Tiếng Việt - Santa Clara Family Health Plan
SANTA CLARA FAMILY HEALTH PLAN CAL MEDICONNECT PLAN (CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MEDICARE-MEDICAID) Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ (Tập Công Thức) 2016 Số Miễn phí: 1-877-723-4795 TTY: 1-800-735-2929 8 giờ sáng tới 8 giờ tối, 7 ngày một tuần, kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Nếu quý vị có câu hỏi, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng truy cập www.scfhp.com. Formulary ID: 16510.000 Version Number: 18 Last Updated: 09/30/2016 H7890_11088V_Final_10 Accepted Chương Trình Cal MediConnect của SCFHP (Chương Trình Medicare-Medicaid) | 2016 Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ (Dược Liễn) Đây là danh sách các thuốc mà hội viên có thể nhận được trong Chương Trình Cal MediConnect (Chương Trình Medicare-Medicaid) của Santa Clara Family Health Plan. Chương Trình Cal MediConnect (Chương Trình Medicare-Medicaid) của Santa Clara Family Health Plan là một chương trình sức khỏe hợp tác với cả Medicare và Medi-Cal để cung cấp phúc lợi của cả hai chương trình này cho người ghi danh. Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ và/hoặc mạng lưới nhà thuốc và nhà cung cấp có thể thay đổi trong suốt cả năm. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị trước khi thực hiện thay đổi có thể ảnh hưởng đến quý vị. Phúc lợi có thể thay đổi vào ngày 1 tháng 1 hàng năm. Quý vị luôn có thể kiểm tra Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ cập nhật trong chương trình Cal MediConnect của Santa Clara Family Health Plan (SCFHP) trực tuyến tại www.scfhp.com hoặc bằng cách gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên của SCFHP theo số 1877-723-4795, làm việc 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng tới 8 giờ tối, kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người sử dụng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Quý vị có thể nhận được thông tin miễn phí này ở các định dạng khác, như chữ in cỡ lớn, chữ nổi, hoặc âm thanh. Gọi 1-877-723-4795. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Các giới hạn và hạn chế có thể áp dụng. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên SCFHP hoặc đọc Sổ Tay Hội Viên Cal MediConnect của SCFHP. You can get this information for free in other languages. Call 1-877-723-4795, 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., including holidays. TTY/TDD users call 1-800-735-2929. The call is free. Puede obtener esta información gratuita en otros idiomas. Llame al 1-877-723-4795, los 7 días de la semana, de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., incluyendo días festivos. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-800-735-2929. La llamada es gratuita. Quý vị có thể nhận thông tin này miễn phí theo các ngôn ngữ khác. Gọi số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người sử dụng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. 您可免费获得此信息的其他语言版本。请致电 1-877-723-4795,一周 7 天, 工作时间为 上午 8:00 至下午 8:00 (包含节假日)。TTY/TDD 使用者应拨打 1-800-735-2929。这是免 付费电话。 Makukuha mo nang libre ang impormasyong ito sa iba pang mga wika. Tumawag sa 1877-723-4795, 7 araw sa isang linggo, 8 a.m. hanggang 8 p.m., kabilang ang mga pista opisyal. Ang mga gumagamit ng TTY/TDD ay dapat tumawag sa 1-800-735-2929. Libre ang tawag. ? ? Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. H7890_11088V_Final_10 Accepted i Câu Hỏi Thường Gặp (FAQ) Tìm câu trả lời ở đây cho các câu hỏi của quý vị về Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ này. Quý vị có thể đọc toàn bộ Các Câu Hỏi Thường Gặp để tìm hiểu thêm, hoặc tìm câu hỏi và câu trả lời. 1. Những thuốc theo toa nào nằm trong Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ? (Chúng tôi gọi tắt Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ là “Danh Sách Thuốc”) Các thuốc trong Danh Sách Thuốc là các thuốc được Cal MediConnect của SCFHP đài thọ. Những thuốc này có tại các nhà thuốc trong mạng lưới của chúng tôi. Một nhà thuốc được coi là nằm trong mạng lưới của chúng tôi nếu chúng tôi có thỏa thuận hợp tác với họ và họ cung cấp dịch vụ cho quý vị. Chúng tôi gọi những nhà thuốc này là “nhà thuốc trong mạng lưới.” Cal MediConnect của SCFHP sẽ đài thọ tất cả các thuốc cần thiết về mặt y tế trong Danh Sách Thuốc nếu: bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác nói rằng quý vị cần thuốc đó để phục hồi hoặc duy trì sức khỏe,và quý vị mua thuốc theo toa tại một nhà thuốc trong mạng lưới của SCFHP. Trong một số trường hợp, quý vị phải thực hiện một số thủ tục trước khi có thể nhận thuốc (xem câu hỏi số # 5 bên dưới). Quý vị cũng có thể xem danh sách thuốc cập nhật mà chúng tôi đài thọ trên trang mạng của chúng tôi tại www.scfhp.com hoặc gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên theo số 1-877-723-4795. 2. Danh Sách Thuốc có bao giờ thay đổi không? Có. SCFHP có thể thêm hoặc loại bỏ thuốc ra khỏi Danh Sách Thuốc trong suốt năm. Thông thường, Danh Sách Thuốc sẽ chỉ thay đổi nếu: xuất hiện một loại thuốc rẻ hơn có tác dụng tương đương với thuốc trong Danh Sách Thuốc hiện tại, hoặc chúng tôi biết được rằng một loại thuốc không an toàn. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. ii Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ? Chúng tôi cũng có thể thay đổi quy định của mình về các loại thuốc. Ví dụ, chúng tôi có thể: Quyết định yêu cầu hoặc không yêu cầu phê duyệt trước cho một loại thuốc. (Phê duyệt trước là sự cho phép của SCFHP trước khi quý vị có thể nhận một loại thuốc.) Thêm hoặc thay đổi số lượng thuốc mà quý vị có thể nhận (được gọi là “giới hạn số lượng”). Thêm hoặc thay đổi các hạn chế đối với phương pháp trị liệu từng bước trên một loại thuốc. (Phương pháp trị liệu từng bước có nghĩa là quý vị phải thử một loại thuốc trước khi được chúng tôi đài thọ một loại thuốc khác.) (Để biết thêm thông tin về các quy định về thuốc này, hãy xem trang iv.) Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị khi một thuốc mà quý vị đang dùng bị loại ra khỏi Danh Sách Thuốc. Chúng tôi cũng sẽ thông báo cho quý vị khi chúng tôi thay đổi các quy định đài thọ cho một loại thuốc. Các câu hỏi 3, 4 và 7 bên dưới có thêm thông tin về những điều xảy ra khi Danh Sách Thuốc thay đổi. Quý vị luôn có thể kiểm tra Danh Sách Thuốc cập nhật của Cal MediConnect của SCFHP trực tuyến tại www.scfhp.com. Quý vị cũng có thể gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên để kiểm tra Danh Sách Thuốc hiện tại theo số 1-877-723-4795. 3. Điều gì xảy ra khi xuất hiện một loại thuốc rẻ hơn có tác dụng tương đương với thuốc trong Danh Sách Thuốc hiện tại? Nếu quý vị đang dùng một loại thuốc bị loại ra do sự xuất hiện của một loại thuốc rẻ hơn có tác dụng tương đương, chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị ít nhất là 60 ngày trước khi chúng tôi loại thuốc đó ra khỏi Danh Sách Thuốc hoặc khi quý vị yêu cầu mua lại thuốc. Sau đó, quý vị có thể nhận lượng thuốc dùng trong 60 ngày trước khi thuốc đó bị loại ra khỏi danh sách thuốc. Quý vị sẽ nhận được thư từ SCFHP ít nhất 60 ngày trước khi thay đổi có hiệu lực. Thông tin này cũng sẽ được đăng trên www.scfhp.com. 4. Điều gì xảy ra khi chúng tôi phát hiện thuốc không an toàn? Nếu Cơ Quan Quản Lý Thực Phẩm và Dược Phẩm (FDA) nói rằng loại thuốc mà quý vị đang dùng không an toàn, chúng tôi sẽ loại thuốc đó ra khỏi Danh Sách Thuốc ngay lập tức. Chúng tôi cũng sẽ gửi thư thông báo cho quý vị về điều đó. Vui lòng liên hệ với người kê toa thuốc cho quý vị sau khi nhận được thư. ? Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. iii Có bất kỳ hạn chế hay giới hạn nào cho khoản đài thọ thuốc hay không? Hoặc có bất kỳ hành động bắt buộc nào cần thực hiện để nhận được các loại thuốc nhất định hay không? 5. Có, một số thuốc có các quy định về đài thọ hoặc có giới hạn về số lượng mà quý vị có thể nhận. Trong một số trường hợp, quý vị hoặc bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác phải thực hiện một số thủ tục trước khi có thể nhận thuốc. Ví dụ: Phê duyệt trước (hoặc ủy quyền trước): Với một số thuốc, quý vị hoặc bác sĩ hay người kê toa khác phải được sự phê duyệt từ SCFHP trước khi quý vị mua thuốc theo toa của mình. Nếu quý vị không được phê duyệt, SCFHP có thể không đài thọ cho thuốc đó. Giới hạn số lượng: Đôi khi, SCFHP giới hạn số lượng đối với một loại thuốc mà quý vị có thể nhận. Phương pháp trị liệu từng bước: Đôi khi SCFHP yêu cầu quý vị thực hiện phương pháp trị liệu từng bước. Điều này có nghĩa là quý vị sẽ phải thử các thuốc theo một trình tự nhất định cho tình trạng bệnh lý của mình. Quý vị có thể phải thử một loại thuốc trước khi được chúng tôi đài thọ cho một loại thuốc khác. Nếu bác sĩ của quý vị cho rằng loại thuốc đầu tiên không có tác dụng với quý vị, thì chúng tôi sẽ đài thọ loại thuốc thứ hai. Quý vị có thể tìm xem thuốc của quý vị có bất kỳ yêu cầu hoặc giới hạn nào khác không bằng cách tra cứu các bảng bắt đầu từ trang 1. Quý vị cũng có thể tìm thêm thông tin bằng cách truy cập trang mạng của chúng tôi tại www.scfhp.com. Chúng tôi đã đăng các tài liệu trực tuyến giải thích về ủy quyền trước và các hạn chế đối với phương pháp trị liệu từng bước. Quý vị cũng có thể yêu cầu chúng tôi gửi cho quý vị một bản sao. Quý vị có thể yêu cầu một “ngoại lệ” đối với các giới hạn này. Hãy xem Câu hỏi 11 để biết thêm thông tin về các ngoại lệ. Nếu quý vị đang ở trong viện dưỡng lão hoặc cơ sở chăm sóc lâu dài và cần một loại thuốc không nằm trong Danh Sách Thuốc hoặc nếu quý vị không thể dễ dàng nhận được thuốc mình cần, chúng tôi có thể trợ giúp quý vị. Chúng tôi sẽ đài thọ lượng thuốc khẩn cấp dùng trong 31 ngày mà quý vị cần (trừ khi quý vị có một toa thuốc dùng trong ít ngày hơn), cho dù quý vị có phải là hội viên mới của SCFHP hay không. Việc này sẽ cho quý vị thời gian để trao đổi với bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác của mình. Người đó có thể giúp quý vị quyết định liệu có một thuốc tương tự trong Danh Sách Thuốc mà quý vị có thể dùng thay thế hay cần yêu cầu một ngoại lệ. Hãy xem Câu hỏi 11 để biết thêm thông tin về các ngoại lệ. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. iv Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ? 6. Làm cách nào quý vị biết được liệu thuốc mà quý vị cần có các giới hạn không hay liệu có các hành động bắt buộc cần thực hiện để nhận được thuốc không? Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ bắt đầu từ trang 3 có một cột được dán nhãn “Các hành động cần thiết, hạn chế hoặc giới hạn sử dụng.” 7. Điều gì xảy ra nếu chúng tôi thay đổi các quy định về phương thức đài thọ một số thuốc? Ví dụ, nếu chúng tôi thêm yêu cầu ủy quyền trước (chấp thuận), các giới hạn về số lượng, và/hoặc các hạn chế về phương pháp trị liệu từng bước đối với một loại thuốc. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị nếu chúng tôi thêm yêu cầu phê duyệt trước, các giới hạn về số lượng, và/hoặc các hạn chế về phương pháp trị liệu từng bước đối với một loại thuốc. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý vị ít nhất 60 ngày trước khi các hạn chế được thêm vào hoặc khi quý vị mua lại thuốc vào lần tiếp theo tại nhà thuốc. Sau đó, quý vị có thể nhận được lượng thuốc dùng trong 60 ngày trước khi thay đổi về quy định đài thọ được thực hiện. Việc này cho quý vị thời gian để trao đổi với bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác về thủ tục cần làm tiếp theo. 8. Làm cách nào quý vị có thể tìm thấy một loại thuốc trên Danh Sách Thuốc? Có hai cách để tìm thuốc: Quý vị có thể tìm theo bảng chữ cái (nếu quý vị biết cách đánh vần thuốc đó), hoặc Quý vị có thể tìm theo tình trạng bệnh lý. Để tìm theo bảng chữ cái, hãy xem phần Danh Sách Theo Bảng Chữ Cái (Mục Lục). Quý vị có thể tìm thấy phần này ở trang I-1. Để tìm theo tình trạng bệnh lý, hãy tìm phần có nhãn “Danh mục thuốc theo tình trạng bệnh lý” ở trang 3. Thuốc trong phần này được nhóm thành nhiều danh mục tùy thuộc vào loại tình trạng bệnh lý mà những thuốc này được dùng để điều trị. Ví dụ, nếu quý vị bị bệnh tim, quý vị nên tra cứu theo danh mục, Tác Nhân Gây Bệnh Tim. Đó là nơi quý vị sẽ tìm thấy các thuốc điều trị các bệnh về tim. ? Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. v 9. Chuyện gì xảy ra nếu thuốc mà quý vị muốn dùng không có trong Danh Sách Thuốc? Nếu quý vị không tìm thấy thuốc của mình trong Danh Sách Thuốc, hãy gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên theo số 1-877-723-4795 và hỏi về vấn đề đó. Nếu quý vị biết rằng Cal MediConnect của SCFHP sẽ không đài thọ thuốc đó, quý vị có thể làm một trong những điều sau: Hỏi Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên về danh sách các thuốc giống với thuốc mà quý vị muốn dùng. Sau đó, đưa danh sách đó cho bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác của quý vị. Người đó có thể kê một loại thuốc có trong Danh Sách Thuốc giống với thuốc mà quý vị muốn dùng. Hoặc Quý vị có thể yêu cầu chương trình sức khỏe thực hiện một ngoại lệ để đài thọ thuốc của quý vị. Hãy xem Câu hỏi 11 để biết thêm thông tin về các ngoại lệ. 10. Chuyện gì xảy ra nếu quý vị là hội viên mới trong Cal MediConnect của SCFHP và không thể tìm thấy thuốc của quý vị trong Danh Sách Thuốc hoặc gặp vấn đề với việc nhận thuốc? Chúng tôi có thể trợ giúp. Chúng tôi có thể đài thọ lượng thuốc tạm thời dùng trong 30 ngày trong 90 ngày đầu tiên quý vị là hội viên chương trình Cal MediConnect của SCFHP. Việc này sẽ cho quý vị thời gian để trao đổi với bác sĩ hoặc người kê toa khác của mình. Người đó có thể giúp quý vị quyết định liệu có một thuốc tương tự trong Danh Sách Thuốc mà quý vị có thể dùng thay thế hay cần yêu cầu một ngoại lệ. Chúng tôi sẽ đài thọ lượng thuốc dùng trong 30 ngày nếu: quý vị đang dùng một loại thuốc không nằm trong Danh Sách Thuốc của chúng tôi, hoặc các quy định của chương trình sức khỏe không cho quý vị nhận lượng thuốc mà người kê toa của quý vị yêu cầu, hoặc thuốc đó cần phải được SCFHP chấp thuận trước, hoặc quý vị đang dùng một loại thuốc là một phần trong hạn chế đối với phương pháp trị liệu từng bước. Nếu quý vị sống trong viện dưỡng lão hoặc cơ sở chăm sóc lâu dài khác, quý vị có thể mua lại toa thuốc đó trong tối đa 91 ngày. Quý vị có thể mua lại thuốc nhiều lần trong 90 ngày đầu tiên của chương trình. Điều này cho người kê toa của quý vị thời gian để thay đổi thuốc của quý vị thành các thuốc có trong Danh Sách Thuốc hoặc yêu cầu một ngoại lệ. Nếu quý vị đang chuyển tiếp giữa các mức độ chăm sóc khác nhau (ví dụ, vào hoặc ra khỏi một cơ sở chăm sóc lâu dài hoặc một bệnh viện), SCFHP sẽ đài thọ lượng thuốc chuyển tiếp dùng trong 31 ngày mới để quý vị sử dụng trong bối cảnh mới. Việc này sẽ giải quyết bất kỳ hạn chế nào có thể tồn tại. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. vi Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ? 11. Quý vị có thể yêu cầu một ngoại lệ để đài thọ thuốc của mình không? Có. Quý vị có thể yêu cầu Cal MediConnect của SCFHP trao ngoại lệ để đài thọ một loại thuốc không nằm trong Danh Sách Thuốc. Quý vị cũng có thể yêu cầu chúng tôi thay đổi các quy định về thuốc của mình. Ví dụ,Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có thể giới hạn số lượng của một loại thuốc mà chúng tôi sẽ đài thọ. Nếu thuốc của quý vị có giới hạn, quý vị có thể yêu cầu chúng tôi thay đổi giới hạn đó và đài thọ thêm. Các ví dụ khác: Quý vị có thể yêu cầu chúng tôi bỏ hạn chế đối với phương pháp trị liệu từng bước hoặc yêu cầu chấp thuận trước. 12. Mất bao nhiêu thời gian để nhận được ngoại lệ? Đầu tiên, quý vị phải nhận được một bản tuyên bố từ người kê toa của mình ủng hộ yêu cầu xin ngoại lệ của quý vị. Sau khi chúng tôi nhận được bản tuyên bố, chúng tôi sẽ trao cho quý vị quyết định về yêu cầu ngoại lệ đó trong vòng 72 giờ. Nếu quý vị hoặc người kê toa cho rằng sức khỏe của quý vị có thể bị nguy hiểm nếu quý vị phải đợi quyết định trong 72 giờ, thì quý vị có thể yêu cầu xin ngoại lệ nhanh. Khi đó quyết định sẽ được đưa ra nhanh hơn. Nếu người kê toa ủng hộ yêu cầu của quý vị, chúng tôi sẽ trao cho quý vị một quyết định trong vòng 24 giờ kể từ khi nhận được bản tuyên bố ủng hộ từ người kê toa của quý vị. 13. Quý vị có thể yêu cầu ngoại lệ bằng cách nào? Để yêu cầu ngoại lệ, hãy gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên. Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên sẽ hợp tác với quý vị và nhà cung cấp của quý vị để giúp quý vị yêu cầu ngoại lệ. 14. Thuốc gốc là gì? Thuốc gốc được bào chế với các thành phần giống với biệt dược. Chúng thường có giá thấp hơn biệt dược và tên của chúng không được biết đến rộng rãi. Các thuốc gốc đều được chấp thuận bởi Cơ Quan Quản Lý Thực Phẩm và Dược Phẩm (FDA). Cal MediConnect của SCFHP đài thọ cả biệt dược và thuốc gốc. ? Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. vii 15. Thuốc OTC là gì? OTC là viết tắt của “over-the-counter” (không kê toa). Cal MediConnect của SCFHP đài thọ một số thuốc OTC nếu các thuốc này được nhà cung cấp của quý vị ghi là thuốc theo toa. Quý vị có thể đọc Danh Sách Thuốc trong chương trình Cal MediConnect của SCFHP để biết thuốc OTC nào được đài thọ. 16. Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có đài thọ các sản phẩm không phải là thuốc OTC hay không? Cal MediConnect của SCFHP đài thọ một số sản phẩm không phải là thuốc OTC nếu các sản phẩm này được nhà cung cấp của quý vị ghi là thuốc theo toa. Quý vị có thể đọc Danh Sách Thuốc trong chương trình Cal MediConnect của SCFHP để biết sản phẩm không phải là thuốc OTC nào được đài thọ. 17. Khoản đồng thanh toán của quý vị là gì? Quý vị có thể đọc Danh Sách Thuốc trong Cal MediConnect của SCFHP để tìm hiểu về khoản đồng thanh toán cho mỗi loại thuốc. Các hội viên Cal MediConnect của SCFHP đang sống trong viện dưỡng lão hoặc các cơ sở chăm sóc lâu dài khác sẽ không có các khoản đồng thanh toán. Một số hội viên đang nhận chăm sóc lâu dài trong cộng đồng cũng sẽ không có các khoản đồng thanh toán. Khoản đồng thanh toán được liệt kê theo bậc. Bậc là các nhóm thuốc trong dược liễn của Cal MediConnect của SCFHP. Thuốc bậc 1 có khoản đồng thanh toán $0. Chúng là các thuốc gốc. Thuốc bậc 2 có khoản đồng thanh toán $0. Chúng là các biệt dược. Thuốc bậc 3 có khoản đồng thanh toán $0. Chúng là các thuốc theo toa không thuộc Medicare. Thuốc bậc 4 có khoản đồng thanh toán $0. Chúng là các thuốc OTC không thuộc Medicare. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. viii Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ? Danh Sách Thuốc Được Đài Thọ Danh sách thuốc được đài thọ bắt đầu ở trang tiếp theo cung cấp cho quý vị thông tin về các thuốc được đài thọ bởi Cal MediConnect của SCFHP. Nếu quý vị gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm kiếm thuốc trong danh mục, hãy quay lại Mục Lục bắt đầu ở trang I-1. Cột đầu tiên của bảng liệt kê tên thuốc. Các biệt dược được viết hoa (ví dụ, FLOVENT) và các thuốc gốc được viết thường in nghiêng (ví dụ, fluticasone propionate). Thông tin trong cột “Các hành động cần thiết, hạn chế, hoặc giới hạn sử dụng” cho quý vị biết liệu SCFHP có bất kỳ quy định nào để đài thọ thuốc của quý vị không. Lưu ý: Dấu hoa thị (*) bên cạnh một loại thuốc có nghĩa là thuốc đó không phải là “thuốc Phần D.” Quý vị sẽ không phải thanh toán khoản đồng thanh toán cho những thuốc này. Các thuốc này cũng có các quy định khác nhau cho việc kháng cáo. Kháng cáo là một cách chính thức để yêu cầu chúng tôi xem xét lại một quyết định mà chúng tôi đã đưa ra về khoản đài thọ của quý vị và thay đổi quyết định đó nếu quý vị cho rằng chúng tôi đã sai lầm. Ví dụ, chúng tôi có thể đã quyết định rằng một loại thuốc mà quý vị muốn không được đài thọ bởi Medicare hoặc MediCal. Nếu quý vị hoặc bác sĩ của quý vị không đồng ý với quyết định của chúng tôi, quý vị có thể kháng cáo. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, hãy gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên theo số 1-877-723-4795. Quý vị cũng có thể đọc Sổ Tay Hội Viên Cal MediConnect của SCFHP để biết cách kháng cáo một quyết định. Danh Sách Thuốc theo Tình Trạng Bệnh Lý Thuốc trong phần này được nhóm thành nhiều danh mục tùy thuộc vào loại tình trạng bệnh lý mà những thuốc này được dùng để điều trị. Ví dụ, nếu quý vị bị bệnh tim, quý vị nên tra cứu theo danh mục, Tác Nhân Gây Bệnh Tim. Đó là nơi quý vị sẽ tìm thấy các thuốc điều trị các bệnh về tim. ? Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ix Danh sách các Ký Hiệu và Chữ Viết Tắt Những chữ viết tắt sau có thể được dùng trong Danh Sách Thuốc. CHỮ VIẾT TẮT TRONG GHI CHÚ VỀ KHOẢN ĐÀI THỌ CHỮ VIẾT TẮT MÔ TẢ GIẢI THÍCH Các Hạn Chế Quản Lý Sử Dụng PA Ủy Quyền Trước Ủy Quyền Trước PA BvD cho việc Xác định Phần B và Phần D Hạn Chế Ủy Quyền Trước đối với PA-HRM Các Thuốc Có Rủi Ro Cao Quý vị (hoặc bác sĩ của quý vị) bắt buộc phải nhận được sự ủy quyền trước từ Cal MediConnect của SCFHP trước khi quý vị nhận được thuốc theo toa của mình.Nếu không có sự phê duyệt trước, Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có thể không đài thọ thuốc này. Thuốc này có thể hội đủ điều kiện để được thanh toán theo Medicare Phần B hoặc Phần D. Quý vị (hoặc bác sĩ của quý vị) bắt buộc phải nhận được sự ủy quyền trước từ Cal MediConnect của SCFHP để xác định rằng thuốc này được đài thọ theo Medicare Phần D trước khi quý vị nhận được thuốc theo toa của mình.Nếu không có sự phê duyệt trước, Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có thể không đài thọ thuốc này. Thuốc này đã được CMS cho là có khả năng gây nguy hiểm và do đó, là Thuốc Có Rủi Ro Cao dành cho những người thụ hưởng Medicare từ 65 tuổi trở lên.Các hội viên từ 65 tuổi trở lên bắt buộc phải nhận được ủy quyền trước từ Cal MediConnect của SCFHP trước khi nhận được thuốc theo toa của mình.Nếu không được phê duyệt trước, Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có thể không đài thọ thuốc này. Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. x Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. ? CHỮ VIẾT TẮT MÔ TẢ Ủy Quyền Trước Chỉ đối với PA NSO QL ST Những Người Mới Bắt Đầu GIẢI THÍCH Nếu quý vị là hội viên mới hoặc nếu quý vị là hội viên mới gia hạn và chưa dùng thuốc này trước đây, quý vị (hoặc bác sĩ của quý vị) bắt buộc phải nhận được ủy quyền trước từ Cal MediConnect của SCFHP trước khi quý vị nhận được thuốc theo toa của mình. Nếu không có sự phê duyệt trước, Cal MediConnect của SCFHP có thể không đài thọ thuốc này. Giới Hạn Số Lượng Cal MediConnect của SCFHP giới hạn số lượng được đài thọ của thuốc này trên mỗi toa thuốc hoặc trong một khung thời gian cụ thể. Phương Pháp Trị Liệu Từng Bước Trước khi Cal MediConnect của SCFHP cung cấp khoản đài thọ cho thuốc này, trước tiên quý vị phải thử (các) thuốc khác để điều trị tình trạng bệnh lý của mình. Thuốc này chỉ có thể được đài thọ nếu (các) thuốc khác không có tác dụng với quý vị. Những chữ viết tắt sau cũng có thể được dùng trong Danh Sách Thuốc. YÊU CẦU ĐẶC BIỆT KHÁC CHO KHOẢN ĐÀI THỌ CHỮ VIẾT TẮT MÔ TẢ * Không phải là Thuốc Phần D Thuốc này là thuốc không thuộc Phần D được đài thọ bởi Medi-Cal. Thuốc Tiếp Cận Hạn Chế Thuốc theo toa này có thể chỉ có ở các nhà thuốc nhất định.Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy tham khảo Danh Mục Nhà Thuốc của quý vị hoặc gọi đến Ban Dịch Vụ Hội Viên theo số 1877-723-4795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng tới 8 giờ tối, kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. LA ? GIẢI THÍCH Nếu quý vị có thắc mắc, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan theo số 1-877-7234795, 7 ngày một tuần, 8 giờ sáng đến 8 giờ tối kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Những người dùng TTY/TDD nên gọi số 1-800-735-2929. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập www.scfhp.com. xi Table of Contents Contents of Table Analgesics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Anesthetics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Antianxiety Agents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Antibacterials ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Anticancer Agents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Anticholinergic Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Anticonvulsants .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Antidementia Agents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Antidepressants ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Antidiabetic Agents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Antifungals ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Antihistamines ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Anti-Infectives (Skin And Mucous Membrane) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 60 Antimigraine Agents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Antimycobacterials ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Antinausea Agents ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Antiparasite Agents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 Antiparkinsonian Agents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Antipsychotic Agents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Antivirals (Systemic) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 Caloric Agents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 Cardiovascular Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 Central Nervous System Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 101 Contraceptives .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103 Cough And Cold Products ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 111 Dental And Oral Agents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 113 Dermatological Agents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 114 Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 123 Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 148 Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Agents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 149 Gastrointestinal Agents ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158 Genitourinary Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 173 Heavy Metal Antagonists ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 174 Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying ....................................................................................................................................................... 174 Immunological Agents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Irrigating Solutions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Metabolic Bone Disease Agents .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 191 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 1 Effective: October 01, 2016 Contents of Table Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 192 Ophthalmic Agents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 197 Replacement Preparations .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 199 Respiratory Tract Agents ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 209 Skeletal Muscle Relaxants ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 213 Sleep Disorder Agents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 214 Urine And Feces Contents .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 215 Vasodilating Agents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 215 Vitamins And Minerals ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 217 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 2 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Analgesics Analgesics, Miscellaneous acephen 120 mg suppository outer 120 mg * acephen 325 mg suppository outer 325 mg * acetaminophen 120 mg suppos outer 120 mg * acetaminophen 160 mg rapid tab 160 mg * acetaminophen 160 mg/5 ml elx 160 mg/5 ml * (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) acetaminophen 80 mg/0.8 ml drp infants 80 mg/0.8 ml * (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) acetaminophen-codeine 120 mg-12 mg/5 ml solution 120-12 mg/5 ml acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 300 mg-30 mg /12.5 ml acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-15 mg, 300-30 mg acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-60 mg ALLZITAL ORAL TABLET 25-325 MG ascomp with codeine oral capsule 30-50-325-40 mg (Acetaminophen with Codeine) (Acetaminophen with Codeine) (Tylenol-Codeine No.3) (Tylenol-Codeine No.3) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) PA; QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (2700 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (2700 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (360 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) (Fiorinal with Codeine #3) BELBUCA BUCCAL FILM 150 MCG, 300 MCG, 450 MCG, 600 MCG, 75 MCG, 750 MCG, 900 MCG buprenorphine hcl injection syringe 0.3 (Buprenorphine HCl) mg/ml $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 3 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug (Fiorinal with Codeine #3) $0 (Tier 1) butalbital-acetaminop-caf-cod oral capsule (Fioricet with 50-300-40-30 mg, 50-325-40-30 mg Codeine) $0 (Tier 1) butalbital compound w/codeine oral capsule 30-50-325-40 mg butalbital-acetaminophen oral tablet 50-325 mg (Tencon) $0 (Tier 1) butalbital-acetaminophen-caff oral capsule (Esgic) 50-325-40 mg $0 (Tier 1) butalbital-acetaminophen-caff oral tablet 50-325-40 mg (Esgic) $0 (Tier 1) butalbital-aspirin-caffeine oral capsule 50-325-40 mg (Fiorinal) $0 (Tier 1) BUTRANS TRANSDERMAL PATCH WEEKLY 10 MCG/HOUR, 15 MCG/HOUR, 20 MCG/HOUR, 5 MCG/HOUR, 7.5 MCG/HOUR capacet oral capsule 50-325-40 mg (Esgic) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) child non-aspirin 160 mg/5 ml children's 160 mg/5 ml * (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) child pain-fever 160 mg/5 ml a/f,gluten/f,cherry 160 mg/5 ml * (Infants' Tylenol) $0 (Tier 4) child tactinal 80 mg tab chw 80 mg * children's silapap elixir 160 mg/5 ml * (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol Sore Throat) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) QL (4 per 28 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 4 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug codeine sulfate oral tablet 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg cvs child non-asa 80 mg tb chw 80 mg * cvs non-aspirin jr tab chew 160 mg * endocet oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg endodan oral tablet 4.8355-325 mg fentanyl citrate buccal lozenge on a handle 1,200 mcg, 1,600 mcg, 200 mcg, 400 mcg, 600 mcg, 800 mcg fentanyl transdermal patch 72 hour 100 mcg/hr, 12 mcg/hr, 25 mcg/hr, 37.5 mcg/hour, 50 mcg/hr, 62.5 mcg/hour, 75 mcg/hr, 87.5 mcg/hour feverall 120 mg suppository children's, outer 120 mg * feverall 325 mg suppository junior str, outer 325 mg * FEVERALL 80 MG SUPPOSITORY INFANT'S, OUTER 80 MG * hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral solution 10-325 mg/15 ml(15 ml), 2.5-167 mg/5 ml, 7.5-325 mg/15 ml hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-300 mg, 5-300 mg, 7.5-300 mg (Codeine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) (Acetaminophen) (Xolox) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) (Percodan) (Actiq) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (360 per 30 days) PA; QL (120 per 30 days) (Duragesic) $0 (Tier 1) QL (10 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Hycet) $0 (Tier 1) QL (2700 per 30 days) (Norco) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (includes Vicodin, Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP); QL (390 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (150 per 30 days) hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet (Norco) 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg hydrocodone-ibuprofen oral tablet 10-200 (Ibudone) mg, 2.5-200 mg, 5-200 mg, 7.5-200 mg hydromorphone (pf) injection solution 10 (Dilaudid-HP) mg/ml $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 5 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug hydromorphone (pf) injection solution 4 (Dilaudid) mg/ml hydromorphone injection solution 2 mg/ml (Hydromorphone HCl) hydromorphone injection syringe 2 mg/ml (Hydromorphone HCl) hydromorphone oral liquid 1 mg/ml (Dilaudid) hydromorphone oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg (Dilaudid) hydromorphone oral tablet 8 mg (Dilaudid) HYSINGLA ER ORAL TABLET,ORAL ONLY,EXT.REL.24 HR 100 MG, 120 MG, 20 MG, 30 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG, 80 MG LAZANDA NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSOL 100 MCG/SPRAY, 300 MCG/SPRAY, 400 MCG/SPRAY lorcet (hydrocodone) oral tablet 5-325 mg (Norco) lorcet hd oral tablet 10-325 mg (Norco) lorcet plus oral tablet 7.5-325 mg (Norco) mapap 160 mg/5 ml elixir 160 mg/5 ml * (Tylenol Sore Throat) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1200 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) mapap 160 mg/5 ml suspension 160 mg/5 ml * (Infants' Tylenol) $0 (Tier 4) mapap 325 mg tablet 325 mg * mapap 500 mg capsule 500 mg * mapap 500 mg tablet 500 mg * mapap 80 mg tablet chew 80 mg * margesic oral capsule 50-325-40 mg (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) (Esgic) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) methadone injection solution 10 mg/ml (Methadone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 6 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug methadone oral solution 10 mg/5 ml, 5 mg/5 ml methadone oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg methadose oral tablet,soluble 40 mg morphine (pf) in 0.9 % nacl intravenous pt controlled analgesia syring 50 mg/25 ml (2 mg/ml) morphine 10 mg/ml carpuject 10 mg/ml morphine 2 mg/ml carpuject 2 mg/ml morphine 4 mg/ml carpuject 4 mg/ml morphine 8 mg/ml syringe 8 mg/ml morphine concentrate oral solution 100 mg/5 ml (20 mg/ml) morphine concentrate oral syringe 20 mg/ml morphine in dextrose 5 % injection pt controlled analgesia syring 100 mg/50 ml (2 mg/ml), 50 mg/25 ml (2 mg/ml) morphine injection solution 15 mg/ml, 8 mg/ml morphine injection syringe 10 mg/ml morphine intramuscular pen injector 10 mg/0.7 ml morphine intravenous cartridge 15 mg/ml morphine intravenous solution 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml morphine intravenous syringe 10 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml, 8 mg/ml morphine oral solution 10 mg/5 ml morphine oral solution 20 mg/5 ml (4 mg/ml) MORPHINE ORAL TABLET 15 MG, 30 MG (Methadone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1800 per 30 days) (Diskets) (Diskets) (Morphine Sulfate/0.9% Nacl/PF) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Morphine Sulfate) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (700 per 30 days) QL (300 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (180 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (200 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 7 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug morphine oral tablet extended release 100 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg morphine oral tablet extended release 15 mg, 200 mg morphine rectal suppository 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg nortemp 80 mg/0.8 ml drop 80 mg/0.8 ml * NUCYNTA ER ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HR 100 MG, 150 MG, 200 MG, 250 MG, 50 MG NUCYNTA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 50 MG, 75 MG oxycodone oral concentrate 20 mg/ml oxycodone oral solution 5 mg/5 ml oxycodone oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg oxycodone oral tablet,oral only,ext.rel.12 hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg oxycodone oral tablet,oral only,ext.rel.12 hr 80 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen oral solution 5-325 mg/5 ml oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-650 mg oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 7.5-500 mg oxycodone-aspirin oral tablet 4.8355-325 mg (MS Contin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) (MS Contin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) (Morphine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (181 per 30 days) (Oxycodone HCl) (Oxycodone HCl) (Roxicodone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (1300 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) (Oxycontin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Oxycontin) $0 (Tier 2) QL (120 per 30 days) (Oxycodone HCl/Acetaminophen) (Xolox) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1800 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (360 per 30 days) (Xolox) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) (Xolox) $0 (Tier 1) QL (240 per 30 days) (Percodan) $0 (Tier 1) QL (360 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 8 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug OXYCONTIN ORAL TABLET,ORAL ONLY,EXT.REL.12 HR 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG, 30 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG OXYCONTIN ORAL TABLET,ORAL ONLY,EXT.REL.12 HR 80 MG oxymorphone oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg oxymorphone oral tablet extended release 12 hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg oxymorphone oral tablet extended release 12 hr 30 mg, 40 mg pain relief 500 mg capsule 500 mg * pharbetol 325 mg tablet regular strength 325 mg * pharbetol 500 mg caplet extra-str, caplet 500 mg * pv non-aspirin 500 mg softgel ex-str,liq filled 500 mg * q-pap 160 mg/5 ml solution a/f, cherry 160 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (120 per 30 days) (Opana) (Opana ER) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Opana ER) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) (Tylenol) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) (Tylenol) $0 (Tier 4) QL (240 per 30 days) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (240 per 30 days) (Tylenol Sore Throat) $0 (Tier 4) (Tylenol) (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) q-pap ex-str 500 mg tablet aspirin free 500 (Tylenol) mg * reprexain oral tablet 10-200 mg, 2.5-200 (Ibudone) mg, 5-200 mg roxicet oral solution 5-325 mg/5 ml (Oxycodone HCl/Acetaminophen) silapap infant's drops infant's 80 mg/0.8 ml (Acetaminophen) * $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (240 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (360 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (240 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (150 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1800 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) sm pain rel jr str tab chew 160 mg * $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 21 Years) QL (30 per 30 days) q-pap 325 mg tablet 325 mg * q-pap 80 mg/0.8 ml drops 80 mg/0.8 ml * (Acetaminophen) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 9 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sm pain reliever 80 mg tab children's 80 mg * tactinal 325 mg tablet 325 mg * tactinal 500 mg tablet extra-strength 500 mg * tencon oral tablet 50-325 mg (Acetaminophen) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) (Tylenol) (Tylenol) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) (Tencon) $0 (Tier 1) tramadol oral tablet 50 mg tramadol-acetaminophen oral tablet 37.5-325 mg vicodin es oral tablet 7.5-300 mg (Ultram) (Ultracet) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (240 per 30 days) (Norco) $0 (Tier 1) vicodin hp oral tablet 10-300 mg (Norco) $0 (Tier 1) vicodin oral tablet 5-300 mg (Norco) $0 (Tier 1) xylon 10 oral tablet 10-200 mg zebutal oral capsule 50-325-40 mg (Ibudone) (Esgic) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents ADVIL 100 MG TABLET JR STRENGTH,COATED 100 MG * ADVIL 200 MG TABLET 200 MG * ADVIL JR STR 100 MG TAB CHEW TB CHEW,8 HOUR,GRAPE 100 MG * (includes Vicodin, Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP); QL (390 per 30 days) (includes Vicodin, Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP); QL (390 per 30 days) (includes Vicodin, Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP); QL (390 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (180 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 10 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug aspirin 325 mg tablet 325 mg * aspirin 81 mg chewable tablet 81 mg * aspirin buffered 325 mg tab 325 mg * aspirin ec 325 mg tablet 325 mg * aspirin ec 650 mg tablet 650 mg * aspirin ec 81 mg tablet low dose 81 mg * aspir-low ec 81 mg tablet 81 mg * bufferin 325 mg tablet coated 325 mg * CALDOLOR INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 MG/4 ML (100 MG/ML) celecoxib oral capsule 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg, 50 mg CHILDREN'S ADVIL 100 MG/5 ML A/F (OTC) 100 MG/5 ML * choline,magnesium salicylate oral liquid 500 mg/5 ml cvs ibuprofen 200 mg softgel liquid filled,softge 200 mg * cvs naproxen sodium 220 mg cap liquidgel 220 mg * diclofenac potassium oral tablet 50 mg diclofenac sodium oral tablet extended release 24 hr 100 mg diclofenac sodium oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg diclofenac sodium topical gel 3 % diclofenac-misoprostol oral tablet,ir,delayed rel,biphasic 50-200 mg-mcg, 75-200 mg-mcg (Ecotrin) (Bayer Chewable Aspirin) (Aspirin/Calcium Carbonate/Mag) (Ecotrin) (Ecotrin) (Ecotrin) (Ecotrin) (Aspirin/Calcium Carbonate/Mag) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Celebrex) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) (Choline Sal/Mag Salicylate) (Advil) $0 (Tier 1) (Aleve) $0 (Tier 4) (Diclofenac Potassium) (Voltaren-XR) $0 (Tier 1) (Diclofenac Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) (Voltaren) (Arthrotec 50) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 11 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug diflunisal oral tablet 500 mg ecotrin ec 325 mg tablet saftey coated 325 mg * ecpirin ec 325 mg tablet 325 mg * etodolac oral capsule 200 mg, 300 mg etodolac oral tablet 400 mg, 500 mg etodolac oral tablet extended release 24 hr 400 mg, 500 mg, 600 mg fenoprofen oral capsule 200 mg fenoprofen oral tablet 600 mg FLECTOR TRANSDERMAL PATCH 12 HOUR 1.3 % flurbiprofen oral tablet 100 mg, 50 mg gnp ibuprofen jr str 100 mg tb 100 mg * ibuprofen 100 mg/5 ml susp children's (otc) 100 mg/5 ml * ibuprofen 200 mg tablet 200 mg * ibuprofen oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml ibuprofen oral tablet 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg indomethacin oral capsule 25 mg indomethacin oral capsule 50 mg indomethacin oral capsule, extended release 75 mg indomethacin sodium intravenous recon soln 1 mg infant ibuprofen 50 mg/1.25 ml d/f,a/f,non-staining 50 mg/1.25 ml * ketoprofen oral capsule 50 mg, 75 mg ketoprofen oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr 200 mg (Diflunisal) (Ecotrin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Ecotrin) (Etodolac) (Etodolac) (Etodolac) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Nalfon) (Fenoprofen Calcium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Flurbiprofen) (Advil) (Children'S Advil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Advil) (Ibuprofen) (Ibuprofen) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Indomethacin) (Indomethacin) (Indomethacin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Indomethacin Sodium) (Infants' Motrin) $0 (Tier 1) (Ketoprofen) (Ketoprofen) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA QL (240 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 12 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ketorolac oral tablet 10 mg mefenamic acid oral capsule 250 mg meloxicam oral suspension 7.5 mg/5 ml meloxicam oral tablet 15 mg, 7.5 mg nabumetone oral tablet 500 mg, 750 mg naproxen oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml naproxen oral tablet 250 mg, 375 mg, 500 mg naproxen oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 375 mg, 500 mg naproxen sodium oral tablet 275 mg, 550 mg piroxicam oral capsule 10 mg, 20 mg ra aspirin tri-buffered tb 325 mg * sm ibuprofen ib 100 mg tablet junior strength 100 mg * sm naproxen sod 220 mg caplet gluten free, caplet 220 mg * st. joseph aspirin 81 mg chew orange 81 mg * st. joseph aspirin ec 81 mg tb enteric coated 81 mg * sulindac oral tablet 150 mg, 200 mg tolmetin oral capsule 400 mg tolmetin oral tablet 200 mg, 600 mg VOLTAREN TOPICAL GEL 1 % wal-profen 200 mg softgel softgel 200 mg * (Ketorolac Tromethamine) (Ponstel) (Mobic) (Mobic) (Nabumetone) (Naprosyn) (Naprosyn) $0 (Tier 1) (Ec-Naprosyn) $0 (Tier 1) (Anaprox) $0 (Tier 1) (Feldene) (Aspirin/Calcium Carbonate/Mag) (Advil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Midol) $0 (Tier 4) (Bayer Chewable Aspirin) (Ecotrin) $0 (Tier 4) (Sulindac) (Tolmetin Sodium) (Tolmetin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Advil) QL (20 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 13 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Anesthetics Local Anesthetics glydo mucous membrane jelly in applicator 2% lidocaine (pf) injection solution 15 mg/ml (1.5 %), 40 mg/ml (4 %), 5 mg/ml (0.5 %) lidocaine 2% viscous soln 2 % lidocaine hcl injection solution 10 mg/ml (1 %), 20 mg/ml (2 %) lidocaine hcl mucous membrane gel 2 % lidocaine hcl mucous membrane solution 2 %, 4 % (40 mg/ml) lidocaine topical adhesive patch,medicated 5% lidocaine topical ointment 5 % lidocaine-prilocaine topical cream 2.5-2.5 % (Lidocaine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Xylocaine-MPF) $0 (Tier 1) (Xylocaine) (Xylocaine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lidocaine HCl) (Xylocaine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lidoderm) $0 (Tier 1) (Lidocaine) (EMLA) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Acamprosate Calcium) (Buprenorphine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Buprenorphine HCl/Naloxone HCl) (Zyban) $0 (Tier 1) PA Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents Anti-Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment Agents acamprosate oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 333 mg buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 2 mg, 8 mg buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 2-0.5 mg, 8-2 mg bupropion hcl sr 150 mg tablet f/c 150 mg CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX ORAL TABLET 1 MG CHANTIX ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG, 1 MG $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (168 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (168 per 84 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 14 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 0.5 MG (11)- 1 MG (42) disulfiram oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg naloxone injection solution 0.4 mg/ml naloxone injection syringe 0.4 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml naltrexone oral tablet 50 mg NARCAN NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSOL 4 MG/ACTUATION nicorelief 2 mg gum 2 mg * nicorelief 4 mg gum 4 mg * nicorette 2 mg chewing gum white ice mint 2 mg * nicotine 14 mg/24hr patch outer (otc) 14 mg/24 hr * nicotine 2 mg chewing gum sugar free 2 mg * nicotine 2 mg lozenge mint, 3 quittube 2 mg * nicotine 21 mg/24hr patch step 1 (otc) 21 mg/24 hr * nicotine 22 mg/24hr patch 1 week starter kit 22 mg/24 hr * nicotine 4 mg chewing gum 4 mg * nicotine 4 mg lozenge mint, 3 quittube 4 mg * nicotine 7 mg/24hr patch (otc) 7 mg/24 hr * NICOTROL INHALATION CARTRIDGE 10 MG $0 (Tier 2) QL (53 per 28 days) (Antabuse) (Naloxone HCl) (Naloxone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Revia) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (4 per 30 days) (Nicorette) (Nicorette) (Nicorette) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (3285 per 365 days) QL (3285 per 365 days) QL (3285 per 365 days) (Nicoderm Cq) $0 (Tier 4) QL (224 per 365 days) (Nicorette) $0 (Tier 4) QL (3285 per 365 days) (Nicorette) $0 (Tier 4) QL (3285 per 365 days) (Nicoderm Cq) $0 (Tier 4) QL (224 per 365 days) (Nicoderm Cq) $0 (Tier 4) QL (224 per 365 days) (Nicorette) (Nicorette) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (3285 per 365 days) QL (3285 per 365 days) (Nicoderm Cq) $0 (Tier 4) QL (224 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1008 per 90 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 15 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ZUBSOLV SUBLINGUAL TABLET 1.4-0.36 MG, 11.4-2.9 MG, 2.9-0.71 MG, 5.7-1.4 MG, 8.6-2.1 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) (Xanax) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) (Chlordiazepoxide HCl) (Klonopin) (Klonopin) (Clonazepam) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (300 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) (Clonazepam) (Tranxene T-Tab) (Tranxene T-Tab) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (300 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Diazepam) (Diazepam) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (10 per 28 days) QL (1200 per 30 days) (Diazepam) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1200 per 30 days) (Valium) (Diastat) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) (Ativan) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (480 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD Antianxiety Agents Benzodiazepines alprazolam oral tablet 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg chlordiazepoxide hcl oral capsule 10 mg, 25 mg, 5 mg clonazepam oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg clonazepam oral tablet 2 mg clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 2 mg clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet 15 mg clorazepate dipotassium oral tablet 3.75 mg, 7.5 mg diazepam injection syringe 5 mg/ml diazepam intensol oral concentrate 5 mg/ml diazepam oral solution 5 mg/5 ml (1 mg/ml) diazepam oral tablet 10 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg diazepam rectal kit 12.5-15-17.5-20 mg, 2.5 mg, 5-7.5-10 mg lorazepam oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg ONFI ORAL SUSPENSION 2.5 MG/ML Antibacterials Aminoglycosides BETHKIS INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 300 MG/4 ML You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 16 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug gentamicin in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 100 mg/100 ml, 100 mg/50 ml, 60 mg/50 ml, 70 mg/50 ml, 80 mg/100 ml, 80 mg/50 ml, 90 mg/100 ml gentamicin injection solution 40 mg/ml gentamicin ped 20 mg/2 ml vial latex-free, sdv 20 mg/2 ml gentamicin sulfate (pf) intravenous solution 80 mg/8 ml neomycin oral tablet 500 mg streptomycin intramuscular recon soln 1 gram TOBI PODHALER INHALATION CAPSULE, W/INHALATION DEVICE 28 MG tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl inhalation solution for nebulization 300 mg/5 ml tobramycin in 0.9 % nacl intravenous piggyback 60 mg/50 ml, 80 mg/100 ml tobramycin sulfate injection solution 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml Antibacterials, Miscellaneous bacitracin intramuscular recon soln 50,000 unit chloramphenicol sod succinate intravenous recon soln 1 gram clindamycin 75 mg/5 ml soln 75 mg/5 ml clindamycin hcl oral capsule 150 mg, 300 mg, 75 mg clindamycin in 5 % dextrose intravenous piggyback 300 mg/50 ml, 600 mg/50 ml, 900 mg/50 ml clindamycin pediatric oral recon soln 75 mg/5 ml (Gentamicin In Nacl, Iso-Osm) $0 (Tier 1) (Gentamicin Sulfate) (Gentamicin Sulfate/PF) (Gentamicin Sulfate/PF) (Neomycin Sulfate) (Streptomycin Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (224 per 28 days) (Tobi) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Tobramycin/Sodium Chloride) (Tobramycin Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Bacitracin) $0 (Tier 1) (Chloramphenicol Sod Succ) (Cleocin Palmitate) (Cleocin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Cleocin Phosphate In D5w) $0 (Tier 1) (Cleocin Palmitate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 17 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug clindamycin phosphate injection solution 150 mg/ml clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution 600 mg/4 ml colistin (colistimethate na) injection recon soln 150 mg CUBICIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG linezolid intravenous parenteral solution 600 mg/300 ml linezolid oral suspension for reconstitution 100 mg/5 ml linezolid oral tablet 600 mg methenamine hippurate oral tablet 1 gram metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 500 mg/100 ml metronidazole oral capsule 375 mg metronidazole oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg nitrofurantoin macrocrystal oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg (Cleocin Phosphate) $0 (Tier 1) (Cleocin Phosphate) $0 (Tier 1) (Coly-Mycin M Parenteral) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Zyvox) $0 (Tier 1) (Zyvox) $0 (Tier 1) (Zyvox) (Hiprex) (Metronidazole/Sodiu m Chloride) (Flagyl) (Flagyl) (Macrodantin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use of nitrofurantoin drugs); QL (120 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 18 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug nitrofurantoin monohyd/m-cryst oral capsule 100 mg (Macrobid) $0 (Tier 1) nitrofurantoin monohyd/m-cryst oral capsule 100 mg (75/25) (Macrobid) $0 (Tier 1) polymyxin b sulfate injection recon soln 500,000 unit SYNERCID INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG trimethoprim oral tablet 100 mg vancomycin hcl 1g/200 ml bag 1 gram/200 ml vancomycin intravenous recon soln 1,000 mg, 10 gram, 750 mg vancomycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg (Polymyxin B Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) vancomycin oral capsule 125 mg, 250 mg XIFAXAN ORAL TABLET 200 MG XIFAXAN ORAL TABLET 550 MG ZYVOX ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 100 MG/5 ML PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use of nitrofurantoin drugs); QL (120 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use of nitrofurantoin drugs); QL (120 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 2) (Trimethoprim) (Vancomycin Hcl In Dextrose 5 %) (Vancomycin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Vancomycin Hcl In Dextrose 5 %) (Vancocin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (9 per 30 days) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 19 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Cephalosporins cefaclor oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml, 375 mg/5 ml cefadroxil oral capsule 500 mg cefadroxil oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml cefadroxil oral tablet 1 gram cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 1 gram/50 ml, 2 gram/50 ml cefazolin injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 500 mg cefdinir oral capsule 300 mg cefdinir oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml cefditoren pivoxil oral tablet 200 mg, 400 mg CEFEPIME 2 GM INJECTION 2 GRAM/100 ML CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE 5 % INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 1 GRAM/50 ML, 2 GRAM/50 ML cefepime injection recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram cefotaxime injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 2 gram, 500 mg cefoxitin in dextrose, iso-osm intravenous piggyback 2 gram/50 ml cefoxitin intravenous recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 2 gram cefpodoxime oral suspension for reconstitution 100 mg/5 ml, 50 mg/5 ml (Cefaclor) (Cefaclor) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cefadroxil) (Cefadroxil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cefadroxil) (Cefazolin Sodium/Dextrose, Iso) (Cefazolin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cefdinir) (Cefdinir) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Spectracef) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Maxipime) $0 (Tier 1) (Claforan) $0 (Tier 1) (Cefoxitin Sodium/Dextrose, Iso) (Cefoxitin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) (Cefpodoxime Proxetil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 20 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug (Cefpodoxime Proxetil) cefprozil oral suspension for reconstitution (Cefprozil) 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml cefprozil oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg (Cefprozil) ceftazidime injection recon soln 2 gram, 6 (Fortaz) gram ceftibuten oral capsule 400 mg (Cedax) ceftibuten oral suspension for (Cedax) reconstitution 180 mg/5 ml ceftriaxone 1 gm piggyback 50ml (Ceftriaxone galaxycontainer 1 gram/50 ml Na/Dextrose, Iso) ceftriaxone 1 gm vial 10's, fliptop,l/f 1 (Rocephin) gram ceftriaxone 2 gm piggyback 50ml (Ceftriaxone galaxycontainer 2 gram/50 ml Na/Dextrose, Iso) ceftriaxone injection recon soln 10 gram, (Rocephin) 250 mg, 500 mg ceftriaxone intravenous recon soln 1 gram, (Ceftriaxone 2 gram Na/Dextrose, Iso) cefuroxime axetil oral tablet 250 mg, 500 (Ceftin) mg cefuroxime sodium injection recon soln 1.5 (Zinacef) gram, 750 mg cefuroxime sodium intravenous recon soln (Zinacef) 7.5 gram cephalexin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg, (Keflex) 750 mg cephalexin oral suspension for (Cephalexin) reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml cephalexin oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg (Cephalexin) cefpodoxime oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 21 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug MEFOXIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OSM) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 1 GRAM/50 ML, 2 GRAM/50 ML SUPRAX ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 100 MG, 200 MG tazicef injection recon soln 2 gram, 6 gram TEFLARO INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 MG, 600 MG Macrolides azithromycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg azithromycin oral packet 1 gram azithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution 100 mg/5 ml, 200 mg/5 ml azithromycin oral tablet 250 mg, 250 mg (6 pack), 600 mg azithromycin oral tablet 500 mg clarithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml clarithromycin oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg clarithromycin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg DIFICID ORAL TABLET 200 MG e.e.s. 400 oral tablet 400 mg $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Fortaz) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Zithromax) $0 (Tier 1) (Zithromax) (Zithromax) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Zithromax) $0 (Tier 1) (Zithromax) (Biaxin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Biaxin) (Clarithromycin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate) (Eryped 200) e.e.s. granules oral suspension for reconstitution 200 mg/5 ml ery-tab oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) (Erythromycin Base) 250 mg, 500 mg ERY-TAB ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) 333 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) QL (20 per 10 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 22 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug erythrocin (as stearate) oral tablet 250 mg ERYTHROCIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 1,000 MG, 500 MG erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral tablet 400 mg erythromycin oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 250 mg erythromycin oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg Miscellaneous B-Lactam Antibiotics aztreonam injection recon soln 1 gram CAYSTON INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 75 MG/ML imipenem-cilastatin intravenous recon soln 250 mg, 500 mg INVANZ INJECTION RECON SOLN 1 GRAM meropenem intravenous recon soln 500 mg meropenem iv 1 gm vial outer, latex-free 1 gram Penicillins amoxicillin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg amoxicillin oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 200 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml, 400 mg/5 ml amoxicillin oral tablet 500 mg, 875 mg amoxicillin oral tablet,chewable 125 mg, 250 mg amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral suspension for reconstitution 200-28.5 mg/5 ml, 250-62.5 mg/5 ml, 400-57 mg/5 ml, 600-42.9 mg/5 ml (Erythromycin Stearate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate) (Erythromycin Base) $0 (Tier 1) (Erythromycin Base) $0 (Tier 1) (Azactam) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Primaxin) $0 (Tier 1) LA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Merrem) (Merrem) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Amoxicillin) (Amoxicillin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Amoxicillin) (Amoxicillin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Augmentin) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 23 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet 250-125 mg, 500-125 mg, 875-125 mg amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet extended release 12 hr 1,000-62.5 mg amoxicillin-pot clavulanate oral tablet,chewable 200-28.5 mg, 400-57 mg ampicillin 2 gm vial 10's, latex-free 2 gram ampicillin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg (Augmentin) $0 (Tier 1) (Augmentin XR) $0 (Tier 1) (Amoxicillin/Potassiu m Clav) (Ampicillin Sodium) (Ampicillin Trihydrate) (Ampicillin Trihydrate) (Ampicillin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) ampicillin oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml ampicillin sodium injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 gram, 125 mg ampicillin sodium intravenous recon soln 2 (Ampicillin Sodium) gram ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln (Unasyn) 1.5 gram, 15 gram, 3 gram BICILLIN C-R INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 1,200,000 UNIT/ 2 ML(600K/600K), 1,200,000 UNIT/ 2 ML(900K/300K) BICILLIN L-A INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 1,200,000 UNIT/2 ML, 2,400,000 UNIT/4 ML, 600,000 UNIT/ML dicloxacillin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg (Dicloxacillin Sodium) nafcillin 2 gm vial sterile, latex-free 2 (Nafcillin Sodium) gram nafcillin injection recon soln 1 gram, 10 (Nafcillin Sodium) gram nafcillin intravenous recon soln 2 gram (Nafcillin Sodium) oxacillin 1 gm add-vantage vl add-vantage, (Oxacillin Sodium) inner 1 gram $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 24 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug oxacillin in dextrose(iso-osm) intravenous (Oxacillin piggyback 1 gram/50 ml, 2 gram/50 ml Sodium/Dextrose, Iso) oxacillin injection recon soln 10 gram (Oxacillin Sodium) oxacillin intravenous recon soln 2 gram (Oxacillin Sodium) penicillin g pot in dextrose intravenous (Pen G piggyback 1 million unit/50 ml, 2 million Pot/Dextrose-Water) unit/50 ml, 3 million unit/50 ml penicillin g potassium injection recon soln (Penicillin G 5 million unit Potassium) penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe (Penicillin G 1.2 million unit/2 ml, 600,000 unit/ml Procaine) penicillin gk 20 million unit 20 million unit (Penicillin G Potassium) penicillin v potassium oral recon soln 125 (Penicillin V mg/5 ml, 250 mg/5 ml Potassium) penicillin v potassium oral tablet 250 mg, (Penicillin V 500 mg Potassium) pfizerpen-g injection recon soln 20 million (Penicillin G unit Potassium) piperacillin-tazobactam intravenous recon (Zosyn) soln 2.25 gram, 3.375 gram, 4.5 gram piperacil-tazobact 40.5 gram p/f, (Zosyn) latex-free 40.5 gram Quinolones ciprofloxacin hcl oral tablet 100 mg, 250 (Cipro) mg, 500 mg, 750 mg ciprofloxacin in 5 % dextrose intravenous (Cipro I.V.) piggyback 200 mg/100 ml ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution (Ciprofloxacin 400 mg/40 ml Lactate) ciprofloxacin oral suspension,microcapsule (Cipro) recon 250 mg/5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 25 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ciprofloxacn-d5w 400 mg/200 ml p/f,latex/f, in d5w 400 mg/200 ml levofloxacin in d5w intravenous piggyback 500 mg/100 ml, 750 mg/150 ml levofloxacin intravenous solution 25 mg/ml levofloxacin oral solution 250 mg/10 ml levofloxacin oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg moxifloxacin oral tablet 400 mg ofloxacin oral tablet 400 mg Sulfonamides sulfadiazine oral tablet 500 mg sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim intravenous solution 400-80 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral suspension 200-40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral tablet 400-80 mg, 800-160 mg sulfasalazine oral tablet 500 mg sulfasalazine oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 500 mg sulfatrim oral suspension 200-40 mg/5 ml (Cipro I.V.) $0 (Tier 1) (Levaquin) $0 (Tier 1) (Levofloxacin) (Levaquin) (Levaquin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Avelox) (Ofloxacin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Sulfadiazine) (Sulfamethoxazole/Tr imethoprim) (Sulfamethoxazole/Tr imethoprim) (Bactrim) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Azulfidine) (Azulfidine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Sulfamethoxazole/Tr imethoprim) $0 (Tier 1) Tetracyclines doxy-100 intravenous recon soln 100 mg (Doxycycline Hyclate) doxycycline hyclate 100 mg cap 100 mg (Morgidox) doxycycline hyclate 100 mg tab 100 mg (Doryx) doxycycline hyclate intravenous recon soln (Doxycycline 100 mg Hyclate) doxycycline hyclate oral capsule 100 mg (Adoxa) doxycycline hyclate oral capsule 50 mg (Morgidox) doxycycline hyclate oral tablet 100 mg, 50 (Avidoxy) mg $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 26 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug doxycycline hyclate oral tablet 20 mg doxycycline mono 100 mg cap 100 mg doxycycline mono 100 mg tablet f/c 100 mg doxycycline mono 50 mg tablet 50 mg doxycycline monohydrate oral capsule 150 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg doxycycline monohydrate oral suspension for reconstitution 25 mg/5 ml doxycycline monohydrate oral tablet 150 mg, 75 mg minocycline oral capsule 100 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg minocycline oral tablet 100 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg tetracycline oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg TYGACIL INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG (Doryx) (Adoxa) (Avidoxy) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Avidoxy) (Adoxa) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Vibramycin) $0 (Tier 1) (Avidoxy) $0 (Tier 1) (Minocin) $0 (Tier 1) (Minocycline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Tetracycline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) Anticancer Agents Anticancer Agents ABRAXANE INTRAVENOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 100 MG ADCETRIS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG adriamycin intravenous recon soln 10 mg, 20 mg, 50 mg adriamycin intravenous solution 10 mg/5 ml adrucil 2,500 mg/50 ml vial outer, latex-free 2.5 gram/50 ml adrucil intravenous solution 500 mg/10 ml $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Doxorubicin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; QL (4 per 21 days) PA BvD (Doxorubicin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Fluorouracil) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Fluorouracil) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 27 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AFINITOR DISPERZ ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 2 MG, 3 MG, 5 MG AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG, 7.5 MG ALECENSA ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG ALIMTA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG anastrozole oral tablet 1 mg (Arimidex) AVASTIN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 25 MG/ML, 25 MG/ML (16 ML) azacitidine injection recon soln 100 mg (Vidaza) BELEODAQ INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG BENDEKA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 25 MG/ML bexarotene oral capsule 75 mg (Targretin) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (56 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (28 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (240 per 30 days) bicalutamide oral tablet 50 mg (Casodex) bleomycin injection recon soln 30 unit (Bleomycin Sulfate) bleomycin sulfate 15 unit vial latex-free 15 (Bleomycin Sulfate) unit BLINCYTO INTRAVENOUS KIT 35 MCG BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 500 MG $0 (Tier 2) CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 20 MG, 60 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; QL (420 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD PA BvD PA NSO; QL (140 per 365 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 28 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 40 MG CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0 (Tier 2) CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 300 MG $0 (Tier 2) COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X1), 140 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X3), 60 MG/DAY (20 MG X 3/DAY) COTELLIC ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0 (Tier 2) cyclophosphamide intravenous recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram, 500 mg CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE ORAL CAPSULE 25 MG, 50 MG cyclophosphamide oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg CYRAMZA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML, 10 MG/ML (50 ML) dactinomycin intravenous recon soln 0.5 mg DARZALEX INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 20 MG/ML decitabine intravenous recon soln 50 mg doxorubicin, peg-liposomal intravenous suspension 2 mg/ml DROXIA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG ELIGARD (3 MONTH) SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 22.5 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Cyclophosphamide) (Cyclophosphamide) (Dactinomycin) (Dacogen) (Doxil) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; LA; QL (63 per 28 days) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; ST $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD; ST $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; LA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 84 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 29 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ELIGARD (4 MONTH) SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 30 MG ELIGARD (6 MONTH) SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 45 MG ELIGARD SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 7.5 MG (1 MONTH) EMCYT ORAL CAPSULE 140 MG EMPLICITI INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 300 MG, 400 MG ERIVEDGE ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 112 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 168 days) ETOPOPHOS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG etoposide intravenous solution 20 mg/ml exemestane oral tablet 25 mg FARESTON ORAL TABLET 60 MG FARYDAK ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG FASLODEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 250 MG/5 ML floxuridine injection recon soln 0.5 gram fluorouracil 5,000 mg/100 ml latex-free 5 gram/100 ml fluorouracil intravenous solution 1 gram/20 ml, 2.5 gram/50 ml, 500 mg/10 ml flutamide oral capsule 125 mg GAZYVA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1,000 MG/40 ML GILOTRIF ORAL TABLET 20 MG, 30 MG, 40 MG GLEOSTINE ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 100 MG, 40 MG HERCEPTIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 440 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Etoposide) (Aromasin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) (Floxuridine) (Fluorouracil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD (Fluorouracil) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Flutamide) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 30 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug HEXALEN ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG hydroxyurea oral capsule 500 mg IBRANCE ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 125 MG, 75 MG ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 15 MG (Hydrea) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ifosfamide 1 gm/20 ml vial suv 1 gram/20 ml ifosfamide intravenous recon soln 1 gram ifosfamide-mesna intravenous kit 1-1 gram, 3,000-1,000 mg imatinib oral tablet 100 mg (Ifex) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; QL (21 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD (Ifex) (Ifosfamide/Mesna) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD (Gleevec) $0 (Tier 1) imatinib oral tablet 400 mg (Gleevec) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 45 MG $0 (Tier 2) IMBRUVICA ORAL CAPSULE 140 MG IMLYGIC INJECTION SUSPENSION 10EXP6 (1 MILLION) PFU/ML IMLYGIC INJECTION SUSPENSION 10EXP8 (100 MILLION) PFU/ML INLYTA ORAL TABLET 1 MG $0 (Tier 2) INLYTA ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0 (Tier 2) IRESSA ORAL TABLET 250 MG $0 (Tier 2) IXEMPRA 15 MG KIT WITH DILUENT 15 MG IXEMPRA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 45 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (4 per 365 days) PA NSO; QL (8 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (180 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 31 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG, 25 MG, 5 MG KEYTRUDA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG KEYTRUDA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/4 ML (25 MG/ML) KYPROLIS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 60 MG LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1/DAY), 14 MG/DAY(10 MG X 1-4 MG X 1), 18 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1-4 MG X2), 20 MG/DAY (10 MG X 2), 24 MG/DAY(10 MG X 2-4 MG X 1), 8 MG/DAY (4 MG X 2) letrozole oral tablet 2.5 mg LEUKERAN ORAL TABLET 2 MG leuprolide subcutaneous kit 1 mg/0.2 ml lipodox 50 intravenous suspension 2 mg/ml lipodox intravenous suspension 2 mg/ml lomustine oral capsule 10 mg, 100 mg, 40 mg LONSURF ORAL TABLET 15-6.14 MG LONSURF ORAL TABLET 20-8.19 MG LUPRON DEPOT (3 MONTH) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 11.25 MG, 22.5 MG LUPRON DEPOT (4 MONTH) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 30 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (6 per 28 days) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) (Femara) (Leuprolide Acetate) (Doxil) (Doxil) (Lomustine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (100 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (80 per 28 days) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 32 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug LUPRON DEPOT (6 MONTH) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 45 MG LUPRON DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 3.75 MG, 7.5 MG LYNPARZA ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG $0 (Tier 2) LYSODREN ORAL TABLET 500 MG MATULANE ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG megestrol oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Megestrol Acetate) MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 2 MG mercaptopurine oral tablet 50 mg methotrexate 50 mg/2 ml vial latex-free, 5's, mdv 25 mg/ml methotrexate sodium (pf) injection recon soln 1 gram methotrexate sodium (pf) injection solution 25 mg/ml methotrexate sodium oral tablet 2.5 mg mitoxantrone intravenous concentrate 2 mg/ml NEXAVAR ORAL TABLET 200 MG NILANDRON ORAL TABLET 150 MG nilutamide oral tablet 150 mg NINLARO ORAL CAPSULE 2.3 MG, 3 MG, 4 MG QL (1 per 168 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Mercaptopurine) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Methotrexate Sodium/PF) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Methotrexate Sodium) (Mitoxantrone HCl) PA NSO; QL (480 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD; ST $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Nilandron) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (3 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 33 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ODOMZO ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG ONCASPAR INJECTION SOLUTION 750 UNIT/ML OPDIVO INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 40 MG/4 ML POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 1 MG, 2 MG, 3 MG, 4 MG PORTRAZZA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 800 MG/50 ML (16 MG/ML) PROLEUKIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 22 MILLION UNIT PURIXAN ORAL SUSPENSION 20 MG/ML REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 15 MG, 2.5 MG, 20 MG, 25 MG, 5 MG RITUXAN INTRAVENOUS CONCENTRATE 10 MG/ML SOLTAMOX ORAL SOLUTION 10 MG/5 ML SPRYCEL ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 140 MG, 50 MG, 70 MG, 80 MG SPRYCEL ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; LA PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (21 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (100 per 21 days) STIVARGA ORAL TABLET 40 MG $0 (Tier 2) SUTENT ORAL CAPSULE 12.5 MG, 25 MG, 37.5 MG, 50 MG SYLVANT INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG, 400 MG SYNRIBO SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 3.5 MG TABLOID ORAL TABLET 40 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; LA $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (84 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO PA NSO; QL (28 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 34 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TAFINLAR ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG, 75 MG TAGRISSO ORAL TABLET 40 MG, 80 MG tamoxifen oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg (Tamoxifen Citrate) TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 25 MG TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) TARGRETIN ORAL CAPSULE 75 MG TARGRETIN TOPICAL GEL 1 % $0 (Tier 2) TASIGNA ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG TECENTRIQ INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1,200 MG/20 ML (60 MG/ML) TEMODAR INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG thiotepa injection recon soln 15 mg (Thiotepa) toposar intravenous solution 20 mg/ml (Etoposide) TREANDA 25 MG VIAL 25 MG TREANDA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG TREANDA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 180 MG/2 ML, 45 MG/0.5 ML TRELSTAR 22.5 MG SYRINGE OUTER 22.5 MG/2 ML TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 22.5 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; LA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (90 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (420 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (112 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (20 per 21 days) PA NSO; (vial only) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 168 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 168 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 35 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 11.25 MG/2 ML TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 3.75 MG/2 ML tretinoin (chemotherapy) oral capsule 10 (Tretinoin) mg TREXALL ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 15 MG, 5 MG, 7.5 MG TYKERB ORAL TABLET 250 MG UNITUXIN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 3.5 MG/ML VALSTAR INTRAVESICAL SOLUTION 40 MG/ML VELCADE INJECTION RECON SOLN 3.5 MG VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 100 MG, 50 MG VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 10 MG-50 MG- 100 MG vinorelbine intravenous solution 50 mg/5 (Navelbine) ml VOTRIENT ORAL TABLET 200 MG $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 84 days) XALKORI ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG, 250 MG XTANDI ORAL CAPSULE 40 MG $0 (Tier 2) YERVOY INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 50 MG/10 ML (5 MG/ML) YONDELIS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 1 MG ZELBORAF ORAL TABLET 240 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (240 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) (capsule: 10mg) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; ST $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; LA $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; LA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 36 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ZOLADEX SUBCUTANEOUS IMPLANT 10.8 MG ZOLADEX SUBCUTANEOUS IMPLANT 3.6 MG ZOLINZA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ZYDELIG ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 150 MG ZYKADIA ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 28 days) ZYTIGA ORAL TABLET 250 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (140 per 28 days) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) Anticholinergic Agents Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics atropine injection solution 0.4 mg/ml atropine injection syringe 0.05 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml propantheline oral tablet 15 mg (Atropine Sulfate) (Atropine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Propantheline Bromide) $0 (Tier 1) STIOLTO RESPIMAT INHALATION MIST 2.5-2.5 MCG/ACTUATION $0 (Tier 2) QL (4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) QL (80 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (600 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants APTIOM ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 400 MG, 600 MG, 800 MG BANZEL ORAL SUSPENSION 40 MG/ML BANZEL ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 400 MG BRIVIACT INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 50 MG/5 ML BRIVIACT ORAL SOLUTION 10 MG/ML BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 100 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG, 75 MG You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 37 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug carbamazepine oral capsule, er multiphase 12 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg carbamazepine oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml carbamazepine oral tablet 200 mg carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg carbamazepine oral tablet,chewable 100 mg CELONTIN ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG DILANTIN ORAL CAPSULE 30 MG divalproex oral capsule, sprinkle 125 mg divalproex oral tablet extended release 24 hr 250 mg, 500 mg divalproex oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg epitol oral tablet 200 mg ethosuximide oral capsule 250 mg ethosuximide oral solution 250 mg/5 ml felbamate oral suspension 600 mg/5 ml felbamate oral tablet 400 mg, 600 mg fosphenytoin 500 mg pe/10 ml 10's,sdv,latex-free 500 mg pe/10 ml fosphenytoin injection solution 100 mg pe/2 ml FYCOMPA ORAL SUSPENSION 0.5 MG/ML FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 12 MG, 2 MG, 4 MG, 6 MG, 8 MG gabapentin oral capsule 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg gabapentin oral solution 250 mg/5 ml gabapentin oral tablet 600 mg, 800 mg (Carbatrol) $0 (Tier 1) (Tegretol) $0 (Tier 1) (Tegretol) (Tegretol XR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Carbamazepine) $0 (Tier 1) (Depakote Sprinkle) (Depakote ER) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Depakote) $0 (Tier 1) (Tegretol) (Zarontin) (Zarontin) (Felbatol) (Felbatol) (Cerebyx) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cerebyx) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST (Neurontin) $0 (Tier 1) (Neurontin) (Neurontin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 38 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug GABITRIL ORAL TABLET 12 MG, 16 MG LAMICTAL ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE DISPERSIBLE 2 MG lamotrigine oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg lamotrigine oral tablet extended release 24hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 250 mg, 300 mg, 50 mg lamotrigine oral tablet, chewable dispersible 25 mg, 5 mg lamotrigine oral tablets,dose pack 25 mg (35) levetiracetam intravenous solution 500 mg/5 ml levetiracetam oral solution 100 mg/ml levetiracetam oral tablet 1,000 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg, 750 mg LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 150 MG, 200 MG, 225 MG, 25 MG, 300 MG, 50 MG, 75 MG LYRICA ORAL SOLUTION 20 MG/ML oxcarbazepine oral suspension 300 mg/5 ml oxcarbazepine oral tablet 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 150 MG, 300 MG, 600 MG PEGANONE ORAL TABLET 250 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Lamictal) $0 (Tier 1) (Lamictal XR) $0 (Tier 1) (Lamictal) $0 (Tier 1) (Lamictal (Blue)) $0 (Tier 1) (Keppra) $0 (Tier 1) (Keppra) (Roweepra) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Keppra XR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (900 per 30 days) (Trileptal) $0 (Tier 1) (Trileptal) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 39 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug phenobarbital oral elixir 20 mg/5 ml (4 mg/ml) phenobarbital oral tablet 100 mg, 15 mg, 16.2 mg, 32.4 mg, 60 mg, 64.8 mg, 97.2 mg phenobarbital oral tablet 30 mg phenobarbital sodium injection solution 130 mg/ml, 65 mg/ml phenytoin oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml phenytoin oral tablet,chewable 50 mg phenytoin sodium extended oral capsule 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg phenytoin sodium intravenous solution 50 mg/ml phenytoin sodium intravenous syringe 50 mg/ml POTIGA ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG POTIGA ORAL TABLET 50 MG primidone oral tablet 250 mg, 50 mg ROWEEPRA ORAL TABLET 500 MG SABRIL ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 500 MG SABRIL ORAL TABLET 500 MG SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 1,000 MG SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 250 MG, 500 MG, 750 MG tiagabine oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg topiragen oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg topiramate oral capsule, sprinkle 15 mg, 25 mg (Phenobarbital) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1500 per 30 days) (Phenobarbital) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) (Phenobarbital) (Phenobarbital Sodium) (Dilantin-125) (Dilantin) (Dilantin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (200 per 30 days) QL (2 per 30 days) (Phenytoin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) (Phenytoin Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) (Mysoline) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (270 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Gabitril) (Topamax) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Topamax) $0 (Tier 1) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) ST; QL (120 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 40 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug topiramate oral capsule,sprinkle,er 24hr 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg topiramate oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg TROKENDI XR ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 100 MG, 200 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG valproate sodium intravenous solution 500 mg/5 ml (100 mg/ml) valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 250 mg/5 ml valproic acid oral capsule 250 mg VIMPAT INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 200 MG/20 ML VIMPAT ORAL SOLUTION 10 MG/ML VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 150 MG, 200 MG, 50 MG zonisamide oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg (Qudexy XR) $0 (Tier 1) (Topamax) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST (Depacon) $0 (Tier 1) (Depakene) $0 (Tier 1) (Depakene) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (200 per 5 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1200 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) (Zonegran) $0 (Tier 1) (Aricept) (Donepezil HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Razadyne ER) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Galantamine Hbr) (Razadyne) (Namenda) (Namenda) (Namenda) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (200 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (360 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (49 per 28 days) Antidementia Agents Antidementia Agents donepezil oral tablet 10 mg, 23 mg, 5 mg donepezil oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg, 5 mg galantamine oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr 16 mg, 24 mg, 8 mg galantamine oral solution 4 mg/ml galantamine oral tablet 12 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg memantine oral solution 2 mg/ml memantine oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg memantine oral tablets,dose pack 5-10 mg You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 41 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug NAMENDA XR ORAL CAP,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR DOSE PACK 7-14-21-28 MG NAMENDA XR ORAL CAPSULE,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR 14 MG, 21 MG, 28 MG, 7 MG NAMZARIC ORAL CAPSULE,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR 14-10 MG, 28-10 MG rivastigmine tartrate oral capsule 1.5 mg, (Exelon) 3 mg, 4.5 mg, 6 mg rivastigmine transdermal patch 24 hour (Exelon) 13.3 mg/24 hour, 4.6 mg/24 hr, 9.5 mg/24 hr $0 (Tier 2) QL (28 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Amitriptyline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Amoxapine) $0 (Tier 1) Antidepressants Antidepressants amitriptyline oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg amoxapine oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg BRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG, 5 MG buproban oral tablet extended release 150 mg bupropion hcl (smoking deter) oral tablet extended release 150 mg bupropion hcl oral tablet 100 mg, 75 mg bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 150 mg, 300 mg citalopram oral solution 10 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 2) (Wellbutrin SR) $0 (Tier 1) (Wellbutrin SR) $0 (Tier 1) (Wellbutrin) (Wellbutrin SR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Wellbutrin XL) $0 (Tier 1) (Citalopram Hydrobromide) $0 (Tier 1) ST You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 42 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug citalopram oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg clomipramine oral capsule 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg desipramine oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg doxepin oral capsule 10 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg doxepin oral concentrate 10 mg/ml duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 20 mg, 60 mg duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 30 mg duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 40 mg EMSAM TRANSDERMAL PATCH 24 HOUR 12 MG/24 HR, 6 MG/24 HR, 9 MG/24 HR escitalopram oxalate oral solution 5 mg/5 ml escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXT REL 24HR DOSE PACK 20 MG (2)- 40 MG (26) FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 120 MG, 20 MG, 40 MG, 80 MG fluoxetine oral capsule 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg fluoxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 90 mg fluoxetine oral solution 20 mg/5 ml (4 mg/ml) (Celexa) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Anafranil) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Norpramin) $0 (Tier 1) (Doxepin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Doxepin HCl) (Duloxetine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Duloxetine) $0 (Tier 1) (Duloxetine) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Cymbalta); QL (60 per 30 days) (Cymbalta); QL (30 per 30 days) (Irenka); QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Lexapro) $0 (Tier 1) (Lexapro) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST (Prozac) $0 (Tier 1) (Prozac Weekly) $0 (Tier 1) (Fluoxetine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 43 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug fluoxetine oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg fluvoxamine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 100 mg, 150 mg fluvoxamine oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg imipramine hcl oral tablet 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg imipramine pamoate oral capsule 100 mg, 125 mg, 150 mg, 75 mg maprotiline oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg MARPLAN ORAL TABLET 10 MG mirtazapine oral tablet 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg, 7.5 mg mirtazapine oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg nefazodone oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 50 mg nortriptyline oral capsule 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg nortriptyline oral solution 10 mg/5 ml olanzapine-fluoxetine oral capsule 12-25 mg, 12-50 mg, 3-25 mg, 6-25 mg, 6-50 mg paroxetine hcl oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 37.5 mg PAXIL ORAL SUSPENSION 10 MG/5 ML perphenazine-amitriptyline oral tablet 2-10 mg, 2-25 mg, 4-10 mg, 4-25 mg, 4-50 mg phenelzine oral tablet 15 mg (Fluoxetine HCl) (Fluvoxamine Maleate) (Fluvoxamine Maleate) (Tofranil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Tofranil-Pm) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Maprotiline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Remeron) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) (Remeron) $0 (Tier 1) (Nefazodone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Pamelor) $0 (Tier 1) (Nortriptyline HCl) (Symbyax) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Paxil) $0 (Tier 1) (Paxil CR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Perphenazine/Amitri ptyline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Nardil) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 44 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PRISTIQ ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG protriptyline oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg sertraline oral concentrate 20 mg/ml sertraline oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg SILENOR ORAL TABLET 3 MG, 6 MG SURMONTIL ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG tranylcypromine oral tablet 10 mg trazodone oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg, 50 mg trimipramine oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG, 5 MG venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 150 mg, 37.5 mg, 75 mg venlafaxine oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 37.5 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 150 mg, 37.5 mg, 75 mg VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG, 40 MG VIIBRYD ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 10 MG (7)- 20 MG (23), 10 MG (7)-20 MG (7)-40 MG (16) $0 (Tier 2) (Protriptyline HCl) (Zoloft) (Zoloft) ST; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO-HRM (Parnate) (Trazodone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Trimipramine Maleate) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM $0 (Tier 2) ST (Effexor XR) $0 (Tier 1) (Venlafaxine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Venlafaxine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) Antidiabetic Agents Antidiabetic Agents, Miscellaneous acarbose oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg (Precose) CYCLOSET ORAL TABLET 0.8 MG $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 45 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug GLYXAMBI ORAL TABLET 10-5 MG, 25-5 MG INVOKAMET ORAL TABLET 150-1,000 MG, 150-500 MG, 50-1,000 MG, 50-500 MG INVOKANA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 300 MG JANUMET ORAL TABLET 50-1,000 MG, 50-500 MG JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 100-1,000 MG, 50-1,000 MG, 50-500 MG JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG JARDIANCE ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 25 MG JENTADUETO ORAL TABLET 2.5-1,000 MG, 2.5-500 MG, 2.5-850 MG JENTADUETO XR ORAL TABLET, IR - ER, BIPHASIC 24HR 2.5-1,000 MG, 5-1,000 MG KORLYM ORAL TABLET 300 MG metformin oral tablet 1,000 mg metformin oral tablet 500 mg metformin oral tablet 850 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 1,000 mg metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 500 mg $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Glucophage) (Glucophage) (Glucophage) (Glucophage XR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) QL (75 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) (Glucophage XR) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) (Fortamet) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Fortamet) $0 (Tier 1) QL (150 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 46 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug miglitol oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg nateglinide oral tablet 120 mg, 60 mg pioglitazone oral tablet 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg pioglitazone-glimepiride oral tablet 30-2 mg, 30-4 mg pioglitazone-metformin oral tablet 15-500 mg, 15-850 mg repaglinide oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg repaglinide-metformin oral tablet 1-500 mg, 2-500 mg SYMLINPEN 120 SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 2,700 MCG/2.7 ML SYMLINPEN 60 SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 1,500 MCG/1.5 ML SYNJARDY ORAL TABLET 12.5-1,000 MG, 12.5-500 MG, 5-1,000 MG, 5-500 MG TRADJENTA ORAL TABLET 5 MG TRULICITY SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 0.75 MG/0.5 ML, 1.5 MG/0.5 ML VICTOZA 3-PAK SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 0.6 MG/0.1 ML (18 MG/3 ML) Insulins HUMULIN R U-500 (CONC) KWIKPEN SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PEN 500 UNIT/ML (3 ML) HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 500 UNIT/ML (Glyset) (Starlix) (Actos) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Duetact) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Actoplus Met) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) (Prandin) (Prandimet) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (150 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (10.8 per 28 days) PA; QL (6 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (24 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 47 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug LANTUS SOLOSTAR SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PEN 100 UNIT/ML (3 ML) LANTUS SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 100 UNIT/ML NOVOLIN 70/30 SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION 100 UNIT/ML (70-30) NOVOLIN N SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION 100 UNIT/ML NOVOLIN R INJECTION SOLUTION 100 UNIT/ML NOVOLOG FLEXPEN SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PEN 100 UNIT/ML NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 FLEXPEN SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PEN 100 UNIT/ML (70-30) NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 100 UNIT/ML (70-30) NOVOLOG PENFILL SUBCUTANEOUS CARTRIDGE 100 UNIT/ML NOVOLOG SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 100 UNIT/ML TOUJEO SOLOSTAR SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PEN 300 UNIT/ML (1.5 ML) Sulfonylureas glimepiride oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg glimepiride oral tablet 4 mg glipizide oral tablet 10 mg glipizide oral tablet 5 mg $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Amaryl) (Amaryl) (Glucotrol) (Glucotrol) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 48 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr (Glucotrol XL) 10 mg glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr (Glucotrol XL) 2.5 mg, 5 mg glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-250 mg (Glipizide/Metformin HCl) glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-500 (Glipizide/Metformin mg, 5-500 mg HCl) glyburide micronized oral tablet 1.5 mg, 3 (Glynase) mg, 6 mg glyburide oral tablet 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 (Glyburide) mg glyburide-metformin oral tablet 1.25-250 (Glucovance) mg, 2.5-500 mg, 5-500 mg tolazamide oral tablet 250 mg (Tolazamide) tolazamide oral tablet 500 mg (Tolazamide) tolbutamide oral tablet 500 mg (Tolbutamide) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (240 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (180 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) Antifungals Antifungals ABELCET INTRAVENOUS SUSPENSION 5 MG/ML aloe vesta 2% antifungal oint 2 % * AMBISOME INTRAVENOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 50 MG amphotericin b injection recon soln 50 mg anti-fungal 1% powder 1 % * athlete's foot 2% powder 2 % * baza antifungal 2% cream 12's 2 % * CANCIDAS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG, 70 MG ciclopirox topical cream 0.77 % ciclopirox topical gel 0.77 % (Miconazole Nitrate) (Amphotericin B) (Tolnaftate) (Lotrimin AF) (Nuzole) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Loprox) (Loprox) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 49 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ciclopirox topical shampoo 1 % ciclopirox topical solution 8 % ciclopirox topical suspension 0.77 % ciclopirox-ure-camph-menth-euc topical solution 8 % clotrim 1% vaginal cream 1 % * clotrimazole 1% cream (otc) 1 % * clotrimazole 1% solution (otc) 1 % * clotrimazole insert 100 mg * clotrimazole mucous membrane troche 10 mg clotrimazole topical cream 1 % clotrimazole topical solution 1 % clotrimazole-7 cream 1 % * clotrimazole-betamethasone topical cream 1-0.05 % clotrimazole-betamethasone topical lotion 1-0.05 % critic-aid clear af 2% oint 12's, w/ antifungal 2 % * cvs af 1% spray powder 1 % * cvs anti-fungal 2% powder 2 % * cvs athlete's foot powd spray 2 % * cvs miconazole 1 combo pack sftgl insert/9gm crm 1,200-2 mg-% * cvs miconazole 3 combo pack 3pref applic w/cream 4 % (200 mg)- 2 % (9 gram) * cvs tioconazole 1 6.5% ointmnt 6.5 % * dermafungal 2% ointment 2 % * desenex 2% powder 2 % * desenex 2% spray powder 2 % * econazole topical cream 1 % elon dual defense 25% solution 25 % * (Loprox) (Penlac) (Ciclopirox Olamine) (Ciclodan) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Gyne-Lotrimin) (Lotrimin AF) (Clotrimazole) (Clotrimazole) (Clotrimazole) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Clotrimazole) (Clotrimazole) (Gyne-Lotrimin) (Lotrisone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Clotrimazole/Betame thasone Dip) (Miconazole Nitrate) $0 (Tier 1) (Tinactin) (Lotrimin AF) (Lotrimin AF) (Monistat 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Miconazole Nitrate) $0 (Tier 4) (Tioconazole) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Lotrimin AF) (Lotrimin AF) (Econazole Nitrate) (Undecylenic Acid) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 50 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug fluconazole in dextrose(iso-o) intravenous piggyback 400 mg/200 ml fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 100 mg/50 ml, 200 mg/100 ml fluconazole oral suspension for reconstitution 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml fluconazole oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 50 mg fluconazole-nacl 400 mg/200 ml 10's,latex-free, p/f 400 mg/200 ml flucytosine oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg fungi cure intensive 1% spray 1 % * FUNGI-NAIL TINCTURE * fungoid-d 1% cream 1 % * gnp miconazole 3 combo pack 4 % (200 mg)- 2 % (9 gram) * griseofulvin microsize oral tablet 500 mg HONGO CURA ANTI-FUNGAL 25% SPR 25 % * inzo antifungal 2% cream 2 % * itraconazole oral capsule 100 mg ketoconazole oral tablet 200 mg ketoconazole topical cream 2 % ketoconazole topical shampoo 2 % lamisil af defens 1% spray pwd 1 % * lamisil af defense 1% powder 1 % * LAMISIL ANTIFUNGAL 1% SPRAY FOR ATHLETES FOOT 1 % * LAMISIL AT 1% CREAM ATHLETE'S FOOT 1 % * LAMISIL AT 1% GEL 1 % * micatin 2% antifungal cream 2 % * (Fluconazole In Nacl,Iso-Osm) (Fluconazole In Nacl,Iso-Osm) (Diflucan) $0 (Tier 1) (Diflucan) $0 (Tier 1) (Fluconazole In Nacl,Iso-Osm) (Ancobon) (Clotrimazole) $0 (Tier 1) (Tinactin) (Miconazole Nitrate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Grifulvin V) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Nuzole) (Sporanox) (Ketoconazole) (Ketoconazole) (Nizoral) (Tinactin) (Tolnaftate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Nuzole) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 51 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug miconazole 3 combo pack 3 sup,9gm crm w/app 200 mg- 2 % (9 gram) * miconazole 7 100 mg vag supp 100 mg * miconazole nitrate 2% cream 2 % * miconazole nitrate 2% cream 2 % * miconazole-3 vaginal suppository 200 mg micro-guard 2% powder 12's,antifungal 2 %* MONISTAT 3 COMBO PACK 4 % (200 MG)- 2 % (9 GRAM) * monistat 7 cream 7 applicators 2 % * myco nail a 25% solution 25 % * NIZORAL A-D 1% SHAMPOO 1 % * NOXAFIL ORAL SUSPENSION 200 MG/5 ML (40 MG/ML) NOXAFIL ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) 100 MG nyamyc topical powder 100,000 unit/gram nystatin oral suspension 100,000 unit/ml nystatin oral tablet 500,000 unit nystatin topical cream 100,000 unit/gram nystatin topical ointment 100,000 unit/gram nystatin topical powder 100,000 unit/gram nystatin-triamcinolone topical cream 100,000-0.1 unit/g-% nystatin-triamcinolone topical ointment 100,000-0.1 unit/gram-% nystop topical powder 100,000 unit/gram podactin 1% powder 1 % * qc 3 day vaginal 4% cream 200 mg/5 gram (4 %) * (Monistat 3) $0 (Tier 4) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Nuzole) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Lotrimin AF) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Undecylenic Acid) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Nystatin) (Nystatin) (Nystatin) (Nystatin) (Nystatin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Nystatin) (Nystatin/Triamcin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Nystatin/Triamcin) $0 (Tier 1) (Nystatin) (Tolnaftate) (Miconazole Nitrate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 52 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ra anti-fungal liquid 12.5 % * ra miconazole 3 kit 3pref app w/crm+6wip 4 % (200 mg)- 2 % (9 gram) * remedy phytoplex antifungal 2% 2 % * terbinafine 1% cream 1 % * terbinafine hcl oral tablet 250 mg tolnaftate 1% cream 1 % * tolnaftate 1% solution 1 % * triple paste af 2% ointment 2 % * vagistat-1 6.5% ointment 6.5 % * vagistat-3 combo pack 200 mg- 2 % (9 gram) * voriconazole intravenous solution 200 mg voriconazole oral suspension for reconstitution 200 mg/5 ml (40 mg/ml) voriconazole oral tablet 200 mg, 50 mg zeasorb 2% powder athlete's foot 2 % * (Undecylenic Acid) (Miconazole/Skin Cleanser No.17) (Lotrimin AF) (Lamisil At) (Lamisil) (Tinactin) (Tolnaftate) (Miconazole Nitrate) (Tioconazole) (Monistat 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Vfend IV) (Vfend) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Vfend) (Lotrimin AF) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Dexbromphenir/Pseu doephed Sulf) (Triaminic Nighttime Cold-Cough) (Dexbrompheniramin e Maleate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) Antihistamines Antihistamines 12 hour relief tablet 6-120 mg * 25dph-7.5peh liquid 25-7.5 mg/5 ml * ala-hist ir 2 mg tablet 2 mg * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) ALA-HIST PE TABLET 2-10 MG * $0 (Tier 4) alavert 10 mg odt non-drowsy, mint 10 mg (Claritin) * ALLEGRA ALLERGY 180 MG TABLET 180 MG * ALLEGRA ALLERGY 60 MG TABLET 60 MG * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 53 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug aller-chlor 2 mg/5 ml syrup 2 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 4) aller-chlor 4 mg tablet 4 mg * (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) (Chlor-Trimeton) allergy 4 mg tablet 4 mg * (Chlor-Trimeton) $0 (Tier 4) allerhist-1 1.34 mg tablet 1.34 mg * (Clemastine Fumarate) (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) (Triprolidine/Pseudoe phedrine) (Zzzquil) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Zzzquil) $0 (Tier 4) ambi 60pse-4cpm tablet 4-60 mg * aprodine tablet 2.5-60 mg * banophen 25 mg capsule 25 mg * banophen 25 mg tablet 25 mg * banophen allergy 12.5 mg/5 ml a/f 12.5 mg/5 ml * benadryl allergy 25 mg ultratb ultratab 25 mg * cetirizine hcl 1 mg/1 ml soln children, s/f, grape (otc) 1 mg/ml * cetirizine hcl 10 mg tablet indoor & outdoor 10 mg * cetirizine hcl 5 mg chew tab children's,outer,u-d 5 mg * cetirizine hcl 5 mg tablet indoor & outdoor 5 mg * cetirizine oral solution 1 mg/ml child allegra allergy 30 mg/5 ml suspension 30 mg/5 ml * child benadryl-d aller-sin liq 12.5-5 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Children'S Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) (Cetirizine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Fexofenadine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Phenylephrine/Diphe nhydramine) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 54 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug child dometuss-da liquid 1-2.5 mg/5 ml * child triaminic cold & allergy 1-2.5 mg/5 ml * child wal-tap cold-allergy elx 1-2.5 mg/5 (Dimetapp) ml * children's allegra allergy oral tablet 30 mg (Allegra Allergy) * child's aller-tec 1 mg/ml soln 1 mg/ml * (Children'S Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) CHILD'S BENADRYL 12.5 MG/5 ML 12.5 MG/5 ML * child's wal-dryl 12.5 mg/5 ml a/f,s/f,d/f,bubb gum 12.5 mg/5 ml * child's wal-zyr 10 mg chew tab 10 mg * $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA (Zzzquil) $0 (Tier 4) PA (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) (Chlor-Trimeton Allergy) (Triprolidine/Pseudoe phedrine) (Diphenhydramine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA chlorpheniramine er 12 mg tab 12 mg * cold-allergy-sinus oral tablet 2.5-60 mg * compoz 25 mg gelcap 25 mg * (Triaminic Cold-Allergy Pe) (Dimetapp) CONEX SOLUTION 1-30 MG/5 ML * conex tablet 2-60 mg * cvs allergy 25 mg tablet 25 mg * cvs child allergy 10 mg chw tb 24 hr,indoor/outdoor 10 mg * cvs cold & cough nighttime liq 6.25-2.5 mg/5 ml * cyproheptadine oral syrup 2 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Dexbrompheniramin e/Pseudoephed) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) (Triaminic Nighttime Cold-Cough) (Cyproheptadine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 55 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cyproheptadine oral tablet 4 mg dailyhist-1 1.34 mg tablet 1.34 mg * DALLERGY 1-5 MG TABLET 1-5 MG * dayhist allergy 1.34 mg tablet 12 hr relief 1.34 mg * dimaphen elixir a/f, grape, gluten-f 1-2.5 mg/5 ml * dimetapp cold & congest liquid 6.25-2.5 mg/5 ml * diphenhist 12.5 mg/5 ml soln 12.5 mg/5 ml * diphenhist 25 mg capsule 25 mg * diphenhist 25 mg captab captab 25 mg * diphenhydramine 25 mg capsule (otc) 25 mg * diphenhydramine 50 mg capsule (otc) 50 mg * diphenhydramine 50 mg tablet 50 mg * diphenhydramine hcl injection solution 50 mg/ml ed chlorped drops 2 mg/ml * ed chlorped jr syrup 2 mg/5 ml * ed-a-hist 4 mg-10 mg tablet 4-10 mg * entre-hist pse liquid 0.938-10 mg/ml * (Cyproheptadine HCl) (Clemastine Fumarate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Clemastine Fumarate) (Dimetapp) $0 (Tier 4) (Triaminic Nighttime Cold-Cough) (Zzzquil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA (Zzzquil) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Zzzquil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Zzzquil) $0 (Tier 4) PA (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) (Chlorpheniramine/P henylephrine) (Triprolidine/Pseudoe phedrine) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 56 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug eq allergy & sinus relief tab 25-10 mg * fexofenadine hcl 180 mg tablet 24hr,original str (otc) 180 mg * fexofenadine hcl 30 mg/5 ml 30 mg/5 ml * fexofenadine hcl 60 mg tablet indoor/outdoor (otc) 60 mg * histex-pe syrup 2.5-10 mg/5 ml * (Phenylephrine/Diphe nhydramine) (Allegra Allergy) $0 (Tier 4) (Fexofenadine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Allegra Allergy) $0 (Tier 4) (Phenylephrine/Tripr olidine) hm z-sleep 25 mg softgel 25 mg * (Zzzquil) levocetirizine oral solution 2.5 mg/5 ml (Xyzal) levocetirizine oral tablet 5 mg (Xyzal) lohist-d liquid 2-30 mg/5 ml * (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) lohist-peb liquid 12's, s/f, a/f, d/f 4-10 mg/5 (Brovex Peb) ml * loratadine 10 mg tablet 10 mg * (Claritin) loratadine allergy 5 mg/5 ml d/f, a/f, s/f 5 mg/5 ml * nohist-lq liquid 4-10 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Children'S Claritin) $0 (Tier 4) (Triaminic Cold-Allergy Pe) $0 (Tier 4) PEDIAVENT 1 MG TABLET CHEW 1 MG * PEDIAVENT 2 MG/5 ML SYRUP 2 MG/5 ML * phenylephrine-pyrilamine 10-25 25-10 mg (Poly Hist Forte) * promethazine oral syrup 6.25 mg/5 ml (Promethazine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) pv nyt-time sleep 25 mg caplet 25 mg * $0 (Tier 4) (Diphenhydramine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 57 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug pv sinus nighttime tablet 2.5-10 mg * (Phenylephrine/Tripr olidine) pyrilamine-phenylephrine susp 16-5 mg/5 (Phenylephrine/Pyrila ml * mine) q-dryl 12.5 mg/5 ml liquid a/f 12.5 mg/5 ml (Zzzquil) * q-tapp elixir a/f,grape,unboxed 1-15 mg/5 (Brompheniramin/Pse ml * udoephedrine) ra allergy plus sinus tablet 25-10 mg * (Phenylephrine/Diphe nhydramine) ritifed syrup 1.25-30 mg/5 ml * (Triprolidine/Pseudoe phedrine) RYMED TABLET 2-10 MG * $0 (Tier 4) siladryl 12.5 mg/5 ml liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml * (Zzzquil) simply sleep 25 mg caplet caplet 25 mg * (Diphenhydramine HCl) sm allergy relief 1.34 mg tab 1.34 mg * (Clemastine Fumarate) sm sinus and allergy tablet maximum (Chlorpheniramine/Ps strength 4-60 mg * eudoephed) sm triacting cold-allergy syr 1-15 mg/5 ml * sudogest sinus & allergy tab 4-60 mg * (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) TRIAMINIC NIGHTTIME COLD-COUGH CHILDREN'S, GRAPE 6.25-2.5 MG/5 ML * unisom 50 mg sleepgels softgel 50 mg * (Zzzquil) vazobid-pd suspension 6-10 mg/5 ml * (Brompheniramin/Ph enylephrine) v-r triacting orange syrup 1-15 mg/5 ml * (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 58 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug wal-act d cold & allergy tab 2.5-60 mg * $0 (Tier 4) wal-dryl allergy 25 mg capsule 25 mg * wal-dryl allergy 25 mg minitab minitab, coated 25 mg * wal-fex allergy 180 mg tablet 180 mg * (Triprolidine/Pseudoe phedrine) (Zzzquil) (Diphenhydramine HCl) (Allegra Allergy) wal-fex allergy 60 mg tablet 60 mg * (Allegra Allergy) $0 (Tier 4) wal-finate 4 mg tablet 4 mg * (Chlor-Trimeton) $0 (Tier 4) wal-finate-d tablet 4-60 mg * $0 (Tier 4) wal-itin 10 mg odt non-drowsy 10 mg * (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) (Claritin) wal-itin 10 mg tablet non-drowsy 10 mg * (Claritin) $0 (Tier 4) wal-itin 5 mg/5 ml syrup children's, grape 5 mg/5 ml * wal-phed pe sinus-allergy tab 4-10 mg * (Children'S Claritin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) wal-sleep z 25 mg softgel 25 mg * (Chlorpheniramine/P henylephrine) (Chlorpheniramine/Ps eudoephed) (Zzzquil) wal-som 25 mg odt 25 mg * (Unisom Sleepmelts) $0 (Tier 4) wal-som 50 mg softgel softgel 50 mg * wal-tap elixir 1-2.5 mg/5 ml * (Zzzquil) (Dimetapp) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) wal-zyr 10 mg tablet 10 mg * (Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) wal-zyr solution children's, a/f 1 mg/ml * (Children'S Zyrtec) $0 (Tier 4) wal-phed sinus and allergy tab 4-60 mg * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 59 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Anti-Infectives (Skin And Mucous Membrane) Anti-Infectives (Skin And Mucous Membrane) AVC VAGINAL VAGINAL CREAM 15 % clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream 2 % metronidazole vaginal gel 0.75 % terconazole vaginal cream 0.4 %, 0.8 % terconazole vaginal suppository 80 mg $0 (Tier 2) (Cleocin) (Metrogel-Vaginal) (Terazol 7) (Terconazole) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (D.H.E.45) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 28 days) (Migranal) $0 (Tier 1) QL (8 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (40 per 28 days) (Amerge) (Maxalt) (Maxalt Mlt) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (18 per 28 days) QL (18 per 28 days) QL (18 per 28 days) (Sumatriptan Succinate) (Imitrex) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (12 per 28 days) (Imitrex) $0 (Tier 1) QL (18 per 28 days) (Sumatriptan Succinate) (Imitrex) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) Antimigraine Agents Antimigraine Agents dihydroergotamine injection solution 1 mg/ml dihydroergotamine nasal spray,non-aerosol 0.5 mg/pump act. (4 mg/ml) ERGOMAR SUBLINGUAL TABLET 2 MG naratriptan oral tablet 1 mg, 2.5 mg rizatriptan oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg rizatriptan oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg, 5 mg sumatriptan 6 mg/0.5 ml syrng p/f,dehp/f,pvc/f 6 mg/0.5 ml sumatriptan nasal spray,non-aerosol 20 mg/actuation, 5 mg/actuation sumatriptan succinate oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge 4 mg/0.5 ml sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge 6 mg/0.5 ml You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 60 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector 4 mg/0.5 ml sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector 6 mg/0.5 ml, 6 mg/0.5 ml (auto-injector) sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous solution 6 mg/0.5 ml zolmitriptan oral tablet 2.5 mg, 5 mg zolmitriptan oral tablet,disintegrating 2.5 mg, 5 mg (Sumatriptan Succinate) (Sumatriptan Succinate) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) (Imitrex) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) (Zomig) (Zomig Zmt) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (12 per 28 days) QL (12 per 28 days) Antimycobacterials Antimycobacterials CAPASTAT INJECTION RECON SOLN 1 GRAM dapsone oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg ethambutol oral tablet 100 mg, 400 mg isoniazid oral solution 50 mg/5 ml isoniazid oral tablet 100 mg, 300 mg PASER ORAL GRANULES DR FOR SUSP IN PACKET 4 GRAM PRIFTIN ORAL TABLET 150 MG pyrazinamide oral tablet 500 mg rifabutin oral capsule 150 mg rifampin intravenous recon soln 600 mg rifampin oral capsule 150 mg, 300 mg RIFATER ORAL TABLET 50-120-300 MG SIRTURO ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0 (Tier 2) (Dapsone) (Myambutol) (Isoniazid) (Isoniazid) (Pyrazinamide) (Mycobutin) (Rifadin) (Rifadin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) TRECATOR ORAL TABLET 250 MG PA; QL (188 per 168 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 61 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Antinausea Agents Antinausea Agents AKYNZEO ORAL CAPSULE 300-0.5 MG compro rectal suppository 25 mg cvs motion sickness 50 mg tab 50 mg * dimenhydrinate injection solution 50 mg/ml dramamine 50 mg tablet 50 mg * dramamine less drowsy 25 mg tb 25 mg * $0 (Tier 2) (Compazine) (Dimenhydrinate) (Dimenhydrinate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Dimenhydrinate) (Meclizine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) driminate 50 mg tablet 50 mg * dronabinol oral capsule 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg EMEND INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 150 MG EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 125 MG, 80 MG EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 40 MG EMEND ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK 125 MG (1)- 80 MG (2) EMEND ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 125 MG (25 MG/ ML FINAL CONC.) granisetron (pf) intravenous solution 100 mcg/ml granisetron hcl intravenous solution 1 mg/ml (1 ml) granisetron hcl oral tablet 1 mg meclizine 12.5 mg caplet caplet (otc) 12.5 mg * meclizine 25 mg tablet (otc) 25 mg * (Dimenhydrinate) (Marinol) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) meclizine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg PA BvD PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD (Granisetron HCl/PF) (Granisetron HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Granisetron HCl) (Meclizine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Meclizine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Meclizine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 62 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug motion sickness 25 mg tablet 25 mg * (Meclizine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) ondansetron hcl (pf) injection solution 4 mg/2 ml ondansetron hcl (pf) injection syringe 4 mg/2 ml ondansetron hcl oral solution 4 mg/5 ml ondansetron hcl oral tablet 24 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg ondansetron oral tablet,disintegrating 4 mg, 8 mg phenadoz rectal suppository 12.5 mg, 25 mg prochlorperazine edisylate injection solution 10 mg/2 ml (5 mg/ml) prochlorperazine maleate oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg prochlorperazine rectal suppository 25 mg promethazine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg promethazine rectal suppository 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg promethegan rectal suppository 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg TRANSDERM-SCOP TRANSDERMAL PATCH 3 DAY 1.5 MG (1 MG OVER 3 DAYS) travel sickness 25 mg tab chew 25 mg * (Ondansetron HCl/PF) (Ondansetron HCl/PF) (Zofran) (Zofran) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD (Zofran Odt) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Phenergan) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) (Prochlorperazine Edisylate) (Compazine) $0 (Tier 1) (Compazine) (Promethazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Phenergan) $0 (Tier 1) (Phenergan) $0 (Tier 1) (Bonine) $0 (Tier 4) wal-dram 50 mg tablet 50 mg * (Dimenhydrinate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) QL (10 per 30 days) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) Antiparasite Agents Antiparasite Agents ALBENZA ORAL TABLET 200 MG $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 63 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ALINIA ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 100 MG/5 ML ALINIA ORAL TABLET 500 MG atovaquone oral suspension 750 mg/5 ml atovaquone-proguanil oral tablet 250-100 mg, 62.5-25 mg chloroquine phosphate oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg COARTEM ORAL TABLET 20-120 MG DARAPRIM ORAL TABLET 25 MG EMVERM ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 100 MG hydroxychloroquine oral tablet 200 mg ivermectin oral tablet 3 mg mefloquine oral tablet 250 mg NEBUPENT INHALATION RECON SOLN 300 MG paromomycin oral capsule 250 mg $0 (Tier 2) (Mepron) (Malarone) (Chloroquine Phosphate) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Plaquenil) (Stromectol) (Mefloquine HCl) (Paromomycin Sulfate) PENTAM INJECTION RECON SOLN 300 MG pin-x 144 mg/ml (50 mg/ml base) s/f, (Pyrantel Pamoate) caramel flavor 50 mg/ml * PRIMAQUINE ORAL TABLET 26.3 MG quinine sulfate oral capsule 324 mg (Qualaquin) reese's pinworm 144 mg/ml susp 50 mg/ml (Pyrantel Pamoate) * $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 21 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (42 per 7 days) Antiparkinsonian Agents Antiparkinsonian Agents amantadine hcl oral capsule 100 mg amantadine hcl oral solution 50 mg/5 ml (Amantadine HCl) (Amantadine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 64 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug amantadine hcl oral tablet 100 mg (Amantadine HCl) APOKYN SUBCUTANEOUS CARTRIDGE 10 MG/ML AZILECT ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG, 1 MG benztropine oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg (Benztropine Mesylate) bromocriptine oral capsule 5 mg (Parlodel) bromocriptine oral tablet 2.5 mg (Parlodel) cabergoline oral tablet 0.5 mg (Cabergoline) carbidopa oral tablet 25 mg (Lodosyn) carbidopa-levodopa oral tablet 10-100 mg, (Sinemet CR) 25-100 mg, 25-250 mg carbidopa-levodopa oral tablet extended (Sinemet CR) release 25-100 mg, 50-200 mg carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone oral tablet (Stalevo 50) 12.5-50-200 mg, 18.75-75-200 mg, 25-100-200 mg, 31.25-125-200 mg, 37.5-150-200 mg, 50-200-200 mg entacapone oral tablet 200 mg (Comtan) NEUPRO TRANSDERMAL PATCH 24 HOUR 1 MG/24 HOUR, 2 MG/24 HOUR, 3 MG/24 HOUR, 4 MG/24 HOUR, 6 MG/24 HOUR, 8 MG/24 HOUR pramipexole oral tablet 0.125 mg, 0.25 (Mirapex) mg, 0.5 mg, 0.75 mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg ropinirole oral tablet 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 (Requip) mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 5 mg ropinirole oral tablet extended release 24 (Requip XL) hr 12 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg, 8 mg selegiline hcl oral capsule 5 mg (Eldepryl) selegiline hcl oral tablet 5 mg (Selegiline HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 65 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug trihexyphenidyl oral elixir 0.4 mg/ml trihexyphenidyl oral tablet 2 mg, 5 mg (Trihexyphenidyl HCl) (Trihexyphenidyl HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) Antipsychotic Agents Antipsychotic Agents ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL RECON 300 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL RECON 400 MG ABILIFY MAINTENA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 300 MG, 400 MG aripiprazole oral solution 1 mg/ml aripiprazole oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg aripiprazole oral tablet 2 mg aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 441 MG/1.6 ML ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 662 MG/2.4 ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 28 days) (Abilify) (Abilify) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (900 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Abilify) (Abilify Discmelt) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) (Abilify Discmelt) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1.6 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2.4 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 66 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 882 MG/3.2 ML chlorpromazine injection solution 25 mg/ml chlorpromazine oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg clozapine oral tablet 100 mg clozapine oral tablet 200 mg clozapine oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 100 mg, 12.5 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg FANAPT ORAL TABLET 1 MG, 10 MG, 12 MG, 2 MG, 4 MG, 6 MG, 8 MG FANAPT ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 1MG(2)-2MG(2)4MG(2)-6MG(2) fluphenazine decanoate injection solution 25 mg/ml fluphenazine hcl injection solution 2.5 mg/ml fluphenazine hcl oral concentrate 5 mg/ml fluphenazine hcl oral elixir 2.5 mg/5 ml fluphenazine hcl oral tablet 1 mg, 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg GEODON INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 20 MG/ML (FINAL CONC.) haloperidol decanoate intramuscular solution 100 mg/ml haloperidol decanoate intramuscular solution 50 mg/ml $0 (Tier 2) (Chlorpromazine HCl) (Chlorpromazine HCl) (Clozaril) (Clozaril) (Clozaril) (Fazaclo) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (270 per 30 days) QL (135 per 30 days) QL (90 per 30 days) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (8 per 28 days) (Fluphenazine Decanoate) (Fluphenazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Fluphenazine HCl) (Fluphenazine HCl) (Fluphenazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Haloperidol Decanoate) (Haldol Decanoate 50) QL (3.2 per 28 days) QL (6 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 67 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug haloperidol lactate injection solution 5 mg/ml haloperidol lactate oral concentrate 2 mg/ml haloperidol oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg INVEGA SUSTENNA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 117 MG/0.75 ML, 156 MG/ML, 234 MG/1.5 ML, 39 MG/0.25 ML, 78 MG/0.5 ML INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 273 MG/0.875 ML, 410 MG/1.315 ML, 546 MG/1.75 ML, 819 MG/2.625 ML LATUDA ORAL TABLET 120 MG, 20 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG, 80 MG loxapine succinate oral capsule 10 mg, 25 mg, 5 mg, 50 mg molindone oral tablet 10 mg molindone oral tablet 25 mg molindone oral tablet 5 mg NUPLAZID ORAL TABLET 17 MG (Haloperidol Lactate) $0 (Tier 1) (Haloperidol Lactate) $0 (Tier 1) (Haloperidol) $0 (Tier 1) olanzapine intramuscular recon soln 10 mg olanzapine oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 2.5 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 20 mg paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 9 mg paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 6 mg $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Loxapine Succinate) $0 (Tier 1) (Molindone HCl) (Molindone HCl) (Molindone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Zyprexa) (Zyprexa) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (240 per 30 days) QL (270 per 30 days) QL (120 per 30 days) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Zyprexa Zydis) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Zyprexa Zydis) $0 (Tier 1) QL (31 per 30 days) (Invega) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Invega) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 68 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug perphenazine oral tablet 16 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg pimozide oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg quetiapine oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 50 mg REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.25 MG REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG REXULTI ORAL TABLET 1 MG, 2 MG, 3 MG, 4 MG RISPERDAL CONSTA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 12.5 MG/2 ML, 25 MG/2 ML, 37.5 MG/2 ML, 50 MG/2 ML risperidone oral solution 1 mg/ml risperidone oral tablet 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 3 mg, 4 mg SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 10 MG, 2.5 MG, 5 MG thioridazine oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg thiothixene oral capsule 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg trifluoperazine oral tablet 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg VERSACLOZ ORAL SUSPENSION 50 MG/ML VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE 1.5 MG, 3 MG, 4.5 MG, 6 MG (Perphenazine) $0 (Tier 1) (Orap) (Seroquel) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (120 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (4 per 28 days) (Risperdal) (Risperdal) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (480 per 30 days) QL (60 per 30 days) (Risperdal M-Tab) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Risperdal M-Tab) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) (Thioridazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO-HRM (Thiothixene) $0 (Tier 1) (Trifluoperazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (540 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 69 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK 1.5 MG (1)- 3 MG (6) ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 20 mg, 40 mg, (Geodon) 60 mg, 80 mg ZYPREXA RELPREVV 405 MG VL KIT W/ DILUENT, OUTER 405 MG ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 210 MG $0 (Tier 2) QL (7 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) Antivirals (Systemic) Antiretrovirals abacavir oral tablet 300 mg (Ziagen) abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine oral tablet (Trizivir) 300-150-300 mg APTIVUS ORAL CAPSULE 250 MG APTIVUS ORAL SOLUTION 100 MG/ML ATRIPLA ORAL TABLET 600-200-300 MG COMPLERA ORAL TABLET 200-25-300 MG CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG, 400 MG DESCOVY ORAL TABLET 200-25 MG didanosine oral capsule,delayed (Videx EC) release(dr/ec) 125 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 400 mg EDURANT ORAL TABLET 25 MG EMTRIVA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG EMTRIVA ORAL SOLUTION 10 MG/ML EPIVIR HBV ORAL SOLUTION 25 MG/5 ML (5 MG/ML) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 70 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug EPZICOM ORAL TABLET 600-300 MG EVOTAZ ORAL TABLET 300-150 MG FUZEON SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 90 MG GENVOYA ORAL TABLET 150-150-200-10 MG INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 200 MG, 25 MG INVIRASE ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG INVIRASE ORAL TABLET 500 MG ISENTRESS ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 100 MG ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET 400 MG ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 100 MG, 25 MG KALETRA ORAL SOLUTION 400-100 MG/5 ML KALETRA ORAL TABLET 100-25 MG, 200-50 MG lamivudine oral solution 10 mg/ml lamivudine oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg lamivudine-zidovudine oral tablet 150-300 mg LEXIVA ORAL SUSPENSION 50 MG/ML LEXIVA ORAL TABLET 700 MG nevirapine oral suspension 50 mg/5 ml nevirapine oral tablet 200 mg nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 100 mg, 400 mg NORVIR ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Epivir) (Epivir) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Combivir) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Viramune) (Viramune) (Viramune XR) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 71 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug NORVIR ORAL SOLUTION 80 MG/ML NORVIR ORAL TABLET 100 MG ODEFSEY ORAL TABLET 200-25-25 MG PREZCOBIX ORAL TABLET 800-150 MG-MG PREZISTA ORAL SUSPENSION 100 MG/ML PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 150 MG, 400 MG, 600 MG, 75 MG, 800 MG RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET 200 MG RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET, DISPERSIBLE 100 MG RETROVIR INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG, 300 MG REYATAZ ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 50 MG SELZENTRY ORAL TABLET 150 MG, 300 MG stavudine oral capsule 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 (Zerit) mg, 40 mg stavudine oral recon soln 1 mg/ml (Zerit) STRIBILD ORAL TABLET 150-150-200-300 MG SUSTIVA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG, 50 MG SUSTIVA ORAL TABLET 600 MG TIVICAY ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 72 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TRIUMEQ ORAL TABLET 600-50-300 MG TRUVADA ORAL TABLET 100-150 MG, 133-200 MG, 167-250 MG, 200-300 MG VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC ORAL RECON SOLN 10 MG/ML (FINAL) VIDEX 4 GM PEDIATRIC SOLN 10 MG/ML (FINAL) VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET 250 MG, 625 MG VIRAMUNE XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG VIREAD ORAL POWDER 40 MG/SCOOP (40 MG/GRAM) VIREAD ORAL TABLET 150 MG, 200 MG, 250 MG, 300 MG VITEKTA ORAL TABLET 150 MG, 85 MG ZIAGEN ORAL SOLUTION 20 MG/ML zidovudine oral capsule 100 mg zidovudine oral syrup 10 mg/ml zidovudine oral tablet 300 mg Antivirals, Miscellaneous foscarnet intravenous solution 24 mg/ml RELENZA DISKHALER INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 5 MG/ACTUATION rimantadine oral tablet 100 mg SYNAGIS 100 MG/1 ML VIAL 100 MG/ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Retrovir) (Retrovir) (Zidovudine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Foscavir) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Flumadine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 73 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug SYNAGIS INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 50 MG/0.5 ML TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 30 MG TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 45 MG TAMIFLU ORAL CAPSULE 75 MG TAMIFLU ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 6 MG/ML Hcv Antivirals DAKLINZA ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG, 90 MG EPCLUSA ORAL TABLET 400-100 MG HARVONI ORAL TABLET 90-400 MG OLYSIO ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) SOVALDI ORAL TABLET 400 MG $0 (Tier 2) TECHNIVIE ORAL TABLET 12.5-75-50 MG VIEKIRA PAK ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 12.5 MG-75 MG -50 MG/250 MG VIEKIRA XR ORAL TABLET, IR ER, BIPHASIC 24HR 8.33 MG-50 MG33.33 MG-200 MG ZEPATIER ORAL TABLET 50-100 MG Interferons INTRON A 25 MILLION UNIT/2.5 ML 10 MILLION UNIT/ML INTRON A INJECTION RECON SOLN 10 MILLION UNIT (1 ML) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (84 per 180 days) QL (48 per 180 days) QL (42 per 180 days) QL (540 per 180 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (56 per 28 days) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (84 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 74 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug INTRON A INJECTION RECON SOLN 18 MILLION UNIT (1 ML), 50 MILLION UNIT (1 ML) INTRON A INJECTION SOLUTION 6 MILLION UNIT/ML PEGASYS PROCLICK SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 135 MCG/0.5 ML, 180 MCG/0.5 ML PEGASYS SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 180 MCG/ML PEGASYS SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 180 MCG/0.5 ML PEGINTRON SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 120 MCG/0.5 ML, 150 MCG/0.5 ML, 50 MCG/0.5 ML, 80 MCG/0.5 ML SYLATRON SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 200 MCG, 300 MCG, 600 MCG Nucleosides And Nucleotides acyclovir oral capsule 200 mg acyclovir oral suspension 200 mg/5 ml acyclovir oral tablet 400 mg, 800 mg acyclovir sodium intravenous solution 50 mg/ml adefovir oral tablet 10 mg entecavir oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg famciclovir oral tablet 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg ganciclovir sodium intravenous recon soln 500 mg ribasphere oral capsule 200 mg ribasphere oral tablet 200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg TYZEKA ORAL TABLET 600 MG valacyclovir oral tablet 1 gram, 500 mg $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (4 per 28 days) (Zovirax) (Zovirax) (Zovirax) (Acyclovir Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Hepsera) (Baraclude) (Famvir) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cytovene) $0 (Tier 1) (Rebetol) (Copegus) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Valtrex) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 75 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug valganciclovir oral tablet 450 mg VIRAZOLE INHALATION RECON SOLN 6 GRAM (Valcyte) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Anticoagulants CEPROTIN (BLUE BAR) INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 UNIT ELIQUIS ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG enoxaparin subcutaneous solution 300 mg/3 ml enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 100 mg/ml, 120 mg/0.8 ml, 150 mg/ml, 30 mg/0.3 ml, 40 mg/0.4 ml, 60 mg/0.6 ml, 80 mg/0.8 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 10 mg/0.8 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 2.5 mg/0.5 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 5 mg/0.4 ml fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 7.5 mg/0.6 ml heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 12,500 unit/250 ml, 20,000 unit/500 ml (40 unit/ml), 25,000 unit/500 ml (50 unit/ml) heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 25,000 unit/250 ml(100 unit/ml) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Lovenox) $0 (Tier 1) (Lovenox) $0 (Tier 1) (Arixtra) $0 (Tier 1) QL (24 per 30 days) (Arixtra) $0 (Tier 1) QL (15 per 30 days) (Arixtra) $0 (Tier 1) QL (12 per 30 days) (Arixtra) $0 (Tier 1) QL (18 per 30 days) (Heparin Sodium,Porcine/D5W ) $0 (Tier 1) (Heparin Sod,Pork In 0.45% NaCl) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 76 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug heparin (porcine) in nacl (pf) intravenous (Heparin parenteral solution 1,000 unit/500 ml Sodium,Porcine/Ns/P F) heparin (porcine) injection solution 1,000 (Heparin unit/ml, 10,000 unit/ml, 20,000 unit/ml, Sodium,Porcine) 5,000 unit/ml heparin, porcine (pf) injection solution (Heparin 5,000 unit/0.5 ml Sodium,Porcine/PF) heparin, porcine (pf) injection syringe (Heparin 5,000 unit/0.5 ml Sodium,Porcine/PF) heparin-0.45% nacl 25,000 units/250 ml (Heparin Sod,Pork In (100 units/ml) bag latex-free, inner 0.45% NaCl) 25,000 unit/250 ml heparin-d5w 25,000 units/250 ml (100 (Heparin units/ml) bag excel container 25,000 Sodium,Porcine/D5W unit/250 ml(100 unit/ml) ) IPRIVASK SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 15 MG jantoven oral tablet 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, 2.5 (Coumadin) mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 5 mg, 6 mg, 7.5 mg PRADAXA ORAL CAPSULE 110 MG, 150 MG, 75 MG warfarin oral tablet 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, (Coumadin) 2.5 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 5 mg, 6 mg, 7.5 mg XARELTO ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG XARELTO ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 15 MG (42)- 20 MG (9) Blood Formation Modifiers CINRYZE INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 UNIT (5 ML) EPOGEN 10,000 UNITS/ML VIAL SDV, P/F, OUTER 10,000 UNIT/ML $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (24 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (12 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 77 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug EPOGEN INJECTION SOLUTION 2,000 UNIT/ML, 20,000 UNIT/2 ML, 20,000 UNIT/ML, 3,000 UNIT/ML, 4,000 UNIT/ML GRANIX SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 300 MCG/0.5 ML, 480 MCG/0.8 ML LEUKINE INJECTION RECON SOLN 250 MCG MIRCERA INJECTION SYRINGE 100 MCG/0.3 ML, 200 MCG/0.3 ML, 50 MCG/0.3 ML, 75 MCG/0.3 ML MOZOBIL SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 24 MG/1.2 ML (20 MG/ML) NEULASTA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 6 MG/0.6ML NEULASTA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE, W/ WEARABLE INJECTOR 6 MG/0.6 ML NEUMEGA SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 5 MG NEUPOGEN INJECTION SOLUTION 300 MCG/ML, 480 MCG/1.6 ML NEUPOGEN INJECTION SYRINGE 300 MCG/0.5 ML, 480 MCG/0.8 ML PROCRIT 10,000 UNITS/ML VIAL 4'S, MDV, OUTER 20,000 UNIT/2 ML PROCRIT INJECTION SOLUTION 10,000 UNIT/ML, 2,000 UNIT/ML, 20,000 UNIT/ML, 3,000 UNIT/ML, 4,000 UNIT/ML PROCRIT INJECTION SOLUTION 40,000 UNIT/ML $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (12 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (0.6 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (12 per 28 days) PA; QL (12 per 28 days) PA; QL (6 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 78 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PROMACTA ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG, 75 MG ZARXIO INJECTION SYRINGE 300 MCG/0.5 ML, 480 MCG/0.8 ML Hematologic Agents, Miscellaneous aminocaproic acid oral solution 250 mg/ml (25 %) aminocaproic acid oral tablet 1,000 mg, 500 mg anagrelide oral capsule 0.5 mg, 1 mg protamine intravenous solution 10 mg/ml tranexamic acid intravenous solution 1,000 mg/10 ml (100 mg/ml) tranexamic acid oral tablet 650 mg Platelet-Aggregation Inhibitors aspirin-dipyridamole oral capsule, er multiphase 12 hr 25-200 mg BRILINTA ORAL TABLET 60 MG, 90 MG cilostazol oral tablet 100 mg, 50 mg clopidogrel oral tablet 300 mg, 75 mg dipyridamole oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg EFFIENT ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 5 MG pentoxifylline oral tablet extended release 400 mg $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Aminocaproic Acid) $0 (Tier 1) (Aminocaproic Acid) $0 (Tier 1) (Agrylin) (Protamine Sulfate) (Tranexamic Acid) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lysteda) $0 (Tier 1) (Aggrenox) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Pletal) (Plavix) (Persantine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Pentoxifylline) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) Caloric Agents Caloric Agents AMINO ACIDS 15 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 15 % AMINOSYN 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 79 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AMINOSYN 3.5 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 3.5 % AMINOSYN 7 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 7 % AMINOSYN 7 % WITH ELECTROLYTES INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 7 % AMINOSYN 8.5 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8.5 % AMINOSYN 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8.5 % AMINOSYN II 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % AMINOSYN II 15 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 15 % AMINOSYN II 7 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 7 % AMINOSYN II 8.5 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8.5 % AMINOSYN II 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8.5 % AMINOSYN M 3.5 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 3.5 % AMINOSYN-HBC 7% INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 7 % AMINOSYN-PF 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 80 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITE-FREE) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 7 % AMINOSYN-RF 5.2 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5.2 % CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITE-FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 2.75 % CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULF-FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULF-FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX 5%-D20W(SULFITE-FREE) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 2.75 % $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 81 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 2.75 % CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 4.25 % CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % CLINISOL SF 15 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 15 % cvs glucose bits tablet chew 1 gram * cvs glucose liquid shot concord grape 15 gram/59 ml * cysteine (l-cysteine) intravenous solution 50 mg/ml dex4 glucose 4 gm tablet chew grape flavor 4 gram * dex4 glucose bits tablet chew 1 gram * dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) intravenous parenteral solution 10 % $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD (Dextrose) (Gluco Shot) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Cysteine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Dextrose) $0 (Tier 4) (Dextrose) (Dextrose 10 % in Water) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 82 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) intravenous solution dextrose 20 % in water (d20w) intravenous parenteral solution 20 % dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) intravenous syringe dextrose 40 % in water (d40w) intravenous parenteral solution 40 % dextrose 5 % in ringers intravenous parenteral solution 5 % dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 50 % in water (d50w) intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 50 % in water (d50w) intravenous syringe dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) intravenous parenteral solution FREAMINE HBC 6.9 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 6.9 % FREAMINE III 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % gluco burst 40% gel 40 % * glucose 4 gram tablet chew na/f, caffeine free 4 gram * glucose 40% gel tropical fruit 40 % * glutose 15 gel 3 pak, outer, u-d 40 % * HEPATAMINE 8% INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8 % HEPATASOL 8 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 8 % INTRALIPID INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 20 %, 30 % (Dextrose 10 % in Water) (Dextrose 20 % in Water) (Dextrose 25 % in Water) (Dextrose 40 % in Water) (Dextrose 5 % In Ringers) (Dextrose 5 % in Water) (Dextrose 50 % in Water) (Dextrose 50 % in Water) (Dextrose 70 % in Water) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD (Dextrose) (Dextrose) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Dextrose) (Dextrose) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 83 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug KABIVEN INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 3.31-9.8-3.9 % NEPHRAMINE 5.4 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5.4 % NUTRILIPID INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 20 % PERIKABIVEN INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 2.36-6.8-3.5 % PREMASOL 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % PREMASOL 6 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 6 % PROCALAMINE 3% INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 3 % PROSOL 20 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION smoflipid intravenous emulsion 20 % (Fat Emul/Soy/Mct/Oliv/F ish Oil) TRAVASOL 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % TROPHAMINE 10 % INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 10 % TROPHAMINE 6% INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 6 % $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD Cardiovascular Agents Alpha-Adrenergic Agents clonidine hcl oral tablet 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg clonidine transdermal patch weekly 0.1 mg/24 hr, 0.2 mg/24 hr clonidine transdermal patch weekly 0.3 mg/24 hr (Catapres) $0 (Tier 1) (Catapres-Tts 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) (Catapres-Tts 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (8 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 84 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug clorpres oral tablet 0.1-15 mg, 0.2-15 mg, 0.3-15 mg doxazosin oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg guanfacine oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg (Clonidine HCl/Chlorthalidone) (Cardura) $0 (Tier 1) (Tenex) $0 (Tier 1) midodrine oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg NORTHERA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 200 MG, 300 MG phenylephrine hcl injection solution 10 mg/ml prazosin oral capsule 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg Angiotensin Ii Receptor Antagonists BENICAR HCT ORAL TABLET 20-12.5 MG, 40-12.5 MG, 40-25 MG BENICAR ORAL TABLET 20 MG, 40 MG, 5 MG candesartan oral tablet 16 mg, 32 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 16-12.5 mg, 32-12.5 mg, 32-25 mg ENTRESTO ORAL TABLET 24-26 MG, 49-51 MG, 97-103 MG irbesartan oral tablet 150 mg, 300 mg, 75 mg irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 150-12.5 mg, 300-12.5 mg losartan oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg losartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 100-12.5 mg, 100-25 mg, 50-12.5 mg telmisartan oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg (Midodrine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) (Vazculep) $0 (Tier 1) (Minipress) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA; QL (180 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Atacand) $0 (Tier 1) (Atacand HCT) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Avapro) $0 (Tier 1) (Avalide) $0 (Tier 1) (Cozaar) (Hyzaar) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Micardis) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 85 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 40-12.5 mg, 80-12.5 mg, 80-25 mg TRIBENZOR ORAL TABLET 20-5-12.5 MG, 40-10-12.5 MG, 40-10-25 MG, 40-5-12.5 MG, 40-5-25 MG valsartan oral tablet 160 mg, 320 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 160-12.5 mg, 160-25 mg, 320-12.5 mg, 320-25 mg, 80-12.5 mg Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors benazepril oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-12.5 mg, 20-12.5 mg, 20-25 mg, 5-6.25 mg captopril oral tablet 100 mg, 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg captopril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 25-15 mg, 25-25 mg, 50-15 mg, 50-25 mg enalapril maleate oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg enalaprilat intravenous solution 1.25 mg/ml enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-25 mg, 5-12.5 mg fosinopril oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-12.5 mg, 20-12.5 mg lisinopril oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-12.5 mg, 20-12.5 mg, 20-25 mg (Micardis HCT) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Diovan) $0 (Tier 1) (Diovan HCT) $0 (Tier 1) (Lotensin) $0 (Tier 1) (Lotensin HCT) $0 (Tier 1) (Captopril) $0 (Tier 1) (Captopril/Hydrochlo rothiazide) (Vasotec) $0 (Tier 1) (Enalaprilat Dihydrate) (Vaseretic) $0 (Tier 1) (Fosinopril Sodium) (Fosinopril/Hydrochl orothiazide) (Zestril) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Zestoretic) $0 (Tier 1) ST $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 86 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug moexipril oral tablet 15 mg, 7.5 mg moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 15-12.5 mg, 15-25 mg, 7.5-12.5 mg perindopril erbumine oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg quinapril oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-12.5 mg, 20-12.5 mg, 20-25 mg ramipril oral capsule 1.25 mg, 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg trandolapril oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg Antiarrhythmic Agents amiodarone oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg disopyramide phosphate oral capsule 100 mg, 150 mg dofetilide oral capsule 125 mcg, 250 mcg, 500 mcg flecainide oral tablet 100 mg, 150 mg, 50 mg lidocaine (pf) intravenous syringe 50 mg/5 ml (1 %) lidocaine in 5 % dextrose (pf) intravenous parenteral solution 8 mg/ml (0.8 %) mexiletine oral capsule 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg MULTAQ ORAL TABLET 400 MG pacerone oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg procainamide injection solution 100 mg/ml, 500 mg/ml propafenone oral capsule,extended release 12 hr 225 mg, 325 mg, 425 mg (Moexipril HCl) (Moexipril/Hydrochl orothiazide) (Aceon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Accupril) $0 (Tier 1) (Accuretic) $0 (Tier 1) (Altace) $0 (Tier 1) (Mavik) $0 (Tier 1) (Cordarone) $0 (Tier 1) (Norpace) $0 (Tier 1) (Tikosyn) $0 (Tier 1) (Tambocor) $0 (Tier 1) (Lidocaine HCl/PF) $0 (Tier 1) (Lidocaine HCl/D5w/PF) (Mexiletine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cordarone) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) (Procainamide HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Rythmol SR) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 87 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug propafenone oral tablet 150 mg, 225 mg, 300 mg quinidine gluconate oral tablet extended release 324 mg quinidine sulfate oral tablet 200 mg, 300 mg quinidine sulfate oral tablet extended release 300 mg Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents acebutolol oral capsule 200 mg, 400 mg atenolol oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg atenolol-chlorthalidone oral tablet 100-25 mg, 50-25 mg betaxolol oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg bisoprolol fumarate oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 10-6.25 mg, 2.5-6.25 mg, 5-6.25 mg BYSTOLIC ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 2.5 MG, 20 MG, 5 MG carvedilol oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 3.125 mg, 6.25 mg esmolol intravenous solution 100 mg/10 ml (10 mg/ml) labetalol intravenous solution 5 mg/ml labetalol oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg metoprolol succinate oral tablet extended release 24 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg metoprolol ta-hydrochlorothiaz oral tablet 100-25 mg, 100-50 mg, 50-25 mg metoprolol tartrate intravenous solution 5 mg/5 ml (Rythmol) $0 (Tier 1) (Quinidine Gluconate) (Quinidine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Quinidine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Sectral) (Tenormin) (Tenoretic 50) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Betaxolol HCl) (Zebeta) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Ziac) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Coreg) $0 (Tier 1) (Brevibloc) $0 (Tier 1) (Labetalol HCl) (Trandate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Toprol XL) $0 (Tier 1) (Lopressor HCT) $0 (Tier 1) (Metoprolol Tartrate) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 88 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug metoprolol tartrate intravenous syringe 5 mg/5 ml metoprolol tartrate oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 37.5 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg nadolol oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg pindolol oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg propranolol intravenous solution 1 mg/ml propranolol oral capsule,extended release 24 hr 120 mg, 160 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg propranolol oral solution 20 mg/5 ml (4 mg/ml), 40 mg/5 ml (8 mg/ml) propranolol oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 40-25 mg, 80-25 mg sorine oral tablet 120 mg, 160 mg, 240 mg, 80 mg sotalol 120 mg tablet 120 mg sotalol af oral tablet 120 mg sotalol oral tablet 160 mg, 240 mg, 80 mg timolol maleate oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg Calcium-Channel Blocking Agents cartia xt oral capsule,extended release 24hr 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg diltiazem 24hr er 180 mg cap 180 mg diltiazem 24hr er 360 mg cap 360 mg diltiazem hcl intravenous recon soln 100 mg diltiazem hcl intravenous solution 5 mg/ml diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 180 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 12 hr 120 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg (Metoprolol Tartrate) $0 (Tier 1) (Lopressor) $0 (Tier 1) (Corgard) (Pindolol) (Propranolol HCl) (Inderal LA) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Propranolol HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Propranolol HCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Propranolol/Hydroc hlorothiazid) (Betapace) $0 (Tier 1) (Betapace) (Betapace) (Betapace) (Timolol Maleate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) (Cardizem CD) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 89 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 24hr 120 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg diltiazem hcl oral tablet 120 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg diltiazem hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg dilt-xr oral capsule,ext release degradable 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg matzim la oral tablet extended release 24 hr 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg taztia xt oral capsule, extended release 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg, 360 mg verapamil intravenous syringe 2.5 mg/ml verapamil oral capsule, 24 hr er pellet ct 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg verapamil oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg, 360 mg verapamil oral tablet 120 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg verapamil oral tablet extended release 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg Cardiovascular Agents, Miscellaneous CORLANOR ORAL TABLET 5 MG, 7.5 MG DEMSER ORAL CAPSULE 250 MG digitek oral tablet 125 mcg (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem LA) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Cardizem CD) $0 (Tier 1) (Verapamil HCl) (Verelan Pm) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Verelan) $0 (Tier 1) (Calan) $0 (Tier 1) (Calan SR) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) ST (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 90 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug digitek oral tablet 250 mcg (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 1) digox 125 mcg tablet 125 mcg (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 1) digox 250 mcg tablet 250 mcg (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 1) digoxin 0.25 mg/ml syringe 250 mcg/ml (Digoxin) $0 (Tier 1) digoxin injection solution 250 mcg/ml (Digoxin) $0 (Tier 1) DIGOXIN ORAL SOLUTION 50 MCG/ML digoxin oral tablet 125 mcg $0 (Tier 2) (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (300 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 91 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug digoxin oral tablet 250 mcg (Lanoxin) $0 (Tier 1) dobutamine in d5w intravenous parenteral solution 1,000 mg/250 ml (4,000 mcg/ml), 250 mg/250 ml (1 mg/ml), 500 mg/250 ml (2,000 mcg/ml) dobutamine intravenous solution 250 mg/20 ml (12.5 mg/ml) dopamine in 5 % dextrose intravenous solution 200 mg/250 ml (800 mcg/ml), 400 mg/250 ml (1,600 mcg/ml), 800 mg/250 ml (3,200 mcg/ml) dopamine intravenous solution 200 mg/5 ml (40 mg/ml), 400 mg/5 ml (80 mg/ml), 800 mg/10 ml (80 mg/ml), 800 mg/5 ml (160 mg/ml) ephedrine sulfate injection solution 50 mg/ml epinephrine hcl (pf) intravenous solution 1 mg/ml (1 ml) epinephrine injection auto-injector 0.15 mg/0.15 ml, 0.3 mg/0.3 ml epinephrine injection solution 1 mg/ml (1 ml) epinephrine injection syringe 0.1 mg/ml EPIPEN 2-PAK INJECTION AUTO-INJECTOR 0.3 MG/0.3 ML EPIPEN JR 2-PAK INJECTION AUTO-INJECTOR 0.15 MG/0.3 ML (Dobutamine HCl/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA BvD (Dobutamine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Dopamine HCl/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Dopamine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Ephedrine Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Epinephrine HCl/PF) (Adrenaclick) $0 (Tier 1) (Epinephrine) $0 (Tier 1) (Epinephrine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 92 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ethamolin intravenous solution 5 % FIRAZYR SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 30 MG/3 ML hydralazine injection solution 20 mg/ml hydralazine oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg LANOXIN ORAL TABLET 187.5 MCG (Ethanolamine Oleate) $0 (Tier 2) (Hydralazine HCl) (Hydralazine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Milrinone Lactate/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) (High Risk Med for Ages 65 and Older and Dose is Greater Than 125mcg Per Day); QL (30 per 30 days) PA BvD (Milrinone Lactate) (Levophed Bitartrate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD (Papaverine HCl) (Papaverine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA PA LANOXIN ORAL TABLET 62.5 MCG milrinone in 5 % dextrose intravenous piggyback 20 mg/100 ml (200 mcg/ml), 40 mg/200 ml (200 mcg/ml) milrinone intravenous solution 1 mg/ml norepinephrine bitartrate intravenous solution 1 mg/ml papaverine injection solution 30 mg/ml papaverine oral capsule, extended release 150 mg RANEXA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HR 1,000 MG, 500 MG Dihydropyridines afeditab cr oral tablet extended release 30 mg, 60 mg $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Adalat CC) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 93 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug amlodipine oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg amlodipine-benazepril oral capsule 10-20 mg, 10-40 mg, 2.5-10 mg, 5-10 mg, 5-20 mg, 5-40 mg amlodipine-valsartan oral tablet 10-160 mg, 10-320 mg, 5-160 mg, 5-320 mg amlodipine-valsartan-hcthiazid oral tablet 10-160-12.5 mg, 10-160-25 mg, 10-320-25 mg, 5-160-12.5 mg, 5-160-25 mg AZOR ORAL TABLET 10-20 MG, 10-40 MG, 5-20 MG, 5-40 MG CLEVIPREX INTRAVENOUS EMULSION 50 MG/100 ML felodipine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg isradipine oral capsule 2.5 mg, 5 mg nicardipine oral capsule 20 mg, 30 mg nifedical xl oral tablet extended release 24hr 30 mg, 60 mg nifedipine er 30 mg tablet f/c 30 mg nifedipine oral tablet extended release 24hr 30 mg nifedipine oral tablet extended release 24hr 60 mg, 90 mg Diuretics amiloride oral tablet 5 mg amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 5-50 mg bumetanide injection solution 0.25 mg/ml bumetanide oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg chlorothiazide oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg chlorothiazide sodium intravenous recon soln 500 mg (Norvasc) $0 (Tier 1) (Lotrel) $0 (Tier 1) (Exforge) $0 (Tier 1) (Exforge HCT) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) (Felodipine) $0 (Tier 1) (Isradipine) (Nicardipine HCl) (Procardia XL) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Adalat CC) (Adalat CC) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Procardia XL) $0 (Tier 1) (Amiloride HCl) (Amiloride/Hydrochl orothiazide) (Bumetanide) (Bumetanide) (Chlorothiazide) (Sodium Diuril) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 94 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug chlorthalidone oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg DYRENIUM ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 50 MG furosemide injection solution 10 mg/ml furosemide injection syringe 10 mg/ml furosemide oral solution 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/5 ml (8 mg/ml) furosemide oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg hydrochlorothiazide oral capsule 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg indapamide oral tablet 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg methyclothiazide oral tablet 5 mg metolazone oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg torsemide oral tablet 10 mg, 100 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral capsule 37.5-25 mg, 50-25 mg triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 37.5-25 mg, 75-50 mg Dyslipidemics amlodipine-atorvastatin oral tablet 10-10 mg, 10-20 mg, 10-40 mg, 10-80 mg, 2.5-10 mg, 2.5-20 mg, 2.5-40 mg, 5-10 mg, 5-20 mg, 5-40 mg, 5-80 mg atorvastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg cholestyramine light oral powder 4 gram (Chlorthalidone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Furosemide) (Furosemide) (Furosemide) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lasix) $0 (Tier 1) (Microzide) (Hydrochlorothiazide ) (Indapamide) (Methyclothiazide) (Zaroxolyn) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Demadex) $0 (Tier 1) (Dyazide) $0 (Tier 1) (Maxzide) $0 (Tier 1) (Caduet) $0 (Tier 1) (Lipitor) $0 (Tier 1) (Cholestyramine/Asp artame) cholestyramine light oral powder in packet (Questran) 4 gram cholestyramine packet 4 gram (Questran) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 95 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug colestipol hcl granules packet 5 gram colestipol oral granules 5 gram colestipol oral tablet 1 gram cvs fish oil 1,200 mg softgel softgel, natural 360-1,200 mg * cvs niacin flush free 500 mg 400 mg niacin (500 mg) * cvs omega-3 gummy fish child, brain booster 100 mg * endur-acin sr 250 mg tablet 250 mg * endur-acin sr 500 mg tablet 500 mg * eql omega 3 fish oil softgel 684-1,200 mg * fenofibrate micronized oral capsule 130 mg, 134 mg, 200 mg, 43 mg, 67 mg fenofibrate nanocrystallized oral tablet 145 mg, 48 mg fenofibrate oral tablet 120 mg, 160 mg, 40 mg, 54 mg fenofibric acid (choline) oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 135 mg, 45 mg fenofibric acid oral tablet 105 mg, 35 mg fish oil 1,000 mg capsule 340-1,000 mg * (Colestid) (Colestid) (Colestid) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Niacin (Inositol Niacinate)) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) (Slo-Niacin) (Slo-Niacin) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Lofibra) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Tricor) $0 (Tier 1) (Lofibra) $0 (Tier 1) (Trilipix) $0 (Tier 1) (Fibricor) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) fish oil 1,000 mg softgel 500 mg * (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) fish oil 1,000 mg softgel s/f,na/f, yeast free (Omega-3 Fatty 300-1,000 mg * Acids/Fish Oil) fish oil 1,000 mg softgel softgel, s/f, na/f (Omega-3 Fatty 340-1,000 mg * Acids/Fish Oil) fish oil 1,000 mg softgel softgel, s/f, p/f (Omega-3 Fatty 300-1,000 mg * Acids/Fish Oil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 96 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Salmon Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids) fish oil concentrate softgel softgel, (Omega-3 Fatty ex-strengh 435-880 mg * Acids/Fish Oil) fish oil dr 1,000 mg softgel 300-1,000 mg * (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) fish oil dr 500 mg softgel 60-90-500 mg * (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) fish oil pearls softgel 150-400 mg, 180-400 (Omega-3 Fatty mg, 300-400 mg * Acids/Fish Oil) gemfibrozil oral tablet 600 mg (Lopid) JUXTAPID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 20 MG, 30 MG, 40 MG, 5 MG, 60 MG KYNAMRO SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 200 MG/ML LIVALO ORAL TABLET 1 MG, 2 MG, 4 MG lovastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg (Mevacor) maxepa capsule 500 mg * (Omega-3 Fatty Acids) niacin 100 mg tablet 100 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin 125 mg capsule sa (otc) 125 mg * (Niacin) niacin 250 mg tablet 250 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin 250 mg tablet sa p/f,s/f 250 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin 400 mg capsule sa 400 mg * (Niacin) niacin 50 mg tablet 50 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin 500 mg capsule sa 500 mg * (Niacin) niacin 500 mg tablet 500 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin 750 mg tablet sa 750 mg * (Slo-Niacin) niacin er 1,000 mg tablet 1,000 mg * (Slo-Niacin) fish oil 1,200 mg softgel s/f, gluten-free 360-1,200 mg * fish oil 500 mg softgel 500-100 mg * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 97 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug niacin flush-free 500 mg cap s/f,p/f,na/f 400 mg niacin (500 mg) * niacin inositol 500 mg capsule 400 mg niacin (500 mg) * niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 1,000 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg niacin sa 250 mg capsule (otc) 250 mg * niacin tr 500 mg caplet caplet 500 mg * niacinamide 500 mg tablet 500 mg * niacor oral tablet 500 mg omega 3 fish oil softgel 684-1,200 mg * omega-3 acid ethyl esters oral capsule 1 gram omega-3 fish oil 1,760 mg stgl 440-880 mg * PRALUENT PEN SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 150 MG/ML, 75 MG/ML PRALUENT SYRINGE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 150 MG/ML, 75 MG/ML pravastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg prevalite oral powder 4 gram prevalite packet outer 4 gram ra fish oil 1,000 mg softgel softgel,s/f,p/f 300-500 mg * ra niacin 500 mg tablet no flush 500 mg * (Niacin (Inositol Niacinate)) (Niacin (Inositol Niacinate)) (Niaspan) $0 (Tier 4) (Niacin) (Slo-Niacin) (Niacinamide) (Niacin) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Lovaza) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (2 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (2 per 28 days) (Pravachol) $0 (Tier 1) (Cholestyramine/Asp artame) (Cholestyramine/Asp artame) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Niacin (Inositol Niacinate)) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 98 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug REPATHA PUSHTRONEX SUBCUTANEOUS WEARABLE INJECTOR 420 MG/3.5 ML REPATHA SURECLICK SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 140 MG/ML REPATHA SYRINGE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 140 MG/ML rosuvastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg sea-omega 30 capsule p/f,s/f,gluten free 360-1,200 mg * simvastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg simvastatin oral tablet 80 mg sm fish oil 1,200 mg softgel softgel, gluten-free 360-1,200 mg * SUPER TWIN EPA-DHA 1,250 MG 1,250 MG * VASCEPA ORAL CAPSULE 1 GRAM WELCHOL ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 3.75 GRAM WELCHOL ORAL TABLET 625 MG ZETIA ORAL TABLET 10 MG Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Inhibitors eplerenone oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg spironolactone oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg spironolacton-hydrochlorothiaz oral tablet 25-25 mg Vasodilators BIDIL ORAL TABLET 20-37.5 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (3.5 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (3 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (3 per 28 days) (Crestor) $0 (Tier 1) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) (Zocor) $0 (Tier 4) (Zocor) (Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Inspra) (Aldactone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Aldactazide) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 99 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug isosorbide dinitrate oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg isosorbide dinitrate oral tablet extended release 40 mg isosorbide dinitrate sublingual tablet 2.5 mg, 5 mg isosorbide mononitrate oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg isosorbide mononitrate oral tablet extended release 24 hr 120 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg minitran transdermal patch 24 hour 0.1 mg/hr, 0.2 mg/hr, 0.6 mg/hr minitran transdermal patch 24 hour 0.4 mg/hr minoxidil oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg NITRO-BID TRANSDERMAL OINTMENT 2 % nitroglycerin in 5 % dextrose intravenous solution 100 mg/250 ml (400 mcg/ml), 25 mg/250 ml (100 mcg/ml), 50 mg/250 ml (200 mcg/ml) nitroglycerin intravenous solution 50 mg/10 ml (5 mg/ml) nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 hour 0.1 mg/hr, 0.2 mg/hr, 0.6 mg/hr nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 hour 0.4 mg/hr NITROSTAT SUBLINGUAL TABLET 0.3 MG, 0.4 MG, 0.6 MG PROGLYCEM ORAL SUSPENSION 50 MG/ML (Isochron) $0 (Tier 1) (Isochron) $0 (Tier 1) (Isosorbide Dinitrate) $0 (Tier 1) (Isosorbide Mononitrate) (Imdur) $0 (Tier 1) (Nitro-Dur) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Nitro-Dur) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Minoxidil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Nitroglycerin/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) (Nitroglycerin) $0 (Tier 1) (Nitro-Dur) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Nitro-Dur) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 100 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Central Nervous System Agents Central Nervous System Agents AMPYRA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12 HR 10 MG caffeine citrated intravenous solution 60 mg/3 ml (20 mg/ml) caffeine citrated oral solution 60 mg/3 ml (20 mg/ml) caffeine-sodium benzoate injection solution 250 mg/ml (125 mg/ml caffeine) clonidine hcl oral tablet extended release 12 hr 0.1 mg dexmethylphenidate oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg dextroamphetamine oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 20 mg, 25 mg, 30 mg dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral tablet 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg flumazenil intravenous solution 0.1 mg/ml guanfacine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg lithium carbonate oral capsule 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg lithium carbonate oral tablet 300 mg $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) (Cafcit) $0 (Tier 1) (Cafcit) $0 (Tier 1) (Caffeine/Sodium Benzoate) (Kapvay) $0 (Tier 1) (Focalin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Dexedrine) $0 (Tier 1) QL (120 per 30 days) (Dexedrine) $0 (Tier 1) QL (180 per 30 days) (Adderall XR) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Adderall XR) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Adderall) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Romazicon) (Intuniv) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lithium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 1) (Lithobid) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 101 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug lithium carbonate oral tablet extended release 300 mg, 450 mg lithium citrate oral solution 8 meq/5 ml methylphenidate cd 20 mg cap 20 mg methylphenidate cd 40 mg cap 40 mg methylphenidate oral capsule, er biphasic 30-70 10 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg methylphenidate oral capsule, er biphasic 30-70 30 mg methylphenidate oral capsule,er biphasic 50-50 20 mg, 40 mg methylphenidate oral solution 10 mg/5 ml, 5 mg/5 ml methylphenidate oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg methylphenidate oral tablet extended release 10 mg, 20 mg methylphenidate oral tablet extended release 24hr 18 mg, 27 mg, 54 mg methylphenidate oral tablet extended release 24hr 36 mg NUEDEXTA ORAL CAPSULE 20-10 MG phentermine 15 mg capsule 15 mg * (Lithobid) $0 (Tier 1) (Lithium Citrate) (Metadate Cd) (Metadate Cd) (Metadate Cd) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) (Metadate Cd) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) (Metadate Cd) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Methylin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (900 per 30 days) (Ritalin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) (Methylphenidate HCl) (Concerta) $0 (Tier 1) QL (90 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Concerta) $0 (Tier 1) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) (Adipex-P) $0 (Tier 3) phentermine 30 mg capsule pelletized 30 mg * phentermine 37.5 mg capsule 37.5 mg * (Adipex-P) $0 (Tier 3) (Adipex-P) $0 (Tier 3) phentermine 37.5 mg tablet 37.5 mg * (Adipex-P) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 102 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug QUILLIVANT XR ORAL SUSPENSION,EXT REL 24HR,RECON 5 MG/ML (25 MG/5 ML) riluzole oral tablet 50 mg SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 12.5 MG, 25 MG, 50 MG SAVELLA ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 12.5 MG (5)-25 MG(8)-50 MG(42) STRATTERA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 100 MG, 18 MG, 25 MG, 40 MG, 60 MG, 80 MG tetrabenazine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg $0 (Tier 2) (Rilutek) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Xenazine) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (112 per 28 days) (Amethyst) (Modicon) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Desogen) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) (Amethyst) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) Contraceptives Contraceptives AIMSCO LATEX CONDOM * altavera (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg alyacen 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg alyacen 7/7/7 (28) oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg amethia lo oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.10 mg-20 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) amethia oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) apri oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg aranelle (28) oral tablet 0.5/1/0.5-35 mg-mcg ashlyna oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) aubra oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg aviane oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 103 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug azurette (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 balziva (28) oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg bekyree (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 blisovi 24 fe oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) blisovi fe 1.5/30 (28) oral tablet 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) blisovi fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) briellyn oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg camila oral tablet 0.35 mg camrese lo oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.10 mg-20 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) camrese oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) caziant (28) oral tablet 0.1/.125/.15-25 mg-mcg CONDOMS LUBRICATED * cryselle (28) oral tablet 0.3-30 mg-mcg cyclafem 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg cyclafem 7/7/7 (28) oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg cyred oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg dasetta 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg dasetta 7/7/7 (28) oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg daysee oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) deblitane oral tablet 0.35 mg delyla (28) oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) (Nor-Q-D) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Desogen) $0 (Tier 1) (Norgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) (Desogen) (Modicon) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 1) (Nor-Q-D) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 104 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug desog-e.estradiol/e.estradiol oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 3-0.02 mg, 3-0.03 mg econtra ez 1.5 mg tablet inner 1.5 mg * elinest oral tablet 0.3-30 mg-mcg ELLA ORAL TABLET 30 MG emoquette oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg enpresse oral tablet 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) enskyce oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg errin oral tablet 0.35 mg estarylla oral tablet 0.25-35 mg-mcg fallback solo 1.5 mg tablet inner 1.5 mg * falmina (28) oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg FANTASY CONDOM * gianvi (28) oral tablet 3-0.02 mg gildagia oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg gildess 1.5/30 (21) oral tablet 1.5-30 mg-mcg gildess 1/20 (21) oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg gildess 24 fe oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) gildess fe 1.5/30 (28) oral tablet 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) gildess fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) GYNOL II 3% GEL 3 % * heather oral tablet 0.35 mg (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) (Desogen) $0 (Tier 1) (Yaz) $0 (Tier 1) (Aftera) (Norgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 365 days) (Desogen) (Amethyst) (Desogen) (Nor-Q-D) (Ortho-Cyclen) (Aftera) (Amethyst) (Yaz) (Modicon) (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Nor-Q-D) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 365 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 105 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug introvale oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg jencycla oral tablet 0.35 mg jolessa oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg jolivette oral tablet 0.35 mg juleber oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg junel 1.5/30 (21) oral tablet 1.5-30 mg-mcg junel 1/20 (21) oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg junel fe 1.5/30 (28) oral tablet 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) junel fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) junel fe 24 oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) kariva (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 kelnor 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg kimidess (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 KIMONO CONDOMS * KIMONO MAXX CONDOM * KIMONO MICROTHIN AQUA LUBE * KIMONO MICROTHIN CONDOM * KIMONO MICROTHIN LARGE CONDOM * KIMONO TEXTURED CONDOM * kurvelo oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg l norgest/e.estradiol-e.estrad oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.10 mg-20 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7), 0.15 mg-30 mcg (84)/10 mcg (7) (Levonorgestrel-Ethi n Estradiol) (Nor-Q-D) (Levonorgestrel-Ethi n Estradiol) (Nor-Q-D) (Desogen) (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Loestrin) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) (Demulen 1-50-21) (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Amethyst) (Seasonique) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 106 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug larin 1.5/30 (21) oral tablet 1.5-30 mg-mcg larin 1/20 (21) oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg larin 24 fe oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) larin fe 1.5/30 (28) oral tablet 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) larin fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) larissia oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg leena 28 oral tablet 0.5/1/0.5-35 mg-mcg lessina oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg levonest (28) oral tablet 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) levonor-eth estrad 0.15-0.03 outer 0.15-0.03 mg levonorgestrel 1.5 mg tablet (otc) 1.5 mg * levonorgestrel oral tablet 0.75 mg levonorgestrel oral tablet 1.5 mg levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg levonorg-eth estrad triphasic oral tablet 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) levora-28 oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg lomedia 24 fe oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) loryna (28) oral tablet 3-0.02 mg low-ogestrel (28) oral tablet 0.3-30 mg-mcg lutera (28) oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg lyza oral tablet 0.35 mg (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Amethyst) (Modicon) (Amethyst) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Aftera) $0 (Tier 4) QL (6 per 365 days) (Plan B One-Step) (Plan B One-Step) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (12 per 365 days) QL (6 per 365 days) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) QL (91 per 84 days) (Amethyst) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Yaz) (Norgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol) (Amethyst) (Nor-Q-D) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 107 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug marlissa oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg microgestin 1.5/30 (21) oral tablet 1.5-30 mg-mcg microgestin 1/20 (21) oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg microgestin fe 1.5/30 (28) oral tablet 1.5 mg-30 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) microgestin fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) mono-linyah oral tablet 0.25-35 mg-mcg mononessa (28) oral tablet 0.25-35 mg-mcg my way 1.5 mg tablet (otc) 1.5 mg * myzilra oral tablet 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) necon 0.5/35 (28) oral tablet 0.5-35 mg-mcg necon 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg necon 1/50 (28) oral tablet 1-50 mg-mcg necon 10/11 (28) oral tablet 0.5-35/1-35 mg-mcg/mg-mcg necon 7/7/7 (28) oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg next choice one dose 1.5 mg tb (otc) 1.5 mg * next choice one dose oral tablet 1.5 mg nikki (28) oral tablet 3-0.02 mg nora-be oral tablet 0.35 mg norethindrone (contraceptive) oral tablet 0.35 mg norethindrone ac-eth estradiol oral tablet 1-20 mg-mcg norethindrone-e.estradiol-iron oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (24)/75 mg (4) (Amethyst) (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Aftera) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) (Norinyl 1+50) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) (Aftera) $0 (Tier 4) QL (6 per 365 days) (Plan B One-Step) (Yaz) (Nor-Q-D) (Nor-Q-D) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 365 days) (Loestrin) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) QL (6 per 365 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 108 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug norg-ee 0.18-0.215-0.25/0.035 3x28 day regimen 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-25 mcg, 0.25-35 mg-mcg norlyroc oral tablet 0.35 mg nortrel 0.5/35 (28) oral tablet 0.5-35 mg-mcg nortrel 1/35 (21) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg nortrel 1/35 (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg nortrel 7/7/7 (28) oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg NUVARING VAGINAL RING 0.12-0.015 MG/24 HR ocella oral tablet 3-0.03 mg ogestrel (28) oral tablet 0.5-50 mg-mcg opcicon one-step 1.5 mg tablet 1.5 mg * orsythia oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg philith oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg pimtrea (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 pirmella oral tablet 0.5/0.75/1 mg- 35 mcg, 1-35 mg-mcg portia oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg previfem oral tablet 0.25-35 mg-mcg quasense oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg react 1.5 mg tablet 1.5 mg * reclipsen (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg setlakin oral tablets,dose pack,3 month 0.15 mg-30 mcg sharobel oral tablet 0.35 mg (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Nor-Q-D) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) (Modicon) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Yaz) (Norgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol) (Aftera) (Amethyst) (Modicon) (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) (Amethyst) (Ortho-Cyclen) (Levonorgestrel-Ethi n Estradiol) (Aftera) (Desogen) (Levonorgestrel-Ethi n Estradiol) (Nor-Q-D) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) ST; QL (1 per 28 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (91 per 84 days) QL (6 per 365 days) QL (91 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 109 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sprintec (28) oral tablet 0.25-35 mg-mcg sronyx oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg syeda oral tablet 3-0.03 mg tarina fe 1/20 (28) oral tablet 1 mg-20 mcg (21)/75 mg (7) tilia fe oral tablet 1-20(5)/1-30(7) /1mg-35mcg (9) tri-estarylla oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) tri-legest fe oral tablet 1-20(5)/1-30(7) /1mg-35mcg (9) tri-linyah oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) tri-lo-estarylla oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-25 mcg tri-lo-marzia oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-25 mcg tri-lo-sprintec oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-25 mcg trinessa (28) oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) tri-previfem (28) oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) tri-sprintec (28) oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28) trivora (28) oral tablet 50-30 (6)/75-40 (5)/125-30(10) TRUSTEX CONDOM * TRUSTEX CONDOM 12'S,EXTRA STRENGTH * TRUSTEX LATEX CONDOM 12'S * TRUSTEX-RIA CONDOM 12'S,W/SPERMICIDE * (Ortho-Cyclen) (Amethyst) (Yaz) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Loestrin Fe) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Ortho-Cyclen) $0 (Tier 1) (Amethyst) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 110 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TRUSTEX-RIA CONDOM 48'S,NON-LUBRICATED * vcf contraceptive foam 12.5 % * velivet triphasic regimen (28) oral tablet 0.1/.125/.15-25 mg-mcg vestura (28) oral tablet 3-0.02 mg vienva oral tablet 0.1-20 mg-mcg viorele (28) oral tablet 0.15-0.02 mgx21 /0.01 mg x 5 vyfemla (28) oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg wera (28) oral tablet 0.5-35 mg-mcg WIDE SEAL DIAPHRAGM 70MM 70 MM * xulane transdermal patch weekly 150-35 mcg/24 hr zarah oral tablet 3-0.03 mg zenchent (28) oral tablet 0.4-35 mg-mcg zovia 1/35e (28) oral tablet 1-35 mg-mcg zovia 1/50e (28) oral tablet 1-50 mg-mcg $0 (Tier 4) (Nonoxynol 9) (Desogen) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Yaz) (Amethyst) (Mircette) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Modicon) (Modicon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 3) (Ortho Evra) $0 (Tier 1) (Yaz) (Modicon) (Demulen 1-50-21) (Demulen 1-50-21) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (3 per 28 days) Cough And Cold Products Cough And Cold Products adult wal-tussin liquid 100 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) benzonatate 100 mg capsule 100 mg * (Zonatuss) benzonatate 150 mg capsule 150 mg * (Zonatuss) benzonatate 200 mg capsule 200 mg * (Zonatuss) cheratussin ac syrup (otc) 10-100 mg/5 ml (M-Clear Wc) * children's silfedrine liq 15 mg/5 ml * (Pseudoephedrine HCl) childs sudafed 15 mg/5 ml liq (Pseudoephedrine non-drowsy,a/f,s/f 15 mg/5 ml * HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 111 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug chl mucinex chest congest liq a/f 100 mg/5 (Robitussin ml * Mucus-Chest Congest) cvs child's chest congest liq 100 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) diabetic tussin ex liquid a/f,d/f,na/f,s/f 100 (Robitussin mg/5 ml * Mucus-Chest Congest) expectorant 100 mg/5 ml syrup 100 mg/5 (Robitussin ml * Mucus-Chest Congest) liquituss gg 200 mg/5 ml liq 200 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) mar-cof cg liquid 7.5-225 mg/5 ml * (M-Clear Wc) nasal-sinus decongest tab 30 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) ninjacof-xg liquid 8-200 mg/5 ml * (M-Clear Wc) phenylhistine dh liquid (otc) 2-30-10 mg/5 (P-Ephed ml * HCl/Cod/Chlorpheni r) promethazine vc-codeine syrup 6.25-5-10 (Promethazine/Pheny mg/5 ml * leph/Codeine) promethazine-codeine syrup 6.25-10 mg/5 (Promethazine ml * HCl/Codeine) promethazine-dm syrup 6.25-15 mg/5 ml * (Promethazine/Dextr omethorphan) pseudoephed 30 mg/5 ml soln 30 mg/5 ml * (Pseudoephedrine HCl) pseudoephedrine 30 mg tablet 30 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) pseudoephedrine 60 mg tablet ex-str, non drowsy (otc) 60 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 112 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) relcof c liquid 6.3-100 mg/5 ml * (M-Clear Wc) robafen 100 mg/5 ml syrup 100 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) scot-tussin 100 mg/5 ml liq 100 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) siltussin sa 100 mg/5 ml syr 100 mg/5 ml * (Robitussin Mucus-Chest Congest) sm adult nasal decongestant lq 15 mg/5 ml (Pseudoephedrine * HCl) sudafed 30 mg tablet non-drowsy,max-str (Sudafed 12-Hour) 30 mg * sudogest 30 mg tablet boxed 30 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) sudogest 60 mg tablet 60 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) (Pseudoephedrine HCl) trymine cg liquid 7.5-225 mg/5 ml * (M-Clear Wc) valu-tapp decongestant drop 7.5 mg/0.8 ml (Pseudoephedrine * HCl) virtussin ac liquid 10-100 mg/5 ml * (M-Clear Wc) wal-phed 30 mg tablet non-drowsy 30 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) zephrex-d 30 mg tablet 30 mg * (Sudafed 12-Hour) $0 (Tier 4) (Evoxac) $0 (Tier 1) q-tussin 100 mg/5 ml solution a/f, non-drowsy 100 mg/5 ml * suphedrin liquid 15 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) Dental And Oral Agents Dental And Oral Agents cevimeline oral capsule 30 mg You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 113 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug chlorhexidine gluconate mucous membrane mouthwash 0.12 % dry mouth mouthwash a/f, mint flavor * oralone dental paste 0.1 % (Peridex) $0 (Tier 1) (Saliva Substitute Combo No.7) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) (Peridex) $0 (Tier 4) periogard mucous membrane mouthwash 0.12 % pilocarpine hcl oral tablet 5 mg, 7.5 mg (Salagen) triamcinolone acetonide dental paste 0.1 % (Triamcinolone Acetonide) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents, Other 8-MOP ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG acitretin oral capsule 10 mg, 17.5 mg, 25 mg acne & blackhead 2.5% gel 2.5 % * acne foaming 10% wash 10 % * acne medication 5% gel 5 % * ACNE MEDICATION 5% LOTION 5 %* acneclear gel 10 % * acyclovir topical ointment 5 % ALCOHOL PADS TOPICAL PADS, MEDICATED ALCOHOL PREP PADS ammonium lactate topical cream 12 % ammonium lactate topical lotion 12 % ANACAINE TOPICAL OINTMENT 10 % benzoyl peroxide 10% gel aqueous (otc) 10 % * benzoyl peroxide 2.5% gel (otc) 2.5 % * (Soriatane) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Bp Wash) (Benzoyl Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Zovirax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Lac-Hydrin) (Lac-Hydrin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Benzoyl Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) (Benzoyl Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 114 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug benzoyl peroxide 3% cleanser (otc) 3 % * benzoyl peroxide 5% gel aqueous (otc) 5 %* benzoyl peroxide 5% wash (otc) 5 % * benzoyl peroxide 6% cleanser (otc) 6 % * benzoyl peroxide 9% cleanser (otc) 9 % * calamine lotion * calcipotriene scalp solution 0.005 % calcipotriene topical cream 0.005 % calcipotriene topical ointment 0.005 % calcitrene topical ointment 0.005 % calcitriol topical ointment 3 mcg/gram clearasil daily clear 10% crm 10 % * CONDYLOX TOPICAL GEL 0.5 % COSENTYX (150 MG/ML) 300 MG DOSE-2 PENS 150 MG/ML COSENTYX (150 MG/ML) 300 MG DOSE-2 SYRINGES 150 MG/ML COSENTYX PEN SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 150 MG/ML COSENTYX SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 150 MG/ML cvs acne foaming face 10% wash 10 % * cvs adv exfoliating 5% cleansr 5 % * elta tar 2% ointment 2 % * fluorouracil topical cream 0.5 %, 5 % fluorouracil topical solution 2 %, 5 % ichthammol 20% ointment 20 % * imiquimod topical cream in packet 5 % (Bp Wash) (Benzoyl Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Bp Wash) (Bp Wash) (Bp Wash) (Calamine) (Calcipotriene) (Dovonex) (Calcipotriene) (Calcipotriene) (Vectical) (Benzoyl Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA (Bp Wash) (Bp Wash) (Coal Tar) (Carac) (Fluorouracil) (Ichthammol) (Aldara) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) methoxsalen rapid oral capsule 10 mg mg217 psoriasis ointment 2 % * panoxyl 10% acne foaming wash 10 % * (Oxsoralen-Ultra) (Coal Tar) (Bp Wash) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA NSO; QL (24 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 115 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug panoxyl-4 acne creamy wash 4 % * PANRETIN TOPICAL GEL 0.1 % persa-gel 10% 12's,max-strength 10 % * PICATO TOPICAL GEL 0.015 % PICATO TOPICAL GEL 0.05 % podocon topical liquid 25 % podofilox topical solution 0.5 % potassium hydroxide topical solution 5 % pub calamine lotion * pv acne pimple 10% gel 10 % * ra scalp itch-dandruff rel liq 3 % * SANTYL TOPICAL OINTMENT 250 UNIT/GRAM TALTZ AUTOINJECTOR SUBCUTANEOUS AUTO-INJECTOR 80 MG/ML TALTZ SYRINGE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 80 MG/ML TOLAK TOPICAL CREAM 4 % VALCHLOR TOPICAL GEL 0.016 % zenatane oral capsule 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg ZOVIRAX TOPICAL CREAM 5 % Dermatological Antibacterials bacitracin 500 unit/gm ointmnt 500 unit/gram * bacitracin-polymyxin ointment 500-10,000 unit/gram * bacitraycin plus 500 unit/gm 500 unit/gram * clindamycin phosphate topical gel 1 % (Bp Wash) (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Podophyllum Resin) (Condylox) (Potassium Hydroxide) (Calamine/Zinc Oxide) (Benzoyl Peroxide) (Salicylic Acid) (Isotretinoin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (3 per 56 days) QL (2 per 56 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Bacitracin) $0 (Tier 4) (Bacitracin/Polymyxi n B Sulfate) (Bacitracin) $0 (Tier 4) (Cleocin T) $0 (Tier 1) QL (15 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 116 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug clindamycin phosphate topical lotion 1 % clindamycin phosphate topical solution 1 % clindamycin phosphate topical swab 1 % cvs antibiotic plus cream 3.5-10,000-10 mg-unit-mg/gram * ery pads topical swab 2 % (Cleocin T) (Cleocin T) (Cleocin T) (Neomycin Su/Plymx B Su/Pram) (Erythromycin Base/Ethanol) erythromycin with ethanol topical gel 2 % (Erygel) erythromycin with ethanol topical solution (Erythromycin 2% Base/Ethanol) erythromycin with ethanol topical swab 2 (Erythromycin % Base/Ethanol) gentamicin topical cream 0.1 % (Gentamicin Sulfate) gentamicin topical ointment 0.1 % (Gentamicin Sulfate) metronidazole topical cream 0.75 % (Metrocream) metronidazole topical gel 0.75 %, 1 % (Rosadan) metronidazole topical lotion 0.75 % (Metrolotion) multi antibiotic plus cream 3.5-10,000-10 (Neomycin Su/Plymx mg-unit-mg/gram * B Su/Pram) mupirocin calcium topical cream 2 % (Bactroban) mupirocin topical ointment 2 % (Centany) neomycin-polymyxin b gu irrigation (Neosporin G.U. solution 40 mg-200,000 unit/ml Irrigant) neosporin + pain relief cream maximum (Neomycin Su/Plymx strength 3.5-10,000-10 mg-unit-mg/gram * B Su/Pram) polysporin ointment (otc) 500-10,000 (Bacitracin/Polymyxi unit/gram * n B Sulfate) rosadan topical cream 0.75 % (Metrocream) selenium sulfide topical lotion 2.5 % (Selenium Sulfide) selenium sulfide topical shampoo 2.25 % (Selenium Sulfide) silver nitrate topical ointment 10 % (Silver Nitrate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 117 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug silver nitrate topical solution 0.5 %, 10 %, 25 %, 50 % silver sulfadiazine topical cream 1 % ssd topical cream 1 % sulfacetamide sodium (acne) topical suspension 10 % Dermatological Anti-Inflammatory Agents ala-cort topical cream 1 % ala-scalp topical lotion 2 % alclometasone topical cream 0.05 % (Silver Nitrate) $0 (Tier 1) (Silvadene) (Silvadene) (Klaron) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Anusol-HC) (Scalacort) (Alclometasone Dipropionate) alclometasone topical ointment 0.05 % (Alclometasone Dipropionate) aquanil hc 1% lotion 1 % * (Cortizone-10) beta hc 1% lotion 1 % * (Cortizone-10) betamethasone dipropionate topical cream (Betamethasone 0.05 % Dipropionate) betamethasone dipropionate topical lotion (Betamethasone 0.05 % Dipropionate) betamethasone dipropionate topical (Betamethasone ointment 0.05 % Dipropionate) betamethasone valerate topical cream 0.1 (Betamethasone % Valerate) betamethasone valerate topical foam 0.12 (Luxiq) % betamethasone valerate topical lotion 0.1 (Betamethasone % Valerate) betamethasone valerate topical ointment (Betamethasone 0.1 % Valerate) betamethasone, augmented topical cream (Diprolene AF) 0.05 % betamethasone, augmented topical gel (Betamethasone 0.05 % Dipropionate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 118 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug betamethasone, augmented topical lotion 0.05 % betamethasone, augmented topical ointment 0.05 % clobetasol 0.05% cream 0.05 % clobetasol scalp solution 0.05 % (Diprolene) $0 (Tier 1) (Diprolene) $0 (Tier 1) (Temovate) (Clobetasol Propionate) clobetasol topical foam 0.05 % (Olux) clobetasol topical gel 0.05 % (Clobetasol Propionate) clobetasol topical lotion 0.05 % (Clobex) clobetasol topical ointment 0.05 % (Temovate) clobetasol topical shampoo 0.05 % (Clobex) clobetasol-emollient topical cream 0.05 % (Temovate) clocortolone pivalate topical cream 0.1 % (Cloderm) colocort rectal enema 100 mg/60 ml (Cortenema) cormax scalp solution 0.05 % (Clobetasol Propionate) cortaid 1% cream 12 hr, anti-itch 1 % * (Hydrocortisone) cortizone-10 1% creme maximum strength (Hydrocortisone) 1%* CORTIZONE-10 1% LOTION 1 % * cortizone-10 1% ointment 1 % * (Hydrocortisone) cvs hydrocortisone 0.5% crm 0.5 % * (Hydrocortisone Acetate) dermarest eczema 1% lotion 1 % * (Cortizone-10) desonide topical cream 0.05 % (Desowen) desonide topical ointment 0.05 % (Desonide) desoximetasone topical cream 0.05 %, (Topicort) 0.25 % desoximetasone topical gel 0.05 % (Topicort) desoximetasone topical ointment 0.05 %, (Topicort) 0.25 % $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 119 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ELIDEL TOPICAL CREAM 1 % fluocinonide topical cream 0.05 % fluocinonide topical gel 0.05 % fluocinonide topical ointment 0.05 % fluocinonide topical solution 0.05 % fluticasone topical cream 0.05 % fluticasone topical ointment 0.005 % halobetasol propionate topical cream 0.05 % halobetasol propionate topical ointment 0.05 % hydro skin 1% lotion 1 % * hydrocortisone 0.5% cream (otc) 0.5 % * hydrocortisone 0.5% ointment 0.5 % * hydrocortisone 1% cream maximum strength (otc) 1 % * hydrocortisone 1% cream maximum strength 1 % * hydrocortisone 1% lotion (otc) 1 % * hydrocortisone 1% ointment carton (otc) 1%* hydrocortisone acet-aloe vera topical gel 2 % hydrocortisone buty 0.1% cream 0.1 % hydrocortisone butyrate topical ointment 0.1 % hydrocortisone butyrate topical solution 0.1 % hydrocortisone butyr-emollient topical cream 0.1 % hydrocortisone rectal enema 100 mg/60 ml (Vanos) (Fluocinonide) (Fluocinonide) (Fluocinonide) (Cutivate) (Fluticasone Propionate) (Ultravate) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Ultravate) $0 (Tier 1) (Cortizone-10) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Hydrocortisone Acetate) (Cortizone-10) (Hydrocortisone) $0 (Tier 4) (Hydrocortisone Acetate/Aloe V) (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) (Locoid) $0 (Tier 1) (Locoid) $0 (Tier 1) (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) (Cortenema) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 120 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug hydrocortisone topical cream 1 %, 2.5 % hydrocortisone topical lotion 2.5 % hydrocortisone topical ointment 1 %, 2.5 % hydrocortisone valerate topical cream 0.2 % hydrocortisone valerate topical ointment 0.2 % mometasone topical cream 0.1 % mometasone topical ointment 0.1 % mometasone topical solution 0.1 % neosporin 1% anti-itch cream 1 % * obagi nu-derm tolereen lotion 0.5 % * ONFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG (Anusol-HC) (Scalacort) (Hydrocortisone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Hydrocortisone Valerate) (Westcort) $0 (Tier 1) (Elocon) (Elocon) (Elocon) (Hydrocortisone) (Cortizone-10) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) prednicarbate topical cream 0.1 % prednicarbate topical ointment 0.1 % preparation h hc 1% cream 1 % * procto-med hc rectal cream 2.5 % procto-pak rectal cream 1 % proctosol hc rectal cream 2.5 % proctozone-hc rectal cream 2.5 % recort plus 1% cream 1 % * tacrolimus topical ointment 0.03 %, 0.1 % triamcinolone acetonide topical cream 0.025 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 % triamcinolone acetonide topical lotion 0.025 %, 0.1 % triamcinolone acetonide topical ointment 0.025 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 % trianex topical ointment 0.05 % (Dermatop) (Dermatop) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) (Anusol-HC) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) (Hydrocortisone) (Protopic) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 121 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug u-cort topical cream 1-10 % Dermatological Retinoids adapalene topical cream 0.1 % adapalene topical gel 0.1 % TAZORAC TOPICAL CREAM 0.05 %, 0.1 % tretinoin gel micro 0.04% tube 0.04 % tretinoin gel micro 0.1% tube 0.1 % tretinoin microspheres topical gel with pump 0.04 %, 0.1 % tretinoin topical cream 0.025 %, 0.05 %, 0.1 % tretinoin topical gel 0.01 %, 0.025 %, 0.05 % Scabicides And Pediculicides bedding 0.5% spray 0.5 % * cvs lice bedding spray 0.5 % * cvs lice killing shampoo maximum strength 0.33-4 % * cvs lice solution kit shamp/gel/spray/comb 4-0.33-0.5 % * cvs permethrin 1% lotion 1 % * eql lice treatment kit 0.33-4 % * lice treatment liquid * malathion topical lotion 0.5 % NIX 1% CREME RINSE LIQUID W/ NIT COMB 1 % * permethrin topical cream 5 % ra lice treatment 1% crm rinse 2x59ml, 2 combs 1 % * (Hydrocortisone Acetate/Urea) $0 (Tier 1) (Differin) (Differin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Retin-A Micro) (Retin-A Micro) (Retin-A Micro) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA PA PA (Retin-A) $0 (Tier 1) PA (Retin-A) $0 (Tier 1) PA (Permethrin) (Permethrin) (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrins) (Pip Butox/Pyrethrins/Per meth) (Nix) (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrins) (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrins) (Ovide) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Elimite) (Nix) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 122 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug rid lice killing shampoo 0.33-4 % * rid pediculicides spray 0.5 % * sm lice treatment permethrin 2's 1 % * stop lice 0.5% spray 0.5 % * v-r lice cream rinse 1 % * (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrins) (Permethrin) (Nix) (Permethrin) (Nix) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) Devices Devices 1ST CHOICE SUPER THIN LANCETS * 1ST TIER COMFORTOUCH 28G LANCT 28 GAUGE * 1ST TIER COMFORTOUCH 30G LANCT 30 GAUGE * ACCU-CHEK ACTIVE TEST STRIP * ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS TEST STRP * ACCU-CHEK AVIVA TEST STRIPS NOT FOR RETAIL SALE * ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS STRIPS * ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX LANCETS * ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANCETS * ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO 23G LANCT 23 GAUGE * ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO PLUS 23G 23 GAUGE * ACCU-CHEK SMARTVIEW TEST STRIP * ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 123 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ACCUTREND GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * ACE AEROSOL CLOUD ENHANCER * ACTI-LANCE LITE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ACTI-LANCE SPECIAL 17G LANCETS 17 GAUGE * ACTI-LANCE UNIVERS 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * ACURA TEST STRIPS * ADVANCED TRAVEL 28G LANCETS 28G,SINGLE-USE,STRL 28 GAUGE * ADVANCED TRAVEL 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ADVOCATE 26G LANCETS 26 G,STERILE 26 GAUGE * ADVOCATE 26G LANCETS STERILE 26 GAUGE * ADVOCATE 30G LANCETS TWIST TOP 30 GAUGE * ADVOCATE REDI-CODE TEST STRIP * ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ TEST STRIP NO CODING * ADVOCATE TEST STRIP * AEROCHAMBER MINI 10'S, LATEX-FREE * AEROCHAMBER MV HOLD CHAMBER * AEROCHAMBER PLUS FLOW-VU * AEROCHAMBER PLUS FLOW-VU MED * $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 124 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AEROCHAMBER PLUS FLOW-VU MED WITH MASK * AEROCHAMBER PLUS W-FLOWSIGNAL * AEROCHAMBER PLUS Z STAT MEDIUM 10'S, W/MEDIUM MASK * AEROCHAMBER Z-STAT PLUS W-FLOW * AEROTRACH HOLDING CHAMBER * AEROVENT PLUS HOLDING CHAMBER * AGAMATRIX AMP TEST STRIPS * ALTERNATE SITE 26G LANCETS 26G, STRL 26 GAUGE * ASSURE 4 TEST STRIPS * ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS 18G 18 GAUGE * ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS 21G 21 GAUGE * ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS 25G 25 GAUGE * ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS 28G 28 GAUGE * ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY SYRINGE 1 ML 29 GAUGE X 1/2" ASSURE LANCE 25G LANCETS 25 GAUGE * ASSURE LANCE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ASSURE LANCE PLUS 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * ASSURE LANCE PLUS 25G LANCETS 25 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 125 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ASSURE LANCE PLUS 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ASSURE PLATINUM TEST STRIPS * ASSURE PRISM MULTI TEST STRIPS * BD 3 ML SYRINGE 25GX1" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * BD 3 ML SYRINGE 25GX1-1/2" 3 ML 25 X 1 1/2 " * BD 3 ML SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 3 ML 24 X 1", 3 ML 26 X 5/8" * BD BULK SYRINGE 3 ML 3 ML * BD ECLIPSE SYRINGE 3 ML 25GX1" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * BD INSULIN SYR 0.3 ML 31GX5/16 0.3 ML 31 GAUGE X 5/16 BD INSULIN SYR 0.5 ML 31GX5/16" 0.5 ML 31 GAUGE X 5/16 BD INSULIN SYR 1 ML 31GX5/16" 1 ML 31 GAUGE X 5/16 BD INTEGRA SYR 3 ML 25GX5/8" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * BD INTEGRA SYRINGE 3 ML 25GX1" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * BD LANCETS 33G 33 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) BD LUER-LOK SYR 3 ML 25GX5/8" 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * BD LUER-LOK SYRINGE 3 ML LUER-LOK TIP 3 ML * BD MEDSAVER SYRINGE 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1", 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * BD MICROTAINER 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 126 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug BD MICROTAINER 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * BD SAFETYGLIDE TB 1 ML SYR 1 ML 27 X 1/2" * BD SYRINGE 3 ML 3 ML * BD SYRINGE-SAFETY GLIDE 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * BD TB SYRINGE 21GX1" 1 ML 21 GAUGE X 1" * BD TB SYRINGE 22GX1" 1 ML 22 X 1" * BD TB SYRINGE 25GX5/8" 1 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * BD TB SYRINGE 26GX3/8" 1 ML 26 X 3/8" * BD TB SYRINGE 27GX1/2" 1 ML 27 X 1/2" * BD TB SYRNGE 27GX1/2" 1/2 ML 27 X 1/2 " * BD TUBERCULIN 1 ML SYRINGE 1 ML * BD ULTRA-FINE 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * BD ULTRA-FINE II 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * BD ULTRA-FINE PEN NDL 8MMX31G SHORT 31 GAUGE X 5/16" BG-STAR GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP NO CODING * BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * BLOOD LANCETS 30G EASY TWIST 30 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 127 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug BREATHERITE MDI SPACER * BREATHRITE VALVED MDI SPACER * BULLSEYE MINI SAFETY 21G 21 GAUGE * BULLSEYE MINI SAFETY 25G LANCT 25 GAUGE * CAREONE THIN LANCET * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) CARESENS N TEST STRIPS NO CODING * CARESENS ULTRA THIN 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * CHOICEDM CLARUS TEST STRIPS * CLEVER CHEK ULTRA THIN 30G 30 GAUGE * CLEVER CHOICE MICRO TEST STRIP * CLEVER CHOICE PRO TEST STRIP * CLEVER CHOICE TALK TEST STRIPS * CLEVER CHOICE TEST STRIPS AUTO-CODE * CLEVER CHOICE VOICE+ TST STRIP AUTO-CODE * COAGUCHEK LANCETS * $0 (Tier 3) COMFORT EZ SAFETY 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * COMFORT EZ SAFETY 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 128 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug COMFORT EZ SAFETY 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * COMFORT LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) COMPACT SPACE CHAMBER * COMPACT SPACE CHAMBER PLUS * CONTOUR NEXT STRIPS * CONTOUR TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) CONTROL AST TEST STRIP * CONTROL G3 TEST STRIP * COOL GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * CVS ADVANCED GLUCOSE TEST STR * CVS THIN 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * CVS ULTRA THIN 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * DIATRUE PLUS TEST STRIP * DROPLET 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * EASIVENT HOLDING CHAMBER RETAIL PACK * EASY COMFORT 30G LANCETS 30G,TWIST TOP,STRL 30 GAUGE * EASY PLUS GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * EASY PLUS II TEST STRIPS * EASY STEP GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * EASY TALK GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 129 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug EASY TOUCH 28G LANCETS 28G,PULL TOP,STERILE 28 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH FLIPLOK 3 ML 25GX5/8 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * EASY TOUCH GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * EASY TOUCH SAFETY 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH SAFETY 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH SAFETY 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH SHEATH 3 ML 25GX5/8 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * EASY TOUCH SYR 3 ML 25GX5/8" 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * EASY TOUCH SYRINGE 3 ML 25GX1" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * EASY TOUCH TWIST 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH TWIST 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH TWIST 32G LANCETS 32 GAUGE * EASY TOUCH TWIST 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * EASY TRAK GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * EASY TWIST & CAP 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * EASYGLUCO PLUS TEST STRIPS * EASYGLUCO TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 130 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug EASYMAX 15 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * EASYMAX GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS MEDICAL BENEFIT USE * ELEMENT COMPACT TEST STRIPS * ELEMENT TEST STRIPS * EMBRACE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * EMBRACE EVO TEST STRIPS * EMBRACE PRO TEST STRIPS * EMBRACE TEST STRIPS * EVENCARE G2 TEST STRIP * EVENCARE G3 TEST STRIP * EVENCARE GLUCOSE TST STRIPS * EVENCARE MINI GLUCOSE TEST STR * EVOLUTION TEST STRIPS * EXEL SYRINGE 25GX1" 3 ML 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * EXEL SYRINGE 25GX5/8" 3 ML 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * EXEL SYRINGE 3 ML 3 ML * EXEL TB WITH NEEDLE 25GX5/8" 1 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * EXEL TB WITH NEEDLE 26GX3/8" 1 ML 26 X 3/8" * EXEL TB WITH NEEDLE 26GX5/8" 1 ML 26 GAUGE X 5/8" * EXEL TB WITH NEEDLE 27GX1/2" 1 ML 27 X 1/2" * EXEL TUBERCULIN SYRINGE 1 ML 1 ML * $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 131 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug E-Z JECT LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) EZ SMART 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * EZ SMART PLUS TEST STRIPS * EZ SMART TEST STRIPS * E-Z SPACER * E-ZJECT COLOR 32G LANCETS 32 GAUGE * E-ZJECT COLOR 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * E-ZJECT SUPER THIN 30G LANCETS SUPER THIN 30 GAUGE * E-ZJECT THIN LANCETS 26 GAUGE * FIFTY50 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FIFTY50 SAFETY SEAL 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * FIFTY50 SAFETY SEAL 32G LANCET 32 GAUGE * FINE 30 UNIVERSAL 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * FINGERSTIX LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) FLEXICHAMBER * FORA 30G LANCETS TWIST OFF,SINGLE USE 30 GAUGE * FORA BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FORA D10 GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FORA D15G GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FORA D20 GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FORA D40-G31 TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 132 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug FORA G20 GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FORA G30A GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FORA GD50 TEST STRIPS * FORA TN'G VOICE TEST STRIPS * FORA V10 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FORA V12 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FORA V20 GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FORA V30A GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * FORACARE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * FORACARE GD20 TEST STRIPS * FORACARE GD40 GLUCOSE STRIPS * FORTISCARE GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * FREESTYLE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * FREESTYLE INSULINX TEST STRIP NO CODE * FREESTYLE INSULINX TEST STRIPS * FREESTYLE LITE TEST STRIP * FREESTYLE LITE TEST STRIPS * FREESTYLE PREC NEO TEST STRIPS * FREESTYLE TEST STRIPS * FREESTYLE UNISTIK 2 LANCETS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) G-4 TEST STRIPS * GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP 2 VIALS X 25 STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 133 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug GENSTRIP GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * GENULTIMATE TEST STRIP * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) GLUCO NAVII GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * GLUCOCARD 01 SENSOR PLUS STRIP * GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION TEST STRP * GLUCOCARD SHINE TEST STRIPS * GLUCOCARD VITAL SENSOR STRIP * GLUCOCARD VITAL TEST STRIPS * GLUCOCOM 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * GLUCOCOM 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * GLUCOCOM 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * GLUCOCOM GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * GLUCOSOURCE LANCETS * $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) GMATE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) GMATE TEST STRIPS * GNP UNIVERSAL 1 STANDARD 21G 21 GAUGE * GNP UNIVERSAL 1 SUPER THIN 30G 30 GAUGE * HEALTHPRO GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 134 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug HEALTHY ACCENTS UNILET 30G 30 GAUGE * INCONTROL SUPER THIN 30G LANCT 30 GAUGE * INCONTROL ULTRA THIN 28G LANCT 28 GAUGE * INFINITY TEST STRIPS * INJECT EASE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * INJECT EASE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * INSPIRACHAMBER * INSPIRACHAMBER WITH MASK-MED * INSULIN SYRINGE-NEEDLE U-100 SYRINGE 0.3 ML 29 GAUGE, 1 ML 29 GAUGE X 1/2", 1/2 ML 28 GAUGE INVACARE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * KINNEY BRAND 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * KRO PREMIUM BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST NO CODING,PREMIUM * KRO UNIVERSAL 1 THIN 26G LANCT 26 GAUGE * KROGER SUPER THIN LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) LANCETS THIN 23G 23 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) LANCETS ULTRA THIN 26G 26 GAUGE * LIBERTY TEST STRIPS BLOOD GLUCOSE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 135 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug LITE TOUCH 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * LITE TOUCH 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * LITEAIRE MDI CHAMBER * LONGS THIN LANCETS 30G 30G * $0 (Tier 4) MAGELLAN TUBERCULIN SYR 1 ML 1 ML 27 GAUGE X 1/2" * MAXIMA TEST STRIP * MEDI-LANCE LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) MEDISENSE THIN 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * MEDLANCE PLUS 21G LANCETS UNIVERSAL, 1.8MM 21 GAUGE * MEDLANCE PLUS 30G LANCETS SUPERLITE, 1.2MM 30 GAUGE * MEDLANCE PLUS LITE 25G LANCETS STERILE, 1.5MM 25 GAUGE * MICRO THIN 33G LANCETS UNIVERSAL 1 33 GAUGE * MICROCHAMBER LATEX/F * MICRODOT TEST STRIPS * MICRODOT XTRA TEST STRIPS * MICROLET LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) MICROSPACER FOR AEROSOL DEVICE LATEX/F * MONAGHAN Z STAT CHAMBER-MD MSK * MONOJECT 1 ML TB SYRN 25X5/8" 1 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 136 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug MONOJECT 3 ML SYRINGE 3 ML * MONOJECT 3 ML SYRN 25GX1" 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * MONOJECT 3 ML SYRN 25GX5/8" LUER-LOCK, SOFTPACK 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * MONOJECT 3 ML SYRN 27GX1.25" LUER LOCK,SOFTPACK 3 ML 27 GAUGE X 1 1/4" * MONOJECT LUER LOCK TB SYR 1 ML 1 ML * MONOJECT PHARMACY TRAY 40'S (OTC) 1 ML * MONOJECT PHARMACY TRAY LATEX-FREE (RX) 1 ML * MONOJECT SAFETY SYRINGE 3 ML * MONOJECT SYR PHARM TRAY PK 3 ML * MONOJECT SYRINGE 3 ML SOFTPK, REG LUER TIP 3 ML * MONOJECT TB 1 ML SYRN 26X3/8" 1 ML 26 X 3/8" * MONOJECT TB 1 ML SYRN 28GX1/2 1 ML 28 GAUGE X 1/2" * MONOJECT TB SAFETY SYRINGE 1 ML 28 GAUGE X 1/2" * MONOJECT TB SYRN 27GX1/2" 1 ML 27 X 1/2" * MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYR 1 ML REGULAR LUER TIP (OTC) 1 ML * MONOLET 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 137 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug MONOLET THIN 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * MYGLUCOHEALTH 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * MYGLUCOHEALTH TEST STRIPS * NEUTEK 2TEK TEST STRIPS * NOVA MAX GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * NOVA SAFETY 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * NOVA SAFETY 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * NOVA SUREFLEX THIN LANCETS * ON CALL 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) ON CALL EXPRESS TEST STRIP * ON CALL PLUS 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * ON CALL PLUS TEST STRIP * ON CALL VIVID TEST STRIP * ONE TOUCH DELICA 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * ONETOUCH DELICA 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ONETOUCH DELICA 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * ONETOUCH FINEPOINT 25G LANCETS 25 GAUGE * ONETOUCH ULTRA TEST STRIPS * ONETOUCH ULTRASOFT LANCETS * ONETOUCH VERIO TEST STRIP * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 138 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug OPTICHAMBER ADULT MASK-LARGE * OPTICHAMBER DIAMOND VHC * OPTIUM EZ TEST STRIP * OPTIUM TEST STRIP * OPTUMRX TEST STRIP * PEN NEEDLE, DIABETIC NEEDLE 29 GAUGE X 1/2" PHARMACIST CHOICE 30G LANCETS ULTRA THIN 30 GAUGE * PHARMACIST CHOICE TEST STRIPS * PHARMACIST CHOICE TEST STRIPS * POCKET CHAMBER * PRECISION PCX PLUS TEST STR * PRECISION PCX TEST STRIPS * PRECISION POINT OF CARE STR * PRECISION Q-I-D TEST STRIPS * PRECISION XTRA TEST STRIPS * PREMIUM V10 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * PRESSURE ACTIVATED 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * PRESSURE ACTIVATED 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * PRIMEAIRE CHAMBER * PROCHAMBER HOLDING CHAMBER * PRODIGY NO CODING TEST STRIPS 50 STRIPS * PRODIGY PRESSURE ACTIVATED 28G 28 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 1) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 139 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PRODIGY SAFETY 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * PRODIGY TWIST TOP 28G LANCET 28 GAUGE * PUB 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) PUSH BUTTON SAFETY 21G LANCET 21 GAUGE * PUSH BUTTON SAFETY 28G LANCET 28 GAUGE * PV TRUETRACK SMART SYS STRIPS * QC UNILET SUPER THIN 30G LANCT 30 GAUGE * QUINTET AC GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * QUINTET GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * RA E-ZJECT 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * RA E-ZJECT 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * REFUAH PLUS TEST STRIPS * RELIAMED 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * RELIAMED SAFETY 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * RELIAMED SAFETY 28G LANCETS LATEX-FREE 28 GAUGE * RELIAMED SAFETY SEAL 28G LANCT 28 GAUGE * RELIAMED SAFETY SEAL 30G LANCT 30 GAUGE * RELION CONFIRM-MICRO TEST STRP * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 140 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug RELION MICRO TEST STRIPS * RELION PRIME TEST STRIPS * RELION THIN 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * RELION ULTIMA TEST STRIPS * RELION ULTRA THIN PLUS 33G 33 GAUGE * RELION ULTRA THIN PLUS LANCETS * REVEAL TEST STRIP * RIGHTEST GL300 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * RIGHTEST GS100 TEST STRIPS * RIGHTEST GS250S TEST STRIPS * RIGHTEST GS260 TEST STRIPS * RIGHTEST GS300 TEST STRIPS * RIGHTEST GS550 TEST STRIPS * RITEFLO SPACER * SAFESNAP SYRINGE 3 ML 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8", 3 ML 25 X 1" * SAFESNAP TUBERCULIN SYR 1 ML 1 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * SAFESNAP TUBERCULIN SYR 1 ML 27GX0.5",LATEX-FREE 1 ML 27 GAUGE X 1/2" * SAFETY 21G LANCETS LATEX-FREE 21 GAUGE * SAFETY 28G LANCETS LATEX-FREE 28 GAUGE * SAFETY LANCETS 26G 26 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) SAFETY SEAL 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 141 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug SAFETY SEAL 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * SAFETY SYRINGE W-SHIELD 3 ML 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * SAFETY-LET 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * SAFETY-LOK 3 ML SYRINGE 3 ML * SAFETY-LOK 3 ML SYRINGE 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * SHOPKO ON-THE-GO 30G LANCETS GENTLE 30 GAUGE * SHOPKO UNILET ULTRA THIN 28G STERILE 28 GAUGE * SINGLE-LET LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) SM COLOR LANCETS 21G 21 GAUGE * SM LANCETS 21G 21 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) SM THIN LANCETS 26G 26 GAUGE * SMART SENSE COLOR 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * SMART SENSE STANDARD 21G 21 GAUGE * SMART SENSE TEST STRIPS PREMIUM, NO CODE * SMART SENSE THIN 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * SMARTEST LANCET * $0 (Tier 4) SMARTEST TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 142 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug SOFT TOUCH LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) SOLUS V2 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * SOLUS V2 30G TWIST LANCETS 30 GAUGE * SOLUS V2 AUDIBLE TEST STRIPS * SPACE CHAMBER PLUS * STERILANCE TL TWIST 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * STERILANCE TL TWIST 32G LANCET 32 GAUGE * SUPER THIN 28G LANCETS STERILE 28 GAUGE * SUPER THIN 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * SURE COMFORT 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * SURE COMFORT 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * SURE-LANCE 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * SURE-LANCE FLAT LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) SURE-LANCE THIN 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * SURE-LANCE ULTRA THIN 30G 30 GAUGE * SURE-TEST EASYPLUS MINI STRIP * SURE-TOUCH LANCET * $0 (Tier 4) TD GOLD TEST STRIP * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 143 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TECHLITE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * TECHLITE 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * TELCARE TEST STRIPS * TELCARE ULTRA THIN 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * TERUMO SURGUARD2 SYR 25G 3 ML 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1", 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 5/8" * TERUMO SYRINGE 3 ML 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1", 3 ML 25 X 5/8" * TEST N'GO GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * THIN LANCETS 28G 28 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) TOPCARE UNIVERSAL1 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * TOPCARE UNIVERSAL1 THIN LANCET ULTRA THIN, 30G * TRUE METRIX GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * TRUEPLUS 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * TRUEPLUS 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * TRUEPLUS SAFETY 28G LANCETS 28G, STERILE 28 GAUGE * TRUEPLUS SUPER THIN 28G LANCET 28G, STERILE 28 GAUGE * TRUEPLUS ULTRA THIN 30G LANCET 30 GAUGE * TRUETEST GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 144 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TRUETEST GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS HRI * TRUETRACK GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS * TUBERCULIN 1 ML SYRINGE SLIP TIP DET.NEEDLE (OTC) 1 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * TUBERCULIN SYRINGE 1 ML 28 GAUGE X 1/2" * TUBERCULIN SYRINGES 1/2 ML 28 X 1/2" * ULTILET 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ULTILET 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ULTILET 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * ULTILET BASIC 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ULTILET CLASSIC 26G LANCETS * $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 3) QL (100 per 20 days) ULTILET CLASSIC 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ULTILET CLASSIC 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ULTILET CLASSIC 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * ULTILET SAFETY 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * ULTIMA TEST STRIPS * ULTRA THIN 28G LANCETS ULTRA THIN 28 GAUGE * ULTRA THIN 30G LANCETS STERILE 30 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 145 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ULTRA THIN 31G LANCETS 31 GAUGE * ULTRA THIN 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * ULTRALANCE 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * ULTRALANCE 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ULTRA-THIN II 26G LANCET 26 GAUGE * ULTRA-THIN II 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * ULTRA-THIN II 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * ULTRATLC LANCETS * $0 (Tier 4) ULTRATRAK TEST STRIP * ULTRATRAK ULTIMATE TEST STRIPS * UNILET COMFORTOUCH 26G LANCETS 26 GAUGE * UNILET COMFORTOUCH LANCET * UNILET EXCELITE II LANCET * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) UNILET EXCELITE LANCET * $0 (Tier 4) UNILET GP LANCET * $0 (Tier 4) UNILET LANCET SUPERLITE * $0 (Tier 4) UNILET MICRO THIN 33G LANCETS 33 GAUGE * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 146 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug UNISTIK 3 COMFORT LANCET * $0 (Tier 4) UNISTIK 3 EXTRA 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * UNISTIK 3 GENTLE ON-THE-GO 30G 30 GAUGE * UNISTIK 3 NORMAL 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * UNISTIK 3 SAFETY 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * UNISTIK CZT COMFORT 28G LANCET 28 GAUGE * UNISTIK CZT NORMAL 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * UNISTIK SAFETY 28G LANCET 28 GAUGE * UNISTIK SAFETY 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * UNISTIK TOUCH 21G LANCETS 21 GAUGE * UNISTIK TOUCH 23G LANCETS 23 GAUGE * UNISTIK TOUCH 28G LANCETS 28 GAUGE * UNISTIK TOUCH 30G LANCETS 30 GAUGE * UNISTRIP1 GLUCOSE TEST STRIP * UNIVERSAL 1 33G LANCETS FOR MEIJER 33 GAUGE * UP & UP BLOOD GLUCOSE TST STRP NO CODING * VANISHPOINT 25GX1" 3 ML SYRING 3 ML 25 GAUGE X 1" * VGO 40 DISPOSABLE DEVICE $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 147 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug VORTEX HOLDING CHAMBER * VORTEX VHC FROG CHILD MASK * WALGREENS ULTRA THIN LANCETS * WAVESENSE JAZZ TEST STRIPS * WAVESENSE PRESTO TEST STRIPS * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) PA; QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) QL (100 per 20 days) Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers Enzyme Replacement/Modifiers ADAGEN INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 250 UNIT/ML ALDURAZYME INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2.9 MG/5 ML CEREZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 UNIT CREON ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 12,000-38,000 -60,000 UNIT, 24,000-76,000 -120,000 UNIT, 3,000-9,500- 15,000 UNIT, 36,000-114,000- 180,000 UNIT, 6,000-19,000 -30,000 UNIT ELAPRASE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 6 MG/3 ML ELITEK INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 1.5 MG, 7.5 MG FABRAZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 35 MG KANUMA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 MG/ML KRYSTEXXA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 8 MG/ML KUVAN ORAL TABLET,SOLUBLE 100 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 148 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug MYOZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG NAGLAZYME INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 5 MG/5 ML ORFADIN ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 2 MG, 20 MG, 5 MG pancrelipase 5000 oral capsule,delayed (Zenpep) release(dr/ec) 5,000-17,000 -27,000 unit PULMOZYME INHALATION SOLUTION 1 MG/ML STRENSIQ SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/ML, 40 MG/ML VIMIZIM INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 5 MG/5 ML (1 MG/ML) VPRIV INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 UNIT ZAVESCA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ZENPEP ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 10,000-34,000 -55,000 UNIT, 15,000-51,000 -82,000 UNIT, 20,000-68,000 -109,000 UNIT, 25,000-85,000- 136,000 UNIT, 3,000-10,000- 16,000 UNIT, 40,000-136,000- 218,000 UNIT, 5,000-17,000 -27,000 UNIT $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA; LA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (90 per 30 days) Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Agents Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Agents, Miscellaneous advanced eye relief opth oint 80-20 % * (Genteal Pm) AKTEN (PF) OPHTHALMIC GEL 3.5 % alaway 0.025% eye drops 0.025 % (0.035 (Zaditor) %) * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 149 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug alcaine ophthalmic drops 0.5 % altacaine ophthalmic drops 0.5 % altamist 0.65% nose spray 0.65 % * altazine 0.05% eye drops 0.05 % * apraclonidine ophthalmic drops 0.5 % artificial tears * artificial tears 1.4 % drops 1.4 % * artificial tears drops p/f, sterile 0.1-0.3 % * artificial tears drops sterile, lubricant 1-0.2-0.2 % * artificial tears eye drops strl 0.1-0.3 % * artificial tears eye ointment 83-15 % * atropine ophthalmic drops 1 % atropine ophthalmic ointment 1 % atropine-care ophthalmic drops 1 % ayr saline 0.65% nose drops 0.65 % * ayr saline 0.65% nose spray 0.65 % * azelastine nasal aerosol,spray 137 mcg (0.1 %) azelastine ophthalmic drops 0.05 % bion tears eye drops 0.1-0.3 % * (Proparacaine HCl) (Tetravisc) (Little Remedies) (Visine) (Iopidine) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/PF) (Visine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Tears Naturale) (Genteal Pm) (Isopto Atropine) (Atropine Sulfate) (Isopto Atropine) (Sodium Chloride) (Little Remedies) (Astepro) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Azelastine HCl) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/PF) carteolol ophthalmic drops 1 % (Carteolol HCl) cromolyn ophthalmic drops 4 % (Cromolyn Sodium) cvs eye allergy relief eye drp 0.025-0.3 % * (Opcon-A) cvs eye drops dual action sterile 0.05-0.25 (Visine Allergy %* Relief) cvs eye wash solution * (Sodium/Potassium/S od Chl) cvs lubricant 0.5% eye drops sterile 0.5 % (Refresh Tears) * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 25 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 150 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cvs lubricant dry eye rlf 1% 1 % * cvs lubricant eye ointment p/f 57.3-42.5 % * cvs lubricating eye drops dry eye soln 0.5-0.9 % * cvs maximum redness relief drp 0.03-0.5 % * cvs natural tears drops 0.1-0.3 % * cvs redness relief drops original 0.012-0.2 %* cvs redness relief eye drops sterile 0.012-0.2 % * cvs saline 3% nasal mist 3 % * cyclopentolate ophthalmic drops 0.5 %, 1 %, 2 % CYSTARAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.44 % deep sea 0.65% nose spray 0.65 % * dristan long lasting mist 0.05 % * epinastine ophthalmic drops 0.05 % eq gentle 0.3% eye drops 0.3 % * eq revive plus 0.5% eye drops 0.5 % * eql nasal decngstnt nose drops 1 % * eye drops max relief,strl 0.05-0.1-1-1 % * flucaine ophthalmic drops 0.25-0.5 % for sty relief eye ointment * GENTEAL GEL DROPS 0.25-0.3 % * genteal tears 0.1%-0.3% drop 0.1-0.3 % * (Carboxymethylcellul ose Sodium) (Genteal Pm) $0 (Tier 4) (Refresh Optive) $0 (Tier 4) (Advanced Eye Relief Redness) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/PF) (Naphazoline HCl/Peg 300) (Clear Eyes Redness Relief) (Sodium Chloride) (Cyclogyl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Little Remedies) (Oxymetazoline HCl) (Elestat) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Carboxymethylcellul ose Sodium) (Phenylephrine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Visine Advanced) (Proparacaine/Fluore scein Sod) (Genteal Pm) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Tears Naturale) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 151 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug homatropaire ophthalmic drops 5 % homatropine hbr ophthalmic drops 5 % ipratropium bromide nasal spray,non-aerosol 0.03 % ipratropium bromide nasal spray,non-aerosol 0.06 % ketotifen fum 0.025% eye drops (otc) 0.025 % (0.035 %) * LACRISERT OPHTHALMIC INSERT 5 MG little remedies stuffy nose kt w/ nasal aspirator 0.65 % * lubricant 0.6% eye drops 0.6 % * lubricant pm eye ointment p/f 57.3-42.5 % * lubricant redness eye drops redness relief,strl 0.03-0.5 % * lubricant redness reliever drp 0.05-1 % * lubrifresh pm eye ointment 83-15 % * mucinex sinus-max nasal spray full force 0.05 % * muro-128 2% eye drops 2 % * muro-128 5% eye drops 5 % * muro-128 5% eye ointment 5 % * naphazoline ophthalmic drops 0.1 % nasal decongestant 0.05% spray 0.05 % * natural balance tears drops 0.4 % * nature's tears drops 0.4 % * neo-synephrine 12 hour spray 0.05 % * (Isopto Homatropine) (Isopto Homatropine) (Atrovent) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 28 days) (Atrovent) $0 (Tier 1) QL (15 per 10 days) (Zaditor) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Little Remedies) $0 (Tier 4) (Propylene Glycol) (Genteal Pm) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Advanced Eye Relief Redness) (Tetrahydrozoline HCl/Peg) (Genteal Pm) (Afrin) $0 (Tier 4) (Sodium Chloride) (Sodium Chloride) (Sodium Chloride) (Naphazoline HCl) (Afrin) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Oxymetazoline HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 152 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ocean 0.65% nasal spray 0.65 % * olopatadine ophthalmic drops 0.1 % opti-clear 0.05% eye drops 0.05 % * PATADAY OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.2 % phenylephrine hcl ophthalmic drops 10 %, 2.5 % proparacaine ophthalmic drops 0.5 % puralube ophthalmic ointment p/f, sterile, outer 85-15 % * pure & gentle eye drops lubricant 0.3 % * pv artificial tears 0.4 % * pv lubricant 1.4 % eye drops 1.4 % * pv pure-gentle eye drops sterile 0.3 % * ra eye allergy relief drops 0.02675-0.315 %* ra sterile eye drops 0.012-0.2 % * ra sterile eye drops 0.03-0.5 % * redness lubricant eye drops regular, strl 0.012-0.2 % * redness relief eye drops 0.012-0.25 %, 0.03-0.5 % * REFRESH TEARS 0.5% EYE DROPS 0.5 % * retaine cmc 0.5% eye drops 0.5 % * retaine hpmc 0.3% eye drops 0.3 % * retaine pm eye ointment 80-20 % * saline mist 0.65% nose spry 0.65 % * (Little Remedies) (Patanol) (Visine) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Mydfrin) $0 (Tier 1) (Proparacaine HCl) (Genteal Pm) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Genteal Mild To Moderate) (Opcon-A) $0 (Tier 4) (Naphazoline HCl/Peg 300) (Advanced Eye Relief Redness) (Naphazoline HCl/Peg 300) (Clear Eyes Redness Relief) $0 (Tier 4) ST $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Carboxymethylcellul ose Sodium) (Hypromellose/PF) (Genteal Pm) (Little Remedies) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 153 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sea soft 0.65% nasal mist 0.65 % * sm eye wash solution * sm nose drops 1 % * sochlor 5% eye drops 5 % * sodium chloride 5% eye drop 5 % * sodium chloride 5% eye oint 5 % * SYSTANE BALANCE 0.6% EYE DROP CLINICAL STRENGTH 0.6 % * systane nighttime eye oint 94-3 % * tears again 1.4 % drops 1.4 % * tears naturale free drops u-d,36x.9ml,p/f 0.1-0.3 % * tears naturale pm eye oint 94-3 % * tetracaine hcl (pf) ophthalmic drops 0.5 % vicks qlearquil 0.05% mist 0.05 % * vicks sinex 12 hour spray 0.05 % * VISINE MAX REDNESS RELIEF DROP 0.05-1-0.36-0.2 % * VISINE TOTALITY EYE DROPS 0.05 %-0.25 %- 1 %-0.36 % * visine-a eye allergy drops 0.025-0.3 % * wal-zyr 0.025% eye drops 0.025 % (0.035 %) * zyrtec itchy eye 0.025% drops 0.025 % (0.035 %) * Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Anti-Infectives Agents acetic acid otic solution 2 % auraphene-b 6.5% ear drops 6.5 % * auro 6.5% ear drops 6.5 % * (Little Remedies) (Sodium/Potassium/S od Chl) (Phenylephrine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Sodium Chloride) (Sodium Chloride) (Sodium Chloride) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Genteal Pm) (Polyvinyl Alcohol) (Dextran 70/Hypromellose/PF) (Genteal Pm) (Tetracaine HCl/PF) (Oxymetazoline HCl) (Afrin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Min 2 Years) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Opcon-A) (Zaditor) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Zaditor) $0 (Tier 4) (Acetic Acid) (Carbamide Peroxide) (Carbamide Peroxide) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 154 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug bacitracin ophthalmic ointment 500 unit/gram bacitracin-polymyxin b ophthalmic ointment 500-10,000 unit/gram bleph-10 ophthalmic drops 10 % CIPRODEX OTIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.3-0.1 % ciprofloxacin hcl ophthalmic drops 0.3 % ciprofloxacin hcl otic dropperette 0.2 % COLY-MYCIN S OTIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 3.3-3-10-0.5 MG/ML debrox 6.5% ear drops 6.5 % * ear drops 6.5% 6.5 % * erythromycin ophthalmic ointment 5 mg/gram (0.5 %) gatifloxacin ophthalmic drops 0.5 % gentak ophthalmic ointment 0.3 % (3 mg/gram) gentamicin ophthalmic drops 0.3 % gentamicin ophthalmic ointment 0.3 % (3 mg/gram) levofloxacin ophthalmic drops 0.5 % MOXEZA OPHTHALMIC DROPS, VISCOUS 0.5 % murine 6.5% ear drops 6.5 % * murine ear wax removal system 6.5 % * NATACYN OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 5 % neomycin-bacitracin-poly-hc ophthalmic ointment 3.5-400-10,000 mg-unit/g-1% (Bacitracin) $0 (Tier 1) (Bacitracin/Polymyxi n B Sulfate) (Sulfacetamide Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Ciloxan) (Cetraxal) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Carbamide Peroxide) (Carbamide Peroxide) (Ilotycin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) (Zymaxid) (Garamycin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Garamycin) (Garamycin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Levofloxacin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Carbamide Peroxide) (Carbamide Peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Neomycin Su/Baci Zn/Poly/HC) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 155 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin ophthalmic ointment 3.5-400-10,000 mg-unit-unit/g neomycin-polymyxin b-dexameth ophthalmic drops,suspension 3.5mg/ml-10,000 unit/ml-0.1 % neomycin-polymyxin b-dexameth ophthalmic ointment 3.5 mg/g-10,000 unit/g-0.1 % neomycin-polymyxin-gramicidin ophthalmic drops 1.75 mg-10,000 unit-0.025mg/ml neomycin-polymyxin-hc ophthalmic drops,suspension 3.5-10,000-10 mg-unit-mg/ml neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic drops,suspension 3.5-10,000-1 mg/ml-unit/ml-% neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic solution 3.5-10,000-1 mg/ml-unit/ml-% neo-polycin hc ophthalmic ointment 3.5-400-10,000 mg-unit/g-1% neo-polycin ophthalmic ointment 3.5-400-10,000 mg-unit-unit/g (Neomycin Su/Bacitra/Polymyxin ) (Maxitrol) $0 (Tier 1) (Maxitrol) $0 (Tier 1) (Neosporin) $0 (Tier 1) (Neomycin/Polymyxi n B Sulf/HC) $0 (Tier 1) (Neomycin/Polymyxi n B Sulf/HC) $0 (Tier 1) (Cortisporin) $0 (Tier 1) (Neomycin Su/Baci Zn/Poly/HC) (Neomycin Su/Bacitra/Polymyxin ) ofloxacin ophthalmic drops 0.3 % (Floxin) ofloxacin otic drops 0.3 % (Floxin) polymyxin b sulf-trimethoprim ophthalmic (Polytrim) drops 10,000 unit- 1 mg/ml sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic drops 10 (Sulfacetamide % Sodium) sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic ointment (Sulfacetamide 10 % Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 156 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sulfacetamide-prednisolone ophthalmic drops 10 %-0.23 % (0.25 %) TOBRADEX OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT 0.3-0.1 % TOBRADEX ST OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.3-0.05 % tobramycin ophthalmic drops 0.3 % tobramycin-dexamethasone ophthalmic drops,suspension 0.3-0.1 % trifluridine ophthalmic drops 1 % VIGAMOX OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.5 % ZIRGAN OPHTHALMIC GEL 0.15 % ZYLET OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.3-0.5 % Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Anti-Inflammatory Agents ALREX OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.2 % bromfenac ophthalmic drops 0.09 % CHILD NASACORT ALLERGY 24 HR 55 MCG * dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophthalmic drops 0.1 % diclofenac sodium ophthalmic drops 0.1 % DUREZOL OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.05 % FLONASE ALLERGY RLF 50 MCG SPR 120 METERED SPRAYS 50 MCG/ACTUATION * flunisolide nasal spray,non-aerosol 25 mcg (0.025 %) fluorometholone ophthalmic drops,suspension 0.1 % (Sulfacetamide/Predn isolone Sp) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Tobrex) (Tobradex) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Viroptic) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Bromfenac Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Dexasol) $0 (Tier 1) (Diclofenac Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 4) (Flunisolide) $0 (Tier 1) (FML) $0 (Tier 1) QL (50 per 25 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 157 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic drops 0.03 % fluticasone nasal spray,suspension 50 mcg/actuation ILEVRO OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.3 % ketorolac ophthalmic drops 0.4 %, 0.5 % LOTEMAX OPHTHALMIC DROPS,GEL 0.5 % LOTEMAX OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.5 % LOTEMAX OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT 0.5 % NASACORT ALLERGY 24HR SPRAY MULTI-SYMP,60 SPRAYS 55 MCG * nasal allergy 24hr spray 55 mcg * NEVANAC OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 0.1 % prednisolone acetate ophthalmic drops,suspension 1 % prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic drops 1 % PROLENSA OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.07 % RESTASIS OPHTHALMIC DROPPERETTE 0.05 % triamcinolone 55 mcg nasal spr (otc) 55 mcg * XIIDRA OPHTHALMIC DROPPERETTE 5 % (Ocufen) $0 (Tier 1) (Fluticasone Propionate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Acular) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) (Nasacort) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Omnipred) $0 (Tier 1) (Prednisolone Sod Phosphate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Nasacort) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) Gastrointestinal Agents Antiflatulents bicarsim forte 125 mg tablet 125 mg * (Simethicone) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 158 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cvs gas relief 125 mg chew tab extra strength 125 mg * cvs gas relief 125 mg softgel softgel 125 mg * cvs gas relief 80 mg tab chew 80 mg * gas relief 125 mg chew tablet max str,lactose-free 125 mg * gas relief 80 mg tablet chew lactose-free 80 mg * gas-x extra strength softgel softgel, ex-strength 125 mg * gas-x ultra strength softgel 180 mg * mi-acid gas 80 mg tab chew 80 mg * mytab gas 80 mg tablet chew 80 mg * mytab gas max str 125 mg tab 125 mg * simethicone 180 mg softgel 180 mg * simethicone 40 mg/0.6 ml drop 40 mg/0.6 ml * v-r anti-gas 166 mg softgel 166 mg * Antiulcer Agents And Acid Suppressants acid reducer 20 mg tablet maximum strength 20 mg * amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz oral combo pack 500-500-30 mg CARAFATE ORAL SUSPENSION 100 MG/ML cimetidine hcl oral solution 300 mg/5 ml cimetidine oral tablet 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg cvs cimetidine 200 mg tablet (otc) 200 mg * esomeprazole sodium intravenous recon soln 20 mg, 40 mg (Gas-X) $0 (Tier 4) (Phazyme) $0 (Tier 4) (Gas-X) (Gas-X) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Gas-X) $0 (Tier 4) (Phazyme) $0 (Tier 4) (Phazyme) (Gas-X) (Gas-X) (Gas-X) (Phazyme) (Simethicone) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Phazyme) $0 (Tier 4) (Pepcid Ac) $0 (Tier 4) (Prevpac) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Cimetidine HCl) (Cimetidine) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Tagamet Hb) $0 (Tier 4) (Nexium I.V.) $0 (Tier 1) (Rx Product Only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 159 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug famotidine (pf) intravenous solution 20 mg/2 ml famotidine (pf)-nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 20 mg/50 ml famotidine 40 mg/4 ml vial 25's,outer 10 mg/ml famotidine oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg gnp acid reducer 10 mg tablet 10 mg * lansoprazole dr 15 mg capsule na/f (otc) 15 mg * lansoprazole oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 15 mg, 30 mg misoprostol oral tablet 100 mcg, 200 mcg NEXIUM 24HR 22.3 MG CAPSULE 22.3 MG * omeprazole dr 20 mg tablet 20 mg * omeprazole mag dr 20.6 mg cap two 14-days course 20 mg * omeprazole oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg pantoprazole intravenous recon soln 40 mg pantoprazole oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 20 mg, 40 mg pub famotidine 20 mg tablet max strength (otc) 20 mg * pv acid relief 200 mg tablet 200 mg * ra omeprazole-bicarb 20-1,100 3x14 day course (otc) 20-1.1 mg-gram * ranitidine 150 mg tablet maximum strength (otc) 150 mg * ranitidine 75 mg tablet s/f, sodium-free 75 mg * ranitidine hcl 50 mg/2 ml vial sdv 50 mg/2 ml (25 mg/ml) (Famotidine) $0 (Tier 1) (Famotidine In Nacl,Iso-Osm/PF) (Famotidine) $0 (Tier 1) (Pepcid) (Pepcid Ac) (Prevacid 24hr) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Rx Product Only) (Prevacid) $0 (Tier 1) (Rx Product Only) (Cytotec) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Omeprazole) (Omeprazole Magnesium) (Prilosec) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Protonix IV) (Protonix) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Pepcid Ac) $0 (Tier 4) (Tagamet Hb) (Zegerid Otc) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Zantac) $0 (Tier 4) (Zantac) $0 (Tier 4) (Ranitidine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Rx Product Only) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 160 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ranitidine hcl injection solution 25 mg/ml ranitidine hcl oral capsule 150 mg, 300 mg ranitidine hcl oral syrup 15 mg/ml ranitidine hcl oral tablet 150 mg, 300 mg sucralfate oral suspension 100 mg/ml sucralfate oral tablet 1 gram wal-zan 75 mg tablet 75 mg * Gastrointestinal Agents, Other acid gone antacid liquid 95-358 mg/15 ml * acid gone tablet chew 160-105 mg * ALKA-SELTZER GOLD TAB EFF 344-1,050-1,000 MG * almacone liquid 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * almacone-2 liquid 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * aluminum hydroxide gel 600 mg/5 ml * aluminum hydroxide gel sugar-free 320 mg/5 ml * AMITIZA ORAL CAPSULE 24 MCG, 8 MCG antacid 1000-200 mg tab chew 1,000-200 mg * antacid 675-135 mg tab chew ex-str, asstd fruit 675-135 mg * antacid chewable tablet peppermint flavor 550-110 mg * antacid plus x-stren susp 500-450-40 mg/5 ml * antacid ultra tablet chew 400 mg (1,000 mg) * (Ranitidine HCl) (Ranitidine HCl) (Ranitidine HCl) (Zantac) (Sucralfate) (Carafate) (Zantac) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Gaviscon) $0 (Tier 4) (Gaviscon) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Aluminum Hydroxide) (Aluminum Hydroxide) $0 (Tier 4) (Rx Product Only) (Rx Product Only) (Rx Product Only) (Rx Product Only) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Rolaids) $0 (Tier 4) (Rolaids) $0 (Tier 4) (Rolaids) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 161 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug antacid xtra strength chew tab extra-strength 300 mg (750 mg) * antacid-antigas liquid 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * anti-diarrheal 2 mg caplet caplet 2 mg * bismatrol 525 mg/15 ml susp 525 mg/15 ml * bismatrol suspension 262 mg/15 ml * BUPHENYL ORAL TABLET 500 MG calci-chew tablet 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * calcium 500 mg chewable tablet tab chew,p/f 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * calcium antacid 500 mg chw tab assorted fruit 200 mg calcium (500 mg) * cal-gest 500 mg tablet chew 200 mg calcium (500 mg) * CARBAGLU ORAL TABLET, DISPERSIBLE 200 MG child soothe 400 mg tab chew 400 mg * children pepto 400 mg tab chew bubble gum, na/f 400 mg * comfort gel max str susp max-str 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * comfort gel suspension regular str, cherry 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * constulose oral solution 10 gram/15 ml cromolyn oral concentrate 100 mg/5 ml cvs antacid supreme liquid 400-135 mg/5 ml * cvs anti-diarrheal 2 mg sftgel softgel 2 mg * (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Imodium A-D) (Pepto-Bismol) $0 (Tier 4) (Pepto-Bismol) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Tums) (Tums) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Lactulose) (Gastrocrom) (Calcium Carb/Magnesium Hydrox) (Loperamide HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 162 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cvs anti-diarrheal suspension 262 mg/15 ml * cvs heartburn relief chew tab 160-105 mg * cvs loperamide 1 mg/7.5 ml liq mint 1 mg/7.5 ml * diamode 2 mg tablet outer, f/c 2 mg * dicyclomine oral capsule 10 mg dicyclomine oral solution 10 mg/5 ml dicyclomine oral tablet 20 mg diotame instydose 524 mg/30 ml 524 mg/30 ml * diphenoxylate-atropine oral liquid 2.5-0.025 mg/5 ml diphenoxylate-atropine oral tablet 2.5-0.025 mg enulose oral solution 10 gram/15 ml flanax antacid liquid 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * FLEET PEDIA-LAX TABLET CHEW 400 MG (170 MG) * foaming antacid liquid 95-358 mg/15 ml * GATTEX 5 MG 30-VIAL KIT 5 MG GATTEX ONE-VIAL SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 5 MG GAVISCON ES TABLET CHEW EXTRA STRENGTH 160-105 MG * gelusil antacid & antigas liq 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * gelusil tablet chewable cool mint 200-200-25 mg * generlac oral solution 10 gram/15 ml glycopyrrolate injection solution 0.2 mg/ml (Pepto-Bismol) $0 (Tier 4) (Gaviscon) $0 (Tier 4) (Loperamide HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Imodium A-D) (Bentyl) (Dicyclomine HCl) (Bentyl) (Bismuth Subsalicylate) (Diphenoxylate HCl/Atropine) (Lomotil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Lactulose) (Maalox Maximum Strength) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Gaviscon) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA PA $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Almacone) $0 (Tier 4) (Lactulose) (Robinul) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 163 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug glycopyrrolate oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg heartburn antacid chew tablet 160-105 mg * imodium a-d 1 mg/7.5 ml liquid mint 1 mg/7.5 ml * kaopectate 262 mg/15 ml susp vanilla flavor 262 mg/15 ml * kaopectate extra strength liq peppermint 525 mg/15 ml * kionex 15 gm/60 ml suspension 15-19.3 gram/60 ml kionex oral powder lactulose oral solution 10 gram/15 ml LINZESS ORAL CAPSULE 145 MCG, 290 MCG loperamide 1 mg/5 ml liquid 1 mg/5 ml * loperamide oral capsule 2 mg LOTRONEX ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG, 1 MG maalox advanced suspension regular strength 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * MAALOX MAXIMUM STRENGTH SUSP MINT, MAX STRENGTH 400-400-40 MG/5 ML * MAG-AL LIQUID 200-200 MG/5 ML * MAGNESIUM 400 MG CAPS 400 MG * magnesium 500 mg capsule s/f,na/f 500 mg * magnesium oxide 250 mg tablet 250 mg * magnesium oxide 400 mg tablet s/f,p/f,gluten-free 400 mg * (Robinul) (Gaviscon) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) (Loperamide HCl) $0 (Tier 4) (Pepto-Bismol) $0 (Tier 4) (Pepto-Bismol) $0 (Tier 4) (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate) (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate) (Lactulose) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Loperamide HCl) (Loperamide HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Maalox Maximum Strength) $0 (Tier 4) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Uromag) $0 (Tier 4) (Magox 400) (Magox 400) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 164 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug magnesium oxide 420 mg tablet 253mg elem magnesium 420 mg * magnesium oxide 500 mg tablet p/f,s/f,lactose-free 500 mg * MAGOX 400 TABLET S/F, GLUTEN FREE 400 MG * masanti liquid 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * medi-first pep-t-med tab chew 262 mg * methscopolamine oral tablet 2.5 mg, 5 mg metoclopramide hcl injection solution 5 mg/ml metoclopramide hcl oral solution 5 mg/5 ml metoclopramide hcl oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg mi acid suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml, 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * mi-acid ds tablet 700-300 mg * mintox maximum strength susp max str, lemon creme 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * mintox plus tablet chewable 200-200-25 mg * mintox suspension mint creme 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * MOVANTIK ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG, 25 MG NUTRESTORE ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 5 GRAM OCALIVA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 5 MG phillips 500 mg caplet 500 mg * (Magox 400) $0 (Tier 4) (Magox 400) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Pepto-Bismol To-Go) (Methscopolamine Bromide) (Metoclopramide HCl) (Metoclopramide HCl) (Reglan) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Rolaids) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Almacone) $0 (Tier 4) (Maalox Maximum Strength) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Magox 400) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 165 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PHILLIPS' MOM TABLET CHEW 311 MG * pink bismuth tablet chew 262 mg * (Pepto-Bismol To-Go) pv anti-diarrheal+gas relief caplet 2-125 (Imodium mg * Multi-Symptom Relief) pv foaming antacid chew tablet (Gaviscon) ex-strength 160-105 mg * pv supreme antacid suspension 400-135 (Calcium mg/5 ml * Carb/Magnesium Hydrox) ra loperamide 1 mg/7.5 ml susp mint 1 (Loperamide HCl) mg/7.5 ml * ra magnesium 500 mg capsule 500 mg * (Uromag) RAVICTI ORAL LIQUID 1.1 GRAM/ML RELISTOR ORAL TABLET 150 MG $0 (Tier 4) RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 12 MG/0.6 ML RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 12 MG/0.6 ML, 8 MG/0.4 ML ri-gel ii suspension 400-400-40 mg/5 ml * $0 (Tier 2) riginic suspension 131-31.7 mg/5 ml * ri-mox plus suspension 225-200-25 mg/5 ml * ri-mox suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml * sm foaming antacid tablet chew 80-20 mg * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Gaviscon) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Maalox Maximum Strength) (Gaviscon) PA PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 166 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sm stomach relief caplet 262 mg * (Bismuth Subsalicylate) sodium bicarb 325 mg tablet 325 mg * (Sodium Bicarbonate) sodium bicarb 650 mg tablet 10 gr 650 mg (Sodium Bicarbonate) * sodium polystyrene (sorb free) oral (Sodium Polystyrene suspension 15 gram/60 ml Sulfonate) sodium polystyrene sulfonate rectal enema (Sodium Polystyrene 30 gram/120 ml Sulfonate) soothe 262 mg caplet caplet 262 mg * (Bismuth Subsalicylate) soothe 262 mg/15 ml suspension s/f,cherry (Pepto-Bismol) 262 mg/15 ml * sps (with sorbitol) oral suspension 15-20 (Sodium Polystyrene gram/60 ml Sulfonate) ursodiol oral capsule 300 mg (Actigall) ursodiol oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg (Urso) VIBERZI ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 75 MG Laxatives alophen pills 5 mg * (Dulcolax) bisac-evac 10 mg suppository 10 mg * (Dulcolax) bisacodyl 10 mg suppository 10 mg * (Dulcolax) bisacodyl ec 5 mg tablet 5 mg * (Dulcolax) biscolax 10 mg suppository 10 mg * (Dulcolax) BLADDER CONTROL PAD X-LONG 9'S,X-LONG * CASTOR OIL * CEO-TWO SUPPOSITORY 0.9-0.6 GRAM * chocolated laxative regular strength 15 mg (Sennosides) * citroma solution * (Magnesium Citrate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 167 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug CITRUCEL 500 MG CAPLET 500 MG * CITRUCEL POWDER * COLACE 100 MG CAPSULE 100 MG * COLACE CLEAR 50 MG SOFTGEL 50 MG * cvs castor oil 67% * cvs child suppository * cvs enema disposable 19-7 gram/118 ml * cvs fiber 0.52 g capsule 0.52 gram * cvs fiber therapy 500 mg caplt soluble, caplet 500 mg * cvs glycerin suppository child size * cvs glycerin suppository laxative * cvs kids 100 mg mini enema 100 mg/5 ml * cvs laxative 15 mg pills pills, chocolate 15 mg * cvs magnesium citrate soln * cvs natural daily fiber powder 3.4 gram/5.8 gram * cvs natural daily fiber powder 3.4 gram/7 gram * cvs purelax powder 14 once-daily doses 17 gram/dose * cvs purelax powder packet s/f, 10 daily doses 17 gram * cvs senna laxative 8.6 mg tab 8.6 mg * cvs senna-extra 17.2 mg tablet 17.2 mg * cvs stool softener 50 mg sftgl 50 mg * cvs stool softener 50 mg softgel 50 mg * cvs stool softener softgel softgel 240 mg * cvs suppository * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Castor Oil) (Glycerin) (Enema) (Metamucil) (Citrucel) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Glycerin) (Glycerin) (Docusate Sodium) (Sennosides) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Magnesium Citrate) (Psyllium Husk/Aspartame) (Metamucil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 4) (Miralax) $0 (Tier 4) (Senokot) (Senokot) (Colace Clear) (Colace Clear) (Surfak) (Glycerin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 168 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug doc-q-lace 100 mg softgel 100 mg * docu liquid 50 mg/5 ml 50 mg/5 ml * docusate sodium 100 mg tablet crushable 100 mg * docusate sodium 250 mg softgel softgel 250 mg * docusol mini-enema outer 283 mg * dok 100 mg softgel softgel 100 mg * dok 100 mg tablet 100 mg * dulcolax ss 100 mg softgel 100 mg * enema disposable 19-7 gram/118 ml * enema ready to use latex-free 19-7 gram/118 ml * enemeez mini enema 5cc tubes, outer 283 mg/5 ml * enemeez plus mini enema outer 283-20 mg/5 ml * eq fiber therapy powder * (Colace Clear) (Docusate Sodium) (Docusate Sodium) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Colace Clear) $0 (Tier 4) (Docusate Sodium) (Colace Clear) (Docusate Sodium) (Colace Clear) (Enema) (Enema) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Docusate Sodium) $0 (Tier 4) (Docusol Plus) $0 (Tier 4) (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) equalactin 500 mg tab chew 500 mg * (Calcium Polycarbophil) ex-lax chocolate chocolate 15 mg * (Sennosides) ex-lax pills 15 mg * (Senokot) fiber tablet unboxed 625 mg * (Fibercon) fiber therapy (psyllium) oral powder * (Psyllium Seed) fiber therapy powder 2 gram/19 gram * (Citrucel) fiber-lax captabs 500mg polycarbophil 625 (Fibercon) mg * fibertab oral tablet 625 mg * (Fibercon) fleet glycerin adult suppos * (Glycerin) fleet pedia-lax stool softener 50 mg/15 ml (Docusate Sodium) * fleet pedia-lax suppositories * (Glycerin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 169 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug gavilyte-c oral recon soln 240-22.72-6.72 -5.84 gram gavilyte-g oral recon soln 236-22.74-6.74 -5.86 gram gavilyte-n oral recon soln 420 gram gentlelax powder 30 once-daily doses 17 gram/dose * glycerin adult suppository * glycerin suppository * glycolax powder 7 doses (otc) 17 gram/dose * healthylax powder packet 14x17gm, outer 17 gram * hydrocil instant packet * konsyl 520 mg capsule 0.52 gram * konsyl fiber 625 mg caplet caplet, s/f 625 mg * konsyl psyllium fiber packet orange, gluten free 3.4 gram * laxative 15 mg pills 15 mg * laxative 15 mg pills 15 mg * magic bullet 10 mg suppos 10 mg * magnesium citrate solution lemon * MILK OF MAGNESIA CONCENTRATED 2,400 MG/10 ML * milk of magnesia suspension 400 mg/5 ml * mineral oil enema latex-free * mineral oil laxative * MOVIPREP ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 100-7.5-2.691 GRAM natural fiber lax powder * (Golytely) $0 (Tier 1) (Golytely) $0 (Tier 1) (Nulytely with Flavor Packs) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 1) (Glycerin) (Glycerin) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Miralax) $0 (Tier 4) (Psyllium Seed) (Metamucil) (Fibercon) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Psyllium Husk (With Sugar)) (Senokot) (Senokot) (Dulcolax) (Magnesium Citrate) $0 (Tier 4) (Milk Of Magnesia) $0 (Tier 4) (Mineral Oil Enema) (Mineral Oil) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 170 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug oral saline laxative liquid s/f, ginger lemon 7.2-2.7 gram/15 ml * peg 3350-electrolytes oral recon soln 236-22.74-6.74 -5.86 gram, 240-22.72-6.72 -5.84 gram peg-electrolyte soln oral recon soln 420 gram perdiem overnight relief tb 15 mg * phillips' lax liqui-gels 100 mg * PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 400 MG/5 ML * phosphate oral saline laxative s/f, ginger lemon 7.2-2.7 gram/15 ml * polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder 17 gram/dose polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder in packet 17 gram polyethylene glycol 3350 powd 14 once-daily doses (otc) 17 gram/dose * polyethylene glycol 3350 powd 17 grams pkts,outer (otc) 17 gram * POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350 POWD NF, PEG-75 * polyethylene glycol 3350 powd outer,s/f (otc) 17 gram * promolaxin 100 mg tablet 100 mg * psyllium capsule 0.4 gram * pv enema * pv fiber therapy powder * pv senna 8.6 mg softgel 8.6 mg * qc natural vegetable powder 48 doses, reg flavor * ra citrate of magnesia soln * ra col-rite 50 mg softgel 50 mg * (Na Phos,M-B/Na Phos,Di-Ba) (Golytely) $0 (Tier 4) (Nulytely with Flavor Packs) (Senokot) (Colace Clear) $0 (Tier 1) (Na Phos,M-B/Na Phos,Di-Ba) (Polyethylene Glycol 3350) (Polyethylene Glycol 3350) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 4) (Miralax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Miralax) $0 (Tier 4) (Docusate Sodium) (Metamucil) (Mineral Oil Enema) (Methylcellulose) (Sennosides) (Psyllium Seed (With Dextrose)) (Magnesium Citrate) (Colace Clear) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 171 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ra enema twin pack 2 x 4.5oz, rtu 19-7 gram/118 ml * ra laxative 17.2 mg tablet 17.2 mg * ra laxative peg 3350 powder 14 once-daily doses 17 gram/dose * reguloid capsule 0.52 gram * reguloid powder orange * sani-supp adult suppository outer * sani-supp pediatric suppos outer * senexon 8.8 mg/5 ml liquid 8.8 mg/5 ml * senexon tablet 8.6 mg * senna 8.8 mg/5 ml syrup a/f, chocolate 8.8 mg/5 ml * senna-lax 8.6 mg tablet 8.6 mg * silace 50 mg/5 ml liquid 50 mg/5 ml * silace 60 mg/15 ml syrup 60 mg/15 ml * sm castor oil 95 % * sm clearlax powder 14 once-daily doses 17 gram/dose * sm fiber laxative 500 mg cplt 500 mg * sm fiber laxative capsule 0.52 gram * sm fiber smooth powder * sm glycerin pediatric suppo * sm laxative pediatric suppos * sm senna laxative pills 25 mg * smoothlax powder packet 10 once-daily doses 17 gram * trilyte with flavor packets oral recon soln 420 gram wal-mucil 0.52 g capsule 0.52 gram * (Enema) $0 (Tier 4) (Senokot) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Metamucil) (Psyllium Seed (With Sugar)) (Glycerin) (Glycerin) (Sennosides) (Senokot) (Sennosides) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Senokot) (Docusate Sodium) (Docusate Sodium) (Castor Oil) (Gavilax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Citrucel) (Metamucil) (Psyllium Seed) (Glycerin) (Glycerin) (Senokot) (Miralax) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Nulytely with Flavor Packs) (Metamucil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 172 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Phosphate Binders CALCIUM ACETATE 668 MG TABLET 668 MG (169 MG CALCIUM) * calcium acetate oral capsule 667 mg calcium acetate oral tablet 667 mg eliphos oral tablet 667 mg magnebind 400 oral tablet 400-200-1 mg $0 (Tier 4) (Phoslo) (Calcium Acetate) (Calcium Acetate) (Calcium Carbonate/Mag Carb/Fa) PHOSLYRA ORAL SOLUTION 667 MG (169 MG CALCIUM)/5 ML RENAGEL ORAL TABLET 400 MG, 800 MG RENVELA ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 0.8 GRAM, 2.4 GRAM RENVELA ORAL TABLET 800 MG $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) Genitourinary Agents Antispasmodics, Urinary MYRBETRIQ ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 25 MG, 50 MG oxybutynin chloride oral syrup 5 mg/5 ml (Oxybutynin Chloride) oxybutynin chloride oral tablet 5 mg (Oxybutynin Chloride) oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended (Ditropan XL) release 24hr 10 mg, 15 mg, 5 mg tolterodine oral capsule,extended release (Detrol LA) 24hr 2 mg, 4 mg tolterodine oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg (Detrol) TOVIAZ ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 4 MG, 8 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 173 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug trospium oral capsule,extended release 24hr 60 mg trospium oral tablet 20 mg Genitourinary Agents, Miscellaneous alfuzosin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 10 mg tamsulosin oral capsule,extended release 24hr 0.4 mg terazosin oral capsule 1 mg, 10 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg (Trospium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Trospium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Uroxatral) $0 (Tier 1) (Flomax) $0 (Tier 1) (Terazosin HCl) $0 (Tier 1) Heavy Metal Antagonists Heavy Metal Antagonists deferoxamine injection recon soln 2 gram, (Desferal) 500 mg DEPEN TITRATABS ORAL TABLET 250 MG EXJADE ORAL TABLET, DISPERSIBLE 125 MG, 250 MG, 500 MG FERRIPROX ORAL SOLUTION 100 MG/ML FERRIPROX ORAL TABLET 500 MG sodium thiosulfate intravenous solution 1 (Sodium Thiosulfate) gram/10 ml (100 mg/ml), 12.5 gram/50 ml (250 mg/ml) SYPRINE ORAL CAPSULE 250 MG $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) Hormonal Agents, Stimulant/Replacement/Modifying Androgens ANDRODERM TRANSDERMAL PATCH 24 HOUR 2 MG/24 HOUR, 4 MG/24 HR $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 174 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN METERED-DOSE PUMP 20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM (1.62 %) ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM), 1.62 % (40.5 MG/2.5 GRAM) androxy oral tablet 10 mg danazol oral capsule 100 mg, 200 mg, 50 mg oxandrolone oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg testosterone cypionate intramuscular oil 100 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml testosterone enanthate intramuscular oil 200 mg/ml testosterone transdermal gel 50 mg/5 gram (1 %) testosterone transdermal gel in metered-dose pump 1.25 gram/ actuation (1 %) testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (25 mg/2.5gram) testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (50 mg/5 gram) Estrogens And Antiestrogens COMBIPATCH TRANSDERMAL PATCH SEMIWEEKLY 0.05-0.14 MG/24 HR, 0.05-0.25 MG/24 HR DUAVEE ORAL TABLET 0.45-20 MG ESTRACE VAGINAL CREAM 0.01 % (0.1 MG/GRAM) estradiol oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (150 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (150 per 30 days) (Fluoxymesterone) (Danazol) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Oxandrin) (Depo-Testosterone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA (Testosterone Enanthate) (Testim) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (5 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) (Vogelxo) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (300 per 30 days) PA; QL (300 per 30 days) (Androgel) $0 (Tier 1) (Testim) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (300 per 30 days) PA; QL (300 per 30 days) PA-HRM; QL (8 per 28 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 2) (Estrace) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 175 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug estradiol transdermal patch semiweekly 0.025 mg/24 hr, 0.0375 mg/24 hr, 0.05 mg/24 hr, 0.075 mg/24 hr, 0.1 mg/24 hr estradiol transdermal patch weekly 0.025 mg/24 hr, 0.0375 mg/24 hr, 0.05 mg/24 hr, 0.06 mg/24 hr, 0.075 mg/24 hr, 0.1 mg/24 hr estradiol valerate intramuscular oil 10 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml estradiol-norethindrone acet oral tablet 0.5-0.1 mg, 1-0.5 mg estropipate oral tablet 0.75 mg, 1.5 mg, 3 mg FEMRING VAGINAL RING 0.05 MG/24 HR, 0.1 MG/24 HR MENEST ORAL TABLET 0.3 MG, 0.625 MG, 1.25 MG, 2.5 MG mimvey lo oral tablet 0.5-0.1 mg (Vivelle-Dot) $0 (Tier 1) (Climara) $0 (Tier 1) (Delestrogen) $0 (Tier 1) (Activella) $0 (Tier 1) (Estropipate) $0 (Tier 1) (Activella) $0 (Tier 1) mimvey oral tablet 1-0.5 mg (Activella) $0 (Tier 1) PREMARIN INJECTION RECON SOLN 25 MG PREMARIN ORAL TABLET 0.3 MG, 0.45 MG, 0.625 MG, 0.9 MG, 1.25 MG PREMARIN VAGINAL CREAM 0.625 MG/GRAM PREMPHASE ORAL TABLET 0.625 MG (14)/ 0.625MG-5MG(14) PREMPRO ORAL TABLET 0.3-1.5 MG, 0.45-1.5 MG, 0.625-2.5 MG, 0.625-5 MG raloxifene oral tablet 60 mg $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA-HRM; QL (8 per 28 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; QL (4 per 28 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) QL (1 per 84 days) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Evista) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 176 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug VAGIFEM VAGINAL TABLET 10 MCG Glucocorticoids/Mineralocorticoids a-hydrocort injection recon soln 100 mg (Hydrocortisone Sod Succinate) betamethasone acet,sod phos injection (Celestone) suspension 6 mg/ml cortisone oral tablet 25 mg (Cortisone Acetate) dexamethasone oral elixir 0.5 mg/5 ml (Dexamethasone) dexamethasone oral tablet 0.5 mg, 0.75 (Dexamethasone) mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg dexamethasone sodium phosphate (Dexamethasone Sod injection solution 10 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml Phosphate) fludrocortisone oral tablet 0.1 mg (Fludrocortisone Acetate) hydrocortisone oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg, 5 (Cortef) mg methylprednisolone acetate injection (Depo-Medrol) suspension 40 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml methylprednisolone oral tablet 16 mg, 32 (Medrol) mg, 4 mg, 8 mg methylprednisolone oral tablets,dose pack (Medrol) 4 mg methylprednisolone sodium succ injection (Solu-Medrol) recon soln 125 mg, 40 mg methylprednisolone ss 1 gm vl (Solu-Medrol) mdv,latex-free 1,000 mg prednisolone sodium phosphate oral (Pediapred) solution 15 mg/5 ml (3 mg/ml), 25 mg/5 ml (5 mg/ml), 5 mg base/5 ml (6.7 mg/5 ml) prednisone oral solution 5 mg/5 ml (Prednisone) prednisone oral tablet 1 mg, 2.5 mg, 20 (Prednisone) mg, 5 mg, 50 mg $0 (Tier 2) QL (18 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 177 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug prednisone oral tablet 10 mg prednisone oral tablets,dose pack 10 mg, 10 mg (48 pack), 5 mg, 5 mg (48 pack) SOLU-CORTEF (PF) INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 MG/2 ML triamcinolone acetonide injection suspension 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml Pituitary desmopressin injection solution 4 mcg/ml desmopressin nasal solution 0.1 mg/ml (refrigerate) desmopressin nasal spray,non-aerosol 10 mcg/spray (0.1 ml) desmopressin oral tablet 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 0.2 MG/0.25 ML, 0.4 MG/0.25 ML, 0.6 MG/0.25 ML, 0.8 MG/0.25 ML, 1 MG/0.25 ML, 1.2 MG/0.25 ML, 1.4 MG/0.25 ML, 1.6 MG/0.25 ML, 1.8 MG/0.25 ML, 2 MG/0.25 ML GENOTROPIN SUBCUTANEOUS CARTRIDGE 12 MG/ML (36 UNIT/ML), 5 MG/ML (15 UNIT/ML) INCRELEX SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML LUPRON DEPOT-PED (3 MONTH) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 30 MG LUPRON DEPOT-PED INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 11.25 MG, 15 MG, 7.5 MG (PED) (Prednisone) (Prednisone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) (Triamcinolone Acetonide) $0 (Tier 1) (Desmopressin Acetate) (DDAVP) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (15 per 30 days) (Desmopressin Acetate) (DDAVP) $0 (Tier 1) QL (15 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 178 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 10 MG/1.5 ML (6.7 MG/ML), 15 MG/1.5 ML (10 MG/ML), 30 MG/3 ML (10 MG/ML), 5 MG/1.5 ML (3.3 MG/ML) octreotide acet 50 mcg/ml syr (Octreotide Acetate) outer,single-dose,10 50 mcg/ml (1 ml) octreotide acetate injection solution 1,000 (Sandostatin) mcg/ml, 100 mcg/ml, 200 mcg/ml, 500 mcg/ml octreotide acetate injection solution 50 (Octreotide Acetate) mcg/ml SAIZEN CLICK.EASY SUBCUTANEOUS CARTRIDGE 8.8 MG/1.5 ML (FNL) SAIZEN SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 5 MG, 8.8 MG SANDOSTATIN LAR 10 MG KIT 10 MG SANDOSTATIN LAR 20 MG KIT 20 MG SANDOSTATIN LAR 30 MG KIT 30 MG SANDOSTATIN LAR DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL RECON 10 MG, 20 MG, 30 MG SEROSTIM SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 4 MG, 5 MG, 6 MG SOMATULINE DEPOT SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 120 MG/0.5 ML, 60 MG/0.2 ML, 90 MG/0.3 ML $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 179 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug SOMAVERT SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG, 25 MG, 30 MG SUPPRELIN LA IMPLANT KIT 50 MG (65 MCG/DAY) Progestins DEPO-PROVERA INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 400 MG/ML hydroxyprogesterone caproate intramuscular oil 250 mg/ml medroxyprogesterone intramuscular suspension 150 mg/ml medroxyprogesterone intramuscular syringe 150 mg/ml medroxyprogesterone oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg MEGACE ES ORAL SUSPENSION 625 MG/5 ML megestrol oral suspension 400 mg/10 ml (40 mg/ml), 625 mg/5 ml norethindrone acetate oral tablet 5 mg progesterone in oil intramuscular oil 50 mg/ml progesterone micronized oral capsule 100 mg, 200 mg Thyroid And Antithyroid Agents levothyroxine intravenous recon soln 100 mcg, 200 mcg, 500 mcg levothyroxine oral tablet 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, 25 mcg, 300 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg $0 (Tier 2) (Hydroxyprogesteron e Caproate) (Depo-Provera) (Provera) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 360 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (10 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) PA NSO $0 (Tier 1) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (1 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Megace Es) $0 (Tier 1) (Aygestin) (Progesterone) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Prometrium) $0 (Tier 1) (Levothyroxine Sodium) (Levoxyl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 180 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug liothyronine oral tablet 25 mcg, 5 mcg, 50 mcg methimazole oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg propylthiouracil oral tablet 50 mg (Cytomel) $0 (Tier 1) (Tapazole) (Propylthiouracil) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) Immunological Agents Immunological Agents ARCALYST SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 220 MG ASTAGRAF XL ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 0.5 MG, 1 MG, 5 MG AUBAGIO ORAL TABLET 14 MG, 7 MG azathioprine oral tablet 50 mg azathioprine sodium injection recon soln 100 mg CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 6 GRAM CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 400 MG (200 MG X 2 VIALS) CIMZIA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 400 MG/2 ML (200 MG/ML X 2) cyclosporine intravenous solution 250 mg/5 ml cyclosporine modified oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg cyclosporine modified oral solution 100 mg/ml $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (28 per 28 days) PA BvD PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA (Sandimmune) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Neoral) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Neoral) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Imuran) (Azathioprine Sodium) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 181 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cyclosporine oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg (Sandimmune) ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 25 MG (1 ML) ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 25 MG/0.5ML (0.51), 50 MG/ML (0.98 ML) ENBREL SURECLICK SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 50 MG/ML (0.98 ML) ENVARSUS XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 0.75 MG, 1 MG, 4 MG FLEBOGAMMA DIF INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 %, 5 % GAMASTAN S/D INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 15-18 % RANGE GAMMAGARD LIQUID INJECTION SOLUTION 10 % GAMMAPLEX INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 5 % gengraf oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 (Neoral) mg gengraf oral solution 100 mg/ml (Neoral) HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHN'S START SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML, 40 MG/0.8 ML (6 PACK) HUMIRA PEN CROHN'S-UC-HS START SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD PA $0 (Tier 2) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 182 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug HUMIRA PEN PSORIASIS-UVEITIS SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML HUMIRA PEN SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML HUMIRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 10 MG/0.2 ML, 20 MG/0.4 ML, 40 MG/0.8 ML HYPERRAB S/D (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 150 UNIT/ML, 150 UNIT/ML (10 ML) HYQVIA IG COMPONENT SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 2.5 GRAM/25 ML (10 %) HYQVIA SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 10 GRAM /100 ML (10 %), 2.5 GRAM /25 ML (10 %), 20 GRAM /200 ML (10 %), 30 GRAM /300 ML (10 %), 5 GRAM /50 ML (10 %) ILARIS (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 180 MG/1.2 ML (150 MG/ML) IMOGAM RABIES-HT (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 150 UNIT/ML KINERET SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 100 MG/0.67 ML leflunomide oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg mycophenolate mofetil oral capsule 250 mg mycophenolate mofetil oral suspension for reconstitution 200 mg/ml mycophenolate mofetil oral tablet 500 mg $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (18.76 per 28 days) (Arava) (Cellcept) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Cellcept) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Cellcept) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 183 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug mycophenolate sodium oral tablet,delayed (Myfortic) release (dr/ec) 180 mg, 360 mg NULOJIX INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 250 MG OCTAGAM INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 %, 5 % ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 250 MG ORENCIA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 125 MG/ML PRIVIGEN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 % PROGRAF INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 5 MG/ML RAPAMUNE ORAL SOLUTION 1 MG/ML RIDAURA ORAL CAPSULE 3 MG sirolimus oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg (Rapamune) tacrolimus oral capsule 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 5 (Hecoria) mg TYSABRI INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 300 MG/15 ML ZORTRESS ORAL TABLET 0.25 MG, 0.5 MG, 0.75 MG Vaccines ACTHIB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 10 MCG/0.5 ML ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 2 LF-(2.5-5-3-5 MCG)-5LF/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; LA; QL (15 per 28 days) PA BvD; QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 184 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 2 LF-(2.5-5-3-5 MCG)-5LF/0.5 ML BCG (TICE STRAIN) VIAL LATEX-FREE, OUTER 50 MG BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) PERCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 50 MG BEXSERO (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 50-50-50-25 MCG/0.5 ML BOOSTRIX TDAP INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 2.5-8-5 LF-MCG-LF/0.5ML BOOSTRIX TDAP INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 2.5-8-5 LF-MCG-LF/0.5ML CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 20-20 MCG/0.5 ML COMVAX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 5-7.5-125 MCG/0.5 ML DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 15-10-5 LF-MCG-LF/0.5ML ENGERIX-B (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 20 MCG/ML ENGERIX-B 20 MCG/ML VIAL 10'S,ADULT,P/F,OUTER 20 MCG/ML ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 10 MCG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 185 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 10 MCG/0.5 ML GARDASIL (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 20-40-40-20 MCG/0.5 ML GARDASIL (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 20-40-40-20 MCG/0.5 ML GARDASIL 9 (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 0.5 ML GARDASIL 9 (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 0.5 ML HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 1,440 ELISA UNIT/ML HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 1,440 ELISA UNIT/ML, 720 ELISA UNIT/0.5 ML HIBERIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 10 MCG/0.5 ML IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 2.5 UNIT INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 25-58-10 LF-MCG-LF/0.5ML IPOL INJECTION SUSPENSION 40-8-32 UNIT/0.5 ML IPOL INJECTION SYRINGE 40-8-32 UNIT/0.5 ML IXIARO (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 6 MCG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1.5 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1.5 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1.5 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1.5 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 186 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug KINRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 25 LF-58 MCG-10 LF/0.5 ML KINRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 25 LF-58 MCG-10 LF/0.5 ML MENACTRA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 4 MCG/0.5 ML MENHIBRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 5-2.5 MCG/0.5 ML MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 50 MCG MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 10-5 MCG/0.5 ML MENVEO MENA COMPONENT (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 10 MCG /0.5 ML (FINAL) MENVEO MENCYW-135 COMPNT (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 5 MCG X 3/ 0.5 ML (FINAL) M-M-R II (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 1,000-12,500 TCID50/0.5 ML PEDIARIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 10 MCG-25LF-25 MCG-10LF/0.5 ML PEDVAX HIB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 7.5 MCG/0.5 ML PENTACEL (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 15 LF UNIT-20 MCG-5 LF/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 187 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PENTACEL ACTHIB COMPONENT (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR RECON SOLN 10 MCG/0.5 ML PROQUAD (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 10EXP3-4.3-33.99 TCID50/0.5 QUADRACEL (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 15 LF-48 MCG- 5 LF UNIT/0.5ML RABAVERT (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 2.5 UNIT RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 10 MCG/ML, 40 MCG/ML RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 10 MCG/ML, 5 MCG/0.5 ML ROTARIX ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 10EXP6 CCID50/ML ROTATEQ VACCINE ORAL SUSPENSION 2 ML TENIVAC (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 5-2 LF UNIT/0.5 ML TETANUS TOXOID,ADSORBED (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 5 LF UNIT/0.5 ML TETANUS,DIPHTHERIA TOX PED(PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 5-25 LF UNIT/0.5 ML tetanus-diphtheria toxoids-td (Tetanus, Diphtheria intramuscular suspension 2-2 lf unit/0.5 ml Tox,Adult) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD; QL (3 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 188 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug TRUMENBA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 120 MCG/0.5 ML TWINRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 720 ELISA UNIT -20 MCG/ML TWINRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 720 ELISA UNIT -20 MCG/ML TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 25 MCG/0.5 ML TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 25 MCG/0.5 ML VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION 50 UNIT/ML VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 25 UNIT/0.5 ML, 50 UNIT/ML VAQTA 25 UNITS/0.5 ML VIAL SDV, OUTER 25 UNIT/0.5 ML VARIVAX (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 1,350 UNIT/0.5 ML YF-VAX (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 10 EXP4.74 UNIT/0.5 ML ZOSTAVAX (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 19,400 UNIT/0.65 ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2 per 365 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 365 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 189 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents alosetron oral tablet 0.5 mg, 1 mg APRISO ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 0.375 GRAM ASACOL HD ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) 800 MG balsalazide oral capsule 750 mg budesonide oral capsule,delayed,extend.release 3 mg DELZICOL ORAL CAPSULE (WITH DEL REL TABLETS) 400 MG DIPENTUM ORAL CAPSULE 250 MG mesalamine oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 800 mg (Alosetron HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Colazal) (Entocort EC) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Asacol Hd) ST $0 (Tier 1) Irrigating Solutions Irrigating Solutions acetic acid irrigation solution 0.25 % (Acetic Acid) LACTATED RINGERS IRRIGATION SOLUTION ringers irrigation solution (Ringers Solution) sodium chloride irrigation solution 0.9 % (Sodium Chloride Irrig Solution) sorbitol irrigation solution 3 %, 3.3 % (Sorbitol Solution) sorbitol-mannitol urethral solution (Mannitol/Sorbitol 2.7-0.54 g/100 ml Solution) water for irrigation, sterile irrigation (Water For solution Irrigation,Sterile) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 190 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Metabolic Bone Disease Agents Metabolic Bone Disease Agents alendronate oral solution 70 mg/75 ml alendronate oral tablet 10 mg, 40 mg, 5 mg alendronate oral tablet 35 mg, 70 mg calcitonin (salmon) nasal spray,non-aerosol 200 unit/actuation calcitriol intravenous solution 1 mcg/ml calcitriol oral capsule 0.25 mcg, 0.5 mcg calcitriol oral solution 1 mcg/ml doxercalciferol intravenous solution 4 mcg/2 ml doxercalciferol oral capsule 0.5 mcg, 1 mcg, 2.5 mcg FORTEO SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 20 MCG/DOSE - 600 MCG/2.4 ML FORTICAL NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSOL 200 UNIT/ACTUATION ibandronate intravenous solution 3 mg/3 ml ibandronate intravenous syringe 3 mg/3 ml ibandronate oral tablet 150 mg MIACALCIN INJECTION SOLUTION 200 UNIT/ML NATPARA SUBCUTANEOUS CARTRIDGE 100 MCG/DOSE, 25 MCG/DOSE, 50 MCG/DOSE, 75 MCG/DOSE paricalcitol oral capsule 1 mcg, 2 mcg, 4 mcg (Alendronate Sodium) (Fosamax) $0 (Tier 1) (Fosamax) (Miacalcin) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Calcitriol) (Rocaltrol) (Rocaltrol) (Doxercalciferol) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Hectorol) $0 (Tier 1) (Ibandronate Sodium) (Boniva) (Boniva) (Zemplar) QL (300 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (4 per 28 days) QL (3.7 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (2.4 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (3.7 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (3 per 84 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (3 per 84 days) QL (1 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (2 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 191 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PROLIA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 60 MG/ML risedronate oral tablet 150 mg risedronate oral tablet 30 mg, 5 mg ZEMPLAR INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 MCG/ML, 5 MCG/ML zoledronic acid intravenous solution 4 mg/5 ml zoledronic acid-mannitol-water intravenous piggyback 4 mg/100 ml zoledronic acid-mannitol-water intravenous solution 5 mg/100 ml ZOMETA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/100 ML $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 180 days) (Actonel) (Actonel) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (1 per 28 days) QL (30 per 28 days) (Zometa) $0 (Tier 1) (Zoledronic Acid/Mannitol and Water) (Reclast) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (100 per 300 days) $0 (Tier 2) Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 200 MG/10 ML (20 MG/ML), 400 MG/20 ML (20 MG/ML), 80 MG/4 ML (20 MG/ML) ACTEMRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 162 MG/0.9 ML ACTIMMUNE SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 100 MCG/0.5 ML allopurinol oral tablet 100 mg, 300 mg amifostine crystalline intravenous recon soln 500 mg anticoag citrate phos dextrose solution 2.63-222 gram-mg/100ml AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 30 MCG AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR PEN INJECTOR KIT 30 MCG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) (Zyloprim) (Ethyol) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Citrate Phosphate Dextros Soln) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 192 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 30 MCG/0.5 ML BENLYSTA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 120 MG, 400 MG BETASERON SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 0.3 MG bethanechol chloride oral tablet 10 mg, 25 mg, 5 mg, 50 mg buspirone oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg CERDELGA ORAL CAPSULE 84 MG CETYLEV ORAL TABLET, EFFERVESCENT 2.5 GRAM, 500 MG colchicine oral tablet 0.6 mg colchicine-probenecid oral tablet 0.5-500 mg COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 20 MG/ML, 40 MG/ML CYSTADANE ORAL POWDER 1 GRAM/1.7 ML droperidol injection solution 2.5 mg/ml dutasteride oral capsule 0.5 mg dutasteride-tamsulosin oral capsule, er multiphase 24 hr 0.5-0.4 mg ELMIRON ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ergoloid oral tablet 1 mg EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS KIT 0.3 MG finasteride oral tablet 5 mg fomepizole intravenous solution 1 gram/ml FUSILEV INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 50 MG GAUZE PAD TOPICAL BANDAGE 2 X2" $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) ST (Urecholine) $0 (Tier 1) (Buspirone HCl) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Colcrys) (Colchicine/Probeneci d) PA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Droperidol) (Avodart) (Jalyn) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) QL (30 per 30 days) (Ergoloid Mesylates) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) ST (Proscar) (Fomepizole) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 193 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug GILENYA ORAL CAPSULE 0.5 MG GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT INJECTION RECON SOLN 1 MG GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) INJECTION KIT 1 MG gnp epsom salt granules 495 mg/5 gram * guanidine oral tablet 125 mg hydroxyzine hcl intramuscular solution 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml hydroxyzine hcl oral solution 10 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Magnesium Sulfate) (Guanidine HCl) (Hydroxyzine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Hydroxyzine HCl) $0 (Tier 1) hydroxyzine hcl oral tablet 10 mg, 25 mg, (Hydroxyzine HCl) 50 mg hydroxyzine pamoate oral capsule 100 mg, (Vistaril) 25 mg, 50 mg KEVEYIS ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0 (Tier 1) LEMTRADA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 12 MG/1.2 ML leucovorin calcium 200 mg vial sdv, p/f, latex-free 200 mg leucovorin calcium injection recon soln 100 mg, 350 mg leucovorin calcium oral tablet 10 mg, 15 mg, 25 mg, 5 mg levocarnitine (with sugar) oral solution 100 mg/ml levocarnitine oral tablet 330 mg levoleucovorin calcium intravenous recon soln 50 mg licide spray 0.2-1 % * $0 (Tier 2) mesna intravenous solution 100 mg/ml MESNEX ORAL TABLET 400 MG QL (28 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Leucovorin Calcium) $0 (Tier 1) (Leucovorin Calcium) $0 (Tier 1) (Leucovorin Calcium) $0 (Tier 1) (Levocarnitine (With Sugar)) (Carnitor) (Fusilev) $0 (Tier 1) (Piperonyl Butoxide/Pyrethrins) (Mesnex) $0 (Tier 4) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA NSO; QL (120 per 30 days) PA $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 194 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug MESTINON ORAL SYRUP 60 MG/5 ML MESTINON TIMESPAN ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 180 MG morrhuate sodium intravenous solution 5 (Sodium Morrhuate) % ORENCIA CLICKJECT SUBCUTANEOUS AUTO-INJECTOR 125 MG/ML ORFADIN ORAL SUSPENSION 4 MG/ML OTEZLA ORAL TABLET 30 MG $0 (Tier 2) OTEZLA STARTER ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 10 MG (4)-20 MG (4)-30 MG (47), 10 MG (4)-20 MG (4)-30 MG(19) OTREXUP (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS AUTO-INJECTOR 10 MG/0.4 ML, 12.5 MG/0.4 ML, 15 MG/0.4 ML, 17.5 MG/0.4 ML, 20 MG/0.4 ML, 22.5 MG/0.4 ML, 25 MG/0.4 ML, 7.5 MG/0.4 ML PANTILINERS PAD * PLEGRIDY SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 125 MCG/0.5 ML, 63 MCG/0.5 ML- 94 MCG/0.5 ML PLEGRIDY SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 125 MCG/0.5 ML, 63 MCG/0.5 ML- 94 MCG/0.5 ML POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350 GRAN * probenecid oral tablet 500 mg $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 2) ST $0 (Tier 4) (Probenecid) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 195 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug PROCYSBI ORAL CAPSULE, DELAYED REL SPRINKLE 25 MG, 75 MG pyridostigmine bromide oral tablet 60 mg (Mestinon) pyridostigmine bromide oral tablet (Mestinon) extended release 180 mg RASUVO (PF) SUBCUTANEOUS AUTO-INJECTOR 10 MG/0.2 ML, 12.5 MG/0.25 ML, 15 MG/0.3 ML, 17.5 MG/0.35 ML, 20 MG/0.4 ML, 22.5 MG/0.45 ML, 25 MG/0.5 ML, 27.5 MG/0.55 ML, 30 MG/0.6 ML, 7.5 MG/0.15 ML REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 22 MCG/0.5 ML, 44 MCG/0.5 ML REBIF REBIDOSE SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 22 MCG/0.5 ML, 44 MCG/0.5 ML, 8.8MCG/0.2ML-22 MCG/0.5ML (6) REBIF TITRATION PACK SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 8.8MCG/0.2ML-22 MCG/0.5ML (6) REMICADE INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG SENSIPAR ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG, 90 MG SIGNIFOR SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION 0.3 MG/ML (1 ML), 0.6 MG/ML (1 ML), 0.9 MG/ML (1 ML) SIMPONI ARIA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 12.5 MG/ML SIMPONI SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 100 MG/ML, 50 MG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 196 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug SIMPONI SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 100 MG/ML, 50 MG/0.5 ML STELARA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 45 MG/0.5 ML, 90 MG/ML STERILE PADS 2" X 2" 2 X 2 " SYNAREL NASAL SPRAY,NON-AEROSOL 2 MG/ML TECFIDERA ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 120 MG TECFIDERA ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 120 MG (14)- 240 MG (46), 240 MG THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 150 MG, 200 MG, 50 MG TYBOST ORAL TABLET 150 MG ULORIC ORAL TABLET 40 MG, 80 MG XELJANZ ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA XELJANZ XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 11 MG ZINBRYTA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 150 MG/ML $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) QL (14 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA NSO; QL (60 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) ST Ophthalmic Agents Antiglaucoma Agents acetazolamide oral capsule, extended release 500 mg acetazolamide oral tablet 125 mg, 250 mg acetazolamide sodium injection recon soln 500 mg ALPHAGAN P OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.1 % (Diamox Sequels) $0 (Tier 1) (Acetazolamide) (Acetazolamide Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 197 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug AZOPT OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 1 % betaxolol ophthalmic drops 0.5 % bimatoprost ophthalmic drops 0.03 % brimonidine ophthalmic drops 0.15 %, 0.2 % COMBIGAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.2-0.5 % dorzolamide ophthalmic drops 2 % dorzolamide-timolol ophthalmic drops 22.3-6.8 mg/ml latanoprost ophthalmic drops 0.005 % levobunolol ophthalmic drops 0.25 %, 0.5 % LUMIGAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.01 % methazolamide oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg metipranolol ophthalmic drops 0.3 % PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.125 % pilocarpine hcl ophthalmic drops 1 %, 2 %, 4% SIMBRINZA OPHTHALMIC DROPS,SUSPENSION 1-0.2 % timolol maleate ophthalmic drops 0.25 %, 0.5 % timolol maleate ophthalmic gel forming solution 0.25 %, 0.5 % TRAVATAN Z OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.004 % travoprost (benzalkonium) ophthalmic drops 0.004 % $0 (Tier 2) (Betaxolol HCl) (Bimatoprost) (Alphagan P) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (drops: 0.15%, 0.20%) $0 (Tier 2) (Trusopt) (Cosopt) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Xalatan) (Betagan) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Neptazane) (Metipranolol) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) (Isopto Carpine) $0 (Tier 1) QL (2.5 per 25 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Timoptic) $0 (Tier 1) (Timoptic-Xe) $0 (Tier 1) (Travoprost (Benzalkonium)) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2.5 per 25 days) $0 (Tier 1) QL (2.5 per 25 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 198 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug Replacement Preparations Replacement Preparations calci-mix 1.25 gm capsule 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * calcitrate + vit d caplet 315-250 mg-unit * calcitrate 200 mg (950 mg) tab 200 mg (950 mg) * cal-citrate plus vitamin d tab 250-100 mg-unit * calcium 500+d tablet chew 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit * calcium 500-vit d3 200 tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -200 unit * calcium 500-vit d3 400 tablet p/f,na/f,no lactose 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit * calcium 600 + vit d 400 caplet s/f, p/f, caplet 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit * calcium 600 + vit d 400 softgl 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit * (Calcium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) (Calcium Citrate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Citrate/Vitamin D2) (Calcium 600 + Vit D) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) calcium 600 + vit d tablet 600-125 mg-unit (Caltrate 600 Plus * D3) calcium 600 + vitamin d sftgl rapid (Calcium release, sftgl 600 mg(1,500mg) -500 unit Carbonate/Vitamin * D3) calcium 600+d softgel 600 mg calcium(Calcium 200 unit * Carbonate/Vitamin D3) calcium 600-vit d3 200 tablet 600 (Caltrate 600 Plus mg(1,500mg) -200 unit * D3) calcium 600-vit d3 400 tablet 600 (Caltrate 600 Plus mg(1,500mg) -400 unit * D3) calcium adult gummies 250 mg calcium(Citracal + D3) 350 unit * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 199 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug calcium carbonate 648 mg tab 260 mg calcium (648 mg) * calcium chloride intravenous solution 100 mg/ml (10 %) calcium chloride intravenous syringe 100 mg/ml (10 %) calcium citrate - vit d caplet caplet, coated 315-200 mg-unit * calcium citrate malate with d 250-100 mg-unit * calcium citrate with d tablet p/f,s/f 200-125 mg-unit * calcium citrate-vit d3 caplet s/f, p/f 315-250 mg-unit * calcium cit-vit d 250-200 cplt s/f, p/f, caplet 250 mg calcium- 200 unit * calcium cit-vit d 250-200 tab p/f,coated,no lact 250 mg calcium- 200 unit * calcium gluconate 50 mg tablet 50 mg calcium * calcium gluconate 500 mg tab 45 mg (500 mg) * calcium gluconate 648 mg tab 61 mg (648 mg) * calcium gluconate 650 mg tab 60 mg (650 mg) * calcium gluconate intravenous solution 100 mg/ml (10%) calcium gummies 250 mg calcium- 500 unit * calcium lactate 648 mg tablet 84 mg (648 mg) * calcium with magnesium tab 300-300 mg * (Calcium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Calcium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Cit Malate/Vitamin D3) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Gluconate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Gluconate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Gluconate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Gluconate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Gluconate) $0 (Tier 1) (Citracal + D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Lactate) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium/Magnesium ) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 200 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug calcium with vit d tablet 600-125 mg-unit * calcium with vit d tablet caplet,s/f,na/f,p/f 1,500-200 mg-unit * CALTRATE 600 + D SOFT CHEW TAB VANILLA CREME 600 MG (1,500 MG)-800 UNIT * CALTRATE 600 PLUS D3 TABLET 600 MG(1,500MG) -800 UNIT * citracal + d maximum caplet 315-250 mg-unit * citrus calcium + d tablet 315-250 mg-unit * citrus calcium-vit d 200-250 200 mg calcium -250 unit * cvs calcium + vit d3 gummies 250-400 mg-unit * cvs calcium + vitamin d3 sftgl absorbable 600 mg(1,500mg) -500 unit * (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D2) (Calcium Citrate/Vitamin D2) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 4) (Citracal + D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) cvs calcium 500 + vit d 200 tb 500 (Caltrate 600 Plus mg(1,250mg) -200 unit * D3) cvs calcium 500 + vit d tablet oyster shell (Caltrate 600 Plus 500 mg(1,250mg) -125 unit * D3) cvs calcium 600-vit d3 800 tab p/f, (Caltrate 600 Plus s/f,gluten-free 600 mg(1,500mg) -800 unit D3) * cvs magnesium 250 mg tablet 250 mg * (Magnesium) cvs pediatric electrolyte soln * (Pedialyte) cvs pediatric electrolyte soln a/f, p/f * (Pedialyte) d10 %-0.45 % sodium chloride intravenous (Dextrose 10 % and parenteral solution 0.45 % NaCl) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 201 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride intravenous parenteral solution d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride intravenous parenteral solution d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride intravenous parenteral solution dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride intravenous parenteral solution dextrose with sodium chloride intravenous parenteral solution 5-0.2 % dextrose-kcl-nacl intravenous solution 5-0.224-0.225 % effer-k oral tablet, effervescent 25 meq electrolyte-48 in d5w intravenous parenteral solution eql calcium 600 mg + d softgel 600 mg(1,500mg) -100 unit * eql children's calcium gummies 100 mg calcium -100 unit * gnp calcium 500-vit d3 600 tab 500mg (1,250mg) -600 unit * hm calcium citrate-vit d cplt caplet, gluten-free 315-250 mg-unit * HYPERLYTE CR INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 25-20-5-5-30-30 MEQ/20 ML (Dextrose 2.5 % and 0.45 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 % and 0.9 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 %-0.45 % NaCl) (Dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5%-Lactated Ringers) (Dextrose 5 %-0.2 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 % and 0.3 % NaCl) (Dextrose 5 %-0.2 % NaCl) (Potassium Chloride/D5-0.2%Na Cl) (Klor-Con-Ef) (Electrolyte-48 Solution/D5W) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) (Calcium Phos Tribas/Vitamin D2) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Citracal-Vitamin D) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 202 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug IONOSOL-B IN D5W INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % IONOSOL-MB IN D5W INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % ISOLYTE M IN 5 % DEXTROSE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION ISOLYTE-H IN 5 % DEXTROSE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % ISOLYTE-S INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION k-effervescent oral tablet, effervescent 25 meq KLOR-CON 10 ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 10 MEQ klor-con m10 oral tablet,er particles/crystals 10 meq klor-con m15 oral tablet,er particles/crystals 15 meq klor-con m20 oral tablet,er particles/crystals 20 meq klor-con sprinkle oral capsule, extended release 10 meq, 8 meq liquid calcium 600-vit d3 sfgl 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit * $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Klor-Con-Ef) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 203 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug liquid calcium 600-vit d3 sfgl softgel,p/f,gluten-f 600 mg(1,500mg) -500 unit * liquid calcium with vitamin d softgel, s/f, p/f 600 mg calcium- 200 unit * mag delay dr 64 mg tablet 64 mg * mag64 dr 64 mg tablet 64 mg * magbid er 84 mg tablet 84 mg * mag-g 500 mg tablet 27 mg (500 mg) * magnesium 200 mg tablet salt,starch,s/f,p/f 200 mg * magnesium 250 mg tablet 250 mg * MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE 64 MG TAB SLOW, E/C, W/CALCIUM 64 MG * magnesium chloride injection solution 200 mg/ml (20 %) MAGNESIUM CITRATE 100 MG TAB 100 MG * magnesium gluc 500 mg tablet 27 mg (500 mg) * magnesium sulf in 0.45% nacl intravenous solution 20 gram/500 ml (40 mg/ml) magnesium sulfate in d5w intravenous piggyback 1 gram/100 ml, 4 gram/100 ml magnesium sulfate in water intravenous parenteral solution 20 gram/500 ml (4 %), 40 gram/1,000 ml (4 %) magnesium sulfate in water intravenous piggyback 2 gram/50 ml (4 %), 4 gram/100 ml (4 %), 4 gram/50 ml (8 %) magnesium sulfate injection solution 4 meq/ml (50 %) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) (Calcium Carbonate/Vitamin D3) (Slow-Mag) (Slow-Mag) (Mag-Tab SR) (Magonate) (Magnesium) $0 (Tier 4) (Magnesium) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Magnesium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Magonate) $0 (Tier 4) (Magnesium Sulf In 0.45% NaCl) (Magnesium Sulfate/D5W) (Magnesium Sulfate in Water) $0 (Tier 1) (Magnesium Sulfate in Water) $0 (Tier 1) (Magnesium Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 204 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug magnesium sulfate injection syringe 4 meq/ml MAGONATE 27 MG TABLET 27 MG (500 MG) * MAGONATE 54 MG/5 ML LIQUID 54 MG/5 ML * natural calcium 500 mg tablet 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION nu-mag 71.5 mg tablet 71.5 mg * NUTRILYTE II INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 35-20-5 MEQ/20 ML NUTRILYTE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 25-40.6-5 MEQ/20 ML oralyte electrolyte soln * oralyte freezer pops * oysco 500-vit d3 200 tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -200 unit * oysco-500 tablet 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * oyster shell 500-vit d3 200 tb 500 mg(1,250mg) -200 unit * oyster shell calcium 500 mg tb 500mg elemental ca 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) * oyster shell calcium tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit * oyster shell calcium-vit d tab p/f,s/f,gluten-free 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit * (Magnesium Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Calcium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Slow-Mag) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Pedialyte) (Pedialyte) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Calcium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Calcium Carbonate) $0 (Tier 4) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 205 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug oystercal-d 500 mg-400 unit tb 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit * PEDIALYTE SOLUTION * pediatric electrolyte pwd pack natural flavor 10.6-4.7 meq/8.5 gram * pediatric electrolyte solution * phospha 250 neutral oral tablet 250 mg PLASMA-LYTE 148 INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION PLASMA-LYTE A INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 5 % potassium acetate intravenous solution 2 meq/ml, 4 meq/ml potassium bicarb and chloride oral tablet, effervescent 25 meq potassium bicarb-citric acid oral tablet, effervescent 25 meq potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 10 meq/l, 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l potassium chloride intravenous piggyback 10 meq/100 ml, 20 meq/100 ml, 30 meq/100 ml, 40 meq/100 ml (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Pedialyte) (Pedialyte) (K-Phos Neutral) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Potassium Acetate) $0 (Tier 1) (Pot Chloride/Pot Bicarb/Cit Ac) (Klor-Con-Ef) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride/D5-0.45nacl ) (Potassium Chloride In 0.9%NaCl) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride In D5w) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride In Lr-D5) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 206 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug potassium chloride intravenous solution 2 meq/ml potassium chloride oral capsule, extended release 10 meq, 8 meq potassium chloride oral liquid 20 meq/15 ml, 40 meq/15 ml potassium chloride oral packet 20 meq potassium chloride oral tablet extended release 8 meq potassium chloride oral tablet,er particles/crystals 10 meq potassium chloride oral tablet,er particles/crystals 20 meq potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 10 meq/l, 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium chloride-d5-0.3%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 40 meq/l potassium citrate oral tablet extended release 10 meq (1,080 mg), 15 meq, 5 meq (540 mg) potassium citrate-citric acid oral packet 3,300-1,002 mg potassium cl 10 meq/50 ml sol 10 meq/50 ml potassium cl 20 meq/50 ml sol 20 meq/50 ml (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Klor-Con) (Klor-Con 10) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Klor-Con 10) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride-0.45% NaCl) (Potassium Chloride/D5-0.2%Na Cl) (Potassium Chloride/D5-0.3%Na Cl) (Potassium Chloride/D5-0.9%Na Cl) (Urocit-K) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Citrate/Citric Acid) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Potassium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 207 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug potassium cl er 10 meq tablet 10 meq potassium cl er 10 meq tablet f/c 10 meq potassium cl er 20 meq tablet 20 meq potassium phosphate m-/d-basic intravenous solution 3 mmol/ml ra pediatric electrolyte soln a/f * ra pediatric freezer pops * ringers intravenous parenteral solution risacal-d tablet 105-120 mg-unit * sm calcium 600-vit d3 800 tab 600 mg(1,500mg) -800 unit * sm magnesium 250 mg tablet 250 mg * sm pediatric electrolyte soln * sodium acetate intravenous solution 2 meq/ml, 4 meq/ml sodium bicarbonate intravenous solution 1 meq/ml (8.4 %) sodium bicarbonate intravenous syringe 10 meq/10 ml (8.4 %), 4.2 % (0.5 meq/ml), 7.5 % (0.9 meq/ml), 8.4 % (1 meq/ml) sodium chloride 0.45 % intravenous parenteral solution 0.45 % sodium chloride 0.9 % intravenous parenteral solution 0.9 % sodium chloride 3 % intravenous parenteral solution 3 % sodium chloride 5 % intravenous parenteral solution 5 % sodium chloride intravenous parenteral solution 2.5 meq/ml, 4 meq/ml sodium lactate intravenous parenteral solution 167 meq/l (Potassium Chloride) (Klor-Con 10) (Potassium Chloride) (Potassium Phos,M-Basic-D-Basi c) (Pedialyte) (Pedialyte) (Ringers Solution) (Calcium Phosphate Dibas/Vit D3) (Caltrate 600 Plus D3) (Magnesium) (Pedialyte) (Sodium Acetate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Sodium Bicarbonate) $0 (Tier 1) (Sodium Bicarbonate) $0 (Tier 1) (Sodium Chloride 0.45 %) (0.9 % Sodium Chloride) (Sodium Chloride 3 %) (Sodium Chloride 5 %) (Sodium Chloride) $0 (Tier 1) (Sodium Lactate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 208 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug sodium lactate intravenous solution 5 meq/ml sodium phosphate intravenous solution 3 mmol/ml TPN ELECTROLYTES II IV SOLN 25'S,20ML/50ML FTV 18-18-5-4.5-35 MEQ/20 ML TPN ELECTROLYTES INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 35-20-5 MEQ/20 ML virt-phos 250 neutral oral tablet 250 mg (Sodium Lactate) $0 (Tier 1) (Sodium Phos,M-Basic-D-Basi c) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (K-Phos Neutral) $0 (Tier 1) Respiratory Tract Agents Anti-Inflammatories, Inhaled Corticosteroids ADVAIR DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100-50 MCG/DOSE, 250-50 MCG/DOSE, 500-50 MCG/DOSE ADVAIR HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 115-21 MCG/ACTUATION, 230-21 MCG/ACTUATION, 45-21 MCG/ACTUATION BREO ELLIPTA INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100-25 MCG/DOSE, 200-25 MCG/DOSE DULERA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 100-5 MCG/ACTUATION, 200-5 MCG/ACTUATION $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (12 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (13 per 28 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 209 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100 MCG/ACTUATION, 50 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 250 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 110 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 220 MCG/ACTUATION FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 44 MCG/ACTUATION QVAR INHALATION AEROSOL 40 MCG/ACTUATION, 80 MCG/ACTUATION Antileukotrienes montelukast oral granules in packet 4 mg montelukast oral tablet 10 mg montelukast oral tablet,chewable 4 mg, 5 mg zafirlukast oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg Bronchodilators albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization 0.63 mg/3 ml, 1.25 mg/3 ml, 2.5 mg /3 ml (0.083 %), 5 mg/ml albuterol sulfate oral syrup 2 mg/5 ml albuterol sulfate oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg albuterol sulfate oral tablet extended release 12 hr 4 mg, 8 mg $0 (Tier 2) QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (12 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (24 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (21.2 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (17.4 per 25 days) (Singulair) (Singulair) (Singulair) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Accolate) $0 (Tier 1) (Albuterol Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) (Albuterol Sulfate) (Albuterol Sulfate) (Vospire ER) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 210 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ATROVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 17 MCG/ACTUATION COMBIVENT RESPIMAT INHALATION MIST 20-100 MCG/ACTUATION ipratropium bromide inhalation solution 0.02 % ipratropium-albuterol inhalation solution for nebulization 0.5 mg-3 mg(2.5 mg base)/3 ml metaproterenol oral syrup 10 mg/5 ml metaproterenol oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg PROAIR HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 90 MCG/ACTUATION PROAIR RESPICLICK INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 90 MCG/ACTUATION SEREVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 50 MCG/DOSE SPIRIVA RESPIMAT INHALATION MIST 1.25 MCG/ACTUATION, 2.5 MCG/ACTUATION SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER INHALATION CAPSULE, W/INHALATION DEVICE 18 MCG STRIVERDI RESPIMAT INHALATION MIST 2.5 MCG/ACTUATION terbutaline oral tablet 2.5 mg, 5 mg $0 (Tier 2) QL (25.8 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) QL (8 per 30 days) (Ipratropium Bromide) (Ipratropium/Albuter ol Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Metaproterenol Sulfate) (Metaproterenol Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Terbutaline Sulfate) $0 (Tier 1) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 211 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug terbutaline subcutaneous solution 1 mg/ml theochron oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg theophylline in dextrose 5 % intravenous parenteral solution 200 mg/100 ml, 200 mg/50 ml, 400 mg/250 ml, 400 mg/500 ml, 800 mg/250 ml theophylline oral solution 80 mg/15 ml theophylline oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg theophylline oral tablet extended release 24 hr 400 mg, 600 mg TUDORZA PRESSAIR INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 400 MCG/ACTUATION, 400 MCG/ACTUATION (30 ACTUAT) VENTOLIN HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 90 MCG/ACTUATION Respiratory Tract Agents, Other acetylcysteine intravenous solution 200 mg/ml (20 %) acetylcysteine solution 100 mg/ml (10 %), 200 mg/ml (20 %) CINQAIR INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML cromolyn inhalation solution for nebulization 20 mg/2 ml cromolyn sodium nasal spray 5.2 mg/spray (4 %) * DALIRESP ORAL TABLET 500 MCG (Terbutaline Sulfate) (Theophylline Anhydrous) (Theophylline/D5W) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Theophylline Anhydrous) (Theophylline Anhydrous) (Theophylline Anhydrous) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) QL (2 per 28 days) $0 (Tier 2) (Acetadote) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Acetadote) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA (Cromolyn Sodium) $0 (Tier 1) PA BvD (Nasalcrom) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 212 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ESBRIET ORAL CAPSULE 267 MG $0 (Tier 2) KALYDECO ORAL GRANULES IN PACKET 50 MG, 75 MG KALYDECO ORAL TABLET 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) NUCALA SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 100 MG OFEV ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 150 MG ORKAMBI ORAL TABLET 200-125 MG PROLASTIN-C INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 1,000 MG sodium chloride 0.9% inhal vl u-d, suv, p/f (Pulmosal) (rx) 0.9 % * XOLAIR SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN 150 MG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (270 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA; LA; QL (1 per 28 days) PA PA; QL (120 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Skeletal Muscle Relaxants baclofen oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg carisoprodol oral tablet 250 mg, 350 mg (Baclofen) (Soma) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) chlorzoxazone oral tablet 500 mg (Parafon Forte DSC) $0 (Tier 1) cyclobenzaprine oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg (Fexmid) $0 (Tier 1) dantrolene oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 (Dantrium) mg metaxall oral tablet 800 mg (Skelaxin) metaxalone oral tablet 400 mg, 800 mg (Skelaxin) PA-HRM; QL (120 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 213 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug methocarbamol oral tablet 500 mg, 750 mg revonto intravenous recon soln 20 mg tizanidine oral capsule 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg tizanidine oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg (Robaxin) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; AGE (Max 64 Years) (Dantrium) (Zanaflex) (Zanaflex) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) (Nuvigil) $0 (Tier 1) PA $0 (Tier 2) QL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA Sleep Disorder Agents Sleep Disorder Agents armodafinil oral tablet 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 50 mg BELSOMRA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 15 MG, 20 MG, 5 MG eszopiclone oral tablet 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg HETLIOZ ORAL CAPSULE 20 MG ROZEREM ORAL TABLET 8 MG XYREM ORAL SOLUTION 500 MG/ML zaleplon oral capsule 10 mg, 5 mg (Lunesta) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) (Sonata) $0 (Tier 1) LA PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any non-benzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (60 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 214 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug zolpidem oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg (Ambien) zolpidem oral tablet,ext release multiphase (Ambien CR) 12.5 mg, 6.25 mg $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 1) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any non-benzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) PA-HRM; (High Risk Med. QL applies to all members; PA required for 65 years and older with over 90 days cumulative use with any non-benzodiazepine hypnotic drug); QL (30 per 30 days); AGE (Max 64 Years) Urine And Feces Contents Ketones KETONE CARE TEST STRIPS * KETONE TEST STRIPS * KETOSTIX REAGENT STRIPS * Urine And Feces Contents KETO-DIASTIX REAGENT STRIPS * $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) Vasodilating Agents Vasodilating Agents ADCIRCA ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 215 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ADEMPAS ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG, 1 MG, 1.5 MG, 2 MG, 2.5 MG epoprostenol (glycine) intravenous recon (Flolan) soln 0.5 mg, 1.5 mg LETAIRIS ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 5 MG OPSUMIT ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0 (Tier 2) ORENITRAM ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 0.125 MG, 0.25 MG, 1 MG, 2.5 MG REMODULIN INJECTION SOLUTION 1 MG/ML, 10 MG/ML, 2.5 MG/ML, 5 MG/ML sildenafil intravenous solution 10 mg/12.5 (Revatio) ml sildenafil oral tablet 20 mg (Revatio) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA; QL (30 per 30 days) PA $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 1) TRACLEER ORAL TABLET 125 MG, 62.5 MG TYVASO INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 1.74 MG/2.9 ML (0.6 MG/ML) TYVASO REFILL KIT INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 1.74 MG/2.9 ML (0.6 MG/ML) TYVASO STARTER KIT INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 1.74 MG/2.9 ML UPTRAVI ORAL TABLET 1,000 MCG, 1,200 MCG, 1,400 MCG, 1,600 MCG, 400 MCG, 600 MCG, 800 MCG UPTRAVI ORAL TABLET 200 MCG $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (37.5 per 1 day) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA; LA; QL (60 per 30 days) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA BvD $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (60 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (240 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) PA; QL (90 per 30 days) PA BvD You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 216 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug UPTRAVI ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 200 MCG (140)- 800 MCG (60) $0 (Tier 2) PA; QL (200 per 365 days) Vitamins And Minerals Vitamins And Minerals abaneu-sl tablet sl 600-600 mcg * (Cyanocobalamin/Me cobalamin) (Om-3/Calcium/D3/F a/Mv Cmb 13) advanced am/pm combo pack 650-1000-800 mg * AQUASOL A 50,000 UNITS/ML VIAL SDV, LATEX-FREE 50,000 UNIT/ML * ascorbic acid 500 mg/ml vial 500 mg/ml * (Ascorbic Acid) b-12 1,000 mcg sub tablet 1,000-400 mcg * (Cyanocobalamin/Fol ic Acid) b-12 2,500 mcg tablet sl 2,500 mcg * (B-12) b-12 500 mcg tablet 500 mcg * (B-12) b-12 dots 500 mcg tablet 500 mcg * (B-12) bacmin caplet 27-1 mg * (Multivit, Min Cmb#20/Iron/Fa) b-complex 100 injection 100-2-100-2-2 (Vitamins mg/ml * B1,B2,B3,B5, and B6) b-complex with c tablet * (Vita-Bee with C) B-NATAL 25 MG THERAPOPS 25 MG * calcidol drops 8,000 unit/ml * (Drisdol) child ferrous sulfate 15 mg/ml 15 mg iron (Fer-In-Sol) (75 mg)/ml * corvita 150 tablet 150-1.25-120-10 mg * (Corvite 150) cvs b-12 1,000 mcg/15 ml liq 1,000 mcg/15 (Cyanocobalamin ml * (Vitamin B-12)) cvs children's vit d 400 unit 400 unit * (Vitamin D3) cvs daily multiple tablet * (Multivitamin) cvs daily multiple tablet for women * (Multivitamin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 217 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug cvs iron 27 mg tablet 240 mg (27 mg iron) * cvs men's multi-vit tablet * cvs prenatal gummy vitamins 400 mcg-35 mg -25 mg-5 mg * cvs prenatal vitamin tablet * (Fergon) (Multivitamin) (Pnv62/Fa/Om3/Dha/ Epa/Fish Oil) (Prenatal Vit Calc,Iron,Folic) cvs vitamin d3 1,000 unit sfgl softgel 1,000 (Vitamin D3) unit * cvs women's prenatal + dha 28-975-200 (Pnv with mg-mcg-mg * Ca,No.61/Iron/Fa/Dh a) cyanocobalamin 1,000 mcg/ml 25's 1,000 (Cyanocobalamin mcg/ml * (Vitamin B-12)) d3 dots 2,000 unit tablet p/f 2,000 unit * (Vitamin D3) D3-50 50,000 UNITS CAPSULE S/F,D/F,P/F 50,000 UNIT * daily multiple vitamin tab sugar coated * (Multivitamin) daily prenatal combo pack 28-800-440 (One-A-Day mg-mcg-mg * Women'S Prenatal Dha) daily value multivitamin tab s/f * (Multivitamin) daily vitamin formula tablet * (Multivitamin) daily vitamin tablet p/f,na/f * (Multivitamin) daily vite tablet s/f, p/f * (Multivitamin) daily vite tablet s/f,p/f * (Multivitamin) daily-vite tablet * (Multivitamin) ddrops 1,000 unit/drop 1,000 unit/drop * (Just D) ddrops 2,000 unit/drop 2,000 unit/drop * (Just D) decara 50,000 unit softgel 50,000 unit * (Vitamin D3) delta d3 400 unit tablet lactose free, s/f (Vitamin D3) 400 unit * dialyvite 3,000 tablet 3-70-15 mg-mcg-mg (Folic Acid/B * Cplx/C/Selen/Zinc) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 218 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug dialyvite 800 with iron tab 29-800 mg-mcg (Fe Fumarate/Fa/Vit * Bcomp,C) dialyvite tablet 100-1 mg * (Folic Acid/Vit Bcomp,C) dialyvite with zinc tablet 1-100-300-50 (Vit B Cplx mg-mg-mcg-mg * #11/Fa/C/Biot/Zn Ox) DRISDOL 8,000 UNITS/ML DROPS 8,000 UNIT/ML * d-vi-sol 400 units/ml drop 400 unit/ml * (Just D) elfolate 7.5 mg tablet 7.5 mg * (Levomefolate Calcium) eql one daily essential tablet * (Multivitamin) eql prenatal vitamin tablet 28 mg iron- 800 (Prenatal Vit mcg * No.128/Iron/Fa) ergocalciferol 8,000 units/ml 8,000 unit/ml (Drisdol) * EXPECTA PRENATAL COMBO PACK 28 MG IRON-800 MCG-200 MG * ezfe forte capsule 155-1,000 mg iron-mcg (Pnv No.23-Iron Ps * Complex-Fa) fabb tablet 2.2-25-1 mg * (Foltx) FEOSOL 45 MG CAPLET CPLT,NATURAL RELEASE 45 MG * feosol 65 mg tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) * (Slow Fe) ferocon capsule 110-0.5 mg * (Fe Fumarate/Vit C/B12-If/Fa) ferretts 325 mg tablet 325 mg (106 mg (Ferrous Fumarate) iron) * FERRETTS IRON 18 MG TABLET CHW 18 MG IRON * ferrex 150 forte capsule 150-25-1 (Iron Ps Cmplx/Vit mg-mcg-mg * B12/Fa) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 219 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ferrex 150 forte plus capsule 150-60-25-1 mg-mg-mcg-mg * ferrex 28 tablet 151-200-1-0.8 mg * ferrocite plus tablet 106 mg iron- 1 mg * ferrocite tablet 324 mg (106 mg iron) * ferrogels forte softgel 460-60-0.01-1 mg * ferrous fumarate 324 mg tab 324 mg (106 mg iron) * ferrous gluconate 240 mg tab 240mg=27mg elemental 240 mg (27 mg iron) * ferrous gluconate 324 mg tab 324 mg (36 mg iron), 324 mg (37.5 mg iron), 324 mg (38 mg iron) * ferrous sulf 220 mg/5 ml elix 220 mg (44 mg iron)/5 ml * ferrous sulf 300 mg/5 ml liq 300 mg (60 mg iron)/5 ml * ferrous sulfate 325 mg tablet red 325 mg (65 mg iron) * folbee plus cz tablet 5-1.5-25 mg * folbee plus tablet 5 mg * folbee tablet 2.5-25-1 mg * folbic tablet a/f,s/f,lactose free 2.5-25-2 mg * folic acid 0.8 mg tablet 800 mcg * folic acid 1 mg tablet (rx) 1 mg * (Iron Aspgly and Ps/C/B12/Fa/Ca/Suc) (Iron Ag and Fum/C/Fa/Mv Cmb11/Ca-T) (Iron/Fa/Vit Bcomp,C/Minerals) (Ferrous Fumarate) (Iron Fumarate/Vit C/Vit B12/Fa) (Ferrous Fumarate) $0 (Tier 3) (Fergon) $0 (Tier 4) (Fergon) $0 (Tier 4) (Ferrous Sulfate) $0 (Tier 4) (Ferrous Sulfate) $0 (Tier 4) (Slow Fe) $0 (Tier 4) (Folic Acid/Vit Bcomp,C/Cu/Znox) (Folic Acid/Vit Bcomp,C) (Foltx) (Foltx) $0 (Tier 3) (Folic Acid) (Folic Acid) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 220 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug folic acid 1,000 mcg tablet p/f,s/f (otc) 1 mg * folic acid 2.5 mg tablet 2.5-25-2 mg * folic acid 400 mcg tablet s/f,p/f,lactose-free 400 mcg * folic acid 5 mg/ml vial latex-free 5 mg/ml * folic acid-vit b6-vit b12 tab 2.2-25-0.5 mg * folivane-f capsule 125-1-40-3 mg * folivane-plus capsule 125-1 mg * folplex 2.2 tablet 2.2-25-0.5 mg * gnp one daily essential tablet * gs prenatal vitamins tablet 28-800 mg-mcg * hematinic-folic acid tablet 324 mg (106 mg iron)-1 mg * hematinic-vitamin-mineral tab 106 mg iron- 1 mg * hematogen fa softgel 200-250-0.01-1 mg * hematogen forte softgel 460-60-0.01-1 mg * hematogen softgel 200 (66)-10-250 mg-mg-mcg-mg * hemocyte tablet u-u,blister pk 324 mg (106 mg iron) * hydroxocobalamin 1,000 mcg/ml 1,000 mcg/ml * ICAR 15 MG/1.25 ML SUSPENSION 15 MG/1.25 ML * iferex 150 forte capsule 150-25-1 mg-mcg-mg * iron 27 mg tablet 236 mg (27 mg iron) * (Folic Acid) $0 (Tier 3) (Foltx) (Folic Acid) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) (Folic Acid) $0 (Tier 3) (Foltx) $0 (Tier 3) (Integra F) (Integra Plus) (Foltx) (Multivitamin) (Pnv133/Ferrous Fumarate/Fa) (Hemocyte-F) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Iron/Fa/Vit Bcomp,C/Minerals) (Iron Fumarate/Vit C/Vit B12/Fa) (Iron Fumarate/Vit C/Vit B12/Fa) (Fe Fumarate/Vit C/B12/Stomc) (Ferrous Fumarate) $0 (Tier 3) (Hydroxocobalamin) $0 (Tier 3) PA; AGE (Max 46 Years) PA $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Iron Ps Cmplx/Vit B12/Fa) (Fergon) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 221 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug iron 28 mg tablet 256 mg (28 mg iron) * kpn tablet * liquid b12 1,000 mcg/15 ml * l-methylfolate 7.5 mg tablet 7.5 mg * l-methylfolate calcium 7.5 mg labeled as med food (otc) 7.5 mg * MEPHYTON 5 MG TABLET 5 MG * metafolbic tablet 6-5-50-1 mg * multigen caplet 70 mg-150 mg-10 mcg-2 mg-75 mg * multigen folic caplet 70-150-10-1-2 mg-mg-mcg-mg-mg * multigen plus caplet 151-60-10-1 mg-mg-mcg-mg * multiple vitamins tablet one daily * multi-vitamin daily tablet * multivitamins men tablet * multivitamins tablet * multivit-fluor 0.5 mg tab chew chewable, d/f, s/f 0.5 mg myferon-150 forte capsule 150-25-1 mg-mcg-mg * NASCOBAL 500 MCG NASAL SPRAY 500 MCG/SPRAY * nephplex rx tablet 1-60-300-12.5 mg-mg-mcg-mg * (Fergon) (Prenatal Vit Calc,Iron,Folic) (Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12)) (Levomefolate Calcium) (Levomefolate Calcium) (Cerefolin) (Iron Ag/C/B12/Ca/Suc.Aci d/Stom) (Iron Aspgly/C/B12/Fa/CaTh/Suc) (Iron Fum and Ag/C/B12/Fa/Ca/Suc c) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Multivitamin) (Pedi M.Vit No.17 with Fluoride) (Iron Ps Cmplx/Vit B12/Fa) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 1) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) (Vit B Cmplx No3/Fa/C/Biot/Zinc) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 222 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug nephron fa tablet 66.6-75-1 mg * (Fe Fumarate/Doss/Fa/B comp,C) nephro-vite rx tablet 1-60-300 mg-mg-mcg (Vit B Cmplx * 3/Fa/Vit C/Biotin) neurin-sl tablet sl 600-600 mcg * (Cyanocobalamin/Me cobalamin) niacinamide 100 mg tablet 100 mg * (Niacinamide) niacinamide er 500 mg tablet 500 mg * (Niacinamide) once daily tablet * (Multivitamin) ONE A DAY PRENATAL DHA PACK 30 LIQ GELS,30 TABS 28 MG IRON- 800 MCG * one daily essential tablet * (Multivitamin) one daily multivitamin tab * (Multivitamin) one daily tablet * (Multivitamin) one daily tablet men's formula * (Multivitamin) one-a-day essential tablet * (Multivitamin) ONE-A-DAY PRENATAL 1 DHA SFGL 28 MG IRON- 800 MCG-235 MG * optimal d3 50,000 units cap 50,000 unit * (Vitamin D3) PERFECT IRON 25 MG TABLET 25 MG IRON * perry prenatal capsule 13.5-0.4 mg * (Pnv with Ca No.36/Iron/Fa) pharmacist multi-vite tab * (Multivitamin) pnv prenatal plus multivit tab s/f, (Pnv with gluten-free 27 mg iron- 1 mg Ca,No.72/Iron/Fa) poly-iron 150 forte capsule 150-25-1 (Iron Ps Cmplx/Vit mg-mcg-mg * B12/Fa) poly-vita with iron drops 1,500 unit-400 (Ped Multivit unit-10 mg/ml * #46/Iron Sulfate) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 2) PA (All Rx Prenatal Vitamins Covered) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Max 4 Years) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 223 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug polyvitamin w-iron drops 1,500 unit-400 unit-10 mg/ml * prenatal + dha combo pack 28 mg iron975 mcg-200 mg * prenatal 19 chewable tablet (otc) 29 mg iron- 1 mg * PRENATAL DHA+COMPLETE PRENATAL 30-975-300 MG-MCG-MG * prenatal formula tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal formula tablet 9 mg iron- 500 mcg * prenatal gummies 400-32.5 mcg-mg * PRENATAL MULTI + DHA SOFTGEL P/F, GLUTEN-FREE 27 MG IRON-800 MCG-228 MG * prenatal multi-dha softgel 27mg iron- 800 mcg-250 mg * prenatal multivitamins tablet 28 mg iron800 mcg * prenatal one daily tablet 27 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal one tablet 30 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal tablet (otc) 27-0.8 mg * prenatal tablet (otc) 27-0.8 mg * prenatal tablet 27 mg iron- 800 mcg * (Ped Multivit #46/Iron Sulfate) (Prenatal Vit #91/Fe Fum/Fa/Dha) (Pnv No.118/Iron Fumarate/Fa) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Max 4 Years) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Prenatal) $0 (Tier 4) PA (Prenatal Vits #90/Iron Fum/Fa) (Pnv103/Fa/Omega3/ Dha/Fish Oil) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Prenatal No.40/Iron/Fa/Dha) (Prenatal) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Prenatal Vit No.129/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit #108/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit No.130/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) (Prenatal Vit#96/Ferrous Fum/Fa) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 224 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug prenatal tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * PRENATAL TABLET 28 MG IRON800 MCG * prenatal vitamin plus low iron oral tablet 27 mg iron- 1 mg prenatal vitamin tablet 27 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal vitamin tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal vitamins tablet phosphorus free 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * prenatal-1 capsule 30-975-200 mg-mcg-mg * PROFE FORTE CAPSULE 155-1,000 MG IRON-MCG * pv prenatal formula tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * pv prenatal formula tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * pyridoxine 100 mg/ml vial 25's 100 mg/ml * pyridoxine 250 mg tablet 250 mg * ra one daily prenatal dha pack 30's tab & 30's cap 28-800-440 mg-mcg-mg * ra one daily tablet p/f * ra prenatal tablet 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * ra vitamin b-12 1,000 mcg tab timed-release 1,000 mcg * ra vitamin d3 1,000 unit tab s/f,gluten/f,yeast/f 1,000 unit * (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Pnv with Ca,No.72/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit No.124/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) (Prenatal) $0 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) (All Rx Prenatal Vitamins Covered) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Pnv No.25/Iron Fumarate/Fa/Dha) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Prenatal Vit No.131/Iron/Fa) (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) (Pyridoxine HCl) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Pyridoxine HCl) (One-A-Day Women'S Prenatal Dha) (Multivitamin) (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) (B-12) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 225 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug ra vitamin e 400 unit softgel p/f,s/f,softgel 400 unit * renal caps softgel 1 mg * rena-vite rx tablet 1-60-300 mg-mg-mcg * reno caps softgel 1 mg * riboflavin 100 mg tablet 100 mg * riboflavin 50 mg tablet 50 mg * right step prenatal vit tab 27-0.8 mg * se-tan plus capsule 162-115.2-1 mg * siderol tablet * SIMILAC PRENATAL COMBO PACK 27 MG IRON-800 MCG-200 MG * sm multivitamins tablet * sm one daily prenatal combo pk 28 mg iron- 800 mcg * sm prenatal vitamins tablet 28 mg iron800 mcg * sm vitamin d3 4,000 unit sftgl softgel, gluten-free 4,000 unit * sodium fluoride oral tablet 1 mg fluoride (2.2 mg) strovite forte caplet 10-1 mg * (Vitamin E) $0 (Tier 4) (B Complex and C No.20/Folic Acid) (Vit B Cmplx 3/Fa/Vit C/Biotin) (B Complex and C No.20/Folic Acid) (Riboflavin) (Riboflavin) (Prenatal Vit/Iron Fumarate/Fa) (Tandem Plus) (Iron/Liver Ext/Vit Bcomp,C/Min) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA (Multivitamin) (One-A-Day Women'S Prenatal Dha) (Prenatal) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Pedi M.Vit No.17 with Fluoride) (Multivit, Iron, Min #5, Fa) $0 (Tier 1) STROVITE ONE CAPLET 1-1,000-15-5 MG-UNIT-MG-MG * STUART ONE CAPSULE 27 MG IRON- 800 MCG-200 MG * $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) PA You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 226 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug super multivitamin tablet * support-500 softgel * tab-a-vite tablet * taron forte capsule 150-60-25-1 mg-mg-mcg-mg * thera-d 2000 tablet 2,000 unit * THERANATAL CORE NUTRITION TAB 27-1 MG * THERANATAL ONE SOFTGEL 27 MG IRON-1000 MCG-300 MG * THERANATAL OVAVITE COMBO PACK 18-1-125 MG-MG-UNIT * THERANATAL PLUS COMBO PACK 27 MG IRON- 1 MG-300 MG * thiamine 200 mg/2 ml vial 25's,mdv,outer 100 mg/ml * thiamine 250 mg tablet 250 mg * thiamine 500 mg tablet 500 mg * tl gard rx tablet 2.2-25-1 mg * tl-hem 150 caplet 150-1-50 mg * trigels-f forte softgel 460-60-0.01-1 mg * tri-vi-sol drops 750 unit-35 mg -400 unit/ml * tri-vita drops 1,500-35-400 unit-mg-unit/ml * tri-vitamin drops 1,500-35-400 unit-mg-unit/ml * v-c forte capsule 1 mg * vic-forte capsule 1 mg * (Multivitamin) (B Complex with Vitamin C) (Multivitamin) (Iron Bg,Ps/Vitc/B12/Fa/Ca lcium) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 4) PA (Thiamine HCl) $0 (Tier 3) (Thiamine HCl) (Thiamine HCl) (Foltx) (Hemax) (Iron Fumarate/Vit C/Vit B12/Fa) (Vit A Palmitate/Vit C/Vit D3) (Pedi Multivits A,C, and D3 No.21) (Pedi Multivits A,C, and D3 No.21) (Multivitamin-Miner als No.7/Fa) (Multivitamin-Miner als No.7/Fa) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) PA; AGE (Max 4 Years) PA; AGE (Max 4 Years) PA; AGE (Max 4 Years) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 227 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug vinacal b prenatal combo pack 20 mg iron-1 mg -25 mg/25 mg * vit d2 1.25 mg (50,000 unit) 50,000 unit * vit e nat'l blnd 1,000 unit cp 1,000 unit * vitacel tablet 800-250-750 mcg * vitafol caplet 65-1 mg * VITAFOL FE+ (WITH DOCUSATE) ORAL CAPSULE 90 MG IRON-1 MG -50 MG-200 MG vital-d rx tablet 1,750-60-1-12.5 unit-mg-mg-mg * vitamin a 10,000 units capsule soluble 10,000 unit * vitamin b-1 100 mg tablet 100 mg * vitamin b-1 50 mg tablet 50 mg * vitamin b-12 1,000 mcg tablet 1,000 mcg * vitamin b-12 100 mcg tablet 100 mcg * vitamin b-12 250 mcg tablet 250 mcg * vitamin b12 500 mcg tablet 500 mcg * vitamin b-12 tr 1,000 mcg tab lactose free 1,000 mcg * vitamin b-2 25 mg tablet 25 mg * vitamin b-2 50 mg tablet 50 mg * vitamin b-6 100 mg tablet 100 mg * vitamin b-6 25 mg tablet 25 mg * vitamin b-6 250 mg tablet p/f 250 mg * vitamin b-6 50 mg capsule 50 mg * vitamin b-6 50 mg tablet 50 mg * vitamin b-6 sr 200 mg tablet 200 mg * vitamin c 1,000 mg tablet 1,000 mg * vitamin c 100 mg tablet 100 mg * (Prenatal #48/Iron Cb,Glu/Fa/B6) (Drisdol) (Vitamin E Mixed) (Biocel) (Fe Fumarate/Cal/E/Fa/ Multivit) $0 (Tier 4) PA $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 2) (B Cmplx 4/Vit D3/C/Fa/Zinc Ox) (Vitamin A) $0 (Tier 3) (Thiamine HCl) (Thiamine HCl) (B-12) (B-12) (B-12) (B-12) (Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12)) (Riboflavin) (Riboflavin) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Pyridoxine HCl) (Ascorbic Acid) (Ascorbic Acid) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 228 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug vitamin c 250 mg tablet 250 mg * vitamin c 500 mg tablet 500 mg * vitamin c 500 mg tablet buffered 500 mg * vitamin d 1,000 unit tablet 1,000 unit * vitamin d 400 unit tablet p/f,na/f,s/f 400 unit * VITAMIN D2 2,000 UNIT TABLET 2,000 UNIT * vitamin d2 400 unit tablet s/f,l/f,y/f,gluten/f 400 unit * vitamin d3 1,000 unit tablet s/f,p/f 1,000 unit * vitamin d3 1,000 units softgel softgel, p/f, s/f 1,000 unit * vitamin d3 10,000 unit softgel softgel 10,000 unit * vitamin d3 10,000 unit softgel softgel,p/f,s/f 10,000 unit * vitamin d3 2,000 unit softgel 2,000 unit * vitamin d3 2,000 unit tablet s/f,p/f 2,000 unit * VITAMIN D3 400 UNIT SOFTGEL SOFTGEL,P/F,S/F 400 UNIT * vitamin d3 400 unit tab chew orange, p/f 400 unit * vitamin d3 400 unit tablet s/f,p/f 400 unit * vitamin d3 400 unit/5 ml liq 400 unit/5 ml * vitamin d3 400 unit/ml drop a/f, s/f, fruit 400 unit/ml * vitamin d3 5,000 unit capsule s/f, p/f 5,000 unit * VITAMIN D3 5,000 UNIT TABLET S/F, P/F, 5,000 UNIT * (Ascorbic Acid) (Ascorbic Acid) (Ascorbate Calcium) (Vitamin D3) (Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2)) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2)) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) (Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)) (Just D) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin D3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 229 Effective: October 01, 2016 What the Necessary Actions, drug will cost Restrictions, or Limits you (Tier on Use level) Name of Drug vitamin d3 5,000 unit/ml drops a/f, p/f,gluten-free 5,000 unit/ml * VITAMIN D3 LIQUID 1 MILLION UNIT/GRAM * vitamin e 1,000 units capsule 1,000 unit * vitamin e 100 unit softgel softgel 100 unit * vitamin e 200 unit capsule 200 unit * vitamin e 400 unit softgel softgel,s/f,p/f,na/f 400 unit * vitamin k 100 mcg tablet p/f, gluten-free 100 mcg * vitamin k-1 10 mg/ml ampul 25's,latex-free 10 mg/ml * vitamins for hair tablet * VITA-RESPA TABLET 2.2-25-1.3 MG * vp-vite rx tablet 1-60-300 mg-mg-mcg * wee care 15 mg/1.25 ml susp 15 mg/1.25 ml * (Just D) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Vitamin E) (Vitamin E (Dl,Tocopheryl Acet)) (Vitamin E) (Vitamin E (Dl,Tocopheryl Acet)) (Phytonadione) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) (Phytonadione) $0 (Tier 3) (Multivitamin) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 3) (Vit B Cmplx 3/Fa/Vit C/Biotin) (Icar) $0 (Tier 3) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) $0 (Tier 4) You can find information on what the symbols and abbreviations in this table mean by going to page x of this document SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 230 Effective: October 01, 2016 INDEX SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-1 ADVANCED GLUC METER TEST STRIP ................................................ 129 ADVANCED TRAVEL LANCETS ...................................................... 124 ADVIL ..................................................................... 10 ADVOCATE LANCET ............. 124 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE ........................................................................................... 124 ADVOCATE REDI-CODE+ ........................................................................................... 124 ADVOCATE TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 124 AEROCHAMBER MINI ....... 124 AEROCHAMBER MV .............. 124 AEROCHAMBER PLUS FLOW-VU ...................................................... 124 AEROCHAMBER PLUS FLOW-VU,M MSK .......... 124, 125 AEROCHAMBER PLUS Z STAT MD MSK .................................... 125 AEROCHAMBER WITH FLOWSIGNAL ...................................... 125 AEROCHAMBER Z-STAT PLUS-FLW SG ....................................... 125 AEROTRACH PLUS ................... 125 AEROVENT PLUS .......................... 125 af ........................................................................................ 50 afeditab cr ............................................................. 93 AFINITOR ....................................................... 28 AFINITOR DISPERZ .................... 28 AGAMATRIX AMP TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 125 a-hydrocort ...................................................... 177 AIMSCO ........................................................... 103 AKTEN (PF) .............................................. 149 AKYNZEO ....................................................... 62 ala-cort .................................................................. 118 ala-hist ir ................................................................ 53 ALA-HIST PE .............................................. 53 ala-scalp ............................................................... 118 alavert ......................................................................... 53 alaway ..................................................................... 149 Index acetic acid ........................................... 154, 190 acetylcysteine ................................................ 212 acid gone antacid ..................................... 161 acid gone antacid e.strength ..... 161 acid reducer (famotidine) ............................................................................ 159, 160 acid relief (cimetidine) .................... 160 acitretin ................................................................. 114 acne and blackhead terminator ........................................................................................... 114 acne foaming wash ................................. 114 acne medication .......................... 114, 116 ACNE MEDICATION ............... 114 acne-clear ........................................................... 114 ACTEMRA ................................................... 192 ACTHIB (PF) ............................................ 184 ACTI-LANCE LANCETS .... 124 ACTIMMUNE ........................................ 192 ACURA TEST STRIPS ............. 124 acyclovir ................................................... 75, 114 acyclovir sodium ........................................... 75 ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) ............................................................................ 184, 185 ADAGEN ........................................................ 148 adapalene ............................................................ 122 ADCETRIS ...................................................... 27 ADCIRCA ...................................................... 215 adefovir ..................................................................... 75 ADEMPAS .................................................... 216 adriamycin ............................................................ 27 adrucil ......................................................................... 27 adult nasal decongestant ............... 113 adult wal-tussin .......................................... 111 ADVAIR DISKUS ............................ 209 ADVAIR HFA ........................................ 209 advanced am-pm ....................................... 217 advanced exfoliating cleanser ........................................................................................... 115 advanced eye relief (mo-wpet) ........................................................................................... 149 Index Index 12 hour relief ..................................................... 53 1ST TIER UNILET COMFORTOUCH ............................ 123 3 day vaginal ..................................................... 52 8-MOP ................................................................... 114 abacavir .................................................................... 70 abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine ............................................................................................... 70 abaneu-sl ............................................................. 217 ABELCET .......................................................... 49 ABILIFY MAINTENA ................. 66 ABRAXANE .................................................. 27 acamprosate ....................................................... 14 acarbose ................................................................... 45 ACCU-CHEK ACTIVE TEST ........................................................................................... 123 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA ................ 123 ACCU-CHEK AVIVA PLUS TEST STRP .................................................. 123 ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS TEST .................................................. 123 ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX ... 123 ACCU-CHEK MULTICLIX LANCET .......................................................... 123 ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO ........................................................................................... 123 ACCU-CHEK SAFE-T-PRO PLUS ....................................................................... 123 ACCU-CHEK SMARTVIEW TEST STRIP ................................................ 123 ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCETS ...................................................... 123 ACCUTREND GLUCOSE ........................................................................................... 124 ACE AEROSOL CLOUD ENHANCER ............................................. 124 acebutolol ............................................................... 88 acephen ......................................................................... 3 acetaminophen .................................................... 3 acetaminophen-codeine ........................... 3 acetazolamide ............................................... 197 acetazolamide sodium ....................... 197 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-2 AMPYRA ........................................................ 101 ANACAINE ................................................ 114 anagrelide .............................................................. 79 anastrozole ........................................................... 28 ANDRODERM ..................................... 174 ANDROGEL ............................................. 175 androxy ................................................................. 175 antacid (calcium carb-mag hyd) ........................................................................................... 161 antacid anti-gas ......................................... 162 antacid exst (ca carb-mag hyd) ........................................................................................... 161 antacid extra-strength ...................... 162 antacid plus extra strength ......... 161 antacid supreme ......................................... 162 antibiotic plus (pramoxine) ..... 117 anticoag citrate phos dextrose ........................................................................................... 192 anti-diarrheal ................................................ 163 anti-diarrheal (lope)-anti-gas ........................................................................................... 166 anti-diarrheal (loperamide) ..... 162 antifungal ............................................................... 53 anti-fungal ............................................................ 50 antifungal (tolnaftate) ........................ 49 anti-gas maximum strength ....... 159 APOKYN ............................................................ 65 apraclonidine ................................................. 150 apri .............................................................................. 103 APRISO .............................................................. 190 aprodine ................................................................... 54 APTIOM ............................................................... 37 APTIVUS ............................................................. 70 aquanil hc ........................................................... 118 AQUASOL A ............................................. 217 aranelle (28) ................................................. 103 ARCALYST ................................................ 181 aripiprazole ......................................................... 66 ARISTADA .......................................... 66, 67 armodafinil ....................................................... 214 artificial tears (petro/min) ........ 150 artificial tears (pf) ................................ 150 artificial tears (polyvin alc) ..... 150 artificial tears(dext70-hypro) ........................................................................................... 150 Index amiloride ................................................................. 94 amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 94 AMINO ACIDS 15 % ....................... 79 aminocaproic acid ...................................... 79 AMINOSYN 10 % ................................. 79 AMINOSYN 3.5 % ............................... 80 AMINOSYN 7 % ..................................... 80 AMINOSYN 7 % WITH ELECTROLYTES ................................. 80 AMINOSYN 8.5 % ............................... 80 AMINOSYN 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES ........................ 80 AMINOSYN II 10 % .......................... 80 AMINOSYN II 15 % .......................... 80 AMINOSYN II 7 % ............................. 80 AMINOSYN II 8.5 % ........................ 80 AMINOSYN II 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES ........................ 80 AMINOSYN M 3.5 % ...................... 80 AMINOSYN-HBC 7% .................... 80 AMINOSYN-PF 10 % ..................... 80 AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITE-FREE) ................................. 81 AMINOSYN-RF 5.2 % .................. 81 amiodarone .......................................................... 87 AMITIZA ........................................................ 161 amitriptyline ...................................................... 42 amlodipine ............................................................. 94 amlodipine-atorvastatin ..................... 95 amlodipine-benazepril ........................... 94 amlodipine-valsartan .............................. 94 amlodipine-valsartan-hcthiazid ............................................................................................... 94 ammonium lactate .................................. 114 amoxapine ............................................................ 42 amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz ........................................................................................... 159 amoxicillin ............................................................ 23 amoxicillin-pot clavulanate .................................................................................... 23, 24 amphotericin b ................................................ 49 ampicillin ................................................................ 24 ampicillin sodium ........................................ 24 ampicillin-sulbactam .............................. 24 Index Index ALBENZA ......................................................... 63 albuterol sulfate ......................................... 210 alcaine ..................................................................... 150 alclometasone ............................................... 118 ALCOHOL PADS .............................. 114 ALCOHOL PREP PADS ........ 114 ALDURAZYME ................................. 148 ALECENSA .................................................... 28 alendronate ...................................................... 191 alfuzosin ............................................................... 174 ALIMTA ............................................................... 28 ALINIA .................................................................. 64 ALKA-SELTZER GOLD ...... 161 ALLEGRA ALLERGY ................ 53 aller-chlor .............................................................. 54 allergy (chlorpheniramine) ........... 54 allergy (diphenhydramine) ........... 55 allergy and sinus relief .............. 57, 58 allergy relief (clemastine) .............. 58 allerhist-1 ............................................................... 54 allopurinol ......................................................... 192 ALLZITAL ........................................................... 3 almacone ............................................................. 161 almacone-2 ....................................................... 161 aloe vesta antifungal (micon) .... 49 alophen ................................................................... 167 alosetron .............................................................. 190 ALPHAGAN P ....................................... 197 alprazolam ............................................................ 16 ALREX ............................................................... 157 altacaine ............................................................... 150 altamist ................................................................. 150 altavera (28) ................................................. 103 altazine .................................................................. 150 ALTERNATE SITE LANCET ........................................................................................... 125 aluminum hydroxide gel ................. 161 alyacen 1/35 (28) ................................... 103 alyacen 7/7/7 (28) ................................. 103 amantadine hcl .................................... 64, 65 ambi 60pse-4cpm ......................................... 54 AMBISOME ................................................... 49 amethia .................................................................. 103 amethia lo .......................................................... 103 amifostine crystalline ......................... 192 Effective: October 01, 2016 ........................................................................................... artificial tears(pg-hypm-glyc) 153 150 ASACOL HD ............................................. 190 ascomp with codeine ................................... 3 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) ............. 217 ashlyna ................................................................... 103 aspirin ......................................................................... 11 aspirin, buffered ............................................ 11 aspirin-dipyridamole ............................... 79 aspir-low .................................................................. 11 ASSURE 4 STRIPS .......................... 125 ASSURE HAEMOLANCE PLUS ....................................................................... 125 ASSURE ID INSULIN SAFETY ............................................................ 125 ASSURE LANCE ............................... 125 ASSURE LANCE PLUS ............................................................................ 125, 126 ASSURE PLATINUM ................ 126 ASSURE PRISM MULTI STRIP .................................................................... 126 ASTAGRAF XL ................................... 181 atenolol ..................................................................... 88 atenolol-chlorthalidone ....................... 88 athlete's foot ............................................ 49, 50 atorvastatin ......................................................... 95 atovaquone ........................................................... 64 atovaquone-proguanil ............................ 64 ATRIPLA ............................................................ 70 atropine ...................................................... 37, 150 atropine-care ................................................. 150 ATROVENT HFA ............................ 211 AUBAGIO ..................................................... 181 aubra ......................................................................... 103 auraphene-b ..................................................... 154 auro eardrops ................................................ 154 AVASTIN ........................................................... 28 AVC VAGINAL ....................................... 60 aviane ....................................................................... 103 AVONEX .......................................... 192, 193 AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) ........................................................................................... 192 ayr saline ............................................................. 150 ........................................................................................... SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-3 BD TUBERCULIN SLIP-TIP ........................................................................................... 127 BD TUBERCULIN SYRINGE ........................................................................................... 127 BD ULTRA FINE LANCETS ........................................................................................... 127 BD ULTRA-FINE II LANCETS ...................................................... 127 bekyree (28) .................................................. 104 BELBUCA ............................................................. 3 BELEODAQ ................................................... 28 BELSOMRA ............................................... 214 benadryl allergy ............................................ 54 BENADRYL ALLERGY .......... 55 benazepril ............................................................... 86 benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 86 BENDEKA ....................................................... 28 BENICAR .......................................................... 85 BENICAR HCT ........................................ 85 BENLYSTA ................................................. 193 benzonatate ..................................................... 111 benzoyl peroxide ........................ 114, 115 benztropine .......................................................... 65 beta-hc .................................................................... 118 betamethasone acet,sod phos ........................................................................................... 177 betamethasone dipropionate ..... 118 betamethasone valerate ................... 118 betamethasone, augmented ............................................................................ 118, 119 BETASERON ........................................... 193 betaxolol .................................................. 88, 198 bethanechol chloride ............................ 193 BETHKIS ............................................................ 16 bexarotene ............................................................ 28 BEXSERO (PF) ...................................... 185 BG-STAR ........................................................ 127 bicalutamide ....................................................... 28 bicarsim forte ................................................ 158 BICILLIN C-R ............................................ 24 BICILLIN L-A ............................................ 24 BIDIL ........................................................................ 99 bimatoprost ..................................................... 198 bion tears (pf) ............................................. 150 Index azacitidine ............................................................. 28 azathioprine .................................................... 181 azathioprine sodium ............................. 181 azelastine ............................................................ 150 AZILECT ............................................................ 65 azithromycin ...................................................... 22 AZOPT ................................................................. 198 AZOR ........................................................................ 94 aztreonam .............................................................. 23 azurette (28) ................................................. 104 b complex 100 .............................................. 217 b-12 dots .............................................................. 217 bacitracin .................................. 17, 116, 155 bacitracin-polymyxin b ..... 116, 155 bacitraycin plus .......................................... 116 baclofen ................................................................. 213 bacmin .................................................................... 217 balsalazide ........................................................ 190 balziva (28) .................................................... 104 banophen ................................................................. 54 banophen allergy .......................................... 54 BANZEL .............................................................. 37 baza antifungal ............................................... 49 BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) ........................................................................................... 185 b-complex with vitamin c .............. 217 BD BULK LUER-LOK NON-STERILE ...................................... 126 BD INSULIN PEN NEEDLE UF SHORT ................................................... 127 BD INSULIN SYRINGE ULTRA-FINE .......................................... 126 BD INTEGRA SYRINGE .... 126 BD LUER-LOK SYRINGE ........................................................................................... 126 BD MICROTAINER LANCET ............................................................................ 126, 127 BD SAFETYGLIDE SYRINGE ....................................................... 127 BD SAFETYGLIDE TB REG BEVEL ................................................................. 127 BD SAFETY-LOK DETACHABLE NEEDL ........ 142 BD SAFETY-LOK WITH LUER-LOK ................................................. 142 Index Index artificial tears(hypromellose) Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-4 calcium phosphate-vitamin d3 ............................................................................ 200, 201 calcium-magnesium .............................. 200 CALDOLOR .................................................. 11 cal-gest antacid .......................................... 162 CALTRATE 600 + D ..................... 201 CALTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 ................................................................................ 201 camila ...................................................................... 104 camrese ................................................................. 104 camrese lo .......................................................... 104 CANCIDAS ..................................................... 49 candesartan ......................................................... 85 candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................................................................... 85 capacet .......................................................................... 4 CAPASTAT ..................................................... 61 CAPRELSA ..................................................... 29 captopril ................................................................... 86 captopril-hydrochlorothiazide ... 86 CARAFATE ............................................... 159 CARBAGLU .............................................. 162 carbamazepine ................................................ 38 carbidopa ................................................................ 65 carbidopa-levodopa .................................. 65 carbidopa-levodopa-entacapone ............................................................................................... 65 CAREONE THIN LANCET ........................................................................................... 128 CARESENS LANCETS ............ 128 CARESENS N TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 128 CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED ........................... 181 carisoprodol .................................................... 213 carteolol ............................................................... 150 cartia xt .................................................................... 89 carvedilol ................................................................ 88 CASTOR OIL ............................................ 167 castor oil ............................................... 168, 172 CAYSTON ........................................................ 23 caziant (28) .................................................... 104 cefaclor ...................................................................... 20 cefadroxil ............................................................... 20 cefazolin ................................................................... 20 Index butalbital compound w/codeine .... 4 butalbital-acetaminop-caf-cod ...... 4 butalbital-acetaminophen .................... 4 butalbital-acetaminophen-caff ...... 4 butalbital-aspirin-caffeine ................... 4 BUTRANS ............................................................ 4 BYSTOLIC ........................................................ 88 cabergoline ........................................................... 65 CABOMETYX ................................. 28, 29 caffeine citrated ......................................... 101 caffeine-sodium benzoate ............. 101 calamine ............................................................... 115 calamine-zinc oxide .............................. 116 calci-chew ........................................................... 162 calcidol ................................................................... 217 calci-mix .............................................................. 199 calcipotriene ................................................... 115 calcitonin (salmon) .............................. 191 calcitrate ............................................................. 199 cal-citrate ........................................................... 199 calcitrate-vitamin d ............................... 199 calcitrene ............................................................. 115 calcitriol ................................................ 115, 191 calcium 500 + d ........................... 199, 201 calcium 500 + d (d3) ......................... 201 calcium 600 + d(3) .............................. 199 calcium 600 with vitamin d3 ............................................................................ 203, 204 CALCIUM ACETATE ............... 173 calcium acetate ........................................... 173 calcium adult (calcium phos) ........................................................................................... 199 calcium antacid .......................................... 162 calcium carbonate .................... 162, 200 calcium carbonate-vitamin d2 ........................................................................................... 201 calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 .............................................. 199, 201, 202, 208 calcium chloride ........................................ 200 calcium citrate malate-vit d3 ... 200 calcium citrate-vitamin d2 .......... 201 calcium citrate-vitamin d3 ............................................................................ 200, 202 calcium gluconate ................................... 200 calcium lactate ............................................ 200 Index Index BIONIME RIGHTEST TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 141 bisac-evac ........................................................... 167 bisacodyl .............................................................. 167 biscolax ................................................................. 167 bismatrol ............................................................. 162 bisoprolol fumarate .................................. 88 bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 88 bleomycin ............................................................... 28 bleph-10 ................................................................ 155 BLINCYTO ...................................................... 28 blisovi 24 fe ...................................................... 104 blisovi fe 1.5/30 (28) .......................... 104 blisovi fe 1/20 (28) ................................ 104 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST .............................................. 127, 135, 139, 147 B-NATAL THERAPOPS ........ 217 BOOSTRIX TDAP ............................ 185 BOSULIF ............................................................ 28 BREATHERITE RIGID SPACER-MASK .................................. 128 BREATHERITE VALVED MDI SPACER .......................................... 128 BREO ELLIPTA .................................. 209 briellyn ................................................................... 104 BRILINTA ........................................................ 79 brimonidine ...................................................... 198 BRINTELLIX .............................................. 42 BRIVIACT ........................................................ 37 bromfenac .......................................................... 157 bromocriptine ................................................... 65 budesonide ......................................................... 190 bufferin ...................................................................... 11 BULLSEYE MINI SAFETY LANCETS ...................................................... 128 bumetanide ........................................................... 94 BUPHENYL ............................................... 162 buprenorphine hcl ................................ 3, 14 buprenorphine-naloxone .................... 14 buproban ................................................................. 42 bupropion hcl .................................................... 42 bupropion hcl (smoking deter) .................................................................................... 14, 42 buspirone ............................................................. 193 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-5 ciclopirox-ure-camph-menth-euc ............................................................................................... 50 cilostazol ................................................................. 79 cimetidine ........................................................... 159 cimetidine hcl ................................................ 159 CIMZIA ............................................................. 181 CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST ...................................................... 181 CINQAIR ........................................................ 212 CINRYZE .......................................................... 77 CIPRODEX .................................................. 155 ciprofloxacin ...................................................... 25 ciprofloxacin hcl ............................ 25, 155 ciprofloxacin in 5 % dextrose .................................................................................... 25, 26 ciprofloxacin lactate ............................... 25 citalopram .................................................. 42, 43 citracal + d maximum ...................... 201 citrate of magnesia ................................ 171 citroma ................................................................... 167 CITRUCEL .................................................. 168 CITRUCEL (SUCROSE) ........ 168 citrus calcium ................................................ 201 clarithromycin ................................................. 22 clearasil daily clear(benzoyl) ........................................................................................... 115 clearlax ................................................................. 172 CLEVER CHEK LANCETS ........................................................................................... 128 CLEVER CHOICE MICRO TEST STRIP ................................................ 128 CLEVER CHOICE PRO ......... 128 CLEVER CHOICE TALK TEST ....................................................................... 128 CLEVER CHOICE TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 128 CLEVER CHOICE VOICE+ TEST ....................................................................... 128 CLEVIPREX .................................................. 94 clindamycin hcl ............................................... 17 clindamycin in 5 % dextrose ........ 17 clindamycin palmitate hcl ................ 17 clindamycin pediatric ............................. 17 clindamycin phosphate ...................................................... 18, 60, 116, 117 Index child wal-tap cold-allergy ................ 55 CHILDREN'S ADVIL .................... 11 children's allegra allergy ........ 54, 55 children's aller-tec ...................................... 55 children's calcium gummies ........ 202 children's chest congestion .......... 112 CHILDREN'S NASACORT ........................................................................................... 157 children's non-aspirin ......................... 4, 5 children's pain reliever .......................... 10 children's pain-fever relief ................... 4 children's pepto ........................................... 162 children's silapap .............................................. 4 children's silfedrine ................................ 111 children's soothe ........................................ 162 children's sudafed ..................................... 111 children's tactinal ............................................ 4 children's vitamin d ................................ 217 children's wal-dryl allergy ............... 55 children's wal-zyr ......................................... 55 child's benadryl-d allergy-sin ....... 54 chloramphenicol sod succinate ............................................................................................... 17 chlordiazepoxide hcl ............................... 16 chlorhexidine gluconate .................. 114 chloroquine phosphate .......................... 64 chlorothiazide ................................................... 94 chlorothiazide sodium ........................... 94 chlorpheniramine maleate ............... 55 chlorpromazine ............................................... 67 chlorthalidone .................................................. 95 chlorzoxazone .............................................. 213 chocolate laxative ................................... 167 CHOICEDM CLARUS ............. 128 CHOLECALCIFEROL (VIT D3)(BULK) ................................................... 230 cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) ............................................................. 218, 229, 230 CHOLECALCIFEROL (VITAMIN D3) ....................................... 218 cholestyramine (with sugar) ....... 95 cholestyramine light ................................ 95 choline,magnesium salicylate ..... 11 ciclopirox .................................................... 49, 50 Index Index cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) .... 20 cefdinir ....................................................................... 20 cefditoren pivoxil ......................................... 20 cefepime ................................................................... 20 CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE 5 % ........................................................................................ 20 CEFEPIME IN DEXTROSE,ISO-OSM .................. 20 cefotaxime ............................................................ 20 cefoxitin ................................................................... 20 cefoxitin in dextrose, iso-osm ..... 20 cefpodoxime ............................................ 20, 21 cefprozil .................................................................... 21 ceftazidime ........................................................... 21 ceftibuten ................................................................ 21 ceftriaxone ........................................................... 21 ceftriaxone in dextrose,iso-os .... 21 cefuroxime axetil ........................................ 21 cefuroxime sodium .................................... 21 celecoxib .................................................................. 11 CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS ........................................................................................... 181 CELONTIN ..................................................... 38 CEO-TWO ...................................................... 167 cephalexin ............................................................. 21 CEPROTIN (BLUE BAR) ........ 76 CERDELGA ............................................... 193 CEREZYME ............................................... 148 CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) ........................................................................................... 185 cetirizine .................................................................. 54 CETYLEV ...................................................... 193 cevimeline ........................................................... 113 CHANTIX ......................................................... 14 CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX .............................................. 14 CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX .............................................. 15 cheratussin ac ............................................... 111 child allergy relf(cetirizine) ......... 55 child dometuss-da ....................................... 55 child mucinex chest congestion ........................................................................................... 112 child suppository ....................................... 168 child triaminic cold-allergy ............ 55 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-6 CONTOUR NEXT STRIPS Index clotrimazole-7 .................................................. 50 clotrimazole-betamethasone ........ 50 clozapine ................................................................. 67 COAGUCHEK LANCETS ........................................................................................... 128 COARTEM ...................................................... 64 codeine sulfate ..................................................... 5 COLACE .......................................................... 168 COLACE CLEAR .............................. 168 colchicine ............................................................ 193 colchicine-probenecid ......................... 193 cold and cough (diphenhydr-pe) ............................................................................................... 55 cold-allergy-sinus ........................................ 55 colestipol ................................................................. 96 colistin (colistimethate na) ........... 18 colocort ................................................................. 119 COLOR LANCETS ......................... 142 col-rite .................................................................... 171 COLY-MYCIN S ................................. 155 COMBIGAN .............................................. 198 COMBIPATCH ...................................... 175 COMBIVENT RESPIMAT ........................................................................................... 211 COMETRIQ .................................................... 29 COMFORT EZ LANCETS ............................................................................ 128, 129 comfort gel ....................................................... 162 comfort gel extra strength ........... 162 COMFORT LANCETS ............. 129 COMPACT SPACE CHAMBER .................................................. 129 COMPACT SPACE CHAMBER PLUS ............................. 129 COMPLERA .................................................. 70 compoz ....................................................................... 55 compro ....................................................................... 62 COMVAX (PF) ....................................... 185 CONDOMS-PREM LUBRICATED ....................................... 104 CONDYLOX ............................................. 115 CONEX .................................................................. 55 conex ............................................................................ 55 constulose ........................................................... 162 Index Index CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE ....................................... 81 CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITE-FREE ...................................... 81 CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE ............................................ 81 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE ......................................................................... 81 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE ............................................ 81 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULF-FREE ................................................... 81 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULF-FREE ................................................... 81 CLINIMIX 5%-D20W(SULFITE-FREE) ............................................................................................... 81 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE ......................................................... 81 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE .................................................... 82 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE ......................................................... 82 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE ......................................................... 82 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE .................................................... 82 CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE ............................................ 82 CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE ............................................ 82 CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE ............................................ 82 CLINISOL SF 15 % ............................. 82 clobetasol ............................................................ 119 clobetasol-emollient ............................. 119 clocortolone pivalate ........................... 119 clomipramine .................................................... 43 clonazepam .......................................................... 16 clonidine ................................................................... 84 clonidine hcl ......................................... 84, 101 clopidogrel ............................................................ 79 clorazepate dipotassium ..................... 16 clorpres ...................................................................... 85 clotrimazole ........................................................ 50 ........................................................................................... CONTOUR TEST STRIPS 129 129 CONTROL G3 ........................................ 129 CONTROL TEST ............................... 129 COOL GLUCOSE TEST STRIP .................................................................... 129 COPAXONE ............................................... 193 CORLANOR ................................................. 90 cormax ................................................................... 119 cortaid ..................................................................... 119 cortisone ............................................................... 177 cortizone-10 .................................................... 119 CORTIZONE-10 .................................. 119 corvita 150 ........................................................ 217 COSENTYX ................................................ 115 COSENTYX (2 SYRINGES) ........................................................................................... 115 COSENTYX PEN ............................... 115 COSENTYX PEN (2 PENS) ........................................................................................... 115 COTELLIC ....................................................... 29 CREON ............................................................... 148 critic-aid clear af ......................................... 50 CRIXIVAN ...................................................... 70 cromolyn ................................ 150, 162, 212 cryselle (28) ................................................... 104 CUBICIN ............................................................. 18 cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) .............................................. 217, 218, 225, 228 cyclafem 1/35 (28) ............................... 104 cyclafem 7/7/7 (28) ............................. 104 cyclobenzaprine ......................................... 213 cyclopentolate .............................................. 151 cyclophosphamide ...................................... 29 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE ......... 29 CYCLOSET ..................................................... 45 cyclosporine ..................................... 181, 182 cyclosporine modified ........................ 181 cyproheptadine .................................... 55, 56 CYRAMZA ...................................................... 29 cyred .......................................................................... 104 CYSTADANE .......................................... 193 CYSTARAN ............................................... 151 ........................................................................................... Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-7 dextrose 50 % in water (d50w) Index delyla (28) ....................................................... 104 DELZICOL ................................................... 190 DEMSER ............................................................. 90 DEPEN TITRATABS .................. 174 DEPO-PROVERA ............................. 180 dermafungal ........................................................ 50 dermarest eczema (hydrocort) ........................................................................................... 119 DESCOVY ......................................................... 70 desenex ...................................................................... 50 desenex spray ................................................... 50 desipramine ......................................................... 43 desmopressin .................................................. 178 desog-e.estradiol/e.estradiol ..... 105 desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol ..... 105 desonide ................................................................ 119 desoximetasone .......................................... 119 dex4 glucose ....................................................... 82 dex4 glucose bits .......................................... 82 dexamethasone ........................................... 177 dexamethasone sodium phosphate ............................................................................ 157, 177 dexmethylphenidate ............................. 101 dextroamphetamine ............................. 101 dextroamphetamine-amphetamine ........................................................................................... 101 dextrose .................................................................... 82 dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl ........................................................................................... 202 dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) .................................................................................... 82, 83 dextrose 20 % in water (d20w) ............................................................................................... 83 dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) ............................................................................................... 83 dextrose 40 % in water (d40w) ............................................................................................... 83 dextrose 5 % in ringers ........................ 83 dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) ...... 83 dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers ........................................................................................... 202 dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride ........................................................................................... 202 dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride ........................................................................................... 202 Index Index cysteine (l-cysteine) ............................... 82 d10 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ........................................................................................... 201 d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ........................................................................................... 202 d3 dots .................................................................... 218 d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride ........................................................................................... 202 d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ........................................................................................... 202 dactinomycin ..................................................... 29 daily fiber (psyllium-sucrose) ........................................................................................... 168 daily multiple .................................. 217, 218 daily multi-vitamin ................................ 222 daily prenatal ................................................ 218 daily value ......................................................... 218 daily vitamin ................................................... 218 daily vitamin formula ......................... 218 dailyhist-1 .............................................................. 56 daily-vite .............................................................. 218 DAKLINZA .................................................... 74 DALIRESP .................................................... 212 DALLERGY (DEXBROMPHENIRAMN-PE ) ........................................................................................... 56 danazol ................................................................... 175 dantrolene .......................................................... 213 dapsone ..................................................................... 61 DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) ............................. 185 DARAPRIM .................................................. 64 DARZALEX .................................................. 29 dasetta 1/35 (28) ..................................... 104 dasetta 7/7/7 (28) .................................. 104 dayhist allergy ................................................. 56 daysee ...................................................................... 104 ddrops ...................................................................... 218 deblitane ............................................................... 104 debrox ..................................................................... 155 decara ...................................................................... 218 decitabine ............................................................... 29 deep sea nasal ............................................... 151 deferoxamine ................................................. 174 delta d3 .................................................................. 218 ............................................................................................... dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) ............................................................................................... dextrose with sodium chloride 83 83 202 dextrose-kcl-nacl ..................................... 202 diabetic tussin ex ...................................... 112 dialyvite ................................................................ 219 dialyvite 3000 ................................................ 218 dialyvite 800 with iron ...................... 219 diamode ................................................................. 163 DIATRUE PLUS TEST STRIP ........................................................................................... 129 diazepam ................................................................. 16 diazepam intensol ........................................ 16 diclofenac potassium ............................... 11 diclofenac sodium ......................... 11, 157 diclofenac-misoprostol ......................... 11 dicloxacillin ......................................................... 24 dicyclomine ...................................................... 163 didanosine .............................................................. 70 DIFICID ............................................................... 22 diflunisal .................................................................. 12 digitek .............................................................. 90, 91 digox ............................................................................. 91 digoxin ............................................................ 91, 92 DIGOXIN ........................................................... 91 dihydroergotamine .................................... 60 DILANTIN ...................................................... 38 diltiazem hcl ............................................ 89, 90 dilt-xr .......................................................................... 90 dimaphen (pe) ................................................ 56 dimenhydrinate ............................................... 62 dimetapp cold-congestion ................. 56 diotame instydose .................................... 163 DIPENTUM ................................................ 190 diphenhist ............................................................... 56 diphenhydramine hcl ............................... 56 diphenhydramine-phenylephrine ............................................................................................... 53 diphenoxylate-atropine .................... 163 dipyridamole ...................................................... 79 disopyramide phosphate ..................... 87 disulfiram ............................................................... 15 ........................................................................................... Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-8 ELEMENT COMPACT TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 131 ELEMENT TEST STRIPS .... 131 elfolate ................................................................... 219 ELIDEL .............................................................. 120 ELIGARD .......................................................... 30 ELIGARD (3 MONTH) ............... 29 ELIGARD (4 MONTH) ............... 30 ELIGARD (6 MONTH) ............... 30 elinest ....................................................................... 105 eliphos ..................................................................... 173 ELIQUIS ............................................................... 76 ELITEK .............................................................. 148 ELLA ...................................................................... 105 ELMIRON ..................................................... 193 elon dual defense .......................................... 50 elta tar .................................................................... 115 EMBRACE BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM .................... 131 EMBRACE EVO TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 131 EMBRACE LANCETS .............. 131 EMBRACE PRO TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 131 EMCYT .................................................................. 30 EMEND ................................................................. 62 emoquette ........................................................... 105 EMPLICITI ...................................................... 30 EMSAM ................................................................. 43 EMTRIVA ......................................................... 70 EMVERM .......................................................... 64 enalapril maleate ......................................... 86 enalaprilat ............................................................. 86 enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide .... 86 ENBREL ........................................................... 182 ENBREL SURECLICK ............ 182 endocet .......................................................................... 5 endodan ........................................................................ 5 endur-acin .............................................................. 96 enema ......................................... 169, 171, 172 enema disposable ....................... 168, 169 enemeez ................................................................. 169 enemeez plus ................................................... 169 ENGERIX-B (PF) .............................. 185 Index ear drops (carbamide peroxide) ........................................................................................... 155 EASIVENT HOLDING CHAMBER .................................................. 129 EASY COMFORT LANCETS ........................................................................................... 129 EASY PLUS ................................................ 129 EASY PLUS II TEST .................... 129 EASY STEP .................................................. 129 EASY TALK GLUCOSE TEST ........................................................................................... 129 EASY TOUCH ........................................ 130 EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SYRINGE ....................................................... 130 EASY TOUCH LANCETS ........................................................................................... 130 EASY TOUCH SAFETY LANCETS ...................................................... 130 EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SYRG-NDL ........................................................................................... 130 EASY TOUCH TEST STRIP ........................................................................................... 130 EASY TOUCH TWIST LANCETS ...................................................... 130 EASY TRAK GLUCOSE TEST ........................................................................................... 130 EASY TWIST AND CAP LANCETS ...................................................... 130 EASYGLUCO PLUS .................... 130 EASYGLUCO TEST ..................... 130 EASYMAX ................................................... 131 EASYMAX 15 .......................................... 131 ECLIPSE SYRINGE ...................... 126 econazole ................................................................ 50 econtra ez ........................................................... 105 ecotrin ......................................................................... 12 ed a-hist .................................................................... 56 ed chlorped jr .................................................... 56 ed-chlorped .......................................................... 56 EDURANT ...................................................... 70 effer-k ...................................................................... 202 EFFIENT ............................................................ 79 ELAPRASE .................................................. 148 electrolyte-48 in d5w ........................... 202 Index Index divalproex .............................................................. 38 dobutamine .......................................................... 92 dobutamine in d5w ..................................... 92 doc-q-lace ........................................................... 169 docu ............................................................................ 169 docusate sodium ........................................ 169 docusol ................................................................... 169 dofetilide ................................................................. 87 dok ............................................................................... 169 donepezil ................................................................. 41 dopamine ................................................................. 92 dopamine in 5 % dextrose ................ 92 dorzolamide ..................................................... 198 dorzolamide-timolol ............................. 198 doxazosin ............................................................... 85 doxepin ...................................................................... 43 doxercalciferol ............................................ 191 doxorubicin, peg-liposomal ........... 29 doxy-100 ................................................................. 26 doxycycline hyclate ....................... 26, 27 doxycycline monohydrate ................ 27 dramamine ............................................................ 62 dramamine less drowsy ....................... 62 driminate ................................................................. 62 DRISDOL ....................................................... 219 dristan long lasting ................................ 151 dronabinol ............................................................. 62 droperidol ........................................................... 193 DROPLET LANCETS ................ 129 drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol ........................................................................................... 105 DROXIA .............................................................. 29 dry mouth ........................................................... 114 DUAVEE ......................................................... 175 dulcolax stool softener (dss) ... 169 DULERA ......................................................... 209 duloxetine .............................................................. 43 DUREZOL .................................................... 157 dutasteride ........................................................ 193 dutasteride-tamsulosin ..................... 193 d-vi-sol .................................................................... 219 DYRENIUM ................................................. 95 e.c. prin ..................................................................... 12 e.e.s. 400 .................................................................. 22 e.e.s. granules ................................................... 22 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-9 falmina (28) .................................................. 105 famciclovir ............................................................ 75 famotidine .......................................................... 160 famotidine (pf) .......................................... 160 famotidine (pf)-nacl (iso-os) ........................................................................................... 160 FANAPT .............................................................. 67 FANTASY ..................................................... 105 FARESTON .................................................... 30 FARYDAK ...................................................... 30 FASLODEX .................................................... 30 felbamate ................................................................ 38 felodipine ................................................................ 94 FEMRING .................................................... 176 fenofibrate ............................................................ 96 fenofibrate micronized ......................... 96 fenofibrate nanocrystallized ......... 96 fenofibric acid .................................................. 96 fenofibric acid (choline) ................... 96 fenoprofen ............................................................. 12 fentanyl ......................................................................... 5 fentanyl citrate ................................................... 5 FEOSOL ............................................................ 219 feosol ........................................................................ 219 ferocon ................................................................... 219 ferretts .................................................................... 219 FERRETTS CARBONYL IRON ...................................................................... 219 ferrex 150 forte .......................................... 219 ferrex 150 forte plus ............................ 220 ferrex 28 .............................................................. 220 FERRIPROX ............................................. 174 ferrocite ................................................................ 220 ferrocite plus .................................................. 220 ferrogels forte ............................................... 220 ferrous fumarate ....................................... 220 ferrous gluconate ........ 220, 221, 222 ferrous sulfate ............................... 217, 220 FETZIMA .......................................................... 43 feverall ........................................................................... 5 FEVERALL ........................................................ 5 fexofenadine ....................................................... 57 fiber (calcium polycarbophil) ........................................................................................... 169 Index esmolol ....................................................................... 88 esomeprazole sodium .......................... 159 estarylla ................................................................ 105 ESTRACE ....................................................... 175 estradiol ................................................. 175, 176 estradiol valerate ...................................... 176 estradiol-norethindrone acet .... 176 estropipate ........................................................ 176 eszopiclone ........................................................ 214 ethambutol ............................................................ 61 ethamolin ................................................................ 93 ethosuximide ...................................................... 38 etodolac .................................................................... 12 ETOPOPHOS ................................................ 30 etoposide ................................................................. 30 EVENCARE G2 .................................... 131 EVENCARE G3 TEST ............... 131 EVENCARE MINI GLUCOSE TEST STR ....................................................... 131 EVENCARE TEST ........................... 131 EVOLUTION TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 131 EVOTAZ .............................................................. 71 EXEL SYRINGE ................................. 131 exemestane ........................................................... 30 EXJADE ............................................................ 174 ex-lax (sennosides) .............................. 169 EXPECTA PRENATAL .......... 219 expectorant ...................................................... 112 EXTAVIA ....................................................... 193 eye allergy relief ......................... 150, 153 eye drops ............................................................. 150 eye drops (with povidone) .......... 151 eye wash ................................................ 150, 154 E-Z JECT LANCETS ..... 132, 140 E-Z JECT THIN LANCETS ........................................................................................... 140 EZ SMART LANCETS ............. 132 EZ SMART PLUS TEST ......... 132 EZ SMART TEST .............................. 132 E-Z SPACER .............................................. 132 ezfe forte .............................................................. 219 fabb ............................................................................. 219 FABRAZYME ........................................ 148 fallback solo ................................................... 105 Index Index ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) ............................................................................ 185, 186 enoxaparin ............................................................ 76 enpresse ................................................................. 105 enskyce .................................................................. 105 entacapone ............................................................ 65 entecavir .................................................................. 75 entre-hist pse ..................................................... 56 ENTRESTO ..................................................... 85 enulose .................................................................... 163 ENVARSUS XR ................................... 182 EPCLUSA .......................................................... 74 ephedrine sulfate .......................................... 92 epinastine ............................................................ 151 epinephrine ........................................................... 92 epinephrine hcl (pf) ................................. 92 EPIPEN 2-PAK .......................................... 92 EPIPEN JR 2-PAK ............................... 92 epitol ............................................................................. 38 EPIVIR HBV .................................................. 70 eplerenone ............................................................. 99 EPOGEN ................................................... 77, 78 epoprostenol (glycine) ..................... 216 epsom salt .......................................................... 194 EPZICOM .......................................................... 71 eq gentle ............................................................... 151 equalactin ........................................................... 169 ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) ............................................................. 219, 228, 229 ERGOCALCIFEROL (VITAMIN D2) ....................................... 229 ergoloid ................................................................. 193 ERGOMAR ..................................................... 60 ERIVEDGE ..................................................... 30 errin ............................................................................ 105 ery pads ................................................................. 117 ery-tab ........................................................................ 22 ERY-TAB ............................................................ 22 ERYTHROCIN ......................................... 23 erythrocin (as stearate) .................... 23 erythromycin ...................................... 23, 155 erythromycin ethylsuccinate ........ 23 erythromycin with ethanol .......... 117 ESBRIET .......................................................... 213 escitalopram oxalate .............................. 43 Effective: October 01, 2016 172 fiber laxative (psyllium husk) ............................................................................ 168, 172 fiber smooth .................................................... 172 fiber therapy (m-cell/sugar) .... 169 fiber therapy (m-cellulose) ........ 168 fiber therapy (psyllium) ................ 169 fiber therapy (psyllium/sugar) ........................................................................................... 169 fiber therapy sugar free ................... 171 fiber-lax ................................................................ 169 fibertab .................................................................. 169 FIFTY50 SAFETY SEAL LANCETS ...................................................... 132 FIFTY50 TEST STRIP ............... 132 finasteride .......................................................... 193 FINE 30 UNIVERSAL LANCETS ...................................................... 132 FINGERSTIX LANCETS .... 132 FIRAZYR .......................................................... 93 FIRST CHOICE LANCETS THIN ...................................................................... 123 fish oil ........................................ 96, 97, 98, 99 fish oil extra strength ............................ 97 fish oil omega 3-6-9 .................................. 97 fish oil pearls ..................................................... 97 flanax antacid .............................................. 163 FLEBOGAMMA DIF ................. 182 flecainide ................................................................. 87 FLECTOR .......................................................... 12 fleet glycerin (adult) .......................... 169 fleet glycerin (child) ........................... 169 FLEXICHAMBER ........................... 132 FLONASE ALLERGY RELIEF .............................................................. 157 FLOVENT DISKUS ...................... 210 FLOVENT HFA ................................... 210 floxuridine ............................................................. 30 flucaine .................................................................. 151 fluconazole ........................................................... 51 fluconazole in dextrose(iso-o) ............................................................................................... 51 fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) ..... 51 flucytosine ............................................................. 51 ........................................................................................... SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-10 FORACARE GD20 ......................... 133 FORACARE GD40 ......................... 133 FORACARE LANCETS ......... 133 FORTEO .......................................................... 191 FORTICAL .................................................. 191 FORTISCARE GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS ........................................... 133 foscarnet .................................................................. 73 fosinopril ................................................................. 86 fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 86 fosphenytoin ....................................................... 38 FREAMINE HBC 6.9 % .............. 83 FREAMINE III 10 % ........................ 83 FREESTYLE INSULINX ..... 133 FREESTYLE INSULINX TEST STRIPS ........................................... 133 FREESTYLE LANCETS ....... 133 FREESTYLE LITE STRIPS ........................................................................................... 133 FREESTYLE PRECISION NEO STRIPS .............................................. 133 FREESTYLE TEST ......................... 133 FREESTYLE UNISTIK 2 ..... 133 fungi cure ................................................................ 51 FUNGI-NAIL .............................................. 51 fungoid-d ................................................................. 51 furosemide ............................................................. 95 FUSILEV ......................................................... 193 FUZEON ............................................................. 71 FYCOMPA ....................................................... 38 G-4 TEST ......................................................... 133 gabapentin ............................................................ 38 GABITRIL ........................................................ 39 galantamine ........................................................ 41 GAMASTAN S/D ............................... 182 GAMMAGARD LIQUID .... 182 GAMMAPLEX ...................................... 182 ganciclovir sodium ..................................... 75 GARDASIL (PF) ................................. 186 GARDASIL 9 (PF) ........................... 186 gas relief .............................................................. 159 gas relief extra strength ................. 159 gas-x extra strength ............................. 159 gas-x ultra-strength .............................. 159 Index fludrocortisone ............................................ 177 flumazenil ........................................................... 101 flunisolide ........................................................... 157 fluocinonide ..................................................... 120 fluorometholone ........................................ 157 fluorouracil ........................................... 30, 115 fluoxetine .................................................... 43, 44 fluphenazine decanoate ....................... 67 fluphenazine hcl ............................................. 67 flurbiprofen .......................................................... 12 flurbiprofen sodium .............................. 158 flutamide ................................................................. 30 fluticasone .......................................... 120, 158 fluvoxamine ........................................................ 44 foaming acne face wash .................. 115 foaming antacid .......................... 163, 166 foaming antacid extra strength ........................................................................................... 166 folbee ........................................................................ 220 folbee plus .......................................................... 220 folbic ......................................................................... 220 folic acid ............................................... 220, 221 folic acid-vit b6-vit b12 .................... 221 folivane-f ............................................................. 221 folivane-plus .................................................... 221 folplex 2.2 .......................................................... 221 fomepizole ......................................................... 193 fondaparinux ..................................................... 76 for sty relief ..................................................... 151 FORA D10 ..................................................... 132 FORA D15G ............................................... 132 FORA D20 ..................................................... 132 FORA D40-G31 TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 132 FORA G20 ..................................................... 133 FORA G30A ............................................... 133 FORA GD50 TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 133 FORA TEST STRIP ........................ 132 FORA TN'G VOICE TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 133 FORA V10 ...................................................... 133 FORA V12 GLUCOSE ............... 133 FORA V20 ...................................................... 133 FORA V30A ................................................ 133 Index Index fiber laxative (methylcellulo) Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-11 HARVONI ......................................................... 74 HAVRIX (PF) ........................................... 186 HEALTHPRO TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 134 HEALTHY ACCENTS UNILET LANCET ........................... 135 healthylax .......................................................... 170 heartburn antacid .................................... 164 heartburn relief ........................................... 163 heather ................................................................... 105 hematinic plus vit/minerals ......... 221 hematinic/folic acid ............................... 221 hematogen ......................................................... 221 hematogen fa ................................................. 221 hematogen forte ......................................... 221 hemocyte ............................................................. 221 heparin (porcine) ....................................... 77 heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex .................................................................................... 76, 77 heparin (porcine) in nacl (pf) ............................................................................................... 77 heparin(porcine) in 0.45% nacl ............................................................................................... 77 heparin, porcine (pf) ............................. 77 HEPATAMINE 8% ............................. 83 HEPATASOL 8 % .................................. 83 HERCEPTIN ................................................. 30 HETLIOZ ........................................................ 214 HEXALEN ........................................................ 31 HIBERIX (PF) ......................................... 186 histex pe ................................................................... 57 homatropaire ................................................. 152 homatropine hbr ........................................ 152 HONGO CURA SPRAY ............ 51 HUMIRA ......................................................... 183 HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHN'S START ............................. 182 HUMIRA PEN ....................................... 183 HUMIRA PEN CROHN'S-UC-HS START ........................................................................................... 182 HUMIRA PEN PSORIASIS-UVEITIS ................. 183 HUMULIN R U-500 (CONC) KWIKPEN ........................................................ 47 Index GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) ...................................... 194 gluco burst ............................................................ 83 GLUCO NAVII TEST STRIP ........................................................................................... 134 GLUCOCARD 01 SENSOR PLUS ....................................................................... 134 GLUCOCARD EXPRESSION ........................................................................................... 134 GLUCOCARD SHINE TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 134 GLUCOCARD VITAL SENSOR ............................................................ 134 GLUCOCARD VITAL TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 134 GLUCOCOM GLUCOSE ..... 134 GLUCOCOM LANCETS ...... 134 glucose ........................................................................ 83 glucose bits ........................................................... 82 glucose gel ............................................................. 83 GLUCOSOURCE .............................. 134 glutose 15 ............................................................... 83 glyburide ................................................................. 49 glyburide micronized .............................. 49 glyburide-metformin ............................... 49 glycerin (adult) .......................... 168, 170 glycerin (child) ........................... 168, 172 glycolax ................................................................ 170 glycopyrrolate ............................... 163, 164 glydo ............................................................................. 14 GLYXAMBI ................................................... 46 GM100 .................................................................. 141 GMATE LANCETS ........................ 134 GMATE TEST STRIPS ............. 134 granisetron (pf) ............................................ 62 granisetron hcl ................................................ 62 GRANIX .............................................................. 78 griseofulvin microsize ............................ 51 guanfacine .............................................. 85, 101 guanidine ............................................................. 194 GYNOL II ...................................................... 105 halobetasol propionate ..................... 120 haloperidol ............................................................ 68 haloperidol decanoate ........................... 67 haloperidol lactate ..................................... 68 Index Index gatifloxacin ...................................................... 155 GATTEX 30-VIAL ............................ 163 GATTEX ONE-VIAL .................. 163 GAUZE PAD ............................................ 193 gavilyte-c ............................................................. 170 gavilyte-g ............................................................ 170 gavilyte-n ............................................................ 170 GAVISCON EXTRA STRENGTH ............................................... 163 GAZYVA ............................................................. 30 GE100 BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP ................................................ 133 gelusil antacid and anti-gas ....... 163 gemfibrozil ........................................................... 97 generlac ................................................................. 163 gengraf ................................................................... 182 GENOTROPIN ...................................... 178 GENOTROPIN MINIQUICK ........................................................................................... 178 GENSTRIP TEST STRIP ....... 134 gentak ...................................................................... 155 gentamicin ............................... 17, 117, 155 gentamicin in nacl (iso-osm) ...... 17 gentamicin sulfate (ped) (pf) ... 17 gentamicin sulfate (pf) ....................... 17 GENTEAL GEL ................................... 151 genteal tears ................................................... 151 gentlelax .............................................................. 170 GENULTIMATE TEST ........... 134 GENVOYA ...................................................... 71 GEODON ........................................................... 67 gianvi (28) ....................................................... 105 gildagia .................................................................. 105 gildess 1.5/30 (21) ................................. 105 gildess 1/20 (21) ...................................... 105 gildess 24 fe ..................................................... 105 gildess fe 1.5/30 (28) ......................... 105 gildess fe 1/20 (28) ............................... 105 GILENYA ...................................................... 194 GILOTRIF ........................................................ 30 GLEOSTINE ................................................. 30 glimepiride ............................................................ 48 glipizide ......................................................... 48, 49 glipizide-metformin .................................. 49 GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT ....... 194 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-12 IPRIVASK ......................................................... 77 irbesartan ............................................................... 85 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 85 IRESSA ................................................................... 31 iron high potency ...................................... 218 ISENTRESS .................................................... 71 ISOLYTE M IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................................................ 203 ISOLYTE-H IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................................................ 203 ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................................................ 203 ISOLYTE-S ................................................... 203 isoniazid ................................................................... 61 isosorbide dinitrate ................................ 100 isosorbide mononitrate ..................... 100 isradipine ................................................................ 94 itraconazole ........................................................ 51 ivermectin .............................................................. 64 IXEMPRA ......................................................... 31 IXIARO (PF) .............................................. 186 JAKAFI ................................................................. 32 jantoven .................................................................... 77 JANUMET ........................................................ 46 JANUMET XR .......................................... 46 JANUVIA ........................................................... 46 JARDIANCE ................................................ 46 jencycla ................................................................. 106 JENTADUETO ......................................... 46 JENTADUETO XR ............................ 46 jolessa ...................................................................... 106 jolivette .................................................................. 106 juleber ...................................................................... 106 junel 1.5/30 (21) ...................................... 106 junel 1/20 (21) ............................................ 106 junel fe 1.5/30 (28) ............................... 106 junel fe 1/20 (28) .................................... 106 junel fe 24 ........................................................... 106 JUXTAPID ....................................................... 97 KABIVEN .......................................................... 84 KALETRA ........................................................ 71 KALYDECO .............................................. 213 KANUMA ..................................................... 148 Index imipenem-cilastatin .................................. 23 imipramine hcl ................................................. 44 imipramine pamoate ............................... 44 imiquimod .......................................................... 115 IMLYGIC ........................................................... 31 imodium a-d .................................................... 164 IMOGAM RABIES-HT (PF) ........................................................................................... 183 IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) ............................................................................ 186 INCONTROL SUPER THIN LANCETS ...................................................... 135 INCONTROL ULTRA THIN LANCETS ...................................................... 135 INCRELEX .................................................. 178 indapamide ........................................................... 95 indomethacin ..................................................... 12 indomethacin sodium .............................. 12 INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) ...... 186 infant's ibuprofen ......................................... 12 INFINITY TEST STRIPS ..... 135 INJECT EASE LANCETS .... 135 INLYTA ................................................................ 31 INSPIRACHAMBER ................... 135 INSPIRACHAMBER WITH MASK-MED .............................................. 135 INSULIN SYRINGE-NEEDLE U-100 ....................................................................... 135 INTELENCE ................................................. 71 INTRALIPID ................................................ 83 INTRON A ............................................ 74, 75 introvale ............................................................... 106 INVACARE LANCETS ........... 135 INVANZ ............................................................... 23 INVEGA SUSTENNA ................... 68 INVEGA TRINZA ............................... 68 INVIRASE ........................................................ 71 INVOKAMET ............................................. 46 INVOKANA .................................................. 46 inzo antifungal ................................................ 51 IONOSOL-B IN D5W .................. 203 IONOSOL-MB IN D5W ........... 203 IPOL ........................................................................ 186 ipratropium bromide ............ 152, 211 ipratropium-albuterol ........................ 211 Index Index HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) ....................... 47 hydralazine .......................................................... 93 hydrochlorothiazide ................................. 95 hydrocil instant ........................................... 170 hydrocodone-acetaminophen ........... 5 hydrocodone-ibuprofen ........................... 5 hydrocortisone ............... 120, 121, 177 hydrocortisone acet-aloe vera ........................................................................................... 120 hydrocortisone acetate ...... 119, 120 hydrocortisone butyrate ................. 120 hydrocortisone butyr-emollient ........................................................................................... 120 hydrocortisone valerate ................... 121 hydromorphone .................................................. 6 hydromorphone (pf) ........................... 5, 6 hydroskin ............................................................ 120 hydroxocobalamin ................................. 221 hydroxychloroquine ................................. 64 hydroxyprogesterone caproate ........................................................................................... 180 hydroxyurea ....................................................... 31 hydroxyzine hcl .......................................... 194 hydroxyzine pamoate ......................... 194 HYPERLYTE CR .............................. 202 HYPERRAB S/D (PF) ................. 183 HYQVIA ........................................................... 183 HYQVIA IG COMPONENT ........................................................................................... 183 HYSINGLA ER ............................................ 6 ibandronate ...................................................... 191 IBRANCE .......................................................... 31 ibuprofen .......................................... 11, 12, 13 ibuprofen jr strength ............................... 12 ICAR ....................................................................... 221 ichthammol ...................................................... 115 ICLUSIG .............................................................. 31 iferex 150 forte ........................................... 221 ifosfamide .............................................................. 31 ifosfamide-mesna ......................................... 31 ILARIS (PF) ................................................ 183 ILEVRO ............................................................. 158 imatinib ..................................................................... 31 IMBRUVICA ................................................ 31 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-13 leflunomide ....................................................... 183 LEMTRADA ............................................. 194 LENVIMA ......................................................... 32 lessina ...................................................................... 107 LETAIRIS ...................................................... 216 letrozole .................................................................... 32 leucovorin calcium .................................. 194 LEUKERAN .................................................. 32 LEUKINE .......................................................... 78 leuprolide ................................................................ 32 levetiracetam ..................................................... 39 levobunolol ........................................................ 198 levocarnitine ................................................... 194 levocarnitine (with sugar) .......... 194 levocetirizine ...................................................... 57 levofloxacin .......................................... 26, 155 levofloxacin in d5w ................................... 26 levoleucovorin calcium ..................... 194 levomefolate calcium .......................... 222 levonest (28) ................................................. 107 levonorgestrel ................................................ 107 levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad .... 107 levonorg-eth estrad triphasic ... 107 levora-28 .............................................................. 107 levothyroxine ................................................. 180 LEXIVA ................................................................. 71 LIBERTY TEST .................................... 135 lice bedding spray .................................... 122 lice cream rinse ........................................... 123 lice killing ........................................................... 122 lice solution ...................................................... 122 lice treatment ................................................ 122 lice treatment (permethrin) ...... 123 licide spray ....................................................... 194 lidocaine ................................................................... 14 lidocaine (pf) ........................................ 14, 87 lidocaine hcl ........................................................ 14 lidocaine in 5 % dextrose (pf) ............................................................................................... 87 lidocaine viscous ........................................... 14 lidocaine-prilocaine .................................. 14 linezolid .................................................................... 18 LINZESS .......................................................... 164 liothyronine ...................................................... 181 lipodox ....................................................................... 32 Index konsyl sugar-free ...................................... 170 KORLYM ........................................................... 46 kpn ............................................................................... 222 KRYSTEXXA .......................................... 148 kurvelo .................................................................... 106 KUVAN ............................................................. 148 KYNAMRO .................................................... 97 KYPROLIS ...................................................... 32 l norgest/e.estradiol-e.estrad .... 106 labetalol ................................................................... 88 LACRISERT .............................................. 152 LACTATED RINGERS ........... 190 lactulose ............................................................... 164 LAMICTAL .................................................... 39 LAMISIL (AEROSOL) .................. 51 lamisil af .................................................................. 51 LAMISIL AT ................................................. 51 lamivudine ............................................................. 71 lamivudine-zidovudine .......................... 71 lamotrigine ........................................................... 39 LANCETS ................................................................... 126, 127, 129, 132, 139, 140, 142 LANCETS, SUPER THIN ... 135 LANCETS,THIN ... 135, 136, 144 LANCETS,ULTRA THIN ............................................................................ 135, 148 LANOXIN ......................................................... 93 lansoprazole .................................................... 160 LANTUS .............................................................. 48 LANTUS SOLOSTAR .................... 48 larin 1.5/30 (21) ....................................... 107 larin 1/20 (21) ............................................ 107 larin 24 fe ........................................................... 107 larin fe 1.5/30 (28) ............................... 107 larin fe 1/20 (28) ..................................... 107 larissia .................................................................... 107 latanoprost ....................................................... 198 LATUDA ............................................................. 68 laxative (glycerin-pediatric) ... 172 laxative (sennosides) ............................................................. 168, 170, 172 laxative peg 3350 ..................................... 172 laxative pills regular ............................ 170 LAZANDA ........................................................... 6 leena 28 ................................................................. 107 Index Index kaopectate (bismuth subsalicy) ........................................................................................... 164 kaopectate ex str (bismuth ss) ........................................................................................... 164 kariva (28) ...................................................... 106 k-effervescent ................................................ 203 kelnor 1/35 (28) ....................................... 106 ketoconazole ...................................................... 51 KETO-DIASTIX .................................. 215 KETONE CARE .................................. 215 KETONE URINE TEST ......... 215 ketoprofen ............................................................. 12 ketorolac .................................................. 13, 158 KETOSTIX ................................................... 215 ketotifen fumarate ................................. 152 KEVEYIS ........................................................ 194 KEYTRUDA ................................................. 32 kids mini enema ......................................... 168 kimidess (28) ............................................... 106 KIMONO CONDOMS(NON-LUBRICAT ED) ............................................................................. 106 KIMONO MAXX CONDOMS ........................................................................................... 106 KIMONO MICROTHIN AQUA LUBE CON ......................... 106 KIMONO MICROTHIN CONDOMS .................................................. 106 KIMONO MICROTHIN LARGE CONDOMS ..................... 106 KIMONO TEXTURED CONDOMS .................................................. 106 KINERET ....................................................... 183 KINNEY BRAND LANCETS ........................................................................................... 135 KINRIX (PF) ............................................. 187 kionex ...................................................................... 164 kionex (with sorbitol) ...................... 164 KLOR-CON 10 ....................................... 203 klor-con m10 .................................................. 203 klor-con m15 .................................................. 203 klor-con m20 .................................................. 203 klor-con sprinkle ....................................... 203 konsyl (sugar) ............................................ 170 konsyl fiber ...................................................... 170 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-14 maprotiline ........................................................... 44 mar-cof cg ......................................................... 112 margesic ...................................................................... 6 marlissa ................................................................. 108 MARPLAN ...................................................... 44 masanti double strength .................. 165 MATULANE ................................................ 33 matzim la ................................................................ 90 maxepa ...................................................................... 97 MAXIMA ........................................................ 136 maximum redness relief .................. 151 meclizine .................................................................. 62 MEDI-LANCE LANCETS ........................................................................................... 136 MEDISENSE THIN LANCETS ...................................................... 136 MEDLANCE PLUS LANCETS ........................................................................................... 136 medroxyprogesterone ........................ 180 MEDSAVER SYRINGE ......... 126 mefenamic acid ............................................... 13 mefloquine ............................................................. 64 MEFOXIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OSM) ......................................................... 22 MEGACE ES ............................................. 180 megestrol ................................................. 33, 180 MEKINIST ....................................................... 33 meloxicam ............................................................. 13 memantine ............................................................. 41 MENACTRA (PF) ............................ 187 MENEST .......................................................... 176 MENHIBRIX (PF) ............................ 187 MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) ............................................................................ 187 men's multi-vitamin ............................... 218 MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) ............................................................................ 187 MENVEO MENA COMPONENT (PF) ........................ 187 MENVEO MENCYW-135 COMPNT (PF) ........................................ 187 MEPHYTON ............................................. 222 mercaptopurine .............................................. 33 meropenem ........................................................... 23 mesalamine ...................................................... 190 Index LUPRON DEPOT (3 MONTH) ............................................................................................... 32 LUPRON DEPOT (4 MONTH) ............................................................................................... 32 LUPRON DEPOT (6 MONTH) ............................................................................................... 33 LUPRON DEPOT-PED ........... 178 LUPRON DEPOT-PED (3 MONTH) .......................................................... 178 lutera (28) ........................................................ 107 LYNPARZA ................................................... 33 LYRICA ................................................................ 39 LYSODREN ................................................... 33 lyza .............................................................................. 107 maalox advanced ..................................... 164 MAALOX MAXIMUM STRENGTH ............................................... 164 mag 64 .................................................................... 204 MAG-AL .......................................................... 164 magbid er ............................................................ 204 mag-delay .......................................................... 204 MAGELLAN SYRINGE ....... 136 mag-g ....................................................................... 204 magnebind 400 ............................................ 173 magnesium .......................... 201, 204, 208 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE ........................................................................................... 204 magnesium chloride .............................. 204 magnesium citrate ................... 168, 170 MAGNESIUM CITRATE .... 204 magnesium gluconate ......................... 204 MAGNESIUM OXIDE ............. 164 magnesium oxide ........ 164, 165, 166 magnesium sulf in 0.45% nacl ........................................................................................... 204 magnesium sulfate ................... 204, 205 magnesium sulfate in d5w ............ 204 magnesium sulfate in water ....... 204 MAGONATE ............................................ 205 MAGONATE (MAGNESIUM CARB) .................................................................. 205 MAGOX ............................................................ 165 malathion ............................................................ 122 mapap (acetaminophen) ...................... 6 mapap extra strength ................................ 6 Index Index lipodox 50 .............................................................. 32 liquid b 12 .......................................................... 222 liquid calcium with vitamin d ... 204 liquituss gg ........................................................ 112 lisinopril ................................................................... 86 lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide .... 86 LITE TOUCH LANCETS ..... 136 LITEAIRE MDI CHAMBER ........................................................................................... 136 lithium carbonate ...................... 101, 102 lithium citrate ............................................... 102 little remedies ............................................... 152 LIVALO ................................................................. 97 l-methylfolate ............................................... 222 lohist - d ................................................................... 57 lohist-peb ................................................................ 57 lomedia 24 fe ................................................. 107 lomustine ................................................................. 32 LONSURF ........................................................ 32 loperamide ........................... 163, 164, 166 loratadine ............................................................... 57 lorazepam .............................................................. 16 lorcet (hydrocodone) ................................ 6 lorcet hd ....................................................................... 6 lorcet plus .................................................................. 6 loryna (28) ...................................................... 107 losartan ..................................................................... 85 losartan-hydrochlorothiazide ...... 85 LOTEMAX ................................................... 158 LOTRONEX ............................................... 164 lovastatin ................................................................ 97 low-ogestrel (28) ..................................... 107 loxapine succinate ...................................... 68 lubricant dry eye relief ..................... 151 lubricant eye .................................... 151, 152 lubricant eye (polyv alcohol) ........................................................................................... 153 lubricant eye (propyl glycol) ........................................................................................... 152 lubricant eye drops ................................ 150 lubricant redness reliever .............. 152 lubricating drops ....................................... 151 lubrifresh pm .................................................. 152 LUMIGAN ................................................... 198 LUPRON DEPOT ................................. 33 Effective: October 01, 2016 53 MICRO BLOOD GLUCOSE ........................................................................................... 141 MICRO THIN LANCETS .... 136 MICROCHAMBER ....................... 136 MICRODOT BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM .................... 136 MICRODOT XTRA BLOOD GLUCOSE ..................................................... 136 microgestin 1.5/30 (21) .................. 108 microgestin 1/20 (21) ....................... 108 microgestin fe 1.5/30 (28) .......... 108 microgestin fe 1/20 (28) ................ 108 micro-guard ........................................................ 52 MICROLET LANCET ............... 136 MICROSPACER ................................. 136 midodrine ............................................................... 85 miglitol ...................................................................... 47 milk of magnesia ...................................... 170 MILK OF MAGNESIA CONCENTRATED ......................... 170 milrinone ................................................................. 93 milrinone in 5 % dextrose ................ 93 mimvey ................................................................... 176 mimvey lo ........................................................... 176 mineral oil .......................................................... 170 mineral oil laxative ............................... 170 minitran ................................................................ 100 minocycline .......................................................... 27 minoxidil ............................................................. 100 mintox ..................................................................... 165 mintox maximum strength ......... 165 mintox plus ....................................................... 165 MIRCERA ........................................................ 78 mirtazapine .......................................................... 44 misoprostol ....................................................... 160 mitoxantrone ..................................................... 33 M-M-R II (PF) ......................................... 187 moexipril ................................................................. 87 moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide ............................................................................................... 87 molindone ............................................................... 68 mometasone .................................................... 121 ............................................................................................... SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-15 MONAGHAN Z STAT CHAMBER-MD MSK ............... 136 MONISTAT 3 ............................................... 52 monistat 7 .............................................................. 52 MONOJECT LUER-LOCK TIP .............................................................................. 137 MONOJECT PHARMACY TRAY LUER ............................................. 137 MONOJECT PHARMACY TRAY REG TIP .................................... 137 MONOJECT SAFETY LUER LOCK TIP ...................................................... 137 MONOJECT SAFETY SYRINGES ................................................... 142 MONOJECT SYRINGE .......... 137 MONOJECT TB ................................... 137 MONOJECT TB LUER LOK ........................................................................................... 137 MONOJECT TB SAFETY SYRINGE ....................................................... 137 MONOJECT TUBERCULIN SYRINGE ......................... 136, 137, 145 MONOLET LANCETS ............. 137 MONOLET THIN LANCETS ........................................................................................... 138 mono-linyah .................................................... 108 mononessa (28) ......................................... 108 montelukast ..................................................... 210 morphine .............................................................. 7, 8 MORPHINE ....................................................... 7 morphine (pf) in 0.9 % nacl ............. 7 morphine concentrate ................................ 7 morphine in dextrose 5 % .................... 7 morrhuate sodium ................................... 195 motion sickness .............................................. 62 motion sickness (meclizine) ......... 63 MOVANTIK .............................................. 165 MOVIPREP .................................................. 170 MOXEZA ........................................................ 155 moxifloxacin ...................................................... 26 MOZOBIL .......................................................... 78 mucinex sinus-max ................................ 152 MULTAQ ........................................................... 87 multi antibiotic plus .............................. 117 multigen ................................................................ 222 Index miconazole-3 prefil,cream,wipe Index Index mesna ....................................................................... 194 MESNEX ......................................................... 194 MESTINON ................................................ 195 MESTINON TIMESPAN ...... 195 metafolbic .......................................................... 222 metaproterenol ............................................ 211 metaxall ............................................................... 213 metaxalone ....................................................... 213 metformin .............................................................. 46 methadone ......................................................... 6, 7 methadose ................................................................. 7 methazolamide ............................................ 198 methenamine hippurate ....................... 18 methimazole .................................................... 181 methocarbamol ........................................... 214 methotrexate sodium .............................. 33 methotrexate sodium (pf) .............. 33 methoxsalen rapid .................................. 115 methscopolamine ...................................... 165 methyclothiazide .......................................... 95 methylphenidate ........................................ 102 methylprednisolone ............................... 177 methylprednisolone acetate ....... 177 methylprednisolone sodium succ ........................................................................................... 177 metipranolol .................................................... 198 metoclopramide hcl ............................... 165 metolazone ........................................................... 95 metoprolol succinate ............................... 88 metoprolol ta-hydrochlorothiaz ............................................................................................... 88 metoprolol tartrate ........................ 88, 89 metronidazole ......................... 18, 60, 117 metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) ............................................................................................... 18 mexiletine .............................................................. 87 mg217 psoriasis ......................................... 115 MIACALCIN ............................................ 191 mi-acid ................................................................... 165 mi-acid gas relief ...................................... 159 micatin ....................................................................... 51 miconazole 7 ...................................................... 52 miconazole nitrate ............... 50, 51, 52 miconazole-3 ...................................................... 52 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-16 NEUTEK 2TEK TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 138 NEVANAC ................................................... 158 nevirapine ............................................................... 71 NEXAVAR ....................................................... 33 NEXIUM 24HR .................................... 160 next choice one dose ............................ 108 niacin ................................................................ 97, 98 niacin (inositol niacinate) .............. 98 niacin flush free .................................. 96, 98 niacinamide .......................................... 98, 223 niacor ........................................................................... 98 nicardipine ............................................................ 94 nicorelief .................................................................. 15 nicorette ................................................................... 15 nicotine ...................................................................... 15 nicotine (polacrilex) .............................. 15 NICOTROL ..................................................... 15 nifedical xl ............................................................ 94 nifedipine ................................................................ 94 nikki (28) .......................................................... 108 NILANDRON ............................................. 33 nilutamide .............................................................. 33 ninjacof-xg ........................................................ 112 NINLARO ......................................................... 33 NITRO-BID ................................................. 100 nitrofurantoin macrocrystal ......... 18 nitrofurantoin monohyd/m-cryst ............................................................................................... 19 nitroglycerin ................................................... 100 nitroglycerin in 5 % dextrose ........................................................................................... 100 NITROSTAT ............................................. 100 NIX CREME RINSE .................... 122 NIZORAL A-D .......................................... 52 nohist-lq ................................................................... 57 non-aspirin extra strength .................. 9 non-aspirin jr strength .............................. 5 nora-be ................................................................... 108 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO ........................................................................................... 179 norepinephrine bitartrate ................. 93 norethindrone (contraceptive) ........................................................................................... 108 norethindrone acetate ........................ 180 Index NATACYN ................................................... 155 nateglinide ............................................................. 47 NATPARA .................................................... 191 natural balance ........................................... 152 natural calcium ........................................... 205 natural daily fiber ................................... 168 natural fiber laxative therapy ........................................................................................... 170 natural tears (pf) .................................... 151 natural vegetable ...................................... 171 nature's tears (hypromellose) ........................................................................................... 152 NEBUPENT .................................................... 64 necon 0.5/35 (28) ................................... 108 necon 1/35 (28) ......................................... 108 necon 1/50 (28) ......................................... 108 necon 10/11 (28) ..................................... 108 necon 7/7/7 (28) ....................................... 108 nefazodone ............................................................ 44 neomycin ................................................................. 17 neomycin-bacitracin-poly-hc ... 155 neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin ........................................................................................... 156 neomycin-polymyxin b gu ............ 117 neomycin-polymyxin b-dexameth ........................................................................................... 156 neomycin-polymyxin-gramicidin ........................................................................................... 156 neomycin-polymyxin-hc ................. 156 neo-polycin ....................................................... 156 neo-polycin hc .............................................. 156 neosporin + pain relief ...................... 117 neosporin anti-itch ................................. 121 neo-synephrine 12 h spr (oxym) ........................................................................................... 152 nephplex rx ...................................................... 222 NEPHRAMINE 5.4 % ..................... 84 nephron fa .......................................................... 223 nephro-vite rx ............................................... 223 NEULASTA .................................................... 78 NEUMEGA ..................................................... 78 NEUPOGEN .................................................. 78 NEUPRO ............................................................. 65 neurin-sl ................................................................ 223 Index Index multigen folic ................................................. 222 multigen plus .................................................. 222 multiple vitamins ...................................... 222 multivitamin ..................................... 222, 226 multivitamin with fluoride ........... 222 mupirocin ............................................................ 117 mupirocin calcium .................................. 117 murine ear ......................................................... 155 murine ear wax removal system ........................................................................................... 155 muro 128 ............................................................. 152 my way ................................................................... 108 myco nail a ........................................................... 52 mycophenolate mofetil ..................... 183 mycophenolate sodium ..................... 184 myferon 150 forte ................................... 222 MYGLUCOHEALTH ................. 138 MYGLUCOHEALTH LANCETS ...................................................... 138 MYOZYME ................................................. 149 MYRBETRIQ ........................................... 173 mytab gas ........................................................... 159 mytab gas maximum strength ........................................................................................... 159 myzilra ................................................................... 108 nabumetone ......................................................... 13 nadolol ....................................................................... 89 nafcillin ..................................................................... 24 NAGLAZYME ....................................... 149 naloxone .................................................................. 15 naltrexone ............................................................. 15 NAMENDA XR ....................................... 42 NAMZARIC .................................................. 42 naphazoline ...................................................... 152 naproxen ................................................................. 13 naproxen sodium ............................... 11, 13 naratriptan ........................................................... 60 NARCAN ........................................................... 15 NASACORT ............................................... 158 nasal allergy ................................................... 158 nasal and sinus decongestant ... 112 nasal decongestant (oxymetazl) ........................................................................................... 152 nasal decongestant (pe) ................. 151 NASCOBAL ................................................ 222 Effective: October 01, 2016 ........................................................................................... norethindrone-e.estradiol-iron ........................................................................................... norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol 108 108 109 norlyroc ................................................................. 109 NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................................................ 205 NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 ............. 205 nortemp ........................................................................ 8 NORTHERA ................................................. 85 nortrel 0.5/35 (28) ................................ 109 nortrel 1/35 (21) ...................................... 109 nortrel 1/35 (28) ...................................... 109 nortrel 7/7/7 (28) .................................... 109 nortriptyline ........................................................ 44 NORVIR ................................................... 71, 72 nose drops .......................................................... 154 NOVA MAX GLUCOSE TEST ........................................................................................... 138 NOVA SAFETY LANCETS ........................................................................................... 138 NOVA SUREFLEX LANCETS ........................................................................................... 138 NOVOLIN 70/30 ....................................... 48 NOVOLIN N ................................................. 48 NOVOLIN R .................................................. 48 NOVOLOG ...................................................... 48 NOVOLOG FLEXPEN ................. 48 NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 .................. 48 NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 FLEXPEN .......................................................... 48 NOVOLOG PENFILL .................... 48 NOXAFIL .......................................................... 52 NUCALA ........................................................ 213 NUCYNTA .......................................................... 8 NUCYNTA ER ............................................. 8 NUEDEXTA .............................................. 102 NULOJIX ........................................................ 184 nu-mag ................................................................... 205 NUPLAZID ..................................................... 68 NUTRESTORE ..................................... 165 NUTRILIPID ............................................... 84 NUTRILYTE ............................................ 205 ........................................................................................... SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-17 ONE A DAY WOMEN'S PRENATAL DHA ............................ 223 one daily ................................................ 223, 225 one daily essential ..... 219, 221, 223 one daily multivitamin ...................... 223 one daily prenatal ..................... 225, 226 one-a-day essential ................................ 223 ONE-A-DAY WOMEN'S PRENATAL 1 .......................................... 223 one-per-day omega-3 .............................. 98 ONETOUCH DELICA LANCETS ...................................................... 138 ONETOUCH FINEPOINT LANCETS ...................................................... 138 ONETOUCH ULTRA TEST ........................................................................................... 138 ONETOUCH ULTRASOFT LANCETS ...................................................... 138 ONETOUCH VERIO ................... 138 ONFI ........................................................... 16, 121 ON-THE-GO LANCETS ........ 142 opcicon one-step ........................................ 109 OPDIVO ................................................................ 34 OPSUMIT ....................................................... 216 OPTICHAMBER ADULT MASK-LARGE ..................................... 139 OPTICHAMBER DIAMOND VHC .......................................................................... 139 opti-clear ............................................................. 153 optimal d3 .......................................................... 223 OPTIUM EZ ............................................... 139 OPTIUM TEST ...................................... 139 OPTUMRX .................................................. 139 oral saline laxative ................................ 171 oralone ................................................................... 114 oralyte ..................................................................... 205 ORENCIA ...................................................... 184 ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) ........................................................................................... 184 ORENCIA CLICKJECT ......... 195 ORENITRAM ......................................... 216 ORFADIN ...................................... 149, 195 ORKAMBI .................................................... 213 orsythia ................................................................. 109 OTEZLA ........................................................... 195 Index NUTRILYTE II ..................................... 205 NUVARING .............................................. 109 nyamyc ...................................................................... 52 nystatin ..................................................................... 52 nystatin-triamcinolone ......................... 52 nystop .......................................................................... 52 nyt-time sleep ................................................... 57 obagi nu-derm tolereen .................... 121 OCALIVA ....................................................... 165 ocean nasal ....................................................... 153 ocella ........................................................................ 109 OCTAGAM .................................................. 184 octreotide acetate .................................... 179 ODEFSEY .......................................................... 72 ODOMZO ........................................................... 34 OFEV ..................................................................... 213 ofloxacin .................................................. 26, 156 ogestrel (28) .................................................. 109 olanzapine ............................................................. 68 olanzapine-fluoxetine ............................ 44 olopatadine ....................................................... 153 OLYSIO ................................................................. 74 omega 3 fish oil .............................................. 96 omega-3 acid ethyl esters ................. 98 omega-3 fatty acids .................................. 96 omega-3 fatty acids-fish oil .................................................................................... 97, 98 omeprazole ....................................................... 160 omeprazole magnesium ................... 160 omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate ........................................................................................... 160 ON CALL EXPRESS TEST STRIP .................................................................... 138 ON CALL LANCET ...................... 138 ON CALL PLUS LANCET ........................................................................................... 138 ON CALL PLUS TEST STRIP ........................................................................................... 138 ON CALL VIVID TEST STRIP ........................................................................................... 138 ONCASPAR ................................................... 34 once daily ........................................................... 223 ondansetron ......................................................... 63 ondansetron hcl .............................................. 63 ondansetron hcl (pf) ............................... 63 Index Index norethindrone ac-eth estradiol Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-18 PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA ................................. 166, 171 PHOSLYRA ................................................ 173 phospha 250 neutral ............................. 206 phosphate laxative ................................. 171 PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE ..... 198 phytonadione (vitamin k1) ........ 230 PICATO ............................................................. 116 pilocarpine hcl ............................... 114, 198 pimozide ................................................................... 69 pimtrea (28) .................................................. 109 pindolol ..................................................................... 89 pink bismuth ................................................... 166 pin-x .............................................................................. 64 pioglitazone ......................................................... 47 pioglitazone-glimepiride .................... 47 pioglitazone-metformin ....................... 47 piperacillin-tazobactam ...................... 25 pirmella ................................................................. 109 piroxicam ............................................................... 13 PLASMA-LYTE 148 ...................... 206 PLASMA-LYTE A ............................ 206 PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................................................ 206 PLEGRIDY .................................................. 195 POCKET CHAMBER ................. 139 podactin .................................................................... 52 podocon ................................................................. 116 podofilox ............................................................. 116 polyethylene glycol 3350 ............... 171 POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350 ........................................................................... 171 POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350(BULK) ................................................. 195 poly-iron 150 forte ................................. 223 polymyxin b sulfate .................................. 19 polymyxin b sulf-trimethoprim ........................................................................................... 156 polysporin .......................................................... 117 poly-vita (iron) .......................................... 223 poly-vitamin with iron ....................... 224 POMALYST ................................................... 34 portia ........................................................................ 109 PORTRAZZA .............................................. 34 potassium acetate .................................... 206 Index peg 3350-electrolytes .......................... 171 PEGANONE .................................................. 39 PEGASYS ........................................................... 75 PEGASYS PROCLICK ................. 75 peg-electrolyte soln ............................... 171 PEGINTRON ............................................... 75 PEN NEEDLE, DIABETIC ........................................................................................... 139 penicillin g pot in dextrose .............. 25 penicillin g potassium ............................ 25 penicillin g procaine ................................. 25 penicillin v potassium ............................. 25 PENTACEL (PF) ................................. 187 PENTACEL ACTHIB COMPONENT (PF) ........................ 188 PENTAM ............................................................. 64 pentoxifylline .................................................... 79 pep-t-med ............................................................ 165 perdiem overnight relief .................. 171 PERFECT IRON ................................. 223 PERIKABIVEN ........................................ 84 perindopril erbumine ............................... 87 periogard ............................................................. 114 permethrin ......................................................... 122 perphenazine ...................................................... 69 perphenazine-amitriptyline ............ 44 perry prenatal ............................................... 223 persa-gel ............................................................... 116 pfizerpen-g ............................................................ 25 pharbetol ..................................................................... 9 PHARMACIST CHOICE ...... 139 pharmacist favorite multi-vit ... 223 phenadoz ................................................................. 63 phenelzine .............................................................. 44 phenobarbital .................................................... 40 phenobarbital sodium ............................ 40 phentermine ..................................................... 102 phenylephrine hcl .......................... 85, 153 phenylhistine dh ......................................... 112 phenytoin ................................................................ 40 phenytoin sodium ......................................... 40 phenytoin sodium extended ........... 40 philith ....................................................................... 109 phillips .................................................................... 165 phillips liqui-gels ....................................... 171 Index Index OTEZLA STARTER ..................... 195 OTREXUP (PF) ..................................... 195 oxacillin ........................................................ 24, 25 oxacillin in dextrose(iso-osm) ............................................................................................... 25 oxandrolone .................................................... 175 oxcarbazepine .................................................. 39 OXTELLAR XR ...................................... 39 oxybutynin chloride .............................. 173 oxycodone ................................................................. 8 oxycodone-acetaminophen ................. 8 oxycodone-aspirin .......................................... 8 OXYCONTIN .................................................. 9 oxymorphone ........................................................ 9 oysco 500/d ...................................................... 205 oysco-500 ............................................................ 205 oyster shell calcium 500 .................. 205 oyster shell calcium-vit d3 ........... 205 oystercal-d ........................................................ 206 pacerone ................................................................... 87 pain relief ................................................................... 9 pain reliever jr strength ........................... 9 paliperidone ........................................................ 68 pancrelipase 5000 .................................... 149 panoxyl .................................................................. 115 panoxyl-4 ............................................................ 116 PANRETIN .................................................. 116 PANTILINERS ...................................... 195 pantoprazole ................................................... 160 papaverine ............................................................. 93 paricalcitol ........................................................ 191 paromomycin .................................................... 64 paroxetine hcl ................................................... 44 PASER ..................................................................... 61 PATADAY .................................................... 153 PAXIL ...................................................................... 44 PEDIA-LAX ............................................... 163 pedia-lax stool softener ................... 169 PEDIALYTE .............................................. 206 PEDIARIX (PF) .................................... 187 pediatric electrolyte ............................................................. 201, 206, 208 pediatric freezer pops ......................... 208 PEDIAVENT ................................................. 57 PEDVAX HIB (PF) .......................... 187 Effective: October 01, 2016 206 potassium bicarb-citric acid ...... 206 potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl ........................................................................................... 206 potassium chloride .... 206, 207, 208 potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl ........................................................................................... 206 potassium chloride in 5 % dex ........................................................................................... 206 potassium chloride in lr-d5 ......... 206 potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl ........................................................................................... 207 potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl ........................................................................................... 207 potassium chloride-d5-0.3%nacl ........................................................................................... 207 potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl ........................................................................................... 207 potassium citrate ...................................... 207 potassium citrate-citric acid ..... 207 potassium hydroxide ........................... 116 potassium phosphate m-/d-basic ........................................................................................... 208 POTIGA ................................................................ 40 PRADAXA ....................................................... 77 PRALUENT PEN .................................. 98 PRALUENT SYRINGE .............. 98 pramipexole ........................................................ 65 pravastatin ............................................................ 98 prazosin .................................................................... 85 PRECISION PCX PLUS TEST ........................................................................................... 139 PRECISION PCX TEST .......... 139 PRECISION POINT OF CARE TEST ....................................................................... 139 PRECISION Q-I-D TEST ...... 139 PRECISION XTRA TEST .... 139 prednicarbate ................................................ 121 prednisolone acetate ............................ 158 prednisolone sodium phosphate ............................................................................ 158, 177 prednisone ........................................... 177, 178 PREMARIN ................................................ 176 PREMASOL 10 % .................................. 84 ........................................................................................... SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-19 PRIFTIN .............................................................. 61 PRIMAQUINE .......................................... 64 PRIMEAIRE .............................................. 139 primidone ............................................................... 40 PRISTIQ ............................................................... 45 PRIVIGEN .................................................... 184 PROAIR HFA .......................................... 211 PROAIR RESPICLICK ............ 211 probenecid ......................................................... 195 procainamide ..................................................... 87 PROCALAMINE 3% ........................ 84 PROCHAMBER .................................. 139 prochlorperazine ........................................... 63 prochlorperazine edisylate .............. 63 prochlorperazine maleate ................. 63 PROCRIT ........................................................... 78 procto-med hc ............................................... 121 procto-pak ......................................................... 121 proctosol hc ..................................................... 121 proctozone-hc ............................................... 121 PROCYSBI .................................................... 196 PRODIGY LANCETS ............................................................................ 139, 140 PRODIGY NO CODING ...... 139 PRODIGY TWIST TOP LANCET .......................................................... 140 PROFE FORTE ..................................... 225 progesterone in oil .................................. 180 progesterone micronized ................ 180 PROGLYCEM ........................................ 100 PROGRAF .................................................... 184 PROLASTIN-C ...................................... 213 PROLENSA ................................................. 158 PROLEUKIN ............................................... 34 PROLIA ............................................................. 192 PROMACTA ................................................. 79 promethazine .......................................... 57, 63 promethazine vc-codeine ................ 112 promethazine-codeine ........................ 112 promethazine-dm ..................................... 112 promethegan ...................................................... 63 promolaxin ....................................................... 171 propafenone ............................................. 87, 88 propantheline .................................................... 37 proparacaine .................................................. 153 Index PREMASOL 6 % ...................................... 84 PREMIUM V10 ..................................... 139 PREMPHASE ........................................... 176 PREMPRO .................................................... 176 prenatal ................................... 221, 225, 226 PRENATAL ................................................ 225 prenatal + dha ............................................. 224 prenatal 19 ........................................................ 224 PRENATAL DHA+COMPLETE PRENATAL ................................................ 224 prenatal formula ........................ 224, 225 prenatal gummy ......................................... 218 PRENATAL MULTI-DHA ........................................................................................... 224 prenatal multi-dha (algal oil) ........................................................................................... 224 prenatal multivitamins ...................... 224 prenatal one .................................................... 224 prenatal one daily .................................... 224 prenatal plus (calcium carb) ... 223 prenatal tablet .............................................. 225 prenatal vit no.90-iron fum-fa ........................................................................................... 224 prenatal vit#96-ferrous fum-fa ........................................................................................... 224 prenatal vitamin ..................................................... 218, 219, 224, 225 prenatal vitamin plus low iron ........................................................................................... 225 prenatal vitamin with minerals ........................................................................................... 225 prenatal vit-iron fumarate-fa ... 225 prenatal with dha-folic acid ....... 224 prenatal-1 ........................................................... 225 preparation h hydrocortisone ........................................................................................... 121 PRESSURE ACTIVATED LANCETS ...................................................... 139 PREVAIL BLADDER CONTROL PAD .................................. 167 prevalite .................................................................... 98 previfem ................................................................ 109 PREZCOBIX ................................................. 72 PREZISTA ........................................................ 72 Index Index potassium bicarb and chloride Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-20 REPATHA SYRINGE ................... 99 reprexain .................................................................... 9 RESCRIPTOR ............................................. 72 RESTASIS ...................................................... 158 retaine cmc ....................................................... 153 retaine hpmc ................................................... 153 retaine pm .......................................................... 153 RETROVIR ..................................................... 72 REVEAL TEST STRIP .............. 141 revive plus .......................................................... 151 REVLIMID ...................................................... 34 revonto ................................................................... 214 REXULTI ........................................................... 69 REYATAZ ........................................................ 72 ribasphere .............................................................. 75 riboflavin (vitamin b2) .................... 226 rid complete lice elim kit ............... 123 rid lice killing ................................................ 123 RIDAURA .................................................... 184 rifabutin ................................................................... 61 rifampin .................................................................... 61 RIFATER ........................................................... 61 ri-gel ii .................................................................... 166 right step prenatal vitamins ....... 226 RIGHTEST GL300 LANCETS ........................................................................................... 141 RIGHTEST GS250S TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 141 RIGHTEST GS260 TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 141 RIGHTEST GS550 TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 141 riginic ....................................................................... 166 riluzole .................................................................... 103 rimantadine ......................................................... 73 ri-mox ..................................................................... 166 ri-mox plus ....................................................... 166 ringers ...................................................... 190, 208 risacal-d ................................................................ 208 risedronate ........................................................ 192 RISPERDAL CONSTA ................ 69 risperidone ............................................................ 69 RITEFLO AEROCHAMBER ........................................................................................... 141 ritifed ........................................................................... 58 Index RASUVO (PF) .......................................... 196 RAVICTI .......................................................... 166 react ........................................................................... 109 REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) ........................................................................................... 196 REBIF REBIDOSE .......................... 196 REBIF TITRATION PACK ........................................................................................... 196 reclipsen (28) ............................................... 109 RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) ........ 188 recort plus .......................................................... 121 redness relief ................................... 151, 153 redness reliever lubricant ............................................................................ 151, 153 reese's pinworm medicine ................. 64 REFRESH TEARS ........................... 153 REFUAH PLUS ................................... 140 reguloid ................................................................. 172 relcof c .................................................................... 113 RELENZA DISKHALER ......... 73 RELIAMED LANCET .............. 140 RELIAMED SAFETY SEAL LANCETS ...................................................... 140 RELION CONFIRM-MICRO ........................................................................................... 140 RELION PRIME TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 141 RELION THIN LANCETS ........................................................................................... 141 RELION ULTRA THIN PLUS LANCETS ...................................................... 141 RELISTOR ................................................... 166 remedy phytoplex antifungal ....... 53 REMICADE ............................................... 196 REMODULIN ......................................... 216 RENAGEL .................................................... 173 renal caps ........................................................... 226 rena-vite rx ....................................................... 226 reno caps ............................................................. 226 RENVELA ..................................................... 173 repaglinide ............................................................ 47 repaglinide-metformin .......................... 47 REPATHA PUSHTRONEX ............................................................................................... 99 REPATHA SURECLICK ......... 99 Index Index propranolol .......................................................... 89 propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................................................................... 89 propylthiouracil ......................................... 181 PROQUAD (PF) ................................... 188 PROSOL 20 % .............................................. 84 protamine ............................................................... 79 protriptyline ........................................................ 45 pseudoephedrine hcl ............................. 112 psyllium husk ................................................. 171 PULMOZYME ....................................... 149 puralube ................................................................ 153 pure and gentle eye ................................ 153 purelax ................................................................... 168 PURIXAN ......................................................... 34 PUSH BUTTON SAFETY LANCETS ...................................................... 140 pyrazinamide ..................................................... 61 pyridostigmine bromide .................. 196 pyridoxine (vitamin b6) ................ 225 pyrilamine-phenylephrine ..... 57, 58 q-dryl ............................................................................ 58 q-pap ................................................................................ 9 q-pap extra strength ................................... 9 q-tapp .......................................................................... 58 q-tussin ................................................................... 113 QUADRACEL (PF) ........................ 188 quasense ............................................................... 109 quetiapine ............................................................... 69 QUILLIVANT XR ............................ 103 quinapril ................................................................... 87 quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide ... 87 quinidine gluconate ................................... 88 quinidine sulfate ............................................ 88 quinine sulfate .................................................. 64 QUINTET AC .......................................... 140 QUINTET GLUCOSE TEST STRIPS ................................................................ 140 QVAR .................................................................... 210 RABAVERT (PF) ............................... 188 raloxifene ........................................................... 176 ramipril ..................................................................... 87 RANEXA ............................................................ 93 ranitidine hcl ................................... 160, 161 RAPAMUNE ............................................ 184 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-21 sodium chloride 0.9 % ....................... 208 sodium chloride 3 % ............................. 208 sodium chloride 5 % ............................. 208 sodium fluoride ........................................... 226 sodium lactate ............................... 208, 209 sodium phosphate .................................... 209 sodium polystyrene (sorb free) ........................................................................................... 167 sodium polystyrene sulfonate ........................................................................................... 167 sodium thiosulfate ................................... 174 SOFT TOUCH LANCETS ... 143 SOLTAMOX .................................................. 34 SOLU-CORTEF (PF) ................... 178 SOLUS V2 LANCETS ................. 143 SOLUS V2 TEST STRIPS ...... 143 SOMATULINE DEPOT .......... 179 SOMAVERT ............................................... 180 soothe (bismuth subsalicylate) ........................................................................................... 167 soothe regular strength .................... 167 sorbitol ................................................................... 190 sorbitol-mannitol ...................................... 190 sorine ............................................................................ 89 sotalol .......................................................................... 89 sotalol af .................................................................. 89 SOVALDI ........................................................... 74 SPACE CHAMBER PLUS ... 143 SPIRIVA RESPIMAT .................. 211 SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER .................................... 211 spironolactone ................................................. 99 spironolacton-hydrochlorothiaz ............................................................................................... 99 sprintec (28) .................................................. 110 SPRITAM ........................................................... 40 SPRYCEL ........................................................... 34 sps (with sorbitol) ................................. 167 sronyx ..................................................................... 110 ssd ................................................................................. 118 st joseph aspirin ............................................. 13 st. joseph aspirin ........................................... 13 stavudine ................................................................. 72 STELARA ...................................................... 197 STERILANCE TL ............................. 143 Index senna-extra ...................................................... 168 SENSIPAR .................................................... 196 SEREVENT DISKUS .................. 211 SEROSTIM ................................................... 179 sertraline ................................................................. 45 se-tan plus .......................................................... 226 setlakin .................................................................. 109 sharobel ................................................................. 109 siderol ...................................................................... 226 SIGNIFOR .................................................... 196 silace ......................................................................... 172 siladryl sa ............................................................... 58 silapap ............................................................................ 9 sildenafil ............................................................... 216 SILENOR ............................................................ 45 siltussin sa ......................................................... 113 silver nitrate ..................................... 117, 118 silver sulfadiazine .................................... 118 SIMBRINZA .............................................. 198 simethicone ...................................................... 159 SIMILAC PRENATAL ............. 226 simply sleep ......................................................... 58 SIMPONI .......................................... 196, 197 SIMPONI ARIA ................................... 196 simvastatin ........................................................... 99 SINGLE-LET ............................................ 142 sinus and allergy(pseudoephed) ............................................................................................... 58 sinus nighttime ................................................ 58 sirolimus ............................................................... 184 SIRTURO ........................................................... 61 SMART SENSE LANCETS ........................................................................................... 142 SMART SENSE TEST STRIPS ........................................................................................... 142 SMARTEST LANCET ............... 142 SMARTEST TEST ............................ 142 smoflipid .................................................................. 84 smoothlax .......................................................... 172 sochlor .................................................................... 154 sodium acetate ............................................. 208 sodium bicarbonate ................ 167, 208 sodium chloride ....................................................... 154, 190, 208, 213 sodium chloride 0.45 % .................... 208 Index Index RITUXAN ......................................................... 34 rivastigmine ......................................................... 42 rivastigmine tartrate ............................... 42 rizatriptan ............................................................. 60 robafen ................................................................... 113 ropinirole ................................................................ 65 rosadan .................................................................. 117 rosuvastatin ......................................................... 99 ROTARIX ...................................................... 188 ROTATEQ VACCINE ............... 188 ROWEEPRA .................................................. 40 roxicet ............................................................................ 9 ROZEREM ................................................... 214 RYMED (DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE -PE) ................................................................................ 58 SABRIL .................................................................. 40 SAFESNAP SYRINGE ............. 141 SAFETY LANCETS ...................... 141 SAFETY SEAL LANCETS ............................................................................ 141, 142 SAFETY-LET LANCETS ..... 142 SAIZEN .............................................................. 179 SAIZEN CLICK.EASY ............. 179 saline mist .......................................................... 153 saline nasal mist ........................................ 151 SANDOSTATIN LAR DEPOT ........................................................................................... 179 sani-supp (adult) ..................................... 172 sani-supp (infant) .................................. 172 SANTYL ........................................................... 116 SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) ............................................................................................... 69 SAVELLA ....................................................... 103 scalp itch-dandruff relief ............... 116 scot-tussin expectorant .................... 113 sea soft nasal mist ................................... 154 sea-omega 30 .................................................... 99 selegiline hcl ....................................................... 65 selenium sulfide .......................................... 117 SELZENTRY ................................................ 72 senexon .................................................................. 172 senna .......................................................... 171, 172 senna lax ............................................................. 172 senna laxative ................................ 168, 172 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-22 tears again (pva) ..................................... 154 tears naturale free (pf) ................... 154 tears naturale pm ..................................... 154 TECENTRIQ ................................................. 35 TECFIDERA ............................................. 197 TECHLITE LANCETS .............. 144 TECHNIVIE ................................................... 74 TEFLARO ......................................................... 22 TELCARE LANCETS ................ 144 TELCARE TEST STRIPS ..... 144 telmisartan ........................................................... 85 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................................................................... 86 TEMODAR ...................................................... 35 tencon .......................................................................... 10 TENIVAC (PF) ....................................... 188 terazosin ............................................................... 174 terbinafine hcl .................................................. 53 terbutaline .......................................... 211, 212 terconazole ........................................................... 60 TERUMO SYRINGE .................. 144 TEST N'GO TEST .............................. 144 testosterone ...................................................... 175 testosterone cypionate ...................... 175 testosterone enanthate ...................... 175 TETANUS TOXOID,ADSORBED (PF) ........................................................................................... 188 TETANUS,DIPHTHERIA TOX PED(PF) .......................................... 188 tetanus-diphtheria toxoids-td ........................................................................................... 188 tetrabenazine ................................................. 103 tetracaine hcl (pf) .................................. 154 tetracycline .......................................................... 27 THALOMID ............................................... 197 the magic bullet .......................................... 170 theochron ............................................................ 212 theophylline ..................................................... 212 theophylline in dextrose 5 % .... 212 thera-d .................................................................... 227 THERANATAL .................................... 227 THERANATAL ONE ................. 227 THERANATAL OVAVITE ........................................................................................... 227 Index SURE-TEST EASYPLUS MINI ....................................................................... 143 SURE-TOUCH LANCET ..... 143 SURGUARD2 SAFETY ......... 144 SURMONTIL .............................................. 45 SUSTIVA ............................................................. 72 SUTENT ............................................................... 34 syeda ......................................................................... 110 SYLATRON ................................................... 75 SYLVANT ......................................................... 34 SYMLINPEN 120 ................................... 47 SYMLINPEN 60 ...................................... 47 SYNAGIS ................................................ 73, 74 SYNAREL ..................................................... 197 SYNERCID ..................................................... 19 SYNJARDY .................................................... 47 SYNRIBO ........................................................... 34 SYPRINE ........................................................ 174 SYRINGE (DISPOSABLE) ............................................................................ 127, 131 SYRINGE 3CC/25GX1" ........... 131 SYSTANE BALANCE ............... 154 systane nighttime ..................................... 154 tab-a-vite ............................................................. 227 TABLOID ........................................................... 34 tacrolimus ........................................... 121, 184 tactinal ....................................................................... 10 tactinal extra strength .......................... 10 TAFINLAR ..................................................... 35 TAGRISSO ....................................................... 35 TALTZ AUTOINJECTOR ........................................................................................... 116 TALTZ SYRINGE ............................ 116 TAMIFLU ......................................................... 74 tamoxifen ............................................................... 35 tamsulosin .......................................................... 174 TARCEVA ........................................................ 35 TARGRETIN ............................................... 35 tarina fe 1/20 (28) ................................. 110 taron forte ......................................................... 227 TASIGNA ........................................................... 35 tazicef .......................................................................... 22 TAZORAC .................................................... 122 taztia xt .................................................................... 90 TD GOLD TEST STRIP .......... 143 Index Index sterile eye drops ......................................... 153 STERILE PADS .................................... 197 STIOLTO RESPIMAT ................... 37 STIVARGA ...................................................... 34 stomach relief ............................................... 167 stool softener ................................................. 168 stop lice ................................................................. 123 STRATTERA ............................................ 103 STRENSIQ .................................................... 149 streptomycin ...................................................... 17 STRIBILD .......................................................... 72 STRIVERDI RESPIMAT ...... 211 strovite forte ................................................... 226 STROVITE ONE ................................. 226 STUART ONE ........................................ 226 sucralfate ............................................................ 161 sudafed ................................................................... 113 sudogest ................................................................ 113 sudogest sinus and allergy ............... 58 sulfacetamide sodium ......................... 156 sulfacetamide sodium (acne) ........................................................................................... 118 sulfacetamide-prednisolone ........ 157 sulfadiazine .......................................................... 26 sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim ............................................................................................... 26 sulfasalazine ....................................................... 26 sulfatrim .................................................................. 26 sulindac ..................................................................... 13 sumatriptan ......................................................... 60 sumatriptan succinate ................ 60, 61 super multivitamin ................................. 227 SUPER THIN LANCETS ..... 143 SUPER TWIN EPA-DHA ........ 99 suphedrin ............................................................. 113 support-500 ...................................................... 227 suppository adult ...................................... 168 SUPPRELIN LA .................................. 180 SUPRAX .............................................................. 22 supreme antacid ......................................... 166 SURE COMFORT LANCETS ........................................................................................... 143 SURE-LANCE ........................................ 143 SURE-LANCE ULTRA THIN ........................................................................................... 143 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-23 tri-vitamin .......................................................... 227 trivora (28) ..................................................... 110 TROKENDI XR ...................................... 41 TROPHAMINE 10 % ....................... 84 TROPHAMINE 6% ............................. 84 trospium ............................................................... 174 TRUE METRIX GLUCOSE TEST STRIP ................................................ 144 TRUEPLUS LANCETS ........... 144 TRUETEST TEST STRIPS ............................................................................ 144, 145 TRUETRACK SMART SYSTEM ........................................................... 140 TRUETRACK TEST .................... 145 TRULICITY ................................................... 47 TRUMENBA ............................................. 189 TRUSTEX LATEX CONDOM ........................................................................................... 110 TRUSTEX LUBRICATED CONDOMS .................................................. 110 TRUSTEX NON-LUB CONDOMS .................................................. 110 TRUSTEX-RIA LUB/SPERMICIDE ........................ 110 TRUSTEX-RIA NON-LUB CONDOMS .................................................. 111 TRUVADA ...................................................... 73 trymine cg .......................................................... 113 TUBERCULIN SYRINGE ............................................................................ 131, 145 TUBERCULIN-ALLERGY SYRINGES ................................................... 131 TUDORZA PRESSAIR ............ 212 TWINRIX (PF) ....................................... 189 TYBOST ............................................................ 197 TYGACIL .......................................................... 27 TYKERB .............................................................. 36 TYPHIM VI ................................................. 189 TYSABRI ........................................................ 184 TYVASO ........................................................... 216 TYVASO REFILL KIT ............. 216 TYVASO STARTER KIT ..... 216 TYZEKA .............................................................. 75 u-cort ........................................................................ 122 ULORIC ............................................................ 197 Index TRANSDERM-SCOP ..................... 63 tranylcypromine ............................................ 45 TRAVASOL 10 % ................................... 84 TRAVATAN Z ....................................... 198 travel sickness (meclizine) ............ 63 travoprost (benzalkonium) ....... 198 trazodone ................................................................ 45 TREANDA ....................................................... 35 TRECATOR ................................................... 61 TRELSTAR .......................................... 35, 36 tretinoin ................................................................ 122 tretinoin (chemotherapy) ................ 36 tretinoin microspheres ...................... 122 TREXALL ......................................................... 36 triacting orange ............................................. 58 triamcinolone acetonide .............................................. 114, 121, 158, 178 TRIAMINIC COLD AND COUGHNT(PE) ....................................... 58 triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid ............................................................................................... 95 trianex .................................................................... 121 TRIBENZOR ................................................ 86 tri-buffered aspirin .................................... 13 tri-estarylla ...................................................... 110 trifluoperazine ................................................. 69 trifluridine ......................................................... 157 trigels-f forte .................................................. 227 trihexyphenidyl .............................................. 66 tri-legest fe ....................................................... 110 tri-linyah .............................................................. 110 tri-lo-estarylla .............................................. 110 tri-lo-marzia ................................................... 110 tri-lo-sprintec ................................................ 110 trilyte with flavor packets ............ 172 trimethoprim ...................................................... 19 trimipramine ...................................................... 45 trinessa (28) .................................................. 110 TRINTELLIX .............................................. 45 triple paste af .................................................... 53 tri-previfem (28) ..................................... 110 tri-sprintec (28) ........................................ 110 TRIUMEQ ........................................................ 73 tri-vi-sol ................................................................ 227 tri-vita ..................................................................... 227 Index Index THERANATAL PLUS .............. 227 thiamine hcl (vitamin b1) ............ 227 THIN LANCETS ................................. 142 thioridazine .......................................................... 69 thiotepa ..................................................................... 35 thiothixene ............................................................ 69 tiagabine .................................................................. 40 TICE BCG ...................................................... 185 tilia fe ....................................................................... 110 timolol maleate ................................ 89, 198 tioconazole ........................................................... 50 TIVICAY ............................................................. 72 tizanidine ............................................................. 214 tl gard rx ............................................................. 227 tl-hem 150 .......................................................... 227 TOBI PODHALER .............................. 17 TOBRADEX ............................................... 157 TOBRADEX ST .................................... 157 tobramycin ........................................................ 157 tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl ........... 17 tobramycin in 0.9 % nacl .................. 17 tobramycin sulfate ..................................... 17 tobramycin-dexamethasone ...... 157 TOLAK ............................................................... 116 tolazamide ............................................................. 49 tolbutamide .......................................................... 49 tolmetin ..................................................................... 13 tolnaftate ................................................................ 53 tolterodine ......................................................... 173 TOPCARE UNIVERSAL1 LANCET .......................................................... 144 topiragen ................................................................. 40 topiramate ................................................. 40, 41 toposar ....................................................................... 35 torsemide ................................................................ 95 TOUJEO SOLOSTAR ..................... 48 TOVIAZ ............................................................. 173 TPN ELECTROLYTES ............ 209 TPN ELECTROLYTES II .... 209 TRACLEER ................................................ 216 TRADJENTA ............................................... 47 tramadol .................................................................. 10 tramadol-acetaminophen .................. 10 trandolapril .......................................................... 87 tranexamic acid ............................................. 79 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-24 vicks qlearquil(oxymetazoline) ........................................................................................... 154 vicks sinex 12-hour ................................ 154 vicodin ........................................................................ 10 vicodin es ................................................................ 10 vicodin hp ............................................................... 10 VICTOZA ........................................................... 47 VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC ............................................................................................... 73 VIDEX 4 GRAM PEDIATRIC ............................................................................................... 73 VIEKIRA PAK .......................................... 74 VIEKIRA XR ............................................... 74 vienva ....................................................................... 111 VIGAMOX .................................................... 157 VIIBRYD ............................................................. 45 VIMIZIM ......................................................... 149 VIMPAT ............................................................... 41 vinacal b ............................................................... 228 vinorelbine ............................................................. 36 viorele (28) ..................................................... 111 VIRACEPT ....................................................... 73 VIRAMUNE XR ..................................... 73 VIRAZOLE ...................................................... 76 VIREAD ............................................................... 73 virt-phos 250 neutral ........................... 209 virtussin ac ........................................................ 113 VISINE MAX REDNESS RELIEF .............................................................. 154 VISINE TOTALITY ....................... 154 visine-a ................................................................... 154 vitacel (with lutein) ............................. 228 vitafol ....................................................................... 228 VITAFOL FE+ (WITH DOCUSATE) ............................................. 228 vital-d rx .............................................................. 228 vitamin a .............................................................. 228 vitamin b-1 ........................................................ 228 vitamin b12-folic acid ........................ 217 vitamin b-2 ........................................................ 228 vitamin b-6 ........................................................ 228 vitamin c ............................................... 228, 229 vitamin d3 ............................ 225, 226, 229 VITAMIN D3 ............................................ 229 vitamin e ............................................... 226, 230 Index UNISTIK TOUCH LANCETS ........................................................................................... 147 UNISTRIP1 TEST STRIP ..... 147 UNITUXIN ..................................................... 36 UNIVERSAL 1 LANCETS ............................................................. 134, 135, 147 UPTRAVI ........................................ 216, 217 ursodiol .................................................................. 167 VAGIFEM ..................................................... 177 vaginal contraceptive foam ........ 111 vagistat-1 ................................................................ 53 vagistat-3 ................................................................ 53 valacyclovir ......................................................... 75 VALCHLOR ............................................... 116 valganciclovir .................................................... 76 valproate sodium .......................................... 41 valproic acid ....................................................... 41 valproic acid (as sodium salt) ... 41 valsartan .................................................................. 86 valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide ... 86 VALSTAR .......................................................... 36 valu-tapp decongestant .................... 113 vancomycin .......................................................... 19 vancomycin in dextrose 5 % ......... 19 VANISHPOINT SYRINGE ........................................................................................... 147 VAQTA (PF) ............................................... 189 VARIVAX (PF) ...................................... 189 VASCEPA .......................................................... 99 vazobid-pd ............................................................. 58 v-c forte ................................................................. 227 VELCADE ......................................................... 36 velivet triphasic regimen (28) ........................................................................................... 111 VENCLEXTA .............................................. 36 VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK ........................................................................ 36 venlafaxine ........................................................... 45 VENTOLIN HFA ............................... 212 verapamil ................................................................ 90 VERSACLOZ ............................................... 69 vestura (28) .................................................... 111 VGO 40 ................................................................ 147 VIBERZI ........................................................... 167 vic-forte ................................................................. 227 Index Index ULTILET BASIC LANCETS ........................................................................................... 145 ULTILET CLASSIC LANCETS ...................................................... 145 ULTILET LANCETS ................... 145 ULTILET SAFETY LANCETS ........................................................................................... 145 ULTIMA TEST STRIPS ............................................................................ 141, 145 ultra strength antacid ........................ 161 ULTRA THIN II LANCETS ........................................................................................... 146 ULTRA THIN LANCETS ............................................................. 129, 145, 146 ULTRA THIN PLUS LANCETS ...................................................... 141 ULTRA TLC LANCETS ........ 146 ULTRALANCE LANCETS ........................................................................................... 146 ULTRA-THIN II LANCETS ........................................................................................... 146 ULTRATRAK ......................................... 146 ULTRATRAK ULTIMATE ........................................................................................... 146 UNILET COMFORTOUCH LANCET .......................................................... 146 UNILET EXCELITE II LANCET .......................................................... 146 UNILET EXCELITE LANCET ........................................................................................... 146 UNILET GP LANCET .............. 146 UNILET LANCET ............ 142, 146 UNILET SUPER THIN LANCETS ...................................................... 140 unisom sleepgels ............................................ 58 UNISTIK 3 COMFORT LANCET .......................................................... 147 UNISTIK 3 EXTRA LANCET ........................................................................................... 147 UNISTIK 3 GENTLE .................. 147 UNISTIK 3 LANCETS .............. 147 UNISTIK 3 NORMAL LANCET .......................................................... 147 UNISTIK CZT LANCET ....... 147 UNISTIK SAFETY ......................... 147 Effective: October 01, 2016 SCFHP Cal MediConnect Formulary Formulary ID:16510.000 Version: 18 I-25 zovia 1/50e (28) ........................................ 111 ZOVIRAX ...................................................... 116 z-sleep ......................................................................... 57 ZUBSOLV .......................................................... 16 ZYDELIG .......................................................... 37 ZYKADIA ......................................................... 37 ZYLET ................................................................. 157 ZYPREXA RELPREVV .............. 70 zyrtec itchy eye drops (keto) ........................................................................................... 154 ZYTIGA ................................................................ 37 ZYVOX ................................................................... 19 Index XARELTO ........................................................ 77 XELJANZ ....................................................... 197 XELJANZ XR .......................................... 197 XIFAXAN ......................................................... 19 XIIDRA ............................................................. 158 XOLAIR ............................................................ 213 XTANDI ............................................................... 36 xulane ...................................................................... 111 xylon 10 .................................................................... 10 XYREM ............................................................. 214 YERVOY ............................................................. 36 YF-VAX (PF) ............................................ 189 YONDELIS ...................................................... 36 zafirlukast ......................................................... 210 zaleplon ................................................................. 214 zarah ......................................................................... 111 ZARXIO ............................................................... 79 ZAVESCA ...................................................... 149 zeasorb (miconazole) ........................... 53 zebutal ........................................................................ 10 ZELBORAF .................................................... 36 ZEMPLAR .................................................... 192 zenatane ............................................................... 116 zenchent (28) ............................................... 111 ZENPEP ............................................................ 149 ZEPATIER ........................................................ 74 zephrex-d ............................................................ 113 ZETIA ....................................................................... 99 ZIAGEN ............................................................... 73 zidovudine .............................................................. 73 ZINBRYTA ................................................. 197 ziprasidone hcl ................................................. 70 ZIRGAN ........................................................... 157 ZOLADEX ........................................................ 37 zoledronic acid ............................................ 192 zoledronic acid-mannitol-water ........................................................................................... 192 ZOLINZA ........................................................... 37 zolmitriptan ........................................................ 61 zolpidem ............................................................... 215 ZOMETA ......................................................... 192 zonisamide ............................................................ 41 ZORTRESS .................................................. 184 ZOSTAVAX (PF) ................................ 189 zovia 1/35e (28) ........................................ 111 Index Index vitamin e (dl, acetate) ...................... 230 vitamin e natural blend .................... 228 vitamin k1 .......................................................... 230 vitamins for hair ........................................ 230 VITA-RESPA ............................................ 230 VITEKTA ........................................................... 73 VOLTAREN ................................................... 13 voriconazole ........................................................ 53 VORTEX HOLDING CHAMBER .................................................. 148 VORTEX VHC FROG MASK-CHILD ....................................... 148 VOTRIENT ...................................................... 36 VPRIV ................................................................... 149 vp-vite rx ............................................................. 230 VRAYLAR ............................................ 69, 70 vyfemla (28) .................................................. 111 wal-act d cold and allergy ................ 59 wal-dram ................................................................. 63 wal-dryl allergy .............................................. 59 wal-fex allergy ................................................ 59 wal-finate ............................................................... 59 wal-finate-d ......................................................... 59 wal-itin ....................................................................... 59 wal-mucil fiber ............................................ 172 wal-phed .................................................... 59, 113 wal-phed pe sinus and allergy ..... 59 wal-profen ............................................................. 13 wal-sleep z ............................................................. 59 wal-som (diphenhydramine) ....... 59 wal-tap ....................................................................... 59 wal-zan 75 ......................................................... 161 wal-zyr (cetirizine) .................................. 59 wal-zyr (ketotifen) ............................... 154 warfarin .................................................................... 77 water for irrigation, sterile ......... 190 WAVESENSE JAZZ ...................... 148 WAVESENSE PRESTO ........... 148 wee care ................................................................ 230 WELCHOL ....................................................... 99 wera (28) ........................................................... 111 WIDE-SEAL DIAPHRAGM 70 ........................................................................................... 111 women's prenatal + dha .................. 218 XALKORI ......................................................... 36 Effective: October 01, 2016 Văn Phòng Chính 210 E Hacienda Ave Campbell, CA 95008-6617 1-877-723-4795 - Số Miễn phí 1-800-735-2929 - TTY 8 giờ sáng tới 8 giờ tối, 7 ngày một tuần, kể cả các ngày nghỉ lễ. Nếu quý vị có câu hỏi, vui lòng gọi đến Santa Clara Family Health Plan. Cuộc gọi được miễn phí. Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng truy cập www.scfhp.com. Formulary ID: 16510.000, Version Number: 18 Last Updated: 09/30/2016 © 2016, Santa Clara Family Health Plan. All rights reserved. SH7009A H7890_11088V_Final_10 Accepted
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