German Brown Swiss Breeding Program
German Brown Swiss Breeding Program
Dear Breeders, Partners and Brown Swiss Enthusiasts around the world, we are glad to present you our new catalogue of the best German Brown Swiss sires with their proofs from the latest Interbull run in December 2010. Within the past year the introduction of genomic proofs for Holsteins and some other breeds was one of the major items in cattle breeding. Genomic selection will become for sure a very important tool for all modern breeding programs and also in the Brown Swiss breed we look forward to get reliable genomic values in 2011/2012. But independent of the proper implementation of genomic proofs into the breeding programs we have to consider the most important requirement of the majority of the dairy farmers world-wide: RELIABILITY Using genomics, young bulls will be more reliable as in the past and the genetic progress will be improved. However we shall not forget on the other hand that the commercial dairy farmers need A.I. bulls with reliable figures in all important performance, type and fitness traits to produce the profitable and uncomplicated cow which fits everywhere. This kind of serious selection will stay our main target so that also in the future you can be sure to rely on the best German Brown Swiss genetics, no matter if you take young sires, proven sires or bulls which already have second crop results. Huray – FEE in 3rd lactation Moreover we will continue in Germany to make a second type scoring for the offspring of the most important sires in the third lactation to get even more information which bulls sire the longlasting and therefore most profitable cows. The well balanced conformation and strong feet & legs are the basis for the excellent durability of the Brown Swiss cow. In the past 10 years the average lifetime production of the German Brown Swiss cows has increased from 21,000 to almost 26,000 kg milk. Statistics from Bavaria indicate that Brown Swiss have a remarkable higher lifetime production in comparison to all other dairy breeds in the same area. In combination with a high share of roughage intake Brown Swiss can refer to the lowest production cost per kg milk in the statistics. The flat lactation curve avoids extreme 8 x 100,000l cows in the herd of Markus Gerle, Ultrasried production peaks in which the energy intake can’t cover the demand. This is the reason for a stable metabolism of the Brown Swiss cows which finally leads to the big plus of the German Brown Swiss: LONGEVITY In Germany Brown Swiss cows almost complete one lactation more than the average of all dairy cows and no other breed has such a high average lifetime production and such a high rate of 100,000 l cows. Average age at leaving (Germany, ADR 2009): All dairy cows: 5.4 years Brown Swiss: 6.4 years The Eco-index-list pays special attention to this ability of the Brown Swiss to sire easy handling, longlasting cows:Major constitution traits such as persistency, performance increase in further lactations, fertility, calving ease and longevity have a higher emphasis in the Eco index. Actual top bulls in this special list are Jubev, Prossli, Etpat (M*), Huray, Prejula and Juleng. ADAPTATION Due to the natural conditions in the Alps, the origin of the Brown Swiss, with a wide range in its climate and a difficult surface of the landscape in which the young cattle have to walk long distances, the Brown Swiss have excellent adaptation qualities. Due to the rearing system in the mountain area Brown Swiss start with moderate performances after the first calving but keep the yield very well over the whole lactation and have the capability to grow steadily with every following lactation which keeps the cow healthy and tough. These qualities of the German Brown Swiss are well confirmed under various conditions all over the world. 2 German Brown Swiss cows in Egypt Performance data 2010: 175,639 milk recording cows: 7,040 kg milk 4.23% fat 298 kg fat 3.59% protein 253 kg protein 141,581 herdbook cows: 7,228 kg milk 4.23% fat 306 kg fat 3.60% protein 260 kg protein Looking at the absolute figures you have to consider that about 80% of the German Brown Swiss cows are kept under semi-intensive conditions in the lower and upper mountain areas of the Alps! Ideal choice for CROSSBREEDING The sum of the positive characteristics has lead to a steadily rising number of farms using German Brown Swiss sires in crossbreeding with other dairy breeds. The F1-generation shows an extraordinary vitality, levels up the protein content in the milk and gives easy handling cows. In the second crossbred generation the type comes closer to the purebred Brown Swiss type. In the table of contents on page 4 we have listed some recommendations which bulls should suit best for the different crossbred systems and generations in combination with Holsteins, red breeds and Jersey. Etvei – daughters (50%BS, 50%HF) at NRM / Utrecht, bred by Kloostermann-Deinum/Netherlands Effective BREEDING PROGRAM Germany’s breeding program is the largest in the world for Brown Swiss. Almost 200,000 Brown Swiss cows are under milk recording in Germany and the A.I. studs Greifenberg, Memmingen and Herbertingen test about 125 Brown Swiss bulls annually (page 14). Several young sires are co-tested in other countries to get comparable results in different environments. The bull dams are selected very carefully. In 2009 the average production of the bull dams was more than 10,600 kg milk with 4.22% fat and 3.80% protein. Young heifers of the next generation who promise an advanced genetic progress are selected as well as older cows which have definitely proven their qualities over the years. Payssli – daughter HILDE in Austria Best genetics from all over the world are used under the special emphasis to keep the balance of performance, type and fitness (components of the total merit index - page 15). VARIATION of BLOODLINES plays another important role in the German breeding philosophy. By the use of various alternative bloodlines it was possible to keep the inbreeding coefficient of the German Brown Swiss population on a moderate level in the past decade in spite of the strong progress which was achieved at the same time. The 40 bulls presented in the catalogue have 21 different sires. Rare pedigrees are always an essential part of the breeding program. We hope that the present collection of our German Brown Swiss top sires will find your interest and are certainly convinced that they will help to increase the profitability in your herd and to manage the challenges of tomorrow! Finally we would like to announce that the European Brown Swiss conference will be held in Germany in 2014. All interested people are kindly invited to come and visit Germany and get more detailed information about the German Brown Swiss population located in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Your Spermex-Team 3 Table of contents: Page Sire aAa Casein Ecoindex Sire/Grandsire TMI Ind. Milk Final Score PL dam PL HF RB J grand dam F1 F2, F3 5 PROHUVO 216453 AB 6 PROSSLI 243615 AB 131 PRONTO / HUSSLI 133 126 128 22.782 26.087 ⻬ PRONTO / HUSSLI 131 117 112 56.343 56.545 ⻬ 122 VINOZAK / SIRAY 130 134 119 62.777 73.241 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ PAYOFF / HUSSLI 127 115 134 64.552 40.293 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ 125 123 68.692 97.129 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ 7 VASIR 645213 AB 8 PAYSSLI ET 243165 BB 9 HURAY *TM 426315 BB 129 HUSSLI / SIRAY 10 JULENG 126534 AB 128 JUBLEND / PLAYBOY 122 119 114 52.504 64.035 ⻬ ⻬ 11 PATRIOT n.b n.b PAYOFF / HUSSLI 135 127 114 64.552 40.293 ⻬ ⻬ PRONTUS n.b AA PRONTO / HUSSLI 131 120 112 62.777 73.241 ⻬ 12 13 14-15 PADUA n.b BB PAYOFF / PRESIDENT 128 115 130 17.786 34.737 ⻬ JUBEV 231465 AB 136 JUBLEND / EVEN ET 128 113 119 21.876 88.196 ⻬ PREJULA 312456 AB 128 PRESIDENT / JUPITER 126 116 104 64.713 83.322 PROTEUS 165243 BB PRONTO / HUSSLI 124 117 116 57.872 92.266 426153 BB 126 JUBLEND / HUSSLI 123 124 109 57.872 92.266 ⻬ BB 119 JUBLEND / HUSSLI 123 121 102 70.637 48.161 ⻬ 17 PAYOUT *TM n.b BB PAYOFF / PAT 122 115 111 118.058 105.211 ⻬ ELLECTION 513624 AB 126 EMICO / COLLECTION 121 116 17.263 55.454 18 HUSJET *TM 642513 BB 116 HUSSLI / JETWAY 120 122 92 30.814 42.196 PLATIN n.b BB PAYOFF / VINEST 120 115 132 57.189 JUBS n.b AB JUBLEND / HUSSLI 119 117 118 47.978 24.945 ⻬ MOLOG n.b BB MOIADO / TRILOGY 117 122 106 66.193 56.771 ⻬ 21 22 23 24 25 26 ⻬ ⻬ Basic information about the breeding program and the total merit index 651423 20 ⻬ ⻬ JUSUV 19 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ JUWEL 16 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ GULDEN n.b AA GENERAL / SIRAY 117 115 112 47.538 55.615 ⻬ ⻬ WACHAU n.b BB WURL ET / BLEVIG 116 116 122 67.863 30.814 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ETPAT (M*) 615243 BB JUBLEM *TW n.b BB HUSIR 315426 AB 129 ⻬ ⻬ EMSTAR / PAT 129 113 100 118.058 105.211 JUBLEND / ZAUT 128 126 100 79.453 82.972 ⻬ 125 HUSSLI / SIRAY 127 122 92 90.119 106.421 ⻬ 122 PRESET *TW *TM n.b BB PRESIDENT / EMSTAR 124 118 29.063 75.406 JOCKL 156324 AB JUVIN / SIRAY 121 117 131 56.343 56.545 PROVINZ *TM 543612 BB PRONTO / VINOS 120 118 102 81.770 80.057 GALPRO n.b AB GENERAL / PRONTO 120 116 116 64.735 49.317 HONEY n.b AB HUCOS / DOTRAY 120 108 100 52.037 89.597 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ EMERUP 243165 AA 113 EMERALD / JUP 119 118 6.602 70.116 PREFERENZ 156342 BB 117 PRESIDENT / VINEB 118 110 68.895 44.915 ⻬ EVENT *TM 354162 BB 118 EVEN ET / VINOS 117 114 74.249 26.023 ⻬ 114 EGIZ 462531 BB ENSIGN / STRIZ 115 113 112 58.848 66.954 PATRON n.b BB PAYOFF / HUSSLI 115 113 111 62.879 21.406 SAVIB *TM n.b BB SAM / VINEB 114 112 112 49.219 18.290 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ETVEI *TW *TM 654132 BB 111 EMSTAR / VINBREI 114 109 123 41.032 46.179 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ ACHET ET 216435 AA 119 ACE ET / PROPHET 113 112 108 37.557 35.372 ⻬ ⻬ PRANGER n.b AB PRECISE / ZOLDO 110 111 112 77.645 100.575 PAZIFIK n.b BB PAYOFF / EMERALD 110 109 124 58.149 87.498 ⻬ ⻬ ⻬ aAa-Code: at publishing date of the catalogue not all bulls were encoded, you can find the missing aAa-codes on our homepage as soon as they are available. The next analysis will be in February 2011. PL = lifetime production in kg milk till January 2011. The ecological index (Eco-index) is a total merit index, which summarizes all available ancestry and performance information of a bull. It is a useful tool to select suitable bulls for organic farming, since a particular emphasis is placed on longevity, persistence and further improvement of performance in each lactation. At least 20 daughters in the third lactation are necessary for a bull to be listed after eco-index. Depending on the importance for performance, animal health and longevity, different weights are used for the calculation of the index. For further information on the eco-Index and its calculation, visit our homepage or contact us! Furthermore we have included a table giving an overview about the suitability of each bull for the use in crossbreeding with different breeds: HF = Holstein, RB = Red Breeds, J = Jersey F1 = first crossbreed generation; F2 = second crossbreed generation; F3 = third crossbreed generation Photo cover page: ETVEI – Ester (breeder: Hans Reiser) Photo backside cover: JUBLEND – Jule (breeder: Josef Brauchle) Your Spermex-Team Countries in which the particular bulls are allready used (see bull pages) 4 PROHUVO 351810 Pronto Kiri 3/2,8 8502 4,32 367 3,99 340 aAa: 216 453 Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Fat + Protein • Pasterns • Milking speed • Persistence & Longevity Casein: AB PROHUVO * 09.06.2004 Ensign Present Hussli Kati • Calvings • Muscling Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 133 1. La. 76 daughters / 89 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 126 +649 +0,20 +42 +0,12 +32 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 123 99 117 117 p 93 p 97 m 105 m 101 m 105 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 102 100 133 119 128 heavy 88 tall 102 deep 95 long 102 strong 107 long 97 wide 100 sloped 104 in the centre 99 sickled 84 clean 110 strong 114 steep angle 115 long 97 wide 94 high 118 strong 99 shallow 118 strong 108 inclined 95 long 88 thick 84 close 111 close 102 inward 99 clean udders 110 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PROHUVO defended his #1 position in the German top list within the past three estimations. The three main benefits can be summarized easily with protein, feet&legs and fertility. The whole cow family of Prohuvo impresses by extremely high protein percentages of 4% and more and also by a very good fertility. The base cow Klara (sire: Brisowik) got 11 calves and produced 106,000 l milk in her lifetime. A progeny visiting tour was organised in January 2010. The 8 daughters we inspected confirmed the figures and also the linear description: They were mostly dairy in type but had sufficient strength in the chest. Frame and type varied a bit according to the maternal basis. However all cows demonstrated a good harmony and functionality in their body. The rumps showed a correct inclination and were longer as expected and wide enough. The strong pasterns and high foot angles have to be pointed out whereas the hocks were not always quite clear. The rear legs tended to be a bit more straight. In the free space barns the Prohuvo-daughters impressed by an excellent locomotion. The fore udders could have been a bit longer and the rear udders wider but were well attached. The whole udder attachment was high enough and the suspensory ligament was correct. Teat placement, length and thickness were ideal. Furthermore the udders showed a good texture and seem to milk out quite well. All breeders reported about an excellent milking speed. The Prohuvo-daughters were very fertile and already pregnant again for a long time. Their owners described them as easy handling cows who don’t need much attention. We are convinced that Prohuvo-daughters have the potential to get longlasting profitable cows in different environments. In crossbreeding systems we can recommend Prohuvo especially on Holsteins in F1 and further crossing steps as well as for red breeds provided that enough frame and strength exist. He should not be used for heifer inseminations. Prohuvo - daughter BONNI Progeny group in Buchloe 2010 Prohuvo - daughter ELSA 5 PROSSLI 435029 Pronto Goldfee 6/7,1 9985 4,01 400 3,79 378 aAa: 243 615 Casein: AB PROSSLI * 26.07.2003 Ensign Present Hussli Gabi Pat Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Feet & Legs • Rear udder height • Suspensory ligament • Vitality • Fore udder length • Backline Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 131 1. La. 161 daughters / 95 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 117 +699 +0,01 +30 -0,03 +23 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 98 115 106 130 p 110 p 95 m 103 m 93 m 113 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 97 101 116 115 112 heavy 83 tall 105 deep 84 long 92 strong 79 long 101 wide 105 sloped 111 in the centre 104 sickled 96 clean 123 strong 106 steep angle 96 long 98 wide 108 high 123 strong 112 shallow 110 strong 103 inclined 98 long 99 thick 98 close 103 close 101 inward 103 clean udders 101 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PROSSLI, the Pronto-son out of the former highest German index cow Hussli-Goldfee, was co-sampled in Austria, the Netherlands and Australia. His daughters are medium sized with a lot of dairyness. They could have had a bit more strength in the chest but the group at the fair EuroTier in Hannover in 2008 demonstrated that they have the potential to grow further and develop well during the first lactation. The backline could be stronger but the feet&legs are impressive: Very dry hocks and strong pasterns combined with high enough foot angles and a very good locomotion qualify Prossli-daughters to be used in various barn and grazing systems. The udders of the Prossli’s are small with a nice texture. The fore udder attachment is the weaker point of the udder composite but the rear udder attachment, the central ligament and the correct teat placement and length are strong benefits of Prossli. A sufficient milk performance is combined with high protein percentages and positive fitness figures. During the past two years Prossli gained steadily in his productive lifetime index. With a PL-index of 130 he is the longevity-star. This underlines his qualities to sire very functional, profitable and longlasting cows for all environments. In the new ECO-index-list Prossli is # 2 thanks to his enormous constitution figures. Prossli can be used in purebreeding as well as in crossbreeding, especially on Holsteins he is able to add his special fitness qualities. In the Netherlands Prossli already belongs to the top-3 for a certain time now. His crossbred daughters in Holland show a very similar breeding pattern as the purebred cows in Germany. Prossli is used as sire of sons in several countries and also in crossbreeding systems. We can highly recommend him for heifer inseminations. Prossli - daughter ULENA in 2nd lactation 6 Udder ULENA Prossli - daughter CERES VASIR 342595 Vinozak Gabi 9/5,9 9517 4,27 407 3,71 353 aAa: 645 213 Casein: AB VASIR * 16.03.2003 Vinos Dora Siray Gabune Emory Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Fore udder attachment • Pasterns • Udder health • Teat placement • Rear udder height • Maternal fertility Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 130 1. La. 87 daughters / 92 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 134 +1434 +0,02 +61 -0,07 +45 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 112 111 91 100 p 91 p 102 m 83 m 109 m 100 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 115 96 117 112 119 heavy 90 tall 119 deep 100 long 113 strong 98 long 113 wide 104 sloped 88 in the centre 100 sickled 100 clean 105 strong 121 steep angle 107 long 122 wide 102 high 105 strong 105 shallow 102 strong 110 inclined 100 long 86 thick 95 close 112 close 112 inward 116 clean udders 92 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum VASIR-daughters have an enormous strong will for milking. They do not only convince through high performances in the first lactations but also demonstrate a remarkable increase in second and third lactations. With +1434 kg milk Vasir is still the leading performance bull in the German Brown Swiss breed in spite of the several basis adjustments during his career. The high yields are combined with good fat and protein percentages. Further on Vasir combines low somatic cell counts with a high milking speed which is seldom to be found. A progeny visiting tour in 2008 was joined by people from several European countries. The 12 inspected Vasir-daughters confirmed the performance qualities and the linear description very well: They were tall, long and dairy; sometimes there could have been a bit more strength in the forehand. The backline was better than it could be expected from a Vinozak-son. The extremely strong pasterns and high foot angles have to be pointed out, the hocks were correct. In the udder traits the long and well attached fore udders and the correct teat placement of the Vasir-daughters had to be emphasized quite positively. On the other hand the rear udder attachment could have been higher and wider. At the jubilee show in Buchloe (June 2009) a group of 6 Vasir daughters confirmed the general feedback of the breeders that they are capable to develop very well with the second calving and that the rear udders of the Vasir daughters get a better attachment. Vasir is recommended from us to be used in purebred Brown Swiss herds to improve the performance level and the locomotion as well as fore udder attachment and udder health. In crossbreeding systems with Holsteins we give him a preference to be used in F2 and F3 whereas we consider him also as a good crossbred partner for red breeds. The remaining stock of Vasir will be probably sold out within the next months. Vasir - daughter HEXE Vasir - daughter HILDE in 2nd lactation Vasir - daughter RESI in 2nd lactation 7 PAYSSLI ET 435070 ne w Payoff Bounty 5/5,1 10266 4,57 469 3,86 396 aAa: 243 165 Casein: BB PAYSSLI * 28.08.2005 Prelude Polly Hussli Bounce Even Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Size • Udder quality • Udder health • Fertility Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 127 1. La. 169 daughters / 93 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 115 +748 -0,13 +21 -0,07 +22 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 106 115 110 113 p 100 p 102 m 109 m 120 m 112 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 120 112 108 124 134 heavy 96 tall 119 deep 109 long 109 strong 102 long 116 wide 105 sloped 99 in the centre 102 sickled 98 clean 100 strong 101 steep angle 105 long 111 wide 109 high 119 strong 117 shallow 120 strong 120 inclined 97 long 93 thick 89 close 119 close 109 inward 110 clean udders 101 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PAYSSLI is actually the German top type scorer with a final scoring of 134 and an extremely balanced linear description. Already at the national German show in Buchloe in spring 2010 he got a lot of attention with his consistent daughter group but also afterwards Payssli impressed with an excellent farm visiting tour in summer and a progeny group at a local show in the fall and as well at EuroTier in Hannover in November 2010. The cows demonstrated a good development during the lactation and always an impeccable udder quality. Now in December Payssli gained again 2 points in his TMI and 2 points in his final type score. This is meanwhile well confirmed by his daughters in Austria and Switzerland where we also get very positive response on Payssli’s daughters. Payssli combines sufficient milk & protein potential with a lot of style, correct legs and lovely udders. Besides he is positive now in all fitness traits: Low somatic cell counts are combined with a good milking speed and as well persistency and stayability rate are high above average. The maternal calving ease index of 120 is actually the best of all German bulls and probably caused by the long, wide enough and well sloped rumps of the Payssli-daughters. Further on they are in calf again soon after calving. The combination of performance, type and fitness is very well appreciated by the owners of the Payssli-daughters. We actually recommend Payssli for purebreeding and all crossbreeding systems. His half-brother Patriot seems to follow him in many ways. However his reliability is not high enough at the moment to make a definite mind so that we give a clear favour at the moment to Payssli. Payssli - daughter HILDE 8 Payssli - daughter ALISA Payssli - daughter ILONA HURAY *TM 342465 Hussli Laura 5/5,4 12766 3,96 506 3,60 459 aAa: 426 315 Casein: BB HURAY * 20.09.2002 Husum Fulli Siray Lolina Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Milk Performance • Feet & Legs • Persistence • Vitality • Somatic cell counts Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 125 1. La. 139 daughters / 95 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 123 +1106 -0,15 +34 -0,07 +34 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 102 90 116 112 p 105 p 103 m 94 m 106 m 112 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 111 105 123 113 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats heavy tall deep long strong long wide sloped in the centre sickled clean strong steep angle long wide high strong shallow strong inclined long thick close close inward clean udders 96 112 105 104 104 116 109 111 97 93 114 113 113 114 108 112 99 104 92 116 102 110 Optimum In the past three years HURAY has been by far the most heavily used German Brown Swiss sire world-wide. The popularity is hardly surprising looking at Huray’s complete qualities: A strong will for milking is combined with an excellent persistency during the lactation and a remarkable development in second and third lactations. Remembering the daughter group which we inspected in January 2008 it is easy to understand this impressive combination of performance and fitness: Huray-daughters show a good frame with dairy character on one hand but enough strength and capacity on the other hand. Strong pasterns and high foot angles qualify the Huray-daughters as easy walking, functional cows for modern barns as well as for grazing systems. The rumps are long but a bit too sloped which should be taken into consideration for the mating. Well attached fore and rear udders keep the udders on a sufficient level in spite of the high performances. In the udder quality Huray can be considered as the best son of Hussli. All fitness traits are average or better which shows that the Huray-daughters are able to stand the enormous yield without any health problems. This tendency is confirmed by the present ranking as # 4 in the Eco-index-list which lays more emphasis on constitution traits and gives further lactations a higher value as in the total merit index. Tracing back the pedigree of Huray you will see that this combination of excellent performance and fitness can be found in the whole family. Dam Laura produced an average of 12,766 kg milk in 5.4 lactations and grand dam Lolina almost reached a lifetime performance of 100,000 l with an average of more than 10,000 l. Huray can be recommended in purebreeding as well as in all crossbreeding systems on other dairy breeds like Holsteins, Jersey and red breeds. The easy born calves from Huray show an extraordinary vitality and growth capacity. The first second crop daughters from Huray are milking now and the present response on farms is quite positive. First figures can be expected in April 2011. Huray - daughter MONA in 2nd lactation Huray - daughter FEE in 3rd lactation Huray - daughter USCHI 9 JULENG 342640 Jublend Heriett 4/5 10432 4,51 471 3,80 397 aAa: 126 534 Casein: AB JULENG * 07.08.2003 Jupiter Dahlie Playboy Henriet Tradition Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Size & Substance • Fore udder attachment • Milking speed • Calving abilities • Hock angularity Linear description: Sire Proofs December 2010 64 Total merit index: 122 1. La. 88 daughters / 91 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 119 +783 +0,00 +33 -0,03 +26 Functional traits 118 108 101 94 Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: p 113 p 113 m 98 m 109 m 112 sexed semen available ! Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 119 108 99 113 114 heavy 117 tall 110 deep 122 long 115 strong 105 long 118 wide 117 sloped 104 in the centre 106 sickled 107 clean 92 strong 98 steep angle 113 long 121 wide 98 high 107 strong 103 shallow 113 strong 122 inclined 118 long 104 thick 113 close 95 close 104 inward 101 clean udders 94 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum Due to his excellent allround qualities JULENG belonged to the most popular German Brown Swiss sires in the past two years. He kept his proofs on a very stable level during this time which was basically caused by a very good development from first to second and third lactations. High milk performances are combined with neutral components. This potential is well fixed in the cow family behind Juleng: Dam Playboy-Heriett (> 50,000 l lifetime with 3.8% protein) and grand dam Tradition-Henriett (> 60,000 l lifetime production with 3.7% protein) were both high performing cows. In May 2009 we had the opportunity to inspect 7 daughters of Juleng in first and second lactations which showed an outstanding uniformity: A lot of frame and an enormous strength in the forehand without loosing dairy type was the general impression. Backline and rear leg set were correct, only the hocks could have been clearer. The fore udders were long and well attached and the udders showed a good texture. The teats tended to be a bit longer than average. The owners were very satisfied with the Juleng-daughters and their excellent milking speed and character. Juleng can be highly recommended for heifer inseminations but also his daughters show very easy calvings. So Juleng belongs to the few bulls who are able to combine these contrary traits positively. Another benefit which has to be mentioned is the beef performance of the Juleng-sons. Whenever beef is not the most important trait in the Brown Swiss breed the higher income from the male calves is welcome and it also underlines that Juleng sires substance and robustness. The remaining straws of sexed semen from Juleng will be sold out within the coming weeks. However he still produces conventional semen and as mentioned above: Farmers can profit from female and male calves of Juleng. Juleng - daughter ILONA 10 Juleng - daughter EMMA in 2nd lactation Juleng - daughter GRÄFIN in 2nd lactation PATRIOT 343250 ne w Payoff Bounty 5/5,1 10266 4,57 469 3,86 396 aAa: – Casein: – * 18.12.2005 Prelude Polly Hussli Bounce Even Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Protein • Udder depth • Fitness • Pasterns Hussli - BOUNTY mother of Patriot in 3rd lactation Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 135 1. La. 40 daughters / 72 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 127 +867 -0,09 +29 +0,08 +37 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 118 102 106 114 m 112 m 107 m 105 p 110 p 110 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 109 101 102 118 114 heavy 101 tall 109 deep 98 long 105 strong 101 long 109 wide 96 sloped 95 in the centre 89 sickled 93 clean 98 strong 88 steep angle 102 long 103 wide 106 high 111 strong 115 shallow 117 strong 116 inclined 100 long 95 thick 91 close 107 close 112 inward 106 clean udders 107 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PRONTUS 351785 Pronto Hilleri 7/6,2 10063 4,79 482 3,71 374 aAa: – Casein: AA * 14.04.2004 Ensign Present Hussli Hirsch Baray Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Fat: Protein ratio • Longevity • Fitness • Backline • Hock angularity Prontus - daughter KADA Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 131 1. La. 113 daughters / 92 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 120 +729 -0,06 +26 +0,02 +27 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 108 103 116 122 p 96 p 102 m 104 m 114 m 116 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 92 96 127 112 112 heavy 99 tall 92 deep 103 long 106 strong 77 long 104 wide 95 sloped 92 in the centre 96 sickled 71 clean 117 strong 115 steep angle 113 long 100 wide 107 high 113 strong 107 shallow 107 strong 105 inclined 96 long 95 thick 116 close 99 close 92 inward 98 clean udders 98 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 11 PADUA 343225 ne w Payoff Viola 2/305 8893 4,55 405 3,94 350 aAa: – Casein: BB * 29.09.2005 Prelude Polly President Victoria Even Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Rear udder height • Udder depth • Udder health • Milk performance Padua - daughter JULING Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 128 1. La. 67 daughters / 84 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 115 +722 -0,06 +9 +0,16 +23 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 101 110 116 120 m 107 m 109 m 102 p 97 p 101 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 117 98 114 124 130 heavy 99 tall 119 deep 102 long 102 strong 107 long 114 wide 104 sloped 85 in the centre 84 sickled 84 clean 101 strong 106 steep angle 101 long 100 wide 103 high 123 strong 107 shallow 125 strong 111 inclined 104 long 96 thick 104 close 107 close 113 inward 118 clean udders 111 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum JUBEV 351551 Jublend Dante 2/2,3 9383 4,23 397 4,05 380 aAa: 231 465 Casein: AB Jubev - daughter LUGA * 26.04.2003 Jupiter Dahlie Even Dolores Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Udder quality • Somatic cell counts • Fitness • Foot angle • Longevity • Hocks Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 128 1. La. 119 daughters / 93 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 113 +671 -0,04 +25 -0,07 +18 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 103 125 115 119 p 95 p 103 m 92 m 119 m 116 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 136 101 98 109 115 119 heavy 109 tall 95 deep 114 long 105 strong 93 long 103 wide 99 sloped 96 in the centre 98 sickled 97 clean 90 strong 97 steep angle 113 long 115 wide 106 high 103 strong 113 shallow 103 strong 115 inclined 114 long 109 thick 90 close 100 close 106 inward 104 clean udders 100 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 12 124 PREJULA 351455 President Nepal 7/7,1 9092 4,17 380 3,70 336 aAa: 312 456 Casein: AB Prejula - daughter HAUBE * 06.02.2003 Ensign Posy Jupiter Marion Laknos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Persistence • Fitness • Rear udder • Calving abilities • Rump width • Milking speed Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 126 1. La. 84 daughters / 91 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 116 +982 -0,22 +23 -0,13 +24 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 92 115 142 114 m 94 m 99 m 107 p 116 p 115 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 95 95 107 108 104 heavy 104 tall 93 deep 98 long 96 strong 96 long 101 wide 84 sloped 98 in the centre 91 sickled 90 clean 96 strong 103 steep angle 97 long 102 wide 117 high 119 strong 101 shallow 100 strong 96 inclined 102 long 103 thick 98 close 111 close 113 inward 115 clean udders 105 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PROTEUS 342815 Pronto Lacky 5/5,3 10945 4,12 451 3,69 404 aAa: 165 243 Casein: BB * 03.03.2004 Ensign Present Hussli Lovly Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Rear udder height • Final Score • Milking speed • Backline Proteus - daughter 668 Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 124 1. La. 115 daughters / 92 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 117 +722 -0,06 +26 -0,02 +24 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 115 99 105 113 p 92 p 95 m 107 m 110 m 107 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 94 86 128 117 116 heavy 92 tall 97 deep 98 long 97 strong 80 long 94 wide 95 sloped 90 in the centre 94 sickled 91 clean 117 strong 121 steep angle 112 long 106 wide 100 high 113 strong 109 shallow 111 strong 113 inclined 108 long 107 thick 101 close 107 close 100 inward 104 clean udders 97 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 13 German Brown Swiss Breeding Program Bull sires for 15 planned matings selected world-wide 35 positive proven bulls WACHAU 125 Young sires tested per year 15 not from planned matings 80 from planned matings 1.200 15 from performance test station 15 from foreign countries Bull dams for planned matings 5.000 potential bull dams Bull dam Hussli – LAUREN: GZW 139, MW 138 4/2,7 15830 3,99% fat 3,51% protein 155.000 cows in active breeding population 158.000 herdbook cows 211.000 cows in total 14 178.000 milk recording cows German Brown Swiss Total Merit Index 1,8 % Calving ease 5,9 % Stillbirth 2,0 % 10,0 % Milking Somatic cell counts speed 4,8 % Fat-kg 38,5 % Protein-kg 8,6 % Fertility 2,7 % Persistence 16,0 % Productive lifetime 5,0 % Beef performance 4,7 % Protein-% A balanced strategy as the key for success! 15 JUWEL 342575 Jublend Lacky 5/5,3 10945 4,12 451 3,69 404 aAa: 426 153 Casein: BB * 08.04.2003 Jupiter Dahlie Hussli Lovly Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Udder quality • Teat placement • Milk components • Suspensory ligament • Calving ease • Milking speed Juwel - daughter OLLI Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 123 1. La. 112 daughters / 93 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 124 +835 +0,14 +46 0,00 +30 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 93 108 101 104 m 91 m 108 m 98 p 88 p 97 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 94 98 107 115 109 heavy 104 tall 91 deep 96 long 101 strong 91 long 94 wide 99 sloped 96 in the centre 102 sickled 114 clean 107 strong 104 steep angle 111 long 116 wide 109 high 106 strong 114 shallow 108 strong 111 inclined 106 long 89 thick 99 close 116 close 98 inward 117 clean udders 99 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum JUSUV 342685 Jublend Goldfee 6/7,1 9985 4,01 400 3,79 378 aAa: 651 423 Casein: BB * 05.09.2003 Jupiter Dahlie Hussli Gabi Pat Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Fore udder length • Rear udder height • Calving abilities • Teat direction (rear) • Jusuv - daughter HELKE in 2nd lactation Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 123 1. La. 123 daughters / 94 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 121 +812 -0,08 +28 +0,01 +30 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 100 107 94 109 p 117 p 116 m 93 m 97 m 102 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 136 104 103 110 104 102 heavy 87 tall 108 deep 94 long 104 strong 92 long 104 wide 106 sloped 99 in the centre 99 sickled 99 clean 101 strong 109 steep angle 109 long 123 wide 107 high 116 strong 107 shallow 101 strong 106 inclined 104 long 114 thick 111 close 106 close 108 inward 90 clean udders 108 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 16 124 PAYOUT *TM 352065 ne w Payoff Dana 10/13,1 9024 4,42 399 3,81 344 aAa: – Casein: BB Payout - daughter FAUNA * 07.07.2005 Prelude Polly Pat Dixi Zelad Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Feet & Legs • Udder health • Maternal fertility • Teat placement • Maternal calving • ease • Rump angle Linear description: Sire Proofs December 2010 64 Total merit index: 122 1. La. 71 daughters / 85 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 115 +624 -0,14 +16 +0,01 +23 Functional traits 104 114 97 109 Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: m 114 m 90 m 91 p 103 p 102 sexed semen available ! Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 106 95 112 106 111 heavy 96 tall 103 deep 105 long 111 strong 99 long 104 wide 93 sloped 87 in the centre 99 sickled 95 clean 99 strong 109 steep angle 100 long 105 wide 110 high 106 strong 103 shallow 103 strong 102 inclined 94 long 108 thick 115 close 111 close 109 inward 106 clean udders 106 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum ELLECTION 435008 Emico Italia 3/2,1 8226 3,61 297 3,50 288 aAa: 513 624 Casein: AB * 05.09.2002 Emory Ancelin Collection Inge Simonize Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Fore udder length • Persistence • Backline • Components Ellection - daughter RUANDA Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 121 1. La. 82 daughters / 91 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 116 +1310 -0,37 +24 -0,25 +26 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 108 95 123 107 p 106 p 104 m 105 m 104 m 109 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 111 110 110 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats heavy tall deep long strong long wide sloped in the centre sickled clean strong steep angle long wide high strong shallow strong inclined long thick close close inward clean udders 95 107 97 102 107 116 100 109 99 104 106 100 114 101 108 112 93 106 100 91 101 Optimum 17 HUSJET *TM 351055 Hussli Famos 3/3,3 9204 5,02 462 3,83 352 aAa: 624 153 Casein: BB * 22.11.2001 Husum Fulli Jetway Fuchsi Vinos Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk components • Fore udder length • Rear udder width • Easy calvings • Central ligament • Persistence Husjet - daughter SOFI in 2nd lactation Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 120 1. La. 299 daughters / 95 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 122 +563 +0,12 +33 +0,11 +28 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 106 98 87 103 m 87 m 105 m 126 p 122 p 108 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 98 98 104 111 92 heavy 93 tall 98 deep 96 long 107 strong 93 long 96 wide 84 sloped 100 in the centre 111 sickled 111 clean 112 strong 106 steep angle 97 long 130 wide 123 high 110 strong 88 shallow 93 strong 106 inclined 89 long 92 thick 111 close 112 close 90 inward 88 clean udders 105 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum PLATIN 343240 ne w Payoff Melissa 5/5 11432 4,32 494 3,58 410 aAa: – Casein: BB * 30.09.2005 Prelude Polly Vinest Melissa Vinaut Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Feet & Legs • Rear udder height • Final Score • Milking speed • Calving ease PLATIN Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 120 1. La. 90 daughters / 85 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 115 +406 +0,12 +27 -0,01 +17 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 106 101 114 112 p 92 p 92 m 108 m 99 m 90 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 136 117 105 124 118 132 heavy 95 tall 117 deep 98 long 117 strong 107 long 112 wide 101 sloped 99 in the centre 94 sickled 95 clean 101 strong 114 steep angle 108 long 106 wide 108 high 118 strong 107 shallow 108 strong 109 inclined 97 long 106 thick 111 close 99 close 102 inward 102 clean udders 101 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 18 124 JUBS 352050 * 14.05.2005 ne w Jublend Mira 4/3,8 12599 4,01 505 3,76 474 aAa: – Casein: AB Jupiter Dahlie Hussli Melone Emory Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Allround qualities • Frame • Feet & Legs • Rear udder height • Suspensory • ligament Jubs - daughter HAIFA Linear description: Sire Proofs December 2010 64 Total merit index: 119 1. La. 78 daughters / 86 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 117 +599 -0,04 +22 +0,04 +24 Functional traits 100 102 105 107 Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: m 95 m 99 m 101 p 104 p 109 sexed semen available ! Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 117 103 114 108 118 heavy 93 tall 117 deep 107 long 118 strong 99 long 113 wide 104 sloped 99 in the centre 103 sickled 108 clean 106 strong 104 steep angle 111 long 103 wide 100 high 112 strong 91 shallow 109 strong 100 inclined 99 long 112 thick 116 close 89 close 99 inward 93 clean udders 97 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum MOLOG 352070 ne w Moiado Honky 6/6,3 10546 4,53 477 3,84 405 aAa: – * 26.06.2005 Gordon Zanna Trilogy Honi Zak Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Components • Fore udder attachment • Milking speed • Udder health Casein: BB Molog - daughter ISABELL Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 117 1. La. 64 daughters / 83 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 122 +488 +0,14 +31 +0,14 +28 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 108 93 97 102 p 103 p 100 m 100 m 88 m 92 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 90 96 110 112 106 heavy 98 tall 90 deep 90 long 99 strong 104 long 94 wide 84 sloped 95 in the centre 104 sickled 89 clean 103 strong 98 steep angle 106 long 98 wide 98 high 107 strong 99 shallow 100 strong 111 inclined 104 long 92 thick 95 close 105 close 92 inward 89 clean udders 103 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 19 GULDEN 343070 ne w General Fackel 5/5.2 9229 4,07 376 3,75 347 aAa: – Casein: AA * 15.02.2004 Gordon Eternia Siray Falke Videv Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Suspensory ligament • Milking speed • Easy calvings • Backline • Persistence Gulden - daughter RICKIE Linear description: Sire Proofs December 2010 64 Total merit index: 117 1. La. 64 daughters / 85 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 115 +962 -0,29 +17 -0,13 +24 Functional traits 112 106 88 105 Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: m 98 m 95 m 102 p 111 p 115 sexed semen available ! Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 103 105 107 109 112 heavy 95 tall 103 deep 99 long 104 strong 90 long 106 wide 96 sloped 91 in the centre 96 sickled 99 clean 109 strong 101 steep angle 94 long 108 wide 97 high 100 strong 127 shallow 108 strong 102 inclined 108 long 95 thick 100 close 104 close 112 inward 106 clean udders 111 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum WACHAU 343080 ne w Wurl Famosa 5/5,7 11818 4,33 511 3,59 424 aAa: – Casein: BB Wachau - daughter NUDEL * 01.06.2005 Gordon Wolga Blevig Famos Jetway Mating guide: Take care for Improve • Milk performance • Suspensory ligament • Foot angle • Outcross • Teat placement • Rump angle Linear description: 64 Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 116 1. La. 88 daughters / 88 % reliability MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 116 +889 -0,19 +23 -0,11 +23 Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cell counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 97 98 99 112 p 98 p 100 m 103 m 97 m 100 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score Muscling Height at cross Chest width Body depth Backline Rump length Rump width Rump angle Thurl position Hock angularity Hocks Pasterns Foot angle Fore udder length Rear udder width Rear udder height Suspensory ligament Udder depth Fore udder attachment Udder balance Teat length Teat thickness Teat placement (front) Teat placement (rear) Teat direction (rear) Udder cleaness 76 88 >100< 112 136 118 100 110 116 122 heavy 93 tall 118 deep 107 long 114 strong 98 long 104 wide 117 sloped 80 in the centre 85 sickled 88 clean 98 strong 111 steep angle 123 long 107 wide 112 high 105 strong 116 shallow 109 strong 102 inclined 94 long 97 thick 101 close 120 close 118 inward 118 clean udders 105 light small shallow short weak short narrow ascending in the back straight swollen weak low angles short narrow low weak deep weak staged short thin wide wide oblique add. teats Optimum 20 124 ETPAT (M*) 350027 Emstar Dana 10/13,1 9024 4,427 399 3,81 344 aAa: 615 243 Casein: BB Etpat - daughter ALICIA in 4th lactation Sire Proofs December 2010 * 30.12.1998 Vinos Dora Pat Dixi Zelad Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 115 115 117 114 m 119 m 101 m 107 p 116 p 117 Total merit index: 129 Type Traits: 1. La. 9169 daughters / 99 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 113 +174 +0,19 +21 +0,14 +16 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 81 88 113 115 100 JUBLEM *TW 351551 Jublend Elotte 9/8,9 8904 3,81 339 3,55 316 * 26.04.2003 Jupiter Dahlie Zaut Eldi Zak Functional traits aAa: – Casein: BB Jublem - daughter EVA Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 96 110 104 105 m 95 m 106 m 106 p 92 p 99 Total merit index: 128 Type Traits: 1. La. 88 daughters / 91 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 126 +1226 -0,10 +43 -0,10 +35 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 98 106 100 102 100 HUSIR 350885 * 21.05.2001 Hussli Gina 8/9,4 9621 4,58 439 3,49 339 aAa: 315 426 Casein: AB Husir - daughter LEDY in 3rd lactation Sire Proofs December 2010 Husum Fulli Siray Gitti Striz Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 119 98 96 107 m 117 m 118 m 111 p 88 p 101 Total merit index: 127 Type Traits: 1. La. 2721 daughters / 99 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 122 +1054 -0,10 +36 -0,08 +31 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 101 104 96 97 92 21 PRESET *TM *TW 351276 * 23.10.2002 President Florida 4/3,5 8294 4,17 346 3,90 323 Ensign Posy Emstar Flora Zak Functional traits aAa: – Casein: AB Preset - daughter BALANCE Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 114 97 102 114 m 98 m 115 m 111 p 96 p 104 Total merit index: 124 Type Traits: 1. La. 83 daughters / 91 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 118 +610 -0,19 +11 +0,08 +28 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 120 111 102 JOCKL 342795 * 21.03.2004 Jublend Gabi 9/5,9 9517 4,27 407 3,71 353 aAa: 156 324 Casein: BB Jockl - daughter ADELIDE Sire Proofs December 2010 Jupiter Dahlie Siray Gabune Emory Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 119 118 89 109 m 87 m 96 m 105 p 111 p 109 Total merit index: 121 Type Traits: 1. La. 136 daughters / 94 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 117 +319 +0,37 +41 +0,08 +18 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 112 105 120 125 131 PROVINZ *TM 351725 Pronto Lore 7/7,4 11050 4,20 464 4,09 452 aAa: 543 612 Casein: BB Provinz - daughter ELLI Sire Proofs December 2010 * 23.12.2003 Ensign Present Vinos Loni Jetway Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 112 102 109 109 m 95 m 98 m 101 p 88 p 90 Total merit index: 120 Type Traits: 1. La. 70 daughters / 89 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 118 +588 -0,05 +21 +0,06 +25 22 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 93 96 98 113 102 GALPRO 351690 General Gunda 5/6 10844 4,27 463 3,81 413 aAa: – * 15.02.2004 Gordon Eternia Pronto Gams Pete Rose Functional traits Casein: AB Galpro - daughter ANETTE Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 93 93 96 111 m 114 m 107 m 109 p 102 p 108 Total merit index: 120 Type Traits: 1. La. 85 daughters / 91 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 116 +824 -0,07 +29 -0,09 +22 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 106 108 110 112 116 HONEY 435008 * 10.09.2005 ne w Hucos Fee 5/4,8 10841 4,28 464 3,41 369 aAa: – Emory Ancelin Dotray Feilche Simgate Functional traits Casein: AB Dotray - FEE mother of Honey Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 106 102 110 116 m 111 m 107 m 111 p 109 p 113 Total merit index: 120 Type Traits: 1. La. 66 daughters / 82 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 108 +517 -0,10 +14 -0,09 +12 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 89 114 112 103 100 EMERUP 342035 Emerald Gunita 1/183 6602 4,23 279 4,17 276 aAa: 243 165 Casein: AA Emerup - daughter FURKA in 2nd lactation Sire Proofs December 2010 * 12.12.2000 Emory Elaine Jup Graefin Pete Rose Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 100 116 90 100 m 102 m 92 m 105 p 111 p 84 Total merit index: 119 Type Traits: 1. La. 201 daughters / 94 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 118 +762 +0,01 +33 -0,04 +24 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 115 101 109 23 PREFERENZ 355890 * 31.12.2002 President Resi 8/7,5 9186 4,18 384 3,78 348 aAa: 156 342 Casein: BB Preferenz - daughter GRÄFIN Sire Proofs December 2010 Ensign Posy Vineb Ritta Strebal Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 114 104 103 118 m 100 m 96 m 102 p 119 p 111 Total merit index: 118 Type Traits: 1. La. 84 daughters / 92 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 110 +543 -0,24 +5 -0,03 +17 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 105 108 112 EVENT *TM 342160 Even Kontesa 6/7,4 10000 4,66 466 4,04 404 aAa: 354 162 Casein: AB Event - daughter HILLSIDE SAM - Junior Champion at the Brisbane Royal Show 2008/Australia Sire Proofs December 2010 * 15.08.2001 Simon Emily Vinos Kora Strevikt Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 113 103 123 109 m 87 m 100 m 94 p 109 p 103 Total merit index: 117 Type Traits: 1. La. 254 daughters / 96 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 114 +313 +0,10 +20 +0,10 +19 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 109 104 116 EGIZ 341905 * 30.09.2000 Ensign Fortress 3/4 14692 4,62 678 3,80 559 aAa: 462 531 Casein: BB Egiz - daughter MELKA Sire Proofs December 2010 Simon Eve Striz Forelle Vinos Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 97 108 107 104 m 87 m 101 m 105 p 99 p 106 Total merit index: 115 Type Traits: 1. La. 2901 daughters / 99 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 113 +595 -0,12 +16 -0,02 +19 24 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 106 111 107 108 112 PATRON 343170 ne w Payoff Kolessa 7/7,5 8382 4,43 371 4,07 341 aAa: – Casein: BB Sire Proofs December 2010 Total merit index: 115 MW 113 M-kg +265 F-% -0,03 F-kg +9 Stor Functional traits Patron - daughter MONLEN 1. La. 55 daughters / 81 % reliability * 25.08.2005 Prelude Polly Hussli Koressa Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 111 95 94 111 m 113 m 96 m 94 p 101 p 95 Type Traits: P-% +0,12 P-kg +18 sexed semen available ! 64 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 97 109 106 117 111 SAVIB *TM 351740 Sam Wora 4/4,7 10366 4,27 443 3,68 382 aAa: – * 17.03.2004 Prophet Shery Vineb Wonne Ensign Functional traits Casein: BB Savib - daughter OLGENIE Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 116 94 98 108 m 102 m 94 m 108 p 109 p 103 Total merit index: 114 Type Traits: 1. La. 84 daughters / 90 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 112 +883 -0,30 +14 -0,15 +20 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 110 99 104 111 112 ETVEI *TW *TM 350336 Emstar Elli 3/4,9 8372 4,14 346 3,73 313 aAa: 654 132 Casein: BB Etvei - daughter TIBE in 2nd lactation Sire Proofs December 2010 * 24.11.1999 Emory Dotti Vinbrei Enz Zak Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 94 109 88 115 m 97 m 103 m 97 p 87 p 106 Total merit index: 114 Type Traits: 1. La. 7751 daughters / 99 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 109 +466 -0,12 +11 -0,04 +13 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 114 118 115 112 123 25 ACHET ET 434890 Ace Inn 2/3,6 10496 4,62 485 3,85 404 aAa: 216 345 Casein: AA Achet - daughter CILLY Sire Proofs December 2010 * 07.09.2001 Aytola Christian Prophet Infee Husum Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 117 89 118 113 m 83 m 102 m 106 p 111 p 105 Total merit index: 113 Type Traits: 1. La. 764 daughters / 98 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 112 +345 +0,12 +23 +0,05 +16 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 106 96 111 107 108 PRANGER 343210 ne w Precise (M) Emergen 5/7,5 10389 4,21 438 3,60 374 aAa: – * 14.07.2005 Prelude Connie Zoldo Eternia Tradition Functional traits Casein: AB Pranger - daughter RITA Sire Proofs December 2010 Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 100 98 102 96 m 111 m 94 m 99 p 119 p 107 Total merit index: 110 Type Traits: 1. La. 88 daughters / 86 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 111 +648 -0,10 +19 -0,11 +15 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 108 105 100 112 112 PAZIFIK 343180 ne w Payoff Karin 4/4,3 13527 4,39 594 3,90 527 aAa: – Casein: BB Pazifik - daughter LUNA Sire Proofs December 2010 * 28.08.05 Prelude Polly Emerald Karola Vinos Functional traits Milking speed: Somatic cells counts: Persistence: Productive lifetime: Fertility: Calving ease: Stillbirth rate: 106 89 91 106 m 104 m 103 m 101 p 108 p 105 Total merit index: 110 Type Traits: 1. La. 86 daughters / 87 % reliability 64 MW M-kg F-% F-kg P-% P-kg 109 +208 -0,03 +7 +0,08 +13 26 Frame Composite Rump Composite Feet & Legs Composite Udder Composite Final Score 76 88 >100< 112 124 136 120 116 106 112 124 Young Sires To profit from our intensive breeding program with about 125 test bulls per year we always give you access to actual young sires with the most interesting pedigrees. Protein yield & Type & Functionality To be always up to date about our current young sires in test, please have a look at the web sites of our Brown Swiss A.I. studs: A.I. stud Greifenberg: A.I. stud Memmingen: RBW / A.I. stud Herbertingen: JAGUAR (Juleng x Huray x Vinikt) test sire out of bull dam Huray – MONA (page: 9) SPERMEX Artifical Insemination Centres: ➜ Whole genetic variety of all bovine ➜ ➜ breeds in Germany 2,2 Mio First inseminations per year 800 young sires in test per year Marktredwitz Neustadt a.d. Aisch MünchenOttobrunn Wasserburg/Inn Höchstädt Herbertingen Memmingen Greifenberg Photo material: Christoph Busch (1), Fauvic Photography (1), Markus Gerle (1), Jeroen Kloosterziel (1), KeLeKi (5), Els Korsten (1), Hans Kuray (1), Luca Nolli (46), RBG-Memmingen (1), RBW (2), Wolfhard Schulze (6), Katrin Thoma (1), Zweckverband II Greifenberg (2)
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