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Jljfa frrilD :11y_:l;p-r)D*-r"'tssi/.t* lt)rtr,v4E)uJr_llfE:U.$ln €rE - $-iJ/;-I - €|4.1 " .ll-,b " .) ,"-5*G :lN ()f1y-))nx-:)::x csxra 1t):n; ,/ 'tDp-rsv;-)htbi,>Jrv-')-r; 1t):trt 91 unnvrn) )Nu..t,,uJft tth1l,, int: .r))lN-rnx-nsul .n)))lxn $Nl)n )y ntprSn'lturlg 1.ty9rnx 1r)rnt U1E?yJit l- ii: 'roXllEl]]Xflil .('135n)Ty'rlEfixl,3lpEf) ll,Nvrn .lt)l J;r'rf)tjl >t nX tlnt) ?)y (ll .Dpt)ut vnnun rtux .t)r-gyrr il):rxf ?ntftujr )J nx :rn: {z) .n))urlr)'l])NujnrN tlnil ilJ)nfil trltlf (3) i +, I !: *t .yr3u!lnrl}fn p'l5l]nfril, { E i J .1nNt olintr)l .T prfr?h tr)],1')uDpN o)lhf,)1n)utr )rnf) trr rilJil fl1thtr, tllr)l't)'t)t Jtutr rtngtjE itt lttxur n1'hrilil t,'nnrl fi I rr /\1> 1zyF 1rJDn/ . l"i lr _.* . 'L:+-"1 .;"=:Jl.rdL.*.i O+ i*l s,L! lLai.*+l -r(i .-,:+.r,*..i .J.JJJ.:,1t..+{.i { c*": # f *i3 ;i,*-utl -t\ ;"irll .r! J#-tn: .r-ir ;t: r, ,-jr .r.*i ,t*- i-l'.(-li*.=- Li:S E-.* Ji i_ir..al f*= t t' . I . V . .*,L)l-*.-l i .ll .it {_ . t i7",|1t tlJ . :,- "*c*t .i 'i\{ nDl .Lol sf 5106.j-p,].nlput.l'rlrl-Il)t)-r}( -2 ' PART I: ACCESSTO INT'ORMA'IION FROM IYR{TTEN TEXTS (70 points} questionsl-7. and thenafls\,vei Readihe articlebeJor,v .THRILLS ON WHEEL.S AskArnericankidsto nametheirfavoritesporls.andvou'relikely to find slcateboarding somewberenearthe top of tire iist. Ivlanyof them areevenexpertson the subject,eager to discLtss different techniquesandthephysicaichallencesof viricrrs sfirnts.But.there is somethingthai eventhey wouldbe surprisedto lea-rn:the sportis not usnew asmost s kids believe. The fact is that skateboardinggoesback as far as the 1950s,when surfing the waves a fa-.'clrite pastimeol Cab{omiayoungsters, Oneda--"--, rvhenlhe vreaiherdidu'tal-low "r,as surfboardersto hit the waves,someclnecarneup with the brilliant idea of "surfing the streets"instead.Suddenly,skateboardingwas born.The first skateboards, as they were il dubbed,were no more tiran woodenboardsivith roiler skatesstrapped iinrnediat"cly Nevertheless,Californianeighborhoodswere soonfilled with kids rattling underneathdorvn the stre€ts,and by 1975 skateinardinghad spreadnationwideand developed enoughfor the first competitioato be held. Sirce tirenthe sporthasdeveiopedrapidly,Neu' technologi.' hasproducedboardsthat 15 arelighter andmoreflexib1e,alongwith effectivesafewequipment,suchashelmetsand knee-pads.Theseadvanceshave enabledskateboarders to inventevermoreimpressive acrobaticmoves.Their astonishingjumps and somersaultshave made skateboarding competitions ircreasinglvpopularandexcitingevents. Most people think that skateboardingis a sport for boys only. hut a quick Intemet 20 searchwiil bring up icts of information aimedspecifically at girls. "Girls can hayeas much fun on a i:oard as guys," saysElissa Steamer,a skateboardingcharripion,"and they canbejust astechnicallyskilled-'rTodaytherearespecialall-girl competitions,a.s well asprofessionalorganizaticnsfor both men and women. trVhatstartedasa merepastimefor youngpeopleis now a recognizedsport,with athletes 25 earnirrgtens of thousandsof dolie.rsrn pri.zemonev at internationalrampetit'ons. love the tirrill of performing ddring stunts.As for eyeryoneelse,just Skateboarders wxlshingthe expertsis thrilling enough. , (Adapted frcm http:r'lwww. L0000articles,com/goienu/anic.le-title-Re.sourcetD-36?4-category-kids-and{eenspage-hrmi) 13 -t_rEyf-Ivnn / qlln ,fi))rx ,N ittrT ?405,016106 'DE .nhuu'r OLIESI]ONS (?0 poiuts) Answer questions 1-7 iE Ertglish according to the article. in questions 1, 3 and ?, circle the nunber of the correct answer. Irr the other questions, follo$,' the instructions. 1. What do we leam from lines 1-5? (il Wby skatebcardingbecarnepopuiarin the USA. /ffi) \-/ (iiii is very popular in the USA. fi''.t skatebcarding (iv) Wricb typesof sportsAmericau kiclsprefer. ThatAmericaahids knol very litrie aboutsports. . 2. t? points) \ltrat ii the main subjectof iines 6-13? COMPLETETHE ANSWER. rhe................hS..-t".3 of skateboarding. {B points) 3. From the descriptionof the first skateboards,we can understand(-). (lines 6-13) (il that they weremadefrorn oid surfboards iiii why kids couldn'tmale a skatebcardthecrsel..,es (iiji why kids areairaid to use skateboards li") t/ 4- got their narne ) horv skateboards (? points) Give TWO ways in which skateboarding competitions hal'e changed since 1975. ; Talie your answem from trvo different paragraphs. , g1,G'^o-,cqj sas'Ije*{....f4" il) ...AC.,.)eaLC.......S1.*.q..(e!x*.(s.....h.Ev.e,. Str.-(C a^o\ Ve, Coat<,ttitors b<Cq,^q CJ+ "nore' t6?(e-SSrvQ t Vogular. , (z)-.ifo,Jog, .ee*'e....ea.r.€,..."sge.cis-r{.....co*l69f:"rr€". g,7{i i (2x8=16points) /4 11t4)rf "Tgrnn/ i i -4- j**jlE}*10_5 ,0J6104 '?n .n"D'Jr 5. in drc ariicie. What are TWO nrstukcq boliefs about siiateboa;di'ngare n're;rtiofieci they? Take voirr ansr,A/cr-s trom trvo din erent ualasranils. CCiviFLEril'iiiE AiiS-ft'EF-S. il) Thebeiiefrhatsl:a'rebcarc:"g..r:.... 3 n9'VS i.ij 'lbe beiiei iirai skaieboercrng.....r5...-fl. .SAA.t..f ...;s).,'. ...i:.o-ln-!. ..... UJ -V,.9.i.i.: \N ^ ^ o"15 (2x9=18points) 6. Line26 mentionsskateboarders' "daringstunts."Give ONE exampleof sucha stuntmentionedin anotherparagraph. _ L_ ,_, , .....r V.=aS ,,1N swER: ..*f ..)Pf .r.S.ltr'.aa.... I-"I 7. (6poinrs) Another suitabie title for the ilrticle wo';id be.(- -). ii) Skaieboardingand Tecirnology (ii) Skateboarding;Fc; and Against (iii) Skateboarding: Present and Fl]ture . i *, r 'f n\rr.,t Lt ', I / Cu-r-r" u s 4 l u u v @ u i l t 6^ - - ;;6 , .fl r - ^ r r I r !tJu EJr - ? . l ya a - a rLa u M l tu n (8points) ..'5'T'rnlf 1vJnn,