LCD Driving Principle and Driving Circuits
LCD Driving Principle and Driving Circuits
LCD Driving Principle and Driving Circuits Speaker: Wenbinchen Date: 2011/3/24 Outline LCD Driving Principle LCD Structure Basic Operation Driving method LCD Driving Circuits Driving Circuits Structure Gate Driver Source Driver Outline LCD Driving Principle LCD Structure Basic Operation Driving method LCD Driving Circuits Driving Circuits Structure Gate Driver Source Driver LCD Structure LCD Structure LCD Structure LCD Structure Basic Operation --- TN 亮態 暗態 解偏板 出射光之 極化狀態 電場 液晶分子 偏光板 液晶是受電場影響 而扮演光閘的角色 背光源 那電場是如何產生 未加電場狀態 的呢………. 加電場狀態 Basic Operation --- TN 90º Polarizer LC Voltage Polarizer Transmittance(%) 100 90 Back Light 10 0.0 Voltage (Between Vcom & Pixel) Basic Operation --- TN (data line流至pixel ITO之電流) Cst Id 10E-6 Vg < -3V, TFT turn off Data line 訊號 無法送至 Pixel ITO Pixel ITO (Display area) Vg > 5V, TFT turn on Data line 訊號可送至 Pixel ITO 10E-11 10E-12 Data Line -10 -5 10 20 Vg (Gate 電壓) TFT元件特性 Gate Line TFT Pixel 架構示意圖 可利用Gate line 電壓的不同,控制TFT 是否turn on.進而決定data line訊號能否 輸入pixel ITO Driving Method 面板是由Gate_Line與 Data_Line組成的一個矩陣結構 Gate Line Sub_Pixel Data Line Driving Method Voltage G1 T= 0 G2 t=0 Selected row Nonselected row t=1 time Driving Method Gate_Line:Scan 讓每一“行”的pixel有“時序性”的被 控制 T= 1 NonSelected row Selected row Driving Method 以一個畫面來看… Gate line driving waveformData line driving waveform Voltage Frame Time Voltage V64 G1 Data Line 1~N G1 G2 G2 G3 G3 GN G1 Time t1 t2 t3 tN t1 Driving Method AC driving instead of DC driving If DC driving…….. Pixel Charging Behavior Considering the related capacitance in pixel holding state Signal n-1 Signal n Gate n-1 C lc C pd’ C st C pd Gate n C gs CF ITO TFT Pixel Charging Behavior Signal M-1 Signal M Gate N - 1 Gate N-1 Gate N Pixel MN Signal M Gate N Pixel MN Charging Pixel Charging Behavior Vgate(n-1) Vgate(n) 1/1000 Gn-1 Gn 999/1000 Pixel charging : 1/1000 Pixel holding : 999/1000 Vgate(n) Vgate(n-1) Vdata VPixel Vcom Pixel Charging Behavior Vgh C pd(next) Vpixel(p) Vcom Vpixel(n) Vgl C st C pd(own) C lc C gs On Off Pixel Charging Behavior Vgh C pd(own) Vpixel(p) Vcom Vpixel(n) Vgl C st C pd(next) C lc C gs On Off Pixel Charging Behavior Vgh 就是這東西叫Feed-Through Feed through Voltage C pd(own) Vpixel(p) Vcom Vpixel(n) Vgl C st C pd(next) C lc C gs On Off Outline LCD Driving Principle LCD Structure Basic Operation Driving method LCD Driving Circuits Driving Circuits Structure Gate Driver Source Driver LCD Structure DC/DC Y-Driver IC DC/DC converter Receiver Connector Connector ASIC Timing Controller RSDS/TTL Transmitter VGA & Scalar Source Driver Gamma Correction Power Transmitter Timing controller Cell X-Driver IC X PCB Gate Driver :XPCBA Driving Circuits Structure Signal flow DC/DC Driving Circuits Structure • AVDD = (0.2 + 3.8 + 0.2)*2 = 8.4V V0 V1 7.6V 3.8V V6 4.31V Vcom TRANSMISSION V7 3.29V 3.8V V8 V13 AVDD decides maximum driving voltage of LC 0V VOLTAGE Driving Circuits Structure Column Driver Row Drivers Gate Source Vgh Drain Vgon-min Tg Vgpp Vgd Vspp Vgdholding Vgh/Vgl depend on TFT pixel charging and Vst:影像訊號的直流位準 Vsh Vdh Vst Common Vsl Vdl Vgoff-min Vgl Gate Driver---Functional Block Level shift Logic Shift register Logic output = ( Din and OE ) or (not XON) Gate Driver---Shift Register YDIO1 D Q D CLK Q D CLK Q D CLK Q D CLK Q D CLK CLK YCLK Out 1 Out 2 Function of shift register Out 3 Out 255 Out 256 Q YDIO2 Gate Driver---Level Shifter VGH When logic output=1 Gate1 open gate1 (Vgh,Vgl) Analog output (1,0) When logic output=0 Gate2 open gate2 VGL Function of Level shifter Source Driver---Functional Block Y2 Y383 Y1 Y3 Y382 Y384 Output Buffer (384 Channels) VGMA1 ~ VGMA14 6 6 6 DATAPOL 6 6 6 Data Register 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Line Latch ( 384 X 6 Bit ) STB 6 1 CLKP CLKN 128 SHL 128-bit Shift Register DIO2 DIO1 DVDD 6 Level Shift RSDS Receiver D00P/N D01P/N D02P/N D10P/N D11P/N D12P/N D20P/N D21P/N D22P/N POL R-DAC DGND AVDD AGND Source Driver---R-DAC B0 B0 B1 B1 B2 B2 VGMA1 R0 VGMA2 R1 VGMA3 R2 VGMA4 OP R3 VGMA5 R4 VGMA6 R5 VGMA7 R7 VGMA8 + Quiz #2 (請註明英文專有名詞) 1. LC driving 中 LC mode 分為三類,試說明之? 2. 試計算Full HD TV之水平與垂直解析度為1920x 1080 共有多少個次畫素? 3. 試說明四種畫素充電(Pixel charge behavior)之極性 反轉的方式? 4. 若一面板驅動有feed through voltage,你認為畫素 電壓會出現何種現象,試繪圖說明? 5. 承第二題之解析度,若聯發科設計之一顆水平方 向的驅動IC有1440通道(Channel),請問水平方向 之驅動IC個要幾顆? 6. 一道光罩之Array Process主有由哪三種製程組成?
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