of Issue #122 - TimeSharing Today


of Issue #122 - TimeSharing Today
The Trusted Independent Voice of Vacation Ownership since 1991
Issue #122
Mar/Apr, 2012
Owners Speak on Timesharing Future
TimeSharing Today asked its subscribers to comment on what they expect in the future with
their own timeshare ownership and in the industry in general. Here are some of the comments
that were received.
“I think the timeshare industry could go in either direction, depending on the care which is put into its
survival. When we purchased our first timeshare about 10 years ago (at a resort in Hawaii), the maintenance
fee was much less than the cost of staying one week at the resort. The maintenance fee there has exploded to
almost double, and no longer is it the bargain it was in terms of staying there. The points we get from a trade
still make it a good value, but it is no longer the outrageously great one it was.
It is also possible to stay for a week
in a resort, perhaps not in the same size
accommodations, for not too much more
than the maintenance fee. Add to that
the cost to purchase, and it’s no longer
the great advantage. Furthermore, when
exchanging, there is the risk that you
can trade into a not so good resort, and
there isn’t a lot you can do about it. On
the other hand, booking a resort usually
involves paying for the stay after you have
completed your stay, which helps insure
that the resort stays on its toes. If the timeshare industry goes in the direction of the
Hawaii resort, there will be little use and
advantage of ownership.
Since purchasing the Hawaii resort,
we have purchased two others -- one at
the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine
and the other at The Harborside Inn in
Edgartown, Massachusetts. These two
resorts both keep their maintenance fees
down. The fees have risen as well, but
quite modestly. Even the current maintenance fees at these resorts is far less
expensive than renting. For example,
renting our unit at the Harborside Inn on
a nightly basis would cost over $300. Our
maintenance fee for the whole week runs
about one and a half times that.
If that model is maintained, then certainly timesharing can survive. We would
not return to Martha’s Vineyard every
year and be able to pay over $2000 for the
week on our budget. That resort is well
run by a board of dedicated owners and a
general manager and front desk manager.
The organization is very healthy. We all
hope, though, that there is a new generation of people who can see the value of
being able to budget quality vacations via
the timeshare route.
Jeff Bellin, Salem MA
“I believe that maintenance fees will,
in the next five years, increase by 30 %
because resorts are no longer able to rent
low season weeks at a reasonable price;
owners of prime weeks will therefore
have to cover for a significant number of
unused weeks. However, even with a 30 %
increase, timeshare represent a very good
deal, at least for those who have prime
weeks in prime location.
As a solution for those who own low
season weeks, the community should find
a way to establish maintenance fees based
on the number of points that is required
to use a week. Is that what is Marriott is
trying to do with its new system?
Government should also look at the
possibility to establish a regulation where
an owner could give its timeshare to the
resort as long as they pay three years of
maintenance fees. Government should
also look at the possibility to establish
another regulation where a board must
declare the corporation bankrupt when the
maintenance fees (or special assessment)
are out of control (need to be define in
concrete terms). Such regulations will allow the effective management of resorts
that are facing any kind of difficulties, and
therefore reduce the very bad publicity of
a very viable vacation/travel concept. .
If the community or the government
(Continued on page 31)
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Page 3
Support your Board Members
Mar/Apr, 2012
Most of us bought the timeshare “product” without considering the significance of
knowing our rights or getting actively involved in governance issues. Did we really give
a hoot about our obligations as dues paying owners or who might be serving on the Board
of Directors or who managed the property? Years ago, being on the Board of a timeshare
Home Owners Association (“HOA”) had some prestige and some privileges; but times
are different now, and many dedicated volunteer Board Members are hard at work to
protect your interests during these difficult times. Their task is not an easy one.
Times are tough. Many owners are struggling to meet their everyday financial
obligations and so are a significant number of owner-controlled resorts. Timeshares are
a business. All resorts have to generate revenues to cover expenses. Money is the life­
blood of a resort and maintenance fees from dues paying owners are the primary source
of that money. If you own a timeshare, you have an obligation to pay the maintenance
fees. Owners need to pay and the HOA has the fiduciary responsibility to collect those
maintenance fee obligations. The Board must also see that there are sufficient reserves
to sustain the resort over a period of time. With more than a 10% delinquency rate, a
resort could be heading for insolvency or possible bankruptcy.
Board members are fellow owners and there is probably none who wants to turn
delinquent owner over to collection to have their credit damaged or to be foreclosed
upon. Many Board members have joined the newly formed Timeshare Board Members
Association to explore all possible alternatives to hard collection policies. They are also
working to find alternatives that would allow delinquent owners to remain involved in
their timeshares.
HOAs cannot afford to operate in a bubble. Transparency, disclosure and com­
munications is required, regardless of whether the resort is operating on a solid footing
or is in trouble. The owners have a right to know the financial condition of the property.
Owners also have an obligation to themselves and other owners to get engaged in the
resort by attending owners meetings and insisting on timely and accurate information.
Delivering information to owners has been made much more cost-efficient because of
the use of email and websites; confidentially does not have to be sacrificed with the
use of electronic media.
Some resorts are going “green” to save money and to facilitate the method of de­
livering information. HOAs must be sensitive to the growing popularity of Facebook,
Twitter and online blogs that have enabled owners to voice their concerns. Want to test
the waters on that? Simply Google the name of any developer or resort starting with
the word complaints. (Example: Complaints XYZ). Bad news travels instantaneously.
You can also try: Reviews XYZ or Lawsuits XYZ. Be careful though. Many online
posts are anonymous and you can’t always trust the accuracy of information.
Ever since we began publishing TimeSharing Today, owners have wanted to have
the ability to communicate with other owners about their resorts. For the most part, efforts
to do that have been thwarted for a variety of reasons, including legal restrictions and an
outright refusal because of a claim of privacy issues. Years ago, if an owner legitimately
gained the right to use an owners list, the cost of printing, preparing and mailing a letter
to the list was prohibitive. Last year there was a breakthough for owners. A California
Court ordered that email addresses of WorldMark owners were to be turned over to an
owner who had made a formal request for the roster and had been was denied. (See
TimeSharing Today Jan/Feb 2012). It’s fairly evident that a deeded timeshare property
is not like a typical condo. Residential condo properties usually have a few hundred
owners, with the majority living on site. A given timeshare could have thousands of
owners whose primary residences are nowhere near the resort, making communications
all the harder to achieve. You can expect to see efforts for new regulations that coincide
with owners’ abilities to use email and perhaps other emerging technologies.
The Timeshare Board Members Association, organized with the assistance of
TimeSharing Today, provides an opportunity and forum for Board Members of time­
share HOAs to gain the advantages of participating in meetings with other Members
and industry leaders, and for networking among themselves to discuss issues, solutions
and resources. Information about TBMA can be found at www.tbmassoc.com. A meeting
has been scheduled on Orlando April 22-24.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 4
Mar/Apr, 2012
Letters to the Editor
Discouraged about
getting exchange
Your article on RCI’s changed policies provided the explanation of why I
have not been able to get an exchange
although I started a year ago. I’ve changed
the resorts (been through about 50) and
times without any luck. We have never
had this trouble before. Our resort has a
low ranking and it does not change even
though I’ve requested vacations into next
year. It seems to us that this destroys one
of the timeshare selling points - that was
the straight exchanges.
In a year, no one from RCI has called
or suggested anything. I have called, in
addition to using the website, and the staff
just says nothing is available. We are considering selling our timeshare because of
this and appreciate the information about
selling in your magazine.
We were also looking at the other
exchange companies, but the current
problem is that last year’s deposit is with
RCI. Do keep giving your good information to the timeshare owners. Thanks very
Barbara Chamberlain
© Drew Dernavich/The New Yorker Collection/www.cartoonbank.com.
We still love Cabo
My wife and I have been members at
Playa Grande for a a few years and have
to say we are very pleased with the Playa
Grande and its staff.
Getting to Cabo San Lucas from California is easy. It is getting to your rrental
car or shuttle that is the excitement. Remember, get your bags and head outside;
do not (unless you want to) stop, as you
will be approached with many “deals.”
The Playa Grande is a “Grand”
place to stay and is located within easy
walking to the Marina. There are many
taxis and bicycle drivers ready to take
you anywhere.
The Playa Grande has many areas
in which to stay; the one area we like is
“The Ridge” as it is way up on top and you
can look down on the Marina. We have
stayed at many rooms at the Playa Grande
and have found all of them outstanding
and clean.
Excellent restaurants are located on
the grounds, plus there are many excellent restaurants associated with the Playa
Grande and many other excellent restaurants in Cabo San Lucas.
Yes Cabo San Lucas has grown since
we first went there in 1979, but I still find
Cabo San Lucas a fun and relaxing area
in which to visit.
John Keyes, Springville,CA
Hiding negative news
Unfortunately, I am an owner of a
two-bedroom ocean front unit at the Point
at Poipu.
We were there several years ago and
a negative article came out in the Garden
Island local newspaper.
The timeshare shills went to the front
desk and bought out all the newspapers to
try and hide the news.
Please do not publish my name as
Diamond has lawyers that like to threaten
little people.
Name withheld by request
Source of RCI
rental weeks?
I had just read the article on the law
suits for both Points and Weeks. While I
have seen previous articles, it was something that I did not pay a lot of attention
to. In just working on a search in my
RCI Weeks account, I saw a lot of rentals
available - perhaps more than what was
available for exchange.
I called RCI and they said these are
resort weeks not used by the resort and
given to RCI as rentals. In thinking back
over the years, I seem to remember that
resorts put into an exchange company
developer weeks which where available
for exchange. One of the reasons, as I
understood, these developer weeks were
used by the resort to get potential buyers
there and new sales.
I would like to know if anyone truly
knows about these rental weeks, which
would seem not to be a conflict with
exchange weeks and the resorts would
be trying to rent out their weeks anyway;
RCI is now just a rental agent for them
the same as any travel agency would be.
Owners of resorts benefit when unused
units are rented, as the money helps offset
any uncollected maintenance fees.
RCI is a business, so they would be
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TimeSharing Today
doing what any business does and look
for opportunities to raise revenues. RCI,
being part of Wyndham, has a lot of rental
inventory in there and that also seems to
be a good deal for both and perhaps ultimately the owners.
As long as exchange inventory is not
included, that would not be a conflict and
perhaps the only loss would be having
developer weeks available for exchange,
thereby lowering the exchange opportunities.
Looking forward to hearing more
from someone who knows more about
this than me?
John A. Beyer,
Need proper
contingency fund
Just for the record, several years ago
Grand Cayman was also hit by a hurricane, and Morritts Tortuga Club sustained
significant damage. We were assessed
$1,500 per week in addition to our regular
maintenance fee. We had a month to pay it
or incur substantial interest charges.
Our fees since that year have increased appreciably, and unlike timeshares
in the States, we do not get as thorough a
breakdown of how the money is applied.
I can only hope that they are building a
contingency fund to prevent a future assessment.
What can an owner do in such a
Janet Mulford
Devaluation of points
I was reading responses to conversion
to points (RCI is representative) in TimeSharing Today and find that many people
do not have a clear view of what points are
or how they function. After having been
presented the sales pitch many times at our
home time share, the best analogy I can
think of is the currency markets.
The timeshare is the currency (gold)
and points is simply another currency. If
both currencies are equal (at par), one can
be exchanged for another of equal value.
The points sellers, RCI, can devalue your
currency (points) by smoke and mirrors
whenever they need money. If you want
to exchange and use your points, you then
lose the value of your original gold and are
forced to use the new currency devalued
by RCI and like it.
Page 5
If you keep your original gold and
trade only with others who also trade
in gold (exchanges), the value of your
timeshare stays the same. If you change
to points, you allow RCI to devalue your
property without your consent. RCI wants,
obviously, to be able to devalue your property and maximize their profits.
I was taken to task for this opinion by
a representative of a points organization
asking why RCI would want to devalue
the currency of points. The answer is
contained in the RCI Points settlement
lawsuit: RCI devalues points so that
timeshare owners cannot exchange for
a vacation timeshare they want because
RCI inflates the value of the desired exchange and thereby deflates the value of
your points. Disappointed owners give
RCI control over their units for free and
RCI then rents at inflated prices to the
general public and takes the profit from
the unoccupied timeshare; now, there’s
Name not provided
No exchange issues
My wife and I have been timesharing for about 18+ years and I have been
a subscriber to TimeSharing Today for a
number of those year. I enjoy reading the
publication for both the personal stories
and to keep informed about the evolving
timeshare business. We own one fixed
week, one floating week, and one odd year
floating week. I tell people we own 2 1/2
weeks and don’t want to deal with or learn
about points. The 2 1/2 weeks are about all
we can handle in terms of our travel time
and budget. On a few occasions we have
given a week as a gift or rented to a friend
for the cost of the maintenance fee.
My wife and I discuss a possible
vacation location; then she takes over
and finds us a place in the area we want
to travel to. We belong to both II and RCI.
We are usually somewhat flexible on the
dates, the size of the unit, and the rating of
the unit we are willing to accept. Because
of this, my wife usually feels pretty good
about working with both trading companies. I don’t remember ever feeling that
we got the shaft!
Over those 18 or so years, our travel
has been limited to the U.S. and Mexico.
Although there have been other locations
from time to time, in the U.S. it has been
mainly Florida, Arizona, and California
Mar/Apr, 2012
and in Mexico it has been Cabo, Puerto
Vallarta, and Cancun. I know that the
claim is out there that weeks are taken out
of the available pool to be rented to nontimeshare owners, but this does not seem
to have affected out travels to date.
We recently stayed at the Sandustin
Resort in Destin, Florida. We were very
satisfied with the unit. We found out that
every unit was owned for a full year by
individual owners and furnished by each
owner in a style of their choice. One staff
member told us “we are not a timeshare.”
The management evidently will, at the
owner’s request, either rent out or give
units to RCI.
LCM, Boulder, CO
Not renewing
Today I received a letter asking me
to renew my subscription to TimeSharing
Today. I have not renewed the subscription
because I no longer own any timeshare
properties, and I have no need to subscribe
to the magazine.
While I owned timeshares, TimeSharing Today was an invaluable resource
because it was the one source that pro-
Outer Banks
Timeshare Rentals
& Resales
Milepost 13.5 Nags Head
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Special Reports and much more
TimeSharing Today
vided complete and clear information to
subscribers. We received more information from TimeSharing Today than we
ever received from the developer, owners’
associations, etc.
Thank you for the good work you do.
I will continue to recommend the magazine to everyone I meet who still owns
timeshare properties.
Kathleen Casey
Special assessments
As a time share owner in several
countries, I am no stranger to these ridiculous special assessments. Pelican
Resort, Sapphire, etc. are some examples
where I bought and had to give them up
because of this. I own an alternating years
two-bedroom unit at Diamond Resorts
Poipu. We are retired on a fixed income
and cannot afford this special assessment.
The maintenance fees are extremely high
as it is. We contacted them, explained the
situation, and requested they take back
their week. They said no and that we
“had to pay” or our credit rating would
be affected.
Unlike resorts in St. Maarten, this
Page 6
resort is part of the US, why can’t the
government help? There must be some
laws. We should have some rights that
are not available to us on foreign soil. We
need our credit rating in good standing for
our retirement.
We prefer having a place to live, a car
to drive, food on our table, and medical
coverage rather then paying a large sum
of money to a timeshare resort. We are
going to walk away, ignore the special
assessment and maintenance bills. Let
them foreclose on it.
Dianne Dupray
Ridiculous settlement
I read with interest the article about
the RCI settlement: $12 for not being
able to use a week that cost at least $400.
I also enjoyed that one letter writer
thought there might be collusion between
RCI and Wyndham. They are owned by
the same people!
Ever since Cendant took over RCI,
they have consistently tried to kill the
goose that laid the golden egg. Short
term profits trump long term timeshare
Mar/Apr, 2012
owners’ interest every time. It’s just my
opinion, but I think that they really don’t
care if the timeshare industry goes bust.
Since they own so many hotels, they will
get the money from people staying at a
hotel instead of a timeshare. It’s hard to
see a corporation as evil, but the people
running RCI seem to put greed above
everything else.
People deposit weeks in good faith,
RCI turns around and rents them to nonowners; then when the depositor wants
to trade, there are no weeks available.
What a scam!
I only use Interval International for
my trades, but it seems the other trading
companies are also honest and fair. What
does Interval do to use up their excess?
The give them to the owners! I own at a
five-star resort and when I deposit it, Interval gives me a “last minute” week. This
keeps the excess inventory in the system
and not available to the general public.
I don’t work for Interval and have
no financial interest at stake. I just refuse
to deal with greedy or evil corporations.
Therefore, I refuse to stay at any of the
hotel brands owned by Wyndham, which
owns RCI: Baymont Inn & Suites, Days
Inn, Howard Johnson’s, Knights Inn,
Ramada, Super 8, Travelodge, Wyndham,
Wyndham Garden Hotels, Hawthorn
Suites, and Wingate by Wyndham. Besides hotels, the company also operates
Wyndham Vacation Resorts (formerly
Fairfield Resorts) and WorldMark by
Wyndham (formerly Trendwest) timeshare resorts.
S.L. Gibbs
Old scam lives
I began receiving inquires from a
Mr. Martins regarding my timeshare at
Greensprings in Williamsburg, VA. After
going back and forth by email, we agreed
to a sale and terms. I then received a bank
check from Mr. Martins for $3900.00, I
was to keep $1000.00 as a deposit and
send $2900.00 to a third party.
I took the check to my bank and
found, not only that there were not enough
funds to cover it, but the check itself was
Perhaps this is the latest in scams and
people should be warned.
N.F. Reynders
Editor’s note: This is an old scam that
we thought was no longer being used.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 7
Mar/Apr, 2012
Disney adds club at
Grand Floridian
Disney has announced that Disney
Vacation Club accommodations will be
built at Grand Floridian Resort & Spa at
Walt Disney World.
The addition of DVC to the Grand
Floridian expansion is part of a previously
announced expansion to the flagship hotel,
which opened in 1988 and is Disney’s
most expensive deluxe resort.
The project, which will add approximately 147 units in a separate building, is
expected to open in late 2013. Among its
amenities will be a children’s water-play
area. It is the second DVC property to be
built in the Magic Kingdom Resort area.
The expansion of Disney’s Grand
Floridian Resort & Spa will include other
changes to the resort: the demolition of the
current tennis courts, parking lots and the
shoreline of the Seven Seas Lagoon. The
spa is also temporarily closed, until early
2013, as part of the expansion.
Assessment prompts
owners to organize
After receiving notice of a $5893.32
special assessment (see TimeSharing Today, Jan/Feb, 2012 at page 34), more than
900 of the affected timeshare week/points
owners have joined Concerned Owners
of the Point at Poipu (COPP), either via
its Web site or Facebook page, to discuss
“The impact of the assessment is a
financial hardship on many of the owners
and a great percentage will have to surrender their deeds back to the developer,” noted president Keith Paulsen, who describes
himself as a licensed contractor, real estate
broker and developer (mainly residential)
in Northern California. To prevent that, his
group is lobbying the AARP and various
government agencies to investigate, and is
“dealing with” a Hawai’i-based law firm
to file a lawsuit.
“We have raised enough funds to get
legal action started by filing an injunction
or temporary restraining order to allow
a window of opportunity to see what is
really going on with the damage and the
finances of the resort,” he said.
RCI cuts deal with
Divi Resorts
RCI recently announced an agreement with Divi Resorts that gives members at all five of its resorts in Aruba and
St. Maarten the opportunity to opt for RCI
Points Platinum memberships.
“RCI Platinum is a premium-tier
membership option that opens up a world
of vacation opportunities for our members,” said Gordon Gurnik, president,
RCI. “Since its debut last year, the RCI
Platinum membership has been met with
positive responses from members who
notice that their vacation experiences have
been taken to a whole new level, which
adds value to the products that affiliates
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TimeSharing Today
like Divi Resorts offer vacationers.”
RCI members who join the RCI
Points Platinum membership tier receive
benefits including:
• Priority Access, which gives
members the opportunity to be at the
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• Opportunities for unit upgrades
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Deposit Trading Power required*
• Discounts on cruises, vacation
trips and many vacation activities, as well
as other benefits.
Scotland resort and
timeshares planned
The Ayrshire Golf Company has
plans for a $100 million golf development
at Irvine Bay which will include an 18hole par 71 golf course with clubhouse,
pro shop, spa, restaurant and conference
facilities. Located on a 171-acre beachfront site, south west of Irvine town center,
it will also include a 50-room hotel (to
be called “The Ayrshire”) and 150 twobedroom timeshare suites.
Irvine is a new town on the coast of
the Firth of Clyde, but despite its new
town designation, it has a long history
stretching back many centuries and was
classed as a Royal Burgh since 1372. The
town was once a haunt of Robert Burns,
after whom two streets in the town are
Trump may scrap
plans for resort
Donald Trump is reportedly on the
brink of abandoning his plans for the
Page 8
“world’s greatest golf course”
near Aberdeen, Scotland after
claiming his project is being
threatened by an offshore wind
Trump has disclosed that
he has frozen plans to build the
second 18-hole golf course, the
five-star hotel, the luxury villas
and houses and the timeshare
apartments that make up the
planned resort until a final decision is made on the wind power project.
A first golf course is now due to open
in June with a small, temporary clubhouse
that would, Trump said, eventually be replaced by a “super-luxury” clubhouse.
But Trump’s threats are fuelling
strong suspicions that he is using the wind
farm, known as the European offshore
wind deployment centre, as a reason to
abandon the golf resort rather than admit
the project is no longer viable or affordable.
In a statement issued from his New
York headquarters, Trump said: “All further plans for future development, including the hotel, are now on hold until the
Scottish government makes a decision on
the application for the European offshore
wind deployment centre.”
“If the north-east of Scotland is serious about tourism and creating a global
golf destination, it cannot allow the coastline to be ruined by an ugly industrial
park (11 64-story turbines) directly off
the shoreline.”
Trump admitted in June that the
global recession had forced him to delay
construction of the five-star hotel, apartments and large luxury housing estate,
which were at the center of the resort
plans. At that time, he said “the world
Mar/Apr, 2012
has crashed” since he bought
the Menie estate, in Aberdeenshire, and
its vast area of dunes in 2005. Trump is
now linking that delay to the wind farm,
a position he did not take in June, and has
admitted the entire resort is on hold.
Trump’s senior staff have had a series
of meetings with the group developing the
wind farm, which has already adjusted its
plans, cut the number of turbines from 33
to 11, and reduced the visual impact of the
scheme after Trump’s initial complaints
and concerns from several organizations,
including the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Westgate developer in
defamation suit
David Siegel, the developer of Westgate timeshare resorts in Florida and
several other states, has started a defamation lawsuit because of the promotional
materials for “The Queen of Versailles,”
a documentary file based on him, his wife
Jackie and the construction of their 90,000
square foot mansion in Florida.
The movie, which was shown at the
Sundance Film Festival, was promoted
as a “rags-to-riches-to-rags story,” which
Siegel disputes. He says his reputation
has been damaged by the promotional
materials’ claim that his timeshare empire
had collapsed.
Siegel is suing the Sundance Institute,
which runs the festival, and the filmmakers. He is seeking compensatory and
punitive damages in the suit, which was
filed in federal court in Florida.
A Sundance press release about the
“rags-to-riches-to-rags story” claims
Siegel’s “timeshare empire collapsed” and
that his “house foreclosed.”
The complaint asserts that “taken
individually and collectively, these statements portray Siegel and Westgate as essentially broke and out of business.”
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Refuting those claims, the complaint
alleges that Siegel’s timeshare empire
never collapsed and that Westgate is stable
and profitable. Construction only stopped
on Versailles because Siegel “decided to
dedicate all of his available funds and
efforts to Westgate” after the economic
collapse began in 2008. Siegel’s financial restructuring enabled the company
to weather the financial storm, and in
November 2011, Westgate restructured its
debt, and now it is stable and profitable,
according to the suit.
The lawsuit states that the Sundance
description of the documentary was ultimately revised, though even then the
rags-to-riches-to-rags phrase remained.
And the original description had already
appeared on more than 12,000 websites,
the suit alleges.
Off-premises sales
office crackdown
The town council of Camp Verde,
AZ has authorized action against Sedona
Pines Resort because its off-premises sales
office misleads visitors into thinking they
are going into a tourist information center
instead of a timeshare sales office.
Several months ago, the council gave
Town manger Russ Martin time to explore
options with representatives of Sedona
Pines Resort, owners of the office space.
Martin reported that his attempts to bring
the business into compliance had failed
miserably. Given an opportunity to make
changes to the Off-Premises Canvassing
and Signage code, Martin said the company had, in essence, written itself out of
the code.
Page 9
“They want the code to say that
as long as the sign doesn’t say ‘Camp
Verde’ visitor information it is legal,”
Martin said.
In the end, the council spent about
five minutes discussing efforts to work
with the owners of the Sedona Pines Resort sales office. But the final decision was
succinct and unanimous: start enforcement proceedings immediately.
Hanalei Bay Resort
owners take full control
In 2009, Hanalei Bay Resort (Hauai,
HI) owners and four directors ousted by
Celebrity Resorts Management filed suit
in seeking to regain control of the resort.
According to the Petition filed by the
ousted directors, their removal from the
Board of Directors was masterminded
by Celebrity in response to the directors
raising “issues and concerns” alleging
Celebrity’s mismanagement and selfdealing.
Shortly thereafter, the parties reached
a settlement with Celebrity Resorts which
provided for the owners to take back management control of the resort. However,
there were provisions giving Celebrity a
continuing presence in the resort because
Celebrity owned the resort developer
rights. These developer rights included
among others, the exclusive right to use
unreserved, unconfirmed or unused use
periods for rent or sale and exclusive
control over the concierge and activities
services on the property.
Now, the president of the owners
association has notified all Hanalei Bay
Resort owners that “for the first time in the
history of Hanalei Bay Resort, our resort
is under total and complete control of the
owners, and our VOA owns and controls
those rights. The purchase price [from
Celebrity] was $660,000.00.
“We also took deed to the 5 intervals
that Celebrity owned along with the stipulation that anyone that is associated with
Celebrity Resorts or any of their subsidiaries who acquires ownership in Hanalei
Bay Resort is required to sell that interest
to the VOA at the lower of cost or market.
The VOA will also retain all rental income
from intervals previously rented by Celebrity for occupancy on or after January 1,
2012 (approximately $20,000.00) and is
immediately granted all rental rights after
that date as well.
Mar/Apr, 2012
“Before you panic with ‘now what’s
this going to cost me?’ I want you to know
that your Board does not anticipate having
to increase your maintenance fees because
of this, nor do we anticipate any special
assessments to our owners. The board has
authorized temporary use of funds on hand
to be replaced by the substantial income
that can be generated by rentals, interval
re-sales, and other opportunities that are
now available to the association. In fact,
our maintenance fees should stabilize
because of the income opportunities the
association will now have with respect to
unit rentals and re-sales.”
RCI Points hearing
put off to April
The hearing to consider whether the
court should give preliminary approval
to a proposed settlement of a class action
lawsuit by Points members against RCI
has been carried to April 23, 2012. The settlement provided for $12 to each member,
better notice of the terms of membership,
and certain statistical information. (See
TimeSharing Today, Jan/Feb, 2012.)
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Page 10
Ron’s Select Holidays
Mar/Apr, 2012
By Ronald G. Helms,
Centerville, OH
Snowater and Resorts
West Vacation Club,
Bellingham, WA
The genesis for this business/ski
trip was serendipitous. A primary professional organization to which I have
been a lifelong member decided to hold a
membership lottery. Little did I suspect
that I would win two free airline tickets
to any national/international conference
anywhere in the continental U.S.
I already had papers accepted for presentation at an international conference in
Vancouver, British Columbia. Remember
the airline tickets were negotiable for the
U.S. We redeemed the prize tickets for
round trip coach tickets to Bellingham,
WA, a beautiful town located on the Puget
Sound, one and one-half hour south of
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Delta quickly redeemed the lottery
prize, and we used our Delta Elite membership to upgrade to first class from
Dayton to Sea-Tac international airport.
We were able to connect with Alaskan Air
to Bellingham, WA. We were somewhat
amazed at the quality of service of Alaskan
Air. Naturally, we were flying a commuter flight from Sea-Tac to Bellingham,
WA. To our surprise the flight attendants
were serving free wine to all passengers
aboard the flight. I know several large
carriers that could learn some lessons from
Alaskan Air.
Bellingham is a very small airport,
and the car rental is a few steps from the
luggage area. We always pack our own
skis and ski boots for any ski trip. It is
too much of a gamble to use rental ski
Following deplaning we were home
at Snowater and Resorts West Vacation
Club within an hour. The following day
we drove to Vancouver, B.C., presented
the papers, found a great seafood restaurant for lunch and returned to Snowater
and Resorts West Vacation Club to prepare
for nearly a week of skiing.
Snowater and Resorts West Vacation
Club is only a twenty-minute drive to the
Mount Baker Ski Area that has an average annual snowpack of 250 inches and
fantastic skiing from November through
Snowater is situated on the Nooksack
River at the edge of the Mount Baker National Forest. Mount Baker is part of the
Cascade Range. The Cascade Range is a
major mountain range of western North
America, extending from southern British Columbia through Washington and
Oregon to northern California.
Many peaks in the Cascades exceed
10,000 feet, including Mount Hood
(11,235 feet) and Mount Rainier (14,410
feet). Most of the summits are extinct volcanoes, but Lassen Peak (10,457 feet) and
several others have erupted in the recent
past. Mount Baker (10,778 feet) steamed
heavily in 1975, and Mount St. Helens
(8,365 feet) erupted in 1980 and again in
1981. The Cascades are beautiful to view
from a commercial jet, from the urban
areas, and especially from the ski slopes.
The Interval International website
does not do justice to the interior and exterior beauty of Snowater and Resorts West
Vacation Club. The cedar siding of the
townhouses blend in with the mountain
forest. Check in required only minutes,
and there is absolutely no confusion in
locating the specific condo.
The kitchen is very functional, as
is the cookware and plate ware. The
dining room and living room are comfortable. The fireplaces are essential for
the ambiance of a mountain retreat. We
had a two-bedroom unit, and the master
bedroom is very usable and comfortable.
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We had plenty of room to spread out our
skis and all of the ski apparel. The window
seats with the extended large windows
permitted the outdoors to merge with the
Snowater and Resorts West Vacation
Club is at an elevation of only 1,000 feet.
This meant that it was virtually spring at
the condo, but winter at the Mount Baker
Ski Area.
We were able to find provisions
nearby. There are a few restaurants in the
area. Our holiday focused on intense skiing, and we were pleased to prepare most
of our meals at the condo.
Following an exhaustive day of
skiing, the Snowater and Resorts West
Vacation Club sauna, hot tub, and heated
pools were beneficial to tired muscles. We
transitioned from a mountain of snow to a
national park setting in spring conditions
in a few minutes.
We found that upon awakening to rain
at Snowater, we were guaranteed fresh
snowfall at the Mt. Baker Ski Area. It was
always surprising to leave Snowater in
50 – 60 degree temperature and arrive at
25-30 degrees at the Mt. Baker Ski Area.
We were driving from an altitude of 1,000
feet to an altitude of 4,300 feet.
We marveled at the “snow walls”
lining the highway. Within minutes of
departure from Snowater, we began to
see four to six feet “snow walls” grow to
nearly 20 feet. It is eerie to drive with 20
feet of snow lining the roadside. There
was no room for vehicle error.
The skiing at Snowater is excellent;
there are 38 trails with a good variation for
novice to expert skier. The longest trail is
White Salmon that is 1.75 miles in length.
This proved to be an excellent warm-up
trail prior to skiing the expert slopes. The
world record snowfall is 1,140 inches
recorded in the 1998-1999 season.
Skiing in the Cascades always provides a danger of skiing into a “tree well.”
A tree well is the hole or depression that
forms around the base of a tree. Evergreen
trees (fir, hemlock, etc) can have large,
deep tree wells that forms when low
hanging branches prohibit snow from
filling in and consolidating around the
base of the tree. A deep snow or tree well
accident occurs when a skier falls into an
area of deep unconsolidated snow and becomes immobilized. The more the person
struggles the more entrapped in the snow
Page 11
they become. If a partner is not there for
immediate rescue, the skier may die very
quickly from suffocation. In many cases,
they can die as quickly as someone can
drown in water.
I suppose that part of the attraction
of alpine skiing is that certain risks are
involved. Skiing on a snow base that is
20 to 30 feet in depth is a bit different
from skiing in the Midwest, the East, or
the Mid-Atlantic. Deep powder skiing is
entirely different than skiing on a 20” base
of well-groomed snow.
Snowater and Resorts West Vacation
Club provide a very congenial vacation
for a clientele that is delighted by a first
class timeshare in a national park setting.
I would imagine that the metropolitan
areas of Seattle and Vancouver provide
the client base for ownership of this delightful property. I would strongly suggest
that there are many who would enjoy all
four seasons as a holiday at Snowater and
Resorts West Vacation Club.
If you can be content with a week of
hiking or skiing without the distractions
of modern society, Snowater offers an
irenic vacation.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Editor’s note: The website of the
Owners’ Association provides the following additional information.
Snowater is comprised of 43 townhouse condominiums situated on the
banks of the Nooksack River. Most units
have river or mountain views that can be
enjoyed from individual private decks.
Twenty-one one bedroom units
have one master suite and a pullout
sofa designed to sleep four people
Twenty-two two bedroom units
have a master loft with a bath and a
downstairs bedroom with two twin beds.
The two bedrooms also has a pullout
sofa which allows the unit to sleep six
people comfortably.
All units have complete kitchen
facilities, washer dryer, microwave,
dishwasher, Jenn-air grill, CD player
and propane fireplace. The units are
supplied with coffee filters, dishwashing
detergent and salt and pepper.
Please be advised: There are no
TV’s or telephones in the units and cellphones do not work at the resort
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Page 12 TSToday Anywhere
Melvin Harmon took this photo of his wife Rosalie relaxing
with her magazine at Lake Chelan Shores in Lake Chelan, WA.
Kenny Brister of Deerfield Beach, FL poses with TimeSharing Today while staying at MountainLoft in Gatlinberg, TN where
he and his wife have owned for more than a dozen years.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Dr. James Moyes of Lubbock, TX enjoys his TimeSharing
Today while on an exchange to the Cliffs at Princeville, HI.
Doris and Mike Rodbell of Annapolis MD are toasting
their favorite magazine while staying at discovery Resort in
Cocoa Beach, FL.
Madeline Rubin of Corrales,
NM took a picture
of her husband
Kenneth reading
his TimeSharing
Today magazine
on their balcony
at Polo Towers in
Las Vegas, NV.
The construction
of City Center is in
the background.
Marilyn Hartman of Cedar Park, TX, flashes her magazine
while she and husband Sterling drive into Point at Poipu in
Kauai, HI.
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Page 13 Mar/Apr, 2012
William Paul of Bonita
Springs, FL used his ownership at Marriott’s Cypress
Harbour to exchange for a
stay at Brussels Marriott.
James Patton of Willdomar, CA shows off his
TimeSharing Today magazine during an exchange at
Cedar Breaks Lodge and Spa in Cedar City, UT.
Blanche Peterson reads her magazine
while on an exchange with husband John to
the Crafts Inn in Wilmington, VT.
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Page 15
Mar/Apr, 2012
Two Great Timeshares in one week
By Charlie Allman, Sarasota, FL
We were excited to get a week at the
Westgate River Ranch, in River Ranch,
Florida. The resort is only a couple of
hours drive from our new home in Sarasota. It was a great opportunity to explore
with our own car. My wife had always
wanted to see a real live rodeo. That was
a promised weekly feature of River Ranch,
along with line dancing, boat tours and
lots of things you would find at a dude
ranch. (The facility calls itself the world’s
largest dude ranch).
We arrived at the prescribed check
in time of 4:00 p.m.. We had been told
that we had a cabin with two bedrooms,
so we invited another couple to join us.
The unit was more than we expected: it
was huge! We had an entire cabin (both
sides of a “lockout”). We had two master
bedroom suites, several convertible sofas,
and three full bathrooms, two of which
had Jacuzzi tubs. The kitchens were well
equipped and there were an ample supply
of dishes, glasses, and flatware.
The TV (which became more important than we would realize) was not the
flat screen technology, but quite adequate.
There is a wraparound porch that overlooks a meadow that had a small herd
of buffalo -- yes, buffalo. We sat on the
porch before dinner and were treated to a
buffalo romp, where the buffalo chased
each other around the field as if only for
our amusement.
It was Friday and there would be line
dancing in the Saloon with an instructor
about 6:00 p.m. We certainly didn’t want
to miss that. We had heard that there might
be some rain Friday night, so we armed
ourselves with umbrellas and headed for
the Saloon. By the time we got there (it
only took a few minutes by car), the rain
had begun. The line dancing was fun to
watch, but there was no instructor.
We had planned to cook something
simple and wait for Saturday night to visit
the on-site restaurant before the rodeo.
After dinner, we watched a movie (a DVD
we had brought from home) and retired
about 10:00 p.m. By this time, the rain
had become steady. We didn’t pay much
attention to it.
The next morning (Saturday), the
rain continued, but was not hard enough
to worry about. However, the featured
Rodeo was cancelled because the grounds
were too muddy to rope a steer or hold
onto a rough ride. We spent the day touring
around the facility.
There was an exceptionally large upscale RV facility and a lot of smaller scale
villas. There were fishing and sightseeing
boat trips offered for a charge, but none
we running because of the rain. The rain
was somewhat intermittent. We made our
way around by jumping over puddles and
keeping under awnings.
That night, we cooked in again and
watched another movie. We did watch the
weather and saw that a low pressure area
had stalled in the Atlantic and was pushing
rain in our direction. Finally, the satellite
dish became overwhelmed with rain that
the picture kept breaking up. We gave up
trying to watch and went to bed.
The next morning was quite a scene.
The field where the buffalo romped was a
lake; no buffalo to be seen. We watched in
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disbelief as cars attempting to head out the
main service road looked like boats creating large wakes. The rain had become
sheets of water. At times the visibility was
less than a few feet. From what we could
see on the on-again–off-again TV, the low
pressure system had gotten stuck and our
location had gotten about 7 to 8 inches of
rain overnight.
About noon, we got a phone call from
the resort management. They said we
would have to leave the resort as soon as
possible. The main water treatment facility had become totally flooded. The resort
had no water or sewage systems. They
told us that they had made comparable
accommodations at the Westgate Town
Center in Orlando, about an hour north
or where we were. We joined the rest of
the vacationers haphazardly throwing
food and suitcases into vehicles. I was
very pleased that we had an all-wheel
drive vehicle.
So, somewhat dazed, we plugged
our new address into our GPS and headed
north. On the way out, we saw a river that
crossed the road and went directly over the
treatment facility. The rain was beginning
to subside. By the time we got 25 miles
Page 16
up the road, you would never know that
there was a problem.
The second part of our trip was a lot
less exciting, thankfully so. We checked
into the home resort of the Westgate facility. With some disbelief by staff members
,they honored their commitment and gave
us a double “lockout” unit on the fifth
floor of a relatively new building. It had
three full bedrooms, two dining rooms
and all the trimmings. Since we had been
to Orlando with grandkids last fall, we
weren’t excited about another visit to the
magic Kingdom, so we went to places we
had never been in Orlando and west and
south of the city.
Mar/Apr, 2012
We discovered Lakeland. What a
delightful town. The Polk art museum was
small but well worth a visit. The Hollis
gardens were beautiful, in the center of
town overlooking a lake. And a visit to the
Polk Theatre, built in 1928, was a thrill.
We went to Bok Tower gardens and
heard a concert played the large carillon.
We visited the Florida Natural Orange
Juice Visitor Center and learned how oranges are grown, harvested, and packaged
for distribution around the world.
I have to say that Westgate handled an
extraordinary situation quite well. Even
though we had recently been to Orlando,
we enjoyed this trip as well.
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Page 17 Mar/Apr, 2012
Exchange issues make for
love/hate feelings about
Shawnee issue
As a member and always praising
Wyndham I will never praise Wyndham
Shawnee Village Ridgetop in Pennsylvania.
We had to have a split reservation and
the first unit was T-1. We opened the door
to a disgusting stench of musty wet mold
that made me gag; so I opened the doors
and windows and lit a candle. Each time
we went in and out, we could smell the
stench. The carpet was as old and disgusting as the odor, as was the furniture.
In the morning, I opened the kitchen
cabinets to get out plates for breakfast and
this is the most disgusting of it all - dried
food on the plates! I took all the plates,
silverware, pots and pans, etc. and washed
them. Oh how fun to spend vacation in a
dump having to clean, and to think I had
to use good points for this dump.
After I cleaned everything, we went
to the office check in to complain. All
they said was “Do you want me to send
housekeeping up to clean? No! If they
couldn’t clean right the first time, why
would I want them to come and clean the
second time.
The day came to move to unit T-41.
A friend of ours came with us; they have
been to other Wyndham resorts with us
and she was also disgusted with the dumpy
furniture and carpet and dishes saying
“This isn’t up to Wyndham’s standards;
this is bad!”
Unit T-41 wasn’t much better except
there was not the smell, but all the furniture was in poor condition as well as the
carpet. So for dinner my friend got out
the plates and silver wear and guess what:
mre feed on the dishes. So there we went
cleaning again.
Than the rain came and at night as
we were in bed, we heard drip, drip, drip,
and there it was a leak dripping right on
the bed. So in order to sleep, we had to
get towels and put themon the area of the
bed where the water was dripping.
Are we happy: No! Filthy, old,
smelly, dried dirty food; how would you
like that on a Wyndham vacation? And to
think we used good points for both these
exchanges. Will we recommend this
resort? Never. But we will tell everyone
we know not to ever go there.
We did tell them of the drip and they
asked if we wanted to move to another
unit; we said No; really I didn’t want to
have to clean again and we were leaving
the following day.
Ann Viarengo, Clarkdale, AZ
Editor’s note: A copy of the foregoing
article was send to Shawnee Village for
comment, but TimeSharing Today received
no response.
Points issue
For 23 years I have owned timeshare
through Wyndham (formerly Fairfield). I
started with a fixed week and then bought
more when Fairfield went to the points
For the first 10 to 12 years, everything was great and I was completely
happy. Things started to go downhill
when I purchased the last chunk of points.
The salesman lied to me about a number of things in order to make the sale.
Shortly thereafter, I had to pay a hefty
special assessment on the property, and
since then their maintenance fees have
skyrocketed. Fairfield/Wyndham repeatedly refused to allow me to trade in that
particular property for another.
The latest kick in the teeth came in
January 2011 when Wyndham completely changed the points required to make
deposits into RCI. Example: a red (prime
time) studio went from 70,000 points to
143,000 points. I am still hoping to be
able to exchange the four weeks I have on
deposit with RCI (questionable because
of the changes RCI has made!) After that,
it is unlikely I can go that route again.
Bottom line is that one week of timeshare
per year has been stolen from me.
So, I used to be a happy owner, but
now I am most definitely not.
Phyllis Steele
Timeshare Closings
Providing Professional Timeshare Closing Services Since 1996
JRA Services, Inc.
(954) 718-7076
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Page 18
A Short Sighted Tale
By Don Thompson, Long Beach, CA
Beware of accepting a two- or three
-bedroom trade with only one bath. This
is a clue that requires further investigation.
You should call the resort itself and ask
very pointed questions. We didn’t, and
here’s our tale.
We had an accommodation certificate
from Interval International that was going
to expire soon. Since redemption would
only cost $299, we decided to take a unit
at Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada
border. Late summer weather, lots of
activities, great scenery, looked like a
good plan.
We put in a request for a two-bedroom
unit at any of the stateline resorts. We received confirmation fairly quickly.
This is what we got: a two-bedroom,
one-bath unit at Perennial Vacation Club
Tahoe Village. The fact that it had only
one bath should have caused us to pick up
the phone and call the resort. Here’s what
we would have found if we had questioned
the resort. Our unit was in a building that
was probably 20-30 years old. Newer
two-bedroom units at
most resorts have two
baths. In hindsight, that
is such an obvious fact
that just knowing it tells
you that there are likely
to be other issues. Further questioning would
have revealed that the
resort is made up of
several buildings in
very different styles
and times, scattered
over a large area. It looked to us as if a
company bought buildings as they came
up for sale, and this conglomeration became, over time, the Perennial Village.
More questioning would have uncovered the fact that the resort isn’t on the
lake at all, and had no view of the lake.
The office had a beautiful lake view, from
its bar, but the buildings themselves were
viewless. There is a swimming pool at
the resort. Unfortunately, it was almost
a mile and a half from our unit, on a one
way street.
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Resort Management
Mar/Apr, 2012
All of this was disappointing, but
nothing prepared us for the sight of our
building after we had checked in, wound
our way around curves and parked in the
parking lot for several buildings. The
building was 5 stories high and there was
no elevator! If you think we might have
gotten lucky and had a unit on the first
floor, think again. We had to climb 66
steps to get to our unit, laden down with
our groceries and suitcases.
We shouldn’t have been as surprised
as we were. Remember, the first clue was
one bath. Any two-bedroom, one-bath
unit is likely to be old, and less likely to
have an elevator. Of course there was no
computer access. There was no balcony,
no view. The furnishings were in keeping
with the age of the building. The appliances were old; the refrigerator door didn’t
close completely. The kitchen utensils
were worn and dull. The insulation in the
bath was elderly.
Other than that, the unit was clean.
As the week wore along, we met other
residents climbing up and down. As we
talked to them, we uncovered a few pearls.
Most of the people we talked to were long
time owners, who bought knowing about
the stair/elevator situation. A couple of
exchangers were informed, somehow,
that there was no elevator in the building.
Was that information on their exchange
document? Did these people do what
we should have done: call the resort and
ask? We didn’t find out. In any event we
were not in the unit much because there
is so much to do and see in and around
the lake.
Before we even got to Lake Tahoe,
we drove by Silver City, Gold Hill and
arrived in Virginia City, where the real
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Page 20
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
Oro-Medonte, ONT
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor and outdoor
pools, hot tub, squash courts, fitness center, game room,
BBQ, daily activities, crafts, hiking paths, downhill/x-country
skiing, horse drawn sleigh rides, mid-week room service
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor and outdoor
pools, hot tub, exercise room, organized activities (fee),
playground, basketball, board games, shuffleboard, elevator, BBQ area,5 DVD rental, fee for Wi-Fi,
Amenities and activities nearby: Casino, grocery store,
shopping, Niagara Falls, restaurant, water sports, lake,
horseback riding, tubing, ziplining, golf, live theatre.
Amenities and activities nearby: Shows, casino, Great
Smoky Mountains National Park, horseback riding, hiking,
golf, fishing, shopping, restaurants, water park, aquarium,
Ober Gatlinburg, Dollywood, Pidgeon Forge,
Unit: Furnishings: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.6
Maintenance: 8.6
Construction quality: 8.9
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.8
Nearby: 8.3
Suitable for: Young children: 8.1
Pre-teens: 8.1
Seniors: 7.2
Teenagers: 8.2
Handicapped: 4.0
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.8
Security: 8.0
Staff: 9.2
General hospitality: 9.0
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Quiet, spacious, comfortable, well decorated
units with washer/dryer. Stairs to upper units, but can request ground floor. Staff is friendly and helpful.
Unit: Furnishings: 7.9
Cleanliness: 8.4
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 7.3
Maintenance: 8.0
Construction quality: 8.4
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.4
Nearby: 8.9
Suitable for: Young children: 7.4
Pre-teens: 7.5
Seniors: 8.0
Teenagers: 7.3
Handicapped: 6.7
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.4
Security: 8.6
Staff: 8.7
General hospitality: 8.9
Exchange affiliation: RCI, II
Comments: Large resort; walk to town or use trolley.
Washer/dryer in units. Limited kitchens in smaller units.
Orange Beach, AL
Breckenbridge, CO
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools, fitness room,
hot tub, sandy beach, welcome breakfast, pot luck supper,
internet access in each unit, bingo, live music, casino.
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor and outdoor
pools, hot tubs, playground, exercise room, hiking, downhill skiing, game room, BBQ grills, shuttle to ski area and
downtown, welcome breakfast, concierge, daily activities.
Amenities and activities nearby: Miniature golf, go carts,
shopping, dining, state park, fishing, water sports, Biloxi Fort
Morgan, Pensacola, naval museum, zoo, art center.
Unit: Furnishings: 7.8
Cleanliness: 8.2
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 7.7
Maintenance: 8.1
Construction quality: 7.9
Amenities and activities: At resort: 5.7
Nearby: 8.1
Suitable for: Young children: 7.3
Pre-teens: 6.8
Seniors: 8.6
Teenagers: 6.6
Handicapped: 6.9
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.2
Security: 7.7
Staff: 8.0
General hospitality: 7.6
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: Great location between Orange Beach and Gulf
Shores. Many restaurants and shopping nearby. Spacious,
bright units with washer/dryer and views of Gulf. Friendly
staff. Beautiful beach. Fully remodeled after Katrina.
Amenities and activities nearby: Tours, skiing, theatre,
museums, historical sites, shopping, boating, horseback
riding, hunting, rafting, biking, golf, restaurants.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.3
Cleanliness: 9.3
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 9.6
Maintenance: 9.2
Construction quality: 9.4
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.4
Nearby: 8.9
Suitable for: Young children: 8.3
Pre-teens: 8.4
Seniors: 8.3
Teenagers: 8.6
Handicapped: 8.4
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 6.1
Convenience store: 4.2
Grounds and maintenance: 8.7
Security: 8.9
Staff: 8.8
General hospitality: 9.3
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: Beautiful resort in a historic mountain location
at 10,000 feet; perfect for winter sports. Units are spacious,
with nice décor, jacuzzi. Staff not overly accommodating.
TimeSharing Today
Page 21
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
Cornville, AZ
Las Vegas, NV
Amenities and activities at resort: Pool, exercise room,
game room, sauna, spa, playground, golf, video games,
Wi-Fi, barbecue area.
Amenities and activities at resort: Pool, hot tub, fitness
room, shuttle to the Strip, BBQ grills, crafts, billiards, DVDs,
gambling lessons, activity packet for kids, fireplace.
Amenities and activities nearby: Jerome, (mining ghost
town), Sedona, wineries, Verde Canyon Railroad, golf,
restaurant, Red Rock scenery, Grand Canyon, Indian ruins,
galleries, balloon rides, jeep tours, grocery store.
Amenities and activities nearby: Casinos (20 minutes
to Strip), restaurants, shopping, golf, Red Rock Canyon,
Mt Charleston, shows, Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, Valley of
Fire, Death Valley, Zion National Park.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.5
Cleanliness: 9.6
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 9.5
Maintenance: 9.6
Construction quality: 9.4
Amenities and activities: At resort: 6.9
Nearby: 9.6
Suitable for: Young children: 6.8
Pre-teens: 6.6
Seniors: 8.8
Teenagers: 7.0
Handicapped: 8.1
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.9
Security: 8.8
Staff: 9.0
General hospitality: 9.0
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Unit: Furnishings: 8.3
Cleanliness: 8.9
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.4
Maintenance: 8.4
Construction quality: 8.7
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.2
Nearby: 7.4
Suitable for: Young children: 6.7
Pre-teens: 6.9
Seniors: 8.9
Teenagers: 6.9
Handicapped: 7.9
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.8
Security: 7.6
Staff: 8.0
General hospitality: 7.9
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Comfortable fairly new resort, near busy highway, resort has wall for sound and added security. Washer/
dryer in unit. Location is great for day trips to activities.
Comments: Away from the hustle and bustle of the Strip.
Shuttle provides excellent service to resorts, shopping and
shows. Car is a must for day trips. Friendly staff.
Las Vegas, NV
Flagstaff, AZ
Amenities and activities at resort: Five pools and hot tubs,
miniature golf, clubhouse, fitness center, game room, shuttle
to the Strip, concierge, activities, BBQ grills, shuffleboard.
Amenities and activities at resort: Golf, pool, hot tub,
game room, movie theatre, exercise room, playground, ice
cream bar, tennis, Wi-Fi, children’s activities, concierge.
Amenities and activities nearby: Vegas Strip casinos and
shows, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Hoover Dam, Lake
Mead, shopping, restaurants, motor speedway, rodeo.
Amenities and activities nearby: Grand Canyon, Painted
Desert, Petrified Forest, Sedona, Flagstaff, Lowell Observatory, hiking, skiing, museums, golf, shopping, jeep tours,
horseback riding, planetarium, helicopter rides.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.8
Cleanliness: 8.7
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.2
Maintenance: 8.7
Construction quality: 8.1
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.2
Nearby: 9.4
Suitable for: Young children: 5.9
Pre-teens: 6.3
Seniors: 8.2
Teenagers: 6.7
Handicapped: 7.1
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.3
Security: 9.3
Staff: 7.4
General hospitality: 7.6
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Twenty-one three-story buildings with 360
units two blocks from Strip. Some two-bedroom units with
fireplaces, all have balconies or patios. No elevators. Limited
activities at resort. Free Wi-Fi in units, friendly staff.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.7
Cleanliness: 9.1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 9.0
Maintenance: 8.8
Construction quality: 8.8
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.1
Nearby: 9.2
Suitable for: Young children: 8.2
Pre-teens: 8.2
Seniors: 8.0
Teenagers: 8.0
Handicapped: 5.3
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: 7.0
Grounds and maintenance: 8.9
Security: 8.5
Staff: 9.4
General hospitality: 9.4
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Vibrant downtown area, Older resort with
comfortable accommodations, stairs to units.
TimeSharing Today
Page 22
Wyndham Resort at Fairfield Plantation.
Mar/Apr, 2012
By Charlie & Donna Allman
We arrived in the area after a 10
hour drive. We had tried to program the
GPS in our car, but the closest it would
come to the address provided was the
name of the town: Villa Rica, GA. When
we got to Villa Rica on I-20, we tried to
follow the directions supplied with our
exchange paper work. We got to the
resort check in after about 45 minutes of
finding dead ends and driveways to turn
around in. The directions had said that
we should turn when we saw an Amico
gas station (which was really a BP gas
station) and then follow the signs to the
resort, which turned out to be one sign
more than half covered by a very large
bush. We also discovered that the resort
was in Carrollton GA, not Villa Rica.
This exonerated our GSP which was
looking in the wrong town.
The resort(s) are actually in a gated
community that is quite large with
hundreds of private homes, two lakes,
a golf course and a recreation center.
We were in a two-bedroom unit called
“Tara Cove” that overlooked the larger
of the two lakes. The unit is on the first
floor of a building that was three stories
high. We don’t usually like to have units
above us, having experienced elephant
-footed neighbors in the past. The units
were quite well built; we hardly heard a
thing all week.
The main entrance to the building
that housed 12 condos was on the second
floor. There was an elevator that made it
easier getting our things (half our earthly
positions) into our unit.
There is a modest sized kitchen
to the right as you enter the unit. The
kitchen is well equipped with a large
refrigerator, full sized stove and appliances. A bedroom and bath was on the
left. A dining area is just past the kitchen
on the right. The master bedroom had
a king sized bed, a private bath with a
whirlpool tub and a shower. A screened
in porch overlooked the larger of the
two lakes.
Attractive wall hangings were
throughout the condo. We both fell in
love with an unusual clock. It stood out
from the wall and had two faces, one
facing the kitchen the other facing the
living area. We figured the resort personnel would miss it if it were to somehow
became part of our luggage.
We had no Internet or TV when we
first got there. A member of the staff
came to our unit within 15 minutes. The
TV turned out to be user error (that’s me).
The Internet was a Comcast problem that
was quickly resolved.
The week went quickly. Temperatures were in the high 80’s to low 90’s.
There was an exciting (probably not the
right word) thunder storm one night.
We were about 30 minutes by car (a
necessity) from Atlanta, where we toured
the CNN studios, the Coca Cola museum, the Atlanta botanical garden, and
the history, and modern art museums.
Of course, it took us all week to see all
of those things. We made extensive use
of the memberships we had at home;
those memberships having reciprocal
arrangements got us into almost everything free.
I should mention that there is a very
interesting museum in Villa Rica. Turns
out that the first gold mine in this country
was in what is now called Villa Rica.
We filled up spare minutes (what
there were of them) by fishing in the
private “fishing” lake. I fed my entire
supply of worms to a hungry bunch of
All and all, this is a nice place to visit
and a comfortable timeshare.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
By Vincent Lehr
Being in the industry for
over a decade has taught me one
important thing: timeshare owners do not like maintenance costs.
There are several techniques owners overlook that can help them offset or
alleviate them from the ongoing costs of
their maintenance costs. Now there is no
magic wand you can wave and not pay
maintenance; you will still have to pay the
developer and yes they will continue to go
up. However, if you are a smart owner and
think a little bit outside the box, here are
some of the best strategies I have heard
from owners to offset the costs of maintenance. I myself use a combination of a
few of them to maximize my savings.
Page 24
How to Offset
Maintenance Costs
Basic Technique #1:
Utilizing the Kitchen
Many owners forget the fact that
they have access to a full kitchen in most
all timeshare units. Now most people
don’t go on vacation to cook, and I can
relate. However, you do save money on
drinks, snacks, alcohol, breakfast and
some meals. Going out to eat in a vaca-
tion area is typically $30+
dollars these days. Also, if
you go out to a nice dinner
you have leftovers that you
can eat the next day, all of
which can’t typically be
done in a hotel. Using the
kitchen on vacation can
typically save you 20-60%
of your maintenance costs if you compared it to staying in hotels having to eat
out every meal and buy every drink.
Basic Technique #2:
Bartering for Goods and Services
Another option many owners overlook is using some of their time for goods
and services. These days there are several
internet websites that allow people to trade
for everything from goods to services. I
have owners trade time they weren’t using for accounting services, home repairs/
painting, car repair, flooring, and various
different products. I have even had one
owner trade for a car. It wasn’t a Ferrari,
but still a car. This may not be an option
for you, but humans have been bartering
since the beginning of time and it is still
as applicable today as it was back then.
Maintenance fee recovered is typically
Basic Technique #3:
Bringing Friends and Family
Many times timeshare owners bring
friends or family with them on their trip.
This is a great opportunity to save them
money as well as recoup some of your
costs. Now you probably will not charge
your Mom or Grandmother when you go
on vacation, but if you have friends of
family they typically will want to “chip in”
to help out. Now most people don’t want
to charge, but remember even though you
don’t pay when you check out, there are
still costs associated with the timeshare.
Unless your friends are broke, most people
won’t mind pitching in a little bit to help
out. That could pay for your airline ticket
or food on your trip. Maintenance costs
savings typically 20-60%.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Advanced Technique #1:
Renting out part of your
One of my favorite techniques for recouping costs,
and one I think is great for
multiple week and points
owners, is renting out some
time. Now the key to a successful rental is booking a
prime time week in a high
destination area for a major
holiday. I am not just talking about renting out some
random week, but a major vacation like
Christmas in Hawaii or New Years in Las
Vegas. Typically, with most developers,
the only way to get a good time is to book
the first day possible, typically a year in
advance. By booking a prime week, you
increase your chances of getting a renter
With several companies, offering different options to get paid it is possible for
any owner to accept a major credit card as
payment. There are also companies that
provide timeshare owners with an insurance policy for total peace of mind.
My friend and I have 20 weeks a year
at the Jockey Club in Las Vegas where we
have been renting for several years with
much success. Now I don’t think you will
turn into Donald Trump renting out your
timeshare, but you can recoup 60-250% of
your maintenance costs every year. Just
as a notice, most people will just a rent a
few nights of their points on some major
As always, never pay companies
that call you on the phone promising you
the world, as in most all cases they are
fraudulent and will just take your money.
Consult our book for legitimate rental
places for your timeshare that you can
do yourself.
Advanced Technique #2:
Conducting business on vacation
Being an American and at the average
income of a timeshare owner, taxes are
your number one expense. Most timeshare owners still conduct business while
on vacation, own a rental property, or
own a business or side business. The
way timeshares are sold, there are no tax
benefits except for the mortgage interest
and a little bit of taxes in the maintenance
fees. These usually don’t add up to much
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TimeSharing Today
in deductions, but there are other ways to
incorporate your timeshare into your life
that will give you additional tax deductions. I am not an accountant or financial
advisor, but I do have a great one and have
learned many techniques from owners as
well. Now the Internal Revenue Service
regulations change yearly, but most of the
business ones stay relatively the same.
If you conduct business on your trip
per IRS rules, you can deduct the costs
of your traveling expenses and a little
bit of your food if it relates. It is just
the same as you paying for a hotel room;
however, you just depreciate the costs of
the timeshare and this will give you a great
deduction. If you own rental real-estate,
you are allowed to look for real-estate in
other areas and deduct those costs as well.
Many people have their rental properties
set up in a corporation or have a business
on the side and you use your timeshare as
part of the business deducting many of the
expenses that way.
As with anything I always’ recommend hiring a professional like a business
CPA to make sure you are following the
rules correctly, but this will save you
thousands of dollars a year for very little
work. This will take you less time than
a timeshare tour and save you thousands
Now I am not advocating doing anything illegal, but to be smart with things
already in your life and make sure you
are taking every deduction you are owed.
The cash value of a deduction could be
anywhere from 18-35% and more if tax
rates go up. This could recoup 30-200+%
of your maintenance cost
In my book, we discuss a few more
options you have as a timeshare owner
that are a little outside the box, but effectively used by thousands of owners on
a yearly basis. You may not use any of
these techniques or you may use nearly all
of them like me; the choice is yours. Let
me tell you though, your timeshare will
be even more enjoyable if you eliminate
those maintenance costs and take better
vacations then most. You can offset your
costs, triple your time, and stay at the best
5 star resorts. Happy Traveling!
Vincent Lehr is founder of My Timeshare Insider (www.MyTimeshareInsider.
com), and author of Timeshare Tips &
Page 25
Mar/Apr, 2012
Cadillac Solution: Is it Needed for
the Water Intrusion Problem?
Editor’s note:The Jan/Feb issue
of TimeSharing Today reported on a
$5893.32 special assessment to repair
buildings damaged by water intrusion at
Poipu Point in Hawaii.
The main problem seems to be Diamond Resort International’s (DRI’s) arrogant attitude here; they refuse to release
anything to the owners which might give
them some insight into how this was all
DRI controls the Board of Directors
by having only five members (three of
whom are either DRI employees or a very
close family relative, which was not disclosed during the election process) on the
Board of Directors, when Hawaii statutes
state a minimum of nine. It seems clear
that our Boards are not independently representing us owners. Also, DRI controls
the annual election process by refusing to
disclose owner contact information which
is critical for any candidate to use in soliciting votes. That refusal is also illegal
per Hawaii statute. DRI says that releasing
this information would be a “violation of
owner privacy” since the owners would
be receiving campaign materials, etc. A
dubious position at a minimum!
In my opinion, there is no question
that the resort needs major repairs. However, we cannot know whether DRI has
decided on a “Cadillac” total rebuilding at
almost $66 million dollars rather than let
this owners group independently review
the engineering data, and the basis for the
decision not to pursue the insurance company when they, understandably, refused
to cover any of the damages. Perhaps
a “Chevrolet” repair for far less money
could suffice.
DRI, by stonewalling this owner
group of more than 1,000, seems to be
saying “sue us”! What a shame. We, like
so many other deeded owners bought into
this resort in the mid 1990’s from Embassy
Vacation Resort and Sunterra, when the
annual maintenance fees were as low as
$600. Since DRI took over, we now have
had to pay $1400 for the last three years
plus this huge special assessment.
We love this resort and go there every
year for four or five weeks. We are going
to pay whatever is our fair share of the cost
of repairing the resort, but are concerned
about DRI’s apparent position that these
“concerns” are simply coming from a few
“disgruntled” owners who are just trying
to “stir up trouble”.
I would suggest that over 1,000 owners backing this group, and willing to pay
for legal action if it comes to that, suggests
that DRI has a major “PR” problem here.
Why not just cooperate if there is nothing to be worried about? When the non
water intrusion issues surfaced two years
ago, DRI responded to the original owner
group by threatening to sue the officers of
the group.
The Garden Isle paper had a series
of five articles covering this stuff. The
paper again is beginning to cover this latest issue as is your publication. We can
only hope this time that DRI decides to
cooperate and pursue a mutually agreeable resolution.
Rebecca Helm
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
My Home for a Week
By Lynda Pallone, Horseheads, NY
Bremmer Hof or Endless Mountain
Resort, as RCI has it named, is in north
eastern Pennsylvania, overlooking Elk
Mountain ski slopes. Located a few
minutes north of Scranton and south of
Binghamton, NY, it is an easy drive to the
Pocono Mountains area.
Activities and interesting sights are
nearby: A zoo, Claws ‘n Paws wildlife
park east of Scranton, coal and trainrelated activities, amazing architectures
like the stone viaduct in Starruca, or the
concrete ones in Nicholson. Antiques
and covered bridges are some of the
other things you can find in short driving
distances. Multiple golf courses and state
parks surround this area also. At the resort, there is an enclosed pool and hot tub
with an exercise and play area. We also
have horseback rides, a tennis court and
miniature golf.
The resort is near enough to drive to
activities but isolated enough to be very
Our resort was begun over 30 years
ago. Many corners were cut and the stan-
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Page 26
dards were different at the time. Handicap
accessibility was not a priority for one.
The original developers and managers
“disappeared” and the resort would have
crumbled if not for a few astute owners.
An emergency meeting with a roomful
of owners has changed the course of our
small resort.
At the beginning, there were trials,
but we now have a board of directors and
manager (all owners) that work cohesively. The priority is to maintain a resort we
can enjoy and of which we can be proud.
RCI has been involved since early in the
resort’s history. Maintaining good status
with them is an extra. I believe that many
have expectations which are too high.
I purchased here because it was
close enough to home that I could enjoy
it without extra transportation costs. We
can even go for a picnic or to use the pool.
The extra expense, should I choose, would
be to exchange in the RCI system. This is
what I feel is the “luxury” of timeshare.
Patience and trust have been built
over these bumpy years. I challenge
anyone to say they have lived in the same
house over 30 years and not needed to
Mar/Apr, 2012
make repairs and refurbishments. The
same is true of a timeshare. Major things
needed to be done and special assessments
were raised to pay for them. Some were
a reflection of original poor construction.
We have been very lucky to have talented
employees that saved us from hiring outside specialists. Our owners have shown
how they care also, volunteering their
time and talents. Our manager is very
“hands-on” and accessible. He is also
very knowledgeable about things that
could affect the resort, like recent natural
gas drilling in the area.
The size of our resort helps us to be
more personal. Our weekly picnics are
not “sales pitches.” These are dish-topass, get to know your fellow vacationers
and the staff, sometimes board members,
events. The pony rides are free for the
kids. The manager loves to share his
winemaking passion and has samples! His
quote is “See things through the eyes of
our guests and accomplish what you can.
Don’t dwell on what you can’t or it will
eat you up. People remember the personal
gestures, not the expensive toys.”
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, resort reviews, and much more
12/6/2011 9:41:55 AM
TimeSharing Today
Page 27
Mar/Apr, 2012
FOCUS ON: Coronado Beach Resort, Coronado, CA
By Jeff Bellin, Salem MA
I was browsing around for potential
trades with all of the 90,000 points we
have to use when we bank our Kauai
Beach Villas timeshare. That’s a lotta
points and with somewhat limited time
to vacation, it is sometimes difficult to
use all of them.
I was looking for something in the
San Diego area where my wife and I could
combine a warm weather vacation in the
late winter or early spring with a visit
to my sister who lives out near La Jolla.
Two openings for the Coronado Beach
Resort popped up in a four month search
window in RCI’s system. The beach in
Coronado is rated as one of the top ten
best in all the U.S., and with the historic
Hotel Del Coronado literally across the
street, I considered this trade immediately.
The points were relatively high (53,000
for a one bedroom), but we had plenty of
points to burn. Reviews were great for
this resort, but largely due to its location,
which is, indeed, terrific.
The resort, part of the Grand Pacific
stable of resorts, is rather small and it offers few amenities for a resort requiring
that point value. The Coronado Beach
Resort is really more akin to an urban
timeshare such as the Manhattan Club in
NYC or the Allen House in London than
it is to a real resort. Rooms are relatively
small for the amount of points, there is no
pool or restaurant on the premises (tons of
restaurants around, though), but there is a
small jacuzzi, lounge chairs, dining tables
with umbrellas and a single gas grill on the
roof. The roof on this three story building
does offer a very fine view of the Hotel
Del Coronado across the street as well as
the harbor (and beautiful sunsets).
Off-street parking is included in the
daily amenities fee of $12/day (You pay it
regardless of whether you have a car, but
even if you’re going to mostly stay put at
the resort, I still recommend you have a
car.). All of your guests can park there free
during the day, plus one overnight guest
space is also included for free. The lobby
is relatively small, but still feels spacious,
with a couple of couches, several comfy
chairs, computer access, and a small bar
where a weekly parties for a small charge
are offered (e.g., wine, root beer floats).
The front desk and staff are the most
helpful and solicitous staff I have ever
encountered in a timeshare. Not only is
the entire staff very friendly and helpful,
their stated goal is to have all problems
resolved within 20 minutes of being
reported. I have never been anywhere
that has been more focused on customer
satisfaction than here. I even got a call a
day after I arrived back home asking for
comments and feedback.
Among the amenities they do offer
are free bike and helmet rentals. When
the helmets they owned proved inadequate
(to be honest, they were cracked from
abuse, and all bike helmets are designed
for one bump only and then need to be
discarded.), Seana brought us across the
street and, with cash, rented us helmets
from a shop there.
I mention that resort amenities are
not the strong point here, but they do try
hard at this resort. In addition to the free
bike rentals, they also offer all the beach
accessories you could wish for – towels,
sand chairs, umbrella, toys, etc. – all with
a pull wagon to tote the stuff to the nearby
glorious beach.
The resort also has arrangements
with the Loew’s Coronado, a full, upscale
resort about 5 miles away. An ID card
from the Coronado, included at check-in,
gets you access to the Loew’s three pools,
tennis courts, high end spa and locker
rooms. Furthermore, the ID card gets
30% discount on food there and 15% off
on drinks. In addition to two restaurants
within that hotel itself (and a bar with stunning views onto San Diego harbor), there
is a casual bar/restaurant at the pools, with
chaise-lounge service so you don’t have to
get up to get your drinks and food if you
don’t wish to.
Okay, but what about the units themselves? I can only speak for the one-bed-
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Page 28
room units (there are two-bedroom units
as well as studios). They are immaculate,
with high quality furnishings. The bed is
king size and very comfortable. While
we had a door separating our bedroom
from the living room area, some of the
one-bedroom units merely have a draw
curtain. Lighting is mostly recessed, with
one combination ceiling fan and light in
each room, a table and floor lamp in the
living room, and a couple of table lamps
in the bedroom.. The ceiling is relatively
high and with the recessed lighting and
perhaps the wattage, the lighting is warm
but not bright.
The living room/dining room had a
gas fireplace for added heat. It was rarely
needed, but offers a decent visual effect.
While the bedroom is plenty big enough,
the living room/dining area is not that
much larger than the bedroom. This place
would really be too small for four adults
to stay comfortably for a week, in spite
of the couch also acting as a queen sized
sofa. Even with a couple of kids, it could
prove a bit on the tight side.
A circular table is against a two-sided
bench along the walls in one corner, with
two chairs on the side away from the
walls. With four people, you’re forced to
dine in that manner. Even with only two
people, unless you want to sit on a bench,
you’re forced to face the wall when you
eat, as opposed to the outside window.
The bathroom is large, with a huge
rectangular tub, very comfortable for sharing (wink). A separate room with a sliding
door connects to the water closet in case
one needs a bit more privacy.
Our unit faced the Hotel Del Coronado and had two very small balconies,
one each off of the bedroom and living
room. A couple of plastic chairs were
placed in the one off the living room, but
you could barely get two people sitting
in the balcony at once. You’d be able to
barely squeeze four standing while gazing
outward.. No table upon which to put a
drink is placed in the balcony – no room.
I suggested to the General Manager to
have a small table out there connected to
the wall which can be folded down.
Our room faced the Hotel Del Coronado, an historic hotel on the National
Register of Historic Places. The Hotel
Del, as it is known locally, is a great,
sprawling hotel property directly on the
beach. There is a small mall with upscale
Mar/Apr, 2012
shopping inside, plus several restaurants,
including a new one called ENO, a wine/
chocolate/cheese bar. That’s all they do,
and it’s all about wine pairings. Each
night, they have a special discount as
The kitchen was well stocked with
plates, glasses, plastic cups and wine
glasses, plus all the cooking accoutrements you might need. There is a dishwasher and microwave, but no stove top
burners. A two-burner hot plate is provided, along with a separate toaster. With
all that, there really isn’t much adequate
ventilation aside from the ceiling fan and
the screen door to the balcony.
Most people probably cook on the
roof top open deck, which has chaise
lounges, towels for the small jacuzzi, a
sauna, tables with umbrellas and one gas
grill. When we were there, it was no problem having only one grill, but I suspect in
busier seasons (the summer), there could
be a backup.
While we did use the grill (and the
side burner to saute when needed), we did
thoroughly enjoy all of the happy hours
that most of the restaurants offered. While
the happy hours end by 6 p.m., if you can
take advantage of them, you’ll feel more
than happy with the very good, but cheap
drinks and food.
All in all, Coronado and the Coronado Beach Resort a lovely, lovely place
to spend a week and to explore Coronado.
Coronado is also just over the bridge to
downtown San Diego, so it’s an easy 10
minute drive to the Gaslamp District or
Balboa Park, itself worthy of a day or
two. In Balboa Park, there are a number
of different museums as well as home to
the world’s largest outdoor pipe organ at
Spreckel’s Organ Pavilion.
We did take one longer trip to Temecula. Temecula is a wine region about
a 90 minute drive northwest of Coronado.
We walked away with a few bottles purchased from Wien’s.
The Coronado Beach Resort is in an
absolutely prime location and you’ll feel
well taken care of there. If more than one
couple is sharing the place, a two-bedroom
unit is necessary for the entire week. The
staff is extremely friendly. There are resorts with more on-site amenities, but with
all that is in the immediate area, you’ll
hardly feel them lacking. For us, it was
one of the best exchanges yet.
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Mar/Apr, 2012
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Comments on Future
(Continued from front page.)
fail to find a solution for those two issues
(used of low season weeks and disposal
of resorts that have not aged properly),
then the outlook for the industry is not
very good.
I have five timeshares; they are all in
prime weeks in prime locations; I am very
pleased with all of them.
André / Gatineau, Québec, Canada
“If resorts continue to raise maintenance fees at an annual rate of 8% or
higher and do not accommodate existing
owners who wish to sell, then resorts will
continue to see a decline in ownership and
more delinquencies that will force some
smaller resorts to become defunct. The
industry is in trouble and needs to adopt
an aggressive resale strategy instead of
continuing to build more resorts and to sell
weeks at prices most can’t afford.
Helen. South Burlington, VT
“We own two timeshare units. We
have two children and these units were
purchased while they were college students. Passing the units along to them was
a selling point at the time.
Our daughter is now 35 and very career minded. Our son/daughter-in-law are
38/35 years old with one child and another
one planned. They would view either
unit as an albatross of sorts, although they
have joined us several times for vacations
(when mom and dad are paying for it,
including airfare for all concerned).
I think that today’s younger families
have much more on their plate in an uncertain world.
I feel that the timeshare industry is
doomed. And “the points system” has
TS Today ad June2011.indd 1
Page 31
added to the implosion potential of the
timeshare industry. We will continue to
enjoy the timeshares (or trades secured
with them) for years to come. We have
deeded units, not points. But yes, concerning the timeshare “points”-- I think of
it as an action by the industry that “shoots
itself in the foot.” And if younger people
won’t take over deeded units, they will be
even less likely to do so with points.
Joanie Hess
“I am concerned about the future of
the timeshare industry for the following
reasons: they are virtually worthless on
the resale market, maintenance fees have
skyrocketed, its become nearly impossible to obtain decent trades, you can rent
extra weeks for significantly less than
the cost of maintenance without having
to worry about being able to get a trade.
Often resorts i would like to trade into
are available as getaway weeks but not to
trade into. At one point, my husband and
I planned to own 6-8 weeks by the time
we retired to give us inexpensive travel
options at a time we will be on a fixed
income, but we no longer see the point.
Between the cost of maintenance and the
difficulty of obtaining desirable trades its
just not worth it.
I believe my Marriott timeshare will
continue to be well maintained for the
foreseeable future. I have serious concerns
about my Sedona property. My Poconos
property is a little rough around the edges
but some improvements are being made.
Denise Costanza
“Positives: Timeshare offers decent
larger room size with amenities that are
close to what we experience at home. The
size beats motel/hotel rooms and makes
for a more enjoyable experience.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Negatives: Local governments believing they have a cash cow to milk, and
yearly price increases, are beginning to
takes it toll in this economy. Timeshare
resorts have to recognize that factor.
Also, the powers that be need to set up
a program where units can be sold (easily) when use of the unit changes due to
changes within the family, retirement, or
just desire to travel less. The increased
costs over the past few years has found
us getting rid of one week and we will
probably not renew a second unit, in the
future as the fees are more than doubled
in the last 10 years. We still have an additional two weeks which we never trade.
But when the time comes to sell, it would
be nice to know there is a way that is not
a scam to sell a timeshare unit much like
housing in real estate.
Richard Vail
“I currently own a deeded week at
Eagle Crest, OR, and 24,000 points in
I am not positive for the future of the
timeshare industry for two reasons. (1)
The cost of new units is climbing rapidly,
to the point of pricing reasonable people
out of the market. (2) The ever increasing
volume of secondary market inventory
exposes the poor investment nature of
timeshares. The timeshare industry would
be wise to address resales, rather than
sweep them under the rug.
Both of my timeshares have lost
value, even though purchased on the secondary market. My deeded week has very
high maintenance costs, and I question the
wisdom of continuing the payment. My
points are more reasonable, and flexible,
and I see utility there for a long time to
Ron Miller, Hillsboro, OR
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6/23/2011 3:33:47 PM
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Spotlight on Scams
Annoyed with myself
It is the middle of the night and I am
sitting here frustrated and annoyed with
myself for being taken, after all I have read
and been told about resales of timeshare
units. Especially, the adage of “Don’t pay
upfront!” I guess they got to me at a bad
time, or a weak moment, or hit a nerve
that said “this might just work,” but of
course, it didn’t.
I received a call from an agent of
Mid-West Timeshare who said they had a
buyer wanting my unit in Florida. I asked
what timeshare was being talked about,
and was told the one. I said something
that had her pass me on to the next level
and Jim Morris came on the line. He indicated that he had spoken to me about nine
months ago, and now had an immediate
buyer for this timeshare. I asked and
was told that the company was located in
Green Bay WI, and had been in business
there for 32 years. As I was interested
in selling this property, they told me the
buyer would pay $15,000; it seemed like a
lot, but less than I had originally paid.
They wanted payment of $699 for
doing up the paperwork which would be
sent to me by courier. Mike from the accounting department came on the line and
told me how this payment would be made.
All they needed was banking details from
a cheque, and here I was foolish, and gave
them what they asked for.
Once or twice I had the feeling I
should stop payment on the cheque, but I
did not do so. I went to the computer and
checked and saw that it took a week for the
cheque to be put through my account.
I am sending this to you in the hopes
that it will alert others to this company,
and also to the latest method of extracting payment: not credit card, but details
from a cheque.
Boy, do I feel foolish!
Ruth Burkholder
Scammers as imposters
In recent months, timeshare owners have not been as gullible as they’ve
been in the past. They are becoming
more educated, through the media and
word-of-mouth, that paying an upfront
fee to anyone who says they can sell their
timeshare, is a scam.
The biggest problem the scammers
are facing is they have no credibility of
their own; they do not hold a real estate
brokers license, and with their shoddy
past, are often unable to obtain a business
Mar/Apr, 2012
This has caused the timeshare scammers to take their efforts to new heights:
They are now acting as imposters. They
use the names of reputable, licensed timeshare resale brokers from the Licensed
Timeshare Resale Brokers Association,
representing themselves as a particular
licensed broker or agent in the LTRBA.
The imposter will encourage the timeshare
owner, while on the phone, to check the
internet for the validity of the broker they
say they are. The imposter wins the trust
of the timeshare owner, convincing the
timeshare owner it is safe and necessary
to pay the upfront fee in order to get the
timeshare sold.
Beware of the imposters. The best
advice for timeshare owners is never; ever
pay an upfront fee to anyone, no matter
how convincing they are.
Timeshare owners who are interested
in speaking with a legitimate, licensed
timeshare resale broker, can refer to the
Member Directory of the Licensed Timeshare Resale Brokers Association online
at www.ltrba.com.
Ringleader gets 15+ years
A federal judge sentenced the architect of a timeshare telemarketing scheme
to more than 15 years in prison Monday,
waving off the new mother’s sobbing
claims of remorse.
Jennifer Kirk was sentenced to 188
months in federal prison for conspiracy to
commit fraud and wire fraud. Kirk, now a
resident of Illinois, was operating a timeshare resale scam that stole $30 million
from more than 22,000 victims across the
country. Kirk owned and operated Universal Marketing Solutions, which later
became Creative Vacation Solutions, from
October 2007 until December 2009 when
the Florida Attorney General’s Office shut
these companies down. The companies
were located in and operated out of Palm
Beach County, Florida.
“Florida will not tolerate people who
prey on those trying to sell their timeshares,” stated Florida Attorney General
Pam Bondi. “This case is a great example
of law enforcement working together to
protect consumers.”
According to a civil complaint filed in
December 2009, Kirk employed telemarketers who placed cold calls to timeshare
owners and then falsely represented that
their company had actual buyers for the
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owners’ timeshare property. Her telemarketers then solicited advanced fees of up to
several thousand dollars from each victim
in purported closing costs that they promised would be refunded to the owner once
the closing on the property occurred.
According to the complaint, despite
collecting fees from approximately $1,200
to $3,000 from each of the 22,000 victims,
her companies never sold a single timeshare unit. The complaint also alleged
that the defendant and her co-conspirators
pocketed the closing costs. The Florida
Attorney General’s Office obtained an
injunction and asset freeze against the
businesses, which prevented Kirk and the
co-defendants from continuing to operate
any timeshare or timeshare related businesses and froze all assets related to the
businesses named in the complaint.
To date, 11 individuals have been
charged in connection with the operation of Creative Vacation Solutions and
Universal Marketing Solutions. The federal investigation is continuing into those
timeshare resale scams. The United States
Postal Inspection Service assisted with
the investigation and the United States
Attorney’s Office of the Southern District
of Illinois prosecuted the case.
A man federal prosecutors say ran the
“Lakeworth 1” operating room for Universal Marketing Solutions and Creative
Vacation Solutions has been sentenced
to five years in prison. The Lake Worth,
Florida, operating room run by Joel Intravaia, 29, collected $2.2 million from more
than 1,500 victims, prosecutors said.
Intravaia, of Lighthouse Point, Flor-
Page 33
Mar/Apr, 2012
ida, was sentenced in federal court in the
southern district of Illinois. He pleaded
guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud.
He joins more than half a dozen
managers and employees sentenced in
connection with their roles at Universal
Marketing Solutions and Creative Vacation Solutions.
Three of Kirk’s former employees
had spun off a similar timeshare scam as
Real Timeshare Marketing, which federal
prosecutors say made $1.3 million using
the same tactics that Kirk employed.
Those men, prosecuted separately from
Kirk, are serving prison sentences handed
down last year in East St. Louis ranging
from 18 months to 10 years in prison and
have been ordered to repay the money,
with one of the defendants facing a restitution tab of $1.1 million.
Attempted scan by imposter
I was contacted by email stating
that: “Timeshare Professionals, Inc. has
$18,290 deposited in an escrow account
with us for the purchase of your twobedroom annual unit at Sheraton’s Vistana
Resort in Orlando, Florida.
“The funds will be released upon
Timeshares Professionals’ receipt of the
signed and notarized closing documents
of the above mentioned property.”
Also included was a document stating
that I would “receive a Certified Cashier’s
Check for the purchase amount one day after Timeshare Professionals’ receipt of the
signed and notarized closing documents.”
Other documents with Timeshare Professional letterhead was attached.
There was also a link where I could
verify the Florida real estate licenses of
James Ewer and Lisa Ewer from Timeshare Professionals.
I was requested to provide $290 for a
title search via Moneygram when I send
back the notarized documents they would
be providing to me.
Just to clarify. James Jeffrey Ewer
and Lisa Ewer have had their identity
stolen. Lisa is an agent with Timeshare
Professionals. Scammers have stolen
their identity and are using Timeshare
Professionals letterhead and information
to collect money from senior citizens.
They use disposable cell phones and
fake email addresses.
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Page 34
Mar/Apr, 2012
Myrtle Beach in Winter
By Diane Kulig, Dingmans Ferry, PA
Extra vacation time and circumstance recently put my
husband and I in a unique situation. We often travel off-season,
but usually do it to different locales. This time, we took the
opportunity to travel to Myrtle Beach three times in winter
months – once in early November, once mid-January, and once
late February/early March. Each time we stayed at a different
timeshare, and each time we had a wonderful vacation.
A preface to this report: friends told us not to go to Myrtle
Beach in winter – “there’s nothing to do!” they wailed. But we
don’t plan our vacations around beach time, so we decided to
try our luck – and found a treasure trove to occupy ourselves.
The weather hovered in the low to mid 60s – even getting
to an unseasonal 80 on a couple of days – all of it balmy to
northerners tired of sub-freezing temperatures and no bright
colors on the landscape. And all but two of those 21 days
were “golf-able.”
First to the three resorts. Going from north to south, we
stayed at the Wyndham Ocean Boulevard in North Myrtle
Beach, the Marriott’s OceanWatch Villas at the northern end of
Myrtle Beach and Bluegreen’s Harbour Lights on the western
edge of Myrtle Beach. All three resorts were two-bedroom,
two-bath units, with full kitchen, washer/dryer in unit, living
room/dining room, Jacuzzi in the master bath, private balcony.
All three were spotless, spacious units with excellent housekeeping. The Wyndham and Marriott resorts were right on the
ocean, Harbour Lights was on the intercoastal, just a few miles
away from the ocean.
Here are the differences: The Wyndham Ocean Boulevard has four giant towers with 14, 15 or 16 stories per tower,
and its décor is art deco. Three of the towers are right on the
beach, the other tower is across the street. Usually if you are
trading into the timeshare (i.e., not an owner), you will be placed
in the tower across the street. Tower One has an indoor pool,
hot tub, outdoor infinity pool, two Jacuzzis and a workout room.
Tower Two has the entrance to the lazy river, exit to the beach,
recreation room, game room, gift shop and lobby. Tower Three
has the zero entry pool, lazy river runs across it and internet/
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computer room. Tower Four (the one
across the street) has an outdoor pool,
two Jacuzzis, indoor pool, sauna, kiddie
pool and workout facility.
When we were there, the only operational water facility was the indoor
pool in Tower One (it was small, and not
as clean as it could have been), which
meant schlepping across the street every
time we wanted to swim. The activities
schedule they gave us was for autumn
and they said they were limited for winter (some small crafts), so we ended up
doing nothing with them.
The pluses of this resort – being
furthest north of the three – was that we
were closer to Barefoot Landing (a big
shopping/entertainment complex), the
casino cruise boat and the one day run
up to the charming fishing village of
Calabash, North Carolina for shopping
and seafood dining. We did not particularly like the mega tower concept, nor the
trying-to-be-oh-so-sophisticated attitude
of some of the management staff, but the
housekeepers and maintenance workers
were great (since these are tall towers,
there is not as much landscaping here as
in the other two resorts).
The Marriott’s OceanWatch is, of
course, top of the line. Plusher furnishings and amenities, more activities (even
Page 35
three outdoor pools are heated as well,
so if you’re brave, it’s possible on a 40
degree day to swim outdoors with the
steam rising around you, a unique experience. Do remember, though, if you
are staying in an oceanfront room, you
have to walk across the garden area to
get to the outdoor pool, just as you have
to walk across the garden area to walk
on the beach if you are in the garden
side rooms.
The varied activity program for
adults (there was stuff for the kiddies,
too) kept us jumping – fitness, aqua fitness, stretching and zumba classes in the
mornings; skin care, makeup, easy sports
and gaming activities in the afternoons;
wine, beer and martini tastings in the
early evenings.
There is the mini grocery Marketplace, where you can grab a Starbucks
or Pizza Hut snack by the pool if you’re
staying in and didn’t get to the grocery.
Marriott was the most centrally
located of the three resorts – halfway between Barefoot Landing and Broadway
on the Beach (the other huge shopping/
entertainment complex in Myrtle Beach,
built like a village around a central lake)
– so if we wanted to go out in the evening
for dinner or a show, the drive back to
the resort took less time.
Bluegreen’s Harbour
Lights is definitely not as
fancy – simple wooden dining room table and chairs,
non-flat screen TVs, thinner
mattresses and pillows – but
rooms were just as large and
just as clean.
Lots of landscaping
around, as these are a group
of 19 buildings, each only
three stories high (there were
elevators in most of the buildings, though, so we weren’t forced to
climb any stairs). Eight of the buildings
face the Intercoastal, so you can watch
the private boats putter by. The other
eleven buildings face one of two large
lakes with fountains in the center.
Our patios were screened in here,
which we imagined people appreciate
in the hot summer months when the
mosquito population makes itself known.
Even though it was winter, trees and
flowers had begun to bloom and happy
Mar/Apr, 2012
workers were busy tending to mulching
and planting every day.
At the Clubhouse was a lazy river,
indoor and outdoor hot tubs, outdoor
pool and indoor pool, the warmest of
the three indoor pools we tested (87-88
degrees as opposed to the 84-86 of the
others). There was also a separate outdoor pool with Jacuzzi in an ancillary
clubhouse with an outdoor bar, but that
facility was closed in winter. Activities
here were really for the kiddies (crafts,
scavenger hunts, ice cream socials),
which was odd since we saw not one
child the entire week we were there. Not
really much for the grownups in winter
except swimming - and complimentary
in the dead of winter). Here, too, there
are three towers on the beach, two more
across a garden/pool complex, which
is away from the beach. Even though
these were also tall, the layout somehow
felt cozier.
The two 16-story towers are set back
in the lush gardens with the low pool/fitness complex between them. The main
17-story central tower on the beach is
flanked by a lower 9-story tower on each
side. In addition to the indoor pool, the
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
Every member of an ownercontrolled Timeshare
Association Board of Directors
should join
TBMA has the right tools, mentoring
and support to enable you to navigate the stormy waters of a shaky
economy and to make informed decisions for your resort and owners.
Education and action: We provide support to help you maintain a
healthy resort and positive vacation
experience for owners and guests.
Networking: No resort should operate in a vacuum. Meet with other
Members of owner controlled Boards
at our annual meeting and online to
share your ideas, experiences and
Page 36
Mar/Apr, 2012
facials in the morning!
A big plus with this resort – being
the farthest south – is its proximity to the
wonderful State Park (the resort gives
you free park passes for the duration of
your stay), and the closeness (only a half
hour away) to the fabulous Brookgreen
Gardens and southern treasures.
So what’s to do in winter, with the
beach often too blustery to explore (but
not always – many days we walked
along the boardwalk or along the dunes
in the State Park)? All of the major
shows (Alabama, Carolina Opry, Dolly
Parton, Palace Theatre) close in January
and some are even closed into February,
though all have Christmas shows that
start in early November and run through
New Year’s, then start up again sometime
between February and March (check
online if shows are your thing).
But the aforementioned Brookgreen
Gardens, with its magnificent statuary,
guided tours, zoo, special exhibits and
programs, is open year-round and not to
be missed. You can easily stay here all
day, but better yet, use your entry ticket
(good for 7 days) to come back more than
once and sample it a bit at a time. On one
of those comeback days, combine it with
a trip a little further south to walk the
streets of historic Georgetown, or visit a
millionaire’s mansion, rice plantation or
take a walking or boat trip there. On another day, add a walk along the marsh in
the quaint fishing village of Murrell’s Inlet, which calls itself the “seafood capital
of South Carolina.” Go west to historic
Conway and stroll the Riverwalk, along
one of the few blackwater rivers in the
world, the Waccamaw.
Dining in Myrtle Beach is wonderful, and before the Spring Break Season
begins, many of the restaurants have
twofers – check out places like Rioz,
the Brazilian churrascaria that’s truly a
dining experience in itself.
There’s also a fabulous Aquarium,
several Ripley Museums, great smaller
and less commercial museums like the
South Carolina Hall of Fame or the
military tribute Hall of Heroes. There’s a
giant weekend flea market and an IMAX.
There’s biking and fishing and boat trips.
Did our friends say Myrtle Beach was
boring in winter? Not a chance!!
We just finished our first owners
meeting in Florida. Everyone came away
with lots of information provided by a
dynamic group of speakers. Attendees
came from as far away as Canada, Missouri, California and Utah.
The next meeting of the Maryland
Chapter of the NTOA will take place on
Sunday, April 15, 2012. Over 200 attendees from all over the country are expected
to attend our 15th annual meeting. We
have assembled an impressive roster of
industry speakers including Shep Altshuler, Publisher of TimeSharing Today
magazine along with five other speakers.
The wide range of topics that are
of immediate importance to every timeshare owner, including scams and what
is being done about them, the very high
delinquency rate on maintenance fees
and what your HOA is doing about it and
much, much more. Owners will have an
opportunity to ask questions and have
discussions among themselves to help
them get the most enjoyment out of their
timeshare experience.
As you can see, NTOA is very busy
being a watchdog for its members. We
really need your support to continue our
passion and be able to be heard when it
comes to issues in the industry, so please
consider joining today.
Also, if you wish to start an owners
group in your area please contact us at
410-536-0064 for details.
To attend our Maryland meeting, you
must join NTOA.. The cost is $75 for
TimeSharing Today subscribers. Hopefully you will want to join the timeshare
association that is 100% on your side. You
will not be disappointed. To learn more,
visit us at www.nationaltimeshareownersassoc.com or e-mail hastry@aol.com
with your name, address and phone number or call 410-536-0064. We are looking
forward to your becoming a member and
receiving all the benefits we offer.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Special Reports and much more
TimeSharing Today
The next meeting of the Florida
Timeshare Owners Group will be held on
Sunday, March 18, 2012, from 1:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m., in the Champs Room, at the
Palm Aire Country Club, 5601 Country
Club Way, Sarasota, FL. 34243.
Guest Speakers will be Judi Kozlowski, President of the Licensed Timeshare Resale Brokers Association, representing RE/MAX Properties SW, Inc.,
Richard Marquette, representing the
Progressive Real Estate Agency, and Craig
Carty, representing My Resort Network.
The Speakers will discuss various
timeshare resale experiences, including
approaches that are most beneficial for
owners who may be interested in offering
their units for sale, without the requirement of incurring any commissions or
fees, until the sale has been finalized.
Attendees will have the opportunity
to question each of our Guest Speakers
upon the completion of their individual
presentations. The Speakers will present
their recommended sales processes that
they feel best suits owners’ needs, and then
will indicate how they can work closely
with each individual owner to expedite the
completion of the sale.
A Members’ General Discussion will
also be on the meeting agenda. Attendees
wishing to present either a timeshare issue or concern, share a recent timeshare
vacation experience, or make a request
for timeshare-related information, for the
purposes of round-table discussion by the
membership, will be conducted at this,
as well as at all future scheduled FTOG
Paula Tyner, Asst. Group Coordinators, will serve as a Topic Presenter, and
will be leading a discussion on possible
modifications of future meetings of the
Florida Timeshare Owners Group.
Assistant Group Coordinator, Jim
Horan, will lead a discussion on the
subject of the viability of initiating the
practice of recording each of the FTOG
meetings, for the benefit of Members who
are seasonal residents of Florida, as well
Page 37
as for all out-of-state residents who desire
membership in FTOG.
Copies of the 2012 Members Resort
Directory will be available in late February, for members who wishes to list their
timeshare unit information, for rental,
sales, or exchange purposes. The Directory is for the exclusive use of FTOG
members wishing to communicate with
one another. Resort Directory Information
Forms are available for viewing on our
website, tsownersgroup.com.
Seat reservations are now being accepted for the March 18th meeting. Nonmembers may attend a FTOG meeting, by
requesting reservations in advance, and
are subject to a $10.00 per person door
charge, payable in advance. Non-members
who elect to join FTOG on the day of the
meeting, may have their door charges
applied towards their 2012 membership
Meetings will also be held on Sunday, July 29th., and Sunday, November
11th, 2012. Advance seat reservations
are required to attend all FTOG meetings.
Annual membership dues are $60.00, and
include monthly E-Newsletters and a copy
Mar/Apr, 2012
of the Members Resort Directory.
For information on membership, or
to request meeting reservations, please
contact Frank Debar, Group Coordinator, at fdebar433@gmail.com, or (941)
Board Members and on-site Managers
from across the country and Canada have
started confirming their attendance for the
Timeshare Board Members Association’s
Orlando Meeting to be held April 22-24,
2012. This is a unique opportunity for
TBMA Members to participate in highly
interactive panel discussions with industry
professions, to gather information through
Q & A and to meet with other Members
through networking sessions.
No resort should operate in a vacuum.
Encourage your resort to join TBMA.
Membership is free and there is no registration fee to Members. For more information, visit www.tbmassoc.com. If you
have questions, contact Shep Altshuler:
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
Page 38
Mar/Apr, 2012
FOCUS ON: Royal Floridian Resort, Ormond Beach, FL
By Jason Farlam, Clawson,MI
No one, absolutely no one, could
have been more shocked than us when
we saw so many motorcycles and realized, two hours from our destination, we
were heading into the Daytona Beach
area during Bike Week. Sure we had
heard about it. Even saw stuff on the TV
news when in Orlando. But the look of
the bikers and the sound of 10, 20, 100
Harley’s rolling by each minute was, I
don’t know, let’s be tolerant, unexpected.
What kind of vacation would this be?
The second week of March 2011
was the 70th annual Bike Week, centered
at Main Street in Daytona but spilling out all over Volusia County. Each
year, 100,000 bikes and 250,000 bike
“enthusiasts” descend on the area to
fill the slow time just before the Spring
Break weeks. Bikers fill every bar and
restaurant and shop every store. It’s a
huge deal for the economy. These are
grown up bikers and they spend money.
Harley’s and tattoos for sure, but they
are older, heavier and greyer than you
expect. And on the back, the biker babe
is much more likely the 56-year old wife
than the 21-year old bikini model (unless
she rides her own hog.)
We locked in this RCI trade just six
days before check in when we suddenly
had a travel window open up for us. I
had not expected anything, so a Silver
Crown oceanfront one-bedroom seemed
too good to be true. Unending snow was
back home, so we really wanted to get
away. We had not been to this area in
20 years and were excited by our unexpected vacation.
The Royal Floridian is a nice resort.
Over the past three years they have
substantially re-done the place with
new windows, exterior stucco, sealed
balconies and new rails. The deck and
pool areas were all refurbished and they
even constructed an extra building and
parking garage. We heard some grumbling from owners over the $600 special
assessments three years running, but it
looks like the money was well spent. Of
course, it wasn’t my money.
We also heard some grumbling from
exchangers in the small side of lock-offs
or in small units without a direct ocean
view, but the RCI information was very
clear to us about sizes and views. Significant variations in size, decor, modernity
and view mean: read your paperwork if
trading in.
Our unit was a third floor one-bedroom ocean side unit in the new building.
Open less than three weeks, I think we
were the first guests. It’s beautiful; nice
new shiny paint on the ceilings and walls,
adjustable vinyl shutters on the inside
windows, glossy ceramic tile and brand
new granite counters and eating bar. Not
a dust catching soft surface anywhere.
And not a sound absorbing soft surface
anywhere except the bed, bedroom carpet and soft couch and chair. Lying in
bed, I could hear my wife put a plate on
the kitchen counter or crack an egg for
breakfast. (At least I knew in advance
what we were eating.) The sound of the
bikes bounced around nicely too.
Our unit had a large open concept
front room with two non-openable windows and a glass door to a small balcony.
The living room part has a couch and
chair and three coffee tables. There is
a small buffet with a 37” wall mounted
flat screen TV. The kitchen/dining area
includes a 60” x 80” granite island with
sink and ample room for the four chairs.
The full kitchen included fridge, stove,
microwave, dishwasher, ample cupboards and more granite. The bedroom
is large with a window and king-size bed
and a 32” flat screen TV. There is one
bathroom. Lighting was so good you
could read anywhere in any room. The
unit measured 840 square feet, with no
screens or opening windows.
Our unit was considered “ocean
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
side” not “ocean view.” Our windows
faced south toward other buildings,
but the way the unit was situated, you
could see the ocean from the balcony
and from the corner of the living room
where the coffee table was. It took less
than a minute to put the table elsewhere
and drag the couch to the corner. Voila:
one ocean view unit. We put things back
before we left.
The resort has a huge heated outdoor
pool, smaller kids pool and large hot
tub. A very large deck area has parts
of it tiered to maximize the sun tanning
opportunities. Inside is a smaller indoor
pool and nice exercise room. There is
also a large outdoor recreation area and
basketball court that, this week, was
used to store 36 expensive motorcycle
The resort organizes a number of
activities including a spa day, a ladies
pampering day and a variety of walking
Nearby St Augustine is great. There
are two outlet malls there, though not
quite as prime or premium as they were
before the collapse of General Growth
Page 39
Properties and the takeover by China.
The Old Town area has nice historic sites
and shops set in buildings with the look
of an old European village. Some buildings are restorations of actual old buildings. There are shops and restaurants at
various price levels. Several tours are
available and too many museums and
attractions to see in a week.
We watched period reenacters stage
the Sack of St Augustine, going after the
Spanish silver ingots in 1668. Castillo
de San Marcos is the oldest masonry fort
in America, with roots dating from the
Spanish wooden fort of 1586. Cathedral
Basilica has roots to the Spanish Catholic
church on the site in 1565. Apparently
people have been speaking Spanish in
Florida for a while.
An hour west of the resort is the
Orlando attractions area and we spent a
day enjoying Sea World. An hour or so
south of the resort is Cape Canaveral.
Island Boat Tours offers a great eco
boat tour of the Cocoa Beach Thousand
Islands. We saw 30 species of birds and
countless dolphins and manatees in their
natural habitat. If you arrive early you
Mar/Apr, 2012
can have lunch at Sunshine Waterfront
Café, which is the cruise departure point.
The food was good and fairly priced.
Ormond Beach is way less famous
than nearby Daytona but has plenty of
its own history, including John D Rockerfeller’s house (The Casements) which
is now a museum. You can also easily
walk to the Art Museum and Gardens and
view the paintings for $2 and the tropical
foliage free. A couple of blocks further
west is Hull’s Seafood Market with a
huge fresh selection to take home for a
feast, and an adjacent restaurant where
the excellent Tilefish and Rock Shrimp
dinners overcame the decor.
Which brings us back to Bike Week.
We soon got used to the steady parade
of (mostly) American made motorcycles.
And after a couple of days, we missed
the rumble when none were going by.
Be aware of this though, because if
motorcycle noise will bother you, avoid
Bike Week and fall’s Biketoberfest.
We really had a nice week and would
recommend Royal Floridian Resort to
bikers two weeks a year and families 50
weeks a year.
Winner Chosen; New
Contest Starts
The winner of the contest for
the Best Exchange article published
during 2011 is Maureen Ayers for
her article about an exchange
to Wyndham Pagosa in Pagosa
Springs, Colorado, published in
the May/Jun, 2011 issue, available
online at www.tstoday.com.
Ms. Ayers will receive a check
from TimeSharing Today in the
amount of $500.
A new contest has now been
started for the best article describing the writer’s Most Memorable
Exchange - best, worst, strangest,
or whatever made it memorable.
Entries should be emailed to editor@tstoday.com or mailed to
Editor, TimeSharing Today, 140
County Road, Suite 114 Tenafly,
NJ 07670.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
Avoiding jet lag
By Ellen Michaud with Julie Bain
For those of us who fly to a resort
that is more than a couple of time zones
from home—particularly those who fly
eastward—jet lag can be a serious challenge. It takes away our edge, makes us
groggy, and disrupts our sleep. Here’s how
to be focused and alert during the day and
sound asleep at night.
1. ACCLIMATE. If you’re going
to be gone longer than a couple of days,
begin acclimating your body to the new
time zone by altering your eating schedule
three days before your plane takes off. If
you’re heading west to San Diego from
Boston, for example, three days before
you leave, eat an hour earlier each day.
Flying from San Diego back to Boston?
Help reverse the acclimation and get back
on home time by eating an hour later each
day for three days.
2. CHUG. Stay hydrated with bottled
water. Avoid alcohol and anything caffinated during your flight. Both can de-
Page 40
hydrate your body, mess up your internal
clock, and exaggerate jet lag symptoms.
other carb-dense food at dinner on the
night before your flight. Scientists have
been arguing for some time about whether
or not this decreases jet lag and increases
your potential for normal sleep, but recent
research on clock genes has uncovered
subtle effects that indicate carbs boost
your ability to sleep—particularly when
you fly westward. No one’s quite figured
out how they help, but they do know that
carbs provide your brain with a source
of tryptophan from which it can make
the sleep-inducing neurotransmitter serotonin.
4. REFRIGERATE. If you’re flying
during what would be night hours at your
destination, try to get some sleep on the
plane. Use earplugs to eliminate noise,
an eyeshade to kill the light, and turn the
air-conditioning valve on high. A third cue
your body uses to set its internal clock is
temperature. A lower temperature lowers
your body’s core temperature and signals
it’s time for sleep. A higher temperature
raises your body’s core temperature and
signals that it’s time to wake. To keep
from getting too chilled, bring along one
of those silk blanket-and-pillow sets that
are sold through airline and online travel
fourth cue your body uses to set its internal
clock is food. Since airline food is served
onboard according to the time at your
home base, eating it can sabotage efforts to
reset your clock to the time zone to which
you’re traveling.
OPTION. Short-acting sleeping pills can
help you sleep through an overnight flight.
They can also help you sleep during the
first couple of nights at your destination.
That said, keep in mind that if a sleeping pill is taken just a little later than it
should be on local time, it can exacerbate
the effects of jet lag. Even worse, if the
drug lasts longer than the flight, you’ll
arrive drowsy at your destination—that’s
not good if you have to drive or negotiate
local transportation home.
available as an over-the-counter medication and you don’t need a prescription.
But since it has the ability to really mess
with your brain chemicals, consult with
Mar/Apr, 2012
a doctor—especially if you’re taking
another medication. Studies indicate that
supplemental melatonin will make you
sleepy. It’s not as strong as a sleeping pill,
but it directly affects your body’s internal
clock and nudges it toward sleep. If you’re
heading east, consider taking one 3- to
5-milligram capsule between 6:00 and
7:00 P.M. on the day you fly out. Take a
second capsule after you’ve arrived at the
local bedtime. If you do take melatonin,
however, think about taking a cab to your
resort and picking up a rental car at the
resort rather than the airport. You may
be too drowsy to drive safely. If you’re
headed west, take a single melatonin
capsule just before bed at your destination. Do not take it before your flight. Two
caveats: Over-the-counter melatonin can
come in vastly differing qualities. So buy
a well-known brand from a company that
guarantees its products. Two, the safety
profile of melatonin has not been seriously
investigated. So don’t think it’s something
you can continue to use at home on a
regular basis.
A protein-rich meal the morning after you
arrive will give your brain what it needs to
produce neurochemicals to increase your
alertness throughout the day.
you’re going to be away from home for
only a couple of days, stay on the same
eating and sleeping schedule while you’re
away as you would at home. If you normally have dinner in Atlanta at 8:00 P.M.
for instance, when you fly to Los Angeles,
have dinner at 5:00 P.M. You’ll not only
avoid that dragged-around-by-your-hair
jet-lagged feeling, you also won’t have
trouble getting a good table at the restaurant of your choice.
If you’re away for more than just a couple
of days, don’t just set your watch to local
time when you arrive—help reset your
internal clock by eating, going to bed, and
waking at the local time as well.
But use those heavy room-darkening
shades to shut out light during the hours
you plan to sleep. Also, lower the room’s
temperature. Remember, manipulating
light and temperature manipulates your
body’s clock and gives it a clear mandate
to sleep.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 41
TimeShare Classified
Wk # Starts on
Starts on
RCI and Interval International both start
week #1 on the first Saturday of the year
in 2012 and 2013.
Some resorts start weeks on a Friday or
Sunday. Check with the resort to confirm
check-in dates.
Mar/Apr, 2012
SEDONA-Red Rock Country!. Best Buys!
Specializing in the Gold Crown Arroyo
Roble. Voted one of AZ’s highest rated
resorts! Call Rod Goebel, Broker Sedona Timeshare Resales. 800/344-3763
----------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE CAMELBACK RESORT
BUY RESALE weeks from $2400
SELL Timeshare weeks worldwide
Desert Vacation Realty-Since 1991
Virginia Zabella/Designated Broker.
desertvacation.com 800-283-9174
----------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS-DIAMOND RESORTS
PVC Collection, 1 BR, annual red float,
deeded week, $1500, 2011 wk available,
maddier1@yahoo.com or 847/502-0872
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA PINES RESORT, 1BR studio, 1
floating wk, annual maint $467.
Near 6 vortex sites, asking $500. 903/5493172, leave message 24/7 or
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, TIMESHARE, Lake Havasu City, 2BR float wk,
Maint $600/yr, $8000. Yvonne 714/3363038
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEDONA, Gold Crown,
300,000 pts, $15,000, 970/240-9455,
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT in Lake
Havasu, 1BR, 1 Week, floating $1,250.
------------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE CAMELBACK RESORT,
Scottsdale, $3900, bob@fletcher.net or
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS, Sedona, Premier V C
Studio, every other year. Sell for closing
costs, sargent@shasta.com
-----------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS RESORT & SPA, Sedona, 1BR, 1ba, floating RED Wk, $800,
If there is an error or change in your ad,
do not telephone us. Please email staff@
tstoday.com, write or send a fax Include
both the old and the new wording. Contact:
Ad Editor, TimeSharing Today
140 County Rd, Ste 114, Tenafly NJ 07670
Fax: 201-871-4305
deeded, fixed wk 31, 2BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Full kit, A/C, W/D. $8000 fees pd thru ’12,
520/378-2494, svfolks@gmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Lake Havasu. Prime floating 1
and 2 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use
$995+. Contact Tony for details: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CANYON VILLAS, Phoenix,
2BR, 2ba, w/lockout. Platinum Week every
year. $19,000. Call 262-547-6373.
------------------------------------------------------FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Scottsdale at Troon North. 2 BR lockoff
Deeded Platinum, Gold, or
Silver available. Starting at $1000
Contact Betty at TRIWEST
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS RESORT & SPA, Sedona, $2500, 2BR, 2ba every other year,
623/551-1950, Berken@Qwest.net
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA-Los Abrigados, 6000 pts
annually, asking $500. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS RESORT & SPA,
Sedona, 2BR, 1 Wk, annual float, Red,
$2800, Ann, 928/496-6577,
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TimeSharing Today
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for upfront fees and
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Ad deadline - 4/10/12
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TimeSharing Today
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------ALL WELK RESORTS-LWRV from $2500.
Villas on the Green from $1500. Desert Oasis from $750. Welk Platinum Points from
$2000. lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/2940073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------CAPISTRANO SURFSIDE INN, 1 & 2
BR, FLOAT, All weeks EX as red wks.
Prices start @ $1,100. 949/240-7681.
Contact Manager, Amanda Burgess,
Email: CapistranoSurfside@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------VILLAS ON THE GREENS at WELK RESORT, Escondido, 1BR, even yrs, offer.
239/597-7649, arsphd@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS VILLAS,
2BR, 2ba w/lockoff, Sprg/Fall, $3500,
760/217-3910, vnctrenkle@earthlink.net
------------------------------------------------------LAGONITA LODGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Big Bear Lake. Prime Season
Annual use WINTER/SUMMER 2 bedroom, 3 bath deeded “LAKEFRONT” unit
$5995. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------SNOW LAKE LODGE: Located at
the base of Snow Summit Ski Resort.
Prime Floating Winter 1 bedroom, 2
bath deeded units. Annual Use $995+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------NOB HILL INN: In the prestigious Nob
Hill area of San Francisco. Prime floating 2 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use
$5995. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
---------------------------------------------------SUITES AT FISHERMANʼS WHARF:
In the popular Fishermanʼs Wharf area
of San Francisco. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use $1995.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------NOB HILL INN, San Francisco, studio,
annual floating red week. $998,
Page 42
FOUR SEASONS Residence Club Aviara,
Carlsbad.1 BR Standalone or 2 BR lockoff
Deeded Platinum or Gold available.
Every other year starting at $1500
Contact Betty at TRIWEST 800/423-6377
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura.Mariner-Studio /
Voyager-1BR / Islander-1BR lockoff
Deeded Prime or High available.
Starting at $399
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
------------------------------------------------------PINE ACRES LODGE, Pacific Grove,
$5000, 213/819-1975,
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGHLANDS INN & ALL MARRIOTT PROPERTIES! Licensed CA Broker
with 20 years experience. 775/690-2653,
Buy/Sell billgabrielli@me.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT NEWPORT COAST VILLAS,
Newport Coast, 2 floating wks, 2BR, 2ba,
------------------------------------------------------WELK RESORT DESERT OASIS, Palm
Springs, 1BR, slps 4, Red Season, $650,
------------------------------------------------------FOUR SEASONS RESIDENCE CLUB AVIARA, North San Diego, Calsbad, $6300,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS II, Palm
Desert, 2BR, 2ba, w/lockout (can be
used individually for 2 separate wks)
floating RED Wk Season-$6500, opt to
rent, Email lynloves2golf@yahoo.com.
or 516/546-5155
------------------------------------------------------BEAUTIFUL SO-CAL BEACH RESORT.
Blue Whale intervals starting at $500.
www.thebluewhale.net. Purchase today!
Call Tricia Deschamps/DRE# 01499399 at
800/772-0706 Offer void in certain states.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS I, remodeled flagship units, 2BR, 2ba, lock off, red
season, $9800, rmcniel@cox.net
------------------------------------------------------PALM SPRINGS TNS CLUB, 1BR, Red/
High fltng Wk Palm Springs, plus +++ TriAnn, (1 Wk every 3yrs), 2BR at
Package deal with both going for just
$1K, EagleAyerie@hotmail.com
Tell your Resort’s
Board of Directors about
Mar/Apr, 2012
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: RED - $7,500 ●
WHITE - $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales 8
00 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS –
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: RED - $6,000 ●
WHITE - $3,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT NEWPORT COAST
Weeks 23-51 $9,500
GOLD 2/2 - Weeks 1-22 $5,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SHADOW RIDGE
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $7,000 ●
Gold - $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------SHADOW RIDGE-ENCLAVES
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $14,000 ● Gold $12,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
INN at SILVERCREEK, Granby, $1500
for 6 wks, slps 6, 2ba, lockoff, golf, ski
303/697-6189, jkblumens@aol.com.
-----------------------------------------------------SHERATON MOUNTAIN VISTA, Avon
1BR, 81,000 Starwood Pts, ski season,
$15000, mummar@chesapeake.net
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA MOUNTAIN
MEADOWS, Outdoor Lovers! 174,000
Wyndham Pts, $2000,
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM DURANGO, located at
historic 4 Season Durango, Co. 1BR, 1ba
slps 4, floating wk. 154,000 Wyndham
Pts. Asking $3500. 727/787-8580 or
-----------------------------------------------------BEAVER CK, Avon, 2 wks 45K OBO, 2
Prime St James Place weeks, 5-star Gold
Crown on the plaza, top flr, views, new
renov & refub. Winter wk 49 (Dec-ski) 3BR,
3ba, 2/2 down, master in Loft/Lockoff. Summer wk 37 (Sept) 2BR, 2ba loft. 970/3283131, Earl_csss@yahoo.com.
TimeSharing Today
WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Sale includes
264,000 Annual Wyndham Points! Incredibly beautiful acres in Pagosa Springs.
$3000, 303/659-3598.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT STREAMSIDE at VAIL, Douglas, Vail, winter red wk, 303/733-6074,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Pagosa Sprgs,
Prime Red, deeded, fixed wk #27, 2BR,
2ba, full kit, a/c, w/d 2012. Use week
July 1-8. $7500. (low fees; pd thru ’12),
520/378-2494, svfolks@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------OROFINO by STRAIGHT CREEK, Dillon,
Wk #45, slps 6, Grnd Fl., $500, 904/6478418, drh55@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SILVERADO II at WINTER PARK, 2BR,
2ba full kitchen, $1000 OBO, Wk 38, topdown@roadrunner.com
------------------------------------------------------CRAG’S LODGE at GOLDEN EAGLE,
Estes Park, $10000, Wk #28, 2BR,
2ba, 319/524-8970 or c319/795-3300,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM DURANGO at Historic Downtown, Durango, $1. 0031 20 6717273,
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------JENSEN BEACH &
One offers over 2000 sq. feet, two and
three bedrooms, plus atrium in the unit.
Great amenities include pools and tennis
courts. No developer hassles. Forclosure
opportunity on prime red weeks.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------DEERFIELD BEACH. Emerald Seas. 1
BR, 1 ba, full kit. Wk 51. Oceanfront resort, beautiful beach, convenient location.
$1100. charlacafe@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------www.RonJonResort.com, 2BR w/lockout,
slps 10. $3,800 Fin Avl allen@fsinj.com or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN PT, W Palm, Oceanview, 2BR, 2ba, Platinum, annual lockoff 15K OBO, cfl011442@gmail.com or
------------------------------------------------------LAS OLAS BEACH RESORT, Satellite
Beach, 2BR, Full Kitchen, slps 6. Unit faces
the beach $3,000 OBO 727/255-4493,
Page 43
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL FLORIDIAN TS, 2BR, 2ba, EOY,
can split for every yr, Ormond Bch. Fees
every two yrs! Floating wk. 10K.
------------------------------------------------------CATALINA BEACH CLUB, Daytona Beach,
$2900 OBO, rent $900. Wk 11, 609/6611033, jsport001@hotmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Palm
Beach Shores, $10,499, 781/259-1001,
------------------------------------------------------OCEAN LANDINGS, Cocoa Beach, Wk 17,
1BR, 2ba, oceanfront, Top Flr (5) $3500,
505/299-6279, dotwhaley@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT BAY RESORT, Ft Lauderdale,
$1100, hotpr33@hotmail.com or 919/5688408,
------------------------------------------------------CELEBRITY RESORTS PALM COAST,
Palm Coast, $2000, 919/568-8408 or
hotpr33@hotmail. com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANA PALMS, SINGER
ISLAND, $25900, beautifully furnished,
MAGNIFICENT! robert@rfishman.com
------------------------------------------------------IGHTHOUSE COVE RESORT, Pompano
Beach, $6000, e/side A1A rt on beach,
631/348-7737, elaineqeii@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT PALMS BEACH RESORT II,
New Smyrna, Wk 41, 1BR, 1ba, $8500,
319-431-0630, jstone720@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SURF RIDER, Pompano Beach on A1A,
2BR, 2ba, Wk 44, $1000 or OBO, 814/4555255, joyousjack@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEA GARDENS, Pompano
Beach, Wk 8 fixed on bch e/side A1A, Mk
Offer, 631/348-7737, elaineqeii@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN WALK, Daytona
Beach, $2500, 154K Pts, odd yr-2013,
269/945-2551, jrndude@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PALM AIRE RESORT & SPA,
Pompano Beach, Wks 32 & 33, 2BR, $2.00,
603/966-6770, kenl@san-ken.com
------------------------------------------------------AMERICANO BEACH RESORT, Daytona
Beach, 1BR, 1ba, Floridian slps 6, Wk 19,
$7900 OBO, 386/424-5699
------------------------------------------------------TRADERS INN BEACH CLUB, Ormond Beach, $150, Wk #43, 1BR, 1ba,
------------------------------------------------------LAS OLAS BEACH CLUB, Satellite Beach,
Wk 19, 2BR, 2ba, $3000 OBO, 727/2554493, locojefe41@yahoo.com
Place your ad today!
Mar/Apr, 2012
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH oceanfront timeshare
units. Great II trade value for price. Seagullbeachclub.com. 321-783-4441. Licensed
RE Brokerage.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANA PALMS, Singer
Island, $10000, GOLD Season, 2BR,
419/923-2804, mtaylor@fulton-net.com
Gulf Coast
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT BAY CLUB, Sarasota, Beautiful 2BR, 2ba, floating week, $854.66 annual fee. $6000 OBO, 703-819-4951
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CRYSTAL SHORES, A Luxury
Resort, fixed Wk 4, 2BR, gulf view, $30,000,
------------------------------------------------------HILTON CLUB REGENCY, Marco Island,
Wk 1, Unit D104, 2BR at beach, pool view,
$1700, mummar@chesapeake.net.
------------------------------------------------------SAILFISH YACHT CLUB, Destin (jPanhandle), deeded 2BR, 1ba, slps 6/4, Wk
# 52, balcony, boat slip. M/F $383 Beginning 2012. $1000 OBO, 716/674-1876, or
------------------------------------------------------NAPLES VANDERBILT BEACH CLUB,
2BR, 2ba, waterfront, cov. Park, screen
balcony, upscale condo, wk33, Gold
Crown RCI Red $2900. Call Ed to discuss 502/267-7649,
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE BAY RESORT, Marco Island,
Wks 12, 3, 14 @ $3500/wk, 508/432-7382,
------------------------------------------------------BONITA SPRINGS-Hyatt Bonita Springs,
2 BR, 2 ba, 1300 pts, use yr begins 2013
Maint. fee $1189, Asking $3000, Contact
Dave at trrff@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB at SOUTH
SEAS RESORT, Captiva Island, Wk 36,
2BR, 2ba, $4000, madeira4@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------PANAMA CITY BEACH RESORT, Wk 45,
Efcy, slps 4, 2 queens, gulf frnt cor unit
$500 OBO, 904/759-9313.
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY BEACH RESORT, Destin, 1BR,
1ba, Wk 9, $1100, 870/659-8400, or email:
------------------------------------------------------THE SURF CLUB, Marco Island, 2BR,
2ba, Mid Apr to Mid Dec, 85% Beachfront
Units. New Kitchen/Bath. 3HDTV’s. $4500.
------------------------------------------------------HYATT COCONUT PLANTATION RESORT, Bonita Springs, 2BR, 2ba, Wk 15,
1880 pts, asking $12500. Contact Doug.
------------------------------------------------------LEHIGH RESORT CLUB, Lehigh Acres,
$350, Wk 32, 1BR, 1ba, 07980813250,
TimeSharing Today
Gulf Coast
------------------------------------------------------ISLAND TOWERS, Fort Myers Beach,
$2700, sadelmann@aol.com or 518/7322619,
------------------------------------------------------MARINA VILLAGE, Ft Myers Beach, 2BR,
2ba, sleeps 6, week 46. Beach 1 block,
shop on the way. Daily boat to Key West.
$5000, 717/794-0079.
------------------------------------------------------ALL SEASONS VACATION RESORT,
Madeira Beach, #PH 601, Wk 52, $5750,
239/598-5479, bright1244@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE BAY RESORT, Marco Island,
Wk 50, Waterfront, screened porch, 1BR,
2ba, AWESOME VIEW!, $2800,
------------------------------------------------------HILTON CLUB REGENCY, Marco Island,
OCEANFRONT!, Great views, & Sunsets.
2BR, 2ba, screened porch, RCI Gold, Wk
49, $3200, sam1rudy@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------BAY & BEACH CLUB, Indian Shores,
2BR, Tampa Bay side, with Gulfview.
Wk #7, #205 @ $3500 or Wk 8 #305 @
$3500. Both for $6500. Mary at
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT BAY CLUB, Longboat Key,
$8000, vittyot@yahoo.com or 203/7107749
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST:
The Banyan Resort
Luxury and charm
In the heart of Old Town.
Resales starting at only $4000.
Large inventory available.
Call: Amy Lachat Lynch, Banyan Realty.
Email: kwfbroker@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST-Hyatt Beach House, 2 BR, 2
ba, 1300 pts use yr begins 2013, Maint.
fee $945, Asking $3000. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST-Hyatt Winward Pointe, 2
BR, 2 ba, 1880 pts. 2013 use, Maint. fee
$1143, Asking $7,000 Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------KEY LARGO. Anchorage Resort. Week 7
(President’s week). One BR, slps 4. Resort
has own marina. Great fishing and scuba
diving/snorkeling. Deeded RCI. Must sell.
$16,500. 201/768-7124
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST – Coconut Beach Resort.
Rare offering, Wk 4, $15,900, 2 BR, 2 ba,
slps 6, lock-out. Stunning ocean sunrises
& sunsets. service@crowsnet.com. or
Page 44
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------NEAR DISNEY. Florida Vacation Villas,
Presidents Week 7. 2BR, Sleeps 6,
Pool, tennis, playground, W/D in unit. Asking $4500. Email to dougj@ismsports.com
or call 201-362-8151.
------------------------------------------------------DISNEY VACATION CLUB resales, all
resort locations typically available. Significant savings! Call DVC By Resale toll
free 1-800-844-4099 or visit www.DVCbyResale.com for current listings. Shontell C
Crawford, Lic. Real Estate Broker email:
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------CELEBRATION WORLD RESORT, Kissimmee, 17000 Celebration Pts, 62300
RCI Points, $1000,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK, 43,000
Pts. Best for current Bonnet Creek Owner.
$1000. mummar@chesapeake.net
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE VAC VILLAS, Kissimmee,
1 mi Disney, Red Wk # 36, 3BR Loft/slps
10-Odd Yrs, $3K OBO, Maint only pd Odd
Yrs. Sherri 281/592-8925.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S GRAND VISTA, Orlando!.
2 bedroom prime Gold floating week
(18-21 & 35-50) priced at only $1995!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the BBB.
1 year Satisfaction Guarantee with each
purchase! timeshares@aol.com 800-8096020 www.TimeSharesToGo.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ROYAL PALMS, $8000,
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA, Wk
16-even, 3BR, 3ba, $7500, 360/758-7243,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, $20000,
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWERS, Kissimmee, Wk
39, floating, 2BR, 2ba, $20000,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, $1, chuckandanne@live.com or
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWERS, 1BR, 2ba, Wk
#26, even yrs, $8000, whiteparty
Mar/Apr, 2012
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR LAKE, Orlando,
$15000, lockoff available, 845/331-2491,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAS at FANTASY WORLD
II, Kissimmee, $17000, 2BR, 3ba condominiums, fully-equipped kitchens, 3TVs
DVR’s, pool, hot tub, kids playground,
BBQ’s, access to brand new waterpark for
a small fee, Hellweh716@hotmail.com.or
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAS at FANTASY WORLD
I, Kissimmee, Wk 15, 2BR, 2ba, $2500,
610/639-1000, khpioggia@verizon.net
------------------------------------------------------STAR ISLAND RESORT, 5 Star II – 3BR,
2ba, lock off. Wk 10 SPRING BREAK
WEEK!. Pool view 2 nd floor unit. MAKE
AN OFFER. robertgonzenbach@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, Platinum,
2BR lockoff, $9200 & 3BR $16,000,
------------------------------------------------------CYPRESS POINTE, 3BR, 3ba w/lockout,
deeded Emerald float, $1000 + trans. Fee,
217/525-2435, tsquires2@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------CYPRESS POINTE, 3BR, 3ba, w/lockout,
slps 10, Fltg Wk Deeded $1500 + Closing
Cost, Nicholas386@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee $7500, tcbelvi99@yahoo.com or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CYPRESS HARBOUR,
Orlando, 2BR units, Winter-Spring near
Disney, ea $6000, negotiable,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, Wk 11 2BR, $22000, 508/2483985, susanwilbur@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT LAKESHORE, Orlando, $9900
Owner of 43 Marriott wks. Platinum. Lockoff, dugrasu@gmail.com
2 BR units. Starting @ $ 3,500. Contact
Syed Sarmad, Hawaii Broker. Specialist in all HI properties & name brand
resorts. www.advantagevacation.com,
----------------------------------------------------WESTIN KA’ANAPALI BOTH PHASES1 & 2 BR units. Starting @ $ 4,500.
Contact Syed Sarmad, Hawaii Broker.
Specialist in all HI properties & all name
brand resorts. www.advantagevacation.com, www.hoteltimeshares.com
TimeSharing Today
KONA, Holua Resort, 8000 Hawaii annual
club points, Shell Vacation Club, annual
fees $1573, Asking $1,000 or best offer,
Dave at trrff@aol.com.
-----------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------SNORKEL WITH TURTLES ON MAUI.
Lovely 3BR at ONE NAPILI WAY. 2
min. walk to beach, Kapalua area, 2
weeks in August, can be traded. Odd
years. $11,500. gailster2@juno.com or
------------------------------------------------------KAUAI CLIFFS CLUB, 1BR, 2ba, 1 wk,
$2250 OBO, pwrenholt@bresnan.net or
------------------------------------------------------POINT at POIPU, Kauai, 2 WEEKS IN
PARADISE!, Odd years, 2BR, 2ba, livrm,
full kit, pool, spa, walk to bch, $5K, Carl or
Myra 650/968-8476.
------------------------------------------------------POINT at POIPU, Kauai, 2 WEEKS IN
PARADISE!, Odd years, 2BR, 2ba, livrm,
full kit, pool, spa, walk to bch, $5K, Carl or
Myra 650/968-8476.
------------------------------------------------------LAWAI BEACH, 1BR, 1ba, Alii Bldg, float
wk, maint fees pd for 2012, $5500, emailhecjcarr3@frontier.com
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA BEACH VACATION CLUB:
Oceanfront resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath deeded OCEANFRONT units. $3995. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: Oceanfront
resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use $3495+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MAUI OCEAN CLUB: Oceanfront resort in Kaanapali on MAUI. Prime
floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath OCEANFRONT PLATINUM ANNUAL deeded
unit. $12,500. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------Tell someone you know about
TimeSharing Today
Page 45
Kings’ Land, Waikoloa, $8500, 703/8231248, jtpitzer@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN PRINCEVILLE RESORT, Kauai,
2BR lockoff, floating wk, $31000, 818/7206118, gwayne@pacbell.net
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST I, deed 2500 shell points,
annual 1BR, 2ba, slps 4, oceanview, w/golf
$3000, 541/523-4174 or 520/465-8512.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT KO O’LINA BEACH CLUB
PLATINUM - 2/2 w/Lockout $23,900
Fixed Week 52 For XMAS in Hawaii
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
------------------------------------------------------KAANAPALI BEACH VACATION RESORT,
Maui, 2BR, 2ba, $3000, 360/236-7806,
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER - Association. & owner
resales. 1 to 3 bedroom; some every other
year. resales@tradingplaces.com
------------------------------------------------------HAWAIIAN PRINCESS AT MAKAHA.
Limited number of assn. & owner
resales. Call Penny Dumont 808-4973052 or resales@tradingplaces.com
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA FALLS RESORT- Limited number of assn. & owner resales. Floor plans
to match your family’s needs - great pricing! Call Penny Dumont 808-497-3052 or
------------------------------------------------------MAUI BEACH VACATION CLUB-CORAL.
Consolidated Resorts. Float: Biennial Odd.
1BR, great amenities & location, ocean
just feet away. Deeded. $6000/neg, Renee
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER, Kihei, Maui, $7500,
FIXED XMAS WK # 51, 415/230-0430,
2, 2BR, 2ba, $499 OBO, 231/740-3424,
------------------------------------------------------FRENCH LICK SPRINGS VILLAS, rench
Lick, $3000, Unit A/B, 4/27-5/04, 330/6997700, wamiller2000@att.net
CLUB LA PENSION, New Orleans, in
French Quarter, 1BR, Red time, slps 4,
$700. 262/644-7324.
Mar/Apr, 2012
slps 4, RCI, Wks 51 & 52, $4200/wk, Pkg
BO, jtwombly@maine.rr.com
------------------------------------------------------RANGELEY LAKE RESORT, Rangeley,
$18000, Wk 29, 3BR, 2ba Luxury Cabin,
------------------------------------------------------OGUNQUIT, PERKINS COVE area 2012,
HILLCREST RESORT, Wks 17, 36, 38, 39.
1BR, slps 4, RCI Silver,
Maint. $377, for prices contact
Club Ocean Villas II, Boardwalk One,
Ocean High and The Quarters.
We have it all from fixed flex, quartershare
to RCI Points. Studio to Two bedroom refurbished resorts. Own one week and vacation up to 39 nights each year. Call for
incredible resale prices and no hassles.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------SAINT TROPEZ, Ocean City, Wk 40, Unit
201, 3BR on the beach, pet friendly. $2500,
II, mummar@chesapeake.net.
1ST flr, kit, slps 4, Week 35, $12,500 OBO.
617/527-7911, e.adler@comcast.net.
------------------------------------------------------THE PONDS at FOXHOLLOW, Lenox,
Wk 1, 2BR, Vanderbilt 40 min. to Jiminy
Peak Ski Area, susanwilbur@charter.net
or 508/248-3985
$1500, 1BR, 1ba, Wk #22, 517/285-9019,
Owensville, $4500,
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, $7000, 6000pts/annually,
804/263-5493, ranelles98@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, $6000, pat.allgaier@kraftfoods.com
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, $19940, 318/368-2011, denny1824@bellsouth.net
TimeSharing Today
Branson, 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, $10000, email:
------------------------------------------------------STORMY POINT VILLAGE, Branson, Wk
#32, 2BR, 2ba, $4000, 480/883-0811,
------------------------------------------------------SURREY VACATION RESORT, Branson,
$23000, Wk # 51, 2BR, 2ba, 254/7780594, twilat@sbcglobal.net
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT WILLOW RiDGE, Branson,
2BR lockout, $3500 negotiable, Platinum
Wk, nrgamsk@ilstu.edu
------------------------------------------------------THE VILLAS at LANTERN BAY, Branson,
HOA, a small lakefront resort on Table
Rock Lake, 2BR, 2ba prime wks, fixed
& floating, $750, includes 1st yr maintenance & closing fees. Limited supply.
Contact Richard rjkessel@gmail.com. or
------------------------------------------------------ROARK RESORT, Lakefront, 2BR, 2ba
condo, slps 6. Deeded wks # 29: Mid-July
& Wk # 47 Thanksgiving/Xmas. Boat docks
& fishing pier. Near Branson Landing &
Historic Downtown Branson. $8K/wk, rental
option 573/449-8489.
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------POLO TOWERS: On the Strip in Las
Vegas. ALLTowers 1,2,& 3 at the Polo
Towers. Prime floating and fixed, 1
and 2 bedroom deeded VILLAS and
SUITES with “LOCK-OFF” feature.
$995+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Vegas, Week 47 & 51, 1
BR, red time, flex & split week. Trade RCI
or II, Best Offer, asking $3495 per week or
$6000 for both. John Beyer, 562-498-0482
or d2r4s@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------SUMMER BAY, Las Vegas Desert Club,
1BR, deeded wk. Gold Crown, 1 Blk Strip,
$1695, aspme@prodigy.net
Page 46
Vegas, 460,000 Wyndham Pts, deeded
property, Club Wyndham Plus Resort,
52K invested. SELL $6500. 563/552-1311
or avalonmark@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Las Vegas, $6000 OBO,
1BR, Red Time, next to Bellagio, 608/7511484, bschuh@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW RESORT, Las Vegas, 1BR,
odd yr, 61,000 pts, 6th floor, $8K OBO,
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE RESORT, Las Vegas, 2BR,
2ba, deluxe, slps 8, deeded, NASCAR
WEEK $24,500, 616/245-3289.
------------------------------------------------------TAHITI VILLAGE, Las Vegas, 2BR villa,
deeded, on Strip. Every yr float wk, lockoff feature. Full service spa, restaurant
on premises. 30K invested. SELL 10K.
Email: sandivoice@npgcable.com. or
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE CREST, Stateline, MAKE OFFER! 1BR, 11 acre resort, 831/385-5061,
------------------------------------------------------CLUB QM at NORTH LAKE LODGES &
VILLAS, Incline Village, $8500, 415/4601023, aria-rose@sbcglobal.net
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGH SIERRA LODGE, OVER 40
LISTINGS!, Former Hyatt Sales Executive
w/Century 21, $3500 +, 775/690-2653,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRAND CHATEAU, Las Vegas, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout. Platinum week,
odd yrs. $11,000. Call 262-547-6373.
------------------------------------------------------THE SUITES at POLO TOWERS, Las
Vegas, $4258, 1BR, 1ba, slps 4, Wk 29,
------------------------------------------------------TAHITI VILLAGE, ROYAL TAHITIAN, Las
Vegas, floating, (1-51) 2BR, 2ba, $12500,
408/666-2235, tim.j.markey@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW RESORT, Las Vegas,
1BR, slps 4, Wk 25 Triennial $5000,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM GRAND DESERT, Las Vegas,
420,000 pts/yr. Make reasonable offerLarry. ericw8376@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------PERENNIAL VACATION CLUB at EAGLE’S NEST, Stateline, $2900, 817/5791115, justin2@hughes.net
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW at LAS VEGAS, Wk #15,
Triennial, 1BR, 1ba, $5000, MAKE OFFER,
406/683-4629, adamlogs@q.com
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Vegas Strip, penthouse,
Wk 51, updated, next to Bellagio in City
Center, $4100 OBO, 305/446-4834 or
Mar/Apr, 2012
2ba, floating week, 5000 pts, $6000
OBO, fneumarkattorney@att.net
------------------------------------------------------LAS VEGAS, Suites at Polo Towers, Super
Vegas location, 1 BR, 1 ba, eoy odd years,
float 1-52, maint fee $686, $1000 or best
offer, Dave at trrff@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE TAHOE (Lake Tahoe) 2BR w/
lock-off, slps 6, Prime Floating Winter/
Summer. Skiers-direct tram to Heavenly.
2012 fees pd. mlhisiger@optonline.net or
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL VACATION SUITES, Las Vegas, $10000, gmagpa11@mchsi.com or
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW LAS VEGAS RESORT, 1BR,
1ba, 6 milies from airport, 7 mi. from LV
Strip. $14,000. Bill Burns, 909/556-0444
or wmburns3rd@aol.com
NH, deeded wk 44, slps 8, $1500, Judi.
------------------------------------------------------EASTERN SLOPE INN, North Conway, $3400, daynan@myfairpoint.net or
------------------------------------------------------MITTERSILL ALPINE RESORT, Franconia, Weeks # 51 & 52 avail., $3000/week,
1BR, slps 4, rudy1733@yahoo.com.
FANTASEA FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, slps
4, deeded, wk 3, 2012 Maint. Fee pd
($473). $8949 OBO, 813/969-3367.
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, Atlantic City,
$3600, deeded property, 941/312-4377,
------------------------------------------------------THE BLUEGREEN at ATLANTIC PALACE,
Atlantic City, $1295, 2BR, 2ba float, 1-52,
443/306-8787, fakcpa@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, 1BR, 1.5ba,
sleeps 4, many amenities $9500 OBO,
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, 32 story high rise,
1BR, Wk 20, $3000 OBO, 561/747-1571,
------------------------------------------------------FANTASEA FLAGSHIP RESORT, AC,
on boardwalk, 1BR, 1ba, floating red wk,
deeded, slps 4. $4000 OBO, 508/4105683, linda2353@verizon.net.
TimeSharing Today
CROWN POINT CONDOMINIUMS RUIDOSO. Two very nice 3BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Deeded. RCI & II. Weeks 38 & 39. $1000
ea, $1500 both. Owner 830/629-5618.
------------------------------------------------------CROWN POINT CONDOMINIUMS,
Ruidoso, 3BR, 2ba, deeded, RCI. Week
#2, $400, maint. fee $700,
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
ATLANTIC BEACH, N.C. Oceanfront Resorts. Homeowners Association Closeouts and resales. Deeded weeks. Blue
start at $200.00, white start at $500, Red
start at $900. 1,2,3 BR.
Timeshare OutletDeanna Hull Realty. Rentals avail.
------------------------------------------------------OUTER BANKS, NC- All resorts and
homeowner assn resales. 1, 2, 3, & 4
BR condos. Deeded wks. 252/441-2134
------------------------------------------------------FOXRUN Lake Lure, FREE weeks by
owners, all seasons. 2BR, 2ba, $645
MF/$128 closing/transfer. Golf course.
----------------------------------------------------BLUE RIDGE VILLAGE, Banner Elk, 2BR,
2ba plus loft. Week 28. $500. 941/7941892.
----------------------------------------------------FOXHUNT @ SAPPHIRE VALLEY, 2BR,
2ba, Tri-Level, sleeps 6, fireplace, week
42, near Cashiers, NC. Asking $5000. Call
SHAWNEE - Depuy Week 44. 2 Bedroom
w/loft sleeps 10 Deeded. $500 OBO Buyer
pays closing. depuy44@yahoo.com
Page 47
Unit R107, 2BR, Occupancy 12/22/12,
$485 Maint. Great skiing, Asking $990, Call
908/273-2908, hblades1@verizon.net
----------------------------------------------------WOLF RUN MANOR TREASURE LAKE,
DuBois, 2BR, 2ba, $4000, 352/589-0922,
NEWPORT, red float wk, 2 BR, 2 ba, kit.
flex wk. 2 BR, 2 ba $1900 Maint fees paid
for BOTH units for 2011!! 978/490-7255,
------------------------------------------------------WELLINGTON RESORT, New port, Wk
#35, 2BR, 2ba, lockoff, harbor view $3000,
860/678-7151, jonsue228@yahoo.com
Maritime Beach Club, The Links, The
Beach House, Windy Shores II, Ocean
Forest Colony, Montego Beach Club and
Ataylaya Towers. We offer fixed, floating,
flex and RCI Points from studio to three
bedrooms. Oceanfront to golf course.
Vacation up to 35 nights each year and it
works! Low RCI Points conversion price.
Call for information at
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------SCHOONER BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
Myrtle Beach, 1BR, 1ba & 2BR, 2ba
units, floating. Small, comfortable Resort.
315/963-3161, MAKE OFFER
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON BROADWAY PLANTATION,
2BR, 2ba, $970MF, prime weeks 9-43,
47. $1.5K + closing. 303/457-0236, email:
------------------------------------------------------.MARRIOTT HARBOUR POINT,
Unit 309, slps 6, Weeks 39 & 40 are
available, separately or together. Asking $17000 for combined two weeks
or $9000 for either single week. Email
owner at radbowling@verizon.net.
-----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SURF WATCH, Hilton Head
Island, $30000, tedwill@comcast.net or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SURFWATCH, Hilton Head
Island, $10000, 2BR, 2ba, 1 wk, 703/9154439, glocaracciolo24@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------WATERSIDE by SPINNAKER, Hilton Head
Island, 2BR, 2ba, $1500, 919/859-0574,
Mar/Apr, 2012
MYRTLE BEACH, Sheraton Broadway
Plantation, 2 BR, 2ba, float week 9-43, 47 ,
maint fee $912, Asking $500 or bo, contact
Dave, trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------PORT O’CALL, Hilton Head Isl, Red Wk 37,
2BR, Golf/Tennis Pkg. Gold Crown, $4300
OBO, MUST SELL 715/386-9672
------------------------------------------------------THE OWNER’S CLUB at HILTON HEAD
ISLAND, 27 DAYS, 3BR, 3BA, $24500,
$3500, janecollins@badgertruck.com or
------------------------------------------------------GATLINBURG, Gatlinburg Town Square, 2
BR, 2ba, 1-23,44-52 floating week(Spring/
Fall), maint. Fee $550, Asking $500, Dave
at trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------GATLINBURG, Bent Creek Golf Village,
2 BR, 2 ba, red week, eoy odd, maint fee
$380/year, Asking $500 or best offer, Dave
at trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM FAIRFIELD GLADE, Wk
18, 2BR, deeded, fees pd, $2000 OBO,
------------------------------------------------------FAIRFIELD SMOKY MOUNTAINS at GOVERNOR’S CROSSING, Sevierville, $5000,
200,000 pts, $79/mo mt fees incl RCI membership, russprimrose@gmail.com.
Galveston, Wk 5, Red Wk, $13,500,
321/446-3919, hawaiianshrt1@aol.com
Gold (24-38), 2BR, 2ba, lock-off, $4900,
623/780-3737, billgislason@cox.net.
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE PARK CITY, SKI WEEK,
2BR, 2ba, $14900 OBO, PRIVATE SALE.
562/652-0190, kaplan.steph@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------THE PARK REGENCY, Park City, $1000,
billsproducts1@yahoo.com or 626/2537846,
------------------------------------------------------SWEETWATER LIFT LODGE – HOA
resales, fixed, deeded ownership.
------------------------------------------------------PARK HOTEL - HOA resales - fixed,
deeded ownership.
TimeSharing Today
PARK REGENCY Assn. resales - deeded ownership.
SMUGGLERS’ NOTCH RESORT, Smugglers’ Notch, $11000, 519/326-5646,
Wk 39 deeded. 2011 maint fee pd, 2 UNITS
@ PRICE OF ONE! $10,450 OBO. Units A
& B, nrtrains@frontiernet.net.
------------------------------------------------------FAIRFIELD WILLIAMSBURG @ KINGSGATE, Williamsburg, 104K Points, 1BR,
1ba, $750, agmcollector@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------TURTLE CAY RESORT, Virginia
Beach!. Rare 2 bedroom unit for summer week 36 priced at just $3995!
Lockout feature included! Licensed
Broker. A+ Rating with the BBB. 1 year
Satisfaction Guarantee with each
purchase! 800-809-6020 or
----------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG in the summer! Super
prime week 30 in a FOUR bedroom
unit at Powhatan Plantation priced at
just $2995! Double lockout feature!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the
BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S MANOR CLUB at FORD’S
COLONY, Williamsburg, Platinum 13-52,
2BR, $2500, tschwa2@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------KING’S CREEK PLANTATION, Williamsburg, float, 3BR, 3ba, $4000, 248/6206479, ddenisedenis@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------ALEXANDRIA & WILLIAMSBURG, 105K
+ closing cost & transfer fee. 302/4269019.
------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION, Week
20, Red, Jamestown, A & B, Both Levels,
$3500, neg. 732/922-0054.
------------------------------------------------------FAIRFIELD WASHINGTON DC at Old
Town, Alexandria, Alexandria, 168000 pts,
2BR, 2ba, $1, er18reed@hotmail.com
Page 48
BARCLAY TOWERS, Virginia Beach, red
wk 34, 1BR, 1ba, $4995, 757/495-4079,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PATRIOT PLACE, Kingsgate,
Alexandria Old Town, MUST SELL! All $7K
or $3K ea, WLH2950@gmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PATRIOT’S PLACE, Col.
Williamsburg, $5000, Wk 10, 2BR, 2ba,
lockout, W/D, vshippee@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------THE FOUR SAILS, Virginia Beach, $100,
Wk 14, 1BR, 1ba, lseda@optonline.net OR
------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE OR PERMANENT TRADE:
deeded wks 12 & 21, 2BR+2BR=4BR
Lockoff each. Annual Maintenance $1300.
Preferred trades: Orlando, St Augustine.
Fully paid. Any offer will be considered.
------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION, Red Wk
47, A & B biennial, slps 8, $370 yr fee.
Make Offer! drgood07@gmail.com or
------------------------------------------------------MASSANUTTEN, Woodstone, Wk 23,
2BR, golf, indoor park, ski area, $22,000,
508/248-3985, susanwilbur@charter.net
THE RUSHES. Gold Crown Resort. On
Kangaroo Lake. 1,000 ft of shore, plus
100 acre nature preserve. In the heart of
scenic Door County. Very limited number
of resale weeks available. Contact:
Tom Moeller, Starr Realty. 800/661-8555
Email: tom_rushes@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------EAGLE RIVER. Lake Forest Resort
& Club. Where woods & water meet!
Attractive prices, many amenities. II
Resort. Deeded fixed weeks. All 2 BR,
2 bath, sleeps 6. On 28 lake chain, rec.
area w/golf, fitness center w/pool, boat,
fish, hike, bike, snowmobile or X-C ski.
4 forests nearby. Wi Travel Green Certified, Call Marcy: 715/479-2455 x204 or
visit us at www.lakeforestresort.com
-----------------------------------------------------CHRISTMAS MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, WI
Dells, $18500, Red, Wk 10, cabin, 920/2339739, Fredandmidge@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------BLUEGREEN at WISCONSIN DELLS,
$12999, 9000pts annual can use any location, avkarnes@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------NICOLET SHORES, Phelps, 2BR, slps
6, red float. Negotiable 608/758-3426 or
Mar/Apr, 2012
ALPENLAND, 2 locations in Austrian Alps,
red week, 1 br, 1ba, Maint. fee $873, Asking
$100, Dave at trrff@aol.com.
Nassau, Paradise Island. Wk # 17 Platinum
Season. $35,000. Interested parties please
call Rosie borowski10@comcast.net or
-----------------------------------------------------ISLAND RESORT & GOLF CLUB, Freeport,
2BR, 2ba, July Wk. Best Offer. Must sell,
pal13749@verizon.net or 413/454-5306
-----------------------------------------------------HARBORSIDE at Atlantis!, Nassau.
Super prime floating weeks 1-17 &
51-52 in a 1 bedroom unit priced at just
$5495! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with
the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
-----------------------------------------------------OCEAN REEF YACHT CLUB & RESORT,
Freeport, $8000, 1BR, 1ba, 513/827-3609,
-----------------------------------------------------CLUB LAND ’OR, a Land ‘Or International
Resort, Nassau, $500, 480/305-0321,
EMAIL: skippywood@hotmail.com
-----------------------------------------------------HARBORSIDE-ATLANTIS TIMESHARES,
2 floating wks. Units (1) 1BR Deluxe, Silver
Season for $18.5K incl. 2012 use & (2) 1BR
Deluxe, Plat. Season for $30.5K incl 2012
use. Owner sale contact Tom 914/271-6546
or burniston@optonline.net
ST GEORGE CLUB, 2BR, slps 6, Wk 32,
$10,000 OBO Call 617/293-7075, jamesraimondi@comcast.net
PLACID LODGE, Whistler, $3000 incl 3 wks
to exchg, markhamdor@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------ELKHORN at the LODGES, Canmore,
Alberta, 2BR, 2ba, Points $15000, 780/4347386, slyfoxxy@shaw.ca
------------------------------------------------------BARRIE, Carriage Hills Resort, Year
round red float week, 2br, 2ba, maint.fee.
$933, Asking $500 or best offer. Dave at
------------------------------------------------------CARRIAGE HILLS RESORT, Barrie, Ontario, $1 total, EOY, Flting white, 2BR, 2ba,
slps 8, Irasuper2012@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------CLUB CRANBERRY, Ontario, Hi Season, 1BR, annual, Gold Crown, $13,900,
TimeSharing Today
Page 49
Cayman Islands
Mar/Apr, 2012
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND, Morritt’s Tortuga Club, 1 BR,1ba, floating wks 1-52,
maintenance fees $785, first use 2013,
$500 asking. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------PELICAN RESORT, Wk 51, 1BR, M217
overlooking Simpson Bay. FLAMINGO
BCH WK 52 Deluxe Studio 7207 directly
overlooking Pool & Ocean. $8500 each.
Call 203/389-5295 or lehrerm@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------CAYENA BEACH CLUB, $10400, 1
week/26 yrs, 450/745-1743, michel.
------------------------------------------------------$950 MAGEN’S POINT RESORT, St
Thomas, slps 3, Tksgvng Wk, Fin Avl,
908/766-2211, allen@fsinj.com
------------------------------------------------------ELYSIAN BEACH RESORT, King Studio, floating Wk (18-51) deeded, $4000,
704/545-8142, MartaBob@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------BLUEBEARD’S CASTLE, Wk # 39, Studio,
Pirates Pension, Ocean view, $12000,
831/688-3356, barbarac@got.net
CLUB CRANBERRY, Ontario, 40000 RCI
points odd years to 2058. Maint. C$768.
$9900. jamesorawcliffe@hotmail.com or
------------------------------------------------------COSTA LINDA, 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, Wks 37
& 38 Oceanfront unit, asking $11,000 per
wk.. 561/451-9214
------------------------------------------------------.LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET /CLUB,
1BR, 1ba, oceanfront unit, Wk #26 or
floating. Great location along sandy shore
of Eagle Beach. Exceptional snorkeling
& diving Island. $3995. 949/636-1736,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB, 2BR,
ocean view, gold season, $20000 includes
attorney closing cost & 2012 maint.fee,
johnwoods@frontiernet.net. or 585/8656245
------------------------------------------------------Marriott’s Aruba Ocean Club Platinum
floating week (1-17 & 50-52) in a 1
bedroom ocean view unit priced at just
$11,850! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating
with the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee with each purchase! 800-8096020 or timeshares@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------DIVI GOLF & BEACH, wk 6, 1BR, slps 4,
close to everything. $7000 OBO, 301/6441879, susie.a@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------CARIBBEAN PALM VILLAGE, Unit A101,
1BR/Great Location, poolside, fxd wk 50,
deeded $4500, susangioffre@aol.com or
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
1BR, 1ba unit, $1995. All fees paid. Gerri
949/636-1736 or Beachgerri@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA OCEAN CLUB, floating week, winter 1BR, OC view, $15000,
610/252-3290, jdecapua@idcsi.com
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH CLUB, 1BR, 1ba,
Wk 7, $15000, 416/398-4306,
------------------------------------------------------LA QUINTA BEACH RESORT, 2BR, sleeps
4, Wk 39, $4000, 2 pools, walk to beach,
bus stop, restaurants, casino 603/5951954.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB, Gold
Week, 2BR, 2ba, oceanfront, $25000 OBO,
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
------------------------------------------------------Famous ESJ Towers for 2 weeks per
year (8/18-9/2) priced at just $2995!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the
BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
St. Lucia
------------------------------------------------------ST LUCIA, Oasis Marigot, 1 BR, 1 ba,
secluded access by boat to units, 5
weeks/year, 2 prime weeks, rental possible through management co., maint fee
$2420/5 weeks, Asking $4000, Dave at
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------PELICAN RESORT Wk 49 red, 1st wk in
Dec, 2BR w/king bds, slps 6, spectacular
views, wonderful location Unit D-10 SatSat. Must sell $2500. 203/206-7305 or
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM Wks 3,4,5,, Unit #8428, 4th
flr end unit with extra windowed dining rm,
exceptional unit-weeks-views $23900.
631/749-5272, daveroggie@hotmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM BEACH CLUB, oceanfront, large 2BR, 2ba, slps 6. Recent
remodel, float week 14-49, $5800. Tom
Waggener 425/582-0410 lv message,
------------------------------------------------------SEA PALACE, Wks 8 & 9 (Sat-Sat) 1BR,
1.5ba, full kitchen, oceanview, $2200 each
$4000 both. odinhound9@comcast.net or
------------------------------------------------------FLAMINGO BEACH, deluxe studio, float
wk, renovated, casino & marina, $2800,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM, Wk 52/Wk 1, 2BR, rare
W/D. #8422 Oceanfront. $7000 and $3500.
------------------------------------------------------THE TOWERS at MULLET BAY, Wk 20,
Studio #105, ground floor, poolview, $2000,
Virgin Islands
Membership Club Paid, +381 25 443 463,
YOUR OFFER NOW!! +46(())733661638,
Cabo San Lucas
------------------------------------------------------PLAYA GRANDE RESORT, Wk 52, 1BR,
Expires 2030, $5000, 2012 pd, jasonhodell@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------PLAYA GRANDE, Ridge A # 3301, Wk 8,
2BR/3BR, slps 8, Ocean + Marina view,
24K, margo.ludwig@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------SOLMAR BEACH CLUB RESORT,
$1200, Wk 8, 1BR, 2ba, kitch, expires
2021, glditton@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO RESORTS and CABO VILLAS BEACH RESORT and VILLA DEL ARCO and VILLA
RESORTS. Studio, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom
prime floating & fixed units starting at
$350+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
-----------------------------------------------I specialize in ALL PUEBLO BONITO
RESORTS in Cabo San Lucas. I have
an extensive inventory of Prime units/
weeks in all unit sizes with prices starting
at $900+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541
or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
TimeSharing Today
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SUNSET, Red Float, 2 BR, 2ba,
slps 8, 2011 maint fees paid, $4000 OBO,
309/234-5921, c.doyle@mchsi.com
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wks 38 & 39, 2BR,
2ba, 5 star, sell $3995 ea, rent $795 each.
Email: cdpierce@optonline.net.
------------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL SANDS,
$20000, 770/719-0038,
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN LAGUNAMAR OCEAN RESORT, Deluxe studio on beach, even yrs
Wk 16, odd years Wk 46, $6500,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 22, beach,
ground, $8500, Call Wayne 210/508-1359
or email waynehaensel@sbcglobal.net.
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER & Caribbean. Multiple
Units-GF/BF/PH, Mult. Weeks: 5-16, 52.
From 9K to 17.5K, 303/268-6438, paul.
------------------------------------------------------KRYSTAL INTERNATIONAL VACATION
CLUB CANCUN, 2BR Suite, $25500,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER, Wk 4, 2BR, 2ba, PV,
OV, full kit, dly maid, slps 6, SELL $9000,
(Rent $900) Wayne 317/695-4877
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 16 & 17 Penthouse,
OV, PV, $1800 ea. Wk 16 available 2012,
Wk 17 in 2013, ldjswimming@me.com
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 8, ocean view,
2BR, 2ba, lockoff $8000,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wks 1 & 2, same
9th floor villa, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout, both
units for $12,500, Call 989/821-8788,
------------------------------------------------------PARK ROYAL PIRAMIDES, PRESIDENTIAL SUITE, 2ba, balcony, hot tub, tennis,
2 pools, 5K, FJR33@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------THE GRAND BLISS, 1 Wk, Red, 1BR,
1ba, $9995, cmcarda@hotmail.com or
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk #16 Penthouse,
2BR, 2ba w/lockoff, $28,000, Stay on
one side, rent the other. Children friendly,
handicap accessible. Call Gloria,
Page 50
------------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORT, Mazatlan,
$1, 303/530-2211,
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA del PALMAR FLAMINGOS, Summer/Annual, 1BR, 2ba, Make Offer.
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom
WINTER and SUMMER weeks. Annual
Use $350+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
Playa Del Carmen
------------------------------------------------------SANDOS CARACOL BEACH RESORT
& SPA, $25000, 650/307-0877, i
Puerto Penasco
------------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE, Suite, slps 4,
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR: Prime floating
and fixed WINTER/SUMMER Studio, 1,
& 2 bedroom units. Annual Use $350+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------LINDO MAR RESORT… Resales – We
Have Motivated Sellers! Perpetuity
membership in Gold Crown® Resort.
1 & 2 bedrooms. All units ocean front.
July 14-July 21, 2012, 2BR, 2PR, khalidbuali@hotmail.com
-----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MARBELLA BEACH RESORT,
$39000, busharat@gmail.com or 734/2433386
WorldMark Resales
Premier Reseller of WorldMarktheclub
Dozens of Contracts, Thousands of
Satisfied Clients
Timeshare Liquidation Service, LLC
Mar/Apr, 2012
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------$2700 WORLDMARK (Trendwest) 7000
pts yrly., plus 14,000 banked points. 30+
Properties in Hawaii, California, Canada,
Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, etc. Premier
perpetual pts, never expire. Yrly Main.
Fee $474. Will listen to all offers. $2900
ea. Aquamarine Villas, Oceanside, CA.
3-1 week spacious Seabreeze 1BR unit, 1
block from beach, grant deed, Yrly Main.
Fee $585, Property Tax $27. Purchase
one, two, or all three. Will listen to all offers.
------------------------------------------------------SANDS BEACH CLUB, Myrtle Beach, 2BR,
oceanfront, Wk 16, mk offer & GATLINBURG TOWN SQ, Wk 26. 252/492-7802,
------------------------------------------------------HSI MEMBERSHIP + 70 Breakaway wks
for 21 yrs, $2200, transfer fee pd, 303/6976189, jkblumens@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------DIAMOND RESORTS-10,000 PTS usable all locations. $5000. 520/299-9176,
------------------------------------------------------CLUB LA COSTA, EUROPEAN LOCATIONS – GOLD 1500 PTS gives you 2
WKS WORLDWIDE. Save pts up to 3 yrs!
$5000, mummar@chesapeake.net.
------------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE, DAYTONA BCH, LAKELAND, DOM. REPUBLIC, 2BR, slps 6,
Float Wk $3,000. 772/221-1597.
------------------------------------------------------112,000 WYNDHAM POINTS-CAN USE
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LUXXE RESIDENCE CLUB, 3000
sq, 2BR, 2.5ba, 2 decks, TVRm, slps 8, 16
rounds golf/wk inc. Nuevo Vallarta, Playa
Del Carmen & More. 2 Wks for 100yr + 1
Wk for 10yr. All Float 94,900 Sale Fees
Paid, HIS Membership Incl. 440/653-9151,
------------------------------------------------------SUNTERRA/DIAMOND RESORTS INTERNATIONAL 15000 Points, ANYWHERE, $19000 NEGOTIABLE, Call
------------------------------------------------------100 CLUB INTRAWEST, Pts plus, Apr 30
Zihuatanejo booking, $8000,
613/2919221, gayle.jennings7@gmail.com
These ads are read.
Place your ad today.
Special deal at:
TimeSharing Today
Deluxe Suite, slps 6, $990, 928/855-0872,
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA SUMMIT, Sedona, $1400, 9/2910/6/2012, Studio Suite 262/446-9266,
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, LAKE HAVASU: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom Lakeview suites. $100+ per day. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
$1295. 2 BR, slps 6-8, lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/294-0073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------SUITES AT FISHERMAN’S WHARF, San
Francisco, waterfront location while attending US GOLF OPEN in S.F. (June 10-17).
Spacious 1BR, slps 4, kitchen, atrium
courtyard. Wk $1600. Gary 925/938-5454,
------------------------------------------------------BIG BEAR LAKE: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom
LAKE LODGE. $100+ per day. Contact
Tony for details at (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------LAGUNA BEACH: I rent out PRIME units
on a daily and/or weekly basis at LAGUNA SHORES RESORT for $100+ per day.
Contact Tony for details at (714)841-4541
or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT.
I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units
in all buildings on a daily and/or weekly
basis for $100+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------WORLDMARK INDIO, Indio, $795,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM CANTERBURY @ Ssan
Francisco Union Square, 1 Pres Res Suite,
1/24-1/28/2012, $1600, 925/683-8300
Don’t miss the next edition.
Place your ad today.
Page 51
FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Aviara, Carlsbad.. 1 BR Standalone or
2 BR lockoff. Platinum or Gold Reservations available/requestable. Seven
nights Starting from $1495 - $3995
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura.Mariner-Studio /
Voyager-1BR / Islander-1BR lockoff.
Prime or High Reservations available/
requestable.Seven nights Starting
from $399 - $995 Contact TRIWEST at
------------------------------------------------------GRAND PACIFIC PALISADES, Carlsbad,
Wk #34, 2BR, 2ba, Legoland, kids pools,
$1600, egroessl@ucsd.edu
------------------------------------------------------WORLDMARK at OCEANSIDE HARBOR,
Oceanside, $795, 626/289-0968, luadams6778@sbcglobal.net
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN MISSION HILLS RESORT VILLAS, Rancho Mirage, $1900, 2BR lockoff,
------------------------------------------------------TAMARACK BEACH RESORT, Carlsbad,
ocean view, slps 6, 2BR, 2ba, May 11-18
or Oct 12-19 at $1200. Both for $2250,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS II, Palm
Desert, $1300, Wk #45, Master Suite,
------------------------------------------------------LAWRENCE WELK RESORT, 4TH OF
JULY WEEKS, 2BR, slps 6, $1200. Also
large 1BR slps 4, $900, billom@att.net
------------------------------------------------------TAMARACK BCH RESORT, Carlsbad
$2495, July 13-20, Front Ocean View,
#332, 2BR, 2ba, wlange3@cox.net or
THE WREN, Vail, $1450, Wk 3 (01/19/2013),
4, douglasgin@hotmail.com
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH SEAGULL BCH CLUB,
1 & 2 BR Oc, pool, Jan-Apr $500-$700/wk
586/757-5156, buchholtz@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN WALK, Daytona
Beach, $5000, Coke Zero week incl 4
seats, 972/217-1883, pat@patleroy.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN WALK, Daytona
Beach, 1,2,3, bedrooms, 4 pools, 4 Star
Resort – DaytonaBeachRents.com
Mar/Apr, 2012
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN WALK, Daytona
Beach, $750, BIKETOBERFEST Nov
------------------------------------------------------DAYTONA SEABREEZE, Daytona Beach
Shores, $1196, 2BR, 2ba, 256/392-3414,
------------------------------------------------------OUTRIGGER BEACH CLUB, Ormond
Beach, 1BR, Wk 17, (4/28-5/05), $500
OR MAKE OFFER! 636/398-5605 OR
------------------------------------------------------OUTRIGGER BEACH CLUB, Ormond
Beach $875, laser60542@juno.com or
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN WALK, Daytona
Beach, $1395, 2BR, 2ba deluxe, ocean
view, Gold, JerryHyde3532@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH ocean view condos rented
nightly/weekly 321/783-4441, artfriedman@seagullbeachclub.com
Gulf Coast
-----------------------------------------------------LANDMARK HOLIDAY BEACH RESORT,
Panama City Beach, 2BR, 2ba, $975,
205/454-9091, ccogburn@alfains.com
-----------------------------------------------------EAGLE’S NEST BEACH RESORT, Marco
Island, $1750, 2BR, 2ba, 3/16-3/23/2012,
-----------------------------------------------------CAMARON COVE, Indian Rocks Beach,
$950, 406-652-1539, buzzandbarb@
-----------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB @ SOUTH
SEAS RESORT, Captiva, $1000, 585/5861029, nandrus@rochester.rr.com
-----------------------------------------------------LEHIGH RESORT CLUB, Lehigh Acres,
$495, 01455239231,
-----------------------------------------------------THE CHARTER CLUB of MARCO BEACH,
Marco Isl, Wk 13, 2BR, 2ba, $2200,
847/946-8483, gksmith45@gmail.com
-----------------------------------------------------SUNTIDE ISLAND BEACH CLUB, Sarasota, Wk 17, 1BR, 1ba, $700, 207/8398941, edoyle3@maine.rr.com
-----------------------------------------------------EAGLE’S NEST, Marco Isl. 2BR, 2ba,beach,
Jan 04-11, 2013, BEN-ONE@webtv.net or
------------------------------------------------------GALLEON RESORT, Key West Penthouse, 2BR, 2BA, slps 6, 7/28-8/4, $1799
Ocean, mshodgson@suddenlink.net or
------------------------------------------------------HYATT SUNSET HARBOR, Key West,
$1800, 1BR + studio, Wk 17, 703/7660169, hodgensr@gmail.com
TimeSharing Today
------------------------------------------------------THE HAWKS NEST, Marathon, $1000, Wk
#18, 2BR, 2ba oceanview, 734/426-3420,
------------------------------------------------------GALLEON RESORT, Key West, $2300,
Wk 26 2BR, 2ba, (6/30-7/7/2012), 386/7611764, ksloane@mindspring.com
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, Kissimmee, $800, Wk 43, 2BR, 2ba, 702/6846191, jrdavis1946@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM ORLANDO at BONNET
CREEK, 2BR, floating weeks only $895 ea,
909/964-3805, jeschraan@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR LAKE,
------------------------------------------------------ORLANDO FLORIDA VACATION HOME
(Executive 4BR, 3ba in WINDSOR PALMS),
$1050, jbond@indigo.ie
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB,
Kissimmee, Wk 24, (June 2) 2BR, 2ba,
slps 8, $1400, dotjim88@yahoo.com or
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWN CENTER, Kissimmee,
3BR, 3ba, lockout, $1500/wk, 808/3724612, imperialke@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, Kissimmee, 2BR, 2ba, 3/17-24/2013, $1395,
910/270-0245, tuckbarb@bellsouth.net
------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL RATE – 50% OFF (LIMITED
TIME). Near Disney: $590 a wk (+tax)
for 3BR, 2ba (slps 8). 407/396-2744 or
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK,
Disney, 2012, 1BR 7/6-7/13, $750 & 2BR
3 Wks 8/4-8/25, $1195 per week.
Call Jim 716/672-2662 or
------------------------------------------------------DISNEY’S BEACH CLUB VILLAS, Lake
Buena Vista, $1700, 315/723-5646,
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWERS, Kissimmee, MUST
SEE! $1000, 2BR, 2ba villa w/full kit. email:
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON VISTANA RESORT,Orlando,
$799, May 18-25, 2BR, 2ba, 240/432-0273,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK RESORT,
Lake Buena Vista $1195, 2BR, 2ba Gold
Crown, JerryHyde3532@comcast.net
Page 52
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK/Disney,
6/8-6/15/12, 2BR Dlx Tower 2, $1395,
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT, studio,
slps 4, Wk 15, Ck In Fri 4/13-4/20, $350,
Molokai-Ke Nani Kai Resort. Experience
unspoiled Hawaii on the beautiful West
End of the Friendly Isle! 1 & 2 bedroom
suites, Pool, Jacuzzi, tennis, beach. 2012
weeks available. From $750/week. Call:
800/490-9042, www.kenanikai.com
------------------------------------------------------LAWAI BEACH RESORT- Poipu, Kauai. 1
& 2 BR condos available for 2012. Prices
starting at $1000 per week. 808/7420185
------------------------------------------------------EASTER WK 2012 at KONA COAST RESORT, 2 weeks, 2BR, 2ba, Suite, slps 6,
April 7 to April 21, 2012. $1000 per week.
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA BEACH VACATION CLUB: 1
bedroom, 2 bath, Oceanfront, corner,
end units located directly on the Sandy,
Safe, Swimmable, Rock-Free Beach of
Kahana on Maui. $1400 weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
--------------_--------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: 1 bedroom units
on the beach at this fine oceanfront resort on Maui. $1,050+ weekly. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S MAUI OCEAN CLUB: 1
bedroom, 2 bath, PLATINUM OCEANFRONT suites. $2,450+ weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
-------------------------------------------------MAUI RENTALS: PRIME units at MARRIOTT, KAHANA BEACH VACATION
CLUB, and SANDS OF KAHANA Resorts from $1050+ weekly. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST RESORT, Kailua-Kona,
2BR, 2ba, May 12-19, 2012, $1550,
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER, Kihei, Maui, $1750,
very desirable XMAS WK, 415/230-0430,
------------------------------------------------------MAUI BEACH VACATION CLUB, Maui,
$950, 2BR, full efficiency unit,
Mar/Apr, 2012
CLIFFS CLUB, Princeville, Kauai, OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOM CONDO, slps 8-10.
$2400/wk. Call Dean 916/740-2402.
------------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA, Lahaina, Maui, 1BR,
11/30-12/07, 2012, $1000, 604/869-7000,
------------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA, Lahaina, Maui, 1BR,
Dec 01-Dec 08, 2012, $1000, 604/8699700, mike@adamsforwarding.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT Maui Ocean Club, Lahaina,
Maui, 3/25/12-4/1/12, Studio, 1. bath
$1495, vacationer@verizon.net
WYNDHAM AVENUE PLAZA, New Orleans, $950, ranaaa98@gmail.com or
CHERRY BLSMS WDC National Harbor
Resort, 2BR, 2ba, dlx 3/30-4/2 2012
4 nights, $1000 irenenb@aol.com or
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS at
National Harbor, Fort Washington, $1960,
starfish1948@hotmail.com or 703/6227950
6/29-7/6/12, 1BR, 1ba, $3000, 781/6293622, dbrapoza@comcast.net
WESTGATE BRANSON WOODS, Branson, $700, contact@chappellacres.com
or 615/382-0516,
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, $1500, 2BR, 2ba, 7 nights,
865/986-3932, snidge19@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, July 4th Week, $1150, 256/7774864, dnbnkl@aol.com
Gold Crown, gated, patios, RCI pts available. derelle29@sbcglobal.net or 510/5313023 PST
TimeSharing Today
POLO TOWERS. On The Strip in Las
Vegas. ALL Towers at the Polo Towers.
Prime 1 and 2 bedroom SUITES and
VILLAS. $100+ per day. Contact Tony: (
714)841-4541 or
---------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT.
I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units
in all buildings on a daily and/or weekly
basis for $100+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------TAHITI VILLAGE, Las Vegas, on strip,
$1500, 2BR lockout, slps 8, 5* rating,
407/292-3559, joeh1@att.net
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE SIERRA, Tahoe Stateline. 2 BR
Rental Inventory available/requestable
Wks 1-52. Seven nights
Starting from $399 - $1100
Contact TRIWEST at 800/423-6377
27, 3BR, 3ba, $2200, Cell 724/699-9063
Ray, skmariani@yahoo.com
TANGLWOOD RESORT, Hawley/Lk Wallenpaupack, 7/13/2012, 1BR, 1ba $1400,
WYNDHAM INN ON LONG WHARF, Newport, Wk #28, Unit 362, 1BR, 1ba w/beautiful harbor view, $1400, 518/222-1917.
Myrtle Beach, $1100, 423/282-1685, emailwilliamsmg506@embarqmail.com
------------------------------------------------------WATERSIDE by SPINNAKER, Hilton Head
Island, 52612-60212, 3BR, 3ba, $1200,
------------------------------------------------------HARBOUR LIGHTS RESORT, Myrtle
Beach, 2BR, Wk 24, near pool & clubhouse, $995, jimnow@embarqmail.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR POINT at SHELTER COVE, Hilton Head Island, $1200,
209/383-3203, j.jnash60@gmail.com
Page 53
$1200, 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, condo on beach,
------------------------------------------------------HARBOUR LIGHTS, Myrtle Beach, 2BR,
Wk 21, Memorial Day Week, $750/wk.
Contact Jackie 636/398-5605
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN WATCH VILLAS at
GRANDE DUNES, Myrtle Beach, $3000,
718/227-2835, mestreicher@mac.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN BLVD, N Myrtle
Beach, 6/24-7/01/12, 2BR, 2ba, on the
beach, $1700. Joyce 410/515-5790
------------------------------------------------------SHORE CREST VACATION VILLAS II,
North Myrtle Beach, $1500,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SURFWATCH RESV April
7 thru April 14, 3BR, 3ba $2200, Great
Property! cammie@jackelinc.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SURFWATCH Mar 25-Apr
01, 2012, 3BR, 3ba, $2200.
Contact cammie@jackelinc.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM OCEAN BOULEVARD, Myrtle
Beach, 6/29-7/06/2012, ocean view, 2BR,
2ba, $2000, 716/372-5065
Sevierville, 6/10-17 or 6/17-24, 2BR,
$1400. Michel344@charter.net.
Red, Jamestown, A & B, Both Levels,
4BR, $2000, 1 Level 2BR, $1000, 732/9220054
------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION, 6/30-7
/07/2012, 2BR, 2ba, up-$550, 2BR, 2ba
down $600, both $1100. 410/515-5790.
SNOWATER, Glacier, $894,
JACKSON HOLE TOWNCENTER, Wk 2833, Grand Teton/Yellowstone area. Owner:
248/549-6032 or 248/376-3849
------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading TimeSharing Today.
These little ads work. Get a 3-line ad for
only $5. For details, send a copy of this
notice to staff@tstoday.com. Subject: $5.
Mar/Apr, 2012
Freeport, $650, 513/827-3609, or email
------------------------------------------------------HARBORSIDE @ ATLANTIS, Nassau,
June 22-29, 2012, Phase 2!, 3BR, 3ba,
$7200, ken.mendelsberg@comcast.net
DEERHURST RESORT, Huntsville, Ontario, $1700, ldetzler@sympatico.ca or
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE BEACH. 1 & 2 BR. Wks
51+52+1+3+4+5+8+9+31+32+ SALE. La
Quinta, 1 BR. Poolside, Wk 11, Casa Del
Mar 27+28. Call: 941/343-1088
------------------------------------------------------CASA Del MAR BEACH RESORT, $750,
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM BEACH, $1400, 2BR, 2ba,
full kitchen, ocean view,
$1500, WEEKS ARE OPEN. 718/6298555, vision71@juno.com
Cabo San Lucas
-----------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORT, $1000, 1BR,
Wk #6, 925/818-7667, tradergal4@yahoo.
-----------------------------------------------------PLAYA GRANDE RESORT, Wk 51/52,
$1500/wk, 1BR, 2ba, max occ 5, hlundkvi@maine.rr.com
-----------------------------------------------------CABO VILLAS BEACH RESORT, Downtown Cabo, $1400, 2BR, 2ba, slps 8,
214/783-5925, stephen.hoffman@att.net
Give a gift subscription
to a friend or relative.
TimeSharing Today
Cabo San Lucas
-----------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO
GROUP RESORTS. Studio, 1, 2, and 3
bedroom units are all available. $700+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
---------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORTS: PRIME
suites at ALL Pueblo Bonito Resorts
from $700+ weekly. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL ARCO RESORT: PRIME
suites from $875+ weekly. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or at
----------------------------------------------------MEDANO BEACH RENTALS: From
700+ weekly. Contact Tony at (714)8414541 or at Tony@TimeShareTony.com
-----------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 48, 2BR, Corner Unit
overlooking Caribbean Sea, SELL $9,950
OBO, RENT $890, 416/201-9208.
-----------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL SANDS, $700,
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS, 5*, Wk
7, oceanfrnt, 3BR, 4ba, slps 10, (6 beds),
$3000 OBO, Rikkii 415/389-6577, 415/5151096, cvdoctah@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LUXXE RESIDENCE CLUB,
from $1500/wk, 301/545-1300, mark.
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom,
WINTER and SUMMER suites. $700+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR: Prime Oceanfront
Resort. $700+ weekly. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
Page 54
Riviera Maya
------------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL HACIENDAS, pool & beach
views, deluxe unit, $1200,
Multiple Locations-Mexico
------------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE, All Locations, $1000,
Holiday weeks, $1400, 703/241-7432,
FOR RENT 105 VI Points 12/31/12,
41 Resorts, $650/wk welcome trade,
No Up Front Fees
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------------------------------------------------------NEED A CLOSING AGENT?
Prominent Florida attorney
with over 20 years experience.
Call the office of Jeffrey C. Sweet & ask
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Email: tsservices@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------FESTIVA MANAGEMENT GROUP Offering professional turn-key HOA management services and cosulting. Currently
managing 25+ HOA’s accross the US and
Caribbean. Specializing in reducing bad
debt and prividing additional revenue
streams for HOA’s www.festiva.travel/fmg
Contact: Scott Styron @ sstyron@festiva.
travel or 828-254-3378 ext. 4362
------------------------------------------------------“RCI POINTS USER GUIDE” – Tips, Tricks
and Secrets. Buy on Amazon or send email
to rcipoints@yahoo.com.
Mar/Apr, 2012
NEW BOOK ON TIMESHARES AVAILABLE! Order “Used Timeshares” from
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