6 - Joni Mitchell
6 - Joni Mitchell
40 SYRACUSE POST-STANDARD, February 25, 1*76 anhunt Nets Scroungers p Crouse-Hinds maintenance man, who said he was looking out a window and saw two men skulking through a swampy landfil behind the plant, at Seventh North and Wolf streets. According to Deputy Joe Leonard, when deputies arrived at the scene, the two men went into hiding in the landfill, lying low in high grass. At this point deputies had no idea what the men were doing in the landfill or what was in the six onion bags they were reported to be carrying. Deputies proceeded to surround the landfill and A; -65-year-old man was converge on the men, while a charged with disorderly con- helicopter hovered above them duct'yesterday after city po- shining its floodlight on the lice;reportedly were unable to high grass. gel him admitted to two local After about another hour of psychiatric treatment facili- searching through the landfill, Leonard and his partner, Depties; Michael J. Kolakowski of uty John Carduner, reported 205 jN. State St. was being held they had apprehended the last-night at the Public Safety suspects. Ten minutes later the depuBMding jail in lieu of $100 baiL Arraignment is scheduled ties and their muddy suspects emerged from the swamp. for today. Leonard reported that the According to a report by Patrolman David WUlard, he was men had been carrying three sent to Curry Cafeteria, 210 E. onion bags apiece, each of Genesee St.. about 9:50 a.m. them filled with aluminum yesterday on a disturbance scraps Crouse-Hinds was discalh There, he reported, he carding. Police said the two suspects found Kolakowski talking to himself and throwing his hat — Henry P. Maholtck, 48, of 310 Plum St.. and Ralph E. on the counter. Willard reported he tried to Young. 35, of 113 Sand St. — taie' the man home but when told them thev« were in the they got to 205 N. State St. the junk business and expected to man refused to leave the pa- sell the scrap for about$28. Because the scraps were of trol; car. The police officer reported no value to Crouse-Hinds, it he then went to the psychiatric would have been ridiculous to treatment facility at Grouse- charge the men with theft or Irving Memorial Hospital but larcenv. Leonard said. So the deputies charged the was told there that the hospital would not take the man be- men with trespassing. They cause he was not endangering were arraigned last night before Town of Salina Justice himself or others. Willard reported he next Helen Burnham. pleaded took the man to Hutchings guilty, and were fined $25 — Psychiatric Center. The eld- which neither was able to pay erly man would not sign him- last night, Leonard said. 3*wo men allegedly stealing refuse from Crouse-Hinds Co. were arrested yesterday by the, sheriff's department after ai( hour and a half manhunt involving two sergeants, four deputies, four patrol cars and a helicopter. ^The department received a call at about 5:15p.m. from a 'Admitted At PSB if •^ self in there and was therefore refused admission, police reported. He was then taken to the Public Safety Building and charged with disorderly conduct in connection with his actions at the restaurant earlier. Deadline Is Monday Many farmers and fisherman will have to file their income tax returns for this year by 'Monday, said William H. Tompkins, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) district director. Tompkins said farmers and fishermen who did not file a declaration of estimated federal individual income tax by Jan. 15 should file their 1975 tax return and pay all tax due by March 1 to avoid penalty. Farmers and fishermen are defined in the tax law as those who earned at least two-thirds of their 1975 gross income from farming or fishing. Citv Fires Calls despatched yesterday by city firemen: S 57 a.m, 100 block of Dcwcy Avenue, flush gasofine. 2:40 p.m., Lamson Street and Tyson Place, dump 3:30 p.m., 1308 3. State St., wires 5.07 p.m . 728 5. Crouse Ave., incinerator. 6:34 p.m., rear of Lincoln School, dumpster. 7:32 p.m., 400 block of John Street, gas odor. 7-.34 p.m , 2i5 Burnei Ave,, water problem 8*10 p.m., 225 W. Kennedy St., investigation. County Fires Calls answered yesterday by county firemen: 12.40 a.m. NAVAC. E, Ludrnill Road. Illness. 12:58 a.m. JAMESVILLE. Rockcut Road Car fire. 2;08 a.m. NAVAC Fletcher Drive, 6:36 a.m. NAVAC. E. TaH Road. ness. 9:21 a.m. EAVES. Stillwatcr Drive. Illness. 1Q:QO a.m. MOVERS C O R N E R S AMBULANCE. Lotus Circle, illness. 10:55 a.m. GBAC. Curtis Avenue. Illness. 10:59 a.m. MATTYDALE RESCUE, NAVAC. Mitchell Avenue, dlne&s. IMS a.m. LAKESIDE. State Fair Boulevard, Minor fire. U-.30 a.m. SOUTH BAY RESCUE. NAVAC. Lakeshore Road. Illness. 1 2 - 1 3 p.m. MARCELLUS AMBULANCE. Falls Road. Illness. 12 15 p.m. GBAC. Route 31; Illness. 1-tH p.m. PHOENIX AMBULANCE, Oswego River Road, Illness. 1:52 p.m. JORDAN AMBULANCE. Peru Road, Illness. 2:45 p.m. EAST SYRACUSE. Pyson Place. Minor fire. 2: 49 p m. EAVES. Towpath Road, 3:01 p-rn. NAVAC Bailey Road. Illness. 3:57 p.m, DEWITT RESCUE. Randall Road Injury. 4:31 p.m, TULLY AMBULANCE. Town Line Road. Illness, 4.42 p.m. BALDWINSVILLE. Salina Street, Chimney. 4 - 5 4 p.m. FAYETTEVILLH AMBULANCE. S. Manhus Strep*. Automobile accident. 4;59 p.m. LIVERPOOL AMBULANCE. Turnpike Street. Illness. 5 12 p.m. MOYER5 CORNERS AMBULANCE. Burden Court. Illness. 5:44 p.m. NEDROW. Ruhamah Avenue. Oven. 6:24 p.m, BALDWINSVtLLE. Clair- wood Drive. Minor fire. 6 37 p.m SOLVAY. Sixth Street. Car fire. 6;45 p.m. MATTYDALE. Skiff Drive. Furnace problem. 6:48 p.m. MOVERS COYNERS AMBULANCE. Route 57. Injury. 7:23 p.m. MOYERS CORNERS AMBULANCE, Evergreen Circle. Illness. 7;28 p.m. JAMESVILLE RESCUE. Timothy Drive. Injury. 7 . 5 7 p.m. B R I D G E P O R T AMBULANCE. Eisenhower Boulevard. Illness. 8:25 p.m. C L A Y . Boxtord Road. Garage, 8:58 p.m. NAVAC- Route 81. Illness 9:40 p.m. AMBER. Poplar Lane. Water problem. 10:10 p.m. LYNCOURT RESCUE. Taft AvonuD. Illness. Joni Pleases Capacity Crowd By GREGORY W. MILLER Joni Mitchell performed to a soid-out War Memorial auditorium last, and seemed to meet the expectations of all her fans. The onetime "folk singer" showed she has left that sometimes confining style behind — but can return to it at will. Backed by the five-member L.A. Express, Miss Mitchell sang, several songs from her latest album. "The Hissing of Summer Lawns." But the more than 8,000 persons in the hockey rink seemed to be waiting for her "old songs," the quiet personal ballads with just an acoustic guitar behind he»: pure soprano voice. And *'•• -<( favorites came. "Yelkr. :-xi," "Cold Blue Kiwi" and "Ho Played Real Good for Free." But site declined to merely parrot her older material. In addition to the "Summer Lawn" songs, on an album which only recently hit the record racks, she also introduced new material, "Coyote" and "Don Juan's Reckless Daughter," LA. Express had the somewhat unusual task of playing as the first act — traditionally a thankless task when an audience is waiting for a "star" — and as backup to Miss Mitchell's piano and guitar. They assumed their tasks nicely. The group leans more to jazz rhythm than to the common denominator of rock, and the songs they played lacked lyrics to pull the melody along. But after a slow start, they tiiiished an hour set well. As buck up to Miss Mitchell, they carne and went on stage almost unnoticed, playing hard' on "Help Me" and other numbers, but softly and in the background when needed for emphasis. Mi<* Mitchell's sei lasted about 00 minutes. LEGAL NOTICES WTOMOT1VE FILE M0.74-3W CITATION 111*11*1* Tte People of the State of New York By the Grace of God, Free and In' it TO John Dot and Miry Rot, ttt ntrnt* John Do* im) Mtry Rot bting f Ictlttou* tnd uwd to dtiignatt tt* tfittrlbutftt, htfr$ it l*w ftffll n«xt of kin of John E, Hamilton dtCMMd, If any there bt all of *fro*e nam*** plact* of rotdtnct and post office tddrtiw* art unknown and cannot after dut dill* otftce and diligent inquiry tbtr* fore be ascertained and Louis LefHowili, Attorney General Slate of Mew York. o petition having been duly filad by Frank H. Armani, Esq. who is domiciled at 121 Munro Drive, Camilla N.Y, 13031 YOU AND EACH OP YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW mroMonvc MTOMOTWC MTOM0TWC Mil f imp w II to* tot* MOTIONS • It Trwb-TrnlNi 1970, (Mtftd AUDI FOX 74 - automatic sunJOSKOSH Truck, snow plow < foot JOHN DIBELLO, AUCTIONEER root, new ttres i brtkat, 34, wlft options, ixctlttnt condition. exctllfnt, asking 11295. After 4 STERLING, NEW YORK . path. Sell or tr«dc miles, e*ct*lent condition, ro Coll 4JH771 will tre&, CHITTENANOO CYCLES INC Phont H4-S193 . 4497405, 449-7973 *nytlmfc ucrittee, asking $3500 47**1ttf fttt. 5, Cfiitttn*i>90, N. Y^ «I74244 CHEVCLUt SS '73 - t'jf, 3M/4 LINCOLN 'ft, ilr STEP Van Int'l, 19at, mechanical LAZY S Hveitock Market Auction* go* condi ntw or**. Hurst no radio, dual txhwit. XMKVETTE '79. wfclt* KAWASAKI 790 'ft txctllmt, to- good condition, need* some btdy tvtry Tues,, Fairground*; tion, MOB Hf« tfret, 4SMKL •lr, AM-FM t*pt, oowtr Qlfl* iuit rtbultt. A RIAL work, «kirva JSW. Phone week- Norwich, N.Y. «0-39MVM Or brakt*. 1,000 mfltt. Mwiy 137-4457 d»y$ 9 to 5 47MW2. MUViltICK- n, 6 POWERHOUSE! 113*5. CHCVELUE SUM 17,000 firm. •fl«r 5p.m. dlic brake*, bod t Interior mint, •rd mutt tdl SIM. «? MARTIN RYAN Auctlont«r, *ffl* TOYOTA 1971 5p.m 11500. ;ORV€TTE 197*, ing buying, «pprti*!ng. Pulton, MQTORCROSSER CZMO, comHiLux Truck $»50 N.Y. 31MW4459 kwdtd, must wll 638*1994 afftr 6 pm, pietely rebuilt, many extra** exCH6VEU.6 U 4 speed, tachome-MAVERICK '70, 6 cellent play bike, $$tf. AsK tor ter, power iteering, haadtrt, cktn, no rut1 750.00 or btst ROLAND JANACEK complfU R«y 9t MMttl until 7PM. grtat condition, musfstll, AHtr 5 auction **rvic** Wte boy or $«tl, tpttd CHARGE* 'tli mOQ fnvtfttftL BMW-HONDA &S-7332. IMAVERICK If72, « cylindtr, CHEVROLET Imp* Ia '67 SS 327, standvd 2 door, good condition, automatic new transmission, a* 11300. «7-HM afttr S pm. ctltont running car, 1291463481 MERCURY Mirqull '*» * doof, CHEVROLET Impala-lMB-SS mf m«cn»rt!c*lly excellent, body AM-FM radio, factory tape, good, rtdlftlv ridio, many extra's. 473*1W5 afwr five 4374M4 CHEVROLET Impala, 1W, green, MERCURY VVBobcat 75, 6cylin4 door, V8 327, llOftO mile* power der wagon, e*celt*nl condition, steering-brakes, n««d» body low mileage, warranty, many extras. Must sell. Call mornings work, $290, «7-076i. or ovenings. 46*4414 WRECKERS S3000. aW.38li"evenln9s'nr weak'loftSA Pioneer 250 Yamaha DS42SO •fldl CORVETTE 1*5 • 4 speed; convertible dark green fin sh - In ml* off and on weather shop In ttw comfort of our Indoor showroom * in fact, shop here even wh*n the weattw is hoUS AsK for Jim Gil , Sandy Cr«ft, I-3I741M (A CHEV, 1976 Wr«**r iTACE & PIERSALL - Compt«t« FORD 1974 4 wh.dr. Wrecker 6i7-«51 220. 440 and 480 Holm** In stock, locticn service. Wll buy or s«1L OSSA 73 * six day Endura, 625 we take trades. Call 437*2601 Ctmdtfl 245-2UO or 3t5-M4*246t mile*, excellent condition, *WO, Mon.-Fri. THE G. L. GATES' 47MMI More E. Freetown 607-WHW5 Complete auction service TRIUMPH Bonntvill* 72 * 8,000 Thomas Coyne Auction Sale Co, mil*$, exceptional condition. 343* Ccrmp auction service $1% Barbtf 07W b*fore noon. VI^MJ i^w Wf Rd Avon NY 716-WMW7 TRIUMPH '77 Daytona, low AKC black Standard Poodle Whitntv Point Livestock Market excellent condition. 11,100. 5 mwtt* $100. AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY 963*3570, 342-0529, Mel Atonasie owner TRIUMPH 650 1965, runs good, WYSS Auction Service Bruc* Wy»s n««ds palnf, aifclng S600, Call 469- APRICOT miniature femate, 8 wttky AKC Si00. Call auctionetr. Specializing in antt0465 after 4p.m. 6994333. 4uftS. 315493-5945 WANTED: Stock front «ftd for 650 Yamaha, also rim, fender & tank. BASSETT pups, 6 week*, AKC shots, worried, tri colored. 6754548 before 607-272-W55YAMAHA '74,R0350 excellent Ww WP*^ W*^^^P^FT Bww ^P*^*w r Iftwi'. /tAjud ^..HjudiiU^ n—t rf*i^*> bert CAUSE before the Surrogate'* Court. County of Onond*0a, at the BRESEE CHEVYTOWN County Court Howe in the City of Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 Syracuse, in said County of Onondaga, New York, on the 25 day of OATSUN 'Ts-e-aio, 11,000 mitw, 4 Marcn, iv/a, *r y; ju OXK>CK A.M., sp«ed, with snows. Phone 637 why * decree should not be made CHEVROLET RACE (NOVA) IW^MERCURY '* convtrtiW* - txctj637-9W. admitting to probate a* the Last < GoW; ftut trans; 6cyl; am radio. " l e n t running has body ru*t, 1300, OATSUN '72, 12QQ couM, automatWill and Testament of John E. For this neat little tconomy car 471*4^ after 5 ic, 34mpg., AM-FM, Hamilton deceatrf, lately domi- sat Don Bennett MONTE CARLO'», at P.B., P.S,, ftnows. Sfm Call 492-1333 ciled at 109 Macfcay Ave., in ttx BRESEE CHEVYTOWN AM-FM, radio, iport mirror, Town of Camillus, County of OnonOW Liverpool Rd. 457^333 Landau top, navy blueextej DATSUN 71 240Z, needs paint daga* State of New York, a pap*r CHEVROLET WAGON-1*66, 6 cyl* white nor, white int., much mor«. 4J50I shocks, otherwise erfect. writing bearing date February II imtfr, good condition, guarantHd btst offer 474-1441. 1974 and Letters Testamentary ifHoecfion. 457-7057. thereon be granted to the petition* MONTE CARLO 1974 19,000 mil«, DATSUN 240Z-73, 4 speed, radial*, er. CHEVROLET 'tt, WAOON, auto- landau root, tiltwtwl, rear win- 26,000 miles, excellent condition. $3,900. 446*4176 after 6 in Testimony Whereof, we have matic, air, power steering, $1400. dow d«fOdger, H500 459-6219. caused the seat of the Surrogate's Like new. 495-1203, DATSUN 1973, 1200 Hatchback, 4 Court of said County of Qnondaga CHEVROLET 70 NGv*, 3 speed MUSTANG '69, automatic, small on th* floor, 36mpg, Call 4694152 to be hereunto affixed. Witness, standard shift on floor/ good con- v-8, good s mil excellent After 5. Hon. Laurence D. Wood, Surrogate dition, J100D. 662-7732. condition * DAVE BUONO'S of said County, at the City of SyraV-8 Automatic, DATSUN WORLD cuse New York, the 20 day of Feb* CHEVROLET '» Station Wagon, MUSTANG-&8, good condition. 66,000 miles S750. 8279 Brewerton Rd., Cicero ruary, 1976. good condition .453-0963 699-5278 Stuart u Ben 682-6995 Clerk of the Surrogate's Court ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Frank H. Armani 4300 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13219 (315) 487-2551 (Thfs Citation is served upon y as required by law. You are not obliged to appear in person, ti you fail to appear it will be assum That you do not object to the reii requested. You have a right t have an attorney-at-law appear for MTTOHOTIYE PETS MEKMNDISE shape. Low mile* BOXER- Brindie male, 8 months, AKC reasonable AAA ANTIQUES Located at An* 471-0006, 471-7130, 656-3126 lique Gallery of C.N.Y. 10 shops YAMAHA 1974 RD350, excellent condition many extras, $8*5 or COCKAPOO- Spade, female, 8 in one RT* 6*4 exit 9, Midler Ave. rnonttw old, all black, not pore- Syr, N.Y. Buy-Sen-Appraise 437best offer; 638-2281. bred. Excellent with children 1184. Open 7 dtys wk. S2S. 699-3083. mW • ^W mn^flf^^Hfl^l IW ANTIQUE CENTER Wholesale SPANIEL- Beautiful Retail. We Buy. Wecujtom strip, AUTOMATIC car wash for sale, COCKER 6 months old, buff color. repair, refinish 1460 Burnet Bay autowaih, 3 brush, full male, 476-8270 hydraulic used one year. $7,000. Call 656rM37. CHRIS DUWNEY ANTIQUES DACHSHUND puppies for sale, 475-5193 BOUGHT AND SOLD registered, champion (inev CRAFTSMAN- DA 7BO HoHey 4 3AKC 400 NICHOLS AVE. males left special S120. 699 1971, Ftetback, yellow CHEVROLET 1968, 327 cube, 275 MUSTANG HP, automatic* runs good, body w/black stripe, 3 spc«d 302, low speed, slicks on erasers, 12 bolt 3145mileage, M4§0. 4*5^860. 46MM1 rusted. 699-3022. Chevy rear. 4754370. MUSTANG 1966, rebuilt 289, autoFIVE year old Vii&la hunter, FOUR Drawer Secretary, Very FOUR MAGS, (told, fits GM cars, matic, cam, 600 CFM, Holly, CHEVY 74 ipayed female. Call after 6p.m., Good Condition. Make offer. 417 $60. 2 mags MT black fits GM air shocks, n«w paint Warner Ave. 478-0771 662*7779. CAMARO-6 cylinder, 2 door headers, cars 135. 4 E78xl4 tires S75. 437hardtop, automatic, radio 8- heat- outstanding. 677-3888, 5-7 eve- BOB & TONY'S SALES, INC. 4774. NEW at the "AntiQue Mart" FREE * Gafltla adult male cat nings. er, power steering. Was S3695. 401 First St.; Liverpool blacK wtt*i green eye^. Call after FIAT. SalevService-Parts. 310 SIX 7HJxW 10 ply summer truck NOVA '71 V» Sale Price J3295. 6. 479-7227. PHONE NUMBER 4S7-2022 Thompson Rd., 417-3767 tires on F-600 Ford wheels, S225. Rally Wheels Lakeview Art Gallery - Feb. FREE to good home, female, miniFLOYD CREASER 673-4897. $700 487-0767 FIATS 850 70 i 69, '70 needs body Paintings by "Robin Bolton" ature, fox terrier. Loves kids'69 for parts, 4 cylinder, SMALL Block hooker headers, 1 Phone: 422*6174. NOVA 1973- 6 cyl, aut; radio; w/w work, PANCHRON1A ANTIQUES Standard 4. 662*9791. set 11-1, standard pistons, like you.) tires; yellow; vinyl interior * low Specialist in oriental rugs, 3804 Brewerttm Rd., N. Syr. FREE-2 KITTENS new. Protrac traction bars off P7861 mileage - exceptional car - Sec FIAT 71 Model 850 Sport, apple music boxes & quality antiques, 458-2584 TO GOOD HOME Camaro. 622-2977 mornings, evegreen, vinyl hardtop, 42,WO Ron Pierce . Buy - Sell * Apprftit* 672*3636 699-4476 EVENINGS nings after 9PM. CHEVY 1966 Bel Air-auto., sedan, BRESEE CHEVYTOWN miles. 5795. 7W-7Q25. 60,000 mi., new tires. Runs great. Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 FRENCH Briard Sheepdog, 7 83 fctyim Wmted WANTED v-a engine for 1969 JeepFIAT1974, 128, 2 door, blue, front $295. 454*3506. months, male pedigree with wheel drive, new tire*, brakes* Call NOVA-W3, 6 cylinder, papers, shots, great watchdog, ANTIQUES WANtED-LooWng for 635-7700 CHEV 73 Nova Hatchback, auto, tuned and runn!ng_pertoct S19QO. Must sacrifice. 475-8881. everything. Lamps, rugs, clock*, good with children, 456*7346. guar. J2390. Bob Bartn, V52 W. Must sell W7-756 " 1968-69 442 PARTS M21 4 Speed turn., jewelry, glass, dishes* HONDA CIVICHatchback 73. 4 422-99W. FOUND: White, female mutt, no GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies- crocks, coins & paintings. ComOUDS-F85, 2 door, 330 V-8, Power speed., Mtcnelln radial*, AM-FM shifter, air shocks license. Phone: Born January 4, ready now only 5 plete household & estates, 475Call 458-5410 - 458-7293. CHRYSLER NEWPORT '71, 33,000 radio, luggage rack, stereo tape. steering. Snows, $225 or best 6384981 left. Nicely marked *5Q firm, no 3061 miles, 4 deer hcrdtop. Si 400. 40+ miles per gallon. Excellent Offer. 673-3593 papers. 452-0199. 45MOW condition. 472-1936. TREADLE SEWING Machines, QL3SMOB1LE Delta 88 '69, auto12Utt GERMAN Shorthaired pointers, tmnKs, old cupboards, crocks, COLT 19?4 Suburban, low mileage. matic transmission, power steer MA2DA-1974 Rottary pick-up, low BENDER FORD AKC, health guaranteed, reserve ,, furniture, clocks. 678-254?. ing*brakes. Good condition. 656- mileage* Full canvas cap, 4 BLACK part Irish Setter Retriever $2895, now. 6W-65B9, spool Step bumper. 673-3108 End of Winter Sale 7043. in Elmwood . Park area. Missing SAVE ON FORDS GER, Shepherd Puppies, AKC 85 Bicydes-Mifli Bikes 2/21/76. 475-1363. MGB-GT '69. Classic interior OLDSMOBILE '75 Toronado 76 F100 pickup, *«cW $3399.31 reg., 6 weeKs, 2 fitters, all colors. PEUGEOT- PX10 Needs body work loaded. Must Sacrifice. CALICO, spayed female, long hair, 76 FIDO 4 wheel dr. w/ plow Call 668-3662. Super light weight bicycle, excel682-2761 1900, 487-8979 687-9728, 637-9993 vie, Baxton St., No. Syr. Reward. MANUUS, N.Y. 76 F250 4 whwl dr. w/ plow GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, lent condition. 458-3243. 458-3267. COMET Ti GT, 36,000 miles, excel- OPEL "MANTA RALLY" 1974 -MGB-GT, 67, needs transmissiun 76 F150 Explorer pickup excellent breeding, parents XLOST; Large, male/ orange, tiger ient condition, economy V8, Yellow w/biack rally paint and work, have spare transmission. 76 Econoline long & $hort WB 87 Materials rayed, shots. 315-597-9745. standard, cheap. 463-5371, 488$700 Or best offer. 472-9398 or 455* 75 int, 4 wheel dr. Scout stripes 4 cyl 4 speed am/fm cat, vie. Northern Lights rarnp, radio; special instrument pack- 6502. 717 Spencer St. 476-4067 BARGAINS AT PELNIK'S going South, may be hurt. 4495. IRISH SETTER puppies, AKC, REWARD. 458-3104. shots, wormed, $75. 478-1096 Or Radiators, pipe. I-beams, doors, CUTLASS S-74, stocker whwlt, vi- age; ruslproofed; only 14,QOQ| AAG Midget 70 BLAZER 1973, A-l condition, all miles See or call Joe CteAngelo { windows, fluorescent lights, lum473-3267 between 6-Bpm, Best offer power, automatic Fischer plow, LOST white Samoyed husky nyl root. Also VW ski rack & CraBRESEECHEVYTOWN ber, 3xl2's by 2V. 472-1631 Call 463-9742 no rust best offer. 469-5796. LABRADOR Retrievers, AKC, female, needs medication. gar mags. 656-7959. Old Liverpool Rd- 457-0333 clean cement blocks, REWARD. Call 47B-0604 after 6 OPEL GT 70, accident victim, BROCKWAY TRACTOR 1972 * black, (2) 6 month started males, USED p.m. car. make oHer, whole or Green; single axle - Ready for the (i) 12 week female, good pros some 8" ornamental, PINTO 71 $1098 parts 492-1907 petfs, 678-2550. Pdrti 476-0972 road. Call Clarence Auringer MEDIUM size part collie/shepherd 72 $1798 OPEL Manta 74, 4 speed, AM/FM BRESEE CHEVYTOWN male, vie Ivy Ridge. Reward. DATSUN 74 pickup, 4 speed, only PINTO LONG Haired Persian Angora YARD CLEARANCE SALE-sinks, Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 Mark, 473-4773, 476-1931. kittens, white, black, silver, $35. tubs, doors, windows, I-beams, 20,751 certified mile*, gray finish, CB radio. 39,000 miles, ft 400 73 $1498 best offer. 695-5314 pipes, oil, gas furnaces, H^user reg, price S3295, sale price 52495 VEGA CHEVROLET camper special 74- Call 492-2355. Elevator Unit, 3 phase, 30 h,p. 76 Lincoln Mark |Vf Cream finish, w/carnper, $5900 or trade for CorMINIATURE Poodles, AKC, 3 OPEL- 1972, 1900 series, automatic vette, 633-2748, 488-2648, 486-6733, E. Simmons Landau roof, luxury group interifemales, 2 black 1 apricot, availf transmission, 4 cylinder, 21,000 Wrecking, 901 Emerson Ave CARING For children by the day or, AM/FM stereo tape, tilt wheel, able March 6. S75. 487-6905. miles. $1500. 487-2726. CHEVROLET PICK-UP 1975 cruise control, loaded with many or week. Experienced. Fenced Scottsdale 10 V-8 blue and white; OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG/ 3 81 Bininesi Office Equip. extras. Only 3035 certified miles. yard. Call 469-7696. SAAB 99E 1972, 4 door, air, stereo, ,, inc., Exit 11, 69Q E., BrSdje 48,000 original owner, never aut. trans; wood grain dash 350 months old, shots, wormed, $150. $12,895. ELECTRONIC Calculator with AC engine; 8 ft. box; radio; neater 457^5252. 75 Ford p-IQQ pickup, 3 speed St., E, Syracuse Ph. 446-7700 wrecked, $2500. 476-9102. low mileage - cle&n as you can OLD English Sheepdogs, males, adaptor; GE cassette tape recortransmission, blue finish J3695 UPSTATE N.Y. OLDEST (21 Yrs.) der, $15 each. 446-9339. 76 Capri 11, Ghia, Green finish AND LARGEST AUTH. VW DLR. SAAB 96, 1968, 2 stroke parts car, find. Call .or see Don Warwick pedigree- markings, temperaBRESEE CHEVYTOWN First $100, with sun roof, AAA/FM radio air FOR SALE-Desk with chair, conment the best, terms. $300, $350. 17 Antique Cars 635-9310. Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 conditioning, power steering, V6 ^LYMOUTH Fury 71 - air, power ference table & 8 chairs, and 315-672-5114. brakes/steering, call after 10 Other nirsc. 475-1652. CHEVROLET PICK-UP 1975 Low FORD T Bird '61 - interior needs engine, many other extras. A rare a.m. 446-2172 UNIVERSITY find with only 9535 certified miles. mileage; aut trans; Silverado am PART English Sheepdog pups, IBM - Factory renewed electric work, body good, $1500 firm ready 2/28/76, $15. $20. Call 422Hurry on this one $5795. PLYMOUTH SATELLITE SEB&696-5950 radio g/s p/b like new Call or typewriters, all models avail. TOYOTA 2396 9 to 5 weekdays, HERITAGE ING 1973 Silver w/ black vinyl see Pat Watts Check our low prices. PLUS OFOLDS SEDAN-1937, 98% restored. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN SALES-SERVICE-PARTS top; black vinyi int; 8 cyi; aut; LINCOLN-MERCURY S AMOVED Puppies AKC shots fc FICE SERVICES 474-6504 52,800, Phone (315) 659-8663, or BODY SHOP Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 wormed. 6 weeks old. 2 moles & 3 900 W. Genesee St. 4724534 p/s p/b am radio rear speakers; Box 13 Antwerp, N.Y. At one convenient location bumper guards; w/w Low milefemales 422-6433. 89 Cimertt CHEVROLET SPORT VAN 1974 140) Erie Bivd, East age - peachy Joe DeAngelo can 18 Autos for Sale p/b turb. hyd; radio; good truck * SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, fi ARGUS 35mm camera with flash DOWNTOWN SYRACUSE" help you on this one excellent condition - PRICE weeks old, male, $75. Call after 5. and filters, slide projector, good BRESEE CHEVYTOWN 47V4466 AMC PACER- 76, 4,000 miles with RIGHT Call Clarence Aunnger 488-6912, condition^ X years Old, 479-5361. Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 air and AM-FAA radio & tape BRESEE CHEVYTOWN SPRINGER Spaniel AKC male „ COMPLETE photographic develplayer, luggage rack. 445*1941. DODGE CHALLENGER, 1970, PLYMOUTH Satellite Wagon, 73, TOYOTA 1971 Corona Mark II, 4 Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 446-4056. 50,000 miles. S1050 power steering/brakes, automat- door, automatic, very good condi- CHEVROLET VAN 74 - 3D, 350 female champion slock, 9 weeks oping equipment, with Bessler 637-8645 625-7624 466-3467 enlarger. 689-9618. ic, low miles, S190D, weekdays tion, S14M-I. 445-1637, 446-2266. Engine, S2990, Call James Blake TOY POODLE- Half, 7 months old, SUPER Chromega C enlarger, AMC 74 Gremlin X, auto..,.S2795 DODGE CHALLENGER 73, 22,500 471-7954 after 5. VOLKSWAGEN BUY 1968, sun471-3842, 73 Pontiac Luxury Le Man* S2795 miles, AM-FM, 8 Track female,has shots voltage stabilizer, 50fnm ComPLYMOUTH 72 Wagon - 9 passen- roof, low miles, runs like new, CHEVROLET 75- 3+3 crew cab, Call 454-4105. 73Chev. Impala, air SJ895 437-3012 paron lens, $300. 472-9271 after ger, air, power steering/brakes, First S600. Call 469-6809. ton camper special, Silverado, 72 VW Super Beetle SI995 AM/FM, cruise, good condition. VOLVO Wagon 74 - all factory loaded, low mileage. 469-3755 af- WHITE German Shepherd, AKC, 6pmDODGE Van 74, 3 speed, 6 cylin72 Nova Rally $2195 488-6281 after 6 pm spayed, shots, 7 months, needs extras, new condition, offers ter 5 p.m. 71 Chev. 4 Dr. 6 A-R-P-S...S129S der, 25,000 miles, 6 excellent 92 Conttructitn Equipment good home. 695-6785. around S4600. 476-0969 71 Jeep Waqoneer $2895 tires, $3200, 469-W68. CHEVROLET 74 Beauville Van, CAN'T MiSS - OViC 330 Skid-Steer 71 Scamp 6, sld., $1395 DODGE 72 Coronet, 4 door, 48,000 automatic, power, air, tiit steer, 70 Pet Services Ldr, roll bar, complete, (rental}f '69 Chev Van Windows $1595 mites, si,300 VOLVO 72 18,000 miles, WWQ. 451-3294 after '67 Mercedes Beru 4dr $1495 Call 446-3250 after 6PM. AVAILABLE for stud AKC regis- S45DO PLYMOUTH 1973 DUSTER-6 Station Wagonf 4 speed, radio ply 6 pm. CRANER TRACTOR champion blood lifle Saint DODGE- 68, 9 passenger wagon, cyl., stnd. trans., 25,000 miles. Call tires, heater & radio. Very Clean! CHEVROLET 73 Blazer - Chey- tered RM73, Jamesville 682-6841 Bernard. Call 476-3687 for details, Doug Rice at: low mileage, runs good. $350 or enne Package, Fisher plow, low appointment. VAN WIE CHEVROLET S3! 95 PETTIBONE FORKLIFT- 5,000 Oe$t offer. 422-8504 after 5. miles. S3500. firm. 455-6039 Route 11, N. Syracuse BALDWINSVILLE NY 635-3956 ibs., completely overhauled. Mo,, Tu,, Th. Eves, ELDORADO '71, loaded, 40,000 SI500. Call 437-2876. CHEVROLET '67 - window van, 6 458-0224 miles, as traded 515W Bob Barlh, PLYMOUTH 1973, 8 cylinder, 4 cylinder standard, $400 WE'VE GOT THE SPIRIT door, royal blue, Satellite,air, 952 W. Genesee 422-9696 457-8613 75 Horm-CitHe-Other 'THE SPIRIT OF 76" Auto Sales Inc. BANK REPOS - Exc. buys, 340 W. FIREBIRD- 1975, Formula 350, power Veering-brakes, excellent Get the spirit with us and look CHEVROLET 1974 C-20 3/4 ton Onondaga St. 8:30 am - 7;30 pm yellow, racing.strips, honeycomb shape, 62,000 miles. 637-6424 after 123P W. GENESEE . ANNUAL 471-6107 over our specials! 5p,m. camper special 8200 GVW p/s p/b including weekends. 476-7500. CLEARANCE SALE mags, vinyl Fop, AM-FM stereo, Trojan 4 wh, dr., loaded with cab VOLVO 1974, 144GL, automatic, air 15<QQO miles, radio; with camper; WED thro SAT PLYMOUTH 1967 Convertible GTX ratals, 14,000 miles, show room BARRACUDA Gran coupe 70, $5250 conditioning, power steering, blue & white Call Clarence AuFeb 25 thru 28 440 engine, 4 speed, good condispeed V-8, 316engine, S850or best condition. Extras. New W695, now power brakes/ sunroof, AM-FM. ringcr - one of our many truck 20% discount on all merchandise. fH 3616 with loader hoe & cab tion, $950, 637-6437 asking S469S. Steve 463-3361 ext oiler. Call 479-9478. S5950 specialists Call 682-6622. Some items specially priced. 201, 437-3152. PONTIAC Bonneville 1968, conFord 4500 with loader, 15' hoe 8. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN BARRACUDA 71, V* automatic, JONWAL SADDLERY VOLVO 1972, 164, low mileage, cab SS950 Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 power steering, air, tike new FORD Bronco 72-302, 3 speed, 4x4, vertible, excels, loaded, snow AM-FM/ $3500. Call evenings 479125E. S«neca St, Martiius.N.Y. AC Model H3 crawler-loader »750 $1650 or best. 45MW4. body needs work, runs great, tire*, *850- 487-0938. CHEVROLET 1971 CAB 4 APPALOOSA Mare- 9 years old, Ford 5500 with loader, 17'/?' hoe 4 8773. PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 70, 4 CHASSIS Will taKe 14M8' body; 4 loud color, excellent trail horse. cab BEST DEAL IN TOWN CHEVRO- $1600. Camillas 6724021 $7950 VW Bus '69, AM-FM radio, snow*/ door, power, cruise. J750. speed 2 speed rear axie-350. Patt LET VEGA HATCHBACK 1973 FORD CUSTOM 1972, good condiS3150 9 passenger, sound, dependable Watts, a truck specialist, would Would make a good parade horse Case 3QO with loader Call 662-6260 CPE Aut. trans, radio defogger tion, Jow mileage, Power steer Above in SYRACUSE anyone could ride. Fulton 592 van. 475-1537 after 6pm. like to show you this mode! and An economy car at an economy ing, $1500. 699-73B2. PONTIAC Firebird 1974, 15,000 7350, VW FastDack 69, Excellent condi the rest of our truck selection price! See or call Hank Wood miles, at) extras, snow*, $3500. FORD ELITE1975, loaded, 21,000 ARABIAN riding mare and 18 tion S695 or oner. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN BRESEE CHEVYTOWN firm. Call 472-7303 weekdays. ' miles, air, cruise, and lots more, month old colt. 2 horie trailer, 492-2701 Old Liverpool Rd. 4574333 Molloy Rd. Syracuse 455-4687 Old Liverpool Rd. 4574333 Come see 437-4774._ _ PONTIAC- 72 LeMans Sport, nearly new, 469-1156. Rte. 31 Weedsport 834-7171 VW Squareback '72, red. Runs CHEVROLET 1975 SCOttsdale; BODYMAN Special, 1967 Lincoln FORD LTD Country Squire '70 power steering, brakes, tinted BAGGING ton pick-up; Aut. trans; p/s; Continental, all power, 32,000 ac- passenger, 8, air/ dual rack, good glass/ automat^ transmission, very good. Like new inside. 95 Firm Produce HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 696-5117 radio; V-B eng; Call Chris Mertual miles. S300 or best offer. 652- condition, 474-3207 Bucket seats, console/ Rally _ OR7-W15 8533 or 4717125. FRESH Jumbo 79* Eggs daily, a wheels, excellent running condi- VW 74 Gold Sunbug, low mileage, 4 lino for this bright red beauty BR63EE CHEVYTOWN FORD LTD 70, air, new brakes, tion. John 476-5144. DRIVING Ware pony with har- doien, Shaklee Store, 718 N, speed. $2995 Old Liverpool Rd, 457*0333 Street. 424-9769. body needs repairs. $550. 478*7428. ness. 4 years old, good with kids RUSS VOLKSWAGEN PQNTlAC-71, beige, black vinyl weekdays after 5: 30pm. CHEVROLET 1972 C40 truck with $100. 437-7429. 647 W. Genesee 475-5193 top, air, excellent condition. 4 96 Firm Equipment 16 ft. vftn body, 8 cyl./ 4 speed, FORD LTD-1969. Good condition, door. 51,00) miles 682-2664. QUARTER Horse AQHA, mare, VW '72 Excellent condition. 1 radio. Perfect for city delivery or BUICK 72 Skylark 350 2 dr HT, power steering power brakes. English or Western, shown in ALLIS CHALMERS 190 XT, 4 wll. TORINO GT 1971 Sport, new disc owner, blue, new tires, extra $et moving van. $2688. Dick Ide Ford 1975, always in the n&bons. dr. w-dual rear wheels, new auto, PS, PB, factory air, vinyl S600. 638-2600 brakes, power brakes & steering, of summer, no rust, nice buy for Route 11 Mattydale at Norther Jumping consistently 3W. 652* sleeves & pistons, 96 hp, $11,900; top, dark green finish/ low mile51300, Call 593-6516 FORD MAVERICK 1973 - 2 dr. many extras/ $950, 472-3239, Lights 455-2463 age $2495, Hesston 10 StaK Maker, 1 only at 6300. sed; fight blue with dark blue 1 V.W. '71 Super Beetle, AM/FM, BARR-LLEWELLYN striped interior; 8<yl. engine; VEGA luxury 1975 estate wagon, rear defogaer, good condition, CHEVROLET 1*71, B with cap, REGISTERED Quarter horse, 4 $58%. RC CHURCH & SONS INC mounted snows, 43,000 miles, 6 years old> started over fences, aut trans; w/w am radio We have perfect, loaded, ruit proofed Call asking 11450. 422-6865 BU1CK-OPEL Rt.48N, B'ville 638-2532 standard, 52250. R. Carter, 626 safe for kid*. 8 year old PaHmino, the largest selection of used cars 487-3095. 375 W, Onondaga St. 475-31B1 in the area. Call or see Earl Long VEGA STATION Wagon GT-1973, V.W. '66 rear chopped, dual extrac- Main St., Phoenix- W5-4W. Western. 66J-7Q61, 682-8364. ALL SIZE WIRE BRESEE CHEVYTOWN California car, air conditioned, tor wide wheels/ needs paint CHEVROLET 1969 C-10, 4 wh«i WANTED; Complete Dairy and Old Liverpool Rd. 457*0333 ALL Our vegetabfc & AM-FM radio with GT package. asking $450, 437-2159 after 6 drive with hydraulic angling Bred and open heifers/ Reg or Flower Seeds Are In! V.W. '65, brand new snows, plow, new 3% engine, excellent grade. 1-607-7XMB04 FORD MUSTANG- 66, convertible/ S159S. 4*7-3814. muffler, brakes, recently tuned, condition, 11800. 458-2257. 6 cylinder, 3 speed standard shift, VEGA '72 - Good condition, good condition, |280 or best offer, CHEVY CREW CAB W4 pickupBUJCK '65, hardtop, new tires and S400. 446*0113. sell, Best offer, 457-5431 inspection. Runs new. S295. 498- FORD Torino '68, V8 automatic 422-902? 487*1697 after 6 pm 18,000 miles. % ton, excellent con- APPROXIMATELY 8 tons o» sec- 3024 Park St. 8912 days. dition. 350 cubic inch automatic. ond cutting of alfalfa hay. Call BUSH-HOG Model 104 rotary V.W. 1965 Needs Body Work. Fastback. Runs good $300. Call VEGA '72 * Panel Wagon, 42,000 BUICK 1968 Riviera, white-black 699J711. miles, 4 speed, 2 seats & interior V.W, 1966 No Engine, Fair Bpdy. Days, 471-M47; nights, 487-3137. cutter, used I season. 6W-7012. Karmann Ghia 1W6 No Engine. t top, 63,000 miles, loaded, asking FQ.RD 75 2 door, hardtop, like storage compartment. New tire*, 635-3438. CHEVY Truck felon, 1972, 4 SAWDUST FOR SALE: Delivered 2 Rebuildable engines 1200 & 1500 $750. 463-0883. drive, winter and summer tires, 6 days per week. Call AAunsville, NEW IDEA SPREADER • us*d, new, 13,000 miles* S3750. 446*2646 sell below wholesale S975. 451- series 469*3152 5 p.m. brakes. 652-7134. 5921. CADILLAC Coupe DeViiie '73. Full after S good condition, $850. 495-3909 after 5PM. power, cruise control, air. VEGA 72-4 sp«ed, 34,000 miles, CRAMER TRACTOR CHEVY 1973 10 series, heavy duty FORD '71 Galaxie 500 air, power 656-3126 Rt.173, Jamesville 682-6841 engine, good shape. Cheyenne Super, Loaded and steering/brakes, automatic, ex- new$1300 TOP CASH PAID tor unwanted sharp. J2875 or best offer. 6*6-8755 or best offer. 455-6132 CADILLAC Coup* deVille 70, ex* cellent condition, $1395, 472-6783, NEW 2030 TRACTOR junk or abandoned cars, trucks, after 5PM. cetlent condition, 36,000 miles 458-3490 VEGA- 72, 2 dr., GT, yellow, black buses, we pick up anywhere, call USED JD 34 SPREADER 492-2701 strips, raised lettered tiresf 4 spd, 24 hours, USED JD 5 btm. reset plow CHEV. 74 *k Pickup FORD '71 LTD Squire wapon, lac, all ANTIQUE AUCTJON SAT FEB 28- USED JD "A" Tractor GT options. Super sharp, 73 Chev. % W/ stahl body CADILLAC '68 - 62,000 miles, one air, guar $1690 Bob Bartfi, 952 W. 2P.M. Rte 31 Weedsport, Port ready to roll, inspected463*9903. 73 Chev, 12' stake w/ power gate MELVIN TRACTOR EQUIPT. owner, moving, must sell. Call Genesee 422-9896 Byron. Dolls, coins, furniture, Several 75 new leftovers SI450. Joe 4514706 635-4621; 636^0162 glassware & china, collectable*. Baldwinsville FORD 70 LTD - 4 door hardtop, SAVE-SAVE-SAVE Consignments Sot 10 to 2. Bill ONE used 6 ton Tag Along Trailer,, CAMARO LT 1973 - Burgundy fin- 429 V-8, good running condition,; VEGA '71, Wagon Kammback Step Vans-Instant delivery Cooper Auctioneer. Sennett N.Y. excellent condition. ish Rally wheels; black sport little rust, S575 or best offer, 696 automatic, new motor, no rust, For Corvettes, Sports Cars and extra clean "Red" $1250.476-5713. 967-5890, 252-6012 ctolh Cranberry carpel? V-8; a/t; BW, 665-38% evenings. American C«r*t [premium NORTHEAST TRACTOR SALES p/s; p/b Neat sport car See Jim FORD '68, Fairlane, good condi- VEGA 71, 327 & other extras. Per- clean BET-MAR AUCTIONS Prices for 4 speed American per410 N. Midler Ave. 463-5511 Martin today fect condition. *1350, or best offer. formance Cars) WE BUY tion, first $300 takes it. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN 672-5«1 after 5 pm. BOB MANGIN AUCTIONEER Super "A" Tractor 673-1648 QIC* Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 Ford 8N Tractor 437-3311 471-3655 if no ans. 454-4315 216 W. Manlius St. VEGA 1975 - 9260 miles Rear FORD '68 Torino 6T V8, 2 door, Farmall 300 Tractor CAMARO z-28, 74,350 v-s 4 Defogger; AM radio Hatch-back BURTON LIVESTOCK Exchange low mileage, studded snows. DODGE MAXI-VAN 74, 10,000 New Holland Grinder-Mixer Power steer too & brakes, offer Tape bucket scats; aut, trans; maroon Inc. Auction.every Wed., Thurs. deck 4450 476*3531. miles, excellent condition. 445RELIABLE FARM SUPPLY 472-2064 eves. A weekends. knit vinyl interior; w/wall 800 W. GSNESEE 471-4188 1941, 446-4056. 1PM sharp. Slaughtering animals 2083 Park St.,Syr. 422-1107 FORD 1974 PINTO STATION V¥e<S. Dairy replacements Thurs. CAMARO '68 327/300, he*d*T4, Hoi- WAGON Low mileage and econ- tires..Joe Garofalo can help you DODGE Maxi-Van '73 360, V8, Vernon 829-3105 one TWO John Deere 4020 diewl tracley , Hurst 4 speed. Cragen omy sets this one apart from the on this power steerino-braKes. 13,500. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN tors, immediate delivery. mags, sttM$742R5 5TCK ALLEN AUCTION SER- _ CUSTOM King-Queen seat for 635-5314 OW Liverpool RO. 457-0333 rest 4 cyl. white walls; bucket 607-272-9181 CAMARO '67, automatic, 6 cylin- seats; am RADIO; aut. trans; VEGA 1973 * 4 speed trans; color Kawasaki Z1, S65. Gat tank for FORD '76-% ton, 7,000 mi., air VICE, AUCTIONS EVERY WE HAVE THE OTHER SUN. Call 488-1280 1972 450 HOnda, $25, 687-6309. der, power steering, good shape, Colt now - Tom La Rose cond., 1 owner, fancy Red Pickbrown; w/w; am radio. Call or 488-2445 BRESEE CHEVYTOWN HAROLD SPOOR tee Don Bennett - he will be CZ 250 NX-excellent condition, up. SAVE. Old Liverpool ftd. 457*0101 Auctioneer, Reliable service. :A.MARO '67 - convertible, 3 PAT'S CHEVROLET happy to show you mis neat, com- many trick parts, 1700. 463-9041. Reason, rates. Cato, NT62W486 WE also have new 1976 Ford 7601 speed, Hoor shift 8 cylinder, ba&t FORD 1973 LTD Squire wagon, pact car in the comfort of oor inCHITT6NANGO NY & 8600 dsl. Tractors for February offer 652-5881 607-7231 factory air, luggage rack, radio, door showroom HILBORN AUCTION & SURPLUS Delivery. OUCATI 1973,250 BRESEE CH6VYTOWN radials, light group. A-I $2650. Parts. 1975 2 door rally sport FORD '74 FIDO custom, 8, auto, We boy & sell anything of value firm 652-9195 Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 478-4321. yet low & black; 4 speed trans; ouar. &319Q Bob Barth, 952 W. 633-9036 or 633-2170 USED SPECIALS bucket seats; steel belted radial FORD 1972 Country Squire, 6 pas- VEGA 1972 Wagon, radial tires, Genesee 422*9896 SENNETT SALES - Livestock auc- Farmall H Tractor, sharp, retires (white walls); rally wheels senger, 34,000 mi lei, driven by a 45,000 miles, great condition/ tions every Thurs. We sell live duced from last weeks price to FORD 72-4 W.D. Bronco, S2MO. 12,000 miles; rear window def; grandmother. $2195. 4AW747. S77A Mock & produce. Phone 253-3579, of PAT'S CHEVROLET sport mirrors - console - real Ailii Chalmers 017 .......... S27SO FORD 1972 Gran Torino, 8 cylinCHITTENANGO NY 975 W. Hiawatna Blvd. SIVERS AUCTION SERVICE INC. Ford 4WJ dil..,. ............. «850 sharp - Contact Don Marriott der, automatic, excellent condi* 617-7731 S«m't Used Car's . OSWEGO, N.Y. BRESEE CHEVYTOWN tion, 11700. 4634484, Ptww 475-9M4 - 9 am-7om. 64-651 2570 Rt. 20E Cazenovia N.Y FORD '68 F-2SO 4 x 4 witti 8 foot 343-84W Old Liverpool Rd. 457-0333 PARTS SPECIAL Pontfac G.T.O.'s The pair ISOO; 655-6127 71 Hatchback Coup* snowblower. Must sacrifice WILLIE'S AUCTION SERVICE 10% OFF on all ;AMARO * 1W4, 228, air, power GREMLIN 65*66 Barracuda, 3 & 4 speed $700 U200. 492-1914 Ford Oil Filters FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY steering/brakes, MOWS, low miletram; Pair SMO; 70 Maverick2 ' PAT'S CHEVROLET HARLEY-Davidson '73 - Super FORD '67-V* ton pickup, V-8 standAbove in WEEDSPCftT SHE. LftNSlHG age, H700, 687-3544 tffer 5. door, 3 spMd, «695. CHITTENANGO NY Gikft excellent condition ard, new battery a brakes, good 687*7731 1972 FURY 3, vinyl lop, air cond. mo, 427 tw*t equipS2399. 479-7935 condition, 437-3039 ment, 69 Corvette Coup*, exctlp.*,, p.b., cruite control. Good GREMLIN 1974, *1a*d*fd HARLEY Sportster, semi-chopped, FORD WS F350 Ranger XLT Cab ALEX Lyon i Son mott come Moiloy Rd. Syracuw lent condition, load«d. 315*73628,000 miitt, *2,100 electric start, new engine, 12200. & Chaui$ * V4 du«T rear 8:00 x firm auction, real estate Buy sell Rtt. 31 Wetdsport O4-7171 Mll. 472-10*1 253-3611 after 4PM. 16:5 frply- tires; aut. trans; p/b; 314-446-6638, 633-2W4 Bridgeport 1APRI n V4 4 ipeed 36,000 milei HORNET X A.M.C. HatchbtCk HARLEY 1960 PafllWHl, Chopped, p/s; radio & heater; tlwrant* WW ¥ W^^^^^W vwi^^V 685-6647 1W3 AUSTIN Healy 3000, 1961 classic COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE cab light; w/c mirrors,nylon incondition, S1200. Phone: 43* and Wttkendv B*lt offer. 469-7549 exterior, custom interior with ferior w/red vinyl trim; rug & Firm auctions our Specialty. Wilt FIREPLACE WOOD-rMl aood SAL5SERVICE-PART5 FIAT Quality Used Cars ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 Found Trucks RYAN DODGE 14 Child Cire PREC S ON AUTOMOTIVE MAJESTIC MOTORS LIVESTOCK ALAN BYER DeVeau Ford Tractor Syracuse Farm Supply 71 23 Artos Winted AUCTIONS 19 Auction Silts Revelle Motors Sports Car City USA EAST SYRACUSE CHEVROLET 24 Motorcycle* Spirit of 76 Harley Davidson Cazenovia M cond. inn. 4M-4964. tl AiHi-FirMf n tprt ATALINA 't*-4 door, silver, »wer stwrira/brakes^ radio, 4 Drand new tires/ new paint, '4k«f shocKir b«ntfy, exhaust iyitem, water pump, starter, must set, UQQ; also '« Cntvy wagon, exctlitnt running^ 4 brand new tires, WOO. MfrJltt, " "" Cazenovia Motors FORD SALES'SERVICE-LEASJNG Cajenovia, N.Y. I5S41K JAVELIN-1974, automatic, power ttewing, tape, vinyl top, 23,000 miles. Take best offer. Leave number. 4*1-5742. LEMANS-1961, 4 door rotibar, gauges, fiberglass seats racing Harness, AM-FM, wire wheels, overdrive, needs pelni, tires, very fast, call Oswego 343- •941. HONDA Big Bike Bonus Days Are ON at CO Remember it't always CCt for your 66ST BUY '?) ftaverla, 440or luxury tiwpe, Ion of power. 65,000 mim. ftM* sedan 4-tpeed, air, AM-FM, many !62SYR)Ck LINCOLN Coftttntnitl 1*66, bat been kept up, rum wtll, WOO. 4469437 «tter 5PM. LINCOLN Continental Mark ill 1971, interior excellent condition. Low mileage, fiilM with *cc*uoriev Asking u,ooo Ptwne *e*K- '70 - 313 M«gnum, days 9 to S 471-1962. automatic, CraMrs, factory tip*, LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Mark ru*t, HOW, 4S1-M07. IV- 73, every Known accessory, HALLENOER '» - v-8, Power will consider smaller car tn /braktt, vinyl fop, tred* Call 4 to t pm,*6*V43W, 4514*% *tttr *54«, ' dome light; Jet black exterior buy or sell. Rudy Karef«fe( 672 w/chrom* bumper, in "like ntw" §612, Camillut Livestock Sales. condition w/only 23,000 mitt*. Sec EMPIRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Gene Jarema ING Co-operatives Sat** mgrv BRESEE CHEVYTOWN Old Liverpool Rd. 457*0333 mKtioneerv Drydfn, 6444492. GLENN H. FORD 1973 Rencwo, txiyina, ftpprftiting. Groextrat. tiffs. 637-6612 fttt. $ Cnittenango, N.Y. 6673344 ic, power steering, radio, white , W-3323; ftcuan, MM273 Sid* wall*, wa% S3495. Now CAPRI '72 - V-6, 4 speed, vinyl top, HONDA 74. CB3*0, low milftt, WILCOX • AuCtlonttr low mUMge, excellent condition, mtiw t*tr*t W*ht offtr ittvt ROBERT E. SLEETH MAR*i$ and sales myr. Livtttock and 4754640 463436) MM}, 437-3152. farm auction*, complete auction I OLDSMQBILE, Inc. CORVETTE COUPE 1974 • Bkr« and ,p«digrm terv. Ph. fterorn, 1 metallic wttti grey interior; I cyl. INDIAN —Srewtrtonft^ '*"' t.Y. 716-4»4-H64 eng. aut. trans, p/b; p/s a/cond NORTH SYRACUSE MOTORCYCLE I.T. & C.A. WELCH & SONS t))t steer, wheel; radio w/w; Edmttton, N.Y. Leona'**im/fm radio, tinted glass, bucket Ail motorcycle & mini motorcycle INTERNATIONAL 19*3, tilt b«0 v.lie }]5-ltt-4lW or «07-l*7-4$22, m*chiMry diesel trucK. seats; power windows - very low drastically reduced. roil t»C*. 475-5193. mileage - neat sport car. AsK lor Earl Long JEEP )»73, V¥»gon«r, 4 whe«i, JACK WOOD'S LivMtock & AucBRESEE CHEVYTOWN 1000 HIAWATHA &LVD. tion Service. Box 1»4 CiiKlnnMuv drive, 6 cylinder, 3 Old Liverpool Rd. 4S7-0313 NY. SYRACUSE, 472-4S* cofldltlofl. 6M-WI2 i p s. D DeVeau Fad Tractor seatmd hardwood. Will deliver. t j v Edingtr Broffwt 6*4M1 afltrf FIREWOOD- $«ton«i 4i cu ft. cord, aeuvertd, 128. L«(ay«tt« 677-9490. SEASONED Spilt firewood-10. «r , tmaii sit«t. i37 f»c* cord CM. 47«-lflO LAWN MOWE R tractor 42 Incft / Madt, 16 h.p,, only b**fl urtd JT hours. Still under w«rr»ntv... S1SOO. 4«7-06H 111 HH!»| IvppNn LENNOX Furnace- Horizontal., s??v% away, natural 0tt. 1MJWI .. 8Tj, all pipn and tmt ducft/l., y#»r old. 12W. 6»-73K. -,