Milwaukee Brewers Catcher Gregg Zaun Signs on to Support
Milwaukee Brewers Catcher Gregg Zaun Signs on to Support
March 25, 2010/Vol. 87, No. 3 The mission of the american legion, department of wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities. Milwaukee Brewers Catcher Gregg Zaun Signs on to Support Legion Baseball Milwaukee Brewers catcher Gregg Zaun will serve as the Honorary Chairman for Wisconsin American Legion Baseball in 2010. This is Zaun’s first year with the Brewers. He has agreed to provide financial support and lend his name to the Legion, giving a big league boost to the Wisconsin American Legion All-Star Game. Zaun, who is an alumnus of American Legion Baseball, was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles in the 1989 Major League Draft. He played with several teams over the years. He was a member of the World Series champion 1997 Florida Marlins. He comes to the Brewers from the Tampa Bay Rays. Zaun will take a photo with each AllStar Team prior to the Wisconsin American Legion Baseball All-Star Game to be played on August 8th at Miller Park. In addition, he has generously donated $5,000 to support the baseball program, a portion of which will be awarded by Zaun in the form of college scholarships during the All-Star Game. To further support the organization, Gregg Zaun Legionnaires Petition in Washington, DC Led by Department Commander Leo A. Endres, a delegation of Wisconsin Legionnaires traveled to Washington, DC March 1st and petitioned each of our members of Congress and both US Senators. The group included our National Executive Committeeman David Gough, ANEC Al Richards, Past Department Commanders Lloyd Wagener, Bob Weyenberg, Ted DiMicchi and Ted Duckworth. Also participating were Past Department Vice Commanders Ron Kuta and Don Schindler, 4th District Commander Wayne Jensen, Past Department Service Officer Tom Ludka, Homeless Veterans Taskforce Chairman Clif Sorenson and Department Adjutant David A. Kurtz. Commander Endres spoke personally with both Senator Kohl and Senator Feingold and found them receptive to The American Legion agenda. They were particularly interested in the need to expand the Post 9/11 GI Bill to include those veterans who opt for vocational training rather than attending university or college. Many of the Congressional representatives also showed a high degree of interest on this issue. Wisconsin Legionnaires demonstrated an excellent command of veterans’ issues and were effective in relating The American Legion legislative priorities. The willingness of elected representative to meet with Wisconsin Legionnaires and their largely positive responses highlights the need for the Department to maintain our status as the largest veteran’s service organization in the state through our membership recruiting and retention efforts. Zaun is donating several personally-autographed items for use by the Wisconsin American Legion for fundraising events. All proceeds from these items will directly support the baseball program. The Wisconsin American Legion AllStar Game has been played at the home of the Milwaukee Brewers – County Stadium and now Miller Park - since 1972. Wisconsin is the only state where Legion All-Stars have the opportunity to play on a Major League Baseball field. “The Brewers have been great partners with Wisconsin American Legion Baseball over the years and Gregg Zaun’s involvement with the program is an exciting new opportunity. We welcome him to the Brewers and to Legion Baseball,” said Stan Torstenson, Commissioner of Wisconsin American Legion Baseball. “As a former American Legion Baseball Player, we are sure that Gregg will be an inspiration to the young men participating in the program,” he continued. Department Headquarters will have tickets available for the Brewers/Astros game on Sunday, August 8th. Tickets can be purchased for the Brewers game and fans are welcome to stay and enjoy the All-Star Game that will follow. Tickets are available to anyone interested in attending the Brewers or All-Star Game; you do not need to be affiliated with the Legion Baseball program. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit Wisconsin American Legion Baseball. More information on how you can get tickets will be available in the next issue of the Badger Legionnaire. Since 1926, American Legion Baseball has been making a difference in the lives of young men across Wisconsin. This summer 250 American Legion Baseball teams will compete across the state of Wisconsin. The goal of the program is to build players strength, coordination and over-all physical fitness. American Legion Baseball combats juvenile delinquency as well as aids in the development of good sportsmanship and citizenship. For more information on how you can start a team, volunteer, or donate, please contact programs coordinator Jill Janke at (608) 745-1090 or Testimonial Dinner 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 The Testimonial Dinner for Department Commander Leo A. Endres took place on Saturday, March 20th at Rex’s Inn Keeper in Waunakee. The event was very well attended and the Commander received many nice gifts. Here, he holds up the gift presented to him by his Department Vice Commanders Bob Batty, Marv Brozynski, Steve DuBois, and Don Southworth. 10,000 Membership Goal 68,000 62,712 as of 3/18/10 PAGE 2 THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE Department Commander “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The Wisconsin American Legion, 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN Number 01622218 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901 “Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor Jessika Erickson, Editor 2009-2010 Badger Legionnaire Committee John Wolfe, Chairman Don Stone, Vice Chairman Don Lechner, DEC Liaison Art Hopfensperger, Member Bernard Olson, Member Vernon Pitt, Member James Theres, Member Frank Mathison, Consultant Loretta Shellman, Aux. Liaison Kathy Wollmer, Aux Exec. Sec./Treas. 2009-2010 Department Officers Commander Leo Endres Vice Commanders Robert Batty Marv Brozynski Steve DuBois Don Southworth Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Carl Oeldemann Assistant Chaplain Frank Wozniak Judge Advocate Fred Berns Historian Frank Mathison Sergeant-at-Arms Marty Czarnecki Michael Zapka Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David Gough Alternate NECman Al Richards District Commanders 1st – Cal Johnson 2nd – Don Lechner 3rd – Denise Rohan 4th – Wayne Jensen 5th – Charles Roloff 6th – Roy Helms 7th – Mike Wagoner 8th – Jim Grimm 9th – Denis Lamers 10th – Steve Isensee 11th – Joe Story 12th – Kelly Barnes Change of Address & Circulation Information Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. “Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 Portage, WI 53901 Kathy Wollmer, Editor Gayle Janson, Department President Kathy Wollmer, Executive Sec. Treas. To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form. The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date. Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor 4 weeks before publication date. Send all copy to March 25, 2010 Think Spring On February 12th, we attended the Lincoln Pilgrimage in Springfield, Illinois, a time to Leo Endres reflect on our past Commander and to use this knowledge to succeed in the future. In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln said, “The Declaration of Independence did more than bestow liberty on America – it gave hope to the world. That in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of men and that all should have an equal chance.” The US and The American Legion supports democratic values, it keeps freedom alive! There are many American Legion Family unsung heroes who work tireless- ly to support veterans, youth and community programs. Thank you for your dedication and service. As I write this article, the Department is at 91.28% in membership. Keep up the great work! Membership is the foundation of The American Legion Family. The Regional and State Oratorical finals were held on February 20th. What a great group of contestants from around the state, they are all winners! As competitors, they learn about the US Constitution and share what they learned through their prepared presentations. I would like to congratulate Kelsey Marsolek of Independence for wining the Department finals. She will represent Wisconsin as she moves on to the National Oratorical in Indianapolis in April. We wish her the best of luck. Troop and Family Support 2010 Post Challenge: The National Security Committee donated $50 each as a starting balance of $300 and in turn challenged every post in Wisconsin to raise $250 for the T&FS Fund. The Challenge runs through December 31st. All posts who take up the challenge will be acknowledged in the Badger Legionnaire. We just returned from the Awareness Assembly in Washington D.C. It’s an annual opportunity for Legion, Auxiliary and SAL delegates across the nation to meet with their respective Senators and Congressmen to thank them for advanced appropriations and support for the Veterans Affairs proposed bills. We also urged them to preserve other Veteran Benefits the Legion is pursuing on the National level. We opened the State Legion Bowling Tournament March 6th. The Adjutant’s Team whooped the Commander’s Team (Leo, Bob, Steve, Frank) FAIR and SQUARE! The Shawano Post’s hospitality went above and beyond our expectations. I encourage you to patronize the Shawano Post when you’re in Shawano. National Vice Commander Morris will visit Wisconsin and plans to attend the Flag Day Parade in Appleton, on June 12th and bring greetings to Badger Boys State in Ripon. Badger Boys State registrations should be in. It looks like another great group of young men will attend again this year. My thanks to all supporters for their sponsorship. Think Spring! WDVA Secretary Welcoming Home Our Veterans of the Vietnam War On March 29, 2010, our state will observe for the first time a day to honor those who served Ken Black during the VietSecretary nam War. Last summer, Governor Jim Doyle signed into law 2009 Wisconsin Act 36, designating March 29th of each year to be recognized as “Vietnam Veterans Day” in Wisconsin. The day is set aside to acknowledge the 1,239 Wisconsin Armed Forces members who are listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., and to express pride and gratitude to the veterans of that war. There were over 165,000 service members from Wisconsin who served during the Vietnam War. The war began on September 26, 1959 as the Cold War military conflict called the “Second Indochina War.” It was a 16-year conflict between communist North Vietnam, which was supported by communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, which was supported by anti-communist nations, including the United States. The United States’ involvement was ten years, from troop deployments that began in 1965 until the capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese army on April 30, 1975, which marked the end of the Vietnam War about 35 years ago. Also of note, planning is underway for a very special event to take place from May 21-23 at Lambeau Field in Green Bay. There will be a huge celebration to honor and thank Wisconsin’s Vietnam Veterans, and to formally offer them a warm welcome home that many never received. Named for the Landing Zones that service members were often deployed to, the event is called “LZ Lambeau.” The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs is partnering with Wisconsin Public Television and the Wisconsin Historical Society to present a weekend of activities including: the presence of The Moving Wall; an exhibit of artifacts and photographs from the Vietnam War, courtesy of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum; and a special event inside Lambeau Field on Saturday night, May 22nd, featuring music, speakers, and a preview of the forthcoming Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories documentary from Wisconsin Public Television. Vietnam veterans and the public are encouraged to attend this once-in-a-lifetime tribute. You can find out more about the LZ Lambeau event at LZLambeau. org or on the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs website at Camp American Legion Camp American Legion Opens May 24th The 2010 Camp season starts May 24th and ends September 10th. We are accepting apKevin Moshea plications now Director through August 15th. For any veteran who may not know of us, Camp American Le- gion is a rest and rehabilitation facility for ill, injured, and disabled Wisconsin military veterans. It is a very special place located on Big Carr Lake in the beautiful north woods of Wisconsin. We have 19 cabins, main lodge with dinning room, a physical therapy facility with professional staff. We have pontoon boats for fishing and lake cruises plus other daily activities. Veterans who qualify get a seven-day stay. You can get more information on the Camp and application forms by going to The American Legion of Wisconsin website - Once there click “Programs”, then “Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation” and finally “Camp American Legion”. You can also get application forms from any AL Post, VA facility or County Service Officer. If you are an honorable discharged Wisconsin veteran with a physician-documented illness, injury or disability we want you here at Camp. We look forward to serving you. Kevin Moshea, Director, Camp American Legion, Lake Tomahawk, WI. 54539-9753, (715) 277-2510, Wisconsin Legion Launches ‘Official’ Facebook Page We would like to invite all Legion Family Members and supporters to visit the new “Official” Wisconsin American Legion Facebook page. Everyone is encouraged to become a “Fan” of the page as well. Department staff member Jill Janke will act as Facebook Administrator. Some current fans include National Commander Clarence Hill, Department Commander Leo Endres, Former Congressman and U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania Mark Green, several state Legislators, and numerous Legion Posts across the country. “The Department’s presence on Facebook is a way for us to remain current with younger members and potential members,” said Program Coordinator Jill Janke. “Many younger people communicate exclusively on-line today. By pro- viding a resource of information and a communication method right at their fingertips, we can only help make the Wisconsin American Legion more visible and relevant to their lives.” On the official site, Legionnaires will be able to view upcoming events and schedules, find pertinent links, and talk directly to one another about ideas and programs. There will be a discussion board where “fans” can share stories and reconnect with comrades around the world. This project falls perfectly into line with what Commander Hill addressed at the Mid-Winter Conference – making The American Legion relevant today and in the future. Since going ‘live’ with the “Official” page, many members have already transferred over from the previous un-official page and many new “fans” have joined us. “Anything we can do to reach as many veterans, and communities at-large, as possible to share The American Legion story is a positive,” said Department Commander Leo Endres. “Facebook offers another way to promote our organization and help veterans in need, as well as share our programs and resources with communities around the state.” The Wisconsin American Legion Facebook page will be tested through the month of April. Please share this new site with Post members, family, and friends. Your input, comments, and suggestions are welcome and solicited. Please log-on and become a Facebook fan of “Wisconsin American Legion” today and share your ideas and stories. March 25, 2010 THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE Department Adjutant Focus on the Future and Upcoming Events Now that spring is arriving and winter recedes, the attention of Department staff is focused on the major upcoming events on the David Kurtz horizon. Starting with Adjutant the spring meetings in Indianapolis and Portage, the business of the state and national organizations continues. Meanwhile the Districts across the state will all gather for spring conferences. District Conferences are an excellent opportunity to meet Legionnaires from nearby posts to exchange ideas and learn more about how the programs of The American Legion can best be delivered in your community. Spring Confer- ence dates and locations appear at www. on the calendar of events. Staff is also well into the process of planning the 92nd Annual Department Convention to be held July 14th-18th in Wausau. The representatives from the Wausau American Legion Family have worked hard to prepare for our visit, so put it in your plans for this summer! It will be here before we know it. Planning is also underway for the National convention to be held in Milwaukee August 27th -September 2nd. If you’ve never attended a national convention, this year presents an outstanding opportunity to take part in many of the exciting events and activities that will take place right in our backyard. Milwaukee Legionnaires are very excited to play host and are anxious to debut the fully restored American Legion emblem at the Kilbourn Park Reservoir. Many will remember the huge 50 foot floral arrangement depicting our emblem. The Milwaukee Water Works is restoring the emblem using colored glass and pieces of mirrors embedded in concrete. It promises to be spectacular and will stand as a permanent reminder of The American Legion’s commitment to serving our communities, state, and nation. On behalf of your staff at Headquarters, our Service Office and Camp American Legion – thank you for the opportunity to serve you and still serve America. PAGE 3 WI Wins Big 12! Thank You! Because of your efforts the Wisconsin American Legion has won the Big 12 challenge! Thank you to everyone who renewed their membership and everyone who worked on membership at the Post, County and District levels. The Department will receive $2,500 from the national organization to purchase computer and technology supplies for the office. The National Commander generously increased the award by $500 this year. As of March 11, the Department stood at 91.97% of its membership goal for the year. Keep Up the Good Work! Let’s keep the momentum going! Our next target is 95% by April 14th. Then 100% by May 12th, Armed Forces Day. Let’s work together to be a 100% Department the same year we are hosting the National Convention! Thanks a million. Commander Leo Troop and Family Support ‘Post Challenge’ Status Update For today. And tomorrow. As a group, we are accustomed to facing facts. We accept the idea of developing a plan of action to help prepare for the future. You wouldn’t expect less of the organization we share. Or, evaluate, consider and act on one of several planned giving/deferred gift options ranging from a simple will bequest to life insurance, retained life estate and other possibilities. That’s why our leadership created the Wisconsin American Legion FOUNDATION, a 501(c)3 entity that can receive tax deductible contributions. Your donation will qualify you as a member of the Foundation’s Four Pillar Society—recognition for you, and inspiration to others by your example. More important, your actions today will make for a better tomorrow for our common good. Our goal is to build a permanent, donor-directed multi-million dollar fund. A portion of the interest it earns on general contributions can be used to help see us through the inevitable increases in operating expenses that are an unfortunate fact of life if we are to continue our vital services. At the same time, the fund would grow further as the balance of retained interest accumulates. It is within our individual and collective power to make a real difference in the future of our Legion. Please consider making a current contribution or pledge. Please join us. Help to plant the flag in our future. To find out more about needs, giving options and opportunities, contact Jessika today for a brochure and more information at 1-608-745-1090 or e-mail WISCONSIN AMERICAN LEGION FOUNDATION At this year’s Mid-Winter Conference, The National Security/Homeland Security Committee challenged each Post throughout the state to put the Troop and Family Support program on their agenda for 2010. The Troop and Family Support Program is an excellent resource for service members and their families providing for a variety of needs such as phone cards, care packages, blue star banners, and emergency funds. As of March 12, the following Posts have “Met the Challenge” of raising at least $250 for the Troop and Family Support Fund: National Security Committee Post 17 – Arcadia Post 109 – Lancaster Post 288 – Cedarburg Post 333- Sun Prairie 6th District American Legion Riders Post 242 – LaValle Post 175 – Loyal Post 503 – Dane Post 72 – Sturgeon Bay The “We Met The Challenge” total as of the printing of this edition is $3,000. Thank you! This is an excellent start to this yearlong campaign. Some Posts have submitted contributions, included in the total, but have not quite met the $250 goal. Please keep up the good work. We want to add every Post to this list by December. To be listed as a Post which has “Met the Challenge,” please mail a check with “T&FS Post Challenge” in the memo line to: Wisconsin American Legion T&FS Post Challenge PO Box 388 Portage, WI 53901 PAGE 4 THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE March 25, 2010 Fang Wong to attend Department Spring Meeting On Saturday, May 8th Fang Wong will attend the Department Executive Committee meeting at Department Headquarters in Portage. Wong is a candidate for National Commander. He will address those assembled and all interested are invited to attend. Wong was born in Canton, China and immigrated to the United States in November 1960 at the age of twelve. He attended New York City public schools and has been a naturalized citizen since January 1963. Mr. Wong volunteered for the U. S. Army in May 1969 and served 25 months in Vietnam. He retired from the Army in May 1989 as a Chief Warrant Officer (CW3). In addition to his Vietnam service, he also served tours of duty in Germany, Korea, and several stateside military bases. His military decorations, among others, included the Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal Oratorical National Oratorical Contest Winners from Wisconsin David B. Marth - 1964 • Gwen Connolly - 1985 Thank you to this Year’s Sponsors The Michels Family Foundation Rippin’ Good Cookies Past Department Commander Jim Chapin Continued from Front prize at the state contest at Ripon College on February 20th. In a contest that annually offers participants the chance to earn thousands of dollars in scholarships, participants are required to memorize an original speech, 8-10 minutes in length. The American Legion Oratorical Contest requires participants to create an oration based on some aspect of the Constitution. Each year, the National organization also selects four Amendments or Articles, and after presenting their prepared oration, contestants are required to draw one of the four topics, complete a five minute preparation period, and then speak extemporaneously on the draw topic for an additional 3-5 minutes. Penalties are assessed for going over or under time limits. Marsolek’s oration, titled “Hate in America,” describes the rights granted by the 1st Amendment and how the right to free speech can sometimes get out of control. Marsolek has competed in her school’s Oratorical Contest all four years of high school, setting a school record by winning first place each of those years. Over her high school career, Marsolek also has also earned four victories at the County Oratorical Contest level, but until this year, never made it past the District competition. After winning the District Contest February 8th in Ellsworth, the Trempealeau County representative advanced to the Regional held at Ripon College. She won the morning contest, earning her the right to compete in the finals later that day and qualifying her as the Wisconsin representative to the National contest. The American Legion National Oratorical Contest, which will be held in Indianapolis April 10-11, offers high school students from around the country the opportunity to earn a share of more than $125,000 in college scholarships, not including scholarship money earned at the preliminary levels. So why does this young woman present so well on the topic of Independence and the U.S. Constitution? It might be because she has lived in the community of Independence her whole life. It might be because she began speaking as a kindergartener in her local 4-H program and has earned the right to participate in State High School Forensics all through high school. Maybe her interest in government and military issues stems from the fact her dad is a veteran of the U.S. Army and the longtime Commander of SuraWiersgalla American Legion Post 186, or her mom, a technical college instructor has coached public speaking teams on and off for more than two decades. Or maybe it is because she, herself is a longtime member of Sura-Wiersgalla Auxiliary Unit 186 and served as the Poppy Princess as a middle school student and went on to earn her Girl Scout Gold Award by completing service projects for veterans. In any event, Marsolek, the daughter of Mark and Debra Marsolek, continues to make her parents proud, both of her and the country she talks about so well. And it is clear this young lady knows something about Independence. The 17 year old, who is currently ranked fourth in her high school class and attends Chippewa Valley Technical College part time, earned the title of “Miss Independence” in June of last year, and continues to make talking about Independence a priority in her life. (3rd Award), Republic of Vietnam Service Medal, and the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal (6 Campaign Stars). Wong completed 2 degrees while serving on active duty, a BS in Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology (1978) and an MA in Management from Central Michigan University (1981). Following his retirement, Mr. Wong joined The American Legion, Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post #1291 in New York City and has been a member for the past 19 years. He has held appointed and elected offices at Post, County and District levels, serving as Post Adjutant from 1996 to 2009, New York County Commander 1995-1997. He was awarded an Honorary Life Membership by his Post in 2001. In 2002, Wong was elected Commander of the Department of New York. He also served as a Director of the New York Empire Boys’ State Program and as a member of the planning committee for the creation of the New York State American Legion College. Wong was elected a National Vice Commander for 2003-2004. Wong was honored by the New Jersey State Assembly with a proclamation for his services and achievements with The American Legion in 2003 and the U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Service, Department of Homeland Security with the “Outstanding American By Choice Award” in 2006. Since his retirement from the U.S. Army, Wong has been employed as a Senior Operations Specialist by L-3 Communications, Command & Control Systems & Software (C2S2) Division in support of the Army Software Engineering Center (SEC) at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey for over twenty years. He has been married to the former Barbara Lam for over 33 years and has one son, Eric. March 25, 2010 THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE WISCONSIN AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT SPRING MEETING Schedule FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010 COMMITTEE Badger Legionnaire Committee Camp American Legion Committee Membership Committee Public Safety Committee TIME 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 10:00 AM-12:00 PM ROOM Mail Room 101-102 100 Conference Room COMMITTEE Coordinating Committee Policy Committee Fundraising Committee Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Committee Legislative Committee TIME 1:00 PM-1:30 PM 1:30 PM-3:30 PM 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 1:00 PM-3:00 PM ROOM Conference Room Conference Room 102 Mail Room 100 COMMITTEE Convention & Activities Commission Finance Committee Public Relations Committee National/Homeland Security Committee TIME 3:30 PM-5:30 PM 3:30 PM-5:30 PM 3:30 PM-5:30 PM 3:30 PM-5:30 PM ROOM Museum 100-101 Mail Room 102 COMMITTEE Convention Credentials Committee Convention Permanent Organizations Convention Rules Committee TIME 5:00 PM-6:00 PM 5:00 PM-6:00 PM 5:00 PM-6:00 PM ROOM Conference Room Museum-40/8 Room 102 SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2010 COMMITTEE Department Executive Committee TIME 9:00 a.m. ROOM 100-101-102 Department Award Deadlines Award Due to District Due To Headquarters Public Relations Awards May 1 Police Officer of the Year March 15 May 1 Firefighter of the Year March 15 May 1 EMT of the Year March 15 May 1 National Guard/Reservist of the Year May 1 Legislator of the Year April 1 May 1 Shooting Sports May 5 Recruiter of the Year May 15 Gold Brigade 5th/6th Consecutive Year May 15 Silver Brigade May 15 Gold Brigade May 15 Annual Children & Youth Report June 1 National Americanism Award June 1 Joseph R Meeks Gung Ho Americanism Award June 1 Athletics & Sports for Spalding Victory Trophy June 1 Post Honor Guard Squad/Individual June 1 District/County Commander of the Year June 1 Cooper Trophy - service to young men 8 to 18 June 1 McCoy Americanism Trophy June 1 OW Rolfe Americanism Trophy June 1 Pendill Trophy - civic achievement by large post June 1 Harvey Higley Trophy - civic achievement (small) June 1 Jessel Whyte Trophy - school programs June 1 Henry C Oakey Trophy - Service work (small) June 1 James F Burns Trophy - Service work (large) June 1 Historian Awards June 11 Martha Marlowe Post Chaplain Award June 15 The Department encourages Posts, Counties, and Districts to actively participate in these awards programs by nominating members and outstanding individuals in their community for special recognition. For more information on these awards, please consult the Administrative Manual. A copy of the Administrative Manual can be found on our website at If there are questions, contact Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090. PAGE 5 David Gough Candidate for National Executive Committeeman I wish to anRun the past three nounce my candiyears. I serve as dacy for another Liaison to the two years as the National ConvenNational Execution Commission tive Committeeand am looking man. It’s hard to forward to the believe two years National Conhas passed since vention coming you elected me to Milwaukee. to represent WisSince my election consin on the Nain 2008, I have tional Executive attended all reCommittee. quired functions Without going into detail, I plus many others representing have served my Post, County, Wisconsin. District and Department in In my spare time, I serve on many capacities and am espe- the City Council in Darlingcially proud of my service in ton and have for 15 years so 2003-2004 as your State Com- far. Married to Donna for 43 mander. I have enjoyed the past years, three grown children two years as the NEC’man and (all Legion Family) and one look forward to serving all of Grandson (SAL member). you and Wisconsin for another I look forward to seeing all two years. I am a member of of you at Convention and hope The American Legion Riders I can count on your continued and have rode in the Legacy support. Stephen Krueger Candidate for Alternative National Executive Committeeman Stephen “Steve” mission and SeKrueger would curity Counsel. like to announce He has served his candidacy for on various levthe high office els in the Forty of Alternate Naet Eight and is tional Executive a charter memCommitteeman. ber of the Past He was DepartChef De Gare ment Commander Club. Steve has o f Wi s c o n s i n been appointed 2001-2002. Steve by Ron Kind to is a member of review applicaO.L. Arnold – tions for Military D.K. Slayton Post 100, Sparta Academies. and has an Honorary Post Life Steve earned the right to Time Membership. He is a forty join The American Legion by year continuous member and serving in the Navy from June served as a 100% Post Com- 1966 to October 1969, most of mander in 1991-1992, both which was served in Vietnam. years being an all time high. After a short stint in the Naval Steve also was a 100% County Reserves, he joined the WisconCommander two years. sin National Guard and retired He has served on and chaired as a First Sergeant in 1990. He many Department Committees worked at G. Heilman Brewing - Americanism & Government until 1990, when he froze his Testing Program, Membership retirement and went to work at Committee, Public Safety Fort McCoy. In 2006, he started Committee, Hospital Com- his own trucking company. mittee, Fundraising CommitSteve works to improve The tee, Convention and Activi- American Legion, Department ties Commission, Wisconsin of Wisconsin, and to provide American Legion Foundation, service to fellow veterans and and Department Executive their communities. He truly beCommittee. He has attended lieves in The American Legion every State Convention and Family and that service to felMidwinter Conference since low veterans, their wives, chil1988. He has attended eight dren, community, state and naNational Conventions, serv- tion are the most fulfilling acts ing on the Americanism Com- a veteran can perform. PAGE 6 6 Stevens Point Harold Choate II Edward Kubicki II Raymond Walczak II 8 Waukesha Donald R Vreeke II 9 Wisconsin Rapids James Berlin II Charles Bornhauser II James Esselman K Phillip Meyer K Jim D Serchen II 10 Wausau John F Spencer II 17 Arcadia Mark Frernholz II Raymond Seiler II 21 Kenosha Oscar Madsen II 23 Glendale Donald J Hering II 33 Neenah Ellsworth Debroux K 36 West Bend Lino R Giuliani K Norbert J Griffin II Roger E Gust II James J Lochen III V Ronald W Mueller K 38 Appleton John A Bauhs II Kenneth Hoffman II Charles J Lingelbach II Dennis P Wyngaard V 40 Bangor David Hammes II 44 Wabeno Harry L Lauritsen II 45 Milwaukee George P King K 50 Hudson Howard L Bleier K 51 West Salem Leslie L Halverson II 53 Eau Claire Tom Brown K Lawrence Ebert II Henry Jurgens II 54 Marshfield Del Allgood II Jack David V Jerry David K Lee Dishinger K James Hewitt II Ray Kaiser II Gene Keding K Paul Konrardy V Melvin Kramer II Walter Lass II Arnold Oehme V Al Page II Joe Varsho II 55 Hortonville Francis Jasken II Paul E Jones II 70 Oshkosh Philip Skaug II 73 Neillsville Ralph Benson II Raymond A Gagnon II 75 Fond du Lac Frank M Hilbert II 77 Chippewa Falls William Kukuk II Barton Metzenbauer II 80 New Richmond Jalmer S Johnson II 81 Mauston Joseph J Pannarale K Earl Simmons II 84 Monroe Fredrick J Amacher K 89 Minocqua THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE 1/17/10 2/28/10 2/16/10 1/18/10 2/24/10 9/13/09 1/28/10 2/8/10 3/8/10 2/27/10 1/22/10 1/21/10 1/22/10 7/30/09 1/28/10 9/19/09 Feb 2010 1/6/10 2/23/10 Jan 2010 3/10/10 3/8/10 2/27/10 2/3/10 2/15/10 2/4/10 1/28/10 2/20/10 2/11/10 2/26/10 2/7/10 2/17/10 May 09 Sept 09 Mar 09 Dec 09 May 09 Feb 09 May 09 July 09 Sept 09 Nov 09 Feb 09 Jan 09 Aug 09 2/5/10 2/14/10 3/2/10 1/11/10 1/17/10 2/17/10 2/9/10 1/15/10 1/26/10 1/28/10 Roman J Leese II 93 Tomahawk Roy J Leet K 95 Delavan Jack Aldrich II 106 Seymour Loren Cismoski K 118 Thorp Walter Welgos II 120 West Allis Kenneth J Laudon II 124 New Holstein Carl B Schmidt II Willard Schnur II Gordon N Seichter K 128 Stockbridge Robert Burg Jr K 136 Niagra Robert G Fellion II Carl “Herbie” West II 138 Viroqua William P Moffitt K 142 Blanchardville Pete Gilbertson II 143 St Croix Falls Edward Holeton K Robert Muller II 146 Beaver Dam Herbert O Lehmann II Sherwood R MuenchowII Laverne D Rahn K 150 Wausaukee Joseph Belisle V 155 Westby Rolf G Dauve V 166 Fort Atkinson Gerald L Braman K Ewald J Reichert II Charles B Snodie II 173 Whitewater Jean A Arnold II 175 Loyal Clemens Esselman K Gilbert Fields K 179 Chetek Wayne Matson II Harold J Tavare V 180 Milwaukee Harvey Bansemar II Robert Pruski Leo Zanotti II 183 Genoa City George Marzahl II James L Webb V 186 Independence Bernard Kulig II 189 Watertown Reuben J Henning II Steven C Hill V Gerhard Zimdars II 192 Franklin Hilda Buchanan II 197 Brodhead TE Everson II K 203 Milwaukee Carl D Nowicki K Casimir G Szcygiel II 205 Janesville Gary E Butterfield V Alvin C Halvorson K Anthony A Presti II 209 Orfordville Curtis C Hayes K 210 Waupun Terrence Gunderson V 214 Darlington Donald Murray V 218 Hayward Lawrence Woodcock II 219 Milwaukee James Janczak V Kenneth C Schaefer II 224 Alma 2/24/10 2/6/10 1/1/10 2/18/10 3/5/10 2/20/10 3/7/10 2/6/10 2/16/10 2/21/10 2/25/10 2/25/10 12/28/09 2/18/10 2/15/10 2/21/10 2/1/10 3/1/10 2/3/10 2/26/10 2/25/10 1/21/10 1/11/10 2/9/10 2/24/10 2/22/10 2/24/10 2/27/10 2/12/10 1/30/10 1/1/10 2/10/10 2/14/10 2/25/10 3/2/10 2/24/10 2/8/10 2/14/10 2/20/10 12/26/09 2/15/10 3/8/10 2/23/10 2/20/10 2/14/10 2/18/10 2/10/10 1/27/10 2/3/10 2/17/10 Edwin D Godel 233 Waterloo Edward W Klug 236 Algome Robert D Hucek Chester J Nessinger 237 Footville Earl Kersten 245 Cross Plains Lawrence V Breunig Delores A Fix 258 Little Chute Paul A Carnot 262 Luxemburg Jerome W Retzlaff 263 New London Jadell K Ferge Alfred Weeden 270 Theresa Merle Steger 274 Rib Lake Mavin Lueck 288 Cedarburg Patrick Kirschbaum 296 Brookfield Otto G Schulenburg 315 Stoddard David R Eder 317 Wautoma William A Milbrandt Lyle M Schultz David E Tompkins 319 Casco Richard Monfils 337 Pulaski Norbert Smaney 338 Cedar Grove Harvey Van Ess K 12/30/09 V 2/20/10 II II 11/12/09 11/28/08 II Dec 08 II II 2/17/10 2/14/10 K 2/16/10 V 2/21/10 V K 2/23/10 2/10/10 K 2/6/10 II 2/27/10 II 2/14/10 II 9/15/08 K 6/6/10 K II K 2/20/10 2/21/10 3/9/10 II 2/17/10 K 3/6/10 II 2/14/10 March 25, 2010 340 Berlin Dean Kaupe G/L 343 Hancock Allen S Barnes K Bryce P Sigourney II 344 Waterloo George A Kiraly II 347 Lomira Douglas D Fellion V Robert A Johnsen II Kenneth Unferth II 360 Waunakee Richard D Schmidt II 362 Kennan Henry A Gluza K 363 Denmark Lloyd Benecke II 368 Hixton Guy B Hagen II 385 Verona Ellis E Anderson II 387 Plymouth Ralph L Hickmann K 412 Belgium Jerome O Kiumrow II 415 Milwaukee Ralph J Gull II Raymond Sheehan II 436 Wrightstown Howard Feldkamp II Gordon Newhouse II Sylvester Verhoven II 449 Brookfield Donald A Amundson II Carter Jim Doering V Roy A Gregg K Herbert E Trost II 454 Mt Calvary 1/26/09 2/8/10 2/7/10 2/22/10 2/6/10 2/23/10 1/25/10 2/28/10 1/30/10 3/6/10 1/28/10 1/29/10 1/21/10 2/12/10 2/7/10 3/10/10 3/1/10 1/21/10 1/2/10 3/22/09 2/12/10 2/8/10 Vernon J Abler II Wayne Meisenburg V Anthony P Passler II 456 Caroline Jerry M White V 458 Wauzeka Jules Brown II Donald Grady K 486 Jackson Elroy “Ike” Borchert II Philip Breitling II Allen E Hoerchner K John Isemann K 496 Sherwood Robert Franz K 499 Gordon Allen J Chambers Pat Conway II Earl Erickson II Leslie Howenstine II Bruce MacMillian II Ira C McKee II Robert Oakman II Gilbert H Torvinen II 500 West Allis Harry J Kuehl II 509 Rosholt Felix Garski Jr K 519 Stetsonville Myron R Luick II 547 Lublin Patrick T Gaffney V Gary D Potocnik V Robert Walsdorf P 578 Green Bay Louis King K 3/3/10 2/27/10 2/15/10 1/17/10 Jan 2010 12/12/09 2/15/10 8/22/09 3/3/10 3/10/10 2/7/10 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2/28/10 2009 Sept 09 2/21/10 3/3/10 2/16/10 2/1/10 2/1/10 2/9/10 1/1/10 How will you pay for expenses that Medicare doesn’t cover? With the high cost of healthcare today, Medicare Supplement insurance is becoming a necessity for more and more Americans. That’s why it’s good to know that you now have a choice of Standardized Medicare Supplement plans at affordable group rates, offered to members like you. And, all plans are underwritten by a company known for it’s prompt, personal, responsive service. Other features include: • The freedom of choosing your own doctors and hospitals • Outstanding Customer Service available from courteous representatives ready to answer your questions Here • Hassle-free claims processing in a Gro re about 7 days Med up • Excellent service from a company Supple icare m with an A (Excellent, 3rd out of 16 espe ent Pl a cial ly fo ns ratings) A.M. Best rating for Leg r i o n I n nsur financial stability anc aire Mem e Trus Make sure you can pay for the t bers . expenses that Medicare doesn’t cover and help protect your family’s retirement savings. Apply today Legionnaire Insurance Trust Members for the peace of mind you want, Medicare Supplement Reply Card at affordable Legionnaire Insurance Trust member rates. For your FREE information kit on the Medicare Supplement COMPLETE A ND RETURN THE REPLY CARD. OR, CALL 1-800-247-1771 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST) Underwritten by: Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (NY) Insurance Plans complete and return this coupon. Name Spouse Name Address City Telephone ( DOB Spouse’s DOB ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State ) Medicare Supplement Processing Dept. P. O. Box 1341 Valley Forge, PA 19482-9946 _________________________________________________________ ________________________ Send to: _________________________ ZIP ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 762780101 15720866 MSAD10LIT March 25, 2010 THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE 2010 Bonspiel Held in Poynette PAGE 7 Polar Plunge On February 20th, Rock County Commander Terry Shimmins and Rock County Auxiliary President Jennifer Shea took the polar plunge for Special Olympics. Together they raised almost $200 for the charity from the Rock County American Legion Family. The American Legion supports the Special Olympics in its Children and Youth programs. Renew Your Membership Online - it’s easy as 1,2,3 The 51st Annual Wisconsin American Legion Curling Bonspiel was held at the Poynette and Arlington Curling Rinks on February 12-14. Legion Post 271 of Poynette was the sponsor. There were 16 teams from 7 American Legion posts involved. One of the attendees, a WW2 vet and 60 year Legion member, has curled in the Legion Bonspiel since 1956. The legion curlers greatly enjoyed this year’s event and are looking forward to next year. The 2011 Legion Bonspiel will be held in Portage and will be sponsored by Portage American Legion Post 47. The event winner was the Wolfgram Rink in the front row with the runner-up the Shuster Rink in the back row, both of Post 271 in Poynette. You can renew your membership online using a credit card. To take advantage of this, you need to have your membership identification number. You can find this number on your membership card or above your name on the address label of your Badger Legionnaire. Go to our home page at and click the “Renew Online Today” button in the bottom left corner. If you have questions about online renewal, please contact Chris Schmidt at (608) 745-1090 or Is your post on the post locator? Over 200 Posts are now taking advantage of the Post Locator on the Department Website. Is your Post included? If not, contact Jessika at or (608) 745-1090 to get started. There is no cost for this service and it is easy to do. Being included in the Post Locator allows potential members and the public to find you! It is also a great tool for advertising the programs, events, and activities your Post participates in. Do you have advertisers in your area that may benefit from advertising in The Badger Legionnaire? They can reach over 100,000 potential customers across the state! A FULL SERVICE PRINTER Newspapers Letterheads Raffle Tickets Envelopes Newsletters Business Cards Mailings Brochures Contact Fred Krahn for quick and personal service 301 June Street P.O. Box 10 Berlin, WI 54923 Ad Size Page 1/2 Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page 1/8 Page 1/16 Page 1/16 Page Color Black and White Full Color (Back Cover) Black and White Color (Back Cover) Black and White Color (Back Cover) Black and White Color (Back Cover) Black and White Rate $1,500 $1,000 $750 $500 $350 $250 $200 $175 $125 The Badger Legionnaire is published every five weeks and is mailed to over 80,000 homes of Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion members. Please e-mail your camera ready artwork to Jessika Erickson at Questions can also be directed to Jessika at (608) 745-1090. The Wisconsin American Legion reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that is deemed inappropriate for the publication.