March 28 - Molalla River Academy
March 28 - Molalla River Academy
ParentMemoMarch21st—April1st,2016 “Guiding students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment. 2015-2016 MRA Essential Question: “H ow do I imp a ct my e nvironme nt a nd how d oes my e nvironme nt impact me?” Auction VIP Tables! This year we have two VIP tables up for auction. The Beach Bum Table will sport a more relaxed décor and the Formal Luau a more upscale décor. Both tables will be front and center, giving you the perfect view of the Live Auction, and both come with special appetizers, beverages, and party favors for you to take home. Bidding is on line, closing on April 1st at 11:55 p.m. Bidding starts here — Click ‘Bid Now’ and then sign up to bid online. Spring Break, No School, Week of March 21st—28th Monday, March 28th No School, Teacher Workday 6:30 p.m. Auction/Booster Meeting at El Charrito in Molalla Tuesday, March 29th Wednesday, March 30th 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. DaVinci Workshop Thursday, March 31st 3:15 MRA Grounds Work Day 3:15 Leadership Friday, April 1st Enrollment deadline for entry into the Fall 2016 Lottery Important MRA Notices: Parking Reminder Please be patient with us as we work to improve the parking and traffic flow here at MRA. Drop off and pick up are when we have the most congestion and really need everyone to follow the guidelines: Parking: Pull into the lot or go around the road and find a parking space. We do have a lot of mud for now which is difficult to avoid, but warmer weather is coming and we will be able to take care of that. Not Parking/Dropping Off or Quick Pick Up: Do NOT pull through the lot, but drive around the gravel road to drop off or pick up in front of the building, and then exit the lot. Keep your speed under 5 mph and watch for little ones. Please mindful of the two parking lot spots that are reserved for the people who purchased those at the MRA Auction. Both spots are marked and are located right next to the handicapped parking area by the playground. Summer Camps at MRA 2016! MRA will be hosting a variety of summer camps starting in June. If you are interested in teaching a camp please complete the attached from and return it to Shelley Urben at, or bring it into the MRA office. Oaks/Smarter Balanced Testing This year students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking the Smarter Balanced standardized test for Language Arts and Math, and Our Vision Is: Successful graduates with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their dreams and enrich the community. the 5th and 8th graders will be taking the Oaks test for Science. Students will be given one opportunity to pass the Smarter Balanced exams and two for the Science. Testing will begin March 31st with 5th and 8th grade science. The Alders will be testing the week after. Please watch for details on the schedule or in your teachers websites and blogs. We will be working with students here at school, but we encourage you to have them go onto the practice site and do the practice tests at home. This will help them get used to the different tools and expectations, and allow them to make notes on areas where they are struggling and need help. The practice site is: Please let your classroom teachers know if you have any questions. Attached to this memo is a letter from ODE and the official Opt-Out Form if you don’t want your child/children to participate in testing. Important MRA Upcoming Events: The MRA Plant Sale Has Started—Benefit Our Garden!! Our annual plant sale kicked off on March 14th. Orders will be due on April 1st and the plants will be delivered to MRA on May 5th. Order forms are attached to the memo and available on the MRA Website. Proceeds from this years plant sale will be going to our Roots of Responsibility Garden. March 31st—Workday at MRA We will be holding our first spring workday on Thursday, March 31st after school and during Leadership. Plans for the afternoon include general clean up of the grounds, trimming, and weed whacking. Please bring gloves and tools. April 6th—Bowling This year we will be bowling for PE equipment on Wednesday April 6th from 6-9pm at Molalla Bowl. This is a 50/50 fundraiser at $10 per person. All proceeds go to our PE program. See the attached flyer. April 16th—MRA Auction VIP Table On Line Auction—Get your bid in now!! Close 11:55 p.m. April 1st Help Needed the Day of the Auction!! Please go HERE ( to sign up to help set up, pick up and help during the Auction. Dessert Attention bakers!! We need desserts for the dessert auction that will take place after dinner at our big auction on April 16. Get out your favorite cookbooks and find that perfect recipe that will show off your baking talent. Or if you don't quite have the time, reach out to your favorite bakery and kindly ask for a donated dessert. Lastly, you're welcome to purchase a dessert to donate as well. We need at least 35 desserts that will each feed at least 8 people. Desserts will either need to be dropped off at the school on Friday, April 15 or brought straight to the auction site (preferred) on Saturday, April 16. Please contact Sarah Susbauer if you have any questions @ Class Baskets: Please remember to donate to your class basket! Class baskets only make up a small number of auction items. We typically have around 200 silent auction items along with about 25 live auction items. Procurement: Attached is an updated list of businesses already approached. If you don’t see a business on the list, feel free to reach out to them for a donation. If they donate attach the receipt (in the memo) with their donation and either turn it into your classroom basket or into the school office. If they didn’t donate please complete the Procurement Request form (attached) and put it into the basket or the office. You can also email Angie Brandenburg at and she can enter your information into our main procurement spreadsheet. Tickets: Tickets can be purchased online at: April 7th and 8th—Student Led Conferences This April we will be conducting our second annual student led conferences. All of our students will be presenting their portfolios to their parents in a conference format. This is an incredible opportunity for you to sit down with your student, review the work they have done this year, and set some goals for next year. Conferences will be held April 7th and 8th. Every student will lead his or her own conference with a teacher in attendance to assist as needed. You will be asked to sign up for your times and come to MRA with your student. Please make sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend. Students will be working hard to prepare for these conferences and will be excited and proud to share their work with you. Sign up sheets are located outside the school office. This year we are asking that you sign up for conferences with specials teachers in addition to the general ed teachers. This will help with wait time. We have added conference times on Thursday evening to accommodate working parents. Please be respectful of the time limit of your conferences. Information about student led conferences can be found on the front page of the website as a downloadable document. Calendar of Events at MRA: March 21st to 25th March 28th March 31st March 31st, 3:15 to 4:15 April April 1st April 5th, 6:30 p.m. April 6th, 6:00 p.m. April 7th—8th April 16th April 27th March DaVinci Flyer April DaVinci Flyer Plant Sale Flyer and Order Form Bowling Flyer Summer Camp Proposal Sheet Auction Procurement List To Date Auction Receipt Auction Procurement Request Form Smarter Balanced Opt Out Letter Attachments: Spring Break, No School Teacher Planning Day, No School Oaks Science Testing Grades 5 and 8 MRA Grounds Work Day Poetry Month Last Day for Enrollment for Fall 2016 Lottery Entry MRA Public Lottery Bowling for MRA Student Led Conferences MRA Auction at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds Poem in Your Pocket Day and Assembly DA VINCI WORKSHOP March theme: Spring March 2 Woven Flowers (3 mediums) March 9 Homemade Paper March 16 Spring Birds with Potatoes March 30 Bird Nests Terry Cloth CONNECTING STUDENTS TO THEIR INNER ARTIST THROUGH CRAFTS Allstudentswelcome‐‐‐appropriateforallabilities levels2nd–8thgrades Studentsarepickedupfromtheirclassroomat 1:00pm.Parentspickuptimeis3:00pmor studentswillbetakentoaftercare. Cost:$10persession Pre‐register: or see Jaylene in the office MOLALLA RIVER ACADEMY 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, Oregon, 97038 503-829-6672 DA VINCI WORKSHOP April theme: Spring April 4 Wood Words of String April 11 Spring Rain April 18 Plaster Animal Prints CONNECTING STUDENTS TO THEIR INNER ARTIST THROUGH CRAFTS April 25 Cupcakes Allstudentswelcome‐‐‐appropriateforallabilities levels2nd–8thgrades Studentsarepickedupfromtheirclassroomat 1:00pm.Parentspickuptimeis3:00pmor studentswillbetakentoaftercare. Cost:$10persession Pre‐register: or see Jaylene in the office MOLALLA RIVER ACADEMY 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, Oregon, 97038 503-829-6672 MRA Family Fun Night At Molalla Bowl Wednesday, April 6th 6pm‐9pm Bring the whole family and enjoy unlimited bowling for $10 per person Molalla Bowl will donate 50% back to our school to benefit the PE program MOLALLA RIVER ACADEMY SUMMER CAMP PROPOSAL 2016 Please complete this if you are interested in running a summer camp class at MRA summer of 2016. Return to Shelley Urben’s box by Thursday, March 17th. If you are not a teacher, sub, or IA already associated with MRA, please include a resume with your proposal. Name: Proposed Camp: Topic and Description: Number of Days/Time/Specific Dates: (Can be one week out of the summer, 8 weeks, partial days, full days,… whatever works for you) Age of Students: Approximate minimum and maximum number of students: What is the hourly pay rate you would like to receive? Will you need supplies for this that will need to be included in the cost to parents? Other Ideas: MRA 2016 Auction Updated Procurement List 3/18/2016 2016 Intel Oregon International Air Show A Tuscan Estate B&B- McMinnville Adelsheim Vineyard - Newberg Al's Garden Center - Woodburn Alaska Airlines (corporate) Alder Creek Kayak - Portland Alex & Ani (corporate) Alexana Winery - Newberg Alexis Hotel - Seattle All Mine Frozen Yogurt - Molalla Allison Inn & Spa - Newberg American Girl Doll Amtrak Andina Restaurant - Portland Angel Art Creations Angie Brandenburg Archers Afield - Tigard Ashland Springs Hotel - Ashland Aspen Lakes Golf Course - Sisters Or Atlantis Casino Resort Spa - Reno NV Back40 Tattoo - Molalla Bauman's Farms - Gervais Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Co Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc Benihana - Portland Bentley Feed - Molalla Bikram Yoga - West Linn/Happy Valley BiMart (Corporation request) Bitterman & Sons - Portland Bob's Red Mill - Milwaukie Boneyard Beer - Bend Bottle & Bottega- Portland Boulder Creek Ranch - Bates OR Brentwood Corporation - Molalla Bricks & Minifigs - Canby Bugattis - Oregon City Build A Bear (Corporation online) Bull Run Distillery - Portland Bullwinkles - Wilsonville Byers Septic Tank Service Cabela's (Corporate-online) Camp Dakota - Scotts Mills Canby Builders Supply Canby Cinemas Canby Fair and Rodeo Canby Rental & Equipment Inc Canby Swim Center Charles Fine Art Portraits - Portland Chehalem Ridge B&B- Newberg Christopher Bridge Winery Chuck E. Cheese - Salem Cinetopia - Beaverton Clackamas County Public Safety Training Center & Indoor Range Club Sport - Tualatin Coffee Rush - Hilltop Oregon City Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum Costco Wholesale Warehouse - Clackamas Cowgirl Trading - Molalla Crave Catering - Portland Dave's Killer Bread Davis Cleaning Company-Chandra Davis Deschutes Brewery - Bend/Ptld Disneyland Dutch Brothers Coffee - Canby Eastside Distilling - Portland El Charito - Molalla Elephants Delicatessen- Portland Elk Cove Winery Enchanted Forest - Turner Evergreen Space Museum - McMinnville Fat Cupcake - Oregon City Figaros - Molalla Five Pine Lodge - Sisters Or Fred Meyer - Kroger (corporate) Fred Meyer - Wilsonville General Mills (corporate) Gilbert House Children’s Museum -Salem Gilgamesh Brewery - Salem Glendoveer Golf Course Great Wolf Lodge - Washington Grooming Barn- Molalla Haggen's - Oregon City Haven and Rest Day Spa-Happy Valley Healthy Look Salon Heron Lakes Golf Club - Portland Hersey - (corporate) Hi-School Pharmacy-Molalla High Desert Museum - Bend Hoffman House - Molalla Hollywood Theatre - Portland Imago Theatre - Portland Inn at Cannon Beach Inn at Seaside Jackson Family Wines JetBlue Airways JJ Jump - Clackamas Kayak Tillamook - Tillamook Kendall Jackson Family Wines (corporate) Kershaw Knives - Tualatin Kona Ice Kroc Corp Community Center Kyllo's Seafood & Grill - Lincoln City Lake Theatre & Cafe - Lake Oswego Lam's Chinese - Molalla Langdon Farms Golf Club - Aurora Lange Estate Winery and Vineyards- Dundee Lloyd Center Ice Rink - Portland Mad Science of Portland & Vancouver Marine Discovery Tour Mariner Square - Newport (Wax Museum, Ripley's and Undersea Gardens) Martins Town & Country Furniture - Canby Maryhill Museum of Art - Goldendale WA Maryhill Winery - Goldendale WA McLarens Carpet One Floor & Home - Canby McMenamins Edgefield Meadow Lakes Golf Course Milk Creek Produce - Mulino Millar's Tire Factory - Canby (corportate) Mo's Restaurant - Cannon Beach Mo's Restaurant - Newport Molalla Buckeroo Molalla Communications Molalla Fire Department Molalla Pioneer Molalla River Massage Moody National Moonstruck Chocolate - Portland Mt. Hood Meadows Mt. Hood Railroad - Hood River Mt. Hood Ski Bowl Museum of Flight My Mother Knows Nails Unlimited Napa Valley Wine Train Nautilus Plus New Deal Distillery - Portland Nickelodeon Suites & Resort - Orlando Nintendo (corporate) Northwest Children's Theater - Portland Northwest Dental of Molalla Nutcase Helmets - Portland Oak Knoll Winery - Hillsboro Oakley Sunglasses(corporate) Oaks Park - Portland Olive Garden - Clackamas OMSI - Portland Oregon Ballet Theatre - Portland Oregon Cabaret Theatre Oregon Children's Theatre - Portland Oregon City Children's Theatre Oregon Coast Aquarium - Newport Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad - Tillamook Oregon Garden Oregon Jamboree Music Festival Oregon Shakespeare Festival Oregon Symphony - Portland Oregon Zoo Organic Valley (corporate) OSU Athletics - Beavers Otterbox (corporate) Pacer Propane - Molalla Pacific Pie Co. - Portland Palace Theatre - Silverton Parklane Mattresses (corporate) Pat's Acres Racing Complex- Canby Pelican Brewing Co. - Pacific City Peppermill Resort Spa Casino - Reno PepsiCo Phelps Creek Vineyards- Hood River Pittock Mansion Ponzi Winery Portland Art Museum - Portland Portland Baroque Opera - Portland Portland Children's Museum - Portland Portland Children's Museum - Portland Portland City Grill - Portland Portland Home Chef Portland Japanese Garden Portland Spirit Portland Thunder Portland Timbers Portland Trailblazers Powell's Books - Portland Precision Elite Gym-Clackamas Precision Elite Gymnastics Radio Shack (corporate) RedBox Rejuvenation Massage & Spa - Lincoln City Roaring Springs Waterpark - ID Rogue Brewery/Ales - Portland Rogue Valley Zipline Adventures - Central Point Rose City Rollers - Portland Rosse Posse Acres Ruby Jewel - Portland Rustic Shed - Molalla Safari Sams - Sherwood Safeway (corporate) Salishan Spa & Golf Resort-Gleneden Beach Salty's - Portland Seattle Art Museum Seattle Mariners Seattle Seahawks Serra Vineyards - Grants Pass Serres Greenhouse &Farm - Oregon City Seven Brides Brewing - Silverton ShurTech Brands (corporate) Silverwood Theme Park - ID Six Flags Magic Mountain CA Sky High Sports - Tigard Spirit Airlines Starbucks (all locations) - Canby Stash Tea (corporate) Stone Creek Golf Club - Oregon City Sunriver Resort Tan Republic - Molalla Taylor Guitars - CA Team Equine Saddle Pad Co. - Molalla Tee to Green Transportation - Portland The Cheesecake Factory - Tigard The Children's Course - Gladstone The Container Store The DreamGiver's Bed & Breakfast - Newberg The Growler Run The Mill Casino & Hotel -- North Bend The Murder Mystery Co - Portland The Paramount Hotel - Portland The Party Place - Portland The Reserve Vineyards and Golf Club - Aloha The White Horse - Molalla The Wildflower Grill - Lincoln City (corporate) Tillamook Air Museum Timberline Lodge Triple Play - Idaho Tumalo Creek Kayak and Canoe - Bend U of O Athletics - Ducks Vacasa - Portland Vanguard Brewing - Salem Verizon - Molalla Verizon - Molalla Video Game Wizards - Molalla Vista Ballooning - McMinnville Vitis Ridge - Silverton Voicebox Karaoke Lounge - Portland Wallace Books - Portland Wanderlust Tours - Bend Westover Inns - Wilsonville Whole Foods Market Greenway - Tigard Widmer Brothers Brewing - Portland Wildlife Safari - Winston OR Willamette Valley Vineyards Wunderland Arcade - Milwaukie Yamhill Vineyards Bed & Breakfast - Yamhill Z-va Massage - West Linn (corporate) Molalla River Academy Molalla River Academy 16897 S. Callahan Rd. Molalla, OR 97038 503-829-6672 Fax: 503-759-6672 16897 S. Callahan Rd. Molalla, OR 97038 503-829-6672 Fax: 503-759-6672 Donation Receipt Donation Receipt Donor Information Donor Information Name/Company: Name/Company: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Fax Number: Phone Number: Contact Person: Contact Person: Email Address: Company Web Address: Email Address: Company Web Address: Donor’s Signature: Donor’s Signature: MRA Solicitor’s Name: Yes! I (we) want to Support Education I (we) want to donate: _____Gift Certificate (s) _____Physical Item (s) _____Cash Donation Date: Item # Amt./Value $____________ $____________ $____________ Fax Number: MRA Solicitor’s Name: Yes! I (we) want to Support Education I (we) want to donate: _____Gift Certificate (s) _____Physical Item (s) _____Cash Donation Date: Item # Amt./Value $____________ $____________ $____________ Description of Physical Item: Description of Physical Item: Restrictions, Limitations or Expirations: Restrictions, Limitations or Expirations: ____To Be Picked Up, Instructions: ______________________ ____To Be Delivered, Date:____________________________ ____Mailed, Date:__________________________________ ____To Be Picked Up, Instructions: ______________________ ____To Be Delivered, Date:____________________________ ____Mailed, Date:__________________________________ Molalla River Academy Hereby Acknowledges Receipt and expresses Thanks! Our Federal ID# is 26-2018413 Donor please keep one copy and return one copy with your donation. Molalla River Academy Hereby Acknowledges Receipt and expresses Thanks! Our Federal ID# is 26-2018413 Donor please keep one copy and return one copy with your donation. 2015-16 Notice for Statewide Tests ALL STUDENTS GRADUATE PREPARED In 2010, Oregon adopted higher K-12 standards in English Language Arts and Math to ensure all students move from grade to grade with the academic knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond high school. Because we raised the bar for what we expect students to know and be able to do, we have also changed the way we measure student progress through our state tests, known as Smarter Balanced. How much time do the tests take? The tests are not timed so your child can take as long as he or she needs to fully demonstrate what he or she knows and can do. With our new exams, your child only tests once each year, unlike our previous exams which many students took multiple times. Learn more about the estimated time your child may take to complete the tests on Page 35 of Oregon’s Test Administration Manual: What do the results mean and where do I get my child’s results? Test results identify your child’s strengths and areas for improvement in English Language Arts and Math. Each subject will be broken into categories and will show how well your child performed in each area. The tests measure student learning on a 4point scale. Your school will share your child’s scores with you at the beginning of the next school year to help support your child’s success as he or she moves from grade to grade. Why does participation matter? While no single test can give a complete picture of your child’s progress, having your child take the statewide tests provides educators and administrators with information about what educational approaches are working and where additional resources are needed. Your child’s participation is important to ensure schools and districts receive the targeted resources they need to help all students succeed. OREGON’S STATE TESTS o Challenge your child to think critically and apply his or her knowledge to real-world problems o Go beyond multiple choice and ask your child to explain his or her answers o Act as a snapshot of your child’s progress and may be considered along with other pieces of information to determine your child’s academic success o Help identify schools and districts that need additional supports to ensure more students are meeting higher standards STATEWIDE TESTING WINDOWS Smarter Balanced English Language Arts & Math Tests February 9 – June 10, 2016 Oregon Extended Assessments for English Language Arts & Math February 18 – April 28, 2016 When will my child take the test? Your child will be tested once after he or she has completed at least two-thirds of the school year. Your child’s school will determine the specific dates your child takes the tests within the statewide testing window above. STAY INFORMED Talk to your child’s teacher or school principal if you have questions or want to learn more. Patience and persistence will be required to help our students and schools continue towards success. Resources To learn more about what your child should know and be able to do in English Language Arts & Math: & To view sample test questions: To read more about your child’s results: 2015-16 Opt-Out Form DESCRIPTION OF RIGHTS House Bill 2655 permits parents and adult students* to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide summative tests in English Language Arts and Math by submitting this form to the school the student attends. The school shall provide any student who is exempted from a state test with supervised study time while other students are testing. Visit this link to learn more about House Bill 2655: To opt-out of state tests this section must be completed by the parent/guardian or adult student: Student’s Legal Last Name___________________________________________________________________ Student’s Legal First Name___________________________________________________________________ Student’s ID Number_____________________________________ Enrolled Grade______________________ Student’s School_________________________________________Date__________________________ Please indicate the state test(s) you are opting out of for the 2015-16 school year: English Language Arts Mathematics To best support school district planning, you are encouraged to submit this form to your child’s school no later than February 1, 2016. For students who enroll after the statewide testing window begins on February 9, 2016, you are encouraged to submit the form within 2 weeks of enrollment. This form is only valid for the 2015-16 school year. Parents and adult students are required to submit an opt-out form annually should they wish to be exempted from statewide summative tests. I understand that by signing this form I may lose valuable information about how well my child is progressing in English Language Arts and Math. In addition, opting out may impact my school and district’s efforts to equitably distribute resources and support student learning. Parent/Guardian* (signature)________________________________________________ *Adult students (age 18 and older) may sign on their own behalf and do not require a signature by a parent or guardian. Parent/Guardian or Adult Student (printed name)____________________________________
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