CALL (315) 593-9400 - Cayuga Community College
CALL (315) 593-9400 - Cayuga Community College
Four Easy Ways to Register Cayuga’s College for Kids &Teens Policies Now with our user-friendly system, you can register yourself for all classes. A confirmation email is sent automatically upon registration. Visit • Select Leisure Learning • Select Advanced Search • Select College for Kids and Teens 02 . 03 . Students must be between the ages of 8-14 to register for College for Kids and Teens classes. 04. 05 . Payment in full must be received along with registration form. classes will be held on Cayuga Community 1The.ONLINE 01 . AllCollege’s Auburn Campus or the River Glen fastest and easiest way to register! Campus in Fulton. 2. CALL (315) 593-9400 Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm Friday 9am-12pm • Register with your VISA, MasterCard, Discover card 3. BY MAIL Mail your registration with a check or money order to: Cayuga Community College Center for Career and Community Education 11 River Glen Drive, Fulton, NY 13069 Please complete one form per person. Make checks payable to Cayuga Community College. (No cash payments please). Please note: If paying by check, Social Security number will be required to receive refund. You will be enrolled as soon as we receive your registration and payment. There will be a $20 fee for checks returned for any reason. All registered students will be required to provide emergency contact information, medical treatment permission, immunization records, photo release permission, and written instructions for any special needs. A summer class enrollment packet will be mailed to you in June or within one week of registration. 06. Health and behavior policies will be included in the summer class enrollment packet. All students must abide by these policies, and failure to do so may result in the student being dismissed. No refunds or credits will be granted in these situations. 07 . All students must register at least one week before course start date. All course changes must be made one week before course start date. Cancellation requests must be received one week before course start date to receive a full refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations made within one week of course start date. 4. IN PERSON Visit our office at Cayuga Community College Center for Career and Community Education 11 River Glen Drive, Fulton, NY 13069 Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-12pm All students must be signed in and out each day by an adult. For students registered for the both morning and afternoon classes, students must be signed out by an adult for the lunch period and signed back in before the next registered class. Mail registration form to: Cayuga Community College Center for Career and Community Education 11 River Glen Drive • Fulton, NY 13069 Child’s Name Child’s Age DOB Guardian’s Name Gender Email Address City Phone (Home) Date/Time Course Titlee State Zip (Cell) Fee Date/Time (Work) Course Titlee Payment Methods NO CASH PAYMENTS PLEASE. ❑ Check (payable to Cayuga Community College) ❑ Money Order (payable to Cayuga Community College) Fee ADVENTURES IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Ages 8-10 July 18-22 1-3:55pm Ages 11-14 July 18-22 9-11:55am Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a smartphone or tablet to take the class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions, LLC. $125 Fulton $125 Fulton B y most recent estimates, scientists think there are about 8.7 million different animal species on our planet! Get to know some of these amazing creatures by investigating living animals, exploring animal communication, exploring habitats and ecosystems outside, and deciding which animals do and don’t make good pets. Activities may include fossil digs for NY Fossils, nature walks, animal-themed games, microscope use, and a create-an-animal design project! Students may observe a demonstration of a dissection for the age 11-14 class. Taught by Byron Norelius. CHESS CLUB Ages 8-14 July 11-15 10:30-11:55am July 18-22 9-10:25am July 25-29 10:30-11:55am P layers of all levels are welcome! Players will learn piece movement, opening moves, the middle game, and how to win in the end game. The first half hour is instruction and then players will have an hour to compete. Students will also learn team chess! Taught by James Sandford. APP ADVENTURES: THE NEXT LEVEL! Ages 8-10 July 25-29 9-11:55am Ages 11-14 July 25-29 1-3:55pm $49 Fulton Fulton Fulton $125 Fulton $125 Fulton C ontinue your quest to make the next viral app! Whether you want to move past the basic techniques learned in App Attack or want to jump right in, we are ready for you! Students will choose from a selection of different web-based (HTML5) mobile apps and explore more in-depth programming concepts. Student-created apps will be accessible on a Black Rocket site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App 1 CALL (315) 593 -94 0 0 TO REGI STE R BIRD HOUSE/FEEDER CONSTRUCTION! FOOD FOR POWER Ages 8-14 July 11-15 9-10:25am July 18-22 10:30-11:55am July 25-29 9-10:25am Ages 8-14 July 11-15 10:30-11:55am July 25-29 1-2:25pm $55 Fulton Fulton Fulton I s there any truth to the famous quote, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? In this course, learn about nutrient-packed foods that are excellent for your body and mind performance. We will investigate nutritional facts and ingredient labels as well as portion sizes. We will seek out the necessary nutrients and vitamins needed for healthy bodies and find out which foods contain them. Together, we will compose a recipe book of the healthy snacks we will be making. Taught by Lisa Lloyd. C ome and learn how to construct a bird feeder and/or house. We will use our creativity to paint our feeders and houses. Then we will put on the finishing touches as we spray our pieces to water seal them. Time and weather permitting, we will explore the nature around campus as well! Taught by James Sandford. CREATIVE WRITING Ages 10-14 July 11-15 9-10:25am $49 Fulton Fulton $49 Fulton C alling all writers! Would you like to learn all about creative writing? This fun and innovative class will provide students with everything they want to know from the technical aspects of writing to what makes a story good. Be part of a Writer’s Circle as well as work one-on-one with the instructor. By the end of the week, students will be on their way to writing their own novel or short story as well as know how to move forward with publication! Taught by Author of “They Call Me Zombie” and “They Call Me Zombie: Hope”, John Mercer. FRENCH CHILDREN’S LITERATURE Ages 11-14 July 18-22 9-11:55am P $99 Fulton oetry, short stories, and novellas (ex: “Le Petit Nicolas”, Bonsoir Lune, and Le Petit Prince); exploration of French culture and instruction of basic language structures/vocabulary/phrases. Taught by Peter Cavana. 2 Ages 8-10 August 1-5 9-11:55am Ages 11-14 August 1-5 1-3:55pm I n this LEGO® adventure YOU are the star! Pick your favorite LEGO® genre or create an alternate universe to create a digital illustrated story. Whether you want to fight alongside Batman, be part of a Ninjago clan, hang with Ninja Turtles, or go into space with the Bionicles, the only requirement is that you put yourself in the story! All students will end the class with a digital comic book that can be shared with friends and family on a passwordprotected website! Students will work in teams for most of the program. Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions, LLC. GO GREEN! MAKE YOUR OWN DREAM CATCHERS AND DRUMS! Ages 8-10 August 1-5 1-2:25pm $49 Fulton A fun craft-making class that also teaches the three R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose! Plus story telling of Native American drums and dream catchers! Taught by Beverly Owen. HEROES AND MONSTERS: FILM ANALYSIS Ages 11-14 July 18-22 1-3:55pm $99 Fulton T he exploration of the origins of fantasy and antagonists/heroes (of all natures) in film, accompanied by written analyses (précis) of film. Taught by Peter Cavana. INTRODUCTION TO CROCHETING Ages 11-14 July 11-15 9-11:55am August 1-5 1-3:55pm $125 Fulton $125 Fulton $99 Fulton Fulton L earn the basic stitches of crocheting. After practicing stitches, you can go onto making a scarf or small blanket. Taught by Kailey Dombroski. 3 Batman© & Ninja Turtle© photo: Copyright LEGO® LEGO® YOUNIVERSE: MAKE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D VIDEO GAME MOVIE CLUB Ages 8-10 July 11-15 9-11:55am Ages 11-14 July 11-15 1-3:55pm Ages 8-14 July 11-15 1-3:55pm July 25-29 9-11:55am $125 Fulton $125 Fulton $99 Fulton Fulton E njoy a movie in a relaxing, cool environment. In this course we will watch movies of different genres and then complete related activities. Taught by Lisa Lloyd. T ry this new version of a Black Rocket classic! This class allows you to develop a game concept that goes well beyond the limitations of the traditional 2D game design classes. Students will learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginner event scripting, level design, controlling flow of gameplay, and storytelling. Student-created games will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions, LLC. MINECRAFT ANIMATORS Ages 8-10 July 18-22 9-11:55am Ages 11-14 July 18-22 1-3:55pm THE ART OF MAKING DREAM CATCHERS AND MEDICINE BAGS $125 Fulton $125 Fulton Ages 11-14 August 1-5 2:30-3:55pm MOJANG © 2009-2016. “MINECRAFT” B ring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney make movies such as Inside Out and Frozen by using techniques like key framing, tweening, texturing, and animating rigged 3D models! Student projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You do not need to own a Minecraft account to use the software in this class. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions, LLC. $49 Fulton L earn the Native American history of both medicine bags and dream catchers, and make one of each to take home! A fun and informative class! Taught by Beverly Owen. THE BABYSITTING COURSE Ages 11-14 July 11-15 1-3:55pm August 1-5 9-11:55am I $99 Fulton Fulton n this course you will learn how to care for infants, toddlers, preschool as well as school age children. Moreover you will learn how to prepare for babysitting jobs, handle emergencies, keep children safe, and make good decisions. This course will include interactive exercises and help challenge you to think through real-life situations. Taught by Kailey Dombroski. 4 DATE July 11-15 July 18-22 July 25-29 TIME CLASS AGES 9-10:25am Creative Writing Bird House/Feeder Construction 10-14 8-14 9-11:55am Introduction to Crocheting Make Your First 3D Video Game 11-14 8-10 10:30-11:55am Food for Power Chess Club 8-14 8-14 1-3:55pm Make Your First 3D Video Game Movie Club The Babysitting Course 11-14 8-14 11-14 9-10:25am Chess Club 8-14 9-11:55am Adventures in the Animal Kingdom French Children’s Literature Minecraft Animators 11-14 11-14 8-10 10:30-11:55am Bird House/Feeder Construction 8-14 1-3:55pm Adventures in the Animal Kingdom Heroes and Monsters: Film Analysis Minecraft Animators 8-10 11-14 11-14 9-10:25am Bird House/Feeder Construction 8-14 9-11:55am App Adventures: The Next Level Movie Club 8-10 8-14 10:30-11:55am Chess Club 8-14 1-2:25pm Food for Power 8-14 1-3:55pm App Adventures: The Next Level 11-14 LEGO YOUniverse: Make Your Own Adventure The Babysitting Course 8-10 1-2:25pm Go Green! Make Your Own Dream Catchers and Drums 8-10 1-3:55pm Introduction to Crocheting LEGO YOUniverse: Make Your Own Adventure 11-14 11-14 2:30-3:55pm The Art of Making Dream Catchers and Medicine Bags 11-14 August 1-5 9-11:55am 11-14
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