2.5mm earphone $ 87.85 30 Evolution heavy duty mic with hi/lo volume switch, 2.5mm earphone jack EA EA $ 30.12 30 Legacy speaker microphone (2-pin screw down connector) EA $ 100.40 30 Genesis waterproof speaker mic with 9-pin connector for EA $ 55.22 30 Profile speaker mic with 2-pin right angle connector EA $ 72.16 30 Profile speaker mic with 9-pin connector EA $ 58.36 30 Profile speaker mic with 2.5mm earphone jack and 2-pin right angle EA $ 225.90 30 Behind-the-head style, noise attenuating headset (2-pin right angle $ 407.88 30 Skull Mic System w/earcup and 80mm body PTT for F30G/40G and M88 EA EA $ 279.24 30 Over-the-head style, noise attenuating headset, IS approved EA $ 326.30 30 Behind-the-head, noise attenuating headset, IS approved EA $ 75.93 30 Lightweight single speaker headset (2-pin screw down connector) ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER OTTO V410480 OTTO V410514 OTTO V4EX2CC5 OTTO V4EX2CS5 PA OPC499 PROGLM1234 PROGLM6789 PROGLM9876 PS126 12 PS80 05 PTT SW PW LF-1 PW1U 01 R6 20 R6 SPORT R8500 32 R9500 02 R9500 06 RC25 RC28 RCFS10 RFFM1 RFT 136-174 RFT 400-430 RFT 440-490 RFT 485-520 RFT IP E2-P25 RFT P25 136-174 RFT P25 400-430 RFT P25 440-490 RFT P25 485-520 RFT P25 UHF MANUAL RFT P25 VHF MANUAL RFT P25-C RMK2 RMK3 01 RMK4 01 RMK6 RR FIRMWARE UPGRADE RS92 RSAP3 RSBA1 RSID1 RSMGR1 RSR75 RSR8500 RSRP2 G2 SJ1 SM26 SM30 SM50 SP13 SP22 SP23 SP24 SP27 SP30 SP33 SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. 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Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION OTTO V410480 Headset - Noise Attenuating, Over-the-head sty OTTO V410514 LtWeight Single Spkr HdSet w/inlinePTT F50/F60 OTTO V4EX2CC5 Explorer Headset F11 F21 F3G F4G OTTO V4EX2CS5 Explorer Headset Flexible earloop w/Boom mic PA OPC499 A24/A6 Headset Adptr Pilot Avionics A22/A3 PROGLM1234 F3001/F3011/F3021 F121/F50/F5021 PROGLM6789 F9011/F9511/F70/ F1721/F5061/F3161 PROGLM9876 Programming/Tuning 100WD X-Band Air PS126 12 13.8V/25A Ext PS w/ 4Pin 110V Power Supply with HM176 & MBA3 for A220 / A210 / A200 PTT SW Avionic PTT Switch PW LF-1 Noise Filter to Use w/ UT-IA100 and F5061D PW1U 01 1KW Linear Amp R6 20 Unblocked HH Receiver Portable Receiver Blocked v.06 AA Batteries R8500 32 0.1-2000MHz Receiver Unblocked R9500 02 0.1-3335MHz Receiver BLOCKED R9500 06 0.1-3335MHz Receiver UNBLOCKED RC25 M802 Front Head 0325450101 RC28 RSBA1 Remote Dial RCFS10 Remote Communicator v35 Pckg Incl RCFS10 Sftwr & CT24 RFFM1 RF Technology Fan Module 2-120W Analog Repeater w/PS 2-120W Analog Repeater w/PS 2-120W Analog Repeater w/PS 2-120W Analog Repeater w/PS RFT IP E2-P25 Programming Software P25 and Analog 2-120W P25/Analog Repeatr w/PS 2-120W P25/Analog Repeatr w/PS 2-120W P25/Analog Repeatr w/PS 2-120W P25/Analog Repeatr w/PS RFT P25 UHF MANUAL Service Manual P25 UHF RFT P25 VHF MANUAL Service Manual P25 VHF RFT P25-C P25 firmware upgrade RMK2 F1721/1821 Separation Kit ** CABLE NOT INCLUDED ** RMK3 01 F5061/6061 Separation Kit ** CABLE NOT INCLUDED ** RMK4 01 F9511HT Dual Head Separation Kit *NO CABLE INCL* RMK6 Remote Mounting Kit F8101 RR FIRMWARE UPGRADE RS92 92AD Control Software w/ OPC1799 Access Point Managmnt Software RSBA1 IP Remote Cntrl Software includes cable RSID1 ID1 Control Software RSMGR1 Multisite Trunking Syst Manager Application Software RSR75 Remote Cntrl Software RSR8500 Remote Cntrl Software RSRP2 G2 IDRP2 Gateway Softwre SJ1 ID51A Silicone Jacket Carrying Case SM26 Desktop Mic for Mobiles SM30 Desktop Mic SM50 7600 Desktop Microphone SP13 Earphone with 3.5mm Plug For Radio or Speaker Mic SP22 4 OHM External Speaker F320/F420 SP23 Base Station Speaker All HF SP24 External Speaker Marine Radios M402 M502 M802 M45 M127 SP27 Tube Earphone SP30 External Speaker F9511HT SP33 Base Station Speaker 7800 7700 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Over the head style w/ NC Boom Mic, in-line ptt (2-pin screw down Lightweight single speaker w/in-line ptt, padded headband (9-pin Explorer lightweight headset with flexible earloop w/boom mic (2-pin Explorer lightweight headset with flexible earloop w/boom mic (2-pin Headset adapter Icom to program your radio or IAS product Icom to program your radio or IAS product Icom to program you radio or IAS product 110/120VAC 13.8VDC 25A 4-pin connector Power supply that includes the HM-176 & MBA-3 for A220/A210/A200 Avionic PTT switch. Plugs into your headset. Noise filter to use with the F5061D with the UT-IA100 already installed. 1KW Linear Amp Unblocked for Federal/Export Only with battery and charger included Scanning receiver. Blocked version for consumer purchase. No supplied 0.1-1999MHz Receiver, SSB, CW, AM, FM, NFM, WFM, UNBLOCKED for Blocked version for consumer purchase Unblocked for Federal/Export Only Remote controller head for M802 Remote control USB encoder Remote Communicator software + CT-24 (digital voice converter unit Fan module for RFT repeaters (recommended for 100W units) 100W analog 136-174MHz repeater with a power supply (P25 100W analog 400-430MHz repeater with a power supply (P25 100W analog 440-490MHz repeater with a power supply (P25 100W P25/analog 485-520MHz repeater with a power supply Programming software for RFT 100W P25/analog repeaters 2-120W P25/analog 136-174MHz repeater with a power supply 100W P25/analog 400-430MHz repeater with a power supply 100W P25/analog 440-490MHz repeater with a power supply 100W P25/analog 485-520MHz repeater with a power supply RFT UHF P25/analog manual (included with repeater purchase) RFT VHF P25/analog manual (included with repeater purchase) P25 firmware upgrade for RFT analog P25 upgradeable repeaters F1721/1821 bracket & face plate for remote mounting. Separation F5061/6061 bracket & face plate for remote mounting. Separation Dual head and separation kit for F9511HT. Requires external speaker and Remote mount kit for the F8101. Separation cable sold separately. Add 3.1 RR firmware to your IDAS radio Remote control software for 92AD. Must use with OPC-1799 that comes Access point management software IP remote control software for amateur radios ID1 control software Remote system manager software for IDAS MultiTrunk Remote Cntrl Software Remote control software R8500 Gateway software Silicone jacket case Desktop microphone with monitor switch for mobile radios Compact desktop microphone with low cut function Desktop unidirectional microphone with up/down switches and low cut Earphone for speaker mics/handhelds 5W small mobile rectangular external speaker (4Ohm) External speaker with 4 audio filters; headphone jack (5W) External speaker (4x4") for marine fixed mount radios (7W) Acoustic tube earphone with a clip to attach to clothing 20W large external speaker Base station speaker (4Ohm) UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 219.63 30 $ 97.26 30 $ 56.48 30 $ 90.99 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 26.36 30 $ 43.93 30 $ 78.44 30 $ 372.50 30 $ 652.60 30 $ 17.57 30 $ 34.51 30 $ 5,117.96 30 $ 193.73 30 $ 177.19 30 $ 1,890.00 30 $ 12,600.00 30 $ 13,781.25 30 $ 276.73 30 $ 185.74 30 $ 1,142.05 30 $ 188.25 30 $ 6,246.76 30 $ 6,522.86 30 $ 6,522.86 30 $ 6,522.86 30 $ 205.88 30 $ 8,097.89 30 $ 8,348.89 30 $ 8,348.89 30 $ 8,348.89 30 $ 70.28 30 $ 70.28 30 $ 1,588.24 30 $ 90.99 30 $ 69.03 30 $ 539.65 30 $ 225.90 30 $ 0.01 30 $ 69.03 30 $ 941.25 30 $ 80.95 30 $ 27.61 30 $ 3,134.36 30 $ 62.75 30 $ 62.75 30 $ 310.28 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 56.48 30 $ 122.36 30 $ 251.00 30 $ 3.14 30 $ 36.40 30 $ 166.29 30 $ 35.77 30 $ 21.96 30 $ 69.03 30 $ 75.30 30 ICOM Product & Pricing Catalog 16APR (Icom Site) SUPPLIER PART NUMBER SP34 SP35 SPRING CLIP L SPRING CLIP S SS BC61 T70A HD 15 TEL TPRD 1554 TEL TPRD 1556 UCFR5000 01 URFR5000 63 URFR6000 63 URFR6000 67 UT106 UT108 UT109 02 UT109R 21 UT110 01 UT110 02 UT110R 21 UT112 UT120 01 UT120 02 UT121 UT124 01 UT124R 02 UT125 01 UT125 FIPS UT126H 03 UT128 UT133 UT-IA100 UX231 UX248 UX9100 V80 HD V80 SPORT 05 VEPG3 VS1L VS1MC VS1SC VS3 VS4LA SUPPLIER NAME Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. Icom America Inc. ITEM DESCRIPTION SP34 Basestation Speaker Dual Input SP35 External Speaker with 3.5 mm Spkr Jack and 2m Cable F3/F4 Long Spring Clip Insert Length 3.5 inches F3/F4 Short Spring Clip Insert Length 2.5 inches SS BC61 Mobile Charger for HH F3161/F4161 & F3261/F4261 T70A HD 15 2m/70cm Portable Li ION BP265 BC193 TEL TPRD 1554 600 Kc Min Sep Pass - Notch Duplexer 4 Cavity TEL TPRD 1556 400 Kc Min Sep Pass - Notch Duplexer 6 Cavity UCFR5000 01 FR5000 / FR6000 Trunking / Network Controller 136-174MHz IDAS RepeaterModule 50W 400-470MHz IDAS RepeaterModule 50W 450-512MHz IDAS RepeaterModule 50W UT106 Internal DSP Unit UT108 F3GS/T DTMF DECODER, ANI UNIT UT109 02 Scrambler-Non Rolling F320/S/F420/S/F30/LT/F40/LT Non rolling voice scrambler F3161 F5011 F5021 F5061 F3031 UT110 01 Scrambler - Rolling For F3/F3S/F3G/F4/F4S/F4G UT110 02 Scrambler - Rolling F320/S/F420/S/F30/LT/F40/LT Rolling scrambler; F3161 F5061 F5011 F5021 F3031 F3021 UT112 M504/604 Voice Scrambler M1V M502 UT120 01 P25 Hardware Upgrade Board - Handhelds UT120 02 P25 Hardware Upgrade Board - Mobiles UT121 DSTAR Module UT124 01 Man/Down Unit F14 F24 F3G F4G F33 F43 UT124R 02 Man/Down Unit F3021 F4021 F3061 F4061 UT125 01 AES/DES Encryption Board with OTAR Compliant UT125 FIPS AES Encryption UT126H 03 F3161 Digital Unit F4161 UT128 *Special Order Only* DES Board F9011/F9511 UT133 Bluetooth Board ID5100 Internal A120 UT-IA100 Audio Amp Board Factory Install Only Included AIS RX Board M506 UX-248 #01 EXP F8101 GPS Receiver UX9100 9100 1.2GHz band unit 2M HH, Li-ion w/RC BP265 & BC193 (v25) 2M HH AA battery back no charg BP263 VEPG3 ROIP Gateway VS1L F21/F3G VOX/PTT Unit Use with HS94/HS95/HS96 VS1MC PTT/VOX F9011 VS1SC F30G PTT Unit Use with HS94/HS95/HS96 VS3 Bluetooth Earpiece ID5100 Pendant Microphone PTT Switch Cable F1000 F2000 Use with HS94/HS95/HS97 EXTENDED DESCRIPTION Base station high quality speaker with internal audio filters 5W external speaker with 3.5mm speaker jack and 2m cable Long spring clip insert length 3.5 inches Short spring clip insert length 2.5 inches Mobile rapid charger with cigarette adapter for the F3161 & F3261 Analog Only - 5W, 2m/70cm (144-148/420-450MHz) FM handeld with VHF duplexer; 400 Kc minimum split VHF duplexer; 600 Kc minimum split Trunking/Network controller board (1 per repeater) 136-174MHz analog/digital repeater channel module 400-470MHz repeater module 450-512MHz repeater module DSP unit DTMF decoder and ANI board Non-rolling voice scrambler. Up to 32 codes available. Not compatible Non-rolling voice scrambler. Up to 32 codes available. Not compatible Rolling voice scrambler. Up to 1020 (255 codes x 4 groups) codes Rolling voice scrambler. Up to 1020 (255 codes x 4 groups) codes Rolling voice scrambler. Up to 1020 (255 codes x 4 groups) codes Digital voice scrambling unit - 32 Codes P25 upgrade board for F70/80 handhelds P25 Hardware Upgrade Board - Mobiles D-STAR digital board Man down unit Man down unit AES/DES encryption board with OTAR compliance for P25 Trunking radios AES/DES/FIPS encryption board with OTAR compliance for P25 Trunking 6.25kHz digital module for F3161/4161 or F5061/6061 radios DES encryption for P25 Trunking radios Bluetooth unit Audio amp board (factory install ONLY; install included in price – F5061D AIS receive board for M506 GPS unit 1200MHz band unit Radio with battery & charger (BP-265/BC193/BC-123SA) 5W, 2M (144-148 MHz) FM handheld with AA Alkaline case ROIP gateway VOX/PTT case with 2-pin right angle connector. Must use with VOX/PTT case with 14-pin connector. Must use with HS94/HS95/HS97. VOX/PTT case with 9-pin connector. Must use with HS94/HS95/HS97. Bluetooth pendant earpiece microphone w/PTT PTT switch cable to communicate using the HS94/95/97 UOM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA ENDUSER PRICE DELIVERY DAYS $ 291.79 30 $ 37.65 30 $ 3.14 30 $ 3.14 30 $ 134.91 30 $ 233.44 30 $ 1,490.31 30 $ 2,415.88 30 $ 313.75 30 $ 756.14 30 $ 756.14 30 $ 756.14 30 $ 122.36 30 $ 24.47 30 $ 65.89 30 $ 65.89 30 $ 108.56 30 $ 108.56 30 $ 108.56 30 $ 100.40 30 $ 339.48 30 $ 339.48 30 $ 143.70 30 $ 56.48 30 $ 56.48 30 $ 436.11 30 $ 495.10 30 $ 156.88 30 $ 263.55 30 $ 62.12 30 $ 62.75 30 $ 125.50 30 $ 203.94 30 $ 646.84 30 $ 144.90 30 $ 97.65 30 $ 1,192.25 30 $ 27.61 30 $ 52.71 30 $ 42.67 30 $ 93.50 30 $ 72.16 30
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