October - Studio City


October - Studio City
October 2009
DWP Under Pressure
Riverside Drive 2009 Fall Festival A 2
DAY HALLOWEEN Spooktacular
EVENT! - 2:25 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Haunted
House, DJ, Karaoke, games, and step Halloween Costume Contest! Come back on
Halloween from 11 AM - 4 PM for a nonstop day of of activities for kids of all ages
(bouncies, bumper cars, super slides,
Local Events Cont. Pg. 19.
What’ s Inside
Shuman at Large................... 4
Scoops..................................... 15
By Leslie Forbes Owens
By the SOSC News Staff
Kids Corner........................... 18
From the Desk of SOHA....... 5
Dining a Deux........................ 8
HOT Recipes........................ 20
Talk DVD............................... 17
Gerald A. Silver..................... 5
Real Estate Market Update... 25
Venice, Italy? No. Ventura Boulevard on a summer evening
sank at a 45 degree angle following a second break in the street’s surface. With all
four firefighters safely on dry land, the
truck was removed from the scene and is
being refitted to return to Station 60.
This drama was the second of what
amounted to over 45 pipe ruptures
throughout Los Angeles in the month of
September. Some blame the nearly centuryold pipes belonging to the Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power (DWP).
Wendy Greuel........................ 6
White Sofas............................ 7
Photo courtesy of M. Simon
Still waters do run deep, as Los Angeles City Fire Department Captain, Doug
Reyes, discovered in darkness and muck
as his truck sank at the site of a water pipe
rupture last month. Responding to a call
shortly after 5:00 AM on Tuesday morning, September 8th, concerning running
water on a sleepy residential street in Valley Village, Reyes and three other
firefighters from Station 60 found themselves confronted by a pool of standing
water in the middle of the block.
Not knowing its depth, the driver, Tim
Tognieri, followed department protocol
and began backing up the rig, only to hear
a deafening crack which left the truck
settled in two feet of water. Still attempting to retreat, the fire truck succumbed and
Photo courtesy of LAFD
Saturday October 10
LA Valley Pride. “Rally in the Valley LGBT
Rights Rally. An exceptional lineup of
speakers and entertainment is planned.
Located at Studio City Hand Car Wash
Saturday October 24
School House Haunt
Sherman Oaks Parents Assoc. presents the
incredible Haunted School House featuring carnival games, inflatables, The Ballon
Guy, Tarot Readings DJ Dan Wilcox, Arts
n Crafts area, great food and more
Sherman Oaks Elementary School, 14755
Greenleaf St. 4pm-9pm
Friday October 30
Poncho Sanchez, legendary Latin jazz artist, plays upstairs at Vitellos. 7:30 & 9:30
pm. Vitellos Italian Restaurant, 4349
Tujunga Ave., Studio City, Call for reservations 818-769-0905
Clearly, the LADWP has a bit of explaining to do. Hugh Lipton, lifelong resident
of Studio City and a homeowner on
Dickens Street (the location of the first pipe
breakage late Saturday evening, September 5th), recalls a similar pipe rupture
nearly a decade ago, at which time the
DWP added that intersection to its list of
“imminent projects.” As Lipton, an attorney, lamented recently, “First they tell you
it’s within two years. Then you’re told it’s
been put on hold. Not too long ago, we
were told the repairs would be done … finally. And then this.”
Lipton is one of a few lucky residents
living on Dickens Street who was not impacted by the trunk line rupture on
Coldwater Canyon Avenue. A month later,
many residents and merchants along Ventura Boulevard between Coldwater Canyon and Ethel Avenues remain displaced
from their homes, or with businesses shut-
City Councilman Paul Koretz erupted in
action for his beleaguered constituents,
organizing a standing-room only meeting
at the Sportsmen’s Lodge the Wednesday
after the weekend breakage. With the repairs under way on Coldwater Canyon,
conversation focused on the issues facing
local residents and merchants.
Concerns included paying for temporary
lodging, organizing and financing home
or business repairs, insurance filing procedures, and questioning the City’s intention to pay victims for damages and expenses incurred. A panel of City department heads, field representatives, and supervisors fielded answers. Koretz promised
to pursue the possibility of waiving permit
fees for flood victims as they moved forth
with repairs.
David Berger, Special Assistant City AtCont. Pg. 19
Our Birthday! We’re One Year Old!
Production/Associate Editor Stephen
Last October, three former Studio City
Sun staffers published their first Sherman
Oaks Studio City NEWS, a home
delivered community newspaper with a
modest 12 pages. Now one year later,
they are printing their largest issue yet,
28 pages.
The three bring over 75 years of
independent newspaper knowledge to the
paper. Publisher/Editor Marci Marks is
a veteran of the LA Weekly, and the LA
Reader before spending 5 years at the
Sun. Associate Publisher Jim Kaplan is
another LA Weekly alumnus, he also
founded the Studio City Sun. Head of
Phenow, besides working at the Sun,
started at the San Diego Reader, before
moving to LA. He currently publishes his
own magazine for history aficionados.
The publishing staff is complemented by
a diverse group of talented and dedicated
writers who have offered their services and
support. Community newspapers are one of
the few good news stories in the dismal
newspaper business, where so often lately
there is another publication going out of
business. Fiercely local in news, politics,
entertainment, dining and even local
celebrity coverage, that is the focus of the
News as it starts its second year.
Our first issue
Galatzan on Truancy Pg.6 / High School Varsity Football Review Pg.24 /Theatre Critic Don Grigware Pg. 20
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
From the Publisher
With our first issue of our second year we
are doubling our circulation. Many thanks
to all of you who have submitted letters and
articles that give us a pipeline into the community so that we can be your source for
local news.
Our writer, Leslie Owens, wrote a story in
our July issue (Dog Gone It! Dogwalkers
Are Being Kicked To The Curb) about an
ordinance limiting individuals to three dogs
in public parks, that was passed without a
public hearing or posting of signs. Although
I had assigned the story based on a letter
from a reader to investigate if the dog walkers were driving others out of the park,
Owens discovered that professional dog
walkers serve a real need, especially in the
entertainment industry where long days are
the norm. The ordinance was passed without the opportunity to have their voices
Our informative article resulted in a suspension of enforcement of the ordinance by
the City Council. This is the function of a
community newspaper. To inform.
Thanks to all for making our first year so
rewarding. Here’s to another one!
ADDRESS: 827 Hollywood Way, Suite
233, Burbank CA, 91505
PHONE: 818.982.5002
Publisher / Editor
M. L. Marks
Associate Publisher
Jim Kaplan
Associate Editor / Graphics
Stephen Phenow
Wendy Greuel
Phil Shuman
Leslie Forbes Owens
Gerald A. Silver
Ellen Vukovich
Tamar Galatzan
Jon Epstein
Vicki Stern
Don Grigware
Michael Mann
Stephen Phenow
SOHA Homeowners
Briefed on Upcoming Construction
Shuman At Large
By Phil Shuman
“Not Much”
By Karen Packer
I could be wrong, but my sense is that not
much is happening in Studio City and Sherman Oaks. I mean it is what it is, beautiful
homes, nice communities, good schools, big
parks, fairly low crime rate, lots of traffic,
some cool new bars, a big library and another that looks big but only has a few books.
It’s neighborhood after neighborhood full of
well meaning people who for the most part
will stop and help old ladies across the street.
Aside from the occasional newly landscaped
median, or some new street trees, or a battle
over a new restaurant ,or over what size
building is going to be built on what corner,
or what color to make the cement in a newly
decorative cross walk, we are pretty much
status quo. That’s not a bad thing, it’s not a
good thing, it is what it is. We’re not in the
running for a new NFL stadium, we’re not
going to host a Dodgers or Angels victory
party, we don’t have Cal Tech or UCLA or
USC in our backyards, with all due respect
to Valley College. Most of our land is developed, there aren’t any great stretches that
are in imminent danger of being converted
to apartment buildings or condos, as long as
we keep battling to keep Studio City Golf
and Tennis open. The mall on Riverside is
probably going to get bigger, but we can fight
that for a while, though in the end maybe
that’s OK.
What’s that? We are going to get a new
City Councilman or City Councilwoman?
YAWN. How many people voted? Four? I
exaggerate, but for a community that is typically so involved and motivated the special
election turnout was pathetic. What’s even
more pathetic, it was exactly as predicted.
So the future of more than 250,000 people
in CD 2 depends on the preferences of a few
thousand. I’m sure there will be more voters
in the runoff in December, but not a lot. So,
as they say at the “Neighborhood School”
with the four year olds, when they hand out
the different flavored juice boxes…. “You
get what you get.”
I know that a lot of people were very involved and very motivated and very sincere
in the pre-election campaigning and meetings and round tables and cocktail parties
and rallies and dinners and all that. They
are to be commended for their dedication,
though we’re all still waiting for the speed
bumps to be completed around the not so
new Best Buy, aren’t we? To me though,
there were no real issues in our area in the
recent race that defined it or the candidates.
It seems the biggest criticism was that one
candidate or the other was tied to ‘downtown special interests’. That’s an easy
catchphrase without much definition. There
was concern over the fact that some of the
candidates apparently just recently found
addresses in the district. Skate on that one.
There was also concern over so called “ethics reform”. I am not aware of any major
ethical lapses among recent officeholders
from CD 2, but that always sounds good .
So did I miss something? I don’t think so. I
know I’m oversimplifying but I work in TV
news so I’m always doing that. Overall then,
given the status quo, the voter apathy could
be explained away. Still, you’d think people
would vote just out of a sense of obligation,
Attendees at the monthly Sherman Oaks
Homeowners Association (SOHA) meeting
were briefed on major construction concerns
Sept. 16th.
“Treasure the stillness now because once the
economy recovers, the large-scale development proposed for Council Districts 2 and
5 will go forward, and we will see the impact,” warned Ellen Vukovich, who advises
and oversees the SOHA land use committees.
The planned construction includes:
* The expansion of Westfield Shopping
Center’s Fashion Square mall during a 15year construction period granted by the city.
* A massive remodeling of Ralph’s grocery
store on Ventura at Hazeltine that includes
a 3-story closed parking garage and additional retail shops.
* Construction on the vacant lot at the
former Barone’s restaurant site (also at Ventura and Hazeltine) that is rumored to become more than 130 senior housing units.
* And the continued expansion of The
Buckley School on Stansbury that is currently impacting surrounding neighborhoods.
Two additional upcoming construction
projects affecting the area are planned by
the Los Angeles Department of Water and
Power (LADWP). The first involves the
demolition of the uncovered Upper Stone
Canyon Reservoir that will be replaced with
a buried concrete storage structure located
within the existing reservoir area. The land
coverage will be turned into a public recreation area, according to a report by Keith
Meyer, a representative from an opposition
group formed to halt the project.
It is expected that construction activities will
take place six days a week and last seven to
ten years, requiring 24,000 truck trips along
Mulholland Drive. The communities of
Roscomare, Beverly Glen, and Mullholland
will be the most substantially impacted by
the estimated $235 million project. More information
The second LADWP project planned is the
City Trunk Line South Unit 5 Project that
will see the construction of approximately
6,600 feet of 60 inch diameter water pipeline along Coldwater Canyon Avenue and
Moorpark Street. The construction is part
of the ten-year Capital Improvement Program to replace aging water infrastructures.
Construction is slated to begin next month
and continue through August of 2011. The
general construction information phone line
is (213) 367-0902.
Marci Marks
The SO SC NEWS is published monthly, delivered to homes in Sherman Oaks & Studio
Contents Copyright 2009 BVP
All Rights Reserved.
Call (818) 636-2950
for advertising information.
Karen Packer is a Valley resident. She can be
reached at karenpacker3000@yahoo.com
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
or just to show Meg Whitman how to do it.
But no. Sure there have been some water
main breaks that got everyone’s intention,
enough for the candidates to declare their
support for infrastructure, which is nice.
There are always the good words on behalf
of the Police and Fire. In other words, more
of the same. I almost would’ve liked to have
seen Zuma Dude or Dog or Cat or whatever
the hell he calls himself get in the runoff
just to see what would happen. ( Zuma please
don’t call or write me. Ever.) Now I don’t
think I’ve ever met either of the two runoff
candidates so I can’t say anything good or
bad about them. I admire them for their commitment and dedication because running for
public office is never easy and requires sacrifice. But it doesn’t seem that either of them
is going to inspire anything like “Obamamania”.
So I guess this means we’re all happy and
content, and why not? We live in paradise
where it’s sunny and warm almost every day.
(Yes sometimes too warm, I admit). We have
to worry about the occasional fire and even
worse the occasional earthquake, but those
too shall pass. After December we’ll have a
new person sitting at the horseshoe in Council Chambers inside the magnificently restored City Hall, with their name and “District Two” on the classic brass bordered
name plate in front of their chairs with the
newly installed internet ready laptops. Still,
not much will change in our day to day lives.
Because we apparently didn’t want it to.
( If anyone other than ZumaDog would like
to email me to discuss this or other Valley
issues, or suggest a news story feel free
Phil.Shuman@Foxtv.com )
Phil Shuman is a Fox 11 News Reporter who
lives with his wife and two children in Studio
Would Community Planning
Boards be Better than Neighborhood Councils?By Gerald A. Silver
A decade has elapsed since the Los Angeles City Charter was amended to set up a
system of Neighborhood Councils (NC’s).
The NC’s were proposed as a means of
bringing residents into the planning process.
NC’s are made up of advisory members who
represent business, apartment owners,
homeowners, renters, churches, etc. Some
people are asking whether NC’s have
brought local governance closer to residents,
and improved the planning process?
An alternative system worthy of consideration is that of community planning boards
(CPBs). Planning has been a major concern
of community leaders for many years. At the
present time there is little planning decision making given to local residents - the
ones who have to live with the results of
uncontrolled growth. NC’s do not exclusively represent homeowners or residents,
rather they reflect a broader collection of
special interests, including Chambers of
Commerce, apartment building owners,
businesses, corporations, churches and employees.
Planning during the past decades has been
a disaster for Los Angeles residents. This
city’s growth has long been orchestrated by
developers and special interests. They have
eroded responsible planning case by case in
hearing after hearing. Good planning is often corrupted as projects move through the
planning process.
Does Ventura Boulevard in Encino,
Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood, or the
Beverly Center reflect sound planning? Was
adequate transportation made available before developers were given a green light to
build? Was sufficient offstreet parking provided and were neighborhoods protected
against high rises towering over residences?
These hallmarks of bad planning don’t reflect residents’ interests, but rather developers’ profit motives.
Zoning cases have become urban planning
battlefields, with residents badly outflanked
by special interests. Developers seeking to
build in already over-congested areas enlist
lobbyists and expediters to their aid. Since
City Planning Commissions are made up of
political appointees, it is no surprise that
community plans become twisted and
mangled in the process. Many NC’s take up
development projects and do not reflect the
best interests of the residential community.
Would community planning boards
(CPB’s) do a better job than NC.s when it
comes to decision making over community
plans and zoning matters? In the end, planners who make recommendations should not
be appointed by the Mayor or City Council,
but rather elected by local residents.
Here are some ideas to consider:
1. There should be one planning board for
each community plan area in the city. These
boards should be composed of from 9 to 15
From The Desk of SOHA
By Ellen Vukovich
“ A Modern Fairy Tale”
Once upon a time there was a luxuriant
green land showered by golden sunshine
set amidst sapphire skies. Many people
came to these lands and were happy living
and working there. One day, the people
met and decided it was time to have rulers
to keep some order in their land. A sacred
agreement was made whereas rulers
2. Planning department staff members would be elected by a vote of the people so
should be appointed as ex-officio members they could care for the land and its people.
of the planning boards in order to provide In time, more people came to peddle or
find their dreams. New trades and crafts
technical advice and assistance. As advisors, brought prosperity to the lands. This
they can help residents act with wisdom on brought changes – to the people and the
complex planning matters.
Bountiful verdant open spaces became
3. CPB members should be elected exclu- little buildings replaced by towering
sively by the residents. Here is one scenario structures that removed the people from
to consider. Suppose town hall-like forums the land and sun. Small living places once
respecting the land became castles which
were held in various communities. Prospects kept people away from others. Travel to
for the board would explain their views and beloved granite steeples or to refreshing
philosophies. Ballots and written statements seas became difficult because more people
could be distributed at the meeting or mailed were heading in the same directions all of
to residents. This scenario is only one of the time. Happy pastimes were now spent
many that could be used, at little cost, to in front of one-dimensional objects that
create elected boards which would represent showed and told the people how things
were supposed to be.
the residents’ interests.
Food was no longer locally grown. The
always constant good weather changed
4. Legitimate homeowner organizations bringing wet and cold or wind and heat
should be well represented on the CPBs. that seemed to bring equal parts of danger
There is a wealth of knowledge and experi- and apprehension to the land. Refreshing
ence waiting to be tapped by the homeowner and once plentiful water became a
leaders throughout this city. They should commodity as the underground streams
and lakes dried up from overuse. And, it
actively participate in the planning process. hurt to breathe because the air was foul
from people made things. Yet the worse
5. There must, of course, be checks and change that happened over time was in
balances. The local government should re- the people. They no longer were happy.
The rulers wondered what happened to
tain oversight authority to prevent runaway
people. So they decided to test their
board decisions or modifications of commupeople
by growing their power. Laws were
nity plans that are not in keeping with sound
passed that benefited a small group
citywide planning.
instead of everyone. Taxes and fees were
raised over and over again for the same
6. The CPB’s should be decision making things. Yet the people did nothing to stop
bodies, not merely advisory groups, and be the rulers. And that is when the rulers
responsible for both zoning and community understood that their people had willingly
plans. Residents must have direct control turned their backs on not only each other,
but the land too.
over their own neighborhoods.
The rulers then took complete power.
They raided the treasury and erected ivory
7. The CPBs should operate in an open and glass towers filled with treasures in a
manner, with meetings held at times con- new center complete with people willing
to do their bidding without question. They
venient to residents.
had the best that life offers – plenty of
It is time for a change in the planning phi- money, food, garments and never-ending
losophy in Los Angeles. Many Los Angeles entertainment. And, that’s when the rulers
committed their final violation. They
residents do not wish to live in a “world broke their agreement to care for the land
class” city. Instead they want neighborhoods and its people.
that are comfortable and safe, free of trafAnd, still, the people did nothing to stop
the rulers. But the land took its venfic, congestion, air pollution, and noise.
geance. Walkways and roadways
Gerald A. Silver is President of Homeowners of crumbled. Vacant buildings lined treeless,
Encino. He serves on the Ventura Blvd. Specific weed-filled roads. Water, food and fuel
Plan Review Board (PRB). He can be reached at supplies were rationed.
And that is when the people finally did
something. They covered their mirrors for
fear of seeing what really caused the
destruction of their paradise. That
destroyed one vote per person. That
brought self-serving interests to power.
That ruined their hope.
individuals who reside in their respective
communities. The boards should be dominated by those who live in a community, not
developers or outsiders who want to make
money but aren’t willing to raise their families there.
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
And before those rulers went to sleep
each night, they stood before their mirrors
facing the truth. They knew their days
were numbered. That surely the people
will rouse from their slumber and take
back their lands and happiness.
For once upon a time, that’s exactly what
happened. ###
Join us at our next SOHA Meetings:
Wednesday, October 21, City Hall comes
to Sherman Oaks. Bring your questions
for city officials to answer. Wed. November 19, Council District 2 Debate between
Paul Krekorian and Chris Essel. 6:30 PM,
Notre Dame High School Cafeteria
(refreshments served) Riverside and
Woodman (parking available).
Vukovich is a homeowner in Sherman Oaks. Her
opinions are personal and not as a representative of “SOHA.” Comments or questions Membership info: www.shermanoaks914.com or 818
(818) 340-3060 License No. #505706
Child Health & Safety Fair
District Late on Dealing
“Ditch day” is a tradition that may well go
By Wendy Greuel
Continuing to support those in need, my
Children’s Foundation hosted a highly successful Sixth Annual Wendy Greuel Child
Health and Safety Fair on Saturday, October 3, at the Valley Plaza Recreation Center
in North Hollywood where thousands of
Angelenos received free health care services
and safety tips for their children.
Providing children with a healthy, safe and
nurturing environment is a must if we expect them to contribute to our communities
as adults. My Health and Safety Fair hopes
to give children the medical care and safety
tools they need to succeed.
In addition to musical entertainment and
free food stands, an arts and crafts station,
a zoomobile and several play areas were
available for the children’s entertainment.
The Health Fair provided free health
screenings, as well as free immunization appointments for children. We also had information on nutrition, bicycle safety tips,
along with bike helmet giveaways and free
bicycle raffles. Also, in association with the
Los Angles Police Department, Valley Traffic Division and the California Highway Patrol, we provided car seat inspections to
ensure parents know how to safely transport their children.
Throughout my career, I have put
children’s issues at the forefront of my
agenda. My passion was intensified with the
back to the era of the one-room schoolhouse.
birth of my son Thomas, and as a mother I If none of us is willing to admit to ditching
have a better understanding of the struggles a class or two ourselves, we know kids who
did so.
that parents encounter in raising their chilBut most of us – and most of our friends –
were probably not truants, which is defined
I have made improving child safety a cor- by the state education code as any student
nerstone of my tenure in office. As a who “is absent from school without a valid
Councilmember I launched an initiative to excuse for three full days or tardy or absent
bring Safety Valets to every interested el- more than any 30-minute period during the
ementary school in Council District 2. I se- school day without a valid excuse on three
occasions in one school year.” The code furcured updated safety signage around all CD
ther stipulates that a truant “shall be reported
2 elementary schools and as Chair of the to the attendance supervisor or the superinTransportation Committee has demanded tendent of the school district.”
that the Department of Transportation priIt is my belief, and the belief of many
people at schools and in law enforcement,
oritize safety projects around schools.
s perspective has made me work even that LAUSD has a truancy problem. The
harder to make sure that the children in the extent of the problem is difficult to quantify, however, because the District does not
Valley and all over Los Angeles receive the
maintain precise statistics regarding the
health services and safety information that number of truant students.
will keep them safe and healthy.
Yet there is anecdotal evidence available,
Wendy Greuel is the current City Controller of which you can obtain by simply driving past
an LAUSD middle school or high school
the City of Los Angeles
on a typical day. The chances are better than
36 Years Experience
even that you will see a student or two or
three hanging around the lunch area in the
middle of the afternoon, or a couple of lonely
figures on a vast and empty PE field.
Students who wander around campus when
they are supposed to be in class are truant,
even if they stay on campus. Attempts to
minimize such behavior, or explain it away,
are not only wrong, but dangerous.
I recoil when I hear so-called experts proCall Ron at 818. 957. 3679
viding excuses for truancy. We do a terrible
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
ByTamar Galatzan
disservice to students when we coddle them
for acting in a manner that we know is
wrong, and more important, they know is
In my experience as a criminal prosecutor, I have heard from many people in law
enforcement that truancy is often the forerunner to involvement in gangs. By preventing isolated cases of “ditching” from turning into chronic truancy, we are helping to
protect the community, inside and outside
school grounds.
The key question is how to do so. There is
currently no comprehensive program at the
District for combating truancy. I am hoping
to change that situation this year.
Later this month, I am holding a hearing
to discuss implementing an anti-truancy program that is both fair and clear. I have asked
a group from Verdugo Hills High School,
which has the most highly regarded program
of its type at LAUSD, to speak about effective methods of dealing with truants. The
model used by VHHS has many intervention steps before law enforcement gets involved, but that option must be kept available for law enforcement agencies.
As the District continues to celebrate
higher graduation rates and pursue its goal
of making every student college-ready, it is
imperative to have in place a vigorous program to fight truancy. It is equally important that once the program is adopted, individual schools ensure that it’s implemented
fully, fairly, and with great transparency.
White Sofas and Other
Stupid Parenting Mistakes
Homes Now Selling
With Multiple Offers
By Vicki Stern
My son just started middle school and is
about to have his first brush with grades.
He attended a progressive elementary
school that didn’t believe in grades or, for
that matter, learning to spell, writing in
cursive, or that the months of the year come
in any specific order.
To prepare my son, we reviewed the section on grades in his new school’s “Family
Handbook.” After reading what each letter
grade meant (the usual…A, B, C, D, F)
my son paused, looked uncharacteristically
thoughtful, then announced his plan for
doing well in his new middle school. He
wasn’t going to get any F’s. “That’s where
you’re setting the bar?” I asked, incredulously, “You’re not going to get any F’s?”
That’s when it hit me. This generation of
kids has set their bar really low. My son’s
definition of success in middle school was
to not get an “F.” “You know, Mom, a ‘D’
is a passing grade, ” he added, in case I
didn’t know.
The bar was at his feet. I wasn’t really
sure how to convey the importance of setting one’s own personal bar high. What it
means to work hard to achieve something
that’s out of your reach. How that satisfaction can propel you to even greater heights
as a human being.
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Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
The following morning, I lowered my own
personal “Mom” bar. When my son asked
me who he had a “play date” with later that
day, I told him he would be playing with
the lady who bags the groceries at Ralph’s.
Huh, he asked?
I explained I didn’t feel like searching for
his friend’s phone number in my purse and
I was already at Ralph’s so I simply asked
the nice grandma bagging my groceries if
she was free. Hope you like to play canasta,
I added.
A few days later, my son sat down to eat
his favorite dinner of chicken enchiladas.
After a few bites, he realized something was
wrong. “Hey Mom,” he yelled, “You forgot
to cook these.” “You know,” I told him,
“Normally I’d go that extra step. But, they
looked fine the way they are.”
He’s no dummy, my son. Seven or eight
more weeks of lowering my “Mom” bar, and
my son picked right up on what was going
on. It’s too soon to tell what kind of impact
it will have on him. I do know this, he is
now one mean canasta player.
Vicki Stern used to be funny when she was a
writer/producer of sitcoms for TV. Now she’s a
Mom and she’s not funny anymore...just ask
her kid.
Dining a Deux
As this duo knows, Studio City is flooded
with opportunities for dining, though last
month several eateries along the Boulevard
suffered damage as a result of the ruptured
trunk line ferrying water to Franklin Canyon. We are saddened to see your doors
closed, but look forward to your grand reopening, and seeing old friends soon.
One of our local prizes, Pinot Bistro
(12969 Ventura Blvd., Studio City,
818.990.0500) narrowly missed becoming
a victim of the Boulevard’s recent flood. A
long-standing neighborhood favorite, Katie
and I enjoy its true bistro ambience, classic
French fare, and its warm and personable
Among the attractions are constantly
changing plats du jour, evenings like “Locals Night Sunday” offering creative combinations of the chef’s creation with a family-friendly feeling, “The Classics at Pinot
Bistro,” a three-course prix fixe dinner for
$34.00 (including of a glass of wine) served
from 5:30PM to 6:45PM, and a terrific Spa
Menu lunch, two flavorful courses priced at
$24.00, with a combined 500 calories. Sat-
Hugo Veltman of Pinot Bistro
isfying and sating, it changes daily, so dieters may dine deliciously.
An appetizer sized portion of Salade
Niçoise was a meal in itself on a recent
lunchtime visit, and the homemade country-styled pâté accompanied by grilled rustic bread, coarse mustard, petite carrots,
marinated pearl onions, cornichons, and
mâche is offered as an appetizer, but affords
a savory slice of France and a filling meal
in itself. Recently, Katie steered toward Les
Moules Marinières, followed by a whitefish
fillet, napped with Meunière sauce, and a
potato brandade, capping her meal with a
Brioche chocolate pudding with Wild Turkey sauce.
My rib-eye with a brandy peppercorn sauce
arrived rare, as requested, and remarkable,
as too few chefs today dare to let beef leave
their kitchen with a whisper of pink. With
no corkage fee throughout this year, consider raiding your cellar for a vintage bottle
and celebrating delectable offerings within
the neighborhood. And, at Pinot Bistro,
there is plenty to celebrate!
Carrying the reputation, “Best Chinese
food in the Valley,” Bamboo Cuisine (14010
818.788.0202) never disappoints. Since
1990, when Joseph Teng created this gem
on the Boulevard, forays to Monterey Park
or Chinatown became obsolete. “Expected”
dishes like moo shu pork, chop suey, beef
with broccoli, fried rice, kon pao, and count-
By Leslie Forbes Owens
With Katie Owens
Nouveau Dining
In these tough economic times, we find ourselves simplifying our lives any way we can.
However, as a self-proclaimed “foodie” I find
it hard cutting corners when it comes to good
meals. Here is one of my solutions. The Blue
Dog Beer Tavern, located at 4524 Saugus
Ave., in Sherman Oaks is a great place to
enjoy all American, delicious food. And one
of the best parts, it’s wonderfully affordable!
Prices of entrées range from $5.99 (vegan
chili) to $11.99 (crispy chicken, shrimp and
chips). Don’t let the “cheap” prices fool you,
The Blue Dog’s down home comfort food is
absolutely delicious. We ordered the Mac ‘n’
Cheese with jalapeños and bacon, ($5.00)
and the chili cheese fries, (also $5.99). With
a crispy crust of cheese and bread crumbs
on top, the perfect crunch from the bacon,
and a little “kick” from the jalapeños, this
Mac ‘n’ Cheese is sure to satisfy your comfort food needs. A huge portion of chili
cheese fries was next, enough to feed 4
people at least! The chili tasted homemade
and the blanket of cheddar cheese on top
definitely pleased our appetites. I have to
mention the ice cream sandwiches are TO
DIE FOR. The ice cream is homemade everyday by the famous Dr. Bob from the LA
County Fair and the gooey, chocolate chip
cookies are also homemade and simply delicious. This dessert should definitely be a
priority on your list.
The menu doesn’t stop there. If you’re
thirsty, The Blue Dog Beer Tavern has a very
diverse selection of micro brewed beer. Beer
on tap ranges from $5-$9 and this includes
Teng of Bamboo
less others, arrive hot from the wok, appropriately seasoned, and artistically arranged.
Where the true gastronomic fun begins
is with the “Bamboo’s Chef Specialty” listings. Minced chicken in lettuce cups, Peking duck (served with the traditional butterfly bun), Aloha Shrimp (an inspired concoction of shrimp lightly battered and fried,
tossed with pineapple, sweet mayonnaise
and candied walnuts), Whole Crispy Catfish (accompanied by a dramatic sauce
laced with red and green chilies), and Bamboo Chicken & Black Pepper Sauce elevate
the Valley’s Chinese cuisine to new
heights. Last week, Teng insisted we try
his self-named rice, one of the tastiest
dishes we’ve eaten lately: rice, lightly stirfried laced with breast of chicken,
scrambled egg white, scallions, and mild
Chinese radish. What an amazing addition to our meal! Sadly, it is not yet listed
among the vast menu offerings, though we
both hope it is featured as a publicized special.
A full bar and clever listing of martinis
whets your palate, and rumor has new creations on the way. Bamboo’s accommodating staff ensures your visit will be satisfying, and the generous portions often yield
a future meal. While street parking is available, read the posted signs to confirm
you’re safely parked. Recent parking modifications in valid hours warrant an extra
gander. Finally, we strongly advise reservations on weekends and evenings; word
is out: Bamboo truly is the Valley’s best!
where Hollywood Way dead-ends at
Glenoaks Blvd., its gray façade merges
with the gray highway overpass. If you
look skyward, you might notice above, the
back-in-the-day yellow neon sign with a
lobster signaling you’ve arrived. Or, if you
were this pair, you’d miss it completely
on first approach.
Wood-paneled like an old lake house,
adorned with sports posters and a pair of
televisions, patrons enter through the bar,
where on a recent afternoon, Gary’s wife,
Shelley, was tending to a lively crowd of
regulars. The adjacent dining room was
bustling with an amalgam of guests: coworkers celebrating a birthday, a trio of
contractors reminiscing about the “boom”
days before this “bust,” ladies-who-lunch,
and ‘regulars,’ in for their favorite fare.
While a far cry from the bustle of Ventura
Blvd., Gary Bric’s Ramp attracts a crowd
which appreciates hearty portions, deliciously prepared and seasoned items, and
an array of tempting entrées, at exceptionally forgiving prices. (Oh! And if you’re
lucky, you might hit a day Shelly has delivered freshly-baked homemade brownies. Don’t hesitate to order … they will be
An ample menu, bursting with enticing
combinations is almost overwhelming if
you arrive famished, as we did. Katie ordered garlic cheese bread to begin, and it
arrived piping hot, and as garlicky and
cheesy as any we’ve sampled. Wanting
“comfort food,” Katie proceeded to order
spaghetti with meatballs, which upon arrival, was enough to fill the boot of Sicily.
My selection, a steak sandwich, arrived
fresh from the grill – hot and rare, as re-
Finally, as
readers of
this column
may have
this motherdaughter
dining duo
likes to venture beyond
our backyard. Interesting and
tasty food is
On the recommendation
friends we know from other restaurant
roaming, recent travels have taken us to
one of the most obscure, unassuming, easyto-drive by hideaways: Gary Bric’s Ramp
(7730 North Hollywood Way, Burbank,
818.768.6499). Nestled below Interstate 5
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
By Christina Wheeler
Woodchuck Draft Cider, Erdinger Weissbier,
and Old Rasputin Russian Imperial, just to
name a few. Beers by the bottle are also assorted, with selections of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Allagash White, and Old Speckled Hen.
The Blue Dog Beer Tavern opened its doors
just 3 weeks ago, and it seems they have
already ironed out all of the “new restaurant” kinks. The staff is incredibly friendly
and attentive, the food is scrumptious, and
the beer is ice-cold. Everything about this
restaurant is laid back, from the crushed ice
to the staff calling out, “sit wherever you’d
like!” as you walk in. The exposed unfinished wood structure without drywall gives
this unique interior a cool, urban atmosphere. There are 3 flat screen TV’s within
view of most of the tables and booths.
Chalk boards line the back walls of the restaurant, waiting to be doodled on or signed
by anyone who walks by. The owner, Paul
Scrivano must love dogs because the walls
are filled with pictures of man’s best friend.
Now here is a fun note, you can email a picture
www.bluedogbeertavern.com and if your
picture makes in on the wall, you receive a
gift certificate for a free entrée!
Throw on your flip flops and your favorite
cago shorts. Delicious simplicity is at its best
at The Blue Dog Beer Tavern and in times
like these, what more could we ask for?
Blue Dog Beer Tavern 4524 Saugus Ave.,
Sherman Oaks HRS: 11-11 M-F 10-11
SAT-SUN 818..990.BLUE
quested, smothered in dainty onion rings
(reason alone to visit the restaurant). Ramp
fries accompanied this humungous sandwich. With a first course selection of soup
or salad to augment my entrée, I had ordered New England clam chowder, which,
having lived in Massachusetts during college, rekindled a love affair between my
palate and stomach. Subsequent visits have
not let us down, but added Gary Bric’s
Ramp to our list of favorites on my GPS.
Yes, it’s out of the way, hard to find, and
non-descript. But worth every exception.
We’ll visit next month.
Leslie and Katie can be reached at
Women in The Garden
An Invite to an afternoon offering
Inspiring Tools to enhance our
Transformational Powers in
these challenging Times.
Sound & Energy Healing,
Alternative Counseling for many
areas of our lives.
On Sunday, October 18, 3-6 pm
there will be a Garden in
Valley Village
Presentations & free consultations
$5 Donation appreciated
Info: Naiad4Life@gmail.com
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
DJ hosted Pool Party Sat. Afternoons
Special Food and Drink Menu
Rated a Top Hidden Spot in the LA Times
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Local Sweethart On “Dancing With the Stars”
Sweetharts candy maven Melissa Joan Hart was all glammed
up to slink a sexy samba on last
week’s “Dancing With The
Stars” She had legs and showed
how to use them, and she is
partnered with Mark Ballas, last
year’s winner.
There are viewing parties on the
big screen TVs at Sweetharts,
and DWTS fans can enter in a
sweepstakes to win VIP tickets
to a live “Dancing With the
Stars” or a yogurt party with
Abundance On “Good Day LA”
a Plus-Size Boutique,
did a live televised
stylist for “CSI
Response to the
fashion show on Fox
LA”. The five lovely,
talented, abundant
fashion show was
tremendous! If
you weren’t lucky
enough to catch
models included actress Dale Raoul
(Maxine Fortenberry of
HBO’s True Blood),
the fashion show
live, just visit the
website. Watch the
L to R: Varon, actress Dale
Rebekah Derrick (the Raoul and Cindra Lee Henry.
video and enter the
“FACE” of Abundance and model current contest to win a $500
for HSN), Michelle Greenleaf Abundance shopping spree.
(bachelorette from “More to Website: www.
Love”), Toloria Milner (profes- abundanceplussizes.com.
Wendy Greuel to Host Fashion Event
Abundance and Roni
drug counseling, the Center
sional plus-size model), and Joyce
B. boutiques will be
provides mental health and
marriage & family counsel- Westergaard (model/actress and
stylings Oct. 11 at the
ing, education, support and
referral services to women,
Tough Cookies Adds
Center’s annual fashmen, children and adolesion show, luncheon,
cents. The Center strives to
and boutique at the
serve the needs of the low- Now Sizes 7 - 14 are available at
income and diverse ethnic Tough Cookies. Expanded size
Marriott. This year’s
population. So please come, range from newborn through 14
honoree is the jovial
support your community is available from your favorite
councilman Dennis
and a great cause, make
brands including Kingsley, L.A.
Zine, whose zany ansome new friends, shop the
Made, Trunk, Joe’s Jeans and
tics led him down the
wares at the bazaar and
runway last year as
watch a fabulous fashion more.
VWC participant Katie Sterling
Our Eco-Tote is a great way to
the finale bride! And
with new controller Wendy Greuel as For more info please call Abundance shop. Pick one up for just $2.50
our emcee and host, this promises to at 818.990.6128, Roni B. at and every time you use it during
be a great event.
818.501.5115 or the Valley Womens the month of October receive a
$10 gift certificate.
In addition to outpatient alcohol & Center at 818.713.8700.
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Tween Sizing
Calling All Fashionistas!
Fall has been very exciting at Roni B. & with new girl candy arriving
weekly, it’s definitely looking like the weather will change soon - yay!
Get ready to cozy up in cute cardigans from Dex, femininity reigns
with skirts by Hazel, Viereck and Fumblin Foe will keep you feeling
sassy & sophisticated and little jackets from Theme and Lucy Love
look great with Level 99 jeans. If you haven’t had time to stop in,
come say hi & see what you’ve been missing!
Craving a frozen yogurt or a gelato with just the amount
you want and all the mix ins you can imagine? Melissa Joan
Hart is one of the partners at this adorable little sweet shop
with a kids party room and an amazing array of desserts
featuring brownies, cakes, cookies and more. Come & Join
us for the Monday night viewing party for Dancing With
the Stars.
Bring in an Oct. receipt from any “Shop” to get $10 off your next
purchase of $75 or more until Oct. 31st
T-Th 11 am- 7 pm
Fri-Sat 11 am-6 pm
Sun 12-5 pm
13704 Ventura Blvd.
13626 Ventura Blvd. 818.501.5115
Steamer Cleaners has built a reputation for perfection, excellence and
competitive pricing.
Steamer Cleaners is a green operation, believing in environmentally
safe dry cleaning and eco-friendly
garment bags – so you’ll not only
Steamer Cleaners was chosen “Best come away with beautifully cleaned
of LA” from Los Angeles Magazine
and the “MyFoxLA” Hot List Win- clothes, but the knowledge that you
are doing something nice for the
planet as well. Steamer Cleaners
Bring in this ad for 10% off your
provides expert alterations, candy,
incoming order. Not valid with any
other offer. Offer expires December specialty coffees, dog biscuits, bal31, 2009
loons popcorn and a new spinning
prize wheel for a chance to win free
M-F 6 am-10 pm
dry cleaning!
Sat 8 am-8 pm
Sun 9 am-5 pm
13646 Ventura Blvd. Corner of Woodman
818.906.2345 www.steamercleaners.com
Good news! We have extended our
hours! The UPS Store® on Ventura @ Woodman has all the support services you need, from Notary, Live Scan Fingerprinting, a
Private Mailbox with a real street
address, packaging and shipping,
and being your one-stop source for
printing, faxes, office supplies and
more. Whatever your business or
personal needs, we’re here to serve
you. We can produce professional-looking business documents, print them in color on specialty paper, and even have them
bound and laminated.
Missing too many package deliveries while you’re out of the office?
We have re-invented the mailbox
by adding a lot of extras. For start-
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
ers, you get a real street address
(not a P.O. Box), package acceptance from any carrier, Text Message & Email Notification of Packages received and 24-hour
access.As pack-and-ship experts,
we use a variety of reliable carriers
like UPS® and USPS® to make
shipments across the country and
around the globe. We pack your
items to the highest standards to
help make sure they arrive safely.
M-F 8 am-8 pm
Sat 9 am-5 pm
Sun 11 am-5 pm
13636 Ventura Blvd.
The friendly experienced staff knows how to
make you feel at home.
Whether you’re searching for comfortable business, creative casual, or
divinely dressy, Abundance has it all.
M-Sat 10 am- 6 pm
Sun 12-4 pm
Abundance is the perfect upscale
boutique - without pretensions,
filled with classic, fun and funky
clothing, pampering ladies size 12
and up.
Pint sized fashionistas count on Tough Cookies to provide the coolest
clothes for sizes newborn thru 6x. Now, Tough Cookies is pleased offer
the best in fashion for the tween set too from many of your favorite
brands like Joe’s Jeans, Kingsley, Splendid, Trunk and more!
Michele Varon, Sherman Oaks
resident and owner of Abundance,
loves helping women look their absolute best. Whether you’re a size
12 or 3X, you deserve nothing less
than looking and feeling fabulous.
The best dressed devils in the City of Angels get their clothes at Tough
Cookies Children’s Boutique. Now available for newborn thru size 14!
Tough Cookies
13638 Ventura Blvd.
Abundance is located at 13604 Ventura Blvd.Info, call
818.990.6128 or visit www.abundanceplussizes.com
A casually elegant Italian trattoria proudly serving Sherman
Oaks since 1997. Featuring fresh fish, prime steaks, homemade
pastas and homemade desserts. Use of seasonal ingredients. Full
bar, candlelit dining rooms, monthly wine dinners. Warm Italian hospitality. Perfect for family celebrations, romantic dinners,
or just a night out. Banquet room can accommodate 55.
Same great food you have grown to love from the original Vitello’s in
Studio City but in a more casual setting. Delicious thin crispy pizzas,
chicken pesto panini, pasta Restivo and Italian garlic fries are served at
this friendly neighborhood eatery with an outdoor patio.
Vitello’s Express offers free delivery seven days a week.
13702 Ventura Blvd.
Il Tiramisu Ristorante & Bar
13705 Ventura Blvd.
(818) 986-2640
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Abundance Illumination Pane Dolce
Freakbeat Happy Dog Camp
Roni B.
Urban Colony Massage Place UPS Tough Cookies Steamer Cleaners
Vitello’s Express
Sherman Oaks based artist Adria Becker is exhibiting some of her paintings at Il Tiramisu, where a fine dining
experience is enhanced by fine art on the walls. Becker’s paintings are inspired by the magnificence of nature
and are reminiscent of the sensual flower paintings of Georgia O’ Keefe. Her love of Tahiti and its mystical
beauty has led her there many times, and the tropical colors, patterns and shapes are reflected in her work.
Becker teaches painting and drawing at the American Jewish University in Bel Air.
Mia Komsky, whose parents own
Tough Cookies, never gave up on
the Dodgers, even when our Boys
in Blue lost
five in a row
before clinching the Western division of
the National
Guitarist Randy
Strom is entertaining diners on the
outdoor patio of
Vitellos Express on
Friday nights. This
laid back jazz
virtuoso plays a
Warr 12 string
guitar, from which
he coaxes amazing
40%-75% OFF entire inventory! Furniture, upholstery, lamps, accessories, rugs,
& more. 25% off any new custom order on
upholstery, furniture, & rugs! we’ll be open
through the holidays with new arrivals
Holiday gift shopping is a must here.
13630 Ventura Blvd
Mia at Dodger Stadium the night before the
Division win
Camp Happy Dog has been a fixture in the dog-loving community
of Sherman Oaks for more than a
decade, providing daycare, overnight boarding and grooming services for your canine companion.
We take pride in offering a clean,
safe, fully supervised environment
where dogs can spend the day playing and socializing in climate-controlled comfort. We are dedicated
to making a difference in the lives
of dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes.
If you work all day, let your dog
play all day at Camp Happy Dog!
13618 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks
(818) 380 -0177
We offer professional massage
therapy at affordable prices.
Gift certificates and packages
are available at our 2 locations
in the valley and our 6 locations on the Westside.
Parking behind any store on
the block except Steamer
When they want real results, more parents, teachers and studentss turn
to Sylvan over other tutors and tutoring services. Why?
Because our individualized approach ensures every student develops
the skills, habits and attitudes for lifelong success. We call it the Sylvan
Advantage and it is how we help your child succeed in school and in
Sylvan Learning Center
13553 Ventura Blvd.
(818) 906-1505
The Massage Place
13634 Ventura Blvd
Daily 9am-10pm
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
The 9th Valley Film Festival opened September
30th for its five day run at the historic El Portal
Theatre. The Festival this year featured movies
and shorts from all sorts of genres, including comedy, Sci Fi, thrillers and documentaries. The Fes-
Tracey Adali
tival founder, the lovely Tracey Adlai a grad from
NYU film school started the festival in 2000 to
give “valley film makers a voice.” The festival
has expanded to the world, submissions now
coming from all over. Next year will be even
better, Adlai assured me.
The opening night feature was the award winning black comedy. Junkie Nurse with Henry
Dittman. With his everyman’s face and his quirky
mannerisms, Ditmann is perfect as the hospital
orderly of an old folks home who lives for his
next fix and doesn’t care who he hurts to get it.
As the night orderly, he lets old people die, in
order to cop from the responding EMTs’ drug
Dittman finally makes a deal with a dying jazz
muscian Tharin (an impressive Conrad Roberts)
to get T’s drugs while allowing Tharin to wail
away on his sax late nights. Predictably the arrangement blows up, but not the way the viewer
would think.
Directed by an able Jeffery Orgill from a script
by B. Scott O’Mally and Orgill, with impres-
Writer O’Mally with writer/director Orgill
sive photography by Alica Robbins and fine support by Mews Small as Roberts’ love interest,
Junkie is worth a long look
Roberts and Small
Kim Fahey
grew up in
Burbank, att e n d e d
Burbank High
graduation he
worked as a
phone company repairman for thirty years. During that time
Lattis (center) cuts her ribbon at Sweetreats
he fixed the phones for the likes of Frank Sinatra,
a new retail location here in Sherman Oaks.
Orson Welles, John Cassavetes, Jack Lemmon,
Sylvester Stallone (when he was writing the first
We have been fans of Zankou Chicken since
Rocky screen play and living in a Hollywood the first one opened in Hollywood years ago,
apartment and later at his palatial estate), Stan so associate publisher Jim Kaplan and I were
Lee, Sam Peckinpah, John Wayne, Mae West, pleased to attend the ribbon cutting for the
Muhammed Ali (“…a real titan as a human be- newest Zankou Chicken on Riverside Drive
ing”) and more.
just east of Lankershim. Lunch was served
His book Hollywood Unlisted is full of color- afterwards as a treat to members of the
ful encounters by the opinionated movie buff/ Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of
phone repairman as he struck up conversations Commerce. Easy on that garlic sauce.
and friendships while the fixing the phones of
the famous, from the early days of Bell Telephone
until he retired from Lucent Technology after
thirty years.
Hollywood Unlisted is an entertaining read for
Fahey’s “behind the façade” insight on many of
Hollywood’s icons. Highly recomended.
The Sherman Oaks Chamber of Commerce
hosted a ribbon cutting at Sweetreats by Lattis,
a bakery boutique specializing in Custom and
Wedding cakes, sweets, gifts and tea party
platters. The cute little shop is in the shopping
center on the northeast corner of Fulton and
Riverside. Chamber members feasted on tasty
little quiches, luscious lemon bars, nutty
chocolate chip cookies, rich red velvet cake
and sinfully rich chocolate brownies. Lattis has
many fans of her baking who are happy she has
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Everybody is all smiles at Zankou
Marci Marks is a singer, actress and writer.
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Releases F
or October
Drag Me to Hell
D:Sam Raimi
October 13
Alison Lohman
Justin Long
Lorna Raver
Dileep Rao
David Paymer
Adriana Barraza
Today, our market is flooded with brainless remakes of old horror films and pornographic violent Saw rip-offs. So here comes
Sam Raimi “the king of horror movies” to
set things right.
Now as a kid. I always was intrigued by the
horror genre. The one sheets of the gory,
trashy, downright pornographic art that
adorned the theatres for those films was my
delight. Of course I also read Lovecraft, and
any other form of Fantasy horror.
“Drag Me to Hell,” is half blood soaked anticipation and half cheesy humor. This is
movie director Raimi’s first horror film in
years, having dedicated his efforts to the
“Spiderman” franchise. He almost gets an
A for effort in producing a watchable Film.
Note I say “almost.” “Hell” suffers from
several problems.
First, Raimi plumbs the heck out “The Evil
Dead” even down to the blood red, bold
faced lettering. Nothing wrong with that
unless you know the flick, then it becomes
an “Oh yeah, I know what happens next”
kind of film.
Now devoid of any real shock if you are an
“Evil” viewer, we come to the second big
problem with “Hell” Really obnoxious
sound design.
In 1988 “Die Hard” promised to “blow you
out the back of theatre.”
And was when that building blew up it did.
Well, this film has the same loud intensity
whenever a “gotcha” or “boo” moment arrives. If this was to increase the viewers’
anxiety, it fails measurably. All it ends up
doing is to telegraph a scary moment is coming. And that ruins the movie.
Starring Alison Lohman in the leading role
(Ellen Page was originally cast as the lead
but dropped out of the project early in production),
Lohman is Christine, a loan officer, who is
being considered for a promotion at her
bank. Deciding she must demonstrate loyalty to the bank, she denies an old woman
(Raver) her request for a third extension
before foreclosing on her house. Big mistake. Infuriated with her, the woman turns
out to be a gypsy and stalks Christine after
work and finally curses her to be dragged to
Hell in three days.
On top of this, her boss (Paymer) tells her
For the Fashionista
Roni B
it’s a tough decision, but she’s not getting
the promotion. Now she has three days to
break the curse. Things are not looking
good. She enlists the aid of a psychic, Rham
Jas (Dileep Rao) while trying to ward off
the tormenting demon chosen to drag her
to Hell.
Lohman is very good in this, creating a character of equal parts spunk and sweetness.
Long who plays Christine’s needy boyfriend
seems tailor made for a Raimi film, as his
ability to drift between comedy and drama
is a huge asset and he is excellent as a result.
Interesting is the concept that fate has reserved for people in the banking world, as
Hell has set aside a special place for them.
Will Christina break the curse, or be dragged
to Hell to occupy one of those special places?
Professional Note to Mr. Raimi:
A Lamia is a female demon from ancient
Greek and Roman eras who once was a
Libyan queen beloved by Zeus /Jupiter, but
his jealous wife Hera/Juno stole her children so Lamia vowed vengeance on all children whom she could devour.
The Lamia of Africa had the breasts of a
woman, the body of a serpent, and they devoured people, they did not go after souls.
Sam Raimi attempts to return to his B movie
roots. Like the Evil Dead movies, it’s delightfully cheesy and inexorable. Unfortunately, it’s also very formulaic and, some of
the time, downright loathsome.
Stephen Frears
Michelle Pfeiffer
Kathy Bates
Rupert Friend
Felicity Jones
Frances Tomelty
Anita Pallenberg
Harriet Walter
Iben Hjejle
Sunday, October 11th 2:00-4:00 pm
Suzy Shaw, Ken Barnes, Mike Stax,and William Stout will be at Freakbeat
signing copies of the new Bomp book, Born in the Garage. Stop by, pick up a
book, chat with good company, and enjoy some of Suzy’s famous homemade
Born in the Garage is a heavyweight celebration of the roots of rock fandom.
3/20art09by the immortal William Stout! This is the ultimate
68 cover
anthology of rock ‘n’ roll fandom from its inception to its mid/late 1970s heyday.
October 20
sets and ‘Chéri’ is no exception. The photography is so lush that viewer gets get
caught up in the visuals. Alas, it is the acting and story that have the problems.
There’s no way around it: Frears’ “Chéri”
is just too English. Michelle Pfeiffer is de
Lonval, M. Peloux (Chéri) is played by
Rupert Friend, both are fine. However Madame Peloux is miscast using Kathy Bates.
“Chéri” should clearly have been left to the
French, done with French actors and actresses in French with English sub-titles.
What we have here sadly is about as French
as Hamburg whores and is very disappointing. “Chéri” is a perfect example of a movie
that has all the details right and the tone
completely wrong. Despite the movie’s exquisite setting and the fact that it was filmed
on location in France, the movie is all perfection and no luxury. It moves along like
an assembly line when it needs to be languorous. Hampton’s adaptation fails to capture the sharp wit, and the subtle melancholy, of the source material. The whole
movie is too jolly and jaunty, and while
Colette’s writing may be many things, but
it was never “jolly” and “jaunty.”
There are several very good reasons to see
“Chéri.” Stephen Frears’ direction, the cinematography that gives the movie a flawless polish, the pre-1920s costumes are just
right, putting Pfeiffer in an assortment of
scrumptious dresses is always right . The
production design sought out all the proper
“Chéri” is a product of the great English
team that created the brilliant Choderlos de
Laclos adaptation “Dangerous Liasons”
(1988). Christopher Hampton is the writer,
adept at turning French texts into English
movies or plays, and Stephen Frears is the
director who brought us such greatness as
(to name a few) “The Queen,” “Dirty pretty
Things,” “The Grifters,” “Prick Up Your
Ears,” and the novelistically rich bisexual
story of Pakistanis and Cockneys in London, “My Beautiful Laundrette.”
The story is adapted from Colette’s two novels about Chéri (darling) the son of wealthy
courtesan Madame Peloux. This is not just
about an indolent but beautiful rich slacker;
they also describe the good fortune of Lea
de Lonval, the unusually beautiful and profitable courtesan who has shrewdly prepared
herself for financial comfort but forgets the
cardinal rule of prostitutes: Don’t fall in
I love belle époque movies because of the
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
art nouveau details, including de Lonval’s
luxurious bed. But that’s all.
To sum up it’s a beautifully made costume
drama, shot in some wonderful locations.
It’s well scripted and it’s moderately entertaining, although probably only for a limited audience. But it lacks soul. The film
moves from a robust ramble about the various courtesans to a dreary hour of longing
between the two lovers. Director Frears tries
but writer Hampton with “Dangerous Liaisons” and “Atonement” on his resume can’t
seem to muster memorable lines or develop
his characters from clichés.
Stephen Phenow is currently writing a horror
script forLimelight Productions
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Kid’s Corner
My Bar Mitzvah
By Jon Epstein age 12
My Bar Mitzvah was so unbelievable! I had
so much fun, and it went by really fast, in
fact, now that I look back….it went by too
fast. It was very hard with all the studying,
the learning of Hebrew, the songs, and everything else that goes into creating a Bar
Mitzvah service. It wasn’t easy, but in the
end it all paid off. I had one of the best times
of my life, and I have to say, the party was
fantastic! The DJ played the best music, all
of my friends were there, and we were break
dancing. It was a great time to hang out with
all of my friends and celebrate. Even though
the service is supposed to be the most important part of the day, the party is
everyone’s favorite, because they can have
fun and dance.
I really liked leading the service, and chanting from the Torah, because it shows that
you are becoming a man, and I felt a new
sense of personal power and confidence being up there before everyone.
Since my Bar Mitzvah I’m on the “Bar
Mitzvah Circuit” which means that almost
every weekend there is a Bar Mitzvah party.
Every day a new and more exotic or elaborate invitation to the next Bar Mitzvah arrives. My Bar Mitzvah was the first one
amongst my friends, and I think that it is
better to be the first, because there is nothing to live up to, and you don’t have to study
Hebrew any more. That’s the part that I like
the most. I have not been to many Bar
Mitzvahs yet, but this year, there are about
20 that are going to happen. I am really excited for all of them, because they are all so
much fun to be at, dance at, and hang out
with all my friends.
I am relieved that my Bar Mitzvah is over,
because now the process of becoming a man
begins, and I have more time to concentrate
on the other things that interest me. So back
to baseball, football, more plans with friends
and schoolwork, and of course……there’s
always watching t.v. which I love and
haven’t been able to do much of for a while
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Cont. from pg 1.
Cont. from pg 1.
games), and have a blast family-style. Silent auction, live entertainment, food vendors, baked goods, and games developed by
each grade for the kids! Admission into the
event is free. All proceeds will support Riverside Drive Elementary, 13061 Riverside
Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
Monday October 12
Shernan Oaks Neighborhood Council. 6:30
pm at Sherman oaks Elementary School
Auditorium. 14755 Greenleaf St. SO
Tuesday October 13
Studio City Residents Association Community Meeting 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Beverly
Garland Holiday Inn 4222 Vineland Avenue
Parking Directions: Turn LEFT, go through
turn-style, park in back, follow signs to the
Beverly Garland Theater. Tickets Validated
at check-in.
Wednesday October 21
Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association
Community Meeting. 7:15 pm Notre Dame
High School Riverside and Woodman. City
Hall cojmes to Sherman Oaks. Social hour
begins at 6:15
Studio City Neighborhood Council Board
Meeting 7:30 PM-10:30 PM.
CBS Studio Center Building 8 - Room MPR3 4024 Radford Ave.Studio City, CA 91604
Open to the public.
Saturday October 31
Studio City Branch Library Book Sale 10:00
AM-02:00 PM Corner of Whitsett and
Moorpark, Community Room Library meeting room for the BEST USED BOOKSALE
to benefit our Studio City Branch Library.
Don’t forget, BOOK, VIDEO, DVD DONATIONS Every Saturday from 10:00 a.m.
until 2:00 p.m. Your donated books will be
accepted in the meeting room. 818-3774590
Sunday November 8
Musical Sunday Afternoons at the First
Christian Church of North Hollywood.
World Class Chamber Music featuring The
Capitol Ensemble. 4390 Colfax Avenue Studio City, Ca 91604. 818-763-8218
Every Sunday
Studio City Farmers Market. Open air market with organic produce, food stands, garment booths and entertainment for the whole
family. Every Sunday 8am – 1pm Ventura
Place 818-655-7744
Every Tuesday
RiverOaks Chorus
7:00-9:30 p.m. St. Mark’s Episcopal
Church, Auditorium
14646 Sherman Way (bet. Kester & Van
Nuys Blvd.), V.N.
Women of all ages who love to sing are invited to come to a rehearsal & audition to
join our our 4-part harmony, barbershopstyle A Capella chorus. RiverOaks Chorus
is part of Sweet Adelines Int., the world’s
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www.riveroakschorus.com 818-886-SING
torney, warned there was already a probe
into fraudulent contractors misrepresenting
themselves. “No contractor represents the
DWP or the City,” he explained. You are
already victims from the flood; you do not
need to be victims of fraud.”
After the Valley Village pipe break, DWP
officials attempted to disconnect any link
between the two events. In just under three
weeks, with over forty water pipe breaks
citywide, suspicion increased significantly.
(By comparison, September seepages causing damage to streets were 21 in September
2008, 17 in September 2007, and 13 in September 2006.)
While the age of antiquated pipes (nearly
100 years in some instances) is cited by
some, a reservoir of skepticism flows to the
July 1, 2009 implementation of mandatory
water conservation. Developed by DWP, and
approved by the Los Angeles City Council
and Mayor Villaraigosa, many believe the
legislated “sprinkler watering days” of Monday and Thursday are putting a strain and a
drain – literally – on the city’s water system.
Since July, at the risk of receiving warnings or fines, residents have been restricted
from using sprinkler systems on any other
days. In defiance, City Councilman Greig
Smith representing the West Valley publicly
flaunts his disregard for the legislated limits, stating he waters his lawn three times
weekly. Smith further claims he uses less
water and sports a greener lawn than in previous years.
Smith is in auspicious company: Antonio
Villaraigosa’s official residence (Getty
House) was caught during an investigative
report by NBC this summer being watered
on “off-days” in the middle of the night, and,
by his own department’s usage records,
David Nahai, the recently-resigned Chief of
the Los Angeles Department of Water and
Power, watered his home property in excess
of his allotment
Citizens question whether trunk lines and
water mains have had pressure regulated to
address heavy usage on Mondays and Thursdays, while compensating for the comparative trickle on the remaining five days.
Hugo Veltman, Executive Chef at Pinot
Bistro in Studio City, recalls the afternoon
of the Coldwater Canyon break. “We were
changing the soda gun at the bar, and the
tech noted the pressure was 150 PSI, when
the norm should be between, say, 90 to 100
PSI. It makes you wonder what the City is
really doing instead of what they’re saying.”
Recently, Jim McDaniel, DWP’s Chief
Operating Officer for Water, expressed doubt
that water rationing was a cause, but said
no theory has been ruled out. An investigation by DWP is underway. However, the
Director Richard Little of Keston Institute
for Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy,
based at University of Southern California,
spouts another theory. “It is likely a surge
in water flow [on] those days that may be
taxing the system.”
Little has been interviewed locally and nationally about water issues, espousing, “It’s
what everybody in the infrastructure business has been talking about for decades; the
system is getting old and is going to start
breaking down. Is that what’s happening
now? I don’t have the answer to that. Given
the fact that we undervalue water and under price it, it is cheaper to lose it than to
fix it,” he said. “We need to rethink those
kinds of strategies. It’s a conversation that’s
long overdue, and maybe this is the place to
In a surprise announcement, David Nahai
tendered his resignation October 2, in the
wake of extreme criticism and contention
with the Commissioners of the DWP. Mayor
Villaraigosa appointed S. David Freeman as
interim Chief of the DWP. Freeman, who
led the department from 1997 to 2001. Incurring the wrath of several City Council
members, the DWP Board of Directors is
seeking to appoint Nahai as a consultant to
the department, at his previous salary, which
would cost taxpayers about $70,000 through
the end of the year.
City Council members Tony Cardenas and
Greig Smith question the need for a
consultant’s contract, given the experience
Freeman brings from his prior tenure with
the DWP. Many perceive this as another
pricey payoff to a former top city official.
Cardenas, who serves on the council’s Energy and Environment Committee which
oversees the DWP, strongly questions the
additional expense.
His sentiments were expressed by fellow
Councilmember, Dennis Zine, who stated,
“This is more than comical. Here we are
putting city workers on furlough, talking
about reducing cop hiring, asking people to
conserve water, and then we’re talking about
squandering thousands of dollars on this
The tide is turning. Like the City’s pipes,
with each new eruption, officials are under
increased pressure to address the flood of
inquiries, complaints, insurance filings, rebuilding permits, and street resurfacing requests from citizens who are tired of being
soaked for cash to resume their lives.
While the streets may be repaired quickly,
longer term questions and infrastructure
solutions are far from being water under the
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“HOT” Recipe of the
By Anna Terra
Valley Curtain Call
With Don Grigware
Welcome back! It’s a truly exciting fall season of theatre so far in the San Fernando
Valley. David Lindsay-Abaire’s screamingly
funny Wonder of the World is now being
presented by the newly formed Sea Glass
Theatre at the Little Vic of the Victory Theatre Center in Burbank through November
Set at Niagara Falls, the play follows Cass
(Elizabeth Bond) as she abruptly leaves her
husband Kip (Ian Vogt), boards a bus for
Niagara on which she meets alcoholic and
suicide bent Lois (Kimberly Van Luin) –
Lois is planning on going over the Falls in
a barrel, which she pushes in front of her
like a bag lady totes a cart – and meets and
falls for Captain Mike (David Ghilardi) of
the Maid of the Mist, whose first wife died
when an oversized jar of Cosco peanut butter fell off a high shelf and onto her head
and killed her.
Kip hires two novice private investigators,
delightfully played by Jill Holden and Paul
Strolli, to hunt down Cass and of course,
Kip, for better or for worse, eventually
catches up with her. Think fast and funny,
off-the-wall, a side-splitting laughathon and
you’ll describe Wonder of the World in a
nutshell. Its humor is dark, full of grotesque
accidents and bizarre deaths being reported
quite frequently and with an ample supply
of graphic sexual fetish, so leave the kiddies
at home! This is adult fare, exceedingly well
acted and directed by Neil Wilson, which
you do not want to miss.
At the GROUP rep @ Lonny Chapman
Theatre we are being given not one, not two,
but three plays running in repertory entitled
REP à trois through November 8. These
plays include David Mamet’s Boston Marriage, Heroes by Tom Stoppard and Tina
Howe’s lovely Painting Churches. I’ve only
seen Playing Churches to date. Directed by
Kappy Kilburn, the poignant play focuses
on a daughter’s return home to paint her
parents’ portrait – she’s a professional
painter - only to find her father, a former
Poet Laureate, in the throes of Alzheimer’s
Disease. The daughter Mags, played beautifully by Krisztina Koltai, never got on
with her mother and father, and so her
mother’s light-spirited, playful attitude in
the midst of her father’s life-threatening
crisis perplexes her and impedes her from
finishing the portrait. The relationship
conflicts and humor are somewhat reminiscent of On Golden Pond. Churches is
well-written and certainly worth your time.
The Secret Rose, from September to October, has been hosting Follow Your
Dreams, a new musical about a
telemarketing office full of talented people
trying to break out into various artistic
fields, with stalwart direction by GRT’s
Stan Mazin and Chris Winfield.
And…Sterling’s Upstairs @ Vitello’s recently presented Katharine Hopkins
Nicholas, wife of the late great MGM
dancer Fayard Nicholas – remember The
Nicholas Brothers? – in late September as
she sang, tap danced and told deliciously
quaint stories about her husband and her
career. Nicholas costarred in Sugar Babies with Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney
some 30 years ago. Her gig was a fun, fun
evening of nostalgia.
Don’t miss Michael Bernardi, son of the
late Broadway star Herschel Bernardi on
Sunday October 4 @ Sterling’s as he
makes his cabaret debut… on his birthday. Happy Birthday, Michael! Go out and
see a play and support Valley theatre! See
you in November!
Sherman Oaks Studio City News
Editorial Submission Policy
does not return letters, photos or other
editorial submissions.
The Sherman Oaks Studio City
News welcomes your letters and
Editorial material of 500 words or less
may be mailed to Big Valley Publications, 827 Hollywood Way, Suite 233,
Burbank CA 91505 or emailed to
bigvalleypublications@gmail.com. The
deadline is the 15th of the month prior
to month of publication.
Letters to the Editor should be no
more than 300 words, although the
News reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy.
Hand written letters are acceptable
only if they are legible. Letters
must contain the writer’s telephone
number and address for verification purposes only.
The Sherman Oaks Studio City
News reserves the right to accept,
reject or edit letters and other editorial material. The SOSC News
Cool breezes, football games, and spice filled
air have come upon us again. Fall is here
and it is time to add a comfort dish that is
hearty and satisfying! My “Filet Mignon
Quesadilla” is a favorite amongst my friends
and family.
Using Fontina cheese adds a unique flavor,
transforming the traditional quesadilla to a
gourmet, mouth watering dish. Although
this appetizer is simple and easy to prepare,
the sophisticated flavors suggest otherwise.
Top with salsa, guacamole and sour cream
for an additional savory touch!
The “Filet Mignon Quesadilla” is a definite
crowd pleaser and will impress your guests
as well as satisfy their appetite!
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 to 15 minutes
1 pound filet mignon, diced into ¼ inch
cubes1 medium onion
1 package fresh mushrooms, sliced
½ to 1 pound grated Fontina cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 flour tortillas, burrito size
Sour cream, optional
In a sauce pan, heat olive oil. Sauté
onion for 4 minutes on medium heat. Add
filet mignon cooking and additional 4
minutes, or until browned. Stir in mushrooms. Sauté for 2 additional minutes.
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Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Stir in Fontina cheese, (desired amount,
if you like a cheesier quesadilla, add
more cheese) stirring quickly for one
minute or until cheese is melted. Turn
off stove.
In a flat pan, (cast iron, or any large skillet), heat up tortilla for 1 minute on each
side. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of meat mixture on one half of the tortilla, while the
tortilla is still heating in the pan. Fold
tortilla in half, pressing mixture evenly.
Turn with spatula. Cook until tortilla is
becoming golden brown and lightly
Serves 4
Using Filet Mignon, it adds a whole new
meaning to a quesadilla! It’s delicious and
quick. You can also use your favorite cut of
beef if you choose not to use Filet Mignon.
Top with salsa and sour cream, its gourmet!
Visit my website: www.annaterra.com
Anna will be sharing her recipes with readers
in this column, from her cookbook “HOT.”
Whether cooking for friends or family, for the
church or for the homeless, she makes every
culinary experience an adventure.
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Midterm Report Cards - Varsity Football
The 2009 season has been full of excitement so far and will only get better as the season moves forward. As the teams are approaching the midpoint of their
season it is time for midterm grades. Many of the teams have yet to play their conference games, which are usually played in the later portion of the season.
However the non-conference games provide a good way to judge how well each team will perform later in the season. In the previous issue I ranked six
teams you would be following this season. More than likely you have been keeping track of what has been unfolding but incase you have not, I will recap
each team’s season thus far and grade them on how well they have preformed.
Spotlight on # 2
Harvard –Westlake
Coach: Vic Eumont
2009 Record: 3-0
League: Del Ray
The Wolverines, who have been outstanding defensively
and on the road shut out both of their opponents the first
two games winning by a combined score of 66-0. As
you may recall the Wolverines struggled on the road last
year but it seems like a different story this year. The Wolverines are playing with much more confidence.
In their first game against Lynwood, Harvard Westlake
returned the opening kickoff 87 yards for a touchdown.
They kept their momentum going by causing turnovers
on defense, eventually wining by a score of 24-0.
In their second game against Rosemead they faced a team
who was not as strong as they were last year, beating them
easily 42-0.
Max Heltzer (QB) connected on several big pass plays
with Jackson Liguori (WR) for touchdowns of 64 and 54
yards, however it was Nicky Firestone (DB) who stole
the show with two key interceptions both when Alemany
was knocking on the doorstep of the end zone.
The special teams also had a key blocked field goal, a
blocked PAT, and spectacular 39yrd field goal from place
kicker William Oliver to keep the Wolverines in the game.
Alemany was making a valiant forth quarter comeback
and had the ball on the Harvard Westlake 10 yard line
with 30 seconds left down 20-24 when Matt Kalvert (DB)
sealed the victory for Harvard Westlake with an interception. The game really came down to discipline, defense
and excellent special teams play, which gave the Wolverines a 24-20 edge at the end.
#4 Grant
Coach: Miguel Gonzalez
2009 Record: 2-2
League: East Valley
It could have been make or break for the Lancers after
a series of close games to start season. They opened with
a 14-18 loss to Bell and a 34-35 loss to Granada Hills.
But they managed to bounce back on the road against
Hollywood winning the game 20-19 to avoid the 0-3 start.
The Lancers also had an impressive win over Verdugo
Hills 54-6.
#1 Notre Dame
Coach: Kevin Rooney
2009 Record: 4-1
League: Serr
Harvard-Westlake runs a play
When talking to Coach Eumont about the success his team
has had this season he stressed the importance of executing
on offense and defense. The northwest division goes through
Oaks Christian who is ranked number 1 in the state and number 3 in country. Eumont has high expectations for his team.
He says, “In order to win a championship it is important to
take it one game at a time.”
Third year starter Connor O’Toole (DE) has been a star
player on defense, according to Eumont, his lineman has a
knack for creating and making big plays. When I spoke with
coach Eumont it was before the Alemany game, and he said
Alemany should give the Wolverines a good idea of what kind
of team they were going to be this season. Well, the Wolverines proved they can play with the best of them when they
faced football powerhouse Alemany, ranked 31 in the state,
for their 2009 homecoming. The Alemany Warriors possess
a strong ground game, which matched up well against the
Wolverines tough defense. Harvard Westlake is known more
for its academics than its sports teams so it is quite significant
for student athletes to perform this well both in the classroom
and on the field. The Wolverines offense made some spectacular plays and kept pace with Alemany’s strong ground
#5 Van Nuys
Coach: Jeff Trovatten
2009 Record: 1-3
League: East Valley
After coming off a huge win against Klein Oak Panthers, TX at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium the
Knights lost a tough one to Moorpark.
The Knights bounced back the following week to defeat Taft (Woodland Hills, CA) convincingly 45-27. The
offense put up tremendous numbers the following week
against Birmingham (Lake Balboa, CA) as the Knights
defeated the Patriots 45-14. Kasdorf went 10-18 with
258 yards, 2TDs, and no INTs. Senior Tyler Thomas
(WR/DB) has emerged as Kasdorf’s favorite target and
accounted for 169 receiving yards in the victory against
Birmingham. Thomas has multiple 100 receiving yard
games this season.
The Knights also dismissed Dominguez 48-10 at
home. Kasdorf had a record setting performance. The
returning All-American quarterback broke Garrett
Green’s career passing yardage record. Kasdorf is a senior playing in his second season. He completed 11-16
passes for 199 yards and 3TDs, giving him 4,386 career yards with five regular-season games remaining.
Green totaled 4,378 yards over three seasons from 2003
to 2005.
ND QB Kasdorf hurdles a would-be tackler
#3 Campbell Hall
Coach: Russ Gordon
2009 Record: 3-1
League: Alpha
The Campbell Hall Vikings, led by quarterback R.J.
Gordon coach Russ Gordon’s son, are playing with some
swagger this season.
The Vikings have two big victories over Antelope Valley 40-12 and Flintridge Prep 47-0. They lost a close
one to Desert 13-14 in which the Vikings held a 13-7
lead going into the fourth quarter. The Vikings also beat
Montclair Prep 44-6.
The Van Nuys Wolves finally broke their 13 game losing streak dating back to last year with a noteworthy 320 win over conference rival North Hollywood.
Before their win the Wolves were blown out in their
first game to Panorama 14-55, were edged out against
Monroe losing 8-14, and lost by a touchdown to Belmont
# 6 North Hollwood
Coach: Andrew Kasak
2009 Record: 0-5
League: East Valley
It looks it is going to be another long year for the Huskies. The Huskies have yet to get a win this season.
In their first game against Sylmar the Huskies gave up
20 points in the first quarter alone. It did not get any better as the North Hollywood Huskies suffered an embarrassing loss yet again to the Cleveland Cavaliers (Reseda,
CA) by a score of 14-49.
Also to make matters worse Van Nuys, a team North
Hollywood usually beats, blew them out at home 32-0.
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Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City
Recent Home Sales
Homes sold September 1 to September 30, 2009 in the Sherman Oaks, Studio City area. This information is supplied as a courtesy by Matt Epstein, REMAX
Note: This representation is based in part on data supplied by MLS INC. MLS does not nor is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by MLS may not reflect all real
estate activity in the market. If your home is currently listed, this is not intended as a solicitation for business. Properties not necessarily sold by REMAX OTB
For more information call Matt Epstein at 818-789-7408 DRE license #: 01121162
Attention Sellers! We Have Qualified Buyers
Looking for These Properties
If you are a Buyer and have not found the
property you are looking for, We have following
properties that are not on the market
1. 3 Units - $650,000 in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Valley Glen or Valley
2. Fixer, 8,000+ sq. ft. lot, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Valley Glen or
Valley Village
4 BR/3 BA 2,000 sq. ft. 2067 lot,
circular drive
2 BR/1BA 1024 sq. ft. 8,100 lot,
bonus room.
3 BR/1.75 BA, 1,972 sq. ft. house,
6,795 lot.
3 BR/2.25 BA 1660 sq. ft. 10,340 lot,
pool, pool house, recently remodeled
3 BR/2 BA, 2,006 sq. ft. house with
7,000 lot
2 BR/3 BA, 1,948 sq ft. house,
18,620 lot
3 BR/2.75 BA 2,176 sq. ft. 6,408 lot,
old world charm, S. of Valley Vista
4 BR/3 BA 3,069 sq. ft. house, 9,635
lot, bonus room off garage
5 BR/3 BA, 3,700 sq. ft. house
6,400 lot, pool
5 BR/3.5 BA, 4,500 sq. ft. remodeled
house, 11,133 lot, pool
6 BR/4 BA, 4,680 sq. ft. house,
16,888 lot
Valley Glen
3. 3 unit, 2+ BR, 2+ BA each, 8,000 sq. ft. - $1,100,000 in Valley Glen,
Valley Village, Sherman Oaks or Studio City
Valley Glen
4. Fixer, 15,000+ sq. ft. - $900,000, Encino, Tarzana, Woodland Hills,
Sherman Oaks, Studio City or Valley Village
Sherman Oaks
5. 3 + 2, SFR, light fixer, 7,000+ sq. ft. lot, 1,500+ sq. ft. home $650,000 in Valley Glen, Valley Village, Studio City or Sherman Oaks
Studio City
6. 30,000 sq. ft. lot, fixer, want to put in tennis court. Also looking project
large lot fixer in Valley - $1,100,000 - $1,200,000 in Walnut Acres S. of
Sherman Oaks
7. 10,000 sq. ft. lot, 3,800 sq. ft. home built 2005 or newer-$1,500,000 in
Studio City
Sherman Oaks
Sherman Oaks
Sherman Oaks
Sherman Oaks
Studio City, Valley Village, Sherman Oaks, Encino or Tarzana
8. SFR 3 + 2, 6,500+ sq. ft. lot, 1,200+ sq. ft. - $350,000 in N. Hollywood,
Valley Glen or Valley Village
9. Fixer, large lot (15,000 sq. ft. +) South of Blvd or looking for a good
deal on penthouse - $2,000,000 in Sherman Oaks
10. 3 + 2, SFR, fixer OK, 7,000+ sq. ft. lot, 1,200+ sq. ft. (Hovick
Contractor) - $500,000 in Valley Glen, N. Hollywood and Van Nuys
For more information call Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
www.mattepstein.com DRE license #: 01121162
For more information on our buyers call Matt Epstein at (818) 789-7408 or
see Matt Epstein’s website at www.mattepstein.com
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009
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MATT EPSTEIN (818)789-7408 DRE license #: 01121162 WWW.MATTEPSTEIN.COM
Sherman Oaks Studio City News October, 2009