Northern UFO News
Northern UFO News
• R T H E R N U F 0 :t.. · oo n. ,. � ., • • • • • • • • • •••••••••• • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • = • • B � • o -t ..� c: e 8 ,. ,"' . 1977· ISSUE 33 ***************"************************************* *********-:f-***�t-**·**�· .f.��**·* FEBRFARY CONTENTS EDI TORIA L NEWS Pr� P�2 P�3 P�4 Po5 Pc5-7 'Divide to unite' NUFON MEETING FEBRUARY 12th OVERSEAS LIBRARY PEOPLE,COMMUNICATION & NAMES: Nigel Watson SIGHTING REPORTSa Tyne & Wear,Staffs,Merseyside " " Staffs,Merseyside,Greater Manchester "1 DETAILED REPORTa The Staffordshire Flapa Ufora Staffs P.?-8 D��AILED REPORTa The Fencehouses Occupant Encounter * - EDITORIAL - � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * "D ivide to unite" On January 8th BUFORA staged what was intended to be a public relations exercise with northern ufologists.Unfortunately it did not quite work out that way�W�at was supposed to a 'meet the people' affair failed because there was a no people to meet and b nobody to meet them!! be ) ·' ' ) I do not here wish to enter into any critique of this particmlar affair�except to offer apologies to those who did attend { about twenty from five NUFON : ) groups on behalf of my absent BUFORA colleagues.It did present an interesting opportunity to hear some people's thoughts on the matter of where British ufology should go,and these were in pretty broad agreement,! shall put them down very basically here,and refer you to my article in issue one of Northern Ufology �·o-r; additional detail.NUFON is considering publishing ALL the papers . that were presented. STOP PRESSa W ork is now underway ( ) It appeared to be agreed that B UFORA was too broadly based,and that trying to do everything at once was its chief failing.Rather,I suggested,it should play to its strengths and concentrate on PUBLIC RELATIONS.This means polding pu?l��.seminars,lectures,exhibitlons,having excellent press liaison AND pub lishing a first class journal which would cultivate interest amongst a wide variety of me�bers.Eyen if onl� 1% eventually prove useful to ufology then BUFORA fulfill a role.Already the criticism of this has come from BUFORAoit has been said I want them to be just a journal.The point has obviously been m�d. Investigation,in my opinion,should be organised around a network system� NUFON controls of the work in.the north bontrol'is NOT used in an· auth 99% ) ( oritative sense and fully cooperates with BUFORA.If BUFORA sponsored a SUFON as an independant entity then the two could integrate ALL investigation from all sources�and everyone would benefit - including BUFORA,who would get more data,and the witnesses,who would not get several sets · of investigators callingo On a different level I believe we should also set up a team of EXPERIENCED investigators to deal exclusively with potentially high grade cases:They would attack such cases in a VERY detailed fashion producing a report which would do credit to the CIA.These case studies would be the basis for the scientific recognition of ufolpgy.It will not come from a thousand LITS reports,as much of the material included in NUN,but from DETAILED studies of important cases by trained personnel.Again EVERYONE would benefit from this system�The ordinary investigator would still have work to do,and plenty of it,but he would hav� something to aim for.A standard to work towardsoThis scheme has been considered in some detail,and detailed plans for 11hat is termed �uK INVESTIGATORS AGEN CY' will be presented o� February 12th to NUFON. ( see Resea rch,as I envisage it , would come about as a scientific institute my editorial in NUN December 76 ,uti11sing the products of both the above AGENCY and the network system,since both types of data will be needed. ) It may appear to some - indeed it has been commented on - that this would be fragmentary and devisive.Yet I do not agree.Ufology requires specialisation, because coLcentration on specific aspects makes for better perf-rmanceeit is also ESSENTIAL that we overcome the inbuilt divisiveness of ufology caused by the different kinds of people who are involved.Provided this scheme were worked on together by those who make up British ufology it would not be a division but a unification. JENNY HANDLES Bryan Hartley,Bill Muir,Nigel Watson Contribu�c�� this month: Thanks to John house and CONTACT SIS,WUFOS Staffs,UFO ING,Ufora MUFORA,SPR NORTHERN UFO NEWS Copy date last of each month NUFO "!"� :_'·:le :�u.:-�n�T:: '':1(' .f:Jf.·T::h.J--k 'LE a. eor"!nica.tion 8.!1d l iais o n IJediu.m fo r inder�md:;.I.�.t '-'l-gP.n:i s:1.t� ::m.s and. :re �-carchers in N orthern Britainc: The Nortner::-1 1J:i'C Fc; is - lLunthly -t YCU.rJ .:L...,or. '1e·Ks:. vi eHs a::1d ideass Tr'"o c,pi.�·�.0n:=-: s"�rre;-s&c. hBrln cio not,neees:.=-arily�refl8ct the se of the net10�k as a �ha��� .o 9 • , .. 0 . , I .. . , • • . NORTHERN ._rr 0 1�.,.�� q J �- c ,�c'.:Ll''..b�·� on a ::::.u·;" l.·f £2 pgr annt:m (UK po stage ) An f1�1: ��ct,.: j_F� r..<::g �'::;.lle:�NOR'l,HER�. ;JrOLOGY�=-·� a l s o p:--::-crluced and sold on a sing le is[J�_'e �..�c:r:;i..J (at :ceduced �'ates ·C,c !fUFON associates a nd affi l iate s ) EDITORa: * * Nibs Je;h ..y Eandles1L3 * Sur::J.::r�:.iale Driv·e, Irlam, Greater Manchester. * * * . * * * * NEWS a 11 Seve rai of the aff'iliatsU. grou p s as �o J,:.ed on the Reference .Data. Sheet, dated January 1977 ha ve NOT renew ed subscriptions for 1977.It is thought that a num be r ·'Jf these a re in fact defunc-t· as - ·o rg an isat i ons . Cop i e s of this iss�e will only be sent to those groups which hav e contributed to NUFON mate rially and r.ould appear simpl y to have fo rg o tt en � A revised l isting of affil.iates �rill be published when t he situation is known with regar d s c�me 'Jf t:1em,It shou�'� be noted that NUFON is consci ous ,.f the importan�c J� thi� out le t a Sinc e it is now reaching many of the world renowned. svurce s of 'L.: d.ata, thartkE to t.r.e e fforts of Bryan Hartley in over�ec.� liais0nreff0rts a re being made to upgrade the standard of p re sen t ation , We a:r-e s' you KC:,_lc want your data prese nting in the best · p o s sj ble fo�a-t,o a 1 It is sad to have to re�: ate thart SJFORS, the north Linco ln shi re gro u p. are now defun�to'J.hey have operated · large l y through the medium of Nigel Watso� for the pas-:. two yearsaNigel Will c on tinue as an i nd i vidual i nvest i ga to r and c orres pon dant for NUFON in the areaoHe asks me to mentien tYTo sale items he ha s � A JM D ry Photo-Copier 11 f� · and A JANIK 4t" Reflec to r telescope £40 ene ni events£ J1UFORA. op�n ..meetings at the Town Hall Ho tel , T ib lane, Cent ra l :rtlANCHESTER Tuesdays February l 5 ,March 1 5 ,Ap r il 12,M ay 10 ( 7.JOpn ) UFOSI� Fu bli c exhibi tio� �-n :.Bi::r; ingham' A ;pr il 23tt Details from the group. � Up and comi NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT THE NEXT NUFO� RE�SENTITivE MEETING WILL BE HELD ONa c lose to New St IHffiRIAL HOTEL., Te mp le� �.t , Birmingham at 1 FEBRUARY 12t 2pR , . ' ( . x·� : -:.. ..>��-�111ne�. . NUFON 1977 Conf�rence, 'UK Inves.tigators fo r pro��c�td Autumn 1977 'flap' (ie coordinated e n cy plans Agency'p c onting n _ e � t Ci skywatch ) , � s ,band. radioo Items f-or dis0t..�.:;:-._ : .:>n , free ani easy and it is hoped that it will be rea.sonably should meeting The faci litate much more time for informal communication and discussion amongst those pre sent o You are cordially i nvi ted to b ri n g alon g any members you wish. OVERSEAS PUBLIC TIOU S LIBRARY I am now in a position to give an initial li sti n g of material whi ch is on file with thP 1-nTFON libr a ry o i t i;:; knoH n , h o wev e r, that Cl)nsiderable addi tional mater5�� is being added all of the time and regu l ar u pdates will be published 1� .l.,.,:U,No E ventu a ll y a separa te � pu bli ca ti on listing will be issued. ( Mar * & Jun 75 C-D�E,de F.A.I pub . ) A USTRALIA UFOIC pub Sep ?5,* Australian UFO Bv�letin MayrAue; 75� Feb 76, Procedings of UFOCON 2 ( A COS 1916) SOBE PS 1 ews * Jan , 'a:.c,Jul.,Sep 76� I nf ore space Jun 75,.Jan,Mar 76 BELGIUM GERr�x UFO Nac hric hten Utm. 74 , Jun 75 HOLLAND Tijdschrift v·oor U fol og ie Sep/Oct 75 FI�CE Phenomene3 Spatiaux Mar 72,Ma± 75 ITALY Ufo notizario Dec 74, Gli Arvani Ju l 75rSep 75 �APAN Sp ace Phenomena Soc. pub May 75 NEW �LAiu S pacevie1� ro 65 SC]�I�VI� GICOFF 1974, UFO NYT Sep,Nov ?5 &.n,Mar;f1ayrJu2. 7� SUFOI-¥.· 19'75/1 P 1976/1 USA*·Gray B arker s Newsletter _Jan,Mar,Air 76 � Mystifax Jun 76� Mundo Monit o r Mar,Apr,May 76 ( plus pub Doomsday Coming up 11 Nothing Ne:-r tJnder sunrConcept of livin g,Living Electroni••• FS Up-day) UFO Investig�t8r (NrCAP) Aug 75,0hio Skywa tche r Jun 76, CUFOS B u lletin Apr 75 Apro Bulletin Sep 7J�Nov 73 Jan ,Ma r p Ma r 74,0ct 75,Feb,Jun, , Jul 76 � Various bibliographies�publications � offic ial US ) ,press rele ase s co ncerni ng the Bermuda Triangle� ARGENTINA OVERSEAS LI��� Cont ••• , It is khown .that these are·· �ut a sampling of what is· available, and ·you are urged to,- contac� the lib _ rarian if you tlave any material to_ offer. The service is available- t? NUF�N .associates and affiliate_s who are engaged in 're�e-arch.You are as��d. to noti�y YOJ:lr req�irements ,_�hcl r�asons (since � ·f _would.·. be 1�possi ble . to operate a library service pure and simple), The librarian ·wilt aim01 3t certainly be able :to ?ive advice·about :pu.blicatfons,material available £or' --� - . resear?h etc an?- you are urged to us·e·' :thi·s ser:vice.'ln . ydur: ·w� - rk. C'ost"S� 'will' be restrictett to postage ·(approx 20p.> per item, · iop· for smaller items),Lending_ regulations will be given J:>y the· libratian: ·(NB:.* indicates in E�-lish) BRYAN HARTLEY 23 HASTIN9S RD, 'THORNT9N-LE-FYLPE, LANCASHIRE · · . * * * ·* * * � ·* * *' * * '* * * * • * * * * * * * * * * PUBLICATIONS: a· BUFORA. JOURNAL Jan/Feb 77.- has an a:;cticle based .upoii .th � NUFON . 1975 report MUFOB Winter 76/77 as -�ual has several i��erestfng para-ufo.logical texts,incluqin? iThe Monster as- Meta·:phor' COSMOLOGY NE�·l'SLINK Spring 77 (it � appa±an�ly: _cop1es early this yep.r!} is full of chatty letters and little·. filler · items. ·sKYLtNK Jan·77 _is the usual good offering from WUFOS (and it has an intere���pg article 'UFOs-� Manipulative phenomenon' -·even though I did write it my�eif� ):.Qutpiqe our area -look �ut for the ESSEX UFO STUDY GROU([? JOURNAL·, Jan J?· :Js e�.e�- be;t�er than usual.One of the better local group publications� . * * *·"··· '*:c *. '· *· ;*. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Another person whQ wishes correspondance with British ufologists has written to me: Aduvoi Xenceti (:t.hlat' - s his name) _1J25t W.Jeff.erson,Los Angeles,California 90007 . _ ' �� : � -- PEO(&LE,COt<IMtJNICATIDN. &: NAMESa Nigel Watsoh BI_� 't�.e.P lJ.f�logy is administered by three amateur organisations ;BUFORA I CONTACt and NUFONoSupportiii.g. these are--the l·ocal-ufo·groups,investigato ' rs and g.eneral . ...... membershipoAll in all they constitute the main support of the pro-ufo mo.�ement In 1974 NuFON (then· called 'UNO) was formed to ·cement relati��s . between .the m�riy-· groups and iridividuals· scattered thr9ughout. the -north,and to facilitate better· .. communication of ..,ufo reports and data.Since BUFORA .$eemed t9 )-?e something qf a dead loss SUFORS,and myself,joine� NUFO�.NDw.more th� two years later it seems a reasonable time to reflect on NUFbN and tn� general future or British ufology. .. • . O�e tr�nd like�y-to be carried out more in future is the holding_ o:f·conferences and lecturesoUhfortuna.tely ·r have yet to attend· a c-onference which has _4_chie'yed anything ,mainly. due· fo the 'fact that to aff.ord such· ventures the public has _'to be catered foroThis means that silly men · charts and projectors gel .iapt_ attention and serious speakers are almost completely j_gnored.It is a· pity that . O� has yet to organise a conference solely for the ·disc�ssing 9f nort�ern ufo NUF - . reports and general progress - in investigation. ----- Ori, the � .A-f't-er wii tten �ommunication of ufo reports tf)ing-s have .been a lot bett;er several false starts Northern UFO News is now a stable _and reasonab�y ;informative publication_oHowever�it is · near ·impossible for NUFON asso·c_iate to get hold . all materi�1. is, or s�ou1::1 be,the of the' repoi:ts s�nt. to Peter Warrirlgton. Since collective property of the associates this situation is q�ite frankly-absurd. Especially in view that FSR and BUFORA and a few ot�ers are kept with a rich flow Jf informationo Perhaps my qualms so far appear .petty,a�d indeed the� are when we consider th� benmmcratic mess we are in.The best way to describe it is p:retentio·us.Somehow we proliferate the use of titles and fine sounding names to cloak ufology in a 8��& of respectability.I say 'we' because in many ways I was responsible for the founding of the Scunthorpe UFO Research Society,and'what-m�re,glerious title than that can you have?Like a lot of groups SUFORS was a lot_.of. fun in,.the first year,but we _never did any real investigation and so the ..'rese_arch' asp�ct was a misnomeroHowever,SUFORS began to lose whatever merit it_. had. · and slowly fade away.As from. the end of 1976 it is no longer in existance,but as it has. existed as � �ame only for the past two years this .will have no material effect. A look at the total picture of British Ufology clearly ·shows that it is nothing more than a disorganised rabble.The .:irony is that the more attemps there are to control and administer British ufology the worse things get.It should be realised that tfuere is out a handful o:E __people-·taking an active interest in· ufology- and that - their activities and"time ''availabl� constantly change. t I 3 t. .. . '· . PEOPLE,COMMUNICATION & NAMES Cont •• � Stripped of our pre\entious and ·silly titles we remain AMATEUR INDIVIDUAL�, interested in -spending· _p�rt pf our lives on the subj�ct of uf.os.Rhatever talent there is f,or · fut}.ITe progress is being dissipated through the :pursuit . of wasteful and . oft.en irreievant- p,roj_ects,and bad communic�tions.The answer j_s that if · we are ·to continue to have- 'orga:nisations ' such ·:as BUFORA etc,instead of merely . ' r· publications such as FSR,}1UFOB .e_tc then simplicity should .l?.e_'employed rather · than impres � sive ,·chqotic, bureaucratic,ineffective administration. NUFON was at_fir�t in pursu�t of'this si ' mplicity.It communicated directly w-ith the north and' ·for a short time formed art active .enitity, solely concerned with local events.NUFON is now n�arly as pretentious as BUFORA and could even soon· ( overtake it if five hour long committee meetings continuecSo NUFON has changed for the worse.Th� creator and _driving force of NUFON is the only one who will . eventually d�cide ON its future.So whatever mames or t_� t)es 1 people in the -- - . - ·· -· end are the ones who. count . (COMMENT:· It. �s-unfortuna.'te--that-JH:geT.:age�·-not define WHY NUFON has changed.� Certai:t:llY t� my mind we do stili strive -for simpllcity,but simplicity which . gives everyone a faJ'.r · say - her1ee the need f9r represen tf.t.tives me�tings. I· am· certain-t�..JillEQR��h.�.$ :!t�ve� h�9- a . five hour me.�ting, and I .am sure we nevwr shallcin'· addition:� as ha:s been pointed out in NUN �nd .at meetings,the files . ARE available ; on loan OR J?hotocopy to _ associate groups who need them for researche · ; Of eours€·- there are .problems.You �annot. send copies of 700 reports to every grou:o-. bu_t -it is .a, ·cormerston� of NuFON policy_ that the matertal' not be hidden away,but that it be AVAILABLEoThis,incid'entally,is why such efforts are made to pubJI_c_isemaier·ra.-r--elsewhere and- why NUN -publi-shes d.e.tails._ o.f ALL sightings .. which NUFON receiveso This helps to alleviate the comm:unication--probiem:t ·hope·· Nigel will .e1laborate at- the BirminFSham meeting on Febi1.i'acy 12the-Ariy comments? · ED ) · o .. . ' · . - -- -- . .. . .. - .. ; PREVIOUSLY REPORTED CASES Report 76/107 has .�een followed up in full detail by Bill Muir and ·the sighting of the second . s seems · most interes·t�·ng .He is a. former army officer and was able to·_take accurate bearings of "the---silver cir - cular object.There isaa time. . discrepancy,in that his observation was c1t ·i5e:04 (two,hours earlier than the other witness)oHe first saw the object at 10° elevation at bearing 085.It moved slowly SE,then S9dropping approximately 9 degrees in elevation.It then shot away · a jet aircraft.It was in view 3 minutes and in SE at a speed far in excess of . . . circle at '300mm. (For other report see NUN .Ja��) 12" a of size was . the equivalent . . DAT$_:·_- November 25th 1976 LOCATION: High Spen,Tyne & Wear . . . 'i CURREN'T SIGHTING REPORTS REPO�T 7119 I a I I io I I,•• I I UFORA Staffs January 19 1971 Ranton,Staffs I Mrs· Ha;cri�·,a,_1womc=i.n in her twenties,recalls this fric;htening experience which she had at 03 00 one . morning. She wa·s awakened by a flood of whitish/yellow light coking int-e_ _ he.r be.,droomoOutside she saw a disc,larger in apparant siz_e thfl� - a rugoy · ball,hov�ri_ng in the SE.It 'remained= still for ten minut'es and then the light went oUt,yet four smaller lights· o ;r--- -.--;. ... · on the underside replaced it. Two were . . , . t . blue and t-vm were whitishoit then made • 1f' d , several manoeuvers from side to side ,and 'r after a total observation time ·of about twenty minutes_accelerat ed away to the NE. The tiny village of· Ranton is the _ scene of the famous R_o�stenberg entity case·. SEHIES OF LITS REPORTS FROM WUFOS (Merseyside and West Ch�shire) ( · . '· 1 1 1 0 8 D 4 1 1 1 11 0 G I O I I I O I II C I 1 1 C e .lel t t. 75/142 Runcorn late Sept 1975 22.30 White star,flashing on and off (Satelitte?) 19.30· White flashing star seen to disappear an� 75/143 Runcorn Oct 21 1975 _ Liverpoo 1.· reappear several :tiines ·before streaking off towards towards Liverpool moving seen ? 1 1976 �Oo30 White ellipse.76/108 Bebbington direction'. shot out two red objects which moved away in opposite ? · ? 1976 19.00 .Two teenagers saw a metallic cir;ar shape 76/109 E astham · moving from Liverpool over the MersyaThere were flickering red lights on o 'fhe 'motion was erratic and slow. . each end, possibly reflected sunligh�. 21.45 Greep ball sprouting green flame,burst into 76/110 St Helens Jul 16 1976 orange and then disintegrat�dllin _yiew '�wo se<::pnds.�obably a meteor• . 1 Aug 1976 03.00 T�o white lights moving W-E and N-S.(Sa·teltttes) 76/111 Bromborough , t 4· I Report 76/112 • • • • o e e e o e e o e Hopwas Wood,Nr Tamworth,Staffs August 27. 1976 � � j - UFOSIS Mr Kan,who was at the time a Sbldier,was with a party on fire dampi_ng patrol in the woods (os REF 175055) . IDt was about midnighti!. Th.E;iy had seeri.,.-severalt meteors . �nd_ were looking at the sky. They saw a white star: mpv.e rapidly ac:r:-oss,in view ,Just a few seconds. This was· .followed moments later by another one going .in the opposite direction a They passed these off as meteors and continued · -:their work.:A minute or two later they saw a large oval object0It was dazzling whit�-, b?t cloudy,and the apparant size of a tennis ball.It seemed. to be much lower and a definite shape was made out.In the centre was a flashin� blue light.The object appeared to be rotating clockwise.After four minutes it just went outo __ Report 76/114 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . St Helens,M.erseyside November 29 1976 WUFOS The same fireman (six this time) as per report 76/1 o6· reported a red antL white . flashing light low oyer . the t.own at 17.40sit ho'vered and then started to move away �outh westwardsoThey opened the window but heard no sound despite its proximitycThey thought at first tha-t- i·t ·was a helicopter,which rema ins a possibility. The .object was in view about three minutes, Report 77 -:·1 0 '3 0 i e o e a e e a Greater Manchester January_27 1977 MUFORA Between 17. 00 and 223C0 on this night there were several calls to MUFORA concerning ufos described as blue flashes seen streaking across. the skies� They mostly came from the northern part of the .county�Connected with these there was severe electrical d_isturpance in households, with room lights dimming on several occasions in some areas (this occured three 'times to myself in Irlam - ED)oit was subsequently confirmed thaf · ·there were faults in the grid system,and it seews probable that the blue flashes were related to thiso NOTIFICATION CARDS 76/113 · Woolaton,Notts 76/115 ( NottinghamDETAILED EEPORTS: November 8 1976· 19 .. 30 Ora.nge LITS with tai'la(SPRING) December 13 197·6 19.30 White LITS seen f-rom car (SPRINGj THE STAFFORDSHIRE FlAP . . Ufora Staffs Du:rl=ng -D � 9e-m�er the North Midlands seems to nave been deluged by· a series of :r.·apo�t� which· can only be termed a 'flap' .of fairly major proportions . T hi s does. NOT.�ppear to have been mirrored in any. other part of th� northaindeed some. areas ha-ve s·een decidely low levels of activi tyoFor example,the normally active Greater Hanchester region saw,nothing of'note during November,December and January!Our thanks are due to Derek James and his colleagues at.Ufora vrho were involved . in a considerabl� amount of work in following through the. repor.ts and _ralso had a good deal of 'radiO', TV and press coverage during the sp£:?llo . , ( .- : - The events appear to have begun,orrDece�ber 9th 1976 (RBPOHT 76/116).At 19.4� two young women were driving through Wetley Rocks,near Stoke, on a frosty · nmght. Ahead of them they saw a mass . of'lights hovering low down over a.field.�t first they took it _-_�o be a. helicopter,but then it vias realised that this was· - ted of open fields with high tension pylons� not possible as· ·the area consis Movine; a little closer. the car was stopped and- the window lo1-Tered.Ther.� ·: was .. no sound and the object hovered for two to three· minutes,flashing orange,.white . and blue lights. They were in a rec·tangular formation,about the apparant size pf a tennis ball at arrps leneth,in width,and of a golf ball in heightoSuddenly ·the lights just went out, and there · was no further trace 1. o F'ollowing on from this a most · interesting series of events seems to have occured on December 13th and l4thoThis is parti-cularly interesting in view of the ver_y similar incidents Hhich occured at Swinton,Greater Manchester on DeQember Case Reporct. No 3 Feb 76) · 12th and 13tb.l975c (See NoUaNo Jan 76 and Detailed . carefullyeThe similarity reports of groups two these compare You are asked . to JOURNAL Jan/Feb 77 Bu·�oRA from note will in date AND tim-e is remarkable�You · we havea northoDO the throughout that these 4ates 'in 1975 were SiEnificant · There . are year? to year from repea� will which further · example of a ' flap date' as striking recently as none thoug0 15th 1�ugust other �xamples,for �xample reportad. being actually is this9in view of . the similarities of· what On December 1=3th at a pproximately 17.2� · (R�PORT 76/117) a rmman art teacher Hho lives at Dunkirk (OS �F SJ 814)26),a little village outside Audley, was coming out of the house, next door when she saw an object · in the NN\v a:t an elevatioR· of 45 degreesait was hovering, quite s��lently,with two tiers .of bright lights surrounded by a yellow/orange glow shaped like an oval with a I 5 ' THE STAFFqRDSHIRE FLAP c·ont•• � · -;- · : · �· ·. · . · flat boti � It ,.was �shinl�g fi�rcely o_ut of a black sky with swirling f � around j, t..A.pparantly .5.. t .wa� over a s�all electricity pylonoAfter two to three . minute·§ the object. se�,med to rec�ed,·pulsatin� and fading'. until only a glow was lefte�l:ll;?. then _ qeca�e .a . sl:'lallow �ab� of'_ el�iptical iight before �it too disappeared, , A few �o�en�s .after this a male neighbour rode up on his bicycle and· exclaimed ' What was it!'He sa;id that he had!se'en a big orange object .in the sky as he ha · pedalled home,�n. appRrant size i� was larger than an apple held at arms length. The witness :i,.mmedi.ately . drew the object,and was interviewed within 1t hours. �� - �� ii . - d · At a�ost exactly the same time,just a mile to the east Mrs Dean was also witness to something strange in the fogo(REPORT 76/118).She was at Kidsgrove Bank (OS S� 848540) when at 614 degrees she saw a brilliant white light�66ming·' from behind an_electricity sub-station.At first she thought it was a car headlamp · but then it became clear that it was in fact-light shining through windows on a greyish object shaped like an oy-ster shelloThere was additionally a beam of . light pointing up into the sky,and a flourescent glow surrounding thE windows themselvescThe object hovered in the sky for two minutes or more and she became. very frightened,walking quickly away down the r�ad (in such a haste that' she . fell over something! )When she looked back the object had eo�e,. Visibility w�ts . 100-300' 0 It is not known for certain w�ether there is in_faqt·any r�lation between these sightings,but their similarity is quit�,as is their compa!is6·n ·with the events of 1975oNbte also that in all three of ·the above cases some form-of· electricity pylon or sub station was _.involved. · ·- If all of this is beginning to sound incl[?edible :then we have not finished y'et by a long waye .On the following day,December �4th,at (wpuld ·you beliey�) 17.15. . . (REPORT 76/f19) Mrs Bebbington,atb Alsager,was dri.ving her car when she saw a . brO\-ln/gold semicircular object in the north eastcAgain it had two. tiers of vrhi te·-liehts, · afld- w-as - hovering over _$9J!le . rogftopsoAt the base of the object,a . ereyish vapour-like cloud w::1.s swirling.The object was huge ..:.: ·est imated· at --the interview as that of a two inch circle held at arms lengthoUpon seine it · nt�She drove- ·on :pq,st·... . the witness· swerved the car and nearly mounted ·"the :pa,veme leaving it· :;;till there,Alsager is a c. oup�e of .miles north of Dunkirk,just overthe Cheshirec border,Quite coincidentally I�rs Bebbingtm1 is a teacher, just asthe witness of the previous day ,and. ve .ry similn.r to her in ·physical appearance. Neither were. ·known to one another,and there was no public'i ty for any .of the incidentsruniil December 16th. These sightings were not- correlated until -after· _ wards. · . · Our next report (REPORT 76/120) from December 15th is almost cer�ainly an n.ircraft It concerns a lig{lt. hovering,in th�_ ditance,and m9vine; slowly away flashing. The place 9f observ�tiori was Bign�ll End,tlme 22,30. By now the locale knew that a flap ·was on,so . this must be borne · i� · mind-�ith . all subsequent reportscOn D ecember 21st at .-1-BaOO an engineer at Bignall End . reported seing a silvery sphere· from his car (REPORT 76/121)cit hovered for two to· three minutes and then dulled to oranee, fragmented into- irregular anguiar··p:lfces and then disappeared.It was in the SS\v,apparant size of a gr�pefruit. At 02o30 on December 25th �rt elderly lady at Hanley received _ an �nwelcome Christmas present (REPORT ?6/122)I�. the · east she: saw a halo of light above trrree. green lightsait was mm�ing slowly WNW for about ten minutes before fading. The next indident appears . to be ev�n more significant.It concerns Darryl Smith, age 26,who was driving his van between Kingsley Holt and Cheadle at 19.30 on De�ember 28th (REPORT 76/123)He saw· a strarige ·red · light.It appeared to hover in the north over some woods .As he drove alo-ng a lit +.le he saw it move. . He stopped the. car and wound the window down and·watched · it silently glide alonG,split into two and then rejoinoit was _ in vi.ew· ·eight minutesl}lmoving very slowly,He then drove on to his brothers at a ne�rby house,but within ten .. minutes was back on the · lookout for the object. He saw it ..;. d.:::scending into a fieldit was shaped lik13 -a bullet,·red on·-top and ·white below,and was within. · a hundred yardscTh� size was estimated as 6' high and 4J wideoHe.'tried two different vantage points,stoppip.g t_he car and getting out,but cpul� not see over the · · hedge in-to the field.Imtnedi_�te;ty .he contactect the police. They were . very ht'3lp�l in UFORAs i·nvestigations,sendin� a police car to the witness and taking him to the siteoThe promissed that ;if they found any traces they would cordon off the site and give priority of investig·a�ion to UFORA! . . __ Unfortunately they found none. ' 6 ' 76/1 16 WETLEY ROCKS DGNKIHK ?6/1 1'? December 1 3t.h December 9th 0. ;.J.. .... 'I � · .vr· l) f"'l -T{('�HV. - SG ' i 0; '! /' /i- .1 8 D·� ��'e,m��� 0 ALSAGlJJR December 1 4th ..- � /' V_ . ......... . . 76/122 HANL�Y BIGNALL END Pecemh�28th December 25th ( but '?6/1 G3 CHEADLE h.@ :� leas·t ) 76/1.24 December 31 st r� ·� . · to t.r.e e'tGr:t -r1hi ch caused a real. stir of publici tyoThi s :l. s the R:�u�haJ."Clson ea se and i t began ll\'i th a bang li tt.erally 0 On Dec e:rnber 31 st Mrs Nclli e Ri cha.rd son 9 aged 65 0was in heJ:: bod at Bignal.l End (OS S.J 809.521 ) (�T. 76/i"t:L!.· t c Thi E O"/e::."1oo:ks tho Cheshire! :pJ.aL�i to thE: north0 towards Crewe 12 mt les n·w�-1y�At i:lfiD:t'o�·J.mat (; .ly 02 042 sb<-3 was a�:oken by a l�ud bang a ( This was later c onfi.rmed 'b; the n ext doo.t· nt�ighnour 9 who tV-tW n�thing be�ause her room fac es the wrong Trlay:, <-. 1:r�; Ri oha-rcbson saw a hc.i ll.t ant e low floodins into her room.I t Wc.i. S caused by a tHlge o lal obju<�t out-:�.ide ·�tildo'lr<rc Elevation t'(a 1 0 degre e s & bearLng 290 degree s o 'rhe ;;:;l ze ( c,)nfb:Y.."mt= d c."t t .i n ��ertr:l E;vl tHelvE: hours cl:l:::t.."'l er platrJ a t i o a dista:l•.:: e gAt first she was after the event ) was that o£" a ·/" very frie;htened " but as she calme' i i t bt:ca.rrte r�J.ea:c tha.t t he object ·was not moving0 Her alarm clock h3.d. appc�.t."c:tntly et ,1ppod so 3hE) went dmmstairs to find: · the time o On setting her c l ock rl sht she re \.U!ned. ups+air:� and found the ob ject. 5 ti ll there C\nd fil:i i ng a qua)'."ter of tb , windo·w- 9 ha1ne; 1arge:rJ tha.n the full moon o i t had moved slightly g n.nd as she w·cj.t<:hed. i t moved towaxus r:e:e and darkened to an orange co lour0It lia s observ·ed fo.t: 1. �· hours at lea�t,&Dur-ing thi s time it moved on ly t-o bearing 32 0 degrees0I t a�:. so m�;ved fLU:ther away , ."l..nd at thi s point two small :figure s 'r'lere s e en si lhoutt.�. 1 against the bright ob,jecto'l'hey 1-�cre like 0 toy s o ldi ers 0 movi ng to and froo'rhe:y di sa:ppea:r:ed and. the object cont-inued to move away oAt thi s point. her s on Johr1 � c:�ed 31 � returned from a re steraunto He ran upst.airs to hi s di straught mo �he::. and explair.. ed that he had seen a big orange ball over the plaino i t was sti !:.. l thn vi ew tf>..rough the window and he wa.:tched it unti l O!to1 5 ,moving i nto the di star�c e o Obe otheJ:" point to note i s that their cat (which is normally NEVER di sturbed d'!.l:t'ing th•::: night ) was on the window ledge downstairs sta.rlns � the obje�to1n the follorl no explanation wa s found o'The moon t-ras di sc. ou.r:ted as a source 0 hav:tr� setbefore the si ghtir� o Thi s wa s confi�"'med on BBC rrv when Dr Ron M·�.ddison of Ke(al0 Uni"Jexsity di scussed the case with D erek James of UFORA 0ManchtJ e , er Ai:::oport ant.l Che shire Po:i.i ce had no suggestions. Finally by no :maans we t�ome � '"' = .. - . NUFON t.ha.nks UJi'lQF.A 9 espec ially D el: c.k James r; Ghri s I- ·· '3tt"n e and 'l'ony Pace � for the documentation supp1i ed0'Ih.i s i s fi:led. U.L -�(7r the re:fereno e s quotedo ---- ·· ··-·_ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ Re port September 3 1976 7699 21. 0 00 Inve et:!.gated by J ohn Reuse (CONTACT) I t i s unfort.unate tha t the report ing r-d tness t.v thi s cas e i s an e lderly lady ( age 63 ) who was very frightend. and wi shes no p.Abli cltyo There Ha s an 1. 8 year old w1 tn e s s wi i�h her 9 rut she has no t so far. boen ��:eaced eHowever s the in�l/'e ::.1tigator for NUFON � .John R ouse , be lievB s the case to be genui ne o Mrs A and Miss B were re turn i ng from a t. to some relstj.ves a'rhey were walking past a wa ste area ln the li ttle vi llage of Fencehou se s , eounty The area has i n fact s:l.nce been levelled for building � and l s :!.1 ttered wi·th Durhamg di sused mi ne shafts � r; and exact They saw rt strange object upon a mound o:(' earth o i t �"a s ·v·ery small ·was 5 ° oit. described be to events tho to o·wing s.i'bJ.o o �red. pos measureme nts compart "'" like glass large a th l·d shape n i oval roughly hif!h lor.g and 3-Jz-0 sledge on ng sti re was t p.,I t.o on dome orar bright a anc1. in the centre ,..r . .. .... ment like :r."U!lne!.'s ,_ whi ch appeared to be mc..d.e of: �:'!·b:r·ome or stee lo The wi tn.e ssec. t>rere not af· c but a ppea.r�d t,o be ,:t t tracted towards the object in ai.most. a hypnot,:i. ce fashionoJ� S they 2.pp;:oa ched. c lose.r.· t.hey noti�ed an odd effect0There had. 'been a rnoderate lvlr..d and seat.tered cloud in the twilight. sky 9 but the wind seemed to r�uddenly sto po The t::rt� e :=:� a.p:pearec_i to stop and the tra.ffi.c on the nea:cb:r road seemed to just di.sappea:t"oThe w-J. tn e s s e s wat.(�he s f:.toped a·t th:t s poi nt. although they worked normall.y after-�:al.'d s e l t l.laS almofrt a s if they ·!-\"ere s'fuspended i . n o '"" � �, , ,,.. ! 0 �-· � r: c:'vb.l , c r..1.1 10�·- ha.nd z.lo:ct:S tl:a C � -J.:·-L J J• ,j v . -,':',(: i' '-..d:,: :-:�-:.:.".:T! 1 . ..J-, i.·;::-1- s t h2 point t �_.i._��a � ·. : .: i""' .L ..·- � � ,·. �· si z ��1 = -l.:. �.. ;;,."-:���:;1� �� A.r.·s P. � ;'\, �-} rFr;J si. cL� o:: �. - .. , I f.. ._, · � ·;_ �;c! _c: · ..• , �-J 1)-�l >· '; .. \ \ -::. -: ', c:�_ j2:. ··- �.�. i : ·)J ·�-fc.-...:·e +,he si ze of :-;- :�\-�;;' · 1 ·(:.r-·:: i: L.:rr.A.nold in :l :. .h :· �):-'! ; i · 4�� �e z ��J:: j"' -r·:•. :: "" -� r..lor _,_ :, ...: �::il-LG ·: o - r::�e� b;�.CJ. J.n.·.�·s:e eye.:; n.nd claw like finger�o TiPy a�paa.r·t.-i i :t'.l[;llt.enec.. u t 1.1e l-r:tnosses a.nd put both hand� up to their fa(!·.-.. s 0 shape .. •. £' .3:: Cc · . . ·, · THE 03 .8G11 The obj e ""t w2 s Be� the time ., Tbe:re was pass.".b iy ;::·· : o�o1 t:e:: t puy c.d.oi:->t; �) :...:�::.. ci'fe c t. o 'rhe next day Mrs A · c2�r-��r o. t · :;; ;r._.:, . ShG fonnrl t:1at �;ha could not trying o plug tr' a V1i.f uu:I;. the plug l.n· o th�1 5 0(;1� t. ;- I t l :-Jv s 3.S -': � son�� force t,.ere :pushing - her hands ( remember she had 1£1.12 �.£ th .... objec..<r ) 0 I n the snd her dau3hter had to do job for hern Sample s was <- of soll and ef put back thi s io b12 analysed and a radiation reading �kely {-,hl. ;, "tht3J' will sho-ri anythi� so long after veo t ·a.tion are to be taken p al t�1oue;h J.t 1 the event Q B earirl6 in mind the di .:rr.:· u,. o f tne lii tr:.ess v:e -;vt.:re very fortunate t o find out ir·3ctly and s:ltiply because she wanted to g e t the affair off her cn&st ,� h8.:,G �as been nv �J(..,b l.:. e;..�... t y � n.lthough it i s o bvious in consideration of the -rubl:t c i i:.y given to the W inche ste r entity case of November 14th that she ould ha r� oa s �; ly ac, a ved thi s had 1 t been her aim ., I t does appear a reasonably l ogi ca...., �;·c�c �i on · ,.J no ..;- w:.. sh to .T.'or0et ths whole a:ffair 0 althou3h attem::-_:;t. �t Jl t J .ln,: � mad e �-o t· ..vestigate matters in complete confidence ') She is '- t.-X;.. -...r :rr1.. ed �- .)�-ut the ,;t·n��qu ence G of the pro ss getting hold of the S"tO:l:Y •J about the�dent . Tr :.:.. s One can make I s� t. P comparisons wi t story of l1rs Lainc.hbury ( eee .. �� other case s qu t\3 :c adi ly Q The parallel with the F'-;R. £.2..-.J . : s in tero sting r. She clai.!T', ed vi sits from being sfrom Pluto r. see . ln C\ .a1.m·tlar tJ.r..1.nce li ko si t� on � and. subsequently she ve-:ry sirr.\ .:tlCt:i:JH:r " tolling ·;:,he s tory and then de cldi ng she had enough n She WCt. ..':} of n.. �.rcry s�_miJ..n. · r\.,.!{G - reacted in sai a · hasa t._� :;y; of c asc "::: 1; whi ch I refer to as � psychi c contactee experi ences a is r-e arkit.b:' ·a :. Thi!J� o:r 'i't L ··:":t'(}!il tt/e s t YorkshirG (August 76 NUN ) and Mrs H from B e :ii a s . (Hor · bei:n U.f ol c-gy o 1 ; ,. re here has to be a common link fact or he:r·e as to Hh i.-hc �t::' .:; ,(o ·:: e �--t. � .. e CX�?-G:L ienc e s are being � nf li ct e li: in prCl bc-.b.. y be no �ra.c e of the obj ect greater n�mber up.') n rl tn ess�s '!'he.te ·�i. r"' i:.-1.-n.ce of ·che Wi:c1. clle object almost as if i t lrere not-;-1'-: e Ti el.c �jr ( als o an o .:al : t· a .d i t. hctc! A : v :��� .�,--l-. ;.. o:f .)�t - '.1 -:-a2 l ,4b,:-m+ it 3 Yet because the e\mnt appears ·'.. o b-; su'b �. (. t.iv · · c.oe �, •:. : �· r:-aa re shou c: ignore i ... .} There is the pos sibi ... i ty 't'.it,�t 1\l'ha:... ev:;r -��.��s ::. �, -' .r.0 ufo r.:r..enomenon has the abi lity to o_: whr.t 1'1E 'hi. wi:it to s � e �hn:t i ·... wa.nt: ·.; .-:: ... c: z .. e make us see jus't The prevalance of 4 •• · r ,_ "� � The tranc e like �cnu.ition _.�f -c:l:-nB ·� S.ter si on 1-s another fam1. 1al:.- aspect of :,.,e of ·-he en t:l:ti � ;:;; i s mo st dos e en oounters t' alth) >.3h ;...h ... ::: t r-:) 11'-� S:Ti,'J.l. • • unusuR.l '-'> but not un2:r��1eden t ..d ., and in Let us hope that we are ao.l:. to finG. ou'L l"!Oi. e about t:n s c Rse olrl eirloThat yea· 8 1 the of sttyry e v berat:.c.. .. Of C .J. , recelv;;3 �re that particul:l..I' encounter,., sl� clas potenti a i.nto oa"'e ... t -i3uin5 n J. n turn would. = J 8 :. NORTHERN UFO N�� S 23 Sun: ingdale D_ .... ve : Ir1am 9Gt Manchester REPRODUCrJ�ION IS WELCOMhrD PRO f1 �D NllF'ON JiliD THE ITEM CONTRIBUTOR ARg CREDITED e
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