THE SLATE - Carmel Clay Schools
THE SLATE - Carmel Clay Schools
1 THE SLATE March 25, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS OPE MATH BOWL TEAM! Kudos to our Orchard Park Math Bowl participants! Orchard Park Elementary placed 4th in the state in the their class!! Over 3000 schools participated this year and 7 Carmel elementary schools placed in the State Top Ten for “Class 3” WAY T0 GO, CUBS!! CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CAFETERIA SUBSTITUTES NEEDED Carmel Clay Schools Food Service Department is accepting applications for Cafeteria Substitutes. If you are interested in a part-time job during the school day, this may be the job for you! Openings for full and part time positions are filled from the substitute pool. Orientation sessions will be held in April and successful applicants will be provided with paid training. For more information please contact Vickie Fishman or Amy Anderson at 844-9961 or email or Dress code reminders! With warmer weather here, it is time to revisit the dress code for CCS. The dress code is printed below: Students will be expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle which detracts from the learning environment will not be permitted. This includes apparel advertising alcoholic beverages or with other obscene or questionable printing on them. Short shorts, low rise pants or shorts, halter tops, tank tops and tops revealing midriffs, etc., do not provide enough protection from the air conditioning and are not appropriate. Shorts in general should be worn ONLY when the weather is extremely warm. Parental discretion will determine when this occurs. Ball caps or hats may not be worn in the school building. Safe, appropriate footwear must be worn on the playground. Flip-flop sandals or high-heel shoes are NOT appropriate for the playground. Children who wear inappropriate clothing may be asked to return home to change. A Note from our PTO President: 2 Dear Orchard Park Parents, What follows is a link to a survey created by Carmel Clay Schools to get information from parents regarding many general topics in CCS. This survey focuses heavily on technology, but other topics, including student activities, are included. The results will be examined and used to formulate CCS policy throughout the system. The survey made me think carefully about my expectations for CCS and our children's education. I hope it does the same for you, and I hope you can take the time to share your ideas. Link to survey is Bill Ahrbecker OPE PTO President CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Jeff Swensson, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Amy Dudley, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Roger McMichael, M.B.A. Assistant Superintendent Ryan Newman Director Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Business Affairs Human Resources March 21, 2011 Carmel Clay Schools Seeks Community Input to Help with Strategic Planning Carmel, IN – All community members, including but not limited to community residents, students, parents, school district employees, business community, as well as individuals representing either public and non-profit sectors of the community, are invited to provide feedback and assist in the future strategic plans of Carmel Clay Schools (CCS) through a community audit survey. The confidential survey will be available from March 21 – April 4, 2011 and can be accessed on the Carmel Clay School website or through this link The Indiana University Center for Evaluation & Education Policy (CEEP) is administering the independent survey to help the District Accreditation Leadership Team (DALT) for Carmel Clay Schools identify the following information: How does the school system help students realize their individual potential? In what ways are students developing 21st Century skills? What is most important to stakeholders? What measures of success do community members use to evaluate the effectiveness of CCS? “This survey will provide valuable insights into our community’s expectations for academic excellence and enable us to better respond to the needs of the community by identifying areas for improvement and establishing long-range goals that will guide our effort toward continuous improvement,” said Linda Thompson, director of curriculum, instruction, and assessment at Carmel Clay Schools. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and provides anonymous data that will be used by the School Board, DALT, and CCS administration to create strategic plans that enhance instructional planning for students. Results from the survey will be available online this May with a planned presentation to the public at the June 2011 School Board meeting. DALT was established as part of AdvancED accreditation process, the most rigorous school-accreditation organization in the United States. Achievement of full-district accreditation through an international organization signals the commitment of CCS to continuous improvement. Through DALT, CCS focuses on meeting the highest research-based standards through an on-going, demanding, quality assurance process. For more information about the DALT program at CCS, please visit As part of the Indiana University School of Education, CEEP promotes and supports rigorous program evaluation and education policy research that promises impact and improvement in the lives of children and their communities. For more information on CEEP, please visit “Jump with Jill” coming to Orchard Park April 28th! 3 Jump with Jill is a live rock ‘n roll concert about nutrition for elementary-age kids that travels to schools across the nation. The show takes childhood obesity by storm, serving as a kid-appropriate solution for kicking off Wellness Committee initiatives, reinforcing classroom learning and supporting a healthier cafeteria menu. By using original music, movement-based learning and a compelling character, Jump with Jill uses the same tools normally used to sell junk food and keep kids sedentary into a powerful tool for teaching healthy habits. The interactive experience not only makes eating breakfast and drinking water cool, but helps increase retention of these important health messages. Created by registered dietitian and musician Jill Jayne, Jump with Jill has been performed nearly 600 times for almost 100,000 kids all over the United States. The songs performed in the show are the hit tracks from the show's soundtrack, Get Me Goin'. The songs are set up and transitioned with kid-appropriate explanations of the song content. The show covers: * The definition of energy and exercise * How to do exercises that are fun * The importance of choosing foods that make the body healthy * How to choose healthy foods including label reading and food facts * Body acceptance and empowerment * Recognizing that cartoon characters and celebrities are sometimes used to promote unhealthy foods * How to identify foods high in calcium and why these foods are cool * The importance of water * What unhealthy ingredients are in popular foods that makes them taste so good * Why eating less processed foods is better for your body and for the earth For more info go to ISTEP INFORMATION: The multiple choice portion of the test takes place April 25th-May 4th. This year, all 5th grade students will be taking the multiple choice portion online. Fifth graders should log onto their myCCS account to see practice questions and learn how to manipulate the online tools. We would also encourage you to go online at to view sample ISTEP questions. Please make sure your child is eating a healthy breakfast and getting their sleep so they can do their personal best! Green Cubs News! Wondering what Green Cubs have been up to this year? Check it out! The club members so far have planted many beautiful new bulbs in the nature area; they should be blooming any time now. We made reusable cloth bags to shop with before the holidays, so our families could cut down on paper and plastic bags at the store. The members often discuss ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. One way we are trying to spread the message school-wide is through our crayon recycling program. Did you know crayons are a petroleum based product? Every year, millions of crayons are thrown in the trash. We are encouraging kids to help us collect their broken crayon pieces in boxes we made for each classroom, and we pick these up each month at the start of our meeting. We will mail them to a special crayon recycler at the end of the year. Stay tuned for the grand total! 4 It’s Back-to-School Kit Time! Once again, OPE-PTO will be offering our students and parents a prepackaged school supply kit for the next school year. SchoolKidz (in cooperation with Staples) will be offering an exact kit based on the school supply lists compiled by our teachers. To all of you who bought Back-to-School Kits this past year … THANK YOU for your continued support and spread the word!! We earned $1,228.47 for OPE by ordering these kits last year. Way to go!! To all of you who missed ordering your kit last year, please consider ordering one this spring for the 2011-12 school year. The personalized, reusable storage box includes all the school supplies needed for each grade level this coming fall. These kits save you time and make going “back-to-school” less hectic! Non-consumable items are guaranteed for the entire school year! This includes rulers, scissors, storage boxes, plastic folders and binders. If you have a child in grades K-4, watch your child’s backpack for the order form. Order forms will be going home on Monday, April 11, 2011. Order forms are due back before Friday, April 29, 2011. NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER: FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Dory Brooker at 317-847-7672. 5 The award-winning Carmel High School Color Guard will be hosting its annual Mini-camp for participants in Grades 1-8 on Saturday, April 23. The camp will be held in the CHS Freshman Cafeteria from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Camp includes a parent preview performance, pizza, t-shirt and tons of spinning fun and instruction!!! Cost is $40.00 ($7.00 sibling discount). Click here for more information and to download registration form 6 The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Creekside Middle School is proud to present The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Written by Don Zolidis and produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.(, this zany, fast-paced comedy tells the “true” untold stories of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale characters we know and love. Come and enjoy this wild, free-form comedy with lots of audience participation and madcap fun. The production will be performed on Friday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 26th at 2:00p.m. in the Creekside Auditorium. Tickets are $3.00 and are available starting on March14th at the Creekside Bookstore (open 10:45am to 1:30pm M-F), 3525 W. 126th Street, Carmel 733-6420; and at the door prior to each performance. 7 HONOR ROLL THIRD GRADING PERIOD SECOND SEMESTER 2010 – 2011 Flager 5th Birbiglia 4th Flager 5th Baek, Eunseo Carter, Lewis Kim, Yeon Jae Lee, YooKyung Whited, Noah Bernard, Reagan Chilemba, David Gamil, Marly Gonzalez, Devin Logan, Kayla Matsumoto, Ema Richey, Esteban Honor Roll Abbey, McKenna Barker, Jordan Bies, Ryleigh Cordero-Vasquez, Selvin Hull, Bryce Meda, Vaishnavi Saad, Ahmed Wenzler, Mia Birbiglia 4th Billman 4/5 Challenge Moyer 4th Brooker, Garrett Caccamise, Hannah Chou, Hope Gilles, Jack Mullens, Abigael Cockrell, Ian 4 Cole, Ryan 5th Fisher, Emma 5th Gardner, Kiley 5th Harless, Cameron 4th Hassan, Sarim 4th Johnson, Adam 4th McCormack, Mea 4th Penix, Soraya 4th Riddle, Emma 5th Satkoski, Rylee 4th Smith, Caleb 5th Sweet, Maggie 5th Clark, Carley Greer, Travis Hile, Paige Howard, Megan Nguyen, Ashley Perry, Isaac Locke 5th High Honor Roll Billman 4/5 Challenge Brinkman, Alex 5th Burnham, Laura 5th Chen, Kevin 5th Hou, Franklin 4th Naiken, Semanti 4th Roop, Lauren 5th Covert 4th Maurer, Maddie Niyaz, Hannah Page, Jacqueline Ramkumar, Adhitya Soumah, Oumou Zimmerman, Lilly th Moyer 4 Ansari, Haniya Wirth 4th Treasure, Sophia Vogt, Zach Locke 5th Collins, Grant Watson, Joshua West 5th Bonner, Hayden Ellery, McKenzie Gibson, Sammie Gulley, Nathan Higginbotham, Riley Rusk, Caleb Shanks, Tay Strong, Sydney th Wirth 4 th Cirrincione, Payton Kumar, Suchita McKillip, Ashelyn Milam, Nathan Patterson, Rheagan Richardson, Ceri Trittin, Mary Warner, Gabrielle Covert 4th Aguilar, Lizeth Balciunaite, Urte Cyr, Sam Dill, Ally Hayashi, Yuto Manning, Drew Milton, Emma Moyer, Charlie Sams, Tess Scism, Griffin Wertz, Alex Betzinger, Elena Black, Ashylnn Clark, Blair Devathu, Rahul Lamkin-Hern, Nolan Lebedeva, Elizabeth Montgomery, Hailey Varghese, Laurna Whited, Lauren Zachodni, Matthew Zhong, Amy Denton, Ty Kelley-Parmley, Jyllayne Kim, Junghee Mullens, Kacey Pitchford, Alexis Schofield, Luke West 5th Bailey, Savannah Daniels, Chris Darnell, Aeryn Hurwitz, Danielle Kern, Collin Liechti, Christopher Menze, Elliot Tharp, Skylar Thompson, Logan Williams, Mika Roseman 5th You get a shout out for your ROARing behavior! Staff Member Name ____________________ Reason for the Shout Out _______________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Staff Member Name ____________________ Reason for the Shout Out _______________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Reason for the Shout Out _______________ Staff Member Name ____________________ You get a shout out for your ROARing behavior! You get a shout out for your ROARing behavior! ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Reason for the Shout Out _______________ Staff Member Name ____________________ You get a shout out for your ROARing behavior! Staff ROAR Tickets 8 for you to use! 9 10404 Orchard Park S. Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46280 Office/Attendance: 848-1918 Parent Link: 571-4039 On the Web: Cafeteria 571-4075 Fax: 571-4043 Mrs. Rhonda Turner Principal Mrs. Kate Fagan Assistant Principal Mrs. Melissa McCullough Student Services Coordinator Mrs. Diane Riemenschnitter Nurse PTO Board Bill Ahrbecker President Jennifer Penix Mark Your Calendar Mar 29—4th Grade Choir Practice 7:25 am Mar 30—Student Council Meeting 7:25 am Mar 31—5th Grade Choir Practice 7:25 am Apr 1-8—Spring Break-NO SCHOOL! Apr 12—4th Grade Choir Practice 7:25 am Apr 12—OPE Green Club Meeting 2:30-3:30pm Apr 14—5th Grade Choir Practice 7:25 am Vice President Ann Bernard Treasurer Mary Roth Secretary Angie Sams Corresponding Secretary Erin Patterson Past President Heather Timmons Slate Editor Remember………….. to keep sending BoxTops in to school!