Upcoming Events A Message from the Principal
Upcoming Events A Message from the Principal
HILLEL TORAH January 18, 2013 NORTH SUBURBAN DAY SCHOOL Highlights Parshat Bo Upcoming Events January: 19 Saturday Kdg. Melave Malka 7:00pm at HT 20 Sunday 7th/8th Girls vs Roycemore, Home 10:00/11:00 21 Monday HT: Turkey Sub Mar n Luther King Jr. Day PN/N Dads Day 9:00am at SV 5th Gr. Mishna Night 7:00pm at HT 7th/8th Girls @ Schechter, Away 4:45/5:45 JV /V vs Schechter Blue, Home 4:15/5:15 22 Tuesday HT: Pizza Day SV: Pizza 1st Gr. Snuggle Up & Read 6:30pm at HT 6th/V @ Roycemore, Away 4:30/5:30 Candle Lighting: 4:28 הדלקת פרשת בא בס“ד תשע“ג,ז שבט A Message from the Principal Dear Friends, This week started got off to an exci ng start on Monday with the beginning of the Names, Not Numbers interviews and a visit from a delega on of progressive Israeli educators, organized by the World Zionist Organiza on (WZO) – two events which, together, sum up much of what we are all about. It has been incredibly moving seeing our 8th grade students gree ng their Names, Not Numbers interviewees at the front door and escor ng them to our makeshi “studio” in room 36. Under the guidance of their mentors and a film crew from NY, a er months of prepara on, ten groups of four students each took turns interviewing, note taking and filming interviews with ten different Holocaust survivors. Bringing together real life learning, maturity, intergenera onal rela onships, personal connec on to Jewish history, Language Arts skills and more, Names Not Numbers is a project that changes every student who par cipates in it and is an experience they will never forget. Save the date ‐ May 20th for this year’s NNN screening at Fairview Auditorium. Thank you to Lynne and Irv Shapiro and Judy and Ira Kirsch for dedica ng this year’s Names, Not Numbers project in memory of their father Mr. Sandor Kirsche, founder of Hungarian Kosher Foods and in honor of their mother Mrs. Margit Kirsch, ‘שתחי, both survivors of the Holocaust. If you are interested in ge ng involved in this or another dedica on opportunity, contact Ed Plotkin at ed.plotkin@hilleltorah.org. While all this was happening on Monday, a delega on of 15 young innova ve Israeli educators from all streams of Israeli society visited HT to learn about Jewish educa on in the Diaspora. With such a great resource available to us, we asked them in advance ‐ and they readily agreed ‐ to deliver workshops to our Middle School students on the upcoming Israeli elec ons set for January 22. It was a great visit with a mutual exchange of ideas for students, teachers and administrators alike. 23 Wednesday As an addi on to our fabulous library program, this week Kindergarten and 1st grade were treated to an exci ng interac ve puppet show from the Skokie public library. HT: Pasta with Meat Sauce JV @ Lincoln Jr. High, Away 4:15 24 Thursday HT: Soup and Grilled Cheese SV: Chicken Nuggets 4th Gr. State Fair 8:30am at HT 7th/8th Girls vs Parker, Home 4:15/5:15 6th Boys @ Parker, Away 5:00 Sunday, March 3, 2013 Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner InterContinental Chicago O’Hare 3rd‐8th grade students finished their Winter MAP tes ng session this week. We are looking forward to using this data to help us in crea ng targeted learning goals for our students and tweaking our curriculum to match our students’ learning needs. Students (and teachers!) have been working hard preparing for a number of exci ng programs which will be taking place this coming week. We are looking forward to the Kindergarten Melave Malka this Motzei Shabbat, Dad’s day at the Pre‐School and a new program called Kabbalat Mishna with 5th grade on Monday, 1st grade Snuggle Up and Read on Tuesday, the 4th grade State Fair on Wednesday (internal) and Thursday (for parents), and a special Tu B’Shvat Celebra on on Friday. The HT Dinner is coming on March 3rd! We are looking for every family to par cipate on some level. Please submit your reserva ons and ads to the office today! Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Menachem Linzer Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming bi-annual Parent Survey launching on January 28th! SCHOOL-WIDE SCOOP Library News K-8 Hot Lunch Update Our library welcomed librarians from the Skokie Public Library, who presented an engaging puppet show featuring familiar fables with a twist to our Kindergarten, first, and second grade classes this week. We value our rela onship with the Skokie Public Library, and greatly appreciate the services they provide to our school. The deadline for the Six Flags Read to Succeed program is fast approaching. All forms are due in the library by February 11th. Please make sure that you sign your child’s form and total up their minutes. We look forward to receiving many more completed forms! Daniel Pollack is the newest member of our Birthday Book Club. Welcome! Parnes Hayom פרנס היום The Day of Learning on Thursday, January 17th/6th of Shvat is sponsored in honor of Keryn & David Schreiber and Family In celebration of the birth of their daughter May she grow to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Ma'asim Tovim Mazal Tov! Good and Welfare Mazal tov to Sharyn and Daniel Schwartz on receiving the Keter Shem Tov Award at the Or Torah Dinner. Kol HaKavod! Mazal tov to Meytal and Yuval Miara on the birth of a baby boy. May the baby be raised to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim! New session of Hot Lunch begins Monday, February 4! Go to https://www.hilleltorahlunch.com to order beginning Friday 1/18! Mondays: Chicken Noodle Soup Tuesdays: K-8 Pizza Day Wednesdays: Chicken Fried Rice Thursdays: Macaroni and Cheese Until Friday, January 25th Please contact the office at 847-674-6533 or htoffice@hilleltorah.org with any special requests After Friday, January 25th Please contact Keren Kluk at Keren.Kluk@hilleltorah.org Be a Box Tops Hero! You could win 250,000 eBoxTops! Register for the Be a Box Tops Hero™ Sweepstakes! DETAILS: No purchase necessary. You could win 250,000 eBoxTops! ($25,000 value to participating school) Register for the Be a Hero™ Sweepstakes! You can log in every day to create a new entry in the sweepstakes. Click here to go to the Box Tops Hero site and then click on “Sweeps” to register. Click here for full official rules. Mazal tov to Ashira and Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski on the birth of a granddaughter, Serach Eliana, born to their children Chani and Yosef Newman. May Serach Eliana be raised to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim! Mazal tov to Keryn and David Schreiber on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal tov to siblings Ma hew (3rd), Alexandra (3rd), and Gabriel (PN). May the baby grow to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim. Mazal tov to Jackie (Morgins n, ’02) and Josh Wachtel on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal tov to grandparents Caryn & Stuart Morgins n. May the baby be raised to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim! Mazal tov to Tamar and Rabbi Avraham Friedman on the engagement of their granddaughter Chava Baila Rubin to Mordechai Kahan. May Chava Baila and Mordechai come to the Chupah b’shaah tova u’mutzlachat. Health Corner Please click here for an article on “Smoke Detectors” from Chana Goldstein, RN, CPNP. Middle School Moments 8th Grade Names, Not Numbers Interview Week 21st Century Learning: Real World Graphing Why learn about graphs from a textbook when we have newspapers and magazines full of them! This week, the 7th grade math classes pored over and analyzed relevant and current articles containing bar graphs, stacked bar graphs, line graphs, time lines, and pie charts as they learned about such topics as Hawaiian tourism, the rate of university concussions in football, the Chicago crime rate, and social networking within families. Working collaboratively, 7th graders understood just how effectively graphs can represent important information and highlight significant messages within news articles. ‐Ms. Sarah Kramer, 7th Grade Math Teacher Parsha Perspective Parshat Bo פרשת בא By: Bayli Alter and Jacob Miller, Mrs. Dubovick’s 5B Chumash Class In Parshat Bo, we see what Hashem does to take Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt. Once out of Egypt, Bnei Yisrael must get ready to accept the Torah and the Mitzvot. In this parsha there are 20 mitzvoth, starting with “This month shall be the beginning of months.” Some people think that the year starts with Tishrei, but according to the Torah, the first month is Nisan. When you hear the story of Yitziat Mitzraim, you should not think of it has just another story. It is one of the most important stories in the Torah. The story of Pharaoh and the macot shows us that we should learn from our mistakes, like when Moshe broke the Luchot Hareshonot and the Egel Hazahav. We had consequences, but we learned from our mistakes. “Hashem said to Moshe: Come to Pharaoh.” In this pasuk, Hashem tells Moshe to come to Pharoah. Why didn't Hashem say go to Pharaoh? Hashem was talking to Moshe like they were going together. HT Flames Scoreboard Baker Varsity 51-15 6th 30-24 7th girls 16-9 8th girls 17-14 Schechter Gold Varsity 33-19 Bannockburn 6th 32-15 JV 44-36 7th Girls 13-12 Northbrook JCC Travel 6th 17-15 Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kutzk explains that Hashem is everywhere and we can never leave Him. So in this Pasuk Hashem was saying: Come with me to Pharaoh. I will be with you. Don't fear Pharoh or anyone. I am always with you.. The Gematriya of the word Bo is three. There are three Macot in this Parsha. The Gematriya of the word Pharaoh is 355. Bo plus Pharoah is 358, which is the same Gematriya of Moshiach. Next we'll find out the Gematriya of Moshiach. What is the connection that Moshiach equals Bo and Pharaoh? It is a hint that the coming Geulah (redemption) began with Yitziat Mitzriam. Early Childhood Chit-Chat Fun at School! Ten makkot, makkot ten, the Mitzrim were punished again and again… The children completed learning Parshiot Vaera and Bo with their parsha projects ready to come home. The nursery children came to school dressed in their pajamas so that they can be ready to leave Mitzrayim—b’emtza halayla, in the middle of the night, just as they learned in the song— Pharaoh B’Pajamas! The parshiot come alive for the children as they discuss and reenact the stories of Bnei Yisrael. In the kin‐ dergarten “Pharaoh” made a guest appearance to help play out the story of the people as avadim B’Mitzrayim and how Moshe came to free Bnei Yisrael. Winter has se led in with a vengeance as we adjust to the very cold temperatures. The kindergarten children have been learn‐ ing about how the animals deal with the cold weather. In sci‐ ence they talked about hiberna on and migra on. They even experimented with blubber (Crisco) and learned how the ani‐ mals in the freezing water s stay warm. The kindergarten children are so excited about this Motzei Shabbat‐‐‐it is Kindergarten Melave Malka The families are in‐ vited to the school a er Shabbat, from 7:00 to 8:15 for a very special evening. And the preschool children are ge ng ready to be excellent hosts as they welcome their orchim for Dad’s Day on Monday, January 21st. They have planned an especially exci ng morning from 9:00 to 10:00 and look forward to welcoming you. Enrollment Open for Fall 2013 Shabbat Shalom to all our families! Our Early Childhood Program enrollment deadline for NEW students is Friday, January 25th. Climb the Ladder—Middot Matter!! This month the children are focusing on the middah and mitzva of “Hashavat Aveidah”— returning lost objects. What wonderful young ba’alei middot tovot our children are— as they are always helping to return lost objects to their owners. Children currently attending our Early Childhood Program do not need new applications. Re-enrollment forms will be sent at the end of the month. Please contact Margot Parnass, Director of Admissions, for more information 847-674-6533 or margot.parnass@hilleltorah.org. Shabbat Shalom! A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federa on Hillel Torah PTA Presents FYI Community Notes Hebrew Theological College ‐ Beis HaMidrash LaTorah invites the community to attend its 32nd Annual Melave Malka, Motza’ei Shabbat Parashat Bo, 10 Shevat, 5773 ‐ Saturday evening, January 19, 2013 at 8:00 P.M. Lavin Dining Hall of the Yeshiva, 7135 N. Carpenter Road, Skokie, IL. Guest Speaker: David Olesker Topic: Advocating for Israel: How To Win When We Can’t Afford To Lose David Olesker is the founder and director of JCCAT: Jerusalem Center for Communication and Advocacy Training. A former student leader in the UK, David has become one of the world’s top advocacy trainers. He works with students, community activists and the staff of professional Israel advocacy organizations around the world. His clients have included major organizations such as the ADL and AIPAC, as well as grassroots groups. Based in Jerusalem, David Olesker travels across the globe lecturing on a broad range of topics, including The Apartheid Accusation, International Law & the Arab‐Israel Conflict, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel, Laws of War, Modern Anti‐Semitism and the Holocaust, The Media and the Middle East. A Dvar torah will be delivered by the Rosh HaYeshiva. The Yeshiva will proudly announce the recipient of the 2013 Rabbi Herman Davis Memorial Scholarship. Proceeds to benefit the Sam and Nina Bellows Kollel. Register at htc.edu/mm or call 847‐982‐2500 to RSVP. YU Torah Mitzion Kollel and Kehilat Chovevei Tzion present Vishinantam Parent/Child Motzei Shabbat Learning Program. January 19, 26, and February 2, 6:45 pm at KCT, 4000 Church St. in Skokie. An hour of interactive learning facilitated by Kollel Fellows. Pizza will be served! For more info, contact the Kollel at 773‐973‐6557 or info@chicagotorah.org. The Young Women's Board of the Jewish United Fund presents, "Day School Perspectives: Reinventing your Passover Presentation". Come mingle with fellow Chicago area Jewish day school moms and enjoy an engaging presentation on Reinventing your Passover Presentation. Style Shack's co‐owners Sherry Levin and Dawn Pye will present easy‐to‐assemble, seasonal tablescape designs as well as home hospitality ideas to liven up the holiday. Linda Neiman, founder of Zelda's Sweet Shoppe, will share some of her most decadent and coveted kosher Passover dessert recipes. Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 7:30 pm ‐ 9:00 pm The Double Tree Hotel, Skokie. $18, register online <http://www.juf.org/Women/women_event.aspx?eid=82> The Hillel Torah community is invited to CELEBRATE PURIM this year with YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHBROOK! Join us for our renown Purim event: spirited Megilla reading, lavish banquet with live music accompaniment, surprise gala dessert, childrens' prizes, plus this year only: world‐class magician and ventriloquist, as seen on David Letterman! Motzei Shabbos, February 23. Festivities begin with 7pm Havdalah and Maariv, followed by Megilla and seuda. 3545 Walters Rd., Northbrook. Nominal charge, but reservations are required. For more info. or directions telephone Yvette Miller (847) 480‐9664 or the shul (847) 480‐9462. It’s time to think summer and Junior Gan Israel Day Camp, with quality programming for kids ages 1½ to 6. Options include: Tots Club, Bright Beginnings, Expanding Horizons, as well as half and full day programs, hot lunches, and transportation. Special features include sports and gymnastics with “Stretch and Grow” certified coaches, for the ultimate in fun and skill building. Go towww.JuniorGanIsrael.org, or call Mrs. Zeesy Posner, 847‐677‐1770. Advanced Periodontics and implants Grand Opening Special: Complimentary gum health assessment and/or Implant consultation plus a New patient $35.00 credit on any dental service, 1 per patient. Most dental insurances accepted. Dr. Nikisha Jodhan, a board certified periodontist trained at prestigious NYU. Open Tuesdays and Fridays and some Saturdays. Call and schedule your appointment today! (847) 512‐7410, 4905 Old Orchard Center, Suite 501 in Skokie (located in the Old Orchard Shopping Plaza professional Building, across from Starbucks) www.implantperiodoc.com. Luxurious Skokie House for Sale At 9111 Kedvale. 5 bedrooms, 5 full bathrooms and one half bath, huge kosher kitchen with fleishig and milchig appliances and sinks, 3 car heated garage. Serious inquiries only. Call Rivkie Lafer at 847‐702‐4140. Remember to think of Zichronot Video the next time you make your next family Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Enhance the celebration by having a beautiful and sentimental Photo/Video Montage made to celebrate the Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Think about Zichronot Video whenever there is a Simcha. Whether it's a Wedding, Bris, Anniversary, or any other celebration, Zichronot Video will video, edit, and produce a high quality DVD to keep the memory of the event right at your fingertips. Zichronot Video Productions 224‐836‐1234 www.zichronotvideo.com info@zichronotvideo.com To advertise in FYI, please email Dov Shandalov at dov.shandalov@hilleltorah.org H I L L E L TO R A H N O RT H S U B U R B A N DAY S C H O O L SCHOLARSHIP DINNER SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2013 â“òùú ,øãà à“ë INTERCONTINENTAL O’HARE HONORING Aliza & Craig Frank Parents of the Year Zenia & Jeffrey Cohen Grandparents of the Year Debbie Eisenstein Feiger Memorial Service Award Please join us at our Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner, Sunday evening, March 3rd, as we celebrate 21st Century Learning at Hillel Torah. See how our unique curriculum and teaching methods focusing on Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking, and utilizing progressive educational technology are preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.Your support of our Scholarship Dinner will directly impact our students and will enable Hillel Torah to continue being the Premier Orthodox Day School that it is today, offering excellence in Jewish and General Studies education to the next generation of Jewish leaders. The Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner is one of Hillel Torah’s major fundraising events. The money raised for the Scholarship Dinner allows Hillel Torah to offer its students the best education and will assure that every child will have the opportunity of receiving a Jewish education. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at this year’s Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner! To submit your ad and/or reservation online, please go to www.hilleltorah.org and click on “Scholarship Dinner” Dinner Chairpersons: Sharon & Seth Gillman, Tamar & David Meiselman, Alison & Alan Molotsky Ad Journal Chairpersons: Karin & Michael Felix Honorary Dinner Chairpersons: Linda & Milton Frank, Nancy & Lawrence Glick, Darryle & Michael Gillman, Gale & Eric Rothner For more information, please contact Dov Shandalov or Ed Plotkin at 847.674.6533 or dov.shandalov@hilleltorah.org Hillel Torah • 7120 N. Laramie • Skokie, Illinois 60077 • Phone 847.674.6533 • Fax 847.674.8313 • www.hilleltorah.org A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation Complete and return this sheet to your teacher by: STUDENT READING LOG Student Name (first name and last initial): __________________________________ (Teacher/coordinator to fill in due date) School: ____________________________________________________________ Grade: __________ Teacher: _______________________________________________ Welcome to the Six Flags® Read to Succeed Six Hour Reading Club! To participate, you need to read for fun for a total of six hours or 360 minutes. You can read books, magazines, newspapers, or comic books. Reading for homework or a class assignment does not count. This log will help you keep track of all your reading. List what you read and the time you spend reading. (Use the back if necessary.) Have a parent or teacher initial this log every time you read. When you reach the goal, have your parent/guardian inital the form. Then, return it to your teacher by the date listed below in order to qualify for a free ticket to a Six Flags® theme park. Your ticket will be given to you by your teacher/coordinator. Date What I Read Time Parent/Teacher Initials Total Amount of Time Read (Must be at least 6 hours or 360 minutes) Please use the back of this page or additional sheets, if needed. I certify that student named above has completed six hours of recreational reading. I am also aware that the one free admission ticket that my child will receive is valid only at participating Six Flags® theme parks on select dates during the 2013 season. Dates will be included on the tickets. I also understand that late entries will not be accepted, and tickets are NOT valid for anyone over age 13, are not for resale and cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged. ___________________ Parent or Guardian Initals SIX FLAGS: TM & © 2012 Six Flags Theme Parks Inc.
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