Media Pack - DC Thomson
Media Pack - DC Thomson
WHAT? Crikey! What’s this? A new 36-page glossy magazine for kids aged 7-12 following the fast-paced, hilarious adventures of the world’s greatest super-secret agent Danger Mouse and his sidekick Penfold? Yes, that’s exactly what it is! WHO? Danger Mouse Magazine has been developed by the team behind the successful range of DC Thomson children’s magazines. DC Thomson has a proven track record in licensed magazine publishing and is committed to consumer research, guaranteeing we are the publisher who knows kids, and – more importantly – what they want in a magazine! WHY? As CBBC’s highest rated launch in over 2 ½ years, the all-new Danger Mouse has been a massive ratings triumph. The DM property has also seen a strong global response since it launched to TV. FremantleMedia Ltd has secured a slate of impressive licensing deals for Danger Mouse with a fantastic range of DM products in the market. A compelling and engaging official magazine is the next logical step in this rollout. In addition to this, Danger Mouse Series 2 has already been given the green light and is currently in production for a Spring ’17 launch. WHEN? Danger Mouse Magazine is on sale every four weeks, priced £3.99, packaged with branded covermounts and supported by a £560,000 value marketing effort including innovative retail point of sale. WHERE? Danger Mouse Magazine will retail at all major outlets including Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco. You can also find us @ WWW.DCTHOMSONSHOP.CO.UK/DANGERMOUSE INSIDE EVERY ISSUE! CREATE: Each issue will feature an awesome Danger Mouse make-it from the creative minds at ACTION: Will the world descend into chaos? Will anyone notice if it does? One thing’s for certain: if there’s a crisis, we can always call on the World’s greatest Secret Agent, Danger Mouse! Follow the comic adventures of DM and his always fearful sidekick Penfold with a brand new story each issue. PROFESSOR SQUAWKENCLUCK’S LAB Deep within her lab Professor Squawkencluck makes gadgets the envy of the world. Without them Danger Mouse would fail and erm… I’d probably be out of a job. BOX n CEREALMILK CARTON n SMALLTLE TOPS n 2 BOT n STRAW T TUB E MIN n LARGmin ts) S (100 TLE TOP K BOT n 4 MIL4 JUICE CAPS AND TOPS n 2 PEN S n SKEWER Use a glue gun or strong glue to fix the wheels to the underside of the wing and back of the car. 9 6 BEFORE YOU START Make sure you do these under activities vision the super t or of a paren guardian 1 2 Cut and fold a tail fin from a cereal box. Colour it red and yellow, then glue it to the back of the car as shown below. 10 CUT TWO PIECES OF STRAW AND GLUE THEM ONTO A LARGE MINT TUB, ABOUT 4.5CM APART. DRAW ROUND A BOTTLE TOP AND CUT OUT WHEEL ARCHES AND AN OPENING WITH A WINDSCREEN AS SHOWN. PAINT OR SPRAY THE CAR YELLOW. 3 I spend all my time making the greatest gadgets any secret agent has ever had and now it’s your chance to show me what you’ve got! First up is the mark iv… 5 4 Add bottle tops for booster engines and stick on the labels from this page. CUT A 20CM X 3CM STRIP OF CARD FROM A CEREAL BOX AND COLOUR IT RED. CUT SLOTS IN THE CAR SIDES AND SLIDE THE CARD THROUGH. STICK A YELLOW FELT PEN LID TO EACH WINGTIP. PIERCE A SMALL HOLE IN THE CENTRE OF FOUR MILK BOTTLE TOPS AND FOUR JUICE BOTTLE CAPS USING A BRADAWL OR SHARP POINT. PAINT THE MILK BOTTLE TOPS BLACK OR COLOUR THEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER PEN. DRAW AND CUT OFF ONE SIDE OF THE MILK CARTON TO FORM A WEDGE SHAPE. Add bottle tops for booster engines and stick on the labels from this page. PUSH A SKEWER THROUGH THE CAPS, BOTTLE TOPS AND STRAWS, THEN SNIP OFF THE ENDS WITH SIDE-CUTTERS OR STRONG SCISSORS. Send in your awesome builds to 32 21 NEW URE! BRAND E ADVENT ER MOUS 33 …Now! DANG Sorry DM, I wasn’t listening. I was just getting a can of fizzy pop. I – BURP! – love it so much! – BURP! Top marks, Penfold! Finally you’ve started to listen properly. You’ve completely vanished. …Penfold? …Where’s he gone? That stuff will make your teeth more rotten than Baron Von Greenback. What’s that Chief? Who’s completely varnished what? NARRATOR: You join us between episodes of the popular TV series ‘Danger Mouse’. Keen to make the most of their time off air, DM has booked Penfold some much required training in the Danger Room… NARRATOR: penfold has landed in the fizzy drinks machine! And that, Penfold, is how you deal with exploding root vegetables by using the ancient martial art of ‘Karrote!’ Jet Pack training next Penfold… You’re up next Penfold. We’re going to get you as well trained as me! Whenever you sense danger, you can’t help but strike! See, Penfold? I told you that stuff was bad for you. …Accelerator. Right you – BURP! – are, Chief! Now, gently and carefully ease your finger off the… That’s all very good That’s all very good chief, but chief, when dobut I get when a do go?I get Wow! Carrots! Sorry Penfold, you better sit this one out. I’ve got it under control! a go? SHORTLY… SUDDENLY… Quick! Something terrible has happened! No, it means I can’t get a cup of tea. …The water supply… it’s dried up! Sigh. This is the twelfth time today he’s taken over my training session. …Uranium rods? What Uranium rods? Last thing I heard this place was powered by a battery made out of potatoes. Pay close attention Penfold. Your training in the art of camouflage beginS… Crumbs! Good grief! if there’s no water, there’ll be nothing to cool the uranium rods that power HQ. If they overheat, that means a nuclear explosion that’ll take out half of London! 8 9 Well yes, readers, if youthere’s were todanger give up your Yes, wherever he’ll be there… we get : Danger day job, which you IPT SCR it. When is there going Agent to be awould feature allbeabout me, the most like? Follow this hi-tech flowchart to find out. narrator? Crikey! Slow down, chief! GADGETS: It was DM’s idea to fit the car with a dangernav that finds the most dangerous route to any given disaster! DM IS A T IN BEL BLACK SE FU! MOU Want to know more about Danger Mouse, the awesome vehicles and gadgets and Professional Arch Enemy, Baron Von Greenback? Then find out all you need to know here! RIVAL MOUSE! Jeopardy Mouse is the US counterpart to Danger Mouse. She’s a smart, no-nonsense secret agent who reckons DM is rather irresponsible. C’mon JM, lighten up a little! It is possible to save the world and have fun at the same time! DANGER FILE NAME: Danger Mouse PROFESSION: Secret Agent FROM: London CATCHPHRASE: No More Mr. Nice Mouse! SIDEKICK: Penfold Have no fear readers, danger mouse is here! SAYS! An English man’s Post-bo his cas x is tle! I don’t have to win. It’s just what happens when you’re the best. As the ret st Sec in theous Greate Agent I’m fam In here. y world, the t everyw foo Belgium a 20 out carved of me ! colate statue of cho Sorry I’ve l, my Colone trainedreact to body ore my in. bef kicks brain es time. It sav , if Well kids t to you wan ey on er save mon a Dang buying erang, Boom ze just free sock an oddead! inst TOP TIP! 5 4 Apologies readers, this page is rather gross. But Danger Mouse has smellied danger, or should that be smelled, or rather smelt… Oh, whatever the right term is, he and Penfold need to upset Dr Loocifer quick! WARNING!! LOO LOLS LAUGHS: Danger Mouse Magazine is a fast-paced rollercoaster packed with jokes, surprises and crazy villains guaranteed to have the reader laughing from start to finish. VEHICLE OF CHOICE! ? NOW OU K DID Y Hmmm… something tells me the Editor is just using this page as an excuse to tell lots of toilet jokes. Still, I’m not one to poo poo a mission… What happ if you’re stan next to Dr ens ding Loocifer when feeling bloa he’s ted? uble! Urine big tro GUESS WHAT DR LOOCIFER HAD TO GET AT SCHOOL WHEN HE COULDN’T GET A HANDLE ON HIS STUDIES? A Private Tooter! Well readers, readers, if if you you were were to to give give up up your your day job, which Well flowchart to find out. What you are doi Penfol ng d? OU? ARE Y y n I thin n DR LOOCIFER SMELLS Dr Loocifer SO BAD, THE ONLY DIS I smells so bad, WANT TO GIVE HIM IS A even Danger DISINFECTANT. , Skunk can t stand the smell! How rud You haven’ e! the last t seen Like of me! the water of a toiletblocked , rise I shall again! Pooh! Winnie the DANGER MOUSE Just like Danger Mouse you’re a hero and all-round amazing super-secret agent. The Could n’t this quiz world is a have waite busy d? I’m a safer place star galac tic now with you know you . around! e I’ve gon over underc just – Chief told like you me to. y You are easily distracted. You know what the word ‘defeat’ means. n n y You prefer doing tasks alone. dard! k he’s bog stan WHAT DO YOU GET IF YOU CROSS A BEAR WITH DR LOOCIFER? START You own a number of woolly jumpers. n You like to keep busy and very rarely rest. A big animal once attempted to eat you. CHIEF, HOW BAD A VILLAIN DO YOU THINK DR LOOCIFER IS? 12 : would dayIPT job,Agent which Danger Agent would youFollow be SCR Danger you be most like? this hi-tech most like? Follow this hi-tech flowchart to find out. H WHIC Crikey Chief, apparently the only way to send Dr Loocifer packing is to upset him with lots of toilet jokes! N You are largely useless on land. y y n DANGER MACKEREL You are effective when it comes to water but are completely useless on land and often get accidentally I’m glad, reely this eaten by has scale page on the d back large sea fish puns. creatures! n You like to sleep with the lights on. N y y Yikes! Heights really scare you. y y DANGER MOTH Like this number two Danger Agent, the minute anyone turns on a light, you are distracted I won’t rest until from the DM’s safe and – Oooh light a mission bulb! in hand! 7 FANTASTIC FACTS DANGER MOUSE IS THE HIGHEST RATED SHOW OF 2015 AMONG BOYS 4-9, ACROSS ALL DEDICATED KIDS CHANNELS. DANGER MOUSE IS VOICED BY ALEXANDER ARMSTRONG, KEVIN ELDON IS PENFOLD, STEPHEN FRY IS COLONEL K, AND DAVE LAMB IS THE NARRATOR. 48 X 11 + 2 X 22’ SPECIALS ON-AIR THROUGHOUT 2016. S2 GREENLIT FOR 2017 LAUNCH! THE SERIES HAS NOW BEEN SOLD TO 100+ TERRITORIES. LISTINGS SECURED ACROSS MAJOR ACCOUNTS INCLUDING CATALOGUE, SPECIALISTS, GROCERS, ONLINE RETAILERS AND INDEPENDENTS. PARTNERS HAVE BEEN SIGNED ACROSS ALL KEY CONSUMER PRODUCTS CATEGORIES. DC THOMSON ANTICIPATES OVER £1.5 MILLION IN RSV IN YEAR ONE OF DANGER MOUSE MAGAZINE. DC THOMSON IS COMMITTED TO A TRADE SPEND OF OVER £130,000 IN YEAR ONE.