The Colebrook Chronicle
The Colebrook Chronicle
Colebrook’s Largest Circulated Weekly Newspaper FREE The Colebrook Chronicle COVERING THE TOWNS OF THE UPPER CONNECTICUT RIVER VALLEY FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010 603-246-8998 VOL. 10, NO. 39 State Cuts Threaten Colebrook’s Riverbank Project By Donna Jordan It’s been a year of tough financial changes in the North Country, with state budget cuts last year affecting the hours of operation for state liquor store and the court system. But the harshest proposed cuts were announced this week by N.H. Gov. John Lynch, and it affects a project that has been 10 years (Continued on page 2) At Rudy’s Cabins: Earliest Ice-Out On Record Reported At Clarksville Pond By Donna Jordan It has been one of the earliest ice-out seasons on record for the North Country. This year, ice-out was de- clared for both Lake Francis in Pittsburg and Clarksville Pond in Clarksville on Wednesday, April 7. (Continued on page 2) SAU 58 Announces Teacher Nominations For 2010-11 Colebrook student in Grades 3-5 learned about classical music during workshops held in the school library on Friday, April 9, when three members of Camerata New England performed: from the left, Elise Kunder on violin, Linda Galvan on cello and Peter Sulski on viola. The 14-member Camerata New England will be performing for the public on April 24 (see story below). Charles Jordan photo. By Donna Jordan Nominations for staff at Stratford School for the 2010-11 school year reflect the proposed $300,000 budget cuts voter re- quested at Town Meeting—and keep the school serving Grades K-12. Three positions were eliminated and one was reduced (Continued on page 2) On April 24 In Colebrook: Camerata New England Concert To Feature “Spirit Of Russia” In Music Some of Colebrook’s youngest music connoisseurs received a sneak peek at the world-class music headed to Colebrook on Saturday, April 24, when Camerata New England plays for the first time ever in town. The concert will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church on Bridge Street in Colebrook under the joint spon- sorship of the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts and the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire. The sneak preview happened when three of Camerata New England’s musicians, Elise Kunder on violin, Linda Galvan on cello and Peter Sulski on viola, performed in the Colebrook elementary school library for elementary school students and took their questions during three morning workshops last Friday. Tickets for the acclaimed Camerata New England string ensemble are still available and can be purchased at Fiddleheads at 110 Main St., Colebrook, reserved by phone at 837 (Continued on page 3) Groveton Elementary School celebrated National Library Week and the staff dressed in their favorite storybook character. Vicky Bailey photo. Local Key Clubs Shine At New England Regionals By Donna Jordan Key Club students from Pittsburg, Colebrook, Groveton and Canaan, Vt., returned from their New England District Educational Conference on Sunday evening with numerous and distinguished awards for their Key Club projects. Opening ceremonies at the Springfield, Mass., conference on Friday evening included a guest speaker. On Saturday, students attended a variety of workshops, including those who (Continued on page 3) New Look Debuts For Video News Of The Week Mallorie Biron came in first with her performance of “Party in the USA” at last Friday’s Pittsburg Idol competition. For more photos, see page 14., plus see the Video of the Week. Thomas Jordan photo. Since launching the Video News of the Week at the Colebrook Chronicle’s website early last year, many of the newspaper’s readers have said that they’ve been enjoying keeping up with the activities around the North Country in video form. Until now, the weekly video reports have been done in what some may remember as the old “newsreel” format, complete with a whirling newspaper (Continued on page 3) The Colebrook Chronicle Friday, April 16, 2010 Page 3 The Canaan Key Club won second place in the regional conference for its non-traditional scrapbook. Their theme was “Hollywood”. From the left, Chelsea Rancourt, advisor Renee Marchesseault, Casey Noyes, Katie Masters, Allison Rancourt, Becky Lienau, Becca Marchesseault, Victoria Harris, Jasmine Brosseau, Annick Marquis and Amanda Marquis. Photo courtesy Sarah Cummings. Colebrook Key Club received a warm welcome from parents and Kiwanis members upon returning from their weekend DECON regional convention. Thomas Jordan photo. SAU 58 “We all went crazy because Tyler more than deserved that award,” said Falconer. She said that Colebrook took first place and Canaan second place in the Creative Scrapbook award. “Canaan’s was so creative—it was like film strips, and Colebrook’s looked like a ticket booth.” The Pittsburg Key Club won a second place award in the Traditional category for their scrapbook project. Colebrook’s Katelyn Purrington placed first in the Oratory contest, and each Key Club received an award for Early Bird dues (which are paid to the International organization). During a talent contest on Saturday, Canaan and Pittsburg students made it past the initial judging and onto the stage for the larger contest, performing in front of an audience of 1,100. The Canaan, Pittsburg and Colebrook Key Clubs are sponsored by the Colebrook Kiwanis Club, which paid for the bus transportation and the registration for the nine advisors who went on the trip. “And the Colebrook School district gave us $1,470 this year, which was wonderful. So many kids wouldn’t have been able to go without that money,” said Falconer. “It was such a great week- (Continued from page 2) fice has received 23 applications for the Principal position. “After the 14th that number could be vetted down to a smaller number and the Stratford school board will decide at their next meeting how many they will invite to come in for an interview,” said Paquette. He said that he has received many local applicants as well as some regional and out of state applicants. “Some of those out of state applicants are looking for new positions or they want to move to a new area and some are retired administrators who are looking to continue their work in education.” All personnel in Stark School have also been renominated. One teacher, he said, requested a year’s leave of absence, which leaves an opening that the Stark board will need to fill. In Groveton, budget cuts have reduced the Choral Music position from full time to half time, a position which serves both the elementary and high school students. “This position had always been half time, it went to full time for a short time, and is returning to the half time,” explained Paquette. The balance of teaching positions for both schools have remained the same. Video—New Look (Continued from page 1) front page starting each week’s video. Beginning this week, however, the Colebrook Chronicle’s Video News of the Week moves solidly into the 21st Century with a complete revamping. “The end result, we think, amounts to the North Country’s first weekly webcast news report,” said Chronicle Editor Charlie Jordan. Jordan said, “Because we are in the news business, moving into video reporting is a natural expansion for the Chronicle,” which marks its 10th anniversary this summer. But what has made it practical is the promotion this week of Tom Jordan, son of Chronicle owners Charlie and Donna Jordan, to the position of Video Editor. Tommy’s expertise in video production is playing a key role in the video’s new look. Like the newspaper, the Video News of the Week production work is being done in the old Clarksville Schoolhouse. As in the past, the Jordans and their contributors will continue getting out to locations where news happens. “Look to see us conducting more interviews with people as we cover the news,” Jordan said. Charlie and Tom Jordan provide “in-studio” lead-ins to news reports. Charlie also expects to be able to provide a weekly rundown of front-page headlines. Each “on-demand” webcast will include a look at the weekend weather and, as in the past, high school sports videos will round out each report. “We’re very excited to be able to make this latest advance into cyberspace,” said Charlie Jordan. “We will continue to produce our weekly newspaper, which is also seeing considerable growth. But our goal is to stay up-to-date and be where readers and viewers are. And today, for an increasing number of people, that’s on the web.” Also, like the newspaper, access to the Video News of the Week remains free. “As more and more high-speed Internet service moves into our area, we expect to see greater growth with our video efforts,” Jordan said. The Jordans are seriously considering offering commercial spots in their videos, which will offer local businesses a new and growing marketplace to gain exposure at a very low cost. “Right now we’re getting over 1,000 hits a week on our website,” Jordan said. “The videos have become more of a part of our weekly web visitors’ routine, we can see many folks turning to not only to read the news, but to shop for local services as well.” “If you’re interested in becoming one of our charter video advertisers, we suggest you give our new video format a look and then give us a call at 246-8998,” said publisher Donna Jordan, who oversees the company’s advertising. Key Clubs (Continued from page 1) are going to become officers in their clubs. There also was a workshop for webmasters and bulletin editors, as well as leadership conferences. This year, both Pittsburg and Colebrook Key Clubs received Diamond level honors, which is the highest honor that a club can receive, and Canaan received the Distinguished club award. “The awards just blew me away,” said Colebrook Key Club advisor Lindy Falconer. “The most amazing thing to me was, every time one of our kids got an award, the whole Division 8 stood up and applauded for them. The division includes students from Berlin, Groveton, Colebrook, Canaan and Pittsburg. “And Tyler Foote, the Pittsburg Key Club President, got the Outstanding Key Club Officer award,” said Falconer. She explained that the award is given out on Sunday, the last day of the conference, because it’s a very prestigious award. end, it was just overwhelming, although we didn’t get much sleep,” she said. “I thought the kids would sleep on the way home, but they didn’t, they sang songs all the way home.” The Colebrook Kiwanis also sponsors the Builders Clubs in Stewartstown, Canaan and Errol. “They work very hard to provide all of this for these kids,” said Falconer. (Editor’s note: See Colebrook Key Club Advisor talk about the local clubs in this week’s Video News of the Week.) Camerata (Continued from page 1) -2275, or purchased online at Tickets are $15 each and will also be available at the door. The concert, titled “The Spirit of Russia,” features “Variations on a Theme by Tschaikovsky” (Anton Arensky), “Chamber Symphony Opus 110 A” (Dmitri Shostakovitch), “Two Pieces for String Orchestra” (Nikolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky) and “Serenade” (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky). (Continued on page 5) Police, Fire And EMS Reports (Editor’s note: It was a quiet week on police and fire logs.) 45TH PARALLEL EMS The following is the activity report for the 45th Parallel EMS from April 4-10. On April 6, at 6:39 p.m., the 45th Parallel EMS responded to Stewartstown for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. On April 7, at 11:20 a.m., the department transferred a patient from Concord Hospital to UCVH. At 4:49 p.m., the department responded to Colebrook for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. On April 8, at 5:45 a.m., the department transferred a patient from UCVH to DHMC. At 9:45 p.m., the department responded to Colebrook for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. At 10:43 p.m., the department responded to Stewartstown for a medical emergency. No patient was found. On April 9, at 2:14 a.m., the department responded to Stewartstown for a medical emergency. The patient refused transport. At 2:29 p.m., the department responded to West Stewartstown for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. At 3:31 p.m., the department trans- ferred a patient from UCVH to CCNH in West Stewartstown. At 4:34 p.m., the department transferred a patient from UCVH to DHMC. At 4:42 p.m., the department responded to Colebrook for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. On April 10, at 11:21 a.m., the department responded to CCNH in West Stewartstown NH for a medical emergency. The patient was transported to UCVH. At 8:15 p.m., the department responded to Pittsburg for a medical alarm. The ambulance was cancelled while en route. Friday, April 16, 2010 The Colebrook Chronicle Camerata (Continued from page 3) “This plans to be an extraordinary evening of classical music,” said GNWCA President Charlie Jordan. “The focus on Russian-themed selections will add an exotic air to the night.” For more information, contact Arts Alliance Assistant Director Eileen Alexander at 837-2275 or, or GNWCA President Charlie Jordan at 246-8998. The Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire is a network which works to promote, support and sustain culture, heritage and the arts in northern New Hampshire through programming and partnerships. Learn more at The Great North Woods Committee for the Arts brings a variety of cultural activities— music, theater and art—to the northernmost region of New Hampshire and the surrounding area for the enjoyment and enlightenment of its audiences. Learn more at “The Spirit Of Russia” In Classical Music Featuring Camerata New England String Chamber Orchestra Saturday, April 24, 7 p.m. Trinity United Methodist Church Bridge Street, Colebrook. Sponsored by the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts and Arts Alliance of Northern NH. Tickets: $15 now available at Fiddleheads, 110 Main St., Colebrook, N.H. Page 5 Page 12 The Colebrook Chronicle Friday, April 16, 2010 Community News The annual Great North Woods Committee for the Arts Winter Warmers Concert Series concluded on Wednesday with “An Evening With George Jacques.” Jacques of Colebrook has built up a substantial following with his extraordinary compositions that look at life from all angles and tackle such topics as aging, health care, mud season, taxes and even organ donation. This week’s Video News of the Week at features portions of George’s concert. Charles Jordan photos. (Continued from page 11) puzzles, enjoyed an ocean sensory program and played a memory game and unit Bingo. Resident Council met this week. They discussed the upcoming Nursing Home Week and the activities which will take place during that week as well as the rest of the month. They discussed old business and were pleased with the results of their bake sale. In Where To Go, residents discussed several sites of interest in this country. They looked at photos and talked about the places they had visited. In Crafty Hands, residents crafted pretty flowers by tracing their hands on colored paper. They rolled the hands onto pipe cleaners, curled the fingers and, Voila!, pretty spring flowers! CANAAN SENIORS NEWS The Canaan Seniors were pleased to have Toni Roy join them for dinner on Wednesday. Congratulations were given to Louise Bissonette on receiving the Outstanding Community Service Award on Saturday, presented to her by Vermont Governor Jim Douglas in Montpelier. Bingo winners were Roger Roy, Celine Chaloux, Germaine Turgeon, Louisette Thibeault, Pauline Jalbert, Imelda Gosselin and Althea Gray. Blackout winners were Pauline Jalbert and Francoise Bohan. Next week (April 21) the menu will be baked beans, hot dogs, pan fries, rolls and dessert. “HAUNTING OF CHIP LAKE LODGE” COMING The Colebrook Academy Players directed by Patricia Purrington will present “The Haunting of Chip Lake Lodge” by J. Robert Wilkins in the Colebrook gymnasium on April 29 and April 30 at 7 p.m., and May 1, at 2 and 7 p.m. A comedy/mystery of four high school seniors, Amy, (Aimee Berry) Jennifer, (Kelsey Berry/Skyla Hall) Stephanie (Katelyn Purrington) and Justin (Cormick Frizzell), arrive at a country lodge for their prom. But things go askew from the start. They show up at the wrong lodge, their car won't start, the phone goes dead and disco music plays inexplicably. The lodge is haunted! The teens are unwillingly drawn into a slightly deranged plot to free the spirit of Patricia (Kelsey Berry/Skyla Hall) from the curse of Chip Lake belonging to Leroy (Dean Neary). If only Justin can overcome his fear of giant rats, they may be able to save the day. It all leads to a bizarre prom night no one will forget. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for students. With each adult paid admission you will be entered into a drawing to win a free two-night stay at the Pratt Family Lodge in Pittsburg. Pratt Family Lodge is situated on top of a majestic mountain looking Lake Francis, with views of Mt. Magalloway and Canada in the distance. It is known as one of the best views in Pittsburg. SPAGHETTI SUPPER IN CANAAN APRIL 24 Another Workcamp Youth Mission trip is planned by local youths. To help pay for this trip, they are having a spaghetti supper on Saturday, April 24, at 5 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church in Canaan, Vt. The price for the supper is $7 for adults and $5 for children under 10 and seniors. IT’S TIME TO ENTER THE SCIENCE FAIR Here’s your chance if you’ve ever wanted to do a Science Project, or tell others about your own interest in what you’ve been working on at home. The Colebrook Regional Science Fair is looking for local scientists-at-heart, who want to delve into a cool project and tell others about it. Organizers are seeking students and adults from Pittsburg, Errol, Stewartstown, Colebrook, Columbia, Stratford, Groveton, Stark and Canaan to Bloomfield. Students will compete for great prizes, including $100 and $50 cash prizes. An adult competition can be organized if there is enough interest, and adults are encouraged to enter their inventions, displays on their home solar, wind, hydro and other projects, or their home design. Project ideas abound on the internet by searching for “Science Project” and “Home Energy Project.” The event will be held at the Colebrook Elementary School gym on Sunday, May 2, 2010, from 3-6 p.m. Contestant winners will be announced around 5 p.m., and prizes will be awarded then. The Colebrook Academy Key Club and The Green Group have raised over $1,200 towards prizes, and are planning on giving out about 30 prizes. Registration forms and informational pages are available online at local school websites, in person at Lin-Jo Creations and Hicks Hardware in Colebrook, or can be emailed by request if you email or For more information, call Key Club advisor, Lindy at 237-9939 or The Green Group organizer Julie at 237-8685. AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM SCHEDULE Northway Bank is sponsoring the AARP Driver Safety Program on Tuesday and Thursday, May 11 and 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon at Northway Bank, 9 Main St., Berlin. AARP developed this classroom refresher to ensure that drivers 50 years and older stay safe behind the wheel. The course’s curriculum has been updated to reflect the most current driving information and safety tips available. The driver safety course is designed to educate participants about how best to reduce traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries; update drivers’ knowledge about relevant laws; and provide safe driving strategies to compensate for age-related changes that affect one’s driving ability. Upon successful completion of (Continued on page 13) The Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire helped bring three members of Camerata New England to Colebrook on Friday of last week. Musicians Elise Kunder on violin, Linda Galvan on cello and Peter Sulski on viola, performed in the Colebrook elementary school library for elementary school students and took their questions. The youngsters were engrossed in the classical music and asked some very good questions. Camerata New England’s full ensemble will return to Colebrook on April 24, at 7 p.m., for a concert at Trinity United Methodist Church, co-sponsored by the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts. Charles Jordan photos.
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