Annual Local 228


Annual Local 228
Official Publication of UAW Local 228 – Sterling Plant
Ford Sterling and Van Dyke
Retirees, Employees, Spouses
27th Annual Picnic Reunion
Officers’ Reports
Wednesday is Red Shirt Day
Acting Chairman’s Report
Dave Dooley Fundraiser
Retiree Meeting Dates
ESSP/ETAP and Benefit News
Lorenzo Robinson.....ELECTED Unopposed
Walt Harbus.................ELECTED Unopposed
Paul Torrente...............ELECTED Unopposed
8 Julie Terenzi..................... 625 ELECTED
9 Matt Peterson...................... 377
10 Lois Leonard....................... 422
11 LaNeice Evans................ 563 ELECTED
12 Julie Zuzga...................... 491 ELECTED
13 Jeff Dooley....................... 632 ELECTED
Diane Virelli..................ELECTED Unopposed
1 Al Doss.............................. 548 ELECTED
2 Lisa Mayberry...................... 507
3 Michael Orlando............. 524 ELECTED
4 Tedd Dionne.................... 528 ELECTED
5 Tony Grillo........................... 497
6 Nalesha" Nay-Nay" Carter.... 430
7 Jermain Gardner............ 503 ELECTED
Mike Snead..................ELECTED Unopposed
Kenn Gafa....................ELECTED Unopposed
Sam Vultaggio............ELECTED Unopposed
Larry Brdak..................ELECTED Unopposed
14 Dan Martinovski.................. 114
15 Ken Sultes........................... 254
16 Gasper Pipitone............. 500 ELECTED
See election results for all Units on Page 2.
Election Committee: Joe Bartolotta, Chairman, Mike McConnell, Phil Vasile, Ken Weredick
Annual Local 228
See complete notice on page 15 of this issue.
Unit #1
Al Strussione................ ELECTED Unopposed
Paul Servitto................. ELECTED Unopposed
Angelo Lupo................. ELECTED Unopposed
Phil Lacommare........... ELECTED Unopposed
Rick Wilson................... ELECTED Unopposed
17 Matt "Bubba" McCauley........ 75 ELECTED
18 Mike O'Toole.......................... 60
25 Craig R. Sims........................ 43
26 Charles Harris..................... 121 ELECTED
19 John Lia................................. 74 ELECTED
20 Derek Laws........................... 43
Dion Emelian................ ELECTED Unopposed
Gordon McCardy......... ELECTED Unopposed
21 Randy Williams..................... 61 ELECTED
22 Gary Ludwig.......................... 53
23 Anthony Lupo........................ 66 ELECTED
24 Donovan M. Jahn.................. 45
27 Jim Skinner........................... 16
28 Steve Walgenbach................ 83 ELECTED
29 Todd Harris.............................. 8
30 Gary Reich............................ 39
31 Bill Bradley............................ 54 ELECTED
Ray "Zeke" Ziolkowski.... ELECTED Unopposed
32 Josh White............................ 17
33 Kevin Hatzenbuhler............... 55
34 Margo Deleon....................... 56 ELECTED
Royal Oak Ford Unit #3
CHAIRMAN UNIT #3 - Royal Oak Ford
Brian Carlsen................... ELECTED Unopposed
To all Ford Sterling and Van Dyke
Retirees, Employees, and Spouses
You are invited to the
27th Annual
Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 12:00 noon
Harrison City Park in Harrison, Michigan
Pack your PICNIC BASKET with a
dish to pass, your placesetting,
and a beverage. Also, ladies are
invited to bring along a
White Elephant for a game.
For Further Details, Call:
Bob Lisiecki (989) 422-5578
Dennis Barrett (586) 256-9548
Warren Dolbeer................... ELECTED Unopposed
Accurig - Unit #4
Rick Bunting
Devon Facilities Management
(DFM) Unit #5
Adam Ross.......................... ELECTED Unopposed
Curtis Mann......................... ELECTED Unopposed
Union Sorters of America
Unit #6
Sterling-Van Dyke Credit
Union Unit #7
Donis Prebee...................... ELECTED Unopposed
Elizabeth King..................... ELECTED Unopposed
sUMMER 2013
jeff terry
Greetings Local 228 Family,
First I’d like to thank you, the members of Local 228,
for the continued show of faith and trust you’ve placed in
me. I will forever work to never violate that trust. When
I ran for the office of Vice-President, I never thought I
would move to the office of President as (fast as) I did. It
has truly been a learning experience!
To be elected (by acclamation) to highest office in our
local union body is a tremendous honor and privilege.
There are no greater rewards or accolades than the
approval of those we serve. Leadership is not an easy
thing. We make tough decisions that affect the lives of
many of our members, and their families. But with an
active, involved membership those decisions become
easier. I have truly cherished the past three years and
I fully embrace (and vow to work just as hard) the next
I’d like to congratulate all those who were elected
in our most recent election. You’ve been given a
tremendous gift and at the same time charged with
In honor of their son, Tanner, the Zuzga Family were named the UAW
great responsibility! This membership has chosen you to
Ambassador Family for the March of Dimes. Together, the UAW and Ford
represent them and you should always be mindful in your
Motor Company raised over $8,000 for the March of Dimes.
decisions that we work for them. For those of you who
were not successful in your bid for office, please stay engaged.
The 50th Anniversary of the Detroit “March To Freedom” is June 23,
Official Publication of UAW Local 228 – Sterling Plant
2013. There will be a re-enactment of the march on Saturday, June 22, 2013
starting at 9:00 a.m. Jimmy Settles, Vice-President of the UAW/Ford Dept.
is the 2013 Freedom Walk Chairman. Local 228 will be participating in the
commemorating of the historic march of “1963.” We will be gathering at
Woodward and Forest to march down to Hart Plaza, where there will be a
rally and other festivities. Let’s make sure we have a great showing. Please
bring your families and friends on down and march with us! For more info
President...................................................... Lorenzo Robinson
on the march, go to
Vice-President....................................................... Paul Torrente
As we enter our summer months and begin our vacations please be
Recording Secretary............................................... Diane Virelli
mindful of your surroundings. Though it’s a time to let go and relax, we still
Financial Secretary.............................................. Lisa Mayberry
need to be careful not to be so relaxed that we’re not being safe. Look out
Trustees.....Al Doss (Chairman), Angelo Sacino, Freddie Haynes III
for each other and have a wonderful summer.
Sergeant-at-Arms.................................................... Mike Snead
In closing, have a safe summer and see you in the fall.
Guide................................................................................... TBD
In Solidarity, Lorenzo Robinson
Tony Grillo, Julie Terenzi, Jermain Gardner,
LaNiece Evans, Len Guminski (Retiree)
Local 228 wishes to offer deepest regrets for some
misinformation in the last ‘In Memoriam’ notice.
Brother Floyd Perry was misidentified
as Bob Perry.
It was reported that retired brother
Daniel Pilarski had passed away. It
was Daniel’s wife who passed away.
We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion
these errors may have caused.
Acting Plant Chairperson................................... Sam Vultaggio
Plant Committee........................................................ Kenn Gafa
Alternate Plant Committee............................. Gaspare Pipitone
Chairperson Unit #3............................................ Brian Carlsen
Chairperson Unit #5...............................................Curtis Mann
Editor............................................................ Lorenzo Robinson
Co-Editor & Photographer...................................... Diane Virelli
POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to UAW Circulation Department,
8000 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI 48214. Published quarterly by
UAW Local 228, 39209 Mound Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48310
in the interest of the membership. Periodicals Postage Paid at the
Post Office in Sterling Heights, Michigan 48311
Officers, Board Members & District Committeeperson
Term of Office: June 2010- June 2013 Phones: (586) 264-5100 & 264-5106
USPS #548-400
Dear Brothers and Sisters
of Local 228,
I would first like to start by
welcoming the 29 employees from
Shelton Road Plant, and the 9
employees from the Romeo Engine
Plant. The leadership at Sterling is
glad you are here and look forward
to the opportunity to get to know
you soon.
As I write this report, we are pre-
paring for the 34th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing, which will be held
at Pine Valley Golf Club in Ray,
Michigan on June 15, 2013. The golf
outing is a very important event.
In 2013 we were able to give 10
children of members in the plant, a
$500 hundred scholarship for them
to use for tuition, or books. I would
like to thank all of our participants,
sponsors, and volunteers who truly
make this event possible.
The Officers are also preparing
for this year’s Leadership Training,
which will be from June 17th through
June 21st, at the Walter and May
Reuther Education Center. Although
the employee list that will be
attending is finalized, inquire with an
Officer for availability for next year.
Our Picnic this year will be on
August 24th at the St. Lawrence
Knights of Columbus on 21
Mile (between Van Dyke and
Scheonherr). The picnic is a funfilled event and will have plenty of
activities for all age groups, and a
great way to get to know one another
I would like to take this
opportunity to congratulate all the
Every Wednesday is wear red for SOLIDARITY. Here is Local 228 showing support.
individuals who were elected on
June 4, 2013. I look forward to
working with all of you serving the
membership, and the community.
I would also like to thank
the membership (all elected,
appointed, and retirees) for giving
me the opportunity to be your Vice
President for 3 more years. I cannot
explain the boost of confidence you
have instilled in me. I look forward
to the challenges the next 3 years
will bring, and know that working
together we can make our little
corner of the world a better place.
In closing, shutdown is around
the corner, and I just want to wish
everyone a great vacation. Enjoy it
with your families, and please be
safe. Enjoy your summer!
sUMMER 2013
recording Secretary’s
by Diane Virelli
Greetings Local 228,
I would like to take this opportunity
to offer my profound and sincerest
thank you to the membership, both
active and retired, of Local 228. I am
honored to have served as your Recording Secretary for two 3-year terms
and am truly humbled to be allowed
to serve for another 3-year term.
My experience as Recording Sec-
MARCH 19, 2013
Call to Order:
President Lorenzo Robinson called the meeting to order
at 3:04.
Moment of Prayer: There was a moment of silent prayer.
•Received a communication from “My Sister’s Keeper”
asking Local 228 to donate $500.00 towards youth
empowerment activities. Julie Terenzi made a motion to
receive and file. The motion was supported and passed.
•Received a request from “Forgotten Harvest” asking for
a donation. A motion was made by Al Doss to receive
and file. The motion received support and passed.
•Received a communication from UAW Region 1 Veterans
Council asking Local 228 to support the John L.
Jourdan Veterans achievement Award Luncheon. This
was accompanied by a request from UAW Local 228’s
Veterans Committee Chairman, Nick Dinatale, asking
Local 228 to purchase a table. A motion was made by
Tony Grillo to purchase a table for $550. The motion was
supported and passed.
•Received a communication from IUAW asking our support
of the 58th Annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner of the
Detroit Branch of the NAACP. A motion was made by Tony
Grillo to receive and file. The motion was supported and
•Received a communication from Region 1 asking our
support of the “30 Years of Caring,” (formerly the
McYokich St. Patrick’s Day Party). President Robinson
stated that a request was put in through the nickel fund
to purchase a table. Diane Virelli made a motion to also
purchase a Gold sponsor for $250. The motion was
supported and passed.
•The Executive Board was polled a total of 3 times to
purchase “Kiss Me, I’m Union” shirts for a total price of
$1,557.50. The Board approved each time.
•Received a request from the Chair of the Community
Service Committee, Saunja Jenkins, requesting $735.00
for the Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser, t-shirts. A motion
was made to pay for the t-shirts for $735.00 and passed.
•Received a “thank you” from Joni and the N.O.A.H. family,
for our donation.
•Received a “thank you” from Sister Lutrina Johnson.
President’s Report:
President Lorenzo Robinson thanked the Executive Board
for standing with the Region and supporting the Community
Caring event while it goes through the changes that have
taken place over the past couple of years.
Lorenzo reported that he just returned from National
Ford Council and Sub-Council meeting in Florida and that
he is proud to announce the Angelo Lupo has been elected,
president of Sub-Council 5. John Lia also remains on Sub
President Robinson reported that the officers have been
through appeals training from the International Union.
retary has been one of many opportunities, is at times very challenging,
and is always extremely rewarding.
I do not take this re-election lightly
and will continue to work tirelessly
for the Membership in all of my capacities. I will continue to make sure
the Membership is well informed, up
to speed, and has all of the relevant
information available at all times.
Lorenzo stated that this was an excellent class led by
Eunice Stokes.
President Robinson ended his report by reading the
close out report that the International Treasury department
prepared. It is mandatory that the report be read.
Bargaining Committee Reports:
Bargaining Unit 1: Acting Chairman, Sam Vultaggio
reported that the plant population is at approximately 1,745.
Sam reported that the Bargaining Committee has been busy
hearing 2nd and 2½ stage grievances. Sam reported that
they are focused on hearing as many as they can and to
get them cleared out.
Sam stated that there is a lot of construction going on in
the plant right now and that is because of the new Mustang
line, the new F-150 line and the new RDU line. All good things!
Sam reported that Jim Tetreau made a visit to the Sterling
Plant on March 1st and was very pleased. Mr. Tetreau
stated that if Sterling keeps doing what they’re doing, he
will be bringing even more work to the Sterling Plant model.
Afternoons will be getting trained next.
Sam ended his report by announcing that production
for the F-150 and the F-250 are going up and that is good
news for all of us.
Bargaining Unit 3: Chairman Brian Carlson reported that
there are 35 members at Royal Oak Ford. Brian reported that
he is proud to announce, that in just 2 meetings we reached
a 4-year agreement.
Bargaining Unit 5: Chairman Curtis Mann reported that
the population is 24 members. Curtis reported that DFM
and UAW recently ratified their contract, which is a 4-year
agreement also.
Retirees Report:
Chairman Lenny Guminski reported that the spring
retiree luncheon will be held tomorrow, Wednesday the
20th of March. Len reported that everything is good with
the retirees at this time.
Vice President's Report:
Vice President Paul Torrente reported that the Scholarship
Golf Outing will be held at Pine Valley this year, which allows
for 72 more golfers. Paul reported that the Local 228 golf
league will be starting on the 22nd of April and will be a
Sunnybrook. Paul stated that if you or someone you know
is interested in joining, please contact him.
Paul announced the date for the Local 228 picnic has
been set for August 24th.
Vice President Torrente announced that the date for the
picnic has been set for August 24th, which is the week after
the dream cruise.
Paul reported that the Unit’s that he services, the Credit
Union and Union Sorters are doing well.
Vice President Torrente reported that we have sold 210
“Kiss Me, I’m Union” shirts.
Paul reported that he has posted the vending machine
per board request on Craig’s List for $900. Paul stated that
we have not received any inquiries, so he asked to lower
the asking price to $850.
Paul stated that there are Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser
tickets available here at the Local and that they are already
half sold out, so do not wait to purchase yours.
Paul ended his report by stating that the March of Dimes
will be hosting walks on April 27th at Hines Park and on April
28th at Metro Beach. More details will be made available as
we get closer to the date.
Recording Secretary Report:
Recording Secretary Diane Virelli reported that the
leadership was recently invited to Region 1 for training on
right to work and how it will affect us and what we can
I would also like to congratulate all
of those who ran in this past election,
whether they won or lost. Every 3
years, every one of these positions become available to anyone who is willing to put in the work and feels they
have something to offer this membership. I have a plaque in my office
that reads, “When we receive a post by
virtue of being elected, it doesn’t really
belong to us. We have no guarantee it
will last. The only thing we know for
sure is that, for as long as we have it, we
are responsible for using it wisely.”
I look forward with working with
all of the newly elected as well as
the past leaders of Local 228.
Please know that I am available
to you at Local 228 Monday through
Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. On
Fridays you can find me in Department 43 in the plant. Please do not
hesitate to contact me, whether in person or via phone, with any questions,
comments or concerns you may have.
Again, thank you Local 228 for this
honor. I remain humbly at your service.
I look forward to seeing you at
our upcoming events. Enjoy your
summer and stay safe!
In Solidarity, Diane Virelli
do about it. The training was very helpful and informative.
Diane reported that the scholarship packets are here at
the local and are now available to pick up. The information
has been posted on Facebook.
Recording Secretary Virelli ended her report by announcing
Royal Oak Ford’s 4-year contract. Diane stated that typically
bargaining agreements are for 3-year maximum. The way
many of us are getting around right to work laws is to get the
new contracts signed before the March 28th deadline and to
have extended life on them. One teachers union in Michigan
actually signed a 10-year agreement!
APRIL 16, 2013
Financial Secretary Report:
Lisa Mayberry that the auditor from IUAW gave us a
lot of compliments and a few suggestions. Lisa reported
that she was recently in election training, along with the
Local 228 Election Committee. Lisa stated that we will be
doing a few things a little differently.
Lisa reported the OPEIU contract is just about finished,
with only a few small items left to iron out.
Financial Secretary Lisa Mayberry reported that we got
a price on the hot water tank that we need to get it fixed
soon. Lisa stated that we also have a pipefitter from the
plant that is willing to volunteer his labor.
Lisa ended her report by stating that the Women’s
Committee and the Community Service Committee are
taking donations for the basket of cheer, to be raffled at
the D.D. bowling fundraiser.
Lisa added that March is Women’s History Month, so
there will be a celebration.
A motion was made by Tony Grillo to accept all officers'
reports. The motion was supported and passed.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Trustee Freddie Haynes III stated that he wanted it
on record that we received and filed the support of the
NAACP event while we wait to hear what chapter Region
1 is asking our support.
Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Snead suggested that we
make sure we notify the membership that we still have
legal services until January 1, 2014.
Financial Secretary Lisa Mayberry reported that
herself, along with the Trustees and the President and
with the approval of the Executive Board, have decided to
increase our bi-monthly mortgage payment up to $4,000 to
pay down the balance faster. Also to reinvest the $100,000
CD that had matured, and then to revisit this again in one
year when the CD matures.
Trustee Freddie Haynes II congratulated Diane Virelli
and Brian Carlsen for a job well done. Freddie stated that
having worked in a dealership, he is well aware of how
difficult it can be.
Motion to Adjourn:
Tony Grillo made a motion to adjourn. The motion
received support and passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 4:08.
Respectfully submitted for your approval,
Diane Virelli, Recording Secretary
Lorenzo Robinson... Present
Paul Torrente........... Present
Diane Virelli............. Present
Lisa Mayberry......... Present
Al Doss................... Present
Angelo Sacino........Excused
Freddie Haynes III.... Present
Mike Snead............. Present
Lenny Guminski...... Present
Brian Carlsen...........Present
Sam Vultaggio.........Present
Kenn Gafa...............Present
Tony Grillo...............Present
Jermain Gardner......Present
Julie Terenzi.............Present
Laneice Evans.........Present
Curtis Mann............Present
General Membership Minutes on pages 10-11.
Call to Order:
President Lorenzo Robinson called the meeting to
order at 12:00.
Moment of Prayer: There was a moment of silent
prayer with special mention to all of those affected by
the Boston Marathon Bombing; also, to the Wilber Baber
Minutes: All minutes were approved at March General
Membership Meeting.
•Received a communication from the Care House asking
our support of their annual fundraiser. A motion was
made by Tony Grillo to receive and file. The motion was
supported and passed.
•Received a request from the UAW Region 1 Chaplaincy
Council inviting us to join in their annual prayer
breakfast. A motion was made by Tony Grillo to buy
a ticket for any of Local 228’s Chaplaincy Committee
members who would like to attend. The motion was
supported and passed.
•Received a communication from Henry Ford II High
School and Stevenson High School asking our support
of their fundraising efforts for the “Military Families
United.” A motion was made by Al Doss to receive and
file. The motion was supported and passed.
•Received a communication from Mott High School
senior Aaron Rickabaugh who asked our support of his
school’s care package drive for the servicemen who are
serving in Afghanistan. A motion was made to receive
and file. The motion was supported and passed.
•Received a communication from member Patrick
Wagner asking our support of his fundraising efforts for
the “Make A Wish Foundation.” A motion was made to
receive and file. The motion was supported and passed.
•Received a Thank You from Region 1 Director, thanking
Local 228 for our participation in the “30 Years of
Caring” fundraiser.
•Received a request to reimburse Saunja Jenkins for
out-of-pocket expenses for the Dave Dooley Bowling
Fundraiser. Kenn Gafa made a motion to reimburse
Saunja for any expenses with a receipt. The motion
was supported and passed.
•The Executive Board was polled to allow the purchase
of “Solidarity “shirts. The board approved $780.00 to
get shirts made.
•The Executive Board was polled to allow the purchase of
“Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser” shirts for $779.00.
The Board approved.
•The Executive Board was polled to allow the purchase
of 2,000 “proud to pay my dues” buttons for $700.00.
The board approved.
Presidents Report:
President Lorenzo Robinson announced that he was
proud to report that the Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser
raised over $17,000.00. Lorenzo stated that after all
expenses were paid, we will be donating $10,000.00 to
the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers of Michigan. Lorenzo
reported that this is the most this local has ever donated
to one organization. Lorenzo commended Saunja on a
job well done and stated that this could not have been
done without the help of the numerous volunteers and
See E-BOARD MINUTES on Page 13
financial Secretary’s
by Lisa Mayberry
Greetings Local 228!
Summer is upon us, and just like
the seasons…change in one form or
another…comes to all of us.
It has been my honor and
deepest pleasure to serve you as
Financial Secretary. I’ve learned
a lot and gained so much from
the experiences representing and
serving you, the membership. This
election cycle is in no way an ending
for me but a continuation. I always
stand ready to serve you in any
capacity and at every opportunity.
With deep gratitude I thank each
of you for your support, service and
participation over the years. The
time spent with you, whether it was
negotiating or organizing…in a
seminar or in service to others…at a
party or a protest…have all created
for me lessons and memories that I
will cherish and take on every future
journey. The relationships that we
have been able to build and the
progress that we have been able to
make have laid a great foundation
for the work ahead of us.
The greatest benefit has been the
ability to see “true unionism” at
work – up close and personal! There
is great reward in the effort to better
the circumstances of others! And
the beautiful part is that the reward
Submitted for your Approval by Lisa Mayberry, Financial Secretary
febrUARY 2013
Balance as of January, 2013....... $388,771.13
Regular Dues................................$95,814.86
Initiation Fees.......................................160.00
Retiree Dues International..................1,403.15
Hall Rentals..........................................500.00
Hall Deposits.....................................1,500.00
Proceeds Retiree Chapter 50/50...........396.00
Proceeds General Membership
Meeting 50/50.................................644.00
Reimbursement Parking Lot Salting...........................675.00
Transfer CD #101 to
Checking Account.....................103,352.29
Less CD Transfer....................... (103,352.29)
Interest on CD #101 @ SVDCU.............61.55
Checking Account Interest........................1.99
Lost Time..............................................49.98
Retiree Chapter Expense.......................200.00
Travel, Per Diem...................................207.00
Payroll Taxes Forwarded....................6,024.60
SWT (Paid)..........................................861.07
Per Capita Tax International..............51,961.82
Building Maintenance........................5,066.55
Office Supplies and Expense.................195.47
Cable Access Fee...................................17.99
Internet Access Fee................................45.00
Mortgage Payment............................6,622.00
Pension Fund....................................1,023.75
Union Dues Forwarded...........................90.00
Retiree Fund.........................................396.39
Black History Month Celebration...........500.00
Refreshments - Veterans Committee.....125.00
Xerox Lease/Usage Fees.......................185.31
Winner of General Membership
Meeting 50/50 Raffle........................139.00
Donation - Women's Committee...........259.09
Bank Charges - Deposit Slips.................32.00
Seed Monies - Dave Dooley
Charity Bowl.................................1,200.00
Void Prior Year Checks...................... (817.32)
Union Dues (Deducted)....................... (90.00)
FFOC (Deducted)............................ (1,348.90)
Withholding Tax (Deducted)............ (2,455.00)
Social Security (Deducted)............. (1,773.18)
SWT (Deducted)............................... (726.53)
General Fund...............................$332,258.06
Education Fund................................ 2,064.36
Recreation Fund................................5,274.31
Retired Members Fund................... 34,398.74
UAW Local 228 Scholarship Fund.... 15,664.31
New Member Orientation Fund...........2,070.02
Veterans Committee Fund
(Established 10/2011)...................1,155.97
Women’s Committee Fund................1,464.38
Bank Balance................... $271,735.03 Credit Union CD #100....... 111,368.14 11/02/14
Credit Union CD #101........................ - Redeemed
Credit Union CD Short-Term... 11,236.93 07/22/13
Credit Union Savings................... 10.05 $394,350.15
and the experiences are there for
everyone, for all of us to partake in,
regardless of title or position.
So allow me to take a moment to
encourage our entire membership
to get informed and get involved.
There is no time like the present! As
a union, we stand at a crossroads.
Politically, there are enemies all
about us. The community at large
has a skewed perception of us and
internally we struggle to educate
and prepare a new and growing
population for activism and
leadership. This is “the” opportune
time to make a difference in our
union and to help shape its course
and our future. The outcome is
too important for any of us to be
apathetic and sit on the sidelines.
I look forward to continued service and participation with you and
the continued work that we have
ahead of us! Wishing you the best
for a safe and enjoyable summer!
In Solidarity, Lisa Mayberry
MARCH 2013
Balance as of February, 2013....$394,350.15
Regular Dues................................$92,322.85
Profit Sharing Dues..............................217.21
Sub Dues..............................................85.77
Retiree Dues International..................1,394.75
Initiation Fees.........................................40.00
General Membership Meeting
50/50 Raffle - Recreation Fund.........268.00
Hall Rentals.......................................1,175.00
Hall Deposits.....................................1,800.00
Sale of T-Shirts - Recreation Fund.....1,940.00
Proceeds Dave Dooley
Bowling Fundraiser........................3,390.00
Refund Overpayment
on Form 940....................................903.96
Reimburse Repair/Maintenance
Interest on Certificate #100 @
Credit Union.....................................370.72
Interest on Short-Term Certificate
@ Credit Union..................................14.15
Checking Account Interest........................1.99
Lost Time.........................................5,186.38
Profit Sharing Paid...........................18,886.42
Retiree Chapter Expense.......................200.00
Travel, Per Diem, Hotel, Airfare..........2,523.80
Payroll Taxes Forwarded..................11,900.14
SWT (Paid)..........................................726.53
Union Dues Forwarded.........................307.21
Per Capita Tax International..............50,520.24
Building Maintenance........................8,156.16
Office Supplies and Expense...................77.77
Mortgage Payment............................6,622.00
Retiree Fund......................................5,460.00
Pension Fund.......................................885.00
Winner of General Membership
Meeting 50/50 Raffle........................130.00
T-Shirts for Dave Dooley
Bowling Fundraiser...........................735.00
T-Shirts "Kiss Me I'm Union"
Recreation Fund............................1,557.50
Technical Support................................960.31
Dues Refund........................................205.89
Scholarship Fund - Supplies for
Scholarship Packets.........................218.05
FFOC (Deducted)............................ (1,348.90)
Union Dues (Deducted)..................... (307.21)
Withholding Tax (Deducted)............ (3,167.00)
Social Security (Deducted)............. (3,626.95)
SWT (Deducted)............................ (1,162.28)
General Fund...............................$304,064.83
Education Fund.................................2,098.72
Recreation Fund................................5,811.99
Retired Members Fund....................30,118.17
UAW, Local 228
Scholarship Fund........................15,446.26
New Member Orientation Fund...........2,075.02
Veterans Committee Fund
(Established 10/2011)...................1,155.97
Women’s Committee Fund................1,464.38
Bank Balance................... $239,235.35 Cash on Hand.......................................
Credit Union CD #100....... 111,738.86 11/02/14
Credit Union CD Short-Term. 11,251.08 07/22/13
Credit Union Savings................... 10.05 $362,235.34
sUMMER 2013
ACTING plant chairMAN’s
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On June 4, 2013 we had elections
for all offices and found who will be
our representatives for the next 3
years. I want to congratulate those
who won their elections and I know
they will serve this membership the
right way. I also want to point out
that 16 positions ran unopposed.
This is the first time in Local 228
history that this many members
ran unopposed and shows the hard
work and dedication of the men and
women who serve in those positions.
Recently we welcomed 38 new
members to our family. I am happy
to say we had the opportunity to add
new employees from the Romeo
Engine Plant and Sheldon Road
Plant. I hope they enjoy being here
as much as we enjoy having them.
I expect all of our members
received their Inflation Bonus Lump
Sum Payment by now. I know how
bonuses come in handy here and
there in life and hope that everyone
found it helpful because bonuses
like that is what we fight for.
If you don’t know already,
shutdown is the first week of July.
I hope everyone enjoys their time
off and gets a lot of rest because
starting in August the production
volume for the F-Series is
skyrocketing. We at Local 228 rely
heavily on the F-Series and are very
exited to be able to take on such a
Finally, I want to thank our Local
President Lorenzo Robinson for
allowing me the opportunity to
serve as our acting Chairman for the
past 4 months. I have experienced
a lot on the job and there is not a
doubt in my mind I will be ready to
take on the role of chairman when
the time is right.
Thank you and have a safe and
enjoyable shutdown.
As always, in Solidarity,
Sam Vultaggio
UAW Local 228
2013 Scholarship Winners
•Alex Susalla – Son of Dennis Susalla
•Tori Guido – Daughter of Dino Guido
•Kristen Rostow – Daughter of Deborah Rostow
•Rachel Rebecca – Daughter of Bob Rebecca
•Barbara Tolomello – Daughter of Vincenza Milano
•Nathan Holdsworth – Son of Douglas Holdsworth
•Alyson Williams – Daughter of Gregory Williams
•Dreux Scott – Son of Dan Scott
•Kaitlin Kiewicz – Daughter of Mike Inda
•Diamond Davis – Daughter of Anitra Sanders
We want to thank our Education Committee for their commitment
and diligence in the selection process. Also, thank you to the ERC’s
for administrating this program.
Bill to Speed Up Foreclosure on Fast Track
Legislation to kick people out of their homes more quickly was
introduced in the Michigan Senate on May 22nd, reported from committee
on May 23rd, and could be on the Governor’s desk by the second week of
SB 380-383 would essentially reduce the redemption period in the
mortgage foreclosure process from 6 months to 60 days. Ingham County
Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel, Jr. told the committee that “a majority
of people we have helped in the foreclosure process would have not been
helped if this bill was law. With all the fraud we have proven in Michigan,
we need more protections for home owners. All this bill does is speed up the
process and will make the problem worse,” said Hertel.
Quick passage of the bill is anticipated in the Senate, with a possible
House Financial Services Committee meeting shortly thereafter. A full
House vote could take place as early as the first week of July.
UAW members are encouraged to contact their State Representatives
and Senators and urge them to vote “no” on this attack on people struggling
to keep their homes in these difficult times. To find your State Senator, go
to, fill in your
address and you will get the contact information for your State Senator. Go
to, fill in your address and you will get
the information you need to call or write your Representative.
Submitted for your Approval by Lisa Mayberry, Financial Secretary
APRIL 2013
Balance as of March, 2013......... $362,235.34
Regular Dues................................$92,183.92
Profit Sharing Dues.......................152,055.52
Initiation Fees.........................................40.00
Per Capita Rebate............................17,949.80
Hall Rentals.......................................2,815.00
Hall Deposits.....................................1,500.00
Retiree Dues International..................1,395.10
Retiree's 50/50 Raffle...........................910.00
Scholarship Golf Outing
General Membership Meeting
50/50 Raffle.....................................294.00
Proceeds Dave Dooley
Charity Bowl...............................13,516.00
Retiree Spouse Payment
for Black Lake...............................1,750.00
Sale of Solidarity T-Shirts.....................321.00
Checking Account Interest........................2.83
Lost Time..............................................49.98
Retiree Chapter Expense.......................200.00
Travel, Per Diem, Hotel, Airfare..........1,464.88
Payroll Taxes Forwarded....................5,856.74
SWT (Paid).......................................1,162.28
Michigan Unemployment
Taxes (Paid).....................................808.04
Federal Unemployment Taxes (Paid).....401.33
Union Dues Forwarded...........................90.00
FFOC Forwarded...............................1,691.75
Per Capita Tax International..............48,699.42
Building Maintenance........................4,577.02
Office Supplies and Expense...................41.98
Scholarship Fund Expense.................1,776.10
Pension Fund.......................................941.25
Mortgage Payment............................8,000.00
Board Action to Send 5
Retirees to Black Lake...................1,250.00
Retiree Fund......................................3,764.79
Beacon Expense...............................6,076.43
License & Fees......................................55.00
Dave Dooley Charity Bowl
Internet Access Fee................................90.00
Cable Access Fee...................................35.98
Technical/Support Fee..........................185.31
Service on Computer..............................49.00
Picnic Expense.....................................200.00
Winner of General Membership
Meeting 50/50 Raffle........................147.00
Purchase of Solidarity T-Shirts.............780.00
Purchase "Proud to Pay
Dues" Buttons..................................700.00
Purchase of RDU Jackets.....................160.00
Bank Service Charges............................24.50
Void Checks from Previous Year........ (600.00)
FFOC (Deducted)............................ (1,691.75)
Union Dues (Deducted)....................... (90.00)
Withholding Tax (Deducted)............ (3,035.38)
Social Security (Deducted)............. (2,153.61)
SWT (Deducted)............................... (895.01)
General Fund...............................$471,024.95
Education Fund.................................2,133.46
Recreation Fund................................5,976.36
Retired Members Fund....................30,193.16
UAW, Local 228 Scholarship Fund...31,770.16
New Member Orientation Fund...........2,080.02
Veterans Committee Fund..................1,155.97
Women’s Committee Fund................1,464.38
Bank Balance................... $422,798.47 Cash on Hand..................................... - Credit Union CD #100....... 111,738.86 11/02/14
Credit Union CD Short-Term. 11,251.08 07/22/13
Credit Union Savings................... 10.05 $545,798.46 Submitted for your Approval,
Lisa Mayberry, Financial Secretary
A Local Union with a Heart
UAW Local 598 Retiree
Friday, August 10TH
• 4-Person Teams
• First 36 entries accepted
• 18 holes will be played – carts included
• $140 Entry Fee Per Team
• Winter rules & golf course rules will prevail
• Prizes for top teams
• Shotgun start – 8:00 a.m.
(coffee & donuts 7:00 a.m.)
Fenton Farms Golf Course
12312 Torrey Road • Fenton, MI
Phone: (810) 750-6098
June 2013
4th Annual Local 598 Retiree Golf Scramble
August 10, 2012 • Fenton Farms Golf Couse
Please Print
Payable by Cash or Check made to: UAW Local 598 Retirees
Local 598 Union Hall
G-3293 Van Slyke Rd., Flint, MI 48507
Any questions, contact Don Clark or Thurman Ross
at Union Hall – (810) 238-4605, ext. 18
FEBRuary 26, 2013
Vice President Paul Torrente called the meeting to
order at 11:01.
Beverly Richardson led the membership in prayer.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge was recited
John Bakalis made a motion to approve the January’s
General Membership Meeting Minutes, the February
Executive Board Meeting Minutes as presented and to
amend the agenda, to forgo all reports except for the
Presidents, the Chairmans and the Election Committee,
so that we may proceed with our Black History Month
celebration. The motion received support and passed.
ROLL CALL: Roll Call was taken.
Vice President Paul Torrente thanked the membership
for turning out to vote. Paul reported that the number of
members that voted in a midterm election was phenomenal
and he thanked everyone for their support. Paul also
congratulated all of those who ran.Vice President Torrente
reported that he was standing in for the President while he
was at the National Ford Council meeting in Washington
D.C. At this time, Paul read President Robinson’s report:
Good Morning All,
Sorry I couldn’t be with you today, but I’m in DC
with our Chairman and the rest of our SUB and CAP
council delegates; also our benefits reps. I’d like to
first congratulate Paul, Kenny and LaNiece for their
successful bid to their respective posts. On Thursday of
last week, they were sworn in here at the local. It was
done immediately so we wouldn’t be in violation of the
UAW Constitution. There will be a ceremonial swearing
in at March’s General Membership meeting.
I ask everyone to keep our sisters and brothers who
have lost someone close to them in our prayers.
This is an election year and as stated at January’s
meeting your help will be needed. There are Precinct
Delegate forms here for those desiring to be a delegate.
There are also voter registration forms for you as well.
Both forms should be returned to your City Clerk.
There was a “Romney Was Wrong” rally in downtown
Detroit at the Gem and Century Theater parking garage top
deck. Over 200 people showed up to support this rally.
2012 UAW Black Lake Campground applications are
now available in the front lobby for those planning on
going camping at Black Lake this year.
The region is hosting a bus trip to Alabama on
March 9th to re-enact the 1965 march from Selma
to Montgomery. If you’re interested in going please
call the region no later than February 28th to get your
name on the list. The region will order a bus based on
interest. As of Friday only twelve people signed up in
region 1. There’ll also be buses traveling from region
1A. Call over to 1A to get information for their buses.
Thanks to the Civil and Human Rights Committee and all
its volunteers for putting together another great Black
History Month Celebration and I ask that you welcome
our guest speaker and show her the hospitality that only
Local 228 can.
Lastly, I had an opportunity to visit the BMIU
Conference at UM of Dearborn and was asked to speak
to the assembly. It was a great experience to speak,
with some of our own Local 228 members there to
support me. I encourage more people to visit the
conference next year.
I respectfully submit this report for approval.
In Solidarity, Lorenzo Robinson
Chairman Neil P. Wallyn is at National Ford Council.
Plant Committee Sam Vultaggio started his report by
congratulating all the newly elected and stating that he
looks forward to working with them. Sam reported that
the plant population is 1,666. 1,281 are production and
385 are trades. Sam stated that as of today there are 102
production employees on temporary layoff.
Sam reported that the deadline for buyouts is March
9th. Profit sharing will be paid out the week of March 14th.
Uniform orders should be in by March 19th.Sam reported
that all the proofing has been done on the local agreement
and they should be going to be published by next week.
Sam reported that the smoking huts that the company
agreed to build are just waiting on the funds to be approved.
Sam reported that the company is pressing to put aws in
department 90. Sam stated that they are meeting with the
company and are pushing back on implementing the aws.
Department 91 will be working 6-7 days a week and are in
need of people who want to do some overtime.
Department 19 - Job 1 is scheduled for sometime in June.
Department 72 (flex welder) Job 1 is expected in May.
And lastly, Department 16 will be increasing the line
speed and will need more people.
Committee Reports:
Election Committee:
Mike McConnel read the results of the election held at
Local 228 on the 21st of February and made a motion
for the membership to approve the results as reported.
John Bakalis made a motion to accept all reports. The
motion was supported and passed.
Paul Torrente asked for a person to pull a ticket for the
50/50 raffle. The winning ticket #898615 was pulled and
Rose Martino was the winner of $127.50. Rose was told
she could pick up a check at the Local on Tuesday the 28th.
Mike McConnel made a motion to adjourn; the motion
was supported and passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 11:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for your approval,
Diane Virelli, Recording Secretary
Please use this form to speed up mailing changes for
your copy of THE BEACON. Fill in changes below:
New Address__________________________________________________
City_______________________________ State______ Zip____________
last 4 numbers ONLY Social Security No. XXX-XX-__________
Mail to: LOCAL 228, UAW
down will be. It all has to do with volumes.
MARCH 24, 2013
CALL TO ORDER: President Lorenzo Robinson called the
meeting to order at 11:01.
Keith Meyers led the membership in prayer.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge was recited.
Angelo Lupo made a motion to approve the February
General Membership Meeting Minutes, the March
Executive Board Meeting Minutes as presented and to
approve the agenda. The motion received support and
ROLL CALL: Roll Call was taken.
President Lorenzo Robinson started his report by
welcoming the membership. Lorenzo stated that with this
being Women’s History Month, we will be honoring Women
with a short program so he will try and keep his report brief.
President Robinson announced that he and the delegates
have just returned from Sub-Council. Lorenzo reported that
there is a lot of good information shared and good ideas
passed at this meeting. Lorenzo went on to say that he
has prepared a report for anyone who would like to see
it. Lorenzo stated that Jimmy Settles has stressed his
expectation that the sub-council delegates come back and
pass all the information on to the members in their local.
President Robinson reported that the top four officers
have all taken the appeals training that were offered at the
Region. Lorenzo stated that this was an invaluable class
and he is going to try and bring that training here at Local
228. Lorenzo reported that the officers and the Election
Committee have also taken the election training.
President Robinson reported that he read the close out
report from the International Auditor, at the last Executive
Board meeting as is required by International. Lorenzo
reported that we are doing a great job here at the local.
Lorenzo stated that if anyone would like to see the actual
audit, they could stay after the meeting and read it.
President Robinson reported that we have a couple of
fundraisers. First of course is the Dave Dooley fundraiser.
The proceeds from this event will go to the Fallen and
Wounded Soldiers of Michigan. Tickets have almost sold
out but there are plenty of dinner tickets left. Also there
are still a few t-shirts left to purchase. Also there is a
fundraiser at Rosie O’Grady’s for a young lady named
Kayla who is battling brain cancer. President Robinson
stated that if your Sunday afternoon was free to stop by
Rosie’s and show your support.
To end his report Lorenzo explained to the membership
his commitment to serve in this community and in the
spirit of doing so would like volunteers who are willing to
work in this community. Lorenzo showed the t-shirts that
were purchased for the volunteers to wear so that they
and UAW Local 228 are a visible presence.
Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that the plant
population is approximately 1,712 with 317 being trades
and 1,337 production.
Sam reported that there has been a lot of good news at
Sterling in the month of March. First, we had a visit from
Mr. Tetreau. He was very pleased with the improvements
that we have made here at Sterling. Mr. Tetreau stated
that if we keep going like we are, he will keep bringing
work to Sterling.
As I sure you have all noticed, there is a lot of
construction going on all over the Sterling Plant. This is
also good news because it is all being done for the new
work we have for the F-150 and the Mustang.
Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that the doors
at the South west entrance are fixed and painted and in
working order.
Sam reported that the volumes for the F-150 and the
F-250 are expected to go up. So if you are in that area,
you can expect some overtime. Also the transit that was
put on hold for some design flaw is very close to being
ready, so we will be getting busy with that.
Sam stated that we all received profit sharing and that
is sure nice. Thank you to the UAW!
Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that shut down
has to be announced by the company by April 1st. They
have already committed to shut down for the first week of
July. They do not know yet when the second week of shut
Vice President Paul Torrente started his report by
thanking all of the people who purchased the “Kiss Me I’m
Union” shirts. Paul stated that 210 shirts were sold, that
raised $400.00 towards the cost of the picnic. Paul also
thanked Connie Naples, Chair of the Recreation Committee,
for her work in selling the shirts.
Paul reported that the vending machine has been listed
on Craig’s List, per board action, for $850.00
Vice President Torrente reported that the Dave Dooley
Bowling fundraiser is just about sold out, but we still have
tickets for pizza and pop available.
Paul reported that the March of Dimes Walkathon will be
held on March 27th at Hines Park and March 28th at Metro
Beach. We will post more details as they become available.
Paul thanked all of those who supported, in any way,
the bowling fundraiser that Julie Zuzga held for the March
of Dimes.
To close his report, Paul reminded the membership that
v-cap cards must be filled out every year if we want the
money to stay in Michigan.
Diane Virelli reported that she is proud to announce that
after only 2 meetings, UAW Local 228 and Royal Oak Ford
have reached a 4-year agreement Their previous contract
was set to expire in April and right to work would take
affect for anyone who does not have a contract or who
is working under an extended contract, on March 28th. It
was ratified by 95%. Now we, as a unit, need to get better
at supporting our brothers and sisters at Royal Oak Ford.
Even though it is a little out of our way, they are a part of
Local 228 and deserve our loyalty and support.
Diane stated that if any member or Committee has information they would like to share through Facebook, with the
membership, all they have to do is to come to the Local and
see any one of us Officers. We will gladly put information
that is pertinent to this membership on our page.
Recording Secretary Virelli stated that it was brought
up that many of our members think we no longer have
legal services as a benefit. The fact is, it is still a benefit
up until December 2013. If you have a case that is still
open in December 2013, it will be processed through until
the issue is finished.
Lisa Mayberry reported that DFM, our cleaning company
in Sterling, has also ratified a contract and that she, along
with the Officers, are close to being done negotiating the
contract for OPEIU, who is the bargaining rep for our
bookkeeper and our maintenance man.
Lisa reported that the IUAW audit went very well. In
fact, we were complimented on our diligence on cutting
costs. We were offered a few suggestions to work even
more efficiently.
Financial Secretary Lisa Mayberry reported that the
Finance Committee met and has come up with a plan to
pay off this building a little early.
Lisa ended her report by stating that the financial
statement for February has been presented and she would
take any questions.
Committee Reports:
Community Service and Womens: Saunja Jenkins
reported that the Community Service Committee still has
some pizza and pop tickets available to support a great
cause at the Dave Dooley Bowling Event. Also there are
only a few shirts in limited sizes, so make sure you get
one today. Saunja stated that she is accepting a “bottle”
for the wagon of cheer that will be raffled off. Saunja stated
that she needs volunteers. And of course she thanked the
tradesmen who donated and painted the wagon for the
wagon of cheer.
Education: Kim Webb reported that the scholarship
packages are available at Local 228 for pick up. Also Region
scholarship information packet is available for pick up at
Local 228, or you can find the information on the web site.
Kim reported that the Michigan School for Women
workshop will be taking place soon and is for all workers
to learn about the needs and challenges of all workers.
Kim ended her report that on March 28th, the Day right
to work takes effect, there will be rallies throughout the
state. Just remember to wear red.
Veterans Committee: sold 50/50
Joe Bartolotta made a motion to accept all reports. The
motion was supported and passed.
50/50 was drawn. The winner of $130.00 was Natalie
Flennoy. Congratulations Natalie.
Matt Peterson made a motion to adjourn; the motion
was supported and passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 11:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for your approval,
Diane Virelli, Recording Secretary
sUMMER 2013
APRIL 28, 2013
CALL TO ORDER: President Lorenzo Robinson called the
meeting to order at 11:03.
Nalesha Carter led the membership in prayer. President
Lorenzo Robinson read the names of UAW brothers who
have lost their lives while on the job in 2012, in honor of
Workers Memorial Day. There was a moment of silence.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge was recited.
Tony Grillo made a motion to approve the March General
Membership Meeting Minutes and the April Executive
Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Also, to move the
May General Membership Meeting up one week to May
19th, due to Memorial Day weekend. The motion was
supported and passed.
Recording Secretary Diane Virelli took Roll Call.
President Robinson started his report by reminding
us that we all get complacent and comfortable in our
surroundings in the workplace, but as we are so sadly
reminded many workers lose their lives in plants around
the world. Please work safe so you can return home to
your family at the end of a work day.
Lorenzo reported that today was “Spring Cleanup Day”
here at the local. Lorenzo thanked Paul for spearheading the
project and thanked Diane, John Bakalis, Connie Naples,
and Phil Vasile for showing up and getting it done.
President Robinson reported that our election dates
have been set per Local 228 by-laws. Lorenzo stated that
in previous elections, especially if there was an exemption
made due to a convention, the elections were held earlier.
We then would have the runoff a week after the election. Our
bylaws state that we have a run-off two (2) weeks after an
election. Lorenzo asked if the membership wanted to hold
the run-off one (1) week after the election or two (2) weeks
after the election. A motion was made by Al Doss to hold
the run-off one (1) week after the election, which will be
on June 11th. The motion received support and passed.
Lorenzo reported that the Veterans Committee donated
some of the supplies and toiletries to Mott High School who
asked for donations to send to our soldiers in Afghanistan.
President Robinson stated that the Community Service
Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser raised over $ 10,000.00,
to be donated to the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers of
President Robinson announced that the Retiree Chapter,
along with all the east side locals, are having a Benefits
Information meeting at Region 1 on May 16, 2013 starting
at 10 a.m. There will be many of the providers there
and IUAW benefit representatives there to answer any
questions. Lorenzo announced that the Region 1 Bocce
Ball league would be starting May 1st at 5 p.m. If you
know someone who is interested, please contact Lorenzo
Riveria at Region 1.
Lorenzo reported that the Walk for Babies was held
at Hines Park yesterday and he thanked everyone who
showed up to represent Local 228. Lorenzo reminded
the membership that the Julie Zuzga family was the UAW
Ambassador family this year. Lorenzo announced that so
far, together with the Sterling Plant, we raised $8,374.00.
President Robinson asked the membership if they are
involved or know of anyone from the plant who is involved
in charity work or volunteer in the community. He would
like to know about them and what they do. The UAW
would like to spotlight the work that UAW members do in
their communities. On that note, Lorenzo reported that the
“Community Angels” from Local 228 will be doing their first
volunteer effort on May 18 in the Sterling Heights, “Take
Pride and Shine” neighborhood clean-up day.
President Robinson congratulated the first graduates
from the Dale Carnegie Training that was held here at the
local. Lorenzo stated that this is a 12-week commitment
and he commends those who took the course and
graduated. Lorenzo stated that this is an excellent course.
Lorenzo announced that one of our members, Patrick
Wagner, came to the board asking our support of his bike
ride for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Lorenzo explained
that this is a peddle bike ride that will start in Northern
Michigan and will travel 300 miles down the west coastline.
Patrick must raise at least $1,000.00 to enter the ride, but
has set a goal of $2,500.00. Any of you who would like
to donate please see any of the Officers, Mike Wagner or
Patrick. Any support is appreciated.
Lorenzo stated that he has solicited discounts for our
members for Metro Family Fitness, Backus Car Wash and
from J.R. Lube. Just mention that you are from UAW Local
228 and present your card and you will receive a discount.
Lorenzo ended his report by taking any questions.
Having none, he turned to the Bargaining Committee.
Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that the plant
population is at 1,688. 1,314 are production and 374 are
skilled trades.
Sam reported that he assigned George Dreske to the
Workers Memorial Day remembrance. We have decided to
do a cement pad under the flag pole and to have a plaque
in remembrance of all lost Sterling employees.
Sam announced that we have 10 apprentices going into
the program on May 6th and this is great news for Sterling.
This hasn’t happened in over 10 years.
Sam reported that the company that does the testing
for new employees will be visiting the Sterling Plant so
they can revise the test to be more specific to the type of
work we do. Sam stated that many of the test questions
are not relevant to our location. Sam stated that they are
doing this throughout the company.
Acting Chairman Vultaggio reported that between
now and shutdown, some of the projects that have been
scheduled are the motorcycle canopies, the gantry in
Department 3, and in Department 16 they are going to
do some painting, get new lights and a general clean-up
of the department. Departments 58 & 60 are scheduled
to get a new floor.
Sam reported that the Sterling Health and Safety team
earned an award for the Health and Safety portion of the
new hire training.
Sam announced that the company reported $2.4 billion
profits in the first quarter. Sam stated this is good news for
all of us and it will reflect in our profit sharing!
Sam also announced that this Bargaining Committee just
negotiated and got 15 jobs for the Sterling Plant.
Vice-President Paul Torrente reported that the Solidarity
Shirts have been selling and that we will be placing another
order soon.
Paul reported that the Scholarship Golf Outing sold out in
8 hours, which gave everyone an opportunity to purchase
tickets. Paul stated that he will be starting a waiting list for
any cancellations that we may get.
Paul ended his report by thanking the volunteers who
came out this morning and helped with the spring clean-up.
our web site is ready...
Visit the web site and let us know what you think.
Everything you need to know about UAW Local 228.
We will be updating this web site often and adding new
events to the calendar as needed, so please check in often.
Recording Secretary Diane Virelli reported that she
received a picture cd from Marie Strussione, who takes
pictures at the Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser. Marie
makes copies for anyone who wants one and uses the
money she makes to make a donation to the event the
following year. This year, Marie and I decided to have
it set to music so we contacted a retired member who
volunteered to make it for us. The video has been posted
to our web site and our Facebook group. Diane suggested
that you take a look at it. Diane also thanked Paul Young
for donating his time on this video.
Recording Secretary Virelli reported that Royal Oak Ford
has recently received the “Overall Service Satisfaction”
trophy. Royal Oak Ford is also number one in the running
to win the President’s Trophy, which is based solely on
the Voice of the Customer. Congratulations to our brothers
and sisters at Royal Oak Ford.
Lisa Mayberry started her report by thanking everyone
who participated in the Dave Dooley Bowling Fundraiser
from the volunteers, to those who bowled or donated to the
cause. The Community Service Committee along with the
Women’s Committee extend their deepest gratitude. Lisa
stated that we also need to extend a special “Thank You”
to Saunja Jenkins, for the months of preparation and work
that goes into this big of an event. Lisa stated that she is
proud to announce that the event rose over $17,000.00 and
after expenses, they were able to donate over $10,000.00
to Fallen and Wounded Soldiers of Michigan. Lisa ended
her report by stating that the financial statements were in
front of you and she would gladly take questions.
At this time, the election for the Election Committee was
held. The results are as follows: Elected – Joe Bartolotta,
Chairman, Mike McConnel, Phil Vasile, Ken Weredick.
Elected Alternates – Garnetta Ellis, Kerry Moore, Yvette
Bonner, Rose Martino.
Committee Reports:
Recreation Committee sold 50/50 tickets.
Tony Grillo made a motion to accept all reports. The
motion was supported and passed.
Al Doss asked if the penalty that we paid but contested
from January’s financial statement with regards to the 990
form has been resolved yet. President Robinson stated that
we have not heard from the state at this time and that these
things do take some time.
Womens Committee Chairwoman Saunja Jenkins:
wanted to thank everyone for the participation in the
bowling fundraiser, and that she could not do it without
the help and cooperation of everyone involved.
Julie Zuzga: thanked this membership for all of their
help and support in the fundraising efforts for the March
of Dimes. Julie stated that it was a privilege and an honor
to serve as the UAW ambassador family this year.
50/50 ticket was drawn: Joe Genovese won $147.00.
Tony Grillo made a motion to adjourn; the motion was
supported and passed. The meeting was adjourned at
At this time, President Lorenzo Robinson introduced
Mark Will and his staff from the Dale Carneigie Course, Jeff
Kupiek and Hailey Yatros. The team explained the course
and asked some of the attendees to say what they thought
of the class, some of the members gave a testimonial. Mark
Will stated that we will be having another class soon and
that the details will follow.
Respectfully submitted for your approval,
Diane Virelli, Recording Secretary
non-memberlocal 228 members
Monday - Thursday400.00
Holiday rentals add $100 to the amount due for that rental day (example Friday,
member $425 – non-member all holidays are $700, no matter what the day).
Komer room
$50 Members
$60 Non-members
$200 Deposit (non-alcohol) Members
$500 Deposit (alcohol) Members
$300 Deposit (non-alcohol) Non-members
$750 Deposit (alcohol) Non-members
The Local Hall is for rent for weddings, showers,
parties, etc. at a reduced member rate.
Please contact the Local for information on booking dates.
(586) 264-5100
weddings, showers, parties – REDUCED RATE FOR MEMBERS!
Sterling Ford Production System
Continuous Improvement Team
Dear Brothers & Sisters of Local 228,
As you read this, training has begun for groups consisting of
approximately (30) Team Leaders, Process Coaches and Senior Process
Coaches. Training has been designed to ensure a more collaborative and
participative working environment, whereas everyone understands the
expectations and tasks associated with their role.
The training is being spread out over a 9-week period (one 8-hour
session per week) until completed. Some of the agenda topics include Team
Leader roles and responsibilities, Ford Systems (training and computer
lab exercises), A Day in the Life of a Team Leader and other job-related
modules. Training is expected to continue throughout 2013 and beyond
until all Team Leaders, Process Coaches and Senior Process Coaches have
A noteworthy point is that the training is being delivered and supported
by members of Sterling’s salaried and UAW team which adheres to Ford
Motor Company’s commitment to having “Leaders as Teachers.”
You may remember that not too
long ago a delegation from Sterling
was sent to Europe to benchmark
a work system that fosters more
involvement and ownership from the
resources to those making the parts
on the shop floor. It is part of Ford’s
“One Team/One Plan” goal for Continuous Improvement.
As expected and not surprisingly, Sterling took what it learned overseas,
molded it into something that will work for us and has begun to implement
something called Maintenance Work Teams. These diverse teams of
professional tradespeople focusing on and working more closely with
production work teams open the door for limitless opportunity to improve.
This form of employee engagement and our willingness to step up and lead
has made Sterling the benchmark for others to learn from.
We’ve become not only the benchmark, but we’re also proud to announce
that Sterling Plant is leading every other plant in North America in the
“One Ford” business model! This is something that we know we could not
achieve without our membership’s embracement to change.
As we move forward with changes, let us all be patient with each other
and understand that change affects everyone differently. Let’s all work
towards a healthy working environment.
Meetings for
JULY & AUGUST Meeting Dates
are cancelled.
UAW Local 228
Have a Happy
Union Hall
and Safe Summer! 39209 Mound Rd., Sterling Heights
from your Retiree E-Board
All Meetings at 1:00 p.m.
Unions Make a Difference for Health
Unions are an
essential part of a strong
democracy and play a
crucial role in America’s
public and community
life. Not only do they give
workers a voice on the
job and help negotiate
fair benefits and wages
for their members,
but they also use their
political and economic
resources to raise the
floor for everyone who
works for a living.
Unions work to
keep us healthy – Healthcare workers’ unions make clinics and hospitals
safer, more efficient, and more responsive to patient needs. And the labor
movement is out in front in the campaign for affordable, quality health care
for all.
Improve quality of patient care – Patients suffering heart attacks have
a 5.5% greater chance of survival if their nurses are union members.
Since Kaiser Permanente established its labor-management partnership,
the integrated healthcare organization has experienced higher patient
satisfaction and better performance.
Enforce adequate hospital staffing levels – Studies show that surgical
patients are more likely to die when nurse staffing levels are low, but
higher nurse staffing is associated with shorter hospital stays and fewer
patient complications. Nurses and their unions ensure higher staffing
levels by bargaining for minimum staffing ratios and supporting nursepatient
ratio legislation at the state and federal level.
Keep patients safe by supporting prohibitions on mandatory
overtime for healthcare professionals – Among nurses, long shifts and
working overtime at the end of a shift coincide with an increased rate of
errors, such as administering the wrong medication or dosage.
Address the nation’s nursing shortage – The support and better
working conditions that unions provide ensure that more trained nurses
remain in the profession.
Improve communication at hospitals and ease the process of
implementing new hospital practices through labor-management
Lead the fight for quality, affordable healthcare for all – Unions
educate voters, lobby Congress, and urge companies with union contracts to
support affordable, quality health care.
NEXT MeetingS
will be held on
Doors Open: 11:30 a.m.
Lunch at Zuccaro’s: 1:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Len Guminski, Chairman
Lenny Guminski, Chairman
Carl Malfitano, Vice-Chairman
Bob gowatch, Financial Secretary
Tony Ociepka, Recording Secretary
Dante Gallucci, Sergeant-at-Arms
John Wohlfeil, Guide
Mattie Nailor, Trustee
Jesse Carthen, Trustee
Dick Meischeid, Trustee
sUMMER 2013
mike lisiecki, essp/etap Representative Phone: 586-826-5195
Education News
You still have time to submit your application for
the William Clay Ford, Jr. scholarship. The deadline
is July 15th and the student must be an undergraduate
sophomore for the fall semester. The website is sms.
Also, those intersted in tuition assistance (active employee) for the fall
semester or pda (personal development classes) go to the website www. to review the tuition assistance guidelines.
Wellness Center News
We received 2 new elipticals and one new stepper May 31st and we
will also be getting 3 new treadmills, and are working on getting new
carpet in the center, as well. This is your gym make sure to clean up after
yourself and wear gym shoes in the center to keep it looking good as we
get new equipment and update the gym.
Also, if you’re having any issues with stress, financial, marrage or any
other things that may be bringing you down, don’t hesitate to call the
essp program. We are here to help and everything is 100% confidential.
The program has helped many members with a number of issues.
Have a great shut down and everyone be safe and enjoy your summer.
In solidarity, Mike Lisiecki
APRIL (continued from page 5)
supporters. Lorenzo thanked everyone for their participation in any capacity!
President Robinson reported that Sub Council will be meeting June 3rd-7th
and that although it will be during our election, we will be attending.
Lorenzo reported that we just celebrated our first Graduating Class from
the Dale Carnegie Course, which was held here at Local 228. Lorenzo stated
that there were 34 in this class, he is hoping for even more in future classes.
Lorenzo stated that this is a very useful and interesting class and suggested
that if you get the opportunity to take it, you should.
. Lorenzo reported that he is working with the owners of a new fitness center,
Metro Family Fitness, to try and get UAW Local 228 discounts. There will be
more details to follow. Lorenzo stated that information will be posted as soon
as it is finalized.
Lorenzo ended his report by stating that the “Proud to Pay My Dues” buttons
are here and that he will be giving them to the committeemen to hand out to
each of the members in their districts.
Bargaining Committee Reports:
Bargaining Unit 1: Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that the plant
population was 1,688; 374 are skilled trades and 1,314 are production. This
Monday, the 15th, we had 17 transfers to Van Dyke. The trades facilities
project manager, Chuck Nakonek, has been scheduling trades to clean closed
departments and areas and putting in new cement so that as new work comes
in, we are ready to have new machines installed quicker. Sam reported that
the motorcycle canopies are scheduled to be installed in July. Department 3
will be getting a new gantry and in Department 16 the plan is to do a “clean
up.” There will be new lights installed and the department will get painted.
. Sam reported that the millwrights will be receiving a 13-day letter in two weeks.
Sam stated that they looked at the schedule of work for trades and is trying
to space things out so that they do not have to use any outside contractors.
Acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio reported that in honor of Workers Memorial
Day, on April 28th, we are going to have a plaque made and installed in the
landscaping under the flag pole in front of the plant.
Sam announced that the Sterling Plant received a second place award for
Health and Safety for the training program for the new hires.
Sam stated that the company is trying to not allow the use of any head
sets and to not allow anyone to wear shorts. Sam stated that the union is
pushing back but the company seems hell bent on these issues citing health
and safety as the reason.
Sam ended his report by stating that Sterling Plant will be getting people
from the ACH plants who want to come to Sterling soon. They have surveyed
PATTI PRZYBYLSKI, Uaw Benefit Representative
Ford Sterling Plant Local 228
Phone: 586-826-5068 email: Phall36@Ford.Com
Hello Brothers
and Sisters,
We have more
and more new
members added to
our Sterling family every month, and
I hope they all like their new home
here at Sterling. New hires should
have the NESC’s phone number for
their health insurance questions and
also for the wage work cards. If not
it is 1-800-248-4444. is the web site
that also has this information for all
Ford employees. Wage work cards
are like credit cards for medical
expenses that Ford loads with
money. Members receive $300.00
for single contracts and $600.00 for
family contracts. New hires only.
Unions are under attack, it seems,
from everyone. You can help your
the ACH plants and have 29 who want to come to Sterling.
At this time acting Chairman Sam Vultaggio took questions about repainting
parking srtipes on the Fab shop parking lot and also about more apprentices
being put on.
Bargaining Unit 3: Chairman Brian Carlsen reported that there are 34
members at Royal Oak Ford and that all is well.
Brian encouraged everyone to come out to Royal Oak Ford and buy one of
the many 2013 cars. Brian announced that Royal Oak Ford has received some
awards recently for service.
Bargaining Unit 5: Curtis Mann reported that there are 25 members from
DFM and that all is well and they have no issues at this time.
Retirees Report:
Lenny Guminski reported that on May 16th, at 10:00am the 3 east side
local’s will be at Region 1 for an informational meeting regarding retiree health
care. Many of the providers will be in attendance to explain any changes to
your coverage and will be available to answer any questions.
Lenny reported that the retiree luncheon last month had a lower turnout than
usual, but was still a great event.
Chairman Guminski ended his report by stating all of us retirees just “Keep
on Truckin!”
Vice President's Report:
Paul Torrente reported that you may have noticed that we polled the board
more than usual this month and that is because of the International Auditor’s
suggestion on how we purchase things. We polled the board for the “Solidarity”
shirts and are asking everyone to wear these on Wednesdays.
Paul announced that our Golf Outing tickets will be available to purchase
starting at 7:00 a.m. on Monday April 22nd. The tickets are $100 each.
. Paul stated that the Golf league starts on Monday also. This year, it is at
Sunnybrook with our first tee time being at 3:00. The cost is $270, which
includes your cart and a banquet at the end of the league.
Paul reported that we will be walking for the March of Dimes at Hines Park
this year. The reason is because our union meeting is the same day as the walk
at Metro. If you want to make a donation, you can go to the March of Dimes
web site and donate to the UAWlocal228/ Ford/team tanner.
Recording Secretary Report:
Recording Secretary Diane Virelli reported that the Bowling Fundraiser had
the best turnout yet. Diane reported that there are a lot of nice pictures and
they are posted on Facebook. Diane reported that she has signed up to walk
for the March of dimes and hopes to see you all there.
Financial Secretary Report:
Financial Secretary Lisa Mayberry reported that our bookkeeper has been
off so she is doing double duty and will have the financial statement available
at the end of the day. Lisa thanked everyone for their help at the Dave Dooley
event and announced that after all was said and done, we will be donating
over $10,000.00.
Financial Secretary Mayberry stated that we started making the larger
payment on the mortgage last month and opened a new CD, which will be
reflected on the next financial report.
union help you by contributing
to V-Cap. V-Cap is the political
action fund made up of voluntary
contributions from UAW members,
retirees and their families. The
money raised from V-Cap goes to
support political candidates who are
pro-worker. To sign up for V-Cap
you can come to my office or if you
are a retiree I can meet you at the
Local. Please folks, give to V-Cap it
is IMPORTANT. A couple of dollars
a month won’t hurt any of us.
Remember also that we are losing
legal service this year. So if you
need a will or service from the legal
department, call soon so you don’t
miss out. The number is 1-800-4825007. They will tell you which office
is closest to you.
Enjoy your summer and be safe.
In Solidarity, Patti Przybylski
A motion was made by Tony Grillo to accept all officers' reports. The motion
was supported and passed.
Old Business:
Freddie Haynes II stated that the board tabled any action on the NAACP
Freedom Fight dinner tickets while he sought direction from Region 1. Freddie
stated that the Region has no preference in which chapter we participate with,
so Freddie made a motion to direct the request to purchase tickets to the Civil
and Human Rights Committee. The motion was supported and passed.
New Business:
Freddie Haynes II stated that we were directed by the International Auditor
on how we need to handle all purchases or funds that our standing committees
are involved in. Freddie stated that these are in place to be helpful and not
punitive. President Robinson stated that he will put a call out to all of the
standing committees and invite the trustees to explain the process and be sure
that everyone understands and that we are in compliance.
Julie Terenzi made a motion stating that because May’s General Membership
Meeting would fall on the Memorial Day weekend, we need to schedule it a week
early. The Board agreed that we will have our General membership meeting on
May 19, and to stay in compliance with our bylaws, we will move the Executive
Board Meeting up one week to May 14th.The motion was supported and passed.
Paul Torrente announced that we will be doing our annual spring cleanup
here at the local on the morning of this month’s union meeting, April 28th. We
need volunteers to be here by 7:30 and will work until 10:30, at which time
we will stop to prepare for the meeting. Paul stated that he will be contacting
you via e-mail.
Al Doss asked if the minutes reflect the dates that have been set for the
election. Diane Virelli stated that the dates were chosen to be in compliance
with our by-laws.
Lisa Mayberry announced that the tradesmen that installed our hot water
heater saved us $2,500.00. Lisa would like the local to send a formal thank
you letter in acknowledgement.
Paul Torrente stated that he has had a few inquiries about the vending machine
and asked to lower the price to $850.00. The board approved.
Motion to Adjourn:
Tony Grillo made a motion to adjourn. The motion received support and
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted for your approval,
Diane Virelli, Recording Secretary
Lorenzo Robinson........Present
Paul Torrente................Present
Diane Virelli..................Present
Lisa Mayberry..............Present
Angelo Sacino...................Exc.
Al Doss........................Present
Freddie Haynes III.........Present
Mike Snead..................Present
LaNeice Evans..................Exc.
Sam Vultaggio............... Present
Kenn Gafa..................... Present
Gaspare Pipitone........... Present
Brian Carlson................ Present
Curtis Mann.................. Present
Tony Grillo..................... Present
Jermain Gardner........... Present
Julie Terenzi.................. Present
28225 MOUND RD.
(Between 11 and
12 Mile Rd.)
uaw local 228 district committee
x = phone number
# = pager
Al Strussione
(586) 826-5178
Walt Harbus, Jr., Alternate Departments: 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 33, 40, 43, 44, 48, 50, 59, 91, 92,
330, 331, 332, 340, 341, 342
Angelo Lupo x 66868
(586) 826-5176
Phil LaCommare, Alternate Departments: 6, 7, 8, 19, 61, 75, 83, 90, 96, 98, 231, 271, 277
Paul T. McCloskey
Matt McCauley, Alternate
All Skilled Trades, #2nd Shift
Tedd Dionne x 65190
(586) 826-5190
John Lia, Alternate
Departments: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 16, 27, 28, 29, 41, 249, 523
Production only in: 2501, 2502, 2503, 2506, 2509
Charles Harris
(586) 826-5768
Kim Webb, Alternate
Departments: 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 33, 40, 43, 44, 72,
83, 92, 340
Rick Wilson
(586) 826-5353
Steve Walgenbach, Alternate
All #1 and #3 Shift Skilled Trades
6:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. (Monday-Thursday) 2:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Friday)
Ray Ziolkowski
(586) 524-8625 (cell)
Joe Bartolotta, Alternate
Production in: 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 21, 50, 59, 75, 90, 91, 96,
249, 271, 277, 330, 523
#3 Shift Cleaners in: 2501, 2502
(586) 826-5177
Randy Williams
(586) 826-5651
Donovan Jahn, Alternate
Departments: All Production Employees #1 Shift
UAW Local 228 Reps
NOTE: Plant Committee to cover (Departments 380, 9800, 9801)
Acting Plant Chairman
Plant Committee & Alternate
Sam Vultaggio
Kenn Gafa
Gaspare Pipitone
(586) 826-5344
(586) 826-5343
Alt. Plant Committee
(586) 826-5343 or (586) 826-5344
UAW LOCAL 228 appointees –
With our
3.99% APR* loan rate
Let the good times begin!
Tim Skipinski 826-5646
Bill Tondreau 826-5050
Mike Wagner 826-5645
Rose Williams 826-5844
Beverly Richardson 826-5297
George Dreske 826-5023
Nick Dinatale 826-5170
Patti Przybylski 826-5068
Mike Lisiecki 826-5195
*Annual percentage rate of 3.99% is the as low as rate. Actual rate based on term and credit. Promotional rate not to be combined with any other
offer/promotion and is subject to change without notice. Offer expires 8/31/2013. STERLING VAN DYKE CREDIT UNION IS FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA.
Joe Desano 826-5356
Dino Guido 826-5767
Phil Fales 826-5767
Ted Dionne 826-5190
Annual Local 228
12:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 24th
K of C Picnic Grounds
11541 21 Mile Road • Shelby, MI 48315
Located on the north side of 21 Mile Road
(between Van Dyke & M-53 overpass)
Food u Pop u Chips
Ice Cream u Beer
u DJ Music
u Horseshoes
u Kiddie Rides
Local 228 Members and
immediate family only.
If you have a classic car
and would like to show
it, please bring it to
the Local 228 Picnic on
August 24th at the
K of C Picnic Grounds
on 21 Mile Road.
We will have a roped off
area for your classic car.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd