1072kb PDF - SitesOnTexas 2.0


1072kb PDF - SitesOnTexas 2.0
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Engineering
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), in partnership with
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), on April 15,
2013, announced the launch of SitesOnTexas 2.0 (SOTv2.0),
an online workforce planning and business development
TWC is committed to working with our partners to deliver
market driven solutions that support employers, workers,
and communities in their efforts to achieve economic
prosperity. To this end, TWC seeks innovative ways to support
local strategies to expand the Texas economy and create jobs
in a globally competitive market place.
Knowledge Engineering
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), in
cooperation with Decision Data Resources (DDR), launched a
website portal: www.sitesontexas.com and a branded version
of Research360, the next generation of web-based GIS
Solutions, which allows users to dynamically upload,
aggregate, compare, rank and map data on demand.
This technology, provided by DDR, is the only web-based GIS
solution allowing users to upload geography based data to
instantly create custom variables, reports and thematic
Knowledge Engineering
Goal: A true collaborative tool among Workforce
Boards, Economic Developers, Chambers of
Commerce and anyone in Texas involved in
creating jobs and allowing Texas to continue as a
leader in the U.S for business and job creation.
Knowledge Engineering
SOTv2.0 is a web-based geographic mapping
technology that allows workforce and economic
development professionals to effectively collaborate
with employers and plan for business expansion, job
retention, and workforce training.
This technology allows users to access comprehensive
demographic information and view labor market and
economic data through reports, charts and maps that
convey complex statistical information in an easy-tounderstand visual format.
Knowledge Engineering
• TEEX and TWC are providing 2 licenses for
each of the 28 Workforce Boards for 3 years
• Discounted licenses are available through
SOTv.2.0 for eligible organizations for $2,995
per year
• Workforce Development
Economic Development
Planning Commissions / Departments
Chambers of Commerce
Utility Economic Developers
Education Institutions – 2 year and 4 year
Knowledge Engineering
Chuck Branch, CEO – Decision Data Resources
• Web-based software – currently requires Internet Explorer – users can access their
account any time they have an internet connection
• Geography options cover the entire United States
• Census Data from 1980 through 2010
• Current Year Estimates and Five Year Projections from Applied Geographic Solutions
• Approximately 7500 variables per geography
• Dun & Bradstreet Business Data (21 million locations – as of Q1 2013) – updated four
times per year
• QCEW and Labor Force (LMI) data – formatted and uploaded by TEEX – updated four
times per year
Knowledge Engineering
Chuck Branch, CEO – Decision Data Resources
cbranch@decisiondata.net or 205.871.0353
Upload data appended to standard or custom geographies to create reports and thematic maps – data can also be shared
with other users in the SitesOnTexas 2.0 network
HTML export of reports (users can then link the url as resource reports on their website) plus PDF or CSV/Excel export
Filter geographies to identify peers/competitors
Select Geographies by market capture
SHARE data, report formats, and map templates with other SitesOnTexas 2.0 users in your network
Custom Chart creation from all datasets thru our DataDashboard
Compare dissimilar geographies including radius versus drive time or radius versus standard geographies
Map customization including increased thematic ranges and defining thematic ranges by: Equal Value, Equal Class Counts,
Class Percent, Means and Standard Deviations, Individual Values
Save Reports by Project/Geography
Create Custom Reports that combine standard data and your uploaded data
Additional map options: Google Earth, Google Maps, Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps
Save Map Templates by Project
Save or Export Maps as: GIF, JPG, TIF, PNG, WMF, or EMF file formats
Thematic Mapping available for large areas (i.e. multiple states) up to the entire U.S. at any geography level
Multi-user Admin controls for managing access to uploaded data and for sharing report and map templates
Rank geography options with a “sort by data variable” feature within HTML outputs
Up to 500 mile radius and 4 hour travel time geographies
Knowledge Engineering
Basic Training Session:
• Building Geographies
• Accessing Reporting Capabilities
• Building a Dun & Bradstreet List Report
• Creating map layers of those business locations
• Do some work in the mapping interface
• Discuss radius and travel times and custom hand-drawn polygon mapping boundaries
• Walk-through uploading your own location databases
Knowledge Engineering
Navigation of Main Screen:
Administrative Menu discussion
Help menu (in upper right hand corner).
You can use the search function to find
out more information. This is available 24
hrs/day – self help.
Support access during business hours:
call: 866-419-8509 or 205-871-0353
email: cbranch@decisiondata.net
Knowledge Engineering
Geography Selection
Focus on AREAS. All demographic and
Dun and Bradstreet data is available
down to block group.
Census Places are cities and towns
Zip (Polygon) is 5 digit zip areas, counties,
metropolitan statistical areas and states
NOTE: two sets of block – 2000
geographies kept for reference purposes
but will eventually be removed. 99% of
users will use Block Groups (2010) and
Census Tracts (2010) for analysis.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography: AREA
Must create name/description of area
Create the Counties you want and click
Add Area
NOTE: Once you have created the geography,
it is saved for future reference. Once you
create reports, those reports are saved under
Report History.
Once created, you can easily duplicate
Reports and Geographies and save them
under new project names. For example,
instead of building your geography over and
over – you can just start with your basic area
and duplicate for ease of use.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography: AREA (this will be level of counties)
DEMO continues with analysis and reports
of the area
DEMO continues with subscribed reports
Subscribed reports are built and pre-formatted
that most clients are using over and over again.
They aggregate the data across the geographies
that you have selected. You can now add your
own titles, sub-titles and footers of our reports.
NOTE: QCEW is county based
URL of report can be hyperlinked as resource
material on your website. You can also e-mail
reports directly from SOTv2.0
Knowledge Engineering
Mapping and Reporting: Dun and Bradstreet data
Data for entire country
Request up to 10,000 records at a time
Make as many requests annually as use like
Create reports and create visualizations via map layers
Select across multiple 2 digit NAICS – down to 6 digit NAICS
DEMO continues with NAICS codes selection and reporting based on bounded geography selected.
Filter tab: limit selection on what user wants – maybe by business name, number of employees, etc.
Reports: Columns can be sorted (ascending/descending). List report can be exported to CSV/Excel.
NOTE: Users can upload their own location based data through the Import Wizard and create additional
Knowledge Engineering
Mapping and Reporting: Dun and Bradstreet data continued…
Overlaying multiple databases over each other – give the map
layer a name and click create points and then view the map.
Reporting has been integrated directly into the map interface:
1. Flash reports – (training coming soon). Allows custom
reports based on selected geography boundary – the data
the user built is presented on the map and they can print
that report.
2. Run reports directly in the mapping interface. All selection
done in the Analysis section of SOTv2.0, can now be
completed in the map – no need to exit the map and come
back again.
List of all Dun and Bradstreet databases along with data
uploads are available under My Locations.
Knowledge Engineering
Mapping and Reporting: Dun and Bradstreet data continued…
Once map is created, you can zoom in to an specific area using
zoom tools located on left menu.
Much more flexibility when overlaying map layers. Users can
now choose their own symbols/logos for map point locations.
Users can:
Add outline color
Set map height
Set size of icons
Use different label information
Overlay multiple databases to visualize locations that might the
relationship between location assets.
Print maps from software ; export to 3rd party mapping
solutions including: Google maps, Yahoo! maps & BING maps
Knowledge Engineering
Thematic Mapping
SitesOnTexas 2.0, along with the core Research360 solution,
are the only two web-based GIS solutions that allow you
simultaneously map multiple thematic variables.
Example: zip code thematic map of area populations for 2013
Users can:
Choose different color schemes
Choose different classification methods
Choose between 1 and 20 thematic classes
Note: Location databases can be mapped simultaneously with
thematic maps
Knowledge Engineering
Thematic Mapping continued….
Add a second layer: Distribution of Bachelors’ Degree holders
vs. the total population.
Dot density map – each dot will represent X number of people
with a Bachelor’s Degree – you can change the size or the color
of the dot. All within the geography selection.
Real example given: Client wanted to look at Workforce
Training Centers – uploaded their location database. Used dot
density map to look at distribution/density of veterans - to
identify where they were located in proximity to the uploaded
workforce training centers so they could create back-to-work
training programs for these veterans.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography Selection Analysis – Report History / User Uploads
SitesOnTexas 2.0 – every report that a user generates is
automatically saved – no need to export reports and save
them in your documents or on your desktop – it’s all saved on
the server.
Under manage data: Users can upload their own data and
share their data to other users within their region or across the
entire state.
Create custom reports and use the “access control” - you can
choose the users that you want the reports to be available to anyone in your area, anyone in SOTv2.0 or all users.
Uploading Location Databases - Any type of location data that
has latitude/longitude. Need at least four columns: UniqueID,
Name, latitude, longitude.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography by Site:
Users have options:
Center point of a city or zip code
Latitude / Longitude
Can have up to 3 unique Trade Areas
Increased radius - up to 500 miles
Travel time – up to 4 hours
Hand-drawn geographies
Or flexibility to mix and match
New site geography type: Threshold – uses a variable and parameters
that you set – builds geography for you.
Example: Capture population/number of households with Bachelor’s
Degrees or number of people in an industry, etc.
Set level to Block Groups (2010) – set thresholds – view reports.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography by Site: Trade Areas continued…
Go to Analysis tab, go to detailed demographics. Now, with
the site, radius/travel time, etc.. – we can do a side-by-side
analysis of the unique trade areas.
Example: Paris, Texas. Competing with areas across the
country and wanted to look at customer networks for a
particular industries at a 500 mile range but then look at
supplier networks at 100 miles.
Knowledge Engineering
Geography selection: Hand Drawn Polygon
Click on the Map tab. Users can create a hand-drawn
polygon/geography. For example, some users drill-down to
street networks, police and fire districts, school district
boundaries, etc.
Coming soon: Users will be able to upload their own
Edit your trade area to hand drawn polygon. Two new icons
appear in navigation panel: draw polygon and transition nodes.
Makes it much easier to draw and edit polygon.
Now, build reports based on polygon boundaries.
Knowledge Engineering
Chuck Branch, Decision Data Resources
John Romero, TEEX