Spiritual Fellowship Journal - The Urantia Book Fellowship
Spiritual Fellowship Journal - The Urantia Book Fellowship
. Spiritual FellowshipJournal Fall & Winter,2001 Volume 11,Number2 The Spiritual FellowshiP Dr. Meredith Sprunger The Spiritual FellowshiP- WhY Now? SherilynHenry The Famity - Birthplace of cosmic citizenship Paul Snider Identity in the Modern Renaissance Dr. BruceR. Jackson A Sincere"spiritual Attitude" = ttPositive Doingtt Nancy Bigelow The Ttrrning Point - Part I Arthur Nash The Religion Humankind Fears Larry Mullins Real Life Outreach Forgotten Urantians lnterface: A l'{ew Urgency? The Spiritual Fellowship of Students of The (Jrantia Book A JournalEstablishedto PromoteTheological,Philosophical,and Polity DiscussionsGermaneto An AppropriateSymbolismand SocioreligiousExpressionof the Fifth EpochalRevelation. Guiding Principles (Seepage 966 o.fthe Urantia Papers) An AppropriateSymbolismandSocioreligious Expression of theFifth EpochalRevelation Should: l. 2. 3. 4. Be basedon the Fatherhoodof God and the brother-sisterhood of humankind. Be the outgrowthof love. Fostersentiment,satisfyemcltions,and promoteloyalty. Facilitatespiritualprogressthroughcosmic meanings,moral values,social . development,and personalliving. 5. Provide supremegoalsof living that are both temporaland eternal. 6. Be basedon the biologic,social,and religioussignilicanceof the family. 7. Symbolizethe permanentin the midst of unceasingchange. 8. Glorify that which respectsand unifies the diversitiesof society. 9. Promotehigher meanings,beautifulrelationships,and the highestvalues. 10. Embody somemasterfulmystery and connotesomeworthful unattainable. 11. Be meaningfuland serviceableto both the individual and the group. 12. Serveas the skeletalstructurefor dynamic personalexperience. The Purpose of Religious Institutions is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dramatizethe loyaltiesof spiritualexperience. Magnify the lures of truth, beauty,and goodness-supremevalues. Enhancethe serviceof unselfishI'ellowship. Glorify the potentialsof family life. Promotereligious education. Providewise counseland spiritualguidance. Furnish and promotegroup worship. Encouragefriendship,neighborhoodwelfare,and moral values. Spreadthe gospelof eternalsalvation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. Fixation of ritual and theology. Developingvestedinterestsand secularinvolvernent. Servingthe institution insteadof servingGod and ministeringto people. Forming competitivesectsand developinga "chosenpeople" attitude. Developingauthoritarianism,dogmatism,and false ideasof sacredness. Veneratingthe past while ignoring presentneedsand timely spiritualinterpretations. Failing to hold the interestof youth and grow with the times. Losing sight of spiritualministry and the savingmessageof salvation. Religious Institutions Should Avoid Dangers, Such As: Central Objective The central objective of a group of people interestedin initiating a new religious organizationbasedon the teachingsof the Fifth Epochal Revelationshould be to create a polity rvith maximum flexibility that would function with small groupsor largecongregations, utilize lay leadershipand/orordainedclergy,havecrosscultural adaptability,and broad theologicalinclusiveness. Such an institution would be "a gatheringof personswho have acceptedA common purpose,and a common discipline to guide the pursuit of that purpose,to the end that eachinvolved personreacheshigher fulfillment as a person,through serving and being servedby the common venture,than would be achievedalone or in a less committed relationship." I 'RobertK. Greenleaf, ServantLeadership, PaulistPress,NewYork,1977,p.237, The Spiritual FellowshipJournal The Spiritual Fellowship Journal Foundedby Dr. Meredith Justin Sprunger FALL & WINTER 2OO1 Volume 11' No.2 Editor Lany Mullins AssociateEditor JoanBatsonMullins Editorial Consultants Meredith Sprunger Merlyn Cox Merritt Horn Eric Cosh RoseyLiesky Andre Radatus Resource Consultants David Biggs David Kantor Victor McGonegal Angel F. S6nchez-Eicobar The Spiritual Fellowship Journal is an ecumenical publicationpublishedtwice yearlyby the Religious PublicationsDivision of PenumbraPress. The publicationis non-political and unaffiliated with any other organization.Unlessotherwise noted, all material published in the Fellowship Journal is @ Copyright 2001 by Penumbra Press,Boulder Co., and all rights are reserved. donations. Subscriptions. articlesand address, changesof editorial correspondence shouldbe sentto: PENUMBRA PRESS The Spiritual FellowshipJournal BOX 11248 BOULDER, CO 80301 annualdonation:$10. Suggested Pleasemakecheckspayableto Press. Penumbra Fall & Winter, 2001 Editoriul 6 "Invisible, Loving Human Forces" "l atn done *'ith great things and big plans, great institutions I am for those tiny, invisible, loving human and big successes. frtrcesthat work.fromindividual to individual,creepingthroughthe cranniesof the world like so many rootlets,or like the capillary oozing,ot''water,yet, if given time, will rend the hardestmonuments of humanpride." William James Books of Significance The Art of Possibitity - RosamundStone Zandet BeniaminZander Practicing His Presence - Frank Laubach Articles 7 7 The Spiritual Fellowship Dr. MeredithSprunger 10 The Spiiitual Feil6wship - Why Now? sherilvnHenry 12 The Family - Birthplace of Cosmic Citizenship PaulSnider 13 "The iorldrvide mission ol The Spiritual Fellowship is to teach, motivate, empower,and supportall peoplein their growing relationshipwith God and to encburagetheir loving serviceto humankind." "Christ tells us: 'You are commissioned to preach this gospel of the kingdom...andyou must not allow anythingto divert your devotionto this one dut!. Let all mankind benefit from the-overflow of .your loving spiritual ministry, enlighteningintellectualcommunion,and uplifting socialservice; but non" of thesihumanitarian labors, nor all of them, should be permitted to take the place of proclaiming the gospel.'[1931] Isn't it high time we start proclaimingthe gospel?" "We bring a child into the world. A simple and ordinary thing, but wonderfully complex."Whetherwe know it or not, we have now become engagedin the supremeresponsibilityof human existence." Identity in the Modern Renaissance Dr.BruceR.Jackson 20 "I believethat containedwithin the pagesof The Urantia Book is the kernel that is needed to give the modern renaiisance direction and focus: a complete description of ascendantlife. No other single piece of- information has the potentialto changethe human condition on a massivescale." A Sincere ,,spiritual Attitude" = "Positive Doing" NancyBigelow23 "What do you sayto a four or hve yearold who looks u.pintoyour eyesand asks: "What tloes God look like?" I think the worst possibleresponseis: "I don't know." The Ttrrning Point - Part I Arthur Nash 29 " 'BrotherNash,I want to ask you a question.ln view of the expositionyou.have just given the ciass,do you b-elieveihatMrs. d'Arcambal can be saved?'The qu"rilon hit me as would a blow planted squarely-between the eyes. Up to that rnoment,possibly,I had never venturedorra really independentthought in the whole courseof my life." The Relieionthat HumankindFears LarryMullins 35 "The founding of The Spiritual Fellowship is a mile-stonein the Urantia Movement.It ls the first ciearly religious organizationof any magnitudeto be associatedwith the Urantia Papers." Feqtures Mission Statement of the Spiritual Fellowship Journal Interface: A New UrgencY? Forgotten Urantians - Don Deam Real Life Outreach 4 8 8 9,34 5 orua "Invisible, Loving Human Forces" William Jameswrote,nearthe beginningof the last century: "I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big successes.I am for those tiny, invisible, loving human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillarl- ooz,ingof water, yet, if given time, will rend the hardestmonumentsof humanpride." It has been said. and written. that the Urantia Movement is a fragmented,inbred, visionlessfailure. This would be true, perhaps,if you acceptthe premise that humanorganizationsare directing the Revelation. However,I suggestthat humansonly appearto be in chargeof, and to have authority over, one aspector anotherof the Fifth EpochalRevelation.The real work is not so visible nor so heralded. A Revelationis somethingthat takesplace while the prideful and the entitled postureand debateabout it. A Revelationis taking placenow, as I write. It is the genius of the people that drives the invisible, loving humanforcesthat will shapethe destinyof our planet. Too many great Urantians,those who are the part of the gatheringpower of a greatnew Revelation,have neverbeen askedto speakat conferences,nor written about in Urantia publications,nor seatedat "official" meetings in which the fate of the Revelation is pondered.They do not claim to have specialspiritual connections,or spiritual privilege.Rather,thesefolks, unknown and unheralded,simply do the works. Indeed,it is not mortals, but the angelswho are directingthe mighty spiritualenterprisethat is at hand. From their transcendentvantagepoint, surely they see the magnificent tapestry of light, the tenuous connectionsreachingfrom Urantian to Urantian.The Celestial Architects strive to make and strengthen thoseconnectionsbetweenthe kindred spirits who are doing the real work. Surely those angelic beings are not striving to contributeto the polite deceit of social graces, but rather to augment the most powerful energiesin the universe:spiritual power and unselfish service. Having readthis, one might be movedto ask:why then do we need anotherhuman organizationsuch as The Spiritual Fellowship?Because,it is my fondest hope, The Spiritual Fellowship will occupy itself in serving the people, and in helping the genius of the peoplefunction and connect.In the samelight, it is my hopethat the Spiritual FellowshipJournalwill continue to be ajournal ofaction,recordingserviceand outreach activities and triumphs, not simply theories and expositionsand rhetoricabouta Book. It is my hopethe Journalwill attractthe attentionof Urantianswho have not beenheardfrom. Who haveturnedsadlyaway from controversyand politics, and who form the growing invisible f-ellowshipof believers.It is my hope that thesesilent Urantianswill be induced to write articles and to contributeideasfor the Journal. I do not underestimate the difficulties ahead.Many will protest that the time is not right for a spiritual movement to be launched. In answer, I off-er the following story. It hasbeenwritten that, many yearsago,a group of travelerssought to climb a mighty mountain. They were making good progressin their climb, and soon camein sight of the summit of the mountain. About the same time, they noted that a tremendousstorm was raging just above them, and they would have to pass throughit to reachtheir goal. Fortunately,the travelersobservedthat there was a cabin close by. They entered,and were delighted to find that it was warm and comfortable and was well stockedwith fbod. They decidedit would be wise to delaytheir trip until the storm abated,andthen continue on. The touristsenjoyedthe securityand serenityof the cabin, and several days went by. When they went outside, they noted the shining pinnacle of the mountain,bright in the sunlight abovethe storm. But, althoughthe greatgoal beckonedthem, the storm raged on. After several weeks, an old native to the area happenedby. He askedthem why they were living in the cabin. The travelers explained that they were waiting for the storm near the summit of the mountain to end, so that they could continuetheir journey. The native smiled. He told the pilgrims that there is alwaysa storm nearthe summit of the mountain. Fellow pilgrims, there will never come a more fortuitous interval when there is no storm to block our way. There is always a storm at the fringes of a new frontier-or more appropriate:a new world. We are but discoveringthis new world, thereareuntold richesto be revealed.One day, writers will tell of the wondrous daysthat are barely dawning.The accountswill, in my judgment, be similar to the one that follows, which describesthe discoveryof anothernew world, just over 500 yearsago: The Spiritual FellowshipJournal "Everything that has happened since the marvellous discovery of the Americas has been so extraordinary that the whole story remains quite incredible to anyone who has not experiencedit at first hand. Indeed, it seemsto overshadowall the deeds of famous -silencepeople in the past, no matter how heroic, and to atl talk of other wonders of the world." [Bartolome de las Casas, "A Short Account of the Destructionof the Indies," 1542.1 For us, now, these are the remarkable days of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, and this is the hour for the "new and everlastingreligion of Jesus."This is the time of the genius of the people, the ordinary folks-the youth, the silent and unsung Urantians, the army of lay persons who will again make Jesusvisible to a truthhungry world. ". . . what is now most neededis Jesus.The world needs to see Jesus living again on earth in the experienceof spirit-born mortals who ffictively reveal the Master to all men . . . Modern culture must become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of Jesus' hfe and illuminated with a new understandingof his gospel of eternal salvation.And when Jesusbecomesthus lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Jesus' disciples should be more than conquerors, even overflowing sourcesof inspiration and enhancedliving to all men. Religion is only an exalted humanism until it is made divine by the discovery of the reality of the presenceof L.M. God in personal experience."12084par. ll Practicing His Presence Frank Laubach "Can I bring the ktrd back in my mind-flow every few secondsso that God shall always be in my mind? I choose to make the rest of my ltft an experiment in answering this p.l0 question." Frank Laubach's great "experiment" started in a missionary outpost in 1929. His letters chronicling his attempt to live every moment in the presenceof God are startling in their depth and simplicity. fhe SeedSowerspublishing house has combined the letters of Frank Laubach and a new updated version of Brother Lawrence's The Practice of the Presence of God, into one book entitled Practicing His Presence. The experiencesof thesetwo men, one from the 17th century and the other from the 20th, in their quest for unbroken communion, will kindle hope in all those who aspire to this seemingly unobtainablegoal. Since many of us are familiar with Brother Lawrence's three hundred year old classic, which has never been out of print, we'll focus on a few of Frank Laubach'sdiscoveries. "As I analyzemyselfI find severalthings happening to me as a result of ... strenuous effort to keep the Lord in mind every minute. This concentration on God is strenuous, but everything else has ceased to be so. I think more clearly, I forget lessfrequently. Things which I did with a strain before,I now do easily and with no effort whatever I worry about nothing...I no longer feel in a hurry about anything.Everythinggoes right." p- 15 In the Urantia Paperswe are told of Jesus:"The secret of of his unparalleledreligious life was this consciousness prayer the presenceof God; and he attained it by intelligent and sincere worship-unbroken communion with God..'" [Page 2089 par. 0]. And we are encouragedto attempt it ourselves:" ... the divine bestowalsmay flow to the hearts and souls of those who thus rememberto maintain unbroken The Art of PossibilitY communion with their Maker..." lPage2066 par 01. Laubach RosamundStoneZandet & Benjamin Zander respondsto the question of how one is to remember: "By When a poet and a scientist combine forces in an a new habit! All thought employs silent words and insightful and enlightened way, the result is an excellent forming is really conversationwith your inner self. Instead of talking book. "Ben" Zander is conductor of the Boston to yourself, form the habit of talking to Christ...when evil 'Lord, thesethoughtsare not Philharmonic Orchestra,and "Ros" is a family therapistand thoughtsof any kind come,say, last the be may of conductor role painter. The landscape my fit to discusswith you. Lord, you do the thinking. Renew bastion of the total dictator, but not for Zander. He is a mind by your presence."'P.32 genius at combining strong leadership and compassion. I Laubach shareshow his relationships have become found his methods and insights very helpful, especially for imbued with a new affection: "I choose to look at people pragmaticapplication to professionaldemandson a creative through God, using God as my glasses, colored with His own personality. Zander discovered that his love for them." p.25. Frank Laubach went on to become a ionductorAeader'spower was directly linked to how much world renowned educator,writing over 50 books, receiving greatnesshe was willing to grant others. A remarkable many honors, and living "one of the fullest lives ever lived example is his vignette: "Leading from any Chair." The by one of Christ's followers." P. xiv Zanders invite us to all become compassionate "And if you should forget Him for minutes or even communicators,leaders and performers whose lives radiate days, do not groan or repent, but begin anew with a smile' possibility to the world. Then, they show us how to do it! J.B.M' Eiery minutecan be afrish beginning."p.37 L.M. Booksof Significance Fall & Winter,2O0l Interface A New Urgency? Recenteventshaveliterally brought home the need for the world to hearthe Good News, and hear it apart from cultural bias and conflict. The conditions that give rise to hatred and prejudice and intolerance are complex economically and culturally, but simple in terms of basic human nature. Such conditions will always exist as long as we fail to recognizeothers as brothers and sisters in the human family of the one divine Creator-Father. Readersof The Urantia Book no doubt feel a new urgencyin sharingthe messageof the Fifth EpochalRevelation. At the sametime, as we reflect back on the history of our world, it's hard to flnd a time when that wasn't the case. Few generationshave existed without the destructive forces of human nature breaking in upon their lives from beyondthe homeboundariesof nationstates. The Good News has always been urgently needed,but the consequencesof a world failing to understandit keepsgetting higher. In a post-coldwar age, many of us had hoped that a new age was dawning, a veritable spring time of international cooperation compared to the conflicts of every generationbefore us. Now it seemsthat a new era of conflict has arisen,built on long standinginequalities and prejudice, as well as pride, alrogance,and self deceit. And no side can lay claim to purity of motive and actionin the long history of eventsleadingus here. A new stagein the agendafor mankind is emerging. All the more need for sharing the Fifth Epochal Revelation. At the same time, along with the urgency, comes the need for patience. I've always marveled at how patient Jesuswas in the face of the burden he carried. His was a task far beyond that of any other mortal. How could he maintain suchsublimecomposurewhile faced not only with the hostility of the world around him, but the slow comprehensionof his own followers? But he did. The urgencyof his task was alwaysthere, but so was the patience,the un-hurriednessof his day to day living. I can only attribute it to a sublime confidencein God's wisdom and over-control,and the certainty, even fore-knowledge, of the outcome. So as we go about our tasks,I pray for both a sense of urgency and patience, for as ambassadorsof the Fifth Epochal Revelation, I believe we will need both-in equalmeasure. Merlyn Cox ForgottenUrantians Don Deam During the 1970's and 80's Don Deam was often seen at Urantia Conferencesquietly smoking a pipe and observingthe goingson. He was alwaysan active Urantian, and hosted a study group and his own regional conference in Topeka, Kansas before he retired from his law practice and moved to Arkansas. Don was especiallysupportiveand helpful to me in various Urantia projects over the years. But, I really didn't know Don's remarkablebackgroundand service to his country until one quiet afternoon in his study. There, reluctantly-at my urging-he unfolded events and spun stories,and showedme unique artifactsand clippings from his adventures. The world held its breathon June6,1944 asAllied troops began to storm the beaches of Normandy, France. But the untold story really began the night before, when American paratroopers were dropped behind German lines. Don Deem was one of those brave men, a First Sergeantof the 501st Parachute Infantry of the l0lst Airborne Division, the famous "ScreamingEagles."Their missionwas to land behind enemy lines in the dark, assemble(at the sound of a cow bell which the division commanderwould drg), and to drive backward toward Omaha Beach and link up with the 4th Infantry Division. What actually happenedthat night was vastly different. Deam said: "I never did hear any cow bell." To begin with, the 18 year old, 125 pound Deem landed in frigid canal waters and was promptly dragged to the bottom by his heavy gear. He cut himself loose, and struggled up a muddy bank, clutchinghis Tommy gun. His comradeswere nowhere in sight. After a few minutes he found a Corporal from another division hanging helplessly in a tree. While cutting him down, in the corner of his eye he spotted two Germans with fixed bayonets approaching. Swiftly he hit the ground and opened fire. They droppedsilently to the ground. Deam crawled over and discoveredhe had killed a cow. The "bayonets"that he thought he saw were the star-crossedanimal's horns flashins in the moonlisht. The Spiritual Fellowship Journal In the course of that golden afternoon Donald Deam told me other stories,including being trappedin Bastogneduring the Battle of the Bulge, and "seeing lots of good men die there" under withering Nazi SS fire. But Bastogne held. Deam recalled watching Patton arrive shortly after Bastogne was relieved, waving from his tank, his fancy pistols gleaming in the sun. What Don did not tell me that day was later revealedin a fading newspaperclipping. The story told of his heroism, and how he came to be awarded a Purple Heart and the coveted Silver Star for his gallantry in battle during those terrible days of uncertaintybehind German lines. As "ranking officer"' Deam took charge of 200 men and evacuatedthem safely to link up with the main body of troops. The clipping read: "Directing the withdrawal, First Sgt. Deam superviseda streamcrossingby all 200 men which he accomplishedwith precision and a minimum number of casualties,despite intensefire by the enemy. In the march that followed, Deam went from man to man, encouraging them not to be afraid and to keep low. Shot three times through the arm during the stream crossing, he ignored his own wounds and exposed himself continually to fire as he aided and supervised the group. He finally succeededin leading them to Major Richard J, Allen . . .and with this additional strength Maj. Allen was able to capture BeuzeAddeville and later form part of the Sroup who ... seized and held the I'a Barquette locks, a regimental mission." Don now lives alone in a retirement center in Topeka.His sight is failing, but he managesto read with the aid of modern technology. He loves to hear from Urantians,old and young. Drop him a few words of encouragementat: Donald L. Deam, 35i,5SW 6th, Apt. 228, Topeka,KS.66606. Or pick up thephone and give him a call: (755) 235-5909' Don loves to hear L.M. from Urantians. Real Life Outreac (JrantiansShareInner Lfe Experiences The Cleaning LadY I'm a professionalwoman who usually works late at the office. Much as most any woman,in the back of my mind I am always,on somelevel, consciousof my physical safety. In the evening a black woman cleans our offices after work. At first she made me very uncomfortable. I thought there was something Fall & Winter,200l mentally wrong with her. She is large,has huge teeth and is missing a few, her back is curved and she's alwaysrubbing her face as if she'sexhausted.I greet her every time I seeher. The other evening she was in the lunch room with her headon the table. I spoketo her but shewas so tired shecouldn't lift her head' The next night shewas much better. I askedher if she worked more than one job. Yes, she said.I asked her if shegot a nap today becauseshelooked like she felt better. Yes, she said.And I told her I was happy shewas ableto get somerest. Then shetold me about her otherjob. Shepackslunchesfor the lessfortunate! Understandthat this woman is poor, shewearstattered clothing, she is not educated.Yet, she's an angel to peoplelessfortunatethan her! The next night I gave her some cucumbersfrom the gardenand she was so excited. She told me all aboutthe saladshewas going to make.By this simple action I connected with her on a new level. The of separationand discomfortI had was consciousness dispelled, and replaced by something differentsomethingprecious. I now have someidea of how the Master did not measurepeople by some code of status-in fact-he did not measurethem at all. He could "see" all people as his brothersand sisters:"The Master looked upon men as the sonsof God and foresaw a magnificent and eternalfuture for thosewho chosesurvival. He was not a moral skeptic; he viewed man positively, not negatively. He saw most men as weak rather than wicked, more distraught than depraved.But no matter what their status,they were all God's children and his brethren." 12093par. 3l S.C.C. "Jesus was never in a hurry. He had time to 'as he passedby.' And he comfort his fellow men always made his friends feel at ease. He was a charming listener. He never engaged in the meddlesomeprobing of the souls of his associates." [Page1874] "Most of the really important things which Jesus 'as he passed said or did seemedto happencasually, by.' There was so little of the professional,the wellpianned,or the premeditatedin the Master's earthly ministry. He dispensedhealth and scatteredhappiness naturally and gracefully as he journeyed through life. 'He went about doing good.' " It was literally true, [Page1875] The Spiritual Fellowship Spiritual Fellowship over the next few years. The Founding Directors are Sherilyn Henry, Nancy Long, Larry Mullins, Irene Sprunger, Meredith Sprunger, During the past 45 years there has been a and Sue Tennant.The Theological and Philosophical difference of opinion regarding the nature of the Principles Committee is chaired by Nancy Long; the Urantia movement. Some have regarded it as a Manual On Ministry Committee is chaired by religious movement; others have viewed it as an Gregory Young; the Liturgy and Rituals Committee educationalmovementwith a religious purpose.The chair is Michael Melody; the Compositionof sacred official organizations-Urantia Foundation, The Music and Revision of Hymns Committee is chaired Urantia Book Fellowship, and the International by Bud Bromley; the Education Committee chair is Urantia Association-have all denied that they are Merlyn Cox; the EvangelismCommittee is chaired by religious organizations.They have lost much of the Christopher Lepine; our Website Committee is dynamic of outreach ministry and are instead chaired by Robert Hurt; the Finance and Stewardship engagedin political power struggles. Committee chair is Sherilyn Henry; and the There is no group exclusively dedicated to the Administrative and Planning Committee chair is disseminationof the Fifth Epochal Revelation as a Meredith Sprunger. religious mission. While religion is fundamentally Our Mission Statementis: "The worldwide mission an individual experience of values, this individual of The Spiritual Fellowship is to teach, motivate, experience inevitably results in empower,and support all people social expression. This social in their growing relationship expressionis important if our world The worldwide mission of The with God and to encouragetheir society is to evolve in an loving serviceto humankind." Spiritual Fell.owship is to teach, enlightened,positivedirection. Our Preamble highlights the motivate, ernpower,and support The history of religion showsthat seven most important concepts spiritual value systems are always all people in their growing that The Spiritual Fellowship established and promoted through attemptsto promote and live: relationship with God and to somekind of religiousorganization. 1. The loving Parenthoodof encourage their loving semice When I first discoveredthe Urantia God and the spiritual brother Papers,I thought they were ideally /sisterhoodof all people are our to humankind. suitedto upstepChristianity and the guiding two foundational other relisions of the world. I still principles. We acknowledgeas believe this will eventually happen. For over 40 kindred spirits, all individuals and traditions, past and yearsI have been interfacing with the leadersof the present,who recognizethesetwo principles. Christian Church and this experience has made it 2. We rejoice that all people are God's beloved quite clear that it will take considerabletime before children and that, as the ultimate authority, a fragment they will seriously examine the Urantia Papers.So of God'sspirit indwells eachperson,guiding us, if we after much thought and soul searching,I believe it is are willing, to our highest spiritual good. time, probably past time, to actualize a bona fide 3. The Spiritual Fellowship affirms that true religious organizationinspired by the Fifth Epochal religion is the spiritual experience of personally Revelation. knowing God. We believe that the supernal quest of Early this year Sherilyn Henry and I, along with all people is that of discoveringGod, and that the path around 40 other students of the Urantia Papers, of finding and doing God's will is an individual startedorganizing a new religious organization,The responsibility and personalexperience. Spiritual Fellowship. This organization is based 4. The Spiritual Fellowship recognizes as the upon the teachings of Jesus in the Fifth Epochal spiritual ideal for human living, the life and teachings Revelation. The Spiritual Fellowship is being of Jesusas confirmed and expandedin The Urantia incorporatedin the Stateof California. It will also be Book. To this end, we utilize all sacred scriptures incorporatedin Canada. portraying spiritual truth and wisdom harmonious Currently, ten researchand consulting committees with this guideline for spiritual living. havebeenorganizedto study variousaspectsofThe 5. The Spiritual Fellowship welcomes all people Dr. Meredith Sprunger t0 The Spiritual Fellowship Journal into membership who recognize the parenthood of God and the spiritual kinship of all people, and who endeavorto live a God-centeredlife striving to give selfless,loving serviceto others. 6. The Spiritual Fellowship challenges each member to strive towards consistent, God-centered living and thus supports, honors, and encourages spiritual transformation and enhancedvalues for the individual, the family, and the community in all aspectsof life: physical, social, psychological,and spiritual. 7. The Spiritual Fellowship is growth-focused.It will be in constant self-generatedimprovement without sacrificing its essentialvision, purpose,and nature of principles. The Industrial Age was primarily an extension of muscle-power.The Information Age is an extension of mental power. The Chaordic Agex promisesto be an extension of spiritual influence, insight, and transformation.We hope The Spiritual Fellowship is the beginning of a religious institution that will cany the religion of Jesus and the Fifth Epochal Revelationthroughout the world. "It is difficult for religion to survive as the private practiceof isolated individuals.This has ever been the error of the religious leaders:Seeingthe evils of institutionalized religion, they seek to destroy the technique of group functioning. In place of destroying all ritual, they would do better to reform it." [Page1076.) "While it is true that the institutionalization of religion has usually detracted from its spiritual quality, it is also a fact that no religion has thus far succeeded in surviving without the aid of institutional organizationof some degree,greater or lesser."[Pg. 1083.] "Regardless of the drawbacks and handicaps' everynew revelationof truth has given rise to a new cult, and eventhe restatementof the religion of Jesus must develop a new and appropriatesymbolism." [Page966.] "Notwithstanding that the new cult has always retarded social progress,it is regrettablethat so many modern believers in moral standardsand spiritual ideals have no adequate symbolismnothing to belong to." [Pg. 965] "There is a real pulpose in the socializationof religion. It is the purpose of group religious activities to dramatizethe loyalties of religion; to magnify the lures of truth, beauty,and goodness;to foster the attractivenessof supreme values; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life; to promote religious education; to provide wise counsel and spiritual guidance; and to encourage group worship." [Page1092.1 The Spiritual Fellowship is a God-centered spiritual vision striving to develop an appropriate symbolism and socioreligious expression of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. We invite you to participatein this new spiritual adventurein various ways that seemappropriatefor you, such as: -The ChaordicAqe:Whenan innovativeindividualby the name of Dee Hock was- CEO of VISA International,he introduced principles which enabled people and institutionsof .every bonceivablelanguage,culture,currency,race,and economicand politicalpersuadion-iounitein a commonlyownedorganizationin i,vnicnmembers simultaneouslyengaged in the most intense cooperationand fiercecompetition.In attemptingto explainthese credtiveorinciples,Hockfound no word that adequatelyportrayed these orinciplbs.so he coined a word from chaos and orderadaptive, self-governing, chaord.A ctiaord is any self-organizing, nonlinear, complex ilrganism, organization,com.munityor svstem. the behavioi of which harmoniously blends charact6risticsof both chaos and order. lt is an entity whose behavior exhibits observable patterns and probabilitiesnot qovernedor explained by the iules that govern or explain its 6onstituentpartd.tt is chaiacteristicof the fundamentalorganizing principlesoi evolutionand nature.Many experts believewe are bnterino into a Chaordic Aqe, in which the most successful accordingto Chaordicprinciples. will be develop-ed orqaniz-ations Sde Dee Hock,"Birth of the ChaordicAge." We believeThe SpiritualFellowshipwill cany the religion of Jesusand the Fifth Epochal Revelation throughout the world. We invite you to join this spiritual adventureinto the future. Fall & Winter,2001 1. Pray that we may faithfully follow God's will and wisdom. 2. Become a Spiritual Fellowship leader in your community by encouraging your study group, friends, and associatesto start a home-based fellowship. 3. Volunteeryour time, creativity,and resourcesto this endeavor. 4. Considerformal training to becomea Spiritual Fellowshipordainedminister or certified teacher. Dr Meredith Sprunger is Founder and Editor Emeritusof the Spiritual FellowshipJournal' He has beenan activeand dedicatedUrantianfor overfour decades, serving in numerous capacities' He is author of "spiritual Psychology"(Jemenon,1992), coauthor of "A Histrtrlt of the Urantia Papers"' (PenumbraPress, 2000) and countlessstudy aids and papers relating to the Urantia Papers. ll rhet f you judge. Someof the critics againstTSF are simply itl'#Lil',llr"*shiP lazy and do not wish to be kingdom builders. They Sherilyn Henry look back in history and say,"It can't be donebecause "I admonish you ever to remember that your it's neverbeen done before."Yet, with God all things mission among men is to proclaim the gospelof the are possible.Others suggestthat there are too many kingdom ...You are to go forth preachingthe love of problems- "a mountain of obstacles."This, in my God and the serviceof man." [Pg. 193par.O]. opinion is anothercop-out,for: "Difficulty whets the Dear reader,you have likely heardor read by now ardor of the truth lover,while obstaclesonly challenge about the beginning stepstowards the formation of the exertionsof the undauntedkingdom builder." [56] The Spiritual Fellowship. Meredith Sprungerand I Still others have a personal agenda of maintaining are so very pleasedand privileged to be co-founding control and use arbitrary excusessuch as "The world this religious organization. isn't ready for the Fifth Epochal Revelation"or "No Over 40 volunteersare dedicatedto building this religious institution should ever be organizedaround vision into a viable organization. Meredith and I the Urantia Papers." Some have even self-appointed invite you and hope that you will themselvesto aggressivelythwart Christ tells us: "You are join the ranks of this historic such actions in the past. This commissionedto preach this endeavor. The Spiritual article is not for them. But for gospelof the kingdom...and you Fellowship(TSF) is dedicatedto those readerswith valid concerns must not allow anything to divert servingall peoplein their growing and an open mind, I ask you to relationship with God. TSF your devotion to this one duty. Let spend a moment seriously all mankind benefit from the embracesthe philosophyof living evaluatingTSF: Why Now? Ask overflow of your loving spiritual that boldly dares to suggestthat yourself the following questions minis try, enlighte ning intellectual active living faith in the Loving and see what the Spirit of Truth communion,and uplffing soci.al Parenthood of God and the revealsto you. service;but none of these spiritual kinship of all people is 1). Do you think that Christ humanitarinn labors, nor all of the purpose of living and the Michael would eventually want them, should be permitted to take supremereality. TSF will be a one religious worldwide faiththe pl.aceof proclaiming the structure that supports those family that, while celebrating gospel;' U931] Isn't it high time wishing to leaventhis dark planet diversity,lives in respectfulunity we start proclaiming the gospel? by proclaiming the Gospel of here on Urantia? If yes, when do God's personaland intimate love you think he might wish this to and the good news of our eternalsalvationpotential. happen? TSF encouragesthe building of local faith-families 2).In your opinion, doesany current world religion worldwide where God is celebrated,children are or religiousorganizationhavethe potentialto become raisedin community, seekersare invited to sharein that unifying factor?If your answeris no, this spiritual life of hope, love and service, and 3). What would be the indicatorsthat it is now time membersare inspired to becomekingdom builders. to "construct a new and appealing philosophy of TSF is answeringJesus'mandate:"I admonishyou living?" [43] everto rememberthat your mission amongmen is to 4). Who shoulddetermine"the right time?" proclaim the gospel of the kingdom ...You are to go 5). Once deemed"the right time," whethertoday or forth preachingthe love of God and the service of 15 centuries from now, what are the necessary m a n "[ 1 9 3 ] . organizational first steps towards the eventual There are many who criticize our efforts. Many attainmentof a religious faith community that would have sincerelyexpresseddoubt that this is the right be capableof proclaimingthis gospel? time in Urantia history to develop and initiate a 6). Who are the "right people" and how might these religious organizationlike The Spiritual Fellowship. leadersbe chosento begin this historic endeavor? Most have valid concerns that are important to 7). When we investigatethe question of whether dialogueupon. I ask you who sincerelyseekto do now is the time to initiate this endeavor,what are the God's will, give us the 2-3 year projected factorsthat both supportthis effort and/or discourage developmenttime. See what TSF becomesbefore ir? t2 The Spiritual FellowshipJournal ' The FamilY 8). Is there qualitativeevidencethat now is not the Birthplace of CosmicCitizenshiP right time? that any church Paul Snider for "There great hope is learn, 9). We of brotherhood the ss, Uruntia Book-feJlowship' Addre 'P-lenary -lnie worshipsthe living God, validates Conference.I 999 iiaii-oiAl its man, and daresto remove all creedalpressurefrom members."tl1351. If TSF is faithful to this mandate We bring a child into the world' A simple and creedal removing by liberty religious and encouraging ordinary thing, but wonderfully complex. Whether we hope? promise of dictates,then isn't this a know it or not, we have now becomeengagedin the preach 10).Christtells us: "You arecornmissionedto supremeresponsibilityof human existence.'We have this gospelof the kingdom...andyou must not allow now begun the process of nurturing and shaping a anything to divert your devotion to this one duty. Let cosmic citizen.What faith the Father in heavenhas in your loving of overflow all mankind benefit from the us to allow us the privilege of doing this.'To entrust intellectual enlightening ministry, spiritual His children to our watchcare.3Of all human trusts, cbmmunion, and uplifting social service;but none of this is the most sacred,oour highest human duty.5 be should them, of nor all labors, humanitarian these Whether we know it or not, theseare the facts of life. gospel." proclaiming the place of permittedto take the What is it about the idea of family that makes it so the profoundly important? Why does The Urantia Book 1193U Isn't it high time we start proclaiming gospel? saythat almosteverythingof lastingvaluehasits roots in the family,6that the home is civilization's only hope Finally, dear reader, I challenge you with "Why of survival?'Why is it that the family occupied the not?" We cannot fail in attempting to create a very center of Jesus' noncreedal supportive organization -we fail philosophyof life, here and With someassistance only if we fail to try now. If it is not God's will from hereafter?'Whatis it in this to support The Spiritual Fellowship, it will friends, neighbors,and simple notion that resonates wither on the vine. But wouldn't it be far wiser communifit,the truefamilY from here to Paradise and to sidewith Gamaliel insteadof the Sadducees teachesmostof what is reallY beyond? on this question?Gamalielsaid,"Refrain from I think we can find essentialin W. This is what [thwarting] thesemen and let them alone, for if of the answers by some this counselor this work is of men, it will be The Urantia Book tells us. looking at what families do. overthrown;but if it is of God, you will not be This is whqt our own Every family is unique. No ableto overthrowthem,lest haply you be found confirms. experience two have exactly the same evento be fighting againstGod." [2068]We are dynamics.And yet, families mandated by our Creator Son through our lesserskill. belovedscripturesto go outsideof our own community all do the samethings,with greateror In family life we are like sharprough-edgedstones and boldly proclaimthis gospel,"... go you now into all all thrown together.We continuously toss againsteach the world preaching this gospel of the kingdom of other in the river of time. After all the rubbing and heavento all men" (193:0.5). rubbing the sharp edges begin to disappear.We So when all is said and done, "What do you becomesmoothpebbles.We adjust our antagonisms. recommend we do today?" I hope that you feel We teachthe pursuitsof peaceto our children.uThe inspiredenoughto join us, now, if only to pray that we may clearly discern God's will for The Spiritual family is the mastercivilizer.n With some assistancefrom friends, neighbors,and Fellowship.If you wish to sharethoughts.questions,or community, the true family teachesmost of what is would like to help create TSF, please write me really essentialin life. This is what The Urantia Book personally at: shenrymft@hotmail.com.God bless tells us. This is what our own experienceconfirms. you! Well, what are the essentialsof life? Sherityn Henry is a licensed Marriage Family First and foremost, we begin to learn about love, Therapistand has practicedfor over 12 years' She is how to love, how to be loved.All of the foundationsof now attending seminary at The Pacific School of cosmic citizenship are built upon the enduring baseof Religion in Berkeley.Sheand her husbandDoug live in The Family - Birthplace of Cosmic Citizenship Fairfield, CA. @ Copyright 1999by Paul Snider. Nl ngfus reserved' Fall & Winter, 2001 l3 The Family - Birthpluce of Cosmic'Citizenship (continued) love.Without love we are nothing.Without love there rise or fall with each other . . . Somewherethe thought is no place for us in the universe.In the way we love recursagainand againin my mind: It is the Father'swill our children we begin to get a glimmer - we actually that none shouldbe lost. begin to experience-the way God relates to His Six months after I discoveredGod I discoveredZhe universechildren.And at the sametime-if we get it Book. This was in i965, and Mary has been Urantia right-we portray to our children the first of a long with me in this sincethe beginning.I can't begin to tell seriesof ascendingdisclosuresof the love of God for you how valuablethat has been. all universe children.'oWe begin to portray The Urantia Book made us aware of a presence, unconditional love. within our reach, of a sphere of life infinitely more Second, we learn about mercy. I have so often valuable than the naturallife of humankind.'7 We wanted receivedmercy that I did not deserve,that I havecome to find out more about this, explore its higher pathways to define mercy as what you extendto someonewho doesn'tdeserveit. If it's deserved,it's not mercy,it's whereverthey would lead. We wantedto introduce our children to the majestic cosmic framework of the justice. Someoneonce told me that home is where you go Urantiateachings.But how?This was no easyquestion. Not knowing what else to do, we plunged ahead.We when you can't go anywhereelse.When I think about that,when I think aboutall the childrenwho can't ever madeevery mistakewe could think of, and a few more. We tried reading passagesfrom go home again-when I the book at dinnertime.We tried imagine their eyes-it tearsmy . . . it was the dinner table that turned formal lessons,with lessonplans heart out. Mercy is what you the tide. Sitting around the table we and diagrams,the whole works. extendto someonewho doesn't began to tell storiesfrom The Urantia A certain telltale glaze would deserveit. Home is where we Book. Wedidn't plan this as a teaching come over the children's eyes. first begin to learn about mercy exercise.Itjust unfolded naturally from We tried to make a family study and forgiveness. Mercy is our enthusinsm. Webegan to tell stories group.We tried a few disastrous appliedlove." about the Garden of Eden, Adamson family councils. We weren't Third. we learn about and Ratta, the fandors, the mi.dwayers, connecting. One day, at the ministry. A true parent the goings on in Dalamati.a,the Lucifer mention of Jesus,we observed continuously ministers to the rebellion, Van and Amadon, W on a about 7 or 8 secondsof pure, child.r'?And ministry does not neighboringplanet ... Jesuson Mount apprehensivesilence among the mean indulgence. Just the Hermon, Jesus and Rebecca-so many Then one of them said: children. opposite. Ministry focuses on Jesus stories. The Urantia Book has lots "Here comes another brainy things that build character.In of good stories. Some of them lecture." time, children come to are spectacular. That stopped us in our recognizethis and appreciateit. tracks. We felt like total failures. And this serviceenduresas lons For more than six months we made no mention of the as thereis a parent-childrelationship.You never stop book or the teachings.And then we beganaccidentally being a father.You never stop being a mother. The list could go on and on. So many other things. to stumbleforward into the light. The family teachesculture to the next generation.i3 What beganto work was quite simple and practical.It The family teaches patience, altruism, tolerance, startedat the dinner table. Over the months and years that followed, we did otherthings-we did a lot of study forbearance.'o And it alsoteachesduty, responsibility, group activity, alw,ayswith children who were free to discipline,consequences. It teachesus that we are all pleased.We took part for years bound together,that we rise or fall, a little bit or a lot, wanderin and out asthey in a beautiful meeting for worship in an organized with the actionsof each member.'5It's not like a big corporationin which you can say:We're having some religion. But it was the dinner table that turnedthe tide. Mzry and I had both taken stepsto arrangeour lives financial problemsthis year.We'll have to downsize. so that we could have family sit-down dinners. No Sorry,but we'll haveto let a few of you kids go. Good televisicln. No distractions.I restrictedmy travel to only luck.'6 a few days a year.Sitting aroundthe table we beganto No way. In a family you can't lay off or fire anyone. tell storiesfromThe Urantia Book. We didn't plan this The family teaches:We are all in this together.We will as a teachingexercise.It just unfolded naturally from I4 The Spiritual FellowshipJournal our enthusiasm.We began to tell stories about the Gardenof Eden,Adamsonand Ratta,the fandors,the midwayers,the goings on in Dalamatia,the Lucifer rebellion, Van and Amadon, life on a neighboring planet,what happenswhen you awakenafter mortal death,the morontiajourney,Jesuson Mount Hermon, Jesus and Rebecca-so many Jesus stories. The Urantia Bookl'taslots of good stories.Someof them are spectacular. The children found these stories f-ascinating,and would ask questions. It was a natural and easy transitionto move beyondthe storiesinto teaching.In the normal conversationsaboutthe eventsof the day, issues would always arise from which the perspectivesof the Urantia Paperscould shed some larger illumination. Much of what we tried to teachcamein responseto questions.All of the childrenhavegreatcuriosity and lively imaginations.But in the beginning,we tended to over-teach,to say too much. We quickly found we had to learn a fundamentallesson,which was this: The child must remain in control of the learning process,and feel in control. Becauseof your own enthusiasmfor the teachings, you may not always watch closely enoughfor body languagethat tells you the point hasbeenmadeor the lessonhas ended.You have a great urge to add one more thought to round out the concept,to list one or two additional facts, to give one more example,to offer one more cogentobservation.' . Don't. When the look in the eye saysstop,when the body languagesaysstop,bite your tongueand stop.Let the child remainin contol. This makesall the difference. It keepsthings relaxed.It stimulatesthe child to keep on asking questions.. . I can remembernights when we never left the dinner table until midnight. Two childrenon one knee,anotherchild on the other knee. Questions,questions,questions.It was exhilarating. Thereis one other thing I shouldmentionaboutthe dinner table discussions.Mary and I quite often see things in different ways. We sharethe samevalues, but our perceptionscome in from different angles'I shouldalso mention that Mary-bless her heart-has neverbeenhesitantto speakher mind. Over the years there were many times when Mary and I would present different interpretations of some of the Urantia teachings.At the time I thought to myself: My God, we are really going to confusethe kids. It was not until many years later that we learnedthey weren't confusedat all. What they took away from Fall & Winter. theseexchangeswas this: Thereis no dogma.You are free to haveyour own opinion.For a young mind, this was a liberatingrevelation. In our yearsof child rearingthere were two things we were consciouslytrying to do. More than anything else, we wanted each of our children to develop a personal, private, powerful relationship with God, and a desireto follow the inspirationof Jesus'life and teachingswhereverit would lead them. Second,we wantedto help our children developa framework for living their mortal lives that would be fully consistentwith all phasesof living anywherein the universe beyond - through all the morontia progressions,even to the realms of Paradise'We wantedour children to feel at home in the universe,'' to know we havefriends on other worlds. We didn't call this cosmic citizenshipthen, but in retrospectthat's what we often talked about.Except for the Supreme.We just nibbled aroundthe edgesof the Supreme.Cosmic citizenshipdoes not begin in the mansionworlds. It beginshere and now. One of the major purposesof The [Jrantia Book rs to tell us that. Beyond its purposeof spiritual transformation, the revelationintroducesus to the idea that we are entry-levelparticipantsin an immenseenterprise.It says in effect: Folks, this is the way the universe works. It's time you knew it. These are the facts of universereality. Start getting usedto it. We live and move and have our being within the Supreme Being'e-the evolving Mother God,'o the finite God,'' the God of Time and Space,"the God of Experience."We can only approachthe Supremeby We We haveto do something.2t meansof experience.2* Supreme The the Supreme. without evolve cannot probablycannotevolvewithout us.tuThus, we have a duty to the Supreme." Out duty is to help build spirituality into dynamic levels of experience-based is a big job. It This Supreme." the of immanence the haveto work grand universe.t'We involvesthe entire togetherto do our tiny, tiny, tiny irreplaceablepart.30 Where do we start?How do we begin?I am going to suggesteight typesof action,eight modesof living, that repercussin the Supreme,that not only help us evolve,but also help the Supremeevolve.There are many, many more things we can do in addition to these eight ideas, but these eight are illustrative of how we can proceedas individuals.I won't even try to suggesthow we can proceed as groups' But as individuals,theseare the kinds of things that begin to build an enduringfoundationfor cosmic citizenship' The Famil-v-- Birthplace of Cosmic Citizenship (continued) In more extendeddetail, thesewere the kinds of things universe.Jesusproved that over and over again in his we discussedover the yearsaroundthe dinner table. life. And the more fully we progress as cosmic The first action is to stayfocased. citizens, the more fully we will come actually to Eachof us hasto makea decisionaboutsurvivaland experiencethe truth of this statement. continuing growth, to become ever more godlike. We The second action is to s/ay relaxed. have to want to go forward. Mary and I gave absolute I don't mean lounging around in your bathrobes.I assurancesto the children that none of them would meaninwardly relaxed.Spirituallyrelaxed.Don't keep ever be dragged kicking and screaming into higher feeling your spiritualpulse.The action nucleusof this statesof being.When life getsyou down, stayfocused idea comes in moving from a state of tension to on the larger schemeof things. somethingapproachingspiritual serenity.We will have Staying focused means staying focused on the to do this long into the future. You can't grow when Father'swill as the singular enduringprinciple of all you're tense. existence, the sure pathway to progress now and The most spirituallyrelaxing story I everheardgrew forever. out of a meeting long ago between George Foxx, But there is an important companionword. We have founder of the Quakers,and William Penn, before he to stay intelligently focused.What this does not mean moved to Philadelphia.As the story was told to me, is saying:Hey, boss,tell me what to Penn was then a young do and I'll do it.3' You can't get There is one phrase, just part of a Englishman,a pretty tough guy, a anywhere near Paradise with that sentencein The Urantin Book, sword-carrying swashbuckler.He attitude.You need to supply some that clearly teachesthat the will was becoming interested in the real volitional horsepower. of God extends even into the Quakers and was thinking of What it does mean is intelligent smallest details of W, that at joining their religious society.But partnership,always knowing who everymoment of our conscious he was hesitant. So he met with the senior partner is. Intelligent being, we have the opportunity to GeorgeFoxx. focus meanswe expressagain and . Penn said: If I become a chooseHis will . . . I think this is again-forever-within our mind, the most powerful sentencein Quaker, how long can I carry my the full volitional power of the The Urantia Book. sword? personality prerogativesGod has . Foxx said: Let's sit down and given us: Father,I will to do your will. I chooseyour pray togetheraboutthat. will. I understandits supernalvalue. . They prayed togetherfor a good period of time. Many people believe the Father'swill appliesonly Then finall!, Foxx looked up and said: As long as you to big decisions,major actions.They think God is too can. busy to get involved in the small and commonplace I think this story revealsGod's attitude toward us. details of daily living. Those who hold this view Go forward with your whole self. Don't keep looking simply do not understandthat God is truly infinite. back at the baggageyou left behind.Cany your sword There is one phrase,just part of a sentencein The as long as you can. But when you put it down, when Urantia Book, that clearly teachesthat the will of God just it's not you anymore,put it down forever. extends even into the smallest details of life, that at The third action is to stay balanced. every moment of our consciousbeing, we have the Just because we study The (Jrantia Book doesn't opportunity to choose His will. The sentenceis on mean we are in a halfway house to heaven.All it page 1555, in the middle of paragraph 2, in a means is that we have expandedpotential.We are not descriptionof the Apostle John. people. chosen We arenot special.What we haveis the I think this is the most powerful sentencein The sustenance of a far-flung cosmic perspective.33 Our Urantia Book.It says that Jesusalways deferredftis challenge is to translate potential into actual-into slightest wish to the will of the Father in heaven. living the teachingswe have begun to comprehend. To the casualmind,"commitment at this level-the But the road from here to there is long and difficult. l00Va level-would be terribly restrictive, like a Always, we emphasized:Use common sense.Keep straidacket. It would turn us into spiritual zombies. things in proportion, even The Urantia Book. The fact is, it would lead to just the opposite.The Assimilate the wholenessof the teachings.Don't get Father's will is the greatest liberating force in the lost in a singlepart. The Spiritual Fellowship Journal Yearafteryear,as a family, we witnessedindividuals walking around with Urantia Books, but who had clearly lost their balanceand were becomingstrange. Someof them seemedto do it all by themselves.Some of them seemedto fall victim to the distractionsthat interlacethe Urantia movement. We consistentlytaught the children that there is inherentdignity and worth in every other person,that in time we will all become brothers and sisters of destiny.And we often told our ihildren that we can neverknow where, or when, or how the light of God will illuminate anothermind. The only thing we can know for sure is that God always works in strikingly original ways. So we should listen carefully to what otherssay,try to remain spiritually aware. Over the years,all of us had to weigh theseteachings necessaryto againstthe observationsand assessments presence of truth, or in the were we determine when exaggerated when we were in the presenceof an religiousego.to are With Jesusasyour role model,theseassessments of Jesus' symmetry The make. to much easier personalityis balancein its most exquisiteform' We are clearly taughtthat "...the secretof his unparalleled of the presenceof religiouslife was his consciousness prayer and intelligent it by he attained and God; with God sincereworship unbroken communion and not by leadings,voices,visions, or extraordinary That saysit all. religiouspractices."35 is to s/ay loyal. action The fourth Stay loyal to the highest values you can comprehend. We have been taught that human Our loyalties, once mobihzed, are hard to change.36 of actions the underlie profound loyalties most everythingwe do. Jesusplaceda very high premium on loyalty.And so does the human race. The Urantia Paperstell us that children are permanently impressed only by our primary loyalties." And children cannot be fooled about this. We wanted our children to find pathways that would lead to the deepest ranges of soul mobilization. When we have establishedthe sovereigntyof truth, we will nurture it beauty,and goodnessin our heart,38 and supportit whereverwe find it. We will be loyal to what thesevaluesrepresent. People tend to say truth, beauty, and goodness almost as a singular phrase.They grasp what truth means.They understandgoodness.But too oftenmuch too often-people forget that beauty is the Fall & Winter. 2001 middle word, of equal value with the other two. Beautyis a primary aspectof God we too often ignore. Not only the beautyof things physicaland material, but also the beauty of relationships in which the integrity of the relationship is honored and never violated or betrayed.Beauty of the spirit of things. Cosmic levels of beauty.Beauty that rises within the great spiritual power of wholehearteddevotion to a commoncause,mutual loyalty to a cosmic Deity." The great thing we can teach our children is hope and faith in the ultimate goodness,truth and beautyof creation. God-centeredloyalty is fundamental. Loyalty to truth, beauty, and goodness is fundamental. Our primary loyaltieswill be testedover and over againin our godward adventure.And these tests will usually come out of ambush, to catch us when we're not looking, to capturewhat is the real spontaneousand reactionof the heart. instantaneous The fifth action is to slay determined. Persevere.Grow to the maximum of your being. Don't ever stop,exceptfor an occasionalrest. Use the talentsyou were given. Use it or lose it40-that's the law of the universe. Life will knock you down again and again' Get up strongereach time. Pick yourself up and go forward. Learn from your mistakes. Become better for the experience. One of my favorite stories comes from the boxer. Archie Moore. Archie Moore had remarkable enduranceas a fighter. He was 45 years old and still knocking ZZ-yearolds out of the ring' One night Archie was up against a tough young fighter in a l5-rounder.Archie was holding his own right into the 15th round when his opponentknocked him to the canvas.The refereebeganthe count.At the count of nine Archie got up, and quickly proceededto knock the other guy out of the ring. In the dressing room some reporters crowded around Archie. You know how reporters aresometimes they ask really dumb questions. But sometimesthe dumb questionsproduce remarkable answers.One of the reportersasked:Archie,when you were down for the nine-count,what were you thinking about? Archie thought for a few moments, then he said: "Well, I kind of got to thinking-like he's got all afternoon-if I don't get up off the mat, I'm gonna lose the fight." That story has inspired our whole family for 30 t1 The Family - Birthplace of Cosmic Citizenship (conttnued) years.When times are really tough, when you have motive behind the act. worked to the point of utter exhaustionand there is Canutewas angeredby the constantflattery of those still more to do, when you're up againstan impossible around him. They kept telling him he was so powerful deadlineand all the energyseemsgone,when the odds he was capableof any achievement.He neededto teach againstyou seemoverwhelming,just say to yourself: them a lessonthey would never forget. 'After If I don't get up off the mat, I'm gonnalose the fight. ordering back the seaand getting his feet wet, Then get up off the mat and win the fight. Canute then said: 'Let all men know how empty and The sixth action is to stay nonjudgmental. worthless is the power of kings, for there is none This is an action becauseyou usually have to work worthy of the namebut He whom heavenand earth and at it. It doesn't just pop into your head naturally as sea obey by eternal laws.' Afterward, Canute never your first response,unless you have become very againwore his crown. He hung it insteadin Winchester spiritual. Cathedral." Staying nonjudgmental means we have to be So what looked like ego and intoxication of power to cautiousaboutmakingjudgmentsaboutother people, a false historian was in truth a demonstration of especiallyabout their motives.I'm surethat all of us, profound humility to a true historian. Let us not at one time or anotherhavefound ourselvesaccusedof becomefalse historians,even in the small details of our motives that were the exact daily lives and interactions.This is opposite of what we were a lessonfor all time. If we're not already cooperative thinking. So we all understandthe The seventh action is to s/ay in nature, we had better start socialdanger. driven. learning fast. One of the most To be judgmental is to be quick Stay driven to excel in whatever important lessonswe learn on to condemn, quick to assign you undertake.You can't get to this planet is teamwork, how to motives, quick to assume a work effectively with other people, Paradise with half-hearted effort. superiormorality; quick to gossip, The universe is a place of whole especiallypeople who are not at quick to mistrust.I think we can all hearts. Might as well learn that all like us. Once we learn the imagine that life in the cosmos transcendent value right now. Always do your best. of teamwork, cannotproceedon this basis.So it Whatever is worth doing is worth we will begin to get a glimpse of is best we start learningthe lesson doing well. Put your heart into it. what is really going on in the now, that we begin to place a high These are not clich6s. This is universe. value on accuracy.To give others Reality 101. the benefit of the doubt. To We havebeentaughtthat "...it is approachlife situationswith a nonjudgmentalattitude. repugnant to the divine nature to suffer any sort of Sometimeswhat you think you see is not what deterioration or ever to permit the execution of any you're seeingat all. The Urantia Book portrait of our purely personal act in an inferior way."o,The work of snarlingprimitive ancestorfacing a sabre-toothtiger is this world is of paramountimportance,but important as only one of countlessexampleswe could use. What it is, the work itself is not nearly so important as the we are instructedto look for is the truth content in way we do this work.o' what is going on. As cosmic citizens, the questfor perfection-relaxed Here is one of my favorite examples.arAbout a perfection-must become the underlying urge for thousand years ago King Canute the Great united everything we do. Denmark, Norway, Southern Sweden, and England The eighth action is to s/ay cooperative. into a Viking empire.The history books you probably If we're not already cooperative in nature, we had read told you that Canutehad a massiveego and was better start learning fast. One of the most important so intoxicatedwith power he did a strangething. He lessonswe learn on this planet is teamwork,ahow to took his throne chair to the edge of the sea and work effectively with other people, especially people commandedthe wavesto stop.This is the story of the who are not at all like us. Once we learn the false historian. transcendent value of teamwork,we will begin to get a The true historian would tell you this. Yes, Canute glimpseof what is really going on in the universe. did takehis thronechair to the edgeof the sea.yes, he So much to do. So many things to keep in mind. And did commandthe wavesto stop. But let's look at the this is not evenbasictraining - it's just the introduction l8 The Spiritual Fellowship Journal to our basic training as citizens of a universeteeming with life and purpose. Fortunately, The Urantia Book comes to our rescue. It provides a basic model for universe progression - a primary progression technique for cosmic problem solving. And it also reveals a primary progression attitude. These two things togetherwill get you from here to there. The progression techniqueis very simple, and you always have it with you wherever you are. The technique is to trade your mind for the mind of Jesus"-the Jesusof The Urantia Book. The Jesus we have come to know as having a superblybalanced character,a wonderful symmetry of toughness and compassion,an unflinching dedicationto seekingand doing the Father'swill. As you face decisions,actions,situations,think to yourself:What would Jesusdo?Your honestanswers to that questionwill begin to guide your actions with great spiritual power. Once you have done this with real success the first time-once you actually experiencethe mind of Jesus,however briefly, you will neverwant to go back to your old ways. The primary progressionattitude is equally simple. A Melchizedek revelator tells us that the keys to the kingdom of heavenare: sincerity,more sincerity, and more sincerity. All of us have these keys within us, and we use them by decisions,by more decisions, and by more decisions.'uIn time, we build up a gatheringmomentum that carries us ever godward. Mary and I taught our children that The Urantia Book is not the end of the search, but only the beginning. Everything in life becomes more fascinating in the cosmic glow of the Urantia teachings. The first time I read the book cover to cover was in 1967.I discoveredthe majesticbeauty of the writing, the supernal character of the philosophical observations,the symphonic quality in the way the revelation unfolds. I have often said: I havebeenbored only four times since 1967. We live in a dangerousworld, but one that is alive with promise. All through the world, even now we can feel the stirrings for love and beauty,o'the hunger for truth and righteousnessrising in the human heart' Let each of us, each day give nourishment to these splendidhungers. We who believe in the Urantia teachingsare called voluntarily to a higher standard of conduct and action. We are now called upon to act out the meaningsof what we have discovered.But how? Fall & Winter,2001 What would Jesusdo? God bless you my friends, my brothers and sisters of destiny,and keep you in His love forever. References(Unless otherwise indicated, all referencesare from The Urantia Book.) 3. p.20672 2. pp.79:5;939:6,7 l. p.941:3 6 .p . 7 6 5 : 5 5. p. 1389-90 4. p. l4O3:2 9. p.913:2,3 8 .p . 1 5 8 1 ; 1 7.p.943:2 12.p.941:4 l1 p. 75:10 10.p.942:l 1 5 .p . 6 1 9 : l 14.p.941:6 13.p. 909:5 - Can'trecall 16.An old cartoon? of ReligionandEthics,Vol. 1l p. 808 17.Encyclopedia 19.pp.1280:5;1283:2 18.p. lllT:2 20.p. 1288:2 2I.pp. 1266:3;1283:4 22.pp. 1266:2;1268:5;I280:I; 1285:3;1296:'7 24. p. 1289:5 25.P. 1260:1 23 p. 1304:5 l30l:2 1284:5,6: 26.p. 1284:6 27.pp. 126O:5; 29.p. 1218:4 2 8 . p p l. 2 7 l : 3 ; 1 2 7 8 : l 31.p. 1589:1 32.P. 1097:7 30.p. 138:5 33.p. lO92:7 34.p.2088:2 35.p. 2089:1 36.p. 1488:7 37.p. 1094:6 38.pp. 1089:7;1219:6 39.p.1776:3 40.pp. 1916-11 41. The Vikings, by Howard La Fay, National Geographic Amazing Stories, D.C.,1972;andStrange Washington, Society, N.Y.' 1976 Pleasantville, DigestAssociation, Facts.Reader's 44.P.3122 43.p. 435:7 42. p. 137:5 46. p. 435:8 45. p. 553:7 4'7.Max Lerner,New York Post columnist,June6, 196l Paul Snider lives in Wilmete, Illinois with his wife Mary. Both have served the Urantia Revelationfor many years. Paul is a past President of Urantia Brotherhood. Among other activities, he is currently assisting (Jrantia Foundation in developing translations of the Urantia Papers. "My little children, I am going away, going back to my Father.In a little while you will not see me as you do here,asflesh and blood. In avery short time I am going to sendyou my spirit, iust like me exceptfor this material body. This new teacher is the Spirit of Truth who will live with each one of you, in your hearts,and so will all the children of light be made one and be drawn toward one another.And in this very mannerwill my Father and I be able to live in the souls of each one of you and also in the hearts of all other men who love us and make that love real in their experiencesby loving one another, evenas I am now loving you." [Pg. 1949 Par.l] t9 Identity in the Modern Renaissance A renaissanceis a time when the explorationof new ideasis influencedby a relatively small group of Dr. Bruce R. Jackson people who are in close communicationwith each Are WeLiving in a Renaissance? other. Throughouthistory this fact has not been lost I teach a college coursein humanities. In this on many eageryoung intellectuals. One has only to course I suggestto my studentsthat our planet is look at the Sistine Chapel to yearn fbr those heady currently engagedin a renaissance that will be much yearsof creativityand artistic flourishing. History is larger and have a greaterimpact on the world than the littered with claimantsto a period of renaissancewho EuropeanRenaissance(ca. 1350 - 1600). Most wish themselvesinto the creative frenzy that entitles people are aware of the European Renaissance them to the vauntedhistoricalstatus. through suchfamiliar icons as the Mona Lisa and the So are we making the claim that we are living in Last Supper,the music of Luther and Palestrina,and an age of renaissance? Without question.The internathe writings of Patrarch, Machiavelli, and tionalization of language,the worldwide spread of Shakespeare.Yet to understandthe historical impact connected communications, the unparalleled of the EuropeanRenaissanceone must examinethe publication of ideas, the recognition of traditional emergence of humanism and individualism, the values,the challengesof the environment,the public scholarly investigation of classical thought, the revulsion at war and genocide,and the pressuresof evolution of modern scientific the world economy clearly methodology,and the other great indicate a renaissanceof global The conflict initiatedon movementsin intellectualhistory proportions. SeptemberII will be signift.cantly that gave birth to modern The Kernel of Thought for dffirent from any other war in religious, educational,economic, Our Renaissance history . . . This conflict will force and governmentalsystems. Every renaissancehas at its governments the of the world to Defining a renaissanceis core a concept that shapes the be sensitiveto diversity, difficult. It involves a creative direction of human thought. For particularly in dealing with a flowering of new ideas with a the European Renaissancethis varietyof religiousfaiths. rebirth of the better values of the idea was "humanism." This kernel past. It is a time of extraordinary of thought becamethe foundation change at all levels of society. It is driven by the of the Protestant Reformation, the cornerstone of combination of human suffering, social upheaval, scientific method, and the watchword of human rapid technologicaldevelopment,the reemergence of creative activitv. the better traditional ideals, and the developmentof Discovering the modern kernel of thought is key to exciting new ideas that contain the potential for understandingour renaissance.It is increasinglyclear profound social change. that the modern renaissanceis about "diversity." The A renaissance is a very tricky period of history to old pluralistic systems are breaking down. For understandwhen you areliving in it. The intellectuals example,George Orwell, in his classic novel 1984, of the EuropeanRenaissancewere so consciousof missedthe boat becausehe viewed the evolution of their unique place in history that they gave their era governmentin classictotalitarianterms. the title "renaissance."Yet it is clear that they had Modern political systemsare being forced to move difficulty in understandingjust what that meant in away from the traditional models because of the terms of successfullydivining the near future. The power of diversity as the new operationalmethod. sameis true for us. Neither futuristsnor economists For example,war on a massive scaledemonstratedin are particularly good at making effective predictions the two world wars is increasingly becomingobsolete concerningthe movementof current social history. becauseit is bad for business: the enemy of today The turmoil, upheaval, and confusion of a may necessarilybe the customersof tomorrow. The renaissance is characterized by paradox and the conflict initiated on September 11 will be unforeseenconsequences of invention. Fundamental significantly different from any other war in history. societal belief systems change rapidly during a As war is an immensely powerful engine of social renaissance,and much of this is driven by new changeduring a renaissance,this new type of warfare technologiesthat quickly disperseinformationacross will changethe way governments, social institutions, cultures. 20 The Spiritual FellowshipJournal individuai with the responsibilityto and religious organizations interface with each life presentsthe ucquire new and increasingly powerful information' other.This conflict will force the governmentsof the This informationincludessuchthings as knowledgeof world to be sensitive to diversity, particularly in the universal kingdom, understandingof the direct dealingwith a variety of religiousfaiths. connection with the Heavenly Father through the Diversity is inherentlydiffrcult to define. While ThoughtAdjuster,an experienceof the guidanceof th9 an intellectuallyappealingdemocraticidea,the very Holy Spirit, recognition of the role of other spiritual breadthof the conceptoffers modern thinkers a very activity,knowledgeof the teachingsof slippery slope. Diversity threatens to destroy beingsin human acceptanceof tenantsof the inteilectualprogressbecauseits acceptanceplaces our universal sovereign, Religion of JesusChrist, and experientiallyliving the on the table all kinds of ideas that are in conflict spiritually driven life of an ascendantbeing. with each other. As human intellectual history has The limitationsof mortal living are well understood been largely Darwinian in the selection of ideas, and acceptingthe gift of ascendantlife is very easy' giving equal statusto ideas different from "ours" is being demandsa very different Offi.utt for "us." Acceptanceof diversity demands Living as an asc"ndant of the processof ascendant Knowledge perspective. tolerance of foreign cultures. Therefore, in the iife er.rpo*ers the individual to live at very high levels geopoliticalarena,the acceptanceof the conceptof Ascendantliving changesthe of cosmicconsciousness. diversitywill evolve slowlY. very foundationsof daily life' For The problem with diversitYis I believe that contained within the example, the human interPersonal that it does not contain an relationshipschangewhen a mortal pages of The Urantin Book is the elementalfactor that can drive a becomes an ascendant being renaissance.Though accePtance kernel that is neededto give the modern renaissancedirection and becausehe or sherecognizesthat all of diversity would change the fellow human beings are ascendant focus: a completedescriPtion of face of this planet, it does not beings. We are all the free will sons ascendant W. No other single strike at the verY core of each and daughters of the HeavenlY piece of information has the individual. Humanism was Father. potential to change the human important to the EuroPeans The Urantia Book makesit clear condition on a massivescale. becauseit changedhuman life that ascendantliving is qualitatively on a personallevel. This new different from narrow earthbound perspectives. The valuation of human worth is at the very core of every book suggeststhat if enoughindividualstruly become socialchangein the EuropeanRenaissance. ascendanibeings, the very face of this earth will I believethat containedwithin the pagesof The change. This is why the synergisticcoincidenceof our (Jrantia Book ts the kernel that is neededto give the epochal revelation directionand focus: a complete modern renaissanceand the fifth modernrenaissance promisesto make great social changesin the not-todescriptionof ascendantlife. No other singlepiece distant future. of infbrmation has the potential to change the and Ascendant Living Persecution teachings If the humanconditionon a massivescale. in the Modern Renuissance of Jesuswere enough, then the authors of the fifth The choiceof living as a mortal or ascendantbeing epochalrevelationwould havegiven us PartsIII and is entirelythe free will choiceof eachindividual. What IV only. It is the totality of the messageof the fifth Book importantis that it placesinto epochalrevelationthat has the potential to change makesthe Urantia the handsof the readerthe certaintyof that knowledge' the very foundation of human perception. This Spiritualliving no longer is the soleprovinceof "blind kernel can be summedup as follows: every human faith." Ascendantliving is experientialand shapesthe being is a free will ascendantbeing living in Christ of cause individualsunderstandingof the consequences Michael's universe. and effect. Ascendantliving changesthe way human I believe that the modern kernel of knowledge beingsrelateto eachother. Ascendantliving is a new that will fuel our renaissancewill be a new understandingof ascendantlife. Thoughrecognition vision of life itself. The great failing of most of the world religions is of the Heavenly Father is the only condition that while they promise eternal life, their practitioners necessaryto obtain ascendantlife status,much more of it on a personallevel' It is possible. Accepting the challengeof ascendant haveno real understanding people to understandthe most for is very difficult Fall & Winter. 2001 2l Identity in the Modem Renaissance(continued) consequencesof life beyond mortal death. It is not Identity in the Modern Renaissance until after resurrection that many truly begin to During the EuropeanRenaissancethe Protestants understand the nature of ascendant life. This were able to developa public identity becauseof the expansionof human vision is a potentially powerful confluenceof a number of factors: the philosophical kernel in the modern renaissance because it and political groundworkwas alreadyestablished,the representsan entirely new understandingof the role emergenceof a powerful new technology enabled each individual has in the universe. This communicationsto cross geographicborders,and the understanding is directly experiential, is truly life obsessivepersecutionof the establishedchurch. While changing, and leads to citizenship in a universal the first two of these conditions are in place today, kingdom that is very real. nobody is actively seeking to initiate a modern The problem with any intellectual kernel is that it inquisition. If The Urantia Book rs to be effectively threatens traditional systems. Throughout human presentedto the world, we will need to develop an history every kernel that changesthe foundations of identity that is uniquely our own. We cannotcount on human behaviorhas met with significantresistance. the persecutionby the establishedchurch to place our During the European Renaissance the Roman name on the map of human consciousness.In many Catholic Church was not at all ways this is a more difficult order excited about the concept of It should not surprise us that than the challenge faced by the Humanism. Their reaction to the ProtestantReformation. after 46 years of publication Protestant Reformation was one A study of the Harlem Christian theologians, clergy and of persecutionand bloodshed. Renaissance(ca. 1920 -1935) intellectuals have rejected The While the fact of ascendant offers us a modern solution: the life is understoodby most of the Urantia Book using the most developmentof a clearly defined major religions, the practical contemporary self-identity. During this short and persecution form of implications of ascendantliving very localized renaissanceAfrican the world has to offer: as presentedinThe Urantia Book Americans were struggling to indffirenc e and ambivalence. is threatening to orthodoxy. It develop a public identity that should not surprise us that after clearly expressedtheir creative 46 yearsof publicationChristiantheologians,clergy uniqueness, their heritage,and their culture to a largely and intellectuals have rejected The Urantia Book hostilewhite world. They did this with new music,art, using the most contemporaryform of persecutionthe and literature that presentedtheir case in their own world has to offer: indifference and ambivalence. terms. They changedthe music industry through the Most religionists in the modern world would like to establishmentof a new form of popularmusic:jazz. ln see the fifth epochal revelation simply disappearby art they introduced the world to the images of Africa attempting to ignore it. Therefore,many who preach combined with a fresh new urban attitude. In literature in the name of JesusChrist are unable to embracethe they developedthe philosophicalgroundwork for the new revelation of Christ's universe because to civil rights movement. recognizeits existencethreatensto do what they fear The Urantia Book clearly states that the Fifth the most: change them and alter some of the basic EpochalRevelationwill spreadin a surprisingfashion. tenantsof their faith. A study of renaissanceindicatesthat it will take the I too have sufferedpersecutionat the handsof the cooperativeefforts of many artisansto do this. Our church, and I do not find their teeth to be particularly musicians,artists,writers, philosophers,and scholars sharp. Though I could hardly compare my suffering must labor together to shape the identity of the fifth to the tortured souls burned at the stake, the new epochalrevelationinto a sharply focused and simple renaissance offers the opportunity for all of the kernel that the rest of the world will be able to citizens of Christ's universe to rise up from our understand.This high level of communicationbetween wounds, learn, and work even harder for Jesus' artisansis found in everyrenaissance and is absolutely universalkingdom. The movementworking withThe essentialfor the establishmentof a public identity. Urantia Book will have ample opportunity to learn the lessons that will enable us to overcome any Concluding with Cooperation persecutionthe church and society can dish out while Cooperationamongstthe readersof The (Jrantia I Booft is essentialfor the presentationof Zhe Uranria becoming effective ambassadorsfor the kingdom. 22 The Spiritual Fellowship Journal - Sincere"spiritual Attitude" [1733] Book to the larger world. If we are divided we will 'oPositiveDoing" [1769] remain weak and will continue to be ignored. We our out of working methods must develop effective Nancy Bigelow variousopinions and beliefs through a celebrationof What do you say to a four or five year old who our diversity. This is what the book means by looks up into your eyes and asks: "What does God developingunity of purposewithout a uniformity of look like?" I think the worst possibleresponseis: "I method. don't know." I believetelling a child "I don't know" In promoting a cooperativespirit we must learn suggestsan I don't care attitude. "I don't care" is how to communicatewith each'other in a way that antitheticalto any known conceptaboutthe God who strengthensour cause. We must learn to control our propensity to refuse to cooperateand compromise caresfor eachofus so deeplyhe sentour CreatorSon iirnply becauseit might violate some "fundamental to Urantia to teach us how to ascend.Attitude is everything if a mortal is ever to set foot(?) on principle" that we hold dear. Paradise.I discovered(while watching a TV news If we are to have any hope of being heard in the clip about model aircraft) that even a lawn mower "mega din" of the modern world, we must forge our understandable easily wiil ascend and actually fly if it attains the right messageinto a simple and attitude. which leads me to conceptthat communicatestruthsthat every think a genuinely positive What do you say to a four or alreadY intuitivelY being human attitude might motivate a understandsbut may interpret differently. five year old who looks uP into mortal to actually DO "the is that missions One of the basic tenantsof your eyesand asks:"What does will of the ParadiseFather." those who hear the new messagetend to the I think like?" look God [1331] reinterpret it into their own terms. The is: possible response My preferredresponse to worst out turn may effbtt missionary result of a question:"What does the to be to be what the missionary considers "I don't know." like?" is: "God look God "heresy." looks like the way Jesusacts' This will or will not We must learn to acceptthe fact that the kernel of satisfy a child, depending;if a child's face brightens truth that we wish to sharewith the world is already world. of the religions with recognitionof moral duty toward one's fellows, inherent in most of the not this is a good sign-that child may alreadypossessa Acceptanceof the truth we offer the world may Mystery Monitor. If the child expressespassive require any knowledge of The Urantia Book' Just or demandsto know abouteyesand ears acceptance, getting the kernel of ascendant life into the parts,it could be the opportunetime is challenge body other and mainstream of human consciousness to introduce those creature comprehensible enough. attitudes/attributes of divinity known as "infinite This is indeed a tall order. Are we ready to make goodness,endlessmercy, matchlesswisdom, superb the effort? The fields are white with the harvest but are artisans pray our that character,"[26] beauty,and truth' After all, you and I the laborers are few. Let us walk around each and every day canying a live up for the monumentaltask that is at hand"Creatorattribute" tI330] within our minds. (Makes me wonder why so many Urantiansmake so many Bruce Jacksonis AssistantProfessorof Humanities and performs off-kilter decisions.) at Lincoln Universityof Missouri' He In our family, God looks pretty much like we're composes ictzz,popular and churchmusicfor his going to look in a few million years(minus material family band with his threesons(17, 15,and 12). bodies)if everyonedevelopsa better attitudeabout This native of Arkonsascurrently lives in Columbia, Brusselssprouts,and beginsbehavinglike Jesusand MO. his brothers and sisters behaved when they were growing up. "The human Jesus saw God as being holy, just, and great as well as being true, beautiful and good. All theseattributesof divinity he focused 'will of the Father in heaven.'" in his mind as the l208tl (or Our dictionaries do not analogize _attribute -.--' EiiaWinterJOm z-) Sincere"Spiritual Anitude" U7331 = "PositiveDoing" U7691 (Continued) attitude) with will, but it seemsto me that had God featuresof God's personality. The Urantia Papers not had a positive,purposefulattitude,he would not teachthat God's personalityrepresentseverythinghe have willed the Eternal Son (and his attendant will everbe (andmuch,much more!). attributes)into existence,and they in turn would not "Personalityis that featureof an individual which have willed the Infinite Spirit in order to actively we know, and which enablesus to identify such a express God's volition within and throughout the being at somefuture time regardlessof the natureand totality of his Creation. extent of changesin form, mind, or spirit status." On a TV show The Golden Girls, the most-golden [194] Noah Websterdefinesfeature: 1. a. The make, matriarchis wont to say: "Picture this," and she then form, or appearance,esp. of a person.b. Formerly, goes on to evoke a verbal vignette more picturesque physicalbeauty. 2. The makeor castof a humanface than the real thing. Humanson Urantia have usually or of its parts; facial aspect. (Synonym, characpictured their gods as having distinctiveheads. One teristic.) It would appearthat who I am as a PERSON of the most unusual looking Egyptian deities is the definitely conditions how other people will picture one with the Price-PfisterPfaucetnameThoth. (Only me, and I have learnedfrom the Papersthat my very a mothercould love that face!) But own absolutely unique even Thoth has human arms and I recall the time someoneon one of "prerogativesof personality"[85] the cyber-lists sai.dshefelt legs. In the mannerhumansseem representeverything I can ever God hugging her . . . what we to needa beginningfor everything, hope to be via my God-givenfree mortals term the mind's eye, I think we also like to think a god will. (Seems to me personal can place a caring hand on a is capable of experiencing attitude can make or break a shoulder,or literally walk on water. person'simage.) a God-hugging without I recall the time someoneon one of Jesus supposedly asked his physically seeing or the cyber-lists said she felt God "Why do you call me Apostles: any arms of feeling hugging her. "The actuality of the good?" Well, for one thing, if any description. existenceof God is demonstrated Jesusreally is a manifestationof in human experienceby the indwelling of the divine God, he can't ever be less than genuinelyvery good presence,the spirit Monitor sentfrom Paradiseto live becauseGod personifiesa perfectlygood personfrom in the mortal mind of man and there to assist in the get-go;God tells us that, Jesustold us that, and I evolvingthe immortal soul of eternalsurvival."l24lIt believeit. Only a perfectlyrighteousGod would have a mortal imaginesGod is huggingher, it's no wonder whomped-upa salvationschemewhose ONLY real she envisionsGod with arms; that's how the human requirementfor eternalsurvival is that I, as a person, mind works. The brain storesan image(afterthe first will strive to be as perfect in my sphereof existence hug) complete with arms and even the feeling of as God is on Paradise.Becomingthe Fatherand Son being hugged. However, "it is not necessaryto see coexistentwith the Infinite Spirit, God's personalself God with the eyesof the flesh in order to discernhim is realized; he's the first real and fully-aware-of-itby the faith-vision of the spiritualized [perfected] person, and therein lies his primary purpose for mind." [25] creating Creation, "ceaselessself-realization" [29] In other words, what we mortals term the mind's within a masteruniverse,where personslike us have eye, is capable of experiencing a God-hugging a "first duty" to "strive for the attainmentof the without physically seeingor feeling any arms of any perfectionof fthe Master's] divinity." l22l description. "The term God always denotespersonality." 14] God has never named himself (accordingto the God is the face of fettered causality. Personality Urantia Papers),but names attached to attributes, identifies "the absolute unity of Deity." t28l attitudes,and actionscan help to explainan object (or "Personalityin the supremesenseis the revelationof person's image), simply becausenames (over the God to the universe of universes." [29] Prior to years)havecome to reflect characteristics, meanings. unification (personalization)as the original Trinity, and even values. Millions of people on our planet Deity's "image" is unfetteredvolition (albeit, perfect believe JESUS has to look at least somethinglike and purposefulwill). In that stateof "infinity of will," God, not only becausethey believehe is God's only [6] Father-Infiniteis able to fragmenthis prepersonal begotten Son, but they believe Jesus acts-out the Mystery Monitors becauseDeity is pure essenceof 24 The Spiritual FellowshipJoun.ral 'Adjusters are I did so becauseyou were only childrenin the spirit." presence rather than a persona. 1 l83l gravity." of t fragments of the ancestor U952] "You can argueover opinions about God, but experience with him and in him exists above and Impersonal (prepersonal) spirit entities are without beyond all human controversy and mere intellectual personal reference or identity (yet!). My Fatherlogic." [30] Isn't our experiencewith our Monitor Monitor is a part of eternity-infinity prior to Father's here-and-now, in the and experienceIN God? personalizationon Paradise, possess Like Father, like Son; personality look-alikes; neitherNancy B. nor her Thought Controller mirror-imageswho reflect themselves(to us) via a a unified personality,so both of us are "prepersonal" Conjoint Actor acting on a stageknown as the grand in one sense. "there is person; perfect universe.Looks to me like it's God's infinite, positive, portrays a The name God his perfection of purposeful (willful) attitude-in-mind that begot his no thing lacking in the beauty and Son, and they (in turn, utilizing original mind and righteous character."[36] More important, from my infinite volition), gave expressionto the power of mortal point of view, "the perfect and imperfect are one by "absolutely controlled expressionitself, the Infinite Spirit. Therefore,on our truly interrelated" and current level of reality, divine infinite mind," and "therefore may attitude = divine acting, and divine the finite evolutionary creature "Jesus' religion consistednot acting equivalateswith divine doing. ascendto Paradisein obedienceto merely in believing, but in "Jesus'religion consistednot merely mandate: the Universal Father's actually doing, those things 'Be you perfect, even as I am \n believing, but in actuallY doing, which the gospel required.." those things which the gosPel perfect."' 16311 "God is a [1769] Think like Jesus,you'll universal spirit; God is the end-up acting just like Jesusday required." 11769l Think like Jesus, you'll end-up acting just like Jesus universalperson."[25] God is the after day doing the Father's day after day doing the Father's will universal FATHER. "When all is will without even reallY without evenreally thinking about it. said and done, the Father idea is it. about thinking The three faces of God on still the highesthuman concePtof are "FATHER, (Creator, Paradise God words, God." 120911In other SON, (Co-ordinate Upholder) words and Controller, is our real father in every senseof the human Spiritual and Controller, Creator, Spirit father and person. How do I know that? I know it Administrator) and SPIRIT (Conjoint Actor, becauseI love God. "Only a person can love and be from divorced be would UniversalIntegrator,and Mind Bestower").[4] Well' truth loved. Even beauty and personal a at leastI know who to look for even if I don't know survival hope if they were not attributesof exactly what God looks like. (If he dressesas God, a loving Father."[31] uniquely as the personalitieshe bestows,it will be a And "the spirit nature of the Universal Father is piece of cake to find him. Besides,by the time I get sharedfully with his coexistent self, the Eternal Son and Father io Paradise,I will be seeingvia the faith-visionof my of Paradise." I'm thinking that if God the mind's eye not my eyes of the flesh. In my mind, God the Son sharea nature,they also sharethe same seeingwith a material eye of the flesh leads only to a attitudes and attributes; they probably look a whole faith-BELIEF; seeingwith the mind's eye leadsto the lot alike in terms of image (maybeeven figuratively). share actualfaith of Jesus!) And "both the Father and Son in like manner "The Creator covers himself with light as with a the universal and eternal spirit fully and unreservedly gafinent and stretchesout the heavensas a curtain." with their conjoint personality co-ordinate, the 'Lo, he goesby me, and I in "The reflects Spirit Infinite Infinite Spirit." [25] [21] "Said the seerof old: seehim not; he passeson also,but I perceivehim not.' perfection not only the nature of the ParadiseFather We may constantly observethe works of God, we but also the nature of the Original Son." [92] may be highly consciousof the material evidencesof Has anyone else noticed how meaningful the his majesticconduct,but rarely may we gazeupon the prefix and word "in" is in the Papers?Indwelling and "In visible manifestation of his divinity, not even to infinite Father fragment; "in reality;" [1753] 'As I havelived with you in person, behold the presenceof his delegatedspirit of human personality."[9] indwelling," t25l known variously as a Mystery then shall I live in you." [1948] "Down here I have Monitor, Thought Changer, Thought Adjuster, taught you in proverbsand spokento you in parables. Fall & Winter. 2001 25 Sincere"SpiritualAttitude" [1733] = "PositiveDoing" []7691 (Continued) are pre-fusionin the samesenseDeity was pre-fusion ThoughtController,or FatherFragment. "'The eyes (unification)prior to the original Trinity. The Adjuster " place.' of the Lord are in every [48] In a very real allows me to qualify for perfectionof personalityin sense,the pure energyfragmentindwelling my mind almost the same senseDeity qualified itself at that is God looking right at me every moment of the day moment of the frst "absolutedivinity-tension."l6f and night. God seesme, why can't I seehim? "In the inner experienceof man, mind is joined to What do you and I look like? We're createdin joinery God's image, but what does that really mean? And, matter,"but that somewhatcomputer-like is why doesGod live within a light so bright, Urantians toast at the time of mortal demise. "The technique would be nuked if they got anywhere close to of survival is embracedin those adjustmentsof the Paradise?(I guessif a personlives on the most perfect human will and thosetransformationsin the mortal island in the middle of everything,and that island is mind whereby such a God-consciousintellect the actual sourceof "all forms of reality," [7] then in graduallybecomesspirit taughtand eventuallyspirit truth, God can't help it that he's not exactly a dim led." [26] Readersof the Urantia Papersknow that bulb. Besides,there's the "truth-fact" that Deity's an actual spirit-factor of the Universal Father can light bulb is a mind with a wattage live within the humanmind, and we that thought-upthe idea of Reality in see in the quote from page 25 that you What do and I look like? the first place.In my opinion, reality this "presence" is sometimes We're created in God's image, -the size of what it turned out to "beheld." Beheld? Beheld how? I but what does that really mean? be-had to have been an absolutely thoughtspirit wasn't discernibleon And, why does live within a God BRILLIANT idea!) "They beheld our level of reality. Noah Webster connotes the light so bright, Urantians would Jesusin intimate conversewith two brilliant beings clothed in the be nuked if they got anywhere word beholdwith Lo! and Look! If "covers habiliments of the light of the the Creator himself with close to Paradise? celestialworld. And Jesus'face and light as with a garment," what sort form shone with the luminosity of a heavenlylight." of clothing covers my Controller? "There is a characteristic light, a spirit luminosity, which tl7s3] "The immensity and grandeur of the divine accompaniesthis divine presence;on Urantia this personality is beyond the grasp of the unperfected phenomenonhas sometimesbeenreferredto as that 'true light which lights mind of evolutionarymortals,"but believeit or don't, every man who comesinto " 'the invisible things of God are partially understood the world."' [1181] Lo! what doesspirit luminosity by the things which are made.'" l27l "In personality, Look! like? According to the Divine Counselorwho mind ever intervenes between spirit and matter; indited the Foreword of the Urantia Papers.spirit thereforeis the universeilluminated finterpreted]by luminosity "connotesthe personalitymanifestation threekinds of light: materiallight, intellectualinsight, characteristicof spirit beingsof diverseorders."[10] and spirit luminosity." [9] And therefore,"today and As I interpretthat quote, spirit luminosity connotes as [we] are, [we] must discern the invisible Maker both my Father fragment and my personality, through his manifold and diversecreation,as well as becausethat "kind" of light is how God adjustsl4ll through the revelationand ministration of his Sons." his omnipotence, omnipresence, and allIn other words, Father's attributesand attitudes are knowingnessin relation to my mortal mind. visible via his Son, thence,via "his Sons and their In other words, althoughmy Mystery Monitor is numeroussubordinate s." 127-281 spokenof as a pre-personalspirit being,he is a form "The transcendent goal of the children of time is to ("manifestation")empoweredto grow my soul at the find the eternal God, to comprehendthe divine nature, sametime he's helping the two of us to becomea to recognize the Universal Father. God-knowing brand-newpersonality-in-FACTat the time of our creatureshave only one supremeambition, just one fusion. This businessabout the Adjuster being an consumingdesire,and that is to becomeas they are in impersonal entity finally makes some sense;our their spheres, like him as he is in his Paradise Monitors are pre-personal in that the First Great perfectionof personalrty."[2ll "I comeforth from the Source and Center was not yet personalized(on Eternal,and I haverepeatedlyreturnedto the presence Paradise) when he fragmented our Mystery of the Universal Father. I know of the actuality and Monitors (and similar), and Thought Changerand I 26 The Spiritual Fellowship Journal his face radiates cosmic beauty; he's full to personalityof the First Sourceand Center,the Eternal overflowing with the joy of the "conviction of truth." and Universal Father. I know that, while the great I think he looks like a beautif'ul attitude ll949l God is absolute,eternal,and infinite, he is also good, coupledwith a bounteouspersonality,working with a divine, and gracious. I know the truth of the great 'God is spirit' and 'God is love,' and mind which appreciates"the eternal fitness of those declarations: things which impinge upon the recognitionof divine these two ATTRIBUTES are most completely goodnessin Deity relations with all beings." [641] revealedto the universein the Eternal Son." [26] Eddie is living his life in the mannerof Jesus,being all Did anyoneseethe movie Clifford starring Martin that he can be. The notion that Eddie seemsto see Short? As a child, Clifford manifests the divine attributes without the use of material eyes devil's sonpersona.Martin Shortwore quintessential seemsto suggestthat most mortals on Urantia are that attribute/attitude on his face for the entire movie. confusedabout the meaning of terms like God and I think eachand everyone of us wearsand reflectsthe divinity simply becausethey're hung-up on God's face of our personality via the way we act and having to have a physicalimage. What God DID and especiallythe way we act toward one another. By the still DOES is what really matters(in time you and I have finished the my mind). required learning and doing with (Irantians can't see God in the I figure the secretof doing the the Melchizedeks,we will be taken senseof seeing words or Pictures perfect thing is in first trying to have to Salvingtonwhereeachone of us on paper or a comPuterscreen, a near-perfectthought based on the will stand "face to face with the but evenblind people can see way Jesusthinks about things. I can Sovereignof all Nebadon."[1248] what God's divine attributes look turn to any page in anY one of the What will his face reflect? He has like via the light of intelligent Jesus Papers and see how Jesus a perfectpersonality,and is in fact mind. In I think some blind fact, thinks and how those thoughtsplayTHE "pattern for all local universe people see God much better out. I figure-strive to be as perfect personalityfrom that of the Bright than sightedpeople do. in my mind as I am able,evenif I am and Morning Star down to the unable to be perfect anywhereelse, lowest human creature of simply becauseGod is perfect in his mind from the progressinganimal evolution." t28] Our Master moment of that first thought which began Michael probablylooks just like Father,right? everyTHINGUrantiansultimately ended-upseeingon Urantians can't see God in the senseof seeing Urantia. I figure if a personwantsto know what God words or pictureson paperor a computerscreen,but looks like as a person,he or she needsto know how even blind people can see what God's divine and what God is thinking, which alwaysleadsto how attributeslook like via the light of intelligent mind' God acts,and he nevervariesin his "dependableway In fact, I think some blind people see God much of divine acting."[1331] betterthan sightedpeopledo. There is a man named Jesusteachesgreatstuff aboutbehaviorbecausehe Eddie (who haswon a good deal of money on the TV was fully committed to "the teaching of the evershowJeopardy),whosemind and personalityhumble presentdivine spirit of human guidance,"[1330] his me every time I see him on that show. As far as I Adjuster. No questionin my mind that my Thought know he's been blind from birth, but as I have Controller has the right attitudes, or I probably observedhis facial expressionsduring eachcontest,I wouldn't still be alive. My teenageattitudes were haveseena mind so illuminatedby the first two types 937o negative,and right up to the time the Urantia of universallight, I fully expect to see his guardian Papersleaped-off a library shelf and almost bruised seraphimpushing the signal button. "The guardian my toe, my adult attitudes were extremely selfseraphim are not mind, though they do spring from serving. Now that I'm finally beginningto seevia two the samesourcethat also givesorigin to mortal mind, lights of truth (my Mystery Monitor and the Spirit of the CreativeSpirit. Seraphimare mind stimulators; Truth), I recognize that right attitude equals right seraphimfunction as teachersof men by guiding the attribute which may, in turn, reality-ize my eternal footstepsof the human personalityinto pathsof new soul. For example,it is in my power to learn how to andprogressiveexperiences."ll245l I seeEddie (the carefor (love) anotherpersonin the very mannerJesus Jeopardycontestant)as beautiful (as well as good) taughtthe principle of caring; "Jesusmadethe care of not becauseof his physical appearance,but because God for man like the solicitude of a loving father for Sincere"SpiritualAttitude" [1733] = "PositiveDoing" F7691 (Continued) of God. And that is just the reasonwhy I have so often the welfare of his dependentchildren and then made taught you that the kingdom of heaven can best be this teachingthe cornerstoneof his religion." 11769) rcabzed by acquiring the spiritual attitude of a sincere Our Father always knows the best way to behave, child. It is not the mental immaturity of the child that I and he also always manifestshimself in that "ttsLtal commend to you but rather the spiritual simplicity of way"-in the normal, natural, and dependableway of suchan easy-believingand fully-trusting little one. It is divine acting." t13311 Epochal Revelationsalways not so important that you should know about the fact of manifest God in the same miraculous manner; God as that you shouldincreasinglygrow in the ability therefore,if you have seen those divine Sons, you to feel the presenceof God." U1331 have glimpsedthe Fatherbecauseyou havewitnessed Picturethe presenceof Divinity; picture God's only God's sincerity. The attainmentof goals of sonship, begotten Son (or Jesus,whicheveryou prefer.) Picture service, and salvation is directly proportionate with your in MIND'S eyethe attitudesand attributesof Jesus the level of sincerity. (as he lived the 2000 years ago), because"divine truth Not long ago, a Urantia Papers faith-believer truth is a spirit-discerned reality," ll949l and God's asked:What was Jesus'secret?I believeJesus'secret actual reality is discernedvia the "living ministry" [9] is that he never abandonedthe sincere attitude of a of the Infinite Spirit and his offspring. The mortal mind child. We know that during the incarnation,Jesusand is tremendously influential "as a our Michael shared the same personality, so from the moment Not long ago, a Urantia Papers factor in spiritual choosing." U56l "Why have you lingered so long Michael left Salvingtonwith a fullyfaith-believer asked: before choosingto follow the LIGHT divine desireto do our Father'swill, was Jesus'secret?" "What of truth with a whole heart?" [2032] he was able to maintain that level of I "Light-spirit believe is that he luminosity," t10l Jesus' secret sincerity for the entire span of his was/is the source of Jesus'faith. "His = never abandoned the sincere mortality. Right attitude right faith was the out-growth of the insight attribute which yields right action, attitude of a child. (illumination) born of the activitv of "always." presence, the divine his indwelling "Urantia mortals have varying Adjuster." Seems to me, that in order to picture l2087l concepts of the miraculous, but to us who live as deity and divinity, I need Look! no further in my than citizens of the local universe there are few miracles, mind. and of these by far the most intriguing are the "Come, therefore,all of you into the fellowship of incarnationalbestowalsof the ParadiseSons. The the Spirit of Truth in the Father's kingdom." [2032] appearancein and on your world, by apparently "Today I can be with you only in person. In the times natural processes,of a divine Son, we regard as a to comeI will be with you and all other men who desire miracle-the operation of universal laws beyond our presence,whereveryou may be, and with each of my understanding.Jesusof Nazarethwas a miraculous you at the sametime. Do you not discernthat it is better person,but make no mistake;Christ Michael was not a double personality. He was not God in association for me to go away; that I leave you in the flesh so that I may the better and the more fully be with you in the with man but, rather, God incarnate in man. Christ spirit?" t19481 'All true prayers are addressedto Michael did not progressivelybecomeGod. God did spiritualbeings,and all suchpetitionsmust be answered not, at some vital moment in the earth life of Jesus, in spiritual terms, and all such answersmust consistin becomeman. And this God and this man were, and realities." "Material beings can pray effectively spiritual now are, one, eyen as the ParadiseTrinity of three only when they 'pray IN the SPIRIT."' [1848-49] In the beingsis in reality Deity." t13311 What does Jesus spirit is the manner in which a Spiriffused mortal has look like? Well, in my mind, he certainly looks like "in spirit obeyed the Father's command, 'Be you the bestwav to find God. perfect."'[411] Picture the presenceof Deity; picture the Father. (I (Said JudasAlpheus): "If the world SEES you not, find it helps to envision all that I perceiveis potential how shall we be certain about you? How will you in a UNIVERSAL Father's attitude/attributeof love.) SHOW yourself to us?" t19481 Jesusanswered:"In a "Divine truth must not be discountedbecausethe very short time I am going to send you my spirit, just channelof its bestowalis apparentlyhuman. Many of LIKE me except for this material body. This new your brethren have minds which acceptthe theory of teacheris the Spirit of Truth who will live with eachone God while they spiritually fail to realize the presence aa .o The Soiritual FellowshioJournal of you, in your hearts,and so will all the children of light be made one and be drawn toward one another. And in this very mannerwill my FatherAND I be able to live in the souls of each one of you and also in the heartsof all other men who love us and make that love real in their experiencesby loving one another,evenas I am loving you." [1949] What does God look like? He looks like the way Jesuslived and taught and loved,-butmore important, God looks the way our burgeoning,Urantia Papersconditionedsoulsare beginningto look. You and I can see God clearly any time we want to just by looking inward at our Monitors. Seehow busy they are? They never sleep in order that, together,we will sometime 'As a reality in human spiritual see God on Paradise. experienceGod is not a mystery." 127) A progressive soul mirrors God's truth(s)and love and life itself. (Lo! I don't think I want to know what a static-truthsoul looks like.) The Tirrning Point -Part I Arthur Nash Excerpted from the book, "The Golden RuIe in Business," copyright 1923, this material has significancefor [Jrantian scholarsfor three reasons.It provirles first-source information about the seminal religious beliefs of Dr William S' Sadler who, in his youth was an ordainedSeventhDay Adventistminister to Nash. Clearly,thesebeliefsare and contemporaneous far afield from the [Jrantia Papers' Second,Part I of this excerpt chronicles Nash'sdevotion to his church, and the misguidedfundamentalismof the organizationthat resultedin his expulsion.It is inspiring to read the birth of personal religion in Nash by means of loving service-the great gospelof Jesusof Nazareth.Thethird reasonfor examining Nash's work is that it may well have beena secondaryhuman sourcefor a key concept of the (Jrantia Papers,as we shall see in Part II. Outsideof the fact of its representingsome sort of a religious system or cult, the term Seventh Day Nancy Bigelow lives in Hawaii with her husband,Bill' Adventismcan meanlittle or nothing to many who will Shedescribedher ltfefor us in her uniqueand creative scan these pages. They regard it as being merely a style, and with a self-effacing charm that defies the combinationof vowels and consonants.The character : euphemistictouch of editorial embellishment and content of what its leadersteach and its adherents believe,is as far beyondthe frontier of their interestas it 'physical identity' is beyondthat of their knowledge. . . [yet] in view of the "Achieved what the Papers term fact that as a SeventhDay Adventist I was reared and October 10. 1938, Cleveland, Ohio' Lovable, but grew to manhood,and of the further fact that, as a fully extremelydefiant child raised by utterly devotedand accreditedmember of that Church I became a preacher loving parents. Managed to escape incarceration of its doctrines,it can scarcelybe deemedirrelevantif I during teenageyears somewhatin the manner of that outline, briefly, the history and belief of the people amongwhom I was raised. Urantia Papersfrog who waltzed around lightning bolts SeventhDay Adventismoriginatedin the work of one mankind. & became the ancestor of Urantian William Miller, who was born in Pittsfield, Somehow succeeded in college (all the while MassachusettsFebruary 15, 1182 and died at Low maintainingdefiantattitude)and was graduatedwith a Hampton,New York December20, 1849' A farmer by degreein zoologyand secondaryeducation-Snaggeda occupation possessing very limited educational wonderful man at the same time received teaching advantages, he becamedeeply interestedin the study of a lift becoming of my bulk the spent certificate& have prophecy.In 1833 he began to lecture on the Second Coming of Christ, and predictedthe destructionof the dilettante. Mission: change dilettante status via the world in 1843.He made many convertsto his views, in Fifth Epochal Revelation." this country,in Canada,and in GreatBritain. They were called Millerites. The prophet's prediction of doom havingfailed, he madeother datesfor its consummation. These failing also, the faith of many of his followers weakenedand numbersfell away.Yet he still remained regardedas a man of deep sincerity,great intellectual abllity, and a devoted Christian, by a large body of people. Fall & Winter, 2001 29 The Tuming Point (Continued) alike, biding the great awakening; that the wicked In 1846,JamesWhite and his wife, adding certain together with Satan will be annihilated; that when tenets to the creed of the Millerites, founded the Christ comes,for thoseadventthey arehourly waiting, SeventhDay branch of Adventists.At various times only one hundredand forty-four thousandof all people they made their headquartersat Paris, Maine and then living on this planet will be saved-and, of Saratoga,Oswego,and Rochester,in the stateof New course,all of thesewill be SeventhDay Adventists. York. In the year 1855 they settledin Battle Creek, . . . In the days of my youth, the theologicalschool Michigan, which, until recenttimes,formedthe center Day Adventistswaslocatedin BattleCreek of Seventh of their activities. Michigan. To that school I was sent, and when I had The main points of doctrinetaughtby SeventhDay finishedmy study-courseit was said of me by someof Adventists, as set forth in their literature, are as the eldersthat, in their judgment, if the entire text of follows: They believe in the divine Sonshipof Jesus the New Testamentshouldbecomelost, I could replace Christ; that the seventhday, Saturday,is the Sabbath it from memory. That, of course, is a pretty tall of the Lord God; that the keeping of Sunday is the statement,and I must be permittedto deny everhaving mark of the beast, the Sabbath having been claimed the qualificationssuch an extraordinaryfeat iniquitously changedby the hierarchy of the Roman would entail. But, this much I have no hesitancyin CatholicChurch;that the beastsof the Apocalypseare saying:Did anyone,in thosedays, to be identified with said Catholic misquotea passagefrom the King Church, and that by changing the The elder explained: "There is an James Version of the New day set asidefor the observanceof old lady here in Detroit who Testamentin my hearing, I could the Sabbath they establishedthe maintains a homefor jailbirds. detectit instantly . . . mark of their power; that the Some ministers take turns giving At the time when I completed observance of Sunday is that my course at Battle Creek, the against which the terrible semicesfor them. I supposethis Seventh Day Adventists had a pronouncement is made in invitation means that it is our turn. 'And ministers and school for Revelationxiv:9-11: the third But we neverpa! any missionariesin the city of Detroit. angelfollowed them, sayingwith a attention to them." To this school,in which therewere loud voice, if any man worship the about twenty-five young people beastandhis image,and receivehis preparing to become bearers of the "Third Angel's mark in his forehead.or in his hand. the same shall Message,"I was sent as an instructor.A short while drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured after I enteredon my duties,the elder,who residedat out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; the school in order to keep a watchful eye on both and he shall be tormentedwith fire and brimstonein students and instructors, handed me a card of the presenceof the Lamb: and the smoke of their invitation, which read as follows: "This will be your torment ascendethup ever and ever; and they shall Sunday[naminga datea few weeksahead]to conduct haveno rest day nor night who worship the beastand servicesin the afternoonsin the d'Arcambal home." his image, and whosoeverreceiveththe mark of his The elder explained: "There is an old lady here in name." Detroit who maintains a home for jailbirds. Some In additionto thesethings,SeventhDay Adventists ministerstaketurnsgiving servicesfor them.I suppose believe that their late leader, Ellen G. White, was this invitation meansthat it is our turn. But we never precisely inspiredin the sameway as were the writers pay any attentionto them." of Holy Scriptures,that the Bible must be interpreted I made no reply at the time. Later, I talked the as to harmonizeabsolutelywith her writings; that all matterover with a young man in the schoolwho was a the greatpropheciesof Scripture,exceptthoserelating very accomplishedsinger as well as a progressive to the end of the world, have already been fulfilled; student.We decidedwe would like to go and take a that all should pay tithes; that all churchessaveonly peepat the d'Arcambaljail-birds. the SeventhDay Adventists,constituteBabylon and "Mother" d'Arcambal. the widow of a French are spurned of God; that they, and they alone, are was an invalid, yet a woman who was doing a count, give calledto the last warningof approachingdoom to wonderful humanitarianwork in the city of Detroit. mankind; that this is the very last hour of the world's She had a representativeof her Home meet every history; that the deadare unconscious,body and soul The Spiritual FellowshipJournal dischargedprisonerat the gate of the stateprison at squarely between the eyes. Up to that moment, Jackson,and offer him a shelter and an opportunity possibly,I had neverventuredon a really independent to makea new startin life. She,and her husband,had thought in the whole courseof my life. I had accepted built the Home, and had a rug and broom factory and takenfor grantedthe impeccabletruth of what my just Madame said, I have As connectedtherewith. "spiritual pastors and masters" had taught me. But possibly d'Arcambal did a great work, and scores, right there I was literally jolted by the question,put to hundreds,of men who, else, had gone down into me by that stern elder, into some sort of genuine irretrievable ruin, were by her Christly spirit and mental action. I knew something of the worth of this years of and to society saved practical assistance woman's life of service, of her great heart of better living. When she died, the whole of the sympathyand love. I knew of the hand of religious world of Detroit-Protestant, Catholic, helpfulnessshe had stretchedout to those who had Jewish-paid homageto the work and worth of a real stumbled along life's journey, and had lost the way. I of God. great servant a fallen, to friend of the knew of her faith in God. and, what is more, of her to To resume:The young studentand myself went faith in the possibilities for good surviving the servicewe had been invited to conduct.After it somewhere in the deeps of even the worst of had beenconcluded.Mother d'Arcambal saidto me: mankind. Mother d'Arcambal not saved?The thing "Mr. Nash, this appearsto be a was absurd, utterly unthinkable. Every feeling within me revolted at dreadfully busy world. For The question hit me as woul.da the idea. So I blurted out: "I want sometime, as you may know, I the planted between squarely blow to ask you a question. Do You have been an invalid; and eyes. Up to that moment,PossiblY,I worthy good and many think JesusChrist can be saved?" although hud,never ventured on a really people unite in supporting our independent thought in the whole Now I suppose that was a thing to say in an institution they don't come in to shocking I accepted had course of my W. It would be a school. Adventist see me very often, and I get and takenfor granted the you try thing to not shocking, Won't if lonesome. startling, awfully impeccabletruth of what my to arrangeto come here, once in a say anywhere. Yet it must be "spiritual pastors and masters" remembered that I was but a while, and read the Scripturesand had taught me. youngster at the time, and the talk with me?" gladly acceded, I very request soul's To this dear phrasewas born out of the heartfelt indignation that one or and for the next two or three months I spent swept over me at the suggestionof a soul like that two eveningseach week at the bedsideof Agnes L. which I knew had dwelt in Mother d'Arcambal being d'Arcambal.I was with her when shebadethe world consignedto perdition, simply becauseof a question good-bye,and passedto a higher and largersphereof which, in essence,relatesonly to a weekly calendar. service. But I had most certainly flung a bombshell in our A few days after the deathof this good woman,I classthat morning. The elder straightenedhimself up, was engaged in class instluction in the school, and fixing me with his eye, replied, "Young man, "'Third contained Message" Angel's the expounding probably you are not aware that Mrs. d'Arcambal what, students in Revelation xiv, describing to the once went down to Battle Creek, listened to the great accordingto the Adventist interpretation,the mark of truths of the Third Angel's Message from Elder the beastwas, and what the sealof God, and how the White, Elder Uriah Smith, and other of our great one hundred and forty-four thousand, who were to leaders,and rejected them. Moreover, what right has general stand secure from the otherwise a young, inexperiencedupstart like you to liken this condemnationupon the sea of glass, must be woman to JesusChrist?" observersof the seventh day as the Sabbathof the My immediate reply was that I did know she had Lord. When I had finished my lesson, the been to Battle Creek. I knew, also, that she had "Brother place and said: supervisingelderrosein his listened to expositions of Seventh Day Adventist Nash, I want to ask you a question.In view of the doctrine by the great leaders of the Church, but did exposition you have just given the class, do you not know she had rejectedthem. However, I was so believethat Mrs. d'Arcambal can be saved?" arousedthat I did not even state that fact. I merely planted a blow The question hit me as would informed the elder that I did know that she had been Fall & Winter, 2001 3l The Tuming Point (Continued) to Battle Creek. I was not looking for a way to dodge spirit, reared in an environment where personal the issueI had raised. religion playedno part, they have grown to Well, the upshot of that morning's experiencewas, maturity completely insensible to the appeal of that the Conference Committee of the Adventist anythingwhich doesnot relateimmediatelyto sense Churchwas notified to conveneto considermy heresy. and time. With such men, ignoranceis indeed bliss, The good brethrenwho composedit were scatteredall or at leastfreedomfrom "the gnawingworm." over the Stateof Michigan, and it requiredtwo or three But let a man havebehindhim an upbringingsuch days' time to bring them together.During that period I as mine-it matters not what the character of knew not what sleepmeant.I ponderedand pondered, teaching he may have been under the influence ofuntil my brain practically refused to function. But and the caseis altered,instantly.Try as he will, by beforeI reachedthis mentalimpasse,I had arrivedat a any sort of known means,laudableor reprehensible definite irrevocableconclusion.When the Committee (as the world judges), he will fail to still the f,nally met, its deliberationswere short,if not sweet.I mutteringsof conscience,or rid himself of the appeal went into the room where its memberswere gathered of the Christian faith. He may aim to find distraction and said: "Before you enter on a considerationof my in dissipation,in social,evenpolitical, obligations;in case,I havejust a dozenwords to say which will clear love, marriageand the dischargeof family duties;but the atmospherein better fashion than two hours of he will still hear the voice-the warning, pleading, cross-examination.They are these: condemningvoice-crying: "This "If people like "If people like Mother d'Arcambal is the way, walk thou in it." This is are doomed to go to hell, I want to no "call to the unconverted."I am Mother d'Arcambal go with them.Goodbye!" now making no "appeal to are doomed to go to hell, Bitter Years sinners,"but a plain statementof The very ground on which I had plain fact. And so, againI say,my I want to go with them. stood hitherto, crumbled beneath heart always beats in sympathy Goodbye!" my feet. Remember, that from my with any man who, having once earliestinfancy I had neverheardor had a vision-no matter how learned anything of a religious misleading-of sacred things, character except the tenets and teachings of finds himself compelledto turn his face away,only to Adventism. On their validity, and my acceptanceof find-confusion and chaos.That is a stretchof life's journey, along which a man makes his way with them, the authoritiesof the Holy Scripture,the verities of the Christian faith, the very fact of God Himself, bowed head and bleedingfeet. It is a stretchI know had turned.As I let go of them, I seemed,at the same well, for I have trodden it with heavy heart and bitter time, to be letting go of everything-human and tears . . . divine. My soul became a rifled chamber, robbed I left the Adventist school in Detroit and went ruthlessly of its every treasure. Every laudable back to my father'shome in Indiana,realizing that I impulse, and up-reaching desire, died away in my had flung away every vestige of my faith and had heart-died swiftly, as a soldiermight die in battle,as becomean infidel or, at any rate, an agnostic. a bullet crashesthrough his brain. The light in my I did my level best to run away from duty, faith, spiritualfirmamentfadedsuddenlyinto the "blackness God-and myself. My father strove earnestly with of darkness;"my sun went down at high noon . . . me to recantmy heresy,to acknowledgemy having Men thereare,of whom I havemet thousands,who turned traitor to the faith of my childhood. Two are making their way through life untroubled by a prominenteldersof the AdventistChurchaddedtheir singleproblem or questionrelating to spiritualthings, pleading and argument to those of my father, but I or with anythingrelatingto creedor belief. Not vicious turned a deaf ear to them all. For me, the lamp of men, these,not notoriouslyevil. On the contrary, faith had splutteredout. many are to be reckoned as being among the most I left my homein Indianaand took to the road.For respectableand respectedmembersof society. Such four or five years I wanderedabout the Middle West, mattersas thesesimply have no place in their scheme doing odd jobs here and there.Often did I go ragged of things-that is all. Born in homes where no and hungry. During those years, I never cared two attentionor significancewas given to the things of the strawswhich way a fieight train was headedwhen I J./- The Spiritual Fellowship Joumal whetherDeity existedor not, therewere good people climbed into a box-car,or what it was I did to keep in the world-people who were not ashamed to body and soul together. . . Seekingrest and finding good all with thither confessthat they found their incentive to aid their and none; roaming hither I fellows in love for Christ, and in a belief in the incentiveand desireabsentfrom anythingto which principleshe increasinglyproclaimed. . . set my hand,I becameveritably lost . . . Yet the truth of the old proverb that "shadow PresentlyI mademy way back to Detroit.The vast for it was the of proveth sun" was oncemore demonstrated, the activities form industrieswhich, to-day, I am met what I work that relief while engagedin this Michigan city were then undeveloped.The whole was first in the habit of calling my Third Angel. The community was in the throesof a commercialslump, my mother; the secondwas Agnes d'Arcambal; the and the poverty and suffering arirong the poor were My hand. every prevailed on third was my wife. (It will be seenthat I was destined very acute. Distress to think never to escapethe Third Angel part of my early mind revertedto Agnesd'Arcambal: I began teaching!)She was, at this time, superintendentof a of the good she would strive to be doing, were she Y. W. C. A. boardins school.We were marriedin the still alive, and out of the thought grew a desire to do surrounded which misery following spring. the something to relieve The woman I chose for my life-partner was me on every side. possessedby a strong, robust faith. Her spiritual Here, again,was evidenceof how the influenceof vision was not impaired,aswas mY a life given over to the serviceof watching men, been I had. own, by the glare and glitter of its to exert humanity continues ignoring and Jesus. sordid things. The pure in heartpower, long after its owner has and only the pure in heart-do see passed from the sphere of Thefrailties and failures of God. My association with her mundane things. Here was I, a humanity had kept me to have an altogether began to years had striven man who for seeing that Christ from enheartening and uplifting drive out of my ken and not, could my earth-wearied influence on remembrancethe last recollection spirit. The work was slow and and would not, of everybody and everything of a yet it was always headed difficult, nature, worthy or ennobling fail. right direction. Eventually, the in finding myself drawn back to the she convincedme that all my finely-spun theories' viewpoint of a servantof Jesus,looking with eyesof and what I had deemedsledge-hammerarguments, pity on the distressed,and possessedby a desireto the on back were, in reality, not against Christianity itself, but doubling short, help the needy-in foster, to againsta misinterpretationof it. I had beenwatching unworthy motives I had striven desperately men, andignoring Jesus.The frailties and failures of througha stretchof arid, wastedyears!Yet so it was; humanity had kept me from seeingthat Christ could and thus sprung again into the activity the first that not, and would not, fail. say Christly?-impulse I humanitarian-shall from After somelittle time had elapsed,I determinedto had throbbed within me, since my dismissal re-enter the ministry-this time in the Christian Adventist school. Church (Disciples of Christ)-and accepteda small With the aid of some of the residentsof the city, I found which pastorate in Bluffton, Ohio. The end of this fresh start a laundry open to was enabled people poor the in definite religious work was, however,destinedto employment for quite a number of A kindlycome with almostbewilderingsuddenness. who were without work, and almost without bread. hearted,yet professedlyunreligiousman died in the The church people beganto send us their business, was I get way. under to communityin which I was laboring.In preachinghis and the concern soon began of memorial serrnon,I eulogized his many virtues in a also able to get them to donate a carload way which brought down upon me the censureof my provisions for distribution among the neediestof the churchofficials, and my resignationwas called for. city's residents.It was, I think, while engagedin this the Among myself. For me the times were once more "out of joint." I found more work, that I once light. glimpse of the had no job, and by this time, had a wife and three shadows,I once more caughta small children to support. Eventually I became Here was I, who for yearshad railed againstGod and acquaintedwith somemen who were sellingclothing goodness, simply forced to the conclusion that Fall & Winter, 2001 JJ The Turning Point (Continued) among the farming communities, for a house in seriouslytrieclon a large scale. Chicago.They invited me to join them; I did so, and it took but a short time to demonstratethe fact that I was a far better salesmanthan preacher. So ended,and began,anotherchapterin my life. The "active ministry" I left, I suppose,for the last time. Yet-to anticipate events-I am today, addressinglarger audiencesand filling more church Joan, Claire Thurston and I conduct a appointmentsby ten-fold than in the days when I was "one of the One . . .thing I learned during my youth study group for the Urantia cloth." But that time had not, as second "ministerial term," which Papers. We meet weekly, and the participantsmustjuggle their homework yet, arrived. Nor had the vision I have never unlearned . . . the realization that the inspiration of the work I was one day to take for and activities to make space for the effective Christian servic e meetings. It is wonderful to see the up as yet been vouchsafedme. I sacrificesthis group makes to continue turned back to commercial life, is a real, living, vibrant reading the Papers. We have almost but without any bitternessin my lovefor Jesusheart. One-nay, two things-I His ideals, His companionship, completedPart II. The age range is 10 17. The group consistsof our daughter, learned during my second His purposes. "ministerial term," which I have Michelle; Angie Thurston; Jesse Thurston, and Haley Thurston. Chuck Thurston also never unlearned.They still form part of my rule of attends whenever possible. We always have pizza life. The first is the reahzationthat the inspiration for effective Christian service is a real, living, vibrant before the meetingsbegin, and we let the young folks socialize before and after the reading period, which love for Jesus-His ideals, His companionship,His pu{poses.The secondis to always"rememberthat our lastsaboutan hour or so. job and ourselvesare one." We have encouragedthe group to develop a Some of my readersmay recall the story of the serviceproject of some kind to give more meaning to workman employed on the building of one of the their studies.They electedto join Claire on her visits to great English cathedrals.Day after day, during his the nursing home on Sundays.The idea is to uplift the dinner-hour, his fellow workmen found him seated spiritsof the folks therewith a bit of conversation.This closeto the office of works, gazingat a colored sketch can be challenging,becauseat times the folks there hung on one of its walls. When someof them berated tend to be a bit difficult to conversewith. This led to an him for not being sociable and mixing in during the amusingincident.One recentSundayI askedMichelle noon recess,the old man with a curious light in his how the visit went. Shereporledthat Jesseand her had eyesreplied: "No, fellows, you are wrong aboutthat. spent the hour with a woman who was 97 years old. That is not the reasonI am sitting here day after day. Michelle saidthe woman was somewhatdepressedthat I am only an old mortar-mixer on this job, as you day.Shetold the kids: "I'm so old. I'm missingout on know; but it helps me to mix my mortar betterwhen so many things."Michelle saidJessereplied: "Well, not as many as you would if you weren't alive." The I see what a beautiful building I am working on!" That shouldbe the spirit of everyman who is engaged woman had to chuckle. For many Urantians,who may be a bit reluctant in any kind of work worth doing. to evangelize,they will discoverUrantianyouth to be a Part II of Arthur Nash'sstory will be publishedin the willing and energeticaudience.When I told Michelle Spring & Summeredition of the Spiritual Fellowship that we were going to start reading the Urantia Papers Journal. In this part Nash demonstrates the with the youth,shereplied:'At last!" supplanting of the profu motive in businesswith the " If the Christian church would only dare to espousethe service motive, as predicted in the Urantia Papers, Master's program, thousandsof apparently indffirent will one day takeplace . Moreover,Nash may well be youths would rushforwctrd to enlist in such a spiritual the original human ,sourceof the proclamation that undertaking,and they would not hesitateto go all the the religion of Jesushas notfailed, it has neverbeen way throughwith this great adventure."[2085] L.M. eal Life Outreach '34 The Spiritual FellowshipJournal 2. (a) any specfficsystemrf belief and worship, often involving a code of ethics ctnd ct philosophy [the Larry Mullins Christian religion, the Buddhist religion, etc.l (b) any "Then exclaimedGanid: 'Teacher,let's you and I system of beliefs, practices, ethicaL values, etc. make a new religion, one good enoughfor India and big resembling,suggestiveof, or likenedto, such a sr-stem. enough for Rome, and maybe we can trade it to the [Compton's1997Edition] Jewsfor Yahweh.'And Jesusreplied: 'Ganid,religions For most of us, our formal "religion" is an accident are not made.The religions of men grow up over long of birth. We may be Catholic,yet if we had beenborn periodsof time, while the revelationsof God flash upon into a Jewishfamily, we would likely be Jewish. If we earth in the lives of the men who reveal God to their were born in Syria we would more likely be a Moslem. fellows.' Thereareexceptions,but this is generallythe case. It is ". . . What a scene for the similar to being born in Dallas and celestial intelligencesto behold, men rooting for the Dallas Cowboys, or and women of "Modern this spectacleof the Indian lad in WashingtonD.C. and rooting for proposing to the Creator of a intelligence evadethe religion of the WashingtonRedskins. universe that they make a new As we shall see,the "new and Jesus becauseof their fears of religion! And though the young religion sf Jssus"-1hs everlasting what it will do to them man did not know it, they were restatementof the life and teachings -and with them. making a new and everlasting of Jesusas presentedin the Urantia -this religion right then and there Papers-is not usually an accident And all such fears are new way of salvation,the revelation of birth. This religron has neverbeen well founded." [2083] of God to man through, and in, "seriously or sincerely or honestly When man goes in Jesus tried out." In fact, the UrantiaPapers partnershipwith God, great things tell us that this is the religion that humankindfears. may, and do, happen."U4671 Why do modern men and women of intelligence fear The Urantia Papersprovide remarkablerevelatory the religion of Jesus?What the Papers tell us: information aboutwhat it refersto on page 1467as the "Primitive man lived a life of superstitiousbondage "new and everlastingreligion." Before we examinethis to religious fear. Modern, civilized men dread the information,it will be helpful to clarify the definition of thought of falling under the dominance of strong the word "religion." religious convictions.Thinking man has always feared already have a religion" "I to be held by a religion. When a strong and moving Somereaders,when discussinga Urantia religion, religion threatensto dominatehim, he invariablytries to haveprotestedthat they "alreadyhavea religion." They rationalize, traditionalize, and institutionalize it, claim to be a Catholic, or a Methodist, or a Jew, or therebyhoping to gain control of it. By suchprocedure, whatever.However, the Urantia Papersgenerally use even a revealedreligion becomesman-madeand manthe word "religion" in a different context than we are dominated.Modern men and women of intelligence accustomed. The Papers most often use the first evade the religion of Jesusbecauseof their fears of definition of religion, as it was presentedin dictionaries what it will do to them-and with them. And all such at the time and in virtually all moderndictionaries: fears are well founded. The religion of Jesus does, re-li-gion: 1. (a) Belief in ct divine or superhuman indeed, dominate and transform its believers, power or powers to be obeyedand worshipedas the demandingthat men dedicatetheir lives to seekingfor creator(s)and ruler(s) ofthe universe (b) expressionof a knowledge of the will of the Father in heavenand suchbelief in conductand ritual. requiring that the energiesof living be consecratedto Yet, sometimesthe Papersdo refer to what they the unselfishserviceof the brotherhoodof man. call formal religion, or organizedreligion. In this case "Selfish men and women simply will not pay such they are generallydiscussingspecific "religions" such a price for even the greatest spiritual treasure ever as the Jewish,Christian,or other religions.This is the offeredmortal man." [2083] common definition most people are accustomedto. The Spiritual Fellowship is seekingto organizea This is also what most people think of when the word new andeverlastingreligion that will be fearedby many "religion" is used. Formal religion is traditionally people.Is this a necessarystep in the evolution of the describedin the seconddictionarydefinition: UrantiaMovement? The Religion Humankind Fears Fall & Winter, 2001 35 The Relig,ionHumankind Fears(Continued) "believers."We thus beganto professour belief in the Why do'ue need religion? What the Paperstell us: UrantiaPapersas a revelationof epochalmagnitude.At "God is not only the determinerof destiny;he is the time, this seemed to be quite a progression. man's etemal destination.All nonreligioushuman However,beforemuch time had passedmore and more activities seek to bend the universeto the distorting Urantians wanted to take their understandingof the serviceof self; the truly religious individual seeksto religious life of Jesusto yet anotherlevel. For Lls,even identify the self with the universeand then to dedicate believingwholeheartedlyin the teachingsof the Urantia the activities of this unified self to the serviceof the Papersdid not seemto answerthe "still, small voice universe family of fellow beings, human and within." superhuman."16Tl Since the. existing Urantian As we began to plan The Spiritual Fellowship organizationsof note declare themselvesnot to be someof us beganto assemblequotesfrom the Urantia religious organizations,doesn't this set the stagefor Papersto supportand enlargeupon the primary premise secularandcontentioushumanconflict?Is it not fair to aboutthe needto know aboutthe religiouslife of Jesus suggestthat this passageoutlineswhy we need a new and how he lived it. A compellingchallengeseemedto organization? emerge. More than simply knowing aboutthe Master's The Urantia Papersalso state that: "This world religious life, and beyond believingin has never seriouslytried to cany out the teachingsof Jesuson a large scale, More than simply knowing about him and the task he undertook, it seemedmore and more clear that we notwithstanding that halfhearted the Master's religious ffi, are being called upon to .follow the attempts have often been made to follow the doctrines of so-called and beyondbelievingin him and Master. "Follow me" Christianity."ll720l tf the teachings the task he undertook, This is a distant cry from ofJesus are everto be carriedout on a it seemedmore and more clear anythingmostof us expectedwhen we large scale, is it not reasonableto first pickedup the UrantiaPapers.And proposethat we need some kind of a that we are being called upon yet, many of us now conclude that, religious organizationto facilitate the to follow the Master. beyondendlessdiscussionsaboutthe propagationof "the greatestspiritual religiouslit'e of Jesus,and beyondprofessingour belief treasure ever offered mortal man?" And, equally in him andhis mission,the religionof Jesuscompelsus "truly religious" such a reasonable,should not "identify" to pick up our individual crossesand actually follow organilation clearly and openly seek to after the Master. itself "with the universe and then to dedicate the Thus,many of us find ourselvesconfrontedwith an activitiesof this unified" group of individuals "to the different challenge.Such a belief cannotbe immensely human fellow beings, family of serviceof the universe limited to what Christianreligionistshavereferredto as and superhuman?" "sunday morning religion." Sucha belief must be acted More than reading, more than believing out. It calls upon us to make it a way of life, and it On page 2090, the Urantia Papers make the cannot be confined to study groups and feel-good "Of is of knowledge, that which all human declaration: conferences.Such a belief disruptseverythingthat we greatestvalue is to know the religiouslife of Jesusand are doing. how he lived it." For nearly five decadesmost Urantians have been generally content to call "Jesus on Leadership" - why are man! embarrassed? "readers." have As readers, Urantians themselves years ago I attemptedto write a book titled Many soughtto acquirethis knowledge"of greatestvalue."It "Jeslrs on Leadership." Eventually I decided that I is easyenoughto be a "reader,"and to learn aboutthe didn't know enoughto write it. I still feel that way. But religious life of Jesusand how he lived it. It is really I learneda great deal in the attempt.For one thing, I have do so. We encourage others to not too difficult to found myself confrontedby a great deal of resistance debatedand exchanged"head knowledge" about the by fundamentalistChristianleadersand alsoby secular religious life of Jesus for countlesshours in study This baffled me. I askeda wise Urantian businessmen. groups.Yet, somethingwas missing, many Urantians will gladly aboutit. I said: "Why is it a businessman havethirstedfor somethingmore. the Hun on title: Attila his desk with the keep a book on Then, about five years long ago some of us took tttled Jesus on Leadership, yet would hide a book the more difficult step and beganto declareourselves -Jt) The Spiritual FellowshipJournal what he believed,but alsoto believeashe believed.This Leadership?" The reply was most instructive: "The is the full significanceof his one supremerequirement. reasonis, Attila the Hun is dead,and Jesusis alive. A 'Follow me."' is he knows Jesus coming and seesJesus 120891 businessman We can now see that the knowledge of "greatest not going to be satisfiedwith arrangingthe furniture value" to us is perhapsa meansto an end. It leadsus and putting in new carpet. He is going to rip out the rotten timbers and start from scratch.Very few people inevitably to an awarenessof the supremerequirement are willing to undergoa renovationof that magnitude." of the Master.In a way. we are in a position similar to There seemsto be but one quote in the Urantia the apostles when Jesus left the planet. They had learneda greatdeal,but now somethingnew was being Papersin which the Master used'hisprofessionas a askedof them. carpenterto illustrate a point: "But do not make the "I have taught you much by word of mouth, and I mistake of the foolish carpenterwho rvastesvaluable have lived my life among you. I have done all that can time squaring, measuring,and smoothing his wormbe doneto enlightenyour minds and liberateyour souls, eaten and inwardly rotting timber and then, when he has thus bestowedall of his labor upon the unsound and what you have not been able to get from my teachings andmy lile. you mustnow prepareto acquire beam. must reiect it as unfit to enter into the at the hand of that master of all foundationsof the building which he would constructto withstandthe On the contrary, wefind ourselves teachers-actual experience.And in all of this new experiencer.vhichnow assaults of time and storm. Let back on the sun scorched roads of every man make sure that the Israel, and through the dusty air we awaitsyou, I will go before you and the Spirit of Truth shall be with you. intellectual and moral foundations seethat wondroussunlit Fear not; that which you now fail to of character are such as will countenanceturn toward us, comprehend,the new teacher,when He would probably not ask us: adequately support the superstructure of the enlarging and "Do you read the Urantia Papers?" he has come, will reveal to you throughoutthe remainderof your life nor "Do you believe the ennoblingspiritualnature,which is on earth and on through your thus to transform the mortal mind Urantia Papers?" trainingin the eternalages."[961] and then, in associationwith that More likely the Master might ask: Ten Cascading Premises you me?" re-createdmind, is to achievethe "Will follow Perhapswhat we have examined immortal evolvementof the soul of by ten short quotesfrom best summarized here can be destiny."[738] quotes are of specialnote becausethe the Papers.These As we begin to entertainsuch stunningideas,we understandingof each of them in turn, one after the may no longerfind so much walmth and comfort in our other,leadsto a deeperinsight into the religious life of gatherings, we talk groups where and our social study and how he lived it. Moreovet, these insights Jesus aboutthe compellinglife of Jesus. On the contrary,we find ourselvesback on the sun guide us, stepby step,to a better understandingof the one supremerequirementof the Master.I call thesethe scorchedroadsof Israel, and through the dusty air we "ten cascadingpremises"becausethey gain power as turn toward us. see that wondrous sunlit countenance flow one into the other. they He would probably not ask us: "Do you read the Ul. "Of all human knowledge, that which is of Urantia Papers?" or "Do you believe the Urantia greatestvalue is to know the religious life of Jesusand Papers?"More likely the Master might ask: "Will you he lived it." t20901The following passagesseemto how if we that seems inevitable me?" It almost follow define one possiblepath toward understandingthat life, acquireknowledgeof the religiouslife of Jesus,sooner or later we must confront the one supremerequirement how Jesus lived it, and how we - as Urantian Believers-are calledupon to developand live our own of the Master,"Follow me." religiouslives. "Jesusdoes not require his disciplesto believein him but ratherto believewith him, believein the reality I2l. "The secretof his unparalleledreligious life of the presenceof God; and he was this consciousness of the love of God and in full confidenceacceptthe securityof the assuranceof sonshipwith the heavenly attainedit by intelligent prayer and sincereworshipFather.The Master desiresthat all his followers should unbrokencommunionwith God-and not by leadings, fully share his transcendent faith. Jesus most voices, visions, or extraordinaryreligious practices." touchinglychallengedhis followers,not only to believe [208e] Fall & Winter.2001 JI TheReligiu'r HumankindFears (Continued) [3]. "Whence then comes the energy to do these great things?Look to your Master.Even now he is out in the hills taking in power while we areheregiving out energy.The secretof all this problem is wrappedup in spiritual communion, in worship. From the human standpointit is a questionof combinedmeditationand relaxation.Meditation makesthe contactof mind with spirit; relaxation determinesthe capacity for spiritual receptivity. And this interchange of strength for weakness,couragefor fear,the will of God for the mind of self, constitutesworship.At least,that is the way the philosopherviewsit." [Rodanspeaking] ll777l [4]. "Before Pentecostthe apostleshad given up much for Jesus. They had sacriflced their homes, families, friends, worldly goods, and positions. At Pentecostthey gave themselvesto God, and the Father and the Son respondedby giving themselvesto mansendingtheir spiritsto live within men.This experience of losing self and finding the spirit was not one of emotion; it was an act of intelligent self-surrenderand unreserved consecration." [2089] "But mistakes of the intellectin no way these [5]. interferedwith the believer'sgreatprogressin growth in spirit. In less than a month after the bestowalof the Spirit of Truth, the apostles made more individual spiritualprogressthan during their almostfour yearsof personal and loving associationwith the Master." [20611 [6]. "Do not make the mistake of expecting to become strongly intellectually conscious of the outpoured Spirit of Truth. The spirit never createsa of of himself, only a consciousness consciousness Michael, the Son. From the beginningJesustaughtthat the spirit would not speak of himself. The proof, therefore,of your fellowship with the Spirit of Truth is of this spirit but not to be found in your consciousness rather in your experienceof enhancedfellowship with Michael. "The spirit also came to help men recall and understandthe words of the Master as well as to illuminate and reinterprethis life on earth. "Next, the Spirit of Truth cameto help the believer to witnessto the realitiesof Jesus'teachingsand his life as he lived it in the flesh, and as he now again lives it anew and afresh in the individual believer of each passinggenerationof the spirirfilled sonsof God. "Thus it appearsthat the Spirit of Truth comes really to lead all believers into all truth, into the expandingknowledge of the experienceof the living and growing spiritual consciousnessof the reality of 38 eternaland ascendingsonshipwith God." t206ll [7]. "Paul and his contemporariesapplied all of Jesus'spiritual implicationsregardinghimself and the individual believer to the church as a group of believers;and in doing this, they strucka deathblowto Jesus'conceptof the divine kingdom in the heartof the individualbeliever."[1865] [8]. "There must come a revival of the actual teachingsof Jesus,sucha restatementas will undo the work of his early followers who went aboutto createa sociophilosophicalsystemof belief regardingthe fact of Michael's sojournon earth." t20891 [9]. "Christianity has indeed done a great service for this world, but what is now most neededis Jesus. The world needsto seeJesusliving again on earth in the experienceof spirit-born mortals who effectively revealthe Master to all men. It is futile to talk about a revival of primitive Christianity;you must go forward from where you find yourselves.Modern culture must become spiritually baptizedwith a new revelationof of Jesus'lifeandilluminatedwith a new understanding his gospel of eternal salvation. And when Jesus becomes thus lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Jesus' disciples should be more than conquerors,even overflowing sourcesof inspiration and enhancedliving to all men. Religion is only an exalted humanism until it is made divine by the discovery of the reality of the presenceof God in personalexperience." 12084) t10. I It is the belief of many of us that this series of quotes representone way the Urantia Revelation will: "flash upon earth in the lives of the men who revealGod to their fellows."This alsois a basisof the "new and everlastingreligion . . . this new way of salvation,the revelationof God to man through.and in, Jesus. . . When man goes in partnershipwith God, greatthingsmay,and do, happen."11461l These premises,drawn from the Urantia Papers, are suggestedas philosophictools by meansof which we may arrive at certain personalconclusions. They or conclusions are by no meansthe only alTangement that could be developed. To those Urantians who resonate with them, the cascading pretnises are intendedto help lead to a deeperunderstandingof the religiouslife of Jesus,how he lived it, andhow we may aspireto dare to attemptit ourselves. "The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibitionof creaturewillingnessto sharethe inner life with God-the very God who hasmadesucha creature life of inner meaning-valuepossible." ll22ll The Spiritual FellowshipJournal "When the wind blows,you hear the rustle of the leaves,but you do not see the wind--whence it comes or whither it goes--and so it is with everyone born of the spirit. With the eyesof the flesh you can behold the manifestations of the spirit, but you cannot actually discern the spirit." The Urantia Papers,1602 The ChristianFellowshipof Studentsof the Urantia Book, Inc. 4040 BeecherRoad Flint, MI48532 Return Service Requested NON-PROFITORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID Flint MI Permit #i32
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