General - Body Ecology


General - Body Ecology
Grandparent influence
Linda Claussen
about 1 month ago
There was a gentleman caller who was concerned about helping his daughter and future grandchild to
eat in a more healthy way. Please know, that you have the most wonderful opportunity to influence
that grandchild. From the time my son was born until he was school age, we lived with an older woman
who ate raw foods. Every night she grated her vegetables, juiced and prepared her various meals. My
son was always there and ate with her, because he loved her so much, and everything she did was
interesting to him. She just lived her life and made him a part of it. I had no idea at the time how much
of an influence she had on him, but at age 22, he always eats his salads and loves his vegetables. There
are many other children that come and go from our household who will not go near a vegetable, but not
our son. Please know that by being who you are, you are a positive influence on that child. Thank God
for grandparents!
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
That is a wonderful story Linda, thank you for sharing.
Gluten Free Grains
about 1 month ago
Hi. I know Donna mentioned gluten free grains however she did not mention if we are able to eat
gluten free grains? Does anyone know. So far I am not sure what to eat and not eat.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
The book states to eat raw veggies and salads, green veggies, soaked and sprouted almonds, red
skin potatoes, ocean veggies(kelp, nori etc) winter squash, root veggies and non gluten
grains(quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, millet) These foods are the most balanced. You can also
have contracting foods such as fish, chicken, beef, eggs, sea salt. The expanding foods you can
have are teas, kefir, raw butter, oils and ghee, lemons, limes. cranberries, black current juice. I
hope this helps.
ame wauters
about 1 month ago
Donna mentions no dairy on the detox you think it's okay to have the
homemade milk kefir?
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
On the very first page Donna mentions Body Ecology grains can be eaten at the beginning and
end of the 21 days, as well as meat and dairy at the beginning and end of the cleanse, for those
who eat it.
Folic Acid Vitamin
about 1 month ago
Hello everyone. Just a quick question. I was taking one folic acid vitamin a day but stopped because of
candida blood test results and thinking that anything acidic might be aggravating this even more. Just
thought I would put it on the forum. No biggie though since I am not going to be on it anymore.
Day 3 Detoxing from News
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Body Ecology detox family.
Today we were instructed to get off the toxic news. We don't have TV in our home and only listen to
music on You Tube. I have decided to get off Facebook for the remainder of the cleanse. I am being
called to draw my energy deeper and deeper into my inward self. This will be quite challenging for me
and a terrific opportunity to grow with myself but most importanly , TO HEAL! I promise , NO PEEKING,
Who wants to join me?
Emily Hurley
about 1 month ago
Haha! I mean, Ah Ha! Yes, I will join you. Sounds like just what I need! A Facebook cleanse for
20 days! Ready, set, go!
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
I was thinking that today actually, because every other post involves the news.
Somehow it feels a bit irresponsible, with everything going on right now in the world, but I know
I tend to not watch local news at all so that part is easy.
about 1 month ago
The news cleanse for the 21 Days is to assist in creating space for transformation to take place.
It is very difficult to achieve change when we are constantly taking in external stimuli and being
out of touch with our own voice and our bodies own biorhythms. Jennifer--you may want to
consider journaling on why "it feels irresponsible", the perspective that so much is "going on
right now in the world", and what type of contribution you can make when you are centered in
yourself. See what comes up for you. There is no right or wrong here. Anytime you have
resistence--do a little digging. The more you get to know your thinking, the more you'll be able
to understand and change the link between your thinking, your emotions, and your chemical
patterns that directly affect your health.
about 1 month ago
I turned off the news about 5 years ago. Haven't missed a thing. My life and vibration is so
much higher!!
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Thank you Randall, I appreciate your interaction and what you have to say. I am on the same
page with you Jean. :)
about 1 month ago
I was thrilled to see the NEWS FAST as a part of this cleanse! I, too, have chosen not to own a
TV. I have a radio and a computer and an IPOD. I hardly ever (almost never) go on FaceBook,
but will want to go to BodyEcology there after this cleanse. I have been cutting back on the
radio; and so this NEWS FAST is perfect timing for me.
It was like a LOAD OFF MY PHYSICAL BODY to read of the News Fast! A friend has had non-stop
news this month. And now I am giving myself permission to change the relationship.
My only news is going to be "The Baby Boomer Diet" by Donna Gates. I started reading it April 3
with a goal of finishing it by May 31. I am combing through it to refine my understanding of the
Body Ecology Diet and to have a deeper understanding of the "whys" of what Donna
recommends. I loved the "Body Ecology Diet" by Donna. BUT I LOVE "THE BABY BOOMER DIET"
EVEN MORE. No, I'm not recommending reading only it; READ AND STUDY BOTH!
Thank you Donna & your Body Ecology Team!
I am SO ENJOYING everyone's comments.
Compressed Oxygen detox experience?
Kira Zoe Deupree
about 1 month ago
I've had debilitating chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia for almost two years and have no doubt that
candidiasis and other infections have played a major role. My friend recently brought an oxygen
compression machine over for me to try. The first day I noticed an improvement in my fatigue after
using it but developed a headache afterwards. Today I tried it while I rode the bike and had aching legs
when I started that went away after 5 minutes. My body aches have increased in general and are on par
with the beginning of my Body Ecology diet in January, which usually signals die-off/detox. Does anyone
have any experience with oxygen therapy, first or second hand? Thanks!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Yes Kira,
I have a freind who has let me get in hers before. I love it and feel great afterwards and for
quite a while. I know this is completely annecdotal, but I really like it a lot!
Good luck,
Beginning stages
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Hi-- I've done the Body Ecology cleanse before and it was very strict in the first phase, and then more
veggies and fruits were allowed in.
Can you clarify which phase I should be following right now? Please post a list of allowed foods. Thank
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
it hasn't been very restrictive yet. She hasn't taken us off fruit, rice pasta or any of the things I
would have expected. How clean was your diet already? I haven't had to make any changes at
all except for the half cup of coffee I was having sometimes. The first day she said to get off all
refined foods even potatoe chips. But she did't say get off potatoes yet, so.... ok. The second
day, she said get off cafienne, all sodas, alcohol, and any processed drinks. If I recall correctly,
she didn't even say get off juice, which I would NEVER drink anyway, just eat the fruit and drink
water. I'll go back and make sure juice was not on the list. The third day, she said get off all
checmicals like aritficial and natural flavors, which I havn't been able to eat for quite a while. I
never eat anything from a box at all except brown rice pastas, which I usually eat brown rice
I am finding Donna to take this cleanse extremly slow. I like it. I usually tend to jump in all gung
ho and get overwhelmed. This is a good lesson for me. Temperance!
Much love and light, Rebekah
about 1 month ago
Hi all... I have a question which has been plaguing me for some time: I don't understand the
phases of the BED I have read the entire book twice and for some reason I can't figure out what
the explanation of the phases are. People talk about phase 1 etc and the book mentions it but I
can't find the parameters of the phases. How many are there? What does each phase consist of?
If anyone knows or can point me to a reference I would greaty appreciate it. I tried to call in
Wednesday but I couldn't get through. thank you! Tawnee
Tova Pusl
about 1 month ago
Tawnee, I agree. I am reading the book now and have listened to several BED podcasts and I am
having a hard time finding "the rules" or phases. I am trying to step back and follow the
assignments here. "Meditate, journal, get rid of processed drinks." I am guessing Donna is trying
to make it slow and "do-able". Because I am so far off track, I do wish I had a daily menu and a
"do and do not" list. And... I am going to check in here daily for the assignments.
about 1 month ago
Have any of you tried Earthing products? I am curious about the experiences of those who practice Body
Ecology, and how it affects our bodies specifically. Thanks!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I've never heard of them. What kibnd of stuf do they make? I'll do a google search. if I get some
money to buy stuff, I am going to buy Donna's products for the duration of the cleanse.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
i'd say if ya got enough money to throw around and wanna do it, go right ahead. Why not!
Looks pretty gimmicky to me, but then, I'm living on charitity, can't work right now, and don't
even have a car, so...... Wrong person to market this pricey stuff to. I like Donna's advise to just
simply go lay on the earth!!!
The stuff they can come up woith for rich people to "need" !!!!!!!
about 1 month ago
Ive been using an earthing pad on my bed when I sleep, at my computer, and in my car for
almost 3 weeks now. My sleep is so deep! I have more energy! I am much calmer and less
stressed! Even my varicose veins are looking better!
about 1 month ago
Benette, I'm assuming you have candidiasis, correct? What about chemical sensitivities? And did
you notice any adverse effects when you first started Earthing? I have used it for two nights
now, and experienced horrible insomnia both nights (I hadn't been having trouble sleeping
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I love Truth Calkins and he Loves Donna Gates. They were both at the Longevity conference last
year. The Longevity conference is the best of the best of the best in regards
to the most intelligent and advanced knowledge, techniques and lifestyle for ultimate health
and prosperity. Here is Donna Gates at on Youtube at the conference.
Here is the Earthing Products on Longevity Now conference site..
The book is cheaper on Amazon, especially if you buy it used....
about 1 month ago
It makes so much sense that just putting our bare feet on the ground or digging our hands into
the garden would support our body in it's healing, and it does on so many levels. If only we
could all slow down and take an hour or so everyday to do this. However, where I live it is
frozen for half of the year so these Earthing products caught my eye as well. Just not in the
budget to try out.
Ana Studer
about 1 month ago
I have been using earthing products for a month now and I can really feel the difference.....I
am sleeping better, feel more relaxed and living in Iowa, where are so many months of the
year that we can't enjoy the free barefoot experience with the mother earth....this is a great
option for us....
Véronique Larose
about 1 month ago
Since I've started using the earthing half-sheet on my bed I sleep very soundly and have very
vivid dreams. I had been having pretty severe insomnia since becoming pregnant over a year
ago (I would sleep like 3 hours and then need to go on with my day, work full time, etc). I've
been using the sheet for about a month now. I live up north in Canada and it's not really
feasible to be barefoot on the ground for most of the year so this product is very helpful!
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
My new earthing bed is going to be the floor. It is the only place I can get comfortable to sleep. I
need the extra firm support and feel more in touch with my environment there.
As for being in touch with the earth, I already play in the dirt(garden) almost daily and when it
rains I play in the mud in the rain and stomp in the puddled. I highly recommend standing in the
rain and letting go of all your stress when the skies open up with its. Its a very cleansing earth
about 1 month ago
I do have candidiasis. The earhing pad on my bed at nite is the only one that sometimes has a
strange effect on me. For the first hour or so there is all this prickling going on in my legs. It
stops after awhile and then I sleep quite soundly the rest of the nite. The prickling sensation is
less and less each nite. I heard Dr Weston (in a webinar) say that her husband had the same
problem at first. He had been in a bad car accident and had a lot of nerve damage in his
legs. And that the prickling was the nerves regenerating. I too have nerve damage in my legs so
am assuming that is what's happening. I hope so anyway.
about 1 month ago
I just sent you a message a few minutes ago in your personal account in this forum because I
couldn't get this page to come up.
I referred to Appendix A in the Earthing book. I'll summarize here for everyone's benefit. Page
229, second dot, "It is the potential disturbance that electrical noise may have on the nervous
system of an electrically sensitive individual that is the an issue with the use of home grounding
systems. For such people, the best Earthing option is to bypass the house and connect to a
dedicated outside ground rod."
At another location in the book, it mentions that some people will need to gradually work uo to
more time perhaps starting with an hour.
More details in your message box.
Sharon Spader
about 1 month ago
I just sent you a message a few minutes ago in your personal account in this forum because I
couldn't get this page to come up.
I referred to Appendix A in the Earthing book. I'll summarize here for everyone's benefit. Page
229, second dot, "It is the potential disturbance that electrical noise may have on the nervous
system of an electrically sensitive individual that is the an issue with the use of home grounding
systems. For such people, the best Earthing option is to bypass the house and connect to a
dedicated outside ground rod."
At another location in the book, it mentions that some people will need to gradually work uo to
more time perhaps starting with an hour.
More details in your message box.
Sharon Spader
about 1 month ago
What's the cause of reflux and what can I do about it? This is something that I seem to have constantly.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Acid / alkaline balance, alkalize, alkalize, alkalize!!!!! Mosty greens, as much greens as you can
handle. When I was on a more acidic diet, I used a half teasoon of baking soda in a cup of
water. This is not the best solution, only temporary. If you can't chew lots of greens yet, blend
them. I don't juice much. I blend cause I need the fiber. Best thing, hang in there. We ARE
about 1 month ago
Hi Monika,
From listening to Dr. Robert Marshall's live radio show "Healthline" for many years, I've learned
that acid reflux is caused by the body not having enough hydrochloric acid. Dr. Marshall has
people take a digestive enzyme at the beginning of each meal, and then at the end of each meal,
take a hydrochloric acid capsule (made from beets) along with another capsule that helps
activalte the hydrochloric acid.
about 1 month ago
Thank you Rebekah and Sherry
Rebekah I do both juicing and green smoothies, perhaps I need to incorporate even more
Sherry I'm not sure whether it's acid reflux or not because there isn't any burning sensation but
the digestive enzymes sound like a good idea just the same.
Kate Mockus
about 1 month ago
Do you consume gluten? I've heard that one of the many, many issues that gluten can cause is
acid reflux.
about 1 month ago
After I had my first child, I began having reflux. I went to a medical doctor who put me on meds
which I ended up not taking. I just elimated foods I felt triggered it (tomatoes, garlic, onions,
chocolate, etc.) After being on the GAPs diet for 3 months and now the BED diet (the past 4
months) I don't suffer with the reflux. Hang in there -- it's all about your digestion. I have used
digestive enzymes which have helped some, but just an overall change of diet for a period of
time has tremendously helped.
about 1 month ago
Thanks Kate and Misty. I am gluten intolerant but absolutely love a really good bread
(sourdough), so I don't as a rule eat bread or grain products but every now and again I just have
to have a small piece!!
Agree, I really need to work on my digestion so that the occasional discretion won't make any
difference and this programme should be great for this.
about 1 month ago
one of the great reflux support is to eat an apple before going to bed.
I have many friends and there parents before them that do or have done this.
about 1 month ago
Hi Monika,
I can't imagine having this issue on a constant basis - my love goes out to you. Speaking of love - love your tummy, love your acid relux -- many of our issues center around resistance -- what
we resist persists.
While you are sending love to your digestive system -- tummy, colon and all of your organs -- rub
them. Put your palms together and rub them very fast for about 30 seconds then clap them
very loud and fast ten times then rub them together again as fast as you possible can -- now put
the palms of your hands on your abdomen and rub your abdomen in a circle -- begin just below
your liver on the right and come up to 2 inches or so above your navel then down the left side
and back up on the right. Do this while standing or lying down -- I really love to do this as a sort
of meditation while lying flat on my back preferably on the floor ideally outside on the ground (if
you can). This can be done anytime before or after a meal - before bed --- no matter - it is
Another good step to take to get everything going is to stand up or sit in a chair and relax your
whole body. Then clench your fists and locate the space just below your navel and do a drum
beat on your abdomen. Ideally you want to do this 300 times -- if that is too much -- in the
beginning start with 50 and add 10 every day. Do this as many times per day has you want -however do wait at least 2 hours after a meal. You may be a gentle has you want with this or as
firm as you like it. It is amazing how much of your body this helps --- even your back and upper
I completely agree with the suggestion for the HCL and enzymes -- you may also use raw organic
apple cider vinegar in water --- the coconut kefir will help with this too
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
All your post are great! I am going to start doing that small intestine massage you described
above, the area just belovw the navel called the hara or dan tien.sp? I definately need some
good digestive enzymes. My sweat lodge teacher just called me and told me they are going to
donate a portion of their proceeeds to me. A friend of mine who is also taking this cleanse right
now paid for me to be here. I am sitting here in tears. now, I can buy higher quality food and
some much needed suppliments. I am blessed and God is good.
My heart is over flowing with love to all of you, by the way, how many of us are there?
Kate Mockus
about 1 month ago
From what I've heard even having a tiny bite of gluten can set you back 6 months in your
healing. The comment that really drove it home to me was "You're either gluten-free or you're
not. There's no 80% or 90%".
about 1 month ago
THANK YOU Martella for sharing this loving touch!
Does Donna Gates read and respond here?
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Is she planning on being involved in the discussions and questions here?
I just want to make sure my question was answered, since it seems very broad and vague as to which
phase we're following. As of now, all I understand is "no sugary snacks" anything else is totally
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I haven't seen her resond directly yet. My interpretation of the gyuildlines is similar to yours. I
thought the first day, she was saying no snack foods. The second day, I took it to mean, for me
at least, nothing but water. Today, my interpetation of it was, no processedd or packaged foods
including artifical and naturla flavors. So far, I havewn't had to make any dietary changes other
than the half cup of coffee I was occasionally enjoying. It looks to me like she is taking it very
very slowly.
I have not gotten off of all fruyit yet. I am going to let Donna lead the way since this is where
the universe has led me thus far.
I hope you're having a good day,
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Thanks Rebekah-Like I said, I've done it before and it was very hard core!
I have followed it about 97 percent so far. I did have a glass of red wine yesterday, ok 2 glasses.
And where I live and with my schedule, being barefoot on the earth hasn't happened so far, but
I am hoping that spending time out in the sun and gardening on my deck counts for some of
about 1 month ago
Jennifer, please remember that alcohol is one of the fastest ways to feed systemic infections(incl
candida) in the body and has to be processed by the liver. Avoiding alcohol through out the
cleanse will be really important because of it's affects on the liver..
Edd Skerritt
about 1 month ago
Hi All, Great Chats! Peace, Blessings and an Abundance of Health on your journeys!
I am totally confused about "natural flavorings". Could someone help to clarify what Donna is
referring to. As far as I am aware everything we eat has a "flavor".
So I am totally lost on that one.
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
about 1 month ago
Edd-this may be helpful:
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Edd,
I am in the 98% for Gluten sensitivity. Natural flavors is not the flavor of a nut that you taste
when you eat it. That is not the natural flavor Donna is talking about. I am at the point now, I
don't cate two hoots what anyone says natural flavors is, I am not going to eat. They break me
out in hives and whelps and make me bloat, get constipated, and generally feel
miserable. Another thing that doesn't sit well on my digestion is "natural oil of whaterver" like
begamot in earl grey tea or natural vannila flavor. or anything with the word natural and or
flavor in an ingredients list. i avoid them all. I know for good and well sure, I am not allergic to
begamot oil, becuase I am an aromatherapist. But, I am to the natural oil of bergamot. Go
figiure! And... if it were really the natural flavors of say, lemons, orange, bergamot, or anything
else, then why can't they simply list it is lemon, etc etc??? because it is not!!!!! They have
extracted a chemical in an isolated situation and applied it to a cheaper carrier. And our bodies
do not know who to recognize these checmicals. become an avid label reader. Try not to buy
anything that needa a label, lol.
I'm gonna go read this link,
Love love love, rebekah
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I found this article to be much more readable and infomative than the one on the FDA web site.
Now I know why artifical flarors don't bother me. However, I don't eat them either. Thanks
Randall for the link.
about 1 month ago
For anyone who might be totally confused by the comments about Natural Flavorings, this is
exactly how the ingredient is listed on the product label: "Natural Flavorings". I don't think that
was clear.
about 1 month ago
my vitamins have "natural flavor"
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Lori,
I have found the words natural and flavor, even when not used in conjunction with each other
to be very allergy illiciting for me. I avoid anything with either of those words whether used
together in sequence or not. Mostly I don't eat anything with a label, period!
Bernice, I have had problems with things like Emergen C vitamin c drink , cold remedies,
vitamins, etc etc. I guess it depends on how high your sensitivity is. I am taking magnesium
maleate. That is about all. I beleive with Donna's guiadance, soon, I won't even need
that! Right now, my pain levels are through the roof as I have gotten off the ibuprophen they
gave me after surgery. I breathe the golden light a lot. This afternoon, I took a nap in my sister's
pale yellow bedroom. it was glorious.
Happy Mothers day to all you aldies and to you men who made them mothers,
Love love love, Rebekah
about 1 month ago
Sometimes "Natural Flavorings" on a label means MSG.
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
Very informative article on natural flavors! Thanks
Edd Skerritt
about 1 month ago
Thank You Randall. That was very, very helpful!
1st Edition Body Ecology Book
about 1 month ago
Hi there,
The BED book I was able to find was a 1st edition. Are there any changes from the newer books that I
need to be aware of? I notice that hard boiled eggs are mentioned. Also, are we supposed to be eating
raw vegetables or cooked vegetables?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Laurie,
I just don't enjoy a hard boiled egg at all, so I never eat them boiled. I love scrambled eggs, love
love love them! :) I haven't eaten any eggs yet because I haven't found any privately raised farm
eggs where I moved near Perry GA. As far as what to eat yet, she just hasn't gotten all that
specific with us at this time. She has been taking it extremely slow and easing us into this. You
have read the first six days right?
I found a helpful section on the body ecology web site at the very bottom if you keep scrolling
down to wards the right it tells you what a day of food should look like. it is called the BE Quick
Start Guide. From what I am gathering through reading my book, and perusing this detox page
and the BED page, she is in favor of both cooked and raw veggies. But certainly 80% veggies at
the 10:00, 2:00, and 6:00 meals.
Ten thousand blessings coming back to you my love,
about 1 month ago
Thanks Rebekah!
about 1 month ago
Laurie-Donna has made changes to The Body Ecology Diet over the years with each of the 11
printings and unfortunately too numerous to list here. Perhaps you could find the latest edition
at local library or used on amazon?
Sarah Musavi
about 1 month ago
What is the suggestion for someone finding out pregnant at the start of this program? What should they
add or elimintae for a healthy pregnancy and birth at age 43.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Sarah,
Have you though about doing a search on the internet for a Body Ecology midwife in your area?
I am a doula and was a le leche Legue Leader for ten years, I think this would be a great diet in
it's entirety for all stages of pregancy but especially in the beginning! How fortuitous for you
and your baby!
many blessings,
Véronique Larose
about 1 month ago
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I wish I had known about BED a year ago. My now 5
month old daughter had craddle cap and colics with bad constipation despite being breastfed
and it seems it would be because I passed along my candida infection at birth :( I've also read
fermented foods may help with nausea so that's one thing to certainly add to your diet!!! When
you do get your baby in your arms feed her/him the juice from cultured veggies. This has
helped so much with Lilianne's bowels. Her craddle-cap is also subsiding! Yay!
about 1 month ago
Sarah--Congrats! What wonderful news! Please consult with your health care provider before
continuing with the cleanse.
about 1 month ago
a related question to postpregnancy. is doing the cleanse a good idea while still breastfeeding or
should I wait??
Chronic candida infection treatment?
Daniele franca
about 1 month ago
Hi everybody and Donna, I've been sofering from yeast infection for 20 years and thanks to Donna just
now I know what it is, I have almost all the symptoms including psoriases and for the last year I've been
having nonstop yeast infection with eaching and all, I've been avoiding the over the counter medication
(cream) with the fear of getting the over all yeast worse, and I've been doing some homeopatic
treatment, but, not being sucsseseful, and I was wondering if someone has an affective and safe quick
remedie, (I'm doing the diet already), or if I should take the over the counter cream just to remedie the
infection. Any idea? Thanks. :O) Daniele.
about 1 month ago
Have you tried doing enemas or colonics? Donna highly recommends these.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I have been doing the diet also for several months and have been really sick for two years. I was
told that stress plays a big part into why I can't get rid of the candida. Your gut is your emotional
brain so if you have any digestive problems check in with your emotions and clear them up. I am
doing meditation, yoga, reiki etc along with the diet. I got a book called The Enlightened Mom
that is helping me. I realize we must get better mind, body and spirit not just body. I hope this
helps you some.
about 1 month ago
Doing this 21 day cleanse should be helpful. Sometimes it just takes some time. As long as you
stay diligent on the diet, and make sure to consume plenty of healthy fermented foods, you
should experience improvement over time.
This article touches on psoriasis as well, it may be helpful:
Body Ecology Customer Service
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I have the seventh edition of BED. It says three months, follow guidlines STRICTLY!!!!! and you
will see results.
Daniele franca
about 1 month ago
Thanks evreybody! it's really important this support. Many blessings to all.
ame wauters
about 1 month ago
I don't see the pics that Donna posted...can anyone else?
about 1 month ago
I can't see the pictures either.
ame wauters
about 1 month ago
oh just found them! They are on the dashboard page at the bottom.
about 1 month ago
they are on the bottom of the dashboard page
Peggy Ware
about 1 month ago
I don't see pics either.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Yes, these photos are exactly whaat my tube looked like when I first began doing colonics in
2004!!!!!! In the beginning, colonics were the only thing that got me out of pain! and fast!
Sometimes I did feel weak. I belive had I been eating Donna's cultured kefirs and veggies, I wold
have felt better. I am in the process of ordering her supplements. They are extremely similar to
the pharmaceutic grade supplements my Internal Medicine specialist had me order from a
medical lab. and much less expensive! I am impressed and eager to take the next step.
Grape oil
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Can i use grape oil ? And brown rice? Can I eat the vegetables cooked or boiled? Or in a soup thats what
I am eating this days Please I need advice I feel stuck on days 1 and 2
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
If what you mean by grape oil is grape seed oil, I am not sure if you can use it. Possibly though
since I seem to remember reading that seed oils were OK. But I am not sure.
But if you do, do not use much. As for the brown rice? The answer to that one is NO. Donna's
body ecology diet is a gluten free diet, and brown rice has gluten, so it is not allowed. Do you
have her book, The Body Ecology Diet? It has really wonderful recipes in it. I especially love her
soups, and would suggest that you get her book and try a few of them. You won't be sorry. Just
last night I prepared the Cauliflower/dill soup. I couldn't believe how delicious it was! And I
can't wait to have it for breakfast! Oh, also... when you get her book, I think you will find it very
helpful in your ability to do the detox sucessfully. It is very well organized and explains
everything you need to know in a way that makes sense and is very useful. I was first
introduced to the Body Ecology Diet 15 years ago and have reread it a few times since then. As
far as I am concerned, reading her book is the best place to start. Wishing you well and much
success. I do hope that my response is at least a little bit helpful.
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
I was wondering if anyone else was dealing with pain or sickness. I am dealing with both.Hope I can
keep going. It feels as if my fibromyalgia has returned.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Margaret,
Yes, I too deal with a tremendous amount of pain! I am expecting it to improve as the detox
goes by. In 2004, I go sick, my family began paying for me to go to "traditional" medical
doctors. They tried to give me fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was in so much pain
back then, I stayed in bed for six months, couldn't function. The doctor wanted to put me on
muscle relaxers, narcotic pain pills, sleeping pills, and anti depressants. I got so MAD!!!!!!! I
know I must have sounded like a lunatic, but I stood up and said, I DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR
AND I AM LEAVING. They said this was the first stage of an incurable illness and they could give
me a pschyciatric referal if I wanted one. I told them, you're not refering me to anyone ever!!!!!
and walked out. I went back to my old naturopathic practioner. She looked at the same blood
work they had, and following ot's lead, tested me, and found out I had toxo plasmosis parasites
and eppstein barr virus. I also had HPV,HSV, and both a rare bacteiral and viral pneumonia that
persisted for two more years. After two years of fasting, clenasing, detoxing, herbs,
homeopathy, colonics, body work, and nearly every kind of therapy you can think of, my
naturopath told me her medicne wasn't enough for me at that time and I really needed to see a
medical doctor. The universe led me to the most progessive, all inclusive, extraordinary internal
medicine specialist in the Atlanta area!
Eight years later, I rarely have to spend a week in bed, although I do have to spend a day
sometimes. I am so grateful to my friend who paid for me to take this course! I am ready and
willing to do whatever it takes. Learn to take care of yourself. The world is not going to quit
turning if you don't get out of bed. Even now, I still have to pace myself, work then rest, etc,
etc. Rest, rest rest and take slow gentle walks, every morning and evening beginning with going
five minutes out and five minutes back. Walk as slow as you need to. Lay out in the sun a
LOT!!!!!!!! But don't get burnt. lay out early and late, not mid day.
Five weeks ago, I was in a very serious car wreck where my lower leg was broken so badly, the
doctor didn't even try to repair the bones! he just opened up my knee cap and inserted a
titanuim rod and left my shin bone clearly fracturedand not even close to meeting up and the
bone on the side of my calf is shattered from top to bottom. The bones go clunk clunk, clunk and
they hurt BAD! The connective tissue and muscles throb. The nerves burn like fire and have
electirc bolts of lightening that bolt clear through to my toes. This is my new phrase, MY LEG IS
I am learning and have learned through the years to embrace my pain. I use it to pray for others
a LOT!!!!! This new bone and nerbe pain goes beyond anythnig I have ever experienced before.
When I am hurting the most is when I focus on others the most and pray for them. I also plead
with the Lord to remove my pain. Two books which have helped me tremendously are the Bible
and Pema Chodron's book, The Places That Scare You. Crying helps a lot. Moaning and groaning
does too Tap your fingers around your eyebrows and around to your ears and back for about
fifteen minutes. Rub on yourself constantly. if you have a painful area, pinch it, friction it at a
90 degree angle, rub it straigh back and forth, do all kinds of stuff to it, whatever your mind tells
you to do. Stretch into the pain with your breath. Roll and waller on the floor searching for the
tender spots. Tell them you love them and are grateful to them for the lessons they are giving
you about learning to love yourself. There is a saying that the buddha was once asked what he
thought of the devil. he answered, "Wasn't he my best teacher ever?'
Breath work helps tremendously. I love the golden light meditation Donna has told us to do. I
also ask myself, what color is the pain. What ever color pops into my head is fine. I breathe that
color into the spot and then breath it out like opening a closet door filled with
smoke. Sometimes I breathe the same color in and out. Sometimes I breathe
opposite\balancing colors like red in and green out, yellow in and purple out, and blue in and
orange out. i do all sorts of combinations.
I just choped and grated a huge salad that will last me about three days and the sides of my
back, (small intestine meridian) are really hurting. it is my nap time anyway, so... bye bye. :)
I will be praying for you and sending you love and golden light,
about 1 month ago
I, too, at one point in my life had a lot of pain--so much so that prescription drugs could not
overcome it. A decade later, I found myself in severe pain again. But now my pain is gone. It is
all due to changing my diet and using the correct supplementation.
Donna's new book, The Baby Boomer Diet says that dehydration = pain. That is part of it. Read
and see what liquids count as part of our dailly water intake--you might be surprised!
Step by step learn and practice the information in Donna's books. You can't do it overnight. It
takes time and patience. If you find a tool or principle that you're having problems mastering,
set it aside and come back to it later. Address another tool or principle. Step by step you WILL
get where you want to be!!!
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
Thank you. Your encouraging words mean so much! I am so tired of doing everything myelf. I
don't mind, except I have had no energy for a very long time. I do have a very inflamed small
bowel and I don't think my body is absorbing fat properly. That is why I resort to carbs, just to
function on some level. Two years ago my total cholesterol was 102 with my HDL at 38. It has
come up some but my LDL is still more than twice my HDL. The doctor says these numbers are
fine but from what I've been reading I need a higher HDL in order to heal. The GI doc says he has
no idea why my bowel is so inflamed. What!!!! Not a good sign. He talks as if he knows
everything else. All he want's to to do is treat me with very expensive and toxic drugs for a viral
infection. I'd rather die than try that treatment again. The truth is he probably doesn't know
why. I have come to realize that doctors don't know what we think they should and that they
are the biggest drug pushers on earth.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry on your shoulder. I'm just very very tired, don't feel well, and
haven't any energy.
As soon as I can I will buy Donna's Baby Boomer Book.
I do thank GOD for the internet. I started this quest before many people had internet. Then I
could only take the doctors as knowing what they were doing. The net has changed all that.
Thanks for the support.
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
Thank you. Your encouraging words mean so much! I am so tired of doing everything myelf. I
don't mind, except I have had no energy for a very long time. I do have a very inflamed small
bowel and I don't think my body is absorbing fat properly. That is why I resort to carbs, just to
function on some level. Two years ago my total cholesterol was 102 with my HDL at 38. It has
come up some but my LDL is still more than twice my HDL. The doctor says these numbers are
fine but from what I've been reading I need a higher HDL in order to heal. The GI doc says he has
no idea why my bowel is so inflamed. What!!!! Not a good sign. He talks as if he knows
everything else. All he want's to to do is treat me with very expensive and toxic drugs for a viral
infection. I'd rather die than try that treatment again.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry on your shoulder. I'm just very, very tired don't feel well, and
haven't any energy.
As soon as I can I will buy Donna;s Baby Boomer Book.
I do thank GOD for the internet. I started this quest before many people had internet. Then I
could only take the doctors as knowing what they were doing. The net has changed all that.
Thanks for the support and the hope.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Dear Margaret,
You are not "crying " on our shoulder. We are bearing one another's burdens together. This is
why Donna created this forum. I know your pain. I have completely been where you are. Do not
diviate from Donna's suggestions. Just lay in bed and sob through the pain if you have to. You
really will get better. Some day, we will all eat like this every single day just like Donna and her
staff do. But we will never get there if we don't try. Just keep recommitting as many times as it
takes. Each and every day is a new day. We can start over all day long.
We can indeed give each other hope,
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
Dear friends,
I know that I need to make huge changes in my diet and lifestyle. And as a help and support I
am doing this detox, however imperfectly. I just figure it is the best way to get started, of
everythng I know. I have known of the body ecology diet for 15 years now, and actually done it
from time to time, but so far I have been unable to maintain itSo now, I am trying again and I
really need the support it gives me as well as yours.
I have not been feeling well, and i do feel worried, but I do not think that going to a Western
doctor is a good choice for me. Not at all! Are there some of you out there who have used other
diagnostic tools to make assessments? Do you know what Donna recommends. What if I have
cancer? I feel a little confused about how and where to get input.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Dear Ianne,
I understand your fear completely! I have been very sick to varying degrees for eight years and
really my whole life. My brother just passed away two months ago to brutal bone, kidney, lung,
and thyroid cancer. We have had ten cancer deaths in our immediate family. In 2009, my
internal medicine specialist found problems with my pancreatic enzymes. Last summer i was
hospitalized with diverticulitis. My sister has ahd acure pancreatitis twice. My Aunt has
pancreatic cancer that was already in her liver when they found it. her brother, my uncle, died
of pancreatic cancer that was already in his liver whne they found it.
Recently, a freind emailed me his daughter's doctor report to review because of all the things I
have been through and the progress I have made thus far. She is seeing a holistic and
complimentary medical cancer specialist. I noticed many of the same test results and things
mentioned were the exact same things my internal medicine specialist was treating on me. Yet,
she NEVER used the C word! I really appreciate that a lot!!!!!! We don't have to give ourselves
cancer in our minds in order to heal. But many of us might develop cancer if we do not
change! I have not truly been well, very nauseated, since my diverticulitis incident last summer.
My brother's passing was horrible, horrible, horrible and enough to convine me to change! I am
grateful for his death and suffering. it is hard for me to say that, but i am!
We have been brought to this place, at this time, with Donna for a reason!!!!!!! This specific
collection of people are the exact ones who are meant to be here. I am praying for each and
everyone of us all day long. Now is the time for us to do it.
Let's step away from our fear and step in to faith. Draw a circle in front of you . Place a piece
pf paper on it and write FAITH on it. Step into the circle of faith as many times as you need to
all day long!
I love you with universal love,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, THanks for the stepping into the circle of faith exercise!! I will use it. I am praying for
you too. We are all sick of being sick.
Ianne, I have been sick for two years. I was in the ER three times and have been to see heart
specialists, Gastro specialists, ENT specialists, Physical therapist, OBGYN specialist and family
doctor. I've had over $80,000 in tests done and no one could figure out what was wrong. All
they could say was that "you are a puzzle" I finally went to a Naturopathic doctor who did a food
sensitivity test and stool sample. I have an overgrowth of candida, fungi and parasites in GI tract
and because of it I have a boatload of food sensitivities(gluten, corn, soy, dairy, sugar, egg)
Other modalities I've used that I found helpful were Reiki, Acupuncture, massage, chiropractic,
yoga. I do go to my family doctor who orders bloodwork and other tests for me. I give all tests
results to my Naturopathic doctor and we talk about it. My family dr. said there is no such thing
as overgrowth of candida yeast and parasites are from overseas only. He is so wrong.
I am so thankful to be on this forum with like minded and people who are trying to get healthy
and heal. No one really understands what is wrong with me when I tell them and they think I
should be able to take a pill and get better. It is not that simple.
Antibiotic Therapy?
about 1 month ago
I am in a real delima! Any advice or ideas will be helpful. I have been struggling with Candida for 7 years
or longer. I have been diagnosed with Lupus (2005)> I started the Body Ecology in 2007 and ALL my
symptoms went away. Then I went off the diet in 2009, by 2010 I was once again bed ridden and was
diagnosed with scleroderma. I have been trying to get back on the B.E.D. diet, but I have been doing it
60%. I really needed this class.
Here is the issue. My recent stool showed a VERY dangerous bacteria called Enterobacter Cloacoe. So
far I don't think I have any of the symptoms, but my Functional Med doc wants to do 2 weeks Cipro and
then several month of anti-fungals. I am terrified of any antibiotic, ESP. high powered ones. Do any of
you know ANYTHING about this OR know of a good resource for info?
Thank you, Elise
Don Newsom
about 1 month ago
Hi Elise,
On today's body ecology newsletter it says garlic will kill any bacteria in the gut better than any
antibotics. Even the super germs. Hope this helps. Research it.
Don Newsom
about 1 month ago
Thank you Don.
I am aware of the benefits of garlic. I put it in my green drink. The thing is...the never tell you
HOW MUCH garlic to really be effective. What would "Garlic Therapy" doses be? I am sure
"more is better" I already do oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, oil of clove, turmeric,
ginger, neem, and lord knows what else. The honest truth, I am not taking it on a consistant
basis. This 21-day is going to help me keep/stay on track.
I appreciate your response Don, Thank you
MaryAnn Rivers
about 1 month ago
Elise: I have used garlic in the past very effectively to rid myself of bacteria and candida. You
can use regular garlic but I highly recommend you get a garlic suplement from a good health
food store. It is MUCH more powerful and you can get the type that does not make you smell
like garlic. I took as many as 6-10 per day therapeutically when I was detoxing. Just start with a
couple capsules and work up to more if you are tolerating it well. You really cannot "over take"
it but you may feel the die off from bacteria in the beginning if you go too fast. Hope this
helps. MaryAnn
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Elise, Have you gotten off gluten too? And all, even raw dairy? Back in 2006, I finally found a
terrific internal medicine speciaist who stressed diet above all else, used homeopathy,
supplements, and custom made herbal concoctions from a medical pharmceutical lab based on
what she found in my stool samples. If you have lupus, and schlreraderma, which are really the
same thing, you MUST get off wheat! My doctor was not afraid to keep me on antibiotics for a
year. She always had me alternate my antibiotic with a pro biotic all day long. So... 6, then 9,
then noon, then three, etc etc. I trusted her. That was back in 2006. In 2009, she diagnosed me
with parasite of unknown origin, and placed me on a custom blend of pharmaceutical herbs. At
that point, she did not choose to place me on antibiotics again. To me, I think you should find a
way to ask Donna rather than us. The universe has brought you here. For me, if she told me to
drink coconut kefir, even though it makes me vomit, I would still take it. I would follow her
I am nearly five weeks past a very severe car wreck where my lower leg was shattered. I was on
vancomycin after the surgery. From Last November to March, my brother was passing of
cancer. he said my hands were the only ones that got him out of pain, so I stayed with him for
as many days as i could in ICU while he had pneumonia. I ended yp getting pneumonia
too. Since I had had pneumonia 8 times frm 2004 to 2006, I choose to take two rounds of
antibiotics at that time alternation with probiotics. Now, I am suffering with an extremly
uncomfortable kidney , bladder, UTI infection. I am taking goldenseal root, nettles, and some
other herbs at this time. Today, my left kidney was hurting real bad. Right now, I am going to
choose to give this 21 day detox a chance. The message I got today is I simply need to rest, pull
back, go inward even more. In the end, you must trust your inner guidance. But, I wuld urge
you to speak with Donna directly on this issue. Many blessings coming your way.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello, I'm afraid to start this detox but I want to try I have Lupus and Sjgorgens Syndrome But is
hard to understand all the New Words what to buy and what is better I need all advices
about 1 month ago
I recently heard an interview with David Wolfe, and one of the supplements he promotoed was
Kyolic (an aged garlic extract). He said that it kills the flu faster than anything, and that it
reverses Lupus (which he feels quite certain is a derivative of the Eptstein Barr virus). As others
have stated, it is much more potent than eating garlic in it's natural form. You can get it from, or others, for pretty inexpensively ($7 a bottle, I believe), in many different types.
I tried the Candida/Digestive version of it for myself, not realizing that ginger was one of the
added ingredients. I am very sensitive to ginger, and am not completely certain as of yet what I
feel from the couple days I've taken it -- so just be careful again with which version you purchase
-- read the ingredient list and maybe stick with the plain, original version... Again, David really
stressed this extract reversing Lupus, and we know of the antibiotic properties of it as well...
Hope this helps... Love and healing light to you, my friend!
about 1 month ago
As an FYI--I'm assuming David is a big proponent of the Kyolic extract because of the results
Truth Calkins and the Tonic Bar(RIP) had observed for years. When we first started including the
Kyolic at the Tonic Bar, many people reported strong results by placing the liquid extract into
capsules, which Kyolic sells as a separate bottle with the liquid.
about 1 month ago
I put Kyolic on my salad with ACV & EVOO
about 1 month ago
Although we would generally not recommend antibiotics due to them killing the beneficial
probiotics in our systems and thus weakening our immune and digestive systems, we would not
recommend going against the wishes of your healthcare practitioner.
As mentioned above, you could try natural alternative, or consult with a natural healthcare
If you do take antibiotics, be sure to consume probiotics to recolonize your intestinal tract with
good bacteria.
Body Ecology Customer Service
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much, Tara I will try the one that you told me. Blessing to all.
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
When you said you already do oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, oil of clove, turmeric,
ginger, neem, and lord knows what else in your green drink, I wanted to know more about the
various ingredients you are adding. I am new to this you see. Do you know what the benefits
are of the various things you are adding? I have a lot to learn.
Thanks so much,
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
Hi Elise,
I am quite sure I read that four or five good sized cloves of garlic per day was the
suggestion. Not sure where i got the info from, but I think it was from Dr. Schultz. He has what I
think is a great blog. His style is more agressive than Donna's but I respect him and trust him
too. I would suggest that you research his Incurables Program online.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Elise, I love Dr Shultz incurables program. I had hoped for it for my brother or Aunt, but
neither were interested. All is as it is mean to be. I think that strong herbal combo would be
excellent for me maybe after 90 days on Donna's products! Last night I was reading in my b.e.d.
book. yes, it did say a clove of garlic ingested whole. I am doing lactobacillus implant tonight,
did sea salt water enema at eight, and garlic from 11 to 1, very very good results on only lemon
water and fresh water all morning,
Thanks everyone,
Overactive Immune System Regularity?
about 1 month ago
Hello, I'm interested in buying products from Body Ecology to help regualte my immune system for
Gastroparesis & Inactive Gastritis due to Scleroderma but a bit confused because Scleroderma is an
overactive immune system disorder and it seems the products are for weak immune systems... not sure
if an overactive immune system is still considered weak? However, I was told by my doctor to be careful
taking supplements or herbs that say enhance or streghtens the immune system. I'm particulary
interested in the Vitality Super Green to aid in soothing the lining of my intestines but not sure if would
be beneficial in my case. Was hoping to get some assistance on this one. I wasn't able to join the 2nd
class & this could have been covered but any help is appreciated. Thank you :-)
about 1 month ago
Melissa-you can download the second class to listen to--if you have not received the link from
Hay House, you can go to their website and live chat or call/email their customer service so you
get the link. Donna's program of supplements are meant to bring the immune system into
balance. Body Ecology works with many people who suffer from auto-immune conditions. For a
protocol specifically created for you and to have Donna explain scleroderma from a holistic
perspective, consider a consultation with Donna(info is on the Body Ecology website).
about 1 month ago
Wonderful! Thank you.
magnetic sleep pad
about 1 month ago
I am planning on getting a magnetic sleep pad. Right now I am building up my daily chlorella to help
they sound like they really help with getting toxins out... so building up chlorella and will probably call
before buying to see if I need DMSA...
thinking I am pulling enough toxins out right now so don't want to overwhelm my system with more
about 1 month ago
I heard someone say that the only difference between the queen bee and the worker/drone bees is the
food that they are fed... their genetics are the same.
Now we have the power to change what we eat... to make healthier choices.. to eat a queen bee diet :-)
Wishing you an amazing day !
download for May 16 talk
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
Is the download available for the May 16 talk. Please post link for the talk or directions on how to
download. Thanks
Karen DeSmet
about 1 month ago
Go to Sign in. My Account. On Demand Audio (left pane). ANd keep following
directions. Sorry, can't remember it all! Just did this yesterday! Good luck. Can call Hay house at
toll free number and someone can step you through the whole process. They were very patient
with me!
about 1 month ago
from e-mail I received:
"To Access Your Purchase
1. Please login to your Hay House Customer Account or using the Hay
House Customer login credentials you created upon purchase:
Your e-mail address:
2. Once you login, you can view your purchases. You will find instructions to listen from this
Please note: All On Demand streams are available for a period of 7 days only and will expire
after that date.
We hope you enjoy this purchase. If you have questions, please click here for instructions, or
contact Hay House Customer Care by phone: US / 1.800.654.5126 or INTL / CC + 760.431.7695.
Warm Regards,
Melissa Brinkerhoff
Customer Care Manager
Hay House, Inc.
Hay House Inc. P.O. Box 5100 Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100 (800) 654-5126"
Access to review Sessions
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
As we are now in the 2nd session, I am wanting to listen again to last week, and again this week. Things
are beginning to sink in, but there is so much here. How can I have access to these sessions again? Also,
will we have access to the forums after next week? I want to read what everyone is saying, and it takes
time. And I like the sense of community. Please advise.
April M Dosunmu
about 1 month ago
Yes, I'd like to access again as well. I missed the first hour of today's session.
Karen DeSmet
about 1 month ago Sign in. My Account. On Demand Audio (in left pane). Access Now. Download
Or call Hay House toll free and they will step you through it. They did something on their end
that allowed me to download the first session too. THey were very helpful.
Clean(er) Water
Rita Buhrman
about 1 month ago
Greetings to the group.
I am currently reading The Baby Boomer Diet. In this book a reference is made to a water filtration
system (or filter) that is recommended by BED, and it refers you to the website for the info. As I am
technologically challenged, I didn't find the referenced material. I sent an email a week or so ago, and
haven't gotten a response.
I was wondering if any members or moderators would have this information. I understand that the
"best" system may vary from one geographic location to the next, because the components in the water
varies from region to region -- I'm in Phoenix, AZ.
I know that reverse osmosis strips minerals out of the water, but can they be added back in with Celtic
or other high mineral salt?
Thanks in advance for any response,
about 1 month ago
I am not sure about BED recommendations. I am currently drinking glass bottled spring water
with the lowest TDS I can find. Just found VOSS today at local store :-)
about 1 month ago
inserted the link :-)
about 1 month ago
David Wolfe video on spring water with low TDS:
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I have a home water filtration system from WIth candida you need to watch
floride and chlorine in the water also along with other contaminants.
about 1 month ago
I found free spring water close by to where I live...
found it via " Find A Spring" website...
about 1 month ago
Thanks Bernice!
about 1 month ago
Hello again. I know that Donna is going to talk about the cleansing part next Wednesday of the program
now that the yeast are dying off from changing the foods we eat. A friend of mine recommended
blessed herbs and I just wondered if anyone has done this program for the overall intestinal cleanse (not
the colon cleanse) but the intestinal cleanse for candiadis? Thank you.
Constipated for 3 days
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I been eating the healthiest in my life I'm new to BED so I haven't been doing things right I cooked the
vegetables Was eating fruit A little fruit like jicama and sometimes banana Lots of water 1 cup with
apple vinegar And I bought yesterday probiotics named Kevita cocobiotic I soaked almonds and eat
them And some meat And my tummy is so distended and I haven't had a BM for 3 days I am usually
constipated I am reading the now I am at chapter 6 so I Know that I am not combining foods right nor
following the no fruit but I still feel that is no reason to not have a BM I am having to much discomfort
Any suggestions? Need help...!
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Erica, Over the last two years in fighting candida I've noticed that when I eat more cooked
veggies and not enough raw veggies I do get constipated. I don't know how much you are eating
of cooked vs raw. I hope this helps a little.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Yes I am only eating cooked I don't know how to prepare fermented veggies Can I eat them just
about 1 month ago
if you are not preparing or buying & eating cultured vegetables... maybe take probiotics? to get
the healthy bacteria "for life"...
i actually eat cultured vegetables, drink some cocobiotic and take probiotics ( rebuilding healthy
bacteria ... i heard you need a lot of it... but build up slowly...start with a little...)
Probiotic Liquids and Foods versus Probiotic Supplements: Which Is Better?
Did you know that many probiotic supplements on the market don't actually contain all the
beneficial microflora they claim to contain? Find out how to be SURE you get the probiotics you
need to build your immunity.
If you look at the shelves of your local health food store, you may be confused by the vast array
of probiotic supplements.
Probiotics are the buzz word in health these days for a good reason. With benefits ranging from
boosting your immunity to easing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, treating autism and ending
cravings, it's no wonder we want our probiotics.
But how can you be sure that these probiotics contain all the friendly microflora necessary to
populate your gut, build your immunity, and help you digest and assimilate your food?
The Business of Probiotics
Probiotics are big business, and sales of probiotics topped $243 million in 2005.1
In a lucrative market, it's no surprise that supplement manufacturers would want a piece of the
probiotic pie. Often, in the race to create a product with so many millions of beneficial bacteria
strains and with little FDA regulation, one thing is becoming clear: not every supplement
manufacturer understands the true nature of healing your inner ecosystem.
So while we know probiotics absolutely have nutritional value, what you see on the label may
NOT be what you get.
In fact, two researchers at Bastyr University in Washington recently tested a wide variety of
probiotic supplements and found that in four out of twenty products no sign of living friendly
bacteria was present.2
The unfortunate truth is that too many probiotic supplements vary widely in quality and
potency. Here's why:
Many probiotic supplements cannot survive harsh stomach acid in order to get to your
Manufacturers talk about number of CFUs (colony forming units), but don't always offer
the types or combinations of probiotics that are ideally suited to human intestines. So
while they have some value, they do not help re-colonize your inner ecosystem, which is
the overall goal.
Just like the Earth has ecosystems that strive for balance, your body has it's own "inner
ecosystem." At the heart of your inner ecosystem are probiotics, the beneficial microflora that
keep you healthy and strong. Products containing these beneficial microflora are called
After decades of studying exactly which microflora allow your inner ecosystem to thrive, Donna
Gates developed the Body Ecology system with probiotic-rich fermented foods and drinks as
one of the mainstays of health and healing.
Best Probiotics?
Fermented foods and drinks can be your best solution to ineffective probiotic supplements!
Here are some reasons that fermented foods and drinks are superior:
Beneficial bacteria and yeast in fermented foods and drinks are live and
active! Whether you purchase fermented foods and drinks or make them at home, you
are getting active bacteria.
Fermentation pre-digests vital nutrients for you. Packed with B vitamins, minerals and
enzymes, fermented foods and drinks are whole foods full of nutritional value in their
own right. On top of that, the microflora increase the bioavailability of the nutrients in
all the foods you eat by hundreds of times.
Fermentation does not use heat. Your fermented foods and drinks retain their vital
amino acids that can be destroyed by heat.
You get a variety of live cultures supplied by nature in fermented foods and
drinks. Lab produced probiotics are often a single strain of bacteria, like Lactobacillus
Supplements contain bacteria only while fermented foods and drinks also contain
"food" for the microflora to help promote their growth. It's like sending the good guys
down into your digestive tract with a lunchbox of goodies to sustain them on their long
and perilous journey down under. Once they reach their destination (and IF they reach
their destination) the microflora in a supplement need up to 6 hours to colonize in your
intestines. The microflora in fermented foods and liquids are so hardy they start
working at once.
Fermented foods and drinks are acid-resistant and are viable in your system from the
time they touch your lips all the way down into your gut.
Body Ecology is on the cutting edge of using probiotics to impact your health, and
because we believe in the healing value of beneficial bacteria and yeast, we have
created several different ways for you to get daily doses of high quality, potent
microflora in your diet.
(If you are just starting to use probiotics, be sure to read Is It Possible To Get Too MUCH
Fermented Food In Your Diet? by Dr. Leonard Smith.
Our probiotic liquids and culture starters fit every lifestyle and every taste to populate your gut
with a variety of nature's beneficial bacteria and yeast.
Dong Quai is a potent probiotic drink that gives your body beneficial bacteria and healing herbs
at the same time. Try Dong Quai today!
Dong Quai is one our newest probiotic drinks that not only supplies your body with four active
cultures but also gives you fermented dong quai, a prized herb known for its hormone stabilizing
Our fermented Dong Quai contains all four of these live probiotics, uniquely designed to recolonize your intestines:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus delbreukii
Saccharomyces boulardii
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Besides being a potent probiotic drink, Dong Quai is an herb known for its ability to:
Stabilize female hormones
Protect men from prostate cancer
Ease PMS symptoms
Support male fertility
Read our In-Depth Guide to the Benefits and Uses of "Women's Ginseng" (Which is also
Great for Men!) for more on Dong Quai's amazing healing properties.
Also be sure to learn about our top-selling probiotic drink "star," Coco-Biotic.
Make Your Own!
You can also make your own fermented foods and drinks at home with Body Ecology fermented
food and drink starters.
Our starters are carefully formulated so that you can reap the health benefits of probiotics at
home by making cultured vegetables, cultured butter, Young Coconut Kefir and milk kefir.
Try these fermented food starters and have fun doing it yourself:
Kefir Starter is perfect for homemade milk kefir and Young Coconut Kefir.
Essential Duo has high levels of two essential bacteria and can be used for delicious
fermented drinks.
Culture Starter makes delicious vegetables and whipped cultured butter or crème
fraiche (aka sour cream). Try it today!
To learn more about each starter, read Which Fermented Food Starter Should You Use For
Probiotics The Easy Way
Until a supplement exists that delivers the beneficial bacteria and yeast you need for a healthy
inner ecosystem, you can rely on our probiotic liquids, like Dong Quai and fermented foods and
drinks that you can make yourself.
You'll be sure that you're getting potent probiotics every time!
1. Condor, Bob, "Living Well: 'Friendly' probiotics have some cons, too," Seattle P-I, 18 Dec,
Is It Possible to Get Too MUCH Fermented Food in Your Diet?
So you want the health and beauty benefits of probiotics, but aren't sure how much is right for
you? Find out how much is too much and what to do to make probiotics work for you.
Experiencing gas and bloating or other symptoms when you consume fermented foods and
How can you tell if your symptoms are part of the natural cleansing process or if you've had
too much? This article will explain the guidelines for identifying how to get the most of your
healing fermented foods and drinks...and when you've had too much.
Probiotics For Life
Probiotics literally means "for life." Probiotics are the healthymicroflora (beneficial bacterial and
yeast) that live in your intestines, keeping you healthy and strong. When you have plenty of
healthy microflora in your gut, you have a healthy inner ecosystem.
Unfortunately, most people have an imbalance between healthy microflora and pathogenic
microorganisms, setting the stage for illness and disease. Candida albicans is just one example
and researchers at Rice University estimate that 70% of Americans have candida.
Some of the reasons your inner ecosystem may be imbalanced are:
Antibiotics, recreational or over-the-counter drugs
Environmental toxins
Personal care and cleaning products, including anti-bacterial cleaners.
Too much sugar and other acid-producing foods and drinks.
Poor diet - too many processed foods.
Stress, especially chronic stress
At birth - due to health of the mother prior to or during pregnancy, lack of breast
feeding, antibiotics or vaccinations
So what happens when you start to consume probiotics?
Probiotics are powerful invisible microorganisms that go a long way to turning your digestive
and immune health around. In fact, in the conference at the International Center for
Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology Georgetown University Medical Center in 1999, Dr.
Michael McCann, MD said:
"Probiotics will be to medicine in the twenty-first century as antibiotics and microbiology were
in the twentieth century."1
The first thing you may notice is that these "good guys" go to work cleaning up your digestive
system, so symptoms like gas and bloating are common at first.
Leonard Smith, M.D., is a renowned gastrointestinal, vascular and general surgeon as well as an
expert in the use of nutrition and natural supplementation. As a surgeon, Dr. Smith has firsthand experience of the problems associated with faulty digestion and the surgical necessities
they can cause.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Smith has investigated many holistic medical programs, including
nutrition, exercise, chelation, stress management and the relevance of mental and spiritual
attitudes in healing. Acknowledging the effectiveness of whole organic foods and nutritional
supplementation, Dr. Smith strives to stay on the leading edge of research and breakthroughs in
the field of functional nutrition.
Too Much of A Good Thing?
Fermented foods and drinks have many benefits for your internal health and external beauty, so
it's no surprise that we are eager to add them to our diet.
However, it is possible to get too much of any good thing. This is a common mistake, especially
in the beginning. On a quest to heal, you may end up consuming too much fermented foods and
How much probiotics should you consume? How much is too much?
Probiotics were once used only for complementary medicine, but they are beginning to get
recognition in mainstream medicine today. They are generally thought to be safe and while
more studies need to be done, researchers believe you cannot get too much.2
However, I believe you CAN have too much probiotics and your body will let you know. You can
also get tested, which I outline below.
If you have uncomfortable diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating or other symptoms, back off
for awhile or reduce the amount you are consuming, then build up slowly.
Here are some guidelines:
The key is to start small: ½ cup of cultured vegetables or 2 oz. of your favorite probiotic
liquid is a good place to start.
You may experience symptoms of "die off," as the "bad guys" (candida, pathogenic bacteria
and parasites) die and leave your body. These symptoms can include digestive pain like gas and
bloating, headaches, flu-like symptoms and skin eruptions.
As your body gets used to fermented foods and drinks, you can start to add 1 additional
serving at a time. For example, you may add another ½ cup cultured vegetables or 2 oz.
of probiotic liquids with 2 or more meals per day.
Eventually, you can work up to having a serving of cultured vegetables and probiotic liquids at
every meal or possibly, as a between-meal snack.
Are Probiotics for Everyone?
Most people will thrive on fermented foods and drinks and studies show that there are no
negative effects from taking them. However, according to Dr. Timothy Buie, MD (pediatric
gastroenterologist), about 15% of people with autism (and maybe the general population) can't
tolerate any type of probiotic supplements.3
If you don't tolerate probiotics, it could be that you are already "over-fermenting" in your
digestive tract.
This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and
You can get urinary tests from Genova and Metametrix, for example, that tell you if:
You have elevated levels of indican in your urine - which could indicate an overgrowth
of pathogenic bacteria and toxins.
You have an elevated D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratio in your urine - you likely have an
overgrowth of candida in your small intestine (even if the candida does not show up in a
stool test).
Your urinary level of D-lactate or D-lactic acid is elevated - this may mean you have too
much Lactobacillus (good bacteria), which can create an acidic condition in your body.
If you are over-fermenting, you'd experience digestive upset from taking probiotics, particularly
gas and bloating. While a little gas is good, too much is not healthy and it would be best to stop
taking them until you have repaired your digestive tract.
If you are over-fermenting, some things you can do in the meantime to repair your inner
ecosystem are:
Feeling symptoms of digestive distress like gas and bloating? Help heal your inner ecosystem
with digestive enzymes.
Learn more about Assist Dairy and Protein and Assist Full-Spectrum enzymes now!
Follow The Body Ecology Diet without fermented foods and drinks. The foods on the
Body Ecology program are healing, cleansing and nourishing. This system can heal your
inner ecosystem and as you start to feel better, you may find you can tolerate small
amounts of fermented foods and drinks.
Try EcoBloom. EcoBloom is a prebiotic that feeds healthy microflora in your large
intestine. This can encourage the "good guys" to colonize in your intestines to balance
out the pathogens.
Watch your body with any prebiotic (onions, for example), however, because it could also cause
you to ferment too much if your body is overridden with pathogenic bacteria and yeast. If you
experience the symptoms, like gas and bloating, with a prebiotic as you do with probiotics, you
can back off and add it later as your inner ecosystem heals.
Use digestive enzymes like Assist Dairy and Protein, which has HCl (hydrochloric acid).
Digestive enzymes and HCl help your body digest and assimilate foods and fight
pathogens. You may also want to consider supplementing with taurine, which also
increases your HCl production.
Slowly introduce CocoBiotic, Dong Quai or your favorite probiotic liquid with
Saccharomyces boulardii. Saccharomyces boulardii can knock out clostridial infections
(bacterial infections) and helps control candida.
Add Fermented Foods, like cultured vegetables. Once you are tolerating probiotic
liquids, start to slowly add cultured vegetables into your diet and see how you tolerate
Probiotics are an excellent way to create lasting health and as you incorporate them into your
diet, remember Body Ecology's principle of uniqueness.
Finding a good health care practitioner who can support your natural healing process is a great
way to get the support you need. And above all, we are all unique, so listen to your body's
signals when trying any new food or supplement.
Leonard Smith, MD, is a featured guest in Donna Gates most important and beneficial at-home
training ever, The Body Ecology Detoxification Training Program. No matter who you are or what
your health goals, this is one event you don't want to miss ... and it is all from the comfort of
your home! Learn More and Enroll Today!
1. Zhang, Joe. Probiotics: The Future of Preventative Medicine.
2. Probiotic Microbes Could Be A Key to Good Health. Medical News Today. March 2006.
3. Sensory Issues and Gut Reactions: Autism and the GI Tract. Presentation by Timothy
Buie, MD at the Minnesota Autism Society of America conference April 25, 2003.
4. Probiotics:Your gut's love affair with bacteria. CBC News. March 2007.
5. Getting To Know "Friendly Bacteria." CAM at the NIH. Summer 2006.
6. Smith, Sharon M, et. al. D-Lactic Acid Measurements in the Diagnosis of Bacterial
Infections. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLLOGY, Mar. 1989, p. 385-388
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
During our last call I asked Donna about oatmeal and wanted to find out why it is bad. I use the old
fashioned long cooking type, without any other ingredients other than oats. It is my go to food for filling
up when I need something bulkier and I hate to say it, but I don't know what to replace it with. Kinda
feel like I am addicted to oatmeal and need to have some other options. Thanks for your help with this!
about 1 month ago
I found this on the Body Ecology site:
Hot breakfast porridge recipe:
I just bought some RAW oats and I am wondering if they are ok?
I read this on
Raw Oats for Gastrointestinal Health
I actually haven't had oatmeal in a long time... bought it because some consider it one of the top
foods..but then some consider it not:
I haven't tried the raw oats yet.
I have quionoa but don't eat it that often either.
about 1 month ago
Oats are high in silica and I've heard David Wolfe mention that if you talk with people who have
lived a long life (over 100, if I recall), they have all been consuming oats. I don't eat them often,
but had them for breakfast today. I used the whole oats, slightly ground up, and then I
fermented them in warm water with some Coco Biotics overnight. Then, I cooked them in the
morning. It was delicious. They are much more digestible when they are fermented. I don't
believe oats are on the BE diet, but not sure.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Sherry,
I can't eat oats because I am in the 98% for gluten sensitivity. I used to make a wonderful
morning hot cereal with soaked, cooked brown rice, soaked cooked prunes, soaked raw walnuts,
cinnamon and stevia. I am now getting off nuts because of Randall's postings. my food is
constantly evolving in a healthier way. I will go read this link posted above.
Keep workin at it girl,
about 1 month ago
We have never recommended oats on the Body Ecology Diet as they can feed systemic candida
and unwanted yeast in the body. We would recommend consuming quinoa, millet, buckwheat,
or amaranth as an alternative.
Body Ecology Customer Service
about 1 month ago
Thanks for the clarification on not eating oats and why. I do occasionally use the other grains
listed, but find I cannot digest quinoa. Even when I eat it with digestive enzymes, and use the
sprouted quinoa, I still have problems.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, You said you are getting off nuts because of Randall's postings. What did Randall post
about nuts? I eat soaked almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds now and believe they
are on the BED diet. In fact nuts are my only snack that I can have at this point because of food
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
In Chinese Medicine, nuts can be clogging to the liver. It is important to avoid nuts during the
cleanse because you want the liver to be able to detox properly.
4 days ago All depends on your health and digestion. Some ppl have no problem with nuts and
those with a weaker wood element(Chinese Medicine) may want to be more careful. During the
cleanse, be careful with the seed milk. And of course, if you're making seed milk after the
cleanse, make sure to soak/sprout the seeds before making the milk and use it as a base for
4 days ago Rebekah-Hard to say since there is so much more to our health than 5 element
theory(that's why chinese medicine has so many other theories mixed with 5 element theory).
For example, nuts are high in arginine and can feed viral infections, which could still cause
problems to someone who may have no issue digesting nuts. For our purposes on the cleanse,
definitely avoid the nuts best you can once they are cut out.
For the purpose of the cleanse, we will be eliminating nuts(as the daily assignments will instruct
at the right time). After the cleanse, you may want to try to sprout the nuts before eating them
or making butter from them.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
REbekah, Thank you so much!! The bed diet did say we can have soaked and sprouted almonds,
pumpkin and sunflower seeds but I guess not for the cleanse. I guess we will find out in days 814. Not having nuts really concerns me because there really isn't much else I can have for a
snack with my food sensitivities and that will keep me from being hungry till the next meal.
Thanks again.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Pattie,
When our body is NOT receiving external protein, it digest old, sick proteins in the body,
diseased connective tissue like arthritis, all mucous is protein in form. it is formed by the spleen
as white blood cells and is sent out to eat bad things, including natural metabolic waste that
occurs with healthy metabolism. After these white blood cells, "lymph" , eat the exhaust fumes
of our muscles and organs, and the chemicals and toxins, and all the allergic responce chemicals,
and all the candida, they then turn into sticky substance we call mucous. it is sticky to bind the
toxins up so they can be carried out of the body first and formost through the colon, whcih
Donna said she will cover tonight. So, not only does the yeast eat our nutrients before we can,
the mucous formed when our lymph encapsulates it also prevents us from absorbing our
nutrtion that is left over. This is one of the reasons to slowly remove external proteins from the
diet. Did you notice randall said ( as the daily assingments will instruct)? I did just have some raw
almond butter right before I read your post. Let's trust our bodies will be ready when Donna
tells us to eliminate them. And... most importnatly, our minds will be ready to as well. Donna is
being very gentle with us. let's be gentle with ourselves too.
Love you,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, I just saw your reply. Thank you so much. I still haven't gotten off nuts totally but I
have decreased my amount I eat of them. I'm mentally preparing.
Thank you again!!
Taking supplements while detoxing?
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Hi everyone!
I am very very ill.Have suffered with really bad fibromyalgia and IBS for many years. I'm only 33 but feel
like I'm 90. I went to a kinesiologist yesterday and I already knew I had really bad candida and probably
parasites. But he "detected" lymes disease and heavy metals. I have had blood work before that came
back negative on many of these issues but I believe him because I've tried to detox before but I'm so sick
it didn't help; however, I can't help but be skeptical on treatement because I have seen many different
specialists and have had such a hard time with supplements and not absorbing anything.
My question to you all... I know Donna suggests not taking many supplements except high probiotic.
This doctor thinks I need these supplements to try and kill some of this stuff off, but if I do not eliminate
well and don't really absorb anything I'm skeptical of them helping. These supplements are made by
Standard Process. I have heard some people have good results but I'm so confused.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I give it a try while doing the diet or will it hinder and conflict
with the B.E.D. diet? Has anyone had any luck with kinieseology or Standard Process products. Other
supplements, etc?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Julia,
One of the ladies earlier suggested sitting with your self and asking your inner guidance what
feels right to your insides. You might just consider doing this cleanse for right now. it is only
eleven more days. And in the grand scheme of things, eleven days iis not that long. Then you
could start the supplments. How does that feel in your body?
Good luck,
about 1 month ago
Hi Julia,
First of all I would say, just try to relax and be calm, and know that you will do the right things
and you will become well. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to get a good diet
going. Get that down first, it is much more important than taking pills. Learn how to cook and
prepare foods the Body Ecology way, and then go from there. I know when you go see natural
doctors, alot of the time, they want to give you all these pills, but again, if you are putting the
wrong things in your body on a daily basis, this will not heal you. However, that being said,
there are some things I believe you can begin doing to help give you energy to start wanting to
take care of yourself better. Maybe by adding some things in like chlorella every day. Also,
fixing a green smoothie every morning does wonders. Body Ecology sells Vitality Super Greens
that I really like. I had it this morning in my smoothie. These things are food, not pills and will
provide the body with tremendous amount of nutrients. Preparing bone broth stocks (Weston
Price Foundation method) and then using the stock as basis for soups is very healing. I did that
for years, and still do it, on my path of recovery. Another very nourishing thing to do that is
inexpensive is prepare nettle tea. Get some good high quality dried nettles. Before bed at
night, boil water and pour it over about 1/4-1/2 cup of dried herbs in a quart mason jar. Cover
with a saucer and let it steep overnight. In the morning, drink the tea. You could do the same
thing with oatsraw as well as horsetail herbs, and then rotate them during the week. i hope
some of these suggestions might be helpful. Hang in there, you can get well.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thanks Rebeka and Sherry for your very good suggestions. I think I will try the diet first and give
it a little time. It's so nice to have this forum and know that I'm not alone in this journey. :) Love
and healing to you!
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
Thank you Sherry also, for the reminder to relax and be calm. I am still struggling with this
detox. At is all a little too fast for me and i do not yet have a sufficient level of commitment on a
daily basis. But at the same time I have taken a giant leap forward and things are not the same
and I am not as stuck as I was before. Yay! I just got out a piece of paper and have written down
the half dozen suggestion you gave and intend to do them. There are nettle on the property
where i live and I can easily make fresh nettle tea. anyway, thanks for everything and thanks
also to everyone on this forum for your input. I am getting quite an education for myself and i
feel that I am being lften out of my depression into a place where I have begun to move
With great love and wishing you many blessings,
about 1 month ago
My training is in Bio-kinesiology which is a bit different from Kinesiology. I have been working
with Bio-kinesiology for 25 years.
There are some things that you just can't do with Bio-kinesiology and Kinesiology that you can
do with diet. (And there are some things that you can't do with diet that you can do with
The Principles of Uniqueness and Step by Step are very useful. With as sick as you are, you
might just want to take 1 tool at a time and experiment with it. A good one to start with would
be a probiotic liquid. When you can take a small amount with no reaction, increase the
amount. When you are satisfied with that, pick up another tool and start working with it. Live
by Step by Step. Listen to YOUR body. Put the program together piecemeal. There is great
power in the Body Ecology Diet.
I have been able to help my husband and myself a great deal with Biokinesiology, but I wanted
more. I have achieved things in my body with BED that I couldn't achieve with Bio-kinesiology. I
also have combined the approaches to help me onto the Liv-Amend. For me this BE supplement
was impossible even though I had been working on my health so long and thought that I was far
enough onto the Body Ecology Diet to handle it. So I started balancing the Liv-Amend with Biokinesiology and only took what balanced the Liv-Amend. After a few months of that, I started
taking 1 Liv-Amend a day for a month till I was completely OK with it, then 2 a day for a month,
then 3 a day for a month. Liv-Amend is no issue for me anymore. I take it daily without a worry!
BE PATIENT! You can get well. You will get well if you set realistic goals and have a realistic
plan. Try keeping a record of what you are doing and how you respond to it. I've found my
records very motivating when I think that I'm not where I want to be. I look back and see how
far I've come and how I got where I am today. It motivates me to keep on applying myself and it
shows me what approaches worked for me.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thank you for your reply Sharon! It's so good to hear about your experience with biokinesiology.
I may have gone to a doctor that specializes in that specific area of kinesiology you speak of, not
for sure. But what you shared sounds like what I've been introduced to. Yes, it's hard to
decipher where to begin because my body is in such a toxic state and I can't think clearly. I'm
praying and writing about it. All I know is that when I've attempted to do a detox diet with
supplements at the same time, I got much worse. So, I will try to be gentle with myself. My
impatience goes against the step by step principles. I will try to continue to let go and do one
thing at a time. The kinesiologist thinks I should hold off on detox diet and try supplements first,
which is kinda what B.E.D says except in the other way around. So, I get mixed up. But I have
decided that if I try one or the other, I need to stay consistent to see what works and what
Thanks again!!
about 1 month ago
I couldn't find this topic earlier when I wanted to add to it so I posted my comment for you
under THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. This comment might help you.
For my personal situation, I didn't start with the 21-day detox cleanse. I started putting the BE
diet (as outlined in the Body Ecology Diet book) together step by step to gain enough strength to
do this 21-day cleanse. It would have been too much for me even though I had worked for years
with supplements.
We are all unique and must listen to our own bodies and intuition. Sometimes we go one
direction and it confirms that we should have gone the other direction. We can always turn
around and go the other direction. We don't have to make the perfect choice the first time.
Licorice Root Medicinal Tea?
about 1 month ago
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a super day. I had a question regarding licorice root tea!! I so
enjoy it and I was drinking it morning and evening... it has such a nice refreshing sweet taste however I
stopped drinking it about 2 weeks ago when I found out I was positive for candidiasis. I knew it was
sweet so I thought it might be feeding it. I really miss it. Then yesterday I read on a post here someone
saying that licorice root was good to take. So thought I would post to see if anyone can provide me
better insight on this?
Thank you so much! (sometimes so many questions... but at least it is nice to know to post here
because everyone on here seems so informed)! This is all new to me.
about 1 month ago
We have not specifically contraindicated licorice root tea on the Body Ecology diet, to my
knowledge. It does taste a bit sweet, but I don't know that the sugar content is actually very
high. You may want to double check exactly how much sugar is actually in it. On the 21 day
cleanse. I recommend following exactly what Donna says to do, I'm only mentioning this in
terms of licorice tea on Body Ecology. I know that licorice is known to raise blood pressure if
used in excess so that is always something to consider.
Body Ecology Customer Service
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon,
Licorice root is a great herb for the adrenals. Right now, I am using fennel root in my
kidney/bladder blend, which has very similar properties to licorice, but is much less sweet. Both
herbs are very nourishing for the adrenals. I've been traveling for four days and did not take all
my herbs with me. I like Jack's suggestion above and I am going to stay off my herbs for the
duration of the cleanse. I will listen to my body for guidance and take the kidney herbs as my left
kidney has continued to hurt some. I am hoping to order the cocobiotic and cultered veggie
starter and the minerals tomorrow and I think these will taske the strain off my kidney for
detoxing and help my large intestine catch up.
Love and light,
about 1 month ago
Hi Jack and Rebekah. Thanks so very much for your response to my question regarding the
licorice tea! I agree with you and will follow the 21 day cleanse as Donna states which means
for now, no licorice root tea! I do miss it so I also know it was and addictive forming for me, but
if it really is good for my adrenals (which yes mine are low and I take DHEA) well may be a good
idea to pick it back up once the cleanse is over unless I hear differently. Thank you again for
responding. I do appreciate your feedback!
CoconutWater_VS_CoconutWater Kefir
about 1 month ago
Hello. Was wondering what is the difference between CoconutWater and Coconut Water Kefir. I enjoy
drinking organic coconut water at wholefoods. Is this okay to drink or does there always have to be a
special kind?
Thank you,
about 1 month ago
Although coconut water is very high in electrolytes, it is also very high in sugar, which can feed
candida and unwanted yeasts in the body, and cause all of the problems that excess sugar can
cause. When you ferment it to make it into Kefir, the sugars are consumed by the probiotic
cultures, making it very low in sugar, yet it still retains the benefits of the coconut water. We do
not recommend consuming coconut water that has not first been turned into kefir on the Body
Ecology diet for this reason.
Body Ecology Customer Service
about 1 month ago
Oh okay Jack. Truly very understandable!!!! It does not say sugar on the container so I just
figured it was pure coconut water as stated. I know it states sweet so I should have know there
were "sugars" of sorts in it. I will eliminate it for now regardless of the electrolytes. Do not
want to feed the yeast!!!!! I appreciate your feedback Jack! Thank you again. I am learning so
Sprouted Food (ie raw and soaked beans, grains)
about 1 month ago
Hi was wondering if sprouted foods are bad for you (ie beans and grains). They are soaked and the
sprouted (and raw)?
Thank you.
about 1 month ago
Donna recommends soaking nuts and beans before eating them.
In her new book THE BABY BOOMER DIET on Page 236, under the heading New Thoughts on
Some Old Standbys, she writes:
"We have found that a few vegetables are best not eaten at all by some depending upon the
health status of the individual. Examples are:
Mung bean and other sprouts: Typically these have mold on them."
So again Donna is using her Principle of Uniqueness. How strong are you and how do you feel
on them?
about 1 month ago
Okay Sharon. Thank you. So far nothing really bothers me. I just have candida living inside
me. I mean, I can tolerate most foods but my body tells me I have candida so that is why I am
Thanks again Sharon!
Lesson 3
about 1 month ago
Just FYI- email on lesson 3:
Please remember to tune in on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 for the Live Online Event:
Eat your way to better health and well-being... deliciously, easily, & inexpensively!
with host DONNA GATES
Wednesday, May 23 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time
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I looked back at an e-mail to see what is going to be on call 3:
Transitioning off a cleanse is another area where major mistakes are made and serious harm can be
done to the body. Once the mind and body are no longer in opposition to each other, our healthy cells
can create new signals and keep certain genes turned off and others turned on. Since toxins, stress, and
lifestyle create over 90% of illness, this final week lays the foundation for continued results through key
diet choices and brain optimization.
Learn the best ways to continue to release subconscious emotional toxins
Discover the dangers of not ending a cleanse properly and how to avoid them
Be guided on the best ways to continue to keep your cells clean
Understand the connection between a healthy gut and a healthy brain
Get key diet tips to maintain the health of your digestive tract
Find out how to balance your brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) and how to increase joy and
motivation and improve sleep
Uncover the little known hormone that triggers states of oneness
Regain your will power
Week Three Daily Protocol: The end is only the beginning - as you gradually transition off the cleanse,
you will be guided to establish a new state of being, a new definition of yourself and what you think is
possible for your health and your life. Rewire your brain and rewrite your future.
about 1 month ago
I am wondering if there is a substitute for colonics
I have an incisional hernia and have not found anyone that would perform a colonic on me.
What are my options?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Donna says she is going to address this issue tonight. Do you have the number for when she lets
us call in and ask questions? I haven't ever seen it posted anywhere. But this would be a good
question to ask tonight.
about 1 month ago
Thank you for replying
Unfortunately I do not have the number to call in either.
I ahve not been able to find it
If you hear anything further I would appreciate it
about 1 month ago
I called in the 2nd night, but she didn't get to me.
After you log in for the call, the phone number will show up on the next page. Look around. It's
Sun Warrior Protein?
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
I have been taking Sun Warrior protein every morning, mixed with Shilajit and Astragalus, it has been
making me feel incredible! The Sun Warrior protein is fermented and sweetened with stevia, so I
assume it is OK. Shilajit is super mineralizing with humic acid and fulvic acid, and astragalus continues to
build my adrenals and strengthen my immune system. Is this drink OK to have on this diet?
about 1 month ago
Anastar I do not know the answer to your question (hopefully Donna or someone will let you
know) however I am interested where you purchase this Sun Warrior protein. I have low
adrenals. Thank you Anastar!
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Hey Sharon, thanks for replying. I just get the Sun Warrior Protein Powder from their
website, and it's best not to get the chocolate one since chocolate
further weakens the adrenals. I use the Vanilla, I sure hope it's allowed because it's so delicious!
I get the Shilajit from Omica
Shilajit is incredible, it is called the "destroyer of all weakness", and super mineralizing. And the
Astragalus I get from Jing Herbs: . I mix all of these ingredients in fresh Spring water for my "breakfast"
after my water and kefir/greens drink of course ;) It's delicious, and really boosts my adrenals!
about 1 month ago
That sounds like an incredible drink for the adrenals. I may have to try that. How much shilajit
and astragalus powder do you use? However, I doubt the protein powder would be part of the
Body Ecology method because it might feed the bad yeast, but don't know for sure. I'm
guessing that shilajit and astragalus are completely fine.
about 1 month ago
I think there is conflicting info about cacao & adrenals... I use raw cacao... and it is in some
Adrenal elixer recipes...
Cacao is a superfood... highest concentration of antioxidants... high in magnesium, iron,
chromium, manganese phosphorus, copper and zinc + more in moderation...
I also use shilajit and astragulusAstragulus has antimicrobial & adaptogenic properties... well known to support the immune
I have Sun warrior protein but haven't been using it much... maybe with chlorella & spirulina I
am not craving protein?
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I love Sunwarrior rice and Warrior Blend Protien. Absolutely one of the best on the
market. Another source of protein I want to try is...
Sacha Inchi...
about 1 month ago
While Body Ecology does not recommend rice in general, this protein appears to be just the
protein extracted from the rice, without the high starch content of rice, which is the main
reason we do not recommend it. It may be fine on the BE-diet, for some BE-dieters, although we
do not directly promote it. As for using it during the cleanse, I would attempt to just follow
Donna's recommendations as closely as possible.
Body Ecology Customer Service
about 1 month ago
Thanks Anastar. Sounds wonderful. I will save for AFTER the cleanse though and I appreciate
the information highly! I am excited. finally something good :)!
I know, but it helps to be happy!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Reposted from another topic:
When our body is NOT receiving external protein, it digest old, sick proteins in the body and
diseased connective tissue like arthritis. All mucous is protein in form. It is formed by the spleen
as white blood cells and is sent out to eat bad things, including natural metabolic waste that
occurs with healthy metabolism. After these white blood cells, "lymph" , eat the exhaust fumes
of our muscles and organs, and the chemicals and toxins, and all the allergic response chemicals,
and all the candida, they then turn into sticky substance we call mucous. It is sticky to bind the
toxins up so they can be carried out of the body first and foremost through the colon. So, not
only does the yeast eat our nutrients before we can, the mucous formed when our lymph
encapsulates it also prevents us from absorbing our nutrtion that is left over. This is one of the
reasons to slowly remove external proteins from the diet.
Much love to all,
about 1 month ago
I won't do any overly restrictived die-ts ... lesson learned... fasting is too low calorie for me and I
need proteins and fats... I know detoxes are popular and juice fasting is popular but I personally
can't do these.... too much yo-yo'ing for me... I need a healthy diet with protein fats carbs... with
small amounts of fruit, lots of vegetable & veg proteins for me... seeds, seaweeds, fermented
vegetables, good quality healthy oils, sprouts, herbs, super herbs & super foods, grasses, small
amounts of nuts...
I just spent some time getting my body out of starvation mode... that didn't work for me...
so maybe this cleanse is cleansing me of cleanses and adopting a healthier diet/detoxing
naturally that I can maintain daily... for life... probiotic :-)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Everything I've heard you post has sounded very balanced Bernice. And as Donna keeps
pointing out, uniqueness and individuality! You sound like you are really on the right path for
you! This was meant as an explanation as to why Donna was encouraging us to avoid proteins at
this point of the cleanse.
Take care,
about 1 month ago
thank you... I guess I have been dieting my entire life( every diet under the sun...except eating
what the sun& earth gives us)... almost like an addiction to dieting/detoxing... and I wasn't
losing weight on low calorie & lots of exercise... even gained weight in the past doing that...
finally not calorie counting & I started releasing weight again. Not counting fat protein etc... just
eating healthy foods/low fruit... raw... like eating salad with cultured veggies so think I'll keep
that in my plan... I have been vegetarian for a long time...tried meat occasionally but didn't last
long... I wasn't a healthy vegetarian though... so now no processed foods, dairy, eggs, breads etc
and I was eating mostly cooked veggies before and now I eat raw... so I have evolved a lot... now
I just need to keep eating this way, keep learning & avoid "diets" "detoxes" and
"fasts"...sometimes hard when diets are a habit... like slipping up and having a drink if alcoholic
or eating sugar if have candida or cancer or diabetes or hypoglycemic etc...
we are all in different places in our journey and all unique... I know my way is not right for
everyone... but maybe a piece of it will help someone...
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Thanks for all of your replies everyone! I appreciate everything! I am the same as Bernice... have
spent many many years cleansing and fasting and I've depleted myself so much, I just think I
over did it and lost a lot of nutrients... now I have a hard time building muscle back. I am more
interested in working on building back my body rather than cleansing and depleting. I feel that
probiotics are the most important part of my diet! Though I've done extensive cleansing and
detox, I still experience terrible gas and bloating, as well as acne on my chin that just never
seems to go away unless I am near the ocean and sunshine, whenever I swim in the ocean it
goes away. But I live back and forth between Colorado and Sedona, Arizona, it is so dry, and that
acne, only around the left and right parts of my chin flare up. So I'd really love to get to the
bottom of it once and for all. I am hoping that the BED will really help! Thanks again for all of
your comments!
Arizona Support
Jeanette Gibler
about 1 month ago
Hello Friends,
Currently, I'm focusing on healing my yeast overgrowth, cleansing heavy metals and
repairing/strenghtening my adenals. Althought fairly new to Donna's work, I'm off to a great start, I did
a consultation with her a couple of months ago and now applying what I learned...that's a process:)
I'm looking to connect with others in Tucson or anywhere in Arizona to get together and make our own
cultured veggie's, coconut kefer and share idea' intention is to give and recieve support, keeps
things fun & light, deepen in Donna's work and stay connected in the process. Is their anyone that
would like to join me in creating an on going support group and enjoy ourselves in the process?
I'm also hoping this form remains up because all your communications have been very helpful!! I also
would love to see Donna do more trainings of this nature, I'm really loving this!!!!
Thank-you everyone and tons of success to all,
P.S. I'm in the Sedona area a lot, my mom lives there as well as the White Mts in the summer to enjoy
the wealther. Have a job that I can do from anywhere so traveling is not a issue, and I "live" in Tucson.
When to add minerals and vitamins?
about 1 month ago
Hello everyone. Wow.. so much valuable information. I am so very grateful for it all. I certainly am one
that has to come back to it all because it is just way too much to absorb all of it right now. Very
overwhelming for me.
So my question is if my "gut" and organs are not working properly then how do I know that purchasing
the minerals and vitamin supplements Donna talks so highly about are going to be absorbed. I am so
confused on this and when to put them in my body. I know for a fact I am probably low on minerals and
my hormones have definitely been twisted about over the years. Many years on prozac for depression
and obsessiveness. Just been off of them for a year. It is so promising to hear news that there is help
there however how can one really tell which one is deficient?? I know there is a test that you can take
saliva and urine and I may do that before adding supplements. Has anyone ever taken this hormone
test? I know I would be interested in knowing which ones I am low in. I am not 100% sure it is serotonin
but you know doctors they take a guess but I will say I felt MUCH better on prozac than without
it!!!! But i just do not want to rely on a drug.
Plus it may have been a big culprit of this candiadis over the years being in my body!!!
Thank you for any feedback. I finally ordered the Body Ecology Diet book this evening!
Many blessings to everyone!
Questions for Donna
about 1 month ago
I'm not sure whether this is the right place for this but I would like to ask a question about amalgam in
teeth. My teeth are full of mercury due to incompetent dentists or dentists who refused to listen to me
when I suggested they fill my teeth with ceramic fillings (and I didn't realise at the time exactly how toxic
mercury was to the body). I know that the mercury is very toxic but my teeth are now so heavily filled
that I will lose my teeth if I had the amalgam removed. I already have three implants and would struggle
to afford more at this stage and dentures wouldn't be suitable as all my front teeth are still ok.
What would Donna have to say to that?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Monika,
When I was went back to massage school, there was a short one page, anecdotal, story about a
lady who rid herself of heavy metal toxicity by taking bentonite sea clay baths. She too said that
replacing her amalgam fillings was not an option. I don't remember exactly how much powder
she put in her bath, I'd say, maybe three cups. Soak for at least 20 minutes. After you get out, let
the clay settle to the bottom, scoop the water out, then scrape the clay off the bottom with a
spatula and place in trash can so as not to clog pipes. This article is the reason I began doing
bentonite sea clay wraps at my office. You can buy the powder in bulk at a good health food
store or order it on the internet.
When I was at my sickest, I had my amalgam fillings replaced only because they were falling
apart and out. it just so happened to coinside when I was very sick. I do think it helped me heal
after they were gone! I think it made a huge difference.
There is another product called Sonny's oral bentonite solution. It binds heavy metals and
mucous in the colon. I would check with a reputable practitioner, maybe Donna could counsel
you on the use of this product, before taking anything internally!!! It needs to be used at the
proper time and with the proper protocol like colon cleansing. My expereince with my sickest
clients at the office was that the bentonite sea clay wraps actually their symptoms worse
because of poor diet, poor hydration, poor kidney function, and poor colon elimination. I finally
decided I would not give a sea clay wrap to a very sick client unless they were under the care of
a qualified naturopath who could lead them in an herbal and homeopathic detox and also
undergoing a series of colonics at the same time. The toxins would just get reabsorbed back into
their bloodstream. Bandaids are bandaids, no matter the form. A whole health approach is
always best.
Good luck,
about 1 month ago
I couldn't make the link appear as a proper link but you can copy & paste.
This is a very interesting listen on the topic of tooth decay & dental health. Again, food is our
medicine. His thoughts are rather in line with Donna's, a few little differences (for example he
doesn't recommend stevia extract).
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
If you are able see a natural dentist and get them out of your mouth soon. I believe that the
mercury in my mouth is contributing to my poor health and maybe in the health of my children.
If you think about it - mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temp and easily expands
and contracts with the temperature of you mouth. That is why we used to have mercury in
thermometers. Mercury is more toxic than lead.
luck and prayers
about 1 month ago
Thank you Rebekah, Erin and Margaret
I once had a consultation with my chirpractor who tested me for heavy metals using muscle
testing. She said that I had heavy metal toxins in my head and that it would be very dangerous
to remove them? She said that we must just tell the body and the heavy metals won't hurt it
and then they can stay in there and not do any damage! This really does sound odd to me.
Whereas others have said that it's not a problem to get the heavy metals out of the system, i.e.
using clays???
So much conflicting information - where does one start?
Been on BED for 5 months
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
I've been adhering to the BED (almost 100%) for the past 5 months. The only things I'm still working on
are: 1) eating less protein (only 20% of meals and trying to really eat it at the mid-day meal); and 2)
keeping hydrated (drinking enough water). This diet works!!! I've been eating cleanly for over 20 years
and I am utterly convinced that you cannot get well from a systemic candidia infection until you
eliminate grains, all sugars, eat loads of cultured veggies, coconut kefir and COMBINE YOUR FOOD
PROPERLY. For any of you who are seriously ill, learn how to make the cultured veggies, make them
once a week, ditto with the coconut kefir. Make yourself refrain from eating proteins with grains. Make
yourself eliminate sugars (fruits, etc). It is so worth it. It works. So far, I have: 1) lost all the inflamation
in my body (quite noticeable). All the swelling in my face and extremeties is gone (for the first time in
my life!!); 2) my PMS is all but gone (again, something I've suffered from all my life, is gone. I'm actually
surprised when my period starts and I've not been swollen or moody); 3) my skin is so much prettier on
my face that i don't wear make-up (I'm from the South. This is a big deal. I've NEVER not worn eye
make-up, but the dark circles from under my eyes are gone and I just can't bring myself to put that toxic
goop on my face anymore); 4) my insomnia is 75% better (again, an amazing improvement from
someone who has been taking melatonin for years); 5) the mucus.... I had mucus in the toilet, ever time
i went, for the first 4 months of this diet. Loads of it, and then about a month ago, I started noticing that
it was all but gone... really. Donna talks about the mucus coming out of you, as does Natasha CampbellMcBride. They are right. But after a while, your body really digs the cultured vegetables so much and
starts functioning better and the mucus subsides. This is amazing. 6) gas.... The amount of gas my
system produces is 90% diminished. I can hardly believe it. What an added bonus. 7) fatigue... I'm not
where I need to be, but much much much improved. I'll probably have to be one of those who has to do
this for 3 years before I'm really straightened out (very long battle with systemic candidiasis), but my
fatigue is much improved. I promise. I have a 3.5 yr old and I can keep up with him now. And the lactic
acid is starting to clear from my body better. Still, I have much more cleansing to do, but I'm doing
it. I'm re-reading her books, and implementing her advice. I want to encourage any of you who are
really suffering, as I was 6 months ago, to get religious about this diet. It's brilliant and it's working.
Cheers, and good luck!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much Alice for taking the time to share with us when you are already so much
better and not as needy. You are an angel.
Ianne Lavigne
about 1 month ago
Thank you Alice for your wonderful and energizing input. I must say that I am having a hard time
getting into it, so I need the kind of energized input you have given. I am one of those who are
quite sick. I don't feel well at all and I haven't for some time, but I also am one of those who
does not go to western doctors, so I am in need of great support and guidance that I can find in
other ways. That is partly why I started this detox. Because after 15 years or so, I trust Donna
Gates. So I need to get out of my depressive mood and follow her advice religiously. But
motivation is weak. It is like I am on the edge of getting motivated, but not really there yet. But
for today, I did eat solely from her diet, even though I haven't yet finished the other suggestions.
From what you know, does Donna recommend any kind of diagnostic tests? I have been
thinking of having a personal consultation with her, but because it is so costly, I want to do a
liitle more research first. One thing I do know is that I have to change and do it now. Thank you
for any suggestions you or anyone on the forum may have for me. God Bless you all.
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
I'm going to take Donna's advice (given today) and do the urine provocation test for mercury
from, and then the protocol they use. I've been doing this cleansing stuff for
years and the only period I was truly well was about 4 years following a chelation protocol (2004
- 2008). I had boundless energy. I'm back down to fighting systemic candidiasis and fatigued
again, probably because I am a metals aggregator (someone who does not effectively congugate
and eliminate them) and because of poor dietary habits (improper food combining). I have a
feeling that like last time, once I chelate and eliminate the metals lurking in my system (to a
siginificant degree), I will be much better prepared to keep this from happening again. The Body
Ecology Diet is helping me regain my stamina, clean myself out once again, and when I saw that I
do have the white-ish "halos" in my fingernail beds (as she described today), I was certain that I
needed to do the chelation. i know from another test that I'm really high in Arsenic and Lead,
but I am pretty sure the my Hg (mercury) levels are probably also seriously elevated.
Hang in there.
Trust that the cultured vegetables will save you from cheating on othe diet. It works. I
absolutely LOST my cravings for carbs and sweets. But I've been eating cultured veggies like
crazy. Sometimes 5 times a day. I particularly love Kim Chi (I'm from Louisiana and love spicy
things). I'm also loving sea vegetables. The saltiness must be also helping satiate my carb
cravings. I can look at bread now and have absolutely no interest in it. That's a big deal. Before
BED I was addicted to rice bread. I've been gluten-free and dairy free for 25 years, but that stuff
(all the rice products) were feeding the yeast, big time. If you do nothing else, buy her culture
starter and start making cultured veggies. Loads of "How To's" on the internet. Just remember,
Donna isn't big on salt at first, because it can inhibit the good microflora and you want as much
of that as you can get. I also drink the juice (it's good, I swear). My husband, who is picky, fights
me for it. ;-)
And for what it's worth, the mercury urine test is absolutely the cheapest I've seen at I'm thrilled Donna pointed us to this. It will save me (I'm currently living in
New Zealand) so much money. The website also has a Hg exposure evaluation. Take it to make
your mind up. I've been putting this step off b/c of money, but I'm just taking the plonge.
Everything else Donna has suggested thus far has been spot on. Spot on.
And lastly, remember, every time you cheat with something sugary (even fruit), the candida
multiply exponentially and set you back weeks. It's just not worth it. If you want the best
explanation of what systemic candiasis really is, I recommend reading an eBook entitled "Curing
the Incurable With Holistic Medicine: The DaVinci Secret Revealed". The section on Candida is
profound and while quite scientific, is written for a layperson. The author is a Naturopath (from
the UK) who has a clinic in Cyprus. I agree with his candida protocol but it's VERY expensive for
a person on a budget and from the success I'm having with Donna's advice, products, etc... I
think I'll beat this scourge down without having to do the Sanum Isopathic Remedies ($$$) to
get this insidious, powerful, pleomorphic, life-ruining organism under control. We just need, like
Donna says, to forever change our inner-ecology so the bugs can't live/thrive in us any longer. I
know she is right. And I don't have a few more thousand dollars to throw at this. And I don't
want to be taking super expensive probiotics for the rest of my life. I just want to make food
that will add to and feed my own good flora. I'm tired of looking and only finding partial
answers. I am trusting that the Body Ecology Diet is the last dietary, lifestyle adjustment I will
ever have to make. And I'm pretty certain I'll never go back to improper food combining and
poor digestion habits again.
Sorry for the long reply. Just meant to cheer you on. If I can do it, you can.
about 1 month ago
Thank you eveyone for sharing. This is a motivating post.
Alice, just wondering if you've incorporated any colonics or enimas? Or are you getting well
without them? I agree that the food combining is HUGE! It is something so simple, yet with
profound benefits in terms of improving digestion. I'm a slow adopter of new dietary principles,
but once I tried this simple principle for one week, I was amazed at the difference it made in
how I feel. I must also comment (being a slow adopter) that giving up rice is also important. I've
been grain free, except for rice, for a long time. When I gave up rice for 30 days, I also felt much
better. A couple of days ago, I had a rice salad that I had made for the family, and am now living
with a painful, bloated abdoman as a result.
Ianne, just want to say don't give up! Keep searching for answers and learning all you can. YOU
are your own best doctor. I know from experience as I almost died 11 years ago and have been
struggling to regain my health ever since. I lost my job and my life has been very diminished
because of my health. But, I am coming out of it and am so much better. The body has an
amazing capacity to heal, and if you do the right things, day by day, over time, it will heal. My
experience early on, was a doctor, even a holistic one, cannot heal you. Only you can heal
you. I've done so much study and experimentation that I started to feel like I knew better than
the doctors. Develop your intuition, experiment with concepts and try new things (being
cautious, using common sense, etc.), your body will tell you what is right if you learn to listen to
it. Now with all that being said, an important thing that started me on the road to recovery
many years ago was a morning smoothie. Green smoothies, superfood laden smoothies, there
are all kinds of recipies out there from David Wolfe, Truth Caulkins, Tera Warner (Body
Enlightment Green Smoothie Challenges) and others. I saw one posted on this forum by
Rebekah Wright from one of Donna Gate's book that I want to try. It was a morning green
smoothie. My experience has been that the more nutrients you pack into your body, the better
your outlook on life is. Specifically, some things that have helped me with that are: B12 patches
(Healthy Habits), Noni (from Dr. Robert Marshall, Quantum Nutrition Labs), Suntheanine (this is
L-theanine from green tea; both my son and I absolutely love taking this for making our outlook
on life better, I like the one from Paradise Herbs). Also, after listening to Dr. Robert Marshall's
Healthline radio show for many years, I've heard him say that the first line of defense for
treating depression is vitamin B's. Apparently, in Germany, a doctor cannot perscribe antidepressant drugs until they have first tried vitamin B supplementation. Dr. Marshall
manufactures a probiotic generated, live source, vitamin B liquid, that is already predigested
and in the form the body can use. Also, there is simple, free things we can do to feel better, like
getting out in nature, going barefoot, praying......just want you to know that you CAN get well
because we are designed to heal.
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
Thanks, Sherry. Loads of good information. Thanks for posting about the B12. I am deficient
and will try the patches you recommend. As for the colonics and enemas, we are starting
these. My husband is a big believer in them. Donna says this is the way to cleanse the liver,
through the intestines. And re: green smoothies. I was a green smoothie (Victoria Butenko)
drinker for a long time, but since cutting out all fruit, I've not made them. Also, I recall Donna
saying that kale (which I loved in my smoothies) wasn't such a good idea. i need to look up her
rationale so I remember it. I just got Potent Proteins and Vitality Supergreens in the mail. I'm
looking forward to making non-fruit smoothies with these. Any tips to making these taste good
without fruit?
about 1 month ago
Alice I can certainly understand not looking forward to the green smoothies without the fruit
however with that I discovered adding a tomatoe makes a green smoothie taste good again. Try
with tomatoe and it makes it much better minus the fruit. Just a tip :) that helped me!
about 1 month ago
RE: tomatoes
Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family. Remember Donna had us remove them from this
cleanse. (can't remember the day--but it is there).
Also, nightshades many times irritate the nervous system & might aggravate arthritis. "People
who are highly sensitive or hyperactive should not eat them. Others can eat them in
Tomatoes are also a bladder irritant. I found this out when my mom was in a nursing home--I
researched it. Also, none of our 4 cats can handle any catfood that has tomatoes in it. When we
took it out, and all the problems went away.
about 1 month ago
Alice, you could try a bit of vanilla flavoring (non-alcoholic- Frontier brand) and stevia, or liquid
vanilla stevia (Wisdom brand) to give some sweetness to your green smoothies instead of
using fruit. Iherb has great prices, and I do believe they ship internationally (
Donna's Books
Michelle Goble
about 1 month ago
I am wondering what is covered in the "Baby Boomer Diet" that isn't in "The Body Ecology Diet". Just
curious if I should read both. Thanks!
Colon and Enemas
about 1 month ago
Can someone clarify what the difference is between a colon cleanse and an enema?
When people discuss this they seem to jump between the two topics as if they were the same.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
When I first began on my healing journey in 2004, colonics were the only thing that would get
me out of pain. It is a rapid detoxification of the body and digs a canal for the toxins to flow
into! The colon is the only organ that is capable of removing all waste un-transfomed as it
receives it. The kidneys have to break the mucous down into urine. The lungs have to trnasmute
it through oxygen into congestion and remove it through the respiatory system, and the skin has
to slough it off or trap it in boils, cyst, carbuncles, excema, schleraderma, etc. The skin is called
the third kidney and can process "hard" acids like the kidneys can.
A colonic is like an enema on steroids. it usually is a total of about five gallons of water
administered over a period of 45 minutes. For most detoxers, a professional colonic is probably
necesary in the beginning. I have a wonderully healing leg, and cannot work and ma living on
charity right now. A friend bought this class for me. I will have to have my daughter find me an
enema bag tomorrow. if you must rely soley on enemas at this time like me, plan to repeat
many many times, for 45 minutes, until you hear gurgling in at least the transverse colon, over
by the liver on the right side under the ribs.
Hope this helps,
Marie Adams
about 1 month ago
Well, I believe you can do a colon cleanse with herbs etc, to get things moving through. I tried a
professional hydro colonics one time and I won't do it again in the near future. I ended up with a
Kidney pain and high blood pressure. Maybe I had too many toxins going through my system but
right now that's not for me. I think we really need to listen to ourselves to figure out what we
about 1 month ago
thank you Rebekah and Marie - it sounds like an enema might be the best way to go to start
I've heard that a gravity fed colonic is the best. I haven't done an enema or a colonic but when
I'm ready (also when I can afford it!) I'll be going the gravity fed colonic as it's much gentler here's some info on colonics:
about 1 month ago
Colonics and enemas both involve introducing water into the colon through to rectum in order
to cleanse the colon; however, the colonic cleanses the entire length of the colon and enemas
only cleanse the lower part of the colon.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Andrea and Marie are right. if you don't repeat an enema over and over for 45 minutes, you are
not going to get past the sigmoid colon at the very bottom of the abdomen over by the left
hip. And... there are other ways to cleanse the colon. A full alimentary canal cleanse from the
mouth to the anus is prefered by many healers. I like both. be careful of senna laxatives. A salt
water flush, two quarts of warm distilled water with two teaspoons of really high quality, damp,
greyish green or pink sea salt is great and safe even for hypertensives. . Most grocery store "sea
salts" still have sodium silico aluminate or other metals in them and all kinds of other stuff
sometimes. Donna is taking this cleanse exrtremely slowly and very carefully. Since she hasn't
mentioned colon cleansing yet, why don't we just wait until she does?
Take care, rebekah
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
I am wondering about the colon hydrotherapy too. I have a very long and "tortuous" colon
(according to my colonoscopy doctor), which means that it twists and turns a lot. When I have a
colonoscopy, I have to add an extra day of cleansing to be ready for the procedure. When I did
the colon hydrotherapy session, some of the water came out at the office but the rest was stuck
in there for 48 hours. It was uncomfortable and came flowing out on the 2nd day after the
procedure. I am wondering if a hydrotherapy session is appropriate for someone like me?
Thanks, Kathy
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Everyone,
Did you guy see Donna's post that she will cover topic this on this coming up Wednesday?
Woo hoo. :)
about 1 month ago
I do get the low blood sugar and when I had a colonic a few years ago. I got extremely low blood
sugar and had to take honey to come out of it. Have any other ideas for people with this.
about 1 month ago
Does anyone have gastroperisis neuropathy? I find that when I am close to menstrating my
body is so constipated. I have had so many surgeries in the female resproductive system back
when I was trying to get pregnant. Since having a hernia 10 yers ago, my system is extremely
slow. Even getting a colonic is good for that day only. Every day I am aware of my bowel's
because its uncomfortable but the movement isn't happening like it should. Especially during
pre-menstation although I am 54. I have started in pre-menopause. Parasites love me cause
they have a long time to feed. I can get rid of them but back they come! Anyone else running
into this? I have been on the body ecology diet for 4 years now. It's excellent but I need help on
getting my colon muscles to work properly so as to detox naturally.
Donna, Do you have any words of wisdom to get the colon muscles to respond? I do drink half
my body weight in water daily too.
about 1 month ago
Hi Mary - I recall Donna (during the second session) talking about as we get older how we lose
muscle tone in our abdomen and she suggested we look at the Deer Exercise - The Complete
System o Self-Healing Internal Exercises by Dr Stephan T. Chang. This book isn't being published
anymore but you can find lots of copies on eBay or Amazon.
There are also some Yoga exercises you can do to strengthen these muscles, I don't do Yoga so
someone else may know the name of these Yoga exercises?
Take care
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I am having excellent releases with my regular enema bag. I just keep repeating, with a long
hold in-between each fill, over and over. It now looks like I am releasing gall stones and I
thought once, I saw a long stringy thing attached to a mucous sac like I did back when I was
getting professional colonics. Lots and lots of mucous is comng out, LOTS!!!!!! I feel happy.
Love you guys,
CulturedVegs. Can you buy them?
about 1 month ago
Hello. I am working woman every day (as I am sure everyone is) but I just do not have time to ferment
vegetables and that is why I find this diet so very difficult and have not bought her book yet. i am just
testing it all out first and then will start. Too much information all at once I have to absorb in and then
start. I am okay with everything else-- coconut kefir water and the starter but I just do not have time to
ferment my own vegetables so now I just eat alot of vegetables both raw and cooked until I am ready to
start this.
I know Donna mentioned somewhere that you can buy fermented vegetables at whole foods. Does
anyone know about this. This would be so much easier for me and then once I get started and feeling a
difference doing it myself can come in....
Would love any recommendations! THank you and have a super day! i will admit I have not been able
to wean off my fruit yet. I need a substitute to eat in place of it. Once I buy the fermented vegetables I
think this would be great!
about 1 month ago
I can understand your time constraints that prevent you from making the CVs. I am aware of a
brand called "It's Alive" that is available on the west coast - not sure of the cost involved.
I can share what I do, as I, too am a working woman. I make enough CVs to last me about 4-6
weeks, and I enjoy eating quite a bit of CVs every day. I make them on a Saturday or Sunday takes me about 3-4 hours, start to finish. I know, it sounds like a lot. BUT I only do it once a
month, maximum, And it is much more economical than purchasing them.
Best to you as you continue to improve your health!
about 1 month ago
online can buy at:
about 1 month ago
Thank you both Danielle and Bernice. I actually went to Whole Foods and bought
some (rejuvenative is the brand). At least to try them and see how I feel on them. But I agree,
making them on my own is certainly more economical! and I am sure I will be doing them for
awhile. But best for me to try something first!
Now just one more question. How much and often are we to eat them in one day? Three times
a day. A 1/2 cup? I don't want to make myself sick on them. Thank you again. Your feedback
sure is helping me!
Bernice, I will look into the sites as well. Yes, expense is import to me too ($10.00 for one small
jar is way way too much!!)
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon,
I've heard Donna say 1/2 cup 3 times a day with each meal. But she also stresses the Principle
of Uniqueness. Some people can eat that much right away. And other people get cleansing
reactions off of them.
So it is probably best to start off slowly especially if you don't have time for cleansing
reactions. I personally have worked with enough products to know that I do get cleansing
reactions. So I started off with a teaspoon a day. Then when I started craving more, I worked
up to 2 teaspoons, then 3 etc. I just let my body signal me as to how much and how soon to
increase it.
Just take everything as the Principle of Step by Step says, 1 step at a time until you master that
step. Then move on to the next step.
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon. Thank you very much! btw I like your name :)!
I started yesterday and I really like them! I bought the store kind but do NOT have any vinegar
or added salt - rejuvination at my whole foods until I start making my own. Today I had some
for lunch and will have some for dinner and after dinner. About 2 big tbls and I am fine so far
with them and again, I actually quite like them.
The hardest for me is missing my fruit!!!
Okay again, thank your for your feedback. It is very much appreciated!
about 1 month ago
You might also consider fermented veggies made using our Culture Starter and methods, from
Body Ecology Customer Service
about 1 month ago
Hi Jack. I went to the website. They are sold out. Where is a link to make our own? And do you
have any other suggestions for people like Sharon and myself who don't have the time to make
Thanks. :)
about 1 month ago
There is a link on the dashboard that will take you to the Culture Starter if you want to learn
more about making your own. It takes me less time to make cultured veggies than it does to
cook a meal, but I then have enough veggies to last me weeks. In terms of cost, it's amazing
how much money you save once making your own cultured veggies, besides the fact that you
can make recipes that you like--I'm not a huge fan of the taste/consistency of CVs sold in stores,
but still use them in a pinch(usually when traveling).
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
I have a question on how to maintain the BED while traveling. My line of work involves a lot of travel,
and it's difficult to prepare all of the recipes and food on the diet. Has anyone had experience with this,
or have any recommendations? Thanks so much :)
Swelling Lymph node
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I am having some issues My left back of my ear is all swell I think is a lymph node it started on Saturday
an today is bigger and painful Other symptoms Pain after emptying the bladder not during and
sometimes while I walk, and also constipation and some genital discomfort Please let me know if I need
to see a Dr.? Best Regards Erica Coronado Is this normal?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
How are you feeling today? Any better? Don't you have a four year old daugther too. how is
that going with throwing out your whole kitchen. The colon is always going to be the first
remover of mucous/ used up lymph in the body. After the colon gets stressed out with it's
duties, the kidneys kick in, your bladder pain. After that, then the respiratory system, which is
where your ears come in.
What are you doing to assist in draining the mucous through your colon. I have a lot of
wakefulness in the early mornings and lay in bed and massage myself literally all over. massage
around your navel a lot. Hunt for the tender spots. Press into them as much as is
comfortable. Well... that is unless you have a hernia, which would be a bulging bulbous spot
protruding from the abdominal area, which is quite rare for women.
Massage around your clavical/collar bone, your checst, sternum/breast bone, and up under the
ribs. There are two drainage spots along your ribs, They are valves that open the chest and face
for drainage. If you place both pointer fingers at the midpoint of the ribs, your pinky finger
would fall approximately along that point. You will feel a little v in the connective tissue of the
last rib.Iit is the opening for the mucous. If you can't find it, just massage all along the ribs from
the right hand moving over the left side of your body.
Massage your armpits and arms and chest. Then massage your neck, under the jaw, your
eyebrows, nose, and cheeks. Tap on your forehead and skull to stimulate the flow. Pinch, press,
roll, squeeze and do anyting that is comfortable to the ears. Sweep down toward the neck to
the chest and repeat through the sternum to the lower ribs and abdomen again. Then do your
right arm and follow through your chestto your adbomen again.
Next, rub gently through your groin where your thigh meets your belly. After gently and
carefully rubbing there, sweep into the abdomen and go around in circles from six at the
bottom, to nine on the right, noon at the top and three on the left. Then go back to the groin
again. Repeat several times. Rup your inner thighs towards the top of your thigh, pound on your
quads and iT band gently with your fist. Knead your thigh muscles like you were making bread
dough but not your inner thighs then back to your belly for some more round and round
Next, do the inside of your knee where you have that hard bulge and around the back too. Flex
your legs and feet in and out, up and down, keep on going until you reach your toes, each time
remembering to flush it all systematically back to your belly for another round and round
flush. This is called manual lymphatic drainage.
If all of this is just too much, rub yourself wherever, whenever, and for as long as you feel led by
your inner wisdom. If your amrs get too tired, do it one section at a time. I too have had bladder
pain, so I have been also massaging my labia and pubic mound a lot. it gives me a lot of relief
from the discomfort.
Hope this helps,
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you Rebekah, Yesterday my lymph node was so bad, so I massaged on the back of my
ear and I was positive thinking that my lymph was doing a great job some praying and it
started getting better, today morning is normal with a little bit of tender, because of Lupus I
had to call my Dr. and I have an appointment tomorrow.
But still no Bowel movements, I am worried, but I dont even feel like going to the bathroom
only I am distended as if I was pregnant with 2 -3 months so is not much but I know is not
normal but I am going to do the massage so maybe I will have a good one. I never done the
enema do you think I could do it myself or buy any product at the pharmacy, i will see if they
have the equipment for the enema?
As for the kitchen I feel better, I kept the gold fish for my daughter and little by little I will
know what to cook I am reading Donnas BOOK and I am staying in the first week of Detox, I
already ordered the young coconut kefir , the starter celtic seasalt, and waiting for the
products to arrive to start learning how to do the fermented veggies.
I am drinking for now a coconut kEVITA THAT i found at whole foods I dont Know if works?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Erica,
Well... the baby awoke crying, my 14 month old grandson, so, here i am awake now. You must
get your colon moving! Even a poorly done enema would be advisable at this point. Senna
laxatives are not desirable, but under these circumstances, you could use some smoth move tea
to get things going. You can ususally find it in the health food section at krogers. Casara Sagrada
is a safer bowel laxative than senna. Look for the capsules in a vitamin section. Go to a medical
supply store to look for an old fashioned enema bag. Not the easiest or most convenient, but
will do. Have you looked for an enema bucket? I had never heard of one till Donna mentioned
it. It takes me a long time to clear my whole colon with enemas, but you can do it if you have
the time.
On another post, someone mentioned Calm by Peter Gillem. I like magnesium maleate better
than his magnesium citrate. If you have a whole foods near, you can probably find it there. Take
one tablet with food and keep taking one tablet every two hours until your bowels start moving.
If Calm is all you can find, then use that. Didn't Donna have magnesium products on her site. I
would trust anything she promotes. I really like her style and approach! She is very safe and
gentle in her methods. order some seaweed if you can afford to. it will help with everything,
including minerals too. Maine Coast Sea Vegetables is whrere I got mine. For fifty dollars, I got
enough to prob last two months. That's like seven fifty a week, not bad.
Also, are you drinking enough water? You said you had gotten the celtic sea salt? Donna said to
place one quarter teaspoon, which is a very small amount in each glass of water. This is helping
me with my leg cramps and water absorption. If you have not begun to do this, start it. I do
drink some glassses of pure water, no additives, and some with lemons or limes. These are my
only fruits at this point. I just got to wondering tonight if it is ok to still eat lemons and limes.
Stop the 1/4 teaspoon sea salt when your body says so, or alternate one pure, then one salty,
let go of your worries. Drink chamomile tea, peppermint tea, lavender tea, These will help you
relax the nerves in your colon lining. All along your shin bone on the lower leg are reflexes for
your colon. Rub down from the knee to the ankle on the left leg as this is towards the
descending colon towards the sigmoid flexure at the left hip. Rub up the right shin bone from
the ankle to the knee on the inside of the shin as this is the ascending colon towards the
hepatic/liver curve. Lay on the right side of your body with your right leg stretched out
straight. Draoe your left leg forward in a comfortable position. Rub from the back of your hip to
the front and down into your groin. There are three stimulation points on the crest of the
illium/hip bone, that are three finger widths apart. Press into them as deeply as you can
stand. The turn and lay on your left hip and repeat on the right side of you body. Are you
able to follow all these sugestuions for self massage? The good thing about you massaing
yourself, is you can feel the pain and know how far to go.
A professional colonic would be advisable at this point if you can get one. Use a laxative product
the night before you go to assist the removal. I think you are impacted somewhere in your
colon. Unless your Lupus Doctor is extraodinarily progressive like the internal medicine
specialist I was led to, I do not think they will be able to help you much. But, they can do an
exray to determine if you are impacted.They might suggest one of those prescription
magnesium laxative products that people take before colonoscopies and that would be ok at
this point too, although not the most natural method.
You are going to need much more than just veggies and self massage to get your colon
going. You need water irrigation, colonics and enemas, and chemical aids, like magnesium
maleate, and laxatives for a short period of time. Once you get that impaction removed, your
bowles will begin to function more like normal on this diet and you will begin to love it. I am
praying earnestly and fervently for you.
God bless you tonight,
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you very much, Rebekah, I did the last massage Instructions that you showed me, and I
was so distended that I drink castor oil it was the only think that I had at home so today I woke
up and I had a BM I only saw watery one So I think I loosed a lot of water but I will buy what you
suggested And do enemas for now myself because the professional Are quite expensive. I think I
need to drink lots of water I am still wating for the sea salt to arrive by mail You are like my
angel Thank you for taking the time to help me. I Send you lots of love and blessings. Sorry for
my writing I am spanish speaking so sometimes I don't put the right words.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
It's any difference on the detox if I don't have my spleen???
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Erica,
Did you got to the doctor? How was your visit? Do not let them talk you out of completelting
aond continuing this cleanse and eating this way. I have been doing cleanses of some sort since
1996. Donna's ways are very safe and gentle. I have seen a lot of stuff. Hers is good. Don't
worry bout your English. I speak and write nary a bit of Spanish, so there ya go! YOU'RE DOING
GREAT. Yes, castor oil was a fantastic idea. See! Your intuition guided you in the correct
way. Keep doing the casor oil daily until your distention goes down. After you get your bowels
to moving, do not let yourself ever go more than one day without having a movement of some
sort. During this cleanse, I do not eat food until after my bowels have emptied. If I don't have a
bowel movement until afternoon, I drink water, lemon water, lime water, and slightly salty
water with 1/4 teqspoon per glass.
I prepared two gallons of salt warm water in gallon gars for my enemas today. it took my usual
two hours, but I was very pleased with the release. Afterwards, I did a salt water cleanse. This
is two level teaspoons of high quality sea salt in one quart of warm water. Makes me gag, but I
can do it. it gives me an exccellent completion pof my enema from the top of the throat clear
through to the anus. Now I am drinking two quarts of plain water and still releasing. I am going
to go lay down and rest while the house is quiet and take a nap.
Keep letting me know how you are doing,
ps... no spleen? well, i am not a medical doctor, or even a naturopath like donna, but i would
think not being able to produce lymph to go out and digest stuff would mean that you must eat
the cleanest diet of all!!!!!!!! Maybe your lymph nodes still create lymphatic fluid, I bet they
sure do. Just dont worry, you havent died yet, lol. and if you do, well... it was time i guess. we
are only on a journey, that is all, this time here is not the biggining of it nor is it the end, we are
passing through.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello I'm back from my Dr appointment and They checked for infection and it was negative So
the Dr. Ordered a ultrasound I will have it On thursday. I will look for the enema equipment
Thank you so much!!! Rebekha You are right Thanks to God Today I am alive so let me work On
my nutrition!!!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Erica,
It is good to know you do not have any infection! I am praying for you. Do you have any more
castor oil? Repeat that if you can. It is easier to do my enema if I prepare two gallons of warm
water with sea salt before i go to the bathroom rather than trying to keep making it each bag.
The first time, just do a small fill and cleanse the rectum. Then do another slightly larger fill, not
too much and try to fill the sigmoid colon on the bottom of the left waste in the crevise of the
hip. Lay on your left side while filling. Try to retain for a few minutes if you can. If it comes right
back out, don't worry about it. Enemas are messier than colonics. I place a lot of towels and a
pillow on the floor and just lay on the bathroom floor right beside the toilet. Keep filling ,
soaking, and releasing over and over until you have used up the whole two gallons of salt water.
Did you get some magnesium maleate or Calm today? Did you get some casara sagrada or
smooth move tea? If you did, take both tonight, the magnisium in whatever form you found it,
and the laxative whether it be casara sagrada or smooth move tea. You can also drink the castor
oil in the morning before you start your enema. After you get through with the enema, do the
salt water flush. Follow with one to two quarts of fresh water. Let me know how you're doing
Good night
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello Rebekah
I havent gone to the store, I dont have the equipment for the enema I am wating for my
husband's direct deposit check this friday and I will get what I need
where can I get the equipment?
But I still have some castor oil, It was rough on me but I felt that I was only loosing water,
because not much material came out. What do you think?
And Good Night to you too.
I always pray for every one in the BED program specially a pray for you today.
Thank you for praying
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Erica,
Baby crying again, haha. I think the castor oil is ok if you have any mjovement at all coming
through the bowels. Has your sea salt arrived? You could do the salt water flush if you would
rather, but when your bowels are not clear, it roils though tooo, so, both might be just as
uncomfortable. Like I said, I think you have an impaction and I am surprised your doctor said
wait two more days for any help. Do you have any magnesium supplements of any sort in the
I foound my enema bag across the street from the hospital at a medical supply store. I did not
know to ask for an enema bucket. I make it do and get an excellent release by repeating over
and over and using two gallons of water. I always do it on an empty stomach and have only been
consuming two bowls of "soup" in the afternoons.
I guess just hang in there girl. I'm sorry this it taking such a long time. The large intestine is
about letting go of old shit. Are you doing your daily journaling? If you have not, or you're
behind, maybe get caught up on your journaling and process that stuff honey, so you can let it
go!!!!! I got behind on my journaling when I was at my sister's house cause hse is one of the
primary people I would let go out of my life if i could. My mother lives with her and I will just
have to journal and process better because I am not cutting my mother out of my life. Maybe I'll
do day 14 on her every single day, haha :).
The Bible says, Man shall not live on food alone, but on every word that proceed out of the
mouth of God. So... maybe while your bowels are stuck, cut back on food consumption and
increase on spiritual consumption. Whatewver your source of spiritual guidance is, get that book
out and read it. Maybe the wisdom of God for you right now might be Donna's BED book. I
have not been reading my Bible as much and am reading hers a lot more.
Most of all, accept the process and that yours is just for you. That God loves you and you are
watched over, protected and guided in each and every way and each and every day. Rest and
relax as much as you can. Go for long gentle walks with your daughter. Soak in lots of epsom
salt baths. Focus on learning how to let go. When you are journaling, ask yourself what is the
lesson for me in this expereince? What would it feel like to let go of all my old shit?
All blessings and lessons to you dear one.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Erica,
I trust this post finds you well in your heart and mind and improving in your body. I saw on your
skin rash post you had a reaction to drinking raw apple cider vinegar water. I cannot use this
product. it makes me throb all over. It makes me break out in rashes and my joints swell. I have
not started on the cocobiotic water or cultured vegetables because my daughter has food
stamps for food but has not ordered me the other stuff yet. I know many people swear by raw
apple cider vinegar, but I have been trying to use it off and on again for YEARS with no luck yet.
Right now, I am taking three different kinds of probiotics. I am taking a powdered lactobacillus ,
a Garden of Life probiotic, and Align. I am just having to let this be good enough for now since I
have no money whatsoever and am dependant only on chairty for everything. I know the
universe is unfolding for me in divine order and absolutely everything that happens to me is for
a reason, even when things are not going my way like getting these products.
I would suggest staying of the apple cider vinegar for now.
Love you,
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you Rebekah Well the order hasn't ship yet and my bowels continue lazy So I may need to
continue the castor oil I already loose 5 lbs so I am glad with that and my body continues To
work on my health and I know that is in the process of healing Thank you so much Rebekah
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
You can find Celtic Sea Salt in the health food section at Krogers and do a salt water flush. Can
you go buy anything fro the store, or do you have to wait until Friday? How much release are
you getting with the castor oil? Overall, this sounds like an improvement. Do you have any oral
probiotics you can take?
I am getting really good releases with my enema bag. it was harder at first, but easier now that I
am getting cleaner. I am hoping my BED products will arrive soon. I am staying on the cleanse
portion of the diet since I was not able to use the cultured foods last week. I feel great; clear,
and happy.
How is your food? trust that whatever your choices are for now are exactly where you're
supposed to be and that everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, is unfolding in divine order. God
loves you abundandtly and unconditionally. There is nothing you have to do to earn God's
I love you too,
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello Rebekah I will print all your suggestions and get the Products because I try Today without
castor oil and I couldn't have a BM so need to do the enema And tomorrow is Friday so time to
buy simple cheap and effective Things Thanks for your guidance God blessings for you and your
Chocolate is a superfood :-)
about 1 month ago
"Researchers found the antioxidant activity of dark chocolate and cocoa powder was equivalent to or
higher than that found in some other so-called “super fruit" powders or juices, including acai berry,
blueberry, cranberry, and pomegranate.
Antioxidants are a group of compounds known to fight the damaging effects of oxidative stress on cells
within the body and are increasingly thought to have many heart-healthy properties.
Two groups of antioxidants in particular, polyphenols and flavonols, which are found in various fruits
and seeds, have been the focus of much research due to their potentially healthy effects. Foods and
fruits high in these antioxidants have been dubbed as "super foods" or "super fruits" by the media.
"These substances help keep the arteries healthy and are protective against cardiovascular disease,"
says preventive cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, MD, of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, in an email.
"When looking for a sweet snack, a square of dark chocolate might, in fact, be your healthiest choice!"
Did you know that raw cacao benefits human longevity and health without negative side effects?
"It turns out that all the bad things commonly attributed to non-raw chocolate bars, such as cavities,
weight gain and diabetes, are actually caused by the dairy, sugar and others fillers added to the dark
chocolate. Health benefits of chocolate when it is in the form of raw cacao beans, butter, nibs and/or
the powder include; weight loss(because of its high chromium and coumarin content), prevention of
cavities (theobromine actually kills streptococci mutans one of the strains of bacteria that cause tooth
decay) and regulation of blood sugar which is beneficial for diabetes (chromium can naturally regulate
blood sugar). Also raw cacao benefits the heart and the entire cardiovascular system as a whole."
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Bernice,
This is wonderful information regarding the research that has been done regarding the benefits
of raw cacao to the arteries and cardiovascular disease! And it's great to know that it is the
sugar, dairy, and other fillers that are contributing to the exacerbation and contribution ot the
increase of cavities, weight gain, and diabetes. Can you find any research about the effect of
raw cacao on systemic candidiasis? I'd love to read that too. Thanks for letting us know about
this other info and for sharing the links.
Have a wonderful day,
about 1 month ago
thinking we each have are own superfood lists... I listed some superfoods below... what are your
super foods?
David Wolfe (video):
Goji berries
Marine phyto-plankton
Raw Cacao
Royall Jelly
more in this list:
also more in his book:"Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future"
Brendan Brazier (Vega):
1. Chlorella: Dubbed the ultimate green superfood, chlorella is a microscopic green algae,
power-packed with nutrition. 68% complete protein, chlorella contains rich stores of
vitamins, minerals, and Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF—a compound unique to chlorella).
Boasting the highest concentration of chlorophyll of any known plant, chlorella is an
antioxidant powerhouse that’s also abundant in eye-health-promoting beta-carotene
and lutein.
2. Kale: Delicious, versatile, and easy to prepare, kale is one of the most nutrient-dense
foods readily available in an average grocery store, boasting vitamins, minerals, fiber,
amino acids, and inflammation reducing antioxidants.
3. Broccoli: Your mom was right for telling you to eat your broccoli! Especially for
broccoli’s antioxidant properties, digestion-promoting fiber, as well as a whole army of
vitamins and minerals.
4. Spirulina: While not something you crunch into like the other greens, spiruliana adds
superhero strength to your smoothies or your meal, providing all the essential amino
acids, trace minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants in very (very) few calories.
5. Spinach: Bundled in hearty leaves of green deliciousness, spinach is loaded with
antioxidants, fiber, iron, protein, and calcium.
6. Chia: A superior source of plant-based omega-3, as well as protein, chia is an excellent
source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, making it a true friend of your digestive
7. Berries: Lower in calories than most fruits, berries average much higher in free-radical
scavenging antioxidant power. And did we mention they’re delicious?
8. Cacao: Be still our chocolate-loving hearts! Did we hear nutrient-dense and chocolate in
the same sentence? Before you go reaching for a candy bar, understand that the
nutrient density of chocolate comes from the source—the cacao bean itself—so enjoy
your chocolate fix as close to the whole bean as possible, in the form of cacao nibs or
powder, which are rich in magnesium, potent antioxidants, amino acids, and blissboosting powers.
9. Hemp Seeds: A dream combo of fiber, protein, amino acids, essential fatty acids,
vitamins, and minerals, all neatly packaged in a highly digestible, versatile, and delicious
10. Collard Greens: Right up there with kale in the wealth of antioxidants fiber, collard
greens also provide digestive support and are loaded with important vitamins and
about 1 month ago
google is your friend :-)
about 1 month ago
This is another good list by Dr Gabriele Cousens:
about 1 month ago
haven't tried these... recipes for candida...
Chocolate Kefir Power Shake
Here's Why: This luscious candida recipe is great for chocolate lovers! Raw
cacao powder is healthy, but it's not sweet, which is why you need the honey
or agave nectar. Honey and agave are natural probiotics that boosts the
friendly bacteria.
1 cup Kefir
1 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
1 tablespoon raw honey or Agave nectar
Place all ingredients in a blender and mix for 10 seconds. Add banana, if desired. This is a filling
smoothie for guilt free chocolate indulgence!
about 1 month ago
note: I don't use agave... I use stevia... actually found several raw cacao recipes with stevia:
you'll have to google them because I didn't save the links... bought some molds to experiment
with my own chocolates
one base I'll play with:
1 cup melted Raw Cacao Butter
0.33 cups Raw Cacao (Chocolate) Powder
1 tbsp. Stevia Powder or more
Happy Google'ing :-)
about 1 month ago
kind of like recommendations to eat the SAD...Standard American Diet... recommendations for
Dairy, meat, etc.... really need to question and see if it is really working for you
I know they updated the food pyramid to a plate with more veg & fruit...but it may not be the
right ratios for you...
I'm increasing my superfoods... raw veg & fruit + new food groups... I can't eat dairy or eggs...
and choose not to eat meat (not a power food for me)...
recovering ... so eating the best food ever to be in the best health ever :-)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Bernice,
Thank you so much! I did exactly what you suggested. i goggled raw cacao and candida and this
is what I got. There is a wealth of information out there pertaining to what I am specifically
doing this detox for. Thank you so much for helping me find it. Deffinately keep doing what is
working for you cause you sound like you're doing great.
Take care,
I read a lot of conflicting articles. So again, each one of is left to figure out what is working for
them. But in relation to me getting over my years of candida, I am going to avoid this very good
food for a while. Because I was formerly a crystal meth addict and was drinking a whole pot of
coffee as recently as March, and have been suffering from systemic candidiasis for years, I am
going to choose to adhere to Donna's program consistently for at least 90 days. I know that my
addictive mind can lie to me. This would not be a safe food for me personally at this time. I do
so love it though! Just not right now.
Bonnie Bercegeay
about 1 month ago
Hey Bernice,
Does raw cacao contain caffieine? I have understood Donna to recommend avoiding chocolate
in any and all forms, including dark chocolate because of the caffeine. From what I remember,
caffeine drains the adrenals and thyroid.
Your thoughts?
about 1 month ago
Cacao does contain caffeine. A coupla weeks ago, I made a wonderful chocolate bark with just
coconut oil, stevia, raw cacao and chopped almonds. I overindulged in this after dinner and was
awake WAY past my bedtime! I am very caffeine sensitive though. I can tolerate green tea, and
that's about it.
The article Rebekah posted was very interesting. I used to "live on chocolate"--processed, not
made from scratch. I realized that I craved it when i was very tired. With chronic fatigue, I am no
longer working, and try to use that craving to remind me to rest.
Valerie---BTW, I won't give up my cacao. One of my few little pleasures. Doing it for the
cleanse,but there's "candy" waiting in my freezer!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I agree Valerie,
I know that someday when my gut is healed, I am going to be able to enjoy really pure raw
chocolate in ever so slight moderation. Right after my surgery when the narcotics weren't even
coming close to cutting he pain, my daughter bought me a 92% pure chocalate bar. I made it last
for weeks. Now is not the time. But someday, yes, I am thiniing ninety days like Donna says. I
am so glad we have more colors in or world to paint with than bright yellow and hot pink and
not just soft blue and palest lavender! I love the multi colored hues of my beautiful universe.
Thank you all for being a part of it,
about 1 month ago
Please do not use cacao during the cleanse.
After the cleanse, please only use cacao if you do not have any yeast symptoms remaining.
Yes there are antioxidants in cacao, however there are minerals in rocks, but we don't
recommend you trying to eat them. My point is just there are plenty of studies on what is in
cacao or coffee that is beneficial, but those studies aren't usually long term human trials nor are
they selectively looking at how cacao is absorbed or affects someone with specific health
From Donna's perspective, cacao is very taxing on the endocrine system and most people who
have serious candida issues have adrenal deficiency, an under-active thyroid, and hormonal
imbalance partially because the adrenals get their sustenance from the small intestines--and as
you are learning, the small intestine does not have the healthy nutrients available due to
toxicity, systemic infection, and poor digestion.
When David Wolfe first came out with raw chocolate years ago and the raw movement was just
beginning, we incorporated the raw chocolate into drinks at the tonic bar in Los Angeles. The
results we witnessed were equally as concerning as the people who could not curb their caffein
addiction. Some people felt much more awake and energized with cacao, but the long term
need to increase the dosage to continue to get the same results was troubling.
As with food or supplement, always ask yourself, is this beneficial to my current condition?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much Randall,
This is hjust what I needed to hear, and also what was stated in the article I linked, to keep to
my resolve and not use it yet.
Much appreciation,
about 1 month ago
Got it! Thanks for the info, Randall!
Fermented Veggies
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
I have been buying a product called Kimchi at Whole Foods or Earth Fare - does this qualify for the
fermented veggie? I eat 1/2 - 1 cup/day. Is that enough?
Thanks! Kathy
about 1 month ago
I just ordered some from Rejuvenative Foods
I was buying some kimchi local but then heard a recommendation for Rejuvenative
Foods fromTruth Calkins in a series on candida
( this is a video with Truth Calkins )
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Is the kimchi made with vinegar? People with candida cannot have vinegar except for Braggs
raw apple cider vinegar. DOes the kimchi container say that it has good bacteria in it? I bought in
the past from Rejuvenative Foods, Bubbies raw sauerkraut and Inner Eco Coconut water Kefir.
They are all good sources for getting some good bacteria in your system. I have also made my
own fermented veggies with just water and sea salt. Easy recipe that doesn't need a whey
starter. I cannot have soy, corn, dairy, gluten, sugar, or egg because the candida gave my food
sensitivities. I cannot use a starter so the recipe is good.
Véronique Larose
about 1 month ago
Easy no-starter sauerkraut you can make today!
I have been fermenting veggies lately and it is so easy and dirt cheap! For a simple one, finely
chop cabbage (with any other veggies you like) and firmly press into a wide mouth mason-type
jar. Adding a little sea salt helps to release water from the cabbage and it also stays crunchy. I
press firmly on the cabbage throughout the day and if there is not enough liquid to cover the
batch just add a little salted water to cover (ensuring the batch is covered with liquid will avoid
the growth of mold on top of your kraut). Then I loosely put the lid on and let ferment 1 week
and sample it. You can then leave it to ferment longer depending on your personal taste, the
longer it ferments the more potency it develops. Once ready keep refrigerated and enjoy!
Dorian Kriston
about 1 month ago
Thanks for the sauerkraut recipe. What amount of sea salt do you use for a large mason-type
about 1 month ago
Please make sure to use a starter culture when fermenting vegetables. There are a few on the
market besides the Body Ecology starter. You could even use a high quality probiotic beverage
as a starter.
Why? Important to avoid the possible pathogenic strains that may result from wild
fermentation and to cultivate hearty beneficial bacteria that will colonize in the gut.
Véronique Larose
about 1 month ago
I don't use very much salt, for a quart sized jar pehaps 1 tbsp. Although I don' measure it. I've
tried it without salt and find the texture too mushy and figured although it is most likely better
to eat it without added salt, if I'm not going to want to eat it that way it's no good to me!!!!
about 1 month ago
About 5 months ago I started using Donna Gates starter for cultured veggies, I am really
enjoying them. I have made a couple of her recipes. I have noticed a big difference in the
number of supplements I need to take now; I really don’t need as many. Also at night I have
noticed when I want a snack, I just take a small amount of cultured veggies, and that craving
goes away. In the past I tried fermenting with sea salt but I really didn’t like the taste of them.
Donna’s starter really made a difference in the taste. And for me it really needs to good taste.
Julia Nemtsan
about 1 month ago
Char, can you tell me how much liquid has to be in a jar? Does it have to be covered with liquid
to prevent mold? Thank you
about 1 month ago
I think that is a hard one, my last batch was only the 3rd time making the veggies but it did turn
out the best to date. Sorry I didn’t measure the amount of water I put in. I think the key is to
make sure you have several layers of thickness to the veggies, so as Donna suggests after I
grated the veggies in a large container, I took some out, and blended the veggies in the blender,
I added water so the veggies in the blender so they were the consistency of a creamed soup.
Then I added that to the grated veggies and it didn’t seem like enough water so I put in I would
say another 2 to 3 cups of water. When I packed the jars the veggies were wet but the water
level wasn’t above the veggies. This recipe made 6 quarts of cultured veggies. I will measure
next time sorry.
about 1 month ago
hi, this is my first time with the culture starter and fermenting veggies. i am really nervous
because i didn't see the instructions about using the starter, only followed the recipe in the box.
at the end of everything, i noticed on the following page it says to let the culture sit in water for
20 minutes! i did not do that. i just added a packet of the powder to the brine along with 2
scoops of eco-bloom in the blender. the recipe is not written very well for a beginner (for
example, "several cups" confused me) so i assumed the culture part was just infered in the
brine. my veggies are very submerged in liquid. i'm terrified of eating them now though, will
they not culture correctly? did i kill the culture? what should i do? thanks!
about 1 month ago
I make cultured veggies at home. Hopefully, Randall will clarify further on this.
1. Lots of brine is okay. The veggies should be submerged in the brine.
2. I think, and Randall will clarify, that the 20 minutes in the liquid is to wake the little guys up
and start them eating. I have actually done the reverse of what you did and left them in the
brine for a couple of hours because I was making a big batch of cultured veggies.
3. I had a batch go bad--4 quarts. There is no way under the sun that I could have put them in
my mouth!!!! It was not my first batch either. I keep an eye on my veggies and things didn't
look right. The smell around the jars wasn't right. So after a few days, I opened them. I still
wasn't sure. So I closed them back up tightly. I came back in an hour. I was really surprised. I
have opened other jars and let them sit out an hour after opening them. But this time my
veggies had turned brown and when I opened the jar, I wanted to vomit!! It was bad!!! It was
really hard to do the disposal process as the smell was horid. I washed and washed the jars just
in case some of the rotteness was left and would contaminate the next batch. The next batch
was fine.
4. My rule is "when in doubt, throw it out", better safe than sorry.
about 1 month ago
I'm curious what keeps "wild fermentation" from happening when one uses a starter culture (for
veggies or kefir)?
about 1 month ago
Paula--The idea is that the predominant and hearty strains will proliferate. The specific strains
that Donna has formulated for the starters are to not only have maximum growth potential but
also to work work with the digestive tract to produce specific health benefits. Bacteria covers
every surface(humans are even 10 to 1 bacteria to cells), so there'll always be countless strains
(and they are evolving--so science will never be able to catch up to identifying them all in my
mind) in the air or on the veggies or the utensils or containers or counter etc that we use when
fermenting. When you wild ferment, that naturally present bacteria will be growing, and
obviously that bacteria isn't necessarily beneficial bacteria and even more specifically, not the
beneficial bacteria that is most abundant in our digestive tract and dictates the strength of our
immune system. So when you have a culture starter and test the bacteria present in your final
product and compare that to the bacteria present in a wild fermented final product, you would
see the healthy strains are in abundance and have outgrown the wild strains that may or may
not be pathogenic, while the wild fermented will have whatever strains were present when
fermentation started (and often a much lower bacteria count).
Red Dots on Skin
ame wauters
about 1 month ago
I just wanted to continue the conversation about the red dots on the skin that was brought up in the 1st
class. It sounded like Donna said they were caused by too much estrogen. Was she talking about
angioma's? hemangioma? petechiae? I have some red dots showing up here and there, and was was
wondering if I should get the Myomin from Dr. Chi to reduce estrogen production. Any thoughts?
about 1 month ago
Ame, you're right.
The description wasn't very clear. I've had hemangiomas, petechiae for years, and trouble with
estrogen. It will be interesting to find out more. I wouldn't just run out and get something right
away. We've waited this long.... Ha!
Karen DeSmet
about 1 month ago
I have 10-20 dark red dots, like freckles on my abdomin. Some are raised. I've never known what
these are. Who can tell me more?
about 1 month ago
I have red flecks that have been appearing over the years on my body as well; face, abdoman,
chest. I recently red in Donna's book "small red flecks the size of a pinhead that come and go at
different places on the body" are the sign of an impaired liver. Hum.....Now I know why they are
about 1 month ago
I have a few tiny red pinhead dots on my face -- two. That's liver, right?
Today I started with rash
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello today I started with rash in different areas, I am not sure if it was after I drank the water with
apple vinager, is this normal?
about 1 month ago
Definitely. It sounds like your body is cleansing and getting rid of toxins. Perhaps the minerals
in the apple cidar vinegar prompted your body to cleanse out some stuff. Toxins will come out
the skin, lungs, colon, and kidneys. Perhaps an enema will alleviate the rash.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I'm here at the bookstore I got the book BED I hope I'll find some more about enemas. Can you
explain me what is a implant?
about 1 month ago
Erica, your rash sounds like a cleansing effect. I also developed an eczema-like rash on my inner
legs yesterday, and this happened last year when I was cleansing. My rash last year lasted about
6 weeks and it responded well to colemas. You may consider enemas or colonics if you do not
have access to a colema board (
Cathy Michael
about 1 month ago
My exema came back worse today, it is my sixth, last day of the blended soups. I too am
wondering if exema is a result of detoxing.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Sounds like all of our skins are detoxing faster then they can handle it. let's just stick with it and
hang in there. This is not going to be a diet for me. it is going to be my life.
Love you all,
Question for Donna
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Can candida overgrowth cause your white blood cells and red blood cells to be low and also cause your
liver enzymes to be high? I year and a half after I got sick with candida they found that the wbc and rbc
werr just a little low and my liver enzymes were just a little high. When I first got so sick my bloodwork
was fine except for low patassium. THey are sending me for hepatitis and other liver disorders
bloodwork again and I'm scared to death. If it comes back high and low again my doctor wants to send
me to a blood specialists doctor. I've already been to 4-5 different kinds of specialists and had over
$80,000 in tests. My family doctor doesn't believe in candida. I am working with a naturopathic doctor
though with the candida. If I knew that candida could cause this I wouldn't be so scared.
Thank you.
about 1 month ago
another question... are there any recommendations for oregano oil, olive leaf, aged garlic, pau
d'arco tea, holy basil, silver, black walnut hulls, etc? what to take and if it is best to rotate/how
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Bernice, I know your question is for Donna but I have been taking supplements from my
naturopath to kill the yeast and parasites for about one and half years. My stool was retested to
see the level of yeast/parasites 7 months after taking the supplements. THe yeast did not get
any better and I got rid of two parasites and got three more in it's place. I am/was taking all that
you mentioned at one time or the other. We do swiitch supplements every couple months. I
read that you should rotate every couple days not months. I realized that just taking supplments
will not get rid of the candida. I started doing the BED diet six months ago and thought it would
be helpful to do this class also.
about 1 month ago
Bernice, my WBC count was fine pre-yeast diagnonsis, too. And now it's low. One reason could
be is that the yeast attack WBCs and also the liver, which is typically impaired during yeast
detoxing, is responsible for contributing to WBC formation. Hope that helps a little.
shirley greenhalgh
about 1 month ago
I am going to be really honest with myself and you, I have an eating disorder I know that is to do
with Candida and I know you mentioned once you get rid of the yeast the eating disorder
dissapears too. I have bad breath with eating too much sugar and coffee which as caused oral
thrush is there anything I can do for it right now as I know the only way is to cleanse the colon
but as soon as there is a stressful situation or difficulty I binge. I really want to stop as Its not fair
for others I am with. It's time to take care of all of me and be kind to my body and stop abusing
it. Please help!!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Shirley,
As you know, the first thing to do is strictly eat the body ecology diet. I too, as recently as March
was secretly eating up to 16 reeses cups a day and drinking a whole pot of strong coffee. So,
even though it is summer time and my grandkids have been eating watermelon every day, and
even though my birthday is in July, I am going to be adhering to this diet very strictly for at least
ninety days or longer.
You can buy Culterelle, probiotic for kids, lactobacillus powder and sprinkle it on your
tongue. Just sprinkle a little bit of the powder, save the rest of the packet, and repeat as often
as every two hours, all day long. Let is sit for a few minutes after rubbing it into every crevice.
Then brush your tongue with your toothbrush and scrape it with a tongue scraper from your
dentist office my preference, or use a spoon if you don't have one. After you get through, gargle
and rinse with cocobiotic, cocokefir, or one of Donna's fermented liquids. I also use, at a
different time though, hydrogen peroxide to brush my tongue with and rise my mouth. I'm not
sure if the peroxide is a good thing to do, but it seems very right for me.
Please do not allow yourself to binge. If you have to, take ten showers a day. It is difficult to
binge in the shower. I am being sincere too. When you are stressed and feel like binging, go get
in the shower. Go for a slow gentle walk. Exercise like a wild woman on a treadmill or just do
some jumping jacks or jump roping. Buy a rebounder if you can and use it. I love physical
activity. I also get down on my knees, literally, and pray and plead for help. The other things I do
are just simply go to bed, journal, and play Wagner on the piano, really loudly. What are some
things you can come up with? Oh, I have a commitment partner that I call 24/7. And she is
perfectly ok with that. She can talk me through anything. Are you married or living with a
partner? Sex is a great substitute for me. Talk to your partner in advance. Ask them if they
would be willing to help you in that way. Most will, lol, especially if they are a man, ROLF!!!!
Binging is an oral activity, so you can imagine what I prefer without me getting inappropiately
discriptive here. I also enjoyed going to over eaters anonymous for years. Pre-committing my
food the day before to my sponsor helped me to choose appropiate foods based on my nutrtion
needs instead of my emotional needs. AA, and NA also helped a lot too and I went to all three
for about 22 years. But Sex Anonymous didn't. Everyone in there was not looking to get better,
just looking for another person to use. One program I did for a while was More to Life Weekend
by the Kairos foundation. it helped me get to my core driving motivation and my core
motivational messages that were driven by false beleifs I had created in my mind. So... based on
a terrifying experience that happened to me when I was very young, I had created a driving core
statement of "I'll do anything, just don't kill me." This program went deeper than the twelve
steps and helped me identify my no's and find my yes's. You might explore a program such as
that if you have the desire.
Hope this helps,
about 1 month ago
Cultured veggies help with cravings. Lemon juice in water, too.
Oral thrush is an imbalance of bacteria in the mouth. I heard a docter once say that eating and
drinking probiotic foods even sends the good bacteria into the ear tubes from the back of the
mouth and makes a difference. Cultured drinks and foods make a difference in your
mouth. Maybe Randall will join in about Rebekah's suggestion of hydrogen peroxide.
I put the BE Diet together step by step (without colonics or enemas--see previous post ENEMA
UPDATE). After each change in my diet, I noticed a change in something in my health.
Donna has 3 first steps: 1. Add something cultured. 2. Remove or lower sugar. 3. Change
your oils.
Step by step.
shirley greenhalgh
about 1 month ago
Thank you for all your lovely advise for me I have over the years abused my body with eating the
wrong foods for comfort and not facing what I am really feeling inside like a cover so I don't
have to face the deeper part of me that triggers the binging and not nourihing my body and this
has took a toll on my digestive system it has become very fragile I cannot tolarate any
fermented foods as yet, first I have to cleanse my colon by eating little amounts as my body
carn't take more than that and taking Glutamine and glucosamine to heal leaky gut syndrome, I
am having water in the morning ( high quality water ) then a green smoothie and then some
liquidfied soup for dinner, Its really a training in eating little when you have always eaten big
(binging) I just have to keep percevering untill something changes. I do love the body Ecology
diet and My body loves it too I just have to leave the fermented veges out for now. It's also good
that there is a place like this to talk with others. I am concentrating on what works and what
doesn't and being kind to my body and doing good things for it like going for walks putting my
bare feet on the grass as donna mentions and taking alkaline baths to get rid of toxins and
having colonics. Doing things that I love to take my mind off food.
premature aging and candida?
Yvette Solomon
about 1 month ago
I suspect I have had candida for about 6 years since I was 22 years old; I am now 28. I have tried to do
various candida diets over this period and cut out sugar but I never have been able to stick to them
because it is so difficult and I have cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, and because of the cost issue,
the confusion of which diet to follow, and the social aspect of following the diet. Anyway, recently
something strange has been happening to my skin in the last 2 months or so. My hands have aged quite
dramatically. Lots of lines on my kunckles and on my hands and despite moisturising them well it still
continues. Is this skin problem a symptom of candida? It is making me very depressed, and I am so
paranoid about my hands. I try to hide them all the time, every time I look at them I just want to cry. I
don't understand why this is happening to me. I have recently completed a stool test and I am waiting
on the results to confirm if I have candida or various parasites. hopefully alongside that they can give me
some advice but all this is costing me a lot of money that I do not have. I am only a student trying to
finish my degree and I am being supported for cost of these things by my dad, but I feel very guilty
about this. I feel bad for spending money on various things and getting nowwhere. All these candida
issues have been getting so bad recently, I was even considering giving up university because I felt so
depressed about the state of my skin. My dad though really would be disappointed if i gave up. I just
don't know what to do anymore to help myself, does anyone have any advice? Thanks
Need help with breakfast
Claudia Mesa
about 1 month ago
Hello everyone !!! I need help with ideas for breakfast foods My breakfasts until now has been a juice
with organic spinach ginger celery and whey protein to make a shake I also add maca raw powder and
chia seeds. Is this ok to still have during the diet? Or do I have to remove the whey protein ????? Thank
you for all your input and help Peace and love for everyone
about 1 month ago
For the purpose of the cleanse, you may want to limit the whey during the days of vegan
blended soups. After the cleanse is over, Donna recommends having greens drinks in the
morning after having a few glasses of water as we are more acidic when we wake up. Please
make sure you soak the chia seeds to improve digestion.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Claudia,
I do not do well on whey at all. As a matter of fact, i really haven't found any protien powders
that work with my digestive system. Maybe Donnna sells trial sizes of hers and I might try
that. I am choosing to extend my cleanse part because I could not get my cocobiotic until
yesterday. Also, I would not do any juice at all! I did add a carrot to my morning blended drink
today for more calories today. I'm not sure about the maca either. Do you have Donna's
book? Maybe you could look that up in there. Perhaps someone else knows if it is ok. Your chia
seeds have protien in them. The purpose of limiting protien right now is to force our bodies to
digest old used up white blood cells (lymph) that has gotten stuck in the organs and tissues as
mucous. Donna is all about listening to your own body, your inner intuition. Do what is right for
Right now, I am really craving a garlicy, curryish drink. I think I will steam some brocolli and
chard, add sea weed, fresh garlic, a pinch of sea salt, celery, and aspargus. I'm going to go make
this right now. I think I will warm it up on the stove and drink it warm. Oh... your spinach has
protien in it too. Maybe just add more chia seeds if you want. Or, you could add some flax as
well. Be sure to grind it in a coffee grinder first.
Enjoy your day,
Claudia Mesa
about 1 month ago
Randall thank you for your advice.... And Rebekah what you are craving sounds awesome
yummmm . I will take the protein away and soak the chia seeds . I put all of that in my Vitamix
Enjoy your day as well :)
about 1 month ago
Thanks for this info about the protein. I found it fascinating that we can force our bodies to
digest the old white blood cells. Can you tell me where I could find more information about
Gratitude & Blessings,
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I learned this from my internal medicine specialist back in 2006. I was so sick back then, I had
had strep throat and pneumonia 8 times between 2004 to 2006, I really didn't ask her many
questions. I think Stanley Bouroughs goes into it some in his booklet, The Master
Cleanse. However, I would not do his cleanse again since I have found Donna. He is very against
colonics and even though i had switched from grade b maple syrup, which was a binge food for
me, to black strap molasses, I had become unable to do his cleanse anymore, There is a lot of
teaching information in there about how fasting works with the body's metabolic processes
though. I really like Donna's ways a lot.
You can also look up old fashioned books on European fasting methods. I used to have a very old
European book about healing your body of all kinds of arthritis but I lent it to my mother or my
aunt and never got it back. They reccomend pure water fasting and two colonics a day for thirty
days, i think. I can not imagine how hard that would be on the body and how much pain I would
be in if I did that. I am not mentioning them to suggest what they say in these old books. But
they do give a lot of explanations of how you can force your body to digest stored fats for carbs
and stored lymph/mucous for protein. And again, they get into a detailed description as to how
your body can use up old waste.
I think Donna might have done a lot of these awfully harsh and unnecesary things to herself by
trial and error. I love the way she has cobbled together such a breadth and depth of knowledge
and kept it specifically focused on only healing from candidiasis. I also like the way she focuses
on purity too and how important it is to know exactly what you are culturing or at least be able
to trust the company you are getting your culturing products from.
I had a carrot and a half a beet with my ginger, steamed kale, celery and cucumber drink today
with an extra amount of stevia in it. I hope i didn't set myself back with the beet, but it was
really satisfying and seemed like what my body needed.
Take good loving care of yourself. I did not go to church because i was in pain and would have
had to taken an ibuprophen in order to go. i am still in my gown and just got back up from bed
again.. :)
Love and blessings,
about 1 month ago
Beets are not on the BED recommended veggie list.
about 1 month ago
A year ago, I tried carrot in my blended veggie drink. Oh, did I feel the effects of too much
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Sharon,
I looked them up on the BED website and found my error. Hey, it's a long ways from 16 reeses
cups. Oh well... recommit. :) And yes, the first day my cocobiotic arrived, I craved it and loved it
so much, i drank nearly a half a bottle. My ears had a symphony of crinkeley noises going on
inside them. Nearly my whole family has hearing aids. I used to notice when y receptionist
went home, I had to turn my cell phone up to full volume. I believe with time, this diet is even
going heal my ears. Thank you so much for your CORRECT and HELPFUL post. You're an angel!
about 1 month ago
Thanks for the info, I look forward to learning more about how the body cleans itself up. It
sounds like you had a rough day yesterday and hope today is better for you!! Hang in there, I
know how hard it can be.
Taking good loving care of yourself also!!
Love & Blessings,
Raw maca powder
Claudia Mesa
about 1 month ago
Good morning everyone I hope that everyone is doing good and having a good time cleansing I will like
to know if raw maca powder is ok ? To add to the blended foods that I do on my Vitamix . Thank you
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Claudia,
There is a very good article on the BED website. Go there and type in raw maca powder in the
search option. There is a lot of detail.
Hope you're having a great day,
about 1 month ago
I am very sensitive to ginger, cilantro, and parsley, and just tried maca for the first time a few
days ago. I tried only one capsule, of a very high quality product, and had a very similar reaction
to what I do the ginger, etc. Too strong for me, but listen to your body to be your best guide!
Concerned about detox reactions
Cathy Michael
about 1 month ago
I am 5 feet and only weighed 96 before detoxing this week. This week I have lost 5 pounds (pounds that
I did not want to lose). Is this typical? Where have I lost it from? Luckily, I can hardly see it, and I have
had almost no bowel movements this week, that is also concerning.
I have had lots of energy on this detox until today, my last day of soups. I got VERY tired walking up a
hill, is this typical during detox?
Yesterday, I woke up with the worst case of heart palpitations that I have ever had, I have a history of
heart palpitations, but never like this.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Cathy,
I had a very difficult night too with such severe leg cramps I was even cramping in my ankles,
didn't know we had muscles in our ankles, up the backs of my legs and throbbing back
pain. But, I drank too much cocobiotic two days ago. I didn't even go to church this
mornng. Just stayed in bed all day. I am having lots os other detox symptoms too. Yes, my
energy is low, headahce, rapid weight loss, excema like rashes popping up, blisters on my
forehead and even a herpes outbreak on my lip. I am not taking any homeopathics now to
alliviate these symptoms. I am just letting them clear. I did eat a blended carrot and a half a
raw beet with my steamed kale, cucumber, and celery with lots of ginger, cocobiotic, and stevia.
I now wish I had not, but i did. I have been eating lots of seaweed and puttling a 1/4 teaspoon
sea salt in half of my water consumption, some plain, and some with lemon or lime. I don't
know whyI am cramping so severely. I am also taking lots of epsom salt baths.
I am ok with the weight loss because I know it is mucous. I know the weight I gain back will be
the good kind of weight i want to rebuild my body with.Also, as our small intestines heal and are
able to absorb the nutrients we eat, gaining weight, or losing it, will be easier. My family is
complaining about me getting gaunt and emaciated. I tell them thank you. I know my weight will
rebound in a much healthier way. I have been detoxing and cleansing off and on since 1996. This
is the easiest and most symptom free cleanse I have ever done! I am going to keep letting my
body release the toxins however it needs to. I have gotten off of Ambien since the cleanse
started. Last night I took some vallerian root to help me sleep. Ask your body if it would like
some support with the heart palpitations. Sleepy time extra has valerian root in it. Some people
can't take valerian though. but chamomile matricaria is called the mother of the gut. Mellisa
officinalis is the quintessential heart herb. and Passion flower incarnata is the best herb for
sleep. I think I'll make myself a cup of passion flower now. Often, I willhold an herb to my breast
bone and ask it, are you the one? My body always tells me yes or no. Trust yourself, trust the
I love you,
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Yes Cathy,
This is very normal. I've been on and off the B.E.D diet for a few years. Every time I go on it, I
lose 10 lbs, which everyone around me gets concerned because I have a smaller frame but I
know it's cleansing. the B.E.D book says this is normal. That once the body ecolgy is back in
balance we will eventually rebuild our muscle and strength. I am generally very fatigued because
of fibromyalgia, and when I start the cleanses, I become almost bed ridden. I have talked to
friends that do detox diets too and find this to be normal in the beginning as well. It will even
out in the end.
Hang in there! It's great to know we're not alone :)
Cathy Michael
about 1 month ago
Thanks Rebekah and Julia for the comforting thoughts. And Rebekah, thanks for the tea tips and
testing idea.
about 1 month ago
Years ago when we did a week series of colemas on my husband, he had problems with
cramping. We relieved it with magnesium.
about 1 month ago
Recently when I had too many cooked carrots, I woke up with foot/leg cramps. I relieved these
with Vitamin B1.
Candiadis Diets Differ?? Confused
about 1 month ago
Hello. I was not able to answer a question last night on the forum however I had blood test and my
candiadis was way over 100 (positive) so now I am starting to eat to eliminate this yeast
infection. However in doing research with different candiadis "authors", everyone says something
different. Some say NO FRUIT, some say NO EGGS, some say okay with quinoa and SOME SAY
TOFU??. Donna says fermented foods are what we should be digesting. But most i have read say NO
FERMENTED FOODS and these are bad for yeast infections! And Kefir is a milk product so I am not sure
why that would be good either? Anyway somewhat confused about the different information given to
me? I am willing to pay the money but not if it is only going to make matters worse. Donna certainly
sounds like she knows what she is talking about though.
In addition RAW food people claim their cleanses will rid yeast infection but their cleanses are all about
fruit and vegetables, so something is not making a whole lot of sense here.
So right now I am consuming plain greek yogurt and raw nuts in the morning, tofu, avacodo and greens
and apple in afternoon and evening sauteed vegetables with chicken cooked in coconut oil with a little
quinoa (just a little of the latter) and a pear and apple.
Not sure if this is good or not but I am not sure what to eat still?? I know the main foods to eliminate
alcohol, sugar and coffee (I have not done those in a long time)... but now what to eat and not eat would
be greatly appreciated! :). Thank you.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Do you have Donna's book, THe body ecology diet? I've had overgrowth of candida and
parasites for 2 years and I am constantly learning something new about it. I've read four books
on the topic and yes they are all different but some parts are the same. The GAPS diet doesn't
not allow non gluten grains and BED diet does. It is confusing. You have to get rid of the yeast
and also build your immunity and heal and seal your gut too. I had stool sample that confirmed
my candida and parasites. I also had bloodtest and confirmed food sensitivities because of the
overgrowth. I cannot eat gluten, soy, corn, dairy, sugar or egg. Do you have the BED book? or
the GAPS book? THey both are very helpful. They are a good resources. I do not eat fruit except
for limes, lemons, black current juice(a little) Fruit is supposed to be eaten alone and on an
empty stomach if you eat it at all. CHicken, beef, turkey is not supposed to be eaten with non
gluten grains or protein fats like nuts, seeds or avocados. I can't have soy or dairy. I can't have
dairy so I found a dairy free kefir for me called Inner Eco coconut water kefir that I can drink.
You only need a little each day. I hope I was of some help to you.
about 1 month ago
Sharon, I say ditto to what Pattie said. My family started on the GAPs diet 7 months and could
not get past one of the stages (which included fruit) so we switched over to the Body Ecology
diet which I feel has helped tremendously. The GAPs diet and BED diet are excellent choices and
Donna addresses (in her book) some of the things you mentioned (like the RAW foods diet). Just
some advise -- choose your diet (highly recommend the two mentioned), stick with it until you
see some results. During that time don't read about other diets which will only confuse what
you're doing at the present. However, after time (of being on one diet) continue to make
yourself wise with research. I hope this helps.
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon,
I understand how confusing it can be -- may I suggest that you also do a bit of meditation on
what you need to eat. As crazy as this may sound ask your Higher Self should I eat this and pay
attention to the response. Personally I would totally stay away from tofu unless you absolutely
know for a fact that it is ORGANIC AND NON-GMO.
It is important to soak all nuts and seeds -- again you want ONLY organic - you rinse well and
soak at least 12 hours changing the water halfway through -- you could put a bit of organic
himalayan salt in the water.
the issue with store bought yoghurt of any variety even if it is plain is that it has been
pasteurized and if it is not from grass fed organically grown cows -- the milk is laden with Bovine
Growth Hormones (estrogens .... etc) Antibiotics and steroids. When something is pasteurized
all of the nutrition is destroyed and the necessary enzymes. Then what they do to creat yogurt
is they create it - pasteurize it (which ruins it) then they add friendly pacteria at the end. In the
lessons you will see that Donna says not to eat dairy
Remeber this is JUST FOR 21 DAYS -- for just this 21 days may I suggest following Donna's
suggestion to the letter as much as possible --- you can do it --- give your body a rest and focus
on eating as much greens as possible --- all of the veggies she suggests -- whjat your bodies
wants to be happy is nutrition and for you not to feed the "cooties".
A great salad is to take lots of raw spinach and other greens, dice up a whole avocado -- throw
some soaked sunflower and pumpkin seeds on top with some red onion and maybe a bit of red
bell pepper then take a half of lemon and plenty of good himalayan or organic Celtic Sea Salt put
on top and cut the whole salad with a knife and then mix and mix and mix until the avocado
begins to break down --- great refreshing salad. another great thing to add is cayenne pepper --this is one of the best blood cleansers -- add more lemon and salt to taste. Your body needs the
minerals from the good salt and this also helps with hydration.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Pattie, Misty, and Martella. These are very helpful post. Martella, I am looking forward
to eating that salad! I am rotating everything now, even my salts, herbs, and oils. I have heard
of a black ural sea salt. Have any of you ever used it?
about 1 month ago
Pattie, Misty and Martella thank you so much for your information!!! I truly appreciate every
word. No, unfortunately I do not have either book of Donna's! I keep wanting to buy it but then
when I went to my doctor she told me to get this book from Dr. Crook so I ordered it instead and
in the interim timeframe signed up for this course! However as stated I think sticking to one is
key!! And yes, asking for my guidance in these areas and listen closely to where my inner
guidance is leading me. Thank you again.
Now with this I am not familiar with GAPS? Dah. The Body Ecology Diet and the Baby Boomers
Diet are two of Donna's however not GAPS? But that is okay I keep being stirred back to the
Body Ecology Diet soI think it would be good for me to purchase that book.
Since I was on a raw diet I would eat lots and lots of fruits and also dried fruits and they are a no
no in Candida. I will ask why do RAW nuts need to be soaked if they are already raw when you
buy them?
I will definitely purchase some cayenne pepper. I have heard many good things about it. And I
will ditto Rebekah; that salad does sound very very good. What about sprouting like your own
beans? I love raw hummus and use it as a salad dressing and provides me more oomph?
I am not sure what Diet to follow right now. I find that this cleanse is not providing that??
Which I find a bit confusing so hopefully Donna will get into that more as she goes. But yes, I
will purchase her book. All my chicken is organic and caged free and I do not eat red meat. I will
stop the yogurt! Thank you. I have been off COW's milk for a long time until I heard I had this
candida and everyone says oh eat the plain yogurt for it so that was a bit confusing for me since
milk is a number one infester!
I think for breakfast (I am sorry I just am not good at smoothies without fruit).. for breakfast
have my avocado in a blender with a little raw cacao powder and then add a bit of stevia to
sweeten it. I think I would die if I have to rely on green smoothies without fruit in them. I mean,
I am thin as it is and well that might not be so good. But your salad sounds heavenly. Maybe I
should eat that for breakfast too!
Again thank you Patti, Misty and Martella for responding and I really do appreciate your
Have a great weekend,
about 1 month ago
Donna believes that the gluten free grains are important because they feed the adrenals and
help the body create energy to heal. Donna has many issues with GAPS which has over the years
changed more and more to be an almost copy of BED, but it was not started as a candida
specific diet as the Body Ecology was.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
SHaron, Seeds, nuts and non gluten grains should be soaked over night before eaten. These
preparations make them easier to digest and it neutralizes their anti-nutrients such as enzyme
inhibitors, tannins and phytic acid. ALso cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, broccoli, cabbage,
brussel sprouts are goitraogenic, meaning they contain chemicals that block the prodcution of
thyroid hormones. Cooking them neutralizes these harmful substances so these veggies are
traditionally eaten cooked. Dark leafy greens such as beet greens, spinich and chard contain
oxalic acid- a chemical that blocks calcium and iron absorbtion, irritates the mouth and intestinal
tract and can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Cooking them breaks down the
oxalic acid so they are traditionally eaten cooked. Only eat them raw occasionally in salads. Just
something I learned in my two year journey to get well and I'd thought I'd share.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Pattie
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Hey Hey Folks,
I asked my office mate to mail me my copy of the Body Ecology Diet Book from my lending
library that I have for clients to check out at work. My daughter just handed it to me and said,
Oh, mama, this arrvied for you yesterday. YEAH :) I am headed te bed to start reading now.
Love you guys, rest well,
about 1 month ago
Thank you Patti and everyone. I am going back over posts now... I appreciate any and all
Cathy Michael
about 1 month ago
Sharon, I have one comment to add to the excellent comments above. Please eat very little tofu,
if any at all. Most importantly as noted by Martella it MUST be organic, therefore non-GMO.
About 80% of Tofu in this country is GMO and WORST of all companies do not have to tell us
that on their labels! Outrageous! So the only way you know you are buying non-GMO tofu is by
buying organic. Right now, the organic definition includes non-GMO. Besides this problem
there have been many studies showing that more than a couple of servings a week promote the
wrong balance of estrogens in our body. We end up with the bad estrogens that cause cancer
and more. For me, I stay away from soy of any sort. I hear that fermented soy is okay, but I
know little about that.
about 1 month ago
Donna Gates tried Dr. William Crook's diet many years ago. It didn't work for her, so she went
looking for the answers.
Also, sometimes we have to learn to eat foods that we don't like. And sometimes we have to
give up foods that we love.
I never dreamed that I would be loving raw vegetable smoothies in the
morning!!!! Occasionally, I'm in a hurry and don't get it in; and oh, can I tell the
difference. They give so much more lasting and deep power than fruit smoothies do. (I put
Barlean's Swirl oils in my morning smoothies--though not during the part of the cleanse that we
weren't to have oils.)
Take it Step by Step and put the diet together. I'm finally there and so happy that I endured to
get here!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon,
I am so deeply for your BED centered answers that are so helpful and not misleading. Thank you
for helping us all so much. Your progress coupled with your humility are encouraging.
Thank you for being here,
ps... i never eat any, even organic soy
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
I am bringing this up because we can now add soaked almonds back into our diets. I love to soak and
then dehydrate the nuts in the dehydrater. My problem is I need a NEW dehydrater. In my research I
see there are now stainless steel dehydraters. I am aware of the need to pay attention ot the quality,
grade, where the stainless steel is coming from. I am so frustrated because for months I have been
wanting to purchase a new dehydrater but am hearing many concerns about the plastic materials that
make up the trays...and the sheets for making crackers etc (being made of teflon, silicone etc).
I would love others input on this so I could maybe make a decision asap...mayble one of the moderators
could jump in with their words of wisdom as well...thanks!
about 1 month ago
I have heard Donna speak against teflon.
about 1 month ago
The Body Ecology website recommends the Excalubur dehydrator.
You can find this by scrolling down to the bottom of the home page, find USEFUL LINKS, click
Other Recommended Products, and then scroll quite some ways down and there it is.
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
Thanks Sharon. Yes, my instincts said to stay away from teflon. I also had concerns about
silicone. Some one said they would this for sheets? I don't know if they are safe? Not from what
I know of silicone. Does anyone really know? I was going to use parchment paper from the coop.
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
Thank you Sharon :)! I'll go check it out. It seems to be the one everyone is recommending. I
guess it's time to get over the stainless steel vs plastic thing or I'll never get one and I am
anxious to replace the one I have. Thanks again!
More Whole Food Blended Recipes…
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
Donna gave us some suggestions for whole food BLENDED RECIPES. I am trying to make my own
creations following Donna's guidelines depending on what phase I am on the diet and on this three day
portion of the cleanse.
May I ask others what combinations of foods or recipes you are using for this three day portion of the
cleanse of consuming these drinks? Would love to hear more ideas :).
about 1 month ago
I ordered a green drink book- there are some recipes on the website... you will have to look for
once that match your eating plan (some have fruit...I use lemon & grapefruit right now...going to
try green apple one day...low glycemic fruits)
here is one:
just found it today so haven't tried it yet.
the author's approach is "
The HGD Approach
1. Add a green drink or smoothie to at least one meal per day.
2. Make sure you drink it before you eat the rest of your meal."
about 1 month ago
According to Donna's research, eating cruciferious vegetables (such as broccoli, chard, cabbage,
etc) in their raw form is suppressing to the thyroid. If consuming these vegetables, Donna
recommends steaming or fermenting them first. The recipe link you posted, Bernice, contains
both raw broccoli and raw chard. Just a cautionary suggestion.
about 1 month ago
I didn't really think about the crusiferous veg thing when I posted the site... I have just been
looking for new recipes...
there are differing opinions on broccoli etc... some say you can have 4-5 servings a week and be
ok fior thyroid..
some say you get most benefit from broccoli if it is just lightly stemmed but still crunchy ( I
heard a MD say this )
guessing some can't eat it and some only eat it sparingly and some eat it very well cooked, some
can eat it cultured and some eat it raw... and some can eat it 4-5 times per week even with
so very individual... I posted the site but have tried it yet.... it may not work for you... you may
be better with the BED recipes
what works for you is what matters
what works for Donna may not work for me... maybe there is some overlap...
I actually am hypthyroid and I have been eating raw chard, kale etc... and they had to decrease
my thyroid medicine :-) ... so I must be doing ok... and my endocrinologist thinks Im doing well
...maybe next blood check they will have to decrease it again... losing weight so it is a
good that people are aware of it and can decide what is best for them... thank you for letting
people know about cruciferous vegetables...
I choose to keep that food group
about 1 month ago
I'll stop posting here since I can't follow a strict BED... thinking you can be unique on it but son't
want to confuse people who want to follow a strict BED ... and some may need to follow it
about 1 month ago
Bernice, I agree - Principle of Uniqueness, right? I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and have, for a
long time, steamed my broccoli, cauliflower, etc. because of the goitrogens that are present
when those veggies are raw. I still eat them, just not raw. So interesting to hear that you
consume raw cruciferious veggies and your numbers are coming down!
about 1 month ago
Green Dragon Salad Dressing with Truth Calkins (video)
1 Organic Jalapeno Pepper
1 Bunch of Organic Cilantro
1 Organic Yellow Onion
7 oz of Nama Shoyu or Tamari
4 oz Andreas Flax Oil
4 oz David Wolfe Raw Olive Oil
9 oz Apple Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon of Longevity Superfoods Ashitabha Extract
1 teaspoon of Longevity Superfoods Chlorella Powder
3 teaspoon of Synergy Company Pure Klamath Crystals
1 tsp Longevity Warehouse Marine Phytoplankton or 2 squirts Liquid Marine
4 squirts of Omica Super Ionic Minerals
2-3 tables NoniLand Honey or 1 squirt of Stevia
about 1 month ago
I have been eating salads with raw baby kale and raw swiss chard and was also eating a lot of
raw kale chips(eliminated chips because of nutritional yeast)... daily... and ome broccoli and
cauliflower with avocado ... broccoli is not my favorite so going to try a waterless pan/low heat
to lightly steam it ...still crunchy... still lots of nutrients... and maybe still considered raw because
low heat..
also eat spinach salads with cultured veggies, spirulina crunchies, grape tomatoes, cucumbers,
radishes, sprouts (broccoli)... bought some organic spring onions today so will add those
tomorrow... ( make your salads with what works for you... this is working for me so not
eliminating it)
going to try the salad dressing I just posted... I love cilantro... I only buy it when it looks good
(and organic)
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
Thanks Bernice for the website and all your input. Thank you as well Danielle. Bernice do keep
posting. I think all this open discussion as good. I understand Donna's principal of uniques. Also,
Danielle thanks for your input on steaming, blanching etc cruciferous veggies. I do that because I
know my body well. Yes, Bernice, I only do the sour fruit you mentioned but don't seem to be
able to tolerate the apple yet. I have been following Donna's diet for years now and loving it!
Being one of a delicate constitution I am get well tuned into what agrees and disagrees with my
Thank you ladies for all your input, ideas and suggestions. The dressing looks good! It'll help to
get my creative juices flowing :)!
Do any of you have a dehydrater? I need to replace the one I have. I am so excited to try new
Thanks again for all the good info :)!
Drinking Water Temp?
about 1 month ago
Hi. Is it better for the digestive system to drink ice cold water or room temperature? I've seen mixed
reviews & hope to get clarification. Thank you much :-)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hey Melisa,
Personally, I just can't stand cold water. I drink everything eiither room temp or warm or
hot. That's just me though. I have read in many books warm is better. I might drink it cold if
Donna said though, lol. What does your body prefer.
Havea great day.
about 1 month ago
Room temp or warm is better when the digestive system is having difficulties.
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
On the homework it suggests purchasing CocoKefir. I already have CocoBiotic from Donna's site and
drink it daily. Do I also need CocKefir or are they similar? I am confused. Thanks!
about 1 month ago
Yes, they are similar. It looks like CocoKefir is just offering a discount to us so that's why the
product is mentioned.
I am wanting to make my own Coconut Kefir in the future. My family is moving to the
Phiilippines and there is an abundant supply of young coconuts. I have purchased some of the
powder from Donna's site (BED) but I'm sure I'll run out. Is there another way to make it
(without the powder)? THANKS!
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Yes, with CocoBiotic you do not need CocoKefir, as I read it. :)
Gary Ammirati
about 1 month ago
Cocobiotic is different than Coconut Kefir Water. Cocobiotic has the folowing bacteria:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus delbreukii
Saccharomyces boulardii
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Whereas the CocoKefir has the folowing bacteria:
-Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
-Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
-Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis,
-Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris
-Lactobacillus kefyr
-Klyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus
-Saccharomyces unisporus
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
The homework says these products are not required for the cleanse but are recommended.
Both of these were mentioned as well as others or making your own.
Whatever you chose I believe is ok. I did order the cocokefir as I don't have any and thought it
would make things easier for myself.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Coconut kefir makes me throw up, so I dont't drink it. My internal medicine specialist told me a
long time ago to rotate my probiotics from brand to brand because my gut would colonize
against what ever I was using against it. She also told me probiotics are one product it pays to
take the highest quality you can afford and said usually, more expensive is better. She also
stressed it needs to be a multi strain with may billions of flora. I am so grateful to be on this
cleansing, healing journey with all of you.
about 1 month ago
Both are valid choices to rebuild the inner ecosystem with living beneficial microorganisms.
Donna wanted to give options, so you do not need to drink both, although you can. There are
more types of bacteria in our guts than have been catalogued and it is important to have as
many different kinds as you can as they all function differently in the body but also work
together and communicate with your gut lining. I would not say more expensive are necessarily
better or that the higher as there are some gimmick products out there and the higher the
probiotic count doesn't necessarily always mean the brand is better--as there are some capsules
on the market that are very high in count but are heated when encapsulated and the bacteria
can be damaged.
about 1 month ago
Randall, do you have any suggestions (brand names) for probiotics?
about 1 month ago
Drinking homemade kefir, innergybiotic, and cocobiotic, combined with eating cultured
veggies(great source of plantarum) are all wonderful combinations of living probiotics. These
woud lay a good foundation and seem to have better results than encapsulated probiotics in
general. One additional strain with lots of research that you may want to consider adding is a
bifidus blend--Custom Probiotics makes a bifidus blend that is good quality. If you do have to
take a single probiotic capsule, I would look into Probulin.
Chris Kitinoja
about 1 month ago
I use a raw probiotic supplement made by Garden of Life. It is a very convenient way to get
probiotics into my diet. I also make a fermented beverage called Rejuvalac from organic millet.
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Kathy, Cocobiotic and InnergyBiotic are not the same as Young Coconut Kefir.Coconut kefir is
pure coconut water fermented with a traditional Kefir starter culture.
Store bought versions of home made young coconut kefir are available in health food stores.
Look for Cocokefir (more in the midwest) and Inner Eco (now available in 40 states and usually
carried by Whole Foods) and if you live in Califormia you can purchase one made up by Tonix.
The Body Ecology Probiotic Liquids are made under my specification by Grainfield's in Australia.
To make them they bring in organic grains and seeds from organic fields and from them they
grow a very strong, hardy culture of microbiota. this is what then becomes our "probiotic
liquids" — Cocobiotic, InnergyBiotic and Dong Quai.
They all have different strains of microbiota in them. They use a different base of grains or grainlike seeds. They are all good to use when you are establishing and maintaining a healthy inner
But the microbiota will change in them all the time...just as they do in Nature.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I am going to give them a try. I beleve in eating my nutrtion rather than taking it and I would like
to extend it to pro biotics too. is there any way we can find out which grains are used?
I sent my daughter to the highway robery local health food store here in Perry,GA to buy garden
of Life's raw for Women which is one I know i can take. She returned with a different garden of
Life product. it claimed to be gluten free on the label and I was too sick at the time to bother
reading the ingredients. After itching, bloating, etc, for two weeks, I read the label and it
contained barley grass and oat grass using the poten zyme fermenting process. I do not want to
consume any gluten grains no matter what has been done to them!
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Hi Rebekah,
The barley grass and oat grass are not a source of gluten. They are grasses. When the grass
becomes a grain then it would contain the protein, gluten.
You should be fine with them. Are you sure that is why you are itching?
When your body has too many toxins that want to come out...but theycan't get out — our
body's send off these " Help, I need to detox quickly" signs. And itching can certainly one of
those many possible signs.
On Wednesday i am going to discuss colon cleansing. it won't be a pretty talk. But it's the cold
hard facts of what is inside us that needs to come out so our body doesn't have to be so
dramatic about telling us it needs to get rid of a bunch of toxins.
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Misty there is another way to make young coconut kefir. you can also use the kefir GRAINS. they
do work just fine but they also can be easily contaminated.
Years ago when i began teaching about fermented foods i used the grains but i saw many times
where people made milk kefir and their final product was full of weird-looking stuff. Pink
streaks, Grey, black bubbly stuff on the top. These are signs that the kefir spoiled and didn't
ferment properly. So i turned to the grains. I found an ancient starter from Russia and
duplicated that. When your kefir made is from starter then you know you are getting
lactobaccilus and yeast ( the good yeast ) that is not contaminated.
But you can certainly try the grains as well.
But rememvber the starter is just that..a starter. you use it to start your first batch and then you
use a little from that previous batch to make the next batch.
You can do this about 7 times before the lactobaccilus start to crowd out the yeast. Then you
start losing the yeast. They are not as aggressive as the bacteria and are crowded out by the
bacteria who grow much faster.
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Chris be careful with the rejuvalac. it is made from wheat and also contains WILD yeast. When
you have yeast in your body your immune system — which is already exhausted and
overwhelmed with fighting a yeast infection — reacts in a ery negative way. Rejuvalac will make
your yeast infection flare up very quickly.
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Opps...i see you make your rejuvalac from millet...which is better than wheat....but it still
contains WILD yeast.
not good if you have a systemic yeast infection.
Chris Kitinoja
about 1 month ago
Thanks Donna. Just purcahsed your book and you advocate soaking all grains and grain-like
seeds. What about sprouting and fermenting? Is that a good idea or does it also create wild
Christina Giatropoulos
about 1 month ago
Is CocoYo the same as the Coconut kefir? The cocoyo sounds more appealing to me...
about 1 month ago
Which product would you suggest for constipation -it's getting better but not regular. I am
taking cocobiotic in the evenings.
Chris Kitinoja
about 1 month ago
Can the culltrued vegetable starter be used to ferment coconut water and/or coconut milk? Or
do I need the kefir starter?
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I live in san jose ca, I went today to Whole Market at los ALTOS, and I only found Kevita it says
that is a probiotic drink:
bacills coagulans GBI 90 6086
L paracasei
L plantarum
L rhamnosus
Is this one okay?
Its hard to find even in the stores
Can you suggest more stores
I was also looking the Konjaku noodles,
If anybody lives around San Jose CA can suggest stores>
joy Bush
about 1 month ago
Hi Donna,
Are you saying that if you are making your own Coconut Water Kefir using the Kefir 'grains' that
you should only use them for up to 7 times, to avoid the yeast being taken over by the bacteria?
Very interesting. I've noticed that the Coconut Water is hard on my 'grains', turning them from
looking like translucent cauliflower to what i call 'applesauce'; so i do replace them, but haven't
counted the times i've used them before replacing.
Thanks for the info.
:) joy
about 1 month ago
looking into making my own:
"Secrets for Making The Perfect Batch of Young Coconut Kefir With Donna Gates
Not all coconuts are created equal...and not all coconut waters are either! To find out how to
select the best coconuts and coconut water for the perfect (and tastiest!) batch of young
coconut kefir every time, learn 5 secrets (and 3 recipes) from Body Ecology founder Donna
These days, there is a buzz about young coconut water in the market prompted by Coca-Cola’s
interest in Zico. Young coconut water is clearly a hit, but before you buy the pasteurized boxed
young coconut water, make sure to read: Young Coconut Water Goes Mainstream... But Know
These Important Facts Before You Buy.
In the meantime, let’s say you can’t get access to young green coconuts (or maybe you don’t
want to spend time cracking them) and you don’t live in an area where you can get Body
Ecology Raw Young Thai Coconut Water. But Know These Important Facts Before You Buy. If you
want to make your own young coconut kefir, you still can with the pasteurized coconut waters
like Zico, Vita Coco or O.N.E.
The thing is, drinking young coconut juice that has been fermented into KEFIR has so many
benefits, that we just want to encourage you to drink it.
But whether you use fresh coconuts, Body Ecology Raw Young Thai Coconut Water or boxed
coconut water, there are some things you need to know so that every batch of coconut kefir
turns out perfectly each time you make it.
Secret #1:
The best and easiest fermentation happens when you use either young green coconuts from
Thailand or Body Ecology’s Frozen-Fresh, Organic Young Coconut Water...also from Thailand.
The reason is because they are truly the sweetest coconuts anywhere in the world. The sweeter
the coconut, the better it will ferment. Our raw coconut juice from Thailand is rich in potassium
and enzymes and contains sulphurated proteins that assist the body in cleansing. Body Ecology’s
Young Thai Coconut Water is even better because it’s organic, which is a rare find in the market
of young green coconuts.
Secret #2:
Not all young green coconuts can create a good-tasting batch of young coconut kefir. I used to
live in Florida, where the young green coconuts are plentiful. Unfortunately, while they ferment
well, the young Florida coconut water does not have the wonderful rich coconut taste that the
Thai coconut has. It is kind of flat in comparison. What I found over the years is that the
coconuts in other countries like Brazil or Jamaica just are simply not as delicious as the coconuts
in Thailand.
Secret #3:
Not all young green coconuts ferment well. This surprised me too, but go to places like Jamaica
and you’ll find that their coconuts do not ferment at all. At least I have not been lucky with
them. I’ve tried three times so far and haven’t had a batch work for me once. Where you get
your coconuts is key to creating a good batch of young coconut kefir.
Secret #4:
Some young green coconuts are exposed to wild fermentation. If you leave a young green
coconut out in the open air, wild yeast will come to eat the natural sugar present in the coconut
water. The result? Wild fermentation. Many people do poorly on wild fermentation. Some
examples of wild fermentation are: wine, kombucha and sourdough bread. Wild fermentation is
different from what we do here at Body Ecology. When we ferment we know exactly what the
bacteria and yeast are in our starter cultures. These microflora we supply you with are the ones
known for thousand of years to thrive in a healthy inner ecosystem. They are the microflora you
can trust to build immunity and overall health. With our Starters, you have control over the
kinds of beneficial microflora that go into the liquid you are fermenting, whether you are
fermenting coconut water or cow and goat milk.
You will notice that all the commercial, boxed coconut waters are pasteurized. They have to
be...otherwise, they would explode. This is because the wild yeast inside the unpasteurized
water would cause the container to expand too much and burst open. We’ve solved that
problem with our Body Ecology Raw Young Thai Coconut Water. But Know These Important
Facts Before You Buy. because we freeze it just after picking to lock in the freshness. So it goes
right from the tree to the frozen section of your local grocer.
Just Drink It! If you want young coconut kefir’s healing benefits, you can easily make your own
with Kefir Starter. . Just add the Kefir Starter and you’ll get a probiotic-rich beverage full of
vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Learn more about Kefir Starter and order it now! Or go for
convenience with ready-made Coco-Biotic.
Secret #5:
Boxed young coconut water does not ferment well. As I looked into coconut waters, here’s
what I learned: the coconut water producers typically want the MOST water out of each
coconut. This makes sense from a business perspective, but unfortunately, the very young green
coconut, which has the most water, also has the LEAST amount of natural sugars. Thus it won’t
ferment as well because you must have sugar for the microflora to grow. This is why most
people have trouble making a good batch of young coconut water with pasteurized boxed
coconut water like Zico, Vita Coco and O.N.E. See below for tips on how to overcome this
How To Make Young Coconut Water with Boxed, Pasteurized Young Coconut Water
While this is not our first, second or third recommendation for making young coconut kefir, if
using boxed, pasteurized young coconut water is your only choice, then here’s how to get the
water to ferment:
This tip comes from our Body Ecology followers in England, where they do not have access to
young green coconuts or fresh coconut water.
Using the boxed, pasteurized coconut water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to 1 liter of
coconut water (the typical size of most of the larger boxed coconut waters).
Add one packet of Kefir Starter. You are now making your “initial starter batch.”
The added sugar will help your young coconut kefir ferment and the microflora will
consume these extra sugars.
Use ¼ cup of this first batch to inoculate future batches (up to 7 transfers are possible).
Alternative Tip if You CAN get access to young green Thai coconuts: Here’s what I also
discovered for those of us living here in the US where most of us have no problem
purchasing the young Thai coconuts. (In health food stores and Asian
supermarkets.) You can also improve the fermentation of the boxed coconut water if
you add the juice of just one fresh coconut instead of the sugar. In other words, the
juice of just one fresh coconut will provide enough sugar to make a nice finished
product...and you only have to open one coconut. So easy!
Recipes for Making Your Young Coconut Kefir Taste Delicious:
Drinking young coconut kefir with meals greatly helps digestion. Here’s a nice young
coconut kefir spritzer with lunch or dinner:
Start with ½ cup young coconut kefir.
Add the juice of ½ lemon or ½ lime.
Add 3 – 5 drops of Stevia to taste.
Enjoy a sweet antioxidant-rich wake up tonic:
Mix ½ cup young coconut kefir with unsweetened cranberry or black currant
juice concentrate (you can get this in most health food stores).
Add 2 – 3 drops of Stevia and enjoy!
Ginger Ale – make this recipe for homemade ginger ale and add 2 oz. of young coconut
kefir for a truly delicious and energizing drink anytime of day!
I’m all for making it easy to drink young coconut kefir so we made a lot of effort to obtain a
source of raw, certified organic, young Thai Coconut Water. Iffreshly picked and organic is
important to you, you’ll love our just-off-the-tree coconut juice. Right now, 36 stores on the
West Coast (yes, even Whole Foods Markets) are carrying our coconut water and coconut meat
in their freezer section. In 2010 you can expect to see it in your area and it will help us speed up
the distribution process if you request it from your local health food store (Tell them to order it
thru UNFI.)
And by the way, we also have raw, organic coconut spoon meat or “jelly” as no more
scrapping it out of the shell.
Stay tuned next week for one of our favorite recipes: coconut pudding with almond whipped
If you want access to the healthiest organic, raw coconut water on the market, ask your local
health food stores and grocery stores to carry Body Ecology Raw Young Thai Coconut Water."
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Donna's brand of Cocobiotic just arrived today. It does not make me throw up at all. I dilute it
with water and add just a small amount of stevia. I am certain I will be able to eliminate the
stevia soon. I only ordered one bottle because I was uncertain how my body would handle it. I
delcare, I feel better already! Placebo? I don't even care, but I think it is REAL immediate
results. Next ,I am going to order her enregy biotic and dong quai. I am very pleased! I am
eager to make my first batch of cultured vegetables! My daughter is going to pick up a head of
purple cabbage this afternoon.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Last week when I was visiting my mother in Stone Mountain, GA, I went to Mother Nature's
Market in Tucker, GA to look for your products. They didn't have any at all. Could you nguys
please contact them? I'll give them a call too as I visit my mother often.
Cathy Michael
about 1 month ago
I have been drinking coco-biotic for a few months now, but only 2 oz per day. Is that useless?
More importantly, how long does it last in an unopened bottle and in an opened bottle? I
cannot find any of that info on the website. Please let me know, I am afraid I may be drinking
old coco-biotic, though it looks and smells no different.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Cathy,
I just got my first bottle of cocobiotic yesterday. I am absolutley craving it! I did not choose the
kefir because every kefir product I have ever bought has always made me throw up. I only
ordered one bottle because I was uncertain if I could tolerate it. I am going to order the energy
biotic, more cocbiotic, and the dong quai and alternate them. I drank a half a bottle yesterday
and fianally forced myself to stop! Very soon after I began drinking it I had a huge bowel
movement! Last night I itched ferociously. I am not itching today beyond any amount that I
normally do. I think it was a massaive yeast die off! I don't think it can hurt me though, I am
just rationing cause it's all I got.
My impression is that Donna tells people to start with two ounces in the beginning. I know she
does not advocate doing what did. Unless you are having an adverse reaction to drinking it, I
would drink a lot more than that. I add it to all my green drinks. Since I could not get her
products until yesterday, I am staying on the green cleanse for a few more days. What do you
think of going to four ounces, six, then eight a day? See how that feels in your body. I also
bought the cultured vegetables starter packet. I beleive I won't be craving the cocbiotic as much
when I have other cultured foods too. I always thought a probiotic suplement was enough. I am
finnding out differently now.
Take care of yourself,
about 1 month ago
Cathy-2 oz a day is a good start. There is nothing wrong with staying on a low dosage of the
probiotic beverages at first as your system gets used to the beneficial microbiota. Go at your
own pace, increase the dosage to 2oz twice a day when you are ready and see how you
feel. Unopened bottled have a shelf live of 18-24 months. Opened bottles are harder to judge
because it depends on the temp and how often they've been left open and exposed to air, but
we generally recommend a 30 day shelf life once opened.
about 1 month ago
Hi! Did someone know what good bacteria contains the rejuvelac? Thanks!
about 1 month ago
Yanira-Rejuvelac is a brand of fermented beverage you can buy on the market that Donna does
not recommend.
about 1 month ago
Dear Friends,
Sometime ago ive purchased a product named:
LS-66 Probiotic (Lactobacillus Sporogenes)
Main Ingredients:
LS-66, Lactic Acid Bacteria A, Lactic Acid Bacteria B, Corn Starch, Yogurt Powder, Xylooligosaccharide, Dextrin Fiber, Glucose, C.G.F, Papain, Pineapple Enzyme, Malic Acid,
Cranberry Fruit Powder
Would it be beneficial for me to use it during the detox? By the way i started later, i am now
beginning the second week.
What do you think about the ingredients, i am bit conserned with corn starch and glucose.
Could i use it to make my own kefir?
Thanks, Maciek
Help, please! Missed recordings
Michelle Goble
about 1 month ago
I didn't realize until just now that the recordings were only going to be available for 7 days. I've missed
the first 2 recordings - can someone please help me gain access to them?
Thank you sooo much!!
about 1 month ago
I have also missed the first recording. I too did not know it was only available for 7 days. I'd like
to know also how to get access to the first recording.
Thank you! :)
about 1 month ago
Try contacting Hay House.
shirley greenhalgh
about 1 month ago
Yes That's what I did and they sent them to me.
about 1 month ago
Thank you! :)
Melissa Reisinger
about 1 month ago
Thanks so much for posting this question. I almost missed the 1st 2 recordings not knowing they
were only available for 7 days. I have sent Hay House a message so hopefully they will send
them to me as well. Have a wondeful weekend everyone :)
about 1 month ago
Sorry for the hassle!!
We were unaware that Hay House only made the downloads available for 7 days once they were
Please contact Hay House if you do have any issue with the downloads--they understand that
their anti-piracy measures may cause hiccups--and will make sure you get an active link.
about 1 month ago
Thanks Randall - I too will contact Hay House for the second recording that I missed out on.
about 1 month ago
Yay! I have heard from Hay House and now have access to recordings for Lesson 1 and 2 in my
Hay House account but will only be available until the end of June!
about 1 month ago
The recordings are downloadable to your computer.
Michelle Goble
about 1 month ago
I may have missed this if Donna talked about it, but was curious if she mentioned using anti-fungals to
help kill off the unfriendly bacteria in our guts. For example, taking garlic or grapefruit seed extract, etc.?
Is this recommended during the detox?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
HI Michelle,
I am using lots of raw and powdered garlic in my food and my enemas. In her book, she speaks
of swollowing a whole clove of garlic. Thanks for reminding me. I'll go do that now. Look in her
book about grape seed extract. I have used it before, just don't have the money to go buy it
right now.
Donna is all abut the principle of uniqueness, and following your own inner guidance and
discernment. Some are eating protein, some are not. Some are strictly raw, some are not. Some
are eating grains and some are not. I really like Donna's way of individuality!
I am really craving a sweet raw drink of alkalizing greens, granny smith apple, fresh mint, and
stevia. That is going to be my next "meal" after I come in from going out to lay in the sun. I am
also craving raw carrot, sweet potatoe, beet, with cinamon, clove, nutmeg, and ginger. Has
anyone grated raw sweet potatoe and blended it up in a raw drink? I am thinking of having this
for my morning meal tomorrow and maybe heating it up on the stove for a minute or two.
I am loving this cleanse! Thank you everyone for all you are adding to my life and being on this
healing journey with me.
I appreciate you all,
about 1 month ago
just an update on my progress... I have been using anti-fungals with no die-off symptoms... until
I started using Bentonite clay with Psyllium...
"Candida most commonly colonizes the sides of the colon. It typically thrives behind and inside
any build-up of fecal waste. Where there is a large amount of fecal build-up or intestinal
mucous, die-off may be delayed or prolonged. It can take some time... to scrub away at the
wastes so that the anti-fungals are able to exert their full effect."
(from article linked below)
so I am easing up on anti-fungals right now until die off symptoms ease up... then will increase
I think it depends on where you are in your cleanse... right now I know I need to do
the Bentonite clay with Psyllium and probiotics... low dose anti-fungals and then increase
this is also from an article linked below : Candida Die-off: Your Healing Friend and Foe
"To Sum Up
Dealing with yeast die-off can be challenging and complex. To stay on track throughout your
healing process, remember the following key points:
Once you have experienced die-off symptoms, manage your diet and anti-fungal
product dosages in such a way that the symptoms stay manageable. Remember, it's
important not to overwhelm your eliminative organs with toxins from dying yeast.
Die-off reactions can cause you to doubt your progress, and may also be confused with
other health challenges. To improve your decision-making and ability to discern what is
happening in your body, keep records of your dietary and supplement intake, other
factors supporting or stressing you, and your responses to these variables.
If you experience a severe die-off symptom crisis, stop using anti-fungal agents, increase
your water and vegetable intake and use Neutral Vitamin C Plus and a gentle herbal
detoxification tea.
Linda Black
about 1 month ago
I just started reading the forum and was wondering about all the talk about Bentonite Clay? Did
I miss something Donna said?
Trying to grasp all this.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Lynda,
Donna reccomended instead. I will probably do this mercout protocol when
I am able. I really like everything I have seen of Donna's protocol so far.
I wrap myself in bentonite clay solution that I have at my business often and took Sonny's
Bentonite Oral Suspension when I was getting my fillings replaced years ago. I also got a lot of
professional colonics and a homeopthic low dose combination support from my naturopath
during that time too. When I got through with the protocol, I also took mercurious viv 1m from
my classical homeopathic practioner. But, a high frequency, specific classical homeopathic
should only be done with a qualified practitioner. Mine had already detoxed me with my
constitutional remedy, pulsatilla, and several others before doing the 1m for mercury. I am not
an advocate of self doctoring. I am a professinal massage therapist. I have not been trained to
do what they do. They can't effectively do what I do either.
Since the universe has led me to the BED detox, I am going to choose to follow Donna's protocol
as closely as I am financially able at ths time. I will do the mercout when the universe says it is
All blessings and lessons to you,
Michelle Goble
about 1 month ago
Hi Bernice,
I love, too. I found them years ago, before I got pregnant with my first
child and I followed their protocol with the Bentonite & psyllium. I feel like someone was truly
watching out for me, now that I know about the connection between Candida & Autism. I rid
myselef of a lot back then!! I think I may have gone at it a little to fast, though, because at the
time, my general state of mind was that I wanted to hunt something down and kill it. :)
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
about 1 month ago
thank you Michelle... I am slowing down right now to be easier on body detoxing... just saw this
"Success is not the key to Happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are
doing, you will be successful¨Buddha
about 1 month ago
another quote I just saw: Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it
doesn't get you anywhere. - Anonymous¨
about 1 month ago
last one: "I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and mean to keep doing so until
the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything." Abraham Lincoln
Linda Black
about 1 month ago
I just started reading the forum and was wondering about all the talk about Bentonite Clay? Did
I miss something Donna said?
Trying to grasp all this.
about 1 month ago
I don't think Donna talks about it but I think it is an option for people who can't or choose not to
do colonics... I also read that you can use it instead of colonics if not as severe symptoms... so it
is my choice... I'm unique...
Linda Black
about 1 month ago
Thank you Bernice. I accidentally created a new repeat after I saw my mispell. Thank you
Rebekah for your answer on my first.
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
There is a cleanse called Arise and Shine that uses bentonite clay and phyllium as well as other
herbs. It is very good but also a strong cleanse. You should definintely do colonics when on that
BILE FLOW (no gallbladder)
about 1 month ago
I don't have a gall bladder.
Does anybody know what happens with the bile when you don't have a gall bladder? I understand that if
you do have a gall bladder, the bile is routinely produced and stored in the GB until needed for
digestion. If you don't have a gall bladder, does the bile just leak into the stomach all the time?
I got some LivAmend. The bottle says it increases bile flow. Do I want this? Should I take LivAmend only
with a fatty meal?
olive oil liver cleanse
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
What does Donna Gates think of the olive oil liver cleanse? Is it too harsh? How much olive oil should
you use?
I thought we would have more opportunity to ask Donna questions. I am disappointed about that aspect
of this course.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Gayle,
She said that the liver will naturally begin to cleanse itself as the colon empties. She said that
the peristaltic action of the colon stimulates the liver to produce bile and as the colon empties,
it creates a vacuum for the liver to drain into. I did notice she sells a livamend product on her
web site. I did not order it because of financial restraints, but will certainly be ordering it in the
future. Bitter herbs and fruits will stimulate the liver in the rpinciple of like creates like. You can
go outside and pcik fresh dandelion leaves for your green drinks. They sure are bitter, but very
good for the liver and the kidneys too and their free. After a rain, you can dig up the roots as
well. But, in order to get the medicine out of them, you need to chop them up finely and
soak them in ever clear alcohol for six weeks. Then srain off the roots and save the tincture ina
glass jar. Boil off the alcohol before drinking. Or, just go buy sme dandelion troot tincure in the
store, lol.
Yes, it does seem Donna is all about gentleness. I have done the olive oil cleanse as per my
naturopath's instructions in the past.I am just ging to focus on my colon and healing the
candidiasis right now. This is quite enough for me at this time.
Much love,
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Hey Gayle,
I've done the Grapefruit (3/4 cup)/Olive Oil (1/2 cup) cleanse 8 times, my boyfriend has done it
13 times, and although it feels incredible to purge away all those stones, it has very much
depleted me, and has weakened my adrenals and kidneys. I am now working on building back,
and it's difficult. I feel, within my own body that I need to focus on healing my colon and
building back my nutrients, minerals and beneficial flora before I do any further cleansing on my
liver. I've been doing the BED diet now for 2 weeks, and finally feel like I'm beginning to build
back some energy. The liver flush is incredible, but super super depleting! That has been my
experience with it. There are herbs that can be taken during BED to assist the liver though, I feel
that that is the way to go, approaching it much more gently. Hope that helps.
about 1 month ago
Gayle-Most of the people who come to Body Ecology are not properly eliminating toxins from
the body. The olive oil liver cleanse is known as "the liver flush" because of how intense it
is. When the elimination channels are not working optimally, flushing the liver can actually
move toxins into other areas of the body because they will circulate in the blood.
The olive oil flush can be very intense for people--when I was first working on conquering
candida and chronic fatigue, everyone I spoke to was doing the liver flush. I tried the flush with
the guidance of a practitioner. Instead of cleansing out stones, I vomited a number of times and
was drained and sick for weeks after. I still have trouble with the taste of olive oil and lemon yrs
later! Not that my experience is relevant, but I share it to illustrate that I was not ready to flush
my liver and from Chinese Medicine's perspective, my liver was stagnant and a gradual cleanse
was much better suited for my system.
While we can't say anything is good or bad for everyone because of the principle of uniqueness,
we do find most people living with symptoms of systemic infection need to cleanse the large
intestine and small intestine first--and that is a gradual process that leads to a deeper
detoxification than a harsh flush can achieve.
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
Thanks everyone for your considerate replies.
It makes sense to me that the liver flush with olive oil is intense and maybe not the best way to
go. I did do it once and did not have problems but a lot of green gelatanous balls came out of
me. Some people claim those balls are just the olive oil and others claim it is the toxims being
It is still a bit confusing to me. A gentler way does make more sense if it is effective.
about 1 month ago
Hi Gayle,
I am a naturopath with close to 20 years experience in cleansing etc.
As Randal says if the liver is stagnant and there is much toxicity, then these processes can be
quite vile, IF you have not done sufficient colon cleansing etc first.
So keep cleansing and 'cleaning up' and 'building up' .
when the body is stronger, healed in may ways, then maybe look into it again. This may be years
for some people.
BTW I would never do a liver/gall bladder flush without the use of enemas or colonics to help
assit the rapid removal of toxins. It is my choice in this situation to use coffee.
I have never had a depleted system from doing this....Im sure its been all the ground work first.
about 1 month ago
I've never done a liver cleanse, because being a sensitive person, I always stay away from
methods like that. However, earlier this year, for 30 days straight, first thing upon awakening, I
drank a glass of water with the juice of 1 lemon, chased by 2 tlbs. of olive oil. I couldn't believe
how this gently cleansed my bowels and how my elimination improved. It was very gentle and
made me feel so clean and light. I read about it in a uterine fibroid program, which is a problem
I've been challenged with since 2004. I don't know how this fits in to the liver being stagnant, or
if anyone knows about this method, but I think it definitely improved my health. Any comments
on this method for a gentle cleanse? My feeling is this method is an alternative to doing a
colonic (which can be prohibitive due to the out of pocket costs).
Salt Flush
james cope
30 days ago
Donna recommends using Celtic Sea Salt when performing a salt flush. Does it need to be Celtic Sea Salt
or can it be any raw, uncooked salt, say like hawaiian sea salt?
Audio Replay
about 1 month ago
How can we access a replay for the lecture Donna gave today?
about 1 month ago
I think it is going to be posted on within the next couple of days.
about 1 month ago
For your convenience, all participants automatically receive downloadable mp3s of all three
lessons. Each lesson will be uploaded into your account within a few days of its live airdate and
will then be available for you to download anytime within seven days. Hay House will send you a
notification email when each lesson is available to download from your account.
Does anyone know if the forum will remain up after the 21 days? I would love to have all the
information to keep.
Karen DeSmet
about 1 month ago
MIsty, did you find out if forum will remain after 21 days?
Carol Lombard
about 1 month ago
Misty, I too would love to have access to the forum indefinitely. Would someone please let us
know if that is possible. Thanks.
Carol Lombard
about 1 month ago
I forgot to add that I'd like to have access to all of the information on the dashboard indefinitely
including the daily assignments. Does anyone know the answer to these questions about how
long we have access?
about 1 month ago
I had problems logging into the forum so asked for assistance, at the same time I asked how long
the forum will remain open for and the response was until the end of June.
about 1 month ago
We're going to try to keep the forum up until the end of June and then move the conversation
over to the Body Ecology Facebook page where Donna tries to answer questions weekly.
Denise Lanthier
about 1 month ago
Wanted to view it on the weekend and did not get an invitation. Cannot log in. I even wrote to
Hay House and they did not respond.
Can someone send me the MP3 for the May 26 course? My email address is:
Thanks for your help.
about 1 month ago
Denise, you might try calling HayHouse. I emailed them and they re-set my account so I could
access the first 2 sessions again. I'm not sure how many days it took to respond. Can't
Laurisa Truemper
about 1 month ago
Hello- I just missed the deadline today to download the audio recording from session 3. I
emailed HayHouse, but if someone can email it to me I would greatly appreciate it. Email is
Judy Schaefer
29 days ago
if anyone still needs help getting the audio files email me: judy at
what about fruit?
Julia Rojas
27 days ago
I know the B.E.D. book says fruit feeds candida but for this detox course are we still allowed to have it?
If not, then when or on what detox day are we suppose to stop eating it?
Allergy to fermented products?
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
I am concerned about lactic acidosis. I have been on and off candida diets and the B.E.D. diet. Am finally
starting the B.E.D detox cleanse but am afraid of probiotics now. Because every time I've cleansed and
have used strong probiotics, I seem to have an allergic reaction. I have chronic sinusitis and pain in the
right side of my face. One of the symptoms I've noticed when I happened to have strong probiotics is
flare up of my sinusitis so bad that my face goes numb, almost paralyzed where I start slurring and can't
talk, everything goes haywire. At one point I had consumed a fermented body ecology coconut pudding
and my lips started burning.
I'm beginning to wonder if I have lactic acidosis which Donna refers to in discussion in part 1 of series. I
don't seem to get any better with liquid probiotics. But I don't know if it's just because I do too much at
once and then have horrible rebound effects so I give up too soon on the diets. I can't tell if it's strong
cleansing die off reaction or if it's an acutal allergic reaction because I already have too much
fermentation in my body from the yeast.
Donna stated lactic acidosis is a bacteria in the small intestine. Is this something that can be tested for
by a regular MD? I thought she mentioned taking oil of oregano or an antibiotic first. I would rather not
take any antibiotics though as I think they do more harm than good. I wonder how long I would have to
take the oil of oregano?
If I do colonics because of constipation how else would I replace the good bacteria? Also, I've used apple
cider vinegar for years and have not gotten better. Sugar cravings never subsided. I'm very confused.
Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?
about 1 month ago
For about the past 7-14 days my lips have been burning and my tongue has become painful, like
it has cracks and cuts on it. I've been trying to figure out why this is happening and believe it
may be related to the coconut kefir, cocobiotics, and increase in probiotics. I think I may have
overdosed my body on all these too soon, but I don't know.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Hey there Sherry,
That's very interesting. Yeah, in your case it might be you might have had too much too soon. I
think that's what happened to me the first time I tried to do the diet strictly. I think I overdosed
on the fermented young coconut pudding because I didn't want it to go to waste. Plus, I was
drinking the kefir water at the time and it was so delicious I couldn't help myself. There is a
particular way to introduce the products for your body to acclamate. Check out this article at
Body Ecology, it explains how to introduce the products:
But I still can't figure out why my body goes haywire now when I only take them in moderately.
I'm worried about lactic acidosis as a problem in my case.
about 1 month ago
I've had a monstrous canker sore (not herpes) since I did the cleanse! It is slow to heal, as they
usually are, but sometimes, they just go away before they really get big. I think that was part of
my detox. My doc told me to start with just a teaspoon of cultured veggies to see how I do.
That's how powerful this stuff is! Go slow, but don't stop. Do one "iffy" thing at a time, so you
can figure out which is helping and which is not.
about 1 month ago
@Julia- thank you for sharing your burden and the article :)
I pray and hope you'll find the way to heal!
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thanks Valerie! And thanks Deborah, I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. That means
a lot! Same to you my friend. :)
30 days ago
I couldn't eat all those vegetables in the BE Diet at first. When I got to a certain level of
vegetables, I would start having cleansing reactions that sent me to bed.
I went back and slowly worked myself onto Liv-Amend (which is good for constipation). This
year I was fine when I got to the same level of vegetables that sent me to bed last year.
Are you taking Liv-Amend?
Julia Rojas
28 days ago
There's my friend Sharon! ;)
Haven't tried Liv-Amend yet, but it sounds like a good product. I need to order it soon and see if
that helps.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It gives me hope. :) I will say this...I'm going into week 2 of
the detox diet right now without any fermented products and I don't feel great but I am having
some moments of clarity here and there which is awesome because I haven't had any in forever.
I look forward to the day when I can think clearly and have abundant energy all the time.
28 days ago
JuliaThere are some tests(stool) that you can take that will check for C.Difficile and other pathogens
that may be in the small intestine. If these are present, an anti-biotic can be used to kill the
infection if natural means are not doing the job. If people do have some type of SIBO(small
intestine bacterial overgrowth), the fermentation of even the most common probiotic strains
can occur and be concerning. Donna recommends to use only the Bifidus strains of bacteria if
you do have a bacterial overgrowth, as the Bifidus strains do not ferment the same as the other
Julia Rojas
28 days ago
Thanks Randall! I really appreciate your feedback! :)
Cindy Johnson
27 days ago
Hi Julia and all,
I have similar concerns with my son. He has had two severe allergic reactions in his life (he's 8)
and they both coincidentally (or is it?) were during ingesting a probiotic food. However, doctors
(conventional) both times said it was something else.
The first time, he was prescribed a macrolide antibiotic (super dose-time release: Zmax) and had
been given the dose 16 hours earlier. He was having some milk kefir with raisins and cashew
butter, and right after, his lips ballooned up to three times their size! We took him to urgent
care immediately and they gave him an epi shot. The doctor said it was the antibiotic. (It was
not his first time having milk kefir, but I never gave it to him again after that). I am wondering if
the antibiotic (given for pneumonia) had killed something that left something else available to
interact with the kefir in a bad way?
Then, three years later to this past March, he had an appetizer containing Rejuvlac/cashew milk
in a restaurant, and started some strange strident breathing. Not excited at all, just very calm
with a wheeze on the inhalation. We immediately left and got some Benadryl into him, which
helped. We had him checked on the way home at his doctor's and he was fine, but sent home
with prednisone.
We subsequently followed up with an allergy back scratch test to everything that was in the
appetizer (I had preapproved it because based on the menu listing it should have been fine)anyway, the allergist determined it was from the jalapeno. (he's had that in salsa before) But
there again, was the Rejuvelac and soaked cashews. BTW--he ate cashews daily up until the
restaurant incident, and I took all nuts away until the test--and he turned out to be a bit allergic
to nuts he was eating everyday.
I asked the allergist about my probiotic concern, and she said that he wouldn't be allergic to
bacteria, we as humans aren't, or we wouldn't be here. I just wonder though, and am really
caught between a rock and a hard place with wanting to give him probiotics, kefir in particular
and cultured veggies--but am extremely nervous to have him react again. I don't think my
nerves could handle it, and I sure wouldn't want him to go through that again.
Lastly, since starting this detox, I bought a jar of Bubbies cabbage and gave him a little, which he
liked, and so I was encouraged. He started coughing a little though, and once I heard a little
cough, I took it away. I am just too concerned to go there again. I may have even given him
Does anyone have any ideas about this? I would love to help his gut with kefir, cultured veggies,
etc, but can't help but wonder...!
Thanks, and good luck to all on this journey of healing.
Vitamin B12 injections
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
What does Donna think about Vitamin B12 injections? Does she think they are beneficial and safe?
Has anyone ever tried them. I purchase a groupon to get 8 shot but now I am not sure I want to do it. I
am mostly vegetarian and am often tired. I have read that vegetarians are often low on B12 because you
cannot get them from plants so I thought the injections might be a good idea but now I am not sure.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Gayle, Have you tried the energy biotic drink? That's what I want to try. Also, can you ferment
your BED grains with the cocbiotic or cocokefir and eat more grains? I prefer to eat my B
vitamins as a group rather than isolate one of them. My friend used to give me free shots. I
could not tell much difference. But some people swear by them. Keep working on your diet. I
just know this is going to work for us.
Gayle Jann
26 days ago
Thanks Rebekah. Good point.
does blending kale have the same effect as steaming the kale?
Gayle Jann
about 1 month ago
I am wondering if the kale is pureed in a blender like VitaMix if that is okay.
Also what about crunching the raw kale with olive oil, salt and lemon juice. It makes it almost as if it was
steamed so I wonder if that would do the same thing as steaming the kale or other cruciferous veggies.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I have begun to steam all my cruciferous veggiees. I used to eat lots of raw kale. I am still
having one to two quarts of raw and blended greens a day. Also... plenty of good protien and
soaked BED grains.
about 1 month ago
Gayle, no, from what I've heard Donna say, kale and other cruciferous veggies must be cooked. I
remember her saying they are not one to add to our blended soups and smoothies. Sorry sister!
about 1 month ago
I'm not sure, but hasn't the idea that cruciferous vegetables needing to be cooked to reduce the
goitergens been debunked? I think there is only a problem if you are low in iodine and eating a
lot of raw cruciferous vegetables, otherwise, eating these vegetables raw are good for cancer
prevention. Anyway, this is what I remember hearing something about.
about 1 month ago
@ Sherry- it's true about kale and other crucif. veg. in case of hypothyreotic -low functioning
thyreoid gland - USE them NOT raw.
Coconut oil is excellent " antidote" if you've been overdoing raw crucif. veg. without knowing
how's your thyreoid functioning.
let's get well :)
Gayle Jann
26 days ago
Thanks everyone for your input.
Florastor Yeast Probiotics
24 days ago
Hello. I have a question regarding probiotics. My dad was hospitalized a few years back because of
antibotic he was taking for something that it killed all his good blood cells -- they put him on Florator
yeast probiotics and they nearly saved his life.
Since my blood test came back positive for systemic candida I wanted to know if this probiotic is safe for
Candida? I have currently been taking a bacterial probiotic for years (different brand names at whole
foods) and not even sure if they are working?? I just bought Donna's book now and am reading it and
want to follow her advise but so far have not gotten to any specific brand of probiotic she
recommends. Just the mere mention of yeast probiotic frightened me because though it is a good yeast
I still do not want any more yeast in my body if you know what I mean :)
If anyone knows anything on this please let me know! Thank you so very much and hope everyone is
having a good weekend. I know this site will be soon be gone and I will miss the interaction and highly
valuable information coming through!
allergy to keifer
25 days ago
I have tried repeatedly to add the coconut keifer to my diet - one shotglass a night, now diluted with
water but am still experiencing difficulties and
can't have it even two nights in a row. Presently I am having it one night a week. I am having coconut
keifer made with coconut water and the BED
keifer starter.
If it turns out that I am allergic to Keifer what can I substitute it with?
As a side note I presently am using the veggie culture starter with absolutely no difficulties.
Rebekah Wright
16 days ago
Hi Sheree,
Coconut kefir has always made me throw up. I have not tried it yet. I loved the cocobiotic. I am
doing great on the cultured veggies I made from the packet of powder. Donna lso has an energy
biotic and dong quai I want to try too.
Good lck,
Does sugar in food or blood feed yeast?
Simone Reynaud
9 days ago
Is it the actual sugar content in the food or if it is the blood sugar level that feeds the systemic yeast?
Does a lower glycemic value feed yeast any less?
Julia Rojas
9 days ago
From what I gather, it's essentially the sugar from food that feeds yeast in the gut. But sugar is
sugar whether it be in the blood or in the gut. Certain foods we must break down in our bodies
turns to sugar, that's why certain foods that aren't necessarily high in sugar can still feed yeast
like high carbohydrate diets, even healthy carbs. Because carbs must be broken down in the
body like sugar. But lower glycemic diet would halp in not feeding the yeast as much. It's a
matter of balance. Body Ecology says it is good to have some carbs like quinoa and millet but
just not in excess. 80/20 prinicple. 80% veggies in all meals and the other 20% can be either a
protein or an alternative grain(not both at the same time in order not to inhibit proper
digestion). So just remember, lots of veggies at every meal most importangly. To alternate your
meals between proetein and good carb helps keep the balance.
I hope that helps.
Contact List for after forum shut down
Julia Rojas
10 days ago
Hey all! Just wanted to see who might be interested in keeping in touch after this forum shuts down. I've
really gotten so much out of it and the support here and gettting to know kike minded & like bodied ;)
people like me has been priceless. I'm currently not on facebook (I'm taking a fast from it ;) but might go
back on at some point.
But I thought I would go ahead and start this post as a contact list. If anyone is interested you can reply
and post your email address here and facebook address if you want.
So, here goes the start of the contact list...
Thanks! Much love!
Julia Rojas
10 days ago
My email is and if you don’t want to post yours publicaly, feel free to
message me.
Thanks! Look forward to keeping the support going! J
erica coronado
6 days ago
My email is
Julia Rojas
5 days ago
Cool. Thanks Erica! :)
erica coronado
6 days ago
The Dr. Sent me for a colonoscopy because I havent had regular BM I have to do laxatives and this week
started with enemas But I dont have the desire to have a Bowel movement since I started The BED DIET I
was constipated but not like Now, any experiencie with colonoscopy Thank you God blessings for all Bed
Julia Rojas
5 days ago
I had to have a colonoscopy once when I was starting a different cleansing program for parasites
and yeast and was taking all these supplements and was having horrible stomach pain to the
point I was crying and hollering. The gastroenterologist couldn't find anything wrong with me.
When I asked him about candida, he pretty much just laughed it off and said he didn't believe in
it. You know what his only advice for me was as diagnosed with IBS? He just told me to cut
lettuce out of my diet. LETTUCE! REALLY DUDE?! I spent a couple hundred dollars and that's not
including insurance for him to tell me to cut lettuce out of my diet. It's not like I was eating
lettuce all the time. Geez.
But it was reassuring to know I didn't have anything like stomach cancer. But I don't think they
check for parasites. Because when I called to ask if they had checked for it, they said it's not part
of the routine unless something really abnormal shows up.Most Parasites are extremely tricky
and hard to detect So if you decide to go just for peace of mind, be sure to ask beforehand if
they will check for parasites and bacterial infection. Most of us have parasites because of the
candida which can cause constipation.
Personally, I think spending your money on a full digestive panel would be more worth it
through a natural doc. I wish I would have spent my money on that instead, now I'm going to
have to wait until I have the money to do that.
When I started the BED diet a while back (been off and on for a while)...I became very
constipated. By reading these posts, it looks like it's a very common symptom. Part of the die-off
reaction. I was talking to a certified body ecology specialist at the time and she told me to keep
doing enemas. I think you just have to overcome the hump and be patient. I know it's hard. I
usually end up giving up on the diet at that point :( But I will keep getting back on the horse and
trying until I get this thing and start experiencing a break through. We just have to continue to
pray and believe it will happen.
But if your doc really wants you to get a colonoscopy and you have the money, it wouldn't hurt
just to be on the safe side.
erica coronado
4 days ago
Thank you Julia so I will continúe with enemas for Now Im Only doing water enemas hopefully
this will Work.
Days 1 – 7
Day 2
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
I hear you on the frustration! I would love to have someone running this forum and answering questions
--as in Donna or someone who works with her.
The alcohol and caffeine removal today feels hard. I have company coming in from out of town and I
know they were wanting to go out.
Also I nanny and the caffeine, even just one cup any day that I work, helps me through.
Can anyone else put in on this?
Will one or two glasses of wine this weekend really set me back?
Emily Hurley
about 1 month ago
Hi JB--Personally I would say if you're really dealing with a health issue and want to see results,
say no to wine or other alchohol. Especially avoid it if you are trying to get rid of
candida. Believe me, I totally get how hard this is. But my opinion is, if you are going to invest
time and effort in this, why not do it all the way and actually see what can happen?
Gary Ammirati
about 1 month ago
Jennifer, I agree with Emily, If you are doing the detox for health reasons or to regain heath, I
would say do not have the alcohol or caffine. I know it is hard, but you will benefit greatly from
working through the hard parts.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
yes to Gary and Emily. Jennifer, i am so sick of being sick I am ready and willing to do whatever it
takes even if she tells me I have to drink coconut kefir. i am so tired of doing it my way and not
getting results and ending back up sick again. There is no amount of company on earth that is
worth me staying sick at this point, I am blessed to have a badly broken leg, opps, i mean
wonderfully healing leg right now, so I can't work. I am drinking basil tea and r=osemary and
sage tea during the day for energy. Wine has sugar i it. She has not taken us off of fruit yet. Eat
fruit to make up for the sugar in the wine. I wanted "something" when I came back to
thekitchen with all my cups tonight. I am eating raw coconut meat and finding it very
satisfying. Give yourself some treats you love. Mangos, strawberries, avocados, whatevfer is
within the parameters of the diet outlined at this time. Take care, rebekah
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I understand that this diet and detox can be really hard but so worth it. Giving up the things you
love to eat is very hard also. If you want to get better, you will do anything that it takes to get
you there. I was sidelined two years ago with a mysterious illness. I was in the ER 3 times and
saw a heart specialist, GI specialist, ENT specialist, physical therepist, OBGYN specialists. Finally
saw a naturopath doctor and she confirmed overgrowth of candida and parasites. The
overgrowth gave me food sensitivities. I can't eat anything with gluten, soy, corn, dairy, egg or
sugar. I can't have these allergens on my skin either and that is super hard to investigate
everything that you put on your body(deodorant, shampoo, makeup, toothpaste etc)I also do
not eat fruit as the natural sugar feeds the candida. THere is not much I can eat. Going out to eat
with friends and family is out of the question. I sometimes go out with them but I bring my own
food and drink(I have to watch the floride and chlorine in others water)which isn't the same.I
can't go away overnight anywhere unless I bring my own food and that doesn't work too well. I
couldn't believe how many things in life revolve around food/drink until I got sick. A friend might
say lets go for coffee, lets go for lunch/dinner, lets go to this festival, lets go for a drink. etc.
Holiday dinners with the family are hard on me watching everyone eat. I bring my own food to
eat. The only drinks I have are water, tea or my homemade lemonade.Smetimes I
make homemade almond/coconut milk but I think they are not allowed on the diet. I haven't
had a coffee, cookie, pizza etc in two years. Sometimes it bothers me but I know I will get better
sooner or later. If you want to get better, you will do as Donna says to regain your health once
and for all. Everybody always says to me can't you just have a little coffee or alittle piece of cake.
I tell them if I cheat I'm only cheating myself and will prolong me from getting well. Stay the
course and follow what Donna says and we all will get well in the end and it will have been
worth it. :)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I am right there with ya Pattie!!!!! You just get used to taking your own food and water
everywhere. And I too can't have it on my skin either. I dont use any shampoo or lotions. I only
use food grade oils with essential oils and scrub my scalp with my fingers or wash my hair in sea
salt if it ever needs it. The only diffence with me is nearly my whole family is already having to
eat like this. We have had ten cancer deaths and one 6 month old neice died of GRAVES
disease. So, at least it is safe for me to eat with family. it is wonderful!
Yes, we will get better sister, Rebekah
about 1 month ago
Oh My Dear Rebekah -So sorry about all of your losses --- know that you are on a great journey here --- and you will get
better this phase is only 21 days and yes I would say Donna is going very slow however she does
not really know who is in the claas and how "bad" their issues may be.
May I suggest that you get yourselve at least one dozen organic lemons and some limes. Then
get some stevia (this is an herbal sweetener) Donna will tell you about it. I have used it for at
least 10 years. Many people do not like it however it is because they use WAY TOO MUCH. May
I suggest that you buy it in liquid form and what you want to do is take a glass of good purified
wat then put ONE DROP in the water and stir it up --- then add ONE DROP at a time until it
works for you. When people use the powder it is more difficult to regulate. They will use a
packet and OMG it is awful. Stevia is something like 300+ times sweeter than sugar.
So first thing in the morning fill a glass (at least 12 - 16oz) with good purified water that has
been warmed up only to the point that you can drink it down fairly quickly -- add the juice of
one whole organic lemon -- sweeten with a bit of stevia and drink this down and do it every
single morning first thing out of bed -- you will be amazed at how it will wake you up. Ideally
you do not even want the stevia -- it is best to break away from the "need" for sweets.
I drink this all throughout the day as well -- when I go out -- you can order hot water with lemon
or ask for lemons with your cold water. When you atart feeling better and Looking healthier
your family and friends will notice ------------------------- IT IS ALL WORTH IT -- EVERY BIT OF THE
TIME AND EFFORT. all the best to you and everyone reading this post
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Martella,
These are great ideas. I have been craving lemons and limes. Gonna go make me some more
lime water now. :). I want to grow stevia and would like to find whole stevia herb. You're right, I
am not happy with "Stevia in the Raw" extract powder.
I do like immensely how slowly Donna is taking us through this! it is wonderful and easy!
Thank you,
about 1 month ago
Jennifer-Remember that you will get out of this what you put into it. Cleansing taps deep into
our subconscious programming and breaking those bonds on a mental/physical level can be very
very difficult, so it is important to know what your goals are for doing the cleanse. There will
always be things that come up and never a "convenient time" for us to make big life changes. In
terms of drinking this wknd, only you can make a decision on that, but alcohol is in the exact
opposite direction of detoxification. Coffee--due to its acidity and intense affect on your adrenal
glands and hormone balance, is also in diametric opposition to trying to allow the body to
cleanse and rest itself. Regardless of what you decide is right for you, I would recommend
journaling on what is coming up right now for you--what do you think your friends would say if
you didn't go out or you didn't drink and how would that make you feel? How does social life
bring up feelings of frustration with the cleanse and what types of resistance does it incite? How
is the voice in your head saying? "It's only a few drinks" etc--it's actually a wonderful
opportunity to listen to what your "self talk" sounds like and how it manipulates you(like all of
our self talk does) to keep things as exactly as they are. Change is thretening to the ego.
Regardless of how things go, do you best to stay on track, especially moving deeper into week
two of the cleanse.
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Thanks so much Randall!
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Thanks so much Randall!
Tova Pusl
about 1 month ago
I am new. I just finished listening to the download of Wednesdays talk. I have been reading the
BED book and listening to Donna on podcasts, etc. Somehow, I still haven't taken the plunge. I
struggled with eating disorders as a teen and spent 10 years being hedonistic. Two years ago I
began doing yoga and cut carbs, lost pregnancy weight and felt great. Then, slowly the weight
came back.
Now, not only do I have the unwanted pounds, I am extremly fatigued, have migraines amoung
a basic feeling of blah! I have been glutten free for 90 days and feel slightly better, but really
believe it is the yeast that I need to get rid of.
Today I bought several of the recommended greens for making fermented salad. But, still I am
scared of leaving my tasty foods behind. Since I got the eating disorder under control (20 years
ago) I really don't like to feel restricted....
So, here is the emotional cleansing I need to do, even before I start the diet. (sigh)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Dear Tova,
My heart goes out to you sister, I used to go to overeaters anonymous 22 years ago. I
understand what you are talking about. My brother passed away from last Nov to this March or
horrible bone cancer that was excreutuiating to him and for me to watch. I binged on reeces
cups throughout the whole ordeal and now my kidneys are suffering. Sometimes we need to
draw a line in the sand and say NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! and sometimes we need to be gentle and
compassionate with ourselves. Donna is being extremely gentle and compasisonate with us in
starting this cleanse. I am at the no matter what phase now so I am at the 100% compliance
level. No matter what you do or decide or comply with, understand that you are on a journey of
learning to love yourself. be kind to yourself. re commit as many times a day as it takes. Does it
help you to pre commit your food the day beofre? You can do that here if you need to. it keeps
us from eating from emotionality and for nutriton. I have thought of it but haven't been willing
thus far. I would pre committ with you if it would be helpful. What do you think.
Sending you love,
Yerba Mate
about 1 month ago
I loaned out my BED book over a year ago and have yet to get it back!
I am thinking the BED said no to mate? Presently I quite enjoy this beverage but should I be cutting this
out (as in a few days ago)?
Advice appreciated.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
HI Erin,
I looked it up on wikipedia. it does contain caffeine of the guyaniosides (sp)? derivitive. So, yes,
any and all caffeinated beverages is the way i interprested it at this point as the goal is to get our
adrenals to relax. Where do you live that is frozen half the year? I am challenged to live in the
southeastern US where it freezes a little and sometimes snows during Dec, Jan, Feb, lol. I love
love love our hundred degree summers and eighties spring and fall. I don't think I could live
where it was frozen half the year. I dream of living on the equater.
Much love,
Day 5
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning my beautiful BED detox family,
Please lift me up in prayer today as I travel three hours north to Atlanta to see my mama. I found a ride,
yeah : ). Traveling is still challenging for my leg as well as my low back. I am well prepared with lots of
pillows a blanket. Eating is safe with my family as we are all sick but I have packed good foods
anyway. My pain levels are still very high in my healing leg and kidney\low back, and bladder\back of
legs and I am very tired this morning. I am so grateful, happy, and excited to see my mama. She will be
85 in June and is the sweetest woman you will ever meet.
I trust you all find beauty in whatever your day brings you.
Love and golden healing light,
Remove nutritional/brewers yeast?
about 1 month ago
Wondering if I should eliminate nutritional and/or brewer's yeast?
about 1 month ago
Yes according to the Body Ecology diet book you should absolutely remove both of these. :)
about 1 month ago
Annika a few years ago I was taking Brewers Yeast, only a tablespoon a day and I would be
violently ill every time I took it and couldn't stop vomiting. The moment I stopped taking the
yeast I stopped vomiting. After that even the smell was enough to set me off!!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I never eat anything with any yeast of any sort, ever!!!! For B's, I eat soaked raw nuts, sprouted
beans, and raw greens. Best to you. :)
about 1 month ago
I've been taking a brewer's yeast that is not a by-product of brewing beer. It is grown on sugar
beets and is brown in color. Anyway, it is full of nutrients and makes me feel good when I take
it. I have the Body Ecology book and cannot find where is states not to use brewer's yeast. Just
wondering :)
about 1 month ago
Thank you for the information and the inspiration to elminate the brewers and the nutritional
yeast (which I have been taking daily)!
about 1 month ago
I wonder if Donna will check in on the Nutritional Yeast question. Since it is not alive and does
not feed on refined carbs as does candida my understanding is that it will not contribute to a
yeast overgrowth. Is this correct? I use it a lot in sauces, gravys and instead of cheese
sometimes. Thank you!!!
about 1 month ago
"Nutritional yeast, packages of baker's yeast for bread baking and brewer's yeast for the
making of beer and wine are readily available to purchase.Yeast extracts are often used in foods
like salad dressings, sauces, seasonings on potato and corn chips and bouillon cubes to enhance
flavor of stocks etc.
There are also wild yeast in nature and these airborne yeast cause "wild fermentation" of bread,
beer, Kombucha, Kvass etc.
All of the above types of fermentation are usually not well tolerated by someone with a yeast
infection or overgrowth. They are not part of The Body Ecology System of Health and Healing.
Cultured vegetables, young coconut kefir, milk kefir and all the products made by the
Grainfield's Flora Ferm process are quite different. This includes the TOP-RECOMMENDED
Cocobiotic, Innergy Biotic, Dong Quai, and BE Wholegrain Liquid."
from Body Ecology website (a lot of good info in this article):
about 1 month ago
I am also listening to Donna's free audiobook you get when you subscribe on the bodyecology
I just saw this today on the welcome page here:
Coconut Kefir (USE COUPON BE21DAY for 25% off!) Discount in effect through May 31st,
about 1 month ago
some raw kale chips that i love have nutritional yeast... sometimes we crave the things we are
allergic to...
about 1 month ago
actually had to throw out "RAW" brand protein because it had brewer's yeast in it.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Sorry about that Bernice. it will be worth it though.
Remove anything in plastic
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
I'm having a hard time with this one. Could the Moderator please reply? Even fresh organics often
come in plastic. Like a bag of carrots. And if I get bulk foods, those tend to go in plastic bags. I store flax
seeds in a plastic container. Is this a prescription to eliminate all plastic containers, bags, etc?
about 1 month ago
Bonnie-sorry for the confusion. We are referring to pre-packaged foods--things that come in a
shape that nature didn't intend--like popular supplement bars and salty, preservative laden
snack foods. You do not need to remove plastic containers, bags, etc--but it may not be a bad
idea to get glass containers at some point or ensure that the plastic you store food in is BPA
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
Thanks! Whew.
Sprouting Almonds
about 1 month ago
Hi there,
I'm not sure whether after soaking the almonds for 8-12 hours does the brown shell of the almond
need to be taken off? Do the almonds then need to be dehydrated or what do you do with them after
Thanks so much
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
From what I understand, you can eat the almonds with the skins or without. You soak the nuts
to get rid of the phytic acid which is an anti nutrient and not good for our system and I think if
you take off the skin it helps even more. After soaking, I just dry them off on paper towel and
eat them through out the day. If you make a whole bunch at a time you might want to
dehydrate them as they will not store well being wet. I just make a little a day to eat. I hope this
helps you.
about 1 month ago
Thanks Pattie, it does!
about 1 month ago
Basically I soak the almonds in water & sea salt over night, drain off the extra water, then I
dehydrate them and that usually takes overnight as well. I like to do a bunch at a time. If you
don’t have a dehydrator after you soak and drain them, you can spread them on a cookie sheet
and put them in the oven on a low temperature (no higher than 150 degrees) for 12 to 24 hours.
Then store them in an airtight container.
Delete Old Emails
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good afternoon my beautiful BED detox family,
Because I went to delete all my old unneeded emails, I found pictures of my brother's birthday in Feb.
who passed away in March on the full moon. He chose such a sweet night to cross over for us as the
moon bathed us in her love all night long as we stayed with him. I have given my only cd of photos to my
Aunt who also has pancreatic cancer that is already in her liver. I never knew I would receive anything so
precious from this cleanse!
I am going to soak in warm bath with epsom salt, rosemary, and lavender and give myself a dose of
I love you with nuniversal love,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, Nothing in life is random. God has a plan for all of us if we just listen and follow the
guidance. You were meant to find those pics of your brother and I'm so glad you did.
Namaste, Pattie
non organic produce
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I have found in my journey over the last two years that sometimes it is not possible to find all your
produce organic. Fresh, local, in season and organic produce is the best. I do go to three different stores
every week in search of the best I can find. I belong to a CSA in my area(1 hour away) where I receive
organic produce from June to November every week. I have started my own garden too this year and
am really excited about that. The site Environmental Working Group has a list of the
dirtiest and the cleanest non organic produce just in case you cannot find all your produce organic you'll
know which ones NOT to buy non organic. The list is small enough to fit in your purse to refer to at the
store. Dirty Dozen(buy these organic) is apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinich, nectarines,
grapes, peppers, potatoes, blueberries, lettuce, kale/collardgreens. The cleanest non organic and lowest
in pesticides are onions, corn, pinapples, avocado, asparagus, peas, mangoes, eggplant, cantaloupe,
kiwi, cabbage, watermelon, sweet potatoes, grapefruit and mushrooms. I hope this was a help to
phyllis chowaniok
about 1 month ago
Hi Pattie, thank you for the websiste it is the same one I use, that has helped me a lot when it
comes to shopping and knowing what to buy and what not to buy...
Curious on DAY 5
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
I think it would be helpful and interesting to share any feelings you have thus far in the detox.
For me, I feel lighter calmer, slightly more focused and centered in myself. In me.
I've been sleeping more and for longer amounts of time.
Please share! Thanks:)
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Oops I meant Day 6.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good glorious morning to you Jennifer,
Yes, i am feeling much better already. Much less angry and irritable! Much more hopeful and
much less hopeless. I am sleeping without Ambien now, woo hoo. I have a wakeful period from
two am to three am, which i think is during the kidney cycle hours of the night. So, I do the
Bruno Chikly (sp)? method of manual lymphatic drainage on myself and also massage practially
everywhere! Then I go back into a peaceful sleep from three to six. I am loving the quite,
darkened time in the evenins. I am loving journaling, but I always have. I am loving even more
laying in the sun every day and about to go out now. This morning I had pure water, two halves
of grapefruit with stevia spaced about an hour apart, two glasses of lemon water with stevia,
and a mug of freshly chopped and boiled ginger root. I am now eating cooked quinoa with
chlophyll powder and extra virgin olive oil added after cooking, no salt or stevia. it is delicious.
I am still expereincing a lot of back, kidney, and bladder pain and of course the leg that was
shattered in the wreck five weeks ago and had the titanium rod inserted in is still extremely
painful. But, I am off the 800mg ibuprophen! Yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!! Thanks for asking this
question! A very good one.
Sending you beautiful sweet love,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I am loving the mental/emotional detox every day. I do feel much lighter and calmer. I love the
sun and standing on the earth daily. I miss doing it for the last two days as it has been really
raining here. I have been sick for two years and just focusing on the food aspect to regain my
health. About seven months ago I started to research other areas and realized that to get well
you must get well mind, body and spirit not just body. Your gut is your emotional brain. So if you
have any digestive issues think about cleaning up your emotions. I need to clear up my
emotions also. Rebekah, I hope you are getting better everyday.
about 1 month ago
I love the NEWS FAST!!!
It has given me the space to really FOCUS.
It is helping me to change a relationship where my friend was extremely negative.
It is helping me really SEE myself maintaining the BED for life. It's been a step by step journey
these last years. And now I really SEE myself maintaining what I have worked so hard to obtain.
about 1 month ago
I soaked nuts today and quinoa is next... I have cooked it before and I tried sprouting once and
then dehydrated on low heat in oven and it didn't really work. So will try again to sprout
quinoa...and try it raw. (BED isn't raw)
re-reading BED book (I have an old copy)... and I have the latest Baby boomer diet... I am not a
baby boomer but info still applies
so think i'll read instead of doing e-mail, etc
about 1 month ago
I think I'll stay of of here for now too.. taking care of myself and what is best for me...wishing
you all well :-)
Tova Pusl
about 1 month ago
It is encouraging to read all of your positive experiences. I did set up my meditation/sun spot in
my back yard today. But, I have yet to take the diet plunge. I really went off the wagon on the
weekend and, of course, felt horrible. So, Monday I was back to gluten free and more veggies. I
felt terrible today, but I believe that is the detox from sugar and caffeine.
I know I will feel better when I am "really doing the diet". I just need to get there.
thank you for all of your inspiration and support.
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Lighter and calmer...sleeping so well (long and peaceful) More energy!!! I love this. Years ago I
followed the cleansing regime in Donna's first book and it was so healthy,
so rejuvenating and most of all healing. Food is our medicine and Donna Gates offers us great
wisdom in this area.
Any Guidelines on foods to consume?
about 1 month ago
I do not have the Body Ecology Diet book as yet and I missed the first part of the live workshop due to
time zone issue here in Australia. Were there any guidelines given on foods to consume during the
detox? I am a vegetarian and focus mainly on wholefoods. I am assuming I need to cut out all gluten
grains and any comfort foods. Are all fruits, veg and non-gluten grains allowed as well as nuts, seeds
and pulses? Thanks.
about 1 month ago
Donna has not discussed this yet. She mainly talked about the need for us to cleanse and the
problems candida causes, and that almost everyone has candida and parasites.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
The diet described on day one is about exactly what I was already eating. Yes, I have had to be
strictly gluten free for a long time, as well as dairy free, mostly raw, mostly green, saoked nuts
and sprouted beans forthe last six months. But knowing I was starting today, I ate sea salt,
expeller pressed sunflower oil, potatoe chips last night, go figure?!!! Since she hasn't taken us
off of fruit yet, which shocked me,lol. I am having a pineapple, coconut milk, chlorophyl drink :).
For dinner I had brown rice and cooked beans with seaweed. I have not had a green tonight and
am not going to worry about it. This is progress not perfection. I just took out my mung beans to
sprout. I guess we'll learn more as we go. I feel frustrated too. let's set our frustrations aside
and take it as it comes. if you find out you are doing something wrong, like eating pineapple,
like me tongiht, lol, then we'll make adjustments day by day. I am so excited to be joining this
journey with each one of you and love you with univeral love already. let's go get em. Oh... and
if ya can't tell, I'm a blood type O. haha
about 1 month ago
Hi Deni
I'm also from Australia and my worry is that we can't get all these products that Donna mentions
in Australia and the postage to purchase these products is quite expensive so hopefully there
will be lots of info on things we can do with locally obtainable products.
Jane Lacerda Castro
about 1 month ago
Hi Ladies, this is my first time ever doing a cleasing:) I am all exited and ready for the journey. I
know I have a lot to learn and I am happy about it. Thank you for the info you know by now and
let's do it!!
about 1 month ago
Deni and Monica,
There are ways to ferment your own coconut (or other) kefirs, and ferment veggies that don't
require purchasing BodyEcology's products. My doc has me ferment coconut water with Synergy
Kombucha. Do you have that there? It has a 'mother" like apple cider vinegars do. You can
google fermenting vegetables also--there's alot of info online.
about 1 month ago
Thanks Valerie - I'm going to start to ferment my own vegetables and I think I will only need a
really good quality salt. I also like the idea of coconut kefir and was able to purchase some kefir
from my local health food store - now just need to get into it :)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Deni and Monika,
I am living on charity right now so will not be able to purchase a lot of expensive things either. I
am going to comply as close to 100% as possible. When I was first released from the hospital,
my daughter bought me natural spring aquifer alkaline water. Now, I am drinking tap water
from a whole house filter. I am releasing all those chemicals to their next highest good and just
simply going to trust. it will all be ok. Writing this makes me feel like crying. Good night.
about 1 month ago
Hi all.
Although we do not ship retail overseas, we have a great distributor in Australia who we work
very closely with as they manufacture many of our products. Their contact information is listed
106 Berrima St.
Wynnum, Queensland
Australia Phone: (07) 3396 3791
Fax: (07) 3396 2883
Another option would be to use a freight-forwarding service in the US such as
MyUs: to ship the products from the US to you.
You would contact them to make arrangements for them to receive and forward our product to
you, and then place your order with us to ship to them per their instructions.
Thanks again for your inquiry, we hope they are able to supply you with the products you are
looking to purchase.
Body Ecology Customer Service
about 1 month ago
Deni-please contact Hay House customer support if you do not receive a link to listen to the part
of the lecture you missed.
about 1 month ago
Thanks very much Jack, that's good to know about the Australian distributor and will check them
about 1 month ago
Thanks for all the info and comments.
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, I am on Social Security and a single mom. I know and feel your pain. There is alot of
benefit for fasting and cleansing. On a spiritual level there is no greater
power than asking and allowing. Recieving can be a challenging lesson to go thru. But some of
the poorest cultures eat minimally and healthfully with beans rice and a
bit of veggies. Look at the Lamas and Monks. They also pray and bless their foods. Energy
workers cleanse their foods by intention.
Also you can make your own Kombucha. The cultures make so many babies that people give
them away for free constantly.
Find a local health food store, co-op or farmers market and start asking around. Once you find
someone who makes it, they will glady give you one!
Ask, seek and find your journey filled with adventures and blessings and surprises. look at this
beautiful video of a raw conference in Russia where they are very poor...
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much Laura for your loving words of encouragement. One of my sisters is very
excited about Kombucha tea as a friend of mine who is a doctor at Emory turned her on to it. I
don't like it all all! it is made with black tea and sugar, two things that I always avoid. I have
some people who have promised to send me some money. i am going to try Donna's products
since this is where I have been led. And yes, sprouted beans stretch into eternity, lol and brown
rice is cheap. it takes a whole lot less to fill you up on veggies. I ordered Maine Sea Coast
Veggies on the internet and they are awesome!!!!!!
All blessings to you my sister,
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Valerie you are fermenting wild yeast. Be careful. The kombucha has a lot of wild yeast in it. So
that is what you are culturing.
margaret monaghan
about 1 month ago
Thanks Rebecca and Lorra for your posts. I have had a couple of good laughs and a whole lot of
understanding. I too am on social security disability, 10 years now. I also have 3 young adult
children who have had chronic unexplained neurological and other health issues since
birth. My son has aspergers syndrome. I spent a good part of 20 years dealing with weekly
doctors, school, social workers, therapist etc. I exhausted the system looking for appropriate
answers for my children while my own health progressively faded. It took more than 10 years
for an appropriate diagnoses for my son. It was only with the help of a very good therapist that I
was slapped in the face with the realization that those who were supposed to be helping me
really didn't know what they were doing and I was going to have to find solutions for myself.
Through my research I have come to realize that what ails us is diet and lifestyle related. My
extended family has also had problems with their children. My family seems to very sensitive
the the effects of all the added toxins people these days are subjected to. Unfortunately, now
my children are grown so my influence is limited over them. I have all I can handle caring for
myself. I am doing what I can for myself and praying for my children and grandchildren. Being
an example is the best teacher.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Hello this is my first time with detox so I dont have idea with the terms and food I am mexican I
love Mexican food but I have lupus for 21 years Now And this year is the worst with fatigue
Anxiety etc so I need to try To help my body detox I dont know Now to start but at least I can eat
beans and Brown rice And maybe lentis If somebody has any suggestions on what to have for
breakfast lunch and dinner Thank you God blessings
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I foound this on the bed web site. it is very helpful. Do you have her book? I began reading it
last night. it is awesome. I am going to order her products as soon as I can.
When we wake up in the morning our bodies are dehydrated, contracted, and naturally
acidic. We also need energy to start our day. Using the PRINCIPLE OFBALANCE to guide us it will
be best to drink liquids that hydrate us while giving us energy, relax us a little and also help us
become more alkaline. Our bodies are still waking up and need time to get into full gear, so
nutritionally-dense ,easy-to-digest, liquid-y foods and drinks are a must. WHAT WOULD THE
PERFECT BEGINNING TO OUR DAY LOOK LIKE? First, drink several glasses of water. Nothing
hydrates like water, and water with minerals added to help alkalize is best. Then, drink a
“probiotic juice” that acts as an adrenal tonic and also provides the “sweet taste” you need
when you are too contracted. Choose a sour juice like cranberry, pomegranate, açaí, noni,
mangosteen, or black currant and put this into a probiotic liquid like young coconut kefir or
InnergyBiotic™. Add stevia to sweeten. A cup of an energizing green tea sweetened with stevia
and a grapefruit sprinkled with sugar-free Lakanto is comforting on a cold winter day. Kiwi or a
handful of berries provides more energy and antioxidants as you begin your day. Stir Body
Ecology’s Vitality SuperGreen™ into some young coconut kefir and add some chia seeds. Let this
thicken for several minutes, and you have a great drink that will nurture your intestines. I always
find time to mix 1/2 tsp. or more of our Potent Proteins™ (fermented protein powder) into
InnergyBiotic. In minutes my energy increases even more. You can whip up a nutritious antiaging “Green, Morning Smoothie” with water, 2stalks of celery, 2 leaves of romaine lettuce, a
small zucchini, a small cucumber, some soaked chia seeds, a handful of mint, a large squirt of
Barlean’s 3-6-9 Swirl Essential Oil and a few drops of stevia. It’s an amazing, yet alkalizing, high
fiber drink too. If your body likes casein, (the main protein in dairy foods), pour some
homemade milk kefir over a bowl of your favorite berries. Milk kefir is a European favorite in the
hot summer months because it is cooling. This cooling quality is great for inflammation (internal
heat) all year round and is another reason why it is an anti-aging food. Or take the berries and
your freshly-made milk kefir, and add stevia to create a delicious berry smoothie. Milk kefir, a
splash of roasted pump skin seed oil, some vanilla flavoring, and Lakanto and/or stevia is
another tasty smoothie combination. This “lite” yet extremely nourishing start to your day is a
perfect example of practicing calorie restriction with optimal nutrition. These are all good
options that hydrate, give you energy to start your day, are filling, and are all properly
combined. An acidic meal is inappropriate, so bacon, eggs, toast, oatmeal, and cereal with milk
(a food-combining nightmare) are not on the Baby Boomer Diet. While all the suggestions above
are easy to digest, you may want to take digestive enzymes if you feel you need them. For
example, even though fermenting helps with digestion of casein in the milk kefir, the casein may
still be difficult to digest for those with weak digestion. If you have this problem try taking a
digestive enzyme with HCL and pepsin for digestion of casein in your stomach and a second
enzyme with pancreatin that breaks it down when it reaches your small intestine. The best time
of the day to eat heavier proteins (like animal proteins and nut and seed pâtés) is between
11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Your liver is ready to accept proteins at this time, and you are more
active and need the extra concentrated energy. Many of us would benefit from eating two
smaller protein meals. For example, around 11:00 a.m., eggs, cultured vegetables, and a small
leafy green salad makes an energizing brunch. Eggs are great for your thyroid and your brain and
help create energy. At 1:00 p.m. have a tasty protein and veggie lunch served with a small
champagne glass of Cocobiotic™. If you need or want to gain weight, have an energizing,
alkaline snack like VitalitySuperGreen mixed into young coconut kefir around 3:00 or4:00 p.m.
This will give you a mid-afternoon boost of energy to get you through that period when you feel
a bit sleepy or unfocused. Satisfying those afternoon cravings with something healthy will give
you more motivation to prepare an evening meal that is balanced and unrushed. Your last meal
of the day should be vegetarian. Your digestive tract starts to slow down around sunset, so
difficult-to-digest, complex meals are not wise. Eat early and eat a light vegetarian meal. You’ve
had a busy day, and it won’t be long before you will want to prepare for a great rejuvenating
night of deep sleep. You’ll sleep better and awaken refreshed if your last meal is 80% vegetables
(from the land and ocean), cultured vegetables and a gluten-free, grain-like seed such as quinoa,
millet, buckwheat, or amaranth.
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, thanks for posting that info. Very informative. I think I need to purchase the Baby
Boomer book and give some of these ideas a try.
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
I would like some guidelines regarding what is in and what is out and at what points in this
process. Only by reading the forum (and then looking at the book)
did I realize not nuts. And eventually no fruit. But are those taboo now? We get time to wean
off things, and figure out what and how to plan meals.
I am new to BED and welcome the challenge, and potential benefits! ... just need time and more
inclusive guidelines.
Thank you.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I have been doing exactly the same thing, reading the post, reading the web site, reading the
book. Yes, my internal medicine specialist placed me on a much harsher, quicker, candidiasis
cleanse. I like the way Donna is going it much better! I am finding it very easy to adhere to. I am
working diligently on my bedroom and genreal chaos/clutter/cleanliness in the home.
I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! :)
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Was it clear that we were to refer to the BED book to follow this 21 day cleanse? I have been
following Donna's guidelines each day. Several years ago I followed the cleansing diet in her
book, but this past week I have simply followed her daily indications. Perhaps there needs to
be more detailed direction from Donna on what foods to consume and not to consume. I do
eat a few walnuts daily.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you Rebecca I Think i need to buy the book I being following what each Day saids but I am
stuck in Day 2 Because i havent bought any product
Almond milk?!
about 1 month ago
I was surprised how emphatic Donna was on today's call about eliminating almond milk because it is
acidic. I had thought that almonds themselves were alkaline and so I have been soaking them and then
blending with water to make my own (unsweetened) almond milk. From the product reviews on the
website, it looks like a lot of people "on BED" make their own almond milk. Do you think even simple
homemade almond milk should be eliminated?
about 1 month ago
I too was wondering about this. I've always heard that almonds were alkalinizing.
about 1 month ago
I was surprised as well. I've been making my own almond milk, too. I wonder if Donna plans on
getting on this forum to clarify.
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
I make my own almond milk and coconut milk. I have the BED book and soaked almonds are on
the list and are alkalizing so I'm confused too. I don't think coconut is on the list of foods to have
so I might have to get it off my list. I'm not sure what makes the almond milk acidic.
about 1 month ago
Hi everyone. While to my knowledge, Donna will not be responding on these forums, our
customer service team will be monitoring them and answering whatever questions we can.
Almond milk is acid forming, yes, particularly store-bought, but even homemade as well. if your
diet is very alkaline, you may be able to handle it in moderation, but it is not ideal if trying to
alkalize the body.
If you do consume almond milk, it would be best to ferment it first with our kefir starter.
Body Ecology Customer Service
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Jack.
What do we need "milk" for anyway? Eat real food and drink healthy water. it takes a lot less
work! Thanks for the clarification about the team support. I am certain Donna knows how to
train her staff and run her business. :) I am cetain you guys can answer most of our questions
adequately and will refer to her when needed. it feels comforting to know you are here Jack. I
love you with universal love.
Lee Verner
about 1 month ago
Well, I do like to have some form of milk on my cereal in the morning. What do you
recommend? I, too, have been using Almond Milk. Lee
about 1 month ago
In Chinese Medicine, nuts can be clogging to the liver. It is important to avoid nuts during the
cleanse because you want the liver to be able to detox properly.
about 1 month ago
Ok, good to know about nuts. I had no idea that they are clogging to the liver. I really like nuts
and eat a bit of them everyday. What about seeds for milk. Are they clogging to the liver as
well? i like making sesame seed milk, and was going to try hemp seed milk. Just curious, are
nuts something you want to have only occassionally, even when the cleanse is finished?
about 1 month ago
All depends on your health and digestion. Some ppl have no problem with nuts and those with a
weaker wood element(Chinese Medicine) may want to be more careful. During the cleanse, be
careful with the seed milk. And of course, if you're making seed milk after the cleanse, make
sure to soak/sprout the seeds before making the milk and use it as a base for kefir.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
HI Randall,
My accupuncturist says I am a "strong wood" need lots of water element to sfoten my hardness,
avoid wearing, sitting, sleeping, in metal direrection, etc because it will "cut" my energy. So...
are you saying that some nuts could be ok for a "hard" wood person like me? Raw, soaked nuts
and raw almond butter have been a get me by staple food for a long time. I don't do well on any
meat but fish and don't tolerate dairy, even raw or goats, either. I love my sprouted beans and
do maintain enough protien since I am an O blood type. I haven't found any protien powder that
is tollerable and never eat any created protein bars, ever. I do add sprouted beans to my whole
blended green drinks.
Thanks for your input here. it's great! and very comforting and reasuring as well as james!
about 1 month ago
Rebekah-Hard to say since there is so much more to our health than 5 element theory(that's
why chinese medicine has so many other theories mixed with 5 element theory). For example,
nuts are high in arginine and can feed viral infections, which could still cause problems to
someone who may have no issue digesting nuts. For our purposes on the cleanse, definitely
avoid the nuts best you can once they are cut out.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good evening Randall,
This is very good information for me as my viral count is high with Epstein barr, and some other
oprtunistic virus antibodies left over in my blood. I am goong to start Donna's keiers as soon as
some promised monies arrive, and also get some of her digestive enzymes since my internal
medicine specialist used to have me on some especially for my pancreas. I am loookig forward
to a much better digestive system as a result of this detox! When my coconut kefir arrives, it's
ok for me mask it with berries and stevia? Does throwing it up mean I shouldn't use it? I really
want to get better and am willing to be humble and teachable.
Thank you so much,
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
Wow. Thanks for the clarification on nuts! I've been eatting nuts thinking that was a good
snack, even almond butter! I guess both of those are out, yes?
about 1 month ago
For the purpose of the cleanse, we will be eliminating nuts(as the daily assignments will instruct
at the right time). After the cleanse, you may want to try to sprout the nuts before eating them
or making butter from them.
Adding stevia to the kefir is fine--if you ordered the Cocokefir brand, it may already be
sweetened depending on the ingredients. You can water the kefir down with some
water/mineral water and lemon juice too if the you dislike the taste at the beginning. If coconut
kefir in the past has made you sick--there could be a host of different reasons. I would
recommend asking Donna about it on Wednesday's call.
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
I am also wondering about Almond milk. How do sprouted alkaline almonds blended in filtered
or spring water turn acidic? And just to clarify, we can make kefir from our own almond milk?
Food in containers
Severine Degnan
about 1 month ago
I was wondering if we also have to cut out frozen fruits, frozen vegetables as well as all vegetables sold
in a container or wrap like carrots, celery, zucchini... Because here most fruits and vegetables are sold
wrap in something.
I don't eat junk food, so that's easy but eat lots of fruits and veggies.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Severine,
I am curious as to where you live? I do try as much as possible to eat fresh
vegetables. However, I am living on charity and sometimes do have to eat frozen ones. I am
simply blessing all my food to it's next highest good and thanking it for giving it's life for my
sustenance. I don't think there is anything wrong with buying food wrapped in plastic. Just take
it off as soon as you can and try not to buy too much at one time but go back to the store more
frequently if possible.
I am complying as close to 100% as possible. let's do our best with the highest intentions and let
the universe take care of the rest.
Much love to you on this beautiful morning,
about 1 month ago
right now I am focusing on eating healthier/expanding... a combination of BED and RAW (BED
isn't raw ) ...
I started with drinking water out of glass instead of plastic and changing out my teapot...
I think I will switch to more glass containers in the future but giving that time. Cocobiotic comes
in plastic bottles so not changing those out.
actually a lot of stuff comes in plastic bottles bags containers etc (organic greens etc)... so right
now just focusing on eating more vegetables, chlorella, cultured veggies, probiotics etc
goal to start soaking nuts and some grains...
Bonnie Winer
about 1 month ago
I just asked this same question - see below! Didn't see your forum question. Thanks for even
more clarity.
about 1 month ago
Focus on eliminating pre-packaged foods, like bars etc--foods that have been processed in some
way. Ok to use veggies that come in a bag, although best to get fresh if possible.
about 1 month ago
Donna has a BED RAW program.
about 1 month ago
just stopped by to post a link on some veggie storing tips :-)
I am throwing my kitchen away
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I need some help, I have a 4 year girl daughter, eating what I eat artificial flavors, cans, soups pastas now
I am throwing cereals cookies, pastas, I need ideas, because I am throwing my kitchen away
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Not sure what your question is here. Feed her whatever you are eating. At least she is four and
not a teenager like mine was. I had to cook two complewtely different meals or send her to live
with her father. is she refusing to eat the new strange food? Tell her this is the way it is! She
WILL eat eventually! Honestly, she really will.
Hang in there girl and understand she is going to be detoxing too.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you, the thing is that I dont have ideas in what to cook this is a new world for me. Do you
think that I need to throw all the plastic containers and dishes too?
I am asking for ideas in what to cook.
Thank you so much
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Cook what Donna said in todays post. Proper fruits in the morning. Coco kefier, etc, and all
those fermented drinks and foods. buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and amaranth. then veggies,
veggies, veggies, scrambled eggs too. she does not need to do a full on detox. do you know her
blood type? do you know yours? Donna didn't mention brown rice for the detox, but I don't see
why she couldnt eat it.
Do you best, don't get all freaked out. make some mistakes, let the universe take care of the
love you.
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
My daughter is A+ and I am O+ thank you I need to do a trip to a healthy store.
You are so nice helping is because I throw like all my food, and I still have all the cans I think that
should go too?
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
here is today's instructions. You are doing great! Hang in there. You're gonna be fine, very very
fine, and oh so fine!!!!! hehe.
Day 8 Assignments
Detox Diet Assignment
Begin each morning with two large glasses of water. A third glass of water can have fresh lemon
juice (sweetened with stevia if desired). Or put 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a large
glass of water and drink that to help alkalize your body. We wake up dehydrated, acidic, too
contracted and needing energy. Start your day with plenty of fluids.
Eat only vegetable-based meals and gluten free grains (millet, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth).
Include: Salads with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice and raw vegetables, if you digest
raw vegetables. Half of an avocado could be a good snack or can be added to a salad. Your
meals will consist of cooked and fermented vegetables, sea vegetables, and soaked quinoa or
millet. If you feel you need a protein softly scramble two pastured-raised eggs.
Mental/Emotional Assignment
Journal. How do you describe yourself? How do your family/friends/co-workers describe you as
a person? Is there a difference?
about 1 month ago
Changing to the Body Ecology Diet can be quite overwhelming for some depending on how a
person ate before starting.
Take it STEP BY STEP, one thing at a time. If you try to do it all right away, you might quit. So if
you can't complete this cleanse right now, keep all the information until you are ready. Read all
the posts and read Donna's 2 books, The Body Ecology Diet and The Baby Boomer Diet. While
you are reading them, you can gradually start applying things--1 thing at a time. Or you can
finish reading, make yourself a written plan, do your shopping, arrange your kitchen, and then
start applying.
Donna has the Principle of Uniqueness. So whichever way you decide to go about getting on the
Diet, it is right for you. Listen to your intuition. You'll know what's right for you and don't
compare yourself to others. Just be you!
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much, I really need to start from beginning my daughter cried when I throw her
cookies, I just got the Bed book I was eating lots of wheat and that's how I felt healthy so much
info to learn Thank you for your reply.
Problem with stevia
Kate Mockus
about 1 month ago
I seem to have a problem with stevia. I've used it in the past (liquid Sweet Leaf brand) without issue but
lately it seems to cause me congestion as in a stuffed-up nose. Does this happen to anyone else? I can't
link it to anything else. When i stop using stevia, the congestion goes away. I have no known allergies
and don't suffer from congestion unless I have a cold. Should I stop using stevia or switch brands?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi kate,
Can you afford to try Donna's brand? I am finding I want it less and less too. Bitter and sour are
becoming ok. :)
about 1 month ago
Kate-what are you using the stevia in/on? Perhaps that may be the culprit and not the
stevia? Not familiar with such a reaction, but if you try other brands of stevia and the problem
persists, then always good to listen to your body.
Kate Mockus
about 1 month ago
I would sometimes use the stevia with my water and apple cider vinegar drink. That's about it.
No problems without the stevia. I could try Donna's but I thought it was strange that the Sweet
Leaf brand didn't used to bother me but now it does seem to. Weird.
about 1 month ago
I have tried using the coconut keifer drink made with the keifer starter culture and have used it on and
I have started with a shotglass size at dinner and when i do I have sores on my tongue. Small red lines
also small white sores on the side of my mouth and red sores on the sides of my tongue.
Has anyone else had this problem or know why it is happening, is this an allergy? digestion problem??
and wondering if I should continue
Thank you so much for any reply or help
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Coconut keifer has always made me throw up, so i have never drank it enough to develop these
symptoms. I am going to try the products offered to us on the web site. Do you think it could
be something in the process you are doing? I am not going to try to make my own. She said this
company will deliver to our door. She also offers another probiotic product too. Could you try
that one? And... what about fermented vegetables? Do you take any probiotic capsules like
garden of Live Raw for Women? Maybe if you broke the yeast down with something else first,
your body would not respond so strongly. How strictly have you been eating the last seven days
or month leading up to this cleanse? maybe your body is just on a full on detoxification. I have
pimples on my large intesting and liver points on my face and actuall blisters on my forehead.
I NEVER get blimishes. They are getting better already.
best to you,
Gary Ammirati
about 1 month ago
Hello Sheree,
It could be a detoxification that you are experiencing, or it could be an allergic reaction.
Jane Lacerda Castro
about 1 month ago
Hi all, Do you know any good place I can buy Kefir grains. I would love to do it myself and see
the resoults. Please let me know.
about 1 month ago
There is a link to the Body Ecology Kefir Starter on the dashboard page. There are other kefir
starters on the market, but we have not had a lab examine them so we are unable to promote
the efficacy of other brands at this time.
about 1 month ago
Thank you to everyone that has replied I am so appreciative.
I am in Canada and The Body Ecology will not deliver to Canada directly. I purchased the
coconut Keifer water from someone who makes it herself and sells it at a market near my
home. She uses stricly BED products to make this and she seems extremely knowledgable on
the whole BED program. I have bought from her the Keifer starter kit so I can make my own, but
I havent yet finished the bottle i received from her. I do purchase other BED products from
her. I am presently using the LivAmend and also the Greens.
I started out using the fermented veggies from her but then I bought the starter kit and am now
making them on my own. I have no reaction to them at all.
I have been on the BED program for 8 weeks now and have successfully eliminated many of the
foods I am suppose to and have remarkedly improved how I am feeling. I started this program
because of the pain I was experiencing in my tongue and how bad I was feeling in general after it
was recommended to me from a holistic practitioner. I use my tongue feeling as a marker for
myself how my body is doing. I do have better days and not great days, but the fact that I can
actually have a day that I am now aware of my tongue 24/7 is miraculous and I am so grateful
for this program.
Also I am allergic to nuts, blood tests have shown an allergy to hazelnuts but it is been
recommended to stay away from all nuts. My inner ecology health has been suffering for
years. I have been told I am allergic to many things. However blood allergy only to
hazelnut. My understanding is coconut is not a nut.
I am trying to water down the coconut keifer water, about 6 parts water 1 part coconut keifer
water and the reaction is not as strong. Hopefully the longer I am on the program the stronger
my body will get and the easier it will be to accept this food group.
Is there any substitute for the coconut keifer water that I can use here in canada if I am not able
to control the reactions?
about 1 month ago
Be patient, you'll work through the reactions. Good things can sometimes take a lot of
time. Some people have worked through their reactions by doing enemas and colonics.
colon hydrotherapy with leaky gut
MaryLynn Thomson
about 1 month ago
For someone who has Leaky Gut, I would like to know if there are any precautions to take when doing
colon hydrotherapy. Or is it even recommended. It seems like there might be a risk of toxic fluids
moving through the separations in intestinal walls into other parts of body.
Joy Gentle
about 1 month ago
Joy Gentle
about 1 month ago
I was also told by a colon hydrotherapist not to do a colonic with leaky gut.
about 1 month ago
You might want to consider my post under Days 15-21 called ENEMAS UPDATE.
I believe that I had a severely leaky gut and that it caused my reactions as described in my post.
I started with an enema because I believed that I might have a problem with colonics because a
douche that I had done 20 years prior sent me to bed with extreme weakness.
We all have to evaluate our own medical condition before making any decisions about what to
do. It is entirely your judgment call.
Hopefully, Randall will respond further to your questions.
Again, see my post under Days 15-21 called ENEMAS UPDATE.
MaryLynn Thomson
about 1 month ago
Thank you Sharon. Your comment was helpful
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
I too am extremely toxic and have leaky gut. Everytime I do enemas or colonics I become very ill.
But it's a little confusing because Donna suggested that I keep doing them until I got better. But I
have to take it easy with them cause like Sharon said we can only ultimately be the judge of our
bodies. Listen to your intuition. But I know that's easier said than done if you have a foggy brain
and can't decipher things easily like me. lol. All I know is that If I become extremely constipated
and am irritable, I know it's time to at least do an enema because it's better to get the toxins out
then let them build up. However, I don't think my body can handle them on a regular basis. I'm
just taking baby steps.
Thanks for posting this because it's good to hear someone else has this problem as well.
Days 8 – 14
Small intestine pictures
Kari Shae
about 1 month ago
Hello, just looking for the pictures that Donna is referring to in the 21 day detox program.
about 1 month ago
Kari Shae
about 1 month ago
Found them. They are on the Dashboard.
about 1 month ago
Yes, did you find the picture's? I don't see them either.
Day 8 Mental/Emotional assignment
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Journal. How do you describe yourself? How do your family/friends/co-workers describe you as a
person? Is there a difference?
I am headed to bed now to do this. I have avoided it all day long. I know it will be easier once I start. I
am going to ask two coworkers, two family members, and two friends to write me an honest assessment
of how they desribe me without telling them what i wrote about myself.
Good night everyone, I love you.
Humic Minerals
Kathy Hill
about 1 month ago
Donna recommended adding Humic Minerals to enemas. Since they come in capsule form, do I empty a
capsule into the enema bucket? How many capsules for an enema?
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Yes, that is my question as well. Glad you also asked. :)
about 1 month ago
Donna mentioned Morningstar Minerals. They are online and I have ordered from them a few
times. The minerals come in a liquid form.
Small Intestine...
about 1 month ago
Per Donna's call, I'm still wondering as to more of the specifics of getting into the small intestine and all
the toxic accumulation... I have been doing the soaking method with my colema board, and have had
some good releases, but I'm just not quite sure I'm getting all the way into the small intestine. Also, I've
added Ancient Earth Minerals to my soak bucket, but the minerals all seem to stay in the bucket, none
float into the tube...
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Tara, I have had that problem as well. What I now do is put a little amount water in the bucket that will
fit completely in the tube, and put the minerals in that water and mix it around. Then I just act as if i'm
doing an implant and allow that little amount to go completely in the tube, so that it is the first thing
that will be implanted inside. Then I fill the rest of the bucket up with water to complete my whole
enema. The water pushes the minerals through so that they can penetrate well. Hope that makes sense
and helps :)
about 1 month ago
Great idea, Anastarr. I will try that. Thanks!
about 1 month ago
You can buy the liquid form of the Ancient Earth Minerals from Morningstar Minerals.
about 1 month ago
Didn't know that. Thanks, Sherry!
Enemas during pregnancy
Krista Goodrich
about 1 month ago
HiMy husband and I are currently trying to get pregnant. I've heard mixed messages about enemas during
pregnancy. Many say "no." If that is the case.......are there any other remedies during pregnancy to
really get a good cleanse during the 9 months?
about 1 month ago
Hi Kriata,
I just read the answer earlier this morning in Donna's new book, THE BABY BOOMER DIET.
On page 347, the last line, it says, "They are also safe throughout most of pregnancy. (Stop once
the mucus plug is released, usually a week or two before the birth.) Breaat-feeding mothers will
find that their milk is less toxic and even more nutritious when they practice proper colon
cleansing with nutritive implants. Find a holistic ob-gyn or naturopath who understands their
value if you prefer to discuss home enemas with a professional."
about 1 month ago
I've seen discussions on-line people used colon hydrotherapy in the second and third trimesters,
but please work with doctor supervision if you are going to investigate that route
further. Proper diet during pregnancy is of utmost importance--and as Donna will discuss in the
third lecture, the right diet protocol will naturally enhance the body's ability to cleanse as it was
designed to. We would recommend to focus more on cleansing before the pregnancy and then
the right diet protocol during the pregnancy.
about 1 month ago
Interesting to look at a diagram of the small and large intestine after tonight's talk regarding the
cecum... I have been quite diligent and making steady progress over the last 11 months of being on Body
Ecology, going through various periods of both great health and cleansing. A few weeks ago, I ended up
in the emergency room with excrutiating pain in my lower right abdomen. Though the doctor was still
suspecting appendicitis, I was sent home for the night to wait out the pain. The pain subsided the next
day, but I am now thinking it probable with my colemas and cleansing, that I developed some sort of
blockage in the cecum, thus aggravating the appendix... I wonder if this may be fairly common when
cleansing... The problem being, how to know if your appendix is about to burst or not, warranting the
trip to the ER... And how to prevent this from happening in the first place... Any thoughts?
about 1 month ago
Yes, I would like to know this as well. It has been many years ago, when I was really sick (almost
dying actually) from mercury toxicity caused by a dentist who improperly drilled out a metal
filling that was less than a year old. Colonics saved my life (literally). However, I remember
going to the emergency room for the same reason and it turned out to be a false alarm. I
believe it was definitely related to the colonics and cleansing my body was going through at the
about 1 month ago
Yes I to was saved by colonics with a dentist who did not take them out right.Im still working on
the mercury. I feel you can not do it all at once. I also had blockage twice sending me to the er.
Now when I cleanse I take Calm by natural vitality it has magnesium.Also since I started drinking
the coconut Kefer like Donna said it gubbel ups the crabby stuff in you. I also rebound which
keeps things moving. But I think with me I had my gallbladder out 20 some years ago and I have
scar tissue in that area, So Im going to start trying the ox bile for better digestion. Maybe this
will help to share what I do, that helps me. I am enjoying these post :)
about 1 month ago
Tara-you may want to investigate if the pain was caused by a complication with the ileo-cecal
valve, which can sometimes get stuck open or closed(potentially caused/exacerbated by specific
about 1 month ago
I will definitely pay better attention to what I've eaten, should the pain happen again. Are there
other ways to know if the ileocecal valve is the source? Interesting... I guess it matters less what
is causing the pain than it does preventing any aggrivation in the first place... I'm working on
hitting the bullseye, as Donna says, more precisely each day. Thanks for the feedback.
How effective are home enemas?
about 1 month ago
Just finished listening to Lesson 2 and learned so much. Donna, will home enemas using a 2-quart can be
sufficient enough to remove the gummy layer in the small intestine? If yes, how often should it be done?
Can the soaking method be done with the 2-quart can?
Coconut Water
krista moore
about 1 month ago
I checked out the 2 brands mentioned; AFO and Exotic Superfoods. I says that the Exotic Superfoods one
is raw and is priced as such. It doesn't look like the AFO brand is raw. It almost looks like it would not be
of high quality. Does the quality not matter as much when you are turning it into coco kefir? I found
another brand which I have tried and love that is raw and it's called Harmless Harvest. Hard to find, but
delicious yet expensive. I can tell a difference in taste from the raw and pasturized coconut waters. So
what do you think about using the pasturized for making the kefir? It sure would help keep the cost
down if it doesn't matter.
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
I am so glad you asked this question Krista... I too, had the same question! The Exotic
Superfoods coconut water is delicious, but pricey. I was also wondering about the other brands
of coconut water. Thanks
about 1 month ago
While you can use the pasteurized coconut water to make kefir, and often that may be the only
source people have access to, it does not ferment as well as the raw coconut water. With the
pasteurized coconut water, people seem to have better results using a smaller amount of water
to the starter culture when creating the first batch. The raw coconut water would be the better
choice if in your budget.
Buying the young thai coconuts at your local store or a produce wholesaler(where you get
discounts on each case and can be half the price of a case at your local store) will save you
money--just have the produce department crack them for you(they'll cut the top and place a
piece of plastic wrap over the top to avoid spills), which will dramatically cut down on
time/effort required.
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Thanks Randall,
I have heard that the young thai coconuts sold in most stores these days are bleached. I stopped
consuming them because of that. What are your thoughts about this?
about 1 month ago
Interesting point. There's a lot of debate over the use of bleaching or formaldehyde. Some
importers claim they are not, but it is hard to see how the outer husk would stay white/cream
color after being shipped overseas. That said, other claim that they are dipped in formaldehyde
but that it does not make it through the shell and effect the water. I have not seen tests actual
tests to confirm this. Always best to ask the market and call the importer directly.
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
I have some people tell me they buy coconuts by the case at the oriental markets. I asked our
local co-ops if they could get me a case of orgranic. They said they would be conventional. Do
we want to make coconut kefir out of coconuts that are not organic? I would love an answer to
this. I have been torn on what to do. I have avoided buying them this way but know that others
do. What do you think? I would love it if Donna would give her input on this one as well.
about 1 month ago
I have recently been making coconut kifir (with the Bodyecology kefir packets) using 1 ltr. of
coconut water (O.N.E. brand), and 1 can of coconut milk (organic). This mixture is whisked
together in a saucepan and heated to just over 90 degrees, then put in a widemouth quart jar
with the kefir packet. It has been turning out delicious. I tried cracking the coconuts and
disliked doing it intensely. Anyway, I figure this may be a compromise, but it is something I will
do. When cooking and cleaning three meals a day, something has to give. Any thoughts on this
about 1 month ago
Lisa-definitely hear your frustration. Besides the possible issue with non-organic coconuts that I
mentioned above, there are concerns with the raw coconut water as well, since it needs to be
very carefully inspected(like all raw products). When the only young thai coconuts that are
available to me are not organic, I focus on the benefits of the kefir I am making and the love and
healing energy that I put into it. While all of that sounds very "hippie-dippy", the placebo effect
is well documented and there are even studies that show the influence of our thoughts on
Lisa Molitor
about 1 month ago
Well thank you Randall. That helped. I was thinking that maybe the fermentation process would
counteract some of the concerns with them if they are not organic. Good :). I think I'll just go
ahead and get what I can when I can. I'll also check if the Whole Foods market in the MPLS area
has the packaged brand the Donna spoke of. I wish the raw frozen one she mentioned would
come to our area soon!
Sherry, that sounds interesting combining the two together! Randall, what do you think of
Sherry's method. Doesn't it sound interesting?
Morningstar Minerals???
about 1 month ago
Someone posted that the Morningstar minerals were the liquid form of the Ancient Earth Minerals and
were easier to use in enema water.
Which type of Morningstar minerals are best? There were 6 types listed on the website that I went to.
about 1 month ago
Randall or Donna,
For this cleanse, when it says to eat VEGAN, does that mean that we can't take any priobiotic
supplements that are formulated to digest dairy, such as NATREN's Megadophilus, Bifido Factor, and
Digestalac Dairy Powders?
I take these in addition to your probiotic liquids and would like to know if these interfere with cleansing
the liver and other parts of the body.
about 1 month ago
Sharon-No problem with those probiotic powders. They will not interfere with the cleanse in
any way. All of those probiotic strains do many many things in your body--they aren't
formulated specifically to digest dairy--that is just marketing.
How many enemas should we do??
Krista Goodrich
about 1 month ago
HiI do at-home enemas. What is the recommendation of how many we should do while on this dextox?
Colon cleanse
Severine Degnan
about 1 month ago
I couldn't write all the information on colon cleansing fast enought, could someone give me the web
sites and types of cleansing one can do?
Donna gives many web sites throughout her talks but she goes too fast for me, would someone be able
to share with me?
Kari Shae
about 1 month ago - for the minerals - international association for colon hydrotherapy - mecury cleansing - one of the web sites I found on
aromatase inhibitor's
Dr Bernard Jensen is the name of the Doctor that wrote the book Tissue cleansing throught
bowel management.
Joyce Corbin
about 1 month ago
Try the following web site to look for Colon therapists:
Also, be sure that the person does the soaking method that Donna suggests...hope you can read
this as the font is very small...
Hope this helps...
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I was going to oder her ancient earth minerals for my home enemas. I will take them
anyway. Do you guys think these above are necessary for the purpose of an enema?
Severine Degnan
about 1 month ago
Thanks so much, I need to educate myself.
Krista Goodrich
about 1 month ago
HiI no longer do the Master Cleanse but the salt water cleanse aspect (aka laxative tea taken at
night and 2-3tsp of sea salt in warm litter of water) did do an amazing job at cleansing. Since the
sea salt cleansing comes from the top (mouth) to bottom in comparison to an enema (bottom to
top) wouldn't it be something to also incorporate to get into the small intestine???
Thanks so much:)
about 1 month ago
I take minerals in my mouth... the ones I take are liquid & I hold them in my mouth for 30-60
seconds then swallow.
I also add Himalayan sea salt or celtic sea salt to water ( not regular iodinized salt)
about 1 month ago
I also drink schizandra berry tea
(from )
"Schizandra, The Perfect Liver Herb
Detoxifying, healing, regenerative and protective
Schizandra stands along with Reishi as the primary liver cleansing agents used in tonic programs.
Schizandra does not have the side effects that are associated with many of the “medicinal,” or
“inferior” liver cleansing herbs. Schizandra, especially alcohol extracts, are widely believed to
protect the liver from damage due to poisons, as well as the by-products of living.
Phase I and Phase II of detoxification
Schizandra has been shown to strengthen and protect the liver. It does this by detoxifying and
rejuvenating this critical organ. There are two critical stages to the process of liver
detoxification, known as Phase I and Phase II. In Phase I, a detoxifying agent goes into the liver
and binds with toxins, releasing them from the liver and taking them into the bloodstream.
Almost always, this newly bound toxic bundle is more toxic than the original toxin. This
increased toxicity is known as bioactivation. It is obvious that this process can be dangerous. It’s
similar to the removal of asbestos from an old house. It needs to be safely removed from the
walls and from the building without exposing anyone to it again. Re-exposure to old toxins in
their new bioactivated form can make you sick – and much of this material will end up back in
the liver again, or stored in other tissues.
During phase II of detoxification, the
bioactivated toxins, which may be
highly active, are safely cleared out
of the body. This, of course, is the
part we all want to happen in quick
and efficient order. If the phase II
process is weak, faulty or absent, all
we’ve done is re-poison ourselves.
Many substances can go into the
liver and release old toxins into the
bloodstream, but that is all they do,
and as a result the person goes
through an increased toxic period. The so-called cleansing crisis experienced by many people
who go through various types of cleanses, is largely the result of bioactivated toxins wreaking
havoc in the body. It is therefore very important that agents which boost phase I activity also
have significant effects on enhancing the phase II clearance of the reactive intermediate.
Schizandra appears to be very effective in boosting both Phase I detoxification and Phase II
clearance of activated toxins.
Schizandra can reduce elevated SGPT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase) in patients
with chronic hepatitis. SGPT is an enzyme concentrated in the liver. It is a reliable marker of liver
inflammation, often tested by doctors to evaluate liver damage. In a clinical study conducted in
China, more than 5000 people suffering from various types of hepatitis were given Schizandra
and the results were very good. The aggregate effective rate was 84-97.9%. SGPT was
normalized in about 75% of the cases."
not sure if it BED approved.
about 1 month ago
I think a lot of ancient people around the world ate clay to clean their colons.
Don't have time to do the research now... need to fill up my cup... took my minerals... this is the
best day ever :-)
about 1 month ago
does drinking more water hydrate the small intestine similar to a Colon cleanse ? (small
intestine absorbs some water from large colon during cleanse?)
Severine Degnan
about 1 month ago
I find someone not to far from where I live who does colon hydrotherapy but doesn't know
about the soaking method or the minerals, shouldn't know go with her?
Throughout this cleanse, i am getting constipated... Not so good.
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I bought my enema kit from the Optimal Health Network and they seem pretty awesome...
but I just saw a stainless steel one that I would rather have... easier to clean and disinfect I bet...
2 1/2 quart is out of stock but will be restocked soon... says it is Dr. owned with medical grade
about 1 month ago
going to do the Blessed Herbs Internal Cleanse kit... (not using apple juice)...
Mercery testing?
about 1 month ago
What was the web site for the mercery testing? something then out.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I to have the darker pink ring around my moons, Nott too bad, mostly around my spleen and
liver thumbs, but present, and not enough moons on my other fingers as well!!!!!! I really liked
tonights webinar a lot! I am very impressed and excited and pleased!!!! The universe loves me
sooooo much!!!!!!!! I am so blessed!!!!! yeah
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
Be sure to type in my name, Donna so that you receive a discount of 10 dollars. it's not that
much but it's something.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you Donna, So I take it you advise doing the mercury cleanse along with the detox at the
same time? is it more beneficial that way?
about 1 month ago
thank you!!! Yes it seems that we need to do it a special way. I don't want it to go to my brain. I
want it to leave my body. I have a hard time getting the toxins out. I do the coloinics and
emema's , I guess I need to keep it up and be less stressed while I detox. And enjoy the diet. I do
love the fermented vegies and coconut kefer. Im excited too!!!
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
if you do a mercury cleanse in my opinion you must be doing colics the same time. And
when you go to the dentist to have mercury removed from your teeth be sure to do at least one
enemas the day before you go for the procedure and then one the next few days after the
removal, at least.
Colonics would be better even...they use more water and are more effective than the enema.
about 1 month ago
I grew up by a coal plant back east which releases mercury in the air, Ate fish from Lake
Michingan, had mercury filling put in when I was 5 years old,Had them removed when I was 16
and were they put new mercury filling in and had my mercury filling taken out in 2001. They did
not remove them safely. I got really sick after that/ a friend told me to get a colonic. Since then
Ive had many many colonics but Ive never taken any thing to draw it out. Now the web site
Mercout does the testing is it good to also do the DMPS for 30 days. Is this the best way to get it
out because I really afraid that it is going to end up in my brain or somewere that effects my
functions of my body.
about 1 month ago
I too have no 'moons' on my fingers, just on my thumbs. I do have the pink hallow above the
moon. I found this interesting because I am B12 deficient and have moderate levels of mercury
in my body. I have had all of my mercury amalgams removed from my teeth. I take B12 shots
and am currently doing chelation with DMSA which is what my doctor prescribed. It was a DMSA
urine challenge test that revealed my levels of mercury. I am not sure why my doctor chose
DMSA over DMPS but I see him at the beginning of June and will be sure to ask that question.
Thanks for all the great information.
Anita Sanders
about 1 month ago
about 1 month ago
I also have no moons on all my fingers only on the thumbs - what does that mean?
Peggy Ware
about 1 month ago
I wonder if anyone has had a history of ulcerative colitis and safely used colon cleansing?
about 1 month ago
my doctor recommends chelation with IV... I disagreed so I started taking Modifilan
Now I am also taking chlorella & spirulina ... plan to get a magnetic pad and remove mercury
that way.
Some seem sold on colonics, some on IV, some nothing, and some a different path...
Maybe it is like diet... no one diet is right for everyone... different people need different
amounts of carb, protein, fat (I heard most people can't do high fruit/sugar)... think most people
benefit from 80% raw ... that 20% depends on what works best... and even the 80% depends on
a combination of fruit & veg right for you... and it can change over time...
I would love to see options... not just the colonic/enema way... or not just the IV way...
so my path is raw, veg, herbs,etc, low fruit, seaweeds... earthing, and a magnetic pad in the near
with chlorella and/or DMSA
and I rebound ( best exercise according to NASA... good for lymph)
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Bernice, I am afraid of colonics and I don't know why. I wonder if I will get better without it or
not? REbounding is great! I do dry skin brushing also for the lymph system before I shower and
sea salt scrub after the dry brushing while in the shower. I have info. on hydrotherepy that
stimulates the immune system. You can do it in the shower at home. It works with hot water on
your skin then cold. I haven't tried it yet. I am going to purchase Benotite clay for a clay bath. It
is suppose to pull toxins from your skin. Maybe you are right.....there is more than one way to
get better.
about 1 month ago
We all are unique. You know your own medical history and how you have responded to
different supplements. You know your blood type and body type and stamina. You know
everything about you.
If you are afraid of colonics, try just one enema. Make sure that you are well nourished with
minerals before, during, and after it. Ask yourself questions about the experience. After doing
it, do you feel that your system is up to another enema in a few days or a week? Only you can
determine this. If the answer is yes, you may want to just stay with enemas for awhile.
Before you decide to do a colonic, interview several colon therapists. Tell them about your
concerns. Take some time to make this decision. It is your decision.
I personally am not ready for colonics and I have good reason. I had 2 life-threatening illnesses
as a child with all the radiation, prescription drugs including antibiotics, and blood
transfusions. Lots more health problems. Then about 20 years ago I did a douche and was so
weak from it that I had to go directly to bed. So I stayed away from the possibility of doing an
enema until last year. I had been working into the BED (wasn't totally there, but very close). I
did my first enema 1 year ago. I felt extremely weak and went to bed. I decided to wait 1 year
to do another one. I decided that I needed to work on building up my strength for 1 year. This
week I will do another enema. I have gained so many things in my health this last year. I will let
you all know how I feel this time.
about 1 month ago
I ordered Blessed Herbs to cleanse the colon the herbal way via mouth.. actually I have drank
some bentonite clay and Psyllium in the past for a cleanse but I don't think I stuck with it so it
will be good to try it again... in a complete program this time ... I used water to mix it in last time
and will do that with this (maybe with some stevia) instead of apple juice
I need to start dry brushing consistently again... I really cant soak in my bath tub ... I have use
mud masks before where you cover yourself in mud mask ... wait a period of time then shower...
so may look into that again...
Day 12
about 1 month ago
Detox Diet Assignment
" Consume only whole food blended drinks. This is like juicing, except that the fiber of the vegetable is
still intact. Blended salads and raw soups are pre-digested and can nourish the friendly bacteria in the
intestinal tract. Include small amounts of ginger to every blended drink if possible."
I do blended whole foods drinks & really like them... getting a Nutribullet tomorrow (inexpensive
compared to some others & appears to blend well on videos:
(check out other videos/info on site... they may have it at Target ... mine was out so ordered on-line)
Mental/Emotional Assignment
"Journal. What relationships are unbalanced in your life? Who does not support your goals and
lifestyle? Do you have close friends or family that you always feel bad after talking to/being with? Are
there people in your life who are always having drama and leave you drained? What would happen if
you decided to limit your interactions with them or cut them out of your life altogether?"
Do you have people around you eating foods on the "avoid" list? sugars, alcohol, fast food, etc? Thinking
this would make it hard to stick to BED ... I am limiting toxic food & people... not sure how to detoxify
with others who aren't on the same journey in my life. toxic food or toxic drama... need to be
committed to being healthy, happy & prosperous... believe:-)
about 1 month ago
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
― Hippocrates
lived 460 BC – c. 370 BC... so medicine was very different from today's medicine... and food was
very different from today's food
about 1 month ago
A couple of Good movies:
"Simply Raw reveals, with startling clarity, that diet can reverse diabetes* and change the
quality of people’s lives. The film captures the human drama and struggle of these courageous
individuals making a quantum leap of faith from a traditional junk food diet to a raw vegan diet
and it shows revealing moments of nurturing, compassion, and human spirit. It is a film about a
life changing journey on a simply raw diet and how nature is the original medicine."
(I am not diabetic... but I bought and watched because of candida (need low sugar diet.. and
have had low blood sugar occasionally..)
about 1 month ago
also thinking that like probiotics... start small and build up... you can build up raw foods... start
adding some... they will increase your fiber ... some people start with veg juices(no fiber) then
go to whole food blended drinks( fiber)... I do both green juices and whole food drinks...
everyone is unique
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thanks Bernice, Ths is all awesome!!!!!!!
about 1 month ago
Reading the Amazon reviews for the Nutribullet I am a bit hesitant to purchase one. The video
link was informative, although the hype and pitch of David Wolfe usually turns me right off,
especially with the entranced audience obviously paid actors (bad ones). I didn't see any of the
leaking that I read occurs. I would love to hear how you like the Nutribullet. All the Best
about 1 month ago
will get it tomorrow & try it... have another blender but was chunky... too chunky too drink...
need buy a fine stainer also but if I strain out all the chunks wouldn't be getting all nutrients so
hoping the nutribullet works better...
about 1 month ago
Is anyone else finding Day 12 difficult? I struggle with hypoglycemia, and found that, while I felt
great this morning after having the blended spinach soup for breakfast, I "crashed" around 10
am with a major headache. I had some green tea with ginger and lemon, and the watercress
soup, and felt a bit better, but the headache has lingered all day. My emotions connected to
food got the best of me this afternoon, and I ate my Stage 2 BED snack of blue corn chips with
with cultured veggies. I will try again tomorrow, but just wondering if anyone else is struggling
with the blended-foods-only portion of the detox.
about 1 month ago
I am learning that failures are the path to success... to change my self-talk from " I am a failure" ,
"I am stupid" etc... to I tried, failed, I am learning from failure & keep trying...
the difference between guilt and shame.
I watched a good talk about failing & being vulnerable
about 1 month ago
we can gain wisdom from our challenges, mistakes, failures etc... and from others ...
"Wisdom is an endangered natural resource in our Over-Information Age where intellectual
knowledge is rising and genuine sagacity increasingly rare. If we wish to become wiser and more
sane, we'd do well exploit and develop our own innate natural resources for a change while
furthering the sustainability of our planet and civilization. Time too is a natural resource. Though
we seem to live in a time-starved era, I personally believe that it's not time we lack but focus,
awareness and prioritization. This is an inside job. "
- Lama Surya Das
from his "Wisdom: An Endangered Natural Resource"
about 1 month ago
possibly transition to liquid only?
decrease whole food each day by 25% ( or what works for you) and increase the whole food
blended drinks each day
maybe try 1 whole food blended drink 1 day, the next 2, then 3 etc... until 100% on whole food
blended drinks
about 1 month ago
Brene Brown's ted talk is amazing, Thanks Bernice!
about 1 month ago
You are not alone Danielle. I've been finding the last few days difficult. I have been getting very
hungry and have had to supplement with softly cooked eggs. I will be listening to Donna's talks
again to find some answers or starting a new post.
about 1 month ago
Thanks, Laurie and Bernice. I forgot about the egg option, so I appreciate the reminder. And the
idea of a slower transition is great. If I would've been able to "map out" my week by knowing
what was coming, I could've tried that. Oh, well. I'm learning.
about 1 month ago
How long will this forum be available for members to use? Will it end on Day 21? Or will it be open for
an extended period of time for the ones that were not able to start the cleanse with us?
about 1 month ago
A day without cultured veggies is like a day without sunshine. I love my homemade cultured veggies. So
I put a 1/2 cup in the blender with some of one of the Body Ecology Liquid Probiotic Drinks and liquified
them. (I saw Truth Calkins add a pack of starter to one of his tonics in the blender, so some microbiota
must survive.)
Now I feel better!!!
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon, I was missing cultured veggies, too, and added some in my blender after reading your
suggestion. Thank you!
about 1 month ago
Is there a recommended time to do enemas and colonics during this cleanse?
about 1 month ago
Hello Sharon, I started doing home enemas yesterday. It relieved a headache I had for a couple
of days. Go with your intuition, as it seems our questions are not being answered.
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
I am a colon hydrotherapist and have been doing Enemas for years now. Today Donna mentioned
adding minerals and other nutrients to our enemas such as apple cider vineger. I have also been doing
coffee enemas for the purpose of releasing bile flow from the liver/gallbladder, but I am wondering if
the coffee is feeding the yeast and bad estrogen? I also wonder if juicing garlic and doing garlic enemas
is safe? Thank you
Donna Gates
about 1 month ago
HI Anastarr.
Thank you for replying here so that everyone knows that, indeed, there really are colon
therapists in the world.
Originally enemas were created by Dr Max Gerson because he wanted to clear the bile duct so
that the liver was able to detox.
Good thinking on his part.
But really you only need to do them a few times. Then you want to take herbs that stimulate the
liver to create more bile.
I created LivAmend — which has 4 strong herbs that do just the liver create more bile
so that those toxins can leave the liver.
i personally feel that long term use of coffee enemas are harmful. But sometimes something
harmful is doing something good too.
Garlic enemas are great. There are lots of good things you can use, but i didn't have the time to
go into all of that.
At least not with only a 3 day workshop.
Minerals are a must but the other things are great too. Even chlorophyll is great. Wheat grass
But if you want an incredible implant afterward use a cup of young coconut kefir.
i've been suggesting this to our CBEs for years and have wonderful results coming back to me.
i am a huge believer in implants. i should have gotten into this. i'll make a note to talk about
them in my next talk.
about 1 month ago
Donna or Randall,
What causes a person to feel extremely weak right after an enema? (NOT SICK, JUST SO WEAK
I did my first enema last spring and had this experience. I had been working toward compliance
with BED for years, was on 3 of the BE Probiotic drinks since 2007, eating 80/20, food
combining, AM rountine, Ancient Earth Minerals, etc.
My husband's experience was entirely different and he wasn't doing any of the things I was. He
felt GREAT right after an enema and his irritability was immediately removed if he had been in a
bad mood.
I have been working for the last year to build my body up even more so that I can handle
enemas. What is a possible cause of extreme weakness after enemas? Is it an extremely leaky
colon, mineral imbalance, or something else?
about 1 month ago
Hi Donna,
I'm glad you mentioned about the Liv Amend and its purpose. I have been on your diet since
January of this year and prior to that the GAPs diet since October 2011. I just finished nursing
my baby (who is now 12 months old). I could not take your Liv Amend because of nursing. I
recently read The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle cleanse and was wondering your thoughts on
this cleanse. I had a couple of friends who have done it and have had 200 to 500 stones
released after doing the cleanse.
I have done colon hydrotherapy as well as enemas but still feel like my body could use
something more. I have seen great progress but at times I feel like my lymph system is
congested. Just love to hear your thoughts.
Severine Degnan
about 1 month ago
I am completely new to colon therapy and maybe need a whole class to understand what it
does, how to do it and why do it. I guess I kind of get the 1st and last but how to do it very
foreign to me. Are they good articles or web site I can gain some information as to what might
benefit me?
Thanks, Sev
Anastarr Ricketts
about 1 month ago
Thank you for commenting on my question Donna, this is helpful. I am glad Sharon asked about
feeling weak after an enema too, and what I have found in my own experience is that I tend to
lose a lot of minerals after a series of colonics or enemas, which is why I can see the great
benefit of doing a mineral enema and building our bodies back up with good minerals. I also
have low blood pressure, which makes me even more lightheaded after an enema, and find that
celtic sea salt in water helps. :)
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
I am not new to colonic therapy or enemas I have been doing them for years, although I am
looking for a new colonic therapist. The benefits of colonics are wonderful. Unitl I find a new
colonic therapist I will do enemas. I would like
to ask, hopefully Donna you will answer, how many capsules of your minerals do we put in the
enema bag? I use your Earth Minerals.
Thank you
about 1 month ago
Sharon-while there could be many reasons for feeling weak after an enema or colonic, one of
the basics is that it is a form of cleansing and release which does draw energy from the
body. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, enemas and colonics can be slightly taxing to the
kidney energy(water element). Plenty of hydration, rest, and minerals/herbs to support the
kidney/adrenal energy can be very helpful.
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Randall, perhaps you know the answer to my question regarding the number of BED mineral
caps one would put into the enema water. Can you help me out here?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Herbs for kidney/bladder, adrenals: Urtica dioica (nettles), equestrian arvense (horsetail) Fennell
root, licorice root; and valerian root in the evenings and salvia officianalis (sage) for
mornings. Always buy latins names if you can so you're sure you're buying the herb you really
want. Sorry, i don't have the latin name of the roots, all my books are in Atlanta. These are
generaly safe herbs for most people. maybe not sage for hypertensives, but usually brought
into balance with all the rest combined.
All the best to you,
about 1 month ago
differing opinions on colonics:
"Colonics: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
..."Regardless of whether you are for or against colonics, there is no question that the human
body is incredibly well designed with little room for improvement.
The colon doesn't need any help in eliminating waste matter when we are doing what we are
supposed to be doing: Eating a high-fiber diet rich in fruits and vegetables; avoiding too much
processed food, animal protein and sugar; drinking lots of water; and getting lots of vigorous
exercise. Things start to go awry when we deviate too much from the plan.
I personally believe in not interfering too much with Mother Nature and therefore recommend
trying to make those crucial lifestyle adjustments rather than more invasive measures. For those
who are wedded to the idea of a more drastic clean out, a seasonal one- or two-day juice fast
coupled with a fiber supplement can give you pretty similar results.
Ultimately, a plant-based diet, lots of water, and regular exercise will mean less reliance on
health-care professionals of any kind – conventional or alternative. The less toxic our lifestyle,
the less need there is for detoxification or drugs."
about 1 month ago
I am actually expanding my plant based diet... including cultured veggies, super foods, super
herbs, medicinal tree mushrooms...pau d'arco tea, horsetail & nettle tea, cat's claw tea, etc
my new food groups:
Fruits (low glycemic... right now mostly a grapefruit or lemon or lime)
Nuts (right now not doing raw nuts)
Fermented foods (cultured veggies & cocobiotic)
marjorie joy
about 1 month ago
Thanks Bernice for posting the good the bad and the ugly on colonics. Good wisdom.
about 1 month ago
posting this here because of my previous posts...I just started taking QuintEssential Optimum
Mineralization 3.3
It has made a big difference in my energy levels...feeling happier & laughing more... I think I
needed the re-mineralization ( I was taking trace minerals but they don't compare to this)
"nutrient-rich marine fluid that is harvested from the depths of a particular oceanic plankton
bloom using the same harvesting method developed by French physiologist and humanitarian
René Quinton over 110 years ago.
Quinton Marine Plasma is not just seawater. It's a unique marine Plasma harvested from one
vortex plankton bloom, at certain times, under certain conditions. It has proven to be an
incredibly effective way to restore cellular homeostasis and mineral balance.
...energizing, rapid re-mineralization, and building the physiology. Health professionals report
benefits for dramatic increases in energy, mental focus, sports performance and challenged
immune systems."
about 1 month ago
and I use acai powder... low sugar/low glycemic/high antioxidant
I heard Truth say you could try a TB of Goji berries and see if you react... and kind of find out
where you react (maybe after the cleanse)... he also mentied a powdered form of goji berries
that is low sugar
about 1 month ago
So I'm putting my money where my mouth is :-)
about 1 month ago
bernice, how are these minerals you mention different than the ones Donna sells on her
site??? Thank you. Sharon
about 1 month ago
I've been on a plant based diet for decades and in the last few months have adopted the BED,
fairly consistently, with lots of fermented foods. I also do Chinese tonic herbs and generally feel
really well. (I'm 58 ). As I get older constipation has become an issue. I did several colonics in
Jan., followed by regular enemas. After a colonic or enema it takes at least 3 days before I have
a bowel movement. Is this normal or is there something else I should be looking. Any thought
would be great. :)
about 1 month ago
I have not tried Body ecology minerals... I feel so great after these I don't think I'll try others.
phyllis chowaniok
about 1 month ago
Dear Donna,
Thank you so much for creating the BED diet, am a mom on the BEDROK forum and the diet has
done wonders for our family and especially for our child with high functioning autism, he is 6
years old and eats CVS(cultured veggies) and Coconut Kefir, everyday, the CVS he eats with
every meal and most times just as a snack in addition to meal times. He drinks about 16-32
ounces of YKC(young coconut kefir) every day through out the day...I drink some kefir too but
not as much because I want him to get as much as possible. He is doing wonderfully well, he
used to be the odd kid on the soccer field that did weird things but no more, in fact he looks
pretty normal. The one thing that is still much a work in progress is speech. We have added
juicing everyday, we try to aim for two times a day but sometimes we get to juice only once.
Since we started juicing, he is now having two-three bowel movements a day which is great for
removing toxins; He eats raw cultured butter (using body ecology cultures), and is on good
essential minerals and multivitamins.
I just did my first coffee enema today(organic light coffee) and feel wonderful, I first did filtered
water to remove "stuff" and amazingly was able to hold in the coffee for 15 minutes. Next time I
will add the YCK...Am working on my son so he too can feel as wonderful as I feel after an
enema and especially to inplant YCK.
I have lost 20 pounds on the BED diet and feel amazing, we eat lots of veggies, and meat(pasture
raised)we strive for the 80% that you teach about. I used to have brain fog and that went away
the first week that we started on the BED diet, we have only been on this lifestyle since October
of 2011, I don't know that I can ever eat the same way I did again. The coconut kefir has
minimized sugar and carb cravings for me and my son to the extent that we can walk away from
sweet and not feel deprived at all.
Am curious to get to know my and my son's blood type so I can make adjustments for his diet
and mine...
Thank you for doing this detox program...
Lastly, will this forum end after the 21 day detox?, Also, I am thinking of going back to school to
learn more about human nutrition plus am very much interested in learning more about the two
brains, the gut and the brain in our heads and how those two work together...where can I start?
Any suggestions of books or courses that I can take that could lead to a degree program? My
ultimate goal is to become a naturopath doctor...
I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your effort in teaching us so we and our
children can thrive and not just survive.
about 1 month ago
Hi Phyllis,
Have you received Body Ecology's newsletter for Thursday, May 17, 2012? There is an article in
it that has some info about the second brain. The article is "The Bliss Hormone Can Heal Your
Body: The Many Benefits of Oxytocin".
In the article it mentions that Dr. Michael Gershon has a book called "The Second Brain." He is
the person who first put out the theory of the second brain.
If you don't get the newsletter, you can find the article at select
ARTICLES from the menu at the top then select SEE ALL ARTICLES. Right now this article is the
very first one that comes up.
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I just recently read some remarkable healings from using sea water via enemas and orally.
Literally life endangering and threating conditions cleared up just like some of the
pictures in Bernard Jensen's Intestinal health thru cleansing!
I ordered an enema kit from Optimal Health.
I am so looking forward to finally being free from my dis-comforts and weakness...
about 1 month ago
I have recently been doing coffee enemas and now fill I am not making enough Bile - could too
many coffee enemas do this? I usually do 2 to 3 per week after reading Gerston's Book.
phyllis chowaniok
about 1 month ago
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for your response, yes I do receive the newsletters from bodyecology and will check to
see if I received the May one, sometimes I get them sometimes I don't I just don't quite
remember getting one for May. I will check out the other author too, I appreciate your help,
Vickie Tyree
about 1 month ago
Phyllis, Thank you for sharing your story! I am pleased to hear that the BED is working for your
son. My son has mild ADHD symptoms and has a hard time focusing. He does have candidiasis
and we are constantly fighting yeast issues as a result. We have gone in a yeast free diet before
and it helped alot, but we need to take it to the next level. My son has problems eating raw
vegetables and doesn't like cooked vegetables much but will eat them when I insist. He would
gag on them when I first started out. My question for you is how did you get your son to change
his diet to include more raw and Fermented Vegetables?
about 1 month ago
Hi donna,Thanks for all the wonderful info last week. I have been doing the cleanse and was
just wondering if the colonics and cleansing is enough to get that yucky stuff out of the small
intestine .or does it take something else. I have been experiencing feelking bloated and lots of
gas as the yeast is dying off . would it be good to take bentomite ot charcole to help obsorb
the toxins. I also have made culyired veggies with a coule of garlic cloves thrown in and they
do not taste as sour as I would like . They syill have thier color and I ledt them standing for 7
days How do I know hey are good to eat?
Thank you for passing on your wonderful knowledge and experience to all of us and making it
easy for us to heal.
Weight Loss
Susanne Warren
about 1 month ago
I've decided to postpone starting this detox until next week, but the last time I did a similar cleanse, I
rapidly lost weight. I had to start adding in more grains just so that I didn't get too thin.
At 5'9" and 135 pounds and with a small frame, I really don't want to lose more than three pounds.
I know that as soon as I stop eating even the small amount of sugar and processed foods I eat now, the
pounds are going to start dropping off again. I know this is a problem many people probably wish they
had, but how can one avoid losing too much weight on a plan like this?
about 1 month ago
I can relate.
I've heard Donna say 3 things about this problem.
1. "If you want to gain weight, have an extra scoop of Vitality Super Greens in the afternoon."
2. She said that our bodies need to throw off the bad material (my words) and when it is done
doing that, our bodies will start putting the weight back on until we are at a good weight (my
3. "Eat more. Eat another meal."
Don't worry about what the scale says. Just think about the good that this diet is doing inside of
you. The weight will eventually come back.
Last summer I was feeling great on the BED, but I couldn't handle fats of any kind and so wasn't
eating them yet. I lost too much weight and a DOM at a health food store said that it was time
to stop. I knew that I needed to address the fat issue so that I could do this program. So I first
went about getting my body to handle the Liv-Amend, then I increased my cultured veggies, and
then I was able to start working all of the fats into my diet.
So now I have Barleans Swirl in my morning smoothie, oil olive drizzled on top of my 2 protein
meals between 11 and 2, and olive oil or coconut oil or butter with my evening grain dish. And
yes, I do have that extra Vitality Supergreens in the afternoon. All of these are helping to
prevent weight loss this year.
As for losing weight during the cleanse, just consume more. The watercress soup has more salt
in it, maybe that will help. It also has avocado in it. Don't worry about the scale or the
mirror. Concentrate on what you are accomplishing inside of your body and your long-term
health goal.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Susanne,
I agree with Sharon. Please do not continue eating sugars and processed foods to keep on the
weight. It is not weight, it is mucous. Yesterday, my sister told me my face was lookig haggard
and gaunt and maybe I should start eating more food. I had to be at her house for the last four
days, not my choice, and i just smiled and kept my mouth shut. One of the issues preventing us
for gaining weight is the lack of absorbance in the lining of the small intestine. if we cleanse our
digestive system, we will begin to gain true, healthy weight. These organisms do have
intelligence. Our gut, the physical organ, has an incredible amount of nerve endings. The yeast
might be lying to you literally. Trust Donna's years of expereince in this. I usually gain back at
least half the weight I lost during a cleanse. I know my body is going to find it's proper balance. I
am 5'6", 140 lbs and extremely muscled. My muscles now pop out like a sculpture. I am very
very lean. Yet, i still have a pooch in my lower belly. I know it is the 'bad" stuff. I know it will go
away. I have read and heard the suggestions Sharon mentioned and I like them a lot.
All the best,
Susanne Warren
about 1 month ago
Thank you both for your detailed replies and encouragement. It's always helpful to know others
can relate!
Day 14
about 1 month ago
Mental/Emotional Assignment
Journal. Write at least 2 forgiveness letters to other people and one forgiveness letter to yourself. These
letters are NOT to be sent. After completing the letters, burn them, shred them, rip them into tiny
pieces, while saying to yourself, “I let go completely. You are forgiven.”
I read a good book "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping... he has some free tools
check out the free work sheet... very useful in forgiving people :-)
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Bernice, Thank you!! I will check it out. I have been doing Emotional Freedom Tapping with Brad
Yates on Youtube on forgivness and other topics. I need to forgive myself and others for some
things from long ago. I sick of carrying it around.
THanks again!! Pattie
looking back at Day 8
about 1 month ago
someone mentioned day 8 so I looked back at it...
"Mental/Emotional Assignment
Journal. How do you describe yourself? How do your family/friends/co-workers describe you as a
person? Is there a difference?"
thinking we need to love ourselves and see ourselves as beautiful, loving, lovable, respect ourselves and
our bodies and the bacteria in our gut...
and not worry what others think of us.... we can't control how they feel, what they think, say, do... so
work on ourselves and let go of fear, worry, anger, etc
Love your neighbor as yourself... it begins with you :-)
and let go of being perfect... I ordered a book by Brene Brown "The Gifts of Imperfection"
currently reading "I thought it was just me, but it isn't"
think I'll als order" Daring Greatly"
about 1 month ago
I am allergic to eggs and mostly raw/vegan... so I had som raw vanilla protein in my lunch drink...
and I'm ok with that
avoiding most fruits/sugar/bread etc ... avoiding coffee...
focusing on drinking herbal teas... adding in super herbs, superfoods, chlorella...cultured
veggies, cocobiotic, probiotics, enzymes...etc...
I am happy with how I am eating now... the best I can do now... as I learn more I may adjust it
more... but don't think I need to eliminate anything else right now...
I may need a little protein in my diet and that may help cravings etc... going to do an herbal
cleanse... and plan to add in some herbal colon cleanse to a daily routine (not sure how long and
how often to rotate it yet... but not worried... will figure it out...)
grateful for this course for eliminating brewers yeast hidden in products, adding in cultured
veggies, probiotics and colon cleansing (even if it isn't the recommended BED way) and learning
more to accept and love myself
as I am :-)
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Bernice,
I asked each person I chose to include as many positive descriptvies as ones that could help me
be a better person, things about me that really irritate them. I was surprised to find their
descriptives quite close to mine and how similar they all were. I was also surprised one of my
best friends included almost no positive descriptives!!!! Wow! I really love her a lot as we are
both the same age, have known each other for eleven years and are both in the same
professions and many other characteristics. I am going to go back to her and ask her to ad some
more positive ones instead of tossing her out. I think this could be an awareness for her too as
well. Also, the two family members i asked for assesment ahve not responded. I am going to ask
two others and let them alone. I al loving allthe assignments. I also enjoy your post. The phrase,
"Love your neighbor as yourself" is such a powerful phrase. it really must begin with us.
Love and light,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Bernice, Thanks for the book information. I will put the books mentioned on my list of books to
get. I am reading The enlightened Mom book right now. It comes with
meditations. It talks about loving yourself and letting go of
worry, blame, shame, guilt etc. I was told that our gut is our emotional brain. So I think I need to
heal my emotions first so that maybe I can heal my digestive issues.
Anyone else have digestive issues with juicing/blending all day
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Can anyone else share that they have had any digetive issues with eating blended veggies and fruits all
If anyone running this board could give some possible incite?
Thank you!
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
I HAVENT HAD A BOWEL MOVEMENT, I dont know if this is because of the diet, because I get
constipated but at leasT I had a BOWEL MOVEMENT EVERY DAY BUT NOW
about 1 month ago
You need to do a colonic or emema, thats what I do. Dont let yourself go for 4 day without a
BM..Eatting healthy is good but ya gota get the poop out..
I also take a product called Calm,you can get it at whole foods, thats helps me alot. Are you
drinking alot of water that also helps constipation. Hope this helps.
about 1 month ago
I tried using teh Livamend capsules and this has helped. Also I make sure to have some oil/ghee
in my diet daily and I think that helps
about 1 month ago
I also experienced what I though was a set-back in my digestion/elimination the past three days,
but today I had several bowel movements (yay!). I also noticed last night a splotchy, eczemalike rash on my inner calves and thighs that seemed to develop almost overnight - another sign, I
think, of my body trying to detox, but not having a clear pathway in the colon. So, I decided to
do a colema (5 gallons of water) and I'm feeling much calmer after eliminating. I've always
heard Donna promote enemas or colemas or colonics when there is no eliminating happening or
when we develop rashes. I'm also taking the LivAmend from BE, BUT I am struggling with these
liquid salads!! While they taste good to me, they don't hold me at all, and I've had several
hypoglycemic symptoms over the past few days. I have had to supplement a bit with solid foods
(eggs, millet, zucchini). We're in the last week, though, so I'm hanging in there ;-)
about 1 month ago
I, too, have had several hypoglycemic episodes, especially with the drink that has carrots. I could
not bear another day of just liquid salads, and today started with the soups (which are
delicious!) and add about 2 tbsp of cooked millet to each bowl. I feel much better now.
about 1 month ago
I believe we have to honor the Principle of Uniqueness - the liquid salad fast is not for everyone
and not all can tolerate in the same way. I talked with a friend who is following the detox as
well, and she reported feeling very poorly yesterday - nausea, gagging, lethargy - but after a
colema, felt much better. Hang in there, and do what you need to do to take care of you!
Candida and Parasitic Mind control
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
Last year I watched a National Geographic Video about ants who ate snail slime with cordyceps in it and
were fine... until cows got near... then the cordecyps controlled the ants minds to go climb up the
flowers the cows eat so they can infect the cows with liver flukes....
That is totally how I feel with my Candida! I am hoping that Donna can address the issue of the SEVERE
cravings, that I believe is a sort of parasitic mind control!
After seeing the video I am convinced that this is what is happening to me and others!
This video is only 2 mins long and incredibly informative on how a parasite can drive a host to it's death!
Now I also wonder about Cordyseps....
Help..... what about this issue/possiblity?
Thank you very much,
Here is the video...
about 1 month ago
Here are a couple of things that I have heard Donna say about cravings.
1. Cultured veggies will reduce the cravings for sugar.
2. Use lemon juice in water to reduce cravings.
My husband had problems because he was on a SEE food diet--not SEAFOOD--but SEE food
diet. He wanted eveything that was free and offered to him. Much to his amazement, after
starting on the cultured veggies, he was able to walk on by and resist his SEVERE cravings for
sweet foods and other temptations.
I heard Donna on the Wish Summit and she spoke about a hormone that the adrenals make
and that if we are low on it, it causes constant hunger. I will look for the name of it.
about 1 month ago
The name of the hormone is Aldosterone.
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I guess I just theorize that candida may have the same ability to affect humans as other parasitic
organisms do other species... if so, then maybe that could spur some other
thoughts and progress into stopping it from happening..
This to me totally explains how I feel. Maybe you have to have it along time to infect your brain
tissue also?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Yes, Laura,
All organisms have intelligence, plants, animals, cells, and certainly yeast. We had a family
birthday party on Saturday for our ten year old neice. Some of our family are at intense stages
of detox. One of the four year old neices, got a bite of a sugary cupcake before her mother and
father could prevent it. When her mother took it away, she had an absolute screaming melt
down. Sarabeth removed her to the van, and had the wisdom to explain to Gloria, it is not you
who is screaming sweetie, it is the yeast that have been dying off in you. Wow! What a wise
mama! And the more incredible things is, Gloria "got" it! So cool, huh?
Look in the B E D book about cordycpes. I betcha Donna covers it there.
Love you,
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
These are "interesting times" right? Lots of peer-reviewed research being published on
intestinal biofilm right now, if you're interested. Turns out, the half-a-million (=/-) different
microbial species coexisting in our intestines are quite intelligent and quite willing to cooperate
with each other to create the kind of environment they need to survive and flourish. Also, check
out the newest information on human hibernation. Researchers are coming to the conclusion
that the human immune system is being controlled by microorganisms (candida, etc.). These
organisms have developed the ability to put us into a state that very closely resembles
hibernation in animals so that they can exploit our bodies by keeping us in a state of perpetual
weakened immunity. They sense when we are stressed and turn into high gear when our
immune systems are diminished. Within the intestinal biofilm, some species will actually
sacrifice themselves and change places within the biofilm matrix, so that the greater part of the
colony will survive whatever treatment they're being exposed to. Hence, they are very hard to
kill. Donna writes and lectures about this but researchers are continuing to learn astonishing
things that absolutely attest to a kind of cooperative, meta-intelligence these organisms have. I
read somewhere that a specific species has been found to exist in much higher concentrations in
people who love and crave chocolate. I don't recall the species, but I do recall thinking when I
read the abstract that of course this makes sense. My bugs, whatever they are, want refined
carbs. My husband has the chocolate bugs.
Cultured vegetables and not cheating are the only things that keep me from eating carbs. The
few times I've cheated, I've fed the bugs, re-ignited their insatiable cravings and had to
experience the day or two of withdrawals, even when I immediately got back to the strict eating
principles of the Body Ecology Diet. Cheating is just not worth it. These bugs are smart and they
want to control us. :-) And they multiply so incredibly fast every time we feed them sugar or
refined carbs. ugh... For me, the only answer is to recolonize my gut with beneficial microflora
by changing my ways of eating. Donna is right, we have to change our inner ecology. I'm just
hoping that after a few years of this I won't have to think about any of this stuff so much.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Good morning Alice,
We don't have to wait a few years of eating correctly to change our thoughts Alice. That is why
Donna has paired herself with Louise hay. Because of the power of the mind to keep us stuck or
to keep us free. We can choose this day to let our mind keep us free. it is not based on the
works of eating right , it can be based on the grace of changing the thoughts of our mind. We
have the tools and ability to change our thoughts now. We can keep putting positive in every
day now. Let's do it now. Bring our mind and the body will follow. Each one of us thought, hey,
I think I'll do Donna's 21 day tetox first before we began to change our eating. Every day in every
way, we are getting better and better, Og Mandidno.
I love you,
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I myself began mastery over my thoughts and meditation about 2 decades ago. I have it pretty
much down pat. I have had many, many healings over the years and just did
a Reconnection modailty a few weeks ago that has completely changed my mind, thoughts and
personality. I study self and distance healing. Back in 1986 I put my cigs down in one moment,
no problem. In 1987 the alcohol, no problem. In 1992 meth and cocaine IV usage, no problem.
Sugar..... that is a complete and total amazement to me!
Even with all my energy work I am challenged, as well as many practitioners I know.
The only thing that ever helped me completely was BMR with Jonathan Tripodi. It is an intensive
massage and cellular memory release. I didn't have much memory release,
but I did later on when my symptoms returned in about 4 months theorize that it must have
done an intensive candida release. My diet was 100% with no cravings or
withdrawl whatsover! But the winter and darkness came and the candida crawled out of their
hiding place to full force. Amazing how body work can completely change the mind in a few
days, where as years of mind work doesn't.
Don't underestimate the power of bodywork and fasting. Can make you more spiritual in a few
days than many years of prayer, I KNOW!
I have also experienced the power of Jing City to put me in an complete state of Oneness
without a moment of meditation! WOW
Yes the Mastery of thoughts are important, but with the right tools the thoughts fade and
disappear EFFORTLESSLY....
But these little critters are highly intelligent and a worthy advesary!
But often times there is a simple answer yet to be discovered....
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
I believe it Laura! I definitely feel like little monsters are inside me controlling what I do to my
body, i.e. cravings...
About certain Probiotic Beverages
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Would anyone might know What would Donna say about the beverage KEVITA that's become so
popular in health food stores? I noticed it has small traces of alcohol, like Kombucha tea. The ingredients
look okay. It has Apple Cider Vinegar in it. But I'm concerned about the alcohol part. And has anyone
heard of feremented vegetable juices. They're supposed to be very healing and one can make them
yourself. But I've heard it may have traces of alcohol as well. I read this in a book by Jordan Rubin who
created Garden of Life products.
Does this mean that all fermented products will have alcohol in it by default?
And is there a big difference in making kefir with young coconuts and REGULAR coconuts?
about 1 month ago
I haven't heard Donna speak about Kevita.
Donna calls her fermented vegetable juice "Cultured Veggie Juice". She has a recipe for it on
page 163 of the Baby Boomer Diet.
Yes, all fermented products will have alcohol in it by default, but it is a minute amount. During
the last training, I asked Randall about this. BE liquids have 0.05% alcohol. Donna said that
amount is considered healthy. I put that into a blood alcohol calculator and it came up 0.0%
blood alcohol. I even put in that the amount consumed was 4 bottles (I put the exact ounces in
4 bottles into the calculator) and it still came up 0.0% blood alcohol. It is a minute
amount. Remember, bananas have alcohol in them.
Donna always recommends young coconuts. I don't remember the reason.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Sharon, thanks for the info. You're so helpful! :) Glad to know someone is as inquisitive cause I
drive myself nuts with all the questions I have. LOL.
about 1 month ago
I really enjoyed the following quote from my reading today. It is out of the Baby Boomer Diet, page
337, and shows the importance of what Donna is teaching us about our detoxification pathways.
"And the suppositories and chelation therapies (for removng heavy metals) that are available at local
health-food stores are a bit like putting the cart before the horse. Most people do not have
detoxification pathways that are open enough for these therapies to be effective. These pathways (via
organs of elimination)must be strengthened and opened before they will work efficiently."
"The Body Ecology program prepares and strengthens the body so that detoxification can occur. The
most important way it does this is by promoting food that creates energy and restores digestion. Other
therapies help as well."
I am glad that Donna keeps driving home this point.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
I like that. Thanks so much Sharon!
Magnetic Fields...
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
I think Donna mentioned walking on the ground or grass with bare feet to connect with the earth's
natural healing energy. But doesn't walking on grass barefoot increase chances of parasitic infection?
This makes me sad because I love walking on grass barefoot. I definitely feel better when I can place my
feet on the ground barefoot.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I am NOT giving up barefoot in the grassf for no parasites. LOL !!!!! My leg is healing and I
cannot stand comfortably nor sit with my leg hanging down without swelling for any length of
time, so I lay on a blanket on the ground. However, i go barefoot all the time!!!!!
about 1 month ago
I have a few thoughts on this. I think that we need to balanced about this.
1. Donna wouldn't recommend something that would harm us.
2. If we have a strong immune system, then we would be able to fight off the
parasites. Remember, there will always be some bad bacteria, etc., in our gut that the good
ones will keep in check.
3. I wouldn't walk in an area where a dog had eliminated its waste or where garbage had been
left to rot or where someone had dropped a mercury thermometer, etc.
4. David Wolfe of Longevity Warehouse has some shoes that let the earth's energy reach
you. So if you want to be cautious, you might try these.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Rebekah, bless your heart! I think you were the one in a car wreck?? I feel your pain. I've had
neck injuries and chronic pain ever since I was 18 because of it but I think all the other factors
like taking high dosages of IB profen that they prescribed me along with anitobiotics and other
bad things I ingested messed up my stomach lining and created this out of control problem. I've
never had a fractured or broken bone though, so I admire your courage and persistence to heal.
Positivity and looking forward is half the battle. Yes, we must get our healing any way we can.
Sharon, your awesome! Thank you. I'm taking all these notes from you. So very helpful.
Sending much love ladies! :)
Coming off of medication
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
So, to start...I knew first I had to come off of a medication for anxiety before I could do anything else in
regards to detoxing. It was the only thing that helped me to get out of the house because I've been so ill.
It however, was making me crave more sugar which in turn created a rebound effect. I had to stop
taking it. I happened to be drinking goat milk kefir at the time and became very very ill. It's been a little
over a week and I am absolutely miserable. All the toxins of my liver went haywire coming off. I have
been especially angry, emotional, reclusive, lethargic, all the yuckies! The interesting thing I noticed is
the intense itching in the female and anal regions were horrendous. It's like I took the band-aid off and
the toxins and candida went nuts. I'm trying not to give and take this medication anymore but I've been
tempted because I feel so bad. I switched to coconut kefir but that doesn't seem to help right now.
Was just wondering if anyone has attempted to come off meds and do detox diet at the same time? I've
tried it before, it is so very difficult.
Tania Bloch
about 1 month ago
I can empathize with coming off a medication. Came off an anit-depressant recently. You have
to come off in a systematic way.
I found an amazing program that helped tremendously. Go to which is a
program for psychoactive medication
withdrawal. Lots of research has been done right down to the effect on Genes. There is a book
which is also downloadable and phone support.
I am so grateful I found this program. I am now off my medication after 10 years. Good luck and
many blessings!!! We all deserve peace, joy and
health medication free!!!
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
Benzodiazapenes, anxiety medication detox symtoms can be horrifying. They must be taperd off
slowly and safely. I was on at the end a half of a half of a half of the lowest dosage... 0.5 mg. It
took months. I could not sleep without them or function with them. I had a friend who could not
take the detoxification. She would just fall for no reason and almost went crazy. My sister who is
a nurse had her eyes begin to yellow and she is in her 60's. She quit her Lexapro and her dr
yelled at her and she became non-functional from
rebound depression 6 months later that she returned to taling it and said she would rather die
than suffer like that. You are not alone.
I would suggest taking your medication, reducing to the tiniest of tiniest amounts WHILE
changing your diet and doing the enemas.
As your body begins to gain health and vitality your ability to reduce your medication will
improve. Don't let the medication stop you, just take care of yourself
and safely and slowly stop. I didn't feel any effects of the medication toward the end, but I also
didn't have the severe rebound effects either.
My dr. wasn't helpful. He said I could just stop, becasue my dose was so low. Little did he know.
I just kept chopping them in half until I felt ok, then went every other day.
Never give up and Never surrender...!
about 1 month ago
HI Julia. I went off my antidepressant that I was on for many many years a year ago. It has
become more difficult as I am doing this cleanse and detox because all these uncomfortable
emotions are coming out of me. I have to deal with how much I rely on certain foods for my
comfort -- they are like what i lie my life for and bring me joy (even though they were NOT even
sugar/sugar I was a junkie of fruit and dried fruit and raw bars and agave nectar and I used to
eat lots and lots of fresh mushrooms too. I always had gluten free tortillas and going without
these foods to just vegetables has been very depressing for me. I am thin as is and I just feel like
I have less energy now than when I could eat healthy. I mean I always ate healthy but just not
the right foods for getting rid of candiadis and yet feeding that which has accumulated in my
body from whatever reasons? Very frustrating I know. It's like you almost would rather just go
back and take the drug and feel okay.
I know there has to be a better way and I am grateful for Donna and that she has done all the
research and work through her own healing of her body so this is all good and I keep holding
on!!!! And I realize there are so many people out there who understand and are going through
similar things. It's amazing how all of these negative emotions come out when going having to
eat foods that are not fun!!!! or comforting for me!!! It's like almost death and especially when
you don't feel better YET! But I am going to try and not give up YET!
Good carb foods are very comforting and help with serotonin and well without them it does
make me feel more low and depressed and like I said, I have very little energy when i am
suppose to have more energy. Grant it I have not done the cleanse exact yet but I feel if I did I
would not survive. (though I am sure I would).
Anyway sorry to be a downer but I just want you to know you are not alone!!!!! I believe the
drugs are part of the reason we are here so best to wean off and start all over fresh with the
Body Ecology way! I am going to try. What do i have to lose (except my sanity :)!
Many blessings,
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Tania, thanks so much for the link! I'll definitely check it out.
Laura, all those things you described...I've been there. I have a friend who is weening off as well
of the same type of medication as I am and she and I both agree, it's as if we become seriously
bombarded with demons. It's so scary. It just goes to show just how dangerous these
medications that are supposed to help us are actually extremely toxic and dangerous and make
us worse. I had already tapered for a while. So, I'm just trying to tough out the end of it now.And
I will try not to give up. Thanks.
Sharon, thank you for sharing your experience with me. That means a lot. You sound exactly as I
have felt. I tried to come off of these before and other various medications while trying to
adhere to the diet strictly and it was a complete nightmare. I really do think Donna's principle of
step-by-step is the way to go here. One thing at a time. Our bodies can't handle many drastic
changes at once when we're already compromised in our immunity and energy. That's why I'm
trying really hard to focus on just getting off this drug and gently just trying to be consious of
what I put in my mouth but I'm by no means doing anything perfectly. I understand the obsene
cravings. I struggle so much with disordered eating. Yes, you are feeling weak because of the
changes. I always get much worse when I change anything. The last few days, I've had moments
where I get some energy but for the most part I've been bed ridden. I'm just trying to remember
to rest like Donna suggests. I tend to push myself hard and force my body to move when it
doesn't want to. And resisting my uncontrollable emotions and feeling worse for judging them.
So remembering Donna's suggestions to rest and allow my feelings to come up and out and
hanging on. It's made some difference I believe. Listen to our bodies. I can only hope that I'll get
it all down with a little more time. It's a process and all we can do is trust that it will work no
matter how long it takes. Knowing we have support here is so awesome. I'm so grateful! Thanks
Sending healing and Love Ladies!
Day 13
about 1 month ago
Detox Diet Assignment
Consume only whole food blended drinks.
Mental/Emotional Assignment
Detox Bath. First write down a list of your biggest regrets. Then take a 20-30min warm bath.
maybe after writing the list of regrets... find the good in them and write a list of being grateful
I regret eating sweets... I am grateful because now I am learning and eating healthier... I am making
wiser choices.
planning on doing a WHole Approach.... I ordered Blessed herbs cleansing and also ordered on intro
whole approach bentonite/psyllium kit to do after cleanse... do the bentonite/psyllium for a longer
period of time on whole approach...
everyone has to do what is best for them...more than one way to colon cleans- herbs, enemas or
colonics etc
off to make 2nd blended drink of the day :-)
about 1 month ago
I was unable to post a new topic, but I hope it can be addressed here. I am back to day 8 with
the program, due to some interruptions. I wish to know if this forum/detox info will be available
to us beyond the 21 days.
about 1 month ago
I posted the new topic FORUM AVAILABILITY for you.
(To post a new topic, click FORUM on the Menu Bar at the top of the screen. Then look down
the left for the week that we're on and click it. Then when it comes up, scroll down to the very
bottom and you will see Add Topic. Click that to start a new topic.
about 1 month ago
Thanks, Sharon!
about 1 month ago
just an update... for anyone looking for alternatives... I tried a couple of days of "Blessed Herbs"
and then switched to "Whole Approach" bentonite & psyllium...
I like WHole Approach better because you have more control... you can increase or decrease
your dosage of bentonite & psyllium (mixed in 8 oz of water)...
which means you can start out on a low dose... and even tailor it to your individual needs...
psyllium has a stool loosening effect
bentonite has a stool tightening effect
thus it the patient tends to have loose stools,2 TB of bentonite is recommended
or if the patient tends toward constipation, less bentonite and more psyllium are recommended
(from the book "Conquering Yeast Infections" by S. Colet Lahoz )
about 1 month ago
Please be careful with psyllium. Donna does not recommend for this cleanse as psyllium not
only can become addictive but can also injure the delicate lining of your intestines and is
increasingly not used in most formulas that are specifically formulated for leaky gut, IBS, colitis,
and digestive disorders caused by systemic infection.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
This is the exact same thing my internal medicine specialist said to me about psyllium! She was
the one who got me onto colonics and enemas in 2006. I just wish she had taken it further and
gotten me on cultured foods as well. Speaking of cultured foods.
If you read this post: my cocbiotic arrived today. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I am really really craving
it!!!!!!!!! I've already drank a lot. Do I need to just sit on my hands and not do this? I'm going to
have to order more tonight. The bottle is half way gone already! Please advise if you can.
about 1 month ago
Just be careful--it is full of probiotics and just like eating too much of certain foods could cause
gas, bloating, or some type of cleansing, so can the probiotic beverages. Go slow, it is very
powerful. I once had a half bottle in a day, and even after years of having fermented veggies
and probiotic liquids, it still cleaned me out!
Donna recommends 6-8oz per day, but sometimes only starts people on a few ounces per day
depending on their health.
about 1 month ago
Just be careful--it is full of probiotics and just like eating too much of certain foods could cause
gas, bloating, or some type of cleansing, so can the probiotic beverages. Go slow, it is very
powerful. I once had a half bottle in a day, and even after years of having fermented veggies
and probiotic liquids, it still cleaned me out!
Donna recommends 6-8oz per day, but sometimes only starts people on a few ounces per day
depending on their health.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Already got a headache! lol. Gonna do an enema when my daughter gets back from playing
tennis. Thanks. Oh, and also "rumbling" around the splenic curve, whoo hoo ;) ;) ;) . I'm gonna
be a happy camper tonight!!!!!!
Mercout discount
about 1 month ago
The $10 discount at doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know if it was
only valid on the day of the webinar?
Finally, I can post on the forum. I've not been able to do so due to computer/website issues. I've enjoyed
reading all your posts and am thankful to be participating in the 21 day detox!
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Danielle, I had to call them and waiting to hear back. The discount code didn't work for me
either. :(
Getting rid of mercury first??
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Question for Donna or other experienced B.E.D. ers and any others input is welcome. I thought the
B.E.D. book said we should be on the diet for a while before attempting to clean out heavy metals;
however, I thought I heard Donna say on the cleansing lecture last week that attempting to get rid of
candida is futile as long as we have mercury in our system because they feed off each other.
So, are which one are we supposed to do first?
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I am doing what I can, and that is stick to the eating completely strictly. I can't work right now
and have no income whatsoever. So... buying mercury detox products and even so far,
purchasing the products I want from Donna, have been imposible. but, I can change what I
place in my mouth. I do have the second pink rings Donna mentioned. I will do the mercury
detox some day, but first, I will be ordering Donna's products. I have to keep it very oimple right
now because of my circumstances. I am grateful for my injury in so many regards.
Peace to you my sister,
about 1 month ago
I thought the same thing...
I am detoxing my colon now I think using shilajit, fulvic acid, etc
think I'm also probably getting some heavy metals out with chlorella etc...waiting to do the
magnetic pad because that will be much stronger removing of heavy metals
going to add in some more colon cleansing stuff...
probably order LivAmend the next time I order cocobiotic
but I am also getting a couple of other herbal cleanses that have some ingredients the Baby
boomer book says should be used sparingly... I am doing some research on Aloe and cascara and
not getting the same info as the book.
I have aloe leaves... a superfood... probably going to use some tomorrow in blended drinks... I
used some last week too.. so really differing info out there... I don't use Aloe daily and think I'll
keep using it.
about 1 month ago
I guess out of the list of herbs in the book NOT to use for herbal cleansing, the only one I can
find so far, that may be habit forming is Senna & that is not in the products I ordered.
I e-mailed about Aloe, rhubarb & cascara... to make sure they are safe, gentle, non-habit
Ron Teeguarden has Rhubarb in a couple of his formulas can be used daily for several
months I think... so thinking it is safe.
Thinking Aloe is safe too.
I read that
"C a s c a r a S a g r a d a is considered a mild , effective , natural, herbal laxative for
generations. First used by Native Americans, its name means “sacred bark,” in Spanish, a
reference to the medicinal part of the plant itself."
" Cascara is considered by some experts to be the safest and most effective laxative available.
No toxicity has been found at recommended dosages. Large doses can cause significant diarrhea
and intestinal irritation."
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
Several years ago I got my systemic candidiasis under control using diet, oral chelation (using
calcium-disodium EDTA), ThreeLac and Primal Defense. I know I aggregate metals, and here I
am, ten years later, suffering again. I've been trying for 2 years now (only 5 months on Body
Ecology Diet, though) to knock this scourge down and I've only gotten 70% better. I am about to
do the relatively inexpensive Mercout protocol Donna mentioned because I am certain that I
harbour Hg in my system. I have the nail bed halos as well. (Incidentally, Hg amalgams were
improperly removed from my teeth in 1986). I'm going to do the urine provocation test (the full
test) to see what metals other than Hg are high (I know from other tests that I have high Arsenic
and Lead levels). It's kind of a scary decision but from my past experience with chelation, I know
that candida thrive in the presence of metals. The only time in my adult life that I've had a
respite from candidaisis were the four years following the chelation I did. I am really hoping
that the Mercout protocol will help me get over my 70% hump and the BED lifestyle change will
help me win this battle once and for all. I'm sick of feeling like this.
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Hi Alice,
I agree. I am sick of living like this. Pretending to eat right, but still having my wine and chips
occasionally and secretly having my reeces cups and still living in a miserable body. let's let our
wearyness be our motivation to stick to the plan this time. We have more tools to stay together
and help each other out now. We can use facebook to stay together as a group if we wish. Or,
we can stay connnected on Donna's facebook page too. I think having commitment parneters
and group support makes all the difference in my life.
Another thing I plan to do is to keep on jourtnaling this time. I don't know why, but I haven't
journaled in years. My emotional and spirtitual self and staying clean and clear in my heart and
mind are paramount to be able to stick to any healthy eating plan that is good for my body. My
daily prayer is to stay humble, teachable and hungry for knowledge and wisdom. But not to just
simply gather knowledge, but to CHANGE!!!!
I am going to create a new phrase for my mind to repeat. how about,
yes, yes, I am going to write that on a three by five note card and post it in my bedroom, kitchen
and bathroom! It will become my constant reinforcement to stay on the BED lifestyle plan.
Much love sister,
about 1 month ago
Your words are so inspiring! Thanks for your honesty. I will include you in my prayers for healing
of your injuries from the accident.
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thank you Ladies, it's good to hear from everyone. Rebecca, I appreciate your honesty as well.
It's baby steps for people like us I think. Depending on each individual condition, the thing is that
if you're very very sick like me, then you don't have the energy to do every single thing there is
to do to get better. But I believe having knowledge is power and try to be gentle with yourself
but not self-destructive. I've had to learn the hard way. It doesn't help to beat myself up if I
don't get it perfectly. One day at a time...
For this detox period, I've only been able to start by coming off an anxiety medication that I
believe was covering up and hindering my infection from being able to be healed. It's been
brutal coming off of this! But I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other. Just starting
somewhere, anywhere.
Bernice, I have heard that Cascara can be too strong. I think Donna says to try not to rely on this
one so much either.
Peace sisters!
ame wauters
about 1 month ago
I am going to try removing my metals using this product:
I've really loved the products I've gotten from this site, as well as Donna's site. This guy seem sto
really know his stuff and he's got great cleansing information.
I highly recommend checking it out:)
Happy Cleansing!
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thanks Ame! I've check out that site before and it looked pretty good to me. Will keep it mind.
about 1 month ago
just read a good article by Gabriel Cousens M.D. ( author of many books, including Conscious
Eating, and is the founder of the Tree of Life, a world-renowned health clinic located in
Patagonia, Arizona, United States.)
"What we can say is that zeolite has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals,
pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system."
about 1 month ago
As a person who tested almost off the charts with heavy metals a year ago and who has been
chelating and in quite a bit of discomfort for the last 10 years, I can tell you knocking out those
metals and doing colonics really helps get that candida under control. I'm still struggling, but I've
learned so much from this course. I've tried zeolite's and they make me feel very ill, they have
high amounts of aluminum in them. But that might not be the case for everyone. I was almost
off the charts with mercury, lead, arsenic and tungsten, my candida was a nightmare. I could
barely get out of bed. I'm still working so hard on getting through this, I've found that I have to
use occasionally supplements like EDTA, DMSA and I've wanted DMPS and have found it about
impossible to get it.
I'm thinking I will just go for it and do the mercout program Donna has mentioned. I also found a
great site that helped me understand more about colonics and cleansing at home than I thought
I'd ever want to know. lol But they have very high quality bags and make it possible to do your
own home colonics which saves so much $$$. They're down near San Diego, CA (I'm on the east
coast) and they managed to ship things out to me in less than 4 days!
I'd avoided doing this for so long, but Donna is of course so right in saying this really helps. It's
not fun, but it makes a world of difference. If anyone else is going through detoxing metals,
too...please feel free to contact me. I'm kind of on my own, so many docs don't even really know
what's happening with the metals and some have made me worse and some, I'm just not sure.
But if you've done it successfully, I want to know what you did. I've been eating grass fed meat
because with the different chelators you need protein so it gives it something to attach to,
otherwise I've heard it will attach to your organs.
Wishing you all clear tongues, thoughts, colons and happy dreams!! :))
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Thanks so much for sharing that. I can't get out of bed most days. It's awful. I know I must have
heavy metal toxicity too. I'm planning on ordering the mercout test. I have the pink rings around
my halos on my fingers. I just feel so heavy all the time. My jaw wants to clamp down. No matter
how much I try to cleanse, nothing seems to budge out of my system. I think the candida and
parasites are partying like crazy in my system because of heavy metals playing with them.
Much love and hope for you and all.
about 1 month ago
Lissa I feel for you and hope this program will help you.
What I'm really curious about is how we get such an overload of toxic metals in our bodies?
My mouth is full of mercury fillings so that would account for mine but I've only had muscle
testing so not sure about other metals.
All the best, Monika
about 1 month ago
Thanks everyone for this stream of posts -- very informative and helpful. I'm not quite sure how
I ended up with so many metals in my system either, but I do need to get them out... Systemic
candidiasis left me practically paralyzed and helpless, and now almost one year in on my Body
Ecology journey, I am ready to get to the heavy metals portion of my detox. Thinking of ordering
the Mercout product, but with some question/concern... As I've mentioned on a couple other
posts, I am extremely sensitive to ginger, cilantro, parsley, maca, and others... Learning that
most of these are chelators and detoxifiers, I am thinking it probable they are quite strong and
that I DO need to be using them, but apparantly in tiny doses until I can work my way up to
more. Has anyone had similar negative effects while taking these, and has anyone tried the
Mercout and maybe experienced the same with the product? I hesitate if the product will put
me in the same awful state for 30+ days (insomnia, sinus headaches, nasal inflammation, brain
fog, sleepiness, etc.)
Much love and light,
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Tara, I'm not sure. I'm looking into info. on the mercout products. On the lecture of part 2 of this
cleansing series Donna stated that candida cannot be healed until mercury is out of the system
because mercury binds to the candida keeping us in a perpetual chronic state. However, I also
thought she said in her BED book that we shouldn't try a heavy metals cleanse until our
digestion and pathways are working. So, I'm getting mixed messages and really hoping that
someone from BED experts will respond to this.
But those symptoms you described are the exact symptoms I get when I've attempted the diet
strictly and used fermented probiotics and attempt at a parasite cleanse.
So, it seems like these are all signs of extreme die off reactions. It's uncomfortoble to say least,
at worst it feels like a nightmare really. I am very fearful of what will happen if I attempt to do a
heavy metal cleanse. I'm going to order the test at least. I emailed the people at mercout and
they said the director Dr. Dooley stated there wasn't any research that he was aware of that
candida interferes with a heavy metal cleanse. But I'm terrified of die-off reactions.
I really hope someone from BED can shed some light on this.
Thanks for sharing,
Many blessings your way!
29 days ago
I have been talking with Dr. Dooley and his assistant at Mercout, in concern for adverse
reactions with the mercury detox (seeing as my sensitivies, again, are many and severe). I had
provided them with the Doctor's Data lab results, showing that my mercury and other metals
were very high, but after some consideration on their part, they decided it wasn't in my best
interest to proceed with the program. They suggested looking into other gut issues (parasites,
gut dysbosis, etc.), all things I am certain are being addressed with following Body Ecology.
I am very disappointed, to say the least, as I too, feel my high mercury levels are another big
piece of this puzzle that would help in my recovery. If this is the program Donna recommends
for those of us with systemic candidiasis, how else am I to get all the mercury out?
27 days ago
Tara, that sounds rough. Did you try the Mercout and have a problem or were they saying your
levels were too high? Or is their something in the supplement?? My test was through Doctors
Data Lab, too. I haven't bought it yet. Do you have health coverage. The route I'm trying instead
was to check into getting transdermal dmps, per the Dr Buttar regimen suggestions.
Compounded with my health insurance it's $65 vs the $300 for the Mercout. Trying to decide
between transdermal and suppository for the dosing. The reason Donna is saying to get the
heavy metals out first, from what I've been reading and saw first hand is that the candida feeds
on them. I know when my load was higher, it was impossible to eliminate them and I'd also read
that in some ways it was dangerous to try to eliminate them if you are heavy metal burdened as
they are actually keeping the metal burden down, unfortunately they are also releasing all sorts
of other toxins back into our systems. Someone asked how did we get so toxic. I was born in '63
back in the days of lead paint, gas, and pipes. They say anyone born before 1978 the year they
went unleaded with gas in the states more than likely has a toxic dose of lead. I added to that
rehabbing two very old homes, using inadequate methods to strip paint. I was given silver
fillings by a not so good dentist as a kid, my favorite food was tuna (all large sea fish is found to
contain mercury these days and probably worse since the oil spill and Japan's meltdown)
growing up, broke a thermometer as a kid ... Mercury is also in vaccines, corn syrup and soy. To
not be heavy metal poisoned is almost more rare than to have it. I changed my diet alone about
5 years ago, but did it without knowing that I had the heavy metal poisoning. Just went on a
strict candida killing regimen. Felt good at first then got more ill, but kept sticking with it. But
without knowing that my silver fillings were outgassing in my mouth and I was enjoying my
favorite tuna Nicose salads several times a week! Not good... After finding out in March of 2011
that I was off the charts with this. Everything changed. Now finally supplements are starting to
work, my thyroid is coming back, but I'm still weak and rebuilding. I guess, long story short, what
I'm trying to say is: I learned the hard way, Donna is right, you have to get the mercury out, keep
the colon clean and the keep rebuilding. Oh and I had all my amalgams out last July 2011. But
still have a merc tattoo in my gum line that I've had trouble getting the funds and someone to
take it out. But that's next. So, I hope my mistakes help someone, it would make them worth it.
It's been a very long painful process and I'm still in it. Sending love and care to everyone out
there, believe me...I know how bad this feels. Xo
Julia Rojas
27 days ago
Tara thanks for keeping us posted. That helps a lot because I too am very fearful of the effects of
mercury detox. I'm ordering the test just to see exactly what my count is. But it's good to have
feedback on exactly what to do. Mercout told me that the mercury detox shouldn't have any
negative effects on candida detox but I've read in other places that it can bevery harsh if most of
the candida is not under control. It's all so very confusing!
And Lissa, thanks for your input as well. I have had very similar experiences. I was born in 78 but
I did break a thermometer as a child and played with the mercury. And I think played with it in
class one time too. I had silver fillings as a kid into adulthood. I had the fillings removed about 7
years ago but did not take any precautions before or after the removal so I believe the mercury
could still be circulating in my blood. This is such perplexing and difficult thing we're facing.
God, I am so grateful to know that I'm not alone though. I hope and pray we can all find vibrant
healing and health very soon!
Much Love!
25 days ago
Thanks so much for your feedback, Lissa and Julia! Lissa, no, I didn't try the Mercout. I tested for
the mercury and other metals though, through Doctor's Data labs, and my mercury, and other
levels came back as being very high. Because of my sensitivites to foods, herbs, spices,
supplements, chemicals, etc., I wanted to speak with someone from Mercout in regard to those
of us with extreme sensitivies to different ingredients that could be in the product, or to
extreme side effects in the detoxing process of the metals. So, because of my sensitivies, though
my levels are high, they are taking the side of caution and saying it is not in my best interest to
do the program. Big time disappointment. But, trying to be positive, that it is just not the right
time yet... Will still plan on it when I have things more in order with my digestion and
I did end up doing an infrared sauna session yesterday, to help with the metals detoxing, and
wow, did it pull the rug out from under me... I was using one almost daily for a week, a few
weeks ago, but this time it really, really hit me. I can barely walk around, stay awake, eat, etc.
Thankfully, I have my mental clarity, which is usually the first to go...
Oh, and no, I do not have health insurance, nor am I even able to work right now. After this all
started 5 1/2 years ago, I tried and tried to work through it, finally giving in about 6-8 months
ago to focus on my health and get this under control. I never know when I'm going to be able to
function or not, and am way too unreliable yet. I am grateful to be learning the tools necessary
to get my health and life back, but I need to accept that it probably isn't going to happen
overnight, and I need to trust in the journey that's going to get me there. I am fortunate enough
to have a very supportive mother, and she is helping with much of my health expenses along the
way. I am doing my best to discern which are necessary and helpful, and which are not. And,
what I do know, is that I trust Donna COMPLETELY with her recommendations, she has been the
only right-on light along this entire way. I am already so grateful to her and her work. She gives
us hope, trust, and peace, knowing that she has walked this walk before us, and has gotten her
own health to not only an average state, but to a place of vitality and wellness. We can't lose
sight of that in these periods of 'disease' and illness...
Also, I'm curious where, and in which book, you found the info. on metals/mercury feeding on
the candida, and vice versa... I'm very curious to read more on the topic, especially if Donna is
referring to it. Thanks!
As far as our mercury exposure goes, that is a very curious question. I was born in '79, and don't
really think I've had any more significant exposure than anyone else has had in their lifetime. I
do believe it to be part of the puzzle, especially if it aggrivates the candida, but I don't
necessarily think that our high levels to be that much higher than the general population. I
would love to know though, if they have 'average' reports. For us, yes, it may help to get it out
and get the candida under control, but other peoples bodies may just withstand it and not react
to it as ours do... I've come to believe the candida, metals, viruses/bacteria/infections, all feed
on each other in those of us that develop these conditions, and that we need to work with each
piece of the puzzle to start to get our health back. I struggle with trying to find the magic answer
of this whole thing, including the mind/emotional/spiritual component of this -- in being, what is
my part in creating this *disease* in my body? What am I needing to bring into balance on an
emotional level that allowed this to happen to me physically? I have been doing a lot of
searching on this front as well, which on one hand, is helping strengthen and transform me on
this journey, and on the other, leaving me feel frustrated, confused, and resentful at why other
imperfect individuals (all of us!), don't also develop physical illness...
Thanks for letting me vent these thoughts and struggles... This forum and support has been a
long time coming for me, on this lonely journey, and I can guess for many others of you as well;
it is so good to finally know others out there are dealing with the same thing -- that we are not
alone and can support and reach out to each other. That, I believe, is one of the big fundamental
pillars in life... We are not alone, independent, in any way, but rather needing each other in
more ways than one... Thank you again, and if there's any way we can keep this going after this
site closes in a couple short weeks, I'd love to be a part of it. We could start a private email list,
or if someone has another site/blog/forum that would be appropriate for these streams of
conversations... I haven't gotten responses to things I've put out on the BED Facebook page, and
have been grateful to be finding more conversation here... Again, I am grateful for the open
hearts and minds out there on this journey. Thank you!
In Infinite Loving Gratitude, and Healing,
24 days ago
Donna says that mercury and yeast support each other's growth in the body, but it is important
to follow the principle of step by step. First, Donna recommends starting the Body Ecology Diet
to starve out the yeast. Next, Donna recommends colonics, colemas and/or enemas to open the
detoxification pathways. If they are not open, people can become very sick as the mercury stays
trapped in the body.
24 days ago
Thanks for your feedback, Randall. I am one year in on the Diet, and do colemas about twice a
week. I feel pretty clean and empty inside, but am still extremely sensitive to many things I eat
and come into contact with. From my recent experiences with detoxing via the sauna, and
certain times with the colema board, and feeling how strongly they've knocked me out, I'm
going to have to just take it to mean I'm not ready for a full-blown mercury detox yet... I am
hoping my sensitivies lessen at some point, so I can get further into the metals, and to get out of
this glass bubble I've been living in...
Julia Rojas
19 days ago
Tara, I'm right there with ya! And absolutely agree that this forum support has been so vital to
this process. We should absolutely start an email list! I've been thinking that too. :)
You'll probably be seeing an email from me here very soon. Before this sight shuts down at the
end of the month.
And Randall, thanks so much for your reply! That helps a lot to be reminded of the step by step
19 days ago
Tara, I'm extremely sensitive to everything been at this for quite awhile but only found out
about the heavy metal poisoning in March 2011. Google "Chris Shade" and "heavy metal
poisoning." I recently got transdermal dmps from a a doc to use to chelate along with several
minerals but no IVs, it was only 60 mgs...but it's like being tortured and that's just rubbing it on
the skin. I think I'm going to look into some other easier products until my liver and kidneys are
more able to handle this. That's why I'm checking out "Quicksilver." I was going to get the
MercOut, but I'm thinking I'm too toxic for it. The dosage is double what I'm taking. I'm laying
around this week feeling awful from the dmps. I'd love to keep in touch with you.
Wishing you wellness!!
18 days ago
Isn't the Mercout program designed to metabolize the metals as they are carried out of the
body, ie, that most people feel no side effects? Today, I feel desperate, like I want to talk them
into letting me do the program, despite the side effects or die off. I have been feeling awful 99%
of my days lately, being stricter with my diet than ever, reacting to so many things, limiting what
I can eat without consequence more and more, down to 105 pounds...
Sorry everyone, I'm just feeling very frustrated. Wondering if you have to be a perfect
superhuman to figure this mess out. It's just so hard to stay positive all the time, and put on a
happy face for everyone, especially for family and friends who have no clue what kind of
nightmare is going on inside my body. And do you all notice how directly your moods are
affected by reactions you're having physically? Wow. I am finally seeing the extremes, and
realizing they are not me...
I'm just still confused about the whole metals thing... I just want to get them out, whatever the
consequence or pain along the way. I don't know how much worse I can feel than what its
already been...
Sorry again for not putting optimism out there today folks, but I do know there is strength and
courage also, in truth, and the truth I am needing right now is to know I am not alone in this,
that we will get our health back, our lives back, our spirits back...
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things
we can; and wisdom to know the difference... And we pray for guidance as to how and when to
get the mercury out. Amen.
Peace, love, and hope, my friends.
Peggy Ware
15 days ago
I have a question for Donna or Randall, How can we obtain the name address and phone
number of the biological dentists in Tijuana Donna spoke of?
Thanks so much!
Days 15 – 21
Question for Donna--live
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
I've noticed lots of tiny bumps/ break out all on my chest and even to the inside of my shoulders. -Especially in the past few days when we've been only having blended foods/liquids. Any idea what this
Also have been feeling very very down on my self/ lacking confidence can you speak about that?
Thank you.
No stomach acid
Martine Staublin
about 1 month ago
I have been told that I am not creating any stomach acid. What should I be doing a little bit differently
from others on the BED?
about 1 month ago
If a doctor has told you this, you may want to find out why--there are several potential causes.
This article should be helpful for next steps:
Wild Yeast
Chris Kitinoja
about 1 month ago
I live next door to a large bread bakery. I am sure there is alot of wild? yeast in the air. Could breathing
in this yeast on a daily basis cause candida and/or affect recovery from candida?
Serotonin Luxe
about 1 month ago
Hi all,
On the last call, Donna said to e-mail her about the serotonin luxe. I'm very interested in the
product and I don't know where to e-mail her or how to find out more about this product. Can anyone
help? I'd greatly appreciate it!!!
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Laurie, You can go on to email her. I've emailed about
products in the past and received a response in less than a day. I dont think that Donna will
answer you but you will get an answer. Jack is the one who usually responds to my emails. Tell
them you are doing the 21 day detox with Donna. I hope this helps.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!!
about 1 month ago
Thanks Pattie, you too!
Holy Basil
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
my psychiatrist checked my adrenal function and aldosterone. I had very low cortisol and was on the
verge of an Addisonian Crisis he said.
I quit taking my Holy Basil, which helps to lower cortisol and my adrenals came up a bit.
Just a consideration.
I don't think it is good for full blown adrenal fatigue, but occassional stress.
Most people who are toxic are probably more prone to lower levels.
Alice Cappel
about 1 month ago
wow, thank you. I know I produce very little cortisol. Good to know.
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
Another thing to consider is I read an article and the NIMH said that depression is caused by
stress and they have found thru PET scans that the stress INCREASES the brain
chemicals including seratonin and norephiphine and dopamine! That the theory about the levels
being low was innaccurate. They are in the works to find meds that will
actually really work by reducing the stress and thus relieving the damage from chronic stress to
the brain.
Most people, even psychiatrist's don't realize this. My psychiatrist was shocked. It is like the
dental thing where they won't admit they were wrong about the fillings, but
when a new way comes out it is up to the practitioner to choose what they are comfortable
using. It will take a long time for this psychiatric system to change, even after
the more effective treatments are developed.
about 1 month ago
I was very excited when Donna talked tonight about this serotonin luxe. I am definitely going to
email her to know where to order it. I currently take 3 5 HTP's at night but I do not feel any
different but again it could be because the candiadis is eating it up? I just don't know... because
I do not understand it all but I would be willing to at least try it for depression and again this diet
is making me more depressed because eating vegetables is only okay if you can eat other good
healthy food with them too! My energy is so low...
I won't give up until I give it more time and try everything Donna talks about!
My best to everyone. It is good to know that I am not alone and all this information from Donna
and others has been eye opening and very valuable!
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
I know that I tend to be very sensitive to herbs, and minerals, so am a bit very trepedatious
about taking all of the pills/minerals/supplements she mentioned today all at once.
Any nutritionists on here, or anyone with experience with taking all of these at the same time, if
you could put in here that would be helpful.
about 1 month ago
I find the Principle of Step by Step very useful. I add things at a low level and wait several days
or even a week or two before increasing what I take. I never start 2 things at the same time so
that I can see what each thing does to me.
about 1 month ago
I have never heard Donna speak about taking Holy Basil every day.
I have heard her talk about taking it while packing for an airline trip as the packing process gives
her stress.
I heard her tell a man that she wouldn't want him to become dependent on it. To me that
means that she is not saying you can use it every day.
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Hi SharonOn the live talk yesterday, she did mention taking several of these supplements/minerals twice a
day every day, so that's why it became confusing.
about 1 month ago
When taking supplements, always great to work one on one with a practitioner who can
monitor effects and results.
Sometimes a supplement could be doing a lot in the body and we don't see the results
immediately, and sometimes we take a supplement and the body gets back into balance and
then we don't need to continue taking it.
Judging these things for yourself can be very difficult, especially when many of the symptoms of
systemic infection fluctuate and often being real in tune with the subtle energies of the body
can be difficult.
When Donna is recommending supplements, she wants you to know that they are available in
case they are the right fit, but not that you should be taking all of them at once.
When we aren't feeling 100%, it is easy to hear or read about 20 supplements and they all sound
like they were made with us in mind!
Taking too many supplements, especially if they are not the right fit for your system, can be
more taxing.
This is confusing because it's not an easy answer on whether or not a supplement that works for
one person will work for another. Or that the dosage that works for one person is right for
Remember, as Donna says, we need to get past treating symptoms and focus on the root
problem. That's why she focuses the Body Ecology supplements on building the foundation so
hopefully people won't need all of the extra supplements once the system gets balanced. Often
many of those symptoms go away.
about 1 month ago
I went back and listened several times to what Donna said and wrote it down.
She said nothing about taking it every day indefinitely. She said that you can take 1 in the
morning and 1 in the afternoon or at bedtime. 2 might be the right dose for you. She reminded
us of the Principle of Uniqueness--that we might have to play around with it and see just what's
right for our unique body.
From other audios she has done, I've learned some about how Donna does consultations when
you hire her as your nutritional consultant. She orders a complete hormone panel before any
recommendations for your personal situation are given.
In her new book, she suggests getting a complete hormone panel.
I've also heard her say what Randall mentioned above about not needing a supplement when
the body is brought back into balance.
about 1 month ago
Keeping in mind what Donna said to a gentleman about not becoming dependent on Holy Basil, I
started using it regularly during a stressful time. It really helped me.
But then as I got the rest of the way on the diet--full compliance--my stress suddenly
disappeared even though the source of it was still very much in my life. I stopped thinking about
taking the Holy Basil at the times that I used to take it. I noticed an extreme calm set in. It was
just as Randall described above. The balance in my body removed the need for it.
about 1 month ago
We really have to take personal responsibility for what we do.
We have not hired Donna as our doctor or nutritional consultant. We hired her to present
information that we can use responsibly. That's all.
If we decide to go it on our own and apply the information without hiring a nutritional
consultant or a doctor, then we have to accept responsibility for what happens.
about 1 month ago
It may seem that all we have to do is this cleanse and 90 days on the diet and that's all. But it isn't. We
can't go back to eating anything and everything.
Recently I heard Donna speak on the Wish Summit. She said that most people think that they can add
whatever they want after 90 days and go from Stage 1 to 2 to 3 and to 4. (There are no Stages 3 & 4.)
She stressed the seriousness of the Candida Infection and how we always need to be fighting it as it will
come back on us.
No cheating!!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I agree Sharon! This not a diet to me. It is going to become the way I live! I have been feeding
the grands watermelon. and yesteray honeydew melon. I haven't had one bite. I am proud of
about 1 month ago
How do you live with out a gallbladder. What is a good diet? Is ox bile safe?
about 1 month ago
Janice--Donna does recommend ox bile as a supplement/digestive enzyme. You won't be
digesting fats well, but they are important to eat. So be sure they eat them with a supplement.
Plenty of fermented foods also help digest the fats as the microbiota help digest the fat. Sour
foods also stimulate peristaltic movement, which is also another function of the bile.
about 1 month ago
Thanks Randall, I just read in Donna's book today baby boomer diet she said it is a good ideal to
take Ox bile and lipase when you have you gallbadder out.
What is ox bile anyways???
about 1 month ago
Bile is secreted by the liver and then stored in the gallbladder for use. The ox bile is the same,
just originating from a bovine source, and when used as a supplement, will assist the body in
breaking down fats.
about 1 month ago
Thank you fro being here and answering all our questions, have a nice day...
Raw vs. Cooked
about 1 month ago
I'm quite confused over whether to be focusing more on cooked foods or raw... Donna mentioned on
the call that raw foods are more cleansing than cooked, but I was just given some insight by a Body
Ecology Coach regarding all the cucumer and raw veggies I consume, that they are higher in sugar and
aggrivate the candidiasis.
about 1 month ago
I think we all need to figure out what works for each of us... and it may take tme... This doesn't
answer your question... but it is a short youtube video about
6 diabetics on the SAD go who went raw for 30
days... this is a short video from the sold-out
Longevity Now® Conference two weekends ago, New York Times best-selling author of Super
Immunity, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, delivered a riveting presentation on anti-aging and longevity from a
medical perspective. In this exclusive video excerpt you will discover:
Dr. Fuhrman's scientifically supported case for eating an abundance of super foods.
Why "speeding up your metabolic rate" is the WORST way to lose weight… and what to do
The warning signs and signals your body sends you when you are eating a less than optimal
diet... and MUCH MUCH more!
about 1 month ago
Back to Body Ecology.
During the cleanse, the most cleansing part was the 3 days we were eating raw.
RE: AFTER THE CLEANSE--i've heard Donna speak of eating 80% raw and 20% cooked in
the SUMMER; AND 20% raw and 80% cooked in the WINTER.
In Donna's books, she has a list of Recommended Non-starchy Vegetables. When we eat a
variety of the veggies on this list, we are fine. Donna has left out of her lists the most sugary
vegetables like beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and yams. If we consume the suggested
amounts of cultured foods, we'll be fine with whatever low amount of sugar is in the vegetables
Cucumbers are on Donna's list of OK veggies. We also have to apply the Principle of
Uniqueness. If a particular veggie bothers us personally, then we shouldn't eat it even if it is on
the list.
Perhaps Randall will respond further.
about 1 month ago
Anybody else having trouble? Seems like the only way to go is with an enema. Thinking my liver may
need help. Has anyone tried LivaMend?
erica coronado
about 1 month ago
Me too and I don't want get use to make my bowels lazy, is this normal? Does it goes away I am
doing the flaxseads water and is not helping. I'm thinking on going w a gastroenterologist Dr. If I
resolve this issue I let you know but if you do let me know
about 1 month ago
My husband has had a life-long problem with constipation. I haven't, so I'll relate his
My husband is not on the diet like I am. Last summer he tried it for a bit and had serious
FOODS.****** He went off the diet to my disappointment. (He doesn't stick to things.)
Since then, he still has constipation problems, but when he eats lots of cultured veggies or lots
of InnergyBiotic, he has no problem with constipation. The Cocobiotic doesn't do the trick for
his constipation.
He gets the constipation when he eats a high potassium diet. He doesn't have the problem
when he is taking B-complex. And no, I'm not suggesting that. But the InnergeryBiotic seems to
have a lot of B vitamins and the little good bacteria make B vitamins. The good bacteria also
chew up the food and create a better environment.
Terry Charlton
about 1 month ago
Hello All,
I'm a long term sufferer from constipation and in my experience it only gets worse if one does
not take a pro-active approach. laxatives are reactive and it is they that will cause so-called
"bowel laziness"-not enemas which stimulate peristalasis - try holding in a coffee enema! - that
actually gives one a quite strong peristaltic reaction. (Listen to the mp3 download of lesson 3
with Donna at 36 mins for an overview of my condition.) Ihave no problem with "lazy bowel"
even after 23 years of daily enemas and colonics. Constipation is not caused by 'lazy bowel" but
by many other factors.
I have found medical intervention from traditional sources to be counter-productive.
Constipation is a product of medically labeled bowel conditions and is a product of the western
lifestyle - not diet alone.
Until I began the BED the best relief that I ever got was from intense acupuncture over a period
of months which resulted in a healing crisis - the relief was instantaneous but relatively shortlived ( a couple of months) because the emotional/spiritual problems that were the root cause
of the "spatic bowel" were not dealt with. The acupuncture also gave me my 1st clue that
constipation had a lot to do with inner well being and not just diet.
The BED has been the best thing for me with a lessening need for daily enemas. I have yet to be
"full on"with BED because the routines are detailed and take up time to internalise and become
a habit.
It is important to take on board what Donna teaches and actually "do" BED but the more one
adopts the diet/lifestyle the better the results. It takes time, I know, but keep in mind the
intestinal,mental and emotional devastation from a lifetime of toxicity that must be corrected.
Doing a "partial BED" will not work. It isn't easy but for me it is worth it to stay as healthy as
possible.To those who feel that they are "too busy" to do a full BED - I'm 70 yrs old, live alone,
work a 38 hr week and do all my own housework, cooking, organic shopping and chores
and manage a good social life. If I can do it anybody can.
In short : Follow the BED and all Donna's suggestions 100%- be very strict and never go back to
the Standard American Diet.
If anyone is interested in the detail of how I manage the BED and the protocols that I use then I
will post - otherwise my best regards to you all
Terry Charlton
about 1 month ago
Hello Again,
Sharon's post is spot-on! She highlights the need for minerals et al which help her husband
greatly. The BED is not just a diet but a full broad spectrum protocol.
All people are deficient in many vitamins and minerals and more importantly out of balance. (I
need more Magnesium, Iodine and B group vitamins) and not just the RDA of these things. For
some time therapeutic doses are necessary in conjunction with the BED.
about 1 month ago
Common feedback on the LivAmend is that it helps relieve constipation. Often constipation is
related to yin deficiency in Chinese Medicine, which a simple explanation would be that the
intestines are dehydrated. While many people are dehydrated in general, drinking plenty of
water doesn't necessarily resolve constipation because of how much water is actually absorbed
by the intestines after being ingested. Donna recommends a type of colonies that employees
the soaking method to hydrate the colon. Rebuilding the beneficial bacteria In the digestive
tract is also crucial improving elimination.
about 1 month ago
Thank you for your post. I, too, have suffered with chronic constipation and digestive problems
all my life (including my childhood, not just adult life). I have been following BED for 15 months,
the past six months not strict stage 1, though. I have found that eating soaked almonds and flax
seeds mixed with half of a chopped granny smith apple in the mornings helps me eliminate
more regularly... but not stage one, I know.
I am interested to know how you manage strict BED stage one with your active and busy lifestyle
- what helps you day to day, and what protocols work for you? I am always eager to learn from
Many thanks,
about 1 month ago
When will this forum and site be officially shut down? Will it be on the evening of the 21st day of the
session or will it remain open for a few more days?
about 1 month ago
Hi Everyone
I had an issue with logging into this support website/forum and when I asked for assistance to
log in I also asked about the length of time the forum will be available to us, the response from
the support person, Mark, was until the end of June.
I hope that helps some people manage their time.
Warm regards
about 1 month ago
Plan on keeping the forum running through June for people who started late.
about 1 month ago
I'll be on my Facebook page... raw... not strictly following BED and it is not a support page... but
a place where I post links and what is working for me... more of a reference page.. my resource
you are welcome to stop by:
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you for not posting any sabatoging links for us who are far sicker than you and truly
needing to detox from candidiasis with this cleanse Bernice. I had to deal with that stuff last
weekend when I was visiting my mother and my least supportive sister's house. I really did not
expect to have to deal with it here!!!!!!!
All the best,
Pattie Delevan
about 1 month ago
Thanks Randall! Bernice, Thanks for the FB page. I like another page of a person on FB that is
fighting candida. Her page is Healing thru Food. She is doing what works for her. When I found
her page it made me feel good because I knew I wasn't alone in this fight. Some of the things
she eats I will not eat because it is not BED or I am sensitive too. I just keep searching for
information to help myself. I did feel alone because doctors keep telling me nothing is wrong
with me. I've had medical tests totaling $80,000 and spent $9,000 of our own money too.
See you on Facebook! :)
Jennifer Blake
about 1 month ago
Yeah I'd like to also request that whomever it is keeping this up and running (silent as they are)
we would all appreciate it.
about 1 month ago
Donna mentioned in the third call that we could treat HPV with an 80% raw BED. I have HPV, but other
than the systemic candidiasis and chemical sensitivity symptoms I am working at reversing, I can't really
distinguish or tell that I have any HPV symptoms. I was told my my physician that most people naturally
flush the HPV out of their system within two years, and am taking the approach of working on the diet
and cleaning up my environment, not giving energy to the HPV itself. Donna mentioned eating 80% raw,
and I am just curious as to if/how to go about this, and if it would become your principal Phase one plan,
seeing as I wouldn't know where the HPV is at in it's 'recovery,' if it's there yet, active, or if I've already
cleansed it out...
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
I take nat mur 6c or 30c when I have an outbreak which is rare anymore. Lysine also seems to
help. I think as you rebuild the strength of your colon, kep it emptying properly, your liver will
begin to flush naturally as Donna described and you will process all viruses more quickly.
Happy healing, :)
about 1 month ago
Eight days ago I posted a message inquiring about extreme weakness after an enema. I have waited a
year to try another one while building up my body further.
One thing that I didn't post was that while doing that enema a year ago, I could actually feel the water
going into all of my body, not just my colon.
So what about this year, did I have the same 2 symptoms? No, I did not. I could not feel any water
going into the rest of my body. And no, I was not so weak that I had to go directly to bed. I wasn't weak
at all!!!!!! I felt fine and had energy!!!!!
I am glad that I persisted Step by Step and that I applied the Principle of Uniquenes. It is a real victory
for me!!!
Rebekah Wright
about 1 month ago
Thank you so much Sharon. This is so encouraging.
Yes, we can get better!
about 1 month ago
Thanks for sharing your victory Sharon!!
Julia Rojas
about 1 month ago
Wow Sharon,
That's really good to hear. That gives me hope because I do get so sick and weak after I do
enemas or colonics.
Thank you.
Green salad dressing with Truth
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
I absolutely love this guy, he has an incredible spirit... here is his latest recipe...!
Laura DeWitt
about 1 month ago
Here is part 2 to Truth's green dragon dressing... this is a B.E.D. recipe
22 days ago
Laura, Thank you so much for posting this. I have made several batches and love it! I use about
half of soy sauce. It's wonderful on everything!!