“WHERE FRIENDS MEET FRIENDS” BALLARD NW SENIOR CENTER 5429 32nd Ave NW 206-297-0403 4th Quarter 2012 Oct / Nov / Dec Seattle, WA 98107 HOT OFF THE PRESS RUMMAGE SALE Their voices have resounded throughout the world. The world renowned Irish Tenors, Finbar Wright, Anthony Kearns and Ronan Tynan will be at Benaroya Hall for their Gala Holiday Concert with full orchestra on Wednesday, December 19th, 2012, at 7:30pm. This Holiday season adds a little emerald to your festivities with 3 of the most powerful voices in the world, singing together both Irish and Holiday music to benefit Ballard NW Senior Center and the Senior Center of West Seattle. Tickets are available now. Reserved concert seating from $45 to $85. Reserved VIP seating and post concert reception with the tenors and dessert and beverages by Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant for $150. Tickets may only be purchased online at Benaroya Hall or by phone at 206-215-4747 or 1-866-4747; or in person at Benoroya Hall ticket office located at the corner of 3rd and Union Street. Ticket office is open Mon-Fri. 10am-6pm and Sat.1pm-6pm. This is a wonderful holiday treat for you and your family or a deeply appreciated Holiday gift for those on your gift list. Buy early for the best seats and be prepared to be utterly charmed. Mark YOUR Calendars Oct 9 Oct 12 & 13 Oct 31 Nov 2 Nov 9 Nov 12 TIDINGS 1 Our last great Rummage Sale of 2012, is on Friday October 12, 9am—4pm & Saturday, October13, 9am—3pm. We have treasures for everyone. Our Rummage sales are well respected for the quality of our gently used items that meet the needs of our shoppers. Tell family and friends, mark your calendars and come to shop and have some delicious soups, sandwiches, pies and all the other goodies Chef Bob and crew prepare for you. See you at the sale as we all support the center. HOLIDAY BAZAAR Our renowned Holiday Bazaar is on Friday, Nov. 16, 9am—4pm and Saturday, Nov. 17, 9am—3pm. Our bazaar features beautiful handcrafted items, new gifts to meet every taste, vintage Holiday items, and a bake sale among others. You will find the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday list. Plan to come, shop and have the delicious lunch and goodies from our wonderful Chef Bob and his volunteers. See you there, tell family, friends and neighbors. Up Coming Dates to Remember Flu Clinic 10am-12pm Rummage Sale Halloween Party 12:30pm Rainbow Bingo Veteran’s Day Celebration CLOSED—Veteran’s Day Nov 16 & 17 Nov 22 & 23 Dec 14 Dec 19 Dec 24 & 25 Dec 31 Plan Ahead Holiday Bazaar CLOSED—Thanksgiving Christmas / Holiday Party 12:30pm Irish Tenor’s Concert CLOSED—Christmas Holiday New Year’s Party 12:30pm WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Board of Directors President Jan Loder Treasurer Earle Leonard Secretary Henry Grenley Members at Large Claire Anderson Ken Anderson Pam Barber Bea Castona Jim Coleman Rose Cornicello Patrick Dunn Rusty Forster Carolyn Golesch, RN Al Hovland Sue Markley Ann McIntyre Bernie Sadowski Susan Schneider Paul Sivesind Rutha Thomas Staff Director Carlye Teel Program Coordinator Terry Honodel Nutrition Site Manager Bob MacDonald Administrative Assistant Kristina Webberley Social Work Scott Theisen Maintenance Slava and Angela Botamanenko Receptionists Monday Marla Parisi Janice McManus Tuesday Harry Warnick Wednesday Marla Parisi Jacqueline Merrigner Thursday Harry Warnick Friday Harry Warnick Janice McManus Substitutes Roland Gerard Bernie Sadowski Rusty Forster Alex Zachary Published by the Ballard NW Senior Center 5429 32nd Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98107 Phone 206-297-0403 Fax: 206-297-0558 Web Site: Email: TIDINGS 2 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE: Welcome to fall at Ballard NW Senior Center. What a great time of year it is. Everyone is refreshed after a fun summer and ready to enjoy all the fall activities here. I love fall with beautiful foliage, sunny days, cool nights, harvest moons, a crackling fire, football, pumpkins, and all the fall events and Holidays. What a fun and active fall we have planned for you. Wonderful classes and programs are back in full swing, interesting speakers, delicious lunches, terrific exercise, health and wellness opportunities and on it goes. Fall is a perfect time to try a new class, hear a speaker, volunteer, join one of our clubs, come to a party, take a trip, sell those raffle tickets and spend time with old and new friends. Some fall highlights include our famous Rummage Sale and Holiday Bazaar, The Irish Tenor’s Concert, Rainbow Bingo, parties, Veteran’s Day Celebration, Holiday lunches, and so much more. Remember to take care of yourselves, get a flu shot, see Scott, have your feet done with Carolyn, see the Bastyr docs, let Jan clean your teeth, see Jerry for your Medicare or Medicare enrollment health insurance checkup and get out and get active during this gorgeous season. We need to have a very successful fall with our fundraisers. We serve more and more people without much in additional resources. So, it is most important for our participants and the Community to support our fundraisers as we do everything possible to help ourselves. Expenses continue to increase especially now that we have to do almost all the maintenance on the building. The Board made the difficult decision to raise membership dues by $5 to $35 per year. We haven’t raised dues for a number of years. (See the article on dues for additional information. We appreciate your support. I hope to see all of you often this fall. This center does so much, for so many and your support as participants and volunteers makes it all possible. Thank you. Happy Fall Everyone! “As the first leaves change their colors for autumn’s big show, we welcome the cool crispness in the air.” Sheri Bresnahan “Crunching, crinkling autumn leaves spiraling, swirling in the breeze” Julie Cantrell Love, Fall is Here! Table of Contents DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE ............................................. 2 VOLUNTEERS / THANKS ............................................ 3 PRESENTATIONS / UP COMING EVENT ...................... 4 SOCIAL SERVICES, HEALTH ...................................... 5 ASSISTANCE & ANNOUNCEMENTS ............................ 6 LANGUAGES, GROUPS, & CLUBS .............................. 7 GAMES, FITNESS, CLASSES & OTHER....................... 8 TRIPS & DINE OUT .................................................. 9 AT OUR CENTER INFO ........................................... 10 POLICIES & PROCEDURES ...................................... 11 HONOR W ALL / NUTRITION INFO ............................. 12 LUNCH MENU ........................................................ 13 DINNERS & MOVIES ............................................... 14 MONTHLY SCHEDULE ............................................ 15 HALLOWEEN PARTY OCT. 31 AT 12:30PM Come and wear your favorite costume for our costume contest. We will have a special treat with “A POE-pourri of Halloween Horror Stories” by Jake Esau (Edgar Allan Poe). He was with us for “Dickens” a while back. Fun, food and costumes! SEE YOU THERE! SNOW AND WEATHER It’s August and 80 degrees but since it is the fall newsletter I will make mention of the white stuff “snow.” Should we get a late fall “snow” please remember we follow the Seattle School District guidelines. If the Seattle Schools are closed or late so is the Center. Please, the safest place for you in bad weather is in your own home. Broken bones and wrecked cars are not worth the trip to the Center. YEAR END DONATIONS At the end of each year the Center asks our participants and the community to make a tax deductable year end donation to the Center and to be as generous as your situation allows. These donations are an important part of our budget and many of our funders ask what percentage of our own participants contribute. So it is important to donate what you can. We would like to say we had 100% participation. Impressive to funders and donors. Many of you have contributed in the past and we thank you for considering the center in your 2012 year end giving plans. You are appreciated. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG VOLUNTEERS OF THE MONTH I want to thank each of you again for all your volunteer service for the Center. Each of you are precious and your service deeply appreciated. You are the heart and soul of the Center. (Volunteers are the Best) Thank you! Each Tidings we honor three groups or individuals that exemplify the service you all provide. OCTOBER: Our October Volunteer-of-the-Month Our October volunteers of the month are all the volunteers we honored at our Volunteer appreciation party on August 16th. All our Volunteers are the life blood of our center. The center couldn’t function without you. So thank you to each and every one of you. Let me highlight some of our celebrated volunteers. Volunteer of the year is Pat Fleury. This amazing woman, along with Bea Castona, President Obama’s Volunteer of the year, “does the Rummage”, of course with lots of help from the entire Rummage crew. Harry Warnick and Ken Buchanan received the many hours of service award. These two work many days of each week as receptionists up and down. The Super gals award went to Grace Ross, data entry; Sharmon Cooper, Volunteer and event coordinator; Toni Vergel di Dios, bookkeeper; Michelle Wilsdon, Job Bank; and Kristin Kennell for Craigslist sales for the center. Keith Pitts, Stephen Sill and Grace Ross were awarded the Pea Patch Gardener’s award. Antonio Castillo the Everything Volunteer; and on it went with each category honoring each of our amazing volunteers Thank you everyone! Won’t you join our volunteer crew. It’s fun and gratefully appreciated. NOVEMBER: Our November Volunteers-of-the-Month Our November volunteers of the month are Kari Kennell & Amanda Spring. Kari and Amanda are part of Chef Bob’s amazing kitchen crew. Kari and Amanda help prep, serve and do the dishes after lunch several times each week. When not in the kitchen they help in the Rummage room sorting, pricing and organizing the huge amounts of donations under Bea & Pat’s direction. Kari and Amanda have wonderful smiles, help any and all and bring a ray of sunshine to the center. Thanks Kari and Amanda and congratulations on being our November volunteers of the month. DECEMBER: Our December Volunteers-of-the-Month Our December volunteers of the month are the Book Movers Group under the able leadership of Mary Zippel and Wendy McCallum. The group organizes, categorizes, prices, displays and takes care of all our wonderful book donations. Thanks to Pat Hayes, Kathryn Quackenbush, Wanda Elder and Ann & Bob McIntyre who provide so much to this group. Many thanks to Mary and Wendy for providing the bookshelves and they just bought the Center the new upstairs copier. Lifesavers, both of you! Congratulations on raising over $1,200.00 the first 6 months of the year and for being our December volunteers of the month. SPECIAL THANKS TO: The Volunteers are wonderful and for their efforts we say special thanks to: To the Rummage crew for a fabulous June sale under Bea & Pat’s leadership. Party crew for the 4th of July party and the center picnic. Everyone that worked on the Community Breakfast, great food, fun times and a treat for all who attended. Everyone that bought Raffle tickets for our summer raffle and congratulations to the winners. The Wednesday night dinner volunteers, great food and good company, the Bingo crew for fun games in a great atmosphere and the movie gals—good movies with fun people. The receptionists for all their fine work—huge job done with grace and expertise. Those that helped with Linda’s retirement party—fun, touching and with huge appreciation for all Linda did. Everyone that helped with our August Rainbow Bingo event, fun, profitable and a wonderful way to support diversity in our community. TIDINGS 3 Dues Support our Center I mentioned in my Director’s Message that dues will increase for 2013 from $30 to $35. This is a difficult decision but with expenses increasing it is the responsible step to take the Board decided. To take the sting out of the increase when you pay your 2013 dues anytime between Nov. 1, 2012 and January 31st of 2013 you will received coupons for 2 free regular daily lunches, $2 off a class of your choice and a coupon for 1/2 off a Wednesday night dinner. This is in addition to your other benefits which include foot care and trips that cost less for members and so do many classes. You are also invited to the free Members Only Lunch. Membership supports your Center’s operations, classes, services and programs. You do not have to be a member to participate at the Center. Yearly dues for 2013 are for Jan. 1, 2013, thru Dec 31, 2013. Paying in Nov. or Dec. of 2012 add a month or two of benefits. (Documented hardship cases are considered by the Director.) Membership makes a thoughtful Holiday gift for a family to give you or you give to a friend. Membership gift certificates are available. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Center Presentations SIMPLE VEGAN CUISINE FOR 1 TO 2 PEOPLE (FREE DEMO AT 12:30PM WITH SAMPLES) WITH CLASS TO FOLLOW AT 1:30PM CLASS COST $5.00 THURSDAY, OCT. 4 AT 12:30pm This class is geared to anyone with an interest in making new simple healthful foods. We will show you how to make your own non-dairy milks, nut-cheeses, mock meat substitutes, great vegetable pasta substitutes and incredible deserts without flour, eggs or butter including such favorites as Instant Ice Cream and Chocolate Decadent Cake. If you can measure ingredients, run a blender and / or food processor, we can show you how to cook great tasting economical meals for one or two people. INFORMATION FOR UNDERSTANDING LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11 AT 12:30pm Long term care is something that everyone should learn about and this is your opportunity to get some information so that you can make the best decisions for your life, health and future. SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM WITH MONDAY, OCT. 22 AT 12:30pm It is important for healthy older adults to give their time to help seniors live independently. You can receive a stipend tax free as well as other benefits. You can feel healthier and happier because of your volunteer involvement. Come and enjoy donuts and learn about this program. Up Coming Events RAINBOW BINGO NOV 2, 2012 AT 6PM Our last Rainbow Bingo for 2012 is on Friday, November 2, 2012. Food and beverages available for purchase at 6pm and Bingo is from 7pm to 9pm for a fun and lively time! Come and join this exciting night as we celebrate diversity. If you haven’t participated in a Rainbow Bingo night you have missed a stupendous evening. Everyone is welcome so come and join the party. FLU SHOTS OCTOBER 9TH,10AM-12PM It is flu shot time. Get your flu shot so you won’t have to suffer with the flu. Flu is a dangerous disease so protect yourself and those around you. Flu shots will be offered here on October 9th from 10am—12pm. There are 6 times slots available every 15 minutes. Please call ahead to reserve your time slot, but drop ins are also welcome. The provider will bill Medicare Part B and most Medicare Advantage plans. You must present your insurance card. Group Health members must get their shot at a Group Health site or you can get your shot at the Center, if more convenient, but must pay $28.00 by cash or check. Those without insurance will also be charged $28.00. Be safe and get your shot. TIDINGS 4 FALL / HOLIDAY RAFFLE Our fall / Holiday Raffle will be underway on October 8th. Who couldn’t use some extra cash at this time of the year or a great gift certificate. A wonderful way to support your center and have a chance to win something for yourself. One book of tickets will be mailed to you and distributed to our community partners. Tickets are $2.00 each. If you would like additional tickets to buy or distribute to family and friends for them to buy or sell to their friends and contacts please call the center. This is an easy and supportive way to help your center. Thank you for your support. 1st Prize $200.00 Cash 2nd Prize $150.00 Cash 3rd Prize $100.00 Cash 4th Prize $50.00 Cash 5th Prize $25.00 Gift Certificate to Red Mill Burgers It has been wonderful that the last several raffles have been won by Center participants. Neat! Drawing on Dec. 21st at the Holiday Lunch. VETERAN’S DAY CELEBRATION Please join us as we honor all our Veterans at a celebration of your service on November 9th at 12:30am. We thank all our Veterans for your service and dedication to keep the United States of America safe and free. We honor you. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Health & Wellness HEALTH CLINIC 1st & 3rd Tues. 10:30am - 1pm Ballard Care & Rehab is here to help you with your blood pressure checks, insulin testing, wellness and questions. Come see them this month! FOOTCARE 8:30am - 3:30pm Thursdays by appointment $20 member & $25 non-member It is important to keep your feet healthy and happy. Think of all your feet do for you. Come see NURSE CAROLYN and let her give you the foot care you deserve. Call the Center for an appointment and get in the cycle. Your feet will thank you. NEW: There will be a $10.00 charge for cancelling less than two days before your appointment. ENHANCE WELLNESS PROGRAM—FREE What Is Enhance Wellness? Enhance Wellness, a program through Senior Services, provides seniors with personal coaching / counseling to increase their quality of life. You, the participant, develop a plan with our Enhance Wellness professional to work on areas of your life that are important to you. Program Eligibility and Access: Enhance Wellness is open to older adults with the ability to participate and come to the Senior Center. Please see Scott or call him at (206) 268-6761. TIDINGS 5 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE FROM BASTYR UNIVERSITY Friday from 9AM-12 NOON. By appointment Need a doc? Come to our free clinic! These residents and their supervising doctor will take time and listen. Natural healthcare’s basic approach is to help the body heal itself. Naturopathic medicine emphasizes prevention of disease, encouragement of the body's inherent healing abilities, treatment of the whole person and personal responsibility for one's own health. To find out more or to schedule an appointment, please call the Center at 297-0403. Drop-ins only as time allows. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out more about naturopathic medicine. SMILES FOR LIFE DENTAL HYGIENE SENIOR ACCESS PROGRAM We offer a terrific low cost dental hygiene program at the Center. Provider Jan Loder does an exceptional job. Come for a free mouth, head and neck cancer screening and make your appointment for a low cost teeth cleaning. Your teeth will thank you, and good oral hygiene leads to better overall good health. Call for an appointment for these dates: Dates: October 5 / November 2 / December 7 Social Services SOCIAL WORK Our social worker, Scott Theisen, is here to help you, your family, your friends and our community. If you need someone to help or just to listen, contact Scott on his voice mail (206) 268-6761. Scott does a great job here at the Center. He leads a number of the classes listed below and teaches the Balance Class, which is a great class for helping seniors remain independent and remain in their homes. We are appreciative for Scott and all he does here at the Ballard NW Senior Center. CAREGIVERS GROUP Is Clutter—Yours or 2nd & 4th Mondays Someone Else’s— 12:30-2pm Getting to YOU? Are you taking care of a family member with health care problems? Join us to discuss issues, share solutions and get the support that is necessary when one is a caregiver. Thursdays 2nd & 4th, 12:30pm Join this group to discuss this issue! Share what helps you to conquer the clutter. Learn tips on how to take control of the clutter. Develop a plan for reducing clutter and freeing up your space for yourself and your family. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Assistance Professional Assistance ELDERCARE LOCATOR Free LEGAL CONSULTATIONS 1st Monday of the Month 10am-12pm Eldercare Locator is a service of the Administration on Aging. Toll free directory assistance is available. Monday—Friday, 9am—4pm 1-800-667-1116 SENIOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE A great place to find information on the services and resources available to seniors. 206- 268-6743 (a service of Senior Services) Announcements FRIENDLY LUNCHES Our lunches are growing by leaps and bounds. The food is marvelous and smiles all around. Chef Bob and crew do a terrific job providing healthy and delicious meals. I want to remind everyone that we are known as the “Friendly” Center which means that we hope everyone welcomes new guests, invites them to share your table and makes everyone feel that they have a place at the Center. Remember, seat saving isn’t allowed and we don’t reserve places. Too often someone saves a place and then no one comes to take that place. Also lunches are on a donation basis. While the suggested donation is $3.00 people contribute what they can or want to donate. Some people pay by the week or some pay several days at a time. Some may not contribute daily. Donations are important to the program but no one should feel bad or be ostracized if they don’t contribute. There is a donation box just for that purpose so people can put in the amount they chose. Many thanks to one and all. Come join us for our great lunches. Closed Dates: Mark your Calendars Plan ahead for our fall closures. The Center will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2012, for Veteran’s Day as we honor all our Veterans have done for our country. We will be closing Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23, 2012, for the Thanksgiving holidays and Monday, December 24 and Tuesday, December 25, 2012 to celebrate Christmas. The center will also be closed on Tuesday, January 1, 2013, for New Year. TIDINGS 6 Clif Johnson is here each month to help you with legal issues. Initial meeting is free, additional meetings at a low fee. Wills, Power-of-Attorney, Living Wills, landlordtenant, loans and other issues are welcome. Please call 297-0403 for an appointment. Free FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION 2nd Tuesday of the Month 12:00-2:00pm If you are in need of financial information please come meet with Kylle. Please call 297-0403 for an appointment. Representative registered with and securities offered through PlanMember Securities Corporation, a registered Broker/Dealer, investment advisor and member FINRA / SIPC Free SENIOR RIGHTS ASSISTANCE Third Wednesdays of the Month 9:00am –12:00pm Jerry Keating can help with substitute decision-making (Power-of-Attorney), healthcare issues, and estate information such as wills. Appointments are 45 minutes. Please call 297-0403 for an appointment. Announcements Please Sign In It is extremely important that you sign in and sign for all the “things” you do each time you attend. For our new meal scratch program we get reimbursed on the number of meals we serve. Your signature is our proof of participation. If you have lunch please remember to sign in. Our funders and donors look at the number of people we serve and at our survey results. If we don’t have your info and signature we can’t count you. Thank you for your support. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Languages, Groups & Clubs WRITING CLASS / GROUP Fridays at 1:30pm—FREE \ Claire Anderson is a published author and leads this class on writing. Everyone is welcome. Participants love this class. KNITTING & CROCHET GROUP Wednesdays from 10am—12pm What a great group. All levels are welcome to join! Bring a project, questions and/or ideas. Lessons available with Praveena at 10:30am $10 members / $12 non-members. WORD PUZZLE GROUP Third Tuesday of Each Month 1pm If you love word puzzles this is a great time to enjoy what you like and socialize a bit. Come join this new forming group. Fall is a great time for word puzzles. CURRENT EVENTS GROUP 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 10:30 am This group decides the topic and how the discussion will be run. Join this group! All inquiring and open minds welcome. Respect is expected for all viewpoints. QUILTERS GROUP Mondays from 10am—12pm Come join this group. Bring your projects, thoughts and ideas. This is a fun way to get involved. BOOK MOVERS GROUP To help with the Bookstore please leave a note with your contact information in the “Pay Box” LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Monday of the month - 10:30am This group is open to anyone dealing with vision is- sues. Come join them and have an opportunity to share with others who deal with similar challenges. CHESS CLUB GROUP Wednesdays at 12:30pm Come join them on Wednesday right after Lunch—come earlier and enjoy lunch for a suggested donation of $3. GARDEN GROUP - Thursdays at 9am The Garden Group is still enjoying the beautiful fall weather. They will also be preparing the garden for the coming winter months. PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP - Tues. at 1pm Come learn how to use your camera and capture the best picture. This group covers a wide variety of topics related to taking pictures. Another popular group. TIDINGS 7 CARD GAMES Pinochle: Tues. / Wed. 8:30am Cribbage: Tuesdays 9:30am Bridge: Mondays 12:30pm Hearts: Wed. 6pm Games Group: Fridays 1pm Bridge and pinochle games are fun and social. $1 to play. No partner is needed for Bridge. Come join in the games. FRIDAY GAMES GROUP This group meets on Friday afternoon to play cards at 1pm. Come Check it out. ESL (ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE) Friday at 11:30am If you know someone in the community who needs help with ESL or you want help yourself then come participate in this class. SPANISH CLASSES Spanish I: 9:30-10:15. Fridays, $1/class Spanish II: 10:15-11:00 Fridays, $1/class Taught by Beatrice Ruhli. All levels welcome. BOOK CLUB 1st Thurs. of the Month at 12:30pm Join this group to read, and discuss interesting books. Call Scott for more information (206) 268-6761. Check with Scott for upcoming book choices. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Games, Fitness, Classes & Other Computer Classes 1st (3) Thursdays of the Month 1-2:30pm Come get involved in this class and learn some computer skills. Limit 6 people. This is a great bargain at $5 per class. ZUMBA CLASS DANCE EXERCISE EVERY TUES. OF MONTH @ 11AM $5.00 PER CLASS OR 5 PUNCH CARD IS $20.00 Dance and aerobics for great fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance. Come try it! (Certified Instructor) GENTLE YOGA Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:45 am Exercise Room $5.00 per class Rejuvenate your spirits with yoga! Practice positions to build strength and flexibility while deepening relaxation. All abilities are welcome. Please bring an extra towel for padding. Instructor can adapt the class to your needs. 5 Class Punch Card for $25.00 NEW TUESDAY CLASS ADDED!! ENHANCE FITNESS Mon, Wed & Fri 8:45am, 10:45am or 3:30pm $25/month Classes include strength training, balance, aerobics and stretching. Cost: $25/month, no charge for most Group Health Advantage Members. NEW: Non Group Health members must pay $25 by the last Monday of the prior month to continue in the class the following month. Bring your receipt to the first class the following month. New Participants Welcome! DRAWING & WATERCOLOR CLASS Tuesdays 10:00am—12:00pm Taught by Artist and Teacher Susan Schneider $10/Member, $12/NonMember per class. All levels welcome from basic techniques to advanced practicum. One of our best classes and a great opportunity! (Max. 9) BIBLE STUDY CLASSES Fridays from 12:30-1:30pm—FREE LAUGHTER YOGA FREE Thursdays 11:00 - 11:50am Laugh your way to good physical and mental health. Everyone needs a good laugh. Laughter Yoga is a mind-body wellness practice that provides a great workout. This class combines yoga breathing with playful laughter exercises. It is relaxing and fun! The instructor is a Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor. New Participants WELCOME! TIDINGS 8 Class hosted by Beatrice Ruhli. Everyone is welcome. Please bring an Old King James Bible if possible. Topic to change each week. PIANO LESSONS Tuesdays 2pm-4pm Cost: Private Lessons $15.00 Members & $20.00 NonMembers (1/2 hour) It is never too late to learn to play! (Classical / Contemporary/ Jazz)Call the Center to register at 297-0403. AARP MATURE DRIVER SAFETY CLASS 9am-1pm (2 days) Wed/Thurs $12-AARP Members/$14 Non-Members Completion of this two-day 8-hour class may help reduce your car insurance fees and make you a safer driver. It is recommended you take this class every 2 years. AARP sponsored Driver Safety classes will be held on the following dates: Oct 24 & 25; Nov 28 & 29; Dec 26 & 27 You must sign up ahead of time as space is limited. Please call the Center to sign up! FREE Ping-Pong Exercise Room We have a Ping Pong and a Foosball table and we invite you to come and play. Come to the upstairs reception for more information. Bob is heading this group. Times will vary, but generally play before/ after lunch on Tuesdays and after lunch on Wednesdays. October Classic Movie Matinees Thursdays 1pm 4th — “My Fellow Americans”, PG 13 James Garner / Jack Lemmon 11th — “Unforgiven”, Clint Eastwood 18th — “The Color Purple”, PG 13 Oprah 25th — “Driving Miss Daisy”, PG, Morgan Freeman / Jessica Tandy This is a fun time to watch classic movies and spend time with other Center friends. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Trips & Dining Out October: November: Sold Out KING TUT EXHIBIT & LECTURE DALE CHIHULY GARDEN & GLASS Monday, Oct 1, 7:45am — Noon; Leave at 7:45am and Lecture starts promptly at 8:30am; Light breakfast included; $28 members / $30 non-members - This is the last time to visit the King Tut Exhibit. Special AARP lecture topic is “Secrets of the Valley of the Kings”. Monday, Nov 5, 12:30pm — 4:30pm; $22 mem- SEATTLE’S BIG WHEEL RIDE & LUNCH T. ULALIP CASINO bers / $24 non-members . This is your chance to visit the beautiful Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibit. Come have lunch at the Center and then take the van to the Seattle Center for the afternoon for a breathtaking view of his gorgeous glass. Thursday, Nov 8, 8:45am — 4:30pm; Monday, Oct 15 10:30am — 3:30pm; $16 members / $18 nonmembers - bring $ for lunch. Have you seen the Big Wheel downtown by the waterfront? Here is a chance to have lunch at Ivar’s and then see the fall foliage and sights of Seattle from the Big Wheel. DINE OUT: BLACK ANGUS, LYNNWOOD Tuesday, October 16, 4:30pm $4 plus money for dinner. Min. 8 (in order to take the Van) Max. 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Great time going out with Center friends. $10 members / $12 non-members - bring $ for food and entertainment. Minimum 8, maximum 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Best wishes! DINE OUT: AZTECA—NORTHGATE Tuesday, November 20, 4:30pm $3 plus money for dinner. Min. 5 (in order to take the Van) Max. 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Great time going out with Center friends. LEM AY CAR MUSEUM & LUNCH AT MUSEUM CAFE Tuesday, Nov 13, 11am - 4:30pm EMERALD QUEEN CASINO $18 Members / $22 Non-Members; bring $ for your lunch. This car museum has a large selection of collector cars. An opportunity to remember the past and enjoy vintage cars. Lunch at the café at the museum. Enjoy a day with friends. Tuesday, October 23, 8:45am — 4:30pm; $10 members / $12 non-members - bring $ for food and entertainment. Minimum 8, maximum 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Best wishes! December: BELLEVUE BOTANICAL GARDENS CHRISTMAS LIGHTS (EVENING EVENT) Tuesday, Dec 4, 3:30pm—8:30pm ; Botanical Gardens opens at 5pm. Dinner at Azteca Restaurant (bring $ for Food) $7 members / $9 non-members - If you have not visited the Gardens for Christmas it is all lit up with beautiful Christmas lights. (There will be some walking) MUCKLESHOOT CASINO Thursday, Dec 13, 8:45am — 4:30pm ; $10 members / $12 nonmembers - bring $ for food and entertainment. Minimum 8, maximum 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Good Luck! TIDINGS 9 MOLBAK’S & REDHOOK BREWERY Monday, Dec 17 9:30am — 4:00pm ; $9 members / $11 non-members - Visit Molbak’s while it is decorated for Christmas and enjoy lunch at their Garden Café. (Menu at Upstairs Reception Desk). Then an afternoon stop at the RedHook Brewery. Spending $ on your own. DINE OUT: RED LOBSTER, LYNNWOOD Tuesday, Dec. 18, 4:30pm $4 plus money for dinner. Min. 5 (in order to take the Van) Max. 12. Please sign up at least one week prior. Lovely evening with Center friends. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG At Our Center Transportation Information 1. The following services are useful for arranging transportation to the Center or other appointments. We are on two metro lines, 17 & 44. 2. ACCESS is available to those who qualify , and volunteer transportation will escort you to essential appointments. Call ACCESS at 206-448-5740 or 206-205-5000. 3. Senior Services Transportation Volunteer Transportation 206-448-5740 or 1-800-282-5815 4. Hyde Shuttle is a service available through Senior Services and Metro. To contact the Hyde Shuttle to see what options there are and the coverage areas please call HYDE SHUTTLES at 206-727-6262. Our Website Have you checked the website out lately? Please do. You can read the newsletter in color, see our menus and events schedules. See all our Center pictures in the Photo Gallery, fill out volunteer applications, make donations, ask questions and more. Check it out! This is also a good way for family and friends to learn about your Center. Ballard NW Senior Center Please read the trip procedures and be aware that the regulations and procedures will be strictly enforced. Too often participants are not paying the down payment as required ($5) then not paying by the due date and canceling at the last minute. This is unfair to other participants, the Center and our destination. If you have questions or concerns, please ask the staff. TRIP POLICY FOR DAY TRIPS & DINE OUT 1) When you sign up for a trip you must pay a $5.00 nonrefundable trip fee. If the trip is $5 or less than $5, then you just pay that amount as your deposit and final payment. 2) Final payment is due one week prior to the trip. Final payment is the cost of the trip less the $5 deposit (e.g. trip cost $12, less the $5 trip fee then final payment is $7). 3) If final payment is not made, you forfeit your place on the trip and the $5 trip fee. 4) If you cancel your reservation two days or less before the trip is to depart, you forfeit your entire payment unless we can fill your space or you are canceling for certified illness. If we fill your space, we will refund all but the $5. 5) Deposits, payments, and refunds are not exchangeable or interchangeable. Thank you for your cooperation. FREE FOOD PROGRAM We are all thankful that the Center is occasionally the recipient of donated food from our local food providers. In fairness to ALL, we remind everyone to take only 1 or 2 items from each category (bakery, fruits, vegetables), so that there is enough for ALL. Come Hear the MARKET STREET SINGERS Tuesday Evenings at 7-9 pm The Market Street Singers are a choral ensemble from Ballard that builds connections within diverse communities. Celebrating the joy of choral music among singers and listeners, we aspire to cultivate neighborhood pride with choral arts that are truly community-identified. TIDINGS 10 Outreach HELPING OUR COMMUNITY Eyeglasses— The Lion’s Club collects eyeglasses, sunglasses, and cases to be fixed and sent all over the world. Donation box is on the desk at first floor reception. Cell Phones— Give us your old cell phones and chargers! We will send them off to be refurbished as 911 phones for seniors and others in need. The bin is on the first floor between the coat rack and the Dining Room door. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Policies and Procedures PARKING Please remember when parking in front of the Center to keep off the sidewalks. If your car is blocking the sidewalks it poses a danger to pedestrians and cyclists. In addition the City may issue parking tickets for blocking. We need to be diligent about keeping sidewalks clear for everyone. Thank you. OUR CENTER IS NOT A MARKET PLACE Here is our Policy Our instructors are strictly prohibited from selling any products or services at the Center and will only give general information about the subjects they cover, not their business. Business cards may not be passed out, but you may ask for a card. Please report violations. BALLARD NW SENIOR CENTER CODE OF CONDUCT No alcohol, tobacco or drug use. No weapons of any kind are allowed on the premises. That CREDIT CARDS Sometimes it may be easier to pay for a class, dues, trips or special events by credit card rather than cash or check. Please let the receptionist know if you wish to pay this way. COPIES & FAXES Copies are available from the receptionist for 10 cents each. Local (not long distance) faxes can be sent for $1 per page. includes: guns, knives, explosives or pepper spray, etc. No use of lewd, profane, disrespectful, or other threatening language or tone of voice. No abusive behavior including verbal harassment, menacing, or threatening demeanor, physical violence, sexual harassment, or other unacceptable social behaviors. No destruction, damage, or theft of property at the Center or program site. No Unauthorized use of Center property. No interference with the operation of classes, programs, services or Center activities. No interference with the activities of the other clients, participants, or volunteers. No interference with the work of the staff. Poor personal hygiene which interferes with participation of others in programs or activities. No loitering or sleeping on Center property, or using the restrooms for hygiene needs. Not being in the Center after hours without authorization, or not leaving the Center in a timely manner when asked. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY It is the policy of Senior Services and Ballard NW Senior Center not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sensory, physical or mental handicap, political ideology or sexual orientation in employment or applications for employment or in the administration or delivery of services or any other benefits. On request, people with disabilities will be provided with reasonable accommodations. Exercise Room TIDINGS 11 Board Room Rentals Having an event, meeting, class, workshop, or get together? The Center has meeting spaces available. Rooms, including the kitchen, may be rented by the hour, after hours and on the weekends. Rates are $10—$25/hr. depending on room size. Contact Terry for details and scheduling at Check out our website for rentals at Kitchen WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Nutrition Information THANKSGIVING LUNCH Community Dining Scratch Lunch Program Good Food, Good Friends — Come and Enjoy!!! Please REMEBERR TO SIGN IN! We love to celebrate the Holidays so plan way ahead and put Chef Bob’s marvelous Thanksgiving lunch on your calendar for Monday, November 19th at noon. Turkey and all the trimmings. Yummy! HOLIDAY LUNCH We all get so busy this time of year, so put Chef Bob’s festive Holiday lunch on the calendar for Friday, December 21st at noon. Delicious food, Holiday fun and time to wish everyone Happy Holidays! Suggested $3 donation (60 & over) $6 (under 60) BIRTHDAY LUNCHES: Oct 18 / Nov 15 / Dec 20 THE TILE HONOR WALL PROJECT Two groups of tiles have been hung on the honor wall on the 1st floor. You can be a part of this wonderful opportunity to honor a person or event in your life, and support the Center at the same time by purchasing a tile or two. Each tile is 6 inches by 6 inches and is custom-engraved by laser for a lasting impression. They are a cream color with black letters. Tiles cost $60 each with one to four lines of up to 20 characters (spaces count) per line. Stop by the Center to check out the honor wall for examples and inspiration. You may purchase as many tiles as you want. Just fill out the form below (or pick up a form at the Center) and mail it with your payment to The Ballard NW Senior Center at 5429 32nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107. Thank you in advance for your support. If you need help with the tile wording see Carlye or Terry for help. ------------------------------------------------------------------PURCHASER’S INFORMATION: NAME: __________________________________ ADDRESS: EMAIL: PHONE: ______________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Honor & Memorial Tiles __________________________________ We have some orders for our honor and memorial tiles that adorn our first floor sitting area. There is a minimum order number, and we need a few more tiles to place the order. Tiles are $60.00. If you want to honor a friend, family member, another person, want to remember someone, or wish to thank someone, this is a great way to do it. If you need suggestions with wording see Carlye, Terry or Kristina. PLEASE FILL IN YOUR MESSAGE WITH UP TO ONE LETTER OR CHARACTER PER SPACE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIDINGS 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG October Lunch Menu Ballard NW Senior Center MONDAY LUNCH M-F AT NOON Suggested Donation $3 for 60 and older TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 BBQ Pork on a Bun, Broccoli with red Peppers Pineapple Coleslaw Hot Seasoned Cracked Wheat 2 Chicken Pot Pie Green Salad with vegetables Dressing Bread with butter Mixed Melons 9 Tortilla Casserole With Sour Cream sauce Roasted Corn with sweet red peppers Green Salad Mixed fruit 15 Beef Teriyaki Rice Japanese Vegetable Cucumber Nappa Cabbage Salad Pear Roll with Butter 17 Panko Oven Fried Cheeseburger on a Tuna Salad with Chicken Bun w/ Lettuce, Lettuce & tomato Brown Rice onion & tomato Cottage Cheese with Roasted Broccoli Sweet Potato Fries Peaches Baked Apple Fresh Orange Potato Leek Soup Crackers Sloppy Joes on a Bun, Corn Chips Green Salad with cucumber, tomato and radish Mixed Bean Soup Apple Cranberry Orange Salad (carrot salad) Red Cabbage – Rotkraut (with apple & spices) Brot (Pretzel Roll) Apple Strudel 29 Shrimp and Leek Quiche No lunch today (Lunch provided for volunteers who help ALL morning for set up.) Chicken and Dumplings Swiss chard Roasted carrots Fruit salad 5 Pot Roast with Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Celery Mixed Baby green with dressing Roll w/ Butter Orange Rummage Sale12 Come purchase your lunch from our lunch café! Birthday Lunch 18 Turkey Osso Bucco Mashed Potatoes Roasted Acorn Squash Green Antipasto Salad Roll with Butter Birthday Cake 19 Ivar’s Clam Chowder Crackers Chicken Salad Sandwich with tomato and lettuce Pea Salad 25 26 Greek Gyro Sandwich on Pita Bread and tzatziki sauce Edamame Succotash Mixed Green Salad with tomato Penne Pasta with Ratatouille Prosciutto Sauce A $3 donation is suggested for seniors 60 and older. Persons under 60 can enjoy a meal for $6. We gladly accept Quest Cards, cash or Checks paid daily, weekly or monthly. Menu is subject to change. Special Thanks To: Ivar’s & Starbucks for their generous monthly donations to Community Dining Baked Peaches Arugula Salad with dressing Garlic Bread Pear 30 Halloween Lunch 31 Smoked Salmon Fettuccine Vegetable Rice Salad Roasted Broccoli on a bed of greens Herb Bread Apricots Orange Pineapple Salad TIDINGS 13 Baked Honey Chicken with Scalloped Potatoes Peas and Pearl Onions Berries with Vanilla Yogurt 24 23 Roast Pork w/ caraway and Beer, Hot Potatoes with Bacon Pikanter Moehrensalat 4 10 Rummage Set up 11 16 22 OCTOBER FEST FRIDAY 3 Turkey Stroganoff Egg Noodles Sautéed Red Cabbage Baked Apple 8 Pork Sauerbraten baked sweet potatoes Pickled Seasoned Green Beans Banana Gelatin THURSDAY Cauldron Coffee Swamp Soup Spooky Spaghetti with Eyeballs Graveyard Grass with Tombstone Topping, Headless Pumpkin Pie Milk Choices: Skim, Chocolate, 2% Menu is subject to change without notice WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG Wednesday Nights DINNER, MOVIE, & BINGO Dinner is $7.00 @ 5pm / Little Cinema $2.00 @ 6pm Bingo @ 6:30 pm, $6 buy-in for each session. All dinners include salad, vegetables, starch, bread & dessert. Oct 3 Dinner: Sweet & Sour Spare Ribs Movie: “Mirror Mirror”, PG , Julia Roberts l Morgan Freeman Menu wil d te Bingo be Pos Oct 10 Dinner: Special Dinner by Ballard Kiwanis Movie: “Darling Companion”, PG Diane Keaton Bingo Oct 17 Dinner: Cheeseburgers Movie: “The Lucky One”, PG 13 Bingo Oct 24 Dinner: Teriyaki Beef Movie: “Bernie” PG 13 (Comedy) Bingo Oct 31 Dinner: Chicken Curry Movie: “Snow White and the Huntsman” PG 13 Bingo We are excited to announce a new partnership with the Ballard Kiwanis Service Club. Kiwanis provides many services in the community. We are pleased to have Ballard Kiwanis providing dinner for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Please join us Wednesday, October 10th for what is sure to be a great meal and good time for all. Perfect for our Fall nights! Join us for our great Wed. night activities, delicious home style dinners, Bingo, fantastic movies and other activities, classes and special events. Join Center friends and bring your other friends for a great night. Dinner just $7.00 per person. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Jannie Anderson Eunice Armstrong Audrey Blunt Rosemary Branigan Shirley J. Church Barbara Dierickx Judith Dundon Sherry Elton Suzanne Gillette Fred Ginther Darlene Harlow Irene Holroyd Kari Kennell Elizabeth Linke Odny McDonald Sebille Moulster Mary Neilson Richard Polito Susan Robinson Rosemary Schuller Dawn Scott Betty Stone Ruth Turner Ruth Vogel Patricia Walker Elizabeth White 2013 is our 40th Anniversary We celebrate 40 years of service to the seniors in our community. We need to plan a grand year of celebrations. If you want to serve on the planning committee contact Carlye. TIDINGS 14 General Information Coffee with Carlye November 19th at 11am This is one of my favorite times. I so enjoy getting together with you to hear your good ideas or concerns. It also gives me the opportunity to give you up to the minute news about Center happenings. Please join me on Thursday, November 19th at 11am for coffee, a cookie and conversations. BALLARD MARKET FUNDRAISER Bring in your receipts from your shopping trip at the Ballard Market and we receive 1% of the money spent. It’s easy and every bit helps the Center. JOB BANK—WED. 9AM TO NOON Attention all JOB SEEKERS seeking work and EMPLOYERS who are willing to offer work as an individual or business in the Ballard community. The Ballard NW Senior Center’s “JOB BANK” may be the EXACT PLACE to help you find that successful matching connection. To sign-up contact the Volunteer Job Bank Organizer at (206) 297-0403. BOARD MEETINGS Last Tues. of Month 5:00PM, Board Room Center participants and members are welcome to sit in on meetings. However, you cannot participate in the meetings, only observe. Please let us know ahead of time if you plan on attending so we can make necessary arrangements for seating. Future dates are: Oct 30 / Nov 27 / No Meeting for December. 2013 $pring 4 $eniors Auction 2013 is the Centers 40th Anniversary so our plans are for a very special $pring 4 $eniors Auction on Sunday, March 24th. It is time to start thinking about donations, what you, your family, business contacts can contribute. Many businesses plan 3 to 6 months ahead so it is time to start planning. Want to serve on the committee to plan the big event, talk to staff. Thanks. WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG October Calendar of Events, Classes, Etc. Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Friday 2 3 12:30 Pres: Vegan Cuisine 4 5 Billiard / Computer/ Craft Rooms Open 8:30 Pinochle 9:30 Cribbage 9:30 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Art Class 10-1:30 Health Clinic 11:00 Zumba 1:00 Photography Group 2:00 Piano Lessons 7—9pm Market St Singers Billiard / Computer / Craft Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 8:30 Pinochle 9-12 Job Bank Help 10:00 Knitters Group 10:30 Knit/Crochet Class 12:30 Chair Massage 12:30 Red Hat Meeting 12:30 Chess Club Group 5:00 Dinner 6:00 Movie / 6:30 Bingo Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker All Day- Foot Care 9:00 Garden Group 9:30 Gentle Yoga 11:00 Laughter Yoga 12:30 Book Club 12:30 Pres: Vegan Cuisine 1:00 Hollywood Movies 1:00 Computer Class Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open / Dental Bastyr Clinic 9-12 Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 9:30 Spanish I 10:30 Spanish II 11:30 Language ESL 12:30 Bible Study 1:00 Card Games Group 1:30 Writing Group 8 12:30 Pres: Long Term Care 9 10 Rummage Set Up 11 Rummage Sale 12 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 7:45 King Tut Trip 10:00 Legal Advise 10:00 Quilters Group 12:30 Bridge Game Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 10:00 Quilters Group 10:30 Low Vision Group field trip 12:30 Bridge Game 12:30 Caregiver Group Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open 8:30 Pinochle 9:30 Cribbage 9:30 Gentle Yoga 1 0:00 Art Class 10-12 Flu Clinic 10:30 Current Events 11:00 Zumba 12:00 Financial Asst. 1:00 Photography Group 2:00 Piano Lessons 7—9pm Market St Singers Billiard / Computer / Craft Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 8:30 Pinochle 9-12 Job Bank Help 10:00 Knitters Group 10:30 Knit/Crochet Class 12:30 Chair Massage 12:30 Chess Club Group 5:00 Dinner (by Kiwanis) 6:00 Movie / 6:30 Bingo 16 17 Birthday Lunch 18 19 Billiard /Computer /Craft Rooms Open 8:30 Pinochle 9:30 Cribbage 9:30 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Art Class 10-1:30 Health Clinic 11:00 Zumba 1:00 Photography Group 1:00 Word Puzzle Group 2:00 Piano Lessons Billiard / Computer / Craft Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 8:30 Pinochle 9:00 Sr. Rights Asst 9-12 Job Bank Help 10:00 Knitters Group 10:30 Knit/Crochet Class 12:30 Chair Massage 12:30 Chess Club Group 5:00 Dinner 6:00 Movie / 6:30 Bingo Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker All Day- Foot Care 9:00 Garden Group 9:30 Gentle Yoga 10:30 Book Movers Group 11:00 Laughter Yoga 1:00 Hollywood Movies 1:00 Computer Class Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open Bastyr Clinic 9-12 Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 9:30 Spanish I 10:30 Spanish II 11:30 Language ESL 12:30 Bible Study 1:00 Card Games Group 1:30 Writing Group 24 25 26 15 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 10:00 Quilters Group 10:30 Big Wheel Trip 12:30 Bridge Game 4:30 Dine Out: Black Angus Billiard / Computer / Craft All Day- Social Worker All Day- Foot Care 9:00 Garden Group 9:30 Gentle Yoga 11:00 Laughter Yoga 1:00 Hollywood Movies 1:00 Computer Class Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open Bastyr Clinic 9-12 Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 9:30 Spanish I 10:30 Spanish II 11:30 Language ESL 12:30 Bible Study 1:00 Card Games Group 1:30 Writing Group 7—9pm Market St Singers 12:30 Pres: Companion 22 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 10:00 Quilters Group 12:30 Bridge Game 12:30 Companion Program 12:30 Caregiver Group 29 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 10:00 Quilters Group 12:30 Bridge Game TIDINGS 15 23 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open 8:30 Pinochle 7:45 Emerald Queen Billiard / Computer / Craft Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 8:30 Pinochle Casino 9-12 Job Bank Help 9:30 Gentle Yoga 9:00 AARP Driving Class 9:30 Cribbage 10:00 Knitters Group 10:00 Art Class 10:30 Knit/Crochet Class 10:30 Current Events 12:30 Chair Massage 11:00 Zumba 12:30 Chess Club Group 1:00 Photography Group 5:00 Dinner 2:00 Piano Lessons 6:00 Movie / 6:30 Bingo 7—9pm Market St Singers 30 Halloween Party 31 Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open 8:30 Pinochle 9:30 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Cribbage 10:00 Art Class 11:00 Zumba 1:00 Photography Group 2:00 Piano Lessons 7—9pm Market St Singers Billiard / Computer / Craft Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 8:30 Pinochle 9-12 Job Bank Help 10:00 Knitters Group 10:30 Knit/Crochet Class 12:30 Chair Massage 12:30 Chess Club Group 12:30 Halloween Party 5:00 Dinner 6:00 Movie / 6:30 Bingo Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open All Day- Social Worker All Day- Foot Care 9:00 AARP Driving Class 9:00 Garden Group 9:30 Gentle Yoga 11:00 Laughter Yoga 1:00 Hollywood Movies Billiard / Computer / Craft Rooms Open Bastyr Clinic 9-12 Enhance Fitness 8:45 / 10:45 / 3:30 9:30 Spanish I 10:30 Spanish II 11:30 Language ESL 12:30 Bible Study 1:00 Card Games Group 1:30 Writing Group Halloween Party October 31 at 12:30pm Wear your best Costume! WWW.BALLARDSENIORCENTER.ORG 5429 32nd Ave. NW Seattle WA 98107 Return Service Requested To: TIDINGS Ballard NW Senior Center SENIOR SERVICES, PROMOTING THE WELL-BEING OF OLDER ADULTS 5429 32nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107 Phone: 206-297-0403 Center NEEDS Individuals who will contact companies about sponsoring our events. Individuals willing to put up flyers around the community. Individuals willing to contact stores, restaurants, etc. about providing donations for Center parties and fundraising events. Individuals or a company willing to donate a few hours each month to help with basic maintenance needs. There are many needs that the Center is not able to cover without volunteers and donations. Please Help Oct / Nov / Dec 2012 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 8:30am—4:30pm Wednesday 8:30am—9:30pm FUN & INTERESTING Fall ACTIVITIES CENTER TRIPS: SEE PAGE 9 FOR LISTINGS WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS/BINGO/ MOVIES: Dinner starts at 5pm. $7 per person. Movies start at 6pm. Bingo starts at 6:30pm.