April 2016 SA Cafe Q v1 0 - Australian Organisation for Quality Inc
April 2016 SA Cafe Q v1 0 - Australian Organisation for Quality Inc
AOQ Monthly Networking Session Australian Organisation for Quality South Australia Chapter Registration Number A0023028R Serving our members for over 46 years AOQ Café Quality™ Halifax Café, 187 Halifax Street, Adelaide Wednesday 20th April 2016 Café Quality™ AOQ proudly present the Quality People’s Café Café Quality™ Come for the discussion with like-minded people, join or meet members, friends and associates and participate in or create your own quality networks. Presents "Achieving quality is difficult. If it weren't, more people would do it, and they don't, so it is". John Guaspari. http://www.qualitydigest.com/aug99/html/body_guaspari.html To what extent do people think this is true from their experience? Discuss examples of where it is not. And identify good practices! This is a general discussion session and we invite AOQ members and our industry colleagues to come along and discuss the points of difficulty you are facing. The aim of the session is to participate in problem identification and hopefully a solution may be on offer. Tell us what you are working on or grappling with: What is it? Why? Challenges? Progress? Impacts? What we like about this idea is it lets many attendees participate. Every one of us has interesting projects we are working on or challenges we are grappling with – or are planning to. This is very much about work-in-progress, not only work completed. (And if you want to talk about a completed project, that’s fine too). Date: Wednesday 20th April 2015 Registration: 5:45 pm for 6:00 pm start (finish 7:30 pm sharp) Venue: Halifax café: 187 Halifax Street (cnr Castle Street) Adelaide Cost [GST Inc]: Free to members AOQ Office postal address PO Box 1291 Blackwood SA 5051 e: office@aoq.asn.au p: 1800 725 850 f: 08 8347 7240 ABN: 53 017 246 296 Value Offered - Access to Café Quality TM, complementary snacks and non-alcoholic drink Registration Essential (for catering) - please email name/s of people attending via membersevents@aoq.asn.au prior to close of business on Monday 18th April 2015. Location Map Location & Venue Contact Details Halifax Café 187 Halifax Street (cnr Castle Street), Adelaide 08) 8223 1362