Paper 08-19-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
Paper 08-19-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local 42nd year, volume 22 happy birthday jason rogers! gunnison car show schedule & more inside! august 19, 2015 WELCOME COM OM ME BACK WSCU STUDENTS! Free Barbecue! Giveaways and Door Prizes! - 970.641.9150 970 41 9150 Customer Appreciation e p n O Ho ! use 303 N. Main Street Wednesday, August 26th 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. 303 N. Main St. 641-2171 NMLS# 483354 e o U ! W t t O ess an Y in w NK bus A r TH you r fo on Co d fo oo i m od r n e , a pr for nd ize fu s, n! ROCK AND ROLL SPORTS . COM Live Music with Pete Dunda! Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 Temporarily increased from $100,000 to $250,000 through 12/31/2013 Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 501 Elk Ave. 349-7207 august 19, 2015 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, August 20, 2015 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, August 21 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Baked Fish Monday, August 24 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Taco Bake Tuesday, August 25 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, August 26 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Lasagna Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. SUPPORT AFTER SUICIDE GROUP Every Community experiences deaths by suicide. When an intentionally self-inflicted death occurs, families and friends suffer a magnitude of complicated grief. The grief after a suicide is different from the grief following other types of deaths. There is seldom the understanding and/or guidance for healthy growth throughout these compounded grief dynamics. Resolving the grief regarding the cause of death is needed in order to achieve a healthy resolution regarding the loss. We have formed a group offering mutual support and resources for those who have experienced a loss thorugh suicide ,either recently or in the past. This group is free of charge and is not affiliated with any religious creed or denomination. The group will be moderated by Erin Ryan, Laurie Boscaro and Laurie McCall. These three mental health professionals have both personal as well as professional experience with suicide and the special grief dynamic involved. Newly bereaved survivors who seek support within a group tend to come with broken hearts, shattered dreams and empty lives. These new survivors need support from those of you who have learned healthy coping techniques reinforced by acceptance, emotional conflict resolution and reinvestment in life after suicide. This group is intended to offer support to those who have experienced a recent loss through suicide and to those who have remnants of grief from a suicide in their past to express. 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 DOUBLE SHOT CYCLERY GROUP ROAD RIDES every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of Double Shot Cyclery. Rides will continue through summer every Wednesday. (8/19). THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN will be hosting its monthly community dinner on Wednesday, August 19th, at 6:00 PM. All are welcome. Find us at 307 W Virginia Ave. (8/19). DAY OF THE DEAD, MEXICO This Extended Studies class explores the traditions and celebrations of the Día de los Muertos (México’s Hallowe’en) Oct 27-Nov 3 in the beautiful colonial city of Oaxaca. Attend an informational meeting with Western professor Heather Orr on August 20, 12-1, in Taylor Hall, room 105. There is a 1-credit option available for this course. Contact the office of Extended Studies or for more information. (8/26). TOUR DE FORKS: AT NATURE’S EDGE: Thursday, August 20. 5:30 p.m. $150 This uniquely positioned home high in the Roaring Judy Ranch is perfectly aligned topographically and architecturally to allow the spreading views to speak loudly. The entire south facing wall is constructed of huge picture windows capturing the fields of the ranch below while Flat Top and Whetstone Mountains formulate the horizon above, the East River winding at their feet. Luke Martin is the Executive Sous Chef and co-owner of the newest local sensation - the Blackstock Bistro in Gunnison. Formally he studied at the International Culinary School at the Art Institute of Denver. Professionally he served as Sous Chef at Lil’s Sushi Bar & Grill as well as Sushi Chef at Sushi Hai and Hapa Sushi & Sake, both in D e n v e r .; 970349-7487 (8/19). TRAP SHOOTING FOR LADIES AND YOUTH: Thursdays at 5:30 Gunnison Sportsmen’s Assoc through September. Come join the fun every Thursday! Call Annette for information. 970-2099089 (8/19). POTTER/CLAY ARTIST Opening in small cooperative downtown studio. If interested, call Karen @ 970-641-3875. (8/26). the Senior Scoop Your source for current local happenings… GUNNISON ART CENTER: Summer Paint Your Own Po,ery! Every Friday from 1 – 5 pm. June 5 – August 28. Join us for walkin Paint Your Own Po,ery sessions every Friday throughout the summer +me. You choose the piece and we’ll fire it in our Clay Studio. Prices range $5 – $45. No si-ng fee; all instruc+on and supplies are included in the price of the item. Great for families, friends and out of town visitors! AUGUST IS ADRC AWARENESS MONTH! The mission of the ADRC (Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado) is to provide a coordinated and streamlined access point to longterm services and support for adults age 60 and over, disabled adults over the age 18, and their caregivers. The ADRC empowers older adults, adults with disabili+es, and caregivers to navigate health and long term care op+ons by providing op+ons counseling, developing an extensive resource guide, providing educa+onal programs, and encouraging service agencies to work together to provide the best care for the community. The goal is to increase the public’s awareness of the benefits and services that are available in the Region 10 service areas of Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray and San Miguel Coun+es. The ADRC will have trained Op+ons Counselors in each county star+ng September 1, 2015. Call 970.642.7300 with ques+ons. COMMUNITY GRIEF SUPPORT: This Support Group at Home Medical Services is mee+ng the 1st & 3rd Wed of each month, 9:3010:30 am, at 120 N Blvd. Please join us for friendly support and to hear ideas that may help as you try to cope with your loss. Call Carol for more info at 6414254. DENTAL PREVENTION PROGRAM The program provides intra/extra oral cancer screenings, dental periodontal char+ng, preventa+ve dental cleaning, home care instruc+on, and educa+on and nutri+on informa+on. Healthy Smiles Dental Hygiene Care: (970)6420338, 211 N Iowa in Gunnison. HOMEMAKER SERVICES are available through Region 10 for qualified adults age 60 and older. Assistance is for older adults who are having difficulty with two or more Instrumental Ac+vi+es of Daily living such as meal prepara+on, shopping, light housework, money management, or using the telephone. For more informa+on, call 642.7300. THE SENIOR SCOOP is brought to you by: The Gunnison Home Association & BEATLES TRIBUTE CONCERT W/ DOCTOR ROBERT! Live at the 28th Annual Gunnison Car Show Friday, August 21st 6-9pm on corner of Virginia & Main St. in Gunnison. IF IT’S RAINING THE CONCERT WILL BE MOVED TO THE GUNNISON ICE RINK. (8/26). Ann Swaim 92 YEARS YOUNG! published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. gary rogers - executive, sales, etc, etc... joellen fonken - production head, manager, etc... kadie graham - want ad specialist, filemaker pro, etc... nicki anderson - email expert, phones, phones, etc... d e a d l i n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m tu e s d a y s f or sa le non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • l ost & f oun d h e l p w a n te d • w a n te d to b uy ya rd sa les • ann ou nc emen ts non-profit ra nc hin g • mo tori zed c a r s & t r uc k s BOBA PEARL DRINKS Green Tea, Black Tea, Italian Sodas! 804 North Main 970-641-5928 The Support After Suicide Group will meet the first ad third Tuesday of each month at the Community Church located at 107 N Iowa, from 6-7:30 pm. Every first Tuesday is open to 8th- 12th grade students and every third Tuesday is open to College students and adults. For further information call (970) 209-7707. Groups begin Tuesday Sept. 1st for 8th-12th Graders and Tuesday Sept. 15th for College student and Adults at the Community Church 6- 7:30pm. fre e p erso nal wa n t- ad s FUN!!!! phone 970.641.3148 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison fax 970.641.3101 office hours mondays & tuesdays 8:00 to 5:30, closed wednesdays - delivery day, thursdays by appointment, fridays 8:00 to 4:30. subscriptions 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 l oc a l bu s in e ss w a n t -a ds d e a d l i n e 2: 0 0 p m t u es d a ys 30 ¢ w o r d / $ 5 . 4 0 m i n i m u m re al e stat e f or sale o r ren t • ser vi ce s o ff e r e d • f i r e w o o d f o r s a l e • b u s i n e s s o pp o r t u n i t i e s • c o m m e r c i a l b u s i n e s s our business want ad rate is 30¢ per word with a $5.40 minimum per issue and payment in advance is required. please proof your ad the first time it appears. in house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. MONDAY - SATURDAY : 8:00 am - 7:30 pm Mountain Meadows Mall Gunnison, CO T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 E x t e n de d S t u d i e s F a l l C o u r s e O f f e r i n g s V i e w o n l i n e c a t a l o g a n d r e g i s t e r a t w e s t e r n . e du /e s Z IN E S ! V O IC E Y O U R V IS I O N H e a t h e r B is c h o f f , 9 / 0 2 / 1 5 -9 / 3 0 / 1 5 , W e d n e s d a y , 6 :0 0 - 9 : 0 0 p m , $ 8 0 + $ 1 5 m a t e r i a l s f e e C O L O R A D O B I R D S O F P R EY J e f f r e y E w e r t , 9 / 0 7 / 1 5 - 1 1 / 0 2 / 1 5 , M o n d a y , 7 : 0 0 - 9 :0 0 p m + f i e l d t r i p s N O N C RE D I T o r C E U 1 , $ 8 0 LU N CH A ND L EAR N : H OW TO U TI LI ZE F ACEBOOK FOR BUS IN ESS , Par t 1 Lei a Mo rr iso n, 9/09/1 5-9/2 3/2 015, We dnesd ay, No o n-1 :0 0pm, $ 40 PR ANA V INYA SA YOGA F OR I NT E RM E DIA TE ST UDE NT S Leia Mo r ris on, 9/0 9/15- 12/0 2/15 , Wednesd ay , 9: 00 -10 :0 0am, $ 13 0 IN TRODUCTION TO H ERB A LISM A ND FORA GIN G FOR LOCA L PLAN TSB r i a n a W i l e s , 9 / 0 9 / 2 0 1 5 - 1 0 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 5 , W e d n e s d a y, 5 : 0 0 - 7 : 0 0 p m , $ 8 0 + $3 0 m a t e r i a l s f e e courtesy of the gunnison country shoppper gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 3 Fall 2015 Course Offerings ART EXTENDED STUDIES INTRODUCTION TO SILVERSMITHING Meaghan Young 28421, NON CREDIT, $140 + $35 materials fee Date: 9/03/2015-10/08/2015 Day: Thursday Time: 5:30-7:30pm Location: The Art Studio of the Center for the Arts, 111 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte BIOLOGY COLORADO BIRDS OF PREY Jeffery J. Ewert 28426, NON CREDIT, $80 28427, CEU 1, $80 Date: 9/07/2015–11/02/2015 Day: Monday, plus two Sunday field trips on 10/18 and 10/25 Time: 7:00-9:00pm Location: Taylor 100 INTRODUCTION TO BIRDING Jeffery J. Ewert 28422, NON CREDIT, $80 28423, CEU 1, $80 Date: 9/12/2015–10/17/2015 (class will not meet on 10/10/2015) Day: Saturday Time: 9/12 and 9/19, 9:0011:00am; 9/26, 10/03 and 10/17, field trips, 8:0011:00am Location: Taylor 100 INTRODUCTION TO HERBALISM AND FORAGING FOR LOCAL PLANTS Briana Rose Wiles 28424, NON CREDIT, $80 + $30 materials fee Date: 9/09/2015-10/07/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 5:00-7:00pm Location: Taylor 105 BUSINESS BASICS OF EBAY SELLING Olen Batchelor 28428, NON CREDIT, $40 Date: 10/06/2015-10/07/2015 Days: Tuesday, Wednesday Time: 6:00-9:00pm Location: Taylor 101 FOUNDATIONS OF INVESTING Steve Ogden 28429, NON CREDIT, $60 Date: 9/10/2015-10/08/2015 Day: Thursday Time: 6:00-8:30pm Location: Taylor 101 LUNCH AND LEARN: HOW TO UTILIZE FACEBOOK FOR YOUR BUSINESS, Part 1 Leia Morrison 28430, NON CREDIT, $40 Date: 9/09/2015-9/23/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: Noon-1:00pm Location: TBA LUNCH AND LEARN HOW TO UTILIZE FACEBOOK FOR YOUR BUSINESS, Part 2 Leia Morrison 28431, NON CREDIT, $40 Date: 10/14/2015–10/28/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: Noon-1:00pm Location: TBA POWER EXCEL SEMINAR Chris “Smitty” Smith 28432, NON CREDIT, $150 Date: 10/12/2015-10/16/2015 Day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Time: 6:00-9:00pm Location: Taylor 205 Register online Call 970.943.2885 Fax 970.943.7068 Email SMALL PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Jody Reeser, AIA 28433, NON CREDIT, $100 Date: 10/6/2015–11/09/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 5:30-7:00pm Location: Taylor 229 EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCE GETTING PAID TO TALK: AN INTRODUCTION TO PROFESSIONAL VOICEOVERS Jenny Marcotte 28434, NON CREDIT, $20 Date: 8/25/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:30-9:30pm Location: Taylor 100 AMERICAN RED CROSS FIRST AID Tami Maciejko 28440, NON CREDIT, $50 Date: 10/21/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30-9:30pm Location: Gym 132 COMMUNICATION ZINES! VOICE YOUR VISION Heather Bischoff 28435, NON CREDIT, $80 + $15 materials fee Date: 9/02/2015-9/30/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:00-9:00pm Location: Taylor 101 DANCE BEGINNER BALLROOM DANCE Rita Bohn and Bob Wojtko 28436, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 9/28/2015-11/02/2015 Day: Monday Time: 6:00-7:00pm Location: West Gym BEGINNING COUNTRY/WESTERN DANCE Rita Bohn and Bob Wojtko 28437, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 9/28/15-11/02/2015 Day: Monday Time: 7:30-8:30pm Location: West Gym ECONOMICS UNDERSTANDING AND PREPARING FOR A POST-OIL ECONOMY Susan Wyman, P.E., P.G. 28438, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 9/29/2015-11/10/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:45-8:15pm Location: Taylor 101 EDUCATION ENGAGING THE K-12 ONLINE LEARNER Chrissie Coffey Nehrenberg *28457, EDUC 535, 3 credits, $525 Date: 8/24/2015-10/16/2015, First 8 weeks of semester Location: ONLINE ASSESSING THE K-12 ONLINE LEARNER Chrissie Coffey Nehrenberg *28456, EDUC 536, 3 credits, $525 Date: 10/19/2015-12/17/2015, Second 8 weeks of semester Location: ONLINE FIELD-BASED APPLIED ONLINE INSTRUCTION Chrissie Coffey Nehrenberg *38391 EDUC 537, 3 credits, $525 Date: 1/11/2016-5/06/2016 Location: ONLINE NURTURING THE YOUNG CHILD CONFERENCE Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council 28482, CEU 1, $80 + Conference fee 28483, Adult conference fee, $40 28484, Student/Parent conference fee, $15 Date: 11/07/2015 Day: Saturday AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR Tami Maciejko 28439, NON CREDIT, $50 Date: 10/14/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30-9:30pm Location: Gym 132 MINDFULNESS MEDITATION Sherrill Stenson 28441, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 10/13/2015-11/02/2015 Day: Tuesday, Thursday Time: 7:00-8:00pm Location: Taylor 117 MINDFULNESS YOGA Sherrill Stenson 28442, NON CREDIT, $120 Date: 9/10/2015-10/06/2015 Day: Tuesday, Thursday Time: 5:30-7:00pm Location: Taylor 117 PRANA VINYASA YOGA FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS Leia Morrison 28443, NON CREDIT, $130 Date: 9/09/2015-12/02/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 9:00-10:00am Location: The Sanctuary Yoga Studio, 513 S Main Street Suite E, Gunnison SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR Rick Martinez 28444, 28446, NON CREDIT, $40 Dates: 10/07/201510/08/2015 OR 11/07/2015 Days: Wednesday, Thursday OR Saturday Time: 10/07/2015-10/08/2015 - 6:00-7:30pm each evening; 11/07/2015-1:004:00pm Location: West Gym SUNRISE PRANA VINYASA Leia Morrison 28447, NON CREDIT, $130 Date: 9/14/2015-11/30/2015 Day: Monday Time: 7:00-8:15am Location: The Sanctuary Yoga Studio, 513 South Main Street Suite E, Gunnison YOGA FOR ATHLETES Sherrill Stenson 28448, NON CREDIT, $120 Date: 10/13/2015-11/05/2015 Day: Tuesday, Thursday Time: 5:30-6:45pm Location: Taylor 117 FOREIGN LANGUAGE ALMUERZO: LUNCH HOUR SPANISH! Karen Immerso 28449, NON CREDIT, $90 Date: 9/15/2015-10/06/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 11:45am-1:00pm Location: Taylor 101 INTRODUCTION TO ARABIC LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Imen Tnani 28450, NON CREDIT, $90 Date: 9/13/2015-12/06/2015 (no class 10/11/2015 and 11/22/2015) Day: Sunday Time: 6:00-8:00pm Location: Taylor 100 INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Imen Tnani 28451, NON CREDIT, $90 Date: 9/14/2015-11/16/2015 Days: Monday Time: 2:00-4:00pm Location: Taylor 101 SPANISH SPEAKING REFRESHER Karen Immerso 28452, NON CREDIT, $90 Date: 9/21/2015-10/07/2015 Day: Monday, Wednesday Time: 6:00-7:30pm Location: Taylor 200 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE: AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Joe Carrithers, Ph.D 28453, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 10/07/2015-11/11/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30-9:30pm Location: Hurst 230 TOPICS IN HUMAN NUTRITION Kristen Osborn 28485, CEU 1, $80 28454, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 9/16/2015-11/11/2015 Day: Wednesday Time: 5:00-7:00pm Location: Taylor 105 MUSIC BLUEGRASS AND AMERICANA MUSIC Drew Murzda 28458, NON CREDIT, $200 Date: 9/15/2015-11/03/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 7:45-8:45pm Location: Taylor 200 INTRODUCTION TO FIDDLING FOR ADULTS Drew Murdza 28459, NON CREDIT, $200 Date: 9/15/2015-11/03/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:30-7:30pm Location: Taylor 200 PERSONAL INTEREST AURA BIO-FIELD AND SPINE SOUND BALANCING WORKSHOPS Paulette Hansen 28460(Gunnison),28461(Cres ted Butte), NON CREDIT, $40 Date: 10/17/2015, Gunnison OR 10/24/2015,Crested Butte Day: Saturday Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm (12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break) Location: Gunnison, Taylor 101; Crested Butte Location TBD MULTIDISCIPLINARY ART COURSES, SYNAESTHESIA Imen Tnani 28462, 28463, 28464, NON CREDIT, $50 per session Date: 9/14/2015-9/28/2015; 10/05/201510/19/2015; 10/26/201511/09/2015 Day: Monday Time: 6:00-8:00pm Location: 9/14-9/28, Taylor 100; 10/05-10/19, Taylor 101; 10/26-11/09, Taylor 101 SPORTS PERFORMANCE WORKSHOPS Paulette Hansen 28465 (Gunnison), 28466 (Crested Butte), NON CREDIT, $40 Date: 9/12/2015, Gunnison OR 9/19/2015, Crested Butte Day: Saturday Time: 10:00am-Noon Location: Gunnison, Taylor 101; Crested Butte location TBD POLITICAL SCIENCE LAW SCHOOL BASICS Judge Stephen Patrick 28468, CEU 1, $80 28469, NON CREDIT, $20 Date: 10/23/2015-10/25/2015 Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Time: 10/23, 6:00-9:00pm; 10/24 and 10/25, 8:00am-3:00pm Location: Kelley 121 RECREATION AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION BEGINNING FLY FISHING Jeffrey J. Ewert 28470, NON CREDIT, $80 Date: 9/15/2015-10/06/2015 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:30-8:30pm Location: West Gym EMT Erik Forsythe 28471, ESS 397, 4 credits, $350 + $1200 course fee (course fee includes textbook, uniform shirts, CPR certification, and clinical fees) Date: 8/25/2015-12/10/2015 Day: Tuesday, Thursday, several Saturdays (final schedule TBA) Time: 6:00-10:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays; 9:00am-5:00pm Saturdays Location: Gunnison Valley Hospital Education Center, 300 E Denver NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP SCHOOL (NOLS) AND NOLS WILDERNESS MEDICINE INSTITUTE (WMI) Dates: Varies ROE 397 credit available through Western Extended Studies: 1-18 credits depending upon trip length. Visit for a list of courses. OUTWARD BOUND Dates: Varies ROE 397 CREDIT available through Western Extended Studies: 1-18 credits depending upon trip length. Visit for course listings. ROCK RESCUE SKILLS CLINIC Irwin Guides $325 course fee payable to IG Date: 9/19/2015-9/20/2015 Days: Saturday, Sunday Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Location: Crested Butte TECHNICAL MOUNTAIN BIKING SKILLS Irwin Guides $250 course fee payable to IG Date: 9/12/2015-9/13/2015 Days: Saturday, Sunday Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Location: Crested Butte WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER RECERTIFICATION Wilderness Medicine Institute (WMI) of NOLS Instructor 28475, ROE 397, 1 CREDITS, $55 + $720 tuition Date: 9/11/2015-9/13/2015 Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Time: 8:00am-5:00pm Location: Sunset Hall in Crested Butte South Prerequisites: Minimum age 18 years old. SOCIOLOGY SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Dan M. Cress *28476, SOC 340, 3 CREDITS, $375 28497, NON CREDIT, $240 Date: 8/24/2015-12/07/2015 Day: Monday Time: 6:00-8:40pm Location: Kelley 127 INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES MAYA ARCHAELOLOGY FIELD SCHOOL IN BELIZE David M. Hyde 14826, ANTH 197, 4 credits, no prerequisites, $400 (plus full cost of course) 14827, ANTH 469, 4 credits, must have completed ANTH 107, $400 (plus full cost of course) 14828, NON CREDIT, full cost of course (TBD) Date: 5/22/2015-6/19/2015 Course Cost: TBD NEPAL RELIEF TREK AND REBUILD Heather Bell Date: 12/22/2015-1/08/2015 Course Cost: TBD STUDIES IN ITALY: FRAME AND LENS Don Seastrum and Paul Edwards Date: 5/19/2015-6/17/2015 Location: Florence, Italy Cost of Course: TBA Interest meetings will take place during the fall semester. THE DAY OF THE DEAD, ALL SOULS AND ALL SAINTS IN OAXACA, MEXICO Heather Orr 28478, ART 398, 1 credit, no prerequisites, $125 (plus full cost of course) 28479, NON CREDIT, full cost of course Date: 10/27/2015-11/03/2015 Course Cost: Range $800 $1000 (does not include airfare; confirmed details TBA) WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER – Crested Butte Wilderness Medicine Institute (WMI) of NOLS Instructor 28473, ROE 397, 3 CREDITS, $165 + $720 tuition Date: 9/14/2015-9/23/2015 Time: 8:00am-5:00pm Location: Sunset Hall in Crested Butte South Prerequisites: Minimum age 18 years old. Contact us at WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY Extended Studies 600 North Adams St., Gunnison, CO 81231 970.943.2885 gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Everyday is Happy Hour 4-7PM $2.00 PBR’s LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Evenings OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM COME JOIN our Colorado Fitness Zumba Party this coming Saturday 22nd at 9:30AM -it’s a free community class!! If you like it we will do it again. (8/19). THE 6TH ANNUAL SAGUACHE ART FESTIVAL will be held Saturday August 22, 2015 between 9 AM and 4 PM throughout quaint downtown Saguache, which is located a mere 60 miles from Gunnison via scenic CO 114. Artists will be displaying their work in a variety of locations. Pick up a map at any participating location and enjoy the day in tranquil Saguache. Enjoy our fine food and stay for a performance at the Ute theater by Don Richmond. (8/26). And speaking of “light years”, just how big is a light year? How is one measured? On Saturday, August 22nd, WSCU student astronomer Derek Brooks will shed some light on the “Scales in the Universe”. You’ll be amazed at sizes of scale from the subatomic to the galactic. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER for Hire No Job Too Small 642-0377 Cell 765-6922 (8/19/pd/11) AUGUST 23: Join the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative and Landsend Outfitting on a free, guided horseback ride to Mendicant Ridge. Meet at the 4way stop in Crested Butte at 6:15 am or the Gunnison Wal-Mart parking lot at 7 am. Spots for participants with or without their own horse. More information and registration at or (970) 390-6689. (8/19). ANGELA MANNO ART STUDIO SALE: Sunday, August 23, 125pm. Original pastels, batiks, silkscreens, giclées; astronautsigned limited edition prints. 114 7th St., Crested Butte. 970-2751525 (8/19/pd/24) A Salon for Personal Service. Tired of the Straight Look? Put Texture in your hair! Specializing in Customer Service! Evening Hours Also Available... Sue Mundell, Owner 641-3610 PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: Every Wednesday-Sunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. Pay only for what you paint. Prices range from $5 to $55. Paint by Appointment is also available for private painting parties for $50 per group for a two hour session at The Art Studio, plus the cost of what you choose to paint. Paint by Appointment also available at a location of your choice where costs are determined on a case-by-case basis. 349-7044; (8/19). GALLERY SHOWS - CRESTED BUTTE CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Jennifer Jung Artist Reception: Friday, August 21, 5 7 p.m.; Tierney Miller “Moments Between”: Through August 8; Judith Cassel-Mamet & Laura Elm - “Re-Imagining the Page”: Through August 16 (8/19). See us at: THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 21ST, join Crested Butte HS Science Educator Lisa Hart for an intergalactic tour of “Nebulas”. These interstellar clouds of dust and ionized gases are vast in size, even hundreds of light years in diameter. But where do they come from? Are they all the same? Take the tour and find out. HOME SCHOOL STUDENTS The parent/guardian of a resident student who is to be educated in a home schooling program for the 2015-16 school year must submit to the superintendent in writing, the name, age, place of residence and hour of instruction, 14 days before beginning the program the first year and each year thereafter. Home school packets may be picked up at the Lake School Administration office. 800 N. Blvd. Gunnison. (8/26). DAWN TO DUSK: 4TH ANNUAL 100 HOLE GOLF CHALLENGE: Monday, August 24. This fundraiser involves 36 zany golfers, 100 holes of golf, the party of the year and a great cause! Interested sponsors simply find a brave golfer willing to play 100 holes in one day between sunrise and sunset, then dedicate $1, $2 or $5 per hole. Don’t know a golfer? The Center can match you with one! Golfers must find sponsors totaling $1,000. They are treated to a hearty breakfast before heading out for tee time. After everyone’s grand success, golfers and sponsors convene at the home of Kathy and Andy Rector in Skyland with out of this world small plates highlighting Colorado ingredients, Colorado spirits, and live music by Doctor Robert. Breakfast for Golfers: 7 a.m.; Tee Time: 8 a.m.; Player & Sponsor Celebration Party: 4 6 p.m. (8/19). GUNNISON MIDDLE SCHOOL 7/8 Football mandatory practice starts Tuesday August 25th. Practice will be held from 3:306:00. Physical is mandatory. Meet behind GMS gym. Contact Stacie D o w i s or 641-7710. (8/19) LAKE SCHOOL PARENT ORIENTATION NIGHT Thursday, August 27th, 5:30-6:30 This is an important informational meeting for parents and guardians of preschool and kindergarten students (8/26) PLEASE JOIN THE WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY CHEERLEADING, DANCE AND WOMEN’S CLUB SOCCER TEAMS for a Car Wash Fundraiser on Saturday, August 29th from 9 AM to 3 PM located at The Powerstop. Suggested donations are $10 for a car and $15 for a truck/SUV. Come get your cars cleaned while supporting Western’s Club Sports. (8/26). VINOTOK-ART STUDIO WORKSHOPS: Costume Making: Tuesday, August 25 & Sunday, August 30. $55; Vinotok Mask Making: Tuesday, September 1. 69 p.m. $35 includes all materials; 1st Annual Community Collaborative Iron Pour (8/19).. NOCHE DE ORIENTACIÓN PARA PADRES DE LA ESCUELA LAKE Jueves, 27 de agosto, 5:30-6: 30 Esta es una importante reunión informativa para los padres y tutores de estudiantes de preescolar y kindergarten (8/26) PYOP: ALL SUMMER LONG! Join us on Fridays from 1:00 5:00 p.m. throughout the summer until August 28th for Paint Your Own Pottery sessions! We have an extensive selection of bisque ware items to choose from including plates, bowls, mugs, serving trays, to-go mugs with lids, kid’s items, sushi sets, piggy-banks, home-décor pieces and more. You choose the piece and we’ll fire it in our Clay Studio. Our staff will be here to help you with ideas and make sure you go home with a great keepsake or gift. This is a fun activity for kids and families. No need to pre-register or reserve a spot, just come on in. Prices vary from $5 - $45 depending on the piece you choose. There is no sitting fee and all supplies and instruction are included in the price of the item. Please allow one week for work to be kiln fired and ready for pick-up. We can ship finished pieces for an additional shipping charge. (8/19). AUCTION: ANTIQUES, COWBOY COLLECTIBLES & TOOLS. Sunday, Aug. 30th, 12:00 noon, Gunnison, CO Fairgrounds. See full description and many pictures of these outstanding items at or call Matt at 970-596-0715 for more info (8/26). Ever wondered what the thing growing in your yard is? EDIBLE MUSHROOM IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP, Sunday August 30th from 2 to 6pm @ the Elk Ave Garden. More info at www. cation.html (8/26). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) SLATE RIVER MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE - SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1PM. On this small group ride led by board member John Simmons, a shuttle will drop you off at the top of the Lupine Trail. We will ride Lupine I and Lupine II, as well as the Lower Loop, while learning the preservation stories of these awesome Land Trust trails. And no ride would be complete without some beers afterwards. (9/2). CRESTED BUTTE 26TH ANNUAL PEOPLE’S FAIR is Labor Day Weekend, September 5-6 from 10am - 5pm daily. Art, music, food, and much more! The fair is in downtown Crested Butte on Elk Avenue. Come enjoy the gorgeous town of Crested Butte, have fun and find what you want. It will be an amazing weekend. (8/19). WILDLANDS RESTORATION VOLUNTEERS is looking for 5 more motivated individuals who would be interested in becoming a crew leader for a wetland restoration project to help the Gunnison Sage Grouse! The training will be held September 9-10 during the restoration project that will be held concurrently from September 9-12. If interested please contact Morgan Crowley at to get involved! (8/26). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center Gunnison Gymnastics Bingo Fundraiser Friday, August 28th at the Elks Lodge. Doors open at 6:00 and Bingo starts at 7:30 pm. $10 for Bingo Sheets and a ticket for the door prize raffle. Pick up a ticket at the Gunnison Community / Aquatics Center. All proceeds from this event will benefit the 2016 Gunnison C.A.R.A Gymnastics Team! More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 8X10 PLAY FESTIVAL - The GAC is excited to present the first annual 8x10 Play Festival coming this September 10th - 12th. This increasingly popular format offers eight, 10 minute plays in one show. It provides an opportunity for local aspiring and established playwrights to share their creative efforts, a chance for new directors to get their feet wet, and the break through moment for a new actor to get an experience in the spotlight. Doors open at 6:30 and curtain is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10. (8/19). ATTENTION: Citizens of the Gunnison Basin and surrounding area. Every Monday morning at 8:05 am, Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison Counties on Agriculture related topics. Leaders in their respected fields give their input & advise on water, livestock, renewable energy, crops, endangered species, youth in agriculture, BLM & Forest road closures, etc. Gunnison Farm Bureau invites you to listen in! JIM GREER MEMORIAL: A gathering of friends of Jim Greer to share stories and say farewell will be held Saturday, September 12, 2:00 pm at Harmel’s Resort on the deck. (8/19). M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-2343041, 970-964-8545, 970-9648519. ¡Los Esperamos! (8/19). ENGLISH CLASSES begin September 14, Monday and Wednesday, 6-8 pm, Gunnison Community School, 1099 N. 11th Street, Bring your children. $25 registration fee. Call (970)-6417684 for more information. (8/26). CALL FOR ARTISTS FOR 1ST ANNUAL COMMUNITY COLLABORATIVE IRON POUR: The Art Studio of The Center for the Arts in collaboration with Vinotok is hosting our first Community Collaborative Iron Pour on Tuesday, September 15. Artists are invited to come and create work beginning on Tuesday, September 8, with all pieces cast on the evening of September 15 at the pour. If you have never worked in iron, now is your chance, as you will have access to a community of artists to help you through the process. $300 registration fee covers all your materials. Contact Center for the Arts Visual Arts Program Director Melissa Mason at to register and with questions. Space is limited to 15 artists. (8/19). ENGLISH CLASSES begin September 15, 8:30-10:30 am in the Family Services Center, Georgia and Spruce Streets, $25 registration fee. Call 970-6417684 for more information. (8/26). CLASES DE INGLES. Martes y miercoles por la manana, 8:3010:30. Family Services Center (donde esta la Oficina Multicultural) comenzando el 15 de septiembre. $25 cuota de inscripcion. Llame 970-641-7684. Se habla espanol. (8/26). CLOUD CITY HIKE - SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2:30 PM TO 5:30 PM. Join us for an evening hike to the Land Trust’s award-winning mine reclamation project. Just steps from town, coal piles from the closed Smith Hill Mine were exposed and leaching into the Slate River wetlands below. Thanks to a large restoration effort, the wetlands have been restored and the coal piles on Smith Hill have been stabilized. We’ll learn this history while taking in the beautiful aspen forests on this 5-mile round trip hike. As an extra bonus, the hike will finish down the brand new Gunsight Connector Trail. (9/16). WESTERN STATE WOMEN BASKETBALL “GOLF TOURNAMENT”, Sept 19 at Dos Rios Golf Club, for additional information, contact Coach Girard, at, or 970 943 2652 (9/16/pd/26). ¿EMBARAZADA? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Pruebas de embarazo gratuitas y consulta. Referencias y asistencia. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar! (8/19). (8/19). Every Day’s a Great Day for Fresh Flowers, Green and Flowering Plants, Gift Baskets, Balloons and More MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” (8/19/31) THE GUNNISON VALLEY OBSERVATORY is located at 2804 County Road 38 across from Hartman Rocks Recreation Area. The facility opens at sunset. Programs start at 8:30pm and are followed by viewing weather permitting - of the amazing night sky through a variety of telescopes. Admission is by donation and reservations aren’t required. Go to for more information. Carpe Noctem Seize the Night. (8/19). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (8/19). PREGNANT? Need help? Free pregnancy testing and consultation. Referrals and assistance. We’re here to help! Lighthouse Pregnancy & Family Resource Center; 209 Elizabeth Street; 24hour hotline: 970-596-1706. (8/26). MIXED MEDIA AND MARGARITAS - Spice up your month with a fun evening of mixed media and margaritas. Instructor Gail Sovick teaches how to create a fun and unique piece of art using easy collage and mixed-media techniques while you enjoy tasty snacks and margaritas. Bring a friend! You will go home with a finished piece all your own. $35 includes supplies, two drink coupons, inspiration and fun! To guarantee a spot call 970641-4029, stop by 102 S. Main St. or go online to and register today. (8/19). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. WELCOME BACK WSCU STUDENTS & FACULTY! STOP BY FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS! 1000 N. Main 641-3332 Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry (8/19) I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE who has donated to Alun Jackson’s GoFundMe account, and to let everyone know who doesn’t like to put their credit cards on the internet, that there is an Alun Jackson Fund also set up at Gunnison Bank & Trust. Alun is doing well, but still has a ways to go. Thank you, The Jackson and the Rudibaughs. (8/19). THE GUNNISON MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR LUNCH, Noon-1pm, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, till our new employee is fully trained. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (8/19). THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado, El Pomar, and Mentor’s Program. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by of call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (8/19). ¡GANA MIENTRAS QUE APRENDES! Conviértete en el mejor padre que puede ser al mismo tiempo ganar artículos de maternidad y bebé (¡pañales, ropa, cunas, y mucho más!) ¡Es muy fácil! Llámenos: 970-5961706 Lighthouse (8/26). RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (8/19/14). ONE BOOK, ONE VALLEY 2015: POET AND WRITER AARON ABEYTA’S LETTERS FROM THE HEADWATERS Aaron Abeyta, award-winning poet and participant in Western’s Headwaters Conference, will be coming to Gunnison to read from his collection of poetry and essays, “ Letters from the Headwaters,” this year’s featured book for the Gunnison Valley’s community reading program, One Book, One Valley. Mr. Abeyta will be presenting two programs: September 30, 7pm, at the Gunnison Public Library and October 1, 12:30pm, at D Savage Library, Western State Colorado University. To find a copy of “Letters from the Headwaters,” visit the Gunnison Public Library, Old Rock Library in Crested Butte, or Savage Library. Copies to purchase will be available at the Western State Colorado University bookstore, at the programs, or contact your favorite bookselle COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVES Gunnison Community Blood Drive 9/22/2015 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Donations inside the Vantuyl Room located at 275 S. Spruce St., Gunnison Western State Colorado University Blood Drive 9/23/2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Donations inside the Paul Wright Gymnasium located at 600 N. Adams St., Gunnison. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Suzy Coykendall (970) 943-2645 or visit Conejos County Community Blood Drive 9/25/2015 from 10:30a.m. to 2:30p.m.. Donations inside the Conference Room located at 19021 US-285, La Jara For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Bonfils Appointment Center - Toll Free (800) 365-0006 ext. 2 or visit INVITING ENVIRONMENT The home of Erik and Kristyn Niemeyer at 917 N. Spruce has won this week's designation as Yard of the Week. Just one photo cannot do justice to the flowerbeds, mature shade trees, and well-groomed yard that surround three sides of it. The house itself, with its contemporary-appearing exterior, has a secret of its own: It was constructed in 1902 and then moved to its current location in 1980. The Niemeyers moved in eight years ago and have transformed their property into a showpiece. In their front yard stands a mature nonfruit bearing apple tree providing plenty of shade. Banked against the back picket fence stand three to four foot pink and blue perennials. A flowerbed featuring purple salvia, tiger lilies, and Russian sage lies to the right of their front yard gate. Their newest landscaping venture is an oval-shaped xeroscaped island featuring Shasta daisies, Rudbeckia, and gaillardia, all of which have thrived in this unusually wet summer. Along the side of the house, flourishing in the morning sun and afternoon shade, one finds another mature apple tree and a variety of colorful ground covers including a currently blooming hosta. The Niemeyers' efforts have paid off in producing an extremely inviting environment. NOTICE: An Amended “2015 Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report, Calendar Year 2014” (now includes CCR report from Gunnison County Water & Sanitation Division) is available call Janet 641-5935. (8/19). “NO NATION that abandoned the gold standard ever remained a great nation.” Ron Reagan, President USA. Robert Tim Allen, 596-8977 (8/26). VETERANS: Could you use some help in your home? Visiting Angels of Gunnison is able to provide some FREE assistance through the VA. We can help with shopping, errands, cooking, light housekeeping, personal care and more. (8/19). Wedding Registry Ashley Peterson & Kyle Hinn September 5, 2015 Hope & Glory 147 N Main Street Gunnison CO 641-1638 WESTERN EXTENDED STUDIES is offering a class to explore the ancient/contemporary traditions & celebrations of Mexico’s Hallowe’en, 10/17-11/3. Informational meeting 8/20, 121pm, Taylor 105. FMI contact Art professor, Dr. Orr ( (8/19). DO WHAT YOU CAN FOR OTHERS. Donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry (GCFP), PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230 or online at Bring food and produce to 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison (go north on Main, then west on Ohio) on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. (9/30). TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 6417999 (8/19). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (8/19). (8/19/18) FOR SALE: White metal roofing. 641-0644 (8/26). CELEBRATE RECOVERY MEETINGS: Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to for more detailed information. (8/19). CENTER FOR THE ARTS Crested Butte Dance Collective: Aerial Conditioning: Dates & times vary. $8/class; Open Aerial Dance: Dates & times vary. $8/class (8/19). ¿EMBARAZADA? ¿Necesitas ayuda? Pruebas de embarazo gratuitas y consulta. Referencias y asistencia. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar! Lighthouse 970-5961706 (9/2). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. (8/19). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi 641-5007 THE MARKET IS GOING STRONG! ENTERTAINMENT: ENID HOLDEN KIDS ACTIVITY (8/19/16) EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Become the best parent you can be while earning maternity and baby items (diapers, clothes, cribs, & more!) It’s easy! Give us a call: 970-596-1706. Lighthouse. (8/26). THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to page 5 .. Corner of Main St. and Virginia Ave., Downtown Gunnison w w w. g u n n i s o n f a r m e r s m a r k et. c o m WELC OME BAC K W ESTE RN STUDENTS ! (8/19). LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (8/19). 7,900 Gunnison Country 623 N. MAIN Shoppers every 970-641-0130 WEDNESDAY (8/19) Nugget Cafe FOR SALE: CHARBROIL 4-burner gas grill stainless steel finish with side burner. Lightly used. $100 firm. Cash only. Crested Butte. 970-379-4300 (8/19). at Taylor park Come on u p an d en joy a mea l wit h u s! DO YOU NEED CARPET OR VINYL INSTALLATION OR REPAIR? Summer Hours I have my certification and 26 years experience, 8AM - 8P M Daily 970-642-0454 I will bid your job for free! So please call Mike at 970-759-2815 for all your carpet and vinyl needs. (8/19/pd/37) FOR SALE: Solar battery maintainer and trickle charger 2-watt. Made by Nature Power from Camping World. New in the box. Not big enough for an RV. $10. 970-275-5064 (8/26). INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE: Flutes, guitars and ukeles. Accessories for each. All in great shape. Serious inquiries only please for flutes and guitars. 970209-3386 (8/26). BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! ESTATE SALE Saturday, August 22 and Sunday, August 23 The Old Take-A-Way East Tomichi 8AM (both days) Furniture, furniture, furniture... two contemporary dining sets, bedroom sets, small desks, comfy upholstered chairs, household goods, restaurant equipment, coolers, slushy machine, Slurpee machine, commercial garbage cans and much more. Antiques and decorative items: two Hoosier Cabinets, 1940’s enameled top table, vintage saddle. TAILORING COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINE: straight stitch (not walking foot) motor located under table. $400. 970596-4972 (8/19). FOR SALE: Table saw, Delta 12 inch blade, excellent condition, $50, Bill 641-5041 (8/19). PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/19). Hours: - New Hours -- Sunday Open Wednesday New Hours: 7AM - 4PM Tuesday - Saturday 7AM - 3PM Sunday Tuesday - Sunday 7 3,Closed Closed Mondays Open Everyday 7 Mondays 7AM Mondays --3,3PM Closed FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (8/19). COMPUTERS FIXED RIGHT THE FIRST TIME KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Professionals 970-642-3040 (8/19/12) FOR SALE: OK, OK, $2300 must be too much to ask for my “Clark 2000 Elite Exerciser”, commercial quality, barely used! Paid $360, yours for only $125. Mike 970-641-2315. (8/19). FOR SALE: Like new gas fireplace, needs repair. $150. Can text photo. 719-494-6474 (8/26). FOR SALE: women’s polka dotted orange sandals for sale, wedge heel, size 8 1/2 approx. Kangaroo brand. Very cute, too high of heels for me! $15. 3491321 (8/19). MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS PAD: 1 1/4”, $25 OBO. 6421279. (8/19). FOR SALE: studded snow tires, fit 2011 Corolla, etc., Mastercraft Glacier Grip 2, 195/65 R15. Used 2 winters, $150. 901-0888 (8/19). COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (8/19). CD’S CD’S CD’S! INSTANT LIBRARY! ALL MUST GO! ALMOST 75 very popular titles FOR SALE! Every genre includes rock, jazz, classical, pop! Asking $100. OBO! Call 970-209-5594 Today! (8/26). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (8/19/19). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 6 MILWAUKEE MAGNUM HOLESHOOTER DRILL. 1/2” Chuck. Variable speed. 850 RPM. Model 0234-1. Works great but has cosmetic wear. $45. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/26). MAPEX BELL SET with stand, sticks, practice pad and backpack bag. Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $189. Please call 970349-6638 if interested. (8/19). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (8/19/17) FOR SALE: Norcold 2.7 cubic foot camper propane fridge. Never used, in Crate, $450. 970641-3683 (8/19). FOR SALE: Audiovox stereo w/5disc changer & speakers, $25 OBO. 642-1279. (8/19). BICYCLE LAWS: When you’re riding a bike you are NOT a pedestrian! For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (8/19). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 (8/19/17) Please Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalks It’s the right thing to do and the law FOR SALE: Pizza oven, countertop model; Gaviala coffee maker. 209-0142 (8/26). FOR SALE: all steel utility trailer, 7’x9’ flatbed, asking $350. 7651465. (8/19). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9am-4pm Monday - Friday; 10am4pm Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-6413081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (8/19). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) FOR SALE: Pack Saddle Panniers, Ralide hard boxes, like new, $90. assorted canvas and hay bale panniers, pack saddle blankets, top packs, gun scabbards, saddle bags, folding tent stove, outfitters propane stove, assorted cinches and misc. 970209-5234 (8/26). SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your cooperation., 6413148. (8/19). GUNNISON GALLERY FOR SALE: Triton Aluminum snowmobile trailer. Ride on ride off, new tires and spare. Has plastic skids, great condition. $800.00 call 641-5826 (8/26). TWELVE STEP MEETINGS IN GUNNISON: all meetings are held at The Last Resort, 114 N Wisconsin unless noted. 6416056. Monday, AA-Open, 8am; AA Tradition Study 7pm. Tuesday, AA-Open, 8am; Al-Anon, 7:30pm; AA-Open, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, 307 W Virginia, 7:30pm. Wednesday, Big Book Study, 8am, AA Open, 7pm. Thursday AA-Open 8am; Daily Refections, 7pm. Friday AA-Open 8am; AA-Open, 7:30pm; AA-Open 8am; AA-Women in Recovery, 9:30am; AA-How Was Your Week?, 7pm. Sunday, AA-Open 8am; AAOpen 7pm. (8/19). FOR SALE: CENTURION 3500 propane generator with controls. Asking $2,000. Please call 9442495. (8/26). AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts Motor Works for an appointment 970-641-0920 (8/19/20) Best Gift Gallery Featuring Art by YOLIE BROWN ASPEN FRAMES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! FOR SALE: 2 Heavier type wheelchairs. Not self propelled, perfect condition $85 each 512-8095937 (8/26). SMOKER FOR SALE: Southern Pride DH-65 industrial electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in great condition. Call Liz 497-0787. (8/19). (970) 641-6111 (8/19/19) INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (8/19). INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FLOOR FRYER. Two basket large gas fryer. $1000. Call Liz 970497-0787 FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator 24” w x 57” t x 28” d, cold; General tire Grabber 265/75R-15. 209-0142 (8/26). FOR SALE: File cabinet, 52 1/2” h x 18 1/4” w x 26 1/2” d. $15.349-5110 (8/26). PROPANE TANKS FOR SALE:4 total, 15lb tanks, for gas grills, empty. $20 each. Call Liz 970497-0787 (8/26). GUNNISON MUD RUNS Saturday, Aug. 22nd at 5PM at the Gunnison County Fair Grounds. Entry Fee $50. Featured Events: Tough Trucks and Single Pit Mud Race. Purchase tickets at Gunnison Muffler and Pipe, Adults (13 yrs and up) $10 Children (6 yrs - 12 yrs) $6 Kids (under 5) Free TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. (8/19) FOR SALE: Enclosed trailer for sale. 2004 Royal v-nose front, ramp back door, side door, excellent condition. $3,000. 970-6412852 (8/19). AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 6417999 (8/19). COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Summer is Winding Down But We’re Chock Full of Great New Inventory Arriving Daily Decorative Pillows and Throws Wall Art, Candles, Floral, Table Linens, Seasonal Decor And a Sneak Peak at Fall & Holiday we fix computers full time Pickup/Delivery Available Gunnison/Crested Butte Stop on Today and See What’s New! 970-642-3040 (8/19/17) ACCESS THE GUNNISON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY FROM YOUR HOME COMPUTER. To see what books and other materials are in our local public library, as well as other libraries around Western Colorado, go to Now you can also renew your books from home by using the “View Your Own Record” feature after you have selected the Gunnison library. For more info, 641-3485, 349-6535. (8/19). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2 Wilson outdoor cell phone antennas for service in remote areas. $75/each. Ed 720-289-2251 (8/26). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs. Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 (8/19/33) FOR SALE: HILTI POWDERACTUATED TOOL DX 460-MX. NEW - used once. Fully automatic. Includes 2 cases full of fasteners and cartridges. $750. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 (8/19/48) FOR SALE: TRAILER MADE FROM CHEV PICK-UP. Needs tires. Great for firewood. Best offer. 641-5920 (8/19). TOOLS FOR SALE: Senco 18 gauge brad nailer ($50); Hitachi 65MA2 finish nail gun ($75); Bostich finish nail gun ($50); Dewalt DW317 jigsaw ($75); Makita 4304 jigsaw ($50) Husquavarna 316 electric chain saw ($50) Grizzly 2 H.P. table saw G1022PRO ($250) - 641-6297 (8/19). FOR SALE: Navy insulated coveralls, Size Medium, long sleeve. Great for hunting or mechanics $15, White Sears long sleeve coveralls, Size 44R. Great for painting or hunting. $15 Call 209-9401 (8/26). FREE: Charbroil BBQ grill with propane tank and cover. You remove. 641-9642 (8/19). FOR SALE: CRAFTSMAN WET/DRY SHOP VAC. 16 gallon. 6.25 HP. $50. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/26). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (8/19). FOR SALE: IRON COAL CARS w/rail $500 and Coal elevators $50 505-635-0333 (8/26). (8/19). TELEVISION SIGNALS. To report an issue with the over-the-air television signals or to inquire about the television translator system, please contact the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District at 641-9148. (8/19). VETERANS, TROOPS CAN ALWAYS SALUTE: A change to Section 9 of the US Flag Code written into the Defense Authorization Act this year now gives veterans and members of the US Armed Forces the authority to render a salute to the flag, whether or not they are wearing identifying veteran apparel such as an American Legion cap. All others present should remove any headwear, face the flag and place their right hand over their heart. Headwear should be held to the left shoulder, leaving the right hand over the heart. These acts are to be conducted anytime there is a hoisting or lowering of the US Flag, whenever it passes. Citizens of foreign countries should stand at attention. (8/19). FREE CANCER SCREENINGS for women aged 40-64 who have no health coverage. Includes pap smears, breast exams, and pelvic exams for women 40 and older and mammograms for women 50 and over. Contact Gunnison County Public Health for information or to see if you qualify at 6410209. (8/19). FOR SALE: Antique multi beam auto headlight lenses, matched pair for 1936 Oldsmobile part #919661 asking $195 each or $375 pair; Also, one flat auto headlight lens for Ford H Model T with desired purple coloring due to aging, asking $110. 596-5301 (8/19). FOR SALE: Sears Carousel slide projector & screen in box, $25. 349-5190. (8/19). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Taylor’s Firewood Summer Prices Until 1st of September 596-0110 (8/19/pd/12) STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. (8/19). (8/19/21) (8/26). FOR SALE: Skagen w/ date, thin & lightweight, new, $75. 6412318 (8/26). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (8/19). PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE FREE! AND WE ARE MORE THAN GLAD TO PRINT THEM...,, 970-6413148. (8/19). FOR SALE: Antique Esty Pump Organ, $100. Call Scott at 2750111 (8/19). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX: heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $300 OBO. Please call Kirk 970-596-2666. (8/19). FOR SALE: 10 sets of walk thru scaffolding, complete sets $15 per set. 641-1662 (8/19). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. (8/19). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gallon, nearly new. $175. 970-2097669. (8/19). PORTABLE GARAGE FOR SALE: New in box. 10’ x 17’ All steel tubular frame. UV treated, water resistant cover. 9’3” center height. $200. 970-641-2852. (8/19). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 WELCOME BACK WSCU STUDENTS & FACULTY! STOP BY FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS! FOR SALE: Airbrush for sale. $50. Call 970-769-5483. (8/26). TAKE THE H&R BLOCK INCOME TAX COURSE to learn how to prepare taxes like a pro. Not only will you learn a new skill, you could earn extra income as a tax professional. Enroll now! For i n f o : (9/9/40). FOR SALE: Two Paint Guns. Picked up for a project but never used. Both appear to be in good working order. $10 a piece or $18 for both. 970-596-8813 (8/19). 1000 N. Main 641-3332 AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE. Search for any ad in our regular A weekly paper. (8/19) FOR SALE: Beautiful dining or kitchen table with antique Tuscany finish, 72” x 42” with 2-24” end leaves and 5-antique oak chairs. $1500. 349-0395 or 615-5849402 (8/26). YOUR FREE ADS RUN FOR TWO WEEKS automatically (unless date restricted, i.e. yard sales, events) when you call, fax, email, or bring them in yourself. Really! Two weeks on renewal ads as well. It’s amazing!, 641-3148. (8/19). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (8/19). THE ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE NEEDS RESPONSIBLE VOLUNTEERS immediately to foster adoptable pets and act as caretakers for homeless cats. Call 641-1173. (8/19). FOR SALE: MCGUIRENICHOLAS BACK SUPPORT BELT: Size small, like new. $10. Call 642-1279. (8/26). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (8/19). GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (8/19). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (8/19) FOR SALE: NEW 8000KW GENERAC STANDY-BY PROPANE GENERATOR. Outdoor cabinet model (NOT PORTABLE). $1,800.00. Located in Pitkin, Colorado. If interested please call 830-220-1094. If no answer please leave your name and phone number and we will call you back. (8/19). FOR SALE: ALUMINUM SCAFFOLDING one man set up, locking wheels, loft walk plank, legs extend to 10’ height. $150 970641-5297 or 970-417-1898 (8/26). USED TEE POSTS: Various sizes and condition. $2.00 ea. Please call, leave message or text. 5964324. (8/19). FOR SALE: BLACK AND DECKER WORKMATE portable workbench. $10.00, Small wheelbarrow $10.00. Call 641-4638. (8/26). FOR SALE: 15” and 16” tire chains, 4 sets some with ice cleats $25 each. 970-641-5297 or 970-417-1898 (8/26). APPLE IMAC COMPUTER 4SALE! Works perfectly! $500.00 obo! os x Yosemite ver10.10.4 21.5in 1920x1080 3.06ghz Intelcorei3 4gb memory 1333mz ddr3screen ati raedon hd256mb! please call 970-209-5594 today! (8/19). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (8/19). PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE!,, 6413148. (8/19). ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/19). Love Your Job! Become A Massage Therapist! MountainHeart School in Crested Butte! 700 Hour, 6 Month Certification. 12/1/15. 800-673-0539, (9/2/pd/20) FOR SALE: 2 pair crutches, $8 ea. 642-1279. (8/19). FOR SALE: PERGO FLOORING, honey oak, new 500 plus sf $900. 903-402-9095 (8/26). PREGNANT? POCKET FETAL DOPPLER FOR SALE. Retails for $52. Listen to your baby’s heartbeat in utero. $25. 596-8954 page 7 FOR SALE: 6 14” wide flange heavy duty wood “I” joists 28’ long. Asking $50 each. Please call 944-2495 (8/26). (8/19). FOR SALE: Fisher woodstove, 14x24, $100. 641-1662 (8/26). FOOD CART FOR SALE! Great condition. Has running hot water, two propane tanks, and attached to trailer. Located in Denver. $3000 OBO Please email (8/26). WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (8/19). FOR SALE: Petmate Classic travel dog kennel, large size (26”x19”x17”) $40; small dog/cat travel car carrier (19”x12”x10”), $25; 13ft tanned python snake skin, $225; Bushnell 50mm rubber armored prismatic spotting scope, $100. Call 6414854. (8/19). FOR SALE: 18 Horse power electric start, gas powered presser washer, $390. 641-1662 (8/19). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (8/19/13) FOR SALE: 2x12x16’. New a few weeks ago, just used for scaffolding, so have a few screw holes. $15 each. Please call 944-2495. (8/26). REDUCED! ONLY $100! DVD’S DVD’S DVD’S! INSTANT LIBRARY! ALL MUST GO! Over 100 Very Popular Titles FOR SALE! Every Genre Includes Comedy Action Love Adventure!! All 4 $100.00! Call 970-209-5594 Today! (8/26). JEEP TIRES: BF Goodrich 33x12.50 R15 mounted on Mickey Thompson Classic II’s. Set of 5 purchased in August of last year, less than 6k on the tires, $850 for all. 970-596-4855 FOR SALE: 10” Delta contractor table saw, $300 obo. 209-2449. (8/19). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/19). BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (8/19). FREE: 1 gal. exterior primer, 2 gal. cement sealer. 641-2385 (8/19). FOR SALE: Small portable concrete mixer $100 OBO. 641-1662 or 209-6041 (8/19). Well established, successful Parking Lot Sweeping Business For Sale. Strong, year-round, $39,500. for more information. (8/19/31) MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER FOR SALE: good for DIY projects. 641-4836 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2 x 12 x 14’ Cedar boards in good condition for $50 each. Retail cost is over $90! Please call 944-2495 (8/26). This is how you OPEN AT 6AM MONDAY - SATURDAY • BREAKFAST TOASTER , Med. Tots, Coffee $4.86 • Jr. Breakfast Burrito, Sm. Tots, Coffee $3.27 • Morning Drink StopSM. .99¢ Large Drinks Until 10AM ® Do Not Be Cold or Hungry Furnace Service Special $89.00* Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $89/hour outlying Areas * $10 OFF with your Donation to the Food Pantry $10 of each Service fee goes to Project Hope Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 To The People From The People Since we travel throughout the Valley we will distribute Food - Clothing - etc. confidentially to our neighbors in need client base with room to grow. WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION - FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970641-0209. (8/19). “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” 641-6436 • 520 N Main FOR SALE: Conair pet grooming set, $25. 642-1279. (8/19). Call, 970-596-5239 MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 H I G H L I G H T S & TA N N I N G (8/19/26) (8/19). Every Day’s a Great Day for Fresh Flowers, Green and Flowering Plants, Gift Baskets, Balloons and More STYLING, CUTS, PERMS, COLOR, MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION, INSPECTIONS AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 * We want to Help! (8/26/23) FOR SALE: Victorinox Swiss Army w/ date, like new, $200. 641-2318 (8/26). TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (8/19). FOR SALE: Small refrigerator 34”x24” with small freezer compartment. Larger than normal Dorm sized fridge. Brand new condition. Stainless steel finish. $200 OBO 970-641-4030 (8/26). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (8/19/16). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-5960978 (8/19). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (8/19/17) FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (8/19). FOR SALE: 5 pc Drum Set with cymbals Sonor Force 505 (Black). Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $299. Please call 970-3496638 if interested. (8/19). Saturday Evening Worship with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (8/19). FOR SALE: Antique’s Royal Dalton, humpback trunk; Telephone and Operator’s box; 5¢ Gumball machine; Mirror 24x48. 209-0142 (8/26). FOR SALE: hip waders, 2-ply, youth 55, worn once, purchased from Gene Taylor’s $50 OBO. 642-1279. (8/19). FOR SALE: Dansko Lolita Sandals - Size 39, color veg-tan, only worn twice. Retail for $110, yours for $40. 970-349-6611. (8/26). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 8 Canada Thistle: A Gunnison County Noxious Weed Noxious weeds like Canada thistle can negatively affect Gunnison County’s economy, wildlife habitats and recreational opportunities. (8/26/20) FOR SALE: HOT ONE ELECTRIC GARAGE/UNIT HEATER. 4000 watt. Ceiling mount. $175. Voice or text message 970-2150347. (8/26). You can help! Fall is the most effective time to treat Canada thistle in order to reduce its spread. FOR SALE: St. Bernard ski poles, holds liquor. 209-0142 (8/26). Call the Gunnison County Weed Management Program at 641-4393 for free information about options for controlling noxious weeds or visit F or Your Information Names & Numbers for Gunnison County Emergencies Gunnison County Administration Office Airport Administration Alternative Services Assessor County Commissioners Coroner County Attorney County Clerk County Court District Attorney Dos Rios Water Treat. Drivers License Office Elections Emergency Services Environmental Health Extension Agent Fairgrounds Manager Finance GED Preparation Housing Authority Jail Juvenile Diversion Project Landfill Legal Aid Library Literacy Program/ English Classes Long Range Planning Information Tech. Motor Vehicles Planning Public Health/ Family Planning Public Works/ Road and Bridge Recorder Safe Ride Sheriff Sheriff CB Social Services/ Food Stamps Treasurer Weed District 641-0248 641-2304 641-7635 641-1085 641-0248 641-9213 641-5300 641-1516 641-3500 641-5138 641-8565 641-1052 641-7927 641-2481 641-5105 641-1260 641-8561 641-2203 641-7647 641-7900 641-1108 641-4710 641-5522 641-3023 641-3485 641-7684 641-7620 641-1410 641-1602 641-0360 641-0209 641-0044 641-2038 209-RIDE 641-1113 349-7562 641-3244 641-2231 641-4393 Post Offices Almont Cimarron Crested Butte Gunnison Lake City Parlin Pitkin Powderhorn Sargents 641-3653 252-8366 349-5568 641-1884 944-2560 641-4676 641-9236 641-8737 641-1418 WHAT CAN PUBLIC HEALTH DO FOR YOU? We offer: Birth and death certificates; Family Planning services; pap smears; STD tests; immunizations for kids; WIC; Nurse Family Partnership; Senior services; Multicultural services; health screenings for cholesterol and glucose; and resources for people wanting to quit smoking or using chew. Call us today at 6410209 or stop by at 225 N. Pine Street. (8/19). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 91 1 Gunnison City Building Dept. City Admin./Court Community Center Parks & Rec. Community Devel. Cranor Hill Sk Area Crime Stoppers Finance Dept./Utilities Fire Marshal Gunnison Police Dept. Hearing Impaired Neighborhood Services Animal Control Public Works Waste Water Lab Waste Water Treatment 641-8151 641-8080 641-8060 641-8090 641-4655 641-8280 641-8070 641-8153 641-8200 641-8009 641-8242 641-8020 641-8042 641-8040 Agencies Bureau of Land Management 642-4940 Colorado Division of Wildlife 641-7060 Colorado State Forest Gunnison District 641-6852 Gunnison Arts Center 641-4029 Gunnison Valley Hospital 641-1456 Job Service 641-0031 United States Forest Service 641-0471 Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Dist. 641-6065 Senior Resources Senior Citizens Center 641-2107 Senior Resources Office 641-7984 Two Buttes Senior Citizens 349-5607 Schools Crested Butte Community School Gunnison Alternative School Gunnison Community Gunnison High School WSCU Extended Stud. WSCU Switchboard 641-7720 641-7755 641-7710 641-7700 943-2885 943-0120 Chambers of Commerces Crested Butte Gunnison 349-6438 641-1501 Bus Routes Mountain Express 349-5616 Rural Trans. Authority 641-5074 PLEASE PROOF your advertisement the first week it is printed. Credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. Correction deadline is Tuesdays at 10am for free ads and 2pm for paid ads. Thank you, Gunnison Country Shopper. (8/19). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi 641-5007 DID YOU KNOW PROJECT HOPE HAS A 24/7 CRISIS LINE? If you are or have experienced relationship violence or sexual assault, give our crisis line a call at 970-275-1193 to speak with ad advocate. (8/19). (8/19/16) SMOKER FOR SALE. Southern Pride DH-65 industrial/commercial 220 electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in good condition with owners manual. Asking $4,500. Call Liz 970-497-0787 (8/26). DO YOU NEED HELP with your small business management problems? Either before or after business is organized. Let “Service Corps of Retired Executives” (SCORE) help you. Service is free and confidential. Call 641-1501. GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am-2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (8/19). (8/19). FOR SALE: Approx. 100’ of 4” black flex pipe, French drain style. Some perforated some soild. 641-1662 or 209-6041 (8/26). (8/19). 10’X20’ CAR CANOPY in box, 641-4836. (8/19). FOR SALE: 2 Gas powered generator, $100 each. 970-6411662 (8/19). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (8/19). STEEL GATES FOR SALE: 2 that measure 47” wide, 1 that is 13’ 81/2” wide, and one that is steel tubing with wire fencing 15’8” wide. Call or text 596-4324. (8/19). FOR SALE: DRUM SET $250. Surf city HB bass. Apollo snare. Roxx tom- toms. Zudgian snare. 970-209-0064. (8/26). TOOLS FOR SALE: Makita electric planer ($75); Porter Cable belt sander ($75); Milwaukee power shears ($75); Makita 2 1/4 H.P. Router ($180); Milwaukee 2ton chain hoist pulley ($125); Bosch 3 hinge door template ($75) - 641-6297 (8/19). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/19). 7’ POOL TABLE: 3/4” thick slate, from the Coachlight. 641-4836. (8/19). FOR SALE: 20 pieces of roofing materials. tan color, will cover 11’x35’ make offer 641-1662 (8/26). FREE: Full glass storm door and frame. 719-494-6474 (8/26). SELLING: 24’ Layton funtime camp trailer. Needs new door, water heater and a good cleaning No water damage. Asking $900.00 OBO. 970-209-1179 (8/26). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (8/19/10). ALFALFA HAY Weed Free, recent 2nd cut, no rain Stored in shed $5.50 per bale Delta 970-874-4130 (9/9/pd/17) COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEDIATORS promotes the use and understanding of mediation as a means of dispute resolution. The organization is committed to the professional development of its members as well as providing education about the mediation profession to the public. For more info, call CCMO 1-800-864-4317 (8/19). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY. 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (8/19/34). FOR SALE: Gooseneck trailer, 2001, Starlite, 24 ft deck, tandem axle, 20,000 lb capacity; $5,000; 275-3812 (8/26). BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS! INSTANT LIBRARY! ALL MUST GO! Almost 300 hard cover/soft cover books FOR SALE! Every genre, includes cooking books/magazines, too! Asking $300 OBO! Call 970-209-5594 today! (8/26). FREE ADS: please try to limit free ads to 30 words. All ads are subject to editing for length and content. Thank you. The Gunnison Country Shopper 641-3148, WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (3/30/pd/11). THE BENEFITS OF HIGH-QUALITY PRE-K AND CHILD CARE ARE ENORMOUS. It is an essential way to close the achievement gap between children of different economic backgrounds and prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. For a list of local licensed providers, stop by the Family Services Building and pick one up from the ECC or call 641-7913. (8/19). UNA EDUCACIÓN DE ALTA CALIDAD del Pre Kínder tiene beneficios sociales, educacionales y económicos a lo largo de la vida de los niños. . Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 6417999) (8/19). Summer is Winding Down But We’re Chock Full of Great New Inventory Arriving Daily Decorative Pillows and Throws Wall Art, Candles, Floral, Table Linens, Seasonal Decor And a Sneak Peak at Fall & Holiday Stop on Today and See What’s New! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 (8/19/48) SI UD TIENE UNA EMERGENCIA marque 9-1-1. Si no habla inglés encontraremos un interprete, manténgase en la línea. (8/19). TOOTH PAIN KEEPS MANY CHILDREN HOME FROM SCHOOL OR DISTRACTED FROM LEARNING. Yearly visits with a Dentist are important. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. Public Health 641-0209 (8/19). HONK FOR PEACE: We will stand every Friday at noon for 15 minutes until our soldiers come home, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (8/19). 300 GAL. FUEL TANK: 6414836. (8/19). FOR SALE: 200 gallon water transport, storage tank, $100. 641-1662 (8/26). PET ADOPTIONS are available through Neighborhood Services. Cost is $10, spay/neuter is required and a follow up on the pet’s care is also included. Call 641-8242. (8/19). A MAJOR CONCERN FOR GUNNISON VALLEY HOMEOWNERS is keeping up with necessary but costly home repairs. Low-interest loan programs are available for qualifying households in need of repairs. Contact Murtaza with the Gunnison Valley Regional Housing Authority to apply. 970641-7900. (8/19). IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY DIAL 91-1, STAY ON THE PHONE until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. (8/19). YOUR TREES ARE ASSETS! Maintain and even increase property value by taking care of your trees! Tree Tamers, Inc. provides professional tree care services including pruning, planting, removals, treehealth management and more. Fully insured and licensed. Call for your FREE estimate. Learn more at or call us at 209-3916. (9/9/50) YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY! We are excited to introduce the Red Bucket Drop for the Gunnison Country Food Pantry. Place any nonperishable food items in the red buckets around Gunnison! YOUR DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Spot the buckets at Safeway and City Market, more locations coming soon. Questions? 970-641-4156. (8/19). PADRES, por favor eduquen a sus hijos como y cuando usar correctamente el 9-1-1. (8/19). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (8/19/43). CHILDREN DESERVE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HIGH-QUALITY EDUCATION that promotes school readiness, regardless of their family situation. For a list of local licensed providers, stop by the Family Services Building and pick one up from the Early Childhood Council or call 6417913. (8/19). LOST ANIMAL: If you lose your animal please contact Neighborhood Service at 6418242 or Gunnison Dispatch at 641-8000 with a full description of your animal and a way to contact you. (8/19). FOR SALE: Child’s Black Carhart Jacket - Size Small (would fit a 46 year old child). Fully lined, almost new. $25. 970-349-6611. (8/26). WIC: your source for good family nutrition. If you are pregnant, breast feeding or have an infant under the age of five, you may be eligible for the WIC program. WIC participants receive nutrition education designed to enhance their understanding of the relationship between good nutrition and health. WIC provides specific foods to help each WIC client improve their diet. For more info, contact Gunnison County Public Health 641-0209. (8/19). Wedding Registry Ashley Peterson & Kyle Hinn September 5, 2015 Hope & Glory 147 N Main Street Gunnison CO 641-1638 (8/19/18) REDUCED $200! BEAUTIFUL TURQUOISE BRACELET Renowned Artist TOMMY MOORE! Single Cluster Row Blue/Black Stones accent the Solid Sterling Silver Bracelet! Selling $200.00 for this Handmade 1 Of A Kind Masterpiece! 970-209-5594 (8/26). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (8/19/11). FOR SALE: SNAPPER 522 SNOWBLOWER with 5.0 hp Tecumseh motor and 22-inch blade. Serviced last year and ran great till tenant ran over plastic flower pot and ruined the belts. Needs belts, or engine is worth $50 for mini-bike or other project. I’ll take the first offer of $30. Bring help to come and load it! 275-1114. (8/19). GUNNISON MUD RUNS Saturday, Aug. 22nd at 5PM at the Gunnison County Fair Grounds. Entry Fee $50. Featured Events: Tough Trucks and Single Pit Mud Race. Purchase tickets at Gunnison Muffler and Pipe, Adults (13 yrs and up) $10 Children (6 yrs - 12 yrs) $6 Kids (under 5) Free (8/19) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. (8/19). ARTISTS WANTED! The Paragon Local Artist Co-op is looking for new guest artists to show and sell in the gallery! You can visit to download an application. Call the gallery at 349-6484 or stop by 132 Elk Ave in Crested Butte for more information. (8/19). 9-1-1 IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY. Dial 641-8000 for nonemergent situations. (8/19). THE GUNNISON HINSDALE EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL HAS CREATED AN EARLY CHILDHOOD RESOURCE DIRECTORY AVAILABLE ONLINE! “Working together for the Children in our Community. 641-7913 (8/19). RECYCLE APPLIANCES AT THE GUNNISON COUNTY LANDFILL, NOT THE RECYCLE CENTER. The Landfill is open Mon.Fri., 8am-4pm & Sat. 10am-2pm. For info call 641-5522, go to for pricing. (8/19). LAS CARIES INFANTILES son 5 veces más comunes que el asma y 7 veces más comunes que la alergia al polen. Hable con su dentista. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. ECC 641-7913; (en español: 6417999). (8/19). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 9 O C , n o s i n n u g 28th annual W O H S R CA - IN / 5-9 PM CRUISE MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN GUNNISON* FREE CONCERT! 6-9 PM DOCTOR ROBERT MUSIC OF THE BEATLES *IN CASE OF RAIN: SHOW AT JORGENSEN COVERED RINK AUG 22 CAR SHOW / 8AM-3PM JORGENSEN PARK $1000 IN CASH DRAWINGS! INCLUDING $500 AT 3PM! MEET KEITH MARTIN SUNDAY AUG 21 SATURDAY FRIDAY Beckett Tyrer AUG 23 BREAKFAST RUN TO CRESTED BUTTE STAR OF “WHAT’S MY CAR WORTH” ON VELOCITY LEAVE WALMART AT 7:30 AM POKER RUN / DRAWING FOR $100 CASH MUD RUNS & TOUGH TRUCKS EVENING AT FAIRGROUNDS REGISTER ONLINE AT GUNNISONCARCLUB.COM SUPERCHARGERS: Tom & Therese Moncrief TURBO CHARGERS: Jim Schmidt, National Parts Depot & Jim Volker, Whiting Petroleum SUPER SPONSORS: Auto Corral, Buff ’s Collision, Camp 4 Coffee, Carquest Auto Parts, City of Gunnison, Comfort Inn, EconoLodge, GR8 Memories, Gunny Lube, High Mountain Liquor & Squeeky Kleen Auto Wash, Holiday Inn Express, Island Acres Resort, Plotts Mini Storage, Plumbline Mechanical Inc, Precision Automotive, Scenic River Tours, The Shopper MAJOR SPONSORS: Alamo Saloon, Charles A. Peterson SRA, Colorado Adventure Rentals, Crested Butte News, Days Inn & Suites, Garlic Mike’s Italian Cuisine, Gene Taylors Sporting Goods, Gunnison Country Collision, Gunnison Country Times, Gunnisack, Gunnison Glass, Gunnison Liquors, Gunnison Muffler & Pipe, Gunnison Savings & Loan, H & H Towing, J C Auto Repair, John Roberts Motorworks, Kevin Tutor Construction, Mario’s Pizza & Pasta, Mark & Mary Greenberg, McDonalds, Mesa RV Resort, NAPA Auto Parts, Ol’ Miners Steakhouse, Palisades Restaurant, Powerstop, Quality Inn, ReMax, RoShamBo, Rock Auto, Shondeck Financial, Sign Guys & Gal, Standard Tire, The Edge 98.3,, Teocalli Tamale, The Blue Mesa Grill, The Bookworm, The Gunnison Bank, The Inn at Tomichi Village, The Seasons Inn, Three Rivers Resort, The Twisted Fork, Tomichi Cycles, Walmart, Water Wheel Inn, Wet Grocer gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 10 gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 Welcome to the 28th Annual page 11 C A R S H O W Q UA L I T Y F U L L SERVICE COL LISION CENTE R! Cool off with ice cream At Our snack bar! A Little “Pizza” Heaven Since 1965 W E L C O M E TO T H E C A R S H OW ! Certified Service • Genuine GM Parts Full Service Collision Center (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 Service 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison Certified Genuine GM Parts Collision Center Welcome Car Show! Voted People’s Choice For 1000 North Main Street, Ste 1, Gunnison BEST RESTAURANT, BEST PIZZA BEST SANDWICH & BEST SALAD! Celebrating 50 Years!!! GUNNISON MUD RUNS 213 W. TOMICHI, GUNNISON, 970.641.1374 Saturday, August 22nd - Starts 5 pm At Gunnison County Fair Grounds Featured Events: Tough Trucks & Single Pit Mud Run HOUSE OF GOOD SPIRITS WELCOME TO GUNNISON’S CAR SHOW ! GREAT IN-STORE SPECIALS FREE ICE with purchase of $5.00 or more GUNNISON LIQUOR STORE 603 West Tomichi 641-1717 Tickets At Gunnison Muffler & Pipe - 970-641-6007 Welcome to the Gunnison Car Show. While you're here, call for a showing of this Hundred Year Old Classic! APOGEE BROKERS 223 North Iowa 641-8844 Joan Wenman Broker/owner Merideth McLain Broker Associate 541 Grasshopper Road - Pitkin, CO Community Brokers Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte RETIREMENT PLANNING. INVESTMENTS. WEALTH SOLUTIONS. (970)641-1188 Thank you Mike Callihan and your Board & Members for bringing this great Car Show to the Gunnison Valley for the past 28 years! 131 North Main, Gunnison Bill Matthews Financial Advisor Accredited Asset Management Specialist® GUNNISON CRESTED BUTTE 114 N. Boulevard Suite 105 116 Sixth Street Suite 201 641.0400 349.1121 Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC 401 N. Main Classic Bungalow style home. Features 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, hardwood floors, wood trim, doors & windows along with a butler pantry & extraordinary built in cabinets. Beautiful patios & landscaping. The generous rooms offer an opportunity for family and/or business use. Lots of character and charm! $455,000 Call Erich (970) 596-0848 or Text To: 67299 Message: 2672910 PRICE REDUCED ONLY $164,500 TO $275,000 for this beautiful 2 bedroom, for this 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with 2 lots! 2 bath log home on 10 acres! Fully furnished A perfect summer get away and only minutes even including the linens. This cabin is from the Lake Fork Marina. Roomy, open capable of sleeping 8 people comfortably. floor plan, new exterior paint and huge It even has a garage for your toys! covered deck! Check out our website for more great building sites and mountain properties! gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 12 Join us for Cool Cars in the Cool Mountains. 28th Annual Car Show, August 21 - 23, 2015 Great Cars, Prizes, Music, and Food KEITH MARTIN, Friday, August 21 STAR of WHAT’S MY CAR WORTH FRIDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN Main Street, Gunnison Gals grab your guys and plan to scream and shout to the music of the Beatles through the mindful sound of Doctor Robert. Relive the 60's with good music, cool cars, shopping, and great food on the downtown streets of Gunnison. It will be a blast! LIVE MUSIC Doctor Robert Doctor Robert redefines the concept of a Beatles tribute band, playing extended sets of music ranging from “Please Please Me” to “Abbey Road” with no two set lists ever being the same. The Gunnison Car Club has unanimously selected TV personality and author, Keith Martin. Keith Martin has been involved with the collector car hobby for more than forty years. As a writer, publisher, television commentator and enthusiast, he is constantly on the go, meeting collectors and getting involved in their activities throughout the world. TV Personality Keith Martin will Receive the Prestigious Iacocca Award Saturday, August 22 OPEN CAR SHOW 8am - 3pm Jorgensen Park, Gunnison Open car show, youth division, activities, fun, food, & be-boppin' music in the cool mountain air. Car Show, Iacocca Award, Poker Run (directly after the show). For car show information, please call (970) 641-2249. Sunday, August 23 Breakfast Cruise Caravan leaves at 8am for Elk Avenue, Crested Butte Cruise up to scenic and historic Crested Butte, then stay to check out the cars, surrounding mountains, eat breakfast, and go shopping. Ye Darn Gp... Food!!ood H A P PY H O U R S U N DA Y - W E D N E S D AY N I GH T S 5 - 6P M AMAZING R $ 7. 5 0 S U P ERS I Z ED P I NTS OF TO P - S H ELF INNE NIGHTLY D S FRESH LIME MARGARITAS SPECIAL C o m e Tr y C r e s t e d B u t t e ’ s B e s t lads Summer Sa D e s s e r t . . . F r e s h Pe a c h C o b b l e r wi t h H o m e m ad e Ic e C r ea m 349-6674 • OPEN AT 5 4TH AND ELK, DOWNTOWN CRESTED BUTTE Go To our Website for Nightly Deals, Full Menu, Gift Certificates and the CantinaCam Conveniently Located Next to WELCOME TO GUNNISON! Dine In Wit h Us! F o r C a r r y o u t o r D e l i v e r y 9 7 0 - 6 4 1 - 3 74 7 ( li m i t e d de li v e r y a r e a ) L u n c h Bu f f e t M-F 11:30 am – 1: 30 pm 8 0 0 W. T o m i c h i ( H w y 5 0 ) , G u n n i s o n , C O 8 1 2 3 0 O r d e r o n l i n e at w w w. p i z z a h u t. c o m CITY MARKET At 810 N. Main 641-4094 WELCOME CAR SHOW ENTHUSIASTS HAVE A GREAT TIME IN GUNNISON! Sunday Hours 10 - 9 Our locals tell us we have great prices, friendly service and the COLDEST BEER in town! gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 FOR SALE: 2014 Specialized Enduro mountain bike, large, black, XO. $2100. 970-275-6471 (8/19). FOR SALE: Women’s down, primaloft and wool clothing: Smartwool boiled wool brown jacket, size medium, zip up, lightly worn. $20. Black wool Icebreaker hoodie, lightly worn, too small. $20. Dynafit primaloft vest, light blue (waterfall.) never worn, still has tags. $35 medium orange Montbell down vest. lightly worn. $25. 349-1321 (8/19). FOR SALE: Vintage wood skis, bamboo poles. A variety to choose from. Children and adult. $60-150. 970-349-1601 or 970799-1818 (8/19). FOR SALE: AIRE 143R RAFT w/ 5 bay multi day frame, old cooler, drop bags and floor, oars, pins & clips. Raft holds air but needs some TLC. $1350 obo. 408-821-9637 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2014 Specialized Enduro Large, XO, Black. $2100. 970-275-6471 (8/19). FOR SALE: used Titleist Pro VI golf balls in good shape, $12 per dozen; used Callaway golf balls in good shape, $6 per dozen; box of 100 used variety mix golf balls $20. Call 641-4854. (8/19). FOR SALE: Brand-new, Men’s 19” black townie bicycle. The brand is Sun Bicycles Revolutions for the Planet. Worth $300, but asking $225. Please call Jenny at 970361-1081. (8/26). FOR SALE: 7mm rem. mag modle 700 $400. Thompson center arms 54 cal. scout black power $350. 970-209-8303 (8/26). FOR SALE: 125ft. x 9mm climbing rope. Excellent condition. No frays, nicks, falls. Includes a LOT of web slings caribiners, etc. $50. 349-5190. (8/19). FOR SALE: Subaru Cargo Net black net for rear of car, perfect for holding sports equipment, groceries, etc. Like new. Retails for $40, yours for $15. 970-3496611. (8/26). BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (8/19). MSR FUEL BOTTLES: $5, 3495190. (8/19). GOLF CLUBS: set of Callaway X18, bag, putter, driver, 2 rescue clubs and 56deg. wedge, $150. 970-707-4025. (8/19). FOR SALE: 24 FOOT LAYTON CAMP TRAILER in good shape but does need a new door and water heater and good cleaning but is sound has no water damage. $900 OBO 970-209-1179 FOR SALE: PISTOL, SIG SAUER MOSQUITO 22LR, camo finish, two 10-round mags, cablelok, like new cause it is new (!), $300. 641-2318 (8/26). FOR SALE: TREK 420 from 85. Needs some work, as is $150. 970-596-8813 (8/19). FOR SALE: 12’ TRAMPOLINE, no tears in fabric, has heavy duty pipe frame, but does not have a net. Asking $250 OBO 970-2091179 (8/26). FOR SALE: Waders size 12 boat foot felt, breathable, no leaks $50. 970-319-4312 (8/19). 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 6419518. (8/19). FOR SALE: Sickle 2000# tandem dually flat bed trailer with electric brake $5,700. 641-1662 or 2096041 (8/19). FOR SALE: CZ 20ga. side by side double triggers, $600. 2092449. (8/19). CANOE FOR SALE: 15ft. Aluminum Smoker Craft. Made in Paris, Indiana $200. 970-2754690 (8/19). FOR Down NEW. 6471 SALE: 2015 Giant Glory Hill Mountain Bike. BRAND Medium. $2500. 970-275(8/19). FOR SALE: 8x8 flat bed trailer, metal frame and wood surface, for ATVs or snowmobiles, steel ramp, light hook up, good condition, currently plated $650 or OBO 214-549-7170 (8/26). FOR SALE: 12’ ZODIAC RAFT, 10HP Honda 4stroke outboard motor, oar frame and oars, fish finder, and trailer storage dolly. $600. 970-641-3797 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2 complete crossbow set ups scope 20 arrows $550 takes both. 970-209-8303 (8/26). FOR SALE: Small 2013 Giant Glory Downhill mountain bike. Boxxer R2C2. Fox DHX RC2. $1900. 970-275-6471. (8/19). FOR SALE: Raichle All Degree Gore-Tex hiking boots, women’s 6/6.5, in box, $40. 349-5190. (8/19). FOR SALE: Fox fork 26” 150 RLC. FIT. 15mm TA. Tapered. Like new. In CB $150 OBO 970-2096861 (8/26). FOR SALE: slide in camper, 6414836. (8/19). Beautiful, Sunny Home North of Gunnison! Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows - passive solar all day in winter, shade in summer, open beams and vaulted ceilings, new hardwood floors, tile and carpet. Room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. NEW PELLET STOVE - NEW HOT TUB. REDUCED TO $359,000. See at 270 County Road 8. Call Cathie to see at (970) 641-0511 241 N. Main - (8/26). NEVER WORN: new women 39.5 Lake nice cleated mountain bike shoes with Shimano cleat. black with some yellow stripe. $45. 970-596-4972. (8/19). SURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970-964-7488. (8/19). page 13 FOR SALE: Downhill bike 2014 Norco Aurum 2. Size M. Like new, 2-3 rides. In CB $1800 obo 970209-6861 (8/26). BIG AGNES WOLVERINE KIDS SLEEPING BAG: 59” with pad, very good cond. $49. 349-0143. (8/19). FOR SALE: WOLF PACKS DOG PACK, Size large, purple. Great condition, $35. Call 970-6421279. (8/26). FOR SALE: Salomon Rocker 2 108 Skis 181cm. Guardian AT bindings, great condition, $475, 349-6242 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2000 Innsbruck travel trailer. 30ft., central heat & air, fridge/freezer, gas stove. microwave, bathroom has tub & shower, bedroom has closets & lots of storage space. Music system. Located in Gunnison. $5500. 409-201-2955. (8/19). FOR SALE: FISHING GEAR: Cabela’s brown foot waders, New with tags, Small Men’s $30. Hodgman Felt Sole Replacement Kit New,$10, Pro-line Wading Shoes, New in box, Size 8 men’s. $30, Fishing Net $5, Call 2099401 (8/26). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. (8/19). TWO SEA KAYAKS: handmade cedar strip wrapped w/fiberglass, furniture quality construction, $1000 each. Tough enough for Alaska; other equipment available as well. 970-964-7488. (8/19). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (8/19). ‘03 KONA STINKY 9 MTB. Marzocchi 888 fork recently serviced. Many upgrades. $800 obo. DH pads included. 408-821-9637 (8/19). FOR SALE: BAUER EP300 elbow pads. New. $8; 1 pair Jumar ascenders for climbing. $20; RCBS Model 5-10 Reloading scale. Weighs in grams. $20. 349-5190. (8/19). FOR SALE: Crazy Creek Power Lounger camp seat/cushion. $8. 349-5190. (8/19). FOR SALE: Tagalong Kid’s Bike Wee Ride Co-Pilot in great shape! Attaches to an adult bike and trails behind. For children up to 75 lbs. Retails for $90 - yours for $25. 970-349-6611. (8/26). FOR SALE: Ruger 10/22 Rifle, stainless, with Simmons 22 Mag 4x32 scope, 2 magazines and a sling. $209. firm. Excellent condition. In Pitkin. 641-8975 (8/26). BIKE FOR SALE: Small Specialized Carve Comp. Hardtail 29. Call for details: 720-9823076 (8/19). would like to acknowledge those individuals that bring positivity to our community. TREATING OTHERS WITH KINDNESS & COMPASSION FOR SALE: BLUE RALEIGH 26’ front suspension Mountain Bike for $75 obo, Blue Genesis V2900 29’ full suspension Mountain Bike for $75 obo, Black & Decker Mini Fridge for $50 OBO 307-6795300 (8/26). LIVING ONES LIFE’S WITH PURPOSE KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. BEING ETHICAL AND TRUTHFUL (8/19). BEING HUMBLE AND UNDERSTANDING BEING OF SERVICE TO OTHERS BEING A STEWARD OF THE PLANET Share with us your “hero”, by emailing FOR SALE: RUGER MINI 14, wood stock, blued, stock 5 rd clip, excellent shape, $625; Ruger GP100 .357, 4” ss, Hogue grip, like new in the box and a holster, $550. 944-0266 (8/19). Send your free submission of the name and story of the person(s) making a difference in Gunnison County. If you have a photo - send it along. SALOMON Q105 skis 181cm, brand new, $375, 349-6242. We’ll acknowledge these people in our POSITIVE LIVING ACTING THINKING space. (8/19). TRUCK CAMPER FOR SALE: 2005 Palomino Bronco 1251 SB. Short or long bed. Pop up. Fully loaded. Stove, 3way fridge, hot water, sink, shower, awning, bathroom, heat, AC! Queen bed w/ memory foam top. Dinette turns into small bed. Outside shower. New battery, full propane tank. LED lights. Stable lift (super cool, look it up) In CB $6500 970-2096861 (8/26). FOR SALE: JAMIS MEN’S CRUISER $150, nice townie with baskets, in great shape with good tires. No kickstand. 970-5968813 (8/19). MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: TREK 2011 FUEL EX-8. /searchlistingdetail.aspx?id=226 96 Excellent condition $800 call or text 970-343-2621 (8/26). INFLATABLE KAYAK: Tributary Tomcat Solo with 2 seats & oars, new bladder, self bailing, $400. 642-1279. (8/19). FOR SALE: 16x6.5 tandem axle trailer $1000, also 8x8 Triton aluminum 2 snowmobile trailer $500. Call 641-4818 after 5pm. (8/19). FOR SALE: SEA EAGLE INFLATABLE KAYAK, 2 person, trolling motor, paddles, seats, 1 life vest, foot pump, carry bag. Good condition, $200. Lake City, 944-0303. (8/26). FOR SALE: COLEMAN PLUG IN COOLER model 5640 $50 4 seat folding camp table $25 5G self venting gas can $5. 970-2091943 (8/19). FOR SALE: Camping Gaz fuel canisters for a Camping Gaz Bluet Stove. Size/model: CV 206 super. $5 each. 349-6611. (8/26). FOR SALE: Single hiking/trekking pole. Adjustable length. $7; large Nautica golf umbrella. $7. 349-5190. (8/19). ENJOY SUMMER FUN! 15’ fiberglass canoe; older but in great shape and big enough for family! comes with 2 newer t-paddles; $175. ALSO, nice Precision Dancer 13’ kayak with 2 ballast bags; skirt and helmet $125; w/Prijon kayak paddle $200. 970232-8272 (8/26). FOR SALE: YAKIMA roof rack cross bar. With bike attachments. Near new. $20. 349-5190. (8/19). AIRE PUMA RAFT FOR SALE: Early model Puma with foam floor, great for standingto fish, 11 Ft. 6 in., in good condition. Frame with oar locks, 2- 8 ft. Carlisle oars with oar rights, 3 paddles, double action pump and battery pump. Straps, dry bag and rescue rope. $2,000 obo. A must see! Call 970-275-2017. (8/19). FOR SALE: 10’ J.W. Outfitters Kick Boat Nice Frame and Gear Bags, Oars and Anchor Sys. $400. 970-641-3797 (8/19). FOR SALE: Rock Shox monarch 3.3 rear shock for sale. rebuilt. $25. 349-1321 (8/26). FOR SALE: ITALIAN NATIONAL SKIMO one piece speed suit size mens med. excellent condition $100 349-6242 (8/19). FOR SALE: MARLIN CENTENNIAL limited production 22 caliber rifle. Good shape, semi-auto $150 970-641-5297 or 970-4171898 (8/26). ONLY $50.00! GET READY FOR SNOW! LADIES K2 One Love 146 cm Skis Marker Mod 11.0 Bindings These were almost $1,000.00 New! Please call 970209-5594 Today! (8/19). FOR SALE: 2013 Specialized Enduro Expert Carbon smal mountain bike. Rockshox Pike $3100. 970-275-6471. (8/19). FOR SALE: Never Summer long board. $125. 970-596-8813 (8/19). FOR SALE: Women’s bicycle 1973 Raleigh classic in VG condition. $250 OBO. 970-349-1601 or 970-799-1818 (8/19). SCHWALBE ROCKET RON MOUNTAIN BIKE TIRE: 605g 29x2.25”, $45. New in box. 3490143. (8/19). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M Good cond., everything works New tires & rear deraileur. $75 970-964-7488. (8/19 nd gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 14 F EFEA ATTURED U R E D PROPER P R O P ETRYT Y FEATURED PROPERTY THE MARKET I S M OV I N G R E A L E S T A T E S T I L L H O T, DON’T BE LEFT OUT ! RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE RESULTS SERVICE • RESUL LTTS HAVE IT ALL! Off-grid living, but still only 13 miles from town. Bordered on 2 sides by BLM, this 71+ acre property at 44631 Lick Creek Ln offers a fixer-upper Quonset hut style home with full power system, greenhouse, well, & solar panels. Excellent views. Gold Basin High Country Ranch off CR 38/Gold Basin Rd; $137,000 ING LIST NEW CATHIE ATHIE ELLLIOTT LIOTT Broker/Owner/G.R.I (970) 641-0511 23 Sage Lane $85,750 MLS 39481 9 Willow Lane $95,900 MLS 38589 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL T RAC ONT ER C UND 413 N. Taylor St. $195,000 MLS 39264 ING LIST NEW 315 N. 12th St. $224,900 MLS 39583 ALMONT $ OHIO CITY $ GUNNISON $ PITKIN $ TAYLOR CANYON $ VULCAN NESBIT T & COMPANY, LLC Bill Nesbitt 970-641-2235 Lucinda Lull 104 E. Tomichi Ave• ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share 3bd house with 2 adult females. No pets. Large room/closet and storage. Quiet location near VanTuyl trail. $500 +internet/electric. Text 540-7982324 for info/pictures. (8/19). ISO: room to rent, or roommate to look for 2 bedroom housing Sept-May. Easy going 20 year old female. Call or text 720-301-2973 (8/19). WANTED: 23 Y/O Female and small dog ISO a one bedroom/studio in Gunnison. Both very quiet, clean and responsible. Call 760258-5414. (8/26). WANTED: 18 y/o Female looking for roommate in Mountaineer Village. Move in end of September. Please Text 913-7489589 (8/26). ISO: 23-year-old female, looking for room to rent in Gunnison area. No pets. References available. $350-$500 preferred. Contact Anna 970-443-8732 (8/19). WANTED: Female roommate. House is across from campus. No pets. Must be clean and responsible. Rent is $400 a month plus utilities. Text or Call Abby 303908-7992 (8/26). ISO HOUSING: Gunnison couple looking for housing. We are seven year residents with steady employment, solid references, and two older dogs. House preferable, but we will settle for a room. If you can help, please call 970615-0845 (8/19). WANTED: 25-year-old young professional female seeking housing in Gunnison starting 9/1. $450/month or less. Non-smoker, no pets, very clean. Willing to sign lease. Local references available. Call Katy at 480-433-7464. (8/19) LOOKING FOR MATURE, responsible female to rent room in very nice home in center of Gunnison. Room furnished (if want) & have own bathroom, share kitchen - close to everything! NO pets, or smokers; $575/mo (includes utilities) Call 970-232-8272 (8/26). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (8/19/46). JOSH OSH TOWNSEND OWNSEND AUDRIE UDRIE TO OWNSEND WNSEND (970) 209-4479 (970) 209-6208 Broker Associate Broker Associate CLARKE LARKE AGENCY GENCY REEAL AL ESTATE STATE 241 N. Main St. Gunnison, CO 81230 641 0511 Office: (970) 641-0511 Find out what your home is worth in today’s market Approved location for retail & growing marijuana. 4,720 sq ft industrial building and 2 vacant lots. $539,000 881 W. Bidwell Call Kris 970-209-6422 28288 Hwy 149; $375,000 4 RENTAL UNITS for investment income OR 3 bdrm/2 bath home with 3 rental units to pay the mortgage. Includes garage, workshop, coin-op laundry, & fenced yard too. 700/706 W. Ruby; $385,000 ON COCHETOPA STREAM in Saguache County, about 25 minutes from Gunnison. This nearly 4,000sf home includes over 4,000sf of heated garage space, all on 40 acres A STREAM RUNS THROUGH IT: Steuben Creek meanders alongside this log cabin with year-round access & bordering public lands. Fish on your own property, too! Includes fenced grazing pasture & water rights; 4066 Hwy utilities at 1181 CR 20 for $280,000. 1.24 acres, trees, 1376sf, 2 bdrm/1 bath, 2 relaxing decks, large weatherport, 114; $950,000 2 sheds, 2 car garage, metal roof. CLOSE TO THE GOLF COURSE, FISHING, & HIKING: This 2371sf Tomichi Condo features 3 bdrm/3 bath, 2 car MAIN STREET PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/business garage with storage, top-notch condition, granite counters, location at 416 N. Main for $399,900. This home can be new deck, trees, patio…all in move-in ready condition; 18 used as office space, residential or duplex. Includes hardwood floors, unique arched interior doorways, trees, off Wild Goose Ln; $382,250. street parking, & 2 car garage. BUILDING SITE on the golf course, includes house plans & HOME ON THE TAYLOR RIVER, private location between golf course membership. One third acre lot at 851 Fairway Hwy 135 & the Taylor River, trees, 18 acres bordering public Ln for $95,000. Call Cathie for details. lands, views, 2 car attached & heated garage; 10300 Hwy 135; $989,000 HOME FOR SALE: North of Gunnison, super location, 2000 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 full baths, 2 garages. $395,000. 1257 Seneca Dr. 641-4834, info: (8/19/pd/27). 1BED, 1BATH (CAN BE 2 BEDROOM) MOBILE HOME IN ALMONT behind Three Rivers Resort. New furnace, fridge, water heater and more. Lot fee $240 monthly includes water, sewer, trash, snow removal, 1 dog, 1 cat, no kids. Listed @ $35,000, negotiable to under $30,000. Contact, leave message 970-710-0060 (8/19/pd/49). FOR RENT: 2 bd/1 bath Dos Rios Condo overlooking pond and 4th green. Clean, quite, open and airy. $800/month 970-349-1279 (8/19/pd/22). FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (8/19/18). SUNNY COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE: Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows passive solar all day, open beams and vaulted ceilings, recent hardwood floors, tile and carpet. NEW HOT TUB AND PELLET STOVE. No covenants, room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. Much more! PRICE JUST REDUCED AGAIN TO $359,000! 270 County Road 8, Gunnison, CO. 8.html Or call Cathie at The Clarke Agency - 970-641-0511. GUNNISON HOUSE FOR RENT Available 8/30/15 - 2,000sq.ft. on 2 acres, Hartman Rocks. 3bd,/2ba. $1,800 rent + $1,800 deposit. No smokers, no pets, good credit and stable employment required. 1 year lease. #720-300-7500. (8/26/pd/32). Apartments For Rent Palisades Apartments Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing DUPLEX WITH EXCELLENT RENTAL HISTORY at 404/406 S. 11th for $119,900. Each side is 2 bdrm/1 bath, 525sf with fenced yard, & convenient in-town location. Live in one side for free & rent the other! INVESTMENT BUY OF THE WEEK: Downtown office building/complex at 137 W. Tomichi includes 3 apartments & 2 offices. Upstairs apartments can be converted to more office space. One of the street level offices can be converted/divided into multiple retail or office spaces. Right on Hwy 50! $398,000 BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT RESORT overlooking Blue Mesa Lake includes home on 36 acres, 6 modern & furnished cabins, RV sites with excellent views. Easy for two people to own & manage; 940 Cove Rd; $575,000 PRICE REDUCED to $85,000 on this commercially zoned corner lot by campus at 100 N. Teller. Presently used as a miniature golf course. Close to the visitor center, motel, & apartments. MULTI-FAMILY ZONED building site at S. 12th & W. Gunnison for $92,000. Convenient in-town location with trees & 6250sf level building site. 2 FENCED COMMERCIAL lots just off Hwy 50 & S. 11th for $110,000 Visit other realtor listings at: www LAND FOR SALE: 35 Acres 5 miles west of Gunnison by Neversink and Blue Mesa. Great views, great solar potential, private and quiet. Small spring on property. Mitigated for Sage Grouse, etc. $59,000, will consider owner financing. Call Cathie at The Clarke Agency. 970-6410511 (8/19). FOR RENT: 3b/1.5b available September 1st. $1000 per month plus utilities. $1000 deposit. NO PETS. Call 970-209-8301 (8/19/18). SNOW BIRDS HOT DEAL: 10 acres Arizona, located at exit 20 Interstate 40. Views, septic, etc. Quite. For Sale or lease 970-2090142 (8/26/pd/22). FOR RENT: Interviewing for lease of a 2 bedroom house. Quite, clean, no smoking, ABSOLUTELY NO PETS. References required, 1st, last and damage 970-6413916 (8/19/pd/24). 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT: $475 plus utilities. Nice, rustic wood trim. carport, fenced yard. Creek front. 6 minutes east of Gunnison. Pet ok with approval. 401-316-9147. (8/19/25). HOUSE FOR RENT. 3bed 2bath, fireplace, w/d, fenced yard. No smokers. 309 N. Iowa. (For sale but taking off market) 970-2756711 (8/19/pd/22). (8/19). GUNNISONHOMEVALUES.COM N E W NEW L I ST I N G TING: LIS LISTING: 3 bdrm/2 bath home with FOR 4th room NICELY NICEL Y CARED HOME with new pellet stove & hot tub, for an office/den/bdrm. Corner lot, large deck, plenty of windows off nicely landscaped, shed, new roofoff the sunroom, trees, fenced yard, no NEW LISTING: Country home & paint, excellent covenantscondition, or HOA dues, d easy1 acre, just3 20 minutes from Gunnison on 48 acres. No homeowner’s access tobdrm/2 publicbath, lands, move-in 3 car garage, central association or covenants. This chicken metal roof, ready; 897sound, Antelope Rd; house, $238,000. 3232sf home features numerous superb views, oak hardwood floors, outbuildings, fenced & gated Take anlarge online virtual tour at access, utility/mud room; 270 CR 8; 2 car garage plus carport, 3 bdrm/3 bath, & home office; $359,000 LIGHT, BRIGHT, CLEAN 4-bed, 2-bath duplex for RENT. Across from Redmond HS. MUST SEE $1350/mo. Call Paula: 970-5967966 (8/19/pd/19). FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment adjacent to Western, quiet scene. N/P, N/S, year lease, references required. $500/month, utilities included.please text 970596-0176. (8/26/24). 7 WILLOW LANE LOT FOR SALE CHEAP, .21 acres, taps paid, $0 down w/pymts of $350/mo, or $25k cash. 10 year or newer mobile or modular allowed/own for cheaper than rent! 209-5308 (8/19/35). FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (8/19/18). FOR RENT: 1bd/1 bath apartment $475/month with $300 deposit. 2 miles North HWY 135. 970-596-7033 (8/26/pd/17). FOR RENT: Ski In/Ski Out Mt. Crested Butte Condo. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, fully furnished with parking, washer/dryer and fireplace. Available September - May. $1000/month plus electricity. Call 404-509-0397 (8/19/31). BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice commercial space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (8/19/13). Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 commercial realestate (8/19/35 RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE: 3400sf, ADA bathrooms, parking, landscaping, restaurant infrastructure. Located on N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-596-9999 (8/19/25). COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. (8/19/6). PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. Located on Camino Del Rio, near golf course. 1200 sf including reception area, 4 offices and bathroom. Quite location with large parking lot. $1000 per month triple net. 970641-2218 (8/19/pd/34). Gunnison Airport. Nellie 500 E. Virginia Enclosed with Gray Beautifully remodeled chain-link fence. Condo, 2 Bed/1 Bath with Small shed on Lake City hardwood floors, property. $150,000 Nice updated kitchen and a Call Tom upstairs bright sunny living room. Located 0 across end unit from a views City Park ail $249,900 with fantastic of and close to downtown. Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 2808237) Lake San Cristobal and the 611 W . Elizabeth 794 Sioux Rd San Juan mountains. Open Ave Floor plan, gas fireplace, Great family home within distance of 2 walking Bed/2 Bath. schools. Features Com muni ty Brok ers $194,900 Call3 Bed/2.5 Bath, two sunrooms, two Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte Erich wood (Text stoves,To: oversized 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 67299 fencedMessage: yard, attached & Call Now! (970)641-1188 detached 2765322) garages. $389,000 Call Erich (Text To: 67299 2919084) 8506 CR 76, Message Ohio City Wonderful 3 Bed/3 Bath Lindall Cedar home on 3+ acres in Wilderness Streams. Big, unobstructed views of Castle Creek & The Castles. Fishing, horseback riding, more! $595,000 Call Tom (Text To: 67299 Message: 2391998) Gold Creek! Lakeside Resort overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir!On 2 Bed/1 Bath Mobile HomeMassive (no land). $17,500 Call Erich (Text To: 67299 Message: 2392076) 687 West Elk Ridge 35 Acres just north of Gunnison.logs Buried& utilities & a shared well is inframe place. $150,000 Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 2686260) huge timbers 1 Acre parcel on both sides of Gold Creek near Ohio City. Ideal3building site.Bath Bordershome, public land. $84,500 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 2864950) this Bed/3 both historic & beautiful. SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: w w w. g un n i s o n f o r sa l e . c o m Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Enjoy the creek from Tom your back deck Jay& Courtney Miller manicured back yard. 596-2681 209-2864 $470,750 Call Tom Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 TODAY Realty PRICE REDUCED!! Three bedroom, 2 bath, one level home on 38.52 acres south of Gunnison. Enjoy year around “off–the-grid” living with your own active solar and battery system along with propane generator and even a small wind turbine. Wonderful southern exposure for the home and fenced in pasture, private well and septic. Lots of room for horses, 4-H projects, huge gardens, and more. Going “green” is easy with this home and acreage. Price Reduced to of Gunnison, Inc. 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 An exclusive mountain retreat property with expansive views on 10 acres. Off the grid efficiency with all the comforts of home. All furnishings included. Sleeps 15 plus pull out couches. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths! $641,000! CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 5200 CR 887 Prestigious Custom Log Home on apx 20 acres of pristine property adjoined by the huge Double Heart Ranch & BLM with Hot Springs Creek in front of property on Waunita Hot Springs Road! $795,000! 117 Shavano Drive Unit 204A email: BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (8/19/15). FOR SALE OR LEASE: 4 OR 8 industrial fenced lots. In Green Zone. Across from airport, corner of 12th & Rio Grande. 619-7346422. (9/2/pd/22). SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT: 20’x23’ or 460 sq. ft. heated shop space with bathroom and large sink area. Includes overhead door, office entrance, WiFi, water, electric and sewer. $375.00/month. Please call 970641-5626 serious inquires only. lost&found LOST: BLACK AND WHITE TUXEDO KITTY just over 1 year old lost from Pashuta Drive in Upper Castle Mountain. We fear the worst but just incase you have been housing him for the last 3 weeks please call 641-0962 (8/26). LOST: I lost my white pit bull with blue spots on her lower back and legs. She has blue eyes and polka dotted ears. If anyone sees her please let me know. She is my pride and joy!!! 832-294-4854 (8/26). LOST: 2 fly rods/reels on 8-142015 somewhere between Neversink and Crested Butte-one Sage approach 9 ft and one Redington crosswater 7 ft. 214336-4087 (8/26). garagesales MULTI-FAMILY SALE. SAT., AUG. 15, 9 am - 3 pm. Please no early birds. Furniture, clothes, household. All great stuff; some items “free with purchase.” 710 Butte Avenue, in CB. (8/19). PALISADES SENIOR RV PARK YARD SALE: items from all over the USA. New & used, priced to sell. Sat., 8/22, 8am-1pm, 407 North 3rd St., behind Willows Assisted Living (8/19). GARAGE SALE: Tredway Storage, South Boulevard, number 95, 21st &b 22nd, 8am-noon. (8/19). YARD SALE: Saturday, August 15th - 8 (Sharp) till Noon, 506 N 7th St. (8/19). ESTATE SALE: back by popular demand. Sat., Aug. 22 and Sun., Aug. 23. The old Take-A-Way on East Tomichi. 8am start time both days (8/19). GARAGE SALE: Friday, Aug. 21, 9-1pm at 619 N. Pine St. (in the alley) (8/19). 341 Meadowlark Trail Large 4 bdrm home features wrap around deck, granite countertops, quality construction, kitchen island, hickory cabinets & floors, corner lot, 2 car insulated garage, huge bedrooms! $469,000! Cute 2 bedroom top floor condo in a peaceful setting on the Dos Rios Country club. A perfect starter unit, rental investment, or second home for the golfing family. low utilities! $107,000! 175 Monte Vista 289 Fairway Lane Home is in excellent condition & ready to move into! A must to see if you are looking for a super nice 3 br home. Also has wood burner fireplace, covered front deck landscaped yard with mature aspen trees & much, much more! $335,000! Beautiful trees, ponds and miles of walking paths. River Lots Starting @ $120,000! Interior Lots starting @ $80,000! Special Discounts Available. YARD SALE: Sat. August 22 from 9-12 at 220 north blvd #14 lots of misc items like books, toys, nick nacks and some furniture. (8/19). GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 22nd 9am-3pm. New Wiifi enabled color printer/scanner/copier; 10-piece Cook Standard cookware; antique horsehair buggy blanket; artwork by local Colorado artists. 114 7th St., Crested Butte. No early birds, please. (8/19). TWO MOVING SALES: 340 & 340A County Rd 15 (End of Spencer/Behind Middle School). Aug. 22 9am-2pm Furniture, Household Misc., Artwork, Ceramics, Books, Toys, Clothes, Some Free Stuff. (8/19). BOYS CLOTHING & TOYS SALE. Friday 5-8 pm; Saturday 8am-noon. 701 W. Elizabeth St. Hundreds of boys clothing items sizes 5-12; excellent condition many barely worn. (8/19). PALISADE’S SENIOR RV PARK GARAGE SALE: Aug. 22nd, 811AM stuff from all over the country, priced to sell. 470 North 3rd Street. AUGUST 22nd. (8/19). GARAGE/MOVING SALE: St., Aug. 22, 8-10am 1458 Seneca Dr. No earlybirds. Furniture, Yakima, drill press, european table saw, 2015 wrangler streets wheels and tires, over 500 theology books and much more. (8/26). GARAGE/RUMAGE SALE. Collectables, antiques, furniture etc., etc.,etc. there is something here for everyone. Simplifying after years of collecting plus clearing out old house. 108 North Iowa. 8 am Saturday Aug. 22. Be there! (8/19). YARD SALE: 503 N. WISCON- GARAGE SALE: Sat. Aug 22, 7:30AM sharp. 48 Cottonwood Trail. Gunnison. (8/19). side SIN, corner of Gothic. Having to downsize-most things must go. 8AM - 1PM Sat., Aug. 15th. (8/19). YARD SALE - Saturday, August 22nd, 7am. 400 S. Main, west employment GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Bus DriverDistrict. Requires Class B P2S CDL license. Random drug testing and CBI record check. Hours are approximately 7-8:30am and 34:30pm. $12.59 per hour. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/19). HELP WANTED: WIRE FENCE BUILDING. Position still open, please reapply. Pay DOE. Augustmid November (whenever season changes). Full time, M-F, 8-5. 970275-4915. (8/26). BLACKSTOCK BISTRO is now accepting resumes for ALL KITCHEN POSITIONS. Blackstock Bistro, 122 W Tomichi Ave, Gunnison, CO 81230 (8/19). TODDLER TEACHER: TenderfootChild & FamilyDevelopmentCenteris hiring an early childhood professional to work with our toddler program (children aged 1-3 years old). College credits in early childhood or related field and previous experience working with young children required. Part-time position to be filled immediately,. Please call 970-642-1949 or email tfootadmindirector@pcrs.netto apply or for more information. EOE (8/26). OPERATIONS MANAGER POSITION: ALPINE EXPRESS is seeking a person with an operational and managerial background. Previous experience in transportation and logistics is preferred. The successful candidate will need to have or be capable of obtaining a CDL drivers license with a passenger endorsement, good people and communication skills, and the ability to work in a fast paced and changing environment.Full-Time, competitive salary and benefits package with the possibility of career advancement.All applicants are subject to Federal Transit Administration regulations regarding safety sensitive positions. Please send resumes (8/19/89). Furniture, large tarps, lots of stuff! (8 (8/26). Look for signs. 700 Andrew Lane Great building site in quiet neighborhood. All utilities to site plus paved street in great location close to town, airport and Gunnison River. One of the best deals available for a building site in town! $41,000! GREENHOUSE HELPER WANTED. Experience helpful. Over 21 with transportation. Send experience to: alley. 7 miles S. of Gunnison on CR38, this is your chance to own 40 acres close to town. No public utilities but cell phone works from this location. Seasonal creek/spring runs through property. $59,900! Beautiful 2 story home with pond in back plus Gunnison River Fishing Rights! 3 or 4 bedroom with 20x32 master upstairs w/deck & bedroom or Officedown. Home is in the beautiful Dos Rios Subdivision $274,500! GARAGE SALE - SATURDAY 22ND, 8-12 @ 952 Fairway Lane. Large Rug, Comforter, Games, Books, Tools, Electric Guitar, DVDs, Clothes, etc, etc. (8/19). 1313 W. Ohio #22 Beautiful Huge 4 bedroom home very well maintained, very clean and shows just GREAT!! All large rooms throughout plus very large back deck! Lawn area & backs up to pond. $68,900! #4 Illinois Creek @ Co Rd 742 ON THE TAYLOR RIVER ABOVE Taylor Reservoir! Apx 21.1 acres adjoining National Forrest with beautiful log home with the most awesome views in the world! $695,000! Sunny Slope Behind Wal-Mart Excellent neighborhood with all stick built homes. Sites are sold as a package deal with the buyer choosing between a ranch style, 3 or 4 bedroom 2 story home. Only 3 sites left! Corner of Virginia & 7th 4 Units with a great rental history! Each unit consists of huge Kit/Din/Living combo, 1 full bath + hall sink & two nice sized bedrooms consisting of apx. 1016 sq ft living area + a single car garage. $575,000! 420 S. Wisconsin Unit 1 Private fenced yard, landscaped, HotTub, Wood burning stove, wood doors & trim, Custom alder cabinets, custom tile floors in kit & bath. 2 Bedrooms and 2 Baths. $174,900! TODAY REALTY - VACANT LAND Riverwalk Estates (Gunnison River) 40 Acres South of Gunnison (8/19/38). LOST: Big black & white cat, answer to Oero. Had collar on. Last seen at Spruce & Gothic in Gunnison. Any info. please call 970-290-9623 (8/26). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department and the owner is either not known or has not been located. To claim an item listed below please contact the Gunnison Police Department Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Ask for a Neighborhood Services Officer. List is for items received in the last 30 days: 15-1223 Wallet owner Caleb Jackson; 15-1223 Husky tool; 15-1223 Apple I phone; 15-1236Three keys on a silver ring; 15-1237Black LG cell phone; 15-1262Trek mt. bike; 151298 MGX mt. bike; 151314Debit card owner John Hafner; 15-1305Northrock mt. bike; 15 -1327 License plate owner David Tafoya; 15-1334 Visa debit card; 15-1388 Mongoose mt. bike; 15-1423 wallet owner Joshua Baxter; 151428 Huffy town bike (8/19). 100 Wildriver Beautiful townhome on west side with two bedrooms & bath on the main level plus a 3rd b/ r suite with full bath on 2nd level. Small stream in back during summer time. Fully Furnished complete with appliances! $174,500! 712 Main St (Pitkin) Log home in the heart of Pitkin! 20x40 garage/ workshop goes with the property. Master bedroom & bath on main level with 2 bedrooms & full bath upstairs, + office area on 3rd level. $275,000! TODAY REALTY - MULTI-FAMILY/COMMERCIAL 714, 716, & 718 N 11th Search other Gunnison County listings at SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (8/19/17). Wonderful 6.43 Acre Tract overlooking the beautiful Blue Mesa Lake and the Dillon Pinacles! Hunting, fishing,ATVing just minutes away! Enjoy the comfort of this large home! 3 Bed & 2 Baths $189,000! Perfect investment opportunity located by the Gunnison schools. 3, 2 bedroom 1 bath rental homes recently updated and in great condition. Excellant rental history! $355,000! 970 -641-1900 (9/9/pd/31). 905 CR 744 Awesome location up Spring Creek Road just off Taylor Canyon! Live in this home and manage the other three homes! Great private commercial well! Cabins rent for $125/Night $337,000! 12299 W Highway 50 Matt Robbins FOR RENT: SMITH OPERA HOUSE: Unit #207. Private office with shared kitchen and conference rooms, 295 sq. ft. Includes utilities, storage available. Call Steve at 303-818-0709 or email at Nice size home with full basement, 1 car garage, and huge fenced back yard. Located in a great family neighborhood close to the schools, char mar park, tennis courts, and the Van Tuyl trails. $180,000! 73 Columbine Road $199,900. FOR RENT: commercial/light industrial shop available, attached private office, in-floor heat, high ceilings, and garage door into shop. Great location in town. Sign space available. Available September 1st. $850/month 641-2827 evenings. (8/26/33). TODAY REALTY - HOMES 111 Irwin 4 br 2 1/2 bath, 2 living areas with huge barn & outbuildings as an extra including you own chicken coop w/laying hens! Located across the road east of the famous Hartman Rocks Recreation Area $439,000! 89 Fossil View Drive page 15 FULL TIME PIZZA COOK WANTED to operate our Woodstone Pizza oven Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm. Awesome benefits package and open friendly environment. Join the team and enjoy year round employment with weekends off! Call 943-2000 for more information. (8/26). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Substitute Teachers-DISTRICT. Interested individuals must hold a valid teaching license, or a state substitute authorization license Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/19). FULL TIME/PART TIME POSITION: Gunnison Valley Aviation. Line Crew/Fueler- Must be 21, Clean Driving Record, PreEmployment Drug Screening. Duties include parking/towing private Aircraft. Stop by for Application or call 641-0526 (8/26). CASTLE CREEK GUITARS IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for part time employment. Position is Saturdays, Sundays and occasional week days. Please, if you don’t meet the following criteria, refrain from applying, thanks. 1. Must have a working knowledge of musical instruments with an emphasis on stringed instruments. 2. Retail experience. 3. People skills, considerate and polite. 4. Available to consistently work assigned hours. We will be going into full production of the Dobrato this fall, applicant will have the opportunity to be a part of producing this exciting guitar design. Apply in person with resume or contact me through email castlecreekguitars@gmail (9/2/101). TBD W. Gunnison Ave. Located next door to the rodeo grounds you cannot beat this parcel of land! Sized at almost a ¼ of an acre this parcel offers endless possibilities. Priced to Sell! $75,000! Lot 1 Fox Meadows Motivated Seller! @ 3.8 Acres this lot gives you all the room you need + great views! Features great access & a well already in place. Close to all the amenities of town. $99,900! TBD Lucile Place - 1.18 Acre Lots 3 very nice building sites with views located about 1-2 miles south of Almont. Cell Phone works on site + good level bldg sites which require septic & private water well. $75,000 Each! DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. LAVISH/PETITE LAVISH A retail accessory store & baby boutique is looking for part-time sales help. Retail experience preferred. Must be available some weekends and evenings. Management position (with more hours) a possiblity.To start in ASAP! Contact Melanie atinfo@lavishcb.comor stop by234 Elk Ave.with resume & references. (8/26). IMMEDIATE OPENING for VALID CDL TRUCK DRIVER/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR. 970-641-2014. (8/19). WELCOME BACK WSCU STUDENTS & FACULTY! STOP BY FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS! 1000 N. Main 641-3332 gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 16 THE SECRET STASH Pizzeria in Crested Butte is hiring line cooks, pizza cooks, prep cooks, dishwashers for a variety of hours: morning shifts, day shifts, night shifts available. These positions offer a flexible schedule with year round employment. Please email resume to or fill out an application/drop off resume in person 303 Elk Ave, Crested Butte (8/26). LOOKING FOR A JOB THAT PROVIDES MEANINGFUL WORK?Consider a position in a State Farm Agent’s Office. Insurance staff position. This employment opportunity is with a State Farm Agent, not with State Farm Insurance Companies and requires the successful completion of license requirements to solicit and service State Farm products. Prefer applicants with an insurance license but will consider non licensed applicants willing to be licensed. Come by the office at 609 N. Main St., Gunnison to pick up an application and sample job description, call 641-1407 or email if you would prefer one mailed or faxed. (8/26/pd/99). HELP NEEDED: for a couple of small painting jobs. Call Roger Wilson, 303-378-0614 (8/26). employment continued from page 15. THE COMFORT INN is now accepting applications for an overnight, desk clerk. This position requires excellent customer service and computer skills. Must able to work 7am-11pm, 4 nights a week including weekends. Please submit a resume in person. (8/19). TOMICHI PET CARE CENTER is accepting applications for a parttime receptionist position. We are seeking a qualified applicant who is able to multitask with attention to detail. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling appointments, checking animals in and out, filing and pharmacy assistance. Approximately 20 hours per week, pay DOE. Drop resume off at 106 S. 11th St., or fax to 641-0817. Inquiries, call Steffanie, 641-2460. (8/26/65). BABYSITTER NEEDED for my 7 year old daughter. 2 possibly 3 nights a week. Please call 970641-1298 if interested (8/19). TALL TEXAN RV PARK is looking for a part time painter. Must have experience and good attitude. Call 303-229-3353 or stop by park 194 CR 11 (8/26). ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR POSITION available for Mad Jack’s Cafe in the University Center. Work Thursday and Friday 3:00pm - 9:30pm and Saturday 12:30pm - 9:30pm. Great pay, environment and FREE Meals! Call 943-2000 for more details. (8/26). PAWS-ABILITIES THRIFT STORE will be hiring one fun, selfmotivated, people loving, project oriented, retail person starting the week of August 17th. If interested, drop your resume off at 234 N Main St. or email Must work some weekends and a few weekdays approx. 20 hours/week, great job for student! (8/19). LOOKING TO HIRE A BLUE GRASS BAND! For a party in Lake City, CO on 9-5-15. We will, of course, pay but will also fill you with food and booze! 970-2099386 (8/19) LIVE IN CRESTED BUTTE WORK IN GUNNISON? Delivery person needed to deliver Gunnison Country Shopper between Gunnison and Crested Butte and in Crested Butte and Mt. C.B. Every Wednesday afternoon. Email Gary at with name and phone number. (8/26). LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to do a drop camp from Swampy Pass parking lot on Ohio Creek Road Sept. 17 to the 20th for a sheep hunt area 54 contact. Bob 303916-1922 (8/19). TELLER/LOAN PROCESSOR POSITION: Crested Butte Savings and Loan is seeking applications from hard working energetic team members with a professional attitude to join our loan origination team. Qualified candidates will possess strong communication skills, demonstrated attention to detail and a basic understanding of mortgage lending. Duties will also include performing varied functions including deposit and withdrawal transactions, opening of checking, savings, certificates of deposit and IRA accounts. Successful applicants will receive a competitive salary, paid vacation and opportunities for future advancement. Submit letter of application, resume and references to: Janice English, Sr. Vice President, 303 N. Main Gunnison, CO 81230 or Equal Opportunity Employer. (8/19/107). PATIENT FINANCIAL SERVICES at Gunnison Valley Hospital has a variety of opportunities available within their department from Admissions Representatives in outpatient registration, Receptionist at the Hospital main entrance and Insurance Counselor for our patients. This department has great opportunity for advancement, excellent training, and provides wonderful service to the community. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgment of policies. (8/19/114). PIE-ZAN’S: full-time server wanted; also cooks, must have vehicle. Apply in person at 730 North Main St., Gunnison. (8/19). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT Head MS Girls’ Basketball Coach-CBMS Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. The season starts in Mid-October. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard 970-641-7760 (8/19). HELP NEEDED: to clean my apartment on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, just 1-2 hours per month for a senior citizen. Good for a college student. Please call George at 641-4358, 5-7pm is the best time. (8/26). HELP WANTED: 1 or 2 people to move 1 to 1.5 yards of dirt. 303378-0614 (8/26). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Wraparound Youth Services Facilitator-P/T, 20 hrs/week, $17,461/yr; Public Health Nurse II-P/T, 20 hrs/week, $25,761/yr; Detention Deputy-F/T, $37,026/yr + Benefits. For more information, please visit HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED AT THREE RIVERS RESORT IN ALMONT through October. Help us finish out our busy season! Resort discounts, competitive pay, fun workplace. No experience necessary. Part time or full time. Submit application or resume to or stop by our office in Almont to fill out an application. (8/19). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (8/19). SODEXO AT WSCU is hiring for a Full-Time Pizza Cook Mon.-Fri. 8am-2:30pm. Previous experience with making pizza is a plus. Apply at the Sodexo Services Office in the University Center. (8/19). TRACTOR OPERATORS FOR HAYING NEEDED. New equipment. We have other work after haying if interested. 303-8085688 RECORDS MANAGER: Western State Colorado University, Office of the Registrar is currently seeking a temporary Records Manager. The position is temporary and will be primarily responsible for certifying educational benefits for VA students. The Records Manager advises students, faculty, and staff on academic and registration specific policies and procedures. Additionally, the Records Manager regularly assists the Transfer Evaluator and the Office of Extended Studies with student data management. Successful candidates must possess strong organizational and time management skills, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Successful candidate must be technologically savvy and a selfstarter. Preferred candidate will have higher education experience, exposure to Banner software, and Bachelor’s degree. The position is full-time and fully benefited for a salary of $31,000$33,000 DOE. Position is open until filled. Apply at Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action E m p l o y e r ; Gender/Race/Disabled/Veteran (8/26). (8/19/pd/140). (8/19).. M U S E U M COORDINATOR/LEAD ART INSTRUCTOR: The Trailhead Children’s Museum is seeking a creative and organized person for a 3/4-time position with both administrative and artistic requirements. This position would oversee museum exhibits and daily museum activities, mange a small retail store, greet visitors, and organize memberships and class registrations. Skills in social media and graphic design are desirable. Additionally this position would design curriculum and teach a variety of art-based classes for ages 0-11. Experience in visual art and teaching children required. Please email resume and references to (8/19/90). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH has the following openings, at the HOSPITAL: 1 FT Warehouse Technician, 1 FT Receptionist, 1 FT Nurse Aide, 1 FT & 1 PT Unit Coordinator/C.N.A., 1 FT Environmental Services Director, 1 FT Insurance Counselor, 2 FT & 1 PRN Admissions Rep, 1 PRN Cook, 1 FT Paramedic. At CB PHYSICAL THERAPY: 1 PT Receptionist. AtFAMILY MEDICINE CLINIC: 1 FT Medical Assistant, 1 PT Receptionist. At HOME MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 PRN Certified Nurse Aide. At ASSISTED LIVING: 1 PRN Personal Care Provider. At SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 FT Cook, 2 FT C.N.A.’s, Certified Nurse Aide Training Class. (PRN = as needed) Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgement of policies (8/19/159). HEAD GIRLS’ BASKETBALL COACH-CBHS Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Season runs mid November through February. Experience preferred. Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard 970641-7760, or Colorado Workforce 970-641-0031 (8/19). GET IN THE MIX OF WINTER TIME EXCITEMENT-Work on the CBMR Events Crew, either on the mountain or off! Be in the mix of all the exciting ski, music, and other events this winter season.Get a winter lift pass, lift tickets to partner resorts, and pro-deals. Visit to view the full job description & APPLY! (8/19). TREE TAMERS, INC. ARE HIRING! You’re responsible, highly motivated with a can-do attitude and a desire to learn on the job. You have an appreciation of trees and enjoy working outside with willingness to take direction from our experienced arborist team. High School Diploma and/or appropriate experience. Send resume with brief note stating your intention for applying to: (8/26). MOM’S KITCHEN looking for cook/prep cook. Apply in person at 138 North Main St., Gunnison. (8/19). THE GUNNISACK is looking for above average individuals to fill the positions of LINE COOKS, BAKER, BUSSERS & SERVERS Ft/Pt available. Respectful family atmosphere. Apply in person from 2 4pm at 142 N Main St. (8/19). HELP WANTED: Hunting camp cook. Early season - September, 1-3 weeks of work. Inside full kitchen. Cook for 6-8 people. Top pay. Please send contact info, questions, etc. to (8/19). GUNNISON COFFEE COMPANY: Part time barista position available immediately. Must be able to work mornings, afternoons and weekends. Seeking hardworking individual who enjoys a fast paced environment. Drop off resume at 901 W Tomichi Avenue. (8/26). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Pyramid Coordinator - Lake. Position will work on grants, coordinate trainings and support trainers, coordinate pyramid plus approach coaching and support coaches, facilitate monthly community wide leadership meetings, etc. 8-10 hours per week. Pay will be $1,000 stipend per month for 10 months Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/19/62). GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 17 A r t s . S po r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . L i v e M u s i c . E x e r c i s e . S e n i o r s E v e n t s . S choo l. L i b r a r i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s . W H O ? P l a y s . W o r k shop s.F u n d r a i s e r s . R aces.C lubs.Yog a.To u r s . Education.Bingo.Obser v ator y.W HAT? Muse ums.Rode os.Ci r c u s e s . M a r k e t s . F a i r s . W e l l n e s s . W H E N ? R e c o v e r y. R e c r e a t i o n . C h u r c h e s . V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s . F a m i l i e s . A r t O p e n i n g s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . Exerc ise.S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s . K i d s . P l a y s . Wo r k s ho p s . F u n d r a i s e r s . R a c e s . C l u b s . W H Y ? To u r s . E d u c a t i o n . B in go . O b s e r v a t o r y. G a l l e r i e s . M u s e u m s . R o d e o s . C i r c u s e s . M a r k e t s . F a i r s . Memorials.S c h o o l s . A r t s . S p o r t s . Food. F e s t i v a l s . H O W ? Receptions.C o n c e r t s . T r a i l D a y s . M e et in g s. Wednesday, August 19 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Spin, and Just Move; 9am, 12pm Stretch; 4pm, 5pm group fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary! 7am Sunrise yoga, 9am Prana Vinyasa, 10:30 Kids Yoga, 12:15 Lunchtime, 5:30 Vinyasa flow. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Child Find Developmental Screening for children ages birth to five years at Lake School, 800 N Boulevard in Gunnison from 9:30 to 12:00. Vision & hearing screenings offered. 641-7706 for appt. • School Immunization Clinic- Gunnison County Public Health, 9:30am-2:30pm. Medicaid, CHP+ and most insurances accepted. No one turned away due to inability to pay. 970-641-0209 for appointment. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5pm; Yoga All Levels 5:30pm. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Gunnison Middle School 7/8 grade Volleyball mandatory practice starts , 3:30-5:30, GMS gym. Physical is mandatory. Stacie Dowis at or 641-7710. • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-6414156. • Paint Your Own Pottery, every WednesdaySunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. 3497044; • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. Continue through summer. • Trapshooting, Gunnison Sportsman’s Association, Wednesday nights at 5:45pm. County Road 18. 641-2032, 641-6567, or 970-964-7952. • Community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia, Gunnison, 6pm. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 68pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, or Larry 641-0172 • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym, 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone welcome. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesday 7 to 9pm. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, August 20 • Day of the Dead, Mexico -This Extended Studies class explores the ancient and contemporary traditions and celebrations of the Día de los Muertos (México’s Hallowe’en) Oct 27-Nov 3 in the beautiful colonial city of Oaxaca. Attend an Who? • • • • • • • • W h at ? Whe n? informational meeting with Western professor Heather Orr on August 20, 12-1, in Taylor Hall, room 105. There is a 1-credit option available for this course. Contact the office of Extended Studies. or for more information. Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 7am, 9am (Yoga) & 12pm, 4pm, open boxing 5:30pm. Childcare avail. 8:3010:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7:30 Beginners, 9am Alignment, 10:15 Restorative, 12:15 Lunch mix, 6pm Restorative; 7:15pm Women’s Kudalini (thru 7/30). 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, Every Thursday (excluding Holidays): Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10am-2pm, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. The Confidential Advocacy Center (CAC) is offering peer support groups to women affected by domestic violence, first & third Thursday, 6-7pm. 641-2712. Thursdays 6:30-8 Lamaze at Colorado Fitness. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. 6:30 pm 3rd Thursdays Writing Group at the Gunnison Library. This event is free and open to the public. 641-3485 Today's Modern Square Dance Lessons. Gunnison Community Center Thursdays 79pm, 970-596-4252 Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Friday, August 21 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 8:45am Spin; 9:30am, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:301:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Yin; 9pm High School Outreach. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, • Paint Your Own Pottery! Gunnison Arts Center, Fridays from 1-5pm. $5 - $45. 6414029 • Paint your own Pottery every Wed - Sunday through August 21 1-5pm at Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. • Gallery Shows at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts, August 21, 5-7pm. Tierney Miller; Judith Cassel-Marmet and Laura Elm. • 28th Annual Gunnison Car Show Friday Evening 6-9pm Beatles Tribute Concert with Doctor Robert, corner of Virginia & Main. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation, then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Saturday, August 22 • Carvin' Up Colorado Chainsaw Carving Expo: August 22-23. Reserve a personal carving for your home or business. Price levels to fit any budget. Andy at or call 970-210-1777 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, W her e? W hy? How? • Gunnison Clothing Project 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation, then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Sunday, August 23 • Tennis Social Mixer: Come meet new people and enjoy tennis. All levels. Sunday, Aug. 23. Bring balls. Sign up: • Guided horseback ride to Mendicant Ridge with Gunnison Public Lands Initiative and Landsend Outfitting. Free. Must preregister at 970-390-6689. • Angela Manno Art Studio Sale. 12-5pm. 114 7th St, Crested Butte. 970-275-1525 • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary. Check website for morning workshops; Restorative, 5-6pm with Dave. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Sundays@6! At Legion Park on the corner of Tomichi Avenue and Teller Street! 6-8pm for FREE live music with Annie Mack Band, Southern gospel blues. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, August 24 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am, 8:45am Spin; 12pm, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:306:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise, 10:30am Chair Yoga, 12:30pm Aerial, 1:45pm Spine Strengthening, 5:15 Yoga in the Yard, 6:30 Yoga for Athletes. 513 S. Main St., • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970275-5987 • Dawn to Dusk: 4th annual 100 Hole Golf Challenge, Contact Skyland Golf Club to participate. Tee time 8 a.m. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-6414156. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 68pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. Tuesday, August 25 • Classes Colorado Fitness: 6am Open Boxing; 7am, 12pm Group Fitness; 9:30am Just Move; 5pm Stretch. 405 W. Tomichi, • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kundalini, 9am Aerial Conditioning,12:15pm Yoga Mix, 5:15pm Restorative, 6:30 Earth & Sky Yoga. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Morning English Classes, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. Center for Adult Education, Ellen 641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Gunnison Clothing Project Now open 10am2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or go to • Gunnison Middle School Mandatory football practice starts Tuesday, Aug 25. 3:30 - 6pm. GMS gym. Stacie Dowis or 641-7710. • VINOTOK-ART Studio workshops, costume making. August 25 and 30th, 6-9pm. $35 • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. Wednesday, August 26 • Wednesday, August 26, 7pm “Berlin, St. Petersburg and the Baltic States” with Larry Meredith at the Gunnison Library. Free and open to the public. 641-3485 Saturday, August 29 • Western State Colorado University Cheerleading, Dance and Women's Club Soccer Teams for a Car Wash Fundraiser 9am to 3pm located at The Powerstop. Suggested donations $10 for a car and $15 for a truck/SUV. Sunday, August 30 • Edible Mushroom Identification workshop, Sunday Aug., 30th from 2-6pm @ the Elk Ave Garden. More info at: ion.html Monday, August 31 • Brainstrong meets from 12-1pm in the conference room at GVH Hospital. Bring your lunch! 970-275-9545. Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, A Look Ahead... • Jim Greer Memorial. A gathering of friends of Jim Greer to share stories and say farewell will be held Saturday, September 12, 2pm at Harmel's Resort on the deck. • Cloud City Hike with Crested Butte Land Trust. Explore the Smith Hill Mine with your guides. 5 miles roundtrip. • Western State Women Basketball "Golf Tournament", Sept 19 at Dos Rios Golf Club, for additional information, contact Coach Girard, at, or 970943-2652 • English Classes begin Sept 15, 8:3010:30am, Family Services Center, Georgia and Spruce streets, Gunnison. $25. 970641-7684 for information. T he D e ad l ine f or T HE GU NN ISO N VALL EY C ALE NDAR is M o nd a y at 1 0 : 0 0 a. m. e ma i l k ad i e @g u nni so n sh op p e r. co m t o s ub mi t a li st in g Kids and Families Wednesday, September 9th Safe & Sound I’m School Bound day Take part in a WALKING TRAIN or BIKE-POOL to school! It’s a fun way to get to your school , while getting some exercise, enjoying the fresh air and saving a little energy. How can you participate? Look at the Safe Routes to School Map at Call City of Gunnison, Community Development 970-641-8154 to get listed as a participant and be linked up with other walkers and riders. gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 18 MET REC TELEVISION TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE METRECTELEVISIONTRANSLATORSYSTEM–CHANNELGUIDE Almont CableSystem SiteName/Location Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested ButteSouth Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison(W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) 2.1 KWGNͲCW2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 KWGNͲTHIS 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Pitkin/Ohio PowderͲhorn City PowderͲhorn /LakeCity (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Parlin Pitkin(Town Site) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.1 4.1 Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KCNCͲCBS4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVDͲMEͲTV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 KPXCͲIonLife 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXCͲQubo KPXC Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 ALJAZEERA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGHͲABC7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KTSCͲRMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBSͲVͲMe 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBSͲCreate RMPBS Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 KUSAͲNBC9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CBͲTV10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 TVGUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 NASA 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVDͲMy20 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 KDVRͲFOX31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 AIDE NURSE AND UNIT COOR opportunities DINATOR at GVH curGunnison Valley Hospital. rently has full time and part time opportunities available. The Unit Coordinator is the first person most patients encounter when entering the Emergency Department. They function as the hub of the nursing department through order entry, transfer arrangements, admissions, discharges and their overall function as a liaison between the nursing department and all other departments/contract services at GVH. Nursing Aides assist in the perGLOBAL LININGS is looking for formance of a variety of duties a full time field technician. Pay directly and indirectly related to starts from $12.00 to $20.00 an patient care delivery always under hour depending on experience. the direction and supervision of Come stop by our office for more the professional nurse. Please visit our website for more in-depth information. (8/19). position descriptions, specific GUNNISON WATERSHED qualification requirements and to SCHOOL DISTRICT Preschool apply online http://jobs.gunnisonGroup Leader-Lake (FRIDAY’S, or call HR for ONLY) 4-6 year old classroom. questions 970-641-1456. All Must be Group Leader Qualified offers of employment are continwith experience teaching in early gent upon the successful complechildhood classrooms. Run Friday tion of a negative 10 panel drug child care program with emphasis screen test, criminal background on physical fitness, nutrition and check, reference checks, infecFUN. Part time no benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, tion prevention procedures (TB JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. test, Flu Shot, immunization Boulevard, 970-641-7760 or records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgment of policies. (8/19/163). (8/26). employment continued from page 16... GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT Head Wrestling Coach-GHS Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school Monday through Friday, and meets Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Season runs MidNovember and continuing through February. Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard 970-641-7760 (8/26). ALMONT RESORT IS HIRING: full time food servers, housekeepers. Call 641-4009. (8/19). HELP WANTED: Holiday Inn Express is looking for a full time front desk night auditor 11pm to 7am Sunday through Thursday nights. No experience needed. Please apply within. (8/26). 4.1 NorthValley Sub.Cable System GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Public Health RN II - Part time, 20 hours/week, $25,761/year; Public Health Administrative Assistant II - Full time, $31,384 + Benefits. For more information, v i s i t LOCAL CHURCHES (8/26). AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 92 Co unt y Ro ad 17 • 6 41 -086 4 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g BLU E MESA BAPTI ST 7 24 N o rt h Ma in • 97 0- 6 40- 8 49 4 • Pa s to r Bry o n Ro be rt s S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 a m S u n d a y S e r v i c e 11 a m S u n d a y E ve n i n g 5 p m T h u r s d a y Di s c ip l es h i p 7 : 3 0 p m w w w. b l u e m e s a b a p t i s t @ g m a i l . c o m TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH T RIN IT Y BAP TIS T CHU R CH 523 N o r t h P in e S t r e et - ( 9 70 ) 641 - 18 13 S u n d a y Wo r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m ily B ib l e St u dy : 9 :1 5 a m S u n da y M o rn in g Sa t u r d a y E v en i n g Wor sh i p : 6 p m H i sp a n i c Wo r s h i p : S at u r d ay 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s : B . L . A . S . T. & Yo u t h & P r a y e r M e e t i n g - 6 : 3 0 p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m TALL TEXAN RV PARK is looking for part time housekeepers. Must have experience and good attitude. Call 303-229-3353 or stop by park 194 CR 11. (8/26). HELP WANTED: Holiday Inn Express is looking for a full time front desk night auditor 11pm to 7am Sunday through Thursday nights. No experience needed. Please apply within. (8/26). HELP WANTED: Person with strong grip to help/install 150 aluminum pop rivets. 303-378-0614 (8/26). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: CookCBCS. High School diploma. Background in food preparation preferred. 3.5 to 4 hours per day. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/19). SANDWICH MAKER POSITION OPEN for Full Time Year Round position in Mad Jack’s Cafe. 7:00am - 3:00pm Monday thru Friday. Great opportunity to join a fun and friendly environment! Awesome benefits package and pay! Call 943-2000 for more details. (8/26). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Public Health RN II - Part time, 20 hours/week, $25,761/year; Public Health Administrative Assistant II - Full time, $31,384 + Benefits. For more information, v i s i t (8/26). WALDO’S CHEESY GRILL in the University Center now hiring for grill cooks. New grilled cheese concept in Mad Jack’s cafe. Part time day, night and weekend opportunities to start immediately. Call 943-2000 for more details. (8/26). POSITION AVAILABLE: The Gunny Lube is looking to fill a lube tech position. Full time to start $8.25/hr - contact Dan in person at 1140 N. Main or email - (8/26). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J: SPED Educational Assistant-Lake. Position is half- time mornings Monday-Friday. Starting at $11.53 per hour. Experience working with young children preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (8/19). BUS WASHER: Alpine Express now accepting applications for afternoon/evening bus washer. Some benefits. 20-40 hrs per wk. Clean driving record $12.00 $14.00 per hour D.O.E. Position starts September 1st. All applicants are subject to Federal Transit Administration regulations regarding safety sensitive positions. Applications available at Alpine Express located in Gunnison Airport or call Stewart 970-641-5074 (8/19). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT Educational Assistant-GES Position is AugustDecember. Full-time with prorated benefits. Experience working with young children preferred Please contact: Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760 or (8/26). NEEDED: Carpenter for small jobs at mobile home. Roger 303378-0614 (8/26). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT Assistant Boys’ MS Basketball Coach-CBMS Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. Mid November until early March. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office JoAnn Klingsmith 800 N. Boulevard 970-641-7760 (8/26). H&R BLOCK IS NOW HIRING TAX PROFESSIONALS! Experience preferred. Work with the world leader in tax preparation. Send resume to (9/30). HAY HELP WANTED to finish out season. Must have had tractor experience 6410344 (8/26). QUIERE GANAR DINERO extra en sus días libres. Llamar a Jose 970-209-7905. (8/19). % ( !, ! !* " )! $ ") /%+ -!"" $ * " ,!)!%$ * * &*) ! !* " )! $ " %( ! !* " %# , (* ( %. $ $ %+* %%( $* $$ %( !, "" ! !* " )! $ ") !$ /%+( ( /%+ # / $ *% ) $ %( $$ ") %$ /%+( ! !* " * " ,! )!%$ %( ! !* " %$, (* ( %. + "! !% !) , !" " %$ $$ " !$ #%)* ( ) " ) %$* * * & ( *!%$) $ ( * -!* '+ ) *!%$) %( %( #%( !$ %(# *!%$ %+ # / ) * +& +)*%#!0 %$ "!$ $$ " !)*!$ ) * !* $ %# %( /%+( %$, $ ! $ ) )* & / )* & !$)*(+ *!%$) %$ %- *% ) * +& /%+( %-$ !* $ %+$* * * --- # *( %# HENRY’S RADIO & TV Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems N o w s t o c k i n g S h a r p , P h i l ip s , J V C & T os h iba L E D T V s 641-1453 SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Physical Therapist. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in Physical Therapy and also have/or be willing to obtain a CDE Special Services Provider License. 8 hours per month. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/19). resume to our Gunnison or Crested Butte locations, or call Mary at 970-209-5984. (8/26). GUNNISON SAVINGS AND LOAN is accepting applications for a full time teller. Duties include performing varied functions including processing checking, savings and certificates of deposit. Strong communication and customer service skills required. Typing, 10-key and computer experience also required. Position will cover Gunnison and Crested Butte branches. Competitive salary based on experience with health insurance and vacation benefits. Submit resume and letter of application to Imbra Taramarcaz, Vice President, 303 N Main St., Gunnison, CO 81230. Equal opportunity employer. KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done... (8/19/79). BOOKKEEPER PLUS: Crested Butte Nordic is seeking a Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant. Part-time, flexible, 1/2 time position, more in fall/winter, less in summer. Must be very proficient in Quickbooks, POS, Excel, Google Docs and full knowledge of accounting principles, payroll & sales tax. Must be a self starter; willing to do various office tasks as needed. Will assist w i t h Development/Fundraising/Marketi n g / E v e n t s / D a i l y Operations/Committee Meetings. Please contact for more info or to send resume. (8/19/77). BUILD YOUR MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE WITH CBMR! We’re seeking a full time seasonal properties maintenance technician 1 as soon as possible! Benefits include: seasonal lift pass, pro-deals on outdoor gear, and so much more! Visit to view full description & APPLY! (8/26/pd/41). MIKEY’S PIZZA is now hiring for a part time cook position in Gunnison and Crested Butte. Must have experience and thrive in a fast paced environment. Bring GUNNISON DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FIRM is requesting quotes from Independent Contractors for framing, siding and interior trims. Our next custom home is scheduled to begin 8-17-15. Call: Ryan 970-2099971 email: rg c o w a n d e s i g n @ g m a i l . c o m (8/19). (8/19) 14 YEAR OLD HARD WORKING young man looking for work. Will do yard work, pet sitting, pet walking, tutoring, housework, house sitting, baby sitting and anything else that needs to be done. Please call John at 970-275-6987 or 970-209-5879 (8/26). 17 YR. OLD LOOKING FOR housecleaning, petsitting, or babysitting jobs. Please call 970901-2330, 970-629-3312. (8/26). GRAD STUDENT LOOKING for part time. Experienced w/ G.I.S., MS Office, manual labor, landscaping, painting, farm/livestock work, cleaning, dogs/training, power tools, tractors/mowers, box trucks. Have own vehicle, WFR/CP. 802-503-7884 (8/19). pet FOR SALE: Guinea Pig, Female 970-901-2330 or 970-629-3312 (8/19). FOR SALE: heated water bowl $5; heater small animal water bottle, $5; small animal heated pad (9”x12”) $5. 641-4265 (8/19). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 TELLER LOAN PROCESSOR WANTED: Live Aspen trees 3490108 (8/26). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gal. $175, 970-390-4861. (8/26). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852. FOR SALE: Several Farmall H International tractors. If Interested please call Paul at 970-641-3133 (8/19). FOR SALE: good wheelbarrow $35. 970-209-6051 (8/26). Duties will also include performing varied functions including deposit and withdrawal transactions, opening of checking, savings, certificates of deposit and IRA accounts. Qualified candidates will possess strong communication skills, demonstrated attention to detail and a basic understanding of mortgage lending. #CO6234365 B a RETAIL MANAGER Maintains food quality and customer service. May assume General Manager's (GM) responsibilities and authority in his/her absence. Assists in maintenance of cash control and payroll records. Assists in supporting the financial/Human Resources (HR) functions. Maintains customer satisfaction and good public relations. #CO6232851 CASHIER & SERVICE DESK Receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. May use electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. May process credit or debit card transactions and validate checks. #CO6211931 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. Member Service Representative - Gunnison Branch We are looking for enthusiastic, customer centered team members to fill a Full Time Member Service Rep II, Teller duties, handling new accounts and other member financial needs; and a Part-Time Teller position, 25-30 hours per week. Ideal candidates will have great customer service, communication and cash handling skills. Prior teller experience is a plus. Both positions will require working closely with our membership and staff. Performs other duties as requested. To apply please send your resume to, apply online at or in person at NuVista 243 N. Main, Gunnison, CO. For more information please call (970)497-5378. EOE/MFDV NOW HIRING Free Shift Meal Flexible Schedule Start wage $8.50 Apply In Person 310 West Tomichi Now Hiring Counter Help for the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Crested Butte. Provide excellent customer service, stock cases, dip apples, make fudge and serve ice cream. FUN JOB! Can earn $12 or more per hour with tips during the summer. Part time. Year round. Flexible schedules. Apply in person to Andi at 314 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte. EOE M/F FOR SALE: AKC Registered German Short-haired puppy, male. Born April 16, 2015. Sweet puppy and very smart, just needs more room to run than I can give him. $450.00 970-596-4855 (8/19). BICYCLE LAWS: Don’t ride your bike in crosswalks. To safely cross streets, walk your bike on crosswalks. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 641-8200. (8/19). Experience Preferred Apply on-line at or at the store - 800 E. Tomichi, 641-5050 E.O.E. AQUARIUM: 10.5”W X 20”L X 12.5”H, w/internal filter and green & white rocks, $60 OBO. 6421279. (8/19). FOR SALE: Large Igloo style dog house $20. 970-641-1662 (8/19). FOR SALE: John Deere LT155 lawn tractor with 42” Freedom Mulching Deck, two sets of mulching blades, all new belts, always stored in garage. $700. 970-209-0647 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2 watering troughs. 1 galvanized and 1 plastic, $50 each 970-641-1662 (8/19). FOR SALE: 20+ landscaping timbers $1 each or $15 for all. Shop Smith with manual and accessories $125. 7 red plastic Blitz 5 gal. cans, 410 each. 5 gallon electric water heater $35. 1 10’ sheet corrugated galvanized roofing never used $10. 596-6125 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2007 20’ Hefty Lowboy trailer, very good condition. $2,800 OBO. Call Mike 970596-5873 (8/19). FOR SALE: Old harness and a lot of harness parts, bridles, collars and harness. 505-635-0333 (8/26). FOR SALE: PRIEFERT ROPING CHUTE elec open and delay by remote $2500; pack saddle oak leather and canvas and pad $700; call 970-518-6227 or email (8/19). (8/26). FOR SALE: 300 Gallon fuel storage tank and stand $300. 2 250 gallon storage tanks $150 each. 641-1662 or 209-6041 (8/26). FOR SALE: Round hay bale picker. If interested call 970-5961187 (8/26). You FOR SALE: Mow & Sickles possabily JDB 8x16 flat bed, deck only $500. 505-635-0333 (8/26). FOR SALE: 200 gallon plastic water tank $150. 970-641-1662 (8/19). HORSE BOARDING OPENING at the Roaring Judy Ranch, access to National Forest. Call Frank 970-901-2412 (8/19/15) FOR SALE: 2 Horse drawn wagons. Need work $500 each will consider all offers. 505-635-0333 (8/26). FOR SALE: Bobcat skid steer model 863, 294 hrs., large bucket with rippers, pallet forks, backhoe attachment, gooseneck trailer, new spare Bobcat tire, new spare trailer tire. All like new. Asking $27,000. See at 119 CR 11. Ph. 970-642-0063 or 903875-9019. (8/19). FOR SALE: 20’ Hudson beaver tail flat bed trailer with ramps and front tool box, $5000 OBO. 6415644 (8/19). FOR SALE: Dump box with Hydraulics $500. 505-635-0333 (8/26). HAY MOWING NEEDED for common ground and owner lots. You mow, you keep the hay. Lower Castle Mountain Home Owners Association, contact Bill 6411875. (8/19). FALL PASTURE RENTAL 2 acres, nothing on since May. $50 month per horse 505-635-0333 (8/19/19) FOR SALE: JOHN DEERE LT155 lawn tractor with 42” Freedom Mulching deck, two sets of mulching blades, all new belts, always stored in garage. $700. 970-209-0647 (8/26). Remi is a 3-4 year old Dachshund/Italian Greyhound mix. Remi is shy when she first meets new people and dogs, but within a week she'll be following you around the house, cuddling, playing, and giving kisses to other dogs in the home. Brysen, a handsome dark orange tabby, is an 11-month-old love bug who desperately needs a family. His adopter will need to be willing to let him settle in slowly; your patience will be worth it! See all of our adoptable animals at,, or on facebook. FOR SALE: 2013 16’ utility trailer, excellent condition. $2600.00 Call Mike 970-596-5873. (8/19). FOR SALE: 2 large animal water troughs, 75 gallon and 90 gallon, $50 each. 970-641-1662 (8/26). FOR SALE: Draft-cross trail horse for sale. 8yr 16H gelding. Sorrel. Strong, energetic. Used to cows, dogs, grouse. Had some driving training. Still needs experienced rider. $1,800. Lucy 641-6280, 901-1816. (8/26). motorized WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (8/19/11). 1979 MASTERCRAFT 460 FORD motor rebuilt carburetor, wakeboard tower upholstery in good shape, runs great. Asking $5500. 901-5456 (8/19). ATV FOR SALE: 125 Honda. 641-4836 (8/19). 970.641.1173 I N FO @ GV AW L . O R G 2007 YAMAHA VINO YJ125W SCOOTER: Only (approximately) 690 miles. Light Gray color. 65 to 70 miles per gallon. $1,595. ($2,499, New). Handles 2 people with no problem. Scott 970-9010874. (8/26). FOR SALE:1990 MALLARD MOTORHOME, 32 ft., has 460 Ford, fuel injection, 41,000 miles, self leveling jacks and is in excellent condition, was stored inside. $12,000 OBO, please call 970641-4362. (8/26). FOR SALE: 2014 Pro RMK 800 with warranty. Garaged, cargo bags, cover, Harmon Jack included $9000. 970-901-5456 (8/19). FOR SALE: 16 Foot Glastron boat with trailer, 115 horsepower $2000. 303-815-4474 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2004 YAMAHA TTR 225E. Good shape $1500 call with questions 275-0574 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2011 North Country Trail Runner RV - RBQ22/24 Bumper pull. 14ft Electric Awning, AC/Furnace, 27” TV/AM/FM/CD/DVD, Queen bed, full bath/shower, NP/NS, no slideout, stabilizer hitch/jacks, GVWR 6900#. $10,000 Call/txt 970275-5064 (8/26). MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE: HUSABERG FE450. 2010 with 75 hours1500 miles. Street legal, very good condition. $4000. 970641-5654 (8/19). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in striock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY 50, Gunnison. 970641-0883. (8/19/34). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (8/19/17) FOR SALE: 1992 GULF STREAM SUNCLIPPER 30’ diesel motorhome. Remodeled inside. $15K OBO. 970-641-2333 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2006 YZ 250 Yamaha Dirt bike in excellent condition. hardly ridden and always stored in garage. $2,500.00 Please contact 970-209-5829 FOR SALE: 2009 JOYNER 650 COMMANDO 4 PLACE UTV. New tries and wheels, low miles $5500 OBO. 970-641-2333 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2009 JOYNER 650 COMMANDO 4 PLACE UTV. New tries and wheels, low miles $5500 OBO. 970-641-2333 Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (8/19/13) (8/19). FOR SALE: FUN BIcycle GOCART! $90. 970-209-0064 (8/26). 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E B e t s y Fo l k e r t h , MSPT 970-641-2118 COLD LASER - MASSAGE HERBAL REMEDIES & MORE FOR SALE: Still time to ride! 2004 Harley-Davidson Fatboy FLSTF. Low mileage. Windshield. No alterations. Cover and saddle bags. Low price at $8,995.00 Call 641-4131 or 970-209-3587 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1965 14ft fishing boat with a 1964 40hp Johnson outboard, runs great, $800 firm. 970-318-8581 (8/19). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. (8/19). FOR SALE: Motorcycle, classic 1981 Kawasaki 1000, excellent condition, 19k original miles, $3900. Bill 970-641-5041 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2012 POLARIS RZR 800S, runs great, too many accessories to list, 2300 miles, new tires, call for details, $9950. 970-596-3053 (8/26). (8/19). S H E LT E R H O U R S Wednesdays 5-7pm Saturdays 10am-1pm Sundays 10am-1pm And by appointment All animals are current on vaccinations and spayed or neutered. (9/2/pd/15) PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Small squares, large squares and rounds. And, also have straw. 970-872-3141. FOR SALE: women’s cowboy boots, like new. size 8. 3491321. (8/19). FOR SALE: Large fuel tanks with stands $250. 505-635-0333 (8/19/25) Good Quailty Horse hay for sale, small bales $4 in Gunnison, call Dana / Larry 972-8244328 FOR SALE: 4.5’ fence stays 6415071 (8/19). FREE! Older model working Craftsman Lawnmower. In alley at 302 South Colorado. Come and get it! (8/19). may qualify for personalized FOR You SALE: 4 male Oberhasli dairy goats 4 months old great breeding stock. Asking 75.00 each please call 209-5879 (8/26). FOR SALE: m JOHN DEERE LT BARN STORED 155 LAWN TRACTOR with 42” TIMOTHY HAY CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary Freedom Mulching Deck, two sets a $3.00 to $6.00 per bale for of mulching blades, all new belts, 2014 hay. always stored in garage. $700. 970-209-0647 (8/26) Special pricing for 2015 hay loaded out of the field. TIRED OF SHOEING YOUR HORSE: try easy boots, used, 303-808-5688 size 0, call for details. 3053 (8/26). (8/19/pd/14). Hiring Full and Part-Time CREW POSITIONS AND MAINTENANCE PEOPLE ranching brysen & remi (8/26). RACK-A-TIER WIRE DISPENSERS. Easy to setup wire spools in many sizes. Waterproof and rustproof. 2 pairs available. $40 per pair. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/26). page 19 ATV TIRES FOR SALE: tread left but worn uneven, good for spare, $25 per tire, 27x9x12, 27x11x12. 970-596-3053 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2006 YAMAHA YZ250F in excellent condition. Always stored in garage and hardly ridden. $2,500.00 Contact 970-209-5829 (8/26). 1ST $4900 TAKES THIS: 1989 Mercury Invader boat w/470 engine I-O; custom cover, 11’ Bimini top, trailer, extra reel supports, extra props, fish finder, GPS, marine radio & speakers, nice vinyl seats, captain chair. 641-5644. Or trade for 28’ - 30’ tandem axle with duals gooseneck flatbed trailer. (8/19). FOR SALE: 2012 Gas Gas 300 XC Dirtbike. Street legal and titled. Low overall hours and excellent condition. Nice aftermarket parts and needs nothing. Spare parts too. $4500. Contact Eric (970)275-9210. (8/26). FOR SALE: MOTORVOX 70, needs carburetor 349-0108 (8/26). FOR SALE: 2006 KAWASAKI KX65 in great shape. $750.00 Please Contact 970-209-5829 (8/26). 2007 SCHWINN SPORT LX150 SCOOTER: approximately 475 miles. 65 to 70 miles per gallon. Plenty of room for 2 riders. $1,595, ($2,399 new). Red color. Great fun! Scott 970-901-0874. (8/26). 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: rebuilt, call for info. $7500. 641-6908. (8/19). FOR SALE: 2010 Yamaha Nytro with dealer installed MPI Turbo, 162” Challenger Extreme 2.5 track, Better Boards, Timbersleds bumper, riser bars, snowboard rack, battery tender, tunnel mounted gas can, two-place trailer. 1800 miles, only 600 on the turbo and track. Dealer maintained. Brand new hyfax, chain case and chain. $10,000. Call 275-1132. (8/19). FOR SALE: 1992 GULF STREAM SUNCLIPPER 30’ diesel motorhome. Remodeled inside. $15K OBO. 970-641-2333 (8/19). FOR SALE: HONDA CIVIC LX 2003. 13x,xxx miles. new snow tires and handles great in snow. runs great, ac broken. $3,500. call or text will 609-238-1499. (8/26). gunnison country shopper, august 19, 2015 page 20 STOP BY TODAY FOR INCREDIBLE OFFERS AND UNBEATABLE SERVICE. CYCLE WORKS (970) 641-0883 900 NORTH HWY 27 ROOPVILLE, GA 219 W. Hwy 50Gunnison, CO 81230 cars&trucks continued from page 19... FOR SALE: 1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. 153,000 miles, good condition, runs great. $2,000 OBO. 719-580-6957 (8/19). FOR SALE: 1992 TOYOTA PREVIA, runs, drives, great work van. Make me an offer 970-2380841 John (8/26). FOR SALE: 1966 Corvair, 2 door, hard top, decent condition, $2000 o.b.o. 641-1662 (8/26). FOR SALE: Plow and Wood hauling truck, 1990 Ford F250, extended cab, long bed, 4WD, manual transmission, steel wood racks, runs great. $3,500 w/plow, $2500 w/o plow. 970275-9627 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1984 El Camino, low miles, $2,200 o.b.o. 641-1662 FOR SALE: 3 EDESLS with titles, not running $500 a piece or $1000 for all. 505-635-0333 FOR SALE: 265 V8 1957 CORVETTE engine in excellent condition. Also a 400 cid SB small block engine in good condition. make offer 641-1662 or 2096041 (8/26). 1989 FORD 450 Econoline Van. 15ft box w/roll up door. Excellent motor, transmission and tires $2150 OBO 970-641-1662 leave message (8/26). 1990 CK1500 CHEVY 1/2TON: 4x4, 340 ci motor, 5spd., has 33x10.50 tires on it. $2600 OBO. 970-641-4818. (8/19). FOR SALE: 1965 Chevy G10 Van. Runs and drives well, 327 V8, 3 speed on the column. Body is in good shape with expected wear, brand new tires. $1200. 970-596-4855 (8/19). 1997 FORD F25 FOR SALE 4WD $2195. 765-1192 (8/19). (8/26). FOR SALE: 1999 VOLVO V70 XC, AWD, automatic, new tires, AC, cd player, leather interior, in great shape. $3500 OBO. Please call 970-901-1073. (8/26). FOR SALE: 1996 Ford 15 passenger van in good condition. 70,000 miles. Ready to go, $3,950. 970-596-0176 (8/26). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web FOR SALE: 2004 NISSAN FRONTIER New battery New tires 96,000 miles $5500 OBO 970216-8912 (8/19). (8/19/8) FOR SALE: 1999 Jeep TJ, hardtop, 54,700 original miles, good shape, 2 new Smittybilt bumpers with new 9500 winch, $11,500. 817-894-0043 (8/26). FOR SALE: ‘63 GMC Dump truck needs motor $500 will consider all offers 505-635-0333 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1973 FORD F100, rebuilt motor runs good. Needs new hood, grill, bumper, and radiator. Rest of body in good condition. $500 OBO. 970-209-3817 (8/19). FOR SALE: Old Chevy car. no title $500 505-635-0333 (8/26). 2003 CADILLAC ESCALATE EXT, very nice ride with new tires. 140K miles $8000. 970-2096051 (8/26). FOR SALE: Goodyear Wrangler SR-A 265/60R20 tires. Only 19k miles on them. $100 for all 4. 970-596-3471 (8/26). 2000 FORD RANGER, runs well, has issues, will consider trade for dirt bike $1500 OBO 970-2750324 (8/26). PRICE REDUCED 2005 GRAND CARAVAN: Between Good $6477 and Very Good $6867 in KBB. No mechanical issues, some small cosmetic issues. V6 3.8L, Front WD, auto sliding doors and tailgate, DVD system, tow pkg. leather, stow and go seats fold flat. Will hold full sheet of plywood inside with seats down. 20-24 mpg. 87,700 miles. Original owner. I’m downsizing $5800. OBO 970-209-9902. (8/19). FOR SALE: 1998 Subaru Forester, runs well, brand new tires. Needs a little work, $1000 o.b.o. 970-901-4061 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1993 FREIGHT LINER DUMP TRUCK. Excellent condition, new motor and new tires $28,000. 641-1662 or 2096041 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2000 Isuzu Trooper, LS, V6, Auto, Sunroof, 4WD, 140k miles. Excel. cond. $3750. 970641-4798 (8/26). FOR SALE: Chevy venture van four door with brand new tires, needs windshield 189,000 miles. $1,000 OBO. 970-773-4790. (8/19). FOR SALE: 1998 Volkswagon Jetta GLX Sedan. 4D. 5-Speed. Sun roof. Spoiler. Black Exterior. Black Leather interior. $1500 OBO. Great car. Needs love, its been parked all summer. 303956-5735 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1999 late model Red Tahoe LT, 350 engine, heated leather seats, rear barn doors, 99k miles, $5000 OBO, 6415644 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2007 FJ CRUISER 4X4 , 81,000 miles, 6 spd manual, excellent condition, new tires, great mountain vehicle. $25,000. 970-209-9266 (8/19). (8/26). FOR SALE: 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Limited 4x4!! Black, leather, heated seats. Engine stopped running, I am a college student and do not have time/money to repair. Need it gone ASAP. $2500 or best offer. 719-271-6010 call or text Brandon (8/19). FOR SALE: 1994 SATURN SL1 - 218k miles $1000 OBO. Great for commuting to school and work! Gets awesome gas mileage and runs great. Just looking for something bigger! Call 424-2122917 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1998 Volkswagon Jetta GLX Sedan 4D. Automatic. Needs love. Sun roof. Black exterior and interior. $1500 OBO. KBB Price $2500. 303-956-5735 FOR SALE: Lock Rite Locker for Jeep AMC model 20 rear axle. Includes new spring and pin kit. Removed from 84 CJ7 to go a different route. $100. Stock parts removed from 2012 Jeep JK, coil springs, brake lines, endlinks, diff covers, driveshafts, control arms, muffler, draglink, etc. Open to offers 207-491-4510 (8/26). (8/19). 2003 SUBARU WRX IMPREZA: 179K mi., new timing & water pumps, $6000. 406-451-6339. (8/19). GUNNISON CAR SHOW DEALS ‘02 Saab 9-3, Nice car, fully serviced #1287 $4645 FOR SALE: 2013 Utility trailer, 16 foot long, excellent condition. $2,600 OBO, Call Mike: 970-5965873 (8/19). ‘98 Dodge Dakota Ext. Cab, V8, New trans w/warranty, #1322 $5495 FOR SALE: 1998 SATURN SLE2, very reliable car with 134,000 miles, got a new truck just don’t need it anymore $1500 OBO. 970-306-3246 (8/19). ‘01 Ford Explorer, V8, new tires #1308 $3545 FOR SALE: 2003 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 116k, RWD, clean title, super reliable, carfax $8500 OBO 620-544-3039 (8/26). FOR SALE: 1968 FORD F-100 parts only in good condition. Includes bed, grille, hood, radiator and many other parts for $125. Please call 944-2495 (8/26). 1992 S-10 PICKUP TRUCK: 641-4836. (8/19). FOR SALE: 1994 Toyota 4Runner 4WD SR5, V6. Needs head gasket replaced, good condition with many new parts. $1000 OBO. 970-318-8581 (8/19). FOR SALE: 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK, automatic, 124K miles, new timing belt and water pump, silver, granite cloth interior, power, cruise control, heated seats and mirrors, bike hitch, dog gate $8750. 970-276-6471 (8/26). ‘04 Ford Explorer, Great reliable transportation, #1309 $5345 ‘98 Subaru Impreza Outback Spt, fully serviced, #1304 $4295 ‘95 Nissan Sentra, 5spd, cold A/C, #1310 $2295 ‘04 Malibu Classic, great gas mileage, #1307 $3145 ‘02 Audi A6 Quattro, 2.7 Twin Turbo, excellent condition w/records, #1265 ‘99 Saab 9-3, runs strong, great fuel mileage #1302 $1995 ‘03 Honda Accord LX, V6, reliable, affordable #1314 ‘89 Cherokee, 2dr, Needs work, as is $599 ‘96 Cherokee, 4.0L, A/T, Runs Good, #1316 ‘98 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, AWD, Super Modified, enthusiast special #923 $11,995 ‘02 Saturn Vue, V6, AWD, Clean, SUV, #1313 $4495 ‘01 Volvo XC70 AWD, Winter ready #1301 $4395 510 West Highway 50 970-641-4040