THE FORTELL - Fort Findlay Playhouse


THE FORTELL - Fort Findlay Playhouse
Fort Findlay Playhouse
Shirley Nebergall, Editor
Fort Findlay Playhouse
Established October 13, 1954
300 W Sandusky St
Findlay, Ohio 45840
Facebook: The Fort Findlay Playhouse (FFP)
FFP Board of Trustees
President: J.R. Smith
V.President: Pete Rose
Secretary: Megan Meyer
Treasurer: Wes Taylor
Georgia Durain
Lori Foster
Vickie Garner
Samantha Henry
George Rustemeyer
Term Ends
2016 2017 2016
Other Contacts
FFP Patrons:
FFP Website:
FFP Webmaster:
Fortell Editor:
Board: 1st Wednesday of the month
General Membership: 4th Wednesday of the month
(If a meeting night falls on a final dress: Board meetings are
moved to the following Monday, GM meetings aren’t rescheduled)
Fortell Staff
Editor: Shirley Nebergall
Proofing: J.R. Smith
Show Clip Art: Anne Beekman and Val Escobedo
Photos: Kay Arico, Facebook
Contributors: Christi Thomas, J.R. Smith
Next Issue’s Deadline
5 p.m., Sunday, May15
(Deadline for all issues - 5 p.m.
on the 15th of odd numbered months)
Box Office
Fort Findlay Playhouse tickets can be
purchased through the Arts Partnership,
located at 618 S. Main St. in downtown
Findlay, or by calling the Arts Partnership
Box Office at (419) 422-4624.
Box Office hours are
Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Cast Announced for Season Finale
The final production of the 2015-2016 season has been cast!
Guys and Dolls (music and lyrics by Frank Loesser, book by
Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows) is classic American musical
theater at its very best, an upbeat and highly entertaining story
of likable small-time gamblers, big-time romance, and the
“oldest established permanent floating craps game in New
York.” It is full of comedy, dancing, colorful characters, and one memorable song
after another!
Considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy, Guys and Dolls (based
on The Idyll of Sarah Brown and characters by Damon Runyon), is an oddball
romantic comedy set in Damon Runyon's mythical New York City. Gambler Nathan
Detroit (Pete Rose) tries to find the cash to set up the biggest craps game in town
while the authorities breathe down his neck; meanwhile, his girlfriend, nightclub
performer Miss Adelaide (Casey Rebal), laments that they've been engaged for
14 years. Nathan turns to fellow gambler Sky Masterson (Ray Wolfe) for the
dough, but Sky ends up chasing the straight-laced missionary Sarah Brown (Laura
Abraham). Guys and Dolls takes us from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of
Havana, Cuba, and even into the sewers of New York City.
The gamblers will be portrayed by Cody Bachorik (Benny Southstreet), Patrick
Davis (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Ron Dutton (Big Jule), m James Foust (Harry the
Horse), Jack Neff (Joey Biltmore), Pete Reynolds (Angie the Ox), Mark Simons
(Rusty Charlie), Mark Thomas, Richele Reynolds, J Ladd, Jerry Mathern and Cord
Elliott. Joining Miss Adelaide at the Hot Box will be Hannah Brown (Ferguson),
Maggie Fannin (Vernon), Caitria Karna (Mimi), Vashti Larsen (Allison), and Jerry
Mathern (emcee).
(Continued on page 2)
Auditions for First Show of
2016-2017 Have Been Scheduled
This summer, FFP will present Legally Blonde, The Musical (music and lyrics by
Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin, book by Heather Hach) as the 2016-2017
season opener. Legally Blonde, The Musical is based on the novel by Amanda
Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture.
A fabulously fun international award-winning musical, Legally Blonde, The Musical,
follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, snobbery,
and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This action-packed musical explodes on the
stage with memorable songs and dynamic dances. Equal parts hilarious and
heart-warming, this musical is so much fun it should be illegal. Legally Blonde, The
Musical will take you from the sorority house to the halls of justice with Broadway’s
brightest new heroine (and of course, her Chihuahua, Bruiser).
Director Samantha Henry will be holding auditions at the playhouse (300 W.
Sandusky St.) on Monday, May 9, and Tuesday, May 10, at 7:30 p.m. Jerry
Zimmerman, choreographer. will be leading some dance movements, so please
OCTA Website:
Ohio Arts Council Website:
(Continued on page 3)
Page 2
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Much Ado About Nothing
Front row (L-R): Rachel Chiles, Jenna Gobrogge, Kelly Gobrogge, Mark Simons, Casey Rebal, Lila Conley, Linda England,
Vashti Larsen, Vickie Garner
Back row (L-R): Andrea Adams-Miller, Andrew Conway, Richele Reynolds, m James Foust, George Rustemeyer, Lizzy
Reynolds, Jonathan Cohen, Cheyenne Holzwart, Dave Hartwig
(Continued from page 1)
Members of the Mission Band will be Aeryn
Williams (General Mitilda B. Cartwright), Brad
Schlumbohm (Arvide Abernathy), Kara Neal
(Agatha), Dawn Rose (Martha), J Ladd (Calvin), Laurie
Butler, Megan Meyer, Lily Rutledge, Kelly Gobrogge, Jordan
Gottschalk, and Cord Elliott. The dancers in Havana will be
Terra Egan, Kayla Nagy, Kelly Gobrogge, Jordan Gottschalk
and Cord Elliott.
Rounding out the cast will be Andrew Conway (Lieutenant
Brannigan), Jeremy Gobrogge (Newsboy & Waiter), C.J.
Miller (Newsboy & Waiter), and playing a variety of rolls;
Kylee Beard, Alicia Blair, Andy Rutledge, Terra Egan and
Kayla Nagy.
Director Samantha Henry, choreographer Laurie Dye, and
music director Paula Cook, are busy leading the cast in
rehearsals. If you are interested in working on a technical
committee for this show, please contact the producer,
Megan Meyer, at
Tickets may be purchased by calling the Arts Partnership box
office Monday through Friday (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) at 419-4224624 or going directly to the Arts Partnership at 619 S. Main
Street. Benefactors may make ticket arrangements beginning
Monday, April 11; Angels on Tuesday, April 12 and Patrons
and Single Patrons on Wednesday, April 13. General public
tickets are $15 and go on sale April 18.
Presented through special arrangement with Music Theater
International, Guys and Dolls will run April 28 - May 1, May
5 - 8 and 12 - 15 at the playhouse. The Sunday performance
begins at 5 p.m., all other performances begin at 8 p.m. The
house opens 30 minutes prior to the performance.
Annual Banquet
Plans Underway
By. J.R. Smith, Banquet Co-chair
Plans are underway for the 2015-16
Annual Banquet and Golden Gizmos
presentations to be held at the Findlay
Elks May 25.
This year’s entertainment will be a
Broadway Miscast featuring … YOU!
What is a miscast? MCC Theater in New York hosts its
annual Miscast Gala, in which the hottest stars perform
numbers from roles in which they would never be cast. It
often results in men singing the most popular women’s songs
and vice versa, or people singing songs from roles for which
they are not age appropriate, etc. Do you have a favorite
number for a role you know you would never be cast in, but
would love to perform? Well, here is your chance.
Send an email to with two
choices of numbers you would like to perform. Also let us
know if you have sheet music for it. Email us indicating your
interest, and we will fit as many numbers into the evening’s
entertainment as possible.
Watch your email and the playhouse website for more Annual
Banquet details as they become available.
Page 3
(Continued from page 1)
dress appropriately. Craig VanRenterghem,
music director, asks that each auditioner prepare
a song to sing for the auditions. Please bring
sheet music; an accompanist will be provided. There will also
be cold readings from the scripts.
If you have questions about auditions, contact the director
at If you are interested
in working on a technical committee for this show, please
contact the producer, Georgia Durain, at
The casting committee will be looking for approximately 15
women and 10 men. Several cast members will be used as
part of the ensemble, playing two or more characters each.
Presented through special arrangement with Music Theater
International, Legally Blonde, The Musical will run July 21-24,
28-31, and August 4-7 at the playhouse. The Sunday
performance begins at 5 p.m.; all other performances
begin at 8 p.m. The house opens 30 minutes prior to the
performance. Tickets will go on sale in July, watch for new
ticket reservation information in the May Fortell.
Dates to Remember
Northwest Region
Delegates Meeting
11 a.m. April 9, 2016
Hosted by: Fort Findlay Playhouse
at Scrambler Marie’s
516 S. Main St., Findlay, Ohio
Let me know if you are interested in going.
Shirley, OCTA Delegate
June 11 - 12, 2016
Encore Theater
991 N Shore Dr.
Lima, Ohio
Hosted by: Amil Tellers of Dramatics
Assisted by: Van Wert and NOTFA
OCTAFest 2016
September 2 - 5, 2016
State conference will be
held in Independence, Ohio
at the
Holiday Inn (6001 Rockside
Rd., Independence, Ohio
44131) over the Labor Day
FFP 2016-2017
Season Announced
The Fort Findlay Playhouse is pleased to announce its
season of plays and musicals for the 2016-2017 season. The
playreading committee, consisting of Aeryn Williams (chair),
Jim Toth, Julie Lane and Samantha Henry, have pared down
its original list of over 212 possibilities to a season that is sure
to please audiences, actors, and techies.
A first for this season, in addition to the five productions
presented as our patronship package, we will be offering not
one, but three second stage productions for your enjoyment.
Legally Blonde
Book by Heather Hach, Music & Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe
& Nell Benjamin, Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and
the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture
Directed by Samantha Henry
Audition Dates: Monday-Tuesday, May 9-10
Show Dates: July 21-24, 28-31, August 4-7
A fabulously fun international award-winning musical based
on the adored movie, Legally Blonde The Musical, follows the
transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes,
snobbery, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This
action-packed musical explodes on the stage with memorable
songs and dynamic dances. Equal parts hilarious and
heart-warming warming, this musical is so much fun it should
be illegal. Legally Blonde The Musical will take you from the
sorority house to the halls of justice with Broadway's brightest
new heroine (and of course, her chihuahua, Bruiser).
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie
Directed by Vicki McClurkin
Audition Dates: Monday-Tuesday, August 1-2
Show Dates: September 15-18, 22-24
A group of strangers is stranded in a boarding house during
a snow storm, one of whom is a murderer. The suspects
include the newly married couple who run the house, and the
suspicions in their minds nearly wreck their perfect marriage.
Others are a spinster with a curious background, an architect
who seems better equipped to be a chef, a retired Army
major, a strange little man who claims his car has overturned
in a drift, and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone.
Into their midst comes a policeman, traveling on skis. He no
sooner arrives, when the jurist is killed. Two down, and one to
go. To get to the rationale of the murderer's pattern, the
policeman probes the background of everyone present, and
rattles a lot of skeletons. Another famous Agatha Christie
switch finish! The Mousetrap is the world's longest running
play, now celebrating its Diamond Anniversary!
A Minister’s Wife (A Second Stage Production)
Music by Joshua Schmidt, Book by Austin Pendleton, Lyrics
by Jan Levy Tranen, Based on the play Candida by George
Bernard Shaw
(Continued on page 5)
Page 4
January OCTA
From Christi Thomas, Cuelines Editor
Finance Division: On the eBay site there is
a link to pre-order hooded sweatshirts in
any color or style. Once ordered it takes about two weeks to
make them, and they can be delivered to members at the
March board meeting. Last year the division raised $1,195.38
from the Silent Auction Baskets. Harley reminded members
to complete the in-kind donation forms and send them back
to him, via email or otherwise. A copy of the form can be
found on the website under “forms.”
MM/PR Division: Jesse reported that the Wild Play Bill
Roundup Facebook page has been created. Members are
encouraged to send their photos with a play bill or program
to the page. Winners will receive a free registration to
conference. The division is planning a Membership / Retreat
Drive “OCTA Backstage” on July 15 & 16, consisting of
meetings, workshops, and team building. Peggy Kenney
passed out brochures on OCTA Services to be used for
membership drives to bring in new theatres. The brochures
are available on the website under “forms”.
Programming Division: OCTAFest Jr. will be held in
Wadsworth, Ohio on August 6, 2016.
Administrative Division: We are accepting Spirit of
Community Theatre and Hall of Fame nominations now with
the deadlines for both the date of the May board meeting.
Nominations may be sent or given to Aara Wise, Cindy
Jamison (for Spirit of
Theatre), or Jerry
Zimmerman (for Hall
of Fame). The 2016
Conference will be
in Independence,
Ohio; the 2017
Conference will
be in Columbus;
and the 2018
Conference, which
was previously scheduled to be in the West, will now be
co-hosted by the West and the Southeast Regions.
Regional Rep Coordinator: The reps discussed how to get
and maintain “butts in the seats.” Remembering the moments
of truth (driving by, walking in, getting your ticket, being
shown to your seat, using the restroom, using concessions,
the show, and leaving the show) can make a difference in
whether people will return to your theatre.
Theatres should request rights now for all your season shows
to take to regional festivals, this does not cost you anything
till you use it. When requesting rights say it is a festival, not a
Please remember to send shout-outs and Callboard
information and Cueline articles to Christi Thomas and Jesse
Delegates Meeting Report
By Shirley Nebergall, FFP OCTA Delegate
The second delegates meeting of the 2015-2106 season
was held on Saturday, February 20 at the Wood County
Commission on Aging in Bowling Green. The meeting was
attended by 20 people (delegates, regional reps, board
members and guests) and was hosted by the Black Swamp
Players. Those attending from FFP were regional rep J.R.
Smith, and myself.
Discussions during the meeting included:
 A reminder that OCTA items can be purchased on eBay.
 If buying on Amazon – use You can
also earn money for OCTA by registering with Kroger’s
reward program. OCTA has lost the OAC grant, and these
type of funding programs can help to make up a portion of
the lost revenue.
 Regionals:
 The excerpts will be held at Lima Encore Theatre June
 Registration will be at the hotel on Friday night and at
the theater on Saturday and Sunday.
 The hotel is the Wingate by Wyndham – reservations
are due by May 30 to receive the OCTA rate of $75/night
(you’ll need to mention OCTA or the NW Region). The
hotel is near the Civic Center and is the hotel closest to
the theater. There is live music in the square near the
hotel on Friday nights. This arts event features food and
drinks as well in an outdoor setting.
 Saturday night afterglow at Jay’s Restaurant; dinner is
on your own that night.
 Awards following Sunday excerpts.
 2016 is an AACT year (Wayne Kirsch, OCTA 1st VP and
Dawna Kornick, OCTA President, co-chairs).
 Discussed possible NW Slogan for 2016 (t-shirts, etc),
possibilities: This Ain’t Our First Rodeo! The Best
Comes From the Northwest! Submit a design entry to
Michelle Johnson. Winner gets a free shirt!
 There will be a summer OCTA institute held in Columbus
this July, most likely at the 2017 State Conference site.
Topics covered will include Social Media, Transitioning
from OCTA Rules to AACT Rules, and much more. Details
to come.
 Guide/Respondent Program: Each member theater gets
two uses each season. Just be sure to schedule one to
two weeks in advance. This service can also be used for
the excerpts.
 Talked about the 2017 festival site and funding for it. Also
the possibility for a permanent site vs. theatre hostings
pros and cons.
 OCTAFest Jr will be August 6, 2106 in Wadsworth Ohio.
Leigh Sandmann is the chair.
 Wayne Kirsch, OCTA First VP of Programming, spoke to
the group concerning needs for our current programs, tech
competitions, and AACT state festival (for that portion of
the state conference).
(Continued on page 5)
Page 5
Boeing Boeing by Marc Camoletti
Directed by Patrick Davis
Audition Dates: Sunday-Monday, March 5-6
Show Dates: April 20-23, 27-29
(Continued from page 3)
Directed by Aeryn Williams
Show Dates: October 6-8, 14-16
A Minister’s Wife, a new musical based on George
Bernard Shaw's Candida, is set in London in the
swirl of a love triangle among energetic, admired
Socialist clergyman Reverend James Morell, his
strong-willed and beautiful wife, Candida, and an
idealistic young poet, Eugene Marchbanks, who,
infatuated with Candida, aims to win her love.
A Christmas Story, The Musical
Book by Joseph Robinette, Music and Lyrics by Benj Pasek
and Justin Paul
Directed by Jim Toth
Produced in Association with Dramatic Publishing
Audition Dates: Sunday-Monday, October 9-10
Show Dates: December 1-4, 8-11, 15-18
Set in the 1940s in the fictional town of Hohman, Indiana, the
musical follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker and his quest for
the Holy Grail of Christmas gifts, an Official Red Ryder
carbine-action 200-shot Range Model air rifle. Rebuffed at
every turn with a similar echoing response, Ralphie plots
numerous schemes to achieve his desperate desire for the
coveted BB gun. All the iconic scenes from the movie are
here: Ralphie’s friend getting his tongue stuck to the flagpole;
his brother, getting dressed in his snowsuit; the bullies; the
leg lamp award; the bunny suit; the Chinese restaurant;
Christmas dinner; and many others. The delightfully versatile
score ranges from gentle ballads to show-stopping
full-ensemble numbers such as “Ralphie to the Rescue!,”
“A Major Award,” “Up on Santa’s Lap,” and the inevitable
“You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!” A Christmas Story, The
Musical will bring an exciting new dimension to those who
have seen the movie and will certainly stand on its own for
those who haven’t.
Run for Your Wife by Ray Cooney
Directed by Jim Toth
Audition Dates: Monday-Tuesday, January 2-3
Show Dates: February 9-12, 16-18
A London cab driver, John Smith, literally has two lives,
complete with two different wives, Mary and Barbara.
Somehow, he manages to juggle them both without arousing
suspicion. However, he gets caught up in a mugging, and
wakes up in a hospital. Complication is piled upon
complication as the cabby tries to keep his double life from
Other Desert Cities (A Second Stage Production)
Written by John Robin Baitz
Directed by J. R. Smith
Show Dates: March 2-4, 10-12
Brooke Wyeth returns home to Palm Springs after a
six-year absence to celebrate Christmas with her
parents, her brother, and her aunt. Brooke announces that
she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and
tragic event in the family's history—a wound they don't want
reopened. In effect, she draws a line in the sand and dares
them all to cross it.
It’s the 1960s, and swinging bachelor Bernard couldn’t
be happier. He has a flat in Paris and three gorgeous
stewardesses (one Italian, one German and one
American) all engaged to him without knowing about
each other. But Bernard’s perfect life gets bumpy when
his friend Robert comes to stay and a new and speedier Boeing jet throws off all of his careful planning. Soon all three
stewardesses are in town simultaneously, timid Robert is
forgetting which lies to tell to whom, and catastrophe looms.
Boeing Boeing was the 2008 Tony Award winner for Best
Revival of a Play.
Looking (A Second Stage Production)
Written by Norm Foster
Directed by Pete Rose
Show Dates: May 11-13, 19-21
From one of Canada's most popular playwrights comes this
hilarious comedy. Val is an O.R. nurse, Andy is in the storage
business, Nina is a police officer and Matt is the host of a
morning radio show. They’re middle-aged, single and looking.
Val agrees to meet Andy after answering his personal ad in
the newspaper, and Nina and Matt are coaxed into joining
their friends for support. What follows is hilarious, touching
and so very true to life.
Congratulations to the playreading committee on such a fine
and ambitious season, definitely something for everyone!
The patron chairs are busy putting the patron packets
together, so watch for those sometime in May or June.
(Continued from page 4)
 Everyone was reminded to enter the
tech contests – the forms for
submitting entries can be found at
the OCTA website. Entries are due
by the July OCTA board meeting.
If you are not already receiving the
OCTA Cuelines by email, you can subscribe by going to and picking OCTA News
under the News tab. Just enter your name and email.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding
Northwest OCTA that J.R. or myself can’t answer, please feel
free to direct them to
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 9,
(distribution of Festival packets) at Café Maries (516 S. Main
St.), hosted by FFP. Future delegate meetings are planned
for May 14 (walk the stage) at Lima Encore (991 N. Shore
Dr., Lima, Ohio) and June (during regionals). If you are
interested in attending any meeting, just let J.R. or myself
know. With the exception of during regionals, all meetings are
scheduled for 11 a.m. Please let me know by April 2 if you
will be going to the April 9 meeting.
Page 6
Membership Morale Events Continue
A dozen people enjoyed an evening of singing at the Cabaret/Sing-a-long at the playhouse on Saturday, February 6. Events still
to come are a photo scavenger hunt on April 10 and then the Annual Banquet on May 25. Hope to see you all there!!
Congratulations to...
FFP Board Members Needed
...Casey Rebel, most recently seen
as Hero in Much Ado About Nothing,
who accepted Seth Michael’s
Christmas Eve marriage proposal.
Interested in being part of the backbone of FFP?
Think about running for a position on the board of
trustees. There are three, three-year terms open
for the 2016-2017 season.
...Destiny Van Horn and her
husband Keith Deere on the birth of
their daughter,
Mavis Frances
Van Horn. She
was born on
February 11.
In order to be a board member (or to vote), you must have
attended three meetings (board or general), worked on two
shows (ushering does not count) or a) worked on one show
and have been a committee chair/co-chair or b) worked on
two committees.
She was 9 lb. 3
oz., and 21 1/2”
long. She is also the granddaughter of
playhouse members Andrea Adams-Miller
and Tom Miller as well as the niece of
Demiya and Devony Miller.
The elected board members will join Lori Foster, Samantha
Henry, Megan Meyer, Pete Rose, J.R. Smith, and Wes
If you wish to put your name on the ballot or you have
questions, contact the nominating committee chair; Casey
Rebal at
Page 7
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Winnie the Pooh
Co-directors: Kristina Pritchard and Tim Sherman, technical director: Isaac Steinhour, costume designer: Debra Searls,
scenic artist, Megan Hall
Congratulations Williard Misfeldt
Congratulations to Willard on his exhibition of theater design held at the Four Corners
Center in Bowling Green. Willard is a longtime designer and community theater
figurehead in the Toledo and Bowling Green. For Fort Findlay Playhouse he designed
the sets for Brighton Beach Memoirs (Feb. 1992) and Charley’s Aunt (Sep. 1994).
Page 8
What to see in the Northwest
Region and other local theaters
The Diary of Anne Frank
April 1 - 10
Playmakers Civic Theatre - Port Clinton
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
April 7 - 10
Crawford Theatre Co - Bucyrus
The Miracle Worker
April 8 - 16
Oregon Community Theatre - Oregon
And Then There Were None
April 8 - 17
Toledo Repertoire Theatre (Main Stage) - Toledo
Hearts Like Fists
April 13 - 17
University of Findlay - Findlay
419-423-2787 (
Children of Eden
April 15 - 17
Waterville Playshop - Waterville
Getting Sara Married
April 15 - 29
Black Swamp Players - Bowling Green - subject line "tickets"
The Odd Couple
April 21 - 24
Fort Defiance Players - Defiance
The Red Velvet Cake War
April 22 - May 1
Genoa Civic Theatre and Literary Society - Genoa
Buying the Moose
April 23 - May 6
Off-Stage Productions - Van Wert
MOMologues 2: Off to School
May 6 - 8
Toledo Repertoire Theatre (Main Stage) - Toledo
Calendar Girls
May 6 - 15
Harlequins, Inc. - Sandusky
Love, Sex and the IRS
May 6 - 15
Williams County Community Theatre - Bryan
The Bad Seed
May 6 - 17
Ritz Players - Tiffin
May 6 - 21
Village Players - Toledo
The Outgoing Tide
May 12 - 22
Van Wert Civic Theatre - Van Wert
Clue: the Musical
May 13 - 21
Bellevue Society for the Arts - Bellevue
Making God Laugh
May 13 - 22
Amil Tellers of Dramatics - Lima
9 to 5, The Musical
May 13 - 22
Fremont Community Theatre - Fremont
Faith County
May 13 - 22
Playmakers Civic Theatre - Port Clinton
A Patriotic Music Review
May 19 - 22
Waterville Playshop - Waterville
Page 9
(all events take place at FFP unless otherwise noted)
Board Meeting
Wed., April 6
7:30 p.m.
OCTA NW Delegates Meeting
Discussion of Regionals
Sat., April 9
FFP hosting at Scrambler Marie’s
Membership Morale - Photo Scavenger Hunt
Sunday, April 10
Tickets for Guys and Dolls
General Public
Mon., April 11
Tue., April 12
Wed., April 13
Mon., April 18
General Membership Meeting
Wed., April 27
Guys and Dolls
Thu. - Sat., April 28-30, May 5-7, 12-14
Sun., May 1,8,15
8:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
Wed., May 4
7:30 p.m.
Auditions for Legally Blonde, The Musical
Mon. - Tues., May 9-10
7:30 p.m.
OCTA NW Delegates Meeting
Walk the stage
Sat., May 14
Lima Encore
11:00 a.m.
Fortell Deadline
Sun., May 15
5:00 p.m.
OCTAFest excerpt entry deadline
Sat., May 21
Annual Banquet/General Membership Meeting
Wed., May 25
Elks Lodge - Melrose Ave
Board Meeting
Wed., June 1
OCTA NW Regional
Sat. - Sun., June 11-12
Lima, Ohio
General Membership Meeting
Wed., June 22
7:30 p.m.
Board Meeting
Wed., July 6
7:30 p.m.
Legally Blonde, The Musical
Thu. - Sat., July 21-23, 28-30, August 4-6
Sun., July 24, 31, August 7
8:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
General Membership Meeting
Wed., July 27
7:30 p.m.
Auditions for The Mousetrap
Mon. - Tues., August 1-2
7:30 p.m.
Board Meeting
Wed., August 3
7:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
Arts Partnership Box Office
Mon. - Fri.
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(cancelled due to final dress rehearsal)
7:30 p.m.
2015-2016 NW Regional Reps
Mitchell Antesky:
C: 419-356-6959
Inge Klopping:
C: 419-345-8671
J.R. Smith:
C: 419-908-2739
Joe Barton:
C: 419-360-5639
Linda McClure:
C: 419-233-1168
Facebook: OCTA's Northwest Region
2016 Regionals: June 11-12 - Lima, Ohio

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THE FORTELL - Fort Findlay Playhouse

THE FORTELL - Fort Findlay Playhouse Fort Findlay Playhouse tickets can be purchased through the Arts Partnership, located at 618 S. Main St. in downtown Findlay, or by calling the Arts Partnership

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