Summary - Hyattsville, MD


Summary - Hyattsville, MD
November 17, 2003
Mayor Bill Gardiner called the meeting of the Council to order at 8:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland.
Present were Mayor Bill Gardiner, Council President Stuart Eisenberg, Council Vice
President Paula Perry and Council Members Douglas Dudrow, Scott Wilson, Ruth Ann
Frazier, Christopher Currie (8:09 p.m.), Jon Lewis, Scott Wythe, Mary Elwood. Council
Member Carlos Lizanne was absent.
Also present were City Administrator Murphy, Chief of Police Holland, Superintendent
of Public Works Schrnidl, Director of Recreation Hager, City Treasurer Oliphant and
City Clerk Barber
Mayor Gardiner requested a moment of silence before the roll call was taken in memory
of Mr. Brett Murick, from Pennsylvania who was killed at the University Town Center
construction site and Corporal Anthony Walker, leader of the FOP Lodge 89 who died
Mr. Rick Roberson presented to the Mayor and Council preliminary design plans for his
properties along the 5100 Block of Baltimore Avenue in Hyattsville. He gave a brief
history of each of the buildings and proposed modifications for each of the buildings.
Mr. Jerry Powers of Jefferson Street addressed the Council in support of the Skate Park
in Hyattsville. The Skate park is needed in Hyattsville in a good location. He would like
to see input from kids that would use the park.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council approve the
agenda, as modified. The motion passed, unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council approve the
minutes from the Council Meeting of November 3, 2003 and Council Work Session
of October 27, 2003. The motion passed, unanimously.
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Council President Eisenberg read into the record the Closed Session Summaries as
November 3, 2003
A Closed Meeting of the City Council was held on November 3, 2003. The Closed
Meeting was called to order at 10:30 p.m. in the Hyattsville Municipal Building, 4310
Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland to discuss Personnel Issues, Consultation with the
City Attorney, and Property Issues. The meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m.
November 10, 2003
A Closed Meeting of the City Council was held on November 10, 2003. The Closed
Meeting was called to order at 9:55 p.m. in the Hyattsville Municipal Building, 4310
Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland to discuss Personnel Issues, Real Estate Issues, and
Consultation with the City Attorney. The meeting adjourned at 11 :20 p.m.
City Clerk Barber read the communication as follows:
A letter dated October 17, 2003 from Mike Goth, Operations Director, for the American
Red Cross. He thanked the City of Hyattsville for the use of our Multipurpose Room
facility as a shelter during Hurricane Isabel.
City Administrator Murphy circulated two CDBG Grant Applications that were
submitted by the City for the funding of various projects. The City has been notified
informally of their award of funding for the livable communities grant. Mr. John
Henderson, an employee of M-NCPPC will be on loan to the City to work on City
Projects, in particular the Melrose Park Project.
Chief of Police Holland reported the department has filled a vacant sworn position with
Mr. Steve Bachard, a police officer from Pennsylvania. He will be attending a
comparative compliance course to get his Maryland certification in early January. He is at
this time riding along with other officers and familiarizing himself with City of
Hyattsville procedures. The Police Department is close to hiring their parking
enforcement officer. The next Disaster Plan Committee meeting is Thursday, November
20, 2003 at 7 :00 p.m. in the City of Hyattsville Municipal Building. The Police
Department is also looking for volunteers for there CERT training. The next Crime
Watch Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 10, 2003.
Director of Recreation and Parks Hager provided the logistics of the upcoming Outback
8K Race. On Saturday, November 29th at Magruder Park will be Parent's Day Out where
children can make crafts and have holiday fun while parents have a chance to go
shopping, the event will run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. lunch is included.
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City Treasurer Oliphant provided an overview of items the finance department is
currently working to complete. Mr. Oliphant is also working to prioritize requests from
Council and Staff.
Council Member ·w ythe, Council Liaison for the Planning Committee. He provided an
overview on what items have recently come before the Planning Committee.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council approved the
Consent Agenda with the following items: (1) to send a letter to the Prince George's
County Redevelopment Authority urging the approval of a CARE grant application
submitted by Mr. Richard Roberson, pending further architectural review; (2) to
send a letter to M-NCPPC regarding the proposal to construct a Skateboard Park
located in the unused 40th Place WSSC Building Parking Lot. Letter to state the
City's support for locating such a facility in or adjacent to Hyattsville, but at a
location that meets the Council's strategic goals for its placement. Correspondence
to include the requests for Council and staff to work with M-NCPPC to f"md such a
suitable location, and obtain certain further information concerning the proposal;
(3) to send a letter to PEPCO inviting it to consider the City of Hyattsville for a pilot
project to put power lines underground; (4) to formalize the Council Liaison
procedures for Council to build relationships with outside entities and be the point
of contact for the Council on committees they serve on as the Liaison; (5) to
authorize the City Administrator to complete a CDBG Grant and apply for the
funding for an expanded CARE program to provide fa~ade improvements and
improvements on Hamilton Street; (6) to direct the City Administrator to convene a
series of meetings for a strategic summit to create a development plan for the
Melrose Park Area and an Implementation Action Plan to execute the development
plan, beginning with a first meeting including select interested and involved Council
Members and the necessary staff, and then, subsequent meetings with City
representatives and specifically identified State and County Agencies, local
organizations and targeted stakeholders to devise comprehensive strategic set of
goals and a complementary action plan to implement the strategic goals for Council
adoption and staff implementation; (7) to authorize the City to waive the fee for the
use of the Multipurpose Room for the annual HMB awards ceremony. The motion
passed unanimously.
Council Member Currie moved that the Mayor and Council send a letter to MNCCPC officials, County Council Chair Shapiro, and any developers who approach
the City with an interest in the Burton's site on Ager Road., stating the City's
opposition to any rezoning of the property that would allow multifamily housing to
be constructed on the site. The motion passed unanimously.
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Council Vice President Perry moved that the Mayor and Council schedule a Closed
Meeting for November 17, 2003 following the Council Meeting to discuss personnel
issues, annexation, Real Estate, and to consult with the City Attorney. A roll call vote
was taken with Council President Eisenberg, Council Vice President Perry, Council
Member Dudrow, Wilson, Frazier, Currie, Lewis, Wythe, and Elwood voting for. The
motion passed unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council add language (or
other language recommended by the City Attorney accomplishing the same intent)
to the existing Code Section pertaining to the required enclosure of Special Refuse
Containers (Chapter 65-22.1.A) so that any special refuse container at institutional,
non-profit, and residential properties must be enclosed. The motion passed
Council Member Dudrow moved that the Mayor and Council schedule a Public
Hearing on Wednesday, December 3, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the proposed
changes and implementation process for the citywide Residential Parking. The
motion passed unanimously.
Council Member Currie moved that the Mayor and Council authorize the City to
enter into an agreement with the Toter Corporation to conduct a pilot program of
the use of portable, lifter-compatible trash receptacles for the collection of
residential waste. The motion passed with Council Member Wilson and Frazier voting
Council Member Wilson moved that the Mayor and Council adopt Hyattsville
Resolution 2003-19 to pursue the creation of a special tax district, entirely within
properties known as the University Town Center, to finance the public
infrastructure for the new improvements. Council Member Wilson moved to amend
Resolution 2003-19 with modifications to the resolution. A roll call vote was taken on
the amendment with Council Vice President Perry, Council Member Dudrow, Wilson,
Frazier voting for and Council President Eisenberg, Council Member Currie, Lewis,
Wythe, Elwood, and Mayor Gardiner voting against. The amendment failed. The Council
then voted on the original motion. A roll call vote was taken with Council President
Eisenberg, Council Member Dudrow, Currie, Lewis, Wythe, and Elwood voting for and
Council Vice President Perry, Council Member Wilson and Frazier voting against. The
motion passed.
Council Member Lewis moved that the Mayor and Council authorize the Mayor to
send a letter to the State Highway Administration requesting additional pedestrian
and vehicular improvements to the proposed enhancements to Queens Chapel Road.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Gardiner moved that the Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter to
Nextel regarding our support for the original contract and our rejection of their
proposed changes to the contract. The motion passed unanimously.
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Mayor Gardiner reminded Council of the PGCMA Legislative Dinner on Thursday,
November 20, 2003.
Council President Eisenberg advised the Council he has been working on a project
regarding the PEPCO lighting issues in the City.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council adjourn to the
Closed Meeting. The motion passed, unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Wilham F. Gardiner, Mayor