meet sylvia valerie powers


meet sylvia valerie powers
Past President
Ralph & Linda Deline
Sylvia Powers
Vice President
Terry & Faye Swanburg
Recording Secretary
Lyn Davie-Sparling
Corresponding Secretary
Darlene Wiltsie
Jim & Jean Keenleyside
Voting Delegates Rep.
Dave & Marilyn Webster
Provincial Director
Hugh & Camy Hicks
Regional Directors
Jim & Marilyn Stobbart
Unaffiliated Reps
Jim Stobbart
March 2013—Volume 47 Number 1
Chartered August 23, 1965 S/PA6
I have been asked to give a “brief
Bio” of myself as most of you know
me as ‘Nurse Sylvia’! So, here it is.
I was born in Oshawa, Ontario in late
February – a “preemie” whom the
doctor told my mother, at my first
check-up, that he had not expected
me to live! He didn’t know my parents! They had the house so warm
that they went out on the porch to
When I was five years old, we moved to a 100 acre farm two miles north of
the village of Janetville and twelve miles south of Lindsay. I spent seven
grades in a one room school house (skipped grade five). It was a marvellous
way to keep up skills – you heard the other grade assignments and learned/
remembered with them! My high school education, grades 9 to 13, was at
LCVI (Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute). I then took my three years
of nursing training at Oshawa General Hospital, worked there for two years
after and then moved to Toronto where I worked at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – three years on the Neurosurgical Unit and 23 years in the
Post Anaesthetic Care unit – the majority on a full time night shift. I also
worked for three years in a doctor’s office, mostly travel medicine and hepititis
C clients! I now work on a casual basis with a nursing agency, night shift in
nursing homes.
My ‘camping’ interest began as a teen at church camps. After a brief hiatus,
my ex-husband and I bought a tent trailer (one where you could only stand up
in the middle), which he and my dad refurbished. On our first campout, my
husband wanted to eat around 8 PM – I tried to convince him to eat earlier
with no avail. Naturally we were swarmed by mosquitoes and the next night
there was no question – we ate at 5 PM. Some of our church friends invited
us to one of their campouts – the Golden Flyers! We joined the group. As I
especially enjoyed camping, I requested the tent trailer as part of our divorce
Continued on page 4.
Charlotte Daly
Campout Coordinators
Earl & Marilyn Swan
Crest & Decals
West Bill & Charlotte Daly
East Mort & Louise Amell
Provincial DASAT
Terry & Faye Swanburg
Earl & Marilyn Swan
Legislation Ontario and
Sylvia Powers
Spring is finally almost here! Snow banks are shrinking and patches of
‘green’ grass are appearing. I hope you are planning to “Come Camp
With Us” for Spring OPA ! Our hosts are the Brockville Eager Beavers
and Friends, May 17 – 20, 2013 at Rideau Acres Campground, Kingston.
Let’s make this a RECORD Campout!
We need Chairpersons for the following positions:
Photography- East, Crest and
Decals – East!
If you are interested or know of someone who would be perfect, please tell
any member of the Board. We can make OPA a wonderful experience with
your help!
Jim and Marilyn Stobbart have made a PRAYERFUL decision to resign as
Regional Directors but will remain in the Chaplain position. We are
Marilyn & Wayne Rosenberger
3500 Chilligo Road, RR2, Breslau,
Ontario N0B 1M0
Hugh and Camy Hicks have resigned as Ontario Provincial Directors and
Ralph and Linda Deline are our Acting Provincial Directors for a period of
time. We will keep you updated on any upcoming news!
O.P.Action Editors
Lee and Celia Steels
Peace be with you!
Sylvia V Powers, OPA President, Family Campers & RVers
O.P.Action Mailing
Bill Henderson
Dave & Marilyn Webster
Donna Dykun
Jean Bedford
Sound & Prod.
Ralph & Linda Deline
Teen Advisors
Jason & Kim Welburn
History scrapbooks must be registered with Earl Swan by March
31, 2013. They will be judged at Spring OPA. The winner must register wit National by June 15. The pictures & write ups in the scrapbook must cover the time from January 1, 2012 to December 31,
To register or get answers to questions, contact:
Earl Swan, 56 McNaughton, Cambridge, ON N1R IZ3 or
Web Site
Youth Vacant
This will probably be our last report to OPAction as the Ontario Provincial Directors because we
have tendered our resignation effective April 15, 2013. No, we are not getting out of FCRV and leaving all our friends behind!!. We have put in our application to take over as the Canadian Regional
Directors from Jim and Marilyn Stobbart as they have also given their resignation as of the same
We have enjoyed being your Provincial Directors for the last 6 years as it has allowed us to meet
and know more of our camping family here in Ontario and we have enjoyed many great campouts.
It’s always hard to give up a position which you enjoy, but we look forward to moving into another
challenging position in FCRV, and to continue the great work that Jim and Marilyn have accomplished in the last 4 years. We truly have an operating and a co-operating region and to that we owe
Jim and Marilyn a big “thank you”.
We can also announce that we have appointed Ralph and Linda Deline, as the new Ontario Assistant Provincial Directors and that appointment was confirmed in the first weekend of February. Camy
and I will probably stay on as Acting Ontario Provincial Directors for Ontario even if we are appointed as the new Canadian Regional Directors, as we want to give Ralph and Linda time to adjust
to the assistants’ position prior to asking them if they would be willing to take over as the Provincial
Directors. In the mean time maybe some-one else might also step forward to put their name in for
the Provincial Directors position??
We are proud to report that the Ontario FCRV family is alive and well and to remind you that despite
all the losses we have suffered in our membership, Ontario still remains as the second largest state/
province in Family Campers and RVers. But membership remains something that we must constantly work on and we thank all of the volunteers who have come forward or have volunteered to
work at the local RV shows. We must keep this as “job one” in order for our organization to survive.
We know you will help our successor in the Provincial Directors position the same way you have all
pitched in to help us throughout the years and all the various campouts. We also want to thank the
Ontario FCRV Field Staff for all the support they have given us over the years. We truly have a great
group of dedicated volunteers, and we are proud to pass them on to our successors.
We will be leaving in a week for the national Winter Board Meetings which are being held in Houston, Texas this year. We already expect that there may be major changes to the “cadet program” so
we will be anxious to pass on any information we receive to all the Field Staff right after our return
from Texas.
We have also started the process of organizing the 2014 Canadian Regional Campout, and we are
asking all of you to make suggestions as to a possible site for this event. Even when we are not the
Provincial Directors for Ontario, I can assure you we will be involved with organizing this special
Hugh and Camy
Continued from page 1
My three nephews camped with me that first year, ages 13, 10 and 7. After two months, I acquired a
19 ft. Travel Trailer – which almost fell apart our first campout. After carpentry repairs and water tank
repairs, by my brother-in-law at the end of the week-end, we were ready for our FIRST Campvention
- in Michigan! Crossing the Border, we lost contact with the members with whom we were travelling
and so continued on with the aid of a map. We developed engine trouble and so, to a garage; then a
flat tire and into the next intersection to a tire store. Finally we made it to THE GATES at 7:00 PM.
Our group was notified and we had a wonderful experience. After that experience, nothing has
daunted me! Both my youngest nephew and my niece had many camping experiences over the
years. Both my parents camped with us and then my father only, whom most of you met, for almost
12 years. It was wonderful being able to ‘give back’ to them! As most of you know, I travel with my
cats – usually two of them. I have had seven cats, in total, over the years and now have a new one
to join Licorice the Third. His name is Noel! My friend, Margaret Eve, sometimes brings her cat as
well – a little noisy sometimes, when they start chasing each other!
Two of my best camping experiences were a two week trip to Saskatchewan to visit unseen relatives
and our Travelong in the East Coast – MY SOUL BELONGS IN CAPE BRETON!
I am very active in my local and the wider church – choir, UCW, council, worship committee, ministry
and personnel, past chair of Presbytery, education and students, past chair of Presbyterial (women’s
group), conference interview committee, conference UCW, Beaver Bible class – to name a few.
I have been a member of FCRV for almost 25 years and am a Lifetime Member! FCRV has changed
over the years – smaller groups, but still friendly. I do notice, however that many of us stay in our
own small groups and for introverts, like me, for example, that can be daunting. We don’t want to intrude! I believe we all need to notice, those who seem to be alone! We also need to encourage
‘tenters’ to join in with us – they may be our next generation. Don’t put them way out back. Mix them
among the midst of us! Camping has changed but we can still love and enjoy ‘the great outdoors,
campfires, pie-irons, meeting new friends and having different experiences! ‘
Why not invite that STRANGER beside you to join you for an afternoon snack, a meal, a campfire?
Enjoy new experiences! Make a new friend!
The Ontario Fire Flies are pleased to once again host the Conservation Weekend at Darlington
Provincial park. The date for this year’s cleanup is April 26 to 28 th. Each year, FCRV members assist
the park prepare for the camping season by cleaning up the sites, repairing structures or fencing,
painting or other related activities.
Friday from about 2 pm on is for gathering, setting up our units and fellowship.
Saturday is spent doing the activities listed above, lunch is provided by the Fire Flies. Following the
days work, we gather for hospitality, campfire and fellowship.
Sunday we hold a spiritual service, a chapter meeting and conclude the day with whatever jobs were
left over from Saturday.
For doing this cleanup, the park provides each unit with a weekend free camping after Labour Day.
This has always been a fun weekend even though we work a full day on Saturday. The Fire Flies
look forward to seeing each of you there for the 2013 Darlington Conservation Weekend.
The Ontario Fire Flies are pleased to once again host the Corn Cobb Weekend. To avoid conflict with other camping weekends in the East, we have moved our Corn Cobb to the third weekend
in September. This year, the dates fall on Sept. 13, 14 and 15. We are hosting this campout at
Rideau Acres in Kingston.
The weekend is full of fun, fellowship and friendship including: a corn cobb feast; card bingo; casino
night and other enjoyable games. A registration form is available on the OPA web site.
The Fire Flies look forward to camping with you and chewing down on some fresh corn this September. Come Camp With Us.
May 13th - 16th
Shore Acres Campground, Port Dover
Please Confirm with campground if you will be
attending 519-583-2222 ; call Jim & Elaine Wilsack for more Info 905-945-8234
Aug 12th-15th
Burford Fairgrounds
Burford, ON
Sept 9th-12th
Norwich Community Centre
Norwich ,ON
June 10th-14th Retirees Rally
Norwich Community Centre
Oct 7th-10th
Green Acres Campground
Cambridge, ON
July 8th-11th
Woodland Campgrounds
St. Williams ON
Fee is $35.00 per night Cash Only
All Seniors and Retirees welcome.
Come, join us and give us a try. You'll have a blast !
George Frank Collins, May 20, 1937 – February 13, 2013
George passed away peacefully at St. Joseph's Hospital on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 in his
76th year. George was the beloved husband of Sheila and a dear father to Susan (Dean) Gray,
Debra (Michael) Kool and Wayne (Ing). As well as being the loving grandpa of eight grandchildren.
George was a retired salesman for London Life.
By the time you read this many of you will have contacted Sheila Collins one way or another.
Noreen Smith suggested looking on line at the collection of photos of George, Sheila and their family. Follow the links.
Jean and I recall George & Sheila joining the Meandering Mohawks about 12 years ago. As was
their nature, they became active in the chapter almost immediately inducting various executives,
working with a constitution group, or being the chapter treasurer most recently.
George was a great self-starter. If he thought something needed doing, he started working to make
it happen. A recent example of this was the famous bagel cutter. George thought it would be a
good idea if the chapter could do a project. Seeing a bagel cutter at a store he bought it, took it
apart, costed out the materials and made plans to cut out the various components. We gathered at
Wayne and Judy’s place one afternoon and cut out the pieces, fastened them together. They then
went to George & Sheila’s home for finishing. Others got involved selling them at OPA Campouts
and at 2012 Campvention.
We had a happy time working with George and Sheila on Fall OPA 2009 Registration and 2005
OPA Spring Door Prizes.
On occasion the chapter still uses the sound system George sold to the chapter a few years ago
(the same one used by another George at many camping events). Do you remember the wake-up
song played every morning at camp?
We believe that George and Sheila would want us to mention Russ & Addeline Hall. Not only did
these folks call George & Sheila from their winter home to ask how he was every ten days, but repeatedly they enabled the Collins to continue to camp by driving their motorhome and their own unit
to a campground not far from Hamilton and there they would camp. George was not to do anything
except sit and visit. Last June they drove the Collins motorhome to the Ontario Retirees for the
same reason. Dialysis sessions at St. Joe’s Hospital in Hamilton were no obstacle to this. Russ
simply drove George into his appointment, stayed with him and brought him back to camp. What a
George exhibited constantly a positive attitude to life. Jean echoes my sentiments when she says
that George never complained or grumbled despite being beset with serious health challenges. He
marched right on figuring out what had to be done next. Despite six heart attacks, and kidney dysfunction, he remained cheerful to all.
To our mind, George was a man of many parts. We are sure that some of you have seen his beautiful wood carving. At the funeral home were displayed a male and female mallard duck and a graceful white swan—almost lifelike.
Now to the area that confuses many of us—computers. Here again Russ Hall (among others) would
help George become computer savvy. George (being a smart guy) wrote it down and ended up with
a thick binder of notes on how to do this or that at the computer.
At the chapter Christmas party in 2011, George and Sheila gave each member a DVD containing
photos of all the chapter members. Their Christmas cards were special. I have right now on my
desk two photos of birds printed on his special computer printer. (Jean & Jim Keenleyside)
Continued on page 7.
From Judy Richardson of Meandering Mohawks...
George was a very kind soft-spoken man. He told me one time that Sheila and
he had done and gone everywhere on their bucket list. How many of us will be
able to say this?
George's life reminds me of the poem The Dash.
l read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the date on the tombstone
From the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of the birth
And spoke of the following date with tears.
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
That he spent alive on earth
And now only those that loved him
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own,
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard;
Are there things you'd like to change?
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real
And always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile,
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read
With your life's actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash.
Thoughts and Memories of George Collins from Noreen Smith
I have lost a good friend. My George and I signed George and Sheila into National Campers and
Hikers Association at Galt Camping show in 1965. They became Hamilton Loadluggers too.
We each had three preschool age children and we camped together so many times. I think of times
shared at Courtcliffe Park, Balls Falls Conservation Area, and on to Valens and Rockton with Loadluggers. George and Sheila were working members, always active. They served on chapter executives and chaired and hosted campouts regularly. I visualize sitting out under the stars at Balls Falls
with George watching for satellites to go over. Those fabulous open skies! Also I recall him flipping
pancakes at the breakfasts, or preparing corn at the corn roast. Of course we all know he was good
with the casino games too. They served the chapter well.
George and Sheila's work went beyond chapter. They served on OPA Board as Treasurer for some
terms. They were Field Directors for Hamilton district, then resigned for awhile but later returned as
Field Directors for Hamilton-Niagara. They worked and chaired many OPA’s.
At the national level, besides Field Directors, they worked five National Campventions. (Brant Park;
Guelph Lake (2); Kitchener; and Blyth 2006). They were on the Steering committee for the latter four
events. At Brant Park they were on Entertainment committee. They attended many more Nationals
and you would always find them working at any Ontario functions that were presented. He was a
fabulous photographer, as well as a wood carver, and many examples of both talents can be found
among fellow members.
Sadly Sheila also has health problems, and will miss George very much. They have both been in my
prayers and I continue to pray for Sheila. I know her children will be there for her. I send along a
great big Thank You to George and all the Collins family. They truly made NCHA/Family Campers,
the organization we all love. I will miss George my friend, as we were in touch online although no
longer camping.
The Meandering Mohawks have planned a fun filled camping season.
May 3-5
May 28-31
July 5-12
Conservation Weekend - volunteer work at a Conservation Park near Burlington
Pt Pelee - camp at Pt Pelee and explore the area
Caravan to Campvention 2013:
July 5 & 6 stop at Punderson State Park, Newbury, OH;
July 7 & 8 KOA Brookville, OH;
July 9 & 10 Indianapolis KOA, Greenfield, IN;
July 11 & 12 Mill Point Park, East Peoria, IL;
July 13 Amana Colonies, Amana, IA.
At each stop we will tour the various attractions in the area.
August 12-16
Mystery Trip - only the Wagon Master will know the destination(s). It is a surprise
September 13-15 Niagara Wine Festival - will camp in the Niagara area during the Niagara Wine
This is billed as the oldest motorhome.
It weighed eight tons and could reach
a whopping 11 mph. Even nearly 100
years ago, it had running water & electric lights.
Naturalist Charles Kellogg drove it
cross country four times from 1917 to
1921 promoting the sale of World War
I Liberty Bonds until peacetime, and
then the preservation of the great
groves of California redwoods.
The motorhome was not so old, but
the material it was made from – a onepiece carved-out log of a 4,800-yearold coastal redwood tree – surely gave
it a solid claim as the RV made of the
oldest materials. It was the largest single piece of hewn timber in the world.
Kellogg had it mounted on a Nash Quad Chassis, the only truck capable of transporting the eight-ton
vehicle. Kellogg hollowed the log with an ax, shaping it into a complete dwelling – the basic amenities found in today's modern RVs except for a bathroom and shower. He called it Travel Log.
The Humboldt Redwoods Interpretive Association Visitor Center at northern California's Humboldt
Redwoods State Park now displays the Travel Log to the public. Visitors may view it inside and out
throughout the year and learn more about Kellogg's message of redwood conservation.
See Registration forms on the OPA-FCRV website by clicking on the box “Campouts”.
April 26, 2013 - April 28 , 2013
June 10, 2013 - June 14, 2013
“Conservation Weekend”
'38th Ontario Retiree Spring Rally'
Hosted by Ontario Fire Flies
Darlington Provincial Park - (See Chapter News)
Saturday is spent doing the activities listed on the registration form. Registration fee of $10 provides 2 nights
camping with hydro, hospitality, campfires & lunch on Saturday
Make cheque payable to Ontario Fire Flies and send to:
Carl & Lynda Wood, 261 McIntyre Rd, Ameliasburgh, ON
K0K 1A0
Norwich Community Center & Arena, 53 1/2 Stover St.
South, Norwich, Ontario, N0J 1P0 - Games, Entertainment, Draws, Silent Auction (Bring Donations Please).
Limited Hydro; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Ice-Cream Social. Come and Enjoy! Preregistration fee $10 by June 1
(at gate $15), Activity Fee $80 for 2 ($55 for 1) Please
make cheques with preregistration $10, payable to
"Ontario Retiree Rally" Send preregistration to: Dave &
Sheila Turner, 1102 Indian Rd., Sarnia, ON N7V 4C5
May 17, 2013 - May 20, 2013
The Corporation of the town of Norwich has informed the
organizers of retirees that there will be NO dumping facilities available to the campers at the Norwich Community
Centre. A major parking lot rehabilitation is taking place
this summer and the sewage pumping station will no
longer be in service. It will not be relocated because the
cost is prohibitive. The washroom facilities will remain
open in the community centre.
The organizers are researching other methods/
locations for dumping. Some arrangement will be
made for dumping, probably at an extra cost. This
information will be posted on the FCRV OPA website.
Please note that the entrance and exit points will probably
be north of the community centre.
“Spring into Camping” SPRING OPA
Hosted by Brockville Eager Beavers
At Rideau Acres Campground, 1014 Cunningham Road,
Kinston, Ontario - Highway 401, exit 623 (1 mile north on
highway #15); Hydro & water for all AND showers & toilets in the rally field Preregistration fee $15 by May 1,
2013; (at the gate $20) Activity fee $99 CA (includes
HST) Make cheques payable to: Spring OPA; Send to
Kim Welburn, 184 Temperance Lake Road, Athens, Ontario K0E 1B0
May 31, 2013—June 2, 2013
June 14, 2013 - June 16, 2013
"Spring Into Summer"
with the Ausable River Nomads
Blyth Community Centre, 377 Gypsy Lane, Blyth
“Come & Relax Campout”
Hosted by Oxford Rovers
Dorchester Fairgrounds, 4939 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, ON N0L 1G0
Pre-registration:$6; At the gate: $10
Camping fee: $55 (regardless of arrival time)
Campfires, pie irons, penny sale & family games
Make cheque payable to Oxford Rovers and send to
Jack & Aggie Boden, 809 Anne St., Woodstock, ON
N4S 2E6
Pot luck on Friday night, cake walk, progressive card
bingo, garage sale (hopefully with village compliment),
games, ice cream social, entertainment. Sunday - Complimentary breakfast, church service. Hydro & water,
washrooms & dump station. Preregistration fee $5.00 (at
gate $10.00), Camping Fee $60.00 Please make
cheques payable to "Ausable River Nomads" Send preregistration to : Bob Broadfoot, 40802 Mill Rd., R. R. # 1
Brucefield, ON N0M 1J0
Email address
Please register with number of people attending campout.
July 7, 2013 - July 11, 2013
Mid West Regional Campout
held at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, Illinois
Preregistration fees $15, at the gate $20
Camping $20 per night, $10 for tents
See page 10 for more information.
Start them RVing early!
Continued on page 10
July 14, 2013 - July 18, 2013
August 30, 2013 - September 2, 2013
Campvention 2012 “Heart of the Heartland”
Amana RV Park & Event Center, Amana Colonies, Iowa
Campsites offer 30 or 50 amp electrical service, water
available; parking is hobo style according to state or province
Preregistration fees $250 includes Saturday night camping; deadline for preregistration is June 15, 2013; after
this gate, registration will be $280
Early bird days (Thursday & Friday) are $25 per night
Hosted by Wandering Canadians & Friends
550 Belsyde St, Fergus, ON
pre-registration $15 till August 23, after $20, Activity fee
$110, make cheques payable to Fall OPA; send to
Marilyn Rosenberger, 3500 Chilligo Rd., RR #2, Breslau,
ON N0B 1M0
To assist at the campout, please contact Earl Swan at OR David Webster at
Gates open at 9am
August 2, 2013 - August 5, 2013
ECHO 2013, 45th Anniversary Spirit of 68, Country
Western Style
September 13, 2013 - September 15, 2013
Rideau Acres, Kingston Ontario, 401 exit 623, - landskiis,
washer toss, Little Sir, Miss Echo, 30 amp service, water,
new comfort station, swimming pool, WiFi on grounds pre-registration $15 till July 15, after $20, Activity fee $95
Neville & Dorothy Taylor, 19 Sherwood Ave, Amherstview, Ontario Kingston Road Runners
Hosted by Ontario Fire Flies
Campfires, casino night, hospitality, corn on cob, Sunday
breakfast, games, bingo, grocery roll
Rideau Acres, 1014 Cunningham Road, Kingston, ON
Preregistration: $10; At gate registration $15; camping fee
$70 (includes 2 way hookups with dump facilities available); Make cheque payable to Ontario Fire Flies and
send to: Roy Kemsley, 68 Hwy 33, Trenton ON K8V 5P6
August 9, 2013 - August 11, 2013
Hosted by Sarnia 4T’s
Brigden Fairgrounds, 10 km south of Sarnia on hwy #80
July 7-11, 2013
The Mid West Regional campout will be held at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, Illinois the
week before Campvention 2013 in the Amana Colonies. This site is not that far out of your way and
as you can see there is a lot to see in this city. You can pay for the number of nights you are
staying at the campout, so you could pay as little as the registration and one night camping
Pre-Registration $15.00, At the Gate $20.00
Camping Fee - $20.00 per night / $10.00 per night for Tents
Lincoln Tours
Road Rally
Guest Speaker for Lincoln’s Ghost
Walk: Legends & Lore
Games & Activities
Wednesday Morning Breakfast
Self Guided Tours
D.A.S.A.T. Program
Wildlife/Conservation Program
Craft & Flea Market Sales
Tuesday Evening Dinner
Route 66 Drive In Movie Theater
Still More To Be Planned, so come join us on your way to Amana, IA
247 miles to Amana, IL or about 4 ½ to 5 hours
See FCRV OPA web site for the registration form.
Questions?: Contact Doug & Connie Black at
Bike Rack for TWO Bikes
Hand Cart with Wheels
Bike Rack for ONE Bike
Kayak or Canoe Rack
Clothes Line
Flag Pole
You only need FOUR correct out of 10 questions to pass.
1) How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get cat gut?
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What colour is a purple finch?
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
10) What is the colour of the black box in a commercial airplane?
Answers are found on page 19.
2 Yorkville Pulse Speakers, 8 Ohms, 250 Watts 29in X 22in X 17in will take stand
2 Yorkville Traynor Speakers, 8 Ohms, 250 Watts 29in X 23in X 17 in
2 Yorkville Traynor Speakers, 8 Ohms, 44in X 12in X 11in
2 Cone outdoor speakers, 24in 8 Ohms
2 Cone outdoor speakers, 24in 16 Ohms
2 cone outdoor speakers, 12in 8 Ohms
JVC Tape deck KD VR 320
The sound equipment has not been used for a long time. We are offering the equipment to
chapters free of charge. Speak to me at the Spring Campout. Any equipment still in my care
by Sept 1, 2013 will be put up for sale with the funds going to OPA.
Ralph Deline
Come Camp With Us
2013 Campvention Update
by JeAnne Selby, 2013 Campvention PR Chair
The Heartland Region, Region 3, FCRVers extend a "herzlich willkommen" (warm-hearted welcome)
to the 2013 National Campvention, to be held at the Amana RV Park & Event Center, in Amana, in
east central Iowa, July 14 - 18.
The 53rd annual Campvention has been planned in a shortened five-day format, with Thursday and
Friday being "early bird" days, at $25.00 per night, payable at the gate. The gates open at 9:00 a.m.
CDT on Thursday, July 11. Scheduled activities begin Sunday, July 14.
Pre-registration fees are $250.00 (which includes Saturday night camping) per family, $200.00 for
the weekly camp pass, and $40.00 for the daily camp pass. Campsites offer 30- or 50-amp electrical service, with water available. Parking will be hobo style, by state or province.
The theme of the 2013 Campvention is "Heart of the Heartland." This year's parade theme is identical to the Campvention theme, "Heart of the Heartland." The theme of the site decorating contest,
once again sponsored by Geneseo Campground, Geneseo, IL, is "Heart of Camping."
Among the activities planned are many familiar ones we've come to expect at National Campventions, including commercial exhibits, FCRV insignia sales, adult activities and sports, three craft sessions, evening entertainment (beginning Saturday evening, July 13), first timers' activities, the aluminum collection, opportunities to participate in both the FCRV band and choir, CAMP, conservation,
DASAT and wildlife programming, a golf outing, historian and chapter/state/provincial newsletter
contests, site decoration contest, the national parade, a pet parade, project sales and flea market, a
red hat luncheon, a hard hat luncheon (for FCRV men), religious services, seminars, a teen center,
activities and sports, the national teen queen pageant, ball and tea, and a youth center and youth
Adult Activities: Adult Activities Chairs Doug and Connie Black invite Campvention 2013 participants "to spend some of your time with us, as we're prepared to offer a lot of fun and fellowship!"
Chapter History and Scrapbook Contest: According to the Campvention 2013 Historian Chair,
Arlus DeVriendt, "There is still time to get a chapter scrapbook together!" Arlus recommends you
review a copy of the history and scrapbook rules, available on the Ontario FCRV website HOME
page, near the bottom of the page under Documents & Forms Library. Any adult or teen chapter
may enter a scrapbook at the state or provincial level; the winning scrapbook will advance to the National Campvention 2013 scrapbook contest. To assemble a scrapbook, Arlus advises, gather information on chapter activities and projects, awards received, personal photographs, and newspaper/
magazine clippings documenting the activities or projects, and include them in a scrapbook. Entries
will be judged on originality or creativity, authenticity (historically oriented documentation), continuity
or balance, public appeal and interpretation (expression). First, second and third places, plus honorable mention awards, will be presented in each category.
All entries must be pre-registered with Chair Arlus DeVriendt by June 15. To pre-register or direct
questions to Arlus, contact her at 402-331-9113, e-mail her at, or drop her a note at
1130 Laport Drive, Papillion, NE 68046.
Church Choir: Heather Borton, Church Choir Director for the 2013 Campvention, encourages anyone interested in singing with the church choir to let her know. Practice times will be determined
later and announced. You may convey your interest in the choir to Heather via e-mail at "Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!" Heather looks forward to singing with
you in July!
Conservation Poster Contest: Campvention Conservation Poster Contest Chair Ronald Hersom
encourages all FCRVers to begin planning and designing their conservation posters now for their
upcoming state and provincial conservation poster contests. Toward that end, Ron recommends
FCRVers review the national poster contest rules, available on the Ontario FCRV website HOME
page, near the bottom of the page under Documents & Forms Library. Contestants in the national
poster contest will be adult and youth first place winners from their state or provincial conservation
poster contests. States and provinces may submit first place winners in six age categories. Posters
in all categories will be judged on adherence to National Conservation Board rules, originality, neatness, and adherence to or development of the theme.
Ribbons will be awarded to first, second and third places in the six age categories. Contestants submitting posters into national competition need not attend the National Campvention to be eligible for
All conservation poster entries must be registered on grounds at Campvention by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, July 15. Judging will take place between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on July 15. Posters will remain on display until Wednesday, July 17.
If you have questions, you may contact Ron at 641-752-6528 or e-mail
Crafts: Crafts Chair Shirley Forbes announces a choice of three craft sessions during Campvention
week. She asks Campvention participants to register for craft sessions at the registration table upon
arrival at Campvention. Examples of the three crafts will be on display at registration. Nominal
charges for supplies for the craft sessions range from $1.50 to $5.00, depending on the item/s the
participant creates. Supply kits will be assembled for each participant for each craft.
Participants may make a wooden planter/pencil holder during the first craft session, offered Sunday,
July 14, at 1:30 p.m. The supplies cost for this quick and easy craft is $2.00. Participants are asked
to bring a scissors to cut plastic bottles.
Participants will learn to make paper bead jewelry during the second craft session, offered Monday,
July 15, at 10:30 a.m. The supply cost for this attractive jewelry ranges from $3.00 to $5.00, depending on the item the participant creates.
Creating fun jewelry from duct tape will be the third and last craft session, offered Wednesday morning, July 17, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Craft Chair Shirley extends a special invitation to FCRV teens
to attend this session! Participants will have a choice of crafting bracelets, earrings or necklaces during this session. The supplies cost is $1.50 per item.
Saturday evening, July 13: The Good News Gospel Quartet from Salina, KS
The Good News Gospel Quartet, organized in 2008, is composed of four friends from different walks
of life sharing a common interest in Southern gospel music. The group looks to the Gaithers for their
musical inspiration. Lead Singer Jerry Franklin is a pharmacist, Tenor Rick Rasmussen is a parts
manager for a multi-line car dealer, Baritone Roger Mattison is a Salina area farmer, and Bass Gary
O'Hara is a dentist.
Sunday evening, July 14: Branson, MO Vocalist John Sager performs country, gospel and rock
and roll music. After performing 40 shows in three months in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas,
John was named "Best Male Vocalist" of South Texas and "Best Male Entertainer" by the Winter
Texan Times. He again was nominated for and won Best Male Vocalist in 2011 in Branson. His CD,
"Faith, Hope and Love," was nominated for and received Best Gospel CD by Branson Show Awards
for 2011.
Monday evening, July 15: The Brett Family of Branson, MO - a musical variety show.
Wednesday, July 17: the Pocket Tones, a seven-member jazz vocal ensemble from Iowa
Jam Sessions: The FCRV couple that had originally agreed to spearhead the classic country jam
sessions at Campvention 2013 is no long able to attend Campvention and host the evening jam sessions. The jam sessions have tentatively been scheduled for every evening, Sunday through Thursday, July 14 - 18.
Judy Dickey is looking for someone who has a sound system, microphones, etc. to assume this volunteer position. Other FCRVers are available to assist, but do not have the sound equipment. To
volunteer, please contact Judy at 402-430-5884.
Parade: The Campvention parade is scheduled for Thursday morning, July 18. This year's parade theme is "Heart of the Heartland." The parade route will take participants into downtown
Amana. Parade units will be judged on the execution of the theme, originality and workmanship.
Representatives of families, FCRV clubs, states, provinces and regions entering floats in the parade
will be invited to an informational meeting.
The parade registration form is due to Parade Chairs Marv and Gerri Huschka, 450 East Brandon
Drive #9, Bismarck, ND 58503, by May 1. If you have questions, the Huschkas may be reached at
701-258-1019 or e-mail
Seminars: Arrangements have been finalized for several seminars, including Dutch oven cooking,
digital photography, genealogy, a favorite recipe exchange, and a book discussion on participants'
recent "good reads.
Those interested in the favorite recipe exchange are asked to bring copies of their recipes to share
with other participants. If possible, Bev also asks participants to bring the dish or dessert made up,
to share tastes as well.
Bev asks those FCRVers interested in participating in the book discussion to bring their books, along
with a few copies of a brief written book review. Participants will be asked to share why they liked
(or disliked) the book. The seminar will include some time for discussion also.
Teen Center: Teen Center Chairs Marty and Kristine Moats encourage any chapter, state or province to consider hosting one night at the teen center. The Moats welcome any suggestions for activities. They may be reached at 515-292-9221 or e-mail
Teen Pageant and Ball: Teen Queen Pageant Director Heather Borton asks all State and Provincial Teen Queens planning to compete in the 2013 Teen Queen Pageant to contact her at their earliest convenience. Heather can be reached at
Pageant registration forms are available from your Provincial Directors, Hugh and Camy Hicks.
Heather would also like to hear from all current and former National Teen Queens and all Provincial
Teen Kings and Escorts that are planning to attend the 2013 Campvention at Amana in July.
Heather and Teen Queen Pageant Co-Chair Elizabeth Camp have developed a tentative schedule
of activities for Teen Queen candidates, kings and escorts. Registration and the initial rehearsal for
Teen Queen contestants, kings and escorts will be held Saturday, July 13, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. The Sunday, July 14, rehearsal is slated from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teen Queen contestants, kings and escorts will meet at the stage area Monday, July 15, from 8:30
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for pageant rehearsal.
Tuesday, July 16, is Pageant Day! The day-long event will begin with contestant interviews and includes a group dance number involving all teen queens, presentation of talent, poise and confidence, and evening gown segments. Performances by past Teen Queens and kings will also be included in the pageant program.
The teens will have an opportunity to celebrate their newly-crowned Teen Queen and Court at the
annual Teen Ball Wednesday evening, July 17, at the Teen Center.
Youth Activities: Youth Chair Dawn Baker and Co-chair Melissa Ragland are looking forward to
meeting FCRV youth at Campvention 2013!
They've planned a fun, busy week of special activities for young Campvention participants. A tentative schedule follows. Youth activities begin on Sunday, July 14, with special guests from the local
fire and police departments. The Sunday activities are scheduled between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m.
Youth hours are expanded on Monday and Tuesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to
4:00 p.m. both days. Monday's activities will follow a water fun and safety theme, while Tuesday's
activities follow an animal theme and include a pet "show and tell" in the morning and a visit from local zoo officials in the afternoon. Dawn and Melissa remind the youth to bring a family pet to the
morning session. Wednesday's activities follow an outdoor theme. Youth will have an opportunity to
"explore" a local pond in the afternoon between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The youth and his or her
family are invited to the evening stargazing activity, beginning at 7:30 p.m. and continuing until after
dark. The ladies will have a telescope available for better viewing of the night sky.
Thursday's special activity is an on-grounds youth parade.
Craft and game stations will be available the afternoons of Saturday, July 13, and Thursday, July 18.
Youth Chair Dawn encourages youth pre-registration, to ensure adequate craft supplies are available. A youth activities pre-registration form is available found on page 14. To pre-register your
child/children, or for questions, call Dawn at 402-290-0293 or e-mail her at
Pre-registrations may also be mailed to Dawn Baker, 749 South Madison Street, Papillion, NE
DASAT (Disaster and Safety Awareness Training) Activities: DASAT Chair Deanna Sellers recently
announced three DASAT seminars will be offered at Campvention 2013. She also said that the
American Red Cross will be on-site for a "Heart of the Heartland" blood drive.
If you are interested in donating blood, please e-mail Rob Baker, at or call 402639-4837 (and leave a message if there is no answer); your contact will help gauge the level of interest, to ensure appropriate equipment and number of Red Cross staff.
The three DASAT seminars are:
Common Household Poisons: Have you ever wondered "can THAT really hurt me?" Most of us
can find numerous common household items throughout our homes that are poisonous and/or potentially fatal. Learn which ones are truly dangerous -- and which are the ones you had no idea
could hurt you.
Healthcare Directives: Communicate with your loved ones now -- before you become ill. If someone else is making decisions for you because of an illness, make sure they know what you would
want them to do during that stressful time. Loved ones want to do what is best for you, and the best
way to do that is for you to tell them now. We will discuss health care directives, explain the terminology, and give you an opportunity to complete a form.
Medication Amazement: This seminar is designed to demystify your medication list. You will learn
the basic categories of medications, and discuss some drug interactions. You will also learn how to
create an emergency health information list to carry in your purse or wallet. Time will be available
for questions and answers at the conclusion of the presentation.
Project Sales/Flea Market: Project Sales/Flea Market Chair Phyllis Jordan has announced that the
project sales/flea market will be held Wednesday morning, July 17, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
Booth set up will begin at 7:30 a.m. An eight-foot table space will cost $10.00.
For information or to reserve table space, contact Phyllis at 2012 Grandview Boulevard, Sioux City,
IA 51104 or by e-mail at You may also register upon your arrival on-site at
Campvention. If you have questions, Phyllis can also be reached at 712-258-5628.
Site decorating Contest: As noted earlier, the theme of this year's site decorating contest is "Heart
of Camping." Contest Chair Jan Van Arsdall invites individual FCRV members, clubs, and states or
provinces to submit entries. A sign-up sheet will be available at Campvention in the registration
area. Jan asks contest participants to register their intentions by noon on Monday, July 15.
Prizes will again we presented, courtesy of contest sponsors, Geneseo Campground, Geneseo, IL.
Among the categories to be recognized are "most beautiful" site decoration and the "best interpretation of the theme." Questions may be directed to Jan at 402-904-4955 or e-mail at
Watch out for
those bridges!
Request for Corn Hole Boards:
Adult Activities Chairs Doug and Connie
Black are asking to borrow additional
corn hole boards for the new corn hole
activity scheduled for Wednesday, July
17. If you or your club has one or more
boards to loan, please contact the Blacks
Volunteers: As you complete and submit your 2013 Campvention registration form, Volunteer
Chair Judy Dickey reminds you to fill in the blank at the bottom of the registration form, " I would like
to volunteer to help with ___."
If you are willing to help the chairs and committees of any of the numerous Campvention activities or
programs, Judy urges you to indicate your willingness to help and your preference of activity or program. She especially invites Region 3 Heartland FCRVers to volunteer, but she also welcomes all
volunteers from around the U.S. and Canada!
If you have any questions regarding volunteering or have submitted your Campvention registration
without filling in the blank at the bottom of the registration and are now reconsidering, you may contact Judy at or cell phones 402-430-5884 or 402-429-6129.
Door Prizes: Door Prize Chair Judy Hiatt invites any and all FCRV members and/or FCRV chapters
to donate door prizes for the 2013 Campvention. Please make it something that "you would like to
receive." She also asks you to include your name, chapter, and province with your donation. Upon
your arrival on-grounds, ask at registration for the location of the drop-off site for the door prizes and
deliver them at your earliest convenience.
Don’t forget
golf clubs.
1. How long did the Hundred Years War last? 116 years
2. Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador
3. From which animal do we get cat gut? Sheep and Horses
4. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? November
5. From what is a camel's hair brush made? Squirrel fur
6. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? Dogs
7. What was King George VI's first name? Albert
8. What colour is a purple finch? Crimson
9. Where are Chinese gooseberries from? New Zealand
10. What is the colour of the black box in a commercial airplane? Orange (of course)
What do you mean, you failed?
The program book for Campvention 2013 is a great way to show your support for your state or province, your teen queen, or someone special that you would like to recognize. It is also a way to advertise your business or craft to your fellow FCRV members. Consider placing a recognition or ad in
this year’s book.
The prices are as follows:
$2.00 Support line including your name and state/province
$4.00 Support line including your name and state/province and 52 letter and spaces
$6.00 Support line including your name and state/province and 104 letters and spaces
Please print what you would like on your support line/lines.
Line 1 ____________________________________________________________
Line 2______________________________________________________________
Line 3______________________________________________________________
Larger ads available:
One-Quarter Page
4.5 in. x 2 in. or 2.25 in. x 3.75 in
One-Third Page
4.5 in. x 2.5 in.
One-Half Page
4.5 in. x 3.75 in.
Full Page
4.5 in. x 7.5 in.
Larger ads should be on a CD, DVD (include name of program used) or emailed as an attached file.
If not, ads must be camera ready or print slick.
Send your ad and a cheque made out to FCRV 2013 Campvention to:
Claudia Else, PO Box 35653, Des Moines IA 50315, 515-321-7943
Keep collecting those tabs and bring them to Spring OPA. The funds from the tabs will
be donated to Camp Bucko, a camp for kids with severe burns.
Match the year to the information.
1. CN Tower completed ______
2. Telephone invented ______
3. Canadarm launched ______
4. Snowblower is invented by Arthur Sicard ______
5. Last spike is hammered ______
6. Prosthetic hand invented by Helmut Lucas ______
7. Manure spreader invented by Joseph Kemp ______
8. Five pin bowling invented by Thomas F Ryan in Toronto ______
9. Computerized Braille invented by
Roland Galarneau ______
10. Instant replay for CBC’s Hockey
Night in Canada ______
Answers found on page 23 .
We can ALL
make a
I asked a fellow camper at our RV park,
Riverside, in Florida for REAL IOWA
recipes— when I learned Ann was from
State Center, Iowa. These are the recipes she sent me.
Pella Dutch Letters
Pella Dutch Letters are very popular in our
area. We go to Pella Tulip Time in early May as
often as we can. Here's a recipe for the famous
Dutch Letters.
I am sure going to look out for that sweet
Lee & Celia Steels (editors)
4 cups flour
1 lb. (4 sticks) Blue Bonnet margarine
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup cold water
Wonderful Iowa Sweet Corn
Our wonderful Iowa sweet corn is available from
many road side vendors in July. My recipe for
sweet corn is SOOOO simple.
Husk the
corn. Place in pan with COLD water. When it
comes to a boil, it is DONE! It’s that simple. We
have some of the best sweet corn in the country! Peaches & Creams variety is the best.
Cut together as you would for pie crust and then
add cold water. Mix dough lightly; dough will be
sticky. Refrigerate overnight.
1 lb. almond paste
2 1/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup dried bread crumbs, very fine
4 eggs
1 tsp. almond flavoring
Iowa Pork Chops on a Stick
Serves 4 to 6
Mix into a fine crumbly mixture. Add eggs and
almond flavoring. Refrigerate the filling overnight.
They are famous at our state fair. At our fair,
everything is 'on a stick'
4 to 6 "Iowa" (one inch thick) pork chops (The
'stick' is the rib or bone of the chop).
To form letters:
1. Divide dough into 14 equal portions. Roll
each portion into a strip 12″ x 3 1/2″ on a
lightly floured surface.
2. Using a pastry tube or forming a roll divide
the filling equally down the center of each
strip. Fold long edges of rectangle up over
the filling then fold the short ends up, a little
water on each seam helps seal them.
3. Place the pastry seam side down on
greased cookie sheet or a parchment lined
cookie sheet. Allow about 2″ between strips.
4. Beat 2 egg whites with a fork and brush the
tops of each strip, then sprinkle with sugar (a
coarse sugar looks nice).
5. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 or until lightly
browned. This recipe makes 14 Dutch letters.
1. Roll the "Iowa" chops in two beaten eggs.
Coat with flour and brown on both sides in oil.
2. Put in a flat dish and bake at 350 degrees
for 40 minutes turning over after 20 minutes.
3. Remove the foil for the last 20 minutes to be
sure they are brown. Drippings make GREAT
The most remarkable thing about my
mother is that for thirty years she served
the family nothing but leftovers. The
original meal has never been
found. ~Calvin Trillin
Thought of the DAY
Two rings were found when cleaning pop
tabs. One ring was found in the tabs collected at Spring OPA at Kingston and the
other one in the tabs collected at
Campvention. If you think this may be
your ring, please call Wayne or Marilyn
a If you can
describe either of them, we will see that
you receive your ring.
“It was one of those March days when the
sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:
when it is summer in the light, and winter in
the shade.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Found on page 21
The OPA website can keep you up to
date on what’s going on: list of campouts with registration forms, newsletters
(current & past) and news bulletins
(upcoming meetings for OPA, rules &
forms for awards and contests).
1. 1976
2. 1876
3. 1981
4. 1925
5. 1885
6. 1971
7. 1875
8. 1909
9. 1972
10. 1955
Diane Proper
OPAction can also be viewed on the
F C R V website
Upcoming Meeting
May 19, 2013
Rideau Acres Campground
Meeting to start at 1:00 PM.
We welcome chapter news, and hope
you will send pictures and
descriptions of your camping
experiences to share with others.
Please email written material as WORD
documents if possible.
Some OPA members have opted to receive
their OPActions electronically. If you wish to
view this newsletter online rather than having it mailed, please email Wayne & Marilyn
Rosenberger at…
March 4, June 14, August 14, November 10
MAY 17 - 20, 2013
PRE-REGISTRATION: $15.00 CA by May 1, 2013
AT GATE $ 20.00 CA
ACTIVITY FEE $99.00 CA (Includes HST )
Make cheques payable to: “SPRING OPA”
Send registrations to: Kim Welburn
184 Temperance Lake Road
Athens, Ontario, K0E 1B0
Address_______________________________________ City______________________________
Prov/State________________ Postal / Zip Code_______________
Chapter you wish to park with:_____________________________
Handicapped: Y____N______ Project Table_______________
# Adults______ # Teens______ # Youth______
Motorhome_____Tralier- 5th Wheel______ Tent________
For office use only – Rec’d chq/cash in the amt of $__________
For office use only – Rec’d chq/cash in the amt of $__________