T A B L E O F REGIONAL UNITED STATES MAP 2 CANADIAN MAP ......................................... 3 GENERAL OFFICERS .............................. 4 GENERAL PRESIDENT’S STAFF ...... 5 JOB CORPS..................................................... 8 APPRENTICESHIP............................... 9 DISTRICT COUNCILS CALIFORNIA DC 16 ....................................................11 DC 36 ....................................................14 CANADA DC 17 ....................................................17 DC 38 ....................................................19 DC 39 ....................................................21 DC 46 ....................................................23 DC 97 ....................................................26 C O N T E N T S MISSOURI DC 03 .................................................... 59 NEVADA DC 15 .................................................... 61 NEW JERSEY DC 711 .................................................. 63 NEW YORK DC 04 .................................................... 65 DC 09 .................................................... 67 OHIO DC 06 .................................................... 70 PENNSYLVANIA DC 21 .................................................... 74 DC 57 .................................................... 76 TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA DC 88 .................................................... 78 CONNECTICUT DC 11 ....................................................27 WASHINGTON DC 05 .................................................... 81 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC 51 ....................................................29 WEST VIRGINIA DC 53 .................................................... 84 FLORIDA DC 78 ....................................................31 WISCONSIN DC 07 .................................................... 86 GEORGIA DC 77 ....................................................33 NON-AFFILIATED LOCAL UNIONS .......................................... 88 HAWAII DC 50 .....................................................36 CONFERENCES ........................................... 89 ILLINOIS DC 14 .....................................................37 DC 30 .....................................................40 DC 58 .....................................................43 INDIANA DC 91 .....................................................45 IOWA DC 81 .....................................................48 LOUISIANA DC 80 .....................................................50 MASSACHUSETTS DC 35 ......................................................52 MICHIGAN DC 1M ...............................................................55 MINNESOTA DC 82 .....................................................57 NUMERICAL/CLASSIFIED LIST .......... 90 Pension ............................... 800-554-2479 Toll Free ............................. 800-437-7347 2 Updated: March 16, 2016 3 Updated: March 16, 2016 GVP Robert Kucheran Canada Regional Map GENERAL OFFICERS George Galis General Secretary-Treasurer 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5921 FAX: 866-656-4125 Kenneth E. Rigmaiden General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5912 FAX: 866-656-4124 GENERAL VICE PRESIDENTS Robert Kucheran General Vice President Canadian Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5910 FAX: 866-656-4124 Mark Van Zevern General Vice President Western Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5910 FAX: 866-656-4124 James A. Williams, Jr. General Vice President at Large/Organizing 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5910 CELL: 202-262-2654 FAX: 866-656-4124 Harry Zell General Vice President Central Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5910 FAX: 866-656-4124 William D. Candelori, Jr. General Vice President Eastern Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5915 FAX: 866-656-4124 4 Updated: March 16, 2016 GENERAL PRESIDENT’S STAFF John (Jack) White Assistant to the General President Canadian Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5910 CELL: 604-290-3014 FAX: 604-542-1009 William Courtien Executive Assistant to the General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5891 CELL: 202-256-0554 FAX: 866-656-4132 Jack Hayn Assistant to the General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5908 CELL: 202-297-1852 FAX: 866-656-4124 John Adams Assistant to the General President Eastern Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 410-206-5043 Daniel Williams Assistant to the General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 410-570-1925 Gavin McDonald Communications Director 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5885 CELL: 202-351-8547 FAX: 866-656-4124 Charles Meadows General Presidents Representative 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Timothy Stricker Executive Assistant to the General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 202-262-3950 FAX: 866-656-4124 Charles Rigmaiden Assistant to the General President Communications 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Phone: 410-564-5889 Cell: 202-279-1787 E-Mail: cr igmaiden@iupat.or g Chad Smith Assistant to the General President Government Affairs/Western Region 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5880 CELL: 443-924-8616 FAX: 866-656-4124 5 Updated: March 16, 2016 GENERAL PRESIDENT’S STAFF Daniel Penski, Sr. Special Assistant to the General President 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5914 CELL: 202-436-0822 Chris Sloan Government Affairs Director 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 202-340-2564 Mike Gutierrez General Presidents Representative 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 410-227-3524 John F. Courtien General Presidents Representative 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 202-340-6739 6 Updated: March 16, 2016 GENERAL SECRETARY-TREASURER’S STAFF Rashida Rigmaiden Assistant to the General Secretary-Treasurer 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5923 FAX: 800-656-4125 Charles D. Harris Executive Assistant to the General Secretary-Treasurer 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5922 FAX: 866-656-4125 Ron Kniess Assistant to the General Secretary-Treasurer 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5931 FAX: 866-656-4125 ASSOCIATED FUNDS Anton Ruesing Director IUPAT Finishing Trades Institute 1718 Connecticut Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769 PHONE: 410-206-8115 E-MAIL: auesing@iupat.or g Corinne Koch Fund Administrator IUPAT Industry Pension Fund 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5914 FAX: 866-656-4160 7 Updated: March 16, 2016 JOB CORPS PROGRAM WASHINGTON OFFICE PHONE: 410-564-5871 TOLL FREE: 888-586-3883 FAX: 866-656-4165 Todd Langlois Technical Assistance Coordinator 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5872 CELL: 410-562-2501 Andrew Larson National Project Coordinator 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5871 CELL: 202-412-6756 IUPAT JOB CORPS PROGRAM FIELD COORDINATORS H.G. “Newt “ Sayers, Jr. 7827 Ashton Street Alexandria, VA 22309 PHONE: 703-619-0342 CELL: 202-285-9934 FAX: 703-619-0341 Territory: CT, DE, DC, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, SC, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV Roland Haas 3392 Long Drive Minden, NV 89423 PHONE: 775-267-2944 CELL: 202-258-8543 FAX: 775-267-2944 Territory: AK, AZ, CA, NV, OR Jose Lopez 2151 West 50th Place Chicago, IL 60609 PHONE: 773-776-2588 CELL: 202-279-0809 FAX: 773-778-0552 Territory: IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, OH, WI Tim Sorrell 8412 N. 1000 West Carthage, IN 46115 PHONE: CELL: FAX: Territory: AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, TN James Purdy 92170 Cub Drive Astoria, OR 97103 PHONE: 503-458-5742 CELL: 202-256-0038 FAX: 503-458-0155 Territory: ND, SD, ID, MT, NE, WA Andrew L. Westley P.O. Box 682481 Park City, UT 84068-2481 PHONE: 435-333-7023 CELL: 202-258-8719 FAX: 435-333-7024 Territory: CO, KS, MO, NM, OK, TX, UT 8 Updated: March 16, 2016 FINISHING TRADES INSTITUTE TRAINING PROGRAM PHONE: 410-564-5850 TOLL FREE: 888-586-3883 FAX: 866-656-4164 Anton Ruesing Director IUPAT Finishing Trades Institute 1718 Connecticut Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769 Phone: 410-206-8115 E-Mail: auesing@iupat.org Thomas E. Pfundstein Director of Curriculum and Instruction 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Phone: 410-564-5853 Cell: 202-286-9229 E-Mail: tpfundstein@iupat.org FINISHING TRADES INSTITUTE TRAINING REPRESENTATIVES EASTERN REGION Robert Porto 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Cell: 202-834-9703 E-mail: rporto@iupat.org WESTERN REGION Kelly A. Humann 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Cell: 202-412-7391 E-mail: khumann@iupat.or g CENTRAL REGION Kenneth G. Seal 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Cell: 253-222-0041 E-mail: ken@iupat.org CANADIAN REGION Brian Gingras 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 Cell: 519-410-8250 E-mail: bgingr as@iupat.or g 9 Updated: March 16, 2016 LABOR MANAGEMENT COOPERATION INITIATIVE PHONE: 410-564-5860 TOLL FREE: 888-934-6474 Dave Stvartak Industry Liaison Central US & Central Canada 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 202-340-5295 FAX: 866-656-4163 E-Mail: dstvar tak@lmcionline.or g Gregory M. Renne Administrator 7230 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 PHONE: 410-564-5850 CELL: 202-262-2475 E-Mail: gr enne@lmcionline.or g Rick Matthews Industry Liaison Eastern US & Eastern Canada 7234 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076 CELL: 410-533-6025 FAX: 866-656-4163 E-Mail: r matthews@lmcionline.or g 10 Updated: March 16, 2016 FAX: 866-656-4163 DISTRICT COUNCIL 16 CALIFORNIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 16: Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Churchill, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Douglas, El Dorado, Elko, Eureka, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lander, Lassen, Lyon, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Mineral, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Pershing, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Storey, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Washoe, White Pine, Yolo and Yuba Counties. PHONE: 925-245-1080 925-245-1085 FAX: 2705 Constitution Drive Livermore, CA 94551 cjcsr@dc16iupat.org 925-245-1084 925-245-1089 Leg./Communications Director: Mike West Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 2020 Williams Street San Leandro, CA BM/ST– Christopher Christophersen REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS JahazielBonilla JuanCalderon SteveL.Caster BrettR.Davis CurtisDay VinceEcheverriaJr MatthewH.Egan JamesHewett JohnHughes MadisonHull RussellJ.James ToddM.Koch Robert Ringor CecilLongoria JonSoderman TroyNotrangelo TonyTofani DennisOrozco SamTrujillo JohnPapa JohnA.Tweedt JeffreyRoberts MichaelL.West LanceRyken RobertA.Williams JoseSantana Tim Deal CarlosMartinez Jose Espinosa RichardM.Morales Michael M. Greenlee RandyRojas Christopher Fallon AlexBeltran Fernando Gonzalez JamesBoster Harry Mowrey ValChestohin Benjamin Petersen LaniWilkins Erik Schorken JohnSherak DISTRICT COUNCIL 16 APPRENTICESHIP / TRAINING Painters District Council 16 Director of Training: Alex Beltr an 2705 Constitution Drive Livermore, CA 94551 PHONE: 925-245-1080 FAX: 925-245-1089 Full Time Instructors: Erik Schorken Chris Fallon Prince Lewis Robert Ringor Val Chestohin Fernando Gonzalez Shakir Villalobos 11 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 16 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 3 Oakland, CA …Mixed PHONE: 510-454-8142 FAX: 510-352-1758 2020 Williams Street, Suite A1 San Leandro, CA 94577 F.S.-Christine Garrett R.S. –Robin Rufino Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 2020 Williams Street 294 Fresno, CA … Mixed PHONE: 559-255-2113 FAX: 559-255-3806 4650 E. Weathermaker Ave Fresno, CA 93703 F.S.- Pete Garcia R.S- Ray Valdez Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 4650 E. Weathermaker Ave 12 San Jose, CA … Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Workers PHONE: 408-824-1280 FAX: 408-955-0150 2149 Oakland Road San Jose, CA 95131 F.S.-Anthony Nuanes R.S.-Scott Askins Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Labor’s Hall #309 300 7th Avenue San Mateo, CA 376 Vallejo, CA … Mixed PHONE: 707-644-2249 FAX: 707-644-0801 404 Nebraska Street Vallejo, CA 94590 F.S.-James Rose R.S.– Keith Hunter Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6:00 pm. 404 Nebraska Street 487 Sacramento, CA… Mixed PHONE: 916-393-2742 FAX: 916-393-0244 7111 Governors Circle Sacramento, CA 95823 F.S.-Tom Herlache R.S.-Gary Whittaker Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. 7111 Governors Circle 83 Petaluma, CA … Mixed PHONE: 707-765-6870 FAX: 707-765-6128 1130 Industrial Avenue, Suite 7 Petaluma, CA 94952 F.S.-Bruce C. Bonnett R.S.-Kerstin McConihe Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 1130 Industrial Avenue #7 507 San Jose, CA… Mixed PHONE: 408-824-1280 FAX: 408-955-0150 2149 Oakland Road San Jose, CA 95131 F.S.- Ken Gee R.S.– Jorge Jacquez Meets- 4th Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. 2149 Oakland Road 169 Oakland, CA …Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 510-454-8150 FAX: 510-352-1758 2020 Williams Street, Suite A1 San Leandro, CA 94577 F.S. - Mario Ochoa R.S.-William Wright Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 2020 Williams Street, Suite A1 567 Reno, NV ... Mixed PHONE: 775-356-8567 FAX: 775-356-8522 1819 Hymer Avenue Sparks, NV 89431 F.S.-William Baxter R.S.-Russell James Meets 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. No. Nevada Labor Temple, 1819 Hymer Avenue 272 Watsonville, CA …Mixed PHONE: 831-768-6915 FAX: 831-768-6917 406 Main Street #420 Watsonville, CA 95076 F.S.- John Papa R.S.– John Papa Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 406 Main Street, #420 12 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 16 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1237 Sacramento, CA...Mixed PHONE: 916-393-2742 FAX: 916-393-0244 7111 Governors Circle Sacramento, CA 95823 F.S.-John Harris R.S.-Scott Monopoli Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 7111 Governors Circle 718 San Francisco, CA… Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 415-625-0225 FAX: 415-553-5955 1939 Market Street, Suite B San Francisco, CA 94103 F.S. -Steve Motroni R.S.-Bart Pantoja Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 1939 Market Street, Suite B 1621 San Jose, CA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 408-824-1280 FAX: 408-955-0150 2149 Oakland Road San Jose, CA 95131 F.S.-Joshua Huckaby R.S.-Bradley Cabral Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. 2149 Oakland Road 741 Martinez, CA … Mixed PHONE: 925-228-7020 FAX: 925-228-3653 742-C Arnold Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 F.S.-Gilbert Dwight R.S.-Christopher Fallon Meets-2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 742-C Arnold Dr. 767 Sacramento, CA … Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 916-393-2742 FAX: 916-393-0244 7111 Governors Circle Sacramento, CA 95823 F.S.-Chris Duran R.S.-Dennis Orozco Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 7111 Governors Circle 913 Redwood City, CA...Mixed PHONE: 415-625-0225 FAX: 415-553-5955 1939 Market Street, Suite B San Francisco, CA 94103 F.S.-Carlos Martinez R.S.-Tom Linebarger Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 300 7th Ave., San Mateo, CA 1176 Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, CA...Auto, Marine and Specialty Painters PHONE: 510-454-8150 FAX: 510-352-1758 2020 Williams Street, Suite A1 San Leandro, CA 94577 F.S.-Michael Alvarez R.S.-Larry Iorio Meets 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 2020 Williams Street, Suite A1 13 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 36 CALIFORNIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 36 Monterey Park, CA PHONE: FAX: TOLL FREE: BM/ST—Grant G. Mitchell 1155 Corporate Center Drive, Monterey Park, CA 91754 grant.mitchell@dc36.org. 626-584-9925 626-584-1949 800-841-4366 Meets 4th Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Every Other Month 8530 Stanton Avenue, Buena Park REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Samuel Alvarez Jr Emad Aziz Mark Bartlett Kevin Bass Steve Becerra Juston T. Bennett David M. Burtle Belisario Campana Harry T. Cook Scott A. Cureton Joshua I. Ende Miguel Gastelum Christopher C. Graeber Ana M. Hanson David R. Henderson James M. Irwin Leland Matt Kriz Ed Loftis Adam Lopez Alexander L. Lopez Frank R. Murphy Vince G. Ramos Rene C. Real Carlos R. Torres Douglas R. Robbins Luis F. Robles Joseph B. Toback Matthew J. Weir Mario Santoyo Vince Ramos Owen Murphy Steve Bigelow Peter Forni Osha Mishan Janet Pineda Robert Smith Rafael Rivera Ernesto Toscano APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Instructor: Ken McLean - Floor Painters and Allied Trades District Council 36 Director Of Training: David Bur tle 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 PHONE: 626-584-9925 FAX: 626-584-1949 Training Coordinators: Donald Golchuk - Safety David G. Lopez - Commercial Tom G. Nesbitt - Drywall David H. Romero - Floor Luis Soberanes - Floor and Glazing Frederick O. Wright Donald W. McClain - Industrial Brian Corcoran - Glazing Education Director: Jesus Fernandez - Paint and Drywall 14 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 36 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 52 Bakersfield, CA ... Painters PHONE: 661-325-1825 FAX: 661-325-1891 26 Bernard Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93305 F.S.-Edward Loftis R.S.– Michael E. Weir Meeting: Contact Local Contact Local for location 1136 Altadena, CA…..Drywall Finishers PHONE: 626-296-8003 FAX: 626-296-8004 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 F.S. - Wiley Zagajeski R.S. - Janet Pineda 1155 Corporate Center Drive 510 San Francisco, CA ... Sign, Display and Allied Craft PHONE: 415-468-7280 FAX: 415-468-4004 250 Executive Park Blvd., Suite 4850 San Francisco, CA 94134 F.S.-Ann Worth R.S.-Matt G. Borden Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 150 Executive Park Blvd, 1st Floor 1247 Los Angeles, CA ... Resilient Floor and Decorative Covering PHONE: 562-695-7402 FAX: 562-699-6337 8051 Pioneer Boulevard Whittier, CA 90606 F.S.- Vince Ramos R.S.-David Burtle Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. 8051 Pioneer Boulevard 636 Los Angeles, CA ...Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 626-448-1565 FAX: 626-797-8395 District Council 36 Office F.S.- Mike Galstaun R.S.-Rene Real Meets 4th Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Local Union 1247 office 1399 San Diego County, CA ... Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 858-278-1615 FAX: 858-278-1714 8250 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111-2015 F.S.- Juston Bennett R.S.– Zach Peralto Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 8250 Ronson Road, San Diego 775 Riverside, CA ... Mixed PHONE: 951-786-0612 FAX: 951-786-0713 1074 E. La Cadena Drive STE 4 Riverside, CA 92507 F.S.-Alexander Lopez R.S.-John Chambers, Jr. Meets 4th Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 1074 E. La Cadena Drive STE 4 1991 Monterey Park, CA ... Civil Service Employees PHONE: 626-304-7900 FAX: 626-798-0458 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 F.S.-David A. Gonzales R.S.-Ana Hanson Meets 3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m. 1155 Corporate Center Drive 831 Los Angeles, CA ... Trade Show and Sign Craft PHONE: 626-296-8086 FAX: 626-584-1949 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 F.S.- David Parry R.S.– Steve Saybrook Meets 3rd Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 36 Meeting Place 1036 Monterey Park, CA...Painters PHONE: 626-296-8074 FAX: 626-296-8076 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 F.S.-Larry Hines R.S.-Scott DeNamur Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 P.M. 1155 Corporate Center Drive 15 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 36 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 2345 Altadena, CA…..California Professional Employees PHONE: 626-304-7900 FAX: 626-798-0458 1155 Corporate Center Drive Monterey Park, CA 91754 F.S.-Claudia Butler R.S.-Denise Hamilton Meets 3rd Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. 219 W Manchester Ave #5 Inglewood, CA 16 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 17 CANADA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 17 Province of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the District of Mackenzie, NWT and Nunavit, CN BM/ST — John Sedor 168 Higgins Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0B8 jsedor@dc17.ca PHONE: 204-942-2497 FAX: 204-942-6872 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS John Sedor APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters and Allied Trades District Council 17 Director of Training: Chr istopher W. Hooter 168 Higgins Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0B8 E-Mail: jsedor @dc17.ca PHONE: 204-943-2497 FAX: 204-942-6872 17 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 17 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 177 Edmonton, Alberta CN...Mixed PHONE: 780-484-8645 FAX: 780-486-7309 District Council 17 Office F.S.-Lee Smith R.S.-Garth Rattray Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 17804 118 Avenue NW. 739 Winnipeg, Manitoba, CN...Mixed PHONE: 204-943-2497 FAX: 204-942-6872 District Council 17 Office F.S. - John Sedor R.S.1960 Regina, Saskatchewan, CN…Vehicle Workers Special PHONE: 306-721-0006 FAX: 306-721-4933 District Council 17 Office F.S.-Aaron G. Ullman R.S.-Dale J. Gaab 18 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 38 CANADA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 38 Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territories, CN BM/ST — David Holmes 7621 Kingsway Burnaby, BC, CN V3N 3C7 dholmes@dc38.ca dbremner@dc38.ca PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 Meets 2nd Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. 7621 Kingsway, Burnaby REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Maureen C. Allen Kelvin Campbell Bryon T. Hill Dan Jajic Marvin E. Magnison Jr Dennis W. Olsen APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters District Council 38 JTSTF Director Of Training: Patr ick B. Byr ne 7621 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V3N 3C7 PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 Instructors: Chico Albino Mark R. Ten Broek Steward A. Baird Mark G. Longmore 19 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 38 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1527 Vancouver, British Columbia, CN...Glaziers, Architectural Metal Mechanics, Glass Workers, Floor Coverers and Allied Workers PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 District Council 38 Office F.S.-Patrick Byrne R.S.-Mike Mavius Meets 3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m. 12277 Industrial Road, Surrey 138 Vancouver, British Columbia, CN...Mixed PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 District Council 38 Office F.S.-Patrick Byrne R.S.-David Hofmann Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 12277 Industrial Road, Surrey. 163 Burnaby, British Columbia, CN...Lathers and Allied Trades PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 District Council 38 Office F.S. - Patrick Byrne R.S.Meets 2nd Thursday, 5:30 PM 12277 Industrial Road, Surrey. 2009 Vancouver, British Columbia, CN...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 District Council 38 Office F.S.-Patrick Byrne R.S.-Dave Hansen Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 7621 Kingsway, Burnaby 1163 Victoria, British Columbia, CN… Mixed PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 District Council 38 Office F.S.-Patrick Byrne R.S.-Kelvin Campbell 20 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 39 CANADA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 39 Nova Scotia, CN BM/ST – Jonathan Gaul 24 Lakeside Park Drive, Suite 201 Lakeside , NS, CN B3T1L1 jgaul@dc39.ca PHONE: 902-450-5068 FAX: 902-450-1065 TOLL FREE: 888-794-3444 Meets Quarterly 95 Simmonds Drive—DC Office REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Wilfred Jarvis Brian Perry Keith W. Fougere Claude Robichaud Dana A. Brooks APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters District Council 39 JATF Director of Training: Walter MacDonald 24 Lakeside Park Drive, Suite 201 Lakeside, NS, CN B3T 1L1 wmacdonald@dc39.ca PHONE: 902-450-5068 FAX: 902-450-1065 TOLL FREE 888-794-3444 21 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 39 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1151 Saint John, NB, CN… Mixed PHONE: 506-635-8209 FAX: 506-635-1130 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S. - Don Fraser Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm 721 Chapel Street West Saint John, NB, CN 1945 Halifax, NS, CN… Mixed PHONE: 902-450-5068 FAX: 902-450-1065 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S. Meets Last Tuesday, 7:30 pm Cambridge Suites Hotel, Esplanade Sydney, NS 1439 Halifax and Dartmouth, NS, CN… Mixed PHONE: 902-450-5068 FAX: 902-450-1065 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S. - Kyle MacDonald Meets Last Tuesday, 7:30 pm Coastal Inn Concorde 379 Windmill Road Dartmouth, NS, CN 1949 Halifax, NS, CN… Civil PHONE: 902-450-5068 FAX: 902-450-1065 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S.– David Gibson Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 pm Fleet Club, Barrington Street Halifax, NS, CN 1984 Saint John’s, NF, CN… Mixed PHONE: 709-579-5908 FAX: 709-722-7738 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S. - Chris Donovan Meets Quarterly Hotel Mt. Pearl 7 Park Ave., Mt. Pearl, NL 1936 Saint John, NB, CN… Mixed PHONE: 506-635-8209 FAX: 506-635-1130 District Council 39 Office F.S. - c/o District Council 39 R.S. Meets 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 pm 721 Chapel Street West, Saint John, NB, CN 22 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 46 CANADA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 46 Toronto, Ontario, CN PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 BM/ST – Joseph A. Russo 132 Toro Road Toronto, ON, CN M3J2A9 jrusso@dc46.iupat.org Meets 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. 130 Toro Road, Toronto REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Donald A. Benoit Kenneth G. Burley Nelson Cidade Michael Colafranceschi Armindo Correia Sandro Fragale Tomas L. Gibbs Oktat Inan Juan J. Lopez Donald H. Lush Bruno Mandic George S.McMenemy Jim W. McNee James Micks Joe H. O’Shea Peter Pantelis Plouskas Raymond Preston Aldo Qualizza Franco Santeramo Greg Smith Bernie L. Summers APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters District Council 46 FTTCF - OIFSC – Paint & Glass Director of Training: Rober t Br onk Ontario Industrial and Finishing Skills Centre 130 Unit C Toro Road Toronto, ONT, CN M3J 3M9 rbronk@oifsc.com PHONE: 416-635-7300 FAX: 416-635-9100 Painters District Council 46 JATF - IFTSC Drywall Finisher, HAZMAT, EIFS Director of Training: Hugh Lair d Interior Finishing Systems Training Centre 60 Sharer Road Woodbridge, ONT, CN L4L 8P4 hlaird@isca.ca PHONE: 416-740-5411 FAX: 416-265-2041 Training Coordinator: Mary Kontopidis Training Coordinator: Candi Colandrea Instructors: Steve Laird Stuart McGovarin Marc-Andre Leclair Robert Dunn Instructors: Ken Kuberski Vince Panetta 23 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 46 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1590 Sarnia, Ontario, CN ... Mixed PHONE: 519-337-3791 TOLL: 800-387-0944 FAX: 519-337-0080 1151 Confederation Street Sarnia, ON, CN N7S3Y5 F S.-Dan George Thompson R.S.-Dan Brooks B.M.-Kevin Elliott Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Local 663 Pipefifters Hall 1151 Confederation Street 114 Kingston, Ontario, CN ... Mixed PHONE: 613-722-6293 FAX: 613-722-3204 880 Lady Ellen Place, Suite 104 Ottawa, Ontario, CN K1Z 5L9 F.S.-Robert East R.S.-Doug Eavens Meets Last Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 724 Bath Road, Unit 6 200 Ottawa, Ontario, CN ... Mixed PHONE: 613-722-6293 FAX: 613-722-3204 880 Lady Ellen Place, Suite G1 Ottawa, ON, CN K1Z5L9 F.S.-Edgar Pacheco R.S.-Daniel P. Dufour Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 523 St. Anthony Street 1630 Toronto, Ontario, CN...Sign and Pictorial Painters PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 District Council 46 Office F.S.– Bill Nichols Meets 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. District Council 46 Office 205 Hamilton, Ontario, CN...Mixed PHONE: 905-304-0001 FAX: 905-304-3389 1430 Osprey Drive Ancaster, ON, CN L9G 4V5 F.S.– Ken Stewart R.S.– Mark McCleary Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1430 Osprey Drive, Ancaster 1671 Thunder Bay, Ontario, CN…Painters PHONE: 807-345-2681 FAX: 807-344-2658 777 Red River Rd, Lower Level Thunder Bay, ON, CN P7B 1J9 F.S.—Colin Sangster R.S.– Michael Watson Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Red River Rd, Lower Level 557 Toronto, Ontario, CN… Mixed PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 District Council 46 Office F.S.– Wayne Grindrod R.S.– Nelson Garbett Meets 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. 15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills, ON 1795 Hamilton, Ontario, CN, Glaziers, Metal Mechanics and Glass Workers PHONE: 905-304-0001 FAX: 905-304-3389 1430 Osprey Drive Ancaster, ON, CN L9G 4V5 F.S.—Gary Gautreau R.S.– David Leahey Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 1430 Osprey Drive, Ancaster 1487 Toronto, Ontario, CN...Glass Workers PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 District Council 46 Office F.S.– Bill Nichols Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 46 Office 1819 Toronto, Ontario, CN...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 District Council 46 Office F.S.– Jules Bergeret R.S.– Donald Lush Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 46 Office Special Called Meetings 15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills 1494 Windsor, Ontario, CN ... Mixed PHONE: 519-256-8050 TOLL: 866-836-5556 PHONE: 519-256-8050 FAX: 519-256-3417 631 Pitt Street West Windsor, ON, CN N9A 5M5 F.S.-Randy Coomber R.S.-Patrick McLaughlin B.M.-Kevin Elliott Meets 1st Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 2418 Central Avenue, Windsor 24 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 46 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1824 Kitchener, Waterloo & Area, CN… Mixed PHONE: 519-744-4714 FAX: 519-744-4019 124 Sydney Street South Unit 104 Kitchener, Ontario N2G 3V2 F.S.– Steve Talpai R.S.– Charles Rogers Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 124 Sydney Street S., Kitchner 1891 Toronto, Ontario, CN...Province of Ontario Drywall Finishers and Residential Painters PHONE: 416-630-9604 FAX: 416-630-3400 District Council 46 Office F.S.—Tony Sousa R.S.- John McNee Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 7601 Jane Street, Concord 1904 Sudbury, Ontario, CN...Mixed PHONE: 705-688-1904 FAX: 705-736-1105 3514 Highway 638 RR #2 Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 F.S.– James Micks R.S.– Darwin Esser 4th Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. Bricklayers Hall - 316 Korah Road Sault Ste. Marie 4th Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Onyx Building, South Porcupine, Timmins 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. 96 Larch Street, 3rd Floor, Sudbury 25 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 97 CANADA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 97 Province of Quebec, CN PHONE: 819-776-6924 FAX: 819-776-9930 BM/ST— Jean Marc Desjardins 53, Rue Bellehumeur Suite 205 Gatineau, QC, Quebec J8T 6K5 REPRESENTATIVES/ ORGANIZERS Jean Maarc Desjardins Jean-Marc Mariez Director of Training: J ean Mar c Desjar dins District Council 97 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1929 Montreal and Vicinity, Quebec, CN...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 888-361-6618 FAX: 819-776-9930 50C Boulevard St Raymond Gatineau, QC J8Y 1R7 F.S. -c/o District Council 97 R.S.Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 97 Meeting Place 135 Quebec, CN...Mixed PHONE: 514-353-1135 FAX: 514-353-8989 District Council 97 Office F.S.– c/o District Council 97 R.S.– Yvon Prince Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 97 Meeting Place 349 Montreal, Quebec, CN...Mixed PHONE: 514-353-1135 FAX: 514-353-8989 50C Boulevard St Raymond Gatineau, QC J8Y 1R7 F.S.– c/o District Council 97 R.S.– Michele Aprile Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 97 Meeting Place 349A Montreal, Quebec, CN...Industrial Work PHONE: 888-361-6628 FAX: 819-776-9930 50C Boulevard St. Raymond Gatineau, QC J8Y 1R7 F.S.– c/o District Council 97 R.S.Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 97 Meeting Place 1135 Montreal, Quebec, CN...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 888-361-6618 FAX: 819-776-9930 50C Boulevard St Raymond Gatineau, QC J8Y 1R7 F.S.-c/o District Council 97 R.S.-Michel Dorion Meets Montreal, 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 97 Meeting Place Quebec-2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Auberge Wandlyn, 2955, Laurier bvd. Ste-Foy 26 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 11 CONNECTICUT Painters and Allied Trades District Council 11 Hartford, CT PHONE: 860-613-0200 FAX: 860-613-0208 BM/ST– Dominick Cieri 79 Bradley Street Middletown, CT 06457 dcieri@iupatdc11.com Meets 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. 79 Bradley Street REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Peter Foote Wilfredo Vega, Jr. Mark A.Verity Mark J. Komaromi Norbert Oliveira Joseph F. Fazzino John P. Lachapelle Dominick Cieri James L. Bentley William D. Daigle Justin Kelley Michael S. Komaromi The Finishing Trades Institute of Southern New England Coordinators: James Bentley Wayne Daigle Director of Training: Mike S. Komar omi 79 Bradley Street Middletown, CT 064757 PHONE: 860-613-0200 FAX: 860-613-0208 27 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 11 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1274 Bridgeport, CT…Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 860-828-9222 FAX: 860-828-9320 District Council 11 Office F.S.– Patrick J. Coughlin R.S.– Joseph Verrilli Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 11 Office 186 New Haven, CT...Mixed PHONE: 860-613-0208 FAX: 860-613-0208 79 Bradley Street Middletown, CT 06457 F.S.– Joelene Fraser R.S.– Allan Craig Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Greater New Haven Central Labor Council 1333 Providence, RI...Glaziers PHONE: 401-781-4736 FAX: 401-781-5342 1808 Elmwood Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 F.S.– Michael Murphy R.S.– Peter Voccio Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Cranston Portuguese Club 2nd Avenue, Cranston, RI 195 Providence, RI...Mixed PHONE: 401-467-7010 FAX: 401-467-7075 1808 Elmwood Avenue Warwick, RI 02888 F.S.– Justin Kelley R.S.– Michael Shea Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Cranston Portuguese Club Second Ave., Cranston, RI 1719 Stamford, CT...Mixed PHONE: 860-613-0200 FAX: 860-613-0208 79 Bradley Street Middletown, CT 06457 F.S.– Eric Nielsen R.S.– Craig Chormanski Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Germania Schwaben Hall 481 Hartford, CT...Mixed PHONE: 860-613-0200 FAX: 860-613-0208 District Council 11 Office F.S.– c/o District Council 11 R.S.– Mark Davidson Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 11 Office 1122 New London, CT...Mixed PHONE: 860-442-8281 FAX: 860-444-0466 597 Broad Street New London, CT 06320 F.S.– Dave Fadden R.S.– Raymond Peabody Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. 597 Broad Street 28 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 51 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 51 Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia BM/ST— Lynn O. Taylor 4700 Boston Way Lanham MD 20706 ltaylorii@verizon.net www.iupatdc51.com PHONE: 301-918-0182 FAX: 301-918-3177 Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 4700 Boston Way Lanham, MD 20706 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Charles S. Parker Derwin Scalph Sergio E. Perez Sandro Baiza Andrew A. Ager Brian W. Courtien Jose M. Rauda James R. Reamy Jr. Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, District of Columbia & Vicinity Coordinator: Andrew A. Ager Director of Training: Br ian W. Cour tien 4700 Boston Way Lanham, MD 20706 PHONE: 301-918-0182 FAX: 301-918-3177 29 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 51 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1846 Virginia Beach, VA...Glaziers PHONE: 757-640-1100 1130 Tabb Street, Unite F Norfolk, VA 23504 F.S.– Duane Kortge R.S.– Robert M. Matthews 1 Baltimore, MD...Mixed PHONE: 410-522-9624 FAX: 410-522-9625 518 S. Broadway Baltimore, MD 21231 F.S.– Victoria Valentine R.S. - Kevin Sciabarrasi Meets 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. 518 S. Broadway 1937 Washington, DC and Vicinty… Speculative and Maintenance Painters PHONE: 301-918-0182 FAX: 301-420-1309 District Council 51 Office F.S.– R.S.– Erika Curry Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 51 Office 368 Washington, DC...Mixed PHONE: 301-918-0182 FAX: 301-918-3177 District Council 51 Office F.S.– Sergio Perez R.S.– Diane Rizak Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 51 Office 1997 Washington, DC...Civil Service PHONE: 202-245-4719 FAX: 202-296-2158 900 Ohio Drive, S.W., Central Washington, DC 20242 F.S.– Shuanda Yates R.S.– Julia Young Meets 3rd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. National Capital Region Conference Room 234 1100 Ohio Drive, SW 474 Portsmouth, VA…Civil Service Painters PHONE: 757-487-9500 P.O. Box 2382 Portsmouth, VA 23704 F.S.– Bernardino A. Napoleon R.S.– Cheryl Artis Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Hough Labor Building 78 Afton Parkway 890 Alexandria, VA...Mixed PHONE: 301-420-0205 FAX: 301-420-1309 16230 Catenary Dr Woodbridge, VA 22191 F.S.– Gilberto Castro R.S.– John St John Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 51 Office 963 Washington, DC...Glaziers PHONE: 301-918-0182 FAX: 301-420-1309 4700 Boston Way Lanham, MD 20706 F.S.– Victor Quintanilla R.S.– James Reamy Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 51 Office 1100 Norfolk, VA...Mixed PHONE: 757-640-1100 FAX: 757-640-7702 1130 Tabb Street, Unit F Norfolk, VA 23504 F.S. Pro tem-Charles Anders R.S.-James E. Kline Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1130 Tabb Street, Unit F 30 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 78 FLORIDA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 78 Cocoa, FL PHONE: FAX: 407-852-3977 407-856-8135 BM/ST—Walter Ilczyszyn 2153 West Oak Ridge Road Orlando, FL 32809 Wallyi@dc78.org Meets 2nd Saturday, 10:00 a.m. 2153 West Oak Ridge Road REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Debra A. Greco Steven Hall Carol S. Kilpatrick Alan Litchtman Walter J. Ilczszyn Allen R. Scep Terrance T. Thompson Albert N. Trombetta Natanael A. Aburto Gerry L. Showers Terrance T. Thompson Mary Helen Veikoff Jack P. Plettinck David J. Biggs Mark E. Kimbo Seth Sklary Paul J. Orvosh Florida Finishing Trades Institute Coordinators: Dave J. Biggs Rudy Schlichting Mark E.Kimbro Raymond M. Leavins Paul J. Orvosh Director of Training: Alber t N. Tr ombetta 2153 W Oakridge Rd Orlando, FL 32809 PHONE: 407-852-3977 FAX: 407-858-9693 Instructors: Albert N. Trombetta William J. Thomas III Mark E. Kimbro 31 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 78 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1175 Miami, FL...Sign-Display and Allied Trades PHONE: 954-946-9613 FAX: 954-946-9311 1300 South Andrews Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 F.S.– Mark Kimbro R.S.– Patrick J. Cotter Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 1300 South Andrews Avenue 73 Orlando, FL...Trade Show, Convention Workers and Allied Trades PHONE: 407-852-3977 FAX: 407-856-8135 District Council 78 Office F.S. Dave Drobena R.S. Alice Holdren Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 78 Office 88 Tampa, FL...Mixed PHONE: 813-672-9518 FAX: 813-672-9470 8840 South U.S. Highway 301 Riverview, FL 33569 F.S.-Paul Orvosh R.S.-Alex Love Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 8840 South U.S. Highway 301 2301 Cape Coral, FL...Industrial and Public Employees PHONE: 239-540-2301 FAX: 239-540-1847 Post Office Box 151116 Cape Coral, FL 33915 F.S.– Dave Kenny R.S. – Michael FisherJose Ruiz Meets 4th Wednesday, Blue Collar 5:30 p.m. Meets 2nd Wednesday, White Collar 5:30 p.m. Meets 1st Thursday, Supervisory 7:00 p.m. 164 Jacksonville, FL...Mixed PHONE: 904-731-3828 FAX: 904-731-5756 4951 Richard Street Building C Jacksonville, FL 32207 F.S.– Rudy Schlichting R.S.– Scott Kilpatrick Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 4950 Richard Street 365 Coral Gables, Miami Beach, FL.. Mixed PHONE: 954-946-9310 FAX: 954-946-9311 1300 South Andrews Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 F.S. Ronnie Carvallo R.S.– Otto Sanchez Meets 4th Tuersday, 7:30 p.m. 1300 South Andrews Avenue 452 West Palm Beach, FL...Mixed PHONE: 954-946-9310 FAX: 954-945-9311 1300 South Andrews Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 F.S.– Justo Ruiz Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 1300 South Andrews Avenue 1010 Orlando, FL...Mixed PHONE: 407-852-3977 FAX: 407-856-8135 District Council 78 Office F.S.– Debby Greco R.S.– Fred Rosenwinkle Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 78 Office 32 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 77 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ALABAMA, GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AND EASTERN TENNESSEE Painters and Allied Trades District Council 77 Forest Park, GA BM/ST-Charles Hill 248 Main Street Forest Park, GA 30297 chill@iupatdc77.org PHONE: 404-366-1144 404-363-1525 FAX: 404-366-4076 Meets 1st Saturday, 10:00 a.m. 248 Main Street REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Brian Kincaid Ben Lott Jim Mayfield Louis Partain Owen Thomas Ryder Edward Sturcken Fred Ward Eric Surrett Ron Caputo Danny Catrell Larry Freeman Ryan Enos Jorge Barrera Peter Casciano Glen Wilson Larry Peacok Frankie Jones William McGhee Steven Main Brian Smith Justin Rich The Finishing Trades Institute of District Council 77 Coordinator: Glen Wilson Director Of Training: Lawr ence R. Peacock 248 Main Street Forest Park, GA 30297 PHONE: 404-366-1144 FAX: 404-366-4076 33 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 77 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1756 Aiken, SC & NC ... Mixed PHONE: 803-652-3136 FAX: 803-652-8666 Post Office Box 535 New Ellenton, SC 29809 F.S.R.S.-Charles Bland Meets 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. Painters and Allied Trades Building 2278 Williston Road, New Ellenton 57 Birmingham, AL ... Mixed PHONE: 256-383-1997 FAX: 256-383-1046 P.O. Box 2632 Muscle Shoals, AL 35662 F.S.- Ricardo Sanchez R.S.– Christopher R. Ming Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 2736 Old Mine Rd. Birmingham, AL 193 Atlanta, GA ... Mixed PHONE: 404-363-1525 FAX: 404-366-4076 248 Main Street Forest Park, GA 30297 F.S.-Steven Baster R.S.-Klayton Rowe Meets 4th Saturday, 10:00 a.m. 248 Main Street 1805 Oak Ridge, TN Maintenance PHONE: 865-574-4439 865-417-6279 581 Pine Ridge Rd. Clinton, TN 37716 F.S.-Larry D. Jones R.S.-Dennis Vickery Meets 1st Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. Atomic Trade-Labor Building, 107 Viking Road 226 Chattanooga, TN ... Mixed PHONE: 423-698-4163 FAX: 423-698-4932 2715 Belle Arbor Avenue Chaftanooga,TN 37406 F.S.-c/o District Council 77 R.S.– Juli B. Nicholson Meets 2nd Friday, 6:30 p.m. 2715 Belle Arbor Avenue 1940 Atlanta, GA ... Glaziers PHONE: 404-366-1144 FAX: 404-366-4076 248 Main Street Forest Park, GA 30050 F.S.- Rodney J. Miller R.S.– Dennis R. McQuilton Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 248 Main Street 437 Powell, TN ... Mixed PHONE: 865-945-1778 FAX: 865-945-1779 2191 Clinton Hwy Powell, TN 37849 R.S.-Marilynn Surrett Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1000 Buchanan Avenue 1169 Brunswick, GA ... Mixed PHONE: 912-632-0063 FAX: 912-632-0065 Post Office Box 1722 Brunswick, GA 31521 F.S.- c/o District Council 77 R.S.-Donnie E. Moseley Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 6167 New Jesup Hwy. 1293 Sheffield, Florence and Tuscumbia, AL ... Mixed PHONE: 256-383-1997 FAX: 256-383-1046 P.O. Box 2632 Muscle Shoals, AL 35662 F.S.R.S.-Bradley Pifer Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 109 Gusmus Avenue Muscle Shoals, AL 34 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 77 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1961 Atlanta, GA ... Paint Makers and Industrial Workers PHONE: 404-366-1144 248 Main Street Forest Park, GA 30050 F.S. - Darrell Johnson R.S -Vanessa Widgett Meets 1st Saturday, 12:30 p.m. (Except when on a Holiday, then 2nd Saturday) 248 Main Street 35 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 50 HAWAII PHONE: 808-941-0991 808-941-0993 FAX: 808-955-9091 Meets Last Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 2240 Young Street BM/ST — Ryden Valmoja 2240 Young Street Honolulu, HI 96826 rvalmoja@dc50.org REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Dwayne Arelliano John Frigilana Joseph Gonsalves Douglas Kema, Jr Sean Cordero Mario Manrique, Jr David Stone Cory Tani Richard R. Vieira Albert Donios, Jr Pele Lui-Yuen Loma A. Woo Ryden Valmoja William R. Johnson Mitchell Shimabukuro APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Director of Training: Richar d R. Vieira 2240 Young Street Honolulu, HI 96826 PHONE: 808-941-0991 FAX: 808-955-9091 Coordinators: David Stone, Flooring Sean Cordero, Glaziers Cory Tani, Painting DISTRICT COUNCIL 50 1791 Honolulu, HI...Mixed PHONE: 808-941-0991 FAX: 808-955-9091 District Council 50 Office F.S.-Robert Macadamia R.S.-Cory Tani Meets 3rd Saturday, 10:00 a.m. District Council 50 Office District Council 50 Office 1941 Honolulu, HI….Shipyard, Federal Employees and Specialty Workers PHONE: 808-941-0991 FAX: 808-955-9091 District Council 50 Office F.S.-Shannon Nishimura R.S.-Matthew Cooke 1889 Honolulu, HI…Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 808-946-3329 FAX: 808-955-9091 District Council 50 Office F.S.-Miles Kamisugi R.S.-Ikaika Lacson Meets 3rd Thursday, 4:45 p.m. District Council 50 Office 1944 Honolulu, HI...Drywall Finishers and Allied Workers PHONE: 808-946-6621 FAX: 808-946-6623 District Council 50 Office F.S.-Mario Manique, Jr. R.S.-Aaron Ha’o Meets 4th Saturday, 10:00 a.m. District Council 50 Office 1926 Honolulu, HI...Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile PHONE: 808-942-3988 FAX: 808-946-6667 District Council 50 Office F.S.-Paul Apostol R.S.-Angelo Canionero. Jr. Meets last Thursday, 5:00 p.m. 36 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 14 ILLINOIS Painters and Allied Trades District Council 14 Chicago, IL BM/ST — John Spiros, Jr 1456 West Adams Street Chicago, IL 60607 painterstracee@aol.com PHONE: 312-421-0046 FAX: 312-421-7884 Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1456 West Adams Street REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Mike Arzloa Mike Conrad Mike Cook Ron Haftl Mike Mabus Hugo Manzo Lance McCalla Mike O’Donnell Kurt Oswald Andre Perch Joe Rinehart Dennis Roach John Spiros Frank Sustersic Larry Thomas Victor Hernandez Todd Overdorf Mike Dixon APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Instructors: Mike Krawiec Jay Kolder Hector Hernandez Matthew Chamorro Chicago Area Painting and Decorating JATC Coordinator: Edwar d Bogdan 1456 West Adams Street Chicago, IL 60607 PHONE: 312-421-0046 FAX: 312-421-7884 37 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 14 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 191 Orland Park, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-403-3749 FAX: 708-403-7253 8938 West 147th Street Orland Park, IL 60462 F.S.-Michael G. LaFrey R.S.-David J. Dowling Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 3908 W 111th St Chicago, IL 60655 27 Broodfield, IL…Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 708-443-9000 FAX: 708-443-9007 9223 West Ogden Avenue Brookfield, IL 50513 F.S.-Lawrence Tasic R.S.-Michael Ohm Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. 6309 West 26th Street, Berwyn 194 Chicago, IL...Mixed PHONE: 773-237-1131 FAX: 773-2376371 3015 North Austin Avenue Chicago, IL 60634 F.S.-Daniel P. Goodwin R.S.-Michael Arzola Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. 3015 North Austin Avenue 33 Joliet, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-729-1000 FAX: 815-729-1022 100 Republic Avenue Joliet, IL 60435 F.S.-Lance McCalla R.S.-Joel Sandoval Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 100 Republic Avenue 265 Oak Lawn, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-425-3688 FAX: 708-425-3688 10813 South Keeler Oak Lawn, IL 60453 F.S.-Thomas Rinehart R.S.-Richard Shepherd Meets Every Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. V.F.W Hall 14817 South Crawford Avenue 147 Chicago, IL...Mixed PHONE: 312-733-7413 FAX: 312-733-7427 300 S. Ashland, Suite 205 Chicago, IL 60607 F.S.– John Chudina R.S.-Michael Krtoweic Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Morretti’s Restaurant 1645 West Jackson 273 Bridgeview, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-430-9273 P.O. Box 1363 Bridgeview, IL 60455 F.S.-Frank Sustersic R.S.-Richard Bieser Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Berwyn Eagles Hall 6309 West 26th Street 180 Riverside, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-442-8428 283 Addison Road Riverside, IL 60546 F.S.-Bruce Russell R.S.-Vasil Sotirovski Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 6309 W. 26th Street Belwyn, IL 60402 275 Elk Grove Village, IL...Mixed PHONE: 847-635-0013 FAX: 847-5635-0033 P.O. Box 30037 Chicago, IL 60030 F.S.-John Kaspari R.S.-Don Cunningham Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. VFW Hall 3579 Park Ridge, IL 60088 184 Worth, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-422-7760 10304 Laramie Oak Lawn, IL 60453 F.S.-James Watte R.S.-Rudolph Vrabec Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Marrs-Meyer American Legion 1101 South Depot Worth, IL 38 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 14 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 521 Buffalo Grove, IL...Mixed PHONE: 847-419-9604 FAX: 847-419-9609 140 Manchester Drive, #202 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 F.S.R.S.-Jay Kolder Meets 2nd and 4th Monday, 6:00 p.m. 4707 W. Pratt Lincolnwood St. John Lutheran Church 830 Hickory Hills, IL...Mixed PHONE: 708-430-7075 FAX: 708-430-7286 9748 South Roberts Road, 2nd Floor, #7 Palos Hills, IL 60465-1495 F.S.-Mark O’Donnell R.S.-Richard Nelson 863 Chicago, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-477-0695 FAX: 815-477-2695 4612 Daniel Drive Crystal Lake, IL 60014 F.S.-Thomas Kumpu R.S.-Casimir Kwiatkowski Meets 1st Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. Brunswick Zone 21080 North Rand Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 1332 Glenwood, IL...Mixed PHONE: 773-847-3594 FAX: 773-847-3594 7736 S. Cottage Drive Chicago, IL 60619 F.S.-Fritz Whisenton R.S.-Gary A. Fields, Sr. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00p.m. Local Union Office 39 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 30 ILLINOIS Painters and Allied Trades District Council 30 Du Page County, IL PHONE: 630-377-2120 FAX: 630-377-2384 BM/ST — Ryan Anderson 1905 Sequoia Drive, Ste 201 Aurora, IL 60506 ryan@paintersdc30.com Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1905 Sequoia Drive, Ste 201 Aurora, IL 60506 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Brian W. Dahl Todd M. Dotson Lionel Espinoza Mark Guethle Stephen J. Lafaver Brian G. Muscat Steve Muscat John J. Penney Ryan C. Anderson David J. Arvayo David Panico Daniel Valdivia APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters District Council 30 JATC Director Of Training : Stephen J . LeFaver 1905 Sequoia Drive Aurora, IL 60506 PHONE: 630-966-1451 FAX: 630-966-1450 Instructors: David J. Arvayo Jose Arvayo Donald E. Oliver Jeremy Von Behren 40 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 30 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 465 Ottawa, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-431-9538 FAX: 815-431-9717 1001 Boyce Memorial Drive Ottawa, IL 61350 F.S.– Daniel Apperson R.S.-Gary Mowbray Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Carpenters Hall 1001 Boyce Memorial Drive, Ottawa 97 Wheaton, IL...Mixed PHONE: 630-377-2120 FAX: 630-377-2384 District Council 30 Office F.S.-David Panico R.S.-Michael C. Scavo Meets 1st Friday, 6:00 p.m. 1050 W. Roosevelt Road, West Chicago 154 Elgin, IL...Mixed PHONE: 847-741-1154 FAX: 847-741-1141 2400 Big Timber Road, Building B Elgin, IL 60123 F.S.-Brian G. Muscat R.S.-Rembrandt Balabuszko Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00p.m. Local Union office 467 Kankakee, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-431-9538 FAX: 815-431-9717 P.O. Box 2225 Kankakee, IL 60901 F.S.-Adam Swanson R.S.-Casey Devore Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. 1012 N. 5th Avenue, Kanakee 157 Peoria, IL...Mixed PHONE: 309-674-9242 FAX: 309-674-9244 400 Northeast Jefferson, Suite 101 Peoria, IL 61603 F.S.-Todd Dotson R.S.-Shawn Stever Meets 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. Labor Temple 400 Northeast Jefferson, Peoria, IL 607 Rockford, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-873-8833 FAX: 815-963-3662 Post Office Box 6027 Rockford, IL 61125 F.S.-Mike T. Doyle, Jr. R.S.– Sandra Sigala Meets 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. 5640 Sockness Drive, Rockford 209 Bloomington and Normal, IL...Mixed PHONE: 309-829-6622 FAX: 630-377-2384 2005 Cabintown Rd Bloomington, IL 61071 F.S.-Charles C. Fry R.S.-Andrew Kuykendall Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 2005 Cabintown Road, Bloomington 1285 Downers Grove, IL...Mixed PHONE: 815-926-2066 FAX: 815-926-2066 P. O. Box 3602 Joliet, IL 60432 F.S.-Charles McDonald R.S.-Jason P. Deutsch Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. District Council Office 448 Aurora, IL...Mixed PHONE: 630-450-8353 FAX: 630-377-2384 1905 Sequoia Dr Suite 201 Aurora, IL 60506 F.S.-Brian W. Dahl R.S.-Aaron W. Anderson Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 30 JATC Training Center 2175 Rochester Drive, Aurora 41 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 58 ILLINOIS Painters and Allied Trades District Council 58, Collinsville, IL BM/ST — Gregg A. Smith 940 California Avenue Collinsville, IL 62234 dc58gsmith@gmail.com PHONE: 618-345-6646 FAX: 618-345-5962 Meets 3rd Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 940 California Avenue REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Chad Anderson Donny Anderson Cy Austin Bryan Feller Bill Francisco Ted Helfrich Allan Lauher Chris Ragan Steve Wayland APPRENTICESHIP / TRAINING South Central Illinois Finishing Trades Institute Director of Training: Ar thur T. Hur lbur t 940 California Avenue Collinsville, IL 62234 PHONE: 618-345-6646 FAX: 618-345-5962 42 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 58 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 32 Southern Illinois...Mixed PHONE: 618-985-3244 FAX: 618-985-6963 462 East Park Street Duquoin, IL 62832 F.S.-Bernard Jerolds R.S.-Richard Scott Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. C.T.I., Rural Route 2, Carterville 288 Decatur, IL...Mixed PHONE: 217-428-3013 FAX: 217-422-8955 234 W. Cerro Gordo Street Decatur, IL 62522 F.S.-Thomas Keppler R.S.-Brandon Johnson Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 234 Cerro Gordo Street 85 Belleville, IL...Mixed PHONE: 618-345-6646 618-233-2487 FAX: 618-345-5962 216 Lucinda Avenue Belleville, Il 62221 F.S.– Joseph Pees R.S.– Kevin Bergman Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Jaycee’s Hall—West H Street 363 Champaign and Urbana, IL...Mixed PHONE: 217-356-9114 FAX: 217-356-0381 3301 N. Boardwalk Drive Champaign, IL 61826 F.S.– Scott Bickers R.S.– Kevin Westray Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 212 South First Street 471 Alton, IL...Mixed PHONE: 618-462-4877 618-254-2303 FAX: 618-254-2303 207 West Central Bethalto, IL 62024 F.S.– Mark Parker R.S.– Candice Rejmnczak Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Machinists Hall 161 Shamrock Street, East Alton 90 Springfield, IL...Mixed PHONE: 217-529-6976 FAX: 217-529-6658 3100 South 11th Street Springfield, IL 62703 F.S.-Mike Bristow R.S.-Allen Lauher Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 6:30 p.m. 3100 South 11th Street 115 St. Louis, MO...Mixed PHONE: 314-647-3327 FAX: 314-647-3350 P.O. Box 436 Hazelwood, MO 63042 F.S.– Pat Reape R.S.– Joe Buehler Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 58 Office 513 St. Louis, MO ... Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 314-644-3922 FAX: 314-644-4621 5916 Wilson Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 F.S.- Matthew G. Clancy R.S.- Mike Clancy Meets 1st Thursday, 5:00 p.m. 5916 Wilson Avenue 120 Granite City, Madison, Venice, IL…Mixed PHONE: 618-345-6646 FAX: 618-345-5962 District Council Office F.S.– Robert Dougherty R.S.– Charles Herring Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Steelworkers Hall 2334 East 25th Street Granite City 910 Hillsboro, IL...Mixed PHONE: 618-345-6646 340 Duffs Lane Hillsboro, IL 62049 F.S.-Dennis Toberman R.S.-Frank F. Jorn Meets 1st Monday, 8:00 p.m. KC Hall, Hillsboro 124 Centralia, IL...Mixed PHONE: 618-533-4133 FAX: 618-532-4624 District Council 58 Office F.S.-Cyrus Austin R.S.-Michael R. Mulvin Meets Last Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall 154 South Chestnut 43 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 58 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1199 St. Louis, MO...Mixed PHONE: 314-647-3327 FAX: 314-647-8701 District Council 58 Office F.S.-Mario Pucci R.S.-Richard O`Neal Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 a.m. District Council 58 Office 774 St. Louis, MO...Sign Painters PHONE: 314-647-3327 FAX: 314-647-3350 2501 59th Street St. Louis, MO 63110 F.S.-Scott Basler R.S.-Ray Cole Meets 3rd Tuesday 5:00 P.M. 2501 59th Street 1292 Cape Girardeau, MO...Mixed PHONE: 573-334-7211 FAX: 573-334-7211 429 North Broadview Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 F.S.-Harold L. Schaefer R.S.-Jacob Schubert Meets 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Local Union 1292 office 910 Hillsboro, IL….Painters PHONE: 618-345-6646 FAX:: 340 Duffs Lane Hillsboro, IL 62049 F.S.-Dennis Toberman R.S. - Dennis Toberman District Council 58 Office 1705 Robinson, IL...Mixed PHONE: 618-546-0152 FAX: 217-923-3991 District Council 58 Office F.S.-Jared Fuller R.S.-Anthony Faller Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. West Side Square 1156 St. Charles, MO...Mixed PHONE: 636-946-4580 FAX: 314-647-3350 1031 S. Duschesne St. Charles, MO 63301 F.S.-Chris Kindel R.S.-Richard Swaringen Meets Last Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 1031 S. Duchesne 2007 Jacksonville, IL...Book Binders and Allied Trades PHONE: 217-243-5451 2843 Courier Road Alexander, IL F.S.-Tamarya Howard R.S.– Kennetha Taylor Meets 2nd Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. Moose Lodge, 901 W. Superior Jacksonville, IL 1168 Springfield, IL...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 217-355-8620 FAX: 217-355-8623 234 W. Cerro Gordo St. Decatur, IL 62522 F.S.-Dennis R.. Smith R.S.– Christopher Herthel Meets 3rd Friday, 8:00 p.m. Painter’s Hall, 3100 South 11th Street 2341 St. Louis, MO...Paperhangers and Fresco Painters PHONE: 314-647-3327 FAX: 314-647-3350 District Council 2 Office F.S.– John Buchholz R.S.– Erik Mirth Meets 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 58 Office 1185 Columbia, MO...Mixed PHONE: 573-896-0206 FAX: 573-896-4101 1744 Halifax Road Holts Summit, MO 65043 F.S.– David L. Eskens R.S.– Nick Bliesath Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Labor Temple, 611 N. Garth Avenue 44 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 91 INDIANA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 91, Evansville, Indiana PHONE: 219-947-0420 Fax: 317-522-4907 BM/ST — Shawn Solner 8364 Minnesota Street Merrillville, IN 46410 ngarner@iupatdc91.org Meets 2nd Saturday, 1:00 p.m. 6501 Massachusetts Avenue Indianapolis, IN REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Donnie R. Beechum Alton Cunningham Greg A. Eckert Larry Harringer Jere W. Hershey Randal L. Plough Kelly G. Short Eric S. Tasa Jim W. Loftis Jeremy Cromer Kenneth J. Hayes Roger E. Hester Randy R. Jones Rick J. Kueber Jay T. Meurer, Jr Randy D. Thieme Robert Zubrick Robert D. Abner-Tovar APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Finishing Trades Institute of DC 91 Director of Training: Rober t W. Baugh 217 Millner Industrial Drive Evansville, IN 47718 PHONE: 812-962-3910 FAX: 812-962-3009 Instructors: Robert Baugh Penny Shepherd Jason Cornett Jenny S. Frederick Phillip O. Harper Jesse C. Pitts Chris B. Wall Douglas J. Matheis Randall J. Kuebler 45 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 91 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 47 Indianapolis, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 317-546-5638 317-546-2583 FAX: 317-546-5903 District Council 91 Meeting Place F.S.-Kelly West R.S.-Pamela Harrington Meets Last Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 91 Meeting Place 460 Merrillville, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 219-947-0420 FAX: 219-947-0248 8364 Minnesota Street Merrillville, IN 46410 F.S.-William Carr R.S.-Jim Loftis Meets 1st Monday, 5:30 p.m. 8364 Minnesota Street 80 Lafayette, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 765-477-7848 FAX: 765-474-2275 2535 South 30th Street, Suite 11 Lafayette, IN 47909-2786 F.S.-Kenneth Pullin R.S.-Marcia DelReal Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5.00 p.m. 2535 South 30th Street, Labor Hall 469 Fort Wayne, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 260-484-7924 260-484-0329 FAX: 260-471-9181 3626 North Wells Street Fort Wayne, IN 46808 F.S.-Mitchell Eckert R.S.-Beau Lusch Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 3626 North Wells Street 118 Louisville, KY ... Mixed PHONE: 502-366-2233 502-648-8455 FAX: 502-366-2284 4204 S. Brook Street Louisville, KY 40214 F.S.-David Pinnick R.S.-Ernie Johnson Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 519 Huron Avenue 500 Paducah, KY ... Mixed PHONE: 270-441-7697 FAX: 270-441-7697 1930 North 13th Street Paducah, KY 42001 F.S.-Marty Gurley R.S.-Gerald Hughes Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1930 North 13th Street 669 Anderson, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 765-378-5242 FAX: 765-378-0486 Post Office Box 42 Chesterfield, IN 46017 F.S.– Jeff Haste R.S.-Malcolm Johnson Meets 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. 111 Bing Street 156 Evansville, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 812-425-4414 FAX: 812-425-4890 District Council 91 Office F.S.- Joy L. Scarlett R.S.- Lori Rae Jacquess Meets 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. 409 Millner Industrial Dr. Evansville, IN 197 Terre Haute, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 812-232-1644 FAX: 812-238-1514 P.O. Box 14080 Terre Haute, IN 47803 F.S.-Cathy Hedden R.S.– Jason W. Smith Meets 4th Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 601 Ohio St. Suite 415, Terre Haute, IN 456 Nashville, TN ... Mixed PHONE: 931-647-3653 FAX: 931-647-3932 121 Union Hall Road Clarksville, TN 37040 F.S.– Ernest B. Ellis, Jr. R.S.– George Ross Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1123 3rd Avenue, North 46 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 91 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1118 South Bend, IN ... Mixed PHONE: 574-287-8200 FAX: 574-287-7894 1345 Northside Boulevard South Bend, IN 46615 F.S.-Ryan Jones R.S.Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 1345 Northside Boulevard. 1165 Indianapolis, IN ...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 317-542-7617 FAX: 317-542-7565 District Council 91 Meeting Place F.S.- Terri Zell R.S.-Gary L. Wilmoth, Jr. Meets: G-3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. 8364 Minnesota St., Merrillville I-1st Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 6501 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis E-2nd Monday, 5:00 p.m. 409 Millner Industrial Dr, Evansville SB-3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 1345 Northside Blvd, South Bend FW-3rd Monday, 5:00 p.m. 3626 N. Wells Street, Fort Wayne V-1st Wednesday, 1:00 & 3:30 p.m. 602 North 13th Street 47 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 81 IOWA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 81 Iowa, Nebraska and Western Illinois PHONE: FAX: TOLL FREE: BM/ST — Robert D. Gilmore 5738 N.W. 2nd Street Des Moines, IA 50313 rgilmore@ecity.net 515-289-0482 515-289-0558 866-373-2755 Meets 2nd Saturday, 12:00 noon District Council Office REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Jeremiah D. Fitch Brian Hilton Jason D. Knight Mark Mann Patrick J. Stoysich Joseph C. Rasmussen Michael A. Scarrow Scott L. Smith Christopher Swartz Robert L. Roe Mark A. Hubbard Robert D. Gilmore Randall D. Schultz Director of Training: J er emiah D. Fitch 5738 NW 2nd Street Des Moines, IA 50313 PHONE: 515-289-0482 FAX: 515-289-0558 TOLL FREE: 800-373-2755 48 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 81 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 109 Omaha, NE...Mixed PHONE: 402-556-9373 FAX: 402-556-1318 4523 Military Avenue Omaha, NE 68104 F.S.-Robert Seefus R.S.-Jeff Lomer Meets 2nd Monday, 5:00 p.m. 4523 Military Avenue 676 Davenport, IA...Mixed PHONE: 309-788-8080 FAX: 309-788-8081 P.O. Box 3157 Davenport, IA 52808 F.S.– Roger D. Dunn R.S.– Justine J. Goulder Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 520 12th Street, Rock Island, IL 214 Sioux City, IA...Mixed PHONE: 712-252-2806 507 7th Street, Suite 215 Sioux City, IA 51101 F.S.-Brian R. Hilton R.S.-Thomas Makousky Meets last Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. 1075 Des Moines, IA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 515-289-0482 FAX: 515-289-0558 District Council 81 Office F.S.-Larry Grafton R.S.-Gregg Hendricks Meets 1st Monday, 5:00 p.m. District Council 81 Office 246 Des Moines, IA...Mixed PHONE: 515-289-0482 FAX: 515-289-0558 5738 NW 2ND STREET DES MOINES, IA 50313 F.S.-Crickett Deal R.S.-Kenneth W. Cortum Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. District Council 81 Office 2003 Des Moines, IA...Public, Professional and Maintenance Employees PHONE: 319-842-2555 FAX: 319-842-2471 P.O. Box 113 Mason City, IA 50402 F.S.-Lacey Galetich R.S.-Penny Logsdon Meets 1st Saturday in April Des Moines, IA 447 Cedar Rapids, IA...Mixed PHONE: 319-366-0569 FAX: 319-362-1586 5000 J Street, S.W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 F.S.-James Corcran R.S.-Tom Martin Meets 1st Monday, 5:00 p.m. 5000 J Street, S.W. 502 Rock Island and Moline, IL...Mixed PHONE: 309-788-8080 FAX: 309-788-8081 TOLL FREE: 877-488-8080 520 12th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 F.S.-Russell A. Linse R.S.-Charlie F. Palmgren Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. 520 12th Street, Rock Island 581 Rock Island, IL...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 309-788-8080 FAX: 309-788-8081 TOLL FREE: 877-488-8080 520 12th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 F.S.– Derek J. Molyneux R.S.- Randy R. Olson Meets 3rd Friday, 7:00 p.m. 520 12th Street, Rock Island, IL 49 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 80 LOUISIANA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 80 New Orleans, LA BM/ST — Herbert Santos Jr. 2400 Crestview Avenue Kenner, LA 70062 bertxfl2@aol.com PHONE: 504-466-4114 FAX: 504-466-3294 Call the District Council for meeting schedule REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS M. A. Dailey Ricky Lambert Michael Kaufmann Lindsay Brown Clarence Fleetwood, Jr Finishing Trade Institute of District Council 80 Coordinator: Gaylin Scott Director of Training: August R. Santos 2400 Crestview Avenue Kenner, LA 70062 PHONE: 504-466-4114 FAX: 504-466-3294 50 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 80 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1244 New Orleans, LA...House and Ship Painters PHONE: 504-466-4114 FAX: 504-466-3294 New Orleans 318-436-5625 Lake Charles 318-636-3764 Shreveport District Council 80 Office F.S.-Michael Kaufmann R.S.-Jason Farrell Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 80 Office Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. 533 11th Street, Lake Charles 49 Memphis, TN...Mixed PHONE: 901-386-0625 FAX: 901-452-6826 P.O. BOX 18587 Memphis, TN 38181 F.S.-Guy Martin R.S.-Robert Simonton Meets 4th Monday, 6:00 p.m. 2574 Lindawood Avenue, 424 Little Rock, AR...Mixed PHONE: 501-371-0424 FAX: 501-374-8046 1315 West 2nd Street Little Rock, AR 72201 F.S.-Lindsay Brown R.S.-James R. McAlister Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1315 W 2nd Street 1967 Grenada, MS...Glass and Mirror Workers PHONE: 601-226-0758 District Council 80 Office F.S.-Willie Collings R.S.-Willie Collings Meets 4th Sunday, 2:30 p.m. Highway 8 East, Union Hall 728 Baton Rouge, LA...Mixed PHONE: 225-927-2446 FAX: 225-216-0120 1930 Beaumont Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 F.S.-Stephen Gutbier R.S.-Carue M. Summers Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1930 Beaumont Drive 779 Mobile, Al...Mixed PHONE: 251-666-6351 FAX: 251-666-6352 P.O. Box 1396 Mobile, AL 36633 F.S.-Harold R. Murphy R.S.-Harold R. Murphy Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Painters Local Union Hall 659 Dauphin Street 1225 Pascagoula, MS...Mixed PHONE: 228-762-1806 FAX: 228-762-1819 District Council 80 Office F.S.-Grady Bryant, Jr. R.S.-Alicia A. Ruffin Meets 3rd Saturday, 11:00 a.m. 2941 Market Street 51 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 35 MASSACHUSETTS Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35 Boston, MA BM/ST — Jeffery P. Sullivan 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 25 Colgate Road, REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Christian Brennan Rober Brunelle Paul Canning Martin Castillo Justin Desmond John Doherty William J. Doherty Charles E. Fogell Vernal Gaylor Joseph Guarino Tony Hernandez Joseph Itri Michael Lafferty John S. Laughlin William Legrand Ray Pickup Bryan O’Sullivan Finishing Trade Institutes of New England Coordinators: Peter Mayne Wayne Cummings Thomas Falter Mike Mareschi Director of Training: Er ic Redding 25 Colgate Road, Suite 221 Roslindale, MA 02131 PHONE: 617-524-0248 FAX: 617-524-0977 52 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 35 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 691 New Bedford, MA...Mixed PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Roger Brunelle, Jr. R.S.-Timothy Charbonneau Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m Central Luzo American Club 34 Beetle Street 48 Worcester, MA...Mixed PHONE: 617-522-0520 508-852-5179 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-James Saucier R.S.-Harry Jiminez Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. White Eagle Club, 4 Harrison Street, Worchester 939 Dorchester, MA...Mixed PHONE: 617-552-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Kathleen Santora R.S.-Michael A. Bailey Meets 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 35 Office 257 Springfield, MA...Mixed PHONE: 413-733-3961 FAX: 413-733-0170 25 Colgate Road Roslindale , MA 02131 F.S.-Kenneth R. Rainville R.S.-Daniel Malone Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 33 Eastland Street, Springfield 1044 Boston, MA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Paul Broderick R.S.-Patrick Pickup Meets 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 35 Office 391 Boston, MA...Sign Display PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 District Council 35 Office F.S.-Paul Hadzipanajotis R.S.-Kenneth Jillson Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 35 Office 402 East Boston, MA...House and Ship Painters PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Shawn Boucher R.S.-Anthony Mele Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Moose Hall 470 Broadway, Revere 1138 Boston, MA...Maintenance and Mixed PHONE: 781-767-6018 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Francis Kelly R.S.– Jelene Desmond Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Old Dorchester Post 500 Gallivan Boulevard, Dorchester 1280 Revere, MA...Mixed PHONE: 978-618-4499 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-Robert F. Nolan R.S.-Ryan Colon Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Revere Moose Hall 470 Broadway, Revere 577 Cambridge, MA...Mixed PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Road Roslindale, MA 02131 F.S.-John Burton R.S.-Harry Boghigian Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 35 Office 53 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 35 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1468 Auburn and Lewiston, ME...Mixed PHONE: 617-522-0520 34 Commercial Brentwood, NH 3833 F.S.-Wayne Cummings R.S.-David A. Macleod Meets Last Friday, 6:00 p.m. American Legion Post 14 Fairfield, ME 1911 Roslindale, MA…Custodians PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 25 Colgate Rd. Roslindale, MA 02169 F.S.-Joseph Merlino R.S.—Joseph Merlino Meets 2nd Week of the Month North Quincy High School 1915 Portsmouth, NH, Kittery, ME...Mixed PHONE: 207-490-0617 603-693-1000 FAX: 207-490-0617 603-693-1001 34 Commercial Drive Brentwood, NH 03833 F.S.-Dana T. Langton R.S.-David Moulton Meets Last Thursday, 4:30 p.m. Fish & Game Club 30 Martin Road, Kittery, ME 1952 Boston, MA...Custodians PHONE: 617-522-0520 FAX: 617-524-0716 District Council 35 Office F.S.-James Coughlin R.S. Robert Jelley Meets First Sunday, 10:00 a.m. DC 35 Office 54 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 1M MICHIGAN Painters and Allied Trades District Council 1M—State of Michigan BM/ST—Robert Gonzalez 14587 Barber Avenue Warren, MI 48088-6002 rgonzalez@iupatdc1m.org PHONE: 586-552-4474 FAX: 586-552-4477 Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 14587 Barber Avenue REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Keith Anderson George B. Legree Paul Hurst II Scott Mikulen John M. Sape Robert Gonzalez Timothy P. Schwerin Robert A. Long Kenneth J. Pifer Daniel E. Cordovado Anthony Parker Daniel C. Laclair Gregory S. Mikulen Travis R. Cary Fred Frederickson Robert J. Wells David J. Saaristo Jacob W. Fluty APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Metropolitan Detroit Painting and Drywall Industrial Apprentice Training And Journeyman Upgrading Trust Fund Director of Training: Rober t J . Wells 14587 Barber Avenue Warren, MI 48088 PHONE: 586-552-4481 FAX: 586-552-4482 Instructor: Robert J. Wells Coordinator: William Fuller—Glazing IUPAT Local Union 357 Michigan Glass and Glazing Industry Apprenticeship Fund Director of Training: Rober t J . Wells 14587 Barber Avenue Warren, MI 48088 PHONE: 586-552-4483 FAX: 586-552-4482 55 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 1M Fully Affiliated Local Unions 312 Kalamazoo, MI ... Mixed PHONE: 269-323-1001 FAX: 269-323-1030 8135 Cox’s Drive Portage, MI 49002 F.S.-Jerry A. Tomky R.S.-Dana Mast Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. 8135 Cox’s Drive 845 Lansing, MI…..Mixed PHONE: 517-882-3701 FAX: 517-882-2412 419 S. Washington Avenue Lansing, MI 48933 F.S. Fred Frederickson R.S. Andrea Symonds Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 419 S Washington Avenue 357 Detroit, MI...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 586-552-4478 FAX: 586-552-4477 14587 Barber Avenue Warren, MI 48088 F.S.-Shawn Dickson R.S.-Philip Lage Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 1M office 1011 Upper Peninsula, MI ... Mixed PHONE: 906-786-9626 FAX: 906-786-9626 116 South 9th Street Escanaba, MI 49829 F.S.-Teresa Ross R.S.– Louis Terrian Meets 1st Wednesday of the Month, 6:00 p.m. Painters Hall, 116 South 9th Street 514 Ann Arbor, MI...Mixed PHONE: 517-431-2127 FAX: 517-431-2527 District Council 1M Office F.S.-David Saaristo R.S.-Jeffrey W. Thompson Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 7920 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor 1052 Flint, MI ... Mixed PHONE: 810-232-0005 FAX: 810-232-2720 P.O. BOX 497 Freeland, MI 48623 F.S.-Zachary D. Lake R.S.-Thomas Skellett Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. District Council 1M Office 591 Warren, MI...Sign, Pictorial and Display PHONE: 586-552-4480 FAX: 586-552-4477 District Council 1M Office F.S.-Jeff Reed R.S.-Gerald Duquette Meets 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. District Council 1M Office 1803 Midland, MI ... Mixed PHONE: 989-695-6888 FAX: 989-695-6889 District Council 1M Office F.S.R.S.-Alan Ksiazck Meets 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 1M Office 826 Lansing, MI...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 810-232-0005 FAX: 810-232-2720 2817 Corunna Road Flint, MI 48503 F.S. -Gregory K. Aurand R.S.-Roger Gillmere Meeting 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 1M Office 2352 Metropolitan Detroit, MI….Painters District Council 1M Office Contact: Special Trustee Timothy Stricker PHONE: 586-552-4474 F.S.—Robert Bishop R.S.—James Roberts 2353 Metropolitan Detroit, MI….Painters District Council 1M Office Contact: Special Trustee Timothy Stricker PHONE: 586-552-4474 F.S.—Shawn O’Neill R.S.—Rick Belmont 56 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 82 MINNESOTA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 82 Minnesota and North Central PHONE: 651-224-5480 FAX: 651-224-5486 BM/ST — Terry Nelson 3205 Country Drive Little Canada, MN 55117 tnelson@iuptat82.org Meets 4th Thursday, 5:00 p.m. 3205 Country Drive REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Francisco Altamirano Mark Christianson Jason W. Ehlert Kenneth Gorman Alan Hanson Warren Harder Mark Waaraniemi Jason D. Crowson Ryan Mins Craig Olson Scott Parker Craig D. Peck Jeff L. Stark Tom Mundhenk Mike Sundin Brad Berg J. Anthony McGarvey Gary Meyers Josie Vautrin Jeff Jewett APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Finishing Trades Institute of the Upper Midwest Director of Training: Patr ick J . Rome 3205 Country Drive, Suite 150 Little Canada, MN 55117 PHONE: 651-379-9600 FAX: 651-379-9606 Coordinators: Thomas Aasheim—Painting Brian Hagberg—Glazing Gerald Meissner—Sign, Display and Convention Workers Instructors: Kerry Gallaher Amy Peterson Brian C. Hagberg Fredy Castellanos Anthony Osborn 57 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 82 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 880 Twin Cities Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN Sign Display and Allied Workers PHONE: 651-224-5480 FAX: 651-379-9660 District Council 82 Office F.S.-Mike Bennett R.S.-Richard Pelletier Meets 2nd Monday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 82 Office 61 St. Paul MN,...Mixed PHONE: 651-379-9653 FAX: 651-379-9660 District Council 82 Office F.S.-Carissa Shaffer R.S.-Jamie Joseph Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 82 Office 106 Duluth, MN...Mixed PHONE: 218-724-6466 FAX: 218-724-7359 2002 London Road Duluth, MN 55812 F.S.-Tim Rooney R.S.-Mike Sundin Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Duluth Labor Temple 2002 London Road 1324 Minneapolis, MN...Glaziers, Architectural Metals and Glass Workers PHONE: 651-224-5480 FAX: 651-379-9660 District Council 82 Office F.S.-Jason West R.S.-Adam Rushford Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 82 Office 1922 Billings, MT ... Mixed PHONE: 406-252-2535 FAX: 406-252-6047 530 South 27th Billings, MT 59101 F.S.-William Hurt R.S.-Steve Wittman B.M.-Les Boucher Meets 2nd Friday, 7:00 p.m. Labor Temple 530 South 27th 260 Great Falls, MT ... Mixed PHONE: 406-452-0889 Post Office Box 666 Great Falls, MT 59403 F.S.- Shaun Hammatt R.S.-Grant C. Stebbins 1st Monday, 5:00 p.m. 1112 7th St S, Great Falls 386 Minneapolis, MN...Mixed PHONE: 651-379-9652 FAX: 651-379-9660 District Council 82 Office F.S.-Tom Aasheim R.S.-J. John VanNeuren Meets 3rd Monday 7:00 p.m. District Council 82 Office 1962 Little Canada, MN...Mixed PHONE: 701-222-4418 FAX: 701-222-4418 7110 Lincoln Road Bismarck, ND 58504 F.S.-Kenneth P. Hoover R.S.– Jason W. Ehlert Meets 1st Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. Labor Temple, 1323 Front Avenue (Except when on a Holiday, then December 3rd, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.) 681 Rochester, MN...Mixed PHONE: 507-282-4048 FAX: 507-282-2570 11 4th Street, S.E. Rochester, MN 55904 F.S.-Linda M. Rapp R.S.-Tom Hoeft Meets 3rd Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. 11 4th Street, S.E. 2002 Rochester, MN...Maintenance PHONE: 507-255-6333 405 5th Ave NE Rochester, MN 55901 F.S.-Ben Gaffron R.S.-Donald Kuisle Meets 1st Monday, 4:30 p.m. Saint Mary’s Hospital 1216 S.W. 2nd Street 58 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 3 MISSOURI Painters and Allied Trades District Council 3 Kansas City, MO BM/ST — Todd Doree 9902 East 62nd Street Raytown, MO 64133 tdoree@iupat.com PHONE: 816-358-2440 FAX: 816-358-5413 TOLL FREE: 866-358-2442 Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 9902 East 62nd Street REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Kevin Bayless Kenneth Nickols David L. Cox Frank T. Carpenter Demetrio Garcia III James E. Woodson Jessica Podhola Dan Hink Steve Freeman Byron D. Morrison Paul Kurkowski Chard Dalton APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters and Allied Trades Training Fund Director of Training: Daniel J . Hink Builders’ Association Training Center 105 West 12th Avenue North Kansas City, MO 64116 PHONE: 816-471-0880 FAX: 816-358-5430 Instructors: Steve Freeman Dan Riley Dave Schultz 59 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 3 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 2012 Kansas City, MO…….Painters, Drywall Finishers and Allied Trades Contact: Harry Zell PHONE: 816-358-2440 9902 East 62nd Street, Raytown, MO 64133 F.S.– Joey G. Flickner R.S.– Mitchell Miller Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 9902 East 62nd Street, Raytown, MO 203 Springfield, MO...Mixed PHONE: 417-862-6217 FAX: 417-862-1356 422 West Commercial Street Springfield, MO 65803 F.S.-Thomas Crayton R.S.-Michael S. Simpson Meets 1st Monday 5:00 p.m. 422 West Commercial Street 558 Kansas City, MO...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 816-838-1703 FAX: 816-358-5430 District Council 3 Office F.S.-James D. Montgomery R.S.-Huntley C. Shiplet Meets 2nd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 3 Office 2014 Topeka, KS...Mixed PHONE: 816-358-2440 FAX: 816-358-5430 9902 East 62nd Street Raytown, MO 64133 F.S - Ryan A. Mergenmeier R.S - Ryan M. Kirwan Meets 2nd Monday at 5:30 PM Painters’ Office 3301 SW Van Buren, Suite B 820 Kansas City, MO...Sign and Pictorial Painters PHONE: 816-358-2440 FAX: 816-358-5430 District Council 3 Office F.S.-Linda L. Noble R.S.-Pamela K. Coons Meets 4th Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 3 Office 1179 Kansas City, MO...Resilient Floor and Decorative Covering Workers PHONE: 816-358-2440 FAX: 816-358-5430 District Council 3 Office F.S.-Wayne Kelsey R.S.-Greg Case Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 3 Office 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. Topeka Federation of Labor Building 1231 Northwest Eugene 2015 Springfield, MO...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 417-862-6217 FAX: 417-862-1356 1540 N. Barnes Ave. Springfield, MO 65803 F.S.– June L. Whitney R.S.– John McGauhey Meets 2nd Monday, 5:00 p.m. 1540 N. Barnes Ave. Springfield, MO 60 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 15 ARIZONA, SOUTHERN NEVADA, SOUTHERN UTAH Painters and Allied Trades District Council 15 Henderson, NV BM/ST — John Smirk 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 jsmirk@msn.com PHONE: 702-452-2140 FAX: 702-452-3062 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Jaime Contreras Victor Griego Kirk Konys Christian Lloyd Ildefonoso Magana Jack J. Mallory Douglas Melphy Masayi Perea William Swanson Margot Verances Rob West Michael Williams APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Painters District Council 15 Director of Training: Adolfo Duar te 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive, Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 PHONE: 702-452-2140 FAX: 702-452-3062 Full Time Instructors: Ken Seal John Dixson Louie Preciado Jason Lamberth 61 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 15 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1512 Henderson, NV … Carpet and Linoleum Layers PHONE: 702-452-2140 FAX: 702-452-3062 1701 Whitney Mesa, Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 F.S.-Albert Vasquez R.S.-Louie Preciado 79 Denver, CO ... Painters and Drywall Finishers PHONE: 303-761-1324 FAX: 303-777-9321 2170 S Lipan St Denver, CO 80223 F.S.-Patrick Trujillo R.S.-Michael J. Williams Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council Meeting Place 2001 Las Vegas, NV ... Glaziers, Glass Workers, Architectural Metal Workers and Allied Trades PHONE: 702-939-0594 FAX: 702-990-6161 1701 Whitney Mesa, Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 F.S.-Rick Hites R.S.-Rick Oradi Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive, Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 86 Phoenix, AZ ... Mixed PHONE: 602-244-9821 FAX: 602-244-0696 210 North 24th Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 F.S.- Charlie Brown R.S.-Alfred C. Alcocer Meets 3rd Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Nolan Hall 1841 N. 24th Street 159 Las Vegas, NV ... Mixed PHONE: 702-452-2140 FAX: 702-452-3062 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive Suite 105 Henderson, NV 89014 F.S.– Ty’ri Rucker R.S.-Jordan Orosco Meets 1st Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 1701 Whitney Mesa Drive 419 Denver, CO ... Carpet, Linoleum and Resilient Tile Layers PHONE: 303-761-1324 FAX: 303-777-9321 2170 S. Lipan Street Denver, CO 80223 F.S.-Howard Brown R.S.-Mark Moreland Meets 4th Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council Meeting Place 930 Denver, CO ... Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 303-761-1324 FAX: 303-777-9321 2170 S Lipan St Denver, CO 80223 F.S.-Laura Melphy R.S.-Dwight Richard II Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council Meeting Place 62 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 711 NEW JERSEY Painters and Allied Trades District Council 711 Atlantic City, NJ BM/ST — Vincent M. Lane 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 lanedvsk@aol.com floplumdc711@hotmail.com PHONE: 732-774-0932 FAX: 732-774-5078 Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Edwin Arlequin John F. Arlotta Joseph Barry Bernard J. Cooke Joseph Estevez John Foy Albert Galvez Alex M. Kisielewski John Marino Todd Mitrushi Tom Nestopoulos Joseph Sanchelli Andrew Scala Dave R. Schlick Joe Sullivan Gerald Taggart Dean R. Winters Robert W. Wood Joseph Sullivan Thomas Hoffman, Jr. Edward Flanagan Charles Messick Maria E. Foster David Rezes Finishing Trades Institutes of New Jersey Coordinators: Charles J. Messick Kevin Blumig Frank Burke Edward Flanagan Mike Rocha Nuno Portela Director Education Training: Charles J. Messick 9B Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 PHONE: 973-258-1607 FAX: 973-258-1609 63 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 711 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1009 State of New Jersey...Glaziers, Architectural Metals and Glass Workers PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Michael Bauman R.S.– Paul Petillo Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Woodbridge Elks 277 Atlantic City, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 609-653-4433 FAX: 609-653-0795 District Council 711 Office F.S.-Richard P. Wilson R.S.-Carol Wigglesworth Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 711 Office 694 Asbury Park, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Robert Lane R.S.-John Arlotta Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 9 Fadem Road 1310 Newark, NJ...Paint, Chemical, Clerical, Warehouse and Industrial Workers PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Paul Tropeano R.S.-John Lupo Meets 2nd Sunday, 10:00 a.m. 9 Fadem Road 1004 Bloomfield, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Richard J. Mullin R.S.-Theodore Markou Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 9 Fadem Road 1331 Vineland, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 609-653-4433 FAX: 609-653-0795 26 East Fleming Pike Hammonton, NJ 08037 F.S.-Mike Shannon R.S.– James Scaffidi Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. 1005 Perth Amboy, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Dennis Catlin R.S.-Clifford Kutyla Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. V.F.W. 5090 Fords, NJ 1976 State of New Jersey...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 732-774-0932 FAX: 732-774-5078 122 Drummond Ave Neptune, NJ 07753 F.S.–Robert Wosnik R.S.–Ted Ujfalussy Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 9 Fadem Road 1007 Hackensack, NJ...Mixed PHONE: 973-258-1601 FAX: 973-258-1615 9 Fadem Road Springfield, NJ 07081 F.S.-Mark Taylor R.S.-John Parasi Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 64 Century Rd. (IBEW #164 Hall) Paramus, NJ 07652 64 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 4 NEW YORK Painters and Allied Trades District Council 4 Buffalo, NY PHONE: 716-565-0303 716-565-0234 (Trust Fund Office) 716-565-0112 (Apprentice Office) FAX: 716-565-0306 BM/ST — Jeffrey Carroll 585 Aero Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 jcarroll@dc4.org Meets 3rd Monday, 8:00 p.m. January, March, April, June, July, September, October 585 Aero Drive February, May, August, November 615 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13204 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Jeffrey Carroll Robert Casella Michael Dems Daniel Jackson Dan LaFrance Todd Rotunno Mark C. Weisenburg Wesley Schlossin Robert Sinopoli Gregory A. Stoner Dominic Zirilli Michael E. Fitzgerald Robert W. Casella II Michael A. Hogan The Finishing Trades Institute of Western & Central New York District Council 4 Apprenticeships Training Upgrading & Retraining Fund Director: Gr egor y A. Stoner 585 Aero Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 PHONE: 716-565-0112 FAX: 716-626-9697 Coordinator: Paul Leone 65 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 4 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 150 Rochester, NY...Mixed PHONE: 585-271-2490 585-271-2840 FAX: 585-271-2907 244 Paul Road Rochester, NY 14624 F.S.-Wendy Borsa R.S.-Anthony Natoli Meets 2nd Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. 244 Paul Rd. Rochester 17 Buffalo, NY PHONE: (716) 565-0303 FAX: (716) 565-0306 District Council 4 Office F.S.-Michael Cross R.S. Tom Taylor Meets Quarterly 585 Aero Drive, Cheektowaga 31 Syracuse, NY...Mixed PHONE: 315-471-5874 FAX: 315-471-1027 615 West Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13204 F.S.-Kenneth A. Cooper, Sr. R.S.-Anatole Ruckensteiner Meets 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. 615 West Genesee Street, Syracuse 178 Ithaca, NY...Mixed PHONE: 716-565-0303 FAX: 716-565-0306 557 Powers Road King Ferry, NY 13081 F.S.-Jennifer Manos R.S.-Frank Stento Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. 701 West State St. Ithaca 38 Cheektowaga, NY...Mixed PHONE: 315-754-8086 FAX: 315-754-8026 12829 Timerson Rd Red Creek, NY 13143 F.S.-Lisa LaFrance R.S.-Robert Sawyer Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 28 W. Bridge Street, Oswego 660 Buffalo, NY...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 716-565-0303 FAX: 716-565-0306 District Council 4 Office F.S.-Kathleen Velie R.S.-Rachel Terhart Meets 2nd Friday, 6:30 p.m. District Council 4 Office 585 Aero Drive, Cheektowaga 43 Buffalo, NY...Mixed PHONE: 716-565-0303 716-565-0306 District Council 4 Office F.S.-Nicholas M. Limpert R.S.-Matt Cancilla Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 4 Office 585 Aero Drive, Cheektowaga 677 Rochester, NY...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 585-697-0033 FAX: 585-271-2907 TOLL FREE: 800-787-2690 244 Paul Road Rochester, NY 14624 F.S.-Victoria Vaitonis R.S.-Robert William Casella, II Meets 1st Monday, 5:00 p.m. 244 Paul Rd. Rochester 112 Buffalo, NY...Mixed PHONE: 716-565-0303 FAX: 716-565-0306 585 Aero Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 F.S.-Glen Lageman R.S.-William Dellapenta Meets 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. District Council 4 Office 585 Aero Drive, Cheektowaga 1203 Buffalo, NY … Allied Health Insurance Workers PHONE: (716) 565-0303 District Council 4 Office F.S.-Sarah Kegler R.S.-Gina Plair Meets Quarterly 625 Delaware, Buffalo 66 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 9 NEW YORK Painters and Allied Trades District Council 9 New York, NY PHONE: FAX: BM/ST — Joe Azzopardi 45 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011 joeazzo1281@yahoo.com Crystal_DC9@yahoo.com 212-255-2950 212-255-1151 212-255-2968 Meets 3rd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 45 West 14th Street REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Steve Arcenicos Joseph T. Azzopardi James Barnett John Barrett Richard Basini James Bertholf Brian Bloomer Peter Bottigliero Joseph Bottisti Anthony Buscema Vincent Calderone Michael Carriere Ernest Castellana John Drew Lee Eck Alex Gonzalez Peter Grillo Jack Kittle Davon Lomax Salvatore Marsala Maurice Maynard Steve Melish Carlos Nieves Gerard O”Brien Elliot Santiago Sal Savarese Aribal Scuadroni Angelo Serse Richard Small Anthony Speziale Chad Strachan Jose Torrent Joseph Giordano John Shepard Jeffrey Stark James Yanolantos Stephen Bermingham Roy Casey Juan Bernal Danniel Calderon Clifford Lane Ronnie Luna Finishing Trades Institute of New York Coordinators: Clifford Lane Omar Robinson Ronnie Luma Roy Casey Juan Bernal Danny Calderon Director of Training: Costas DiAmantis 45 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011 PHONE: 718-937-7440 FAX: 718-937-4320 67 Updated: March 16, 2016 Omar Robinson Costas DiAmantis Robert McClinchey Stephen Brice Moises Robalo Alejandro Garica Kenneth Erdmann Richard Jacobs Jr Joseph Padilla Ray Morgan Ken Klouse District Council 9 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 18 Manhattan, NYC, NY...Mixed PHONE: 212-255-2950 FAX: 212-255-1151 P.O. Box 167 Times Square Station, NY 10108 F.S.-Anthony Rodriguez R.S.-Victor Rivera Meets 4th Monday, 5:00 p.m. Central Espanol La National 239 West 14th Street, NYC 155 Poughkeepsie, NY...Mixed PHONE: 845-473-0564 FAX: 845-473-6550 P.O. Box 1256 Poughkeepsie, NY 12602 F.S.-Joy Hadam R.S.-Mark Simpson Meets 1st Monday, 5:00 p.m. 105 Dutchess Turnpike, Route 44 201 Albany, NY...Mixed PHONE: 518-489-5791 FAX: 518-453-3588 890 Third Street Albany, NY 12206 F.S.-James Cyphers R.S.-Lee Eck Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Labor Temple 19 Bronx, NYC, NY...Mixed PHONE: 212-255-2950 FAX: 212-255-1151 P.O. Box 3452 Easton, PA 18043 F.S.-Albert G. Sacarello R.S.-Joe Pastor Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. 1680 Stillwell Avenue, Bronx 20 West Queens, NYC, NY...Mixed PHONE: 718-937-7440 FAX: 212-255-2950 P.O. Box 58 East Rockaway, NY 11518 F.S.-Clifford W. Lane R.S.-Denise Doyle Meets 4th Thursday, 5:00 p.m. A.L. “Mike” Monroe Training Center 45-15 36th Street, Long Island City, NY 490 New York, NY...Paperhangers PHONE: 212-255-2950 FAX: 212-255-1151 District Council 9 Office F.S.-Sal Savarese R.S.-John P. Madden Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 4:00 p.m. District Council 9 Office 806 Greater New York, NY...Structural Steel and Bridge Painters of Greater New York PHONE: 212-447-0149 FAX: 212-545-8386 40 West 27th Street New York, NY 10001 F.S.-Brian Casey R.S.-Patrick Kogut Meets Last Friday, 8:00 p.m. 40 West 27th Street, 10th Floor 24 South Brooklyn, Staten Island, NYC NY...Mixed PHONE: 917-254-9051 217 Bay 14th St Brooklyn, NY 11214 F.S.-Frank Zucco R.S.-ErnestCastellana Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Grace School Cafeteria 385 Avenue W Brooklyn, NY 11223 113 North Westchester, NY...Mixed PHONE: 914-592-3696 FAX: 914-592-1232 146 Fremont Street Peekskill, NY 10566 F.S.-George Cuatt R.S.-Marty Powell Meets 3rd Thursday, 5:00 p.m. Veterans Hall, Veterans Road Yorktown, Heights 68 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 9 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1969 New York, NY...Civil Service Painters PHONE: 718-937-7440 FAX: 718-937-4320 45-15 36th Street Long Island City, NY 11101 F.S.-Mico Zackschewski R.S.-Kenneth Case Meets 2nd Thursday, 5:15 p.m. District Council 9 Office 1087 New York...Glaziers, Architectural Metal Glass Workers and Allied Trades PHONE: 212-924-5200 FAX: 212-255-2968 212-255-1151 District Council 9 Office F.S.-Peter Mittler R.S.-John Russo Meets 4th Tuesday, 5:15 p.m. at FTI Queens 1974 New York City, NY...Drywall Finishers of Greater New York PHONE: 212-242-8500 FAX: 212-242-2356 265 West 14th Street, Room 1005 New York, NY 10011 F.S.-Salvatore Marsala R.S.-Daren Brenciforte Meets 2nd Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. St. Bernard Church, 14th Street 1456 New York, NY...Maintenance PHONE: 212-255-2950 212-255-6150 FAX: 212-255-1151 230 East 236th Street New York, NY 10470 F.S.-Jeffery Velazquez R.S.-Anthony Regno Meets 1st Thursday, 5:00 p.m. District Council 9 Office 8A-28A New York State...Metal Polishers, Novelty and Production Workers, Sign, Pictorial & Display, Automotive & Equipment Painters & Processors PHONE: 212-532-1344 312-786-0735 FAX: 212-779-0470 312-786-0735 36 - 16/18 33rd Street, 2nd Floor Long Island City, NY 11106 Meets 3rd Saturday, 10:00 a.m. 44-15 36th Street 1486 Long Island, NY...Mixed PHONE: 631-581-8900 FAX: 631-581-0189 20 Broadhollow Road, Suite 3008 Melville, NY 11747 F.S.-Donna Merrill R.S.-Mike O’Connell Meets 4th Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 103 Carleton Avenue 69 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 6 OHIO Painters and Allied Trades District Council 6 Stronsgville, OH PHONE: FAX: TOLL FREE: BM/ST — James B. Sherwood 8257 Dow Circle Strongsville, OH 44136 jsherwood@iupat-dc6.org 440-239-4575 440-234-6527 866-239-4575 Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 8257 Dow Circle REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Dana L. Clark Joseph E. Cryster Lee Denney Lou Ferrante Greg Golembiewski Joe Halas Scott Harter Ron Houser Joe Jeffers Thomas Kopp John Kulju Dan Manuel Gary McPheron Harry Mullins James Peppers James R. Taylor Mike W. Turkall Tony Watroba Greg Boone James Black Christopher Naegele John Sell Berry Hubbard APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Director of Training: John D. Sell 8257 Dow Circle Strongsville, OH 44136 PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 Instructors: George C. Boots Dan McLaughlin Trent McNutt 70 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 6 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 7 Toledo, OH...Mixed PHONE: 419-476-7505 FAX: 419-476-7506 1308 West Sylvania Avenue Toledo, OH 43612 F.S.-Todd Evans R.S.-Joe Goodell Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 1308 West Sylvania Avenue 372 Columbus, OH...Glaziers, Architectural, Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 614-294-5301 FAX: 614-294-9014 8700 Memorial Drive Plain City, OH 43064 F.S.-Bill Richards Meets 3rd Monday, 5:30 p.m. 8700 Memorial Drive 123 Cincinnati, OH...Mixed PHONE: 513-221-7990 FAX: 513-221-7955 200 Kovach Dr Cincinnati, OH 45215 F.S.- Jerry Klein R.S.-Tony Czarnecki Meets 1st Friday, 6:00 P.M. 200 Kovach Dr 387 Cincinnati, OH...Glaziers PHONE: 513-221-6955 FAX: 513-221-7955 District Council 6 Office F.S.-Zachary Langendorfer R.S.-Jay Joseph Roden Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 6 Office 476 Youngstown, OH...Mixed PHONE: 330-758-7117 FAX: 330-758-7257 291 McClurg Road Youngstown, OH 44512 F.S.-Jack Berringer R.S.-Michael P. Flanagan Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Operating Engineer’s Hall 291 McClurg Road 181 Cleveland, OH...Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 District Council 6 Office F.S.-Gary Gray R.S.-John Begin Meets 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. District Council 6 Office 505 Cleveland, OH...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 8527 Dow Circle Cleveland, OH 44136 F.S.-Ted Jurey R.S.-William Varner 238 Covington, KY...Mixed PHONE: 513-221-7990 FAX: 859-291-1343 200 Kovach Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 F.S.-Gene Turner R.S.-Richard Schlake Meets 2nd Thursday, 5:00 p.m. Bellevue Bets, RT8 Bellevue, KY 249 Dayton, OH...Mixed PHONE: 937-254-2251 FAX: 937-254-2217 2621 E 3rd St Dayton, OH 45401 F.S.-Dannie Dunn R.S.-William Thomas Meets 2nd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. 2621 East Third Street 71 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 6 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 847 Youngstown, OH...Glaziers PHONE: 330-758-7117 330-758-7924 FAX: 330-758-7257 1305 Near Street Niles, OH 44446 F.S.-Tin Halas R.S.-Larry Ragozine Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. A.F.S.C.M.E. Ohio Council 8 150 S. Four Mile Run Road Austin Town, OH 555 Portsmouth, OH...Mixed PHONE: 740-353-1431 FAX: 740-353-1431 2101 Seventh Street Portsmouth, OH 45662 F.S.-Timothy Whitt R.S.-Andrew Allen Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 2101 Seventh Street 639 Cleveland, OH...Sign, Display, and Allied Trades PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 8257 Dow Circle Strongsville, OH 44136 F.S.-Valentine Woon R.S.-Joe Price Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 8257 Dow Circle 948 Toledo, OH...Glaziers PHONE: 419-476-8362 FAX: 419-476-8917 1308 West Sylvania Avenue Toledo, OH 43612 F.S.– Kevin Evans R.S.-Gregory Herr Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. 1308 West Sylvania Avenue 707 Cleveland, OH…Mixed PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 8257 Dow Circle Cleveland, OH 44136 F.S.– Jonathan Hash R.S.- Terrence O’Neil Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 8257 Dow Circle 1020 Lima, OH...Mixed PHONE: 419-228-7463 FAX: 419-228-7466 145 South Pine Street Lima, OH 45801 F.S.-Todd Miner R.S.-Josiah Myers Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 145 South Pine Street 788 Sandusky, OH...Mixed PHONE: 419-625-8224 FAX: 419-621-8900 1205 West Perkins Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 F.S.-Dean Wellman R.S.-Herbert A. Lynch Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 1205 West Perkins Avenue 1103 Willoughby, OH...Mixed PHONE: 440-239-4575 FAX: 440-234-6527 District Council 6 Office F.S.-Mark Taddie R.S.-Kevin Mullen Jr. Meets 2nd Monday, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Hall 60 Chester Street, Painesville 841 Akron, OH...Mixed PHONE: 330-535-1423 FAX: 330-535-1450 67 South Maple Street Akron, OH 44302 F.S.– Rick Luft Jr R.S.– Kevin Hoffman Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 67 South Maple Street 1162 Akron, OH...Glaziers and Glass Workers PHONE: 330-535-0979 FAX: 330-535-8882 67 South Maple Street Akron, OH 44302 F.S.-Randy Harper R.S.-Shon Neice Meets 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. 67 South Maple Street 72 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 6 Fully Affiliated Local Union 1275 Columbus, OH...Mixed PHONE: 614-294-5301 TOLL FREE: 800-704-2079 FAX: 614-873-5785 8700 Memorial Dr Plain City, OH 43064 F.S.-Amy Canter R.S.-Michael Murphy Meets 1st Monday, 4:30 p.m. 73 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 21 PENNSYLVANIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 21 Philadelphia, PA BM/ST — Joseph Ashdale 2980 Southampton Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 htwilliams@dc21.com PHONE: 215-677-7980 215-677-7981 FAX: 215-677-3877 Meets 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. 2980 Southampton Road A.B.M./S.T.-Nick Gaeta A.B.M./S.T.-Albert Owens A.B.M/S.T.-John Gatto REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Thomas E. Boetefuer James Burke Leonard V. Cid Robert Cross John Gatto Charles Green Robert Griffiths Ken Kraft Mike Laughlin Francis McLaughlin Chuck Murtha Al Pisacano James Siebert Ed Simpson Bernard Snyder Donald Steinmeier Matt Trzaska Michael Varnes Frank Watton John R. Bawell Mark Allendorf AJ Casparro Matthew Cortez Timothy Crowther Gary Forte Kresz William Michael Metz Jack Altiere Matt Fox Dominic Gaeta Martin McNulty Joseph Weiss The Finishing Trades Institute of Mid-Atlantic Region Instructor: Martin McNulty Director of Training: Mike A.Schur r 2190 Hornig Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 PHONE: 215-501-0130 FAX: 215-501-0138 Coordinators: David Santangelo Dominic Gaeta Jack Altieri Joe McGee 74 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 21 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1955 Philadelphia, PA...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 215-677-7980 FAX: 215-677-3877 District Council 21 Office F.S.-James McPhillips R.S.-Dennis A. Carr Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 21 Office 41 Wilkes-Barre, PA...Mixed PHONE: 888-522-6721 FAX: 570-788-2613 66 Azalea Drive Drums, PA 18222 F.S.-Joe Weiss R.S.-Frank Sikora Meets 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 66 Azalea Drive Lan-Do Corps. Center 1970 Philadelphia and Vicinity, PA...Industrial PHONE: 215-825-3318 215-677-7980 FAX: 215-534-4564 2980 Southampton Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154 F.S.– Mary Anthony R.S.–Patricia Lipscomb Meets 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. 2nd & Snyder Streets Philadelphia, PA 218 Scranton, PA...Mixed PHONE: 570-788-2850 FAX: 570-563-1998 66 Azalea Drive Drums, PA 18222 F.S.– Robert Griffiths R.S.-Mark Williams Meets 3rd Monday, 8:00 p.m. 66 Azalea Drive 2011 Philadelphia and Vicinity, PA...Painters PHONE: 215-677-7980 FAX: 215-677-3877 2980 Southampton Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 F.S. - Neil Bonner R.S.- Joe Charles 252 Philadelphia, PA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 215-934-5080 215-677-7980 FAX: 215-677-3877 District Council 21 Office F.S.-David Coyle R.S.-Dennis M. McDonough Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 21 Office 411 Harrisburg, PA...Mixed PHONE: 717-671-1910 FAX: 717-671-7027 P.O. Box 60294 Harrisburg, PA 17106 F.S.-Donald Steinmeier R.S.-Catherine Pavlic Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 6951 G Allentown Boulevard 1269 Bethlehem, PA...Mixed PHONE: 610-691-7682 FAX: 610-691-8430 P.O. Box 1561 Bethlehem, PA 18016 F.S.-Janice Behler R.S.-Michael Dunleavy Meets 3nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Bethlehem Fireman’s Association North New St. Bethlehem, PA 18018 75 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 57 PENNSYLVANIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 57 Western Pennsylvania BM/ST — Anthony DeStefano 101 Ewing Road Carnegie, PA 15106 rocky.iupat@verizon.net iupatdc57@verizon.net PHONE: 412-276-5758 412-276-6061 FAX: 412-276-5770 Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 101 Ewing Road REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Bill Fellabaum Tom Flook Chris Geronimos Giles Grinko Mike Hornyak David D.Sell Giles M. Grinko Thomas S. Redman Barry P. Turner Thomas M. Tyger Steven Olash John Bagnoni John Hamilton Finishing Trades Institute of Western Pennsylvania Coordinator: Robert A. Gammiere Director of Training: Br ain M. Her binko 101 Ewing Road Carnegie, PA 15106-1523 PHONE: 412-276-6061 FAX: 412-276-5770 76 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 57 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 549 Erie, PA...Mixed PHONE: 814-454-3510 FAX: 814-452-6633 1701 State Street Erie, PA 16501 F.S.-Daniel Martin R.S.-Anthony M. Bruno Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Erie Labor Temple Corporation 1701 State Street 6 Pittsburgh (Allegheny County), PA...Mixed PHONE: 724-375-1205 FAX: 724-375-1206 101 Ewing Road Aliquippa, PA 15106 F.S.-Ryan M. Kent R.S.– Brian Herbinko Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 57 Office 409 Greensburg, PA...Mixed PHONE: 724-446-2409 FAX: 724.446-3465 District Council 57 Office F.S.-Eric Sell R.S.– Doug Ellenberger II Meets 3rd Friday, 8:00 p.m. (B) East Derry Fire Department Derry, PA Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. (GC) New Castel Teamsters Hall R.D. #3 Box 3A, New Castel, PA Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. (T) Central Labor Building 302 E. Wopsononock Avenue Altoona, PA 751 Pittsburgh, PA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 412-276-5758 FAX: 412-276-5770 District Council 57 Office F.S.-Chad Brestenski R.S.-Joseph Wroniak Meets 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. (P) District Council 57 Office Meets 1st Thursday, 5:00 p.m. Labor Temple Bldg 287 1/2 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 1968 Erie, PA...Erie County School District Civil Service Employees PHONE: 814-824-6277 412-372-4477 FAX: 814-874-6148 4018 Brewer Avenue Erie, PA 16510 F.S.– Jamie Graham R.S.-Deloris M. Olson Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Sunflower Club, 340 Metz Erie 479 Pittsburgh, PA...Sign, Pictorial and Display Artists PHONE: 412-276-5758 FAX: 412-276-5770 District Council 57 Office F.S.-James C. Bakaj R.S.-Louis H. Mottmann, Jr. Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 57 Office 530 Beaver County, PA...Mixed PHONE: 412-276-5758 FAX: 412-276-5770 District Council 57 Office F.S.– Daniel Heasley R.S.– Brian Gallaugher Meets 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. Laborers Hall 1017 3rd Avenue New Brighton 2006 Pittsburgh, PA...Drywall Finishers PHONE: 412-276-5758 FAX: 412-276-5770 District Council 57 Office F.S.-Bill Fellabaum R.S.-Walt Lebetz Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. District Council 57 Office 77 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 88 TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 88 - Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas PHONE: TOLL FREE: FAX: District Council Mailing Address Post Office Box 14703 Austin, TX 78761 david.wenninger@iupatdc88.com 281-847-9635 866-859-1008 281-847-9581 BM/ST — David Wenninger REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Robert E. Aubert Philip Batilla Carla B. Grady Juan R. Granados Eric D. Porter Dena A. Owens Julio C. Hernandez Jennifer K. Hernandez APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING Director Of Training: Dena A. Owens 5425 Spindle Drive Houston, TX 77086 PHONE: 281-847-9635 866-859-1008 FAX: 281-847-9581 78 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 88 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 756 Dallas Texas...Convention & Tradeshow, Displaymen and Sign & Pictorial PHONE: 214-824-3500 FAX: 214-824-3334 4746 Memphis Dallas, TX 75207 F.S.– Catherine Burns R.S.– Roderic Hines Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 53 Dallas, TX ... Mixed PHONE: 214-824-3500 FAX: 214-824-3334 4746 Memphis Dallas, TX 75207 F.S.-Henry Martinez R.S.-David Ybarra Meets 1st Monday, 5:30 p.m. 130 Houston, TX...Painters, Drywall Finishers & Floor Layers PHONE: 281-847-9635 FAX: 281-847-9581 5425 Spindle Dr. Houston, TX 77086 F.S. - Wayne A. Kazmir R.S. - Johnny W. Kovar Meets 3rd Wednesday (Quarterly) 6:00 pm 807 Oklahoma City, OK...Mixed PHONE: 405-235-4145 FAX: 405-232-3649 1919 S. Santa Fe Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73109 F.S.– Steve Allee R.S.Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. in Oklahoma City—Meets 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 pm in Tulsa, OK (Alternating Locations) 400 Houston, TX...Professional Legal and Clerical Employees Contact District Council for more Info. F.S.-Carol Whitfield R.S.-Nadia Stewart 823 New Mexico ... Glaziers, Painters and Drywall Finishers PHONE: 505-265-0448 FAX: 505-265-9535 2300 Buena Vista SE, Suite 125 Albuquerque, NM 87106 F.S.- Rick Aceves R.S.– Eddie Glock Meets: 2nd Wednesday (Even numbered monthly) in Albuquerque, NM 2nd Wednesday (Old numbered months) in Los Alamos, NM 550 Houston, TX...Decorators, Paint Makers, and Sign Painters PHONE: 281-847-9635 FAX: 281-847-9581 5425 Spindle Drive Houston, TX 77086 F.S.-Dorena Fontenot R.S.-Risa Estrada Meets 2nd Thursday (Monthly) at 5:30 pm 653 Georgetown, TX..Convention Trade Show Decorators, Displaymen, Exhibit Builders PHONE: 281-847-9635 FAX: 281-847-9681 10622 Sentinel Drive San Antonio, TX 78217 F.S.– Willie McDaniel R.S.– Meets Austin Area—3rd Monday at 6:00 pm Meets San Antonio Area—3rd Tuesday monthly) at 6:00 pm 79 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 88 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 848 Dallas, TX...Paint Makers and Metal Polishers PHONE: 214-824-3500 FAX: 214-824-3334 4746 Memphis Dallas, TX 75207 F.S.-Ellison Chambers R.S.-Duane Dirrim Meets: 2nd Sunday of the first month of each quarter at 2:00 p.m. 1778 Houston, TX… Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 281-847-9635 FAX: 281-847-9581 5425 Spindle Drive Houston, TX 77086 F.S.-Charles Sims R.S.-Thomas Torres Meets: 2nd Tues.– monthly at 6:00 pm -Austin 1st Thursday of the first month of the quarter at 5:00 p.m. in Dallas TX 1st Wednesday -Monthly at 6:00 p.m.-Houston 2348 Houston, TX ... Professional and Clerical Workers Contact DC for more information F.S.-Ramona Ibarra R.S.-Kim Acosta 80 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 5 WASHINGTON Painters and Allied Trades District Council 5 Seattle, WA PHONE: FAX: TOLL FREE: BM/ST — Denis Sullivan 6770 E. Marginal Way S. Bldg E-321 Seattle, WA 98108 denis@ibpatdc5.org 206-441-5554 206-448-6478 800-443-9303 Assistant BM/S-T-David Town REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Fernando Arevalo John Boufford Jeff A. Brooke Scott H. Clark Gustavo Garcia Brandt W. Goble Jeffrey A. Kelly Chad M. Konsak Phil E. Lindquist Jed Nannery Tom Nikirk James Scott Oldham Todd W. Pierce Roman Ramos Omar I. Rubi James Tanner Daniel L. Vuyk David A. Winkler Christopher Winters Charlie W. Young Brent D. Cruthers Scott Clark Chris J. Bryant Virgil Bradburry Michael A. James Jack L. Johnson Brandon Kowis Todd L. Springer APPRENTICESHIP / TRAINING Training Coordinators: Robert Rahkonen -WA & ID/Painting Greg Greenstreet -WA & ID/Glazing Eric Palmer - WA & ID/Drywall Finishing Robert Gratzer - WA & ID/Floor Covering Alan C. Brown - OR & SW WA/Glazing John Lawson - OR & SW WA/Floor Covering Gary D. Jones Timothy W. Lindsey James Phelps Douglas Wagner Director of Training: Mar k Beaufait 6770 East Marginal Way S. E, Bldg E-321 Seattle, WA 98108 PHONE: 206-441-5554 FAX: 206-448-6478 Full Time Instructors: Edwin Lopez Harry Kalin 81 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 5 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 364 Seattle, WA….Tapers PHONE: 206-971-0363 FAX: 206-448-0953 6770 E . Marginal Way S Bldg.. E, Room 303A Seattle, WA 98108 F.S. Matt Ferrier R.S. Kim Slater Meets Third Tuesday, 5:00 pm 6770 E. Marginal Way S 10 Portland, OR...Mixed PHONE: 503-257-0589 11105 N.E. Sandy Boulevard, Suite I Portland, OR 97220 F.S.-Jack Johnson R.S.-Michael Bokamper Meets 3rd Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 11105 N.E. Sandy Boulevard 77 Salt Lake City, UT ... Mixed PHONE: 801-977-0732 FAX: 801-977-9539 1975 West 3500 South West Valley City, UT 84119 F.S.-William Goble R.S.-Lauren Harman B.M.-William B. Goble Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. IUPAT Local 77, 1975 West 3500 South 427 Kennewick, WA...Mixed PHONE: 509-396-3244 FAX: 509-396-3247 2500 W. Kennewick Ave., Ste E Kennewick, WA 99336 F.S.-Allen C. Anderson R.S.-John Higbee Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. LU Office 188 Seattle, WA...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glassworkers PHONE: 206-957-1882 FAX: 206-957-1886 6770 E. Marginal Way So. Bldg. E, Room 303A Seattle, WA 98108 F.S.– Brett Reynolds R.S.-Craig Stewart Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Seattle Labor Temple 724 Salem, OR...Mixed PHONE: 503-362-0966 FAX: 503-362-0966 2659 Commercial Street S.E., Suite 216 Salem, OR 97302 F.S.-Bonnie L. Noon R.S.-Clarence C. Noon Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 2659 Commercial Street, S.E. 740 Portland, OR...Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 503-255-3920 FAX: 503-255-8194 11105 N.E. Sandy Blvd., 2nd Floor Portland, OR 97220 F.S.– Jonathan Adams R.S.-William H. Vonderohe (Eugene) Meets 1st Monday after the 1st Thursday of the month, 5:00 p.m.—Best Western—Grand Manor Inn—971 Kruse Way, Springfield, OR (Salem) Meets 1st Tuesday after the 1st Thur sday of the month, 5 pm—Candelaria Terrace— 2659 Commercial SE, Salem, OR 300 Seattle, WA...Painters PHONE: 206-441-6922 FAX: 206-448-0953 6770 E. Marginal Way So. Bldg. E, Room 303A Seattle, WA 98108 F.S.– Kyle L.Hudon R.S.-Allen D. Rainsberger Meets 3rd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. 6770 E. Marginal Way So. 82 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 5 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 1277 Eugene, OR...Mixed PHONE: 541-747-1884 FAX: 541-747-1884 541 Willamette, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 F.S.-Brian Chung R.S.-Ron Roberts Meets 4th Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 2861 Pierce Pkwy Springfield, OR 1094 Seattle, WA...Paint Makers, Sign, Display Truck Painters and Allied Trades PHONE: 206-762-3926 FAX: 10032 16th Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98146 F.S.-Scott H. Clark R.S.-Richard Boltz Meets 4th Monday, 5:15 p.m. 2800 1st Avenue, Hall 129 Meets 3rd Monday, 5:15 p.m. 11105 NE Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR 97220 1959 Anchorage, Alaska….Painters and Allied Trades PHONE: 907-562-8843 FAX: 907-563-8843 BFrye@Local1959.org 5821 Arctic Blvd., Unit B Anchorage, AK 99518 F.S.– Mike McGuire R.S.-Aric Frye 1208 Bremerton, WA ... Naval Shipyard PHONE: 360-476-2125 FAX: 360-476-0532 513 South Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 F.S– Ken Goldman R.S-Dawn Fish Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 632 5th Street 1964 Tacoma, WA…Painters PHONE: 253-272-2443 FAX: 253-272-9971 220 S. 27th St., Room A Tacoma, WA 98402 F.S.– Julie Johnson R.S.– Doug Ott Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M. 220 S 27th St, Tacoma 1236 Portland, OR...Linoleum, Carpet, and Soft Tile Applicators PHONE: 503-255-8444 FAX: 503-255-8194 11105 N.E. Sandy Blvd., 2nd Floor Portland, OR 97220 F.S.-Steve Luttrell R.S.-Louis Lain Meets 4th Thursday at 6 pm 11105 Northeast Sandy Boulevard 1238 Seattle, WA...Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Layers PHONE: 206-957-1892 FAX: 206-957-1886 6770 E. Marginal Way So. Bldg. E, Room 303A Seattle, WA 98108 F.S.-Patrick McNerthney R.S.– Rick J. Scidmore Meets 1st Thursday, 6:00 p.m. Seattle Labor Temple 83 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 53 WEST VIRGINIA Painters and Allied Trades District Council 53 Charleston, WV PHONE: FAX: 304-343-8250 304-343-8260 BM/ST — Daniel Poling 1010 Lewis Street Charleston, WV 25301 dpoling@iupatdc53.org Meets 1st Friday, 7:00 p.m. 1010 Lewis Street Charleston, WV 25301 REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS David S. Bland Cecil A. Ferguson Glen M. Jackson Glenn D. McEndree Randy G. Midkiff Michael S. Lively David W. Morris Jerry Scarbro Brian K. Stanley Andy Walters Harold W. Keller Steve Hicks Finishing Trades Institute of IUPAT District Council 53 JATC-FTI Instructor: Danny K. Blankenship Donald E. Gundrum Paul R. Bright II Tony Phillips Director of Training: Tony C. Phillips 117 Label Lane Weston West Virginia 26452 PHONE: 304-539-0208 FAX: 304-343-8250 Coordinator: Kevin Jett 84 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 53 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 970 Charleston, WV...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Jared Scarbro R.S.-Edward Scarbro Meets 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. District Council Office 91 Wheeling, WV...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Robert Hughes R.S.-Donald M. Clark Meets Last Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Teamsters Building 901 Market Street 1072 Ashland, KY...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Mark Mullins R.S.-Richard Patrick Meets 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Local Union Office 93 Marietta, OH...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Donald Riley R.S.-Kevin Jett Meets 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 512 33rd St, Parkersburg 1144 Parkersburg, WV...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Brian Stanley R.S.-Harold Keller Meets 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Local Union Office 438 Charleston, WV...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 District Council Office F.S.-Donald E. Gundrum R.S.-Tammy Swisher Meets 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Local Union Office 1195 Charleston, WV...Glaziers PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring St Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Dave Shaver R.S.-Matt Boblett Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. District Council Office 804 North Central, WV...Mixed PHONE: 304-343-8250 FAX: 304-343-8260 115 Spring Street Charleston, WV 25302 F.S.-Dave Struder R.S.-Rachel Oliveto Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Stanley Technical Institute 120 Linden Avenue Clarksburg 85 Updated: March 16, 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL 7 WISCONSIN Painters and Allied Trades District Council 7, State of Wisconsin BM/ST — Joe J. Jazdzewski S68 W22665 National Avenue P.O. Box 189 Big Bend, WI 53103 joe@iupatdc7.com PHONE: 262-662-1827 877-327-9177 FAX: 262-662-2397 Meets 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. District Council office REPRESENTATIVES/ORGANIZERS Joel Allen Jeffrey S. Arnold Jose L. Guzman Daniel L. Martin Jeffrey Mehrhoff Gerald E. Rintamaki Marcus D. Shepherd Dean A. Wanty Adam N. Gifford Adam Holmes APPRENTICESHIP/TRAINING IUPAT DC 7 Apprenticeship Training and Trust Fun Director of Training: Adam C. Holmes S68 W22665 National Ave., PO Box 189 Big Bend, WI 53103 Instructors: Dave S. Strem Paul J. Moyer 86 Updated: March 16, 2016 District Council 7 Fully Affiliated Local Unions 802 Madison, Wl ... Mixed PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Steven Price R.S.-Todd Carlson Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 108 Racine, WI ... Mixed PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Jay Jensen R.S.-Tim Krekling Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Union Hall 1840 Sycamore Avenue 934 Kenosha, WI ... Mixed PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Terry Holmes R.S.-John Marlar Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. 579 Milwaukee, WI ... Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Makers PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Gary Ballewske R.S.-Lorraine Golden Meets 1st Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Legion Hall 9327 South Shepard Avenue 941 Madison, WI ... Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers PHONE: 608-834-1690 FAX: 608-834-1695 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Dean Walsh R.S.-Paul Ziebarth Meets 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. 770 Milwaukee, WI ... Sign and Pictorial PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Christian Kuenn R.S.-Curt Hirthe Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. Paulo’s Pizza 5121 W. Howard Avenue 1204 Milwaukee, WI ... Glaziers PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Gerrit Van Kammen R.S.-Brian Baumgartner Meets 1st Thursday, 5:00 p.m. Cassidy’s 6317 W Bluemound Road 781 Milwaukee, WI ... Mixed PHONE: 262-662-1827 FAX: 262-662-2397 District Council 7 Office F.S.-Adam Holmes R.S.-Robert Adams Meets 3rd Monday, 5:00 p.m. District Council 7 Office 87 Updated: March 16, 2016 Non-Affiliated Local Unions NEW YORK 1422 New York, Manhattan, Bronx and Boroughs...Maintenance Painters PHONE: 212-245-8100 FAX: 212-541-8267 707 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10036 F.S.-Araceli Flores R.S.-Frank Colmenares Meets Quarterly, Last Friday, 4:30 p.m. Mezanine Board Room, 305 W. 44th Street 88 Updated: March 16, 2016 CONFERENCES PHONE: 860-828-9222 FAX: 860-828-9320 Secretary-Treasurer: Dominick Cieri 1492 Berlin Turnpike Berlin, CT 06037 Canadian Regional Conference of Painters and Allied Trades PHONE: 604-524-8334 FAX: 604-524-8011 Secretary-Treasurer: Bill Nicholls 95 Simmonds Drive Dartmouth, NS CN B3B 1N7 Meets—Bi-annually Western Regional Conference of Painters and Allied Trades PHONE: 206-441-5554 FAX: 206-448-6478 Secretary-Treasurer: Dennis Sullivan 6770 E Marginal Way S, Bldg E~Suite 321 Seattle, WA 98108 Meets—Annually, September Central Regional Conference of Painters and Allied Trades PHONE: 630-377-2120 FAX: 630-337-2384 Secretary-Treasurer: Ron Haftl (Pro-Tem) 2850 S. 166th Street P.O. Box 510308 New Berlin, WI 53151 Meets—Annually Selected Location Eastern Regional Conference of Painters and Allied Trades 89 Updated: March 16, 2016 NUMERICAL AND CLASSIFIED LIST *DENOTES AFFILIATED WITH THE UNION AND INDUSTRY PENSION FUND + DENOTES SIGNATORY TO RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT INDUSTRY PENSION FUNDS UNION AND INDUSTRY PENSION FUND TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-800-554-2479 1M Warren, MI 3 Kansas City, MO 4 Buffalo, NY*+ 5 Seattle, WA*+ 6 Cleveland, OH*+ 7 New Berlin, WI 9 New York, NY*+ 11 Hartford, CT*+ 14 Chicago, IL+ 15 Henderson, NV+ 21 30 35 36 38 DISTRICT COUNCILS 16 1 3 6 7 10 11 12 18 19 20 24 27 31 39 46 Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, 50 Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, 51 Baltimore, MD*+................Mixed Oakland-Hayward, CA+.....Mixed Pittsburgh (Allegheny County and Vicinity), PA*+............Mixed Toledo, OH*+…………….Mixed Portland, OR+…………….Mixed Buffalo, NY……………Tomkins San Mateo, CA+………….Carpet Linoleum and Soft Tile Workers Manhattan, NYC, NY*+….Mixed Bronx, NYC, NY*+………Mixed West Queens, NYC, NY*+…………………......Mixed South Brooklyn, Staten Island, NYC, NY*+………………Mixed Chicago, IL*+…………..Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Syracuse, NY*+..................................Mixed LOCAL UNIONS 32 Southern Illinois*+………….Mixed 33 35 38 41 43 47 49 50 52 53 57 61 73 Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kern, King, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Solano, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Luis, Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiou, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba Counties, CA+ Philadelphia, PA*+ Du Page County, IL+ Boston, MA+ Los Angeles, CA*+ Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territories, CN*+ Atlantic Provinces, CN*+ Toronto, Ontario, CN*+ Honolulu, HI Washington, DC, Baltimore, 76 77 78 79 83 85 86 88 90 Joliet, IL*+………………….Mixed Staunton, IL*+………………Mixed Oswego, NY*+……………...Mixed Wilkes-Barre, PA*+………...Mixed Buffalo, NY*+………………Mixed Indianapolis, IN*+..…………Mixed Memphis, TN*+…………….Mixed Cincinnati, OH*+…………...Mixed Bakersfield, CA*+…………..Mixed Dallas, TX*+………………..Mixed Birmingham, Al*+…………..Mixed St. Paul, MN*+……………...Mixed Orlando, FL..................Trade Show, Convention Workers Wichita, KS*+.........................Mixed Salt Lake City, UT*+..............Mixed Kelso, WA+....................Mixed Denver, CO*+………….Mixed San Rafael, CA+……….Mixed Belleville, IL*+………...Mixed Phoenix, *+…………….Mixed Tampa, FL*+…………..Mixed Springfield, IL*+………Mixed 91 93 97 Wheeling, WV*+………Mixed Marietta, OH…………...Mixed Wheaton, IL+…………..Mixed 90 Updated: March 16, 2016 53 57 58 77 78 80 81 82 88 91 97 711 MD, Richmond, VA, Metropolitan Areas and Vicinities*+ Charleston, WV*+ Western Pennsylvania*+ Collinsville, IL*+ Forest Park, GA+ Cocoa, FL*+ New Orleans, LA*+ Des Moines, IA Minnesota and North Central Houston, TX+ Evansville, IN*+ Province of Quebec, CN Atlantic City, NJ*+ 108 109 112 113 114 115 118 120 124 128 130 138 147 150 154 155 156 157 159 163 164 Racine, WI+……………Mixed Omaha, NE+……….…...Mixed Buffalo, NY*+………….Mixed N. Westchester, NY*+..............................Mixed Kingston, Ontario, CN*+..............................Mixed St. Louis, MO+...............Mixed Louisville, KY*+…........Mixed Granite City, Madison and Venice, IL*+...................Mixed Centralia, IL*+............Mixed Cleveland, OH*+.........Mixed Houston, TX*+............Mixed Vancouver, British Columbia CN*+..........Mixed Chicago, IL+...............Mixed Rochester, NY*+.........Mixed Elgin, IL+....................Mixed Poughkeepsie, NY*+.. Mixed Evansville, IN*+..........Mixed Peoria, IL*+.................Mixed Las Vegas, NV*+........Mixed Burnaby, British Columbia, CN..........................Industrial Jacksonville, FL*+......Mixed 169 Oakland, CA*+.........Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers 177 Province of Alberta and District of Mac Kenzie, Northwest Territories, CN+..………………...Mixed 178 Ithaca, NY*+…….…..Mixed 180 Chicago (Oak Park), IL+…………………...Mixed 181 Cleveland, OH*+…..Glaziers Glass Workers 184 Chicago (Englewood), IL+…………………...Mixed 186 New Haven, CT*+…...Mixed 188 Seattle, WA+…………Glass 191 Chicago, IL+………...Mixed 193 Atlanta, GA*+………Mixed 194 Chicago, IL+………...Mixed 195 Providence, RI*+…....Mixed 197 Terre Haute, IN……...Mixed 200 Ottawa, Ontario, CN*+……………..….Mixed 201 Albany, NY*+…….....Mixed 203 Springfield, MO*+…..Mixed 205 Hamilton, Ontario, CN*+…………….….Mixed 209 Bloomington & Normal, IL*+………………….Mixed 214 Sioux City, IA*+…… Mixed 215 East St. Louis, IL*+…………………….Mixed 218 Scranton, PA*+……...Mixed 226 Chattanooga, TN*+………..Mixed 238 Covington, KY*+………….Mixed 240 Lorain, OH*+...…………… Mixed 242 Memphis, TN*+.. ………...Glaziers 246 Des Moines, IA*+………… Mixed 249 Dayton, OH*+……………..Mixed 252 Philadelphia, PA*+……… Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers 257 Springfield, MA+………….Mixed 258 Boston, MA+……….Paperhangers 259 Eau Claire, WI*+…………..Mixed 260 Great Falls, MT*+………… Mixed 265 Chicago, IL+……………….Mixed 272 Monterey, CA+…………… Mixed 273 Chicago, IL+………………Mixed 275 Chicago, IL+………………Mixed 277 Atlantic City, NJ*+………..Mixed 288 Decatur, IL*+……………...Mixed 294 Fresno, CA*+……………...Mixed 300 Seattle, WA*+……………..Mixed 308 Cincinnati, OH*+………….Mixed 312 Kalamazoo, MI*+………….Mixed 349 Montreal, Quebec, CN……..Mixed 349A Montreal, Quebec, CN…………….Industrial Workers 363 Champaign & Urbana IL*+………………………..Mixed 365 Miami, Coral Gables, Miami Beach, FL*+……………….Mixed 368 Washington, DC*+………...Mixed 372 Columbus, OH*+………...Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers 376 Vallejo, CA+……………….Mixed 386 Minneapolis, MN*+……….Mixed 387 Cincinnati, OH…………...Glaziers 391 Boston, MA*+………Sign Display 400 Houston, TX………………Special 402 East Boston, MA+..…….House & Ship Painters 406 Mansfield, OH*+…………..Mixed 409 Greensburg, PA*+…………Mixed 411 Harrisburg, PA*+………….Mixed 419 Denver, CO*+……………..Carpet Linoleum and Resilient Tile Layers 424 Little Rock, AR*+….…...…Mixed 427 Pasco, WA*+……………....Mixed 437 Knoxville, TN*+…………...Mixed 438 Steubenville, OH*+………..Mixed 447 Cedar Rapids, IA…………..Mixed 448 Aurora, IL+………………...Mixed 452 West Palm Beach, FL*+……………………….Mixed 456 Nashville, TN*+…………...Mixed 460 Hammond, IN*+…...............Mixed 465 Ottawa, IL*+……………….Mixed 466 Kankakee, IL*+…..………..Mixed 469 Fort Wayne, IN*+………....Mixed 471 Alton, IL*+………..............Mixed 473 Bedford, OH*+..…..............Mixed 474 Portsmouth, VA….Civil Service Painters 476 Youngstown, OH*+....Mixed 479 Pittsburgh, PA*+…….Sign Pictorial and Display Artists 481 Hartford, CT*+…...…Mixed 487 Sacramento, CA+…....Mixed 490 New York, NY*+……..…Paperhangers 500 Paducah, KY*+..……Mixed 502 Rock Island * Moline, IL*+………………....Mixed 91 Updated: March 16, 2016 507 510 San Jose, CA+……....Mixed San Francisco, CA+….Sign Display and Allied Crafts 513 St. Louis, Mo+…....Glaziers Architectural metal & Glass Workers 514 Ann Arbor, MI+……..Mixed 515 Buffalo, NY*+…..…..Wood Finishers 521 Chicago, IL+……..…Mixed 530 Beaver County, PA*+……………..…Mixed 549 Erie, PA*+……….....Mixed 555 Portsmouth, OH*+.…Mixed 557 Toronto, Ontario, CN*+…………….…Mixed 558 Kansas City, MO*+…..Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers 567 Reno, NV*+…………Mixed 577 Cambridge, MA+……Mixed 579 Milwaukee, WI………….. Paint Varnish and Lacquer Makers 581 Rock island,IL*+….Glaziers Architectural Metal& Glass Workers 587 Philadelphia, PA*+....Paperhangers 591 Detroit, MI*+................Sign Pictorial & Display 604 St. Louis, MO*+……Paint Ink, Plastic Makers and Warehousemen 607 Rockford, IL*+………...Mixed 611 Chicago, IL……………..Wood Finishers 636 Los Angeles, CA*+..… Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers 639 Cleveland, OH*+………..Sign Display and Allied Trades 643 Middletown, OH*+…….Mixed 653 Georgetown, TX………. Mixed 660 Buffalo, NY*+……….Glaziers and Glass Workers 669 Anderson, IN*+………..Mixed 677 Rochester, NY*+……..Glaziers 681 691 694 718 724 728 739 740 741 751 756 765 767 770 774 775 779 781 788 802 804 806 813 820 826 823 830 831 841 845 847 863 867 880 884 Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Rochester, MN*+………Mixed New Bedford, MA+……Mixed Asbury Park NJ*+……...Mixed San Francisco, CA*+...Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Salem, OR+…………….Mixed Baton Rouge, LA*+……Mixed Winnipeg, Manitoba, CN*+…………………...Mixed Portland, OR+………..Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Martinez, CA+……….. .Mixed Pittsburgh, PA*+……..Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Dallas, TX*+……………..Sign & Pictorial Painters, Decorators and Paint Makers Cleveland, OH*+..……..Mixed Sacramento, CA+…….Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Milwaukee, WI*+………..Sign & Pictorial St. Louis, MO*+………….Sign and Pictorial Painters San Bernardino, CA*+…Mixed Mobile, AL*+………….Mixed Milwaukee, WI+……….Mixed Sandusky, OH*+……….Mixed Madison, WI+………….Mixed North Central, WV*+…..Mixed Greater New York, NY*+……………….Structural Steel and Bridge Painters of Greater New York Huntington, WV*+…….Mixed Kansas City, MO*+……...Sign and Pictorial Painters Lansing, MI*+……….Glaziers and Glass Workers Albuquerque, NM*+…...Mixed Chicago, IL*+……………Sign and Pictorial Painters Los Angeles, CA*+……..Trade Show and Sign Crafts Akron, OH*+…………..Mixed Lansing, MI*+………….Mixed Youngstown, OH*+….Glaziers Libertyville, Lake County, IL+……………………..Mixed Cleveland, OH*+...…….Mixed Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul), MN*+………….Sign Display and Allied Workers Brainerd, MN*+…….....Mixed 890 891 910 913 930 934 939 941 947 948 963 970 980 1004 1005 1007 1009 1010 1011 1018 1020 1036 1044 Alexandria, VA*+……..Mixed Roanoke, VA…………..Mixed Hillsboro, IL*+……..…Mixed San Mateo, CA+……....Mixed Denver, CO*+………..Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Kenosha, WI*+……..…Mixed Dorchester, MA+……...Mixed Madison, WI………...Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Cumberland, MD*+………………...Mixed Toledo, OH*+……….Glaziers Washington, DC*+………………...Glaziers Charleston, WV*+…….Mixed St. Louis, MO+……..Furniture Finishers Industrial & Allied Workers Bloomfield, NJ*+……...Mixed Perth Amboy, NJ*+…………………...Mixed Hackensack, NJ*+……..Mixed State of New Jersey*+ Glaziers, Architectural Metals & Glass Workers Orlando, FL*+………….Mixed Upper Peninsula, MI*+………………Mixed Richmond, VA*+….Mixed Lima, OH*+……….Mixed Downey, CA……..Painters Boston, MA+…….Glaziers Architectural Metal & Glass Workers Flint, MI*+………...Mixed Ashland KY*+…….Mixed 1151 Saint John, New Brunswick, CN*+………..Mixed 1156 St. Charles, MO+…….Mixed 1162 Akron, OH*+……… Glaziers and Glass Workers 1163 Victoria, British Columbia, CN………………...Mixed 1164 Peoria County, IL*+……………..Glaziers and Glass Workers 1165 Indianapolis, IN*+… Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1168 Springfield, IL*+… Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1169 Brunswick, GA*+…… Mixed 1175 Miami, FL*+…………...Sign Display and Allied Trades 1176 Alameda and Contra Costa Countries, CA*+……… Auto Marine and Specialty Painters 1179 Kansas City, MO*+……………...Resili ent Floor and Decorative 1075 Des Moines, Covering Workers IA*+......................Glaziers 1185 Columbia, MO*+…… Architectural Metal and Mixed Glass Workers Local 1192 Jackson, MS*+……… Union Mixed 1087 New York,NY…...Glaziers 1195 Charleston, WV*+… 1094 Seattle, WA*+……...Paint Glaziers Makers, Sign, Display, 1199 St. Louis Country, Truck Painters and Allied MO+………………… Trades Mixed 1100 Norfolk, VA*+….....Mixed 1204 Milwaukee, 1103 Willoughby, OH*+..Mixed WI…….Glaziers 1118 South Bend, IN*+……Mixed 1208 Bremerton, WA……… 1122 New London, CT*+….Mixed Naval 1135 Montreal, Quebec, Shipyard CN……………….Glaziers and 1225 Pascagoula, MS……… Glass Workers Mixed 1136 Altadena, CA…….Drywall 1236 Portland, OR+…… Finishers Linoleum 1138 Boston, MA+…………. Carpet, and Soft Tile 1052 1072 92 Updated: March 16, 2016 Maintenance and Mixed 1144 Parkersburg, WV*+……………..Mixed Applicators 1237 Sacramento, CA*+… Carpet Resilient Floor Covering and Sign Workers 1238 Seattle, WA+..………Carpet Linoleum and Soft Tile Layers 1244 New Orleans, LA*+……… House and Ship Painters 1247 Los Angeles, CA*+…….Resilient Floor and Decorative Covering 1269 Bethlehem, PA*+……Mixed 1274 Bridgeport, CT*+…..Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1275 Columbus, OH*+……Mixed 1276 Eugene, OR…..……...Mixed 1280 Revere,MA+………...Mixed 1285 Downers Grove, IL+....Mixed 1292 Cape Girardeau, MO*+…...Mixed 1293 Sheffield, Florence & Tuscumbia,AL*+….....Mixed 1310 Newark, NJ *+………Paint Chemical, Clerical, Warehouse and Industrial Workers 1324 Minneapolis, MN*+…….Glaziers Architectural Metals and Glass Workers 1331 Vineland, NJ*+…………...Mixed 1332 Chicago, IL+……………...Mixed 1333 Providence, RI*+………..Glaziers 1396 St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, MI*+……………………… Mixed 1399 San Diego County, CA*+…………………… Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1422 New York (Manhattan and Bronx Boroughs), NY……..Maintenance Painters 1439 Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CN*+……………...Mixed 1456 New York, NY*+......Maintenance 1468 Auburn and Lewiston, ME+....................................M ixed 1486 Long Island, NY*+.............Mixed 1487 Toronto, Ontario, CN*+…...Glass Workers Updated: March 16, 2016 1494 Windsor, Ontario, CN*+………………...……Mixed 1512 Henderson, Nevada……….Mixed 1527 Vancouver, British Columbia, CN*+...Glaziers Architectural Metal Mechanics, Glass Workers, Floor Coverers, and Allied Workers 1590 Sarnia, Ontario, CN*+…………………...…Mixed 1610 Phoenix, AZ*+………....Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1621 San Jose, CA*+………....Glaziers Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1630 Toronto, Ontario, CN*+…………………..…...Sign and Pictorial Painters 1671 Thunder Bay, Ontario, CN*+…………………...…Mixed 1705 Robinson, IL*+………..….Mixed 1719 Stamford, CT*+…………..Mixed 1726 Pullman, WA*+………..…Mixed 1756 Aiken, SC*+…………..….Mixed 1778 Houston, TX*+……..Glass 1786 Sprngfield,MO*+..Glaziers and Glass Workers 1791 Honolulu, HI……….Mixed 1795 Hamilton, Ontario, CN*+…Glaziers Metal Mechanics and Glass 1803 Midland, MI*+….…Mixed 1805 Oak Ridge, TN..................Maintenance 1819 Toronto, Ontario, CN*+……………Glaziers and Glass Workers 1824 Kitcheners, Waterloo and Area, Ontario, CN*+… Mixed 1846 Norfolk, VA*+…Glaziers 1889 Honolulu, HI+… Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers 1891 Toronto, Ontario, CN*+………………Province of Ontario Drywall Finishers and Residential Painters 1904 Sudbury, Ontario, CN*+……………...Mixed 1915 Portsmouth, NH, Kittery, ME and Vicinity…..Mixed 1922 Billings, MT*+….…Mixed 1926 Honolulu, HI……...Carpet Linoleum and Soft Tile 1929 Montreal and Vicinity, Quebec, CN……...Drywall Finishers 1936 Moncton, New Brunswick and Vicinity, CN*+..Mixed 1937 Washington, DC and 93 Vicinity*+……Speculative and Maintenance Painters 1940 Atlanta, GA*+…...Glaziers 1941 Honoulu,HI…....Shipyard, Federal Employees & Specialty 1944 Honolulu, HI….….Drywall Finishers and Allied Workers 1945 Sydney, Nova Scotia, CN*+…………...Mixed 1946 Augusta, GA………… Brick Tile and Allied Industrial Workers 1949 Halifax, Nova Scotia, CN...........Halifax Dock Yard Painters 1952 Boston, MA………… Special 1955 Philadelphia, PA *+….......Drywall Finishers 1959 Anchorage, AK…..Painters 1960 Regina, Saskatchewan and Vicinity, CN……......Vehicle Workers 1961 Atlanta, GA…………Paint Makers and Industrial Workers 1962 Bismarck, ND*+…….Mixed 1967 Grenada, MS………….Glass and Mirror Workers 1968 Erie, PA………………...Erie County School District Civil Service Employees 1969 New York, NY………..Civil Service Painters 1970 Philadelphia and Vicinity, PA………………..Industri al 1974 New York City, NY………Drywall Finishers of Greater New York 1976 State of New Jersey*+ ………Drywall Finishers 1982 Kent, WA*+………… Mixed 1984 St. John’s, Newfoundland, CN*+………………...Mix ed 1989 Tampa, FL and Vicinity… Paint Makers and Industrial Workers 1990 Binghamton, NY… Indus- trial 1991 Los Angeles, CA……....Civil Service Employees 1997 Washington, DC……….Civil Service 2001 Las Vegas, NV*+…Glaziers Glass Workers, Architectural Metal Workers and All Trades 2002 Rochester, MN..Maintenance 2003 Des Moines, IA…….Public Professional and Maintenance Employees 2006 Pittsburgh, PA*+……. …..Drywall Finishers 2007 Jacksonville, IL………Book Binders and Allied Trades 2009 Vancouver, British Columbia, CN*+…..Drywall 2011 Philadelphi, PA…….Painters 2012 Kansas City, MO...Painters, Drywall Finishers 2301 Cape Coral, FL…...Industrial and Public Employees 2341 St. Louis, MO+....Paperhangers and Fresco Painters 2345 Inglewood, CA…...California Professional Employees 2348 Houston, TX*+...Professional and Clerical Workers 2352 Metropolitan Detroit, MI Painters 2353 Metropolitan Detroit, MI Painters 8A-28A New York State*+ Polishers, Novelty and Production Workers, Sign, Pictorial & Display, Automotive & Equipment Painters 94 Updated: March 16, 2016
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