Toy Catalog - Welcome to Planet Music
Toy Catalog - Welcome to Planet Music
T O Y B E S T S E L L E R C A T A L O G 2 0 0 7 T H E F O R S P E C I A L I S T M O R E T H A N I N 2 5 M U S I C Y E A R S Wrist Bells DP 104-3 3 bells on nylon strap, velcro, length adjustable, 9” 23 cm, for wrists or ankles PM 104-3-36 counter top display 36 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm Maracas DP 267 wood, natural finish, 5 1/2’’ 14 cm Maracas pair, wood, handpainted, 5 1/2’’ 14 cm DP 267-1 dots yellow DP 267-2 stars DP 267-3 stripes DP 267-4 dots blue Maracas DP 271 Maracas DP 273 Maracas DP 265 Maracas DP 261 pair, plastic Frog design 6’’ 15 cm red or green pair, plastic, 8’’ 20 cm wood, natural finish, 6 1/3’’ 16 cm wood, handpainted, 10’’ 25 cm Mini Sleigh Bells DP 113 CL 13 small bells colored, on stick, 6 3/4” 17 cm PM 113 CL - 20 counter top display 20 units 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm Bells Kit PM 242 4 pcs Wrist Bells DP 104 + 1 pc Belly Bells DP 110 Belly Bells DP 110 Handy Bells DP 111 bells on a plastic handle, diameter 3” 8 cm, 10 small bells PM 111-40 10 bells on nylon strap, velcro, length adjustable, 27” 70 cm PM 110 -10 counter top display 10 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm counter top display 40 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm Music Makes Kids Smarter Castanet on Handle PM 148 - 20 counter top display 20 pieces assorted designs 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm Maracas DP 283 Maracas PM 283 - 10 pair,wood, handpainted, 8’’ 20 cm counter top display 10 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm Promotional Chicken Shake Maracas DP 284 Maracas, piece, with ribbon to hang around neck 5’’ 13 cm Chicken Shake Maracas PM 274-36 Chicken Shake Maracas DP 274 counter top display 36 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm pair, 5’’ 13 cm Each color has a different sound. The darker the color, the lower the pitch. Chicken Shake Maracas PM 274-2 2 pcs, plastic, POP packaging Music Makes Kids Smarter The Orig inal Ever One ythi s. ng e lse i just s a co py. Castanet on Handle handpainted, 3.5” x 2” 8,5 x 5,5 cm DP 148 - C Cat 14 cm 5.5” DP 148 - M Monkey 14.5 cm 6” DP 148 - Z Zebra 17 cm 7” DP 148 - P Panda 15 cm 6” Chicken Shakes DP 001 B Chicken Shakes PM 001-2 bulk, height 2” 5 cm, assorted colors. Each color has a different sound. The darker the color, the lower the pitch. 2 pcs mixed colors in POP packaging Ratchet DP 972 wood, 2 tongues small size, handpainted, 5” 13 cm Castanet finger type Castanet finger type PM 149 - 40 counter top display 36 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm 2 pcs for 2 hands, wood handpainted 2.5” 6 cm DP 149 - F Frog DP 149 - L Ladybug Chicken Shakes Di splay Boxes, assorted colors. Each color has a different sound. Height 2” 5 cm. The darker the color, the lower the pitch DP 001- 024 Chicken Shakes display box 24 pcs DP 001- 072 Chicken Shakes display box 72 pcc 2 Chicken Shakes PM 001 - 45 Chicken Shake DP 001 - 6C Ratchet PM 972 - 25 counter top display 45 pieces, assorted colors 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm plastic, 6 Chicken Shakes assorted in colors in a carrying bag 7” x 4 2/3” x 2” 18 x 12 x 5 cm counter top display 25 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm 3 Products with your own custom design - logo Most of our instruments can be designed to your specific criteria. In the design of a particular country, city, football club, event, company and so on.... Harmonica DP 137 Harmonica DP 134 key of C, 16 holes, 16 double notes, 5” 13 cm key of C, 10 holes, 160double notes, 5” 13 cm Recorder Recorder 2 parts, wood, 12.5” 32 cm 3 parts, plastic 12.5” 32 cm DP 133 DP 128 German fingering German fingering DP 131 DP 129 English (Baroque) fingering Harmonica PM 137 - 30 Harmonica PM 134 - 40 counter top display 30 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm counter top display 30 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm English (Baroque) fingering Kazoo DP 139 plastic, bulk Chime Bar DP 311 wooden frame, mallet, 1 metal solid chime, 6” x 1 1/2” 15 x 3.5 cm Planet Music 25 Years 1979 - 2005 Finger Cymbals DP 421 1 pair, chrome plated, 2” 5 cm Chime Bars DP 313 wooden frame, mallet, 3 metal solid chimes, 6“ x 3 1/2” 15 x 9 cm Kazoo PM 139-50 Kazoo PM 139-2 counter top display 50 pieces 9.5” x 8 2/3” x 4” 24 x 22 x 10 cm 2 pcs, plastic, POP packaging Triangles Triangle Stand DP 406 ST steel, chrome plated, mallet DP DP DP DP 403 404 405 406 3’’ 8 cm 4’’ 10 cm 5’’ 13 cm 6’’ 15 cm Custom Packaging available for all products. wooden stand 10’’ x 8’’ 25 x 20 cm, natural finish, mallet, triangle 6’’ 15 cm Music Makes Kids Smarter and sometimes adults too. Rainmaker colorful plastic beads DP 2208 P 8’’ 20 cm DP 2212 P 12’’ 30 cm DP 2220 P Wave Drum light It immitates the sound of the 1.3” 3.3 cm height plastic beads DP 308 WPL diameter 8’’ DP 310 WPL diameter 10’’ DP 312 WPL diameter 12’’ 4 waves. 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm Wave Drum Design Design may vary from photo 20’’ 50 cm It immitates the sound of the waves. 2.6” 6.6 cm height DP 310 D diameter 10’’ 25 cm DP 312 D diameter 12’’ 30 cm 5 Glockenspiel DP 015 8 notes, diatonic, key of C,1 mallet, wooden base, metal bars 8 1/3” x 4” x1” 21 x 10 x 2.5 cm Tambourine DP 918 available plastic, 4 1/2“ x 5 1/2” 11 x 14 cm, 4 pairs of jingles PM 2001 - NE PM 2001 - PG DP 2000 Music Makes Kids Smarter as above but pentatonic PAL French - English 3 hours of big fun percussion lessons for beginners. Learn to play over 50 different instruments with instructions and play along music. PAL Chinese - English PM 2001 - PC Main instruments covered in this DVD Chicken Shakes, Agogo Bell, Castanets, Cowbell, Tambourines, Wood Blocks, Triangle, Claves, Maracas, Guiro, Sleigh Bells, Wooden Agogo, Bongo Sound Effects covered in this DVD Multi Ton Drum, Wave drum ( Ocean Drum ), Bar Chimes, Finger Cymbals, Kalimba, Jingle Stick, Ratchet, Kokiriko, Bird Sounds, Samba Whistle, Afuche Cabasa, Kazoo, Rainmaker Side Instruments covered in this DVD Arabian Tambourine Small drum set, various drums wood, 4 pairs of jingles, 8” 21 cm DP 902 RD red DP 902 GR green DP 902 PU purple Glockenspiel DP 018 PM 2001 - PF Play Percussion in 5 minutes ! Star Tambourine Glockenspiel DP 003 Double DVD + 2 Chicken Shakes PAL German - English Double DVD plastic, 14 pairs of jingles, 10” 25 cm DP 901 RD red - white DP 901 BL blue- white DP 901 3C white, blue, red PM 2001 NTSC Chinese - English PAL English - Spanish wooden frame, 15“ x 7“ 37 x 18 cm, 7 pairs of jingles 8 notes, diatonic, key of C, wooden frame, 1 mallet, 10” x 5” 25 x 13 cm Starter Set PM 2001 - NC PM 2001 - PE Tambourine Fish DP 915 Glockenspiel DP 002 NTSC English - Spanish La musica rende i fanciulli intelligenti. 8 notes, diatonic, key of C, wooden frame, 1 mallet, 9” x 9”x 1” 23 x 23 x 2.5 cm Tambourine DP 906 P RD Rhythm Party plastic frame and head, 6 “ 15 cm, 3 pairs of jingles, red color, Percussion Set & Audio CD Have a Party and learn how to play Percussion. Glockenspiel DP 019 8 notes, diatonic, key of C, wooden frame, 1 mallet, 16” x 5.5”x 1” 41 x 14 x 2.5 cm Tambourine DP 906 H RD Rhythm Party 1 wooden frame, 6 “ 15 cm, 4 pairs of jingles, natural head, red color, handpainted Tambourine DP DP DP DP wooden frame, with jingles 904 4’’ 10 cm, 3 pairs jingles 906 6’’ 15 cm, 4 pairs jingles 908 8’’ 20 cm, 6 pairs jingles 910 10’’ 25 cm, 8 pairs jingles Rhythm Party 2 ht” n Tonig “It'sbyoMichele Henderson Learn how to play 5 percussion musical instruments along with an instructional audio CD featuring a smashing pop song! Ages 3+ Tambourine Xylophone DP 014 8 notes, diatonic, key of C, wooden frame, wooden sound plates, 2 mallets, in carrying bag, 12” x 9” x 1” 30 x 23 x 2.5 cm wooden frame, natural head, with jingles DP 904 H 4’’ 10 cm, 3 pairs jingles DP 906 H3 6’’ 15 cm, 3pairs jingless DP 908 H 8’’ 20 cm, 6 pairs jingles DP 910 H 10’’ 25 cm, 8 pairs jingles Item No PM 551 I N PM 3001 01287664823902912372100 6 PM 2005 5 Instruments POP Box with Instructional Audio CD and booklet and Chicken Shake, Guiro, Wrist Bells (Sleigh Bells), Wood Block, Triangle This CD includes the smashing Planet Music ® Hit 1062 Cephas • Weaver Park byDrive Michele Clearwater, Henderson FL 33765 USA • “ It’s on tonight” PM 2010 10 Instruments POP Box with Instructional Audio CD and booklet and 2 Chicken Shakes, Guiro, Wrist Bells (Sleigh Bells), Wood Block, Triangle, Double Tone Block, Colors,Maracas, sizes and designs may Tambourine change and vary from pictures. with jingles no head, Samba Whistle Rhythm Party 3 PM 2015 15 Instruments POP Box with Instructional Audio CD and booklet and 2 Chicken Shakes, Guiro, Triangle, Maracas, Wrist Bells (Sleigh Bells), Double Tone Block, Tambourine with head and jingles, Samba Whistle, Tube Shaker, Castanet on Handle, Claves, Jingle Stick, Wooden Agogo 7 Music Box Multi Percussion Music Box, ideal as a shelf POP product, assorted with most popular percussion instruments. All that Music Set DP 506 NA Individual assortments available. Set with percussion instruments in wood in natural finish, carrying bag, unique stand, jingle stick, castanet on handle, sleigh bells, pair of maracas, bag 11” x 2 3/4” x 8” 28 x 7 x 20 cm All that Music Set DP 508 PU Set with percussion instruments in wood, handpainted in purple, carrying bag, unique stand, wood block, jingle sticks, pair of maracas, castanet on handle, sleigh bells, bag 15” x 2 3/4” x 8” 38 x 7 x 20 cm Music Box DP 546 Music Box DP 563 Music Box DP 547 Glockenspiel with wooden base, metal bars and mallet, Harmonica , pair of Chicken Shake plastic 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Glockenspiel wth metal bars and mallet, Tambourine wood with head and 3 pairs of jingles, pair of Maracas wood, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Tambourine wood with head and 3 pairs of jingles, Harmonica, pair of Finger Castanets wood, pair of Maracas wood, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm DP 1100 Paint your Music Set Set with percussion instruments in natural finish, bag, paint brushes and paint. Have fun and paint your own musical instruments. Bag 11” x 7” x 6” 27 x 17 x 15 cm. Music Box DP 544 Music Box DP 562 Music Box DP 548 Tambourine wood with head and 3 pairs of jingles, pair of Maracas wood, Glockenspiel wood base with metal bars and mallet, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Maraca wood, pair of Finger Castanets plastic, 10 Sleigh Bells on handle, Chicken Shake plastic, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Tambourine wood with head and 3 pairs of jingles, Glockenspiel wood base with metal bars and mallet, pair of Maracas wood, pair of Finger Cymbals chrome plated, 13 Sleigh Bells on a wooden stick, Castanet on handle wood, 15 2/3” x 13 1/3” x 2 2/3” 40 x 34 x 7 cm Music Box wood DP 555 Tambourine with head and 4 pairs of jingles, pair of Maracas wood, Triangle chrome plated with mallet, pair of Finger Cymbals, Wood Block with mallet, wooden Castanet on handle 14 2/3” x 11 1/3” x 3” 37.5 x 28.5 x 8 cm 8 We do not stop playing because we became old. We became old because we stopped playing. Music Box DP 560 Music Box DP 561 Tambourine plastic with 4 pairs of jingles, Wrist Bells with 4 sleigh bells, Chicken Shake Maraca plastic, Kazoo plastic, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Maraca wood, Castanets on Handle wood, 13 Sleigh Bells on wooden handle, Tambourine wood with 3 pairs of jingles, 11” x 8” x 2 1/3” 28 x 20 x 6 cm Mini Orchestra Set DP 504 W Back-pack carrying bag, 1 Tambourine natural head, 1 pair Maracas, 1 Jingle Stick, all in wood, all in natural finsh, bag size 9” x 4” x 8” 23 x 10 x 21 cm Muziek maakt kinderen wijzer Mini Or chest ra Set DP 504 P Back-pack carrying bag, 1 Tambourine,2 Chicken Shakes, 1 pair Maracas, 1 Castanet on Handle, all in plastic, bag size 9” x 4” x 8” 23 x 10 x 21 cm Music Makes Kids Smarter Ukulele Guitar DP 510 Classical Guitar DP 512 Classical Guitar DP 514 wooden body, 4 nylon strings, not fully playable, 22’’ 56 cm wooden body, 6 nylon strings, not fully playable, 22’’ 56 cm wooden body, 6 nylon strings, not fully playable, 22’’ 56 cm Classical Guitar DP 516 wooden body, 6 nylon strings, fully tunable and playable, 31’’ 79 cm Accordion DP 807 Accordion DP 809 7 keys, 14 notes, 2 basses, diatonic, key of C, 6” x 7” x 4” 17 x 18 x 4 cm 2 lbs 0.9 kg 9 keys, 18 notes, 2 basses, diatonic, key of C, 9” x 8” x 4” 22 x 20 x 10 cm 3 lbs 1.5 kg 9 Marching Snare DP 401 professional 4’’ x 8’’ 10 x 20 cm, wooden shell, chrome plated hardware, fully tunable, 2 wooden drum sticks, carrying strap, carrying bag Rocky Drum Set DP 415 Rock Drum Set professional, fully tunable, footpedal, drum sticks, cymbal, snare stand, wooden shell, Cymbal 7” 18 cm, Tom 8” x 4” 20 x 10 cm, Snare 8’’ x 3’’ 20 x 8 cm, Bass Drum 14’’ x 8’’ 36 x 20 cm DP 413 Rock Drum Set Bongo DP 590 wooden shells, natural heads, 4.5’’ + 5’’ 11 x 13 cm Fully playable and tunable professional drum set, wooden shells, chrome plated hardware, footpedal, 2 wooden drum sticks Cymbal 10’’ 25 cm, Snare 10’’ x 4’’ 25 x 10 cm, Bass Drum 16’’ x 10’’ 41 x 25 cm, TomTom 10’’ x 5’’ 20 x 15 cm Ape Drum DP 417 twisting hand-drum, diameter 4” 10 cm height 7” 19 cm Marching Drum DP 455 Art in Sound Bongetto DP 1005 4’’ x 8’’ 10 x 20 cm, wooden shell, natural heads, 2 wooden drum sticks, carrying strap natural heads, 4.5’’ + 5’’ 11.5 + 12.5 cm Art in Sound Floor Drum DP 1019 natural head, 8’’ x 4 1/3’’ 20 x 11 cm’’ Native Indian Drum DP 450 6’’ x 12’’ 15 x 30 cm, natural heads, with beater DP 451 Art in Sound Congetto natural head Floor Drums natural head, wooden shell, 2 wooden beaters, colors. RD-red, PU-purple, YE-yellow, BL-blue 7’’ x 15’’ 38 x 18 cm natural heads, with beater DP 1036 6’’ x 4’’ 15 x 10 cm DP 1038 8’’ x 4’’ 20 x 10 cm DP 1040 10’’ x 4’’ 25 x 10 cm DP 1030 15’’ x 7’’ 38 x 18 cm DP 1031 10’’ x 6’’ 25 x 15 cm Music macht klug January 2007 Subject to change without notice. Colors, sizes and designs may change and vary from pictures. Sizes are approximate. Planet Music Yudi Geyu Town, Langfang Hebei Province 065004 China Phone + 86 - 316 - 286 9588 Fax + 86 - 316 - 286 9599 10 Chopin DP 1230 BK black DP 1230 WH white Grand Piano design, 30 keys, chromatic, 20” x 21” x 13” 50 x 53 x 34 cm Little Mozart DP 1018 Beethoven DP 1025 BK 18 keys, chromatic, various colors available 8” x 12” x 10” 20 x 30 x 26 cm Tabe Top design, black, 25 keys, chromatic, 17” x 11.5” x 10” 43 x 27 x 26 cm
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