2015 Annual Report - Experience Hope BC
2015 Annual Report - Experience Hope BC
2015 ANNUAL REPORT introduction This 2015 Annual Report highlights the key accomplishments of AdvantageHOPE. This document is our report card. It is a way to hold ourselves accountable and show the community our commitment to continued success by way of the initiatives we have championed in 2015. The work that we do is meant to reflect the shared values of our community to ensure that our economy is strong and sustainable. 2015 represented another strong year for AdvantageHOPE as we saw staff take on additional responsibilities and rise to new challenges in developing the local economic development and tourism platforms. We think you will find that our annual report reflects exciting initiatives and a busy year that will set Hope up for an even more successful future. Table of Contents 08 12 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 Visitor centre and museum complex Asset Development Partnerships Embrace the Journey Marketing and Media Coverage Business Attraction Grants Return on Investment audited financial statements ORGANIZATION PROFILE OUR VISION To be a leader in building a vibrant community with a diverse and sustainable economy AdvantageHOPE is the operating name for the Hope Business and Development Society, which is a not-for-profit society that was created, and is funded, by the District of Hope to lead economic development and tourism development initiatives in the community. Now in our sixth year, we act as the main point-of-contact for visitors, prospective residents, and future investors. We connect new and long-time residents with services and organizations who can help them achieve their dreams of business ownership in Hope. Our committed, volunteer board of directors ensures that the organization continues to deliver on our vision, mission, and purpose. 4 OUR MISSION To attract potential residents, investors, and visitors to Hope through provision and promotion of local opportunities and experiences OUR PURPOSE Foster alliances and broker relationships among business, the public sector, and non-governmental organizations that contribute to community economic development. Plan, research, and facilitate the development of economic infrastructure and the realization of market potential for new and expanding businesses. Champion the Hope area as a place to live and do business and promote the sustainable development of assets needed to accommodate new economic activity. Ensure community and social values are incorporated into economic development. economic development goals In 2015 we engaged with the District of Hope and community partners to update Hope’s Economic Development Strategy. The Economic Development Strategy Update is a working document that allows AdvantageHOPE to look at each year in the context of how our activities have supported our stated goals. • Population growth that is able to sustain the service needs of residents and the labour market needs of the economy • A base of sustainable jobs that will allow residents to earn a reasonable living within the community • Protection of the quality of life attributes that have made Hope an attractive place to live • A diversified economic base that is able to meet the local budget needs and improve District finances • Promoting a business friendly atmosphere that fosters growth and development, helping to balance the municipal tax load • Becoming recognized as a provincial tourism destination, increasing sources of sustainable revenue to the community • Developing a vibrant downtown core that will attract residents and visitors and build a greater sense of community pride 5 Message from the board Chair As residents and business people in Hope, we are fortunate to have the “hardware” of prosperity at our command: four major highways junction at our door, two transcontinental railways flank the shores of the Fraser River, Vancouver is just a short drive, and the whole world is a high-speed mouse click away. We have all of this in a setting that is as beautiful, diverse, and inspiring as any place on earth. Our challenge as citizens is to define, develop, and maintain a “software” of attitudes, skills, and vision that will leverage these gifts to their full potential for our community. In 2015 AdvantageHOPE undertook initiatives – including the Economic Development Strategy Update – that challenged us to look inward with our partners and community stakeholders to ensure that our path continues to be relevant to our mission and purpose. Our outward efforts promote Hope, Cascades and Canyons as an excellent destination with a Destination Marketing Organization, revitalized Welcome Center, Museum, and economic development office at Station House. We attracted new businesses including Dymin Steel and Max Force Trailers and continued to support the feasibility study of Giant Nickel as an all-season resort. We would like to thank the District and citizens of Hope for their support and for the opportunity to undertake this mission. To the board members, staff, contractors, and the incredible volunteers who work alongside us, you all have our sincere gratitude. Sincerely, Kent McKinnon Chairperson, AdvantageHOPE AdvantageHOPE’s 2015 Board of Directors Kent McKinnon, Board Chair Steven Patterson software consultant Natural Resources Manager principal, INC Consulting Yale First Nation 6 Peter Robb, Board Chair retiree, former Councillor former owner, McDonald’s Cathy Harry, Secretary/Treasurer Marg Millar retail/service manager retiree, volunteer former owner, Kal-Tire former Public Health nurse Peter Scherle Anna Gladue retired businessperson online entrepeneur Board, First West Credit Union owner, Anna’s Incense Hondo Stroyon President, Rotary Club sales, Gardner Motors Glen Keil retiree, volunteer former owner, Pharmasave Don Wiens Maurice Wutzke Karen Bushie entrepreneur to September 2015 from December 2015 owner, Wiens Manufacturing former Director of Public Works Manager, Envision Insurance Message from the Executive Director For the past couple years in Hope we have been talking about being on the cusp. It felt like positive momentum was building and that we were on the verge of a new era of growth and prosperity. In 2015, I believe we started to experience the leading edge of that wave that we have been anticipating. There has been new commercial interest in Hope and we are welcoming new residents to the Visitor Centre regularly. Change is not easy for everyone – with transformation comes some growing pains, but - by its nature - AdvantageHOPE has always embraced and tried to be the catalyst of change. This has allowed us to adapt and our strategies have put us at the forefront of economic development in the province. 2015 was a busy year for AdvantageHOPE and was marked by the Station House project moving forward, growing partnerships in the region, and increased economic interest in Hope. At the core of AdvantageHOPE is a very committed group of community citizens. They volunteer their time, their mental energy, and sometimes even their sweat in the name of advancing economic development for everyone in Hope. Some sit on the board, some work for AdvantageHOPE, but our entire team shares a passion for helping Hope reach its full potential. I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work with, and be supported by, such a phenomenal team. Thank you to the board, staff, contractors, partners, volunteers, neighbours, and friends. Sincerely, Tammy Shields Executive Director, AdvantageHOPE AdvantageHOPE’s 2015 Staff and Contractors Stephanie Hooker Asset Development Michelle Richardson Advertising and Event Outreach Nadine Turner Visitor Information Counsellor Dianne MacDonnell Visitor Information Counsellor Baylie Pellegrino Museum Assistant Riley Forman Tourism Promotion Helen Kennedy Operations Manager / Curator Brian McKinney Visitor Information Counsellor Tracy Paynter Visitor Information Counsellor Angela Coughlin Visitor Information Counsellor 7 visitor centre and museum Complex 2015 was AdvantageHOPE’s second year running the Visitor Centre and Museum Complex. It was an exciting year that saw the implementation of a museum collaboration with Hope Secondary School, an increase in visitation, and the completion of the digitization of the accession cards. The Visitor Centre allows AdvantageHOPE to speak directly to new and potential residents and investors. Our staff are enthusiastic about the community and act as incredible ambassadors in their daily interactions. In 2015, we talked to more visitors, were open more hours, and hosted more buses than in 2014. 8 visitor origin information requests BC 6719 Europe 2872 Local 1389 Other Canada 1082 Othello 2328 Museum 1641 Rambo 1377 Camping 1260 Hiking 1230 highlights • DestinationBC visitor survey • $2942.65 in museum donations • Confirmed $25 000 funding for the next three years, plus access to the application-based Visitor Services innovation Fund • HSS museum project • Increased ethical sourcing of retail items • Proud to live in Hope, BC customer service skills training implementation with Free Rein Associates • Monthly event poster • Community open house • Red Carpet Treatment • Completed accession card digitization project • Managing advertising and graphic design in-house Traditional bricks-and-mortar visitor centres have been seeing a steady decline in visitation over the last 5 years. An increased reliance on technology is changing the way visitor services are provided. In Hope, however, we saw a 3% increase in visitors over 2014. 9 HSS Museum Project 10 In September 2015, the Hope Museum and Hope Secondary School started a project that would see the History 12 class research, design, and install museum exhibits. Under the guidance of Maya Araki and Helen Kennedy, the 31 students broke into 9 groups and chose their topics. The groups then wrote project charters for the following exhibits: Hope Cinema, No Resources No Hope, A Clash of Cultures, Othello Tunnels, Station House, Fraser River Floods, The Hope Slide: More Than Rubble, The Roots of Medicine, and Faces of Tashme. The group participated in a number of museum visits, including a behind-the-scenes tour of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. The HSS Museum Project is the beginning of a partnership between AdvantageHOPE and School District 78 that will ultimately see established K-12 museum programming. exploration } Where the views are worth it. 11 Asset development Asset development is about: formalizing existing infrastructure. increasing access to existing infrastructure. raising awareness and promoting better stewardship of our assets. developing or supporting the development of new infrastructure or capitalizing on new initiatives in the region. 12 experience the fraser tesla charging stations barrick gold AdvantageHOPE continues to work closely with the Fraser Valley Regional District on the Experience the Fraser project. The tagline for the project is “From Hope to the Salish Sea.” We are the terminus point for an eventual pedestrian trail on the north and south sides of the Fraser River. Six Tesla charging stations were installed on Fraser Avenue in 2015. We continue to support Barrick Gold as they plan for the Giant Nickel All-Season Resort twelve kilometres north of Hope. We have been working with the FVRD on the feasibility of converting the lower deck of the Fraser Bridge into a linear parkway to connect both sides of the trail. AdvantageHOPE is the local point-of-contact for Tesla. We were involved with helping to identify suitable sites and make introductions with property owners. We are supporting the development of new infrastructure and increasing access to existing infrastructure on Landstrom Ridge. We supported the development of new infrastructure and will capitalize on the new initiative through marketing. These stations allow Tesla drivers to travel easily between Vancouver, the Okanagan, and Calgary and ensures they stop in Hope along the way. We are supporting the development of new infrastructure. 13 hunter creek kiosks gateway to the skagit bike park Started in 2014, the Hunter Creek Kiosk Programme was completed in 2015 in partnership with the Hope and District Chamber of Commerce. The Skagit Wedge is one of Hope’s newest picnic areas and was a collaboration among AdvantageHOPE, Pathway Partners, SEEC, and Friends of the Skagit. In the summer of 2015, the Bike Park officially opened. AdvantageHOPE has been supporting the project since its inception and will now take a lead role in marketing the park. This included the installation of interpretive panels, advertising, and upgrades of the kiosk structures. In 2015, additional gravelling and landscaping was completed and bear-proof garbage cans were installed. Already, we have seen increased visitation (and money spent) in the community as a result of the park. The kiosks are aimed at raising awareness of our assets and increasing access to existing infrastructure. The remaining interpretive panels will be installed in 2016. We supported the development of this new infrastructure. 14 Station House built in 1916 Designated municipal heritage site in 1982 moved in 1985 Station House has long been a rallying point for volunteers and the community. As the first and last building visitors see, it is an extremely important touch point in Hope. In 2015, AdvantageHOPE continued to work with the District and stakeholders to secure Station House for the future Visitor Centre and Museum Complex. Central to our work this past year has been a risk assessment and securing budget and a contractor for structural upgrades. With those complete, 2016 will begin with construction and a summer move into the building. Studies suggest that visitors who use a visitor centre are 70% more likely to spend money in a community. As such, the increased visitation due to increased traffic on Old Hope Princeton Way is expected to result in higher tourism revenues for the community. Construction plan Approved in 2015 planned reopening as welcome centre and museum in summer 2016 15 ride bikes 16 } Enjoy the freedom of the trail. Partnerships Partnerships are integral to the success of economic development in Hope. AdvantageHOPE has strong working relationships with the District of Hope and a variety of volunteer organizations and industry stakeholders in Hope and the surrounding area. 17 District Of Hope Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning Economic Development Strategy Update Station House Integrated Official Community Plan Trails of Hope - advertising and reprint Programming Advertising HBC Trail Communities in Bloom Chainsaw Carving Competition - $5000 EventHostBC Grant Pathway Partners Bike Park - marketing Black Press Visitor Guide - 8 additional pages, editorial, and images Marketing Insets - editorial and images Community Futures 18 CiB Judges’ Tour - handbook design and printing Trails - marketing and support Business Walks Venture Connect Funding and workshops Hope Scouts Branded HOPE patches Free Rein Associates Proud to Live in Hope, BC - 36 hour customer service training, programme facilitation Hope & District Chamber of Commerce Ministry of Jobs, Tourism & Skills Training Hunter Creek Kiosk Economic development strategic planning and metrics Business walks planning and participation Hope, Cascades & Canyons Tourism Partners Manning Park Yale - including Fraser River Raft and the Yale Historic Site Sunshine Valley Boston Bar - including Tuckkwiowhum Village Bridal Falls / Popkum Scenic7 Tourism Partners MissionHarrison Mills Maple RidgeAgassiz CoquitlamFVRD Harrison Hot Springs 19 Embrace the journey Hope, Cascades & Canyons is a tourism marketing group comprising industry stakeholders from the Fraser Canyon, Manning Park, Bridal Falls/Popkum, and the Coquihalla Summit. Hope, Cascades & Canyons is the embodiment of the provincial brand promise of outdoor adventure and the journey of a lifetime. Hope is on the way to everywhere, so we have adopted that idea for our 2015 marketing campaign, Embrace the Journey. The campaign speaks to the idea that the desitnation is not the most important part of any trip and promises that if one slows down on the way to the interior or the coast to embrace what Hope, Cascades & Canyons has to offer, one will not be disappointed. 20 Key Accomplishments and Initiatives of 2015 • $100 000 interim marketing funding from DestinationBC • AdvantageHOPE coordinating marketing efforts for Scenic7 BC • AdvantageHOPE acquired travelthecanyon.com • Continuation of trade show partnership programme (Seattle, Vancouver, and Chilliwack) • Stakeholder group - led by AdvantageHOPE - organizing MRDT (hotel tax) initiative • Industry events at Hell’s Gate and Powerhouse at Stave Falls • Hope, Cascades & Canyons logo • Co-op marketing in Northwest Travel and Life • Embrace the Journey marketing campaign • Discuss trails partnership with Tourism Chilliwack and FVRD 21 2015 trade show partners 22 marketing and media coverage AdvantageHOPE takes pride in showing off the best that Hope has to offer. We believe that people choose to re-locate to Hope because of the lifestyle opportunities. We believe that living in Hope is all about enjoying the journey of life with friends and family. As such, our 2015 marketing campaign was entitled Embrace the Journey. Our target market was Vancouver and environs and northwest Washington. And it’s working: people are talking about Hope and coming to Hope as a direct result of our marketing initiatives. 23 Marketing Chilliwack Progress Community banners Hope Standard Westender Visitor Guide Erica Press - Community Map Marketing Insets Vagabond Film Show Kettle Valley Express travelthecanyon.com Trails of Hope Georgia Straight Welcome kits Salmon BBQ hopebc.ca Northwest Travel and Life Vancouver Transit (8 busses for 12 weeks) International Chainsaw Carving Competition Social media Invest in BC QuestUpon media coverage Today’s Parent Family Friendly Hikes Northwest Travel and Life Hiking in Hope 24 Buzzfeed / DestinationBC “12 Cool Places British Columbia Has Kept Quiet” BC Magazine “20 Wicked Snow Adventures in BC’s Backcountry” 2015 ad campaigns hopebc.ca continued to be a valuable portal for disseminating information to locals, visitors, prospective residents, and potential investors. AdvantageHOPE acquired travelthecanyon.com in 2015. This is a well-established brand in the Fraser Canyon and will serve as a micro-tourism site for Highway 1 east. @TourismHOPE on Twitter and Instagram continued to do well compared to other tourism brands in the region. We are consistently top 5 in terms of engagement. Our Facebook page (Advantage Hope) has been an increasingly more important tool in 2015 for communicating directly to the community and prospective investors about opportunities and the work of the organization. 25 business attraction We see lifestyle lure as the greatest opportunity to bring small and medium enterprises to Hope by appealing to their owners with the high quality of life our area offers, combined with excellent affordability and access. Though our focus has been on ‘virtual commuters,’ connections AdvantageHOPE made in 2015 are set to result in two light-industrial businesses moving to Hope in 2016. 26 HOPEBC.CA PAGE VIEWS 126 515 INVEST IN HOPE PAGE VIEWS 2306 investment inquiries 350 LEADS / PROSPECTS 11 ACTIVELY RECRUITING OR WORKING WITH 8 RELOCATED TO HOPE 4 • Tesla Charging Station • Dymin Steel Business attraction is about building relationships and making connections. This is a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance. Economic development starts with a large pool of potential investors who have sought information from local (hopebc.ca) or provincial (britishcolumbia. ca) sources populated by AdvantageHOPE. At each stage, the number of potential investors shrinks to serious investors and then those who have chosen to relocate their business and family. • MaxForce Trailers • Mossy Stump Soap Co. 27 the number of businesses in hope are growing. 222 businesses maintained an employee payroll last year. Number of Businesses Number of Employees 105 1-4 60 5-9 29 10-19 19 20-49 6 50-99 3 100-199 the biggest growth was in owner/operator businesses 949 businesses in Hope do not maintain an employee payroll, but have a workforce that consists of owner/ operator, family members, and/or contractors. Total number of businesses: 1171 When AdvantageHOPE started in 2009, there were 545 businesses in Hope. 28 grants Grants allow AdvantageHOPE to leverage the District’s annual investment to complete more projects and reach more people regarding investment opportunities in Hope. 29 as of December 31... 21 08 grants applied for successful applications total 30 $149 523.95 Applications grants received • CanadaBC Job Grant • HBC History Foundation • CanadaBC Job Grant $468.65 • Canada Summer Jobs Grant $4305 • Invest Canada Community Initiatives (ICCI) • Western Diversification Programme • Canada Summer Jobs Grant (x3) • Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (SIDIT) • SIDIT $25 000 • HeritageBC - Heritage Awareness Programme • Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Funding • HeritageBC $2250 • Young Canada Works • EventHostBC • EventHostBC$5000 • Canada150 - Community Infrastructure Programme • Canada150 Fund • DestinationBC Pilot Project $2500 • DestinationBC Interim Marketing $100 000 • Province of BC - Station House $10 000 • New Horizons for Seniors Programme • DestinationBC Pilot Project - Visitor Services • Museum Assistance Programme • Celebrate Canada • Destination BC Innovation Fund • DestinationBC Interim Marketing Funding • Province of BC - Station House Contribution 31 return on investment AdvantageHOPE’s annual return on investment can be measured both in traditional ways (monetary) and by the newer metric of ‘social return on investment.’ A social return on investment measures the extra-financial value of an organization’s activities. One of the challenges we have with economic development is measuring success of economic development initiatives and investment. A further challenge is that we are a small municipality, with a relatively small budget, and limited resources to track th data that would be necessary to measure, scientifically, the success of these initiatives. But without measuring them, we still know the results are positive because some of them are tangible. 32 District investment$250 000 Grant Funding$149 523 Visitor Centre Sales Revenue$22 966 Advertising Sales $42 000 Donations$2943 Partner Contributions$28 000 In both traditional and non-traditional ways, AdvantageHOPE provides Total Funding$495 432 Total leveraging $245 432 For every dollar the District invested, AdvantageHOPE raised $0.98 (versus $0.47 in 2014) a positive return on investment for the community. Visitors Reached39 842 Investment Inquiries at Visitor Centre350 Online Impressions2 000 000 Print Circulation1 874 000 Total People Reached4 049 192 According to DestinationBC research, overnight in-province visitors (British Columbians traveling within British Columbia) spend an average of $144/trip (average trip length: 1-3 days) 33 we are a local employer and customer 34 06 contractors staff 07 local suppliers 35 volunteers 30+ (400+ hours) financial statement Audited Financial statement for Hope Business and Development Society (operating as AdvantageHOPE). December 31, 2015 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 919 Water Avenue Box 37 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 hopebc.ca executivedirector@advantagehope.ca