khqs getaway 2016 - Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society


khqs getaway 2016 - Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
On Your Mark, Get Set, Sew!
June 15-17, 2016
This year’s KHQS Annual Meeting and Getaway will once again meet in
Cave City, KY at the Cave City Convention Center. All activities will be held
at the Convention Center with rooms being less than a quarter of a mile
away. For those who have not attended there previously, there are side
doors available for unloading.
Begins 8 am to 5 pm on Wednesday at the Convention Center and
open daily throughout Friday
You must be a member in good standing prior to registering for
Getaway to be able to attend. (Dues paid for 2016)
Registration opens March 15, 2016. No registration will be
accepted prior to that date. Postmark must show no earlier than
March 15, 2016. All registrations must be sent via post
Classes will be filled on a first come, first serve basis
All lodging is responsibility of member to arrange. See room
information further in newsletter on page 18
Participants are eligible to register for one class with the featured
teacher. If there is room available at time of Getaway, those who
indicated a desire for the second class will be placed by priority of
requests on registration. Please mark 1st choice and 2nd choice if
interested in any of the classes with the featured teacher
Please visit our website,, to view this brochure in
Meetings, Challenges,
Contests, and Activities
Daily Schedule
Featured Teacher Classes
Bonnie Hunter
Wednesday Class
Thursday Class
Friday Class
Teacher Biographies
Sterling Thimble/Bylaws
Registration Form
Welcome to Cave City, Kentucky
Cave City is very unique - small but full of diversity. There are many restaurants and motels within ½ mile of the
Convention Center that are right on the exit as well as many exciting activities for adventure including Mammoth
Cave National Park. Moving the other direction from the Convention Center brings you into downtown Cave City
with many quaint antique shops and cafes. Consider coming early or staying an extra day to take in the sights of the
What’s happening this year at Getaway…………
 White Elephant Sale: Turn your trash into treasure! We are continuing the tradition of the White Elephant
Sale by accepting donations from anyone who wants to clean out their sewing rooms and donate to KHQS.
Just bring your items to Getaway where they will be sold. This can include magazines, books, patterns, etc.
All profits will be used to fund future KHQS activities.
 Opportunity Quilt: Come to the Fund-Raising Table in the main meeting room area to buy opportunity
quilt tickets. Also, check out the KHQS merchandise.
 QAK Annual Meeting: Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 pm after classes. You do not have to be a member to
attend. Everyone is welcome. The meeting does not conflict with any other events.
 KHAS Annual Meeting: Thursday afternoon at 4:15 pm. Activities include show and tell, exchange blocks
from the “cookie” exchange, announcement of winners for the annual KHAS block contest and Quilt
 Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop: Located just off the lobby in the front part of the building. Becky is most
happy to help find and supply anything you need for your classes at Getaway or your general sewing needs.
She is also willing to take orders for any merchandise in stock and bring it to you at Getaway. Just call the
shop to make arrangements. 859-498-0860.
Challenges and Contests!
 KHQS Block: 2016 Theme: “Think Pink” Purchase a block kit prior to Getaway, make one block
according to directions and turn in for judging by May 15, 2016. Top 20 block makers receive $10.
Membership votes on Viewer’s choice, maker receives $15. One block maker’s name will be drawn to
receive top 20 blocks. One block maker’s name will be drawn to receive remaining blocks. See August
newsletter for further details.
 KHQS President’s Challenge: 2016 Theme: “Who Am I?” Make a quilt according to directions
designated by outgoing president. Membership votes on four categories and ribbons will be given to
winners. Makers must agree that their quilts will travel the following year and be returned to the next
Getaway. See August newsletter for further details. View current quilts on
 KHQS Row Contest: Purchase a kit to obtain color scheme and make as many rows as you like to turn in
for next year’s contest. Rows are put together and one name will be drawn from participants to receive
rows. See the KHQS website for more information.
 QAK Challenge: 2016 Theme: “Quilting Emotions” See the August newsletter for further details or
contact a QAK member for further information regarding this and other challenges for the year.
 KHAS Block: 2016 Theme: “Nature’s Beauty” Purchase a block kit from KHAS prior to Getaway.
Prizes will be awarded for Best Workmanship and Best Interpretation of Theme, and a Viewer’s Choice
Award will be given. For rules and other official information see the August newsletter. Must be mailed in
by June, 1, 2016. Depending upon number of entries, prizes awarded; one block maker wins the blocks.
 KHAS Quilt Challenge: 2016 Theme: “Anything Still Goes” For rules and other information see the
August newsletter. A prize of $50 will be awarded to the winner of Viewer’s Choice. Must be mailed in
by June 1, 2016.
 KHAS Cookie Exchange: Six members of KHAS will be making six -6” square identical blocks for
display - this year’s theme is “Crazy Shoes.”
 Getaway UFO Challenge: Complete a UFO from a previous Getaway class and bring it to Getaway.
Prizes will include “oldest UFO” and other surprise categories.
 National Row-by-Row Quilt and Bobbin the Robin Display: If you participated in the National Row by
Row quilt challenge with the H2O theme or constructed a Bobbin the Robin, please bring these items for
display. Members will vote on Viewer’s Choice, and other categories that will be designated at the time of
Getaway. Indicate on the registration form if you will be participating in the Row by Row/Bobbin the
Robin Display.
GETAWAY 2016 Schedule
Please note all times are given in Central Time
Wednesday, June 15:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Registration: Cave City Convention Center Lobby
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM – All Day Classes
W-1 Smith Mountain Morning – Bonnie Hunter (Featured Teacher)
W-2 Fabric Manipulation for Quilts – Lynette Brown
9:00 AM– 12:00 PM– Morning Half-Day Classes
W-SS (am)– Sit and Sew
1:00 – 4:00 PM – Afternoon Half-Day Classes
W-3 Fishy Bubbles – Ashley Bandy
W-4 Puzzled – Mary Bauer
W-5 Machine pieced Cathedral Window – Vicky Hartley
W-SS (pm) Sit and Sew
4:15 PM – QAK Annual Meeting – Membership in QAK not required to attend
6:00 PM - Dinner
7:00 PM KHQS Annual Meeting: State of the Society Address, Introduction of Teachers, Class Show & Tell
8:00 PM - Bonnie Hunter Lecture – Adventures with Leaders and Enders
Thursday, June 16:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Registration - Cave City Convention Center Lobby
8:30 – 11:30 Morning Session – All Day Classes
TH-1 Texas Tumbleweed – Bonnie Hunter (Featured Teacher)
TH-2 Seascapes – Judy Hobbs
TH-3 StarBox Table Runner Quilt as You Go – Linda Stallings
TH-4 Invisible Machine Applique – Susan McCombs
TH-5 Every Which Way – Vicky Hartley
TH-6 Solid Ring Double Wedding Ring– Alice Benham
TH-SS Sit and Sew
11:30 AM – Lunch
12:15 PM – Meeting: Fund-Raising Activity
1:00 – 4:00 PM Afternoon Session - All-Day Classes
4:15 PM – KHAS Annual Meeting: Membership in KHAS not required to attend
6:00 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – General Meeting: Block Contest, Row Quilt Awards, President’s Challenge 2016
Awards, UFO Awards, Class and General Show & Tell
Friday, June 17:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM – Registration: Cave City Convention Center Lobby
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM – Morning Session – All Day Classes
F-1 Split 9 Patch – Bonnie Hunter (Featured Teacher)
F-2 Stitch – Debbie Poole
F-3 Lone Star Lovelies – Susan McCombs
F-4 Not Your Grandmother’s Card Trick – Donna Duncan
F-5 Stash Buster String Quilt – Cheryl Slaughter
F-SS Sit and Sew
11:30 AM Lunch
12:15 PM Meeting: Opportunity Quilt Drawing, President’s Challenge 2017, Installation of New
Officers, Introduction of Board
1:00 – 4:00 PM Afternoon Session – All Day Classes
**Getaway concludes at 4:00 pm – Drive Safely – We want to see you again next year!
Full Day
Smith Mountain Morning
Bonnie Hunter, Featured Teacher
Skill Level – Intermediate to Advanced
Smith Mountain Morning is a two-block quilt, with the star block, a 54-40
or Fight variation, in two colorways, and a Chimney and Cornerstones log
cabin variation which is rotated to complete the design between the stars.
This pattern is found in her book Scraps & Shirttails II which may be
purchased from the website at
This is a “Book Required” class. Students will learn the use of
specialty rulers for half square triangles using the Easy Angle Ruler,
Quarter Square Triangles using the Companion Angle Ruler, and the Tri
Recs rulers for the tall star points!
Supply List: Regular sewing supplies and machine
Specialty rulers to class:
*Easy Angle Ruler
*Companion Angle Ruler
*Tri Recs Rulers
Fabric requirements:
For the blocks and outer border
3 yards of assorted blue scraps
3 yards of assorted brown scraps
2 yards of unbleached muslin (or background neutrals of choice)
For the inner border
1/2 yard of light blue
Class pre-cutting:
Students CAN come with SOME things cut before hand, but I suggest not cutting the full
quilt in advance. I'll be demoing the easy angle ruler, companion angle ruler, and tri recs.
 If you are going to use these rulers, come with some of the following cut:
 3-1/2" strips of Blue, Brown and Muslin for use with the Tri Recs Rulers and Easy Angle Ruler.
(Star points and corner triangles)
 2" strips of Blue and Brown for use with the easy angle ruler (star center pinwheels) and
companion angle ruler (alternate block center hour glass units)
 1-1/2" strips of muslin for log blocks (Do not cut into squares)
Some students may wish to use a different triangle method, and Bonnie wants to leave that option open to
you--- which is why she doesn't have everyone cut EVERYTHING ahead of time. There is also
streamlining that can be done that the pattern doesn't reflect, for the log cabin discuss in class too.
Full Day
Texas Tumbleweed
Bonnie Hunter, Featured Teacher
Skill Level – Beginner to Advanced
Spinning stars and ladder blocks abound in a motion-filled scrap quilt
made completely from 2.5" Squares and 2.5" X 4.5" rectangles!
Students will come to class with fabric shapes pre-cut ahead of time,
ready to sew, share and swap if desired. This is a stress-free fun class
with lots of POW in the finished quilt.
**NOTE** This is a book-required class. The pattern is found in
Bonnie’s book “MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.” You must
bring your book with you, no photocopies are allowed due to
copyright issues.
Supply List: Sewing machine and basic supplies
Fabric Requirements:
Background: 4-1/4 yards assorted light/neutral batiks, tone on tone and print scraps
Star Blocks: 2-3/4 yards assorted medium to dark colored batiks, tone on tone and print scraps
Ladder Blocks: 1-1/2 yards brown tone-on-tone
Inner border: 1/2 yard raspberry batik
Outer border: 1-1/2 yards green batik
Binding: 3/4 yard purple batik
Full quilt yardage is given above for your planning, but keep in mind that you likely won’t need
to bring your binding and border fabrics to class. Consider the time you have for class, and
perhaps just bring a bit more than you think you will accomplish in that period of time!
8:00 pm Wednesday Evening Lecture…..
Bonnie Hunter, Featured Teacher
Adventures With Leaders & Enders!
This lecture focuses on quilts made between the lines of sewing other projects! A while back Bonnie found
herself nearly paralyzed by her burgeoning stash and scraps after nearly 30 years of living by the credo: "She who dies
with the most fabric wins!" It was then she turned to her love of antique scrap quilts for inspiration in putting the
rewarding method of sewing Leaders & Enders to work. The Lecture features quilts from her book by the same name,
along with others from her personal collection--starting from very basic simple designs, to more complex ones, inspiring
you on your way to thinking outside the box when it comes to your methods of piecing and using what you have on hand
to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind scrap quilts in between the lines of chain piecing other projects. This is multitasking at
its best!
Full Day
Split 9 Patch
Bonnie Hunter, Featured Teacher
Skill Level – Beginner to Advanced
If you have scraps then this class is for you. This class
instructs you on how to take your scrap bucket, and make
several designs to assist in making the most of those scrap
fabrics. No book is required for this class. However,
please visit the website at and read further
and print out the section and information for block layout.
 Sewing Machine in good working order, including all cords, presser feet and accessories. Start with a
new needle!
 Rotary cutter with a sharp new blade, thread, scissors, pins, seamripper.
 Rotary Mat and ruler (6 ½”square is great!)
 Easy Angle ruler for 1/2 square triangles
Fabric Requirements for Bonnie’s Quilt Layout:
 4 yards light scraps
 4 yards dark scraps
Pre-Workshop: Please Cut Ahead!
 Do cut: Oodles of dark 2 1/2’’squares (I used 504!)
A Gazillion light 2 1/2’’squares (504 is the magic number!)
 Bring 2 ½”strips in lights and in darks for making the half square triangles with the Easy Angle Ruler.
Bonnie will be demoing this ruler in class.
**You can use ANY method for these half square triangles. Just be aware that some methods take more fabric
than others, and you might find you need 3”squares or 3”strips or larger cuts depending on the method you
choose. Plan accordingly.
Featured Teacher Biography – Bonnie Hunter
Bonnie K Hunter is passionate about quilting, focusing mainly on scrap quilts with the simple feeling of “making
do”. She started her love affair with quilting in a home economics class her senior year of high school in 1980. Before quilting
became her full time career, Bonnie was the owner and designer of Needle in a Haystack, creating more than 70 patterns for
dolls and stuffed animals with a country primitive feel.
She has been machine quilting since 1989 and professionally long arm quilting for the public since 1995, retiring in
2009 due to her teaching, traveling and writing schedule. She has been featured in magazines both for her quilt patterns and
articles she has written on scrap management and using that stash to its full potential.
Dedicated to continuing the traditions of quilting, Bonnie enjoys meeting quilters, teaching workshops and lecturing to
guilds all over the world, challenging quilters to think outside the box and find what brings them joy.
When not traveling and teaching, she spends her time piecing scrap quilts, enjoying the peaceful reward of English
paper piecing and hand quilting as much as machine work and loving life in her wooded surroundings in beautiful rural
Wallburg, NC, a suburb of Winston-Salem. She and her husband, Dave are the proud parents of two grown sons, Jason and
Bonnie also writes a regular column for Quiltmaker Magazine entitled "Addicted to Scraps" with the main intention to
help you to put various aspects of your own Scrap Users System to good use!
Fabric Manipulation for Quilts
Full Day
Lynette Brown
Skill Level - Beginner and Beyond
Fabric manipulation techniques are fun and easy ways to
add interest to your sewn projects. In this class, we will explore
ways to add texture to quilt blocks, as well as art quilts, by using
tucks, folds, slashing, and pleating fabric. Several project ideas
will be demonstrated and participants will be able to practice on
small samples in class. This wall quilt is an example of fabric
manipulation techniques that can be applied to quilts and quilt
 Participants will need to bring:
 a sewing machine
 6 fat quarters of white or cream colored cotton
 needles and thread for hand sewing
 thread for machine sewing
 scissors, pins, iron and ironing surface, spray
starch, rulers, marking pen or chalk.
Half Day
Fishy Bubbles
Ashley Bandy
Skill Level – Beginner to Advanced Beginner
In this class, we will work on creating a kid’s quilt.
This twin-sized quilt is created with mostly halfsquare triangles and some appliqué. This class will
teach the technique needed to make pockets from yoyo’s.
-6 1/2 yd. total of assorted blue fabrics in a variety of
shades (Raid your stash!) Ashley recommends using
10 different blue fabrics in varying shades
-1 1/3 yd. Yellow (1 yd. of one variety, 1/3 yd. second)
-1 yd. Red
-1 yd. Orange
-½ yd. Green (for seaweed)
-1 ½ yd. White or silver (for bubbles)
-Material for yo-yo cinching technique of your choice
-Sewing machine with ¼” foot and free motion foot
-Matching Thread for piecing
-Thread that matches the color you want your bubbles
to be (white, silver, or other)
-Regular Sewing Supplies
Mary Bauer
Skill Level – Beginner & Up
The magic of this quilt is the arrangement of a very simple block. You
can make the blocks uniform or skewed, the arrangement may be
symetrical or off-center, the edge straight or zig-zagged. You can make this
a stash buster or a well thought out piece that you will use to match a
particular color scheme. In class, we’ll design your quilt and get started
piecing the blocks.
Sewing machine, ¼ “ piecing foot, 50 or 60 wt. piecing thread, rotary cutter
and mat.
(You will decide the size quilt you will make – the fabric listed produces a
table topper 48” square.)
- 2 yards background fabric
- 1 ½ yards various colors – you can use a Bali Pop, Jelly Roll or a variety of
5” square scrap fabric pieces.
- 3 ½ yards backing fabric
- Batting – 60 x 60
***Class size 48” X 48”
Cathedral Window
Vicky Hartley
Skill Level - Beginner
Have fun with this easy twist on a traditional Cathedral Window block. No templates,
no marking, no curved piecing! Instructions are available for a pillow, lap quilt, and
Queen and King bed runners.
Pillow Supplies:
1/3 yard for background (Can be a mixture of fabrics of same color).
1/3 yard for frame.
4” x width of fabric for window (featured fabric).
2/3 yard for front border and pillow back.
18” Plastic zipper & 18” pillow form.
Blending thread to window (featured fabric) section and thread to match frame fabric.
Small scissors to trim fabric., Straight pins., ¼” foot, edge joining foot (optional), zipper
foot for zipper application, Iron and pressing mat.
Prep required before class:
Cut background fabric into (9) 5” squares.
Cut frame fabric into (9) 5” squares.
Cut window (featured fabric) into (9) 3 ½” squares.
Fussy cutting for I Spy pillow requires (9) 3 ½” squares cut on point centered over a
design no larger than a 2 ½” square.
Material list for lap quilt, and bed runners available.
Full Day
Judy Hobbs
Skill Level – Advanced Beginner
This technique involves using tulle to capture materials to create an underwater
background as well as a sea floor. Eyelash yarn will be used to create seaweed
and your piece will be embellished with shells, tinsel, and any other
embellishments you desire. Once the background is created, you will cover it
with tulle to hold all your embellishments in place. Thread painting and free
motion quilting will then be used to anchor everything in place. The final step
will be to applique a dolphin on top. You should have the top done and be ready
to machine quilt before class is over.
Supply list: A kit will be sold that will contain eyelash yarn to create seaweed,
tinsel (for highlights in the water), shells, and small fish to use for embellishment.
A piece of tulle will also be included.
1. A piece of material 20 X 20 of any light color on which you will place your
water and sea floor pieces. This will be entirely covered so use anything you
might have, just be sure it is a light.
2. Several small pieces of blues (some each of light, medium, and dark) that could
be used to create the water background as well of various shade of brown (from
creams to dark browns) to create the sea floor. Rock materials are good to use in
small pieces.
3. Piece of batting and backing for your project.
Thread: Browns and blues to machine quilt the background (Variegated threads
are good.)
*Fusible webbing (Steam-A-Seam 2 works well)
*Paper and fabric scissors
*Pencil for tracing on the fusible
*BSS--machine in good working order
Full Day
StarBox Table Runner Quilt-As-You-Go
Linda Stallings
Skill Level - Beginner
Have you been wanting to learn how to quilt your own quilts start to finish,
even though you do not have a long arm quilting machine? Students will
learn one method of quilt-as-you-go, piecing and quilting in the same step,
using a Fun & Done! quilt pattern, the StarBox Quilt. After sewing blocks
together, the backing fabric becomes the sashing on the front of the quilt.
Quilts made with the many Fun & Done! patterns can be in varying sizes
from wall hangings, table and bed runners, throws or lap quilts, to bed sized
quilts. Just make as few or as many blocks as you wish. The techniques
learned with this method of quilting can be applied to other quilt patterns and
designs. A pattern and the Batting Buddy acrylic template set are required
and can be purchased on line from or at
Getaway from Becky Hill of The Sterling Thimble. Supply list on next
StarBox Table Runner Quilt-As-You-Go
Linda Stallings
Skill Level - Beginner
Pattern: Fun & Done! StarBox Quilt #118
Fabric Requirements: For Table Runner 15” x 45”
Fabric A: Backing & Sashing 1 3/8 yd.
Fabric B: Light
1/2 yd.
Fabric C: Assorted Mediums: 6 fat eighths (9” x 22”)
or 3 fat quarters (18” x 22”)
Directional prints not suitable.
Yardages provided are a minimum amount.
Additional pieces may be preferred for a more scrappy look.
Full Day
Tools & Notions
Machine with walking foot or ¼”foot
Rotary cutter and mat
Batting Buddy template set
Template Plastic: 6”square
Ruler: Used to cut strips and squares
Thread: Match to backing fabric
Batting: Low-loft cotton batting. Choose a brand
that is stable, not stretchy, and does not
distort when pressed. Polyester batting
not recommended.
Pins, machine needles, seam ripper and other sewing
Invisible Machine Applique
Susan McCombs
If you love the look of
Skill Level – Beginner to Intermediate
applique but hate handwork,
you will love this method of applique. This method of applique is done on
the machine. Applique pieces are prepared and glue basted in place then the
stitching is completed. A pattern will be provided that will include shapes
that will enable you to practice preparing inside and outside curves, inside
and outside point, and circles. This is a full day class that includes video
presentation and one on one approach to the techniques.
Freezer paper
Iron/small such as Clover and pressing surface
Glue stick (Avery brand works well)
Fabric scissor and Paper scissors and Rotary cutter and Cutting mat
Light box if you already have one
Appliglue or Glue Baste-It
Clear polyester thread (such as Monopoly by Superior thread) not nylon thread
Smoke polyester thread (such as Monopoly by Superior thread) not nylon thread
70/10 Microtex sharp machine needles
50 weight thread to match background fabric
9 ½” square of background fabric
Red-dark 5 ½ x 3 ½” rectangle, medium 2 X 2 square, light 2 ½ X 2” rectangle
Green – dark 5 X 3 ½ rectangle, medium 3 X 2”, medium dark 3” square, medium light 3” square, light 6 X 11” rectangle
Purple – dark 4” square, medium 3”
Yellow – dark 4” square, medium 2” square
Salmon – dark 2” square, medium 2” medium 2” square, medium light 2” square, light 3” square
Teal – dark 3” square, medium 3” square, light 4 X 2” rectangle
Full Day
Every Which Way
Vicky Hartley
Skill Level - Beginner
Finished approximate size: Throw 52 ½” X 67 ½”
Easily transform fabric charms into a special effect quilt. This
mesmerizing beauty looks difficult, yet is surprisingly simple with the
Cut It Up Charms Template. Each assembled block is created from
four charms.
Fabric Colors recommended: White, Black, Medium Gray and a
bright color
1 ¼ yard fabric in four colors, each cut into 63 squares measuring
5” X 5”
**Additional fabric not required for class:
5/8 yard binding fabric
Twin size batting
1 5/8 yard backing fabric (96” wide)
Cut It Up Charms Pattern and Template (required, available class day
Spray Starch, Rotary cutter, mat and ruler, ¼” foot
Coordinating all-purpose thread or blender thread such as grey
Full Day
Solid Ring Double Wedding Ring
Alice Benham
Skill Level – Intermediate to Advanced
Have you wanted to tackle the Double Wedding Ring pattern
but didn’t know where to begin? In this class, you will work on
the pattern using a solid ring with pieced melons and ring
centers. The Creative Grids Double Wedding Ring templates
makes the pattern go together beautifully! Students will work
on constructing a nine-ring baby/wall-hanging quilt.
Information on additional sizes will be presented during the
Required: Double Wedding Ring Templates by Creative Grid;
$33.00 Available from instructor.
•Fabrics A & B: 1 yd. of 2 colors for centers and melons C
•Fabric C: 1 1/2 yd. for arcs
•Fabric D & E: 1/8 yd. of two colors that work with A & B
•Binding: ¾ yd. (bias binding-will need approx. 25” square to
make binding)
***A full list of materials, supplies, and notions will be sent
with your class registration.
Full Day
Paint on
Debbie Poole
Skill Level - Beginner
This wall quilt is a design by Hissyfitz Designs. Sandy Fitzpatrick
has granted permission to use her pattern if the students download
the pattern from her website and sign up for her newsletter. This
design is an applique project but we will be using fabric paint to
paint the letters. This project is small enough to finish painting in
an all day class. Just requires you to bring a few items.
Bring to class:
Paint brushes – sizes flat 2, 4, 6, 8
Marking pen – fine line pen like a Sewline or mechanical pencil
Pen to outline – Pilot Precise V7RT black pen (office supply store)
16” x 25” piece of white fabric to trace and paint the letters of “Stitch.”
Wash, dry, press fabric.
16” x 16” piece of white fabric for practice
Black/white stripe fabric for flange. Cut two 1 ½” WOF (width of
fabric) strips
Outside border (your choice) – Cut two 3” WOF (width of fabric) strips
or bring fabric to audition for outside border
Basic supplies – rotary cutter, mat, scissors, thread, etc.
Sewing machine if you want to add flange and border in class
Full Day
Lone Star Lovelies
Susan McCombs
Skill Level - Intermediate
$10 class fee for:
*Freezer Paper
*Paint Trays
*Water cups
Bold, beautiful fabric catches our eye but how do we use them to their
best advantage? This quilt will use the fabric to its best advantage. Using
a fussy cut method you will feature the best elements of the fabric when
you construct a lovely Lone Star quilt. The star is done in a large scale
so everything is just a little bit easier to accomplish.
Easy and Elegant Lone Star Quilts by Shirley Stutz (this book is
available through Amazon and as a digital download from C& T
Publishing) The book is required for the class.
Sewing Supplies
Sewing machine, Power cord, Foot pedal, ¼” foot
Thread to blend with fabric
Scissors, Flat head pins, Clover patchwork pins (fine)
Rotary cutter and Rotary mat, and a 6” x 24” ruler
Marking pencils for dark and light fabric
Camera or phone with a camera
Iron and Ironing surface
Sharpie Fine and Pencil
1 ½ yard pattern ease or (light weight non-fusible interfacing) Refer to
chapter 3 of Easy & Elegant Lone Star Quilts pages 21 - 25 to help you
choose your fabric & yardage amounts.
Full Day
Not Your Grandmother’s Card Trick
Donna Duncan
Skill Level – Confidant Beginner, Intermediate
There are some tricks here, and Donna will be glad to teach them to you! The finished product looks like
cards overlaid in rows – or if you will, like tea napkins laid on the table for a ladies’ tea. A few scraps will
do the trick. Or if you want to make it really easy on yourself, just purchase one package (min 40) 5”
charm squares. That, plus background fabric, and you’re on your way to a charming wall hanging. Precutting not required. Project size 25” x 20”
Fabrics: 1 pack (40) 5” charm squares or 40 – 5” squares cut
from stash
½ yard background fabric (Background & binding)
1 yard fabric for backing and sleeve (can be acquired
*Thread, Scissors, Sewing machine with extra bobbins, needles,
attachments and foot pedal, extension cord, power strip
*Ironing surface and iron (some may choose to share)
*Pins, Rotary mat and cutter, quilter’s ruler, seam ripper, pencils
for marking fabric, pencil and pad for note-taking
*Supply fee: $7 (for pre-marked design surface)
**And whatever else you need to make you happy!
Full Day
Stash Buster String Quilt
Cheryl Slaughter
Skill Level – All Levels
Use up those scraps!!!!!
This class will teach you a fun and easy way to use up the
scraps you have but just can’t seem to get rid of. Many
variations will be shown and you can choose which option you
want to make. Paper foundation piecing technique will be
Supply List:
*Light weight paper – something cheap, I like to use old phone
book pages for this. Bring a stack of pages to be cut to size later
*Bring your fabrics – the more the better – cut into strips of 1”
– 2.5 “. A variety of widths make this quilt look more
interesting. If you have fabrics stuck away that you thought you
were going to do a special project with but now it is 3 years
later and it still isn’t done, cut them up and use in this quilt.
*You may want a specific fabric in the middle of each block,
this can be any color print you want. Solids word well as will
as bright small prints or black and white prints. Bring 1 yard .
This is totally optional.
*Washable glue stick
*Sewing machine
Sit – N - Sew
Sit and Sew is an opportunity to work on projects without guidance or instruction. Tables and
chairs will be available. Bring any equipment and supplies you need to complete your project
including irons, boards, and extension cords. This environment gives you a chance to get to
know fellow KHQS quilters while making progress on your own projects. It’s also a great time to
work on the project from the class you took the day before (or the year before!)
Instructor Biographies
Contact Information
Ashley Bandy
4072 Kenesaw Drive, Lexington, KY 40515-6272
Ashley is a West Virginia native, working on a Ph.D. in Geology examining contaminant transport in
groundwater. Ashley started quilting in 2009, where quilting became the procrastination tool of choice while working on
graduate degrees in geology. With over 55 projects completed since starting quilting, designs range from traditional to art
and modern quilts, with many of the patterns being self-designed. Many of these quilts have won awards in local shows
such as the KY State Fair. She is a member of KHQS, Kentucky Heritage Appliqué Society, Quilt Artists of Kentucky,
American Quilter’s Society, and Quilters’ Guild of the Bluegrass and has taken classes from Bonnie Hunter, Mickey
Depre, Sally Collins, Katie Pasquini Masopust, as well as many individuals in KHQS and her local guild.
Mary Bauer
7401 New Cut Rd, Crestwood, KY 40014
Mary has been sewing since she was 10 years old and after a career hiatus started sewing in earnest when she
retired in 1999. Mary spent the first few years filling the closets of her 4 granddaughters but when she learned to quilt in
2003, all other sewing projects took a back seat. After winning “Best of Show” in 2006 at the Kentucky State Fair, she
was encouraged to start teaching. Since then teaching has become a major focus in her life and she really enjoys being
able to give the gift of quilting to others. Mary says she has been fortunate enough to exhibit her quilts locally and at
Berea, Knoxville, Grand Rapids, Paducah, Bloomington, Columbus, Charlotte and Houston. She has received awards
from IHQS, AQS, KHQS, & IQA and recently won a 1st place in Grand Rapids and 3rd place ribbons in Phoenix, Charlotte
and Houston. Mary loves all phases of the quilt-making process and says she has to admit she loves all types of quilts –
rendering her “style-less”.
Alice Benham
The Kentucky Quilt Company
1575 Campbell Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42104
270-842-2434 (store) 270-784-8186 (cell) e-mail:
Alice has been sewing for many years but quilting has been her primary focus for the past 25 years, after much
experience with garment sewing. Alice has a degree in Home Economics education and recently retired as Dean of Arts
and Humanities from Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College. Alice is currently the owner/manager of
The Kentucky Quilt Company. She has taught sewing/quilting classes for over 30 years with The Sewing and Vacuum
Center in Bowling Green. She loves teaching and enjoys seeing her students “get it”.
Lynette Brown
5346 Palisades Drive, Sylvania, OH 43560
Lynette Brown took up quilting about a year before retiring from her work as a school psychologist in the public
school system. Quilting is a tradition in her family but served mainly to produce warm bed quilts. Lynette had made baby
quilts and a few bed quilts for her daughters but it wasn't until she saw some art quilts at a quilt show that she became
interested in pursuing a less traditional form of quilting. Her interest in fabric dyeing evolved after seeing the wonderful
patterns and textures that could be created through dyeing. Lynette was thrilled to take a class in natural dyes with Elin
Noble where she was introduced to the amazing process of indigo vat dyeing. Now she works primarily with her own
hand dyes to create her art quilts. Lynette says this provides two sources of gratification - one from creating the fabric and
the other from creating the actual quilt!
Donna Duncan
5805 South Main Street, Eminence, KY 40019
A quiltmaker for over thirty years, Donna enjoys sharing her skills by teaching quiltmaking. Her teaching style
incorporates skill, knowledge, encouragement, and a sense of fun and adventure. She served on the KHQS Board of
Directors for nineteen years (as Newsletter Editor, President, Treasurer, and Publicity Chairperson), and continues to
support KHQS by serving on committees and writing occasional articles for the Newsletter. Each winter, she takes the
KHQS Challenge Quilts Traveling Exhibit to area schools and shows and explains the quilts to some two thousand
students over a four- or five-week period. Appropriately, she is known by local schoolchildren as “The Quilt Lady.”
Vicky Hartley
335 Sherwood Circle, Dahinda, IL 61427
309-879-2869 (home) 309-368-4305 (cell)
Vicky was inspired by her great aunt who taught her to hand embroider as a teenager and later taught her to hand
piece her first quilt top, Tumbling Blocks, in 1980. After many years of craft sewing, hand embroidery was still her
passion until she discovered and purchased her first sewing and embroidery machine in 1995. In 1997, Vicky started
working full time for the local sewing center. In 1998, she fell in love with foundation piecing and in 1999 she helped
start an area quilt guild. Vicky has been an Event Coordinator since 2003 as well as teaching weekly quilting, sewing and
embroidery classes to individuals and groups. She donates her time teaching quilting and embroidery classes at the Project
Linus National Convention each year since 2007. Since the purchase of her long arm quilter, Vicky no longer lives by the
motto "Once the top is done, the quilt is done".
Judy Hobbs
2133 Old Dublin Road, Mayfield, KY 42066
Judy has been sewing and making clothes for herself and her family since junior high school. She took her first
quilting class in the early 1990s and has been "hooked" ever since. She is a member of AQS, KHQS, IQA, Graves County
Piecemakers, Paducah Stitch and Quilt, and Quilt Lovers of Murray. Throughout the years she has taught classes and
given programs for various guilds. She has had one of her quilts included in the book, Playing with Triangles, and also
featured on the book's cover. Judy has completed one commissioned quilt and has had quilts in several small shows. She
has also had quilts in the 2009 through 2011 AQS Knoxville Quilt Shows and a quilt in the 2012 Grand Rapids Quilt
Show. Judy loves to try new and innovative techniques, especially nature quilts. As a retired schoolteacher, she now has
more time to devote to the hobby she loves, quilting.
Susan McCombs
1809 Knox Avenue, Vine Grove, KY
270-877-5889 270-272-2504
Susan has been quilting since the early 1980’s. Her quilts are greatly influenced by her paternal grandmother who
was a traditional quilter. Susan is a traditional quilter who enjoys precision piecing techniques, samplers and hand
appliqué. She has designed and self-published several quilt patterns. Susan teaches classes ranging from beginner to
advanced techniques.
Debbie Lewis Poole
387 Wash Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
When Debbie was 9 years old her mother bought her an embroidery kit. That was the beginning of her craftysewing-quilting journey. She has sewn clothes, costumes, curtains, pillows and quilts. She even worked in a ceramic shop!
Her first quilt class was when at age 21. After dabbling in all areas of crafts - embroidery, cross-stitch, tole painting,
knitting and crocheting – She loved making quilts. She started with making traditional quilts by hand piecing and hand
quilting. She usually has 5-6 projects going at once. Most of her quilts now are machine pieced and longarm quilted - but
she always will have a handwork project going too. Since joining KHQS and QAK and attending Getaway, she really
likes making the challenge quilts. Near and dear to her is making charity quilts. She is the Charity Projects coordinator
for the Central KY Quilt Guild in Frankfort and a member of the Anderson County Piecemakers. They make and donate
quilts to Quilts for Kids (at UK Children's Hospital), Social Services, and the Women's Shelter.
Cheryl Slaughter
1307 W Broadway Street, Mayfield, KY 42066
Recently retired Family & Consumer Science teacher, Cheryl has been quilting since 1982. She taught quilting
classes in Georgia before moving back to her hometown of Mayfield, KY in 1991. She is a former KHQS President and
had been involved in all types of quilting. Cheryl says she enjoys teaching and helping her students be successful with
their projects. She has worked with both children and adults during her teaching career and delights seeing the faces of her
students when they finish their projects.
Linda Stallings
2677 Temperance Road, Franklin, KY 42134
Linda has been sewing since her teen years, including custom clothing and home decorating items, and
needlework of all varieties. As a member of the American Sewing Guild, she became a Trained Sewing Instructor. She
taught beginning sewing lessons at a local Bernina dealer and quilt shop, where at age 50 Linda discovered quilting and
never looked back. After moving with her husband, Bobby, from Smithfield, Virginia, to Franklin, Kentucky, in 2006, she
became a member of Creative Quilters of Southern Kentucky, and currently serves as Vice President. Also a member of
KHQS, Linda greatly enjoys interaction with fellow quilters and the inspiration and skill building resulting from
workshops, retreats and shared experiences. Even if the finished quilt isn’t perfect, the process is so rewarding!
Your support is truly appreciated!
5060 Maysville Road
Mt. Sterling, KY
A full line quilt shop featuring 100% cotton fabrics,
books, notions, gifts, supplies, and classes.
*Friendly Staff *Exceptional Service *Conveniently
To all KHQS Members and Teachers attending Getaway
Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop, located in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, will be the on-site vendor
at 2016 KHQS Getaway. Becky is most happy to help find and supply anything you need for
your class at Getaway or your general sewing needs. She is also willing to take orders for any
merchandise in stock and bring it to you at Getaway. Just call the shop to make arrangements.
Shop Hours:
Tuesday thru Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday
Important KHQS Business Meeting Information
Proposed By-Laws Change
We will be voting on a change in our Bylaws at Getaway. The new proposal reads as follows:
Article III MEMBERSHIP: Section B Categories
2. Regular Members: Membership shall be for twelve (12) months, beginning July 1 of the
year dues are received and ending June 30 of the following year.
This language replaces the language now in place:
2. Regular Members: Membership shall be for twelve (12) months, commencing the month
dues are received and shall be renewable by that same month of the following year.
Reservations for Sleep Inn, Cave City, KY
801 Mammoth Cave Street
Cave City, KY 42127
To make your reservation—call 1-270-773-2030
Identify yourself as a KHQS member
KHQS rates available June 14-16 for your travel convenience
Sleep Inn in Cave City is one of the options for accommodations while
attending Getaway 2015. The motel is close to the convention center with many amenities; 32” plasma TV/cable,
free Wi-Fi, microwave, refrigerator, interior corridor, coffee maker, free hot breakfast buffet, indoor pool and guest
Reservations must be made by calling the number above. Also, June is tourist season!
So make your reservation EARLY!
All rooms are $92 plus tax ($102.62 total) per night.
30 rooms are being made available for reservation until June 1. Be sure to mention KHQS to get this special rate!
Reservation Dates: _________________Confirmation #: ______________
Reservations for Super 8 Motel, Cave City, KY
799 Mammoth Cave Street
Cave City, KY 42127
To make your reservation—call 1-270-773-2500
Identify yourself as a KHQS member
KHQS rates available June 14-16 for your travel convenience
Super 8 Motel in Cave City is your second option and is located next door to Sleep Inn. This motel also has several
amenities including free breakfast, free Wi-Fi, outdoor pool and pet-friendly rooms. Room access is by outside
entrance. The two-story building does not have an elevator, so book your room early and request a first level room if
this is important to
Reservations must be made by calling the number above.
And June is still tourist season!
So make your reservation EARLY!
All rooms are $64.95, plus tax, per night. These rates are good until June 1. Be sure to mention KHQS to get this
Reservation Dates: ______________________Confirmation #:_____________________
GETAWAY 2016 Registration Form
Email address_________________________________________________________
Please indicate class choices by number (i.e., Th-l). Please indicate an lst and 2nd choice!
Wednesday, June 15: Morning
1st________2nd ________All Day________
Afternoon 1st____________2nd ___________
Thursday, June 16:
Friday, June 17:
**All registrants are limited to one Featured Teacher class.
Wednesday, June 15:
1-l/2 day class-$35
2-1/2 day classes-$7O/All Day
Thursday, June 16:
Class, lunch & dinner-$9O
Friday, June 17:
Class & lunch-$75
*Sit & Sew offered during each class session.
If choosing Sit & Sew, deduct $10 per day ($5 per l/2 day session).
Total Amount due:________
Registrations are due by May 8, 2016. Mail to: Elizabeth Hawkins, VP KHQS
Checks made out to: KHQS
1064 Bays Ford Rd
Bowling Green, KY 42103
**Absolutely, no refunds after this date. Registrations subject to class availability
_____I have special dietary requirements
_____I have Show and Tell (Please send me the form. )
_____This is my first time attending GETAWAY.
_____Registration Form.
_____Enclosed Large (business sized #10) SASE with $.70 postage.
_____Forget the envelope, send everything to the email address I provided on the front page.
_____Enclosed check made payable to: KHQS
***Questions: Email Elizabeth Hawkins at or call 606-776-4288
JUNE 15-17, 2016
Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society
P.O. Box 23392, Lexington, KY 40523