Look inside for opportunities at Second Presbyterian Church and a


Look inside for opportunities at Second Presbyterian Church and a
The purpose of Volunteer
Ministries at Second
Presbyterian Church is to
promote service to God and
His people by helping you
discover, develop and use
your gifts.
4055 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 454-0034 • www.2pc.org
Take the SHAPE
Assessment test
(inside) and discover
your spiritual gifts.
Look inside for opportunities
at Second Presbyterian Church
and a listing of our Mission
Memphis partners.
Volunteer Ministries exist to help connect the people of
Second Presbyterian Church to what we consider the core
of our church: worship, small groups and service.
We want to help you as a member
of Second grow spiritually, connect
to the lives of those around you
and begin serving others in the
church and the community.
Every member of the Body of
Christ is a minister, and we are
here to help equip you as you endeavor to use this
ministering gift to enrich your life and the lives of others.
To have godly, spirit-filled individuals fulfilling their
respective, but different roles will grow the church and
make an impact on the surrounding world.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to
serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in
its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
The purpose of Volunteer Ministries at Second Presbyterian is to promote service to God and His people by
helping you discover, develop and use your gifts.
So how can you get involved at Second? With 48
partnering agencies and opportunities within 2PC there
are many ways to get involved. Try these as well:
• All Church Work Days: SOS in July, Berclair Clean
Up in April, City Serve
• WOC or the AMEN groups
• Through a Congregational Community
• With a friend
• Check our website, MUSA kiosk or this booklet
• Call the Volunteer Ministries office.
In His Service,
Kim Blankenship
Director of Volunteer Ministries
5 Second Presbyterian Church Service Opportunities
10 Easy Entry Service Opportunities
11 Mission Memphis Community Based Partners
SHAPE Assessment Tool
Serving Him
through Second Presbyterian Church
ervice ministries are a vital part of our Church’s ability to function effectively and
to cover all that needs to be done. However, these ministries are also essential for
spiritual growth, and if we as members are going to derive the growth that we need
in order to live happier, more fulfilling lives, we need to be performing meaningful
service on a scale that makes a difference in others’ lives.
A commitment to service also helps us to integrate and develop friends in the church,
which results in a more satisfying church experience and, thus, a commitment to stay
and grow with the church.
We have provided in this booklet a listing of service opportunities within our church
and the contact information of our community ministry partners for you to connect
with for serving. Please read over these, and if you have any questions or want
to get involved, you may call Kim Blankenship at 454-0034, ext 165 or email at
6 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
Prayerfully consider getting plugged in to the following areas as a volunteer:
Adult Teaching/Mentoring
··Adult SS class teacher
Boy Scouts
··Boy Scout leader or assistant
··Facilitator for Rainbows for All God’s Children
··Kids Konnection leader – Wednesday nights
··Nursery Volunteer
··Secretary for the Sunday School classes
··Special Friends Sunday School Teacher
··Special Friends assistant – Nov. 11 6:30pm–9pm
··Special Friends assistant needed 5th sundays during
church hour
··Thursday Morning Nursery Helper
··Teacher for Nursery – 6th Grade
··VBS volunteer
··Web Designer
Congregational Care & Senior Adults
··Cookie brigade baker
··Crown ministries financial facilitator
··Devotional leader for nursing homes
··Visitor to new babies
··Single Parent Ministry – chaperones
··Visitor to shut-ins
Flower Ministry
··Chancel Guild
··Special event decorator
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 7
··Bakers & Cooks team
··Greeting: Sunday mornings
Weekday evenings
Sunday Evening Worship
Special events
··Overnight & Long-term stay Host
··Weekend Work Crews for Men
Mission Memphis
··CityServe Conference helper and planner
··Emergency Response Team
··Prayer Partner
··Saturday Work Projects
··Host/Hostess for Sunday Evening Worship
··Special Event Team
··Chancel choir member
··Ticket Sellers
··Handbell choir member
··English as Second Language teacher
··Friendship partners
··Music equipment crew
··Music library assistant
··Westminster Singers
··Library assistant or substitute attendant
··Assistant choir director
··Sunday morning readers – 11am
··Children’s choir director
··AMEN Bible study core group
··Men’s mentor
8 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
··Choir helper
··Piano accompanist or Substitute accompanist
··Personal Evangelism
··Bible study facilitator
··Testimony giver
··World Mission Trips
··Visitor Follow-up phone caller
··Terrific Tuesday luncheon team member
··Welcome Center assistant
··Ushers–AM service and PM service
Prison Ministry
··Teaching Women in the pre-release program
··Youth Sports
··Concession stand volunteer
··Recreation committee
··Sports Camp Volunteer
Single Parents
··Car maintenance person
··Financial counselor
··Women’s Circle service worker
··Women mentors
World Missions
··Housing for visiting missionaries
··Short term missions trip volunteer:
Transportation provider
··World Missions conference planner or helper
··Prayer parnter or correspondent
··Youth group volunteer
··Sr. High Youth Group Volunteer
··Home repairman
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 9
Easy Entry Service Opportunities
These are areas that we have identified as fun, easy ways to get immediately involved at 2PC. No training is needed, they
are flexible with no long term heavy commitment, and will help you get acclimated quickly and make friends right away.
2PC Teams This is great, because it puts you on a team
that utilizes your passion or passions. It also offers flexibility, because there are many people on a team, and you
pick which opportunities you can or want to help with.
Example: Baking and Cooks Team, Photography Team,
Emergency Response Team, Prayer Teams, etc. Kim Blankenship, Volunteer Ministries Director, assigns the teams.
Berclair Elementary School Our Adopt a School needs
volunteers. Read to a classroom at your convenience during the school day; host a classroom party, volunteer once
a year to judge projects or proctor an exam. Kim Blankenship can assist you if you are interested.
Greeting Ministry Kim Blankenship assigns the greeters,
and she will call and schedule you to greet at an entrance
that fits your schedule on Sundays.
10 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
Nursery Be a helper in our 3-year-old and younger age
group Sunday morning nursery. Volunteer one Sunday a
month, or one month a year, or every week; whatever is
best with your desire and schedule. Sandy Hazelwood is
our Director of Children’s Ministry.
Recreation/Coaching Volunteer to assist as a coach for
football, soccer, baseball and basketball. You could also
volunteer to be a part of the recreation committee. Robert
O’Kelley is our Director of Recreation.
Library, The Growing Place Our library provides the
most up-to-date fiction and nonfiction books published.
They are in need of assistants that work 2-hour shifts Tuesday, Thursday or Friday afternoon from 12:30p – 3:00p.
Dawn Curtis is our Library Director.
Our partners focus their ministry efforts in the following areas.
Community Health
I am the Lord who heals you.
The Fear of the Lord is
the beginning of knowledge.
Whatever you do work
heartily, as for the Lord and
not for men…
Exodus 15:26
Proverbs 1:7
Family & Children
Mercy Ministries
…Let the children come to
me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these.
Blessed are the merciful, for
they will be shown mercy
Matthew 19:14
Matthew 5:7
Colossians 3:23
Unless the Lord builds
the house its builders labor
in vain.
Psalm 127:1
Mission Memphis Contact Information
Agape Child & Family Services
Director David Jordan
Address 111 Racine St., Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 323-3600
Email info@agapemeanslove.org
Website www.agapemeanslove.org
Bethany Christian Services
Director Michael McDonald
Address 1044 Brookfield Rd., Suite 102, Memphis, TN 38119
Phone (901) 818-9996
Website www.bethany.org/memphis
Brinkley Heights Urban Academy
All Saints Presbyterian Church
Director Rev. Waring Porter
Address 1726 Madison Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 276-1478
Email office@allsaintspres.com
Website www.allsaintspres.com
Director Tim Cox
Address 3275 Rosamond Ave, Memphis, TN 38122
Phone (901) 324-3022
Email info@bhua.org
Website www.bhua.org
Calvary Rescue Mission
Advance Memphis
Director Steve Nash
Mailing Address P.O. Box 2201, Memphis, 38101
Physical Address 769 Vance Ave, Memphis, TN 38126
Phone (901) 543-8525
Email steve@advancememphis.com
Website www.advancememphis.org
Berclair Elementary School
Principal Dr. Sam Shaw
Address 810 North Perkins, Memphis, TN 38122
Phone (901) 416-8800
Email shaws@mcsk12.net
Website www.mcsk12.net
Director Bob Freudiger
Address 960 S. Third St., Memphis, TN 38106
Phone (901) 775-2570
Email calvaryrescue@att.net
Website www.calvaryrescue.com
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Director Janie Walker
Address 2091 Lee Place, Memphis, TN 38107
Phone (901) 726-9084
Email cefmemphis@bellsouth.net
Website www.cefonline.com
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 13
Christ Community Health Services
Citizens for Community Values of Memphis
Christ’s Community Church
Discipling Men, Inc.
Director Burt Waller
Address 2595 Central Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 260-8500
Email info@christcommunityhealth.org
Website www.christcommunityhealth.org
Director Rev. Lemar Walker
Address PO Box 341654, Memphis, TN 38128
Phone (901) 596-5170
Email ledtowalk@yahoo.com
Director George Kuykendall
Address 3294 Poplar Suite 301 (Century Building)
Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 685-1493
Website www.ccvmemphis.org
Director Don Riley
Address 8726 Pepper Bush Lane, Germantown, TN 38139
Phone (901) 461-2819
Email disciplingmeninc@bellsouth.net
Website www.disciplingmen.com
Christian Medical and Dental Association
Director Ken Nippert
Address 8624 Riverchase Dr., Germantown, TN 38139
Phone 484-8814
Email cmdamidsouth@comcast.net
Website www.cmdamemphis.org
Downline Ministries
Director Kennon Vaughn
Address PO BOX 770296, Memphis, TN 38177
Phone (901) 683-5377
Email admin@downlineministries.com
Website www.downlineministries.com
Christian Psychological Center
Director Dr. Brent Stenberg
Address 3950 Central Ave, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 458-6291
Website www.cpcmemphis.net
Church Health Center
Director G. Scott Morris
Address 1210 Peabody Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 685-1493
Email lairdy@churchhealthcenter.org
Website www.churchhealthcenter.org
14 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
Downtown Presbyterian Church – Church Plant
Pastor Rev. Richard Rieves
Office Address 502 S. Main St., Memphis, TN 38173
Mailing Address PO BOX 3923, Memphis, TN 38173
Worship Location: 456 Tennessee Ave., Memphis TN 38173
Phone (901) 270-1973
Email katherine@downtownpres.com
Website www.downtownpres.com
Economic Opportunities Ministry
Director Jim Kennedy
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38122
Phone (901) 948-8981
Email jim@mlfonline.org
Website www.ecopmemphis.org
Families Matter – Christ Community
Health Services
Director Carol Jackson
Address 2595 Central Ave, Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 260-8550
Email carol.jackson@christchs.org
Website www.Familiesmattermemphis.org
Eikon Ministries
Director Roy “Soup” Campbell
Address 3000 Walnut Grove, Memphis, TN 38111
Mailing Address PO Box 111164, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 452-6797
Email info@eikonministries.com
Website www.eikonministries.com
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Director Larry Coley
Address 1584 Yorkshire Drive, Memphis, TN 38119
Phone (901) 683-3399
Website www.memphisfca.org
For the Kingdom
Emmanuel Episcopal Center
Director Father Colenzo Hubbard
Address 604 St. Paul Ave., Memphis, TN 38126
Phone (901) 523-2617
Email ajohnson@hotmail.com
Website www.eecmemphis.org
Director Jimmy Robinson
Address 4100 Raleigh – Millington Rd., Memphis, TN 38128
Phone (901) 788-2267
Email Kelvin@ftkcamp.com
Website www.ftkcamp.com
JIFF (Juvenile Intervention Faith-based Follow-up)
Esperanza (Comunidad Cristiana Esperanza)–
Hispanic Church Plant
Director Rev. Ricardo Green
Physical Address 1302 N. Graham, Memphis, TN 38122
Mailing Address 4055 Poplar, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 308-4791
Email Ricardo.green@2pc.org
Director Rev. Rick Carr
Address 254 S. Lauderdale, Memphis, TN 38126
Phone (901) 522-8502
Email rick@jiffyyouth.com
Website www.jiffyouth.org
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 15
Knightlife, Inc.
Director Eva Miller
Address 3126 Cowden Ave., Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 458-1055
Contact Paul Brown
Email pwbrown03@comcast.net
Interim Director Robb Thompson
Address 68 Prescott, Suite 201, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 471-2034
Email info@mcuts.org
Website www.mcuts.org
Life Choices, Inc.
Director Sue Parker
Address 5575 Raleigh-LaGrange, Memphis, TN 38134
Phone (901) 388-1172
Email suepark@bellsouth.net
Website www.life-choices.org
Memphis Athletic Ministries
Love in Action International
Memphis Leadership Foundation
M.A.R.R.S. (Mediation Restitution/Reconciliation
Memphis Union Mission
Director Tommy Corman
Address P.O. Box 343418, Bartlett, TN 38184
Phone (901) 751-2468
Email info@loveinaction.org
Website www.loveinaction.org
Director Bridgette Bowman
Address 4488 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38117
Phone (901) 261-2165
Email Bridgette@mlfonline.org
Website www.marrsmemphis.org
16 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
Director Randy Odom
Address 2107 Ball Rd., Memphis, TN 38114
Phone (901) 144-6261
Website www.mamsports.org
Director Howard Eddings, Jr.
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 729-2931
Email Howard@mlfonline.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Director Steve Carpenter
Address PO Box 330, Memphis, TN 38101
Phone (901) 526-8403
Email info@memphisunionmission.org
Website www.memphisunionmission.org
MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association)
One by One Ministries
Multinational Ministries
Orange Mound Outreach Ministries
Neighborhood Christian Centers, Inc.
Palmer Home for Children
Inter-Faith Coordinator Linda Marks
Address 910 Vance Ave., Memphis, TN 38126
Phone (901) 527-0208
Email marks@mifa.org
Website www.mifa.org
Director Laurie Graves
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 274-7226
Email Laurie@mlfonline.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Director Pam Cox
Address 785 Jackson, Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 881-6013
Email pcox@ncclife.org
Website www.ncclife.org
Neighborhood Housing Opportunities
Director Howard Eddings, Jr.
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 725-3120
Email Howard@mlfonline.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Contact Yvonne Hardin
Address 4055 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 454-0034
Email yvonne.hardin@2pc.org
Website www.onebyoneusa.org
Director Reggie Tucker, Sr.
Address 845 Marechalneil St., Memphis, TN 38114
Phone (901) 644-1416
Email reggiemary07@yahoo.com
Website www.orangemoundoutreach@lbu.com
Director Jonathan Ahern
Physical Address 800 Baldwin Rd. S., Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Mailing Address PO Box 929, Hernando, MS 38632
Phone 662-449-2400
Contact: Kristin Grant
Email website@palmerhome.org
Website www.palmerhome.org
Red Zone Ministries
Director Howard Eddings, Jr.
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 729-2931
Email Lee@mlfonline.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 17
Refugee Empowerment Program
Streets Ministries
Repairing the Breach
Su Casa Family Ministries
Salvation Army
Teen Challenge of Memphis
Service Over Self
The Neighborhood School
Director Camela Echols
Mailing Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Physical Address 258 N. Merton, Memphis, TN 38112
Phone (901) 725-3103
Email cam@mlfonline.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Director Tony or Felecia Wade
Mailing Address P.O. box 16128 Memphis, TN 38186
Physical Address 2107 Ball Rd, Memphis, TN 38114
Phone (901) 725-3113
Email rtbmemphis1@me.com
Website www.rtbmemphis.net
Director Elizabeth Duncan
Address 696 Jackson Ave., Memphis, TN 38105
Phone (901) 543-8586
Email elizabeth_duncan@uss.salvationarmy.org
Website www.salvationarmysouth.org
Director Philip Walkley
Address 2505 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38112
Phone (901) 681-9044
Email philip@sosmemphis.com
Website www.sosmemphis.org
18 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
Director Ken Bennett
Mailing Address P.O. Box 42181, Memphis, TN 38174
Physical Address 430 Vance Ave, Memphis, TN 38122
Phone (901) 525-7380
Email info@streetsministries.org
Website www.streetsministries.org
Director Tim Jewett
Mailing Address 4899 Summer Ave, Suite 101 PMB #109,
Memphis, TN 38122
Physical Address 1302 N. Graham, Memphis, TN 38122
Phone (901) 320-9833
Email tim@sucasamemphis.org
Website www.sucasamemphis.org
Director Jonathan Lindberg
Address 33 N. Cleveland, Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 272-2308
Email tcmdirector@aol.com
Website www.tcmemphis.org
Director Tari Harris
Address 175 Tillman, Memphis, TN 38111
Phone (901) 323-4092
Volunteer Phone (901) 323-0200
Email tharris@tnsmemphis.org
Website www.tnsmemphis.org
Victims to Victory
Youth Striving for Excellence
Y-MOT Outreach Ministries, Inc.
Youth Leadership of Memphis
Young Life Memphis Metro
Youth Visions
Director Dr. Kitty Lawson
Address 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
Phone (901) 274-5012
Email contact@victimstovictory.org
Website www.victimstovictory.org
Director Patrick Simmons
Address P.O. Box 901373, Memphis, TN 38190-0373
Phone (901) 728-6294
Email patrick@y-motoutreachministries.org
Website www.y-motoutreachministries.org
Director Brad Baker
Address 658 Colonial Rd., Memphis, TN 38117
Phone (901) 820-0760
Email brad_younglife@gmail.com
Website www.younglife.org
Director C. Pearl Lee
Address P.O. Box 80321, Memphis, TN 38108
Phone (901) 386-9300
Email yse1@bellsouth.net
Website www.youthstriving.org
Director Steve Taylor
Address 1044 Brookfield Suite 101 Memphis, TN 38119
Contact Seth Stevens
Phone (901) 591-1905
Email ylmemphis@gmail.com
Director Marron Thomas
Address 3925 Overton Crossing, Memphis, TN 38127
Phone (901) 358-7788
Email mthomas@youthvisionsinc.org
Website www.mlfonline.org
Young Life Urban
Director Danita Calhoun and Jonathan Torres
Address 1177 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38105
Phone (901) 726-0054
Email danita.younglife@gmail.com
Website www.younglife.org
Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook | 19
Other Contacts
Keep track of additional contact information here.
“God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interest,
talents, gifts, personality and life experiences unless He intended to use
them for His glory. By identifying and understanding these factors you
can discover God’s will for your life.”
Rick Warren, Author A Purpose Driven Life
To help us see and remember the complex factors that God has given
us, Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, developed the acrostic, SHAPE, which we have adopted here at Second Presbyterian
Church to aid our discovery of how God has molded us for service.
Whenever God gives us an assignment, He always equips us with
what we need to accomplish it. This custom combination of capabilities is called your SHAPE.
Use the tools given on the next few pages to help discover how
you are SHAPEd by God for service. Our Director of Volunteer
Ministries is ready to help you understand how to use this
information after completion. Just email Kim Blankenship at
kim.blankenship@2pc.org to set up an appointment.
You can also complete the assessment online at www.2pc.org/shape.
24 | Volunteer Ministries 2011–2012 Handbook
S piritual gifts
H eart for (passion)
E xperience
††OTHER 25
††SERVE/HELP I love to assist others in their responsibility. I enjoy helping others succeed.
††REPAIR I love to fix what is broken or change what is out of date.
††PREVAIL I love to fight for what is right and oppose what is wrong. I enjoy overcoming injustice.
††PIONEER I love to test and try out new concepts. I am not afraid to risk failure.
††PERSEVERE I love to see things to completion. I enjoy persisting at something until it is finished.
††PERFORM I love to be on stage and receive the attention of others. I enjoy being in the limelight.
††ORGANIZE I love to bring order out of chaos. I enjoy organizing something that is already started.
††OPERATE/MAINTAIN I love to efficiently maintain something that is already organized.
††MENTORING I love to work with and build relationships with others.
††LEAD/BE IN CHARGE I love to lead the way, oversee and supervise. I enjoy determining how things
will be done.
††INFLUENCE I love to convert people to my way of thinking. I enjoy shaping the attitudes and
behavior of others.
††IMPROVE I love to make things better. I enjoy taking something that someone else has designed or
started and improve it.
††FOLLOW THE RULES I love to operate by policies and procedures. I enjoy meeting the expectations
of an organization or boss.
††EXCEL I love to be the best and make my team the best. I enjoy setting and attaining
-the highest standard.
††DESIGN/DEVELOP I love to make something out of nothing. I enjoy getting something started
from scratch.
††ACQUIRE/POSSESS I love to shop, collect or obtain things. I enjoy getting the highest quality for
the best price.
I love to…
What do you like doing? Please select the type role you are most passionate about… what you get excited
about then transfer top 3 to the SHAPE Assessment Answer Sheet.
Heart for a Role
Heart for a Specific People
Please select the people groups you enjoy working with the most. Who do you get excited about when
serving? Transfer your top three to the Shape Assesment Answer Sheet.
††College Students
††Sr. High students
††Jr. High Students
††Elementary Children
††New Parents
††Those in Prison
††Single Parents
††Senior Citizens
I like to help…
Heart for a Cause
††Divorce Recoverey
††Finanical Management
††Community Service
††Other ††Unemployment
††Sexuality and/or Gender Issues
††Inner City Needs
††World Missions
††Illness Support
††Health and/or Fitness
††Relief Efforts
Please select the causes that you are passionate about… those you find joy serving in. Transfer your top 3
answers to the Shape Assesment Answer Sheet
††Cultural Issues
††Grief Recovery
††Graphic Design
††Interviewing Ability
††Leadership Ability
††Musical Ability
††Organizational Skills
††Planning Ability
††Public Relations Ability
††Recruiting Ability
††Research and
evaluating ability
††Athletic interest
††Carpentry and or Repairs
††Computer Software Ability
††Crafts or Hobbies
††Editing Ability
††Financial Planning
††Other ††Writing
††Worship song leading
††Web Work
††Technical Ability
††Speaking a Foreign lanquage
other than Spanish
††Speak fluent Spanish
††Sound/Light Engineer
††Sign Language
What God-Given Abilities have surfaced throughout your life? Please select abilities you possess and then
transfer thet top 5 to the SHAPE Assessement Answer Sheet.
Abilities Assessment
Personal Style Assessment
It is obvious that God does not use a cookie cutter to create people. He makes us all unique and that
includes our own personal style. God loves variety and He made introverts and extroverts – He made
people who love routine and those who love variety – He made some “thinkers” and some “feelers” and
some “doers.” How did he make you?
Place a checkmark next to appropriate descriptions. Add them up and double the total in each of the
four boxes.
Total x 2 =____
††Takes Risk
††Fun loving
††Likes variety
††Very verbal
††Enjoys change
††Group oriented
††Mixes well
††Avoids detail
Total x 2 =____
††Even keel
††Avoids conflict
††Enjoys routine
††Dislikes pushiness
††Good listener
††Deep relationships
Total x2 =____
No score in any box can exceed 28 points. Your Highest Core indicates where you fall in the following
descriptions on the next page.
††Takes Charge
††Decision maker
††Goal driven
††enjoys challenges
Total x 2 =____
C = Coach
Says, “Okay team,
this is what we need
to do!”
May not see the impact of your words or
criticisms on others
Love to overcome
obstacles and take on
Have the time orientation of “let’s do it
Avoid chit-chat and
want to “get to the
Be decisive and quick
to make decisions
Gravitate to positions
of leadership
You will Naturally…
Says, “Go team! We
can do it!”
Have the future
oriented time frame of
“it’ll all work out!”
Avoid details, close
accountability and
Enjoy groups and high
activity level
Easily get excited and
Love to talk to others
Make life fun!
You will Naturally…
CL = Cheerleader
Says, “Remember that
we’re a team!”
Prefer stability… even
if it means peace at all
Carry emotional and
financial stability
Be more sensitive to
needs of others than
other bents
listen attentively (and
at length) to another’s
Express tremendous
loyalty to those you
Want to go deep in
your relationships
You will Naturally…
TP = Team Player
Says, “To be effective
this team needs to follow the playbook!”
Be so good at taking
things apart, you can
also take people apart
and become a strong
critic when wronged
Be very creative in
designing helpful systems, if encouraged
and allowed to work
at your own pace
Want clearly defined
tasks, limited risk, and
an open door environment for asking questions of clarification
See a person’s past as
a key to trusting them
in the future
Strive for accuracy and
quality, not quickness
Want to do things
right and by the book
A = Analyst
You will Naturally…
Zip: ,
People: Cause: ,
5. 2.
Continued on the back of this page.
Turn the next page and complete the Experience Assesment.
Next Highes Score: Highest Score: Personality Style
Turn to page 28 and complete the Personality Style Assessment. Transfer your two higest
scores below.
4. 1.
Turn to page 27 and complete the Abilities Assessment. Transfer your top five answers below.
Role: Heart For
Turn to pages 25 and 26. Complete the Heart for a Role, a People & Cause. List your top 3
answers below.
Secondary Gift: Primary Gift: Spiritual Gifts
Begin your assesssment by visiting www.2pc.org/gifts and completeing the online spiritual
gifts test. Record your spiritual gifts results in the blanks below.
Alt Phone: Phone: Email: State: City: Address: Name: SHAPE Assessment Answer Sheet
Experience Assessment
What skills have you been most efective in and enjoyed the most? List them below.
††Urban Missions
††Setup/Tear Down
††Calling Team
††Coach (Soccer)
††Coach (Basketball)
††Teacher/Helper (Children)
††Financial Counselor
††Teacher (Adults)
††Hospital Care
††Cleaning Crew
††Bus/Van Driver
††Clothing Closet
††Mission Trip
††Parking Cars
††Recreation Planning
††Program/Event Coordinator
††Coach (Baseball)
††Prayer Team
††Music (Vocals)
††Music (Instruments)
††Prison Ministry
Where have you enjoyed serving in the past? Check all that apply to you.
††Teacher/Helper (Youth)
††Other ††Small Group Leader
What ministry areas interest you the most?
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 32
Volunteer Ministries exist to help connect the people of
Second Presbyterian Church to what we consider the core
of our church: worship, small groups and service.
We want to help you as a member
of Second grow spiritually, connect
to the lives of those around you
and begin serving others in the
church and the community.
Every member of the Body of
Christ is a minister, and we are
here to help equip you as you endeavor to use this
ministering gift to enrich your life and the lives of others.
To have godly, spirit-filled individuals fulfilling their
respective, but different roles will grow the church and
make an impact on the surrounding world.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to
serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in
its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
The purpose of Volunteer Ministries at Second Presbyterian is to promote service to God and His people by
helping you discover, develop and use your gifts.
So how can you get involved at Second? With 48
partnering agencies and opportunities within 2PC there
are many ways to get involved. Try these as well:
• All Church Work Days: SOS in July, Berclair Clean
Up in April, City Serve
• WOC or the AMEN groups
• Through a Congregational Community
• With a friend
• Check our website, MUSA kiosk or this booklet
• Call the Volunteer Ministries office.
In His Service,
Kim Blankenship
Director of Volunteer Ministries
The purpose of Volunteer
Ministries at Second
Presbyterian Church is to
promote service to God and
His people by helping you
discover, develop and use
your gifts.
4055 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 454-0034 • www.2pc.org
Take the SHAPE
Assessment test
(inside) and discover
your spiritual gifts.
Look inside for opportunities
at Second Presbyterian Church
and a listing of our Mission
Memphis partners.