American Submariner


American Submariner
Volume 2012 Issue 2 $5.95
OUR CREED: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country.
That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments.
Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution”
Norfolk 2012
Bird’s eye view of Norfolk Naval Base
The sights of the city in
daylight and at night. The
harbor, the zoo, and the
MacArthur Memorial. All
worth while to see at the
2012 convention.
Receive your American Submariner Electronically - More magazine, delivered earlier.
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Page 2
American Submariner
If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 3
4. National Commander’s Corner
6. USSVI Committees
7. USSVI Regions & Districts
8. Letters to the Editor
10. Eagle Scouts
12. Days Gone By/ Heroes among us
14. Scholarship program/ Haddo base
16. US Submarine Losses
17. Chaplain’s Message/ Fleet news
18. Boat Reunions
21. Convention/ Something to do
22. Medal of Honor loss
23. Kap(SS) 4 KId(SS)
24. Eternal Patrol
26. Candidates/Convention Package
40. New Members
44. American Subvettes/Save our Hertiage
45. Base News from around the Country
49. Hell on the High Seas
50. Boats of Old..
51. What’s Happening in the World
53. 2012 Convention Registration Form
54. John Holland’s Death
56. Rosie the Riveteer
The Official Magazine of the United
States Submarine Veterans Inc. is
published quarterly by USSVI.
United States Submarine Veterans Inc.
is a non-profit 501 C-19 corporation in
the State of Connecticut.
Printing: A. J. Bart of Dallas, Texas.
Mailing: Dalton Mailing Service
National Editor
Gordon Palmer
Notes from the Editor...
As you all know, the national convention is right around the corner. This
year’s convention is in Norfolk and really should be the event of the year.
This is also an election year and your vote for candidates and amendments
to our constitution is important for USSVI. Your vote is a voice in what is
going to be happening for the next two years. Please use that opportunity
to help manage USSVI.
This system is a tad better than on the boats where there was no discussion about doing something that you were told to do. Use this as a sounding board to let the national officers understand what are the needs of the
The Editor
Editorial Office
American Submariner
35 North Street Manchester, CT 06042
Toll Free 951-795-4315
Assistant Editor
David Kauppinen
Associate Editors
VA Information:
WASHINGTON – Twenty years after the end of the Persian Gulf War, the Department of Veterans Affairs plans to standardize and improve treatment for the one
in four veterans who suffer from a multi-symptom illness that could have been
caused by environmental exposures.
Sinise is giving back to veterans and first responders. Actor-director Gary Sinise
has touched the lives of thousands of U.S. service members.
Gary Sinise often travels overseas to honor and entertain the troops with his Lt.
Dan Band, and his Gary Sinise Foundation helps support them when they return
home.Former military service members who retired from service as the result of
medical reasons could have a second chance at obtaining veteran benefits. Some
veterans are eligible to reapply for benefits.
Edition 2012-2 Feb. 15, Edition 2012-3 May 15. Edition 2012-4 Sept 15, Edition
2013-1 Feb 15 2013. Articles received after the indicated deadlines may be considered for publishing in the next scheduled edition of the magazine. All articles
are published at the sole discretion of the Editor.
The American Submariner and all material therein is copyrighted under the laws
of the United States of America and any reproduction in any form, analog or
digital, without the written permission of the Editor is forbidden by law. All permitted
reproduction requires acknowledgement of source; Author and the American
William Fernstrom
Joan Peters - Bob Miller
Gil Shaddock - Kit Carson
Marsha Hudson
Hugh “Blackie” Blackwell
Robert “Bob” Bissonette
Staff Artist
Tom Denton
The American Submariner is not
responsible for the claims of the
Advertisers, however the primary focus
of this publication is for the benefit and
service to USSVI members. Issues
concerning Advertisers may be sent to the
Editorial Staff for mediation.
Change of address is handled by your
Base Membership Chairman or the USSVI
Main Office in Silverdale, Washington.
Call: 877-542-DIVE
Send E-Mail to:
if you only have stamps, snail it to:
American Submariner
PO BOX 3870
Silverdale, WA 98383-3870
If the above instructions are too
complicated, then send your change of
address to the Editor; but whatever you do,
send it!
Thanks for reading the American Submariner. Thank you for your Service.
Page 4
American Submariner
National Commander’s Corner
T. Michael Bircumshaw
National Commander
PO BOX 892616
Temecula, CA 92589
This has been an interesting and challenging couple of years..
On the personal side, my health and financial situation have been
greatly impacted, however, both of those issues are well under
control and I am able and willing to re-dedicate my self and my
time to all things Sub Vet.
My sincere thanks goes out to all of you, the members of this tremendous brotherhood, for your participation and advancement of
Sub Vets. I must give serious recognition to all USSVI officers and
committee appointees, from Base Commanders and their sincere
efforts to the District Commanders who contributed their time and
travel, and the Regional Directors who went to extra lengths to
get the job done.
None of what we have accomplished could have been anywhere
near possible without every one of you who made positive contributions in time and effort. Lastly, but not least, I heartily commend
your elected Board of Directors who have worked so diligently for
all of us. The BOD has given a tremendous amount of thought and
energy to considering, preparing, and then objectively scrutinizing
and submitting the Proposed Amendments that you will find in the
center section of this editon of the American Submariner. Please
read them over carefully and if you have any questions please take
them to your officers and to the BOD to ensure that you understand
the ramifications. The BOD has overwhelmingly approved and
supported these amendments with the simple objective of doing
all that they can to improve and advance USSVI.
Along with that, now is a really good time to make your reservations
for the USSVI Convention in Norfolk. Rooms in the main hotel
are quickly filling up as we look forward to another “Bench Mark”
convention. I am assured that the convention committee is doing
all it can to bring in as many Vendors as possible into the venue
so that you and your Ladies will have ample shopping time and
product to choose from. The Honor Navy Vets group will be there
conducting no-cost (to you) interviews and giving you the CDs for
you to share with your kids and their kids to watch and hear you
tell your personal Submarine story. There will be a spectacular
“Tolling of the Boats” (weather permitting) ceremony conducted
onboard the USS Wisconsin BB-64.
USSVI has far outgrown the expectations and dreams of our
founders and I am sure that Joe Negri would be extremely pleased
and totally amazed at where and how far we have advanced. In
1964 I remember Joe telling me that he would like to see every
Boat sailor as a member of USSVI and that his reality position
was to get to 1,000 members and wouldn’t it be great if we could
break 2,000 and 5,000 was the impossible dream.. Well Joe, we
now have Thirteen Thousand one hundred ninety members and
we might crack the 14,000 mark this year. Thank you for sharing
your dream with us, Joe, and thank all of you for lighting the fire.
I clearly remember the day that Joe signed up member number
“33”, David “Muskrat” Musgrove EM1 (SS) of the USS Robert E
Lee SSBN-601 and one other un-named shipmate in early ‘64 (ask
me about that day sometime.)
Pentagon warns against bogus e-mails
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), which manages accounting and financial operations in the Defense Department,
has issued a warning about scam e-mails seeking personal information. The bogus messages appear to come from a DFAS employee
with a dot mail address and have been sent to uniformed personnel, retirees, and civilian employees. “The emails indicate that individuals
who are receiving disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may be able to obtain additional funds from the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),” says a notice on the DFAS Web site. “These emails are not issued by DFAS and will likely result in a
financial loss if you comply with the suggestions in the email. “Bottom line — do not send your personal information or copies of your
tax returns and 1099s to the individual listed in the email.” The DFAS warning says the e-mail claims funds can be received from the
IRS if the recipients send personal information, such as that on tax forms, “to a so-called retired Colonel at an address in Florida.” “Do
NOT follow the suggestions in the email because you will be providing a significant amount of your personal information to a complete
stranger,” the notice continues, “which could result in a financial loss to you.”
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 5
Jon Jaques
Al Singleman Jr.
Senior Vice Commander
Junior Vice Commander
752 S Church St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
425 East Campbell Rd. Ext.
Schenectady, NY 12303
You Should Know...
National Secretary
Thomas Conlon
8 Davis AveHarrison, NJ
07029-1502 973-483-5780
Urgent Call
At the recent national convention in
Springfield, a problem was brought
up in one of the meetings. Families
of Subvets who went on Eternal Patrol did not know how to dispose of
their navy memorabila. Having each
person’s momentos being discarded
is crazy. Each piece is history of the
submarine service and those who
have served. Families, who do not
want those pieces of history should
contact the American Submariner
so we could help in preserving history and the memories of those who
served. The Editor
The POW/ MIA Flag
While going thru some old files I found this
information about POW /MIA flag.
In 1971 Mrs. Michael Hoff, the wife of a
US military officer listed as missing in action during the Vietnam War, developed
the idea for a national flag to remind every
American of the US service members
whose fates were never accounted for
during war.
The black and white image of a gaunt
silhouette, a strand of barbed wire will
symbolize the steadfast resolve of the
American people to never forget the men
and women who gave up their freedom
protecting ours. Three years later in 1982,
the POW/MIA flag became the only flag
other than the Stars and Stripes to fly
over the White House in Washington, DC.
On August 10, 1990, Congress passed
US Public Law 101-355, designating the
POW/MIA flag.
Every state agency institution of higher
education and every county, city, and town
must display the national league of families
POW/MIA flag along with the state and
national flag upon or near its principle on
specific days… these days are: * Armed
Forces Day – third Saturday in May, *Memorial Day – Last Monday in May, *Flag
Day – June 14, *Independence Day – July
4, National POW/MIA Recognition Day
- third Friday in Sept, - Veterans Day –
Nov. 11. If the designated days fall on a
Saturday or Sunday, The POW/MIA flag
will be displayed on the preceding Friday.
Submitted By;
Carl Schmidt National Chaplain USSVI
John Markiewicz
National Treasurer
5349 Selton Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32277
Veteran’s Take Note...
VA expands list of ships with
Agent Orange risk
By Patricia Kime - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Jan 21, 2012
The Veterans Affairs Department has
added 47 vessels to its list of Navy and
Coast Guard ships whose crews may
have been exposed to the defoliant
Agent Orange.
Former service members who served
aboard these “blue water” ships as well
as the more than 200 others listed in
VA’s database from 1962 to 1975 may
be eligible for disability compensation.
Vessels recently added to the roster
include the hospital ship Repose, which
operated in close coastal waters from
1966 to 1970, and the transport ship
General R.M. Blatchford, which landed
elements of the 1st Infantry Division at
Vung Tau in October 1965.
The online inventory is not fixed; it
is updated periodically as veterans or
VA staff provide or find evidence that a
ship moored, operated close to shore
or traversed an inland waterway where
its crew risked exposure to the toxic
VA pays disability compensation to
qualifying veterans or their survivors for
14 medical conditions associated with
exposure to Agent Orange.
Has your Base adopted a Memorial or Museum Boat yet?
Page 6
American Submariner
Historian - Peter J. Koester
26 Long Hill Rd., Rowley, MA 01969
National Editor
Gordon Palmer, 35 North Street
Manchester, CT 06042
Boat Sponsorship, Jack Messersmith
7770 E. Loos Dr. Prescott Valley
AZ 86314-5520 928-759-9544
Staff Artist - Tom Denton
Donations - PO BOX 3870
Silverdale, WA 98383-3870
Long Range Planning
Mel Duffey
Brotherhood Fund
John D. Peters
98-1547 Akaaka St.
Aiea, HI 96701-3051
National Office - Fred Borgmann
POB 3870 Silverdale, WA 98383
Archives - Greg Stitz
Awards - John Stanford
3026 Cesery Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32277-3527
Base Commanders Group
Richard McPherson 949-667-5389
Constitution & By
Richard Nelson 817-337-0371
Al Singleman NJ V C
Chaplain - Carl Schmidt
H 501-843-7855 C 501-786-8505
Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) John Riley
Library Fund - Greg Stitz
Past National Commander
Patrick F Householder
Memorials and Ceremonies
Ray Wewers 479-967-5541
POC Manager - Jim Fox
Scholarship - Paul Orstad
Public Relations - John Theotonio
Treasurer Robert (Bob) Bowman
Storekeeper-Barry Commons
2063 Main St. PMB 293
Oakley, CA 94561-3320
Technology CTO - Tim VeArd
Convention Committee
Don Brown 775-853-5309
Veterans Affairs - Brian Steffen
Eagle Scout Awards Vic Paterno 856-662-7748
Ways & Means - Jon D. Jaques
Non-Voting Members
Get to Norfolk in 2012 and Rochester in 2013
Holland Club Chairman
Frank A. Lister
SubVettes National President
Sandra Butcher
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 7
USSVI Regions & Districts
The following information is to assist you in contacting a USSVI Base. The District information includes the
District Commander’s name, phone, and e-mail. To find a base near you, go to the USSVI web site,
WWW.USSVI.ORG or contact the District Commander or National Office.
Western Region
Regional Director: James A. Dunn
Western District 1. States of: AZ, NM.
District Commander: John W. Messersmith
Western District 2. States of: CO, UT.
District Commander: Dave Linker
(303) 987-9358
Western District 3. States of: ID, MT, WY.
District Commander: Ronald Star
Western District 4. States of: WA, OR, AK.
District Commander: John Mansfield
Western District 5. States of North CA, North NV.
District Commander: George F. Petershagen
Western District 6. States of South CA, South NV, HI
District Commander: Leonard W. Heiselt
Western District 7 (WD7) Wyoming, Montana, SE Idaho, western South Dakota, western Nebraska.
District Commander: Ron Martini 307.674.9847 c
307.751.3244 fax 904.369.9338
Eastern Region South
Regional Director Bill Andrea
District Commander Dick Kanning
(919) 774-5006
District Commander Paul Viering
843-797-2623 Home 843-693-2595 Cell
ESD3. Fl Panhandle, AL, MS, LA.
District Commander James W, Morehouse
ESD4. Northern FL.
District Commander William Sweany
ESD5. Southern FL.
District Commander John Troia
Eastern Region North
Regional Director: Paul Orstad
(860) 889-4750
END1. New England.
District Commander Thomas R. Shannon
END2. Lower NY, NJ, Philadelphia
District Commander Les Altschuler
District Commander Hubert C. Dietrich
END4. MD, DE, Northern VA.
District Commander Michael Naughton
END5. Upstate NY.
District Commander James Irwin
Central Region
Regional Director Wayne Standerfer
Central District 1. States of: AR. KS, MO, OK.
District Commander Raymond Wewers
Central District 2. States of: WI, IL, IN, MI, OH.
District Commander Victor P. Van Horn
Central District 2. Vice Commander Pete Womer
574-273-6313 petewomer@sbcglobal.net5
Central District 3. States of: MN, ND, SD, NE, IA.
District Commander David Farran
Central District 4. Great State of Texas
District Commander: Tom Williams
512-632-9439 texsubvet@yahoo.comm
Central District 5. States of: KY, TN.
District Commander Marlin Helms
USS Swordfish had the first confirmed sinking of a Jap ship
Page 8
American Submariner
National Editor American submariner
From: Charlie (Chopper) Center, Former Vice Commander Barb Base Cape
Coral FL.
I talked to you about Eternal Patrol
leaving memorabilia that their families
don’t want and don’t know what to do
with or where to send their precious
I’m involved with Invest in America’s
Veterans Foundation a 501 (c) (3) public
charity located in Cape Coral, FL. Invest
in America’s which is The Southwest
Military Museum/Library has the distinct
honor of being one of nineteen having this dual designation of Museum/
Library awarded to us by the Library of
If the families of the past submarine
sailors want to contact us about their
memorabilia we will gladly accept any
of their treasures as part of our museum
and library for which they will be given a
receipt. All donations are tax deductible.
I can be reached at P: 239-451-8704
or at home: 239-542-3038
Thank you very much. PS we have a
submarine wall set up here at the
Museum under USS Barb Base
ten to ask for it. Home Depot is similarly
courteous about it. I think Mr. Williams's
"outrage" is misplaced and a disservice
to Home Depot.
Tom Wright, ICC(SS) USN(Ret)
San Angelo, TX 76904
Life Member USSVI & Batfish Base
(Muskogee, OK)
to be kept. Any materials you might
gather should not stay at Groton which
would be redundant and books certainly
are not needed there.
What is the Plan-of-the-Day?
Ron Martini
We are trying to set up areas on both
I go the Home Depot all the time coasts and around the country as reand never had a problem about a positories for this memorbilia. At the
discount.I show them my VA id and last convention it was suggested as a
I get the 10% discount on whatever project to consider and come up with
a plan. Everything is still in the planI am buying.
ning stage.
The Editor
The Editor
You state in the middle of page 5 to
contact you if we had knowledge of or
in fact have materials that should be
I just read the letter about Home Depot
preserved. What are your plans for
not accepting our ID cards. That may
that material?
be one bad thing about that store. I
The SubForMus&Library does not
am a member of the Palmetto Base.
need it. They can only display 2-3 %
We are a young Base, just four years
of what they have now. That means
old in February. I am on the committee
my deep depth gauge would only get
to build the base a nice float. I went
shown (if they change displays 3 times/
to Lowes, and was informed that they
year) about 5-6 years down the road.
do not donate anything to veterans. I
They do NOT accept "loans" nor does
went to Home Depot, and was told evthe facility at Keyport, Washington.
erything I needed to do, and whom to
The Library at that facility is the largest
give it to. Last week I submitted a letter
submarine book library in the world
requesting $745.00 worth of material,
followed by the Paine Collection at
along with a drawing of the float we are
Thank you Charlie for that informa- Annapolis's Nimitz Library and then
building. The manager that accepted
tion. Hopefully we will be able to set the Keyport Museum Library. USSVI
this request was very impressed with
up repositories around the country has a nice library at Little Rock but one
the drawing, and description of what
of these days during a flood the barge
to collect these important artifacts
would be made from the material we
that houses the National Library will
of history.
requested. I know they accept a VA
end up in New Orleans. I hope our
The Editor
ID card, and my Retired ID card. I am
National Archives that were moved
sure that with the inquiry from National,
In response to Gordon Williams's there recently is on dry land.
with a description of the requirements
There was an attempt 5-6 years back
letter about the military discount at
to receive our ID card, they will probto find a building in the Silverdale area
Home Depot & Lowes:
ably allow the use of it also. to house a museum/library/national
I just wanted to describe the good part
office complex but nothing was found.
of Home Depot versus Lowes.
In 2009 at San Diego, Jon Jacques
Kenneth R Fuhr
made a motion at an E-Board meeting
com/2011/05/05/home-depot-stillLife Member of USSVI
giving-the-military-discount-year-round- to start a "Building Fund" as part of
the Charitable Foundation. I donated
and-the-veterans-discount-4-weekYour story is different than most.
the first $50 as a matter of fact. That
What people have been saying was
The discounts are intended as a perk for fund has received no support from the
the difficulty to use their USSVI card
E-Board since and languishes at less
military & retired military, not for
as ID. Most every company needs a
all veterans. I shop Lowes regularly than $500. It was hoped that $500,000
offical type of ID in order to keep the
and some cashiers have given me the could be raised by grants, donations
fakers away. The Editor
discount simply by seeing my "Retired and bequeaths to partially fund this
Capt. Cromwell was not the CO of the
Navy" cap, even though I have forgot- facility. Not happening. This would be
Sculpin .Cdr. Fred Connaway was the
the place for materials and memorabilia
Life is simple. You’re Either Qualified or you’re not !
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 9
Letters to the Editor continued...
skipper at the time it was lost. When the
order was given to abandon and scuttle
the boat because of severe damage,
Capt Cromwell chose to go down with
the boat because he felt that if he
survived he might give theenemy info
regarding the invasion of Tarawa. For
this action he was awarded the MOH.
Frank Fatale
As Editor, I read my information
incorrectly. All of you that sent me
the correct information thank you
very much.The Editor
To comment on the "Letters to the Editor" 2012 Issue 1 about the discounts
that Lowe's and Home Depot gives
Military Retirees. Here in Northern
California (Santa Rosa and Northward/
Southward) both stores give 10% discounts to Retired Military Personnel.
Cards from USSVI, Inc., Holland Club,
Base Membership cards do not work.
Even my VA card with "service connected" disability does not work. Only
the United States Uniformed Service
ID card is acceptable. You must be
RETIRED Military to receive the discount. If all veterans could receive the
10% discount (from all services), both
stores would have to rely on Obama
Stimulus to stay afloat.
That is what is happening here in
Northern California. I expect that is
the way all over the U.S.
John Fagereng
Chief Yeoman (Submarines), USN
USSVI, Inc. Member and a member of
Mare Island Base.
I guess there is not a company-wide
policy about the 10% discount to
veterans. We deserve to be treated
a little better than the average customer.
I too had experiences at both Lowes
& Home Depot in Mountain Home,
Arkansas. Here is what happened to
me....When I showed my life member
ID card at Lowes the clerk at the register took out a folder and checked
through all the various veteran ID
card samples Lowes had collected
and placed in this folder and the clerk
said that mine was not there and therefore she could not accept it. I then
volunteered to show her my driver's
license so she could see photographic
proof that I was who my USSVI life
member card said I was and she still
said she could not accept it. She said
that if I had a copy of my DD214 with me
she could accept that. I asked her how
come the USSVI member card was not
on her list and she said that to the best
of her knowledge the list she referred
to was prepared by the corporate office
from various veteran ID cards submitted to them when they were setting up
the veteran's discount program and
apparently none was received from the
USSVI. Obviously she could not tell
me if one had been requested or not.
Basically the same thing happened to
me at the Home Depot store with the
same reason being given to me by that
store's clerk at the register. It seems
to me that this whole issue with Lowes
and Home Depot could be easily settled
by having our executive officers contact
the corporate offices of each of these
stores and request that they put on their
list of acceptable veteran ID cards the
one from USSVI. Until that happens
we should all make sure that we have
a copy of our DD214 folded up in our
wallets. I should say that the State of
Arkansas has instituted a change in
their driver's licenses and they are now
putting the word "veteran" on the face of
the license and the clerks at both stores
said that would be an acceptable form
of veteran ID but I would much rather
use my USSVI member gives a
chance to brag on being a SUB VET!!!!!
Thanks much,
Bob Buschbacher, MM2SS
Thank you for all your time and effort
as editor of the AMEICAN
Best Regards,
C.Dale Barkley
Thanks for your response to the
article.Thoughts from a different
perspective.The Editor
Mr. Palmer;
I am replying in reference to Gordon Williams' letter in Issue 1 of 2012
regarding problems with veterans benefits at Home Depot. I have just given
up trying to guess which checker will
honor the veterans preference. As with
Mr. Williams, I did not retire from the
Navy, only served a couple of years
sea duty. I now give all my business to
Lowe's, they only require a shrunken
version of a DD214. I printed a credit
card size copy and blanked out my
SSN with a Sharpie. I just mention that
I have one, show it to the checker, no
discussion required.
Gary Thomas
Lincoln, CA.
Thank you for your input. Policies
seem to vary from store to store.
What needs to be accomplished is a
consistent requirement throughout
the chain. Veterans are a special
breed no matter when they served
their country.The Editor
I saw your story in American Submariner (Vol 2012, issue 1) about the
veteran’s discount at Home Depot.
Here in Arkansas, veterans can get a
new driver’s license with “VETERAN”
in red letters under their picture.
Mine was cheerfully honored at the
Home Depot here in Conway, AR and
the salesman was very nice and appreciative of my submarine service.
I’ll bet most states are doing that now
on their driver’s licenses.
Thanks for a great magazine.
Tom Desaulniers / K4VIZ
Conway, AR
There are two kinds of ships;
Submarines and targets
"Pride Runs Deep"
Ain’t that the truth. The Editor
Dear Shipmate Palmer,
Do some of our shipmates think the
USSVI I.D. cards should give them
special privileges? I was under the
impression the membership card was
to identify a Subvet at our meetings;
not to get special privileges from other
places. If a United States Armed forces Veteran is offered special privileges
they should carry a U.S. official I.D. of
some sort and not potrayUSSVI members as a bunch of whining of brats.
USS Barb SS-220 made 12 war patrols - sank 29 1/2 ships, 146,808 tons
Page 10
American Submariner
Eagle Scout’s Court of Honor USSVI Style...
Sept. 19, 2011
Dear United States Navy Submarine Veterans Association,
On June 21, 2011 my son Lofton Lewis Hinckley became an Eagle
Scout in Boy Scout Troop 1002 from Bismarck, North Dakota, passing an Eagle Scout Board of Review consisting of five members.
On, September 18, 2011, we held Lofton’s Eagle Scout Court of
Honor and reception to celebrate this milestone that only 3 to 4
percent of Boy Scouts achieve.
Shortly after Lofton passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review and
became an Eagle Scout, I was surfing the internet on many sites
to check the possible military and government departments that
would recognize his achievement. One of the many sites I looked
at was the United States Navy Submarine Veterans Association.
The one thing that jumped out at me was the patch and certificate
that your organization presents to Eagle Scouts at their Eagle
Scout Court of Honor. The patch is by far the nicest one I have
seen to date, plus the USN SVA sends a representative to present
the patch and certificate.
I sent an email to the site and the next day Victor Paterno with
the United States Navy Submarine Veterans Association called
me. Victor told me he would set up a presentation for my son at
his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. A few days later Victor called me
and told me we were in luck, Duane Sand who is a USN Submarine Commander lives in Bismarck, North Dakota. This is ironic
because Duane lives less than a mile away from us and his son
Allen goes to school with Lofton. I called and met with Duane about
the presentation, the date and time was set.
September 18, 2011, Lofton’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor program
was starting to receive guests, Duane Sand arrived in his summer
whites. The program starts and all of the participants and speakers
were really good. My wife and I received Eagle Scout Mom and
Dad pins from Lofton, then my wife pinned on Lofton’s Eagle Scout
pin. Next, came the military presentations. Duane Sand was the
second of two that we had in the program.
I didn’t know Duane Sand very well up to this point but I was about
to see his charisma, humor, and seriousness as his presentation
unfolded. Duane presented my son with a United States Flag
that flew over the nation’s capital on June 21, 2011, the Admiral
Eugene B. Fluckey Award, a USS Ronald Reagan coin, a USS
North Dakota SSN 784 cover, a US Submarine Veterans patch,
and Certificate. Duane put his dress cover on Lofton’s head as
he made the presentation (which made everyone laugh) and read
what was printed on the certificate. Duane told Lofton he could join
the Navy, go to college, be a teacher, join the Navy, and choose
many different fields as a career, yet every third choice was join the
Navy. The whole group of guests were in stitches and laughing, it
was GREAT. Even Lofton was laughing with Duane’s dress cover
on his head. None of us expected this from Duane Sand and we
were all delighted as he shook the program up a bit with his humor.
My family absolutely LOVED the presentation.
After the Eagle Scout Court of Honor concluded and the festivities were over, we received 6 telephone calls at home and one
neighbor stopped by to tell us that Lofton’s Eagle Scout Court of
Honor was by far the best one they have ever attended to date.
They also mentioned the United States Submarine Veterans Association presentation made by Duane Sand, CDR USN. Duane
Sand definitely made the event a very memorable occasion for all
of our guests.
Lofton currently wears the USN Submarine Veterans Association Eagle Scout patch on one pocket and the Eagle Scout patch
on the other pocket of his Boy Scout uniform. The two patches
complement each other and look great. I have had a few people
on occasion ask where Lofton got the USN SVA patch. I direct
them to your website.
Thank You United States Submarine Veterans Association, Victor Paterno, and Duane Sand for a presentation that far exceeded
everyone’s expectations. Mission accomplished, job well done.
Thank You,
Lewis Hinckley
Proud Father
“Crash Dive Presents Special Eagle Scout Award”
Crash Dive Base has occasionally been involved with the Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Court of Honor. This
one would be special. The Eagle Court of Honor for Louis Robert Iori was held on Sunday, March 11, 2012 at the St.
Joseph Church, in Chicago, Illinois. In attendance from
Crash Dive Base was Frank Voznak Jr. the Vice Commander, Christopher
Gaines, the Base Secretary, and Treasurer/Chaplain, Glenn Barts Sr. The
presentation of the award was given by Louis’s Uncle, Christopher Gaines,
after a short dissertation by Glenn Barts Sr.
What helped make this special and interesting, besides Louis getting the
award from his Uncle, is the project that he undertook. There were many
hundreds of old books that were stored in an old school basement that were
on the verge of being destroyed or tossed out. Through the efforts of Louis,
and working through temperatures and humidity that was reminiscent of the
old diesel boats, he was able to catalogue, and find other schools across
the country that needed those books. He was then able to get them to those
schools that needed them for their libraries. Congratulation’s Louis.
Afterward, a comment was received, from one of the attendees, about the
ceremony which was given by a small group of Sub Vets who wear their
own badge of honor.
“Chris Gaines of Crash Dive about to present award to Nephew”
Thank you for your Service !
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 11
True Sea Stories...
Rescue on Timor by Irvin “Moose” Hornkohl and Mary Penner
I was a torpedoman on USS Gudgeon. In February of 1943 we got a message that the Japs were chasing these Australian commandos on the island of Timor, and they wanted us to rescue the commandos. We pulled into the cove that night,
about a mile from shore.
The exec picked me and three other fellows to take these rubber rescue boats to the island. We loaded up and started
paddling. It was dark as sin that night. We’d get a little burp of light from the commandos and we’d head for that. When
we got close to the beach, the waves really knocked us around. I figured I was going to kill myself crash-landing on that
beach. We finally made it ashore and five or six of these little natives jumped into my boat. They were being trained by
the Australians. None of them spoke a word of English. Some of these natives had their wives with them. We had to leave
the women behind. It broke my heart, but we knew the men would be killed by the Japanese and hoped the women could
disappear into the villages. By this time the waves were worse. It took me about an hour to get off that beach. The heavy
surf would upend the boat and dump us all into the water. That happened three or four times.
I tried to tell these natives to bail the water out of the boat. I took my shoes off so they could use them for bailing. That
helped, and we finally made it over the surf. The other boats were quite a ways ahead of me; I was out there all alone with
these natives. I strained to spot a light from the sub. I’d see a little blink of light once in awhile and head for that. I was getting pretty worn out and it was starting to get light. I knew the sub would leave us if we didn’t get back soon. Then I heard
those engines start up. I paddled like hell. We made it back to the sub just in time.
At age 88, Irvin Hornkohl, a 30 year Navy veteran, recounts his lifetime of adventures, including surviving Pearl Harbor
and 11 wartime patrols, in a new book, Just Do It, Crazy or Not, published by Manzano Alley Press.
Review Corner...
“Just Do It, Crazy or Not” published Manzano Press
After reading the account of Irvin “Moose” Hornkohl life, we as
navy veterans should write down our story as a piece of history.
A history that is slipping away from the newer generations,
Moose was born when the country was at its worse. He grew
up in the real-harsh place called life. Through his stories, trials,
and learning experiences, he became a good man.
His life experiences tempered his character and directed his life
in a positive direction. All the people that he touched throughout
his life remember that he was a straight shooter always telling
it like it should be not what people wanted to hear. From his
boyhood chum, who helped him get into trouble, to three ladies
that signified those different stages of his life? All made him
the man and person that he ended up to be today.
There is something to be said about being a sub sailor. Being
on so many war patrols and enduring the wrath of the rising
sun’s forces is a tempering factor. Either you are made for subs
or you are not. There is no in between. This book is a really
good read and something all of us should read.
The Editor
Was it yesterday I saw the dolphins jump through the waves and spray
as our slender bow cut through the blue pacific bright.
Was it yesterday I saw the flying-fish sparkle and gleam in flight from
in the bright sun light.
Was it yesterday tonight I saw the stars so bright, will the Southern
Cross slip below my sight tonight.
Was it yesterday tonight the Seven Sister's bright, we made our four
engine run to some place unknown in the quiet of the night.
It was yesterday tonight as I sleep, and once again I’m eighteen
By Carl Andrew Seitz STS 3 SS
Page 12
American Submariner
DAYS GONE BY...Things remembered-Things Forgotten
Upkeep periods were always a fun thing for everyone on board. Whether it was dockside or drydock it was whatever you made it to be. My experiences were quite enjoyable. After arriving back from WESTPAC, there was always
work to be done. Being in the seaman’s gang, it was never boring. It was a time to make friends or create enemies.
Our lead seaman in charge was one of the most unorgangized people that I had ever met. We would start on job
then he would send us to do something else. Nothing much ever got completed leastwise from the seaman gang.
Maybe, this was to educate us into the real world once our time was up. Upkeep periods were generally a good
time to learn more about your shipmates and sometimes that could be too much.
Upkeep periods gave us more time on the beach. Drinking up a storm and raising “hell” where ever we landed
for the night. That most likely would be a submarine bar or a civilian bar that wanted to serve the members of
the silent service. By closing time, we were anything but silent. Oh ah, those were the days; drinking, raising hell
puking your guts out. Tomorrow it would begin all over again.
The Editor
PS. Over the next two issues or so I am going to catch up on all those pictures and article that have been sent to
the magazine since I have taken over the American Submariner. Gordon
Letters from the USSVI Guestbook
If you haven’’t heard from me recently, give me a growl. I have contacts for most BRILLmates still among the living. I’’m one of nine
remaining BRILL plankowners. Bill Whelan
I am looking for information regarding the USS Pargo that my grandfather commanded during WW2. I have recently donated several
items from the Pargo to the USS Bowfin Museum in Honolulu and am looking for information. I also would like to know if anyone has
any suggestion on where I can get a battle flag from the Pargo restored. I have and would like to have it repaired and framed worthy of
display. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Dan
I am looking for sailors from the John Marshall blue 1975 to 1977. I can be contacted on Brotherhood of the Phin or dbf or John Marshall
pages on Facebook Karl
Unlimited Details
Exclusive Submarine Cutaways and Memorabilia
We specialize in custom and reunion group items
Custom Desk & Wall Clocks
Submarine Insignia Lighters
Three Dimensional Cutaways
Submarine Insignia Mugs
Who is this lady? She was famous for inventing something
most of us use every day. She was the oldest serving
Admiral in history of the U.S. Navy. Please if you know Write
an answer to The Letter to the Editor, Thanks Gordon
Search of...
Just a short note to anyone I might have served with
on the Haddock from ‘76 to ‘80. Hey and let’s get in
touch Arthur Hampe
T-Shirts, Polos & Neckties
Auto & Motorcycle Accessories
Visit Our Website at
or Call Toll-Free 1-800-839-5799
Looking for sailors from Sub Base Repair, Pearl Harbor, Hi.(1961 to 1965) Doug Justman beeradman@
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 13
Page 14
American Submariner
The Scholarship Program Update
This coming Scholarship season is going to very interesting. We
have a student apply who’s father is a civilian lawyer working in
Okinawa in support of our troops there and was an FTBC (SS) on
the USS James K. Polk. Three Grandchildren of USS Thresher
Shipmates on Eternal patrol are also applying. To date (end of
February) there is a total of over 60 students applying. I have no
idea how many more might have gone directly to the USSVI web
page and down loaded their applications. So I’m expecting close
to 85 applications +/- 5 by 16 April.
This year we are also offering several new scholarships which
should help get donations for the program. I have asked and received permission to have a scholarship named after The Shipmate
who started our Scholarship program back in 1980 when he was
National Commander James “Jim” Page. He appointed Shipmate
Thomas Rowan to put together and start a scholarship program
for the “shipmates on the river” who had children trying to get into
college but lack some financial support. Jim Page was also the
scholarship chairman from August 1984 to August 1985 while my
predecessor Edward “Ed” Lang was National Commander. When
I took over in August 1992, I asked Jim for some help and ideas
and he has helped me ever since when I need it. This scholarship
is going to be a $1250.00 given annually.
Next we have the Robert J. Burns Memorial Scholarship, whom
is being remembered by his wife Joanne who said Robert had
a lifelong commitment to children. He served on the USS John
Adams as a nuclear trained Machinist Mate 1st Class (SS). This
Scholarship is for $1000.00 for Five years.
Next we Have Theodore C. “Ted” Taylor Memorial Scholarship, a
career Submariner, Ted was a ETSC(SS) when he retired, serving
on Diesel Boats, Support ships and USS Abraham Lincoln. He
is being honored by his wife Loma from a significant gift given on
behalf of Eleanor Van Slyke in Appreciation for all the help Ted
provided her in managing her affairs. The scholarship is worth
$1000.00 for five years. Lastly we have one scholarship given by
the USS Ethan Allen Association for $1000.00.
We have lost the following scholarships due to lack of support; Joe
McGrievy Memorial Scholarship which was for $1000.00. Periodically I will post on the USSVI Web page the donation made since
last September under the Charitable Fund then click on CF Donors
on the left side and go to the top and click on 2011 Donation List.
The list will show all donations to that date.
By now all the scholarship application requests, all the scholarship
applications to be graded for this year should be in and ready for
grading by the scholarship committee. I hope to be completed by 1
July 2012 and hopefully have all the letters and scholarship money
in the hands of those selected by 1 August 2012 so the students
can make use of the scholarship money for their school use.
The holidays are now behind us and I hope you all had a very good
winter so far as New England has had a mild winter and unusual
weather this year compared to last year. My New Snow Blower
only had one chance to be used and that must be the reason for
lack of snow. Hope Spring is also mild. Stay Healthy and support
your scholarship fund today. Thank you. Paul Wm. Orstad, NSC
Haddo Base Sponsors Ice Cream Social At Alvin C. York Vet Home and Hospital
The USS HADDO Base members, associate members and wives,13 persons in all traveled from their base home in
Cleveland TN. to Murphysboro, TN to the Alvin C. York Veterans Home and Hospital to provide the home patients with
an ice cream social. The Base partnered with Mayfield Dairy (supplier of the ice cream), McKee Food Products (supplier
of Little Debbie oatmeal cookies) and Grooms Transportation who provided a van for Base members travel to this event.
The Haddo Base members travelled 2.5 hours to the facility and met with the Recreation Director of the Veterans Home.
The Director provided a short briefing explaining how patients are cared for and the visitor's do's and don'ts at the Home.
With the briefing behind us, Haddo Base members began distributing the ice cream, cookies and most importantly," Thanking the Veterans for their service". We met with over 100 patients in a three and a half hour period. Veterans we met were
from the WWII, Korean conflict, Vietnam Conflict and Iraq war.
Many of the patients were happy they had an ear to tell a tale or two. All the Veteran patients expressed they were proud
to have served their country and many had a tear in their eye when we expressed our thanks for their service.
This outing was best described from the Base members as personally a very rewarding outing and a very humbling
experience. The group was proud to have participated and are looking forward to repeating this event in the future.
The general consensus of the group is the professional staff and the facility operations were very impressive. Also, it was
comforting to know these veterans are being well cared for. We as a group are thankful there is a place like the Veterans
Home at the Alvin C. York Facility for our sick, aged shipmates and fellow service members.
The following boats need sponsors:
USS Cheyenne SSN 773
USS Jimmy Carter SSN 23
USS Key West SSN 772
USS Miami SSN 755
USS San Juan SSN 751
USS Tucson SSN 770
USS Wyoming(B/G) SSBN 742
USS Maine (B/G) SSBN 741
USS Henry M Jackson SSBN 730
The above boats need sponsors for the American Submariner
Magazine. Contact Jack Messersmith @
The number for the American Submariner has been
changed to
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 15
Recent discussion has
brought to mind something
some of us might want to
consider. If you have ANY
desire to seek burial or to
be cremated and placed
in the Columbarium in Arlington National Cemetary,
use me as your "on site"
contact and family representative (If you have no
combat decorations listed
in your DD-214 you can
only be placed in the Columbarium or be buried in
another less crowded National Cemetary). Leave
my name and number with your spouse or next of
kin, and I will handle your "on site" arrangements
and tell you what documentation will be required.
My name Robert D. ARMSTRONG present phone
numbers (703) 229-3569 and (703) 399-9575 I find it
an honor to assist in representing families in having
their beloved veterans placed in Arlington National
Cemetery...To date I have done that for six families
and my dear bride. DEX
(d) Any former member of the Armed Forces whose
last active duty (other than for training) military
service terminated honorably and who has been
awarded one of the following decorations:
(1) Medal of Honor.
(2) Distinguished Service Cross (Air Force Cross or
Navy Cross).
(3) Distinguished Service Medal.
(4) Silver Star.
(5) Purple Heart.
A couple of weeks ago I sent you a copy of a piece from Dr.
Joyce Brothers after the sinking of the Thresher that I had
found in some old papers. As I continued to search through
the old stuff I found the following poem from my wife to
me probably in mid 1960s or early 70s. Again I thought you
might be interested in it. I showed it to her and asked if it
was an original or had she found it someplace and she said
she was pretty sure it was an original by her. There were
a number of others on a more personal note that I am sure
were her originals that I will just keep to myself.
Upon Resurfacing After sixty Days
Take care my pet
That you don't get wet
When they open that top hatch.
(Never know what you'll catch!)
A fish might come sailing in!
Tell him "This is not an Inn"
Get back in the sea!
I think he will have to agree
The sea is a better place to be
Than that stinking old tub
That you all lovingly call a "sub"!
Front Pocket 4”
Back of Shirt 12”
Dolphin Ring
Ladies Ring
New Style Bad Ass
Embroidered Hats
6 Color Tees & Sweats
Dolphin Bracelet
Blue Diamond
Dolphin Ring
Exclusive Designs
Diamonds &
Semi-Precious Stones
10K - 14 K Gold 18K Platinum
Find the SubFarer;
Check it out !
Bob Jones ETCS(SS)
For more information, please call 973-941-9943
Visit our website:
465 men commanded US Submarines in WW-II
Page 16
American Submariner
United States Submarine Losses
USS Pickerel (SS-177) was lost on 3
USS 0-9 (SS-70) was lost on 20 June
April 1943 with the loss of 74
officers and men when it was sunk
within lume of Shiramuka Light off Honshu (AKA Shiramuka Light).
1941 with the loss of 34 officers and men
when it foundered off Isle of Shoals, 15
miles from Portsmouth, NH, 42 59' 48N
20 20' 27W.
USS Grenadier (SS-210) was lost
on 22 April 1943 with the loss of 4 officers and men when it was sunk near
Penang, ~ 10 Miles West of Lem Voalan
Strait (61officers and men were taken
prisoner, 57survived the war).
USS S-27 (SS-132) was lost on 19 June
USS Snook (SS-279) was lost on 8
1943 with the loss of 42 officers and men
when it foundered off Key West, 24 24'30N
81 28'30.
April 1945 with the loss of 84
officers and men when it was sunk
within 100 miles East of 18 40N 111 39E,
near Hainan Island < 300 feet.
USS Thresher (SS-593) was lost on 10
April 1963 with the loss of 129 officers
and men when it was sunk while on sea
trials near Isle of Shoals.
USS Squalus (SS-192) was lost on
23 May 1939 with the loss of 26 officers
and men when it flooded and sank off
Portsmouth, NH.
USS Gudgeon (SS-211) was lost on
12 May 1944 with the loss of 80
officers and men when it was sunk off
Saipan near Maug Island.
SS Lagarto (SS-371) was lost on 3
May 1945 with the loss of 88
officers and men when it was sunk off
Malay Coast in or nearthe Gulf of Siam
7 55N 102 00E.
1942 after grounding off
Amchitka Island, 400 yds off island Near
St Makarius Point (near Constantine Harbor), all the crew were rescued.
USS R-12 (SS-89) was lost on 12 June
Lost US Submarines & Crews
Sailing aboard submarines is a hazardous business. They operate in a hostile environment and
do constant battle with the sea. On occasion, the
sea wins. Sometimes all the crew dies, sometimes there are survivors. Sixty-five submarines
built for the United States Navy have been lost
during their service -- more than ten percent of
the total number of submarines we built. Many
were lost during declared wartime when the sea
is not the only enemy and sailing in harm’s way
is a way of life. Others were lost when the sea
was the only declared enemy but the hazards
of maintaining peace required the submarines
be put to sea. This list is for information, so we
don’t forget -- sailing aboard submarines is a
hazardous business.
J. Christley
Old Subs Place: Source for this list The
USS Herring (SS-233) was lost on 1
June 1944 with the loss of 80 officers
and men when it was sunk within shore
battery range of Point Tagan, Matsuwa
Island, In Kurlies.
USS Golet (SS-361) was lost on 14 June
1944 with the loss of 82 officers and men
when it was sunk near 41 04N 1413E.
USS Bonefish (SS-223) was lost on 18
June 1945 with the loss of 86 officers
and men when it was sunk in Toyama
Wan, near Suzu Misaki; 37 18N 137 25E
Fleet submarines were designed for a
patrol endurance of 8 weeks (56 days).
Endurance was limited by personnel,
weapon, food and fuel consumption
considerations. Most patrols were of 42
to 56 days duration. Three boats made
patrols of 80 or more days; BLACKFISH
(Sellars), THRESHER (Middleton), and
GUITARRO (Dabney).
USS Nawhal SS 167 underway
USS Cuttlefish SS 171 in port
USS Blackfin SS 322 under way
USS Stickleback (SS-415) was lost
30May 1958, when she sank off of Hawaii while under tow after a
collision with the USS Silverstein (DE534). The entire crew was taken off
prior to the boat sinking.
USS Scorpion (SS-589) was lost on
27 May 1968 with the loss of 99 officers
and men when it was sunk while in
transit from Med, West of Azores.
USS Requin SS 481 coming
into port
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 17
Chaplain’s Message...
USSVI Chaplain Corner
I want to thank the Chaplains who have contacted me for help in finding the Chaplain Manual on the USSVI website and
also thank the base officers who have made copies of the Chaplain Manual for those Base Chaplains without internet
service. If any Chaplain needs help in finding the Chaplain Manual on the USSVI website call me 501-843-7855. I certainly
hope that all base Chaplains in Norfolk at the USSVI Convention will please attend the Chaplain’s meeting. Chaplains who
aren’t able to attend the USSVI convention in September, please ask a base member from your base to attend the Chaplain
meeting at the USSVI convention in Norfolk. I will be going over the new information in the updated Chaplain Manual. Time
is something that seems to pass quickly and it’s again time to make plans to attend another USSVI convention in Norfolk.
Attending a funeral service recently I thought back to the first funeral I attended as a young man. The older I get, the more
shipmate funerals I attend. I remember when funeral possessions halted traffic along highways, country lanes and streets.
We waited until the last vehicle passed before resuming our own trip. It was one way to honor the dearly departed and his
or her family. This kind gesture was always returned when it was our sad turn to be in the procession for a family member,
friend, neighbor or shipmates. Sometime between the death of my grandparents and my mother and father when I was a
younger man I came to realize, I was surrounded with love of friends and family, that I am surrounded with a greater Love.
I am reminded that each spring when the songbirds return, the first buds appear and the rains of April water our gardens
that the Heavenly Father is always with us. The Good Book says we have three great blessings; Faith, Hope and Love.
The way I look at this is, Faith is for today, Hope is for tomorrow and Love for all the days in between and beyond.
I try to arise each day thanking our lord for all the blessings he has given us. Then I can face the day with Faith, Hope and
Love, that funerals and grave is not the end. Someday we will all meet in a better place. Base Chaplains please ask your
base newsletter editor to print the Retiree Check list located in Appendix (3) of the Chaplain Manual in your next base
newsletter. Base members when a shipmate goes on Eternal Patrol please wear your submarine vest when you attend
the visitation, church service and cemetery service. The family certainly appreciates the submarine shipmates who attend
these services.
I look forward to seeing the base Chaplains, old friends and meeting new Shipmates in Norfolk in September.
Carl Schmidt
National Chaplain USSVI
Flett newsF
On Saturday March 24th , members of the United States Submarine Veterans Incorporated Tullibee
Base of Mississippi conducted the Fourth annual memorial service for the USS Tullibee SS 284. The Tullibee
was sunk in March 1944 , on her fourth war patrol, with the loss of 79 of her 80 man crew. The Sole Survivor,
Clifford Kuykendall of Wichita Falls, TX was captured and spent the remainder of the war in a Japanese
POW camp. He later became a double Purple Heart recipient in Korea. The Tullibee , one of 52 boats lost in
WWII, became Mississippi’s boat to honor in 1960. The bell was tolled for each of the 79 men as well as one
crewman that was lost on the third patrol into the South Pacific the year before. Pictured are:Kneeling – left
to right : Chief-of-the-Boat Barry Barrett of Vancleave , Base Commander Joe Ioffredo of Moss Point, Base
Storekeeper Merrill Molaison of Hattiesburg.
1st Row Standing – left to right: Base Secretary Lionel Blum of Saucier, Phillip Saul of Vinegar Bend, AL,
Vice Commander Richard Johnson of Biloxi,LarryLucas of Biloxi, Base Chaplain James Raborn of Gulfport,
Charles Gillies of Ocean Springs, Robert Harris of Gulfport.2nd Row Standing – left to right: Base Treasurer
Herb Edmonds of Gautier, Don Parker of Pascagoula, C. L. Harvey of Grand Bay, AL, Fred Holcomb of Ocean Springs, Bob Stanley of Ocean Springs,
George Boyle of Pensacola, FL, C.P. Green of Ocean Springs, Al Ferdinandsen of Moblie, AL.
Flett newsF
Fleet News
By Brock Vergakis - The Associated PressPosted : Monday Mar 5, 2012 9:40:26 EST
NORFOLK, Va. — Navy Secretary Ray Mabus will announce a new initiative for sailors and Marines around the world
during a rare “all hands” call.Mabus is scheduled to unveil the new program during a televised and webcast speech at Naval Station Norfolk on Monday.
Among other things, it will focus on personal readiness.
Mabus has told members of Congress that personal readiness includes ensuring that service members and their families are prepared to handle the
mental and emotional rigors of military service.
After more than a decade of war, the operational pace for the fleet is not expected to slow down anytime soon as the Pentagon shifts its focus toward
the Pacific.Mabus’ speech will be aboard the Bataan, which recently returned from the Navy’s longest deployment in nearly 40 years.
Flett newsF
U.K. lifts ban on female submariners...
LONDON — Women will be allowed to serve on submarines for the first time in Britain's history, the country's defense secretary
announced Thursday, after research showed there were no health reasons to support the ban.
A small number of female officers who have volunteered will begin training next year and start serving on Royal Navy nuclearpowered submarines in late 2013, Philip Hammond said.
Page 18
American Submariner
Boat Reunions
SSVI is, by the nature of its foundation, purpose and creed, interested
in all Submariners, past, present and future. It is acknowledged that
an individual’s loyalty and focus may be primarily directed toward
the Boat or Boats that the individual has served on and it is recognized
that the vast majority of non-career Submariners served aboard only
one Boat. Due to that fact it is sometimes difficult to develop an interest
in an individual to become a member of USSVI. However, it is a simple
fact that all Single Boat reunions will someday come to an end, just as
the Submarine Veterans of WW-II, will someday cease to exist. Within
the creed of USSVI we are dedicated to the legacy and continuance
of all Submarines and all Submariners. USSVI can only carry out its
purpose and creed by bringing in new members, now, and in the future.
The American Submariner is the primary source of Submarine
Reunion information and we need your help and assistance. The
AMERICAN SUBMARINER is asking for your cooperation and information in
USS Albany (SSN-753) Reunion
10/14/2012 to 10/19/2012 Baton Rouge, LA:
Contact Bob Smeltzer at or (410-574-1720)
---USS Argonaut (S-166 & SS-475) Reunion
4/18/2012 to 4/22/2012 Virginia Beach, VA:
Contact Gary Vernon at Bluegrasssubvet@triad. or (336-922-0800)
---USS Atule (SS-403) Reunion
9/7/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John F Rupertus at rupe46@carolina. or (443-618-7713)
---USS Bang (SS-385) Reunion
10/22/2012 to 10/26/2012 San Diego, CA:
Contact Harry Ross at
or (310-612-6629)
---USS Barracuda (was K-1) (SSK-1) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/5/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John W. Delihanty at loisbill@comcast.
net or (503-762-2706)
---USS Blackfin (SS-322) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/8/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Edward Poole at
or (770-932-0642)
---USS Bluefish (SS-222 and SSN-675) Reunion
5/24/2012 to 5/27/2012 Branson, MO:
Contact John Wittenstrom at jwittenstrom@nc.rr.
com or (910-235-0191)
---USS Boston (SSN-703) Reunion
7/12/2012 to 7/15/2012 Buffalo, NY:
Contact Arthur L. Hebert at or (603 672-8772)
---USS Caiman (SS-323) Reunion
5/7/2012 to 5/10/2012 San Antonio, TX:
Contact Douglas W. Smith at dbfrider@comcast.
net or (360-377-4763)
---USS Canopus (AS-9 and AS-34) Reunion
9/6/2012 to 9/9/2012 Branson, MO:
Contact Richard Retin at
or (503-689-1712)
consideration of your reunion information being published in the AMERICAN
In return for publishing your reunion information the AMERICAN
SUBMARINER is asking for the Reunion Coordinator to furnish the American
Submariner / USSVI with the names and contact information of all attendees
at the respective reunions. The names and contact information will be used
to send each non-USSVI attendee a copy of the most current AMERICAN
SUBMARINER and an invitation to join USSVI.
Reciprocally, it is agreed that the names and contact information of all
USSVI members who served on a particular Boat will be made available to
any recognized Reunion Organization to be used only for contacting them
in respect to a given Reunion.
Sincerely, Gordon Palmer- Editor
USS Capitaine (SS-336) Reunion
10/8/2012 to 10/10/2012 Las Vegas, CA:
Contact Thomas H. Morris at bigtom@fiberpipe.
net or (307- 672- 6593)
---USS Carbonero (SS-337) Reunion
9/5/2012 to 9/11/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Daniel W O'Dwyer at or (352-341-0316)
---USS Carp (SS-338) Reunion
9/21/2012 to 9/23/2012 Portland, OR:
Contact Tom Foglesong at
or (541-523-3107)
---USS Casimir Pulaski (SSBN-633) Reunion
7/26/2012 to 7/28/2012 Eugene, OR:
Contact Steve Everett at
---Cavalla (SS-244 & SSN-684) Reunion
4/26/2012 to 4/28/2012 Galveston, TX:
Contact Jeff/Sue Morris at cavallareunion@gmail.
com or (972-298-8807)
---USS Charr (SS-328) Reunion
10/17/2013 to 10/21/2013 San Diego, CA:
Contact Harry Heller or Lin Marvil at linmarvil@ or or (623-363-2159)
---USS Chicago (SSN-721) Reunion
9/5/2012 to 9/9/2012 St. Louis, MO:
Contact Jon Dahl at jon@carriagehouseshop.
com or (314-863-4821)
---USS Chivo (SS-341) Reunion
9/19/2013 to 9/23/2013 Washington, DC:
Contact Stan Pollard at
or ((330) 749-7151)
---USS Chopper (SS-342) Reunion
4/24/2012 to 4/29/2012 New London, CT:
Contact John Pearce at
or (423) 293-0272)
---USS Clamagore (SS-343) Reunion
10/17/2012 to 10/21/2012 Pensacola, FL:
Contact George Alfred Bass at geobass@fibrant.
com or(704-636-7238)
---USS Cobbler (SS-344) Reunion
6/27/2012 to 6/30/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Edward B Sherman at st1ss344ebs@ or (413-527-4157)
---USS Cusk (SS-348) Reunion
9/9/2012 to 9/13/2012 Shelton, WA:
Contact Billy P Hrbacek at
or (360-427-6220)
---USS Daniel Boone (SSBN-629) Reunion
10/17/2012 to 10/21/2012 Charleston, SC:
Contact Allen Sutherland at
or (803-266-5189)
---USS Diablo (SS-479) Reunion
10/21/2012 to 10/24/2012 North Charleston, SC:
Contact Bill Davy at
---USS Flasher (SSN-613) Reunion
5/9/2012 to 5/12/2012 Lisle, IL:
Contact Kenneth L. Tupman at Tuppy613@aol.
com or (815-936-9318)
---USS Francis Scott Key (SSBN-657) Reunion
5/9/2012 to 5/13/2012 Charleston, SC:
Contact Diane Singleman Jr at diane@ssbn657.
com or (518-355-2119)
---USS George C Marshall (SSBN-654) Reunion
8/8/2012 to 8/11/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Neal Sanatngelo at neal_sant@yahoo.
com or ((781) 843-6218)
---USS Grayback (SSG-574) Reunion
9/27/2012 to 9/29/2012 Las Vegas, NV:
Contact Mike Dimmick at
or (702) 810-8056)
---USS Greenling (SS-213) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact George Hinda at (717-243-3855)
---USS Grenadier (SS-210 & SS-525) Reunion
5/20/2012 to 5/23/2012 Myrtle Beach, SC:
Contact Reggie Thurlow at
or (352-563-1101)
---USS Growler (SSG-577) Reunion
5/1/2012 to 5/4/2012 Branson, MO:
Contact Don Bosetti at
Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 19
Boat Reunions Cont.
or (608-365-6455)
---USS Guardfish (SSN-612) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Richard E. Armstrong at nicedad1@ or (772-882-7018)
---USS Guitarro (SSN-665) Reunion
9/6/2012 to 9/9/2012 Vallejo, CA:
Contact Joseph Cooke at
or (707-451-1294)
---USS Gurnard (SSN-662) Reunion
5/17/2012 to 5/19/2012 Las Vegas, NV:
Contact Phil Green at
or (608) 269-1464)
---USS Halfbeak (SS-352) Reunion
8/16/2012 to 8/19/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Bill Badders at
or ((603) 606-2900.)
---USS Halibut (SSN-587) Reunion
10/14/2012 to 10/17/2012 Fredericksburg, TX:
Contact Kenneth Hicks at
or (360-434-6962)
---USS Howard W Gilmore (AS-16) Reunion
5/3/2012 to 5/7/2012 Branson, MO:
Contact Bob Munjas at
or (740) 676-5582)
---USS Irex (SS-482) Reunion
5/14/2012 to 5/17/2012 New London, CT:
Contact Albert P Hahn at irexnewsletter@gmail.
com or (860-653-3974)
---USS Jallao (SS-368) Reunion
5/9/2013 to 5/11/2013 Cleveland, OH:
Contact Dom Iammarino or Joe Marinelli at or
or (330-656-2000 (Dom))
---USS James K Polk (SSBN-645) Reunion
10/11/2012 to 10/14/2012 South Plainfield, NJ:
Contact Gino Bovino at or (908-369-8765)
---USS John C Calhoun (SSBN-630) Reunion
7/12/2012 to 7/15/2012 Gatlinburg, TN:
Contact Stephen J. Springer at springer1424@ or (423-613-4294)
---USS Kamehameha (SSBN-642) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Bill Hupe at
or ((360) 373-3730)
---USS Lewis and Clark (SSBN-644) Reunion
7/19/2012 to 7/22/2012 Silverdale, WA:
Contact Larry Johnson at
or (210-538-8101)
---USS Mackerel (SST-1) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/5/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John W. Delihanty at loisbill@comcast.
net or (503-762-2706)
---USS Marlin (SST-2) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/5/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John W. Delihanty at loisbill@comcast.
net or (503-762-2706)
---USS Nautilus (SSN-571) Reunion
9/27/2012 to 9/30/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Robert Douglas Childs at robertdchilds@ or ((865)-384-6105)
---USS Oklahoma City (SSN-723) Reunion
9/25/2012 to 9/30/2012 Rapid City, SD:
Contact John Baker at (620-221-0343)
---USS Picuda (SS-382) Reunion
5/23/2012 to 5/27/2012 Mobile, AL:
Contact John A. Theotonio at jatheotonio@ or (609-581-8663)
---USS Pittsburgh (SSN-720) Reunion
7/20/2012 to 7/21/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Lee Johnson at ljohnson@stormforge.
net or (617-593-6198)
---USS Pollack (SSN-603) Reunion
10/10/2012 to 10/14/2012 Summerville, SC:
Contact Jack Dangerfield at jdangerfield7@aol.
comor ((843) 871- 7498)
---USS Providence (SSN-719) Reunion
5/2/2012 to 5/6/2012 Washington, DC:
Contact Jim Chryst at (717-284-6996)
---USS Quillback (SS-424) Reunion
5/23/2012 to 5/27/2012 Mobile, AL:
Contact Irwin L. Stewart Jr at straydog@NCTV.
com or (281-324-2528)
---USS Razorback (SS-394) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/8/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Fred Reker at
or (615-898-0669)
---USS Redfish (SS-395) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Douglas Abramson at cdabramson@aol.
com or (360-652-9709)
---USS Remora (SS-487) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/8/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John M. Leeds, Jr. at jml0817@hotmail.
com or (401-743-0985)
---USS Robert E Lee (SSBN-601) Reunion
4/19/2013 to 4/21/2013 Nashville, TN:
Contact D. Joe White at
or (405-348-2195)
---USS Ronquil (SS-396) Reunion
10/1/2012 to 10/4/2012 San Antonio, TX:
Contact Richard Marshall Osentoski at or (734-671-3439)
---USS Sailfish (SSR-572) Reunion
9/6/2012 to 9/7/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Art Barker at
or (865-254-5572)
USS Sam Houston (SSBN-609) Reunion
10/25/2012 to 10/27/2012 Charleston, SC:
Contact Howard F. Dobson at or (302-764-1197)
---USS Scamp (SSN-588) Reunion
5/12/2013 to 5/16/2013 Branson, MO:
Contact Lou Minor at
or (520-732-1750)
---USS Scorpion (SSN-589) Reunion
9/4/2012 to 9/19/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Leonard Reneau at goatmandol@ or (972-763-9763)
---USS Sea Cat (SS-399) Reunion
9/24/2012 to 9/27/2012 North Little Rock, AR:
Contact Edwin D. Hymer at
or (515-981-3006)
---USS Sea Poacher (SS-406) Reunion
4/16/2012 to 4/20/2012 San Antonio, TX:
Contact L. Yeske at
or (434-385-7117)
---USS Seadragon (SSN-584) Reunion
9/5/2012 to 9/7/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Jerry Gruenhagen at jgruenhagen@new. or (920-469-0176)
---USS Sealion (SS-315) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/8/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John William Clear at or (360) 437-1143)
---USS Segundo (SS-398) Reunion
10/7/2012 to 10/11/2012 San Diego, CA:
Contact Kenneth P. Owen at
or (760-744-1771)
---USS Simon Bolivar (SSBN-641) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/10/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Steve DuBosky at sdubosky@hotmail.
com or (804-824-4456)
---USS Skate (SSN-578) Reunion
9/2/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact Ray Fritz at
or (803-619-1121)
---USS Spinax (SS-489) Reunion
5/20/2013 to 5/24/2013 Groton, CT:
Contact Jack Hunter at
or ((401) 849-7282)
---USS Sterlet (SS-392) Reunion
9/11/2013 to 9/15/2013 Washington, DC:
Contact Richard A Jarenski at
or (520) 850-1437)
---USS Sunfish (SSN-649) Reunion
6/27/2012 to 7/1/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Joseph E. Martin at josephmartin649@ or (828-682-3103)
---USS Tecumseh (SSBN-628) Reunion
9/5/2012 to 9/9/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John J Flynn at
or (417 684 2556)
---USS Thomas A Edison (SSBN-610) Reunion
6/27/2012 to 7/1/2012 Bremerton, WA:
Contact David Epstein at or (206-285-6222)
If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
Page 20
American Submariner
Reunions continued from page 19
USS Thomas Jefferson (SSBN-618) Reunion
9/9/2012 to 9/12/2012 Norfolk, VA:
Contact John Sweat at
or (860-287-2766)
---USS Thornback (SS-418) Reunion
5/6/2012 to 5/10/2012 Biloxi, MS:
Contact Ed Cirucci at
or (757-466-0234)
---USS Threadfin (SS-410) Reunion
9/6/2012 to 9/9/2012 Key West, FL:
Contact Jerry Padrta at
or (772-873-9950)
---USS Tiru (SS-416) Reunion
8/16/2012 to 8/19/2012 Washington, DC:
Contact Gary Grimes at
or (703-550-8722)
---USS Triton (SS-201 & SSN 586) Reunion
4/25/2012 to 4/29/2012 San Francisco, CA:
Contact Henry Jackson at
or (706-999-1637)
---USS Trout (SS-566) Reunion
5/2/2012 to 5/6/2012 Groton, CT:
Contact Art Solomon at
or (914-799-4752)
---USS Trutta (SS-421) Reunion
5/23/2012 to 5/27/2012 Mobile, AL:
Contact Marshall Parker at
or (850-477-7367)
---USS Tunny (SS-282 & SSN-682) Reunion
10/16/2013 to 10/20/2013 Mobile, AL:
Contact Lee Ashcraft at
or (508-699-0931)
---USS Tusk (SS-426) Reunion
10/17/2013 to 10/20/2013 San Diego, CA:
Contact Edward B. Farley, Jr. at tufts57@gmail.
com or (858-569-4220)
USS Volador (SS-490) Reunion
10/7/2012 to 10/9/2012 Laughlin, NV:
Contact Andrew Steiner at substeiner490@
or (928-234-0858)
---USS Wahoo (SS-565) Reunion
5/25/2013 to 5/28/2013 Groton, CT:
Contact Thomas E Young at
or (603-362-5781)
---USS Woodrow Wilson (SSBN-624) Reunion
5/14/2012 to 5/18/2012 Reno, NV:
Contact Melvin Cross at
or ((360) 830-4224)
USS George C. Marshall (SSBN 654)
8-8-12 to 8-11-12 in CT Groton
Contact Gregory C. Kane at 860 989-1426 or
Fleet News Continued from page 17
Female officers kicked off subs in fraud probe the undersea force. But officials characterized the disruption
By Sam Fellman
Three female supply officers were pulled from submarine
crews within months of joining the force for allegedly committing fraud prior to checking in at their boats, a Submarine
Forces spokeswoman confirmed Friday. These three were
among the eight Supply Corps lieutenants that reported to
the submarine force, a cadre chosen to be role models for the
younger female submariners reporting straight from training
to the previously all-male force.
“The alleged actions under investigation involve financial
misconduct and in no way involved their performance while
assigned to their current operational units,” said Submarine
Forces spokeswoman Cmdr. Monica Rousselow, who explained the allegations concerned fraudulent travel claims
while on temporary assigned duty.
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation began
in February, Rousselow said, but she declined to comment further on the nature of the allegations or who had first reported
them because the investigation is still open.
The three reliefs are a setback for the ongoing integration of
as “minimal” — pointing out this is not the first time supply
lieutenants had been removed from subs — and that the larger
effort is still on track.
“Overall, the integration of women onboard submarines
continues to progress smoothly and the reassignment of the
three Supply Corps officers will have a minimal impact on the
integration process,” Rousselow said.
Each of the female Supply Corps lieutenants volunteered for
sub duty and had been vetted. Once chosen for sub duty, they
attended the 10-week-long Submarine Officer Basic Course,
Rousselow said. Each lieutenant was to report to the sub along
with two female submariners. In total, there were eight of these
groups, one each for the Blue and Gold crews of the four subs
selected: the ballistic-missile submarines Wyoming and Maine,
and the guided-missile subs Georgia and Ohio.
None of the female officers had been taken to mast as of Friday, Rousselow said. She declined to release their names or
the subs they had been assigned to, citing privacy concerns.
They are being reassigned to Submarine Group 10 in Kings
Bay, Ga., she said.
And the winner is...
For Your Information
Paul Base of USSVI and the City of
Rochester MN invite you to the 2013
Joint National Convention of the USSVI
and the U.S. Submarine Veterans of
WW2 to be held in Rochester, the home
of the World Famous Mayo Clinic. The
Convention will run from August 25,
through September 2, 2013. The Host
Hotel will be the KAHLER GRAND in
Downtown Rochester. Boat Reunions
will be held at the DOUBLETREE
Richard Stevenson of USSVI Southern Colorado Base has won the model prize for
the 2012-1 Edition of the American Submariner.. Congratultions... etc, etc,, and for
our shipmates to get their tickets in for the 2012-2 edition..
Due to the way the issues have come
out. The BSP list are not up to date.
Being this is an election year at the
convention, the updated list will be in
the next issue. I understand that there
are some of you sponsers that are not
on the list. It will be rectified. There is a
list of boats that need sponsers on page
14. Thank you for your patients and
understanding. The Editor
Norfolk: site of the 2012 National Convention
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 21
Ask all of your Shipmates to register at - Don’t let them get lost ever again
Page 22
American Submariner
Eternal Patrol for an American Hero
March 18, 2012 was a sad day for the United States of America and the United States Submarine Service. The last living Submariner to
have received the Medal of Honor departed on Eternal Patrol. William R. Charette, HMCM(SS) earned his Medal of Honor while serving
as a Hospital Corpsman attached to Company F of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division.
After the Korean War, William joined the elite ranks of the Submarine Service, qualified in submarines aboard USS Quillback (SS 424)
in 1958, and served on the USS Triton, (SSN586) 62-62, USS Daniel Webster (SSBN 626) 63-67 and USS Grayling (SSN-646) 72-75.
He retired from the Navy in 1977 as a Master Chief after serving 26 years.
William was interred in the National Cemetery, Bushnell, Florida with full military honors on Tuesday, March 22, 2012. Family and friends
were surrounded by numerous military personnel of all services. Sailors in Dress whites, Marines in Dress Blues, VFW personnel and
USSVI Subvets in vests and Garrison Caps were dispersed thru out the crowd. Also in attendance was US Army Medal of Honor
recipient Gary Littrell, Command Sergeant Major, USA, ret.
After the presentation of the Colors, A 21 Gun Salute was rendered by the US Navy Honor Squad which was followed a lone bugler
playing Taps. Opening prayers were then offered, followed by a brief eulogy by Captain (SEAL) Frank W. Winget, USN. The United States
Flag was then folded and presented to Mrs. Charette by US Navy Sailors, who also served as Pall Bearers.
Any military funeral is a somber event, but a military funeral for a true American hero is especially a very humbling experience. I’m sure
all present felt a sincere and individual sense of loss, yet honored to be witness to this final tribute to William R. Charette.Thanks to the
USSVI members that could attend. Sea Poacher Base Commander, John E. Merrill, Seadragon Base Commander Ivan L. Joslin, along
with several base members and yours truly.
Sailor, rest your oar.
Bill Andrea, ESRD
William R. Charette's official Medal of Honor citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action against enemy aggressor forces
during the early morning hours. Participating in a fierce encounter with a cleverly concealed and well-entrenched enemy force occupying
positions on a vital and bitterly contested outpost far in advance of the main line of resistance, HC3c. Charette repeatedly and unhesitatingly moved about through a murderous barrage of hostile small-arms and mortar fire to render assistance to his wounded comrades.
When an enemy grenade landed within a few feet of a marine he was attending, he immediately threw himself upon the stricken man
and absorbed the entire concussion of the deadly missile with his body. Although sustaining painful facial wounds, and undergoing shock
from the intensity of the blast which ripped the helmet and medical aid kit from his person, HC3c. Charette resourcefully improvised
emergency bandages by tearing off part of his clothing, and gallantly continued to administer medical aid to the wounded in his own unit
and to those in adjacent platoon areas as well. Observing a seriously wounded comrade whose armored vest had been torn from his
body by the blast from an exploding shell, he selflessly removed his own battle vest and placed it upon the helpless man although fully
aware of the added jeopardy to himself. Moving to the side of another casualty who was suffering excruciating pain from a serious leg
wound, HC3c. Charette stood upright in the trench line and exposed himself to a deadly hail of enemy fire in order to lend more effective
aid to the victim and to alleviate his anguish while being removed to a position of safety. By his indomitable courage and inspiring efforts
in behalf of his wounded comrades, HC3c. Charette was directly responsible for saving many lives. His great personal valor reflects the
highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.[3]
ow is a great time, and maybe the best time to call up one of your WW-II Sub Vet Buddies and see how he is doing!
If you do not have a WW-II Sub Vet Buddy, then now is the time to get one or two. They seem to be getting scarcer
and scarcer, and they make great Buddies.While you are at it, call any of your shipmates .. Do
How did those Dolphins get in the bottom of that “Malt” glass anyway?
it Today!
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 23
Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS)
Peoria Base Weekly visits
Tom Woodhouse, Past Commander
of Peoria Base USSVI is a regular
volunteer at St. Francis Children's
Hospital in Peoria, IL. These pictures were taken Dec. 21, 2011. Tom
visits between 7 and 10 kids every
Redfish Base Slidell LA
James Conner with Martin Stokes of
the Redfish Base.
Ahnia Mitchell with Enola Stokes, Associate Member of the Redfish Base.
Ahnia had a liver transplant.
Abya Washington with her father, Derrick
Washington and Cathy Waters and Ron
Sorjonen of the Redfish Base.
Scorpion Base Sioux Falls SD
March 30, 2012
The USS Scorpion Base SS-278 based in Sioux Falls, SD hosted their first Kaps 4 Kids event! Sanford’s Children’s Castle of Care
Hospital is where sick and injured children find inspiration, imagination and play to be as important to healing as our leading technology, breakthrough research and advanced medicine.So who has bigger imaginations and play than submarine sailors? At their annual
fundraiser, base members met with dozens of children and their parents and asked the kids if they wanted to become “Honorary Submariners”. Many accepted and were honored for their bravery in facing their challenges ahead as we presented 30 kaps and certificates to
these young children. We were truly honored to be a part of their lives for just a short time and hopeful bring them something they will
remember for a long time! Along with Kaps 4 Kids Committee Chairman Al Small were Base Commander Gerold Davey, Jim Farquhar,
Roger Zarn, Dan Anderson, Dean Deuel, Tim Madden, Mike Neuroth, Brian Schnurr and Kent Winter.
South Florida Base
Young Cancer Patients Made Honorary Submariners at Kids Cancer Center Opening
United States Submarine Veterans Inc., South Florida Base, honored young cancer patients and volunteers Sunday, April 1, to celebrate
the grand opening of the Kids Cancer Center on the grounds of Palms West Hospital. Bob Chambers, the organization’s Commander,
and Keith Reynolds, Vice Commander, presented U.S. Navy caps to 15 young patients and proclaimed them honorary submariners.
This event was a part of the U.S. Sub Vets Inc. “KAPSS 4 KIDSS” outreach program. The new Kids Cancer Foundation Cancer Center on the grounds of Palms West Hospital includes a research library, computer center, educational resources, financial counseling,
nutrition direction, classrooms, health and wellness therapy, a teen lounge, playroom, arts center, and an administration office. The
Submarine Veterans organization is open to all qualified U.S. submarine veterans. Contact information for the South Florida base can
be obtained at
Page 24
American Submariner
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Donald Ingvald Andersen
of San Diego, CA,qualified in USS
Ronquil in 1960 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 1/25/2012.
Shipmate David Carpenter of
Flagstaff, AZ, qualified in USS
Menhaden in 1962 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/10/2012.
Shipmate Charles Robert Andrews
of Albuquerque, NM, qualified in
USS Redfish in 1944 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 4/14/2012.
Shipmate Joseph Bender, Jr. of Clinton Twp, MI,qualified in USS Billfish
in 1943 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 4/10/2012.
Shipmate Jack Rudolph Bertram of
Sonoma, CA, qualified in USS Chivo
in 1961 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 9/15/2009.
Shipmate Richard G. Binkley of Florence, SC, qualified in USS Segundo
in 1944 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 3/19/2012.
Shipmate Robert N. Boozenny of
Vancouver, WA,qualified in USS
Barbel in 1965 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 10/27/2011.
Shipmate Gerald L. Bowes of
Onalaska, WI,qualified in USS
Dogfish in 1950 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/15/2012.
Shipmate Kenneth Raymond Brown
of Honolulu, HI, qualified in USS
Rasher in 1957 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 1/6/2012.
Shipmate Stuart J. Brown of
Ledyard, CT, qualified in USS Robert
E Lee in 1967 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/17/2012.
Shipmate Thomas H. Bryson of
Bremerton, WA,qualified in USS
Andrew Jackson in 1964 departed
on Eternal Patrol on 2/17/2012.
Shipmate Michael J. Burns of Henderson, NV, qualified in USS Pickerel
iin 1959 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/20/2012.
Shipmate Charles Edward Butler
of Allentown, PA,qualified in USS
Becuna in 1948 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 3/10/2012.
Shipmate Thomas J Calabrese of
Hilo, HI, qualified in USS Piper in
1963 departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Donald C Call of Pensacola, FL,qualified in USS Cusk in 1954
Legacy Gifting
While we still can, each of us must
decide how to distribute our assets
after we depart on our eternal patrol,
else ‘the state’ gets to decide for us...
Consider this. A growing number of
our members are including USSVI
or our Subvet Charitable Foundation
in their wills; a gift of kindness and
generosity that we all very much
They will not be forgotten so long as
USSVI is alive and well.
If you are, or have, included USSVI
or USSVCF in your will, please let
the Natl Office know about it. (Fred
Borgmann at or
The Natl Office does not need all the
nitty gritty details now, but it would be
helpful for us to know who and how to
contact when the time comes.
Want to make a contribution now?
Whether you are a first time donor or
are renewing your generous support
of the Subvet Charitable Foundation,
online giving through our secure
“Just Give” website is a safe and
easy way to make your donation.
Shipmate William R Charette of
Lake Wales, FL,qualified in USS
Quillback in 1958 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/19/2012.
Shipmate Nicholas Constantine
Christodoulou, Jr of Nashville, TN,
qualified in USS Scabbardfish in
1944 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 3/7/2012.
Shipmate Bernard Roy Conner
of Rogers, MN, qualified in USS
Hackleback in 1945 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 2/1/2012.
Shipmate Clarence G Cooper of
Virginia Beach, VA, qualified in
USS Perch in 1953 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 1/29/2012.
Shipmate Edward Thomas Corack
of Merritt Island, FL, qualified in
USS Harder in 1942 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/21/2012.
Shipmates, while we hope your day and those of your shipmates
is far off in the future, we must nevertheless prepare. Please
copy this notice and place it with your will or important papers.
In the case of my death, please immediately notify the U.S.
Submarine Veterans Inc., (USSVI) at 877-542-3483 or 360-3372978 and give the person on duty the information regarding
my death, funeral, and burial arrangements, plus who they can
contact for follow-up and support.
Please ask them to contact my local chapter’s Base Commander with this information as well (they can look it up in their
membership records).
This information can alternatively be E-Mailed to the National
Office at
We ask you to do this because we have had many members
pass away and for some, months & sometimes years, pass
before your shipmates in USSVI hear about it.
I think we probably are still carrying some deceased LIFE
or HOLLAND CLUB members on our membership rolls and
we do want to properly honor all those who leave us for their
Eternal Patrol.
If you have internet capabilities, there is excellent information
booklet for your next of kin online at Open the “Shipmates Helping Shipmates” PDF,
print it out, fill in what is needed and keep it with your important
papers. It will be of great help to your survivors when that sad
day comes, as it must.
If you do not have internet access, contact your local Base
Chaplain or the National Office at 877-542-3483 to get a copy.
Shipmate Alexander Moseley
Drewry of Norfolk, VA, qualified in
USS Rasher in 1944 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/28/2012.
Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice.
Shipmate John Wayne Dubois of
Freehold, NJ,
qualified in USS Salmon in 1967
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Robert S. Dwinell of
Vallejo, CA, qualified in USS Cubera in 1953 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 3/20/2012.
Shipmate Herbert Kellam Ellingwood of Satellite Beach, FL,
qualified in USS Balao in 1953
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Richard Ellsworth of
Okeechobee, FL, qualified in USS
Cubera in 1964 departed on Eternal Patrol on 3/14/2012.
Shipmate Karl Lee Evans of
Springfield, TN, qualified in USS
Porpoise in 1945 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/7/2012.
Shipmate Richard E. Ferris of
Rockport, TX, qualified in USS
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 25
Eternal Patrol cont.
Sea Poacher in 1947 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 4/16/2012.
USS Bluegill in 1960 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 2/3/2012.
Shipmate Michael H Frasl of Fort
Ann, NY,qualified in USS Entemedor in 1963 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 1/31/2012.
Shipmate Eric P. Kindwall, MD of
Brookfield, WI,qualified in USS
Robert E Lee in 1967 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 1/18/2012.
Shipmate Walter Aloise Gallie of
Ft. Washington, MD, qualified in
USS Bergall in 1944 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 10/25/2011.
Shipmate Gary N. Kinnaman of
Grenola, KS,qualified in USS
Charr in 1953 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 3/20/2012.
Shipmate John Read Gwyer of
Wells, ME, qualified in USS Bluegill in 1944 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/2/2012.
Shipmate Jack M. Kordes of
Meadville, PA, qualified in USS
Sea Robin in 1964 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 4/3/2012.
Shipmate Douglas Eugene Hale
of Whites Lakes NS Canada, WI,
qualified in USS Becuna in 1956
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate James Louis Larsen of
Bellows Falls, VT,qualified in USS
Crevalle in 1944 departed on Eternal Patrol on 4/8/2012.
Shipmate Edward Joseph Hawkins
of Sun City, AZ, qualified in USS
Carbonero in 1951 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 4/5/2012.
Shipmate Alexander J Hecker of
Tamarac, FL, qualified in USS
Cobia in 1952 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 3/25/2012.
Shipmate John W Lee of San Antonio, TX, qualified in USS Balao
in 1943 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 4/11/2012.
Shipmate Peter N Lober of Greenville, MI, qualified in USS Sea Wolf
in 1941 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 1/10/2012.
Shipmate Robert B Herzog of
Perry, OH, qualified in USS Bang
in 1944 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/14/2012.
Shipmate Ronald Anthony
MacPherson, Sr of Harvey, LA,
qualified in USS Balao in 1958
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Caspar Wistar Hiatt of
Port Townsend, WA, qualified in
USS Gunnel in 1946 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 2/23/2012.
Shipmate Eugene Ives Malone of
Concord, CA,qualified in USS S-31
in 1943 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/24/2012.
Shipmate Harry J. Hirt of Maricopa, AZ, qualified in USS Sterlet
in 1963 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/21/2012.
Shipmate Robert C McClain of
Longwood, FL, qualified in USS
Tusk in 1960 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 4/7/2012.
Shipmate Orem N. Hyde of Newington, CT, qualified in USS Balao
in 1944 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 1/19/2012.
Shipmate John F. McCue, Jr. of
Santa Ana, CA,qualified in USS
Sargo in 1966 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 5/23/2010.
Shipmate John Louis Juszkiewicz
of North Ridgeville, OH, qualified in
USS Catfish in 1960 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/9/2012.
Shipmate John McNally of Atkinson, NH, qualified in USS Sealion
in 1953 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 7/11/2011.
Shipmate Earl Gilbert Kamens of
Panama City Beach, FL,qualified
in USS Amberjack in 1950 departed on Eternal Patrol on3/12/2012.
Shipmate Harold L. Meeker of
Grinnell, IA, qualified in USS Corsair in 1948 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 11/5/2011.
Shipmate John Anthony Kass of
Vista, CA,qualified in USS Amberjack in 1965 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 4/16/2012.
Shipmate Darrell Elroy Meinke
of Welaka, FL, qualified in USS
Spearfish in 1943 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 1/6/2012.
Shipmate Martin C. Kichar of
Beacon Falls, CT, qualified in
Shipmate Harold L Melges of Mt.
Morris, IL, qualified in USS Sea
Fox in 1963 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/5/2012.
Shipmate Harry Charles Mellon of
Bakersfield, CA, qualified in USS
Bumper in 1945 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/1/2012.
Shipmate Earl Norton Oster, Jr. of
Beaumont, TX, qualified in USS
Piper in 1963 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 1/6/2012.
Shipmate Robert J. Pollard of Pocatello, ID, qualified in USS Redfish
in 1956 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 4/15/2012.
Shipmate John M Powers of Duxbury, MA, qualified in USS Atule in
1955 departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Gerald E. Puls of Pueblo,
CO, qualified in USS Cachalot (was
V-8) in 1945 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 1/18/2012.
Shipmate Thomas G Rice of Mill
Creek, WA,qualified in USS S-23 in
1935 departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Louis Charles Robert of
North Bellmore, NY, qualified in USS
Tench in 1952 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/25/2012.
Shipmate Richard E. Saleh of Big
River, CA, qualified in USS Queenfish in 1955 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 2/29/2012.
Shipmate Charles R Schofield of Ledyard, CT, qualified in USS Trigger
in 1958 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/8/2012.
Shipmate Dale V Scott of Moline, IL,
qualified in USS Tinosa in 1945
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Irvin L. Searl of Nashua,
NH, qualified in USS Trout in 1952
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate Philip M Shimnoski of
Wellston, MI, qualified in USS Menhaden in 1961 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 4/13/2012.
Shipmate Charles George Simmons
of Lakeville, MA, qualified in USS
Angler in 1943 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 12/23/2011.
Shipmate George Hugh Smith of
Media, PA, qualified in USS Pompon
in 1943 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 3/15/2012.
Rest your oars Sailor - rest in peace...
Shipmate Elvin B. Standrich of
Summerville, SC, qualified in USS
Swordfish in 1969 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 2/20/2012.
Shipmate Glen F Stinson of Platte
City, MO, qualified in USS O-2 in
1943 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 7/1/2003.
Shipmate John C Taylor of Venus,
TX,qualified in USS Odax in 1961
departed on Eternal Patrol on
Associate Joyce Terry of Torrance,
CA, departed on Eternal Patrol on
Shipmate John Hartwell Thode of
Redding, CA, qualified in USS Tigrone in 1944 departed on Eternal
Patrol on 4/9/2012.
Shipmate Thomas W. Thompson
of Tucson, AZ, qualified in USS
Carbonero in 1949 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 8/4/2011.
Shipmate Keith Marvin Tracy of
West Valley City, UT,qualified in
USS Pickerel in 1959 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 4/8/2012.
Shipmate John L. Turner of Machesney Park, IL, qualified in
USS Besugo in 1953 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 2/16/2012.
Shipmate Richard Weckwerth of
Uncasville, CT, qualified in USS
Scabbardfish in 1950 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 1/21/2012.
Shipmate Robert C. Welsh of
Port Orchard, WA, qualified in
USS Sculpin in 1969 departed on
Eternal Patrol on1/3/2011.
Shipmate Ralph H. Wiley of Santa
Maria, CA, qualified in USS Piper
in 1966 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 2/3/2012.
Shipmate Robert H. Winburn of
LaGrange, KY, qualified in USS
Sea Cat in 1959 departed on
Eternal Patrol on 3/9/2012.
Shipmate Reuben Farrior Woodall
of Annapolis, MD, qualified in USS
Tarpon in 1943 departed on Eternal Patrol on 3/4/2012.
Shipmate John C. Woods of Kerrville, TX, qualified in USS Pintado
in 1971 departed on Eternal Patrol
on 4/3/2012.
2 American
26 American
Meet the Candidates...
National Commander
Thank you for your support and contributions, financially, and more importantly, for the time you have spent to improve your Base and USSVI.
My reason in asking for your vote and support in 2012 is to continue the direction and efforts that we have been taking these past two years.
They include;
Improving our Conventions by making them more member and vendor friendly; Maintaining our War Veterans
Status to continue to allow your Base to receive Tax Deductible donations for your Base projects;
Decentralizing the National structure so that your Base directly receives the properly deserved credit and
recognition in your local community that enables you to gain more members and thereby add to our purpose
in support of the US Submarine Force and its legacy.
Promoting USSVI on a national level with increasing media exposure and community cooperation to enhance
public awareness of the existence and purpose of our organization
I never forget that I work for you. Working together, we all win.
T Michael Bircumshaw USSVI National Commander 2010-2012
National Senior Vice Commander
William (Bill) Andrea Southeast Regional Director Candidate for National Senior Vice Commander
I originally joined USSVI in 1964 as a Founding Member and became a Life member in 1998. Because of my long and varied service to my
USSVI shipmates, I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the office of National Senior Vice Commander.
I currently serve as the Southeast Regional Director, Chairman of the New Base Development, and South
Florida Base Treasurer. I have also served my Base as Base Cdr, Vice Cdr, POC, Secretary, Membership Chair,
Newspaper Editor and Bagpiper. Since joining USSVI, I have continuously strived to better myself and USSVI
by assuming leadership positions. I have found that the more effort and work you put into any project, be it
an organization or any other endeavor you may tackle in life, the more you will get out of that endeavor or
organization. As your Senior Vice Commander, I will work with the other National Officers for the betterment of
the organization and membership. In addition to perpetuating the memory of our departed shipmates, one of
the main functions of USSVI is to promote brotherhood and fellowship among our fellow Submariners. When
we stop having a good time, we will cease to exist. I will work towards this goal by insuring USSVI runs as
smoothly as possible. I am totally devoted to the USSVI Creed and will carry out the duties of National Senior
Vice Commander to the best of my ability and will strive to improve our organization.
William (Bill) Andrea, ESRD
I was one of the charter members of the USS Razorback base and served as its first and second year Base Commander. I also served as
base Membership chairman for 4 years, base Storekeeper for 3 years and I’m current serving as the base Chaplain (holding that position
for the past 3 years). I layed a small part in helping to get the USS Razorback SS 394 to North Little Rock, Arkansas.I was Memorial and
Ceremonies Chairman appointed by the National Commander for nearly 3 years. Part of that job was to approve and authorize the treasurer
of the Charitable Foundation to provide payments as required for the erection of new memorials. An update to the M&C handbook for
requirements for bases to erect a memorial was accomplished while I was M&C chairman. I served as Central District One Commander on
(2) different occasions for three years and was voted the USSVI District Commander of the year in 2007.I have served as Regional Director
for (4) years and was a voting member of the USSVI board which gave me exposure to the working aspects of the national board.
I managed the budget and travel funds for the Central region (4) district commanders and 3 Vice District Commanders. I received the National
Commander’s Robert Link award in 2009.
One of my most rewarding positions in USSVI has been serving as USSVI National Chaplain since 2010. The USSVI Chaplain manual revision
was placed on the USSVI website in July 2011. Nearly $2,800.00 has been generated from the sale of the USSVI Chaplain Card and placed in
the USSVI general fund .Prior to deciding to run for NSVC I reviewed the requirements to serve in this position. I served on the committee
that updated the USSVI Constitution and Bylaws. This provided me with additional knowledge in helping to understand our organization.
In the position of USSVI National Senior Vice Commander I will be responsible for preparing the USSVI Annual
budget. Expending the money you invested in USSVI must and will be used wisely to better benefit the USSVI
membership and its goals. To me this is something extremely important. If elected I will serve as Ways and
Means Chairman, I will immediately appoint a long range planning committee. It is extremely important to establish both short and long range goals for USSVI.
Your vote will be important for all the candidates listed on the USSVI ballot. I need your support and hope you
will vote for me in 2012 to become the next National Senior Vice Commander. I can only promise you one thing if
elected, the time I spend will be devoted toward better serving the membership of USSVI. I will work to continue
to improve our organization by bringing experience and continuity to the position National Senior Vice Commander. The experience gained serving USSVI over the years, has helped to prepare me to be the next National
Senior Vice Commander. Remember your vote is important in USSVI.
Pride Runs Deep,
Carl Schmidt, National Chaplain USSVI
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 27
National Junior Vice Commander
I am running for a second term as NJVC.I am Past Base Commander of Albany-Saratoga Base and helped to
put on the 2004 USSVI Convention. I am a Past Eastern Region District 5 Commander and I have been a member
of theE-Board for 7 years.
I served as a 2 term National Secretary and during my two terms I saved USSVI thousands of dollars on
printing costs for conventions and meetings by having the members print their own agendas. I have kept our
documentation up to date, chartered many new bases and many of you know me as “Al the answer guy” for my
quick and courteous response to your questions via phone calls or E-Mails. I also was responsible for putting
into place our present online voting system.
During my term as NJVC I worked with numerous members and bases on TOOLs training
and access, our 2014 50th Anniversary Initiative in Washington, DC, worked on keeping our membership strong,
and took part in all our E-Board meetings. If I am reelected as NJVC I will continue to improve our membership
and training, and make USSVI the best it can be. The most important thing you can do as a member is VOTE in
the upcoming elections for the candidate of your choice and read and Vote on the Proposed Amendments for our Constitution and Bylaws.
Remember your Vote is your VOICE in USSVI issues and leadership.
Pride Runs Deep,
Al Singleman, Jr. NJVC
National Secretary
Tom is a candidate for National Secretary. He currently serves as National Secretary. Tom served in Submarines from
1966 to 1973. After leaving the Navy, he earned both Bachelors and Masters Degrees. He has been a member of United
States Submarine Veterans, Inc. since 1982. He is a founding member of New Jersey North Base.Tom has held numerous offices within United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. at both the local and national level. These offices include: NJ
North Base Commander (1982 to 1986); NJ State Commander (1986 to 1988); NJ North Base Newsletter Editor;Tom
has served on the National Board of Directors since 1998. He has served as National Secrtary (1998 to 2002); National
Senior Vice-Commander (2002 to 2004); National Commander (2004 to 2008). He currently serves as National Secretary. Tom is also a member of the Board of Directors of the USS LING Submarine Memorial Association in Hackensack,
NJ. He serves as Secretary for the Board of Directors.During his first tenure as National Secretary, Tom reorganized the
office of National Secretary, where he computerized much of that office’s functions. He established new procedures for
tallying the votes in National Elections. In an effort to streamline the Annual Business Meetings, he established changes
in the format and distribution of the agenda package. As National Senior Vice-Commander, Tom served on the committee
to select recipients for our National Scholarships. He says that he enjoyed that task because he had the opportunity to
assist worthy college and high school students attain the goal of a college education.
As National Commander, Tom participated in many Base visits and activities throughout the country. He also required
the members of the national Board of Directors to be more active in visiting Bases and participating in their activities. He believes that he was able to
“personalize” the Board of Directors, rather than being “just pictures in The American Submariner” that no one knows personally.
For all USSVI Members I offer the following information for your review and consideration, and ask, if you feel that I can
complete the tasks of this office as outlined in USSVI’s By-laws, then I would appreciate your vote of confidence.
1. I joined USSVI San Diego Base in October 1993; this represents 19 years of continuous membership in USSVI.
2. February 2004, I was one of the founding members of the Scamp Base, Escondido, CA and was elected as the Bases
first Jr. Vice Commander. Established and Chaired KAP(SS) 4 KID(SS) program for the Scamp Base until March 2012,
at which time I resigned due to time restraints.
3. Served 2 years as Scamp Base Commander.
4. As Scamp Base Commander I Co-Chaired with San Diego Base the planning and execution of the USSVI 2009 National Convention in San Diego, CA
5. 2011 two significant events occurred, a. I was honored as being the Recipient of the 2011 Silver Anchor Award.
b. I was elected as Western Region District 6 Commander
6. As District 6 Commander I started the New Doug Smay Base at Naval Base Pt. Loma (known to us old timers as the
Sub Base or Ballast Point). The inaugural meeting was held in February 2012, with a membership of 33, 4 of which are Active Duty guys. And the
meetings are held in conjunction with the San Diego Chapter WW II Shipmates.
7. I am a member of the Holland Club I support the USSVI CREED, and believe that the future is growth, and forward movement, and believe I have
exhibited this through my activities as a Member of USSVI.
Pride Does Run Deep. Les Heiselt
To help answer the question “why should I chose John Clear for our USSVI National Secretary?” let me offer the following; (1) I do not believe in “politics as usual”. Twenty years ago I was a Hawaii State, Presidential Campaign Chairman
with 25,000 volunteers to work with, we made a difference then and I know first hand what “positive change” is versus
“business as usual”! (2) I do NOT believe in simply occupying a chair and filling space, my time is as valuable to me as
it is to you. (3) In taking on this position of National Secretary I would do so with the understanding that I WILL help our
organization more so than by simply doing what is required – I will work toward making USSVI better in this capacity
and take on whatever is asked of me to the best of my abilities. (4) I BELIEVE in our USSVI creed and vision, I will
work with that goal constantly in mind.
When we all received our dolphins it was because we had met “the challenge” and proved our worth to our fellow
shipmates, in taking on this challenge, I will treat it with the same honor that I felt when my dolphins were pinned on
over 50 years ago.
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! The 2012 Convention is for everyone’s benefit...
2 American
28 American
National Treasurer
James E. Van Vranken
I graduated from High School in 1957. I joined the Navy March 1958. Boot Camp and Electricians Mate “A” School in
San Diego and then off to Submarine School. I reported aboard the USS Wahoo (SS 565) in Pearl Harbor and qualfied in September 1959. I served on 3 other diesel submarines. I graduated from Modesto Junior College June of 1976
with an AS. I joined the USSVI in March of 1999. I have taken a few computer classes and have used Quicken and Micro
Soft Excel for taxes and for keeping track of 3 different sets of storekeeper books for 2 submarines & the Wahoo Base.
I decided to run for the National Office of Treasurer a couple of days ago when I heard that no one had been nominated
for the office. I emailed Pat Householder saying that I would do the job if no one else would. He replied that someone
else had been nominated but said run anyway as two on the ballot is an election one is a coronation. Am I qualified for
the Office of National Treasure? Yes, because there are no qualifications for this office listed in our by-laws.
Richard McPherson, LCDR, US Navy (retired)
I am running for the office of National Treasurer. I am a Life Member of United States Submarine Veterans Inc (USSVI), and currently
serve as the Base Commander of the USSVI Los Angeles - Pasadena Base and President of the World War II Sub Vets, Los Angeles
Chapter. Additionally, I am a Life Member of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). I served in the
Navy from 1963 until my retirement in November 1983. I served aboard the Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Hale, Dixie,
and Dixon added to which were staff jobs at SUBRON 15, CONCRUDESPAC, CINCPACFLT, and the IINSURV
Board. My formal education includes all of required CPA courses except the single semester computer course
while enrolled in a PhD Program in Finance at National University in San Diego, California, when I decided on
a career shift. My combined education and experience has me accredited as a California and Utah state court
qualified expert in complex cases including financials and contracts. In 1993 I was elected as Managing Director
of GoodSmith & Co., Incorporated. I look forward to working with the other elected national officers of United
States Submarine Veterans Inc., to serve our members and help grow the organization. I have the time, interest
and dedication to USSVI and the members of USSVI.
JOHN G. MANSFIELD, JR. Western District 4
1960 Entered US Navy, Radio “A” School, NAVCOMMSTA Guam 1963 Submarine School1964 Qualified on board USS Menhaden (SS377)
RM2(SS) 1966-1992 Federal Communications Officer, nine years on overseas assignments. 1972-1975 BA in Communications from the
University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA)1988 Associate Member of US Submarine Veterans of WWII Lockwood Chapter (WA) 1989 USSVI
member MAL 1996 – Present, Reunion Coordinator for 3-Boat Association (Darter, Dace, Menhaden) 1997
Author & Publisher of “Cruisers for Breakfast: War Patrols of the USS Darter & USS Dace 1998 Seattle Base
Secretary, four years 2002-Present - Founder and two term Base Commander of South Sound Base, held positions as COB, Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Storekeeper, Kap(ss) 4 Kid(ss) Chairman, arranged seven visits
and tours of Naval Base Kitsap submarines and facilities 2009 Appointed WRD4 CommanderAwarded USSVI
District Commander of the Year 2009 Helped establish two new Bases in District 4 (Olympic Peninsula & Silent
Service Motorcycle Club Internet Base) Guest speaking engagements at local veterans groups, high schools,
an elementary school dedication and Trident Training Facility graduating class of radiomen. Jr Vice, Sr Vice and
Post Commander, VFW Post 969 (Tacoma, WA)Jr Vice, Sr Vice and District 3 Commander (WA) VFWTrustee and
Veterans Committee, Puyallup Elks Lodge President Mt Rainier Lions ClubHas been a member of the Demonos
Car Club (Tacoma, WA) since 1958 Member of Mayor of Tacoma’s Homeless Veterans Task Force Member of
Auburn (WA) Veterans Parade Committee
Respectfully submitted John G Mansfield, Jr. WRD4 Commander, USSVI
Hello shipmates, I’m writing to inform you that I am running for the Western Region Director. I want to be your representative
on the USSVI E-board to ensure that your concerns and suggestions are brought to the attention of the people that have the
power and potential to carry them out or make whatever changes are required to make them work for all of us. We need to
assist Mike Bircumshaw in attaining the goals he has set for himself and USSVI during his term
as our National Commander. Mike and I have always had an excellent working relationship and
will continue to do all we can to make USSVI an organization that you will be proud to say you
are a member. I hope you will see fit to vote for me.
Take care,
Robert J. (Bob) Miller
US Submarine Veterans Inc.
PAST Western Region District 6 Commander
Subject: Acceptance of Nomination
It is with honor that, if so elected, I accept and agree to serve as Southeast Region Director (SERD). By so choosing, it is
my desire to utilize my experience and the successes as District CDR of old ED3, now SED1, to
enhance the camaraderie, participation and spirit of the SE Region. I have chartered 8 new bases,
and seen a factor of 2 membership growth. I have served as a District CDR for over 7 years.The
SED1 Bases and members continue to be well recognized and the recipients
of many Awards and presentations. The upcoming 2012 Nat’l Convention serves as a model of
co-operation and success within the District as all District Bases are participating as volunteers
to the host base. I was successful in establishing USSVI
as a major sponsor of the SubForce Sailor of the Year program and created the SubLant Runnersup monetary awards provided by the District Bases, as well as selected by SubLant FORCM to sit
on the selection Board 3 times. I am the recipient of the Robert Link Award, District CDR of the
Year twice and most recently the Joe Negri award.
Volume 2012 - Issue 2 Page 29
I would like to announce my candidacy for re-election as Central Region Director. I enlisted in the Navy in 1956. Qualified on the USS Trigger SS564 in 1958 Served on the USS Trout SS566. Company Commander at Great Lakes Training Center – Pushed 5 CompaniesHonorably
discharged in 1966 as a TM1(SS) Past Dallas Base Commander. Past Central Region District 4 Commander.
Presently Central Region DirectorI have thoroughly enjoyed serving as your Central Region Director since
taking office in September, 2010.Being able to travel and meet the members in our Region, helping with your
needs and concerns as your voting representative on the National Executive Board and working to implement
necessary and requested procedural changes has been a fulfilling experience. In addition to the above, my
goals are to keep you informed with current information and procedure changes, supervise only when needed,
be a mediator when the need arises and let the District Commanders and Base Commanders in our Region
do their jobs with minimal interference from me. Being fully retired allows me to devote the time necessary
to accomplish those goals. I take great pride in who we are, what we have done and what we will do as an
organization. I ask for your support to continue offering whatever contributions I can make to maintain and
improve on what we now have.
Yours fraternally, Wayne Standerfer
USSVI CR Shipmates – Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ken Recoy, and I’m running for the Central Regional Director position. I was born
and raised in Creston, Iowa, graduated HS from Altamont, Kansas, and have lived in Oklahoma. I qualified on the USS Threadfin SS-410
in 1972, and I made 3 Patrols on the USS Nathanael Greene SSBN636. I was a Radioman and US Navy Diver. My
Masters Degree is from Oklahoma State University. I am the Past Central Region District One Commander, and
I’m a Past USS Batfish SS-310 Base Commander, Secretary, News Letter Editor, Chairman of the Batfish Board
of Trustees and the current Batfish Treasurer and POC. My wife Patricia of 32 years and I are proud parents of 6
grown children and 9 grandchildren.
As the Past CR District One Commander I worked closely with our dedicated Base leadership, increasing membership and was involved in the beginning stages of several ongoing successful projects.
I am passionately interested in seeing our Organization prosper and “Honor Those That Have Gone Before.”
Today is a new day, let’s work together and move forward! Cell phone 620-305-9900, . I humbly
ask for your vote. Fraternally yours, Ken Recoy
Mike NaughtonCandidate for Eastern Region North Regional Director
Hello, my name is Mike Naughton and I’m running for the USSVI Eastern Region North Director position. Born
and raised in Chicago, I joined the Submarine Reserve Unit there right out of high school. After four years
reserve time, it was time to serve my two year active time. My plan then was to serve this short tour and be
finished with my military obligation. Well 22 years later, I decided I didn’t want to make it a career. I started
out as an E-3 unqualified undesignated reservist retiring as Navigation Officer Department Head at Dam Neck,
VA, after serving on Diesel Boats and Boomers. For the past 10 to 15 years, I’ve been involved with the USSVI
Capitol Base and recently I’ve been serving as the ERN District Four Commander.
As your Regional Director, I will strive to increase the now strong two-way communications between the District Commanders and the Regional Director…between National Officers and Base Commanders…between
the Regional Director and the base members.
I like USSVI and I’m enthusiastic to see it grow. With your vote, I hope to further its growth and to make it
Below are the proposed amendments to our Constitution and Bylaws that we are voting on this year. They address certain
issues within the USSVI Constitution and Bylaws:
PA #1 amends USSVI Constitution Article VII. It addresses requirements and eligibility for Associate Members.
PA #2 amends USSVI Constitution Article I, Section 3 It addresses alternative names for the organization.
PA #3 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VII, Section 5. It addresses the biennial election of Regional Directors.
PA #4 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VI, Section 15. It addresses the Base Commanders Group.
PA #5 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VII. It addresses issues related to our biennial elections.
PA# 6 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VII, Clause B and Article VII, Section 1A. It addresses the procedure for submitting proposed amendments and the dates for submitting proposed amendments and nominations for national officers.
PA #7 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VII, Section 6. It addresses issues related to the biennial election of District
Commanders including the requirements to run for the position.
PA #8 amends USSVI Bylaws Article VI, Section 14 and Article XI, Section 5. It addresses issues related to National
The changes are shown as follows: the wording/language to be changed or eliminated is shown with a “strikethrough;” the
new wording/language is shown below the “strikethrough” passage(s).
The Board of Directors urges you to carefully read and consider the proposed changes to the USSVI Constitution and Bylaws. After you have read and considered the changes, please mark your changes accordingly on the paper ballot or the
electronic ballot on the USSVI web site.
Proposed Change #2012-01
Change: Amend USSVI Constitution, Article VII – Membership to revise the requirements and eligibility for Associate
Members. The existing Section 5 of this Article is totally replaced and Section 3 is adjusted accordingly as follows:
2 American
30 American
A Regular and Associate Members may become Life Members by paying the National Life Membership Fee established in
the Organization’s Bylaws.
An Associate Member is a person who is not eligible for regular membership but is sponsored by a Regular Member
and meets one of the following requirements:
A Regular Member may sponsor a family member (no limit) up to two degrees of consanguinity (blood line relationship) of a regular member, including adoptive children of the regular member.
A Regular Member may sponsor one additional non-family related member for Associate Membership who has
demonstrated a strong interest and support of the US Submarine Service by their deeds or actions and is at least sixteen
years of age, subject to prior approval by the National Membership Chair.
A Regular Member may also sponsor one additional non-family related U.S. Military service member, Active or Veteran, for Associate Membership, who has demonstrated a strong interest and support of the US Submarine Service by their
deeds or actions, subject to prior approval by the National Membership Chair. If separated from service, it must have been
under honorable circumstances.
Some examples of interest and support: Submarine Book author, Sub Tender service, Intel Rider, Museum submarine
docent, Submarine Historian or provides some other demonstrated service to advance the US Submarine force, subject to
prior approval by the National Membership Chair.
Each Associate Member must be continuously sponsored by a Regular Member in good standing.
Associate Members are eligible for National and Base Annual Membership, and must also retain their membership
in an established base to maintain their national USSVI membership. Member At Large status is not available to Associate
Associate Members may vote on Base matters (if permitted by Base Bylaws) and may hold elective Base offices
of Secretary and/or Treasurer (if permitted by Base Bylaws.) but are ineligible to vote in the National/Region elections and
cannot hold National elected office.
An Associate Member must have a Regular Member in good standing as a sponsor at all times to be a member
of USSVI. In the event an Associate Member's sponsor cannot or will not continue to sponsor the Associate Member (i.e.
the sponsor is transferred or leaves the organization), another Regular Member may assume sponsorship of the Associate
Member. If no other member will assume the sponsorship, the Associate member will be dropped from membership. If the
sponsoring member goes on Eternal Patrol, another Regular Member or the base itself may assume the sponsorship of the
Associate Member, but if no other member or the Base will assume the sponsorship, the Associate member will be dropped
from membership.
If the Associate Member is the widow, widower, child or grand-child of a deceased Regular Member who was in
good standing at the time of death, another regular member or the deceased member’s Base may automatically assume the
Current Associate Members in good standing at the time of this section change are ‘grand-fathered,’ which means
they will retain their membership status even though they may not meet the new requirements.
Intent of the Author: Many Associate Members have no military duty background, however for IRS purposes they are counted
as “members.” As such, Associates generally dilute overall percentages of “veterans” and of “war veterans” for USSVI.
To help assure that USSVI retains its veteran and war veteran IRS tax status, the criteria for Associate Members has been
updated and tightened. Further, a continuous sponsorship, e.g. “Sea Daddy,” within a Base is required and considered
significant in furthering our Purpose/Creed. Finally, it is recognized that USSVI is the “United States” submarine veterans
group, rather than an international organization, so all members should “Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States
of America and its Constitution;” thus the exception for foreign nationals to pledge is deleted.
Cost to the organization: Negligible
Submitted by: Patrick Householder (in conjunction with Jim Hunnicutt regarding deletion of the exception of foreign nationals pledging loyalty and patriotism)
Proposed Change #2012-02
Change: Amend USSVI Constitution, Article I, Section 3 regarding the use of alternative names for the organization. Article
I with the proposed changes is as follows:
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be THE UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS, INC.
Section 2: For the purpose of this Constitution the term “organization” shall be synonymous with “The United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.”.
Section 3: The written and spoken name may be shortened to USSVI, USSVI, AMERICAN SUBMARINERS or SUBVETS. The
Article 1, Section 1 full name shall be used in all official legal correspondence.
Intent of the Author: The use of the word “Inc.” in the organizational name is unnecessary and has a negative connotation
to some of our current and proposed membership. The use of the word “Veterans” in our organizational name also is an
impediment in our efforts to recruit active service submarine personnel because most do not yet consider themselves veterans. This slight change allowing the permissive dropping of the “I” in USSVI and also the permissive use of “AMERICAN
SUBMARINERS” as an alternative name will benefit our recruiting and retention efforts.
Cost to the organization: Negligible
Submitted by: Patrick Householder
Proposed Change #2012-03