Endpoint Exchange Batch Interface Technical


Endpoint Exchange Batch Interface Technical
Endpoint Exchange LLC
Endpoint Exchange
Batch Interface Technical Overview Document
For Release 12.0 of Endpoint Exchange
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Endpoint Exchange LLC
COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................................... 4
TRADEMARKS ................................................................................................................................ 4
OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 5
OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................... 5
CASH LETTER PROCESSING ...................................................................................................... 6
FORWARD PRESENTMENT .............................................................................................................. 6
IN-BOUND ITEMS ........................................................................................................................... 8
OUT-BOUND RETURNS ................................................................................................................ 10
IN-BOUND RETURNS .................................................................................................................... 12
EXCEPTION ITEMS ....................................................................................................................... 14
ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 16
SEND ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................................................................... 17
RECEIVE ADJUSTMENTS............................................................................................................... 18
PLUS ADJUSTMENTS .................................................................................................................... 18
SETTLEMENT & REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 19
ACCESSING THE ENDPOINT MEMBER W EBSITE AND REPORTS ....................................................... 19
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 20
Presented and Settled Items ................................................................................................ 20
Deferred Items ...................................................................................................................... 20
Exception Items .................................................................................................................... 20
Exception Items – Final Status ............................................................................................. 21
Next Day Items ..................................................................................................................... 21
HOW IT W ORKS ........................................................................................................................... 22
Day 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Day 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Day 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Summary ............................................................................................................................... 23
REPORTS & TOOLS ...................................................................................................................... 23
Endpoint Exchange Summary Reports ................................................................................. 23
VPCS&AS ............................................................................................................................. 28
TESTING GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................ 30
TESTING ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................... 30
TESTING APPROACH .................................................................................................................... 30
Send ICL to Paying Institutions ............................................................................................. 30
Receive ICL from Endpoint Exchange .................................................................................. 31
TRACKING MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 32
X9 SPECIFICATIONS AND FILE HANDLING ............................................................................. 33
COMPANION DOCUMENT SUPPORT ............................................................................................... 33
Federal Reserve Bank Companion Document ..................................................................... 33
FILE HANDLING ............................................................................................................................ 34
Unprocessable Files ............................................................................................................. 34
File Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 34
Weekend and Holiday Processing ........................................................................................ 34
The ClearingHouse ............................................................................................................... 34
Viewpointe ............................................................................................................................ 34
X9 Express Direct ................................................................................................................. 34
X9 FILE VALIDATION .................................................................................................................... 35
X9 UCD File Validation ......................................................................................................... 35
File Level Validation.........................................................................................................................35
Record Level Validation ...................................................................................................................35
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X9 Legacy Validation ............................................................................................................ 46
File Level Edits: ...............................................................................................................................46
Item Level Rejection edits: ...............................................................................................................46
X9 EXCEPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 50
RETURN CASH LETTERS TYPES.................................................................................................... 62
Monetary and Administrative Returns Cash Letters ............................................................. 62
Error and Duplicate Returns Cash Letters ............................................................................ 62
ENDPOINT EXCHANGE RETURN FILE RECORD TYPES AND FIELD .................................................... 62
Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 62
Collection Type ................................................................................................................................62
Cash Letter Returns Indicator ..........................................................................................................62
Record Type Indicator .....................................................................................................................63
RETURN REASON VALUE DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 63
RETURN FILES TO ENDPOINT EXCHANGE ...................................................................................... 63
PLUS PROVIDER FILE STRUCTURE................................................................................................ 64
FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS ........................................................................................................ 65
X9 Express Direct Inbound Files .......................................................................................... 65
X9 Express Direct Outbound Data Files ............................................................................... 65
X9 Express Direct Outbound Report Files ............................................................................ 66
ON THE WEB - RELATED LINKS................................................................................................ 68
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ............................................................................................................ 68
X9.37 AND UCD.......................................................................................................................... 68
VPCS&AS ................................................................................................................................. 68
ENDPOINT EXCHANGE.................................................................................................................. 68
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................. 69
ENDPOINT EXCHANGE RETURN FILE RECORD TYPES AND FIELD .................................................... 69
ICLR (Return) Files: .............................................................................................................. 69
X9.37 Files .......................................................................................................................................69
UCD Files ........................................................................................................................................69
ECPE Exception Files: .......................................................................................................... 69
X9.37 Files .......................................................................................................................................69
UCD Files ........................................................................................................................................70
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................ 71
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Endpoint Exchange LLC
© 2012, Endpoint Exchange. All rights reserved.
Endpoint Exchange
1200 Sovereign Row
Oklahoma City, OK 73108 USA
This manual is furnished "as is".Printed in the USA
All product or company names referenced in this document are considered to be the trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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Endpoint Exchange LLC
Endpoint Exchange is a direct, electronic check clearing service. The Endpoint Exchange
Network enables U.S. financial institutions to clear their check-based transactions by allowing the
exchange of check items with images between member institutions with settlement to the Federal
Reserve Bank provided by Viewpointe Clearing, Settlement and Associated Services
The objective of this document is to provide a high level overview of the Endpoint Exchange
functions and guidelines of the processes required to test the sending and receipt of X9 cash
letter files between Endpoint Exchange and a financial institution (or an agent).
The term X9 as it is used in this document is a generic usage for files that meet the X9 standards
either Universal Companion Document (UCD) or X9.37.
The following specific functions, guidelines, and information are provided:
Cash letter Processing
o Send and receive ICL (Image Cash Letter) files to/from Endpoint Exchange.
o Send and receive ICLR (Image Cash Letter Returns) files to/from Endpoint
o Exception Processing, Receive ECPE (Electronic Check Presentment
Exceptions) files and Exception reports from Endpoint Exchange.
o Submit adjustments via the VPCS&AS adjustment system to Endpoint Exchange.
o Receive from Endpoint Exchange adjustments via the VPCS&AS adjustment
o Retrieve Summary reports and request on demand Summary and Detail reports
from the Endpoint Exchange server.
Testing guidelines.
Helpful website information.
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Cash Letter Processing
Forward Presentment
The depositing institution can supply to Endpoint Exchange X9 ICL (Image Cash Letter) files
containing items for Forward Presentment. The ICL file can contain items for any other Endpoint
Exchange member.
The "Forward Presentment" process is shown in the following diagram:
(Plus Provider Specific)
Plus Providers
Endpoint Exchange Network
Transit items for
non-Endpoint members
Paying Institutions
(Endpoint Members)
X9 Direct
Transit items for
Endpoint Members
File Ack
Endpoint Exchange will provide lists of routing transit numbers of Endpoint Exchange participants
(details of these tables are provided in the Routing Tables section of this document). A depositing
institution can submit to Endpoint Exchange transit items for any other Endpoint Exchange
participant. Additionally a participant may utilize an Endpoint Exchange “Plus Provider” to clear
transit items for non-Endpoint Exchange participants (Plus items). Pricing, availability, settlement
and specific terms and conditions for Plus items will be determined by each Plus Provider.
Endpoint Exchange can receive the ICL file either directly from the depositing institution via X9
Express Direct or through a third party agent such as Viewpointe or The ClearingHouse as
designated by the depositing institution.
The ICL file may be formatted as either X9.37 or UCD (Universal Companion Document) as
requested by the depositing institution and supported by the third party agent if applicable.
The ICL file can contain multiple Cash Letters and each Cash Letter can contain multiple bundles.
The depositing institution determines the number of bundles in each cash letter and the number
of items within each bundle. Items for both Endpoint Exchange participants and Plus items can be
co-mingled within a bundle.
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Files not conforming to applicable standards, duplicate files, and files out of balance are rejected
without further processing and no settlement activity occurs for these files. Details of this process
are provided in the Exception Processing section of this document.
For files received through the X9 Express Direct interface an acknowledgment report will be
returned to the submitting institution, this report will indicate whether the file has been accepted
for processing by Endpoint Exchange or has been rejected in which case the reason for rejection
will be provided within the report.
All items within accepted files are validated to conform to specific Endpoint Exchange clearing
agreements. Items not having valid front and back images, non-conforming items, and duplicate
items will be rejected as exceptions.
Accepted items for other Endpoint Exchange participants are routed to that paying institution for
presentment and subsequent settlement by VPCS&AS. Items for non-Endpoint Exchange
participants will either be routed to the submitting participant’s designated Plus Provider or be
rejected as exceptions if no Plus Provider has been designated.
Exception items are not accepted for exchange and are rejected; (the Exception Item Process is
described in detail later in this document).
Every business day, Endpoint Exchange provides VPCS&AS a net summary of all items received
from the depositing institution and successfully presented to the paying institutions. VPCS&AS
generates the necessary posting entries for settlement to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank
Following the noon (central time) cut-off time, Summary Reports indicating the disposition and
settlement status of all items received for each Forward Presentment Cash Letter that has been
received and accepted from the depositing institution are created and made available to the
participants. Additional detail reports can be requested. All reports are obtained from the Endpoint
Exchange website.
Items being routed to designated Control Disbursement Accounts (CDA) or Plus providers may
have earlier (special) cut-off times than normal Endpoint items. Such items may be in comingled
in the same cash letters as normal items. Items received after their “special” cut-off time and prior
to the normal noon cut-off will be accepted and processed. However they will be designated as
“next day items” for settlement purposes.
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In-Bound Items
Endpoint Exchange can supply a paying institution X9 ICL files containing transit items from other
Endpoint Exchange members that are drawn on that paying institution.
The "In-Bound Items" process is shown in the following diagram:
Endpoint Exchange Network
X9 Direct
Transit Items
Cash Ltr
Endpoint Exchange will provide the ICL file either directly to the paying institution via X9 Express
Direct or via a third party agent such as Viewpointe or The ClearingHouse as designated by the
paying institution.
The ICL file may be formatted as either X9.37 or UCD (Universal Companion Document) as
requested by the paying institution and supported by the third party agent if applicable.
The ICL file can contain multiple Cash Letters and each Cash Letter may contain multiple
bundles. The paying institution determines the maximum number of items within each bundle
(default is 400 items per bundle).
Items from multiple Endpoint Exchange members can be co-mingled within a bundle. All items
will be presented with a front and back image.
If an institution receives special types of items such as CDA (Controlled Disbursement Account)
or Plus Items then these items will be placed in their own separate cash letters. The type of items
within any particular cash letter can be determined from the cash letter ID (Cash letter Header
record type 10, field 10) which takes the following format:
PPPPXXXb where –
PPPP is the Endpoint Exchange Product Code designating the type of items within this
cash letter; normal items have a code of 0001, Fed Receipt items have a code within the
range 0050 to 0059, CDA items have a code within the range 100-199, and Plus items
have a code within the range 100-1399.
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XXX is an alphanumeric sequence number.
b is a blank character (except for last cash letter of day (EOD), see below).
For the EOD cash letter for each Product Code b will contain the value “9”.
a) EOD cash letters may be present for each Product Code
b) An EOD cash letter will not be produced for any given Product Code if no new
items since the last scheduled delivery time are present for that Product Code.
c) EOD time can vary by Product Code. EOD cash letters, if created, will be
delivered following the cut-off time for each Product Code.
All items within any given cash letter will settle on the same day. The cash letter Business Date
(Cash letter Header record type 10, field 5) indicates the settlement date for that cash letter.
Every business day, Endpoint Exchange provides VPCS&AS a net summary of all items
presented to the paying Institution. VPCS&AS generates the necessary posting entries to the
appropriate Federal Reserve Bank accounts.
Following the daily cut-off time, a Summary report is generated showing the total number and
value of items presented to the paying institution.
The paying institution may designate multiple times that it wishes to receive files from Endpoint
Exchange. Additionally the paying institution may specify the maximum number of items per file.
If this threshold is reached, files will be delivered at that time as well as at the established delivery
times. Files will also be delivered following the cut-off time if items have been received for that
cut-off time since the last file delivery.
Note – a) Endpoint Exchange does not create and deliver empty cash letters.
b) Since special items (e.g. CDA and Plus) may have earlier cut-off times than regular
items, cash letters with tomorrow’s settlement date may be delivered by Endpoint
Exchange prior to the last cash letter for regular items with today’s settlement date.
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Out-Bound Returns
A Paying institution may supply to Endpoint Exchange X9 ICLR files containing Return items for
presentment to the original Depositing Institution by Endpoint Exchange or to a designated
Returns Plus Provider.
The "Out-Bound Returns" process is shown in the following diagram:
FRB Settlement
FRB Returns Plus
Endpoint Exchange Network
Monetary returns for
non-Endpoint members
Original Depositor
(Endpoint Members)
X9 Direct
Monetary Returns for
Endpoint Members
And all Admin returns
File Ack
Endpoint Exchange will receive the ICLR file either directly from the paying institution or via a
third party agent such as Viewpointe or The ClearingHouse as designated by the paying
institution. Endpoint Exchange will accept both administrative and monetary (depository) returns
cash letters. See the section on X9 Specifications and File Handling for details on the
requirements for the file format.
The paying institution may choose to return, to Endpoint Exchange, any In-Bound item received
from Endpoint Exchange as an administrative return. Only items for which the true Bank of First
Deposit has been identified may be returned as a monetary return. Return items for which the
true Bank of First Deposit is identified but is not the same as the original presenting institution
may be returned to Endpoint Exchange. However these items will be routed to the Federal
Reserve as Returns Plus items. In order to return these items via Endpoint Exchange, the
paying institution must be signed up as a Returns Plus member. If the participant is unable by
inspection to determine the true BOFD, the participant may still return the item to Endpoint
Exchange by adding an endorsement for the original presenter. The paying institution determines
the appropriate Return Reason code for each returned item. Endpoint Exchange allows all X9B
return reason codes. Separate and appropriately marked cash letters are required for
administrative and monetary returns.
With the appropriate agreement, the paying institution may choose to return, to Endpoint
Exchange, items that were not originally presented via Endpoint Exchange. The paying institution
determines the appropriate Return Reason code for each returned item. Endpoint Exchange
allows all X9B return reason codes. . Accepted items are routed to the Federal Reserve Bank via
the Endpoint Exchange Returns Plus function. All Returns Plus items will be settled directly by the
FRB with the paying institution. Exception items are not accepted for exchange and are rejected
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and not passed onto the Federal Reserve. These items will need to be corrected and
resubmitted via another ICLR file or be returned via another channel by the paying institution.
The ICLR file can contain multiple Cash Letters and each Cash Letter can contain multiple
bundles. The paying institution determines the number of bundles in each cash letter and the
number of items within each bundle. Return items for multiple Endpoint Exchange members can
be co-mingled within a bundle.
Files not conforming to DSTU X9.37 2003 guidelines or UCD guidelines, duplicate files, and files
out of balance are rejected without further processing and no settlement activity occurs for these
For files received through the X9 Express Direct interface an acknowledgment report will be
returned to the submitting institution. This report will indicate whether the file has been accepted
for processing by Endpoint Exchange or has been rejected in which case the reason for rejection
will be provided within the report.
All items within accepted files are validated to conform to specific Endpoint Exchange clearing
agreements. Monetary return cash letters must have valid front and back images and all items
must have a valid monetary return reason code. Administrative return cash letters can be without
images, however if images are present they must be valid and all items must have a valid
administrative return reason code. Accepted items are either routed to the original depositing
institution for presentment and subsequent settlement by VPCS&AS, or optionally, and when
appropriate, to the Federal Reserve Bank via the Endpoint Exchange Returns Plus function. All
Returns Plus items will be settled directly by the FRB with the Paying Institution. Exception items
are not accepted for exchange and are rejected with no VPCS&AS settlement activity performed;
(the Exception Item Process is described in detail later in this section).
Every business day, Endpoint Exchange provides VPCS&AS a net summary of all return items
received from the paying institution and successfully presented to the original depositing
institution. VPCS&AS generates the necessary posting entries to the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank accounts.
Following the daily cut-off time, Summary reports indicating the disposition and settlement status
of all items are generated for each Return Cash Letter received from the paying institution.
Additional detail reports listing all items for a specific bundle can be requested. The Summary and
Detail reports are available on the Endpoint Exchange website.
Items received as special items (e.g. CDA or Plus items) may be returned in the same cash letter
bundle as normal items. However, such items will be subject to the same cut-off times as the
original forward item. Special return items received after that items cut-off time but prior to the
normal noon cut-off will be accepted and processed. However, these items will be designated as
“next day items” for settlement purposes.
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In-Bound Returns
Endpoint Exchange may supply a depositing institution ICLR files containing return items from
other Endpoint Exchange members for some items originally Forward Presented to that paying
institution by the Depositing institution. Administrative Returns may be made to any item that was
presented to Endpoint Exchange. Monetary Returns may only be made on those items for which
the depositing institution is identified as the true Bank of First Deposit.
The "In-Bound Returns" process is shown in the following diagram:
FRB Returns Plus
Endpoint Exchange Network
Monetary returns for
FRB Settlement
X9 Direct
Return Items
Cash Ltr
Endpoint Exchange will provide the ICLR file either directly to the depositing institution or via a
third party agent such as Viewpointe or The ClearingHouse as designated by the paying
The ICLR file may contain multiple Cash Letters and each Cash Letter can contain multiple
bundles. The paying institution determines the maximum number of items within each bundle
(default is 400 items per bundle). Separate files are provided for Administrative Returns and
Monetary Returns.
Items from multiple Endpoint Exchange members can be co-mingled within a bundle. All
Monetary return items will be presented with a front and back image. The Depositing institution
may select not to receive front and back images for Administrative returns.
If an institution has forward presented special types of items such as CDA (Controlled
Disbursement Account) or Plus Items and these items are subsequently returned then these
items will be placed in their own separate cash letters. The type of items within any particular
cash letter can be determined from the cash letter ID (Cash letter Header record type 10, field 10)
which takes the following format:
PPPPXXXb where –
PPPP is the Endpoint Exchange Product Code designating the type of items within this
cash letter; normal items have a code of 0001, CDA items have a code within the range
100-199, and Plus items have a code within the range 1000-1399.
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XXX is an alphanumeric sequence number.
b is a blank character (except for last cash letter of day (EOD), see below).
For an EOD cash letter b will contain the value “9”.
a) EOD cash letters may be present for each Product Code and return type.
b) An EOD cash letter will not be produced for any given Product Code or return
type if no new items since the last scheduled delivery time are present for that
category of item.
c) EOD time can vary by Product Code. EOD cash letters, if created, will be
delivered following the cut-off time for each Product Code.
All items within any given cash letter will settle on the same day. The cash letter Business Date
(Cash letter Header record type 10, field 5) indicates the settlement date for that cash letter.
Every business day, Endpoint Exchange provides VPCS&AS a net summary of all return items
received from paying institutions and successfully presented to the depositing institution.
VPCS&AS generates the necessary posting entries to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank
Following the daily (noon) cut-off time, a Summary report is generated showing the total number
and value of return items presented to the depositing institution. At that time, a detail report
showing all items can be requested. The Summary and Detail reports are available on the
Endpoint Exchange website.
The paying institution may designate multiple times that it wishes to receive files from Endpoint
Exchange, additionally the paying institution may specify the maximum number of items per file. If
this threshold is reached files will be delivered at that time in addition to the established delivery
times. Files will also be delivered following the cut-off time if items have been received for that
cut-off time since the last file delivery.
Note –
a) Endpoint Exchange does not create and deliver empty cash letters.
b) Since special items (e.g. CDA and Plus) may have earlier cut-off times than regular items.
Cash letters with tomorrow’s settlement date may be delivered by Endpoint Exchange prior to the
last cash letter for regular items with today’s settlement date.
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Exception Items
Endpoint Exchange will validate all X9 files (ICL and ICLR) it receives. The validation process
looks for acceptable files and rejects any invalid files. If a file is valid then all items within that file
are processed.
The "Exceptions Items Process" is shown in the following diagram:
Non-Presented Items
Endpoint Exchange
Cash Ltr
Deferred &
Recieving Institutions
(Endpoint Members)
X9 Direct
Items for
Endpoint Members
File Ack
File Rejected
Items Report
Presented Items
Any invalid files are rejected without any further item level processing. No ECPE file items are
created for any rejected X9 file and no VPCS&AS settlement activity takes place for rejected files.
File level exceptions are generated by errors encountered in the 01, 10, 20, 70, 90 or 99 records.
Following successful file validation, all items within the file are examined for exceptions.
Exception items can fall into two categories: Error Items and Duplicate Items.
Error Items are items that have invalid data (e.g. invalid Routing Transit Numbers or dates) or
images (e.g. missing images, unable to de-compress, or invalid TIFF tags), or items that cannot
be successfully presented within two settlement cycles, or are invalid transactions (e.g. return of
an item not originally presented via Endpoint Exchange without the appropriate agreement). Item
level exceptions are generated by errors encountered in the 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35, 50, or 52
Duplicate items are items having an identical submitting institution routing number, date, and
sequence of a previously exchanged item within the last 100 days.
Error and Duplicate items may be reported back to the institution submitting the X9 file within an
optional ECPE (Electronic Check Presentment Exception) file. Within the ECPE file, separate
cash letters are created for Error and Duplicate items.
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Separate cash letters will be created for exception forward presentment items and exception
return items, the type of item can be determined from the Cash Letter ID (Cash letter Header
record type 10, field 10) which takes the following format:
AXXXbbbb where –
A will be “P” for forward Presentment exception items or “R” for Return exception items.
XXX is an alphanumeric sequence number.
bbbb are a blank characters.
Detail reports for all exception items maybe requested via the Endpoint Exchange website.
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Adjustments can be made to any item that has been successfully presented through the Endpoint
Exchange Network. An adjustment can be initiated either by the original depositing institution or
by the paying institution.
When an adjustment is initiated, the "requesting institution" identifies the specific item (depositing
institution settlement routing number, settlement date, and ECE sequence), the adjustment
reason, and the adjustment amount (amounts may be credit or debit). This information is entered
into the VPCS&AS adjustment system and is transmitted to the "responding institution".
Additionally the "requesting institution" must FAX the supporting documentation to the
"responding institution". The supporting documentation must include a copy of the check item in
Upon receiving an adjustment request, the "responding institution" reviews the data along with
the supporting documentation. Following review, the "responding institution" determines whether
to accept (confirm or deny) the adjustment request. This decision is transmitted back to the
"requesting institution".
Every business day, Endpoint Exchange provides VPCS&AS a summary of all confirmed
adjustments. VPCS&AS generates the appropriate posting entries to the institution’s Federal
Reserve Bank account.
Following the daily cut-off time, Summary reports are generated for all adjustments submitted to
Endpoint Exchange. Summary and Detail reports are available on the Endpoint Exchange
If the “responding institution” does not take any action on the adjustment by the second cut-off
time following the adjustment request, then the adjustment will be automatically confirmed and
the appropriate settlement will take place.
Any given item can only be adjusted once and subsequent adjustment requests for that item, by
either party, are rejected by Endpoint Exchange. An item cannot be adjusted following the return
of that item.
Currently Endpoint Exchange supports the following Adjustment Reasons:
Amount Encoding Error
Item Already Posted
Unusable Image
Note: Additional Adjustment Reasons may be added as required.
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Send Adjustments
The "requesting institution" submits the adjustment data to the VPCS&AS Adjustment system and
faxes the supporting documentation to the "responding institution". The "responding institution"
then confirms or denies the adjustment request; this decision is returned to the "requesting
institution". If the adjustment is accepted (confirmed) then appropriate settlement data will be
provided to VPCS&AS.
If the “responding institution” does not take any action on the adjustment by the second cut-off
time following the adjustment request, then the adjustment will be automatically confirmed and
the appropriate settlement will take place.
Note: For any item a request for adjustment may only be made once. Any other attempts to
adjust that item by either party will be rejected; this includes adjustment attempts following either
confirmation or denial of a previous adjustment of that item.
This "Send Adjustment" process is shown in the following diagram:
User Interface to Viewpoint Settlement Services Adjustment System
Endpoint Exchange Network
adjustment and
fax support
Endpoint to VPSS interface
Send supporting documents
Requesting Institution
Responding Institutions
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Receive Adjustments
The "responding institution" should review all adjustment requests, along with any supporting
documentation, through the VPCS&AS adjustment system. The "responding institution" should
confirm or deny the adjustment request; this decision is returned to the "requesting institution". If
the adjustment is accepted (confirmed) then appropriate settlement data will be provided to
If the “responding institution” does not take any action to the adjustment by the second cut-off
time following the adjustment request then the adjustment will be automatically confirmed and the
appropriate settlement will take place.
This "Receive Adjustment: process is shown in the following diagram:
User Interface to Viewpointe Settlement Services Adjustment System
receive FAX
and review
Endpoint Exchange Network
Endpoint to VPSS interface
Receive supporting documents
Responding Institution
Requesting Institutions
Plus Adjustments
Plus providers may, if they wish, utilize the “Send Adjustments” method described above.
Alternatively a Plus Provider may choose to perform adjustments using a system other than
Endpoint Exchange.
Participants may adjust any forward item sent to a Plus provider using the “Send Adjustments”
method described above. The Plus provider will have the option of either accepting or denying the
adjustment request within the prescribed time limit. If the Plus provider confirms the adjustment
then settlement will be performed in the normal manner.
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Settlement & Reports
Accessing the Endpoint Member Website and Reports
Endpoint Exchange provides a standard series of comprehensive reports about an institution's
Endpoint Exchange transactions. The reports are available for the purpose of daily balancing and
settlement including:
Forward Presentments
Endpoint Exchange Summary and Detail reports can be accessed by each institution via the
Endpoint Exchange Members web-site at any time.
To access the Endpoint Exchange member reports, go to the member's website at:
Each user must have a valid username and password to access the Endpoint Exchange
Members website and the Reports section of the web-site.
If your institution does not currently have an Institution Administrator password; one can
be obtained by contacting Endpoint Exchange Customer Support.
If a username and password is needed, the Administrator for the Institution will be
responsible for setting up all usernames and passwords for access to the Reports website for each institution.
Endpoint Exchange reports are delivered in multiple formats including PDF format. To
view PDF format reports each user will need Adobe Acrobat installed.
Upon successful login, select the Reports option on the screen. When initially accessing
the reports screen the current date is the default used for the screen. New reports for the
specified day can be requested or, if a different date is desired, the calendar button that
is next to the current date can be selected and a different date can be chosen.
The report screen is segmented into the following areas:
Reports which have already been generated for the business day. Some summary
reports are automatically generated by the Endpoint Exchange reporting tool each
business day at 1:00 PM.
Pre Generated Summary Reports include:
 Outgoing Cash Letter Summary
 Incoming Cash Letter Summary
 Incoming File Summary
 Incoming Return Summary
 Adjustment Summary
In addition to the pre-generated summary reports, additional summary reports are available
on demand. These on demand summary reports provide alternate views of the data
provided on the pre-generated summary reports. Also for each Summary report, detail
reports can be requested. Detailed reports are more specific and drill down into greater
detail when greater granularity is needed beyond the summary reports. The on demand
and detailed reports are requested by selecting the desired report from the drop down
menu within the reports page. Some of the Detail reports require additional inputs from
the user before the report will be generated for viewing.
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On Demand Summary Reports include:
 Outgoing Cash Letter Summary By Product Code
 Outgoing Cash Letter Summary By Settlement Agent
 Outgoing Cash Letter Summary By Product Code with Cash Letter Net Position
 Net Position By Participant
 Outgoing Flat File Report
Detail Reports include:
 Incoming Cash Letter Details
 Outgoing Cash Letter Details
 Exception Items Detail
 Outgoing Deferred Detail
 Incoming Return Detail
 Outgoing Return item Detail
 Returns Plus Detail
 Adjustment Detail
 Pending and Settled Adjustments
Recently requested reports are listed within the lower section of the screen. Once inside the
Reports screen you will be able to request new reports, as well as view, any recently
generated reports for the institution. If you do not see the report you want for a specific
date, click the calendar menu button next to the current date at the top of the screen and
select the specific date.
In conjunction with VPCS&AS, Endpoint Exchange has enhanced the settlement process for our
X9 members. The modifications, in a nutshell, permit the member institution to submit and easily
track items at the cash letter level throughout the presentment and settlement process. You
should now know the status of all submitted items at the end of the business day.
These enhancements required the creation of new VPCS&AS item categories. It is these
categories that are used to track the items through the various stages of processing and
settlement. These categories are defined below:
Presented and Settled Items
Definition: Items that have been presented and are settled normally and in a timely fashion.
Deferred Items
Definition: Items received by Endpoint switch prior to cut-off time that could not be delivered to
the paying institution prior to that cut-off time. These items are also commonly referred to as
“holdover” items.
There are a number of things that can cause an item to fall within this category. One prime
example, although rare, is the receiving member’s telecommunication is down preventing delivery
for presentment.
Exception Items
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Definition: Items that could not be accepted by Endpoint Exchange for delivery to paying
Categories of items include:
 Invalid data
 Corrupt or missing Images
 Duplicate items
 Items accepted but could not be delivered by end of Day 2
The sending institution must determine the cause of the exception and if appropriate, re-present
the items.
Exception Items – Final Status
Definition: Items that are not accepted by Endpoint Exchange for delivery to the paying institution.
This code is assigned to exception items that were not identified on Day 1.
Categories of items include:
 Items accepted but could not be delivered by end of Day 2
The sending institution must determine the root cause and if appropriate, re-present the items
Next Day Items
Definition: Items received by Endpoint switch after cut-off time. Examples of these items would
be CDA (Controlled Disbursement Account) or Plus items received prior to the general noon
cutoff, but after the CDA or Plus cutoff time.
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How it Works
Sending Institution NCHA Settlement Flow
Endpoint Exchange X9.37 Customers
Day 2
Cash Letter
Cash Letter
Cash Letter
End of Day - 100% Whole
Day 3
End of Day - 100% Whole
Day 1
Figure 1 Settlement Overview
Please refer to Figure 7 as an illustrated assistance in following the item flow, for this example
stepping through the life and possible paths for the status of an item submitted for exchange.
The diagram makes use of the new VPCS&AS codes defined earlier to describe the flow.
Day 1
The sending institution presents a cash letter.
IMG: A credit will appear for the value of each cash letter submitted and validated.
o IMG: A net debit entry to the receiving institution will be made for all items
successfully delivered.
o EPX: A debit will be issued for the value of all Exception items.
o EPH: A debit will be issued for the value of all Deferred items.
o EPN: A debit will be issued for the value of all Next Day items.
End of Day Status: Institution 100% Whole
Day 2
Still tied back to the cash letter submitted on Day 1
EPH: A credit will appear for the value of the deferred items from Day 1.
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IMG: A net debit entry to the receiving institution will be made for all items
successfully delivered.
END: A debit will be issued for the value of all Exceptions resulting from these
deferred items. This total will be the balance of items not successfully delivered.
A credit will appear for the value of all Next Day items from Day 1.
IMG: A net debit entry to the receiving institution will be made for all items
successfully delivered.
EPX: A debit will be issued for the value of all Exception items.
EPH: A debit will be issued for the value of all Deferred items.
End of Day Status: Institution 100% Whole
Day 3
Still tied back to the cash letter submitted on Day 1
EPH: A credit will appear for the value of the deferred items from Day 2.
o IMG: A net debit entry to the receiving institution will be made for all items
successfully delivered.
o END: A debit will be issued for the value of all Exceptions resulting from these
deferred items. This total will be the balance of items not successfully delivered.
End of Day Status: Institution 100% Whole
At the end of the third trading day, all items submitted have settled or have been rejected.
Reports & Tools
To assist the members with reconcilement, Endpoint Exchange has provided a set of reports to
use as tools to reconcile the VPCS&AS settlement. The summary reports from Endpoint
Exchange have been designed to match the output of the VPCS&AS reports, to better facilitate
any research that may be necessary for reconcilement. Samples of these reports are included in
the following sections.
Endpoint Exchange Summary Reports
Endpoint provides a number of summary reports for use by our members. Included are samples
of these summary reports and the definitions of the various fields used to tie to the VPCS&AS
Settlement Reports. Using the Cashletter ID, bundle id and business date, the member can use
Endpoint Exchange detail reports to further investigate individual items.
The Outgoing Cashletter Summary is divided into two sections, identifying the status of both
Current Day and Previous Day Cash letters.
Current Day Cash letters, as would be expected, lists the cash letters that have been received for
today’s work. Cash letters in this section will contain the following information.
CashLetter ID: the cash letter id as submitted by the sending institution.
Sender Date: the business date of the cash letter
Bndl: The number of bundles in the cash letter.
Cashletter Totals: a total count and amount of items submitted with this cash letter
including the number of bundles in the cash letter.
Settled: items that have been delivered and settled on Day 1.
Deferred: these items resulted from the attempted, but unsuccessful item delivery.
Next Day: these items were received after the product cut-off time but before the Noon
end of day.
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Exceptions: a total of all exception items associated with this cash letter.
The section titled “Previous Day Cash letters” addresses any activity that has occurred on cash
letters from the previous day that is subsequent to settlement on the first trading day. Using
Figure 2, note the following columns along with summary counts and amounts:
CashLetter ID: the cash letter id as submitted by the sending institution.
Sender Date: the business date of the cash letter
Bndl: The number of bundles in the cash letter.
Cashletter Totals: a total count and amount of items submitted with this cash letter
including the number of bundles in the cash letter.
Settled: items that have settled on Day 2, resulting from the Deferred and Next Day
items of Day 1.
Prev Settled: these are items that were delivered for presentment and did settle on Day
Deferred: these items resulted from the attempted delivery of Next Day items
Non Traded: these items were unable to be delivered by the second settlement period
and thus became exceptions.
Exceptions: a total of all exception items associated with this cash letter.
The Outgoing Cashletter Summary report also contains a Net Outgoing Position section which
summarizes the activity for the participant for the transactions that actually settled on the
business date.
Agent: The agent through which the items will be financially settled
Settled Items: The total number of items settled with the settlement agent.
Amount: The net position amount for the institution with the settlement agent.
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Figure 2 Endpoint Exchange Outgoing Cashletter Summary
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The reports used for settlement are created by VPCS&AS. Examples of these reports are shown
below to illustrate their use and the how the tools provided by Endpoint Exchange will assist with
daily reconcilement. The samples provided below tie back to the examples used for the reports
provided by Endpoint Exchange.
Figure 3 Sample VPCS&AS Settlement Report Day 1
For Day 1 Settlement from the report above:
 X9 Cash Letter ID: the cash letter id as submitted by the sending institution.
o IMG: under the column “Settled CL”, a total count and amount of items
successfully delivered and settled.
o EPH: these items resulted from the attempted, but unsuccessful delivery of
o EPX: a total of all exception items associated with this cash letter.
o Cash Letter Totals: a total count and amount of items submitted with this cash
letter, a summary of the “Input CL” IMG.
 Grand Totals: this is a summary of the settled amounts.
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Figure 4 Sample VPCS&AS Settlement Report Day 2
For Day 2 Settlement, using the section “Settlement for Previous Day Cashletters” from the
report above:
 X9 Cash Letter ID: the cash letter id as submitted by the sending institution.
 EPH: if occurring, under the column “Settled CL” these items resulted from the attempted
delivery of Next Day items
o IMG: a total count and amount of items successfully delivered and settled.
o EPX: a total of exception items associated with this cash letter Day 2.
o Cash Letter Totals: a total count and amount of items submitted with that cash
letter, a summary of the “Input CL” EPH.
 Grand Total: this is a summary of the settled amounts, totaled for both current and
previous day’s cash letters.
Previously settled items are not included on the VPCS&AS reports. The member must refer to
Endpoint Exchange reports for further research.
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Testing Guidelines
This section provides guidelines for testing the sending and receipt of X9 files with Endpoint
Exchange's network. It serves as a blueprint for the financial institutions test team on what
functions to test with Endpoint Exchange. The following conditions are included in the Endpoint
Exchange's X9 Test:
Send ICL files and receive exceptions
Receive ICLR files
Receive ICL files
Send ICLR files and receive exceptions
Testing Assumptions
The following assumptions are made regarding testing:
Endpoint Exchange provides the test environment.
Connectivity with Endpoint Exchange is established either directly or through 3 party.
Endpoint Exchange will provide the financial institution with the transit routing numbers
they should utilize in their forward presentment test data.
Financial institution provides details of their on-us routing numbers utilized by their test
data. Endpoint Exchange configures the test environment based on data received.
Financial institution provides X9 test files for forward presentment (ICL) and returns
Financial institution provides test scripts to accompany X9 files.
Financial institution provides Endpoint Exchange with physical test decks with test script
of institution's on-us items (typically 200-300 items) for Endpoint Exchange creation of InBound ICL files.
Endpoint Exchange will utilize test scripts provided by Financial Institution.
Endpoint Exchange provides results for all processed files.
Financial institution utilizes VPCS&AS adjustment system.
Financial institution verifies results using files and reports supplied by Endpoint Exchange
to ensure tests meet expectations as defined by test scripts.
Testing Approach
Endpoint Exchange and the financial institution will mutually agree upon the number of test cycles
required. Typically, 3 test cycles for Forward Presentment testing and 3 cycles for Inclearing
testing are performed. Each test cycle may have associated exceptions, returns, and
Send ICL to Paying Institutions
Financial Institution creates test script(s) identifying all items in test X9 file. The test script
identifies exception items, items to be returned, and items to be adjusted.
The following X9 file errors should be created:
o Duplicate X9 file
o Incorrect bundle control total
o Incorrect cash letter total
Endpoint Exchange will validate the X9 and report invalid files.
The following item exception conditions should be created:
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o Missing front image
o Missing back image
o Missing front and back image
o Duplicate item
o Invalid presenting bank routing number
o Invalid paying bank routing number
o Invalid business date
o Missing Sequence number
Endpoint Exchange validates all items and create X9 ECPE exception item file.
Endpoint Exchange generates returns from received ICL file (as defined by test script)
and creates and transmits ICLR file.
Test script defines return reasons for items and should include both Monetary and
Administrative returns.
Financial institution verifies correctness of ICLR file created by Endpoint Exchange.
Financial institution initiates adjustments (as defined by test script) via VPCS&AS
adjustment system for items submitted to Endpoint Exchange. The test script defines the
following Adjustment conditions:
o Adjust item not submitted to Endpoint Exchange.
o Amount error credit adjustment
o Amount error debit adjustment
o Invalid adjustment reason
Endpoint Exchange responds to adjustments as instructed by test script.
Endpoint Exchange initiates adjustments (as defined by test script) for items received
from financial institution. The test script defines the following Adjustment conditions:
o Amount error credit adjustment
o Amount error debit adjustment
o Unusable Image adjustment
o Double (Already) posted item adjustment
Financial institution responds to adjustments as instructed by test script via VPCS&AS
adjustment system.
The test script defines adjustments to be "Confirmed" and adjustments to be "Denied".
Endpoint Exchange sends VPCS&AS net Settlement data.
Endpoint Exchange creates Daily Summary reports and sends them to the Financial
Financial Institution verifies reports.
Financial Institution verifies VPCS&AS settlement reports via VPCS&AS website.
Receive ICL from Endpoint Exchange
Financial institution provides Endpoint Exchange with physical test decks of institution's
on-us items (typically 200-300 items) for Endpoint Exchange creation of In-Bound ICL
Financial Institution provides test script to accompany test decks; test script will define all
items and indicate items to be returned and adjusted.
Endpoint Exchange creates X9 ICL from physical test decks and presents file to the
financial institution.
Financial institution verifies received ICL file and verifies correctness of data and images.
Financial institution generates returns from received ICL file (as defined by test script)
and creates and transmits X9 ICLR file to Endpoint Exchange.
The following X9 ICLR file errors should be created:
o Duplicate ICLR file
o Incorrect bundle control total
o Incorrect cash letter total
Endpoint Exchange validates the ICLR and report invalid files. The following item
exception conditions are created with the ICLR file:
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o Missing front image
o Missing back image
o Missing front and back image
o Return item not received in ICL file
o Duplicate item (already returned item)
o Invalid presenting bank routing number
o Invalid paying bank routing number
o Invalid business date
o Missing Sequence number
o Invalid Return Reason Code
Endpoint Exchange validates all returned items and creates ECPE exception item file.
Financial institution initiates adjustments (as defined by test script) via VPCS&AS
adjustment system for items received from Endpoint Exchange. The test script defines
the following Adjustment conditions:
o Adjust item not received from Endpoint Exchange.
o Amount error credit adjustment
o Amount error debit adjustment
o Unusable Image adjustment
o Double posted item adjustment
o Invalid adjustment reason.
Endpoint Exchange responds to adjustments as instructed by test script.
Endpoint Exchange initiates adjustments (as defined by test script) for items presented to
financial institution. The test script defines the following Adjustment conditions:
o Amount error credit adjustment
o Amount error debit adjustment
o The test script defines adjustments to be "Confirmed" and adjustments to be
o Endpoint Exchange sends VPCS&AS net Settlement data.
o Endpoint Exchange creates Daily Summary reports.
o Endpoint Exchange creates Daily Summary reports and sends them to the
Financial Institution.
o Financial Institution verifies reports.
o Financial Institution to verify VPCS&AS settlement reports via VPCS&AS
Note, Testing for X9 send and/or receive files is determined on the needs of the particular
institution (depositing and/or paying only).
Tracking Management
Problems found in testing are reported using a method mutually agreed upon by both parties.
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X9 Specifications and File Handling
For institutions exchanging items through Endpoint Exchange via the batch file interface, certain
standards have been selected and extensions required. In this section, we discuss the
companion documents supported from the various channels along with some of the file handling
If an incoming file includes record types 27, 34, 40, 41, 75, and 85 these records will be ignored
and not be included in any validation nor will the data be passed through the exchange.
Companion Document Support
Endpoint Exchange now supports the Universal Companion Document format for both X9.37 and
X9.100-187. Additional Endpoint Exchange conditions are documented in the Table of Unique
Requirements in each of the associated standards documents.
Endpoint Exchange also supports files created in the format specified in the Federal Reserve
Companion Document titled "Image Cash Letter Customer Documentation Version 1.5
November 1, 2005" with the additional Endpoint Exchange conditions listed below.
Support of the SVPCO Post Pilot Companion Document, with Endpoint Exchange extensions
set by The ClearingHouse is also provided.
In lieu of utilizing the SVPCO Post Pilot Companion Document, Endpoint members with plans to
utilize The ClearingHouse may also implement with X9.37 files in the Federal Reserve
Companion Document format, with Endpoint extensions or with UCD files.
Federal Reserve Bank Companion Document
Endpoint Exchange will accept X9.37 files that meet the Federal Reserve Bank adoption of DSTU
X9.37-2003 as defined in the Federal Reserve Bank document: "Image Cash Letter Customer
Documentation Version 1.5 November 1, 2005" with these additional Endpoint Exchange
An Addendum A record (type 26) and or an Addendum C record (type 28) must be
present for all Check Detail Records (type 25). If Addendum C record(s) are provided the
newest Addendum C information will be utilized to identify the item else the Addendum A
record will be used to identify the item ("Identifying Addendum Record").
The Routing Number Sequence Number (field 3) must be present on all Addendum A
and C records.
On the "Identifying Addendum Record" fields: routing number, Date, Item Sequence
Number (fields 3, 4, & 5) must all be present and must combine to form a unique identifier
for that item. Duplicate items will be rejected by Endpoint Exchange.
Images must be either 200 or 240dpi.
Images must be a single strip, i.e. TIFF Rows Per Strip (tag 278) must be equal to or
greater than Image Length (tag 257).
Image Fill Order (tag 266) must equal 1.
All Return Reason codes as defined by DSTU X9.37-2003 UCD are valid within Endpoint
Returns will be sent back to the institution that presented the original forward
presentment unless the presenting institution identifies another institution as the BOFD.
In this case, if the returning participant has signed up for Returns Plus, the return will be
routed to the Federal Reserve instead of the original presenting institution..
Administrative Returns and Monetary Returns will be returned in Separate cash letters.
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All returns (monetary and administrative) require front and back images. Administrative
Returns are always returned to the presenting institution.
A Return Addendum A record (type 32), Return Addendum B record (type 33) and a
Return Addendum C record (type 35) must be present for all Return Records (type 31).
File Handling
Unprocessable Files
If a file is deemed un-processable by either the financial institution or Endpoint Exchange, the
originating party of the file will be contacted to expedite the resolution of the issue.
File Limitations
Files created by Endpoint Exchange for delivery to our X9 members are limited in size to 2GB
each or the equivalent of 40,000 items with images.
Weekend and Holiday Processing
Exchange of images during weekend and holiday periods is governed by the National Rules of
Exchange as specified by VPCS&AS.
The ClearingHouse
For members exchanging files through the Endpoint Exchange Network utilizing The
ClearingHouse interface, all programmatic communications including file acknowledgement and
rejection, are specified in the document titled “DTA Bank Interfaces - Bank Programmer
Reference”. There are no Endpoint Exchange extensions to this document.
For members exchanging files through the Endpoint Exchange Network utilizing the interface to
Viewpointe, all communications and file monitoring have been implemented using Viewpointe
specifications. This includes implementation and use of Connect:Direct and the generation of
scripts specific to the movement and tracking of files exchanged through the Endpoint Exchange
X9 Express Direct
Participants may send and receive files directly with Endpoint Exchange utilizing the X9 Express
Direct Product offering. This product provides numerous options for file transfers. The exact
methodology to be utilized by a given institution will be determined and agreed upon during the
initial implementation phase.
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X9 File Validation
X9 UCD File Validation
The following validation is performed on incoming X9 UCD files.
File Level Validation
File Header Record (Type 01), Cash Letter Header Record (Type 10), and Bundle Header
Record (Type 20) records must have a corresponding control record (File Control Record
(Type 99), Cash Letter Control Record (Type 90), and Bundle Control Record (Type 70),
respectively). Each File must have an 01 record. Each Cash letter must begin with a Type
10 record. Each Bundle must begin with a Type 20 record.
All records must be properly sequenced in accordance with X9.100-187.
Item Counts or Dollar Amounts in Bundle, Cash Letter, and File Control Records must
Cash letter collection types (Forward and Returns) cannot be mixed in the same file
File must be in EBCIDIC
Inclusion of little Endian (Intel) byte order data in the inserted length field (the 4 –byte length
Record Level Validation
File Header Record (Type 01)
Field 2 Standard Level
'03’ Indicates DSTU X9.37 – 2003 and UCD
Field 4 Immediate Destination Routing Number
Must be a valid Endpoint Exchange TR currently 712300205 or 703060017
Field 5 Immediate Origin Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit
Must be a Routing Number associated with the institution presenting to Endpoint
Field 6 File Creation Date
Is mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Field 7 File Creation Time
Is mandatory and must be in the valid Time format HHMM
Field 8 Resend Indicator
Is Mandatory and Must be one of {N, n}
Field 9 Immediate Destination Name
Is optional, and if present must be Alpha numeric
Field 10 Immediate Origin Name
Is optional, and if present must be Alpha numeric
Field 11 File ID Modifier
Is optional, and if present must be Alpha numeric
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The combination of Field 4, Field 5, and Field 6, Field 7, and Field 11 must be
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 9 Immediate Destination Name
Field 10 Immediate Origin Name
Field 12 Country Code
Field 13 User Field
Field 14 Companion Document Version Indicator
Cash Letter Header Record (Type 10)
Field 2 Collection Type
Is Mandatory and must be one of {1, 2, or 3}
Field 4 ECE Institution Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit
Must be a Routing Number in associated with the institution presenting to
Endpoint Exchange.
Field 5 Cashletter Business Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Must be within range of current system date plus 5 and minus 21 business days
For example: For a System Date of 20120128, the Cash Letter Business Date must
be within the range of 20120107 and 20120202
Field 6 Cashletter Creation Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Must be within range of current system date plus 5 days minus 21 business days. It
may be different from the Cash Letter Business Date
For example: For a System Date of 20120128, the Cash Letter Creation Date must
be within the range of 20120107 and 20120202
Field 7 Cashletter Creation Time
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Time format HHMM
Field 8 Cash Letter Record Type Indicator
The only valid values are:
For ICL Deposits
For Returns
Field 9 Cashletter Documentation Type Indicator
Valid Value for ICL deposits:
Valid Values for Returns:
‘G’ if Cash Letter Record Type Indicator = ‘I’
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‘K’ if Cash Letter Record Type Indicator = ‘E’
Field 10 Cash Letter ID
Is Mandatory and Must be Alpha Numeric
Must be unique within a Cash Letter Business Date
Field 14 Returns Indicator
The only valid values are:
If Collection Type Indicator = 3
‘E (administrative),
‘R’ (customer/monetary),
‘ ‘ Blank
If Collection Type Indicator = 01 or 02
‘ ‘ Blank for Forward Presentment
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 11 Originator Contact Name
Field 12 Originator Contact Phone Number
Field 13 Fed Work Type
Field 15 User Field
Field 16 Reserved
Bundle Header Record (Type 20)
Field 2 Collection Type
Must be the same as the Cash Letter Header
Field 4 ECE Institution Routing Number
Must be the same as the Cash Letter Header
Field 5 Bundle Business Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Must be within range of current system date plus 5 days minus 21 business days,
may be different value from Cash Letter Business Date
Field 6 Bundle Creation Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Must be within range of current system date plus 5 days minus 21 business days,
may be different value from Cash Letter Creation Date
Field 7 Bundle ID
Is optional, and if present must be Alpha numeric
Field 8 Bundle Sequence Number
Is optional, and if present must be Numeric (No embedded blanks, Left-Justified and
right filled with blanks)
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 9 Cycle Number
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Field 11 User Field
Field 12 Reserved
Check Detail Record (Type 25)
Can only be present in Cash Letters with Collection Type Identifier of 1 or 2
Each Check Detail Record (Type 25), must have at least one Type 26 or Type 28
Addendum record
There can be only one addendum record Type 26 or Type 28 with a Truncation Indicator
of ‘Y’
If External Processing Code is 4 No addendum records of Type 26 or Type 28 may have
a Truncation Indicator of ‘Y’
If the Cash Letter Record Type Indicator (Field 8) in the Cash letter Header Record (Type
10) is 'I’ a set of 50 and 52 records indicating front and back images must be present.
Thus there must be two of each record type 50 and 52 one set indicating front image
Field 8 Type 50 record = 0 and one set for the back image Field 8 Type 50 record = 1
Field 2 Auxiliary On-Us
Validated to data type only.
Field 3 External Processing Code
Must be ‘0-9’ or ‘*’
If invalid character is found it will be replaced with *
Field 4 Payor Bank Routing Number
Shall represent the first 8 digits of the routing number.
Field 5 Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit
Mandatory – shall be the routing number check digit. The combination of fields 4
and 5 must be a mod-checked routing number with a valid check digit. Must be
Field 6 On-Us
Validated to data type only.
Field 7 Item Amount
Must be numeric
Field 8 ECE Institution Item Sequence Number
Field must contain a numeric value. It cannot be all blanks. It cannot contain
embedded blanks.
Field 9 Documentation Type Indicator
Now Mandatory
The only valid value is:
‘G’ Image included, no paper provided
Field 13 Check Detail Record Addendum Count
Must agree with actual count of addendum records 26, 27, and 28 present
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Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 3 External Processing Code
Field 10 Return Acceptance Indicator
Field 11 MICR Valid Indicator
Field 12 BOFD Indicator
Field 14 Correction Indicator
Field 15 Archive Type Indicator
Check Detail Addendum A Record (Type 26)
Can only be present in Cash Letters with Collection Type Identifier of 1 or 2
The values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum 26 must be ascending
Field 3 Return Location Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit.
If there is no 28 record, or there is more than one 26 record, the Routing Number of
the last (newest) endorsement must be a Routing Number associated with the
institution presenting the item to Endpoint Exchange.
Field 4 BOFD Business Endorsement Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
If there is no 28 record, or there is more than one 26 record, last (newest)
endorsement then must be within range of current system date plus 5 days minus 21
business days
Field 5 BOFD Item Sequence Number
If there is no 28 record, or there is more than one 26 record, the last (newest)
endorsement must be must be present ,non-blank, and numeric. . It cannot contain
embedded blanks.
Field 9 Truncation Indicator
Refer to Record 25 edit for Truncator Indicator edits.
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 6 Deposit Account Number at BOFD
Field 7 BOFD Deposit Branch
Field 8 Payee Name
Field 10 BOFD Conversion Indicator
Field 11 BOFD Correction Indicator
Field 12 User Field
Field 13 Reserved
Check Detail Addendum C Record (Type 28)
Can only be present in Cash Letters with Collection Type Identifier of 1 or 2
The values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum 28 must be ascending
Field 3 Endorsing Bank Routing Number
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If last (newest) endorsement and there are zero or one 26 records, then must be a
Routing Number associated with the presenting institution.
Field 4 Endorsing Bank Endorsement Date
If there are zero or one 26 records, last (newest) endorsement then must be within
range of current system date plus 5 days minus 21 days
Field 5 Endorsing Bank Item Sequence Number
If there are zero or one 26 records, last (newest) endorsement then must be must be
present and non-blank . . It cannot contain embedded blanks. Embedded blanks are
one or more spaces which occur in the field between two numeric characters.
Spaces used as padding at the front or rear of the field are not considered
Field 6 Truncation Indicator
Refer to Record 25 edit for Truncator Indicator edits.
Field 9 Return Reason
Must be a valid Return Reason or blank.
Field 11 Endorsing Bank Identifier
Is optional, and if present must be one of {0, 1, 2, 3}
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 7 Endorsing Bank Conversion Indicator
Field 8 Endorsing Bank Correction Indicator
Field 10 User Field
Field 12 Reserved
Return Record (Type 31)
This record shall only be present in Returns cash letters as indicated in the Cash Letter
Header Record (Type 10) with a Collection Type Indicator (Field 2) set to '03'
Each Return Record (type 31) must have a Type 35 Addendum record
Each Monetary Return Record (type 31) (Cash letter returns indicator (Field 14 of record
10) = ‘R’) must have a Type 32 Addendum record
There can be only one addendum record Type 32 or Type 35 with a Truncation Indicator
of ‘Y’
If External Processing Code is 4 No addendum records of Type 32 or Type 35 may have
a Truncation Indicator of ‘Y’
If the Cash Letter Record Type Indicator (Field 8) in the Cash letter Header Record (Type
10) is 'I’ a set of 50 and 52 records indicating front and back images must be present.
Thus there must be two of each record type 50 and 52 one set indicating front image
Field 8 Type 50 record = 0 and one set for the back image Field 8 Type 50 record = 1
Field 2 Payor Bank Routing Number
Shall represent the first 8 digits of the routing number.
Field 3 Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit
Now Mandatory
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The combination of fields 2 and 3 must be a mod-checked routing number with a
valid check digit.
Field 4 On-Us Return Record
Validated to data type only.
Field 5 Item Amount
Must be numeric
Field 6 Return Reason
If Cash letter returns indicator (Field 14 of record 10) = ‘E’ only valid values are:
‘I’ Image Missing
‘Q’ Ineligible
‘U’ Unusable Image (Image could not be used for required business purpose
e.g. gross image defects, illegible, etc.)
‘V’ Image Fails Security Check
‘Y’ Duplicate Presentment
‘1’ Does not conform with ANS X9.100-181 – 2007 Specification for TIFF
Image Format for Image Exchange standard
‘2’ Does not conform to the Industry’s Universal Companion Document
‘3’ Warranty Breach (includes Rule 8 & 9 claims)
If Cash letter returns indicator (Field 14 of record 10) = ‘R’ only valid values are:
‘A’ NSF - Not Sufficient Funds
‘B’ UCF - Uncollected Funds Hold
‘C’ Stop Payment
‘D’ Closed Account
‘E’ UTLA - Unable to Locate Account
‘F’ Frozen/Blocked Account – Account has Restrictions placed on it by either
customer or bank
‘G’ Stale Dated
‘H’ Post Dated
‘I’ Endorsement Missing
‘J’ Endorsement Irregular
‘K’ Signature(s) Missing
‘L’ Signature(s) Irregular, Suspected Forgery
‘M’ Non-Cash Item (Non Negotiable)
‘N’ Altered/Fictitious Item/Suspected Counterfeit/Counterfeit
‘O’ Unable to Process (e.g. Unable to process physical item/Mutilated such
that critical payment information is missing). This code should not be used for
unusable images or system problems (see Administrative code ‘U’)
‘P’ Item Exceeds Stated Max Value
‘Q’ Not Authorized (Includes Drafts) – Unauthorized item such as a draft
‘R’ Branch/Account Sold (Wrong Bank) – Divested Account, Not Our Item
‘S’ Refer to Maker
‘W’ Cannot Determine Amount – Amount cannot be verified
‘X’ Refer to Image – Return Reason information is contained within the image
of the item.
‘Z’ Forgery – An affidavit shall be available upon request
‘3’ Warranty Breach (includes Rule 8 & 9 claims)
Field 7 Return Record Addendum Count
Must agree with actual count of 32, 33, 34 and 35 addendums present
Field 8 Return Documentation Type Indicator
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This value must be the same as the value in the Cash Letter Header Record (Type
10) Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator (Field 9)
Field 9 Forward Bundle Date
Is optional, and if present must be in the Date format YYYYMMDD
Field 10 ECE Sequence Number
Is optional, and if present must be Numeric with Blank Spaces
Field 11 External Processing Code
Must be ‘0-9’ or ‘*’
If invalid character is found it will be replaced with *
Field 14 Number of Times Returned
Is optional, and if present must be one of {0, 1, 2, 3}
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 12 Return Notification Indicator
Field 13 Return Archive Type Indicator
Field 15 Reserved
Return Addendum A Record (Type 32)
This record shall only be present in Returns cash letters as indicated in the Cash Letter
Header Record (Type 10) with a Collection Type Indicator (Field 2) set to '03'
The values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum 32 must be ascending
Field 3 Return Location Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit.
Field 4 BOFD Business Endorsement Date
Is Mandatory and must be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Field 5 BOFD item Sequence Number
Cannot have embedded spaces
Field 9 Truncation Indicator
Refer to Record 31 edit for Truncator Indicator edits.
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 6 Deposit Account Number at BOFD
Field 7 BOFD Deposit Branch
Field 8 Payee Name
Field 10 BOFD Conversion Indicator
Field 11 BOFD Correction Indicator
Field 12 User Field
Field 13 Reserved
Return Addendum B Record (Type 33)
This record shall only be present in Returns cash letters as indicated in the Cash Letter
Header Record (Type 10) with a Collection Type Indicator (Field 2) set to '03'
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Only one 33 record is allowed per 31 record.
Field 3 Auxiliary On-Us
Validated to data type only.
Field 4 Payor Bank Item Sequence Number
Field must contain a numeric value. It cannot be all blanks. It cannot contain
embedded blanks.
Field 5 Payor Bank Business Date
Is optional, and if present should be in the valid Date format YYYYMMDD
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 2 Payor Bank Name
Field 6 Payor Account Name
Return Addendum D Record (Type 35)
This record shall only be present in Returns cash letters as indicated in the Cash Letter
Header Record (Type 10) with a Collection Type Indicator (Field 2) set to '03'
The values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum 35 must be ascending
Field 3 Endorsing Bank Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit
If last (newest) endorsement then must be a Routing associated with the institution
presenting the item to Endpoint Exchange.
Field 4 Endorsing Bank Endorsement Date
If last (newest) endorsement then must be within range of current system date
plus 5 days minus 21 days
Field 6 Truncation Indicator
Is Mandatory and must be one of {Y, N, y, n}
Field 9 Return Reason
If Last 35 record, must match the value of the 31 record.
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 7 Endorsing Bank Conversion Indicator
Field 8 Endorsing Bank Correction Indicator
Field 10 User Field
Field 11 Endorsing Bank Identifier
Field 12 Reserved
Image View Detail Record (Type 50)
If Image is Present
Field 5 Image View Format Indicator is mandatory and must be “00”
Field 6 Image View Compression Algorithm Indicator is mandatory and must be “00”
Batch Interface Technical Overview DocumentPage 43
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Field 9 View Descriptor is mandatory and must be “00”
Field 2 Image Indicator
Is mandatory and must be one of {0, 1}
Field 8 View Side Indicator
The only valid values are:
'0' Front Image View
'1' Rear Image View
If Image Indicator (Field 2) is equal to ‘0’must be blank
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 3 Image Creator Routing Number
Field 4 Image Creator Date
Field 7 Image View Data Size
Field 10 Digital Signature Indicator
Field 11 Digital Signature Method
Field 12 Security Key Size
Field 13 Start of Protected Data
Field 14 Length of Protected Data
Field 15 Image Recreate Indicator
Field 16 User Field
Field 17 Image TIFF Variance Indicator
Field 18 Override Indicator
Field 19 Reserved
Image View Data Record (Type 52)
This record must follow a Type 50 record.
Field 2 ECE Institution Routing Number
Must be the same as ECE Institution Routing number in the Bundle Header
Record (Type 20)
Field 3 Bundle Business Date
Must be the same as the date in Bundle Header Business Date
Field 5 ECE Institution Item Sequence Number
Is mandatory and must be Numeric (No embedded blanks, Left-Justified and
right filled with blanks)
Field 9 Clipping Origin
Is mandatory and must be Numeric (No embedded blanks, Left-Justified and
right filled with blanks)
Field 14 Length of Image Reference Key
Is mandatory and must be Numeric (No embedded blanks, Left-Justified and
right filled with blanks)
Field 16Length of Digital Signature
Is mandatory and must be Numeric (No embedded blanks, Left-Justified and
right filled with blanks)
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Field 18 Length of Image Data
Shall be greater than zero and less than 204800 if Record 50 Field 2 Image Indicator
is not 0
If Record 50 Field 2 Image Indicator is 0 than field may be all blanks.
Field 19 Image Data
Must contain a valid image as defined in the X9.100-181 Specification for TIFF
Image Format for Image Exchange
TIFF image data must be in Little Endian (Intel) byte order.
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the item. Invalid values
will be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is
encountered it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 4 Cycle Number
Field 6 Security Originator Name
Field 7 Security Authenticator Name
Field 8 Security Key Name
Field 10 Clipping Coordinate h1
Field 11 Clipping Coordinate h2
Field 12 Clipping Coordinate v1
Field 13 Clipping Coordinate v2
Field 15 Image Reference Key
Field 17 Digital Signature
Bundle Control Record (Type 70)
Field 3 Bundle Total Amount
Must be numeric and agree with sum of amounts of items present in bundle
Field 5 Images Within Bundle Count
Is Mandatory and must be Numeric
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 4 MICR Valid Total Amount
Field 6 User Field
Field 7 Reserved
Cash Letter Control Record (Type 90)
Field 2 Bundle Count
Must be numeric and agree with total number bundles present in cash letter
Field 3 Items Within Cash Letter Count
Must be numeric and agree with count of items present in cash letter
Field 4 Cash Letter Total Amount
Must be numeric and agree with sum of amounts of items present in cash letter
Field 5 Images Within Cashletter Count
Is Mandatory and must be Numeric
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Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 6 ECE Institution Name
Field 7 Settlement Date
Field 8 Reserved
File Control Record (Type 99)
Field 2 Cash Letter Count
Must be numeric and agree with total number of cash letters present in file
Field 3 Total Record Count
Must be numeric and agree with count of records within the file
Field 4 Total Item Count
Must be numeric and agree with count of items within the file
Field 5 File Total Amount
Must be numeric and agree with sum of amounts of all items present in the file
Invalid values in the following fields are not cause for rejecting the file. Invalid values will
be ignored unless they are nulls or unprintable characters. If one of these is encountered
it will be replaced with blanks.
Field 6 Immediate Origin Contact Name
Field 7 Immediate Origin Contact Phone Number
Field 8 Reserved
X9 Legacy Validation
The following edits are performed on legacy X9.37 files.
File Level Edits:
Add edits on the File Header Record (01) for the Routing Numbers provided on the record.
The Immediate Origin Routing Number on the File Header Record (01) ) must be a
Routing Number associated with the institution presenting to Endpoint Exchange
The Immediate Destination Routing Number must be an Endpoint Exchange routing
number currently 712300205 or 703060017
Item Level Rejection edits:
Forward Presentment Cash Letter
The Check Detail Record Addendum Count on the 25 record must be equal to
the number of addendum records present for the item
Values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum (26 and 28) must
be ascending
The following conditions will NOT result in the rejection of the file and/or the item.
The first addendum Record Number (Field 2) value <> 1
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The next addendum Record Number (Field 2) value within a given
Record Type is more than one greater than the previous record. Note
the value of each succeeding record must be > than the value of the
preceding record. This allows for records with values 1,3.5,7 to be
Each check detail (25) record must have at least 1 check detail addendum A (26) and/or
C at least 1 addendum (28) record
Addendum records must be in correct sequence (i.e., all 26 records precede all 28
No return addendum records in a presentment item
Return Cash Letter
Each return item that is not allowed to have an image does not have an image
Each return item that is required to have an image has 2 images (front and back)
No forward presentment addendum records in a return item
The Return Record Record Addendum Count on the 31 record must equal the number of
addendum records present for the item
The values of Field 2 (Record Number) for each type of addendum (32 and 35) must be
The following conditions will NOT result in the rejection of the file and/or the item.
The first addendum Record Number (Field 2) value <> 1
The next addendum Record Number (Field 2) value within a given Record Type
is more than one greater than the previous record. Note the value of each
succeeding record must be > than the value of the preceding record. This allows
for records with values 1,3.5,7 to be accepted.
A monetary return must include a 31 record, one or more 32 records, and one or more 35
Admin Non-Endpoint returns are not allowed.
Admin returns must include a 31 and one or more 35 records
Check Detail Record:
Must be length 80
Auxiliary On-Us – Validated to data type. If invalid character found replace with ‘*’
External Processing code – Validated to data type. If invalid character found replace with
Payor Bank Routing Number must contain only (0123456789)
On-Us - Validated to data type. If invalid character found replace with ‘*’
Item Amount must be numeric
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ECE Institution Item Sequence number must contain only ( 0123456789). Spaces are
allowed only as padding and cannot be embedded in the sequence number.
BOFD Indicator must be one of (YNUynu)
Check Detail Addendum A Record:
Must be length 80
Truncation Indicator must be present if SVPCO Post Pilot and one of (YNyn) else must
be blank or one of (YNyn)
Check Detail Addendum C Record:
Must be length 80
Return Record:
Must be length 80
Payor Bank Routing Number must contain only (0123456789)
On-Us Return Record- Validated to data type. If invalid character found replace with ‘*’
Item Amount must be numeric
Return Reason must be one of
If Cash letter returns indicator (Position 1 Field 14 of record 10) = ‘E’ only valid
values are:
‘I’ Image Missing
‘Q’ Ineligible
‘U’ Unusable Image (Image could not be used for required business
purpose e.g. gross image defects, illegible, etc.)
‘V’ Image Fails Security Check
‘Y’ Duplicate Presentment
If Cash letter returns indicator (Position 1 Field 14 of record 10) = ‘R’ only valid
values are:
‘A’ NSF - Not Sufficient Funds
‘B’ UCF - Uncollected Funds Hold
‘C’ Stop Payment
‘D’ Closed Account
‘E’ UTLA - Unable to Locate Account
‘F’ Frozen/Blocked Account – Account has Restrictions placed on it by
either customer or bank
‘G’ Stale Dated
‘H’ Post Dated
‘I’ Endorsement Missing
‘J’ Endorsement Irregular
‘K’ Signature(s) Missing
‘L’ Signature(s) Irregular, Suspected Forgery
‘M’ Non-Cash Item (Non Negotiable)
‘N’ Altered/Fictitious Item/Suspected Counterfeit/Counterfeit
‘O’ Unable to Process (e.g. Unable to process physical item/Mutilated
such that critical payment information is missing). This code
should not be used for unusable images or system problems
(see Administrative code ‘U’)
‘P’ Item Exceeds Stated Max Value
‘Q’ Not Authorized (Includes Drafts) – Unauthorized item such as a draft
‘R’ Branch/Account Sold (Wrong Bank) – Divested Account, Not Our
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‘S’ Refer to Maker
‘W’ Cannot Determine Amount – Amount cannot be verified
Item Amount must be numeric
External Processing Code validated to data type. If invalid character found replace with
Return Record Addendum Count must be numeric and must equal the number of actual
addendums present
Number Of Times Returned Must be one of (0,1.2,3, or blank)
Return Addendum A Record:
Must be length 80
Field 3 Return Location Routing Number
The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit.
Field 4 BOFD / Endorsement Business Date
Must be a valid calendar date in format YYYYMMDD
Field 5 BOFD item Sequence Number
If not all blank, must be numeric, left-justified with space fill on the right, no
embedded spaces
Return Addendum B Record:
Must be length 80
Auxiliary On-Us – Validated to data type only. If invalid characters found replace with ‘*’
Return Addendum D Record:
Must be length 80
Truncation Indicator must be Y or N if SVPCo post-pilot or blank or one of (YNyn) if not
Post pilot
Image View Detail Record:
Must be length 80
Image Indicator must be 0 or 1 if SVPCo post-pilot or one of (0,1,2,3) if not SVPCo postpilot
Image Creator Routing Number must be numeric
Image Creator Date must be numeric
Image View Format Indicator
If Image Indicator = 0 then must be all blank
Else must be 0
Image View Compression Algorithm ID
If Image Indicator = 0 then must be all blank
Else must be 0
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View Side Indicator must be 0 or 1
View Descriptor must be 0
If Image Indicator = 0 then must be all blank
Else must be 0
Digital Signature Indicator
If Image Indicator = 0 then must be all blank
If SVPCo post pilot must be 0
Else must be 0 or 1
Image View Data Record:
Length of Image Data must be less than length of Image View Data record
Image View Analysis Record:
Must be length 80
Global Image Quality must be one of (0,1,2)
Global Image Usability must be one of (0,1,2)
Imaging Bank Specific Test must be one of (0,1,2)
X9 Exceptions
The following exception reasons can be generated by Endpoint Exchange on incoming items.
Error Code
Duplicate item error
Duplicate Return
Addendum 26 or 28 is required.
Addendum C TR not found in On-Us table.
Cannot find destination for check
Check Detail (25): Field 04. Payor bank routing number "XXXXXXXX”: Not
numeric/dash, right-justified.
Check Detail (25): Field 05. Payor bank routing number check digit "X": Not
Check Detail (25): Field 08. ECE institution item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric/blank, left-justified.
Check Detail (25): Field 09. Documentation type indicator "X" is not G.
Check Detail (25): Field 12. BOFD indicator "X" is not Y, N, or U.
Check Detail (25): Field 13. Check detail record addendum count "XX": Not
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 03. BOFD routing number "XXXXXXXXX”:
must pass mod check.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 03. BOFD routing number “XXXXXXXXX”:
Not numeric (UCD).
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 05. BOFD item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric/blank, left-justified.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 09. Truncation indicator "X" is not Y or N.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 09. Truncation indicator is missing
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Endpoint Exchange LLC
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 03. Endorsing bank routing number
"XXXXXXXXX": Not numeric.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 04. Endorsing bank endorsement date
"XXXXXXXX": Not numeric..
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 04. Endorsing bank endorsement date
"YYYYMMDD": Month is > 12.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 05. Endorsing bank item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric/blank, left-justified
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 06. Truncation indicator "X" is not Y or N
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 06. Truncation indicator is missing
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 09. Return reason "X" is not A-S, U-Z, or 13
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 11. Endorsing bank identifier "9" is not 0-3.
Check Detail Record Addendum Count must equal number of addendums
Check Detail Record Addendums are not in ascending order.
ECE Institution Routing Number must be same as in Bundle Header.
For Returns Plus the EPC field cannot contain an *, 3 or 7.
Forward Presentment addendums not allowed in Returns Cash Letter.
Image records are required for Cash Letter Record Type I.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 02. Global image quality "X" is invalid.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 03. Global image usability "X" is invalid.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 04. Imaging bank specific test "X" is invalid.
Image View Data (52): Field 05. ECE institution item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX": Not numeric/blank, left-justified.
Image View Data (52): Field 09. Clipping origin "X": Not numeric/blank, leftjustified.
Image View Data Record's Bundle Business Date must be the same as the
Bundle Header Record's Business Date.
Image View Data Record's ECE Institution Routing Number must be same as in
Bundle Header.
Image View Detail (50): Field 02. Image indicator "X" is not 0 or 1.
Image View Detail (50): Field 03. Image creator routing number "XXXXXXXXX":
Not numeric.
Image View Detail (50): Field 04. Image creator date "YYYYMMDD" is not
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX" is not 0 (TIFF
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX" is not numeric.
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX" must be blank
when image indicator is 0.
Image View Detail (50): Field 06. Image view compression algorithm identifier
"XX" is not 0 (Group 4).
Image View Detail (50): Field 06. Image view compression algorithm identifier
"XX" must be blank when image indicator is 0.
Image View Detail (50): Field 08. View Side Indicator must be blank if no image is
View side indicator X is not 0 or 1
Image View Detail (50): Field 09. View descriptor "XX" is not numeric.
Image View Detail (50): Field 09. View descriptor "XX" is not 0 (Full view).
Image View Detail (50): Field 10. Digital signature indicator "X" is not 0 or 1.
Item is an IRD. All addendum record truncation indicators must be N.
Item is not an IRD. One, and only one, addendum record truncation indicator
must be Y.)
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Last Addendum A TR not found in On-Us table, and no Addendum C
Return sent from a depositor that has left the exchange.
Item date is out of range
Missing image
Back image decompression error
Missing image due to bad IFD.
Missing image due to bad Tiff header or IFD
Missing Image length tag (257)
Missing Image width tag (256)
Number of images is X. Must be 2.
Photometric interpretation tag (262) is missing.
Photometric interpretation tag (262) value is X. It must be 0.
Resolution unit tag (296) value is X. It must be 2 (inch).
Rows per strip tag (278) is missing
Rows per strip tag (278) value is xx. It must be yy, the same as the Image length
tag (257)
Strip byte counts tag (279) is missing
Strip offsets tag (273) is missing
Strip offsets tag value (XXX) + Strip byte counts tag value (XXX) exceeds Tiff file
size (XXX)
The image pointer has been passed as NULL, or the image length is either 0 or
greater than 524288.
Unable to read TIFF data
Unable to transcode the Image
X-resolution tag (282) is missing
X resolution tag (282) value is XXXXX. It must be 200 or 240
Y-resolution tag (283) is missing
Y-resolution tag (283) value is xx. It must be 200 or 240
Routing number is invalid
Endpoint is a deposit-only institution
MICR line has reject(s))
Routing number check digit is invalid
Client not configured to return NONEEReturns
Return code XX is invalid
Invalid date format. Truncator Date must be in YYYYMMDD format
The Truncator TR field contains an invalid check digit
The Sequence field cannot be zero
Endorsing Bank Routing Number must be a valid Routing Number for sending
Item has already been returned
Back image Height/Width ratio is invalid
Bits per sample tag (258) value is 2. It must be 1.
Compression tag (259) is missing.
Compression tag (259) value is X. It must be 4, bitonal Group
Fill order tag (266) value is 2. It must be 1.
Fill order tag (xxx) is missing
Front image decompression error
Front image Height/Width ratio is invalid
Invalid Tiff file
Invalid Tiff tag
Invalid Tiff tag XXX
Invalid X-resolution tag (282)
Missing Bits per sample tag (258)
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Item has been returned too many times
Check and image are too old
Return is too old
Multiple truncator defined for item.
No truncator defined for item.
Duplicate item error
The item received by Endpoint Exchange is a duplicate of an item previously
received. An item is considered a duplicate if the combination of Endorsing Bank
Routing Number, Endorsement Business Date, and Endorsing Bank Item Sequence
Number matches an item previously received by Endpoint Exchange.
Duplicate Return
The return received by Endpoint Exchange is a duplicate of a return previously
received. A return is considered a duplicate if the combination of Endorsing Bank
Routing Number, Endorsing Bank Business Date, and Endorsing Bank Item
Sequence Number matches a return previously received by Endpoint Exchange.
Addendum 26 or 28 is required
A forward presentment item must contain at least one addendum record of type 26
or 28.
Addendum C TR not found in On-Us table
The Endorsing Bank Routing Number on the presented item does not contain a
valid Routing Number associated with the presenting institution in Endpoint
Cannot find destination for check
The Payor Bank routing number of an item received by Endpoint Exchange is not a
routing number that is available to send to Endpoint Exchange.
Check Detail (25): Field 04. Payor bank routing number "XXXXXXXX”:
Not numeric/dash, right-justified
The value of the Payor bank routing number does not conform to the required
format for image exchange.
Check Detail (25): Field 05. Payor bank routing number check digit "X":
Not numeric
The value of the Payor bank routing number check digit is not a numeric value.
Check Detail (25): Field 09. Documentation type indicator "X" is not G
Endpoint Exchange only accepts items with a Documentation Type Indicator of G
Check Detail (25): Field 12. BOFD indicator "X" is not Y, N, or U
The value of the BOFD Indicator is not valid.
Check Detail (25): Field 13. Check detail record addendum count "XX":
Not numeric
The value of the addendum count attribute is not valid.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 03. BOFD routing number
"XXXXXXXXX”: must pass mod check
Batch Interface Technical Overview DocumentPage 53
Endpoint Exchange LLC
The BOFD routing number does not pass the required mod check edit for routing
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 03. BOFD routing number
“XXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric
The BOFD routing number does not contain only numeric characters.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 05. BOFD item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric/blank, left-justified
The BOFD item sequence number does not conform to the required format.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 09. Truncation indicator "X" is not
Y or N.
The Truncation Indicator contains an invalid value.
Check Detail Addendum A (26): Field 09. Truncation indicator is missing
The Truncation Indicator does not contain a value. It cannot be blank.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 03. Endorsing bank routing number
"XXXXXXXXX": Not numeric
The Endorsing Bank Routing Number does not contain only numeric characters.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 04. Endorsing bank endorsement
date "XXXXXXXX": Not numeric
The Endorsing Bank Endorsement Date does not contain only numeric characters.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 04. Endorsing bank endorsement
date "YYYYMMDD": Month is > 12
The Endorsing Bank Endorsement Date Month portion contains a value greater
than 12.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 05. Endorsing bank item sequence
number "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”: Not numeric/blank, left-justified
The Endorsing Bank Item Sequence Number does not conform to the required
Check Detail Addendum A (28): Field 06. Truncation indicator "X" is not
Y or N.
The Truncation Indicator contains an invalid value.
Check Detail Addendum A (28): Field 06. Truncation indicator is missing
The Truncation Indicator does not contain a value. It cannot be blank.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 09. Return reason "X" is not A-S, UZ, or 1-3
The Return Reason contains an invalid value.
Check Detail Addendum C (28): Field 11. Endorsing bank identifier "9" is
not 0-3.
The Endorsing Bank Identifier contains an invalid value.
Check Detail Record Addendum Count must equal number of addendums
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The number of addendums present for the item in the file does not match the
Addendum Count value.
Check Detail Record Addendums are not in ascending order.
The addendums present for the item in the file are not in ascending sequence.
ECE Institution Routing Number must be same as in Bundle Header.
The ECE Institution Routing Number on the item does not agree with the value in
the Bundle Header.
For Returns Plus the EPC field cannot contain an *, 3 or 7
A return destined for the Federal Reserve contains a value in the EPC field that
the Federal Reserve does not accept.
Forward Presentment addendums not allowed in Returns Cash Letter.
A return contains forward presentment addendum records.
Image records are required for Cash Letter Record Type I.
Images must be provided for Cash Letter Record Type I items.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 02. Global image quality "X" is invalid.
The value for Global Image Quality is not valid.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 03. Global image usability "X" is invalid.
The value for Global Image Usability is not valid.
Image View Analysis (54): Field 04. Imaging bank specific test "X" is
The value for Imaging Bank Specific Test is not valid.
Image View Data (52): Field 05. ECE institution item sequence number
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX": Not numeric/blank, left-justified.
The ECE Institution Item Sequence Number does not conform to the required
Image View Data (52): Field 09. Clipping origin "X": Not numeric/blank,
The value of the Clipping Origin does not conform to the required format.
ImageViewData Record's BundleBusinessDate must be the same as the
BundleHeader Record's BusinessDate.
The Bundle Business Date on the 52 record must agree with the value in the
Bundle Header.
ImageViewData Record's ECE Institution Routing Number must be same
as in Bundle Header.
The ECE Institution Routing Number on the 52 record does not agree with the
value in the Bundle Header.
Image View Detail (50): Field 02. Image indicator "X" is not 0 or 1.
The value for the Image Indicator is not valid.
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Image View Detail (50): Field 03. Image creator routing number
"XXXXXXXXX": Not numeric.
The Image Creator Routing Number does not contain only numeric characters.
Image View Detail (50): Field 04. Image creator date "YYYYMMDD" is
not numeric.
The Image Creator Date does not contain only numeric characters.
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX" is
not 0 (TIFF 6).
The value for the Image View Format Indicator is not valid.
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX" is
not numeric.
The Image View Format Indicator does not contain only numeric characters.
Image View Detail (50): Field 05. Image view format indicator "XX"
must be blank when image indicator is 0.
When no images are present for an item, the Image View Format Indicator must
be blank.
Image View Detail (50): Field 06. Image view compression algorithm
identifier "XX" is not 0 (Group 4).
The value for the Image View Compression Algorithm Identifier is not valid.
Image View Detail (50): Field 06. Image view compression algorithm
identifier "XX" must be blank when image indicator is 0
When no images are present for an item, the Image View Compression Algorithm
Identifier must be blank.
Image View Detail (50): Field 08. View Side Indicator must be blank if no
image is present
When no images are present for an item, the View Side Indicator must be blank.
View side indicator X is not 0 or 1
The value for the View Side Indicator is not valid.
Image View Detail (50): Field 09. View descriptor "XX" is not numeric
The View Descriptor does not contain only numeric characters.
Image View Detail (50): Field 09. View descriptor "XX" is not 0 (Full
The value for the View Descriptor is not valid.
Image View Detail (50): Field 10. Digital signature indicator "X" is not 0
or 1
The value for the Digital Signature Indicator is not valid.
Item is an IRD. All addendum record truncation indicators must be N
If the EPC code for an item is 4, then all Truncation Indicators must be N.
Item is not an IRD. One, and only one, addendum record truncation
indicator must be Y.)
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If the EPC code for an item is not 4, then the Truncation Indicator may be set to
Y on only one addendum record.
Last Addendum A TR not found in On-Us table, and no Addendum C
The Return Location Routing Number on the 26 record of the presented item does
not contain a valid Routing Number associated with the presenting institution in
Endpoint Exchange and there is no 28 record.
Return sent from a depositor that has left the exchange
A return has been received from a Routing Number of a participant that is no
longer a Routing Number on Endpoint Exchange.
Item date is out of range
An item was presented to Endpoint Exchange with an Endorsing Bank Business
Date either more than 5 weeks in the past or more than one week in the future.
Missing Image
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing from the X9 file.
Back image decompression error
The back image could not be successfully decompressed.
Back image Height/Width ratio is invalid
The back image of the item has an invalid ratio between the height of the image
and the width. This usually indicates the check image was captured vertically
which is not acceptable for image exchange.
Bits per sample tag (258) value is 2. It must be 1.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has a value of 2. Endpoint Exchange
only accepts images with a bits per sample value of 1.
Compression tag (259) is missing
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Compression tag.
Compression tag (259) value is X. It must be 4 bitonal Group.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has a value of X. Endpoint Exchange
only accepts images with a Compression tag of 4.
Fill order tag (266) value is 2. It must be 1.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has a value of 2. Endpoint Exchange
only accepts images with a Fill order of 1.
Fill order tag (xxx) is missing
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Fill Order tag.
Front image decompression error
The front image could not be successfully decompressed.
Front image Height/Width ratio is invalid
The front image of the item has an invalid ratio between the height of the image
and the width. This usually indicates the check image was captured vertically
which is not acceptable for image exchange.
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Invalid Tiff file
The TIFF header for the corresponding image doesn’t appear to be valid.
Invalid Tiff tag
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has an Image File Directory with more
than 50 TIFF tags.
Invalid TIFF tag xxx
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has an Image File Directory containing a
TIFF tag with ID xx. Either:
ID xx is a negative value, or
The tag has an invalid field type value, or
The tag has a negative count value, or
The tag has a negative offset value.
Invalid X-resolution tag (282)
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has the X-Resolution tag, but its value is
not 200 or 240 dpi as required.
Missing Bits per sample tag (258)
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Bits per Sample
Missing image due to bad IFD
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has an Image File Directory that does not
appear to be valid.
Missing image due to bad Tiff header or IFD
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has either a Tiff Header or an Image File
Directory that does not appear to be valid.
Missing Image length tag (257)
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Image Length
Missing Image width tag (256)
The client’s TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required the Image
Width tag.
Number of images is X. Must be 2
The item does not have both images associated with it. Both front and back
images are required.
Photometric interpretation tag (262) is missing
The client’s TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required the
Photometric Interpretation tag.
Photometric interpretation tag (262) value is X. It must be 0.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has an invalid value. Endpoint Exchange
only accepts images with a value of 0.
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Resolution unit tag (296) value is X. It must be 2 (inch).
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has an invalid value. Endpoint Exchange
only accepts images with a value of 2.
Rows per strip tag (278) is missing
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Rows per Strip
Rows per strip tag (278) value is xx. It must be yy, the same as the
Image length tag (257)
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has the Rows per Strip, but its value is
not the same as that of the Image Length tag as required by Endpoint. Endpoint
expects TIFF images to be sent as one “strip”.
Strip byte counts tag (279) is missing.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Strip Byte Counts
Strip offsets tag (273) is missing.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required Strip Offsets tag.
Strip offsets tag value (XXX) + Strip byte counts tag value (XXX)
exceeds Tiff file size (XXX)
The sum of the Strip offsets tag value and the Strip byte counts tag is greater than
the value of the Tiff File size indicating the image is incomplete or the Strip offsets
tag or Strip byte counts tag has an invalid value.
The image pointer has been passed as NULL, or the image length is
either 0 or greater than 524288
The value of the image length attribute does not appear to be valid. Either the
image is missing (0) or the image length is greater than the allowed maximum of
Unable to read TIFF data
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is invalid or corrupt.
Unable to transcode image
An image that does not meet the image requirements of Endpoint Exchange was
attempted to be transcoded to meet the Endpoint standards. The transcoding
operation failed indicating an issue with the image.
X-resolution tag (282) is missing.
The TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required X-Resolution tag.
X-resolution tag (282) value is xx. It must be 200 or 240
The TIFF file for the corresponding image has the X-Resolution tag, but its value is
not 200 or 240 dpi as required.
Y-resolution tag (283) is missing.
The client’s TIFF file for the corresponding image is missing the required YResolution tag.
Y-resolution tag (283) value is xx. It must be 200 or 240
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The TIFF file for the corresponding image has the Y-Resolution tag, but its value is
not 200 or 240 dpi as required.
Routing Number is invalid
The item initiated by a BOFD has a Payor Routing Number that doesn't match any
of the routing numbers accepted by Endpoint Exchange.
Endpoint is a deposit only institution
The item initiated by a BOFD has a Payor Routing Number that does match one of
the routing numbers accepted by Endpoint Exchange; however, the endpoint for
that routing number is a deposit only institution.
MICR line has reject(s)
For an item destined for a Plus provider, the MICR cannot contain reject
Routing Number Check digit is invalid
The Payor Bank Routing Number Check digit is not correct for the Payor Bank
Routing Number provided.
Client not configured to return NONEEREturns
The returning institution presented a return to Endpoint Exchange for an item that
was not forward presented via Endpoint Exchange and the returning institution has
not signed the ReturnsPlus agreement.
Return code xx is invalid
The Return Reason on the return is not a valid Return Reason as defined by the X9
Invalid date format. Truncator Date must be in YYYYMMDD format
The Endorsment Business Date associated with the addendum identified as the
truncator of the item is not in the required format.
The Truncator TR field contains and invalid Check digit
The Truncator Routing Number Check digit is not correct for the Truncator Routing
Number provided.
The Sequence field cannot be zero.
The BOFD Item Sequence Number on the 32 record is blank. Endpoint Exchange
requires this field to be populated with a valid sequence number.
Endorsing Bank Routing Number must be a valid Routing Number for
sending participant
The Endorsing Bank Routing Number provided with the item is not a valid Routing
Number for the participant presenting the item
Item has already been returned.
The returning institution attempted to return an item that had already been
returned previously through Endpoint Exchange. Endpoint Exchange does not
allow an already returned item to be returned again.
Item has been returned too many times
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The returning institution has attempted to return an item previously returned as a
late return. Endpoint Exchange does not allow an already returned item to be
returned again.
Check and image are too old
The Endorsing Bank Business Date on an item is more than 5 weeks old. Endpoint
Exchange does not accept items older than 5 weeks.
Return is too old
The Endorsing Bank Business Date on a return is more than 5 weeks old. Endpoint
Exchange does not accept returns older than 5 weeks.
Multiple truncator defined for item.
An item presented to Endpoint Exchange has a truncation indicator of Y on more
than one addendum record. This is not allowed per the X9 standard.
No truncator defined for item.
An item presented to Endpoint Exchange does not have a truncation indicator of Y
on any addendum record. This is not allowed by Endpoint Exchange.
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Return Cash Letters Types
Endpoint Exchange creates 4 types of X9 returns cash letters: monetary returns, administrative
returns, error returns, and duplicate returns.
Monetary and Administrative Returns Cash Letters
Monetary returns and Administrative returns are created for items that completed the forward
presentment path to the paying bank (with appropriate settlement), but the paying bank has
decided to return the items. The reason code which is assigned to each return item by the paying
bank determines whether the return is Monetary or Administrative. The item image, both front and
back, will be present for all Monetary and Administrative returns. Monetary and Administrative
returns will be presented in separate files.
Monetary and Administrative return item Cash Letters will be presented in a X9 ICLR file in the
format requested by the institution either X9.37 or UCD.
Error and Duplicate Returns Cash Letters
Error and Duplicate items received by Endpoint Exchange are not accepted for exchange. These
items will not be presented to a paying institution and no settlement activity will be performed.
Error returns are typically caused by invalid data, or by missing or invalid images for an item.
Error Cash Letters and Duplicate Cash letters may be present in the same file.
Duplicate items are declared when an item with identical BOFD, date, and sequence to a
previously accepted item is received by Endpoint Exchange.
Duplicate and Error item Cash letters will be presented in a X9 ECPE file, no images will be
present in this file.
Endpoint Exchange Return File Record Types and Field
Collection Type
All Endpoint Exchange Returns Cash Letters and Bundles have a "Collection Type" = 03 (Record
types 10 and 20, Field 2)
Cash Letter Returns Indicator
For UCD ICLR files, the Cash Letter "Returns Indicator" (Record type 10, Field 14) defines the
category of returns in the cash letter.
R = Monetary Returns
E = Administrative returns
X = Error Returns
D = Duplicate Returns
For X9.37 ICLR files, the Cash Letter "User Field" (Record type 10, Field 14) defines the category
of returns in the cash letter.
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MO = Monetary Returns
AD = Administrative returns
ER = Error Returns
DU = Duplicate Returns
Note, Monetary and Administrative Returns cash letters will not be presented in the same file as
Error and Duplicate Returns cash letters.
Record Type Indicator
The values of the Cash Letter Record Type Indictor (Record type 10, Field 8) and the Cash Letter
Documentation Type Indicator (Record type 10, Field 9) depend on the returns category as
defined in the User field.
Monetary and Administrative Returns:
Cash Letter Record Type Indicator = I
Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator = G
Error and Duplicate Returns:
Cash Letter Record Type Indicator = E
Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator = K
Return Reason Value Definitions
The Monetary and Administrative Return Reason value (Record type 31, field 6) are defined by
the paying bank initiating the return of an item.
The Error and Duplicate Return Reason value is established by Endpoint Exchange. Additionally,
the "Return Addendum A" record User field (Record type 32, Field 12) is used to further describe
the reason for rejection. The following table defines the current combination of values for these
Type of Error Return
User Field
Image Error
Data Error
Exchange Reject
Missing Image
Unable to Deliver
Return Files to Endpoint Exchange
The following format requirements must be met on ICLR files provided to Endpoint Exchange by
the paying institution.
Record 1 - Immediate Destination Routing Number must be routing number provided by
Endpoint Exchange
Record 10 – Destination Routing Number must be routing number provided by Endpoint
Record 10 – Fed Work Type must be C
Record 20 - Destination Routing Number = must be routing number provided by Endpoint
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Each Monetary Return must contain at least one 32, 33, and 35 addendum record.
Record 31 – Forward Bundle Date must be populated with the cash letter business date from
the Endpoint Exchange forward presentment.
Record 31 - ECE Institution Item Sequence Number must be populated with the ECE
Institution Item Sequence Number provided in the 25 record of the Endpoint
Exchange forward presentment.
Record 35 – Endorsing Bank Routing Number must be populated with a Routing Number in
the participant’s center that is send only or send and receive.
Plus Provider File Structure
Plus providers (forward and returns) will be provided X9 cash letters containing multiple cash
letters. Each cash letter within the file will represent data from a single Endpoint Exchange
participant; the ECE Institution Routing Number in the cash letter header (Record type 10, field 4)
will indicate the specific Endpoint Exchange participant that submitted the “Plus” items within that
cash letter.
The file header Immediate Origin Routing Number (Record type 1, field 5) will indicate Endpoint
Exchange as the file creator.
Due to the above only 3 parties that allow X9 files with cash letter ECE Institution Routing
Numbers that differ from file Immediate Origin Routing Number may be utilized for the delivery of
Plus items to any given Plus Provider.
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File Naming Conventions
Files to Endpoint Exchange and files received by the financial institution from Endpoint Exchange
follow specific naming conventions.
For files transferred through third party vendors like The ClearingHouse and Viewpointe, the file
naming conventions followed are those of the third party vendor. Please refer to their
documentation for the details on file naming conventions.
For X9 Express Direct participants the following naming convention is utilized
X9 Express Direct Inbound Files
Inbound files from a participating Financial Institution must conform to this format:
This is a three character constant indicating the application processing the file. For
customer’s using Endpoint Exchange the value is ‘EEX’.
This is a value assigned to each customer identifying the customer.
This is a value indicating this is a production (P) file or a test (T) file.
This is a constant indicating the format of the file (note that this allows other file types
to be included in the future).
This is a constant indicating that this is an input file to the application
Can be any valid value that makes this filename unique.
The file type of the incoming file. The following are the file types that can be
ICL – X9.37 Forward Presentment File
ICLR – X9.37 Monetary Returns File (w/ images)
ICLA – X9.37 Administrative Returns (w/ images)
ECPA – X9.37 Administrative Returns (w/o images)
Example: EEX9123PX937I1.T1239485.ICL
X9 Express Direct Outbound Data Files
Outbound data files to a participating Financial Institution utilize the format:
This is a constant indicating the creating application. For Endpoint Exchange this is
This is a value assigned to each customer identifying the customer.
This is a value indicating this is a production (P) file or a test (T) file. The value
placed here is determined by the name of the XML file. If the name begins with Test
then a T will be placed in the outgoing file otherwise it will be treated as a production
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file. This is how test files are currently handled
This is a value indicating the content of the file. The following are the values to be
X937 – indicates this is an X9.37 format file
TEXT – indicates this is a text file, usually used for delivering reports (file type RPTA,
RPTF below)
This is a constant indicating that this is an output file from the application
The first D is a constant, followed by the file creation date in YYMMDD format. This
will come from the create date value in the X9.37 file header.
The first S is a constant, followed by a unique identifier. This is a calculated value to
ensure file name uniqueness.
The first T is a constant, followed by the file creation time in HHMM format. This will
come from the create time value in the X9.37 file header.
The file type of the outgoing file. The following are the file types that can be
ICL – X9.37 Forward Presentment File
ICLR – X9.37 Monetary Return File (w/ images)
ICLA – X9.37 Administrative Return File (w/ images)
ECPA – X9.37 Admin Return File (w/o images)
X9 Express Direct Outbound Report Files
Outbound report files to a participating Financial Institution describing the outcome of incoming
file validation will utilize the format: InputFileName.999999999.ffff
Input File
The actual name of the input file received by Endpoint Exchange
Record 01 Immediate Origin Routing Number
The timestamp when the file was created
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RPTA - This is the acknowledgment report indicating the file has been accepted for
RPTF - This is the failure report indicating the file has NOT been accepted for
processing and the reason(s) why.
RPT99 - This is the Cash Letter failure report indicating that a Cash Letter within
the file has NOT been accepted for processing and the reason(s) why. The 99
represents the physical number of the Cashletter within the file that has failed. May
be up to 6 positions in length.
Example: EEX9123PX937I1.T1239485.ICL.999999992.030015.RPTA
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On the Web - Related Links
These sites provide helpful X9 standards and information.
Federal Reserve Bank
Provides current FRB check21 companion documents, standard reference guides, and various
X9.37 and UCD
Provides information for the financial services industry and promotes industry standards.
The National Clearing House is an association of financial institutions working together to bring
greater efficiency to the Payments System for all financial institutions.
Endpoint Exchange
Endpoint Exchange is dedicated to helping all U.S. financial institutions clear their check-based
transactions by exchanging images between members, clearing houses, and the Federal
Reserve. This site provides a members only section where you can request Endpoint Exchange
Reports for your institution.
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Appendix A
Endpoint Exchange Return File Record Types and Field
In order to better support an The ClearingHouse implementation of Endpoint Exchange, there
have been some additional values now allowed for use in returns and exception files. These
updates allow The ClearingHouse users to better co-exist with other implementations from the
same member and are described in detail in this section. Note that the current methodology will
continue to be supported along with these updates.
ICLR (Return) Files:
X9.37 Files
For X9.37 formatted files, Field 14 of the Cash Letter Header Record (record type 10) is currently
used to distinguish Monetary from Administrative returns; alternative values from the current
“Endpoint Exchange Value” can now be utilized in this field for The ClearingHouse as illustrated
in the table below:
Type of Cash
“R “
“E “
UCD Files
For UCD formatted files, only the values of “R” and “E” in Field 14 of the Cash Letter Header
Record (record type 10) are used to distinguish Monetary from Administrative returns
Type of Cash
Exchange Value
“R “
“E “
ECPE Exception Files:
X9.37 Files
For X9.37 formatted files, Field 14 of the Cash Letter Header Record (record type 10) is currently
used to distinguish Error items from Duplicate Items; alternative values from the current “Endpoint
Exchange Value” will be utilized in this field for The ClearingHouse as shown in the table below:
Type of Cash
Exchange Value
Batch Interface Technical Overview DocumentPage 69
“X “
“D “
Endpoint Exchange LLC
UCD Files
For UCD formatted files, only the values of “X” and “D” in Field 14 of the Cash Letter Header
Record (record type 10) are used to distinguish between errors and duplicate items.
Type of Cash
Exchange Value
“X “
“D “
Batch Interface Technical Overview DocumentPage 70
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In-Bound Items ........................................................... 8
IQA ......................................................................... 7, 8
Adjustment ........................... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 31
Plus ............................. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21, 36
BOFD .........................................................................34
Returns .................................... 5, 10, 12, 19, 32, 34, 35
Cash Letter 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35,
CDA ............................................ 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 21
Settlement ............................. 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31
ECPE .............................................. 5, 14, 30, 31, 34, 41
Endpoint Exchange .. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41
Testing ...........................................................5, 29, 31
Trademarks ................................................................ 4
VPCS&AS . 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40
Federal Reserve .......................... 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 32, 40
Forward Presentment ....................................... 6, 7, 29
FRB ............................................................................40
X9 5, 14
X9 Express Direct ................................. 6, 7, 8, 11, 33
X9 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40
X9B ........................................................................... 10
ICL 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 29, 30, 31
ICLR ................................... 5, 10, 11, 14, 29, 30, 34, 41
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