Focused melt supply at the Cobb Hot Spot / Juan de Fuca Ridge
Focused melt supply at the Cobb Hot Spot / Juan de Fuca Ridge
Focused melt supply at the Cobb Hot Spot / Juan de Fuca Ridge intersection Michael West*, William Menke**, Maya Tolstoy** * New Mexico State University ** Lamont−Doherty Earth Observatory Co ax ial Co b b Juan de Fuca Ridge / Cobb−Eickelberg Chain Blanco F.Z. rift Axial Volcano so uth Brown Bear Va n se c e g. Brown Bear no rt hr ift Cobb−Eickleberg chain Axial Caldera Principle question Hot spot Ridge small (compared to Iceland,etc.) long−lived (>9 Mya) intermediate rate (5−6 cm/yr) How do they behave in close proximity? Airgun survey of Axial Volcano & region 5000+ shots 1225 km of shot lines 120 sec. shot interval ~250 meter spacing Magma reservoir under caldera Mid−crustal structure from Pg phases Low velocities (40%) under caldera Velocities indicative of partial melt 5−21 km3 of melt >> 0.1−0.2 km3 emplaced during 1998 eruption (Fox et al. 2001) Vp in km/s EWING water Pg crust % melt mantle Sample PmP record (150 traces shown out of ~30,000) Strong PmP throughout 1500+ PmP traveltimes Traced through 3D crust EWING PmP water PmP Pg Pn crust PmP mantle Crustal thickness Crustal thickness from PmP PmP "bounce points" show regional thickness (depth error < 1 km) EWING water crust mantle "bounce point" Crustal thickness II 11 km under caldera Radially symmetric Steep Moho topography Consistent with gravity What does it mean? Very thick crust ... Large flux of magma (relative to ridge) Thickens rapidly beneath Axial ...magma supply is focused beneath volcano High flux, point source of magma ...Cobb hot spot dominates supply to Axial system Passive upwelling vs. hotspot flow − I Upwelling beneath JdF ridge is passive Cobb hot spot upwelling is active (9 My seamount chain) Hot spot has turned off upwelling yr / m 6c surface eruption JdF ridge dike intrusion flow from hotspot source transition passive upwelling transition underplating or dike accretion? passive upwelling Passive upwelling vs. hotspot flow − II /yr 6 cm surface eruption JdF ridge passive upwelling ift so uth r flow from hotspot source transition passive upwelling transition Brown Bear Va se nce g. underplating or dike accretion? no rth rift dike intrusion Co axi al Co bb Hot spot feeds 50−100 km of rift via diking and eruption Upwelling where central supply is weak Both processes exist along rift tips Transition is evident at rift / segment overlap Axial Caldera