Grover Bullin, PGA Presented with his Hall of Fame


Grover Bullin, PGA Presented with his Hall of Fame
Carolinas PGA
Board of Directors
Mike Casto, PGA
Chad Newton, PGA
Vice President
John Marino, PGA
John Faidley, PGA
Tournament Chairman
Karl Kimball, PGA
Honorary President
Area Directors
Jay King, PGA
Area I Director
Chad Martin, PGA
Area II Director
Stephen Youngner, PGA
Area III Director
Rocky Brooks, PGA
Area IV Director
On the Fringe...
Carolinas PGA Section
May 1, 2013
Grover Bullin, PGA Presented with his
Hall of Fame Plaque
On Wednesday, April 10th nearly two months after the official ceremony in Myrtle Beach which
Grover Bullin was unable to attend due to health reasons, he was finally presented his Hall of
Fame plaque, which he had never seen, by Carolinas Section Vice President Chad Newton, PGA
during a private ceremony at Wilson Country Club where Grover served as Head Professional
for 42 years.
In a room filled with family and friends, Grover received tributes offered by current WCC Head
Professional Reid Hill, PGA (who initiated the process of getting Grover into the Hall of Fame),
members of Wilson CC, including Dr. Bill Boles (a former NC Amateur champion who grew
up under Grover’s tutelage) and Carolinas PGA Vice President Chad Newton. Grover, the 43rd
inductee into the Carolinas Hall of Fame, was granted his PGA
Membership on April 15, 1946.
Carolinas PGA Staff
Newton commented to the crowd “to put it into perspective today
Ron Schmid, PGA
is the 97th birthday of the PGA of America and 5 days from now
Executive Director
Grover begins his 67th year of membership.”
Newton concluded by thanking the crowd and stated “this occasion puts an exclamation point, not a period on Grover’s career.”
Wilson CC also announced at the end of the service that their Grill
Room downstairs has been renamed “Grover’s Grill” in honor of
their Hall of Fame former Professional.
Mike Krick, PGA
Area V Director
Kurt Battenberg, PGA
Director of Operation & Finance
Cory Armstrong
Tournament Director
Mike Whitenack
Senior Tournament Official
Andrew Ward, PGA
Tournament Official
Marc Lapointe, PGA
Area VI Director
Sara Beth Gardocki
Media and Promotions Director
Paige Cribb, PGA
Area VII Director
Dahlia Gutterman
Tournament Coordinator
Robert Norton, PGA
Area VIII Director
Talma Kee
Membership Coordinator
Bob Byrnes, PGA
Area IX Director
Bryan Sullivan
Area X Director
Billy Anderson, PGA
NC Director-at-Large
Section News...
Brian Gerard, PGA
SC Director-at-Large
Tournament Swing... 9-11
Bullin with Reid Hill, PGA and Chad Newton, CPGA Vice President
Member Updates... 12-13
Letter from the
Fellow CPGA Member,
In April, your officers, in-coming D-10 Director Rick Murphy, PGA and our executive director
attended the Annual District 10 Meeting in Richmond, VA and hosted by the Middle Atlantic
Section and conducted by current District 10 Director Mike Arhnsbrack, PGA. We discussed a
number of issues including a proposed Acceptable Progress Resolution, MSR requirements for
playing in tournaments, non-PGA individuals being certified to teach Golf 2.0/Get Golf Ready
and the recently announced National Junior Drive, Pitch and Putt competition. We also had indepth discussions regarding Golf 2.0 and growing the game with Player Development Regional
Manager, Mike Aldrich, PGA. Scott Kmiec, PGA Foundations led an informative discussion on
foundation development and how Sections can benefit from having a strong foundation as part
of its business plan. I do want to express my sincere thanks to the Middle Atlantic PGA Section
officers and staff for all the planning and effort that went into organizing the D-10 Meeting.
Our Annual Area Meetings begin in June 2013. I know getting away from the club during the summer months can be a challenge, but I hope you will make every effort to attend your Area Meeting and participate in the 9-hole Area Challenge event.
My fellow officers and I will make every effort to attend each Area Meeting and provide you with an update of our Section and
news from our national office. CPGA Executive Director, Ron Schmid, PGA and PGA Employment Consultant Dick Bradow,
PGA will also be present at each Area Meeting. Check the Area Meeting Schedule and circle the date on your calendar.
In February, you were advised that our 2014 CPGA Annual Meeting would be held in Greensboro, NC. The Board and I understand your concerns and that change is difficult. Especially, since we have held our Annual Meeting and Merchandise Show in
Myrtle Beach for the last 20+ years. We have not made a long-term commitment for the Annual Meeting and Show to be held
in Greensboro. The simple truth is that the Greensboro Community has “rolled out the red carpet” for moving our office and
the least we can do is to host our meeting and show in Greensboro, NC. Recently, we met with several representatives of the
Carolinas Golf Salesmen Association to answer questions and address concerns regarding next year’s show. Our meeting was
very positive and I believe you will see the relationship of our associations continue to grow in the future.
Have a great summer & we’ll see you at your Area Meeting!
Mike Casto, PGA
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Dear Carolinas PGA Professionals
Letter from the
Executive Director
Earlier in this issue President Casto discussed the PGA District 10 Meeting held last week in Richmond,
VA, and coordinated by the Middle Atlantic PGA. I would like to congratulate them for a job well done.
As part of that meeting, District 10 Director, Mike Ahrnsbrak, PGA discussed the recent announcement
for the inaugural Drive, Chip, and Putt competition, with the finals to be held at Augusta National. As
many of you realized, when the announcement was made, there were no qualifying sites in either North
or South Carolina. That announcement quickly had our Carolinas Section telephone lines ringing, with
the membership of the largest PGA Section in the country wondering how we could be left out. President
Casto and I were in communication immediately. We wanted to know just how this happened. President
Casto contacted PGA Secretary, Paul Levy. I also made inquiries with our Director of Section Support,
Darrell Bock. Darrell put me in contact with Bob Baldassari, Director of Youth Golf Development for the
PGA of America. Secretary Levy conveyed to Mike Casto a similar response to the one I received from
Bob Baldassari. First, they understood where we were coming from and just how we felt. I told Bob that
our professionals felt like the players who did not get picked for the big game. There might be good reason, but it was still hard to imagine
the largest PGA Section in the country would not offer any qualifying sites, and they did not know about the decision to be left out until the
announcement was made on National TV.
Bob went on to explain how all of this came about. First, at the request of Augusta National, the initiative was understandably kept confidential. This would ensure the greatest possible media exposure for the announcement. I think they received more exposure than they
could have ever imagined.
For the inaugural Drive, Chip and Putt Championship Season, local and regional qualifying events were announced in 11 regions, set mainly near major metropolitan areas, across 19 states. In these areas, it was also felt there is the most latent demand for junior golf, and a Player
Development Regional Manager is available to assist with the operations. These locations were selected so it could have the greatest initial
impact on the largest number of kids in terms of accessibility, as well as create an excellent experience for the participants. It certainly did
that with 24,000 juniors signed up for the first year.
Although the Carolinas Section did not have qualifying for the inaugural year, we wish this program nothing but success, and look forward
to 2014 when we hope all 41 PGA Sections will be represented.
As most of you know, the Carolinas Section is celebrating its one year anniversary at our new Carolinas PGA Section Headquarters in
Greensboro. Bryan Park has proven to be a wonderful home for our base of operations and we will be celebrating that one year milestone
with an open house on May 13th. I hope if you can attend you will. Please let us know by calling your Carolinas PGA Section Headquarters. The open house will be from 5-7 PM, with nine holes of golf prior for those who would like to test their skills on Bryan Park. Please
drop by to take a look at “your” Section headquarters.
Now is a good time to start thinking about what you can do for the Folds of Honor Foundation and Patriot Golf Day. In 2012, Carolinas
PGA Golf Professionals sent our totals well over the one million dollar mark. We also shattered the single year donation mark raising in
excess of $535,000. I know that each of you will want to remain committed to this cause, and it is never too early to prepare for Labor Day
Area Meetings begin next month. If you are trying to earn Member Service Requirement (MSR) credit for this cycle, attending an Area
meeting can be a nice addition, with one MSR credit for the meeting, one MSR credit for the educational program, and two MSR credits for
the 9 hole Area Challenge golf. All Area meetings are listed on the Meetings and Seminars page on the Carolinas PGA website.
Ron Schmid, PGA
Executive Director
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
May/June 2013
By Dick Bradow, PGA
PGA of America Employment Consultant
Are You Active in CareerLinks?
Late in 2012, all PGA Professionals were asked to complete a new CareerLinks profile survey to completely update all of their CareerLinks
information and stay active in the CareerLinks employment notification service. PGA members and apprentices who did not complete
their new Profile are no longer active in CareerLinks and are not currently receiving CareerLinks job notifications. If you are not sure if you
completed the survey, you can check your CareerLinks status (active or inactive) on the PGALinks member homepage. If you are inactive,
you can still complete your new CareerLinks Profile on the PGALinks Employment homepage and you will be re-activated in CareerLinks
Utilizing the PGA Compensation Survey
On behalf of the PGA of America and the Carolinas PGA, I want to thank the CPGA membership for your outstanding participation in the
2013 PGA Compensation Survey. A record of 1,122 CPGA Professionals completed the survey this year, which is 68% of the active CPGA
membership. This support helps keep the PGA Compensation Survey as the most accurate and credible source of PGA compensation data
in the golf industry.
The primary purpose of the PGA Compensation Survey is to provide valuable data for you, the PGA Professional. There are many ways
you can utilize the data that is available – negotiating with your current employer, evaluating how your job compares with similar facilities
in your area, going through a job search process, hiring assistant professionals and other PGA staff, etc.
The results of the 2013 PGA Compensation Survey (as well as previous years’ surveys) are available to all PGA members and apprentices via
an interactive survey report tool on the PGALinks Employment homepage. The report tool provides numerous report options, including:
Base salary
Total income
Compensation sources
Benefits coverage
Lessons – number given, lesson income, lesson rate
Merchandising – gross sales, gross profit, net profit, cost of goods, related expenses
Facility fees – green fees, membership fees, golf car fees
The report tool allows you to create a customized report using a combination of filters, including PGA section or chapter, state, job title,
facility type, facility fee structure, job tenure, and number of holes.
An important thing to remember when creating a compensation report is that you do not have to use every filter available. If you use a
large number of filters, you may find that the sample size is too small to provide sufficient data for a report, especially if you are in a smaller
PGA section or are doing a chapter report. If this happens, you will see a series of asterisks where the data would normally appear. So as a
general rule, start with a simple report using only PGA section, job title, and facility type. Then you can begin adding additional filters as
appropriate for your needs. As you add filters, if the report again produces too small a sample size, then try broadening your search region
using multiple sections or states until the report produces the data you need.
After you have set the filters to produce the data you are looking for, you can customize the results that you want to appear in the report
(average, median, percentiles, number of responses, etc.). You can also create, print, and save the report as a PDF document.
The PGA Compensation Survey is a wonderful resource and may take a bit of trial and error to produce the report you need. Please don’t
hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail if you would like assistance with this or any PGA employment programs or services.
Dick Bradow is an Employment Consultant for the PGA of America and a PGA Certified Professional. He can be contacted at (502) 4582002 or by e-mail at
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Letter from
Carolinas Golf Salesman Association
By Al Sinram
President CGSA
Dear Carolinas Golf Professionals & Carolina Golf Salesman Association
First, thank you to Mike Casto, PGA and Ron Schmid, PGA for bringing our Association into the newsletter. It is a great step
toward aligning our associations closer together.
In my almost 49 years in the golf business, I have had the opportunity to do a lot of fun stuff. It was made possible by a PGA
Professional who took me under his wing to work in his golf shop at Pinetree CC in Kennesaw, GA. I have been to many parts
of the world as a Golf Professional, a Sales Rep., and as an executive for a golf club production company. I was inspired and encouraged while working for an accomplished PGA Professional who is still my mentor, thank you Bert Seagraves, PGA.
The PGA Professional is of utmost importance to our favorite game and to our lifestyle as a whole. Most members will never
know the dedication and hard work put in to being a successful PGA Professional. When I transitioned from being a Head Golf
Professional at a 4 star resort in north Georgia to an independent sales rep in 1984, I found it equally as challenging to be a
professional sales representative. I found many of the same qualities in the professional sales reps that I did in the PGA Professionals I had known all my life. The similarities are really there; 400 or so members to cater to, a chance to do the fun things
we all “enjoy”, like bookkeeping, budgets, handling member complaints, and all the time ensuring the President of the club or
company is happy.
As president of the Carolina Golf Salesman Association, I want everyone to know the professionalism our members bring to
the table. Like the PGA Pro, their job is NOT 9 – 5, Monday through Friday. The PGA Professional is the major part of their
customer base. They care about the PGA Pro and your business, because without your success, we cannot be successful. People
join the Carolina Golf Salesman Association because they are professionals and want to give back to the industry.
We are also working on a new CGSA website. It is being designed so that the PGA Pro can go to his computer and go to www. to find the rep in his area for a certain manufacturer. This should be ready to go live by May 1, 2013. We look forward
to seeing you there.
We are embracing the move to Greensboro for the 2014 CPGA Show. It will be a great show and Mike & Ron as well as Jeanie
are working hard to make it that way.
Al Sinram
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
The Cliffs at Glassy Storehouse Opened New Storehouse and
Putting Lab March 29th
On Friday, March 29th The Cliffs at Glassy opened a “new”
Storehouse and Putting Lab. They held a grand opening
ceremony and ribbon cutting to celebrate. The Glassy Storehouse is an innovated space that appeals to a wide variety
of customers. One of the most exciting features of the shop
is the putting lab, which allows members to use the latest in
golf technology without having to travel far from home.
The Carolinas PGA Section congratulates Nathan Olivo, PGA
and his staff at The Cliffs at Glassy on all their hard work to
make this space a reality.
Watch the video here:
PGA Golf Management University Summer Experiences
Know any high school students who are interested in becoming PGA Professionals? The PGA of America announces the PGA
Golf Management University Program Summer Experience! Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC is one of three PGM Programs in the country offering this exciting new program.
The Summer Experience Program was piloted last summer at New Mexico State as a “bridge” program that would allow students interested in a career in golf to participate in a program showcasing the accredited PGA Golf Management Programs.
Eleven high school students participated in activities including industry presentations, PGA of America presentations, discussions with alumni and current students, campus tours, golf with current students and video swing analysis. Of the 11 attendees, 5 were of the age to attend college in Fall 2012—three enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program at New Mexico
State specifically because of the Summer Experience, and one more will enroll in Fall 2013.
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
The Carolinas PGA Section
Celebrates One Year in
Carolinas PGA Section One-Year Celebration
6271 Bryan Park Road
Greensboro, North Carolina
Monday, May 13, 2013
2:30 PM - Round of Golf at Bryan Park Golf Course (optional)
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Carolinas PGA Section Headquarters Open House
RSVP to Ron Schmid, CPGA Executive Director
336-398-2742 *
Year One Highlights
Looking to the Future
• CPGA raises a record breaking $515,000 for the
• CPGA will host the 89th Carolinas Open
Folds of Honor Foundation
presented by BB&T at Bryan Park GC on May
• Folds of Honor Foundation awards CPGA the
6 - 9, 2013
Freedom Warrior
• CPGA Annual Meeting and Merchandise
• CPGA partners with Wyndham Championship by
Show will be held at the Greensboro Coliseum
having volunteers walk with groups during Pro-Ams
in February 2014
• Section hosts over 100 events in the Carolinas with • CPGA will again work with Wyndham
purses in excess of $815,000
Championship and the First Tee of the Triad
• Held Carolinas Open at Bryan Park Golf Course
to strengthen the golf market in the Triad
May 2013
May Tournaments
The Pines at Elizabeth City Invitational
Pro -Am Sponsored by Oakley
PAT @ Carolinas Springs
5/07 - 5/09
89th Carolinas Open Presented by
Morehead City CC Pro-Am
Star Hill Pro-Am
Assistants’ Assocation Stoke Play River Landing
5/20 - 5/21
MCPGA Match Play Championship
5/20 - 5/21
HHI Chapter Professional
5/20 - 5/21
HHI Chapter Assistant
Area V Tournament
HHI Chapter Match Play Qualifier
11th Annual Cutter and Buck / River
Landing Pro-Am
BB&T / Tobacco Road Pro-Am
Happy Jack Pro-Am
5/30 - 5/31
Kenmure CPGA Senior Open
89th Carolinas Open Presented by BB&T
Returns to Bryan Park
Greensboro, N.C. - The 89th Carolinas Open presented by BB&T will be held May 7-9 at
Bryan Park Golf Course in Greensboro, NC. This will be the second year the Carolinas PGA
Section has hosted the open at their homesite just north of the city.
The Carolinas Open presented by BB&T is open to all Carolinas PGA Professionals and all
amateur golfers with addresses in North or South Carolina with handicap indexes of 5.5 or
The format of the Carolinas Open is a 54-hole stroke play tournament. The field will be reduced to the low 60 contestants (or 1/3 of the field if 140 or less) and ties after 36 holes. The
89th Carolinas Open is an official 2013 CPGA Bob Boyd Player of the Year Points Challenge
The Carolinas Open is the oldest running golf tournament in the Carolinas, having been
conducted annually since 1923 when the Section was first founded in Greensboro, NC.
Some of the best players in Carolinas PGA history including, Henry Picard, Johnny Palmer,
Bobby Locke, Bob Boyd, and Kelly Mitchum have been champions at the Carolinas Open.
Set along scenic Lake Townsend, the Champions Course at Bryan Park was built to fulfill
Mr. Joseph M. Bryan’s vision of having a national level golf course that was accessible to the
public. Rees Jones; course design features 97 sand traps, numerous grass bunkers and hollows, and seven holes along the lake. The Champions Course at Bryan Park was awarded
Runner-up best new public golf course by Golf Digest in 1990.
Carolinas PGA Tournament Director Cory Armstrong stated, “We are very excited about
bringing the Carolinas Open back to Bryan Park and the city of Greensboro. Bryan Park is
a phenomenal 36-hole public facility. The Champions Course will challenge the field while
providing a great playing experience. The CPGA sincerely thanks its partner Branch Bank
& Trust for its generous support. We look forward to a long-lasting relationship between
BB&T, Bryan Park, the city of Greensboro, and our Association.”
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
May 2013
Morton Goes Low at Old North State Senior Open
April 9, 2013 (New London, NC) - The Carolinas PGA Senior Tournament Program kicked off
its 2013 season during the two nicest days of the year on Monday & Tuesday, April 8th and 9th.
The Old North State CPGA Senior Open completed play at the #4 ranked golf course in North
Carolina, the Old North State Club in New London, NC.
Rick Morton, PGA, of Jacksonville, NC was the story of the final round. Morton fired one of the
lowest rounds ever seen in a CPGA Senior Open, a 9-under par 63. The 63 won him the tournament with a 68-63=131 final score. Also shooting great rounds and coming in a tie for second
were Mike Lawrence, PGA of Anderson, SC with a 71-66=137 and David Thore, PGA of Wilmington, NC with a 67-70=137.
The Overall Low Amateur was Ernie Newton of High Point, NC with a 2-under par total of
74-68=142. Newton was the Low Amateur in 2012’s CPGA Senior Championships. Finishing in
second place in the Overall Amateur division was Mark Stephens of Troutman, NC with a 7571=146. Third place went to Garland Yates of Asheboro, NC who shot a 69-78=147.
Larry Boswell of Jamestown, NC took home the Overall Super Senior division firing a fantastic 6-under par 70-68=138. Boswell
is a perrenial presence amongst the top of the CPGA Super Senior leaderboard. Coming in second in the Super Senior division
was Gary Strickfaden of Southern Pines, NC with a 1-under par 71-72=143.
The CPGA would like to thank the membership of its annual host, Old North State Club, the Head Professional Tom Ducey,
PGA, and McConnell Golf ’s Brian Kittler, PGA for hosting the event again in 2013.
Martin & Reeves Win Assistants'
Association Pro-Pro
Knox Martin, PGA and Eric Reeves,
PGA, both Assistant Professionals at
Charlotte Country Club in Charlotte,
NC captured the CPGA Assistants' Association Pro-Pro held at Cedarwood
Country Club on Monday, April 15th.
Martin and Reeves shot a 9-under 62
in the two-man, four-ball stroke play
See full CPGA Assitants’ Association Point Standing at
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Welcome to the brand new Global Golf Sales Par-3 Challenge!
New for 2013, and comparable to the PGA Tour’s former “Kodak Challenge,” Global Golf Sales will be sponsoring a season-long contest on
designated par-3 holes at six CPGA championships.
A competitor’s best score for a given tournament (prior to any 36-hole cut) on the designated par-3 hole will count toward the average of
his/her best three scores out of the six events. So, if your scores for a tournament are a 2 and a 5, the birdie will count.
- CPGA Head Professional Championship – Berkeley Hall Club – March 25-26
- Carolinas Open – Bryan Park GC – May 7-9
- North Carolina Open – The Club at Irish Creek – June 4-6
- South Carolina Open – Belfair Plantation – July 23-25
- CPGA Assistant Professional Championship – The Hasentree Club – August 5-6
- CPGA Professional Championship – Cassique at Kiawah Island Club – Sept. 10-12
All competitors will be vying for an invite to a season-ending shootout featuring:
- The top 10 finishers and ties AND
- The top 10 finishers and ties who DID NOT earn a prize check from any of the six designated major championships.
Qualifying Tiebreakers:
1. Number of selected events in which he/she participated
2. Total number of birdies on designated holes
3. Scoring average on designated hole at Professional Championship
4. Scoring average on designated hole at Carolinas Open
Here are the standings following the Head Professional Championship.
Standings after each event will be posted on this page. For example, here is what the qualifier list would have looked like if this competition
was conducted in 2012. The designated holes were chosen randomly. In 2013, there will be a sign at the selected hole advertising that it is a
Global Golf Sales Par-3 Challenge hole.
Shootout Format & Prizes (subject to change):
The shootout will take place the afternoon of Monday, December 2 - the day before the CPGA Pro-Pro Championship at one of the host
sites. There will be no entry fee.
Round 1 (75 yards away) – The 20 competitors play the hole in groups of five. If the top 12 are not identified by score on the first hole,
the 8 competitors whose shots were farthest away from the hole are eliminated. Prize - $25.00.
Round 2 (100 yards away) – 12 competitors will advance in two groups of six. If the top six are not identified by score, the six competitors whose shots were farthest away from the hole are eliminated. Prize - $50.00.
Round 3 (125 yards away) – Six competitors will advance and will play in one group. If the top four are not identified by score, the two
competitors whose shots were farthest away from the hole are eliminated. Prize - $100.00.
Round 4 (125 yards away) – The final four competitors are vying for prizes of 4th - $200.00, 3rd - $300.00, 2nd - $400.00, and 1st $1,000.00. If one person wins this round by score, the shootout is over, and the subsequent prizes are shared. If no one wins by score, the
round will be repeated as necessary. First prize is to be presented at the CPGA Pro-Pro Championship players’ reception that evening.
Other Programs:
In addition to the Par-3 Challenge, Global Golf Sales will otherwise be supporting the CPGA tournament program through its “Beverage
Oases” at the Head Professional Championship, the Professional Championship, and the Pro-Pro Championship with the following contests:
- Closest to the Pin (1st - $150, 2nd - $100)
- $1,000 Hole-in-One (prize split upon tie), and
- $5 Skins + a $250 seed from Global Golf Sales
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Updates and
PAT Passers
Walker Course @ Clemson
*Tyler Canaday
*Prescott Hughes
*Dharmik Naik
*Tim Palmer
*Dustin Pressley
*Andrew Reeves
*Jeffrey Shanks
Keith Hills GC
*Robert Abrams
*Sarah Beigrowicz
*Jordan Branch
*Andrew Brewer
*Ford Newell
*Cody Nussbaum
*Michael Turck
*Matthews Walters
The Golf Club of Chapel Ridge
*Kyle Backers
*Scott Cartledge
*David Einstein
*Matthew Ethridge
*Nick Funk
*Mitchell Haley
*Ken Hall
*Mark Harper
*Zack Rubenstein
*Brian Sherrill
4/20 - 4/21/13
*Reginald Crews
*Jason Filed
*Christopher Kelley
*Zach Newsome
*Jennifer Sullivan
*Colby Cannon
*Eric Fast
*Matthew Gerlach
*Brian Goff
*James Kenney
*Joseph Marosz
*Robert Orton
*Matthew Richard
*Eric Seitz
*Zach Swisher
*Corey Wratchford
Meetings and Seminars
To receive proper membership service requirement Credits, Carolinas PGA members
must send copies of their MSR certificates or other documentation of the event to the
Carolinas PGA office.
Seminars outside The PGA or not on the approved list may be honored upon submission
of documentation detailing the course content and length, as well as a certificate of completion or transcripts. If honored, MSR Credits will be awarded as stipulated by MSR Rules
and Regulations.
To view upcoming MSR opportunities as of May 1, 2013 please copy and paste the link
below into your web browser.
Meeting and Seminar Opportunities are updated weekly and available on our website:
Congratulations Half and Quarter
Century Members!
Half Century
Walter All, PGA
Life Member
Ken Worthington, PGA
Life Member
Quarter Century
Richard Anderson, PGA
Bradley Anderson, PGA
Jeff Austin, PGA
Greg Guman, PGA
Mark Perreault, PGA
Donald Sweeting, PGA
2013 Wells Fargo Access for PGA Professionals
Class A PGA members and accompanying immediate family (spouse, children
and PGA member’s parents). (PGA members only; this offer is not extended to
apprentices). Must show membership card and Photo ID each day. Go to Main
Gate to pick up daily ticket.
Ticket Information (904) 285-3700.
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Updates and
Welome New Members!
For Sale
If you would like to place a
‘For Sale Ad’ contact Sara
Beth Gardocki via email: or by
phone: (336) 398-2742
For sale: JC Video Equipment
System Includes:
*Digital Mirror Ultimate Soft ware
*Sony Laptop-with solid state hard
*Wireless Mouse
*Case with 17 inch Hi-brite screen
*Rolling Cart- self contained
*Battery Charger (will not overcharge)
*12 volt marine battery
*USB Camera- both power and video
through the USB cord
*Impact Sensor
*On Board Camera mount and tripod
*12V/DC computer power supply
The system is two and one half year old
but only has 20 hours of use basically
brand new.
It was purchased new for $5300.00
Asking price: $3800.00
Please contact:
Ronnie Parker
Cabarrus Country Club
Concord NC
Cell # 980-322-8717
Matthew Booker, PGA
A-8, Berkeley Hall Club
Amie Philo, PGA
DeBordieu Club
Ian Hirsch, PGA
A-8, Wade Hampton Golf Club
Charles Walters, PGA
A-8, The Reserve at Lake Keowee Club
Alexander Hodgeman, PGA
A-8, Wild Wing Plantation
Kevin Whitehead, PGA
A-1, The Links at Stoney Point
Brenden Jackson, PGA
A-8, Wade Hampton Golf Club
Thank you to our Partners and Sponsors
Ahead USA
American Express
American Sports Targets
Art and Stone
BB & T
Bionic Glove
Bryan Foundation
Carolinas Business Interiors
Cleveland Golf / Srixon
Club Car
Coopercraft Pens
Evolve Golf
The First Tee
The Floyd Law Firm
Global Golf Sales
Golf Energy Bar
Golf Max USA
Golf Shop of Wake Forest
Hendrick Motorsports
Isaacson Isaacson Sheridan &
Fountain, LLP
The Official Golf Car
of The PGA of America
Kirk & Matz
Mercedes Benz
Myrtle Beach Golf Course Owners
Nike Golf
Office Max
PGA National Resort and Spa
The PGA of America
Pro - Am Events
RBC Bank
Southworth Development
Sun Mountain
Sundog Eyewear
Synthetic Turf International
Taylormade-adidas Ashworth
The Turf Mall