2014 Annual Report - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh


2014 Annual Report - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh
It is with great joy
that we look back on our accomplishments from
the past year. The Annual Report is our way of celebrating these achievements with
you – the volunteers, donors, and advocates who support our important mission.
All children achieve success in life.
We provide children facing
adversity with strong and
enduring, professionally
supported one-to-one
relationships that change their
lives for the better, forever.
We partner with parents/
guardians, volunteers, and others
in the community and hold
ourselves accountable for each
child in our program achieving:
Higher aspirations, greater
confidence, and better
We are proud that Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh received the Quality
Award from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America for the fourth consecutive year. This
honor recognizes agencies that achieve the longest, strongest, and most impactful
mentoring relationships in the country. We continued to increase our effectiveness
by revising and updating volunteer trainings, instituting special activities for new
matches, and supporting an internal Quality Assurance Team. Most important, our
industry-leading child safety protocols are now stronger than ever as a result of new
policies and procedures.
For the second consecutive year, we served more than 1,200 children facing
adversity across Allegheny, Greene, and Washington counties. We also laid the
foundation to expand our programs by engaging in targeted community outreach
and by identifying additional Site-Based Program partners. All children in BBBS
programs will also benefit from our new, mission-focused service delivery strategies.
Innovation will prepare us for future success and sustainability. We developed the
STARTup SOMETHING initiative to expose our Littles to entrepreneurship,
technology, and career opportunities. In 2014-15, we will launch the mentor2.0
program at Pittsburgh Brashear High School in the Beechview neighborhood of
Pittsburgh. Based on a proven model that blends in-person and online interactions,
this program will be a more flexible option for volunteers and enable us to reach
underserved high school students. We will help support all of these efforts through
smart donor engagement strategies, including our Match Makers automated
monthly giving program.
Since 1965, we have provided transformative one-to-one mentoring relationships to
youth across our region. Thanks to your continued support, we can continue to work
tirelessly to ensure all children in southwestern Pennsylvania achieve success in life.
Avoidance of risky
Educational success
Cover photo and above photo taken by KC3 Photography
Jan S. Glick, MS
Seth I. Corbin, Esq.
President, Board of Directors
Seth I. Corbin, President
Fox Rothschild LLP
Joseph A. Gregorini
Peoples Natural Gas
Diana Riggins
Riggins Enterprises
Jan S. Glick
Chief Executive Officer
John J. Richardson, First
Goehring Rutter & Boehm
John Hagan, Esq.
K&L Gates
Matthew Rimer
Thomas J. Baker
Chief Community Affairs Officer
Hon. Thomas M. Hardiman
United States Court of Appeals
James L. Ross
Kenny Ross Automotive Group
Sharon A. Southlea
Chief Financial Officer
Arthur F. Hazen, Jr.
Medallion Wealth Management
Kate A. Srigley
PromoWest Productions/Stage AE
Stephanie K. Adamczyk
Director of Giving & Executive Operations
Steven D. Irwin
Leech Tishman Fuscaldo &
Lampl, LLC
Jean-Pierre Stephan
Cheryl A. Jones
Quality Assurance & Special Services Director
James D. Wells, III
Three Rivers Wealth Management
Amanda Sable
Site-Based Program Director
James C. Woll
Kerrwood Advisors LLC
Linda Skosnik
Community-Based Program Director
Emeritus Board
Lauren Arnita
Enrollment & Match Specialist
David N. Beauvais, Second
Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.
Edward W. Schano, Secretary
Senator John Heinz History Center
Karen Hanlon, Treasurer
Highmark, Inc.
Rita Baranwal
Westinghouse Electric Company
Steven C. Breuner
SOLA Salon Studios
Michael Jennings
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.
Mark A. Jones
Highmark, Inc.
Gregory A. Burd
Keystone Investment Advisors
Patrick J. Lucas
Jerome Dioguardi
Brett C. Moraski
Amberson Partners
Jody Doherty
Comcast Cable – Pittsburgh
Aaron C. Morris
AutoDesk, Inc.
Bradley J. Fako
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Daniel K. Jenkins
JKS Financial
Stanley D. Polivka
Enterprise Holdings
Kenneth M. Ross, Honorary
Ross Development Company
J. Brooks Broadhurst
Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.
Laura A. Candris
Nancy B. Zappala
Barbara Coffee
Housing Authority of Pittsburgh
Dr. Latika Davis-Jones
Allegheny County Department of
Human Services, Bureau of Drug
& Alcohol Services
James Doyle
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Holly Livingston
Gateway Rehabilitation
Nicole Molinaro Karaczun
Women’s Center & Shelter of
Greater Pittsburgh
Kelly Kochamba
Mayada Mansour
A+ Schools
Ryan Scott
Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
Sabrina Saunders
Strong Women, Strong Girls
Commander Scott Schubert
Pittsburgh Police
Steve Toprani
Former Washington County
District Attorney
Judge Bill Ward
Allegheny County Court of
Common Pleas
Young Professional
Outreach Board
Kelly Anderson
Jeff Babcock
Jackie Belczyk
Jessica Brubach
Adam Churchill
Alyssa DiLoreto (President)
Kyle Eberst
Cara Mia Grassi
Steve Hussar
Trisha Hyatt
Eric Junstrom
Justin Matase (Vice President)
Chris Meaner
Matt Mentecky
Mike Rethage
Penny Semaia
Dan Soltesz
Bobby Thompson
Rhonda Gethers
Administrative Assistant
Maggie A. Giel
Site-Based Enrollment & Match Support
Jamie Gmiter
Match Support Specialist –
Washington & Greene Counties
Courtney Gushue
Enrollment & Match Specialist
Youth Outcomes
Advisory Board
Sandra Eritano
Match Support Specialist II
Mark Heinbockel
Strategic Initiatives & Grants Manager
Big Recruitment Board
Eddie Barry
Gina Carl
Seth Corbin
Alyssa DiLoreto
Dennis Hazenstab (Co-Chair)
Trisha Hyatt
Doug Foster (Co-Chair)
Roberta London
Mike Rethage
J.J. Richardson
Lew Soltis
Jared Souder
Ned Schano
Brady Smith
Penny Semaia
Jimmy Wells
Washington County
Advisory Board
Cary Jones
Madeline Innis
Heidi Nevala
Abby Stark
Miya Jackson
Site-Based Enrollment & Match Support
Rose C. Kugel
Corporate Partnerships & Events Manager
Jennifer Locke
Site-Based Enrollment & Match Support
Erin O’Brien
Match Support Specialist
Kristen Olson
Customer Relations Specialist
Kristine Pace
Match Support Specialist II
Rachael Phipps
Enrollment & Match Specialist
Malissa Seman
Site-Based Enrollment & Match Support
Nicole Shannon
Enrollment & Match Support Specialist
Paul Sparico
Public Ally/Program Assistant
Erica Strafalace
Enrollment & Match Support Specialist
Sara B. Thomas
Program Manager –
Washington & Greene Counties
Community-Based Program
The Traditional Mentoring Model
Celebrating the Impacts
of Mentoring
The power of the Community-Based
Program is centered on the 1:1 time
that Bigs and Littles spend together
approximately twice per month for 3-5
hours. The experience becomes even
more impactful when matches feel
part of a greater movement. Camp
Guyasuta and Schenley Park Ice Rink
provided the perfect settings for the
annual Summer Picnic and Holiday
Skating Party. Hundreds of Bigs and
Littles attended these events to
celebrate their relationships,
“network” with peers, and share fun
Match Spotlight
Little Brother Xavier and Big Brother Brady Smith have benefitted from the
generosity of Pittsburgh sports teams. Matched in November 2011, the pair enjoys
attending games together to help cheer the Penguins, Pirates, and Steelers to victory.
They also enjoy playing the guitar and drums, as well as working on school projects.
“I feel lucky to have Xavier as my Little,” Brady says, ”because it doesn't matter if
we're at Heinz Field watching the Steelers or just lounging around playing video
games - he always seems happy to be hanging out and enjoys our time together.”
The City of (Community)
Pittsburgh is a proud sports town, but
fans rarely see the amazing
performances that happen “off the
field.” During the most recent seasons,
several local sports teams – and their
players – provided unique
opportunities to Bigs and Littles.
Pittsburgh Penguins players Sidney
Crosby and Evgeni Malkin invited
close to 50 matches to enjoy a game in
each of their Charity Suites. Paul
Martin enabled an additional 14
matches to attend games during the
regular season and six matches during
the playoffs.
The Pittsburgh Pirates also offered
many opportunities for matches to
attend games. On one occasion, nine
matches were invited to watch a game
BIG Happenings at The Y
YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh
(a.k.a., The Y) and BBBS of Greater
Pittsburgh forged a new partnership to
promote health and wellness to Littles.
The announcement was made at the
“BIG Tip Off” event, held in
November 2013 at the Thelma Lovette
Y in the Hill District. A ceremonial
basketball shootout between the
Chief Executive Officers of the
respective organizations, Rig Riggins
and Jan Glick, officially tipped off the
The goal of the partnership is to
provide free access for Bigs and Littles
to several local Y facilities. The
partnership is a perfect fit for both
organizations. It gives “Big/Little”
pairs additional options for positive
mentoring activities. At the same time,
it promotes community-based healthy
living solutions. Each BBBS match can
choose a Y of Greater Pittsburgh
branch to be their “home” branch and
then enjoy their facilities free-of-cost
when they visit together.
Through this special arrangement,
more than 65 matches have requested
memberships and visited participating
Y’s throughout Allegheny County.
Beginning in February, staff at the
Thelma Lovette Y enhanced the
partnership by offering “Big Friday
Sports Nights at the Y.” These monthly
events allow matches to play organized
from the Pirates
Charities VIP Suite.
Working in
conjunction with
the Pirates, UMPS
Cares Charities
hosted six matches
at special pre-game
Pittsburgh Steelers
wide receiver
Antonio Brown
partnered with ACE
Pay It Forward Foundation to host the inaugural Harvest
Huddle event, benefitting Littles and their families. His
generosity enabled 40 families to share a meal and participate
in activities focused on thankfulness. At the end of the
evening, each family received a complimentary turkey and
other food items to enjoy at their own family Thanksgiving
meals. In December, 20 families joined Antonio and several
other Pittsburgh Steelers players at the inaugural Jingle Bell
Blitz, a “winter wonderland” of family-friendly activities.
sports together, including basketball,
dodge ball, kickball, and floor hockey.
Aside from promoting physical fitness,
the Sports Nights are a foundation for
Bigs and Littles to develop friendships
with other matches.
Expanding Beyond School Walls
The Site-Based Program continues to
provide location-specific, one-to-one
mentoring relationships to students
facing adversity. Generally, the
students are mentored in a structured
group setting once per week during
the school year for approximately one
hour at a time by adults, college
students, or high school students.
The Program model was originally
developed and implemented in
schools and community centers.
However, it has increasingly been
adapted to corporations. The
innovative Workplace Mentoring
model pairs students in one-to-one
relationships with corporate
employees in the workplace. The
students and mentors typically meet 23 times per month. Beyond
developing strong and transformative
relationships, the students learn about
careers, professional etiquette, and
workplace culture.
Workplace Mentoring enjoyed a
banner year in 2013-2014. Mentors at
our newest site, BNY Mellon, were
matched with 14 students from
Pittsburgh Urban Pathways Charter
School. Comcast had its largest
program year ever with 32 matches.
At the winter celebration for the
American Eagle program, Littles were
surprised to receive brand-new coats
from their Bigs. BBBS is excited to
expand Workplace Mentoring to Eat’n
Park in 2014-2015.
Site-Based Program
Mentoring in Schools, Workplaces, and Community Centers
Match Spotlight
Big Brother Dave Beauvais, VP of
Purchasing at Eat’n Park, is entering
the third year of his match with Little
Brother Ja’Qwon at South Brook
Middle School. After two years, Dave
has learned the best ways to support
Ja’Qwon. He fosters Ja’Qwon’s love of
basketball and physical activity by
organizing competitive games with
other matches. He also helps foster
Ja’Qwon’s academic growth through
reading together every meeting. Aside
from his important role as a mentor,
Dave is a Vice-President of the Board
of Directors and works tirelessly to
recruit other Bigs to the agency.
Creating a Continuum of Care
Littles “age out” of the Site-Based
Program when they transition to high
school. They have the option to
continue their relationships through
the Community-Based Program. In
2013-2014, 24 active Site-Based Littles
transitioned out of middle school.
Half of the relationships are
converting to the Community-Based
Program. The Site-Based staff worked
hard to make these transitions safe
and seamless by conducting in-home
interviews with Littles, securing
enhanced clearances from Bigs, and
talking extensively with parents to
ensure they understand the process.
We also partnered with Communities
in Schools to provide a continuum of
care to relationships that completed
the Be a Middle School Mentor
(BAMSM) program.
Schools, community centers, and workplaces
supported the Site-Based Program
Learning and Exploring… Together
Site-Based Bigs and Littles were able to enjoy multiple field
trips in 2013-14. Volunteers from the University of Pittsburgh
and Littles from Pittsburgh Fulton PreK-5 created clay
creatures together at the Union Project neighborhood art
center. Matches at Pittsburgh South Brook 6-8 visited Schell
Games, where they were able to test out video games and
learn from Schell professionals about careers in
programming. Bigs and Littles at Pittsburgh Classical
Academy visited Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics
Institute, where they learned about careers in technology and
gained hands-on experience using software to control robots.
Many other experiences inspired Littles to think about the
future. Matches at Schiller Classical Academy explored college
through a campus tour at Robert Morris University.
Participants in United Way’s Be A Middle School Mentor
(BAMSM) program also learned about post-secondary life
from guest speakers. The speakers shared how their
educational experiences led to their current positions in the
professional world.
A Moment to Recognize Our Volunteers
Once again, the Annual Volunteer Recognition
Dinner in April was the perfect way to say
“thanks” to our Bigs for their ongoing
commitment to youth in Pittsburgh. The
highlight of this annual dinner was the Salute
to Graduating Matches, featuring long-standing
relationships that supported Littles through
high school graduation. We were honored to
have 13 of the 17 graduating matches. As
matches shared memories of the years they
spent together, it was evident that the impacts
were as great for the Bigs as they were for the
Littles. With great pride, each of the Bigs
announced their Littles’ future plans to enroll
in college, attend trade school, or serve in the
Enhancing Our Programs through Innovation
Our newest initiative, STARTup SOMETHING,
offers unique experiences for adolescent
Littles to share with their Bigs, exploring
entrepreneurship, new ideas, and career paths
in the technology sector. The founders of local
startup companies facilitate hands-on activities
and recount the trials and tribulations of
business development. Our Littles learn that
they need resilience to overcome adverse
In early August 2013, dozens of local technology
leaders converged on TechShop-Pittsburgh to
help launch the initiative. During the inaugural
year, the initiative reached well over 70 youth
with support from the following startup
companies and organizations:
Thread International
Digital Dream Labs
Dream Flight Adventures
Innovation Works
Steeltown Entertainment Project
Girls of Steel Robotics
STARTup SOMETHING was funded in part by the Hive Fund for Connected
Learning at The Sprout Fund.
Special Events
More than 2,800 individuals and 82 corporate sponsors participated in special events throughout the year.
Collectively, these events generated more than $400,000, which supports hundreds of mentoring relationships.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake
Our 35th Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake mobilized 542 bowlers,
2,000 donors, and 33 corporate sponsors. The top teams –
and their respective captains (in parentheses) – played very
BIG roles to help us reach our goals:
The Raisinets (Jimmy Ross)
Continental Building Systems Charities (Matthew Curtis)
Jan’s Team (Jan Glick)
Hanlon Gutter Runners (Karen Hanlon)
Rolling Lemons (Jimmy Wells)
EPCON Pittsburgh I (Wendy Collette)
Raena’s Rollers (Kelly Anderson)
Corbin’s Cronies (Seth Corbin)
Mo Pins, Mo Problems (Alisa Bigelow)
Corporate Roast
More than 40 corporate
sponsors and 215 attendees
showed support to Laura
Ellsworth, Partner-in-Charge at
Jones Day, during the 34th
Annual Corporate Roast. The
Roasters included Helen
Hanna Casey (Howard Hanna
Real Estate Services), Antonio
F. Dias (Jones Day), Diane
Holder (UPMC Health Plan), J. Michael Jarboe (U.S.
Steel Corporation), Ralph Martin (Trib Total Media),
Morgan O’Brien (Peoples Natural Gas), James C. Roddey
(Parente Beard), and Elizabeth A. Terrell (UPS). Master of
Ceremonies, Kimberly Gill (KDKA-TV), led the evening’s
activities while Governor Tom Corbett and First Lady
Susan Corbett joined the fun as Honorary Chairs.
Start Something Golf Classic
For the third consecutive year, Laurel Valley Golf Club was
the perfect setting for the Start Something Golf Classic. The
two-day event was supported by 13 corporate sponsors.
Fashion for Kids’ Sake
Bigs and Littles hit the runway to show off the latest
fashions during the Fifth Annual Fashion for Kids’ Sake.
Hosted and sponsored by Carlow University, the fashion
show is a unique opportunity for college students to mentor
ninth graders from Andrew Street High School. The event
was emceed by Big Sister Brittny McGraw (WPXI) and
coordinated by Intern Liz Smith.
BIG Impact on Our Community
Our Path to Serve More Children
Future growth will be accelerated by the launch of
mentor2.0 and expansions of existing programs
Making a
Prior to enrollment, our Littles
face a number of challenges:
Sources of Support
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
High Truancy
Feelings of Social Isolation
Low Academic Performance
Individuals (7%)
Corporate/EITC (19%)
Special Events (24%)
Susceptible to
Risky Behaviors
After just one year in our
programs, most Littles
show improvements:
Gifts in Kind
Reduced Truancy
Increased Social Support
Improved Academic Performance
Healthier Attitudes/
United Way Grants
Foundations (21%)
Government (10%)
Kenny Ross Automotive Group
$20,000 - $50,000
Comcast Corporation
Direct Energy
Duquesne Light
Michael Late Benedum Chapter of AAPL
Peoples Natural Gas Co., LLC
$10,000 - $19,999
American Eagle Outfitters
Coventry HealthAmerica
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
FTS International
Highmark Health Insurance Company
Jones Day
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
SDLC Partners
Towers Watson
UPMC Health Plan
$5,000 - $9,999
Chip Ganassi Racing Teams
Continental Building Systems
Duane Morris, LLP
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Western PA
Giant Eagle
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
JKS Financial
MedSolutions, Inc.
PNC Bank Corporation
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Trib Total Media
United States Steel Corporation
Westinghouse Electric Company
$1,000 - $4,999
Aestique Medical Center & Spa
Allegheny Conference on Community
Amcom Office Systems
Ariba, Inc.
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC
CRH Catering Company, Inc.
C. S. McKee, LP
Carlow University
EARTH Acquisition
Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Pittsburgh
Federated Investors, Inc.
First Commonwealth Bank
First National Bank - Pittsburgh Region
Fox Rothschild LLP
Gateway Financial Group, Inc.
Goehring, Rutter & Boehm
Hareza Technical Sales, Inc.
Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
LANXESS Corporation Communications
Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl
Liberty Tire Recycling
Morgan Lewis
The Mosites Company
Peacock Keller & Ecker, LLP
Pittsburgh Steelers
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Riggins Enterprises
Riverset Credit Union
RTI International Metals
Schell Games
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP
Tucker Arensberg, PC
Union Railroad Company
United Way of Allegheny County
University of Pittsburgh
Washington Health System
Waste Management
WESCO Distribution, Inc.
$500 - $999
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Fairmont Supply Company
Hefren Tillotson
Imani Christian Academy
IUOE Local Union 66
Lally, Lally & Co, LLC
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Orr’s Jewelers
Paragon Foods
PJ Dick / Trumbull / Lindy
Point Park University
$100 - $499
Bernstein Law Firm, PC
Brookside Lumber & Supply Company
Citizens Bank
Cooling & Heating, Inc.
EQT Corporation
Ferri Contracting Co. Inc.
Give with Liberty
Jennmar Corporation
KeyTex Energy
Kniss Kletzli & Associates, PC
The Light Company
Marc USA
Massaro Corporation
Meyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & Eck, PLLC
Monteverde’s, Inc.
Mt. Lebanon Sunrise Rotary Club
Nuin Properties, LLC
Pittsburgh Mailing, Inc.
PromoWest North Shore Complex, LLC
Shell Oil Company
Specialized Professional Services, Inc.
Strategic Employee Benefit Services
TBE, Inc. (Sonitrol Security Systems)
Turner Dairy Farms
US Foods
Watson Institute
The Heinz Endowments
Fred J. & Shirley H. Jordan Foundation
Richard King Mellon Foundation
$20,000 - $35,000
Birmingham Foundation
The Grable Foundation
Kresge Foundation (scholarship)
$10,000 - $19,999
BNY Mellon Charitable Foundation
Jack Buncher Foundation
The Charles T. Campbell Charitable Foundation
Massey Charitable Trust
MetLife Foundation
A.J. & Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust
Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation
Scaife Family Foundation
The Sprout Fund
$5,000 - $9,999
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
John E. & Sue M. Jackson Charitable Trust
The Howard & Nell E. Miller Foundation
James M. & Lucy K. Schoonmaker Foundation
Tides Foundation
United Way of Washington County
Robert & Mary Weisbrod Foundation
The Richard A. Zappala Family Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
Community Foundation of Greene County
The Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation
Edwin R. Crawford Estate Trust Fund
Fairbanks-Horix Foundation
The Finley Family Fund
Gibson Family Foundation
The Vernon C. & Alvina B. Neal Foundation
Arthur & Doris Pasekoff Foundation
W.I. Patterson Charitable Fund
Charles F. Peters Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Norman C. Ray Trust
Rossin Foundation
Salvitti Family Foundation
United Way of Greene County
$100 - $999
Aetna Foundation
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
Vitasta Bazaz and Sheen Sehgal Fund in
Memory of Dr. Kuldeep Sehgal of The
Pittsburgh Foundation
Dollar Bank Foundation
Bryan and Joyce Hondru Family Fund
Jewish Healthcare Foundation
The Jas. H. Matthews & Company Educational &
Charitable Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Washington County Community Foundation
The Norman & Marilyn Weizenbaum
Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish
Community Foundation of the Jewish
Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency
United Way of Allegheny County, Be a Middle School Mentor
Percent of Littles
are from single-parent families
In Honor of Stacie Lynn Amorose
Jewish Healthcare Foundation
In Honor of Kerry Heerssen
Jenette Sears
In Honor of Joseph G. Belechak
Michelle E. Belechak
In Honor of Preston Kilgore
Tom & Erin Baker
In Honor of Seth I. Corbin
Glenn S. & Gaye E. Corbin
In Honor of Kelly M. Konkle
Kim Angove
In Honor of Jenna Cowan
Jenette Sears
In Honor of Mark MacDougall
Jenette Sears
In Honor of Eckert Seamans
Cherin & Mellott, LLC
Kristin L. Henne
In Honor of Zachary Navarro
Natalie Trahey
In Honor of Laura E. Ellsworth
Matthew Divelbiss
Richard Fultineer
Cynthia Shapira
In Honor of Lauren E. Etling
James H. Webster
In Honor of Dodi Walker Gross
Jan Half
In Honor of Robert E. Staresinic
Terry Molyneaux
In Honor of Cory Traversari
Scott Caputy
In Honor of Carl Trexler
Jenette Sears
In Honor of Weaver-LaBar Wedding
Justin & Rachel F. LaBar
In Memory of Wilbert R. Bothe
Cinda L. Wrona
In Memory of William R. Cipra
Kenny Ross Ford, Inc.
In Memory of Charles Claspy
Harold & Jan Glick
In Memory of Paul F. Cronin
Janice M. Appel
Robert S. Affleck
Melanie Bedner
Robert N. Breit
Suzanne Caccamese
Richard M. Dick
Anthony J. Galicic
James D. Howell
James M. Mackin
Thomas Primke
Ronald Puskar
Lawrence Ross
Paul E. Sarsfield
Wilmer H. Schweitzer
Nadine M. Simon
Deborah L. Thompson
Norman R. Voigt
Deborah L. Thompson
In Memory of John Heidelbaugh
Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl
In Memory of Betty Joseph
Jan Glick
Sharon Southlea
In Memory of Russell H. Lloyd
Carol Showalter Myron
In Memory of Ruth Obernauer
Harold & Jan Glick
In Memory of Edna Wadro
Anne Handler
17th Street Cafe
91.3 FM WYEP
ACE Pay It Forward Foundation
American Eagle Outfitters
Margaret Anderson
Andora Restaurant
John Banas
Dennis Bannon
Victoria Barnosky
B.E. Taylor Productions, Inc.
David Beauvais
Bed Bath & Beyond
Jason Beckrow
big Burrito Restaurant Group
Big Y Group
Pat Bostick
Steven Breuner
Janet Brito
Antonio Brown
Carabella - Oakmont
Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
Carnegie Science Center
Robert Casey
Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh
City Theatre
Clear Channel Communications
Seth Corbin
Sidney Crosby
Brendan Cross
Richard Cross
Culver Training Stables
Curtiss-Wright (EMS)
Brett Daniels
Richard Daugard
Randy Davis
Sandra Davis
David Del Biondo
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Ronald Dick
Digital Dream Labs
Dinette Restaurant & Wine Bar
Jerome Dioguardi
Dish Osteria Bar
Ditka’s – Pittsburgh
James Dixon
Dream Flight Adventures
Marilyn Dunn
Easy Street Pittsburgh
Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.
Elixir Ultra Lounge
Susan Ellsweig
Bob Errey
Gary Evans
Stephen Evans
Evelyn James Interiors, Inc.
Evolutionary Fitness
Fairmont Pittsburgh
Bradley Fako
Susan Farrell
Howard Filtz
Frick Art & Historical Center
Mary Fricker
Robert Full
Richard Gall
Bob Gerhart
Giant Eagle
Girls of Steel Robotics Team
Thomas Glapion
Glengarry Golf Links
Harold & Jan Glick
Robert Glidden
Kenneth Goetz
Daniel Harkins
Joseph Hareza
Arthur Hazen
Henne Jewelers
Jeremy Hirsch
Michael Hogan
Anthony Hruza
Stephen Hussar
Innovation Works
Iron Workers Local Union No. 3
James Street Gastropub &
Daniel Jenkins
Marilyn Jenkins
Michael Jennings
Jerome Bettis Grille 36
Jump Zone!
Matthew Kareis
Karl Karantonis
Kelly Circle Program
Kenny Ross Automotive Group
KOLANO design
Brad Krenicky
Laurel Highlands River Tours &
Outdoor Center
Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl
Edward Leefer
Ian Lindsay
Littles Shoes
Frank Long
Jonathan Lucas
Pat Lucas
Philip Lynch
Evgeni Malkin
Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild –
MCG Jazz
Frances Mangieri
Mario Lemieux Foundation
Mario’s South Side Saloon
Paul Martin
Max’s Allegheny Tavern
John McGee
Daniel McNamara
Meat and Potatoes
Men’s Warehouse
Mohawk Trails Golf Course
Paul Molingowski
Mountain Playhouse & Green
Gables Restaurant
National Aviary
Owen Nelson
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
NOVA Chemicals Corporation
Edmund Nowicki
Oakland Zoo
Tom O’Malley
Omni William Penn Hotel
Scott Patti
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
Peoples Natural Gas
Petersen Machine Shop, Inc.
Phipps Conservatory & Botanical
Gardens, Inc.
Frank Piekarski
Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society
Pittsburgh CLO
Pittsburgh DJ Company
Pittsburgh Glass Center
Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre
Pittsburgh Opera, Inc.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation
Pittsburgh Power
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Pirates Charities
Pittsburgh Playhouse
Pittsburgh Public Theater
Pittsburgh Riverhounds
Anthony Ross
James Ross
John Rupprecht
James Sacco
Saltworks Theatre Company
Schell Games
Greg Sembrat
Senator John Heinz History Center
Joseph Sigado
Smallman Street Deli
Charles Sonson
Southpointe Golf Club
John Spero
Kenneth Sprong
Kate Srigley
Pete Swauger
TC Open Charitable Foundation
TechShop - Pittsburgh
Tennis Village
David Tepper
The Andy Warhol Museum
The Capital Grille
The Green Barn, Whole Animal
The Ogden Newspapers, Inc.
The Parador Inn of Pittsburgh
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
James Thornton
Thread International
Tickets for Kids
Tix Outlet, Inc.
Trau & Loevner
Trib Total Media
Percent of Littles are coping
with the incarceration of a parent or
other close family member
Pittsburgh Sports & Exhibition
Pittsburgh Steak Company
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Stanley Polivka
Robert Pope
Shane Quinn
Michael Racko
Adam Randall
Christopher Randall
Robert Randall
Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel
Daniel Rice
Marc Rice
Tom Rich
Gregory Richards
Riggins Enterprises
Root 174
Union Tank Car Company
United Way of Allegheny County
UPMC Health Plan
Vanderbeck Massage Therapy, LLC
John Viehman
Mark Viehman
Walnut Grill Restaurants
Walt Disney World
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Washington Wild Things
Neil Watko
Ian Webb
James Wells
Michael Wells
Westinghouse Electric Company
Rex White
Wigle Whiskey
John Yarosik
Yelp Pittsburgh
Michael Zelch
Paul Zurovchak
* Includes one-time gifts of $100 or more through Bowl for Kids’ Sake
** Anonymous donations are compiled together
Richard A. Gabbianelli
Morgan K. O’Brien
Bruce Teitelbaum & Laura E. Ellsworth
$5,000 - $9,999
Jack Abarbanel
Aris & Laura Candris
Bradley J. Fako
Daniel K. & Amy Jenkins
James C. & Kathleen Woll
$1,000 - $4,999
Henry S. Abbott
Tom & Erin Baker
Peter Johnson & Rita Baranwal
David N. Beauvais
Joseph Belechak
Donna Benvenuto
Helen Hanna Casey
Seth & Valerie Corbin
Antonio F. Dias
Michelle Dienes
James P. & Jacqueline F. Dixon
Lori Dutton
Joyce W. Fako
James Fleming
Grant & LaVonne Franjione
Lynn A. Fritzius
Harold & Jan Glick
Robert W. & Mollieann Gray
Joseph A. Gregorini
John M. & Rebecca Hagan
Shawn P. & Karen Hanlon
Louise M. Herrle
Sharon R. Hicks
Diane P. Holder
Gary P. Hunt
Scott La Pidus
John J. Labella
Patrick J. & Candy Loughney
Ryan C. Lucki
Robert W. McCutcheon
David McKivigan
Timothy S. Mock
Brett C. Moraski
Shauna M. Murphy
Leigh Pardun
Stanley D. Polivka
Roy Powell
Diana Riggins
Matthew E. & Nikki Rimer
James C. Roddey
Kevin L. Shildt
Brian Smith
Kate A. Srigley
Jeffrey J. Stengel
Jack Stover
Nicholas Sunseri
Richard D. Weber
James D. Wells, III
Richard & Nancy Zappala
$500 - $999
Michael J. Accetta
Elizabeth Allen
David Angelicchio
Nancy Aversa
Scott Barnyak
Charlie Batch
Judith C. Bellin
Marvin L. Bellin
Mark Bope
Steven C. Breuner
Thomas S. Chang & Joan I. Vondra
John Cotis, III
Kevin Craft
Andrea A. Dabney
Thomas C. Dalbo
Thomas DeFilippo
Walter P. DeForest
Jack L. Diederich
Ellen M. Doyle
David Eisenreich
Zachary K. Ellis
John G. & Jill T. Ferreira
Richard Fiscus
Leslie A. Fleischner
James A. & Sharyl Giel
Ethel Gill
Margaret C. Gleason
Arthur F. & Natalie Hazen
Leroy Indorato & Robert Slick
Peter Johnson
Laraina Jones
Robert F. Kozel
Patrick J. Lucas
Michael J. Malone
Gary G. McConaghy
Eric J. McMahon
Richard W. Messimer
Charles H. Moellenberg
Anthony P. More
Norbert Ndamira
Greg Olszewski
Phil Orlando
Daniel Ostrom
Daniel Peris
Ashley Porreca
Frank Ratesic, Jr.
John J. Richardson
George Riggins
Robert W. & Mona Riordan
Clifford Rowe
Vincent L. & Kristy A. Schmidt
Charles Schumacher
Beth Shimshock
John Shimshock
Chris Simchick
Benjamin & Joanne Simon
Courtney L. Snyder
Phllip Sonnenklar
Elizabeth A. Terrell
Robert D. Thomas
Sri Vemuri
Thomas A. Varrati
Robert G. & Susan Voinchet
James H. & Elizabeth D.
William & Evelyn Wedner
$100 - $499
Kathy Adair
Stephanie Adamczyk
James Alampi
Bill Albright
Shawn Allen
Zaid Al-Momen
Linda Ambroso
William Ammann
Chuck Amrhein
Lyle Anderson
Maurice S. & Wilma J.
Elie Aoun
Richard Archer
Kenneth M. Argentieri &
Paula Hopkins
Tiffany Bacha
Michael & Jennifer Bails
David Bakaitus
Lawrence & Cindy Baldasare
Patricia Barnyak
Thomas Barry
John Barsotti
Lisa Barton
Jacqueline Bauer
Cassidy Bauer
Heidi Beckett
Paul Beecher
Michelle E. Belechak
Gabe Bell
George Bellios
Timothy Belski
Kimberly Benson
Tray Berardi
David & Cara Berkowitz
Leonard A. Bernstein
Rick Berteotti
Jessica Bittner
Margaret E. Bledsoe
Paula Blodgett
Brian Blohm
Eric Bluestone
Alan Boarts
Donna Boeggaman
Pamela Bolton
Lisa Bonacci
Steven & Audrey Fox Bonnett
Jeffrey Borandi
Tracy L. Bowen
Diane Bowman
Elizabeth Bowman
Kimberly Bradley
Dorothy A. Bradshaw
Scott Brady
Anthony Braun
Robert N. Breit
Tim Brett
Mary S. Bridge
Walter Bridges
Tiara A. Briscoe
David & Roberta Brody
Scott G. & Kimberly A.
Josh Brown
Patricia Brown
Beth Brubach
Erica Brusselars
Howard Bulmer
Gregory A. Burd
Thomas Burg
George and Diana Burkhardt
Robert L. Burns
Emmerich Buziak
Karen Calandra
Rick Campbell
Daniel Carlsen
Mike Carney
Lauren Caskey
Michelle Cassell
Gerald Cathell
Kevin D. Catt
William E. Cawley
Danny P. & Shannan
Calvin Chan
Donny Chen
Yoong Chew
Christine Chojnicki
Adam A. Churchill
Patty Churchill
David Ciancuillo
Stan Cieslak
Sally Cimini
Jessica Clark
Jaycen Cochran
David R. Cohen
David & Karen Cole
E.G. Conley
Antony T. & Joy Marie Conti
John Cooley
Glenn & Gaye Corbin
Kris Cramer
Stephen Crane
Debbie Crawford
Antonio Cristini
Dennis Cronin
Tom and Molly Crooks
Matthew Crossan
Matthew Curtis
Ryan Cvrkel
Mark Cvrkel
Ashley Cvrkel
Jessica Dedrick
Joseph Deegan
David DelFiandra
William F. DeLuca
Nanette DeTurk
Michael L. Diianni
Ann Marie DiLullo
Christopher & Kimberly
Thomas Dinnin
Richard G. Dinning
Jerome D. Dioguardi
Chris DiRubbo
Ritika Dogra
Jody W. Doherty
Anthony Dolan
Richard Donley
Jon A. Donovan
Tim Donovan
Tim Dougherty
Gerry Dudley
Scotland M. & Sarah Duncan
Carolyn D. Duronio
Anita Dwyer
Lonny Eckert
Jack R. Ellenberger
Joan Ellenbogen
Angelo M. Falconi, Jr.
Susan L. Farrell
Ross Fazio
Mary Fazio
Judith Ference Olson
Charles E. Finder
James Fisher
Christy Fisher
John Fitzgerald
Richard Flanagan
Peter Fleming
Mindy Floro
Rodney Giangiuli
Thomas Gies
Cathy D. Ginsberg
Frank Giunipero
Ron Glies
Keith Glivic
Karen Goodfellow
Melissa Gormly
Edward Gorski
Ann Graff
Meredith Graff
Michael Graham
Dawn R. Gralish
Karen Greenslade
Dodi Walker Gross
Brian Gross
Ellen Joy Gross
Michael Gunning
John Guster
Stephen Halpern
Michael Hammond
Thomas M. Hardiman
Gretchen Hart
Mark A. Hartman
Perry & Evers Haven Morrow
Clifford Hawes
John Hayes
Percent of Littles
are satisfied with their
mentoring relationships
Joe Flynn, III
Patricia Foley
Ariadna Font Lltijos
Jim Fooks
Sabrina Fossi
Doak Foster
Donald Foster
Doug Foster
Cathe Franz
Pamela Fratangelo
Christa Freeman
Dallas Frey
H. Friedlander
William Friedlander
Aaron Friez
Carley Frohling
Pete Fuscaldo
Edward Gallagher
Edward H. Garlitz
Bill Garrison
Christine Gaskey
Dianne N. Gazzam
John George
Sandra George
David Gerson
Susan A. Geruschat
Rhonda Gethers
Ajay GH
Cynthia Hays
Kathrin Hays
Rebecca Haywood
John & Linda Heinbockel
Nancy L. Henderson
Kristin L. Henne
Timothy Hernon
Craig Heryford
Patricia Hickey
Don Higgins
Denise Hilka
Henry & Elsie Hillman
A.J. Himmelsbach
Jason Hobbes
Bob Hodder
Michael Hoffman
Alan F. & Betsy Hohlfelder
Della M. Hollins
John D. Hollins
David Holmberg
Sara L. Holzer
Dave Hubbell
Gregg Hussar
Michael Huston, II
David Hutchinson
Jim Hyland
Margaret Hynes
Bruce Innis
Steven D. Irwin
Michael Ivory
David L. Izenson
David Jackel
Edward James
Michael F. Jennings
Christopher Jobes
Jeffrey Johns
Charlie Johns
Angela C. Johnson
Sherwood Johnson
Mark A. Jones
Cheryl Jones
Sandra Jones
Margaret P. Joy
Angel Kahmar
Tim Kaiser
Jason Kaley
Amanda Karp
Geoffrey Kasse
Lori J. Katich
Jerry E. Katz
Michael Keating
Susie Keim
Nicolina Kelly
Ronald Keraga
Scott Kerber
Jim Kerber
David Kerr
Dusty Elias Kirk
Stephen Kline
Jeffrey Klink
Steve & Angela Kohler
Mary Kozar
J. Devitt Kramer
Jason Krantz
Nancy Kristofik
Paul Lackner
Maureen E. Lally Green
Matthew Laman
Chip Lambert
Donna Lampe Gurleyik
Jennifer Lee
Johnny Lee
Carla Leightner
Walter LeMunyon
Jerry Leoffler
Mitchell Letwin
Stuart & Lori Levin
Michael H. Levine
Shelly & Ellie Levine
Paul M. Lienhardt
David Lipman
Dan Littlefield
Thomas & Sheila Lomb
Mary Lourdes Gegick
Leonard Lucas
John Mackie
Glenn R. Mahone
Michael P. & Louise R.
Kevin & Sandi Maloney
Beverly W. Manne
Aaron Markowitz
Robert A. Marra
Peter Martina
William K. Martz
Christy Maruca
Abigail Marusic
David Maschetta
Faith Matous
Charles R. Matous
Dwayne L. Matthews
Greg Maxwell
Marysa McConnell
Olivia McGeary
Walter T. McGough, Jr.
Jane McGowan
Ryan McKenna
Cleverton A. McKenzie
Michael McKenzie
Frank McLaughlin
Dan McMahon
Ernest Meade
David Meese
Anthony Mengine
William Mentecky
Ann Metzger
Frances E. Michalik
Evan Miller
Clifford Miller
Rachel Miller
Cindy Mills
Robert Mineo
Mark Mistretta
Kyle Mitchum
Shelley Moertel
Steven Monteverde
Jeff Moody
Brandon Moraski
Kathleen M. Morouse
Paula K. Motzel
Kit Mueller
Melissa Murphy
R. Maureen Myers
David & Randi Nathenson
Douglas Nolin
Mark Nous
George & Martha Nukuto
John O’Connor
John S. & Lee Oehrle
Ross Orgera
Vince Ornato
John Osgood
Todd Owens
Jack Ozanich
Wendy S. Paff
Walter & Elizabeth Pak
Mark & Katie Palatucci
Matthew Park
Frank Parry
John Paul
Jennifer Perchinsky
Kurt A. Peters
Lonnie Petrill
Jennifer Petrisek
Jeffrey Picard
Lousaka Polite
Mitchell Possinger
Anthony E. Pratt
Neil Prendergast
Aileen Prevade
Jeff Price
Mark Puma
Charles J. Queenan, Jr.
Keith Radakovich
Sherry Rawson
Geri Recht
Michael T. Rethage
Daniel Rice
Marc & Eileen M. Rice
Rusty & Jeanann Richards
Scott Riemer
Frank & Linda Rimer
Ann Rittiger
Paul Robb
Glen & Susan Roberts
Kelly Roddy
Dook Rodgers
Janet S. Rollins
Michael Romano
Evelyn Rosenstein
Richard & Susan Rosenstein
Joshua & Natalie Rosenstein
Andrew C. Ross
Lawrence Ross
Don Rowe
Ralph Ruffolo
Andrew Rupert
Howard A. Russell, Jr.
David Russo
Catherine S. Ryan
Michael & Amanda Sable
Yoel Sadovsky
Mark Heims & Patricia K.
Edward W. Schano
Winifred Schano
Mark Schmidt
Terri Schohn
Ron Schrack
Floyd W. Schuchert, Jr.
Mike Schulthesis
Frank L. Schwarz, Jr.
Sherman Scott
Mandi Scott
David & Jessica L. Sculley
Jenette Sears
Penny Semaia
Brett Shank
Brendan Shorts
Nancy S. Sigler
Jarrod Siket
Jeffrey M. Simmons
John Simon
Linda Skosnik
Walter Slomiany
James Smith
Richard Smith
Patrick Smith
Daniel Snyder
Travis Sollinger
Curt & Sharon Southlea
Amanda Sprowls
Randy Staggers
Craig Stambaugh
Chad Stanko
Jeff Stanley
Abigail Stark
Diane Startari
Greg Steffine
Jean-Pierre Stephan
Richard Stern
Robert Sterr
David Straight
Michael Strejcek
Tom Swartout
Andrew Sykes
Tom & Karen Tabor
Kimberly Taylor
Elizabeth A. Teti
Paula Thomas
Sara Thomas
Deborah L. Thompson
Megan Thompson
John Thompson
Melissa Tkach
Frank Tobin
Brian Toolan
Randall Tracht
Frank J. Triggiani, Jr.
Anthony Trombetta
Janice Truby
Tricia Tuccinard
Michael Tucker
H.M. Tudor
Chris L. Turner
James G. Uber
William Valenta
Michael Valore
Renee Vandall
Barton VanderBurg
Bob & Kim VanWassen
Juno Varghese
Jill Verbosky
Stacey Vernallis
Phil & Patty Verostko
Jenna Vetterly
Iris Walker
Matt Walker
Nancy Walker
Katherine Waltz
Peter Watt-Morse
Ian M. Webb
Andy Webster
Mike Weidmann
Joel & Judy Weiss
Arthur Weiss
Thomas Wentling, Jr.
Doug Whaley
Ron Whartenby
David Wilke
David Williams
Maralee Williams
Mary Wilson
Brad Wingler
Stuart Wise
John Wishart
Jim Wojciak
Jane Wolcott
Donald Wolcott
Jayson Wolfgang
Edward & Elaine Wolford
Stephen Woll
John Wright
Michael Wuenstel
Wesley Yang
Elaine Yao
Kathleen Yates
Kenneth Yeager
Michael Yetter
Susan Yohe
Charles Zellers
Robert Zelnick
Rebecca Zipay
Philip Zona
Match Support Contacts
were completed to ensure
child safety and facilitate
healthy relationship
Launched in January, this automated monthly giving
program already supports 20 matches thanks to the
generosity of 74 donors.
Stephanie Adamczyk
Beth Adamczyk
Frank Allen
Kelly Anderson
Michael & Jennifer Bails
Tom Baker
Rita Baranwal
David Bassin
Dave Beauvais
Arlene Bigger
Steve Breuner
Greg Burd
Gina Carl
Adam Churchill
Daniel Cindric
Seth Corbin
Alyssa DiLoreto
Jerry Dioguardi
Stephanie Eberhardt
Kyle Eberst
Brad Fako
Thomas Farris
Jan Glick
Cara Mia Grassi
Joe Gregorini
John Hagan
Cathie Haluschak
Karen Hanlon
Art Hazen
William Hepfinger
Stephen Hussar
Steve Irwin
Dan Jenkins
Mike Jennings
Mark Jones
Cheryl Jones
Ted Kubit
Rose Kugel
John J. Labella
Pat Lucas
Blake MacDonald
Justin Matase
Matthew Mentecky
Cristan Mooney
Brett Moraski
Aaron Morris
Gavin Mowrey
Maureen Norcie
Kelly O’Toole
Kristine Pace
Stan Polivka
Jason Prziborowski
John J. Richardson
Diana Riggins
Matt & Nikki Rimer
Evelyn Rosenstein
Kenny Ross
Penny Semaia
John Scanlon
Ned Schano
Richard Sedory
Maureen Shannon
Linda Skosnik
David Smith
Daniel Soltesz
Joe Somerville
Sharon Southlea
Kate Srigley
Jean-Pierre Stephen
Robert Thompson
Tamara Ventura
Evelyn Wedner
Jimmy Wells
Jim Woll
We sincerely regret any errors or omissions. If you notice a
mistake, please contact us at 412-363-6100 so we can
correct our records.
A very BIG tha
to our volunteers!
Taylor Adams Abigail Agha Cem Akin Tara Albrecht Elisabeth Alcala Syed Ali Bob Allen Frank Allen Jennifer Allen
Ash Allgyer Tony Allis Natalie Alvarez Stephanie Ames Katie Andary Corrie Anderson Kelly Anderson Alexa
Ansell Craig Antolik Emily Anuszek Julie Armour Justin Armstrong Jonathan Arvay Anup Aryal Karen Atlas Darlene Atwater Rose Carla Aubourg Nancy Aversa Derease Ayers Jeff Babcock Tiffany Babinsack Kyle Bahnsen Kevin
Baidoo Joe Baiunco Armanda Baker Katherine Baker Thomas Baker Jordan Baldwin Jill Barch Bradley Barker Emily Barker Lia Barnes Mara Barron Edward Barry Jordan Barry Ashlee Bartko Owen Bates Matthew Bauch Freya
Bayer Maddy Beard Brandy Beatty David Beauvais David Beck Virginia Beck Natalie Beech Jaclyn Belczyk Aaron Bell Eduardo Benatuil Jennifer Bender Parker Bennett Sanders Bennett Olivia Benson Anna Berish Lynn Berkoben
Eli Berman Francisca Bermudez Maret Bernard Jeff Betzler Megan Bevilacqua Lydia Beyer Mark Bezilla Beverly Biedenbach Arlene Bigger Natalie Bigley Shelsea Binek William Bishop Stephanie Bivona David Blosser Brian Blunkosky
Sarah Boehme Helen Bonsall David Boodman Kristin Boose Chris Borneo Ellen Botkin Jen Boughner Barbara Bowers Taylor Bowers Sherry Bowman-Poliziani McKenzie Bowser Julia Bozzone Patrick Bracey Nicholas Bradfield
Shanna Bradfield Dorothy Bradshaw Kurt Branagan Sam Brayer Caleb Breckon Krista Bremer Lauretta Brennan Lauren Bresler Tim Brett Scott Brideweser Lynda Brimage Ashley Brito Adam Britt Bill Brittain Jamie Bromley Jessica
Brooks Emily Brourman Susan Brown Casey Brownyard Carol Broz Jessica Brubach David Brumfield Daniela Buccilli Dakota Buhrman Danielle Burfield Jessica Burger Ryan Burke Ben Burkley Cheryl Burner Brenna Burns Brook
Burns Robert Burns Natalie Butko Ryan Bytzura Kasey Cahill Amy Caldwell Michael Callaghan Donna Calloway John Campbell Karlee Campbell Anthony Canino David Cannon Nancy Cannon Pamela Capretta Gina Carl Trent Carlson
Candice Carr Aleighia Carter-Croom Danica Case Mike Casey Lauren Catalano Pamela Cato Jessica Cattaneo Jorge Catumbela Emily Caudill William Cawley Patricia Cekoric Glen Chaffee Jessica Chalmers Tonia Charles Alicia
Chatkin Amy Chaya Thary Chea Albert Cheng Danica Chernicky Sihui Chew Alexander Chismar Christina Cho Christopher Chovan Adam Churchill Daniel Cindric Renee Ciorra Stefanie Claessens-Jansen Chris Clancy Courtney Cogley
Andrew Cohen Ty Cole Greg Colker Alex Collins Matt Collins Michael Comber Erica Concordia Wilson Conley Krista Connelly Patrick Connelly Robin Connors Heather Conroy Randall Conway David Coogan Garrett Cooper Morgan
Cooper-Okerchiki James Corbelli Chelsea Corbett Seth Corbin Dante Cordaro Corey Cornick Caitlin Corr Jeff Corsello Brennan Coulter Karyn Coy Elizabeth Cratsley Kaila Crivello Jennifer Csonka Caryn Csuy Stephen Cummings
Shawn Currin Gary Curtis Kathryn Cwenar Olivia Cypher Katlin Dagg Mia Damian Jason D’Amico Sherae Daniel Michele Dashefsky Caitlin Datt Brittany Davis Charles Davis Erin Davis Lindsay Davis Patty Jo Davis Rachel Davis
Tyler Davis Patrick Day Olivia DeCesar Chris DeFrancesco Chad Dehmer Abbey DeIuliis Cory Del Signore Molly Delaney John Dellape Cami DelPrince Corenda Delserone Caroline Delson Pat Demko Bethany DeMore Siatta Dennis
Julie Densmore Lia DeStio Derek Detar Matthew Diamond Jath DiCecco Ronald Dick Jeff Diehl Jacob Diller Alyssa DiLoreto Travis Dinsmore Nora DiNuzzo Tim DiSalvio Tiffany Dittrich Jennifer Dolfi Reanna Doll Natalie Domachowski
Dario Donatelli Ross Donehue Julie Donnelly Daniel Donovan Jenn Doody John Dougherty Kerrie Douglas Lauren Doyle Marissa Doyle Zachary Drennen Lori Drop Cathy Droz Alexandra Drzewinski Tom Duer Jackie Duffell Dylan
Dufour Shannon Dugan Rose Duggan Darren Duhnke Michael Dunbar Zack Duncan Mark Dunlap Sierra Dunlap John Durkin Angela Eagle Steven Eagle Nicole Eakin Megan Eaton Sina Ebadi Emily Eberhard Stephanie Eberhardt
Kyle Eberst Lacee Ecker Nathan Ecker Jarmil Edmond Jordan Ehring Caitlin Eiben Luke Eidenmuller Kristina Elias Jack Ellenberger Andrew Ellis Thaddeus Ellis Michael Embrescia Sommer Eperthener Lily Epstein Lisa Erb Danielle
Erringer Melissa Eschmann Chris Estes Dustin Etchison Lauren Etling Christian Euculano Aileen Evan Deborah Evans Robin Everett Ashley Faddis Miranda Fagley Sandi Fairbanks Donald Fast Laurie Fast Angela Fazio Annie Federoff
Colleen Fedor Sheri Fedor Terry Felton Bridget Ferris Nick Ferroir Brian Filer Julie Fine Mary Fine Marissa Fink Ashley Finn Lynne Finnerty Laura Fischer John Fischerkeller Patricia Fitzpatrick Cailin Flannery Tamara Fleat Linda
Fleisner Erin Fleming William Fletcher John Flickinger Jeremy Flint Marisa Floro Benjamin Fodor Sean Foley Cecile Folkes Justin Forzano Karen Fosbaugh Doug Foster Terry Foster Rachel Foutz Celia Franklin Jason Franklin Renita
Freeman Miriam Frisch Megan Fritz Samantha Fry Taylor Fuchs Roberta Furgiuele Anthony Gabbianelli Kelly Gaertner Jared Gagne Lori Gallagher Sue Ellen Ganz Juliana Garske Megan Garver Patrick Gauntner Isabella Geary Aubrey
Gennari Matthew German Emily Germanos Jared Gervais Anthony Gianettino Timothy Giangarlo Doug Gibson Garret Gibson Angela Giglio Catherine Gignac Jenna Gilbert Jessica Giorgi Hannah Glass Lauren Glew Tracie Gliozzi
Makenzie Gober Dana Gold Nanci Goldberg Kimberly Goldstein Megan Good Mark Gorski Danielle Gosnell Elisabeth Graham Cara Mia Grassi Keith Greenwald Sophie Greger Joe Gregorini Annie Greiner Ronald Griffin Nancy Griffith
Destin Groff Dylan Groff Bindu Gross Jonathan Growall Bery Guerrero Sarah Guerrier Lindsay Guiddy Jodee Gulaskey Sneha Gupta Jody Guy Greg Guzik John Hagan Brittany Halladay Catherine Haluschak Vickie Hammett Gabrielle
Harchelroad Kate Hardiman Jared Hardt Stephanie Hardt Christopher Hare Joseph Hareza Jonathan Harnish Ben Harrell Kathy Harrington Michelle Harrington Kristin Harris Cynthia Hasenjager-Banks Larissa Hatch Rachel Hathaway
Tamara Hawk Lesley Hawkins Arthur Hazen Dennis Hazenstab Jamie Headley Susan Headley Claren Healey Michaela Healey Courtney Hegeman Liz Heidenreich Alicia Heim Mark Heinbockel Melissa Heinbockel Jenna Hellen
Amanda Henderson Tina Henderson Rowe Erin Henigan Allison Henry Jacob Henry Dan Herisko Matthew Herrmann Becca Heyns Jessica Hice Erin Higgins Brad Hilbert Kellen Hill Janice Hinkledire Emily Hockensmith Mary Ann
Hodzic Makensie Holets Morgan Holt Trudie Homonai Samantha Hoover Katie Hopkins Samuel Hopkins John Hopper Lynne Horensky David Hornbeck Louise Horvath Eric Horwith Rachael Hower Caroline Hrabic David Hubbell Carl
Huelsman Nora Hufnagel AJ Hughes Steve Hussar Laura Hutchinson Madison Hutchinson Trisha Hyatt Alex Ifkovits Emil Ihnat Lauren Ikeda Jamie Imhoff Staci Indermuhle Michael Innamorato Madeline Innis Justin Innocent Naveed
Ismail Noor Ismail Travis Jamison Katie Jankoski Stephanie Jasinski Rachel Jasko Prakash Jayabalan Blaise Jenkins Becky Jenkins(Scanga) Michael Jennings Adam Jensen Jeff Jento Drew Jesse Henri Jeune Garrett Jockel Tiffany
Jockel Carey Johnson Chelly Johnson Haley Johnson Jermaine Johnson Tamia Johnson Hans Jonas Adelaide Jones Jennifer Jones Michelle Jones Jessica Jordan Samuel Joseph Diana Joswick Joe Juarez Megan Julian Eric
Junstrom Channing Kaiser Sarah Kaminski Jake Karan Hayah Kassis Nick Kasunic Kendra Kasznel Abigail Katsos Carole Katz Emily Katz Stacey Keating Magnolia Keiser Jessica Kendlick Katelyn Kendra Brian Kenney Jessica Kern
Justin Ketchel Theodore Ketchum Beth Ketterman Susheel Khetarpal Amanda Kilian Michelle Kilian Tony Kimbrough Dana Kimmel Kristina Kimura Philip King Kendra Kirkland David Klawon Andrew Klein Luke Klein Samantha Kline
Deborah Klinvex John Klinvex Amanda Kloiber Brian Knapp Carey Knapp Kaitlyn Knepshield Shayla Kniha Krissy Knizner Stephanie Koay William Koch Alicia Koenig Richard Kohr III John Komisary Jeffrey Komoroski Mike Kopanke
Gavin Koratich Judith Kording Alyssa Kortze Anne Kovalan-Santoni Hannah Kozich Katie Kozora Ashley Kramer David Kramer Heather Krause Andy Krawchyk Kristen Krivak Benjamin Kroeck Sadie Kroeck Kathy Kubasik Candice
Kubican Farrell Kukucka Douglas Kukura Rich Kulbacki Adam Kunes Robert Kushner Kimberly Kusluch John Kutzfara Gabby Kyle Robert Lacey John Lai Andrew Laing Stefanie Lanier Carly Lapp Kacey Larson Scott Larson Michael
Lawlor Kate Lederman Chris Lee Jeewon Lee Laura Lee Mary Leech Katelyn Leitner Patrick Lemon Laurie Lenigan Joseph Leopold Jessica LeRoy Halie Lesko Kurt Leuschner Paula Levandoski George Lewis Eric Lidji Amy LiguoriBeeler Karin Lilliedahl Bridget Lind Amy Lindberg Kristin Lindboom-Broberg Sonya Lindgren Brian Linsenbigler Samantha Linville Kay Liss Ran Liu Grace Lloyd Jim Lloyd Krysten Loielo Roberta London Reed Long Shayne Long
Permveer Longia Nathan Longstreth Abigail Loughrey Andrew Lucci Maggie Lucci Emily Lucking Jean Luoni Shauna Lushko Thomas Lustig Christina Lynch Shana Lynch Blake MacDonald Jimmy Machin Tyler Machovina Kayla
Madden Ryan Madison Zachary Magnin Aya Mahjoub Albert Maker Carmen Malloy Michael Malone Joyce Maloney Anthony Mannella Oretha Manu Lori Marabello John Marcavage Randy Mardayat Jade Marecic Carissa Markantone
Jeremy Markey Megan Markovitz Lorraine Marnet Caroline Marra Kevin Marsh Jennifer Martin Nahja Martin Nicholas Martini Lauren Marzullo Kate Mason Becca Massimino Justin Matase Alisa Mathews Scott Mathieson Kathy
Mattocks Paul Matvey Kathleen Maurer Tyler May Emma McAfee Terrence McAllister Anne McCandless Brittany McCann Catherine McCann Daniel McCarthy Bill McClellan Eric McClimans Bryan McClure Marysa McConnell Joanna
McCullough Peter McDonagh Kara McElwain Amber McGee Brittny McGraw Sharon McGuirk Tara McHenry Lindsay McKee Samantha McKee Juanita McKelton Becky McMillen Eron McMillen David McSorley Ariel Meadows Kaley
Meadows Brianna Medeiros Rachel Mehl Ashlyn Mehlhaff Alexandra Mellett Matt Mentecky James Mesloh Ty Metcalf Jeffrey Meyer Joe Meyer Kaitlyn Meyer Renee Meyer Alexander Mezhinsky Natashia Miceli Caelin Middleman
Christine Mikhael Juliet Millard Ashleigh Miller Courtney Miller David Miller Jason Miller Logan Miller Megan Miller Nick Miller Sarah Miller Taylor Miller Nancy Mimless Annie Minda Shea Minter Stephanie Mitchell Sandee Moed
Kristen Mohler Matthew Monsour Cristan Mooney Kathy Moran Madison Mordoh Sydney Mordoh Judith Morgan Victoria Morrow Dominique Moye Debra Moyers Jenna Mriso Jason Mudd Inshirah Muhamut Siobhan Mulkerrin JR
Mullen Brian Mulligan Sarah Munas Josh Mundell Rachel Murphy Greg Musgnug Haley Myer Molly Myers Elaine Nalikka Kayla Nanna Zack Navarro Norbert Ndamira Kevin Nealer Jeffrey Neely James Neese Jason Neiss Adlai
Nelson Michael Nelson Robert Nelson Tobin Nelson Frank Nemeth Lydia Nestor Jason Neuman Justin Newman Jenna Nguyen Molly Nichols Emily Nickles Paula Nicolella Lee Niebel Samantha Nighswander Mauro Nofi Emily Noll
Kelly Noone Maureen Norcie Caitlin Northup Rebecca Norton Andrew Novak Katie Nowak Maria Nychis Nicholas Oberlies Daniel O’Brien Eric O’Brien Michael O’Dell Elisa Ogot Jennifer Olsen Jamie Olson Kara Olson Travis Ommert
Melanie Ondek Julia O’Neal Mary O’Rourke Nicholas Orsborn Lindsey Osborne Paula Osterreich Paul Ostrowski Kelly O’Toole Ryan Otto Tricia Owen Anthony Pagliaroli Patricia Palaschak Justin Palmiere Stephanie Paluda Julian
Pannill Victoria Panza Dustin Pardini Jamie Pardini Derek Parker Harlen Parsons Dhwani Patel Priyank Patel Brooke Patterson Darrell Payne Shandell Pearson Alaina Peck Gene Peck Ronald Peirish Joel Pekar Joe Pelle Donna
Pellegrini Brandon Pelosi Dorothea Peniel Charmaine Perella Evan Perilstein Adam Perl Shandel Perry Stephanie Petchel Ari Peterson Laura Peterson Rachel Peterson Athena Petredis Jennifer Petrisek Stephanie Petrozzi Melanie
Pfeiffenberger Charles Pfender Dana Pfoff Robert Phillips Delilah Picart Evan Piermont Louis Pietragallo Denise Pilarski Shanti Pillai Mark Pinchalk Nicholle Piper Bryan Pirosko Alayna Pirrung Christina Pitts Samantha Pitz Alejandra
Placci Elizabeth Plakseychuk Lisa Platt John Poglinco Mark Polcha Kate Porigow Sharon Porter Jonathan Potter Tiponi Potts Darlene Powell Ashley Price Lisa Primerano Onno Prinsen Ana Progovac Michael Radley Missy Radovich
Georgetta Rainey Kelsey Ramsdell Nicole Ranick Rachel Rankin Mikhail Rasner Linda Rathburn Nicole Ravkin Chad Ravotti Kaitlyn Reagan Melissa Recchia Robin Rectenwald Mikayla Redding Allison Redfern Amy Rees Patricia
Reeves Sara Reeves Daniel Regan Juliann Reineke Jenna Reitz Scott Renaud Christopher Repin Patrick Resignalo Corey Rethage Mike Rethage Eric Reynolds Albert Ricci Heather Rice Kaitlynn Riely Alyssa Ritenour David Robbins
Hannah Roberts Joshua Roberts Kenny Roberts Shawn Roberts Donna Robich Traci Roble Megan Rodella Brian Rodgers Gabriele Rodriguez Sophie Roe Renee Romah Philip Romano Anthony Romanucci Jessica Romanucci Kevin
Rombach Michael Rose Bryan Rosenberger Bret Rosenblum Kathy Roslonski Gail Ross Ian Ross Theodore Ross Jennifer Rosson Trent Rothert Peter Rozin Mark Ruby Jennifer Rudd Sarah Rudy Megan Ruefle Eduardo Ruiz Reagan
Rush Ronald Russell Donna Russo Alison Ryan Timothy Ryan Cory Ryhal Jessica Sabo Jenny Sabol Gregory Sabolsky Penny Sabolsky Patrick Sadtler Robert Sagwitz Jeffrey Sakmar Gretchen Sandy Rebecca Santi Matthew Sauers
Lee Savage Scott Savatt Elizabeth Savin Ashley Savisky Burcu Savun Luke Schademan Heather Schafer Ned Schano Alexander Schempf Steve Scheuble Lauren Schieb Emily Schmidlapp Angelette Schneider Barbara Schneider
Shawn Schrag Jamie Schroder Alyssa Schroeder Joseph Schurer Stephanie Sciullo Bryan Scott Georgia Scott Lindsay Scott Lynda Scott Tanner Sebastian Dianne Seibert Sherri Selesky Penny Semaia Don Senchak Kaitlyn Settimio
Adam Sewell Kari Shaffer Rebecca Shaffer Sabrina Shaner Nicole Shannon Zakia Shareef Amy Shreckengost Sarah Shriber Jason Shurgot Daniela Siciliano Nadeera Sidique Lara Siminerio Carla Simmons Jeffrey Simmons
Stephanie Simmons Haley Simon Remington Sinclair Zia Sirabella Mike Sisul Jon Skoog Martin Slomberg Casey Smallwood Brady Smith Brian Smith Kathryn Smith Kyle Smith Millicent Smith Samantha Smith Sean Smith Jodi
Sniegocki Ashley Snyder Zachary Snyder Ryan Soberl Lewis Soltis Joseph Somerville Jack Soodik Sharon Southlea Lisa Spaziani Mike Spiegel Mara Spina Philip Spina Kelli Spotti Rich Stacy Jon Stahre Mallory Stajnrajh Ai-Lin
Stalnaker Nancy Stampahar Micah Stanko Robert Staresinic Abby Stark Susan Stauber Jamie Stein Matthew Stevenson Kevin Stewart Miranda Stocker Megan Stoehr Olivia Stokes Karilyn Stoltzfus Nicole Stone Colleen Stright
Brandon Strittmatter Elizabeth Style Chad Succop Unsa Suhail Peter Sukernek Shariff Sulaiman Tia Sullenbarger Kelly Sullinger Dawn Sullivan Autumn Summers Nicholas Sunseri Lauren Swank Pete Swauger Howard Swimmer
Stephen Switucha Christina Szalinski Brandon Takacs Erika Talaga Perann Tansmore Hector Tantoh Amanda Taylor Christie Taylor Colt Templin Breeden Tesone Kasey Thistlethwaite Bethany Thomas Holly Thomas Tanya Thomas
Bobby Thompson Whitney Thompson Kodi Thornton Marni Tierno Lesley Tift Frank Tigano Joe Timmerman John Timney Juanita Timney Karen Timpona BJ Tipton Bridgette Tipton Jamie Tissue Abigail Tobin Rachel Tokarski Andrew
Tomaswick Ali Tomich Craig Tomich Lauren Tomsic Erica Tony Megan Torpey Joe Totten Chad Townsend Eric Townsend Lauren Townsend Brian Trainer Adaen Tray Chris Tray Sarah Trbovic Stephanie Trbovich Autumn Trembow
Frank Triggiani Joey Troupe Amanda Tse Rachel Tsupros Bernard Tully Katherine Tuminello Brent Ulreich Michael Upchurch James Updegraff Wendy Urbanic Dimas Valentin Gillian Valore Michael Valore Olivia Van Dyke Cynthia
Van-Holten Dixon Kathryn Vargas Robert Vargas Ashley Varrato Vanessa Veltre Geno Veltri Jonathan Veltri Tamara Ventura Charlotte Verstraeten Steven Veverka Kelsey Viets Rick Vilsack Sarah Viszneki Madeline Volosky Leah
Vough Theodore Vuchinich Olivia Wagner Brandy Walasik Brandon Walker Richard Wallach Daniel Walter Raymond Walton Jonathan Warner Laura Watkinson Melissa Weagraff Jonathan Weaver Rachel Weaver Allison Webb Ian
Webb Brittney Webster Tayler Webster Melissa Weeden Julia Weirman Jimmy Wells Ken Werner Heather West Kate Wheeler
Austin Whisnant Adam White Aleshia White Chris White David White Jesse White Courtney Whitesel Jim Wholey Joe Wilcox
Carolyn Will Kelly Williams Renee Williams John Williamson Mark Willoughby Alison Wilson David Wilson Katie Wilson
Lauren Wilson Madison Wilson Ben Wingard Jeremy Witchel Dan Wonders Thomas Wooldridge Molly Worek Chapin Wright
Chavonne Wright Kevin Wu Haley Wulff Meghann Wygonik Beth Wysocki Michael Yablonsky David Yanchik Shannon Yasko
Jackie Yencik Justin Yeskey Jhonphilipp Yonan Sarah Youngblood Michael Yuhas Regina Zacour Ashley Zajdel Andrea Zanaglio
Michelle Zappa Matt Zarit Gretchen Zavarella Jane Zebrouvis Mateusz Zeglen Theodore Zellers Jacqueline Ziemianski Eleanor
Zinn Carmen Zinno Kate Zmijewski Joe Zoffel Stephen Zoller Sean Zollinger Jessica Zombek Courtney Zotter