About Safetyline Jalousie
About Safetyline Jalousie
About Safetyline Jalousie Safetyline Jalousie is now available in Australia After 20 years involvement in the Australian home improvement and commercial premises building market, with their original Vergola opening roof system, SMR Designs Pty Ltd has been authorised to manufacture and distribute Safetyline Jalousie louvre window systems in Australia and Papua New Guinea. SMR Designs Pty Ltd, with its Vergola product, provides the premium external louvre roofing system in Australia. The company now has the opportunity to provide louvre window systems with the same commitment to quality, value and superior design. The Safetyline Jalousie product is now being fabricated in plants in Australia and we are members of the Australian Window Association. Safetyline Jalousie - a European Leader Created in France, the Safetyline Jalousie product has been developed and exclusively manufactured and distributed in Europe by Technal, a division of the European giant, Hydro. It is part of over 50 years of European design and production excellence. Technal is the leading brand for aluminium systems in Europe, offering the most extensive range of windows, doors, facades and unique products such as conservatories, balustrades, partitions, and louvre and hurricane proof windows. All products are in compliance with the strictest European standards. The Safetyline Jalousie product is also in compliance with Australian Standard AS 2047 Customer Assistance SMR Designs Pty Ltd, with its Safetyline Jalousie product, offers architect, window company and building partners: • Complete design and fabrication documentation; • Complete CAD* drawings in DWG & DXF format; • Technical assessments and quotations; • Adaptation of custom designed profiles; and • Installation and maintenance training; * Each CAD drawing in this manual has a JX code which corresponds to the DWG or DXF file contained in the resource disc. A Revolution in Louvre Windows Safetyline Jalousie goes beyond all other systems to provide: • Extra wide louvres, up to 1.4 metres; • Inbuilt security; • Support for air conditioning; and • Internal flyscreening; With aluminium frames and support structures, the louvres may be manufactured from aluminium or from glass, which provides a natural and soft ambience. Application Opportunities The Safetyline Jalousie product is ideal for both domestic and commercial renovations and installations and suits both contemporary and traditional buildings. As well as having an effective practical and design application for domestic buildings, the product has been very successfully installed in hotels, restaurants, schools and other publicly accessed buildings around the world. Product Information This remarkable new product from Technal France represents a new dimension in glass louvre windows. Offering identical water penetration qualities to a normal window the JX from Safetyline Jalousie provides all the benefits of a glass louvre window but now with added security. Innovative design and quality engineering come together to deliver impenetrable security, modern styling and increased functionality. Every JX glass louvre is framed on three sides and hinged at the rear edge of the glass. The hinge can incorporate a stainless steel bar providing impenetrable security and an interlocking feature that guarantees a watertight seal. Sturdy cam driven operating mechanisms ensure a locked position of the glass louvre even in the most extreme weather conditions. Design possibilities are endless with complete floor to ceiling capabilities and a choice of glass or aluminium louvres. A range of operating mechanisms makes any installation possible. Opening up the indoors can now be done with complete peace of mind. The lifestyle and energy saving benefits are considerable and in an era of sustainable design, the JX from Safetyline Jalousie is a clear winner. Product Characteristics These include: • Extra wide louvres, up to 1.4m. • Louvre support bars that provide complete security from intruders - even if the glass louvre is broken, the window remains secure. • Unique seals on all four sides of the louvre frame, providing a complete seal to the installation. • The use of either a lever or handle operator that locks in, up to, 4 different positions for convenience - ensuring the optimum ventilation in all weather conditions. • Internal flyscreens which snap into the frame and are easily removed for cleaning. • Unique electronic 12/24 volt DC control (optional), for customers preferring electronic operation. • With electronic operation, the system can be linked to a central building control panel. • The opportunity to install sensors that will automatically open or close the louvres. • Motors are mounted on the frame to provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance and easy maintenance. Frame with glass louvres Frame with aluminium louvres Frame with combination of louvres Frame with fly screen Frame with Glass Louvres JX004C JX003C Frame with Aluminium Louvres JX006C JX005A Frame with Combination of Louvres (Glass and Aluminium Louvres) JX004C JX007C Frame with Fly Screen JX011C JX012B List of profiles Top Transom Fly Screen Frame 63 7661 Stainless Steel Security Rod 19 12.2 1.8 7662 31 7791 31 Ø 6.6 8.2x 12.5 15.5 15.5 Bottom Transom 5.2 16.4 28.6 7792 46 Intermediate Transom 25 13 7798 63 Sub Sill Sub head 63 66.8 7709 21.9 16 18 7657 64 71.6 Sub Sill 100 15 5 18.6 7710 17 List of profiles Side Jamb Side Jamb 42 Top 13 42 Louvre Bearer Louvre Bearer Fly Screen Frame 17.2 17.2 Transom 13 63 7661 Stainless Steel 7790 Security Rod 19 7793 12.2 63 7662 317793 63 7791 41 14 x 14 14 x 14 8.2x 12.5 28.5 28.5 15.5 Bottom Transom 5.2 27 27 28.6 7792 46 17.4 14 x 14 13 41 31 Ø 8.0 6.6 15.5 16.4 1.8 7790 17.4 Jamb Connector Jamb Connector Jamb CoverJamb Cover Intermediate Transom 12.6 6.1 12.6 6.1 25 14 x 14 7798 63 Sub Sill 7713 7713 7711 54.6 7711 54.67772 54.6 7772 Sub head 54.6 66.8 63 7709 21.9 132 132 16 18 1.2 7657 1.2 64 71.6 Aluminium Aluminium Sub Sill Blade Blade 100 15 5 18.6 7710 17 1.2 1.2 Features Fixed Frame • Sections: 63 mm module squarecut assembled by screws and screw sockets (stainless steel screws) • Weatherproofing: by EPDM or polyethylene brush gaskets on upright sections and each horizontal transom. Water drainage via bottom transom • Fastening: to the building structure by clip-in capping section • Outside sill/architrave: directly by clipping into the grooves in the fixed frame • Accommodates fly screen on front of frame Frame Finishes • There is a wide selection of frame colours to choose from. The aluminium components are available in three surface finishes – powder coated, high performance powder coated and anodised. • Selecting the correct finish for your environment and ongoing maintenance are critical to the appearance of the finish. Louvres • Sections: curved aluminium or glass louvres fitted with nylon end caps, open to 80°, interval of 135 mm • Weatherproofing: by EPDM gasket on each louvre • Infill system: U-shaped EPDM gasket for glass louvres, • Combination of glass and aluminium louvres are possible Glass Louvre Selection • Almost any glass can be selected provide the blade width is 123mm and the thickness is 6mm. • In warm climates tinted glass can help to reduce solar heat gain, whereas in colder areas, low e glass helps to reduce heat loss. • In float and toughened glass we offer standard clear, grey, green and bronze options. Acid etched toughened (frosted) is also available as a standard option. Aluminium Louvre Selection • Aluminium louvres have a width of 135mm and can be treated with the same finishes as the aluminium frame. Operation • Operated by lever handles or knobs for symmetric and simultaneous opening of louvres to 80° • Louvre opening system by rods fitted with pins that directly operate the louvre end caps • Spring-loaded compensator for easy operation of louvres according to dimensions Variants Installation of fixed frame either: • on bottom transom only, • on single inside sill section, • on inside sill section with trim Performance Australian Standards • Australian Standard AS2047 specifies mandatory /minimum standards for windows and JX Louvre Windows easily meet these requirements. • All window manufacturers are required to label their windows with their identification, window rating and water penetration resistance. • JX Louvre Windows have been NATA tested and achieved a Window Rating of N5 (2200Pa) and a Water Penetration Resistance rating of N5, C3 (400Pa). AWA This manufacturer certifies that this product was designed to conform with AS2047. The design performance has been verified by a NATA accredited test laboratory. This AUSTRALIAN manufacturer is a member of the WINDOW AWA Accreditation Program. ACCREDITED MEMBER No. AWA 562 ASSOCIATION DESIGN PERFORMANCE 2200 Structural Pa Water Resistance 400 Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) • The aim of the WERS is to provide a rating to evaluate the relative energy performance of different types of windows. • Safetyline Jalousie is a member of the Window Energy Rating Scheme. • JX Louvre Windows have been tested and the result are available on request or by visting the WERS website. Acoustic Performance Sound proofing of windows can sometimes be overlooked until the noise disturbs you. Whether it’s from traffic, aircraft, trains or even neighbours, unwanted noise can be minimised. The sound insulation of windows refers to the ability of a closed window to reduce external noise entering your building. JX Louvre Windows have been designed with acoustic performance in mind and with the right glass selection, sound reduction of up 23.5dB is achievable. Single octave testing results are shown in the table below. Frequency (Hz) 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 Single Octave Rw 5 11 19 21 28 28 26 24 Loosening of glass louvre bearer Pull force of more than 200 daN on bearers without loosening of louvres. Test no. Q-0305-01 Sunlight ageing On end caps and drivers, after 300 hours in compliance with standard NF T51-056, no noticeable change in characteristics. CSTB test no. 01-0020 Warranty • Seven year warranty against defects arising from faulty workmanship or materials from the date of receipt of goods. • Warranty against defects and degradation for glass supplied with the product, will be as per the warranty provided by the glass manufacturer. • Three year warranty on moving parts which wear out as a part of normal use. • One year warranty on all electrical components. Safetyline Jalousie warrants its products provided the following conditions are met: • The product has not been subject to misuse, physical abuse or neglect; • The product has been maintained according to recommendations; • The product is installed in accordance with all relevant Australian Standards. The warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of the faulty product but excludes any installation costs. Claims should be submitted within one month of the fault being detected. This warranty is in addition to all other rights and remedies available under the Trade Practices Act and State or Territory Laws. Care and Maintenance General Maintenance • Inspect after installation and then annually. • Check all screws are tight. • Check all seals are clean and in place. • Check all handles for correct operation and note any sign of wear. • Make sure all louvres open and close easily. ALUMINIUM: Regular maintenance helps to reduce the rate of weathering of aluminium finishes. How often you clean depends on where you live but cleaning every three months could be seen as a guide. • Warm water and a mild detergent should be used to remove loose deposits and clean louvre frames and aluminium blades. • Cleaning agents, particularly those with a caustic effect, should not be used. GLASS: Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water usually gives the best results. Comprehensive Specification The following specification is provided for convenience and non applicable items should be deleted. The louvre window shall incorporate the JX Louvre Window by Safetyline Jalousie (1300 68 3350) and manufactured to achieve (insert N Window Rating & N Water Penetration Rating) as required by Australian Standard AS2047. The louvre window shall be JX by Safetyline Jalousie with 63mm extruded aluminium frame. The louvre window shall be capable of a maximum width of 1.4 metres. Each louvre shall be framed on three sides and hinged at the rear edge. Glass louvres should require at least 200kg pull out to remove the blades. Weatherproofing shall be provided by EPDM and polyethylene brush gaskets. Water drainage is to be via the bottom transom. The louvre window should be fitted with nylon end caps and capable of opening to 80˚ at an interval of 135mm. Additional Security shall be provided by a 8mm stainless steel rod inserted into the louvre bearer. The handle mechanism shall be cam driven and capable of locking in at four different positions. Internal flyscreens should snap into the frame and be easily removed for cleaning. Standard Height & Width Height of frame according to the number of louvres JX Safetyline Jalousie Standard Heights IMPORTANT • Wherever possible standard heights should be used • Should standard heights not be used a cut down blade is required. If this blade is less than 60mm the opening would need to be adjusted to standard heights • Each lever will only lift a number of louvres depending on the type and length. (Refer chart in this section) • Where one louvre meets the other and a new lever is required a spreader bar is used which is marginally wider than the normal blade holder and the louvre above that join is 10mm smaller (Intermediate Transom) • Add 38mm to overall frame height if standard reveals are required. The JX from Safetyline Jalousie Numbers of Louvres Overall Frame Height Opening Height with head & sill with bottom transom 7792 with bottom transom 7792 7791 12 7657 5 7791 7792 7792 7710 5 2 334 361 3 469 496 4 604 631 5 739 766 6 874 901 7 1009 1036 8 1144 1171 9 1279 1306 10 1414 1441 11 1549 1576 12 1684 1711 13 1819 1846 14 1954 1981 15 2089 2116 16 2224 2251 17 2359 2386 18 2494 2521 19 2629 2656 20 2764 2791 21 2899 2926 22 3034 3061 Intermediate Transom 7798 (for glass louvres only) Intermediate transoms must be used in the case of multiple levers. Intermediate transom for more than 11 louvres 7702 Glass louvre trainer body 135 135 mm 7703 Glass louvre trainer body 115 mm Dimension of glass louvre driver body 7703 H = 103 H 18,6 135 21,6 7798 Intermediate frame transom 1835 32,1 7759 7702 Glass louvre trainer body 135 135 mm Standard Lever Operation - Levers for 6mm Glass Louvres Louvre width (mm) 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Number of Levers Required No Louvres 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 9 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 2 2 2 2 3 3 15 2 2 2 2 3 3 16 2 2 2 2 3 3 17 2 2 2 2 3 3 18 2 2 2 2 3 3 19 2 2 2 2 3 3 20 2 2 2 2 3 3 21 2 2 2 3 3 3 22 2 2 2 3 3 3 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 Frame Joint Technal sleeve (M5 x 30) 1809 7793 7711 X VE046 X‘ 39,7 1,2 Weathering W110 85,2 Technal sleeve (M5 x 30) 1809 7793 7772 X VE046 X‘ 39,7 2,4 86,4 Technal sleeve (M5 x 30) 1809 7677 Weathering W110 Threaded rod M5 Technal sleeve (M5 x 30) 1809 (no Technal) X‘ X 7793 Weathering W110 26,2 110,2 JX013.A Brick Veneer Flashing by others Brickwork Timber stud wall Builders paper by others Architrave by others Reveal Frame Height (FH) Cover angle by others Seal by others Reveal Architrave by others Builders paper by others Brickwork Timber stud wall JXBV001 Stud Cladding Timber stud wall Builders paper by others Architrave by others Flashing by others Frame Height (FH) Reveal 20x12x1.2 angle fixed to frame Reveal Window membrane Architrave by others Builders paper by others Timber stud wall Stud sizes 70, 76 (steel) 75, 90 & 100 JXSC001 Blockwork - Sill Block 190 Blockwork 140 Blockwork 290 Blockwork Frame Height (FH) Frame Height (FH) 32x12x1.4 Closing Angle By others Sealant by others Sealant by others 140 Blockwork 290 Blockwork 190 Blockwork JXBL001 Blockwork - Flat Sill 190 Blockwork 190 Blockwork 140 Blockwork 140 Blockwork 290 Blockwork 290 Blockwork Frame Height (FH) Frame Height (FH) 32x12x1.4 Closing Angle Closing Angle 32x12x1.4 By others By others Sealant by others Sealant by others 140 Blockwork 140 Blockwork 190 Blockwork 290 Blockwork 290 Blockwork 190 Blockwork JXBL001 Brick Double - Flat Brickwork Brickwork Render by others Brickwork Frame Height (FH) Render by others Seal by others Seal by others Flashing Flashing Render by others Render by others Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork JXBD001 Brick Double - Sill Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Render by others Render by others Seal by others Seal by others Seal by others Flashing Flashing Flashing Render by others Render by others Render by others Frame Height (FH) Frame Height (FH) Frame Height (FH) Render by others Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork Brickwork JXBD001 Brickwork Motor Operated Louvres Safetyline Jalousie louvre windows can be motor controlled and integrated with climate control systems or other sensor activated control systems. Motors can be supplied by Safetyline Jalousie or sourced from a third party. Safetyline Jalousie is currently able to supply a choice of two motors correctly installed on the window frames. Motors are mounted externally on the frame for easy maintenance. Research and development continues to look at other motor options such as motors concealed inside the frame. Connection to control systems should be arranged separately by a third party specialist to achieve the desired outcome. The two motor options currently available are: Louvre Drive LDF 100 Louvre drive LDF 100 has been specially designed for infinitely variable electrical control of louvres. • All drive functions, characteristics and stroke length are individually programmable via Software • Equipped with additional passive and active anti pitch function • Useable for smoke ventilation • Fire resistance (30 minutes/300°C) • Stainless steel housing • Dimensions L 413mm x W 25mm x D 25mm • Power Supply DC 24V +/- 20%, current consumption 0.8A 25 • Up to 800N opening force 25 41 3 linke Ausführung / left version rechte Ausführung / right version Louvre Drive LA 12 Louvre drive LA 12 is an ideal automation solution where small movements are required. Thanks to the small size and outstanding performance, the LA 12 actuator provides a practical and cost-effective alternative to traditional pneumatic systems and gear motors. • High strength plastic housing (black) • Reinforced glass fibre piston rod • Built-in limit switches (not adjustable) • Dimensions L 245mm x W 50mm x 85mm • Power Supply DC 12V • 300 to 750N push thrust 36.3 170.7 19.6 +0.2 0 245 01 LA12 Stainless steel 255mm 16 02 20.5 6.1 22 10.1 16.5 +0.1 0 85 +0.1 0 31.9 10.1 6.1+0.2 50 Contact Information Australia Wide: Head Office: SMR Designs Pty Ltd ABN 23 123 507 853 7 Tepko Road, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 T 1300 86 3350 www.safetylinejalousie.com.au sales@safetylinejalousie.com.au
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