San Damiano Retreat 10:31
San Damiano Retreat 10:31
The Power of Silence A Weekend Retreat October 31-November 2 Silence is the deepest and most authentic form of communication, both with others and within ourselves. It is the language that transcends the constant noise of our minds and allows us to experience our essence, the true Self, that purest state of being, a state of peace, joy, and love. Days will include: • Morning and afternoon Hatha Yoga • Guided subtle body practices and meditation • Personal contemplative time • Fresh vegetarian meals Location: San Damiano Retreat Center, 710 Highland Drive, Danville, CA 94526 Times: Arrival and check-‐in: Retreat begin: Departure: Including all meals and private room with bathroom $425 Early Registration by August 30th $375 Early Registration by September 30th $ 400 Cost: Friday 3-‐4:45pm 5:00pm orientation session Sunday 4pm For questions call Gabriele at 510-480-9580 or email This retreat is hosted by Awakening Center and will be guided by Jim Nelson, and assisted by other teachers of the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition. Jim has practiced and taught meditation for over 35 years. He has been a mentor and lecturer in silence retreats for many years. Three years ago Jim undertook 40 days of silence under the guidance of Swami Veda Bharati in India and has guided silence retreats since. In his professional life he has worked extensively as a psychologist in medical clinics and taught psychology in high schools. He is the author of Running On Empty: Transcending the Economic Culture’s Seduction of Our Youth. REGISTRATION FORM Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ o Check enclosed $ _____________ o Phone: ______________________________ credit card: Visa or Master Card Card No. ____________________________________________ CVV: __________ ExpDate: ___________ Name on Card ______________________________________Signature: ______________________________ Make checks payable to Awakening Center and mail to 9701 Deer Valley Rd. Brentwood 94513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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