Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department here


Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department here
Rock Hill Parks, Recrea on & Tourism Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2016
July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016
Simply the Facts:
…and the race is on
The City of Rock Hill has a
popula on of over 69,000
Staff recorded over
1,310,000 facility users at
the regional park facili es
and recrea on centers in
Fiscal Year 2016.
PRT facili es hosted 671
paid rentals, City mee ng
func ons, professional
trainings and
neighborhood mee ngs.
PRT “Direc ons”:
Maintenance and
Infrastructure Needs of
Exis ng Facili es
Provision of Open Space
through Partnerships
Major Spor ng Venues and
I want to applaud overwhelming
community and City Council support as
Rock Hill Parks, Recrea on and Tourism
has had a very exci ng year with more
big projects coming our way.
Not only are we preparing for what is
expected to be the world’s largest BMX
spor ng event in 2017, but City Council
approved an $8.1 million local
hospitality tax bond for improvements
to aging sports tourism venues AND
the City is partnering with regional and
na onal developers to build a
157,000+ square foot indoor athle c
complex in the heart of downtown
Rock Hill.
We are fortunate to have professional
staff who are ready and willing to cross
-train to support the big picture. Our
staff is our strength. 72 full- me and
81 part- me staff maintain, program
and promote the City of Rock Hill and
parks, recrea on and tourism services.
Regional Park Facili es
Connec vity for Bicyclists
and Pedestrians
Inside this report:
Financial Report
Volunteers & Staff
Economic Growth
Advisory Commission
Quality Services, Places 4
& Community
The clock is cking fast toward the
2017 UCI BMX World Championships.
Community leaders, businesses and
organiza ons are banding together to
create a fes ve atmosphere across
Rock Hill and the region July 25-30,
2017. Rock Hill is expec ng over 3,300
riders and an es mated 20,000 visitors
from around the world. The recent
USA BMX Carolina Na onals at the
Novant Health BMX Supercross Track
hosted 1,328 riders from 39 states and
14 countries and produced a es mated
event direct economic impact of $2.5
million over a two-day period. The
next big event leading up to the World
Championships will be the UCI BMX
World Cup in September of 2016. Each
event gets us a li@le closer to the big
event in 2017.
Speaking of the $8.1 million local
hospitality tax bond for exis ng sports
tourism venues, projects are to be
completed over a 2-year period and
include upgrades at Cherry Park,
Harge@ Park, Glencairn Garden, River
Park, trail ameni es and
enhancements at the Rock Hill
Outdoor Center. Planning is underway
for minimal impact to our ci zens and
visitors as the work takes place. This
bond helps to free up general fund
monies to be u lized for needed
improvements at city recrea on
centers and playgrounds.
In an unprecedented move,
developers of the Knowledge Park
area defined as University Center, are
scheduled to build an indoor athle c
complex for year-round use by ci zens
of Rock Hill and for events and
tournaments. The complex will be
managed and run by Rock Hill Parks,
Recrea on and Tourism. Staff are
currently in the design, development
and promo on stages of the project.
This has been the missing piece of the
puzzle for our ci zens and the sports
tourism community. We are grateful
for the capability to expand the
recrea on and tourism opportuni es
for the area.
Rock Hill Parks, Recrea on & Tourism
is commi@ed to providing quality
services and places to all members of
our community, increasing interest in
Rock Hill as a great place to fulfill a
healthy lifestyle.
John Taylor
John Taylor, Director
Accep ng the UCI BMX World
Championships Flag in Medellin,
Colombia, May, 2016
River Safety
Dreams became reality when the
Riverwalk development emerged
and opened access to the Rock
Hill banks of the Catawba River.
Suddenly, river safety became a
top issue for the City.
Having offered kayak and outdoor
educa on programs for
years, staff was
fully aware of
the challenges
ahead. Staff
member C.C.
enthusias cally
forward with
training and is
now recognized
as a premier river safety
professional in the United States.
C.C. holds numerous
cer fica ons with the American
Canoe Associa on (ACA):
• Level 4: Swi4water Rescue Instructor
• Level 4: Whitewater Kayaking
• Level 3: River Safety & Rescue Trainer
• Level 2: Essen als of River Kayaking
Instructor Trainer
Birds eye view of Novant Health BMX Supercross Complex
To learn more about upcoming interna onal BMX events, go
to for detailed informa on.
The City of Rock Hill is fortunate
to share this talent with the Rock
Hill Fire Department for the
benefit of all ci zens who are
enjoying recrea on on the river.
Page 2
Rock Hill Parks, Recreation & Tourism Annual Report
2015/2016 General Fund Budget
Personnel Expenditures..................................................... $3,323,271
Opera ng Services………..…………...…………………………...…. $3,531,906
Parks, Recrea on and Tourism is all about people. From staff to dedicated
volunteers, program par cipants and visitors, PRT thanks you. In 2015,
volunteers gave 32,168 hours of volunteer service to our parks and programs.
As a special treat, keynote speaker, Josh Myers, a lifelong par cipant and
volunteer in PRT programs wowed the crowd at the annual volunteer event .
Capital Outlay………………………………………...……………..…... $ _ 65,000
Grants, Tax-based Financial Contribu ons & Private Dona ons
Grants Awarded:
▪ Community Development Block Grants
for therapeu c and youth programs
▪ SCPRT Tourism Adver sing Grant
for sports tourism marke ng (FY16)
▪ American Canoe Associa on/US Coast Guard Grant
for underserved popula ons kayak experience
for BMX World Championship marke ng
▪ SCPRT Undiscovered South Carolina Grant
for Criterium Course
▪ Duke Energy Watersports Grant
for River Park Kayak Access Ramp
▪ SCPRT Parks and Recrea on Development Grant
for Oakwood Acres Playground
▪ SC Accommoda ons Tax Grant
for BMX World Championship marke ng
▪ York County Local Hospitality Tax Grants
For BMX World Championship marke ng
▪ Recrea onal Trails Grant (FY17)
for Riverwalk/River Park Connector
2015 Award Winners: Mayor Doug Echols, Chris Goodwin accepting David
Boone Advisory Award for Rock Hill Outdoor Center Advisory Committee;
Karen Larson accep ng Be@y Jo Rhea Tourism Award for Fort Mill Lacrosse
Club; Fred Jordan accep ng G.C. Ray Athle cs Award; Kaitlyn Tompkins
accep ng Hiram Hutchison Therapeu c Award; Gloria Good, Willie Johnson
and Verna Diary accep ng Julia Post Programming Award for Good News
Club; Susan Collier accep ng Mayor’s Award and PRT Director John Taylor.
$ 200,000
$ 100,000
$ 300,000
$ 100,000
$ 806,492
Tiago Ruffoni
Larry Keeter
Rock Hill Tennis Center Pro
Southern Male Player of the Year
by United States Professional Tennis
Associa on
Tennis Volunteer
Professional Tennis Registry
Wheelchair Professional of the Year
City of Rock Hill
Grant Monies Received:
▪ Community Development Block Grants
for therapeu c and youth programs
▪ SCPRT Tourism Adver sing Grant
for sports tourism marke ng (FY16)
▪ Duke Energy Watersports Grant
for River Park Kayak Access Ramp
▪ SCPRT Parks and Recrea on Development Grant
for Spencer Park Playground
▪ York County Local Hospitality Tax Grants
For BMX World Championship marke ng
Other Contribu ons:
▪ SC Accommoda ons Tax
for PRT Marke ng & Promo ons
▪ York County Recrea on Assistance
for Programs & Facili es
▪ Local Op on Hospitality Tax
for Tourism-related projects and personnel
▪ Host Hotel Program
for Tournament Marke ng
honoring bold steps taken to ensure ease
of access to a balance of ac ve play in the
community (win #6)
$ 100,000
The 2015 Tournament Season for soJball,
baseball, soccer, cycling, lacrosse and
tennis generated an es mated event
economic impact of $21.6 million across a
season consis ng of 84 events.
Members of the 2016 Host Hotel Program:
$ 2,468,135
$ 3,867,111
Baymont Inn & Suites, Best Western at
Carowinds, Comfort Inn at Carowinds,
Comfort Suites, Country Inn & Suites,
Courtyard by Marrio@, Days Inn, Hampton
Inn Rock Hill, Hampton Inn & Suites Fort
Mill, Hilton Garden Inn Rock Hill, Howard
Johnson, Microtel Inn & Suites, Quality Inn
& Suites, Red Roof, Super 8, TownPlace
Suites by Marrio@, Wingate by Wyndham
Serving event guests for Cherry Park,
Manchester Meadows, Rock Hill Tennis
Center, Giordana Velodrome and Novant
Health BMX Supercross Track
Parks, Recrea on and Tourism staff served
in key roles with major boards and
associa ons including:
Area Eleven Special Olympics
SC Recrea on and Park Associa on
Boys & Girls Clubs of York County
Come-See-Me Fes val
Kiwanis Club of Rock Hill
Partners in Tourism
Rock Hill Sports Commission
Rock Hill Sports Marke ng Alliance
Rock Hill/York County Conven on & Visitors
SC Tourism Expenditure Review Commi@ee
York County Community Founda on
York County Recrea on Coali on
Page 3
July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Parks, Recrea on and Tourism Department staff serves as liaisons to commissions
appointed by City Council.
- Richard Bach, American Author
Public Parks and Recrea on Commission
Look past program metrics, residency status, and cost-to-serve.
Realize that we are a community of many cultures, na onali es,
races, genders and that we are family. We work, live and play in
Rock Hill. PRT celebrates the community as a whole.
We take pride in planning programs and events for “families” to
enjoy together. PRT programs foster a Quality Community.
Daddy Daughter
Dance 2016
A special night for
237 girls and their
fathers as they
danced the night
“Under the Sea”
From the youngest
rider barely over 2
years-old to greatgranddad, BMX is a family sport.
From local motos to
interna.onal events
know that BMX is
Purpose: To create policies for and assist in the administra on of a coordinated
recrea on service for the City of Rock Hill.
Assisted in aLrac ng and hos ng three na onal-level tournaments: UCI BMX World
Cup #5, 2015 USA Cycling Masters Track Na onal Championships and USTA Pro
Women’s 25K Tennis Tournament
Appointed 18 advisory commiLees for parks, centers, and sports providing support for
the implementa on of programs and ac vi es
Advocated sensi vity training as mandatory for all staff who work with youth
Implemented the PRT Strategic Plan “Direc ons” based on four focal points:
Maintenance, Partnerships, Major Spor ng and Regional Facili es, Connec vity
Accommoda ons Tax/Tourism Commission
Purpose: To make recommenda ons to the City Council on the expenditures of
revenue generated from the Accommoda ons Tax as required by SC Code of Laws
Title 6, Chapter 4, Alloca on of Accommoda on Tax Revenues.
Recommended distribu on of $385,477 in funding to 17 agencies for community-wide
tourism-related projects
Par cipated in York County Partners in Tourism monthly mee ngs
Assisted with the PRT Department’s evalua on of PRT Host Hotels
Commission for Children and Youth
Purpose: To enhance and promote the posi ve development of all children and
youth through comprehensive collabora ve ac ons by u lizing all of the
community’s resources, public and private agencies, businesses, church and civic
organiza ons to promote the health, safety, educa on and social well-being of all
children and youth.
The Pump House River Run
inaugural adventure race was
held at the Piedmont Medical
Center Trail and River Park. 137
par.cipants, many family teams,
par.cipated in the 3-mile paddle
and 5K run event. Proceeds from
the race benefi5ed the Nature
Navigators Endowment, a fund
of the Rock Hill Parks
Developed a goal of exploring ways to develop Financially Fit Families
Assisted with youth programs including Youth Service League, Rock Hill Youth Council
and Youth Service Day
As part of a grass roots effort, distributed 472 pamphlets and picture magnets (for
Born to Read packets to be given to new mothers) and 600 bookmarks at Countdown
to Kindergarten for the purpose of educa ng families about the #1 Ques on
On an ongoing basis, updated the #1 Ques on website www.numberoneques
by providing per nent resources and informa on to assist families with needs and
interests for their children
Mayor’s CommiLee for People with Disabili es
Purpose: To promote public awareness and understanding of the capabili es of
persons with disabling condi ons.
One of many
PRT “Family” portraits
Promoted the SC Voca onal Rehabilita on Department's 2016 Journalism Contest
with all 3 high schools in Rock Hill. The contest winner receives a 4 year scholarship to
a South Carolina public college or university.
Assisted with the Charter Celebra on for the Ak on Club of York County. The Ak on
Club is a branch of Kiwanis Interna onal and is a community service organiza on for
adults with intellectual disabili es.
City of Rock Hill—Parks, Recreation &
Tourism Dept.
City Hall Office, Suite 390
155 Johnston Street
P.O. Box 11706
Rock Hill, SC 29731-1706
Phone: 803-329-5620
The City will provide local residents and visitors a safe place to ride bikes when the Criterium
Course, a 1.1 mile closed road course beside the Novant Health BMX facility, opens this fall.
Fax: 803-329-8786
Sponsorship Opportuni es
Twitter: @RockHillSCCity
Sponsorship of community ameni es is a win-win
opportunity for both the City and sponsors.
Individuals, families or businesses interested in
sponsoring programs, facili es or events are
encouraged to contact the Rock Hill Parks Founda on
Corporate Rela ons & Sponsorship Coordinator at
Established in 2004, the Founda on is a nonprofit, charitable fund whose purpose is to
enhance our community's quality of life above
and beyond the Parks, Recrea on & Tourism
Department's normal opera ng budget.
Rock Hill Parks, Recrea on &
Tourism creates community
through people, parks and
Rock Hill PRT and community
partners bring members of the
community together in a
variety of ways.
Clockwise: Youth outreach clinic
at the USTA Women’s Pro
Circuit Rock Hill Rocks Open;
Winners of the UCI BMX
Supercross World Cup Finals;
Ak.on Club members standing
up against the “R” word; Bicycle
safety class for elementary
school groups; Wheelchair
Tennis program flourishing at
the Rock Hill Tennis Center;
Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s
Day; Giordana Velodrome Staff
and Volunteers; Fun at Family
Movie Night