
WEBSITE: www.homeschoolchristianacademy.org
EMAIL: admin@homeschoolchristianacademy.org
April 2016
This handbook contains the written policies of Homeschool Christian Academy (HCA)
as of April 2016
The HCA Administrative Team reserves the right to make changes or additions at any time.
Notice of modifications will be published in the monthly newsletter.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
Mission ....................................................................................................................................... 3
HCA Statement of Faith ............................................................................................................... 3
Legal Standing ............................................................................................................................. 4
When & Where HCA Meets ......................................................................................................... 4
Who May Participate in HCA ........................................................................................................ 4
HCA is Operated by Parents! ........................................................................................................ 5
Homeschool Christian Academy Personnel .................................................................................. 5
General Policies ........................................................................................................................... 6
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions & Holiday Practices ....................................................... 7
UPDATED: Arrival & Dismissal Procedures ................................................................................... 8
Homework Policy ...................................................................................................................... 11
Sick Policy ................................................................................................................................. 11
Class Cancellation Policy (Weather/Emergencies) ...................................................................... 11
Dress Code ................................................................................................................................ 12
Facility ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices ............................................................................................... 12
Interpersonal Relationships Policy ............................................................................................. 13
Child/Teen Safety Policy ............................................................................................................ 14
Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................................ 16
Discipline Policy......................................................................................................................... 16
Study Hall Policy ........................................................................................................................ 18
Single Day Use of Study Hall ...................................................................................................... 18
Lunch and Recess Policy ............................................................................................................ 19
Welcome! Homeschool Christian Academy (HCA) is looking forward to partnering with your
family on the homeschooling journey. It is through this partnership that many of member families
are enabled and encouraged to follow God’s call to homeschool our children. While God bestows
many gifts upon us to share with our children, oftentimes He directs us towards the giftedness of
others to broaden their experience or fill a gap. HCA was created, therefore, to offer classes and
topics that do not always get accomplished at home, despite our best intentions and efforts, as
well as to provide a variety of fine arts and performing arts opportunities.
In order to establish an infrastructure that ensures a safe, Christian learning environment,
HCA has created this Handbook with all of HCA’s policies and primary procedures. Your familiarity
with this information will help you and your student(s) receive and share in the benefits of HCA’s
community of families.
Please read each page carefully before placing the booklet in a convenient location for
reference. Do not discard it! As a member of HCA, it is your responsibility to become familiar with
the contents of this manual and abide by all guidelines herein. If you have a question, please do
not hesitate to call and discuss it with one of HCA’s Administrators.
We pray that this school year will be rewarding and fulfilling. Home educating your children
is a challenge, but your efforts lead to significant rewards including greater dependence on the
Lord and closer family relationships. It is worth the sacrifices you may have to make to do what
God has called you to do. May God bless your every effort to teach your students His ways!
Homeschool Christian Academy (HCA) exists to support homeschooling parents by providing an
affordable opportunity to supplement their student’s education in a Christ-centered environment.
HCA Statement of Faith
HCA's Statement of Faith is the foundation of the HCA community of families. Parents,
students and teachers must ascribe to these core beliefs in order to participate in HCA.
Denominational doctrines will not be taught at HCA.
1. Salvation: We believe that all men are sinners by nature and by choice and are, therefore,
under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus
Christ as Savior are made new by the Holy Spirit.
2. The Word of God: We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without
error, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in
all matters of faith and conduct.
3. The Trinity: We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three
persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are equal in power and glory, working
separately, yet together, in the work of creation, providence and redemption.
Legal Standing
Each HCA member family is responsible to fulfill all Maryland and local school board legal
requirements apart from HCA. HCA is neither an umbrella organization nor a comprehensive
educational program. HCA teachers may recommend grades, especially for high school level
students, but may not assign grades or issue high school credits
HCA is not a school and cannot provide the services, support or special accommodations
typically available in a school setting. HCA has no employees, staff, nurse or specialists.
Teachers are contracted annually to teach classes. HCA’s weekly operations, special activities
and events are directed and supervised by parents of participating families.
HCA member families are encouraged to use HCA class materials and event programs to
document home instruction when reviewed by local school board or umbrella representatives.
When & Where HCA Meets
Where: SAYSF Bible Church, Rue Purchase Rd., Lexington Park, MD.
 Weekly classes are held on Thursdays for a total of 30 weeks each academic year
from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
 Classes run from late August until mid-May with breaks for holidays.
 HCA schedules two inclement weather make-up days at the end of the academic
year, which would become the final week(s) of classes if necessary.
 See the website for the current HCA Calendar.
Who May Participate in HCA
K - 12th grade homeschooled students of HCA member families, ages 5 - 18 years old on
September 1 of the current academic year, are eligible to participate in HCA classes.
Eligible children must not require any special accommodations or services to learn or
behave appropriately in a classroom setting.
HCA is unable to provide an allergen-free environment, be responsible for a student’s
medical needs or manage medication.
HCA’s website, found at www.homeschoolchrisitanacademy.org, contains full details about
the HCA membership process, which is completed online. Membership has no financial obligation
and is the first step towards registration & enrollment, which is outlined in detail in the online
document Membership, Registration and Enrollment Policy
HCA reserves the right to deny admission to HCA membership after review of the initial
application. HCA reserves the right to disenroll a student who cannot abide by the HCA Code of
Conduct, HCA policies and procedures, or who needs a special accommodation that was not
reported or identified during the application process.
HCA is Operated by Parents!
HCA is run by parents. Parent participation is mandatory as it is critical to HCA’s operations,
activities and events. Parents fulfill their mandatory participation as a Parent Assistant (PA),
Coordinator, Supervisor or Administrator. Parent Assistants serve HCA in two capacities.
1) Each week a few Parent Assistants (PAs) are assigned a Thursday student supervision duty shift.
 The schedule for Parent Assistants is created by the Supervisors for each semester. Parents
may switch shifts amongst themselves with the understanding that they are ultimately
responsible to ensure coverage of their shift(s). Paid subs are also available.
 Teens (17 or older) may serve in place of their parent as a Parent Assistant.
 Morning and afternoon PAs supervise the Study Hall and help with set-up or clean-up.
 Two or three additional PAs help supervise Lunch & Recess each week.
 Parents (or teens who are at least 17 years old) may choose to be listed as Parent Assistant
Substitutes (PA subs). They are paid directly by the parent whose shift they are covering.
The cost to hire a sub is $30 for a Study Hall shift and $15 for a lunch shift.
 Responsible teens, 13 years or older, with Administrative & teacher approval, may work
documented volunteer hours by covering a PA lunch shift for the 1st-4th grade lunch group
or serving as a regular teacher's assistant.
2) All HCA events and activities are made possible by Parent Assistants. Each family signs up to
coordinate or assist with one additional on- or off-site activity. Some of these include:
 Field Trips: museums, cultural events, concerts or performances, etc.
 Special Events: bowling, swimming, ice skating, fire safety presentation, etc.
 Assist a Coordinator: i.e. run one aspect of an event, organize a cast party, etc.
 Other projects that assist the Administrative Team or an operational aspect of HCA.
 A parent may serve as a single period classroom assistant in lieu of PA shifts & extra duty.
 Parents may volunteer to substitute for an HCA teacher(s) in the event of a teacher
absence. The teacher would contact the parent directly to arrange dates and payment.
Homeschool Christian Academy Personnel
Parents who agree to serve in Coordinator or Administrative positions fulfill all their
mandatory participation requirements. Coordinators enable HCA to offer events and activities
that enrich the HCA community of families. Supervisors and Administrators ensure that HCA
operations run smoothly, safely and according to HCA’s agreements with SAYSF Bible Church.
HCA Coordinators:
 Christmas Festival: Sharon Arnold
 Open House: TBD
 PM Clean-Up: Amber Allen
 Field Trips: Debbie Prather
 Newsletter: Heather MacQuillam
 Off-Site Activities: TBD
Photographer: Stephen Keene
Publicity/Marketing: Michelle Rioux*
Mom’s Fellowship: Jamie Salerno
Standardized Testing: NA in 2016-17
Yearbook: Toni Mason
HCA Administrative Team:
 AM & PM Supervisors: Supervise on-site operations each Thursday
AM Supervisor: Janet Katulich
PM Supervisor: Darra Worthington
 Treasurer - Lisa Slack*: Handles all financial transactions and HCA enrollment paperwork.
 Registrar - Melissa Polanowski: Oversees enrollment & classes; coordinates Orientation.
 Director & Legal - Carolyn Graessle*: Directs & oversees HCA operations; handles legal
 Webmaster - Brandon Munday: Supports and maintains the website
 Board Members*: HCA of SO MD, Inc is the 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization
that enables HCA to rent space at SAYSF Bible Church.
HCA desires to maintain good communication with member families. Please help us!
 Update your family’s contact information on the website if a change occurs. The on-site
Supervisor must be able to contact you in the event of a sick child or emergency.
 Check your email daily to receive homework assignment/class info from teachers,
announcements, monthly newsletters and other important information from HCA.
 Do not call the SAYSF church office! On class days, call or text the HCA Supervisors cell
phone. (Numbers are given out at Orientation.) During the week, contact an HCA
Administrator via the online directory or via a website email.
 Email the Registrar a preferred phone number to receive a phone call or text message for
emergency closings.
 Contact teachers by their preferred method of contact which they will communicate to
their classes.
 Avoid conferencing on class days. The teachers’ supervisory responsibilities take priority
at that time.
 Watch for HCA’s regular emailed newsletters.
 View or print the HCA member Directory within the secure area of the website.
General Policies
HCA is family oriented and pleased to provide students the opportunity to interact with
other children and teen on class days. A number of policies & procedures have been
implemented to maintain HCA’s excellent working relationship with SAYSF Bible Church. HCA
recognizes that some of these policies may be more restrictive than what you would place on
your children at home. We hope you will appreciate that these policies are necessary and give
you, the parent, confidence that your children and teens are in a safe, supervised environment.
Please ensure that you and your student(s) understand these policies. Please discuss
questions or concerns with the Supervisor on duty or a member of the Administrative Team.
HCA students and their siblings must be attended/supervised at all times on SAYSF grounds
by a parent, designated adult or sibling with documented authority over younger siblings.
All HCA families & teachers must park in SAYSF’s gravel back parking lot adjacent to the
Fellowship Center. HCA’s agreement with SAYSF stipulates that HCA will NOT use the front
parking lot OR small side parking lot near the wooden playground. (The small side lot is
reserved for SAYSF staff and pastors!)
Always have a back-up plan in the event your child/teen needs to be picked-up on short
notice prior to the end of his/her last class in the event of illness, disciplinary issues or an
early closing of HCA classes due to inclement weather or other emergency. If you are not
available to pick-up your child in the event of an emergency, the Supervisor on duty will call
the numbers listed on your Emergency Contact Form and/or Pick-Up List.
The Supervisor may not watch/supervise siblings of HCA students in the lobby or HCA
students prior to their designated sign-in time or after they have been signed-out.
Students must be enrolled in a class, study hall or lunch during their time at HCA or assisting
with a job that has specific approval from the HCA Director. Loitering is not allowed.
Only enrolled students may attend an HCA class unless the individual has received prior
approval from the teacher and an HCA Administrator.
In order for the teacher to be recognized as the authority figure in the classroom,
parents should only observe a class with prior teacher notification and permission.
Everyone is responsible for the care and stewardship of the building and should clean up
after him/herself. HCA’s goal is to leave the building at the end of the day in better
condition than upon arrival in the morning.
Students may only eat and/or drink in designated areas.
Toys and gaming devices are prohibited. Please encourage your children/teens to leave
them at home. Teachers, Supervisors or Study Hall Monitors will hold them until the end of
the day if they are seen. HCA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions & Holiday Practices
PLEASE feel to discuss ANY questions or concerns you have with any member of the
Administrative Team. Our responses to most questions are based upon these priorities:
A) Abide by the Student Protection Policy, HCA’s agreement with SAYSF Bible Church.
B) Ensure the best use of limited class time by minimizing distractions.
C) Practice common sense. For example, HCA does not accommodate allergies or
special needs; each year a number of children attending HCA have different food/
environmental allergies, sensitivities or medical conditions they must self-manage.
D) Extend simplicity by avoiding extra gift giving obligations.
E) Respect the fact that HCA’s Christian families will have differing traditions, opinions
and attitudes about secular and sacred holidays.
In general, PLEASE leave candy and soda at home. Both can be distractions and can
cause behavior issues at lunch and for teachers, particularly after the lunch hour.
Parents often ask if they can bring in treats to celebrate their child’s birthday with
classmates. HCA would prefer that your child find a way to celebrate by giving non-food
treats or simply invite friends to a celebration elsewhere. Remember, the HCA Member
Directory is available in the secure portion of the website!
Near or on Halloween students and teachers may NOT wear costumes, masks, Halloween
tees or other Halloween related items. This is a courtesy given the variety of attitudes
and responses to this secular holiday. Clothing items that are purple, orange and black
ARE FINE as long as they meet the above criteria and HCA’s dress code.
While HCA does not want any family to feel obligated to give Christmas gifts to teachers,
families are certainly welcome to do so. HCA teachers do not expect gifts, but do
appreciate thoughtful gestures ranging from small homemade Christmas cards or gifts to
donations made to missions in their honor.
Friends may exchange Valentine’s amongst themselves but there is no organized
exchange. Please note that non-food treats are preferred, noting the first item above.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
These procedures ensure that students are safely supervised at all times by an adult or
authorized person while attending HCA classes. SAYSF Bible Church requires that HCA
constantly and consistently attend to student safety on SAYSF property. All students must be
signed-in and signed-out each Thursday by persons listed on the family’s Pick-Up Form.
Authorized persons who may sign students in and out are:
 Their parents, guardians or designated adults listed on the family’s Pick-Up list.
 Any 18 year old student is considered an adult and may sign themselves in and out while
abiding by all other HCA policies and rules. (Yes! List them on the family’s Pick-Up Form.)
 Students or older siblings of HCA students, 13 years or older, hereafter called “teens”,
may sign-in or sign-out themselves and siblings, acting in place of the parent, if:
 The teen is mature and responsible enough to follow HCA’s Arrival & Dismissal
policies, acting in place of the parent to supervise themselves and/or siblings.
 The teen is included on the family’s Pick-Up list.
The teen must proceed directly to their vehicle or their ride’s vehicle. If the ride has
not arrived, they must either sit at the picnic table nearest the side entry doors or
return inside to the lobby.
If a non-driving teen is signing out younger siblings, then teen will go first go alone to
the parking lot to check if their ride has arrived. If not, they and their siblings will
wait in the lobby until the ride arrives.
HCA requires that teens in their first year of driving, park in the far section of the
Fellowship Center gravel lot near the basketball hoops.
HCA reserves the right to revoke this privilege if the teen is observed not following
HCA supervision policies or is not acting responsibly and safely.
Arrival Procedures
8:30 a.m. Gym/Fellowship Center doors (near parking lot) open for students and
8:35-840 a.m. Parents are invited to stay for announcements, the Pledge of Allegiance
and an opening prayer. Students will stand with their teachers & may not run around
the gym.
8:40 a.m. or 2nd-6th period arrivals: Gym/Fellowship Center doors are locked by the
Supervisor once 1st period classes move to their classrooms. Families arriving after 8:40
AM will enter the lobby area through the “side” doors between the two buildings and
will sign-in in the binder near the Supervisor
Except for 1st period, students may not be signed in more than five minutes before their
class begins. The lobby area should be reasonably empty and quiet to maintain an
academic environment in the building.
Please ensure that your children arrive on time. Tardiness is disruptive and has a
negative impact on the teacher’s ability to cover content during HCA’s limited class time.
Students that arrive late must be escorted to class by the family member or adult that
signs them in.
Dismissal Procedures
Students departing prior to the end of 6th period will be signed out of the binder near the
Supervisor in the lobby. Please arrive five minutes prior to the end of their class period.
Students under 13 years of age may not exit the building unless escorted by an
authorized person on the family’s Pick-Up Form.
Non-driving teens will verify their ride has arrived prior to escorting their siblings outside
the building.
Note that teens departing from an afternoon 1 ½ period classes should be picked up by 2
PM. Contact the Registrar if a ½ period Study Hall needs to be arranged for the student
to be picked up at the end of 5th period.
Homeschool Christian Academy maintains a closed campus policy. Students may not
leave designated HCA areas during class time unless they are appropriately signed out.
Please exit the building as soon as your child is signed out. The lobby area should remain
reasonably empty and quiet to maintain an academic environment in the building.
After the second instance of pick-up 5 minutes after a class period ends the Supervisor
will place your student into Study Hall, at a rate of $5 per use. (Students may be enrolled
in Study Hall at any time during the year.) Students 2nd grade and below will remain
with the Supervisor; a $5 fee will be charged.
3:25 p.m. Classes end.
3:25 – 3:30 p.m. Students assist with basic clean up of classrooms then are brought down
to the Gym/Fellowship Center for check-out by their parents.
Parents remain outside until the Gym doors are opened. The doors are opened ONLY
AFTER ALL classes have arrived in the Gym. We appreciate your patience!
3:30-3:40 p.m. Gym/Fellowship Center doors are open for authorized persons to enter
and sign out their students from 6th period teachers.
Students stay with their teacher until they are signed out by authorized persons.
Parents, please check the lost and found box each week
Remember to pick up your student’s lunchbox at the kitchen bar area.
Ensure your students remain with you after they have been signed out. Students may not
run around the Great Room.
Immediately exit the Great Room; complete conversations with other parents outside.
Be alert in the parking lot to ensure everyone’s safety!
Call or text the HCA supervisor on duty if you have an emergency that will prevent you
from arriving on time to pick up your student. This info is provided at HCA’s Orientation.
Plan to arrive no later than 3:30 to ensure you are on time. Please respect the need for
supervisors and teachers to complete clean-up and store/transport materials after
students are signed out. The SAYSF building should be cleared and locked soon after
If you are consistently late, we will either charge your $10 per instance or disenroll your
student from 6th period and ask you to sign your child out at the end of 5 th period to
ensure they are picked-up in a timely manner.
Homework Policy
Please carefully read course descriptions on the website to determine if the required
homework is reasonable for your student (and the parent!) to complete on a weekly basis.
Assigned homework is mandatory since it prepares students for weekly class meetings and helps
the teacher make the most efficient use of the limited class time. Completed homework
communicates respect to the teacher and fellow classmates.
If your child or teen is having difficulty with the required homework, PLEASE contact the
teacher to discuss the situation and negotiate an equitable solution. Refer to the online
directory for specific teacher contact information.
If a student misses a class day, parents are responsible to contact the teacher to ensure
the student is prepared to turn in assignments at the next class meeting or on a date arranged
with the teacher. HCA’s teachers encourage parents to make prior arrangements regarding
homework as soon as they are aware that a child or teen will have an extended absence from
HCA classes.
Continual refusal to complete homework and/or be prepared for class will be treated like
a behavior issue according to HCA’s Discipline Policy.
Sick Policy
HCA desires to be a healthy and safe environment for all students. Please keep
your child/teen at home if he/she exhibits any signs of illness or a contagious condition
including, but not limited to, a fever over 99 F the day of classes, runny nose, cough/cold
systems or head lice. In the event a child is inadvertently sent to HCA with head lice,
please inform an HCA Administrator so families can be alerted to check their children and
take appropriate action.
Class Cancellation Policy (Weather/Emergencies)
If St. Mary’s County public schools are closed for inclement weather, HCA will not hold
classes. If there is a two-hour delay, HCA will meet at the regular time. Please use your best
judgment regarding your situation to determine whether to attend or arrive later in the day.
If there is a two hour early dismissal from public schools, HCA will continue with
classes unless weather conditions are extreme outside. Please use your discretion as to
whether or not to pick up your child early.
When HCA classes must be dismissed early due to extreme weather or other
emergency, such as a power outage, HCA will send out a text/phone message and email
informing parents of the early dismissal.
HCA teachers will move students to the downstairs interior hallway in the event of a
National Weather Service Tornado Warning.
HCA may need to make exceptions to this policy if a second or third Inclement
Weather Day occurs during the year. Notification would occur with as much advance notice
as possible, but not later than on 6:30 AM on the day of classes.
Dress Code
The goal of HCA’s dress code is to ensure that students wear modest clothing that
reflects a safe, Christian learning environment. Parents will be contacted should a student fail to
meet HCA’s dress code. The Supervisor will ask the student to wear an HCA T-shirt for the
remainder of the day if it will cover the issue or ask the parent to bring appropriate clothing for
the student before he or she may return to class. Please ensure that your children and teens
meet the following criteria.
• Undergarments are not to be visible or noticeable at any time.
• Low-riding pants, jeans, slacks or skirts are not acceptable.
• Skirts, shorts and skorts should be no more than 3 ½ inches above the top of the kneecap
while standing, i.e., about the length of a credit card.
• Modest, non-distracting earrings may be worn, but no other types of piercing or
tattoos should be visible.
• No hats or hoods may be worn inside the building.
• Sneakers must be worn by students in P.E. Students without sneakers will be asked to
sit on the sidelines during P.E. class.
• Skirts, without shorts or leggings, are not recommended for P.E.
• Shoes must be worn that are safe for all activities. Shoes with wheels are not
permitted. Heels are not recommended.
• For courtesy sake, no Halloween costumes, masks, or other items may be worn.
• Shirts or t-shirts should be modest and not offensive.
o Shirts should not have writing or pictures that violate the code of conduct.
o Shirts and blouses should cover mid-drift and overlap at least an inch over the top
of pants, skirts, shorts, etc., when seated.
o Tops must have sleeves and be buttoned modestly; tops may not be low-cut,
strapless or see-through.
o Layered tops are fine as long as they meet all the above criteria.
The church building and property should be handled with care and respect. Discipline
procedures will be followed for any student found abusing the property. Blatant destruction of
any church property could be grounds for immediate dismissal from HCA. Marked on, defaced
or broken property is to be replaced at the offending student’s expense.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
In order to limit distractions during the day, HCA asks that all hand held electronic
devices not be used while at HCA unless as part of teacher approved classroom instruction or
activities. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, iPods, readers and laptops. Parents
are encouraged to contact the HCA Administration if you have any questions about this policy or
specific questions about specific devices and their use at HCA.
If a student brings out any device during class or study hall for unauthorized use, the
teacher or supervising parent may hold it until the end of the day. Repeated violations of
this rule will require a call to parents.
Students who need to make a phone call may ask permission from the Supervisor to use
the HCA cell phone in the lobby.
Students that carry cell phones must keep them out of sight and out of use.
Students may not make or receive calls during class time, nor is texting during class time
Cell phones should not be used except during recess with Supervisor approval. Please be
aware that reception is generally poor inside the SAYSF building. Since HCA is required to
provide adequate supervision of students, students will not be given permission to go
outside of the Supervisor’s line of sight to make personal phone calls.
HCA encourages students to leave unnecessary electronic devices at home.
HCA is not responsible for any damage, loss or theft of items brought to HCA.
Gaming devices are not permitted. The use of game programs/apps loaded on authorized
electronic devices is discouraged to minimize distractions.
Interpersonal Relationships Policy
Since HCA has students from ages 5-18 attending classes, it is natural that friendships
and close relationships will develop between students. This is a wonderful benefit for our
students and often a primary reason many students look forward to HCA class days.
In order to ensure that students have a positive experience interacting with their peers,
HCA asks that parents intentionally discuss with their children and teens appropriate physical
contact in a group setting. Students need to be instructed to report unwanted or inappropriate
physical touching or encroachments on their personal sense of space from others, either to a
supervisory adult while at HCA or their parents at home.
HCA has the Code of Conduct in place to provide Biblical guidelines for families to resolve
situations between their children or themselves whenever possible. Please contact an HCA
Administrator if you need assistance in resolving a situation between students or between a
student and an adult. We want to ensure that all HCA students experience safety and security
while being treated with dignity and respect.
With respect to older students, HCA has many families with varying standards of
behavior for interpersonal relationships. Parents, please help your teens understand that HCA
maintains a family environment which requires all students be supervised by an adult at all
times. We similarly ask that there be no public displays of affection while attending HCA classes,
functions, events or activities.
Please contact an HCA Administrator if you have any questions or concerns about this
Child/Teen Safety Policy
HCA is strongly committed to providing a safe and secure environment. Since no
organization can assume their group is risk free from child abuse, including sexual abuse, HCA
has adopted the following Child/Teen Safety policy to provide guidance for HCA teachers,
parents, teens and students so they can maintain a secure and safe environment.
Child abuse will not be tolerated at any of HCA’s class days, events or activities.
 Adult: person aged 18 years or older
 Teen: person between 13 and 17 years old
 Child: person below 13 years old
A) BUILDING SECURITY is maintained through HCA’s sign-in & sign-out policies which:
1) ensure only authorized persons are in the building
2) provide Supervisors a record of who is present in the building at any given time.
Entry into or out of the building primarily occurs through the side lobby doors, adjacent
to the Supervisor’s bench in the lobby. These doors open at 8:40 AM and are relocked at
3:25 PM, prior to opening the Gym doors for the group sign-out at 3:30 PM.
The double doors nearest the parking lot are ONLY used at the beginning of the day,
8:30-8:40 AM and at the end of the class day from 3:30-3:40 PM for group sign in/out.
Teachers and private music instructors may exit through the single glass door at the foot
of the “down” stairwell when:
o moving students outside as a group as part of a class activity.
o moving students between study hall and private lessons/tutoring.
o leaving the building at the end of their work day.
The Supervisor will ask another HCA parent/adult to watch the door whenever she/he
needs to leave the immediate area near the lobby doors.
 All HCA teachers, private lesson or tutoring instructors are required to authorize a
background check by HCA Admin.
 Teachers agree to adhere to all policies and procedures in the most current edition of the
HCA Handbook as part of their contractual agreement with HCA.
 ALL parents or teens that provide or assist with supervision of students in ANY capacity
during ANY HCA activities must read this policy, understand the procedures and agree to
apply and comply with all parts of the policy. This includes, but is not limited to:
o Study Hall monitors or Lunch & Recess supervisors
o Teachers’ substitutes or assistants
o Adults/teens leading or guiding K-4 students between classes
o Adults/teens assisting at extra Drama rehearsals and/or backstage
C) SAFETY IN NUMBERS: HCA’s agreement with SAYSF Bible Church stipulates that ALL
students shall be supervised at ALL TIMES by an adult.
All adults and teens will avoid being alone with an unrelated child/teen at any time.
At a minimum, two unrelated adults and one student OR one adult and two students
shall be in any enclosed or unobservable area OR move to an area where another
unrelated person is present and can easily observe and listen.
Private lesson instructors but will either leave the door open or use a room with a
window where the lesson can be easily viewed.
Teachers and Study Hall monitors will keep classroom doors open between classes.
If only one student is present, the teacher or Study Hall monitor and the single student
will EITHER ask another unrelated person to sit in the classroom OR move to space where
they may be observed by a unrelated person for the duration of the class period. Some
appropriate choices, in order of preference, are:
o an adjacent classroom with a class in session; both doors remain open
o the Parent Lounge if vacant or parents are amenable to sharing the room
o a table in the kitchen or gym (NOT on the stage) that is visible to another class
o near the Supervisor on duty
Teens are an invaluable asset to HCA operations. To ensure their safety, a teen will work
with at least one adult AND a group of students. Prior approval from HCA Admin, their
parents and the teacher is required. Additionally:
o Teens over 13 years old may provide grade K-4 Lunch & Recess supervision.
o Any teen may be a teacher’s classroom assistant or be regularly assigned to
lead/shepherd a group of K-4 students from one classroom to the next.
Supervising adults or teens will prop the downstairs bathroom doors open whenever:
o a single student needs adult/teen help in the bathroom
o two or more unrelated students are in the bathroom without an adult/teen
D) COMMUNICATION between adults and students will follow Safety in Numbers principles.
 Teachers will copy parents when assignments are emailed directly to students.
 If a teacher contacts a student at home, they will include or copy the parent in the
 Any HCA parent coordinating an activity directly with students, such as the Yearbook, will
use the above guidelines when communicating with students.
Please contact a member of the HCA Administrative Team if you have any questions or concerns
with respect to this policy.
A copy of this policy will be kept in the Supervisors notebook in the lobby, the Parent Lounge and
with Study Hall & Lunch attendance sheets.
Code of Conduct
The following principles are a guide by which all HCA students shall conduct
themselves. Since young people need to learn and realize that they are accountable before
God for their own behavior and actions HCA’s Code of Conduct is based upon a simple
acrostic, GOD:
Give the speaker your full attention (this means to both teachers and students)
Only use appropriate/kind words (this includes words spoken to one another as well as about
one another)
Don’t be a space invader (keep your hands to yourself, remain in your assigned spot)
Each teacher, administrator, student and parent will adhere to the principles in:
• Romans 12:18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
• Matthew 18:15-16: If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just
between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will
not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the
testimony of two or three witnesses.’
In regard to conflict with any student, teacher, parent or administrator of HCA, we will strive
to handle this type of situation in a way that would honor Christ and go directly to the person(s)
involved in an effort to make peace. Gossip will not be tolerated.
Discipline Policy
HCA realizes that we all come from different homes and have differing standards of
behavior and correction. We are asking all parents to inspire edifying behavior in students while
on site. In a desire to maintain Christian standards and to provide a positive atmosphere of
learning for everyone, HCA has adopted the following policies.
Students are encouraged to follow an Honor Code. Teachers and Supervisors
cannot see or hear everything. Students who witness any inappropriate behavior by
another student are asked to report it to HCA staff. We understand that some students
may feel uncomfortable telling a teacher or supervisor; therefore, please ask your students
to report any behaviors, problems or unwanted situations to you.
While HCA has a general discipline policy, listed below, teachers are encouraged to
develop their own classroom procedures/practices that uphold the Code of Conduct while
best meeting the content and age appropriate needs of their individual classes. Teachers
will email their classroom policies to parents at the beginning of the year.
Supervisors and Parent Assistants will follow the discipline policy listed below while
supervising study hall, lunch and recess.
If a behavior or conduct problem arises, teachers, Supervisors and Parent Assistants are
responsible to correct students gently using the following progression of consequences:
 1st offense: Give verbal reminder of what the child is expected to do.
 2nd offense: Give verbal warning. Move student to a different seat or area.
 3rd offense: Give a 5-minute “time out” in a chair in the back of classroom or away from
other students. Notify parent.
 4th offense: Remove the student from the class, study hall or lunch to the Supervisor.
The student will lose class privileges for the rest of the day. The Supervisor will call the
parent who will be called to pick up the student immediately.
If a child must be picked up due to loss of class privileges, a mandatory conference between
the appropriate teacher or Supervisor, the Director and the parent must occur prior to or on the
same day the student returns to HCA classes. The week after a student is removed from class,
the parent must either attend classes with the student or can choose to keep the child home an
extra week.
Teachers are strongly encouraged to contact the student’s parent to discuss the student’s
behavior EARLY IN THE YEAR to ensure inappropriate behavior or conduct is not tolerated.
Parents are encouraged to contact teachers first, then Admin, if there is a concern about a
particular class. The parents and teacher should to work together according to the Code of
Conduct to address the situation and find a solution.
 If the behavior does not improve after teacher/parent discussions, the teacher is
responsible to contact the Director for a conference between parent and teacher.
 HCA teachers may not make special accommodations to ensure a student behaves
appropriately in their class beyond typical classroom management techniques generally
applied in similar situations.
 Behavior that does not improve after three incidents that require parental pick up will
be grounds for disenrollment from some or all HCA classes.
Consequences for verbal/physical harassment, damage to church property, profanity, crudity
and open disrespect, because of the nature of the offense and the influence on other children,
are more severe, as follows:
 Student is taken to the Supervisor who will call the parent. There will be no participation
in classes for the remainder of that class day. Student is picked up by the parent.
 Repeat offenses could result in a student’s permanent removal from HCA.
Teachers and administrators are aware that children need time to adjust to the
characteristics of classroom instruction. We will make every effort to help students who want to
make that adjustment. The HCA teachers and administrators desire to keep the lines of
communication open with parents about the progress of their students. If parents will keep us
informed of any concerns or problems as well, we will be able to work together to create a safe
and rewarding atmosphere for all of the students at HCA.
Study Hall Policy
Regular Study Hall is available to students in grades 3-12 for quiet study and are monitored
by a Parent Assistant. This policy will be strictly enforced to ensure students can accomplish
quiet school work or assignments. Students in study hall must abide by ALL study hall rules.
Enrollment is for either 30 weeks or 15 weeks if paired with a one semester class.
HCA recommends that students are limited to one study hall period a day, but does
permit up to two hours non-consecutive study hall periods in a student’s schedule.
High school students enrolled in an 85-minute classes may enroll in a ½ period study hall
adjacent to a full Study Hall if they are able to work quietly and independently for 1 ½
Since students are expected to work or read quietly the entire period, parents MUST
ensure students have sufficient written work and reading material. Experience has
shown that free drawing will NOT occupy most students for a full 55-minute period!
Parents will be contacted if their child comes unprepared for study hall.
Students may bring ebooks, laptops and other devices into Study Hall for the purpose of
completing lessons or homework. (Internet access is not available at this time.)
Talking, eating/drinking/gum and electronic toys/games are NOT allowed in study hall.
The Study Hall Parent Assistant is empowered to direct students to change their behavior
or change tasks if they are disrupting other students.
The Parent Assistant will send students that are not abiding by Study Hall rules or
respecting their authority to the Supervisor on duty to handle the situation.
Students who consistently have insufficient work to do and/or do not follow study hall
rules may be disenrolled without a refund.
Single Day Use of Study Hall
In the event of a unique scheduling situation, you may request that the Supervisor or
Registrar to place your student in study hall for a single day use. The following conditions apply:
This service is only available during periods where study hall space is available, hence
advance arrangements are recommended.
The cost is $5/period, paid by check made out to HCA of So MD, Inc., given to the
Supervisor when you sign-in your student.
Single-use study hall is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
A family may use this service for up to two, non-consecutive periods in a single day.
Only grade 3-12 students are eligible, and they must be enrolled in a class either
immediately before or after single day use study hall period.
Students that have not been picked up on time by parents may be placed in Study Hall by
the Supervisor. The parent will pay the Supervisors the $5 when they pick up their
Special Circumstances for No Charge Use of Study Hall
Parents of appropriately aged students may utilize study hall, space permitting, for up to 2
periods per day, preferably non-consecutive periods in the follow circumstances:
 A parent substituting for an HCA teacher.
 Administrators and Coordinators during an onsite meeting regarding official HCA
Lunch and Recess Policy
While lunch and recess are times to enjoy friends in a less structured environment, students
must be aware that HCA rules still apply. HCA has hired a Jump Bunch Coach to provide consistent
supervision in the recess area, along with varied options for play and play equipment. Students
may opt between structured or unstructured play. The Supervisors and Parent Assistants will apply
HCA’s Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy to inappropriate student behavior during the lunch
and recess period.
8th grade students are provided a separate room for lunch, then may opt to join the 5 th-7th
grade recess in the gym provided they first clean up their eating. Participation in recess includes
playing safely with the younger and smaller students.
High school students are given the privilege of eating lunch in a downstairs classroom or
outside on the picnic table closest to the side door, i.e. under adult supervision. These areas will be
completely cleaned up after lunch.
During lunch and recess the JB Coach, Parent Assistants, PA Substitutes and Supervisors will:
 Keep their eyes on their designated group of students at all times. They should eat lunch
with the group they are supervising and use the restroom prior to their shift.
 Supervise play; suggest games if needed or as appropriate.
 Remove equipment NOT being used for its designated game or activity.
 Follow HCA’s Discipline Policy consequences when dealing with students that do not
cooperate or change a behavior.
 Keep students off the stage, in front of screens and outside the storage closets.
Notify one of the Supervisors if a child intentionally or maliciously behaves inappropriately,
including but not limited to:
 hitting, kicking, head butting, tackling, etc.
 leaving the designated area, i.e. the kitchen or gym area.
 locking doors, running water or tampering with bathroom fixtures and stalls
 not responsive to correction (insubordination)
 behaving outside the HCA Code of Conduct in such a way that is potentially harmful
to others, themselves or damaging to personal or church property.
Teenaged Parent Assistant Substitutes may only supervise the 1st-4th grade group. This will
ensure they are clearly an authority figure to these children.
It is not possible for HCA to provide an allergen-free lunchroom. Students with food
allergies must be able to self-manage and refuse inappropriate items offered by other students.
Students need to bring lunches that do not require refrigeration and do not need to be
heated. HCA’s use of the kitchen is limited to seating only. HCA does NOT have permission to use
any appliances, including the microwave.
If you have any questions about anything, please contact the HCA Adminstrative Team or ask a
Supervisor on a Thursday.