Wing TV-WP4-D5 Compa..
Wing TV-WP4-D5 Compa..
Project Report Wing TV Services to Wireless, Integrated, Nomadic, GPRSUMTS & TV handheld terminals D5 – Wing-TV Companies lab tests Editor: Olivier Rousset, TeamCast Abstract This document contains the contributions writing by several Wing TV partners. These contributions resulted from individual test campaign realized by each partner. Seven contributions are included in this document: • RAI laboratory test: Evaluation of DVB-H receiver’s performances with hierarchical modulation • Nokia laboratory test: Complete results from the first common laboratory session (Turin) in order to estimate the relation between the different DVB-H modes • Ericsson laboratory test: Evaluation of an algorithm for ICI cancellation in an FPGA, and measure the performance • TeamCast laboratory test: Assessments the performances of a transmission using DVBH with a bandwidth shrunk to 1.75 MHz • DiBcom laboratory test: Test and validate the DVB-H receiver in pure SFN environment. • Mier Comunicaciones laboratory test: Evaluation of on-channel repeaters in DVB-H transmission environment. • Sidsa laboratory test: Design of an automatic test bench in order to estimate the relation between the different DVB-H modes. Project Wing TV Confidential May 2006 Participants in project Wing TV are: • Åbo Akademi University Turku (AAU) • Antenna Hungaria • Dibcom • DIGITA OY • Elektrobit Ltd. • Ericsson AB • Fundació Privada Universitat I Tecnologia (FUNITEC) - Universitat Ramon Llull • Mier Comunicaciones S.A. • Nokia Corporation • Nozema Services • Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. Research • RAI – CRIT (Centro Ricerche e Innovazione Tecnologica) • Retevisión (abertis telecom group) • Rohde&Schwarz, Broadcasting Division • SIDSA • Tampere University of Technology (TUT) • TeamCast • Technical University Braunschweig, Institut für Nachrichtentechnik • Telefónica I+D (TID) • Thales Broadcast & Multimedia • T-Systems International GmbH Media&Broadcast • University of Turku (UTU) Wing TV - Services to Wireless, Integrated, Nomadic, GPRS-UMTS & TV handheld terminals Hierarchcal Modulation Issues Editor: Name, company Project coordinator: Jesús Fernández, Retevision (abertis telecom group) CELTIC published project result • 2005 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV Disclaimer This document contains material, which is copyright of certain CELTIC PARTICIPANTS and may not be reproduced or copied without permission. The information contained in this document is the proprietary confidential information of certain CELTIC PARTICIPANTS and may not be disclosed except in accordance with the regulations agreed in the Project Consortium Agreement (PCA). The commercial use of any information in this document may require a licence from the proprietor of that information. Neither the PARTICIPANTS nor the CELTIC Initiative warrant that the information contained in this document is capable of use, or that use of the information is free from risk, and accept no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person using the information. CELTIC Wing TV project report Preface (to be provided by the project coordinator) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 3 (3) page 4 (4) CELTIC Wing TV project report Executive Summary This document contains the contributions writing by several Wing TV partners. These contributions resulted from individual test campaign realized by each partner. The same measurement methodology has been used in all laboratories tests (common and individual) based on the document “Validation task force report” and Wing TV D8 report. Thank to the same methodologies, all results should be compared and analysed. The RAI, NOKIA and Sidsa tests are the continuity of the common laboratories tests in order to complete and to confirm the DVB-H receiver performances (C/N and Frequency Doppler) with the TU6 profile in the different DVB-H modes. An analysis has been realized to determine the influence of each DVB-H modulation parameters and, then, to help the user to choose the best DVB-H mode according to this application. The Ericsson tests permit to evaluate a new ICI canceller algorithm at low complexity and achieve good performance by using a window function and cancellation of ICI on one sub-carrier from two adjacent sub-carriers. The functionality of the ICI cancelling algorithm has been proved using both frequency offset and a time-variant channel causing Doppler spread, with good results, very close to the theoretical improvement. The TeamCast tests are a first approach of the bandwidth shrinkage effect in a context no DVB-H standardized but compatible of the T-DMB (or DAB) standard. The performances are consistent between 1.75MHz and 7MHz: Maximum Frequency Doppler four times lower, receiver consumption four times less important. The remaining work consists to evaluate DAB modulation with the same methodology. The DiBcom tests have consisted to validate their DVB-H receiver in environment combining SFN and mobility. This receiver is not sensitive to the 2 paths channel if the delay between these 2 paths is less than the guard interval. There are not notion of pre-echo or post-echo in these results (the curve a symmetrical around 0). Even with a delay higher than the guard interval the demodulation is possible. The Mier tests have permitted to evaluate the performance of DVB-T gapfillers with standard echo cancellers under different simulated conditions for DVB-H networks (this is closer to urban areas), showing limitations due the multiple objects and variant conditions. Advanced echo cancellers should be considered to manage these harder conditions. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 5 (5) List of Authors Andrea Bertella, Davide Milanesio, Bruno Sacco, Mirto Tabone (Rai-CRIT) Pekka Talmola (Nokia) Leif Wilhelmsson (Ericsson) Vincent Recrosio (DiBcom) Olivier Rousset, Thibault Bouttevin, Gérard Faria (Teamcast) Raimon Casals, Domenec Iborra, Xavier Fustagueras, Eduard Gil (Mier Comunicaciones) Juan M. Roldán (Sidsa) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 6 (6) CELTIC Wing TV project report Table of Contents Preface................................................................................................................................................ 3 Executive Summary............................................................................................................................ 4 List of Authors ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... 6 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 11 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 12 2 Wing TV laboratory trials at Rai................................................................................................. 13 2.1 Measurements on hierarchical modulation ........................................................................ 13 2.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.2 Preliminary laboratory tests on DVB-T receivers........................................................ 13 2.1.3 DVB-H laboratory tests: performance evaluation ....................................................... 15 3 NOKIA laboratory tests.............................................................................................................. 17 3.1 Purpose of the test ............................................................................................................. 17 3.2 Tests done.......................................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Test bed ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.4 Results ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.5 Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 18 4 Ericsson laboratory tests ........................................................................................................... 22 4.1 Implementation................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.1 System Design ............................................................................................................ 22 4.1.2 Design Methodology ................................................................................................... 22 4.1.3 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 23 Window Unit......................................................................................................... 24 Channel Estimator ............................................................................................... 24 ICI Canceller ........................................................................................................ 24 4.2 Detailed Description ........................................................................................................... 24 Window Unit......................................................................................................... 24 Channel Estimator ............................................................................................... 26 ICI-Canceller ........................................................................................................ 28 4.3 Measurements.................................................................................................................... 29 4.3.1 Laboratory Setup ........................................................................................................ 29 4.3.2 Measured Results ....................................................................................................... 30 Frequency Offset ................................................................................................. 30 Doppler Spread.................................................................................................... 33 4.4 Conclusions and Improvements......................................................................................... 34 4.4.1 Conclusions................................................................................................................. 34 4.4.2 Improvements ............................................................................................................. 35 Window Unit......................................................................................................... 36 Channel Estimation.............................................................................................. 36 ICI Unit ................................................................................................................. 36 5 TeamCast lab tests.................................................................................................................... 37 5.1 Purpose of the test ............................................................................................................. 37 5.2 Test bench presentation..................................................................................................... 37 5.2.1 Synoptic ...................................................................................................................... 37 5.2.2 Method ........................................................................................................................ 38 5.3 Results ............................................................................................................................... 39 5.3.1 Mode 2K...................................................................................................................... 39 5.3.2 Mode 4K...................................................................................................................... 40 5.3.3 Mode 8K...................................................................................................................... 41 5.4 Analysis of the DVB-H in 1.75MHz bandwidth................................................................... 41 5.4.1 Comparison with the 7MHz bandwidth ....................................................................... 41 5.4.2 Comparison with DAB standard.................................................................................. 42 6 DiBcom lab tests........................................................................................................................ 44 6.1 Pure SFN : 2 paths channel ............................................................................................... 44 6.1.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 44 6.1.2 Paths channel without added noise ............................................................................ 44 6.1.3 Paths channel with added noise ................................................................................. 45 6.2 DiBcom results ................................................................................................................... 45 6.2.1 8K FFT mode .............................................................................................................. 45 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 7 (7) 6.2.2 2K FFT mode.............................................................................................................. 47 6.2.3 Comparison between Guard Interval.......................................................................... 50 6.2.4 Code rate influence for SFN mode............................................................................. 52 6.3 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 52 7 Mier Comunicaciones laboratory tests...................................................................................... 55 7.1 WingTV laboratory trails at RAI ......................................................................................... 55 7.1.1 On-channel repeaters test at RAI............................................................................... 55 7.1.2 Results........................................................................................................................ 57 7.2 Design of a RF multipath generator................................................................................... 57 7.3 DVB-H On-channel repeaters with echo cancellers laboratory tests ................................ 59 7.3.1 Profile 1....................................................................................................................... 60 7.3.2 Profile 2....................................................................................................................... 60 7.3.3 Profile 3....................................................................................................................... 61 7.4 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 61 8 SIDSA SuperLode automatic test tool ...................................................................................... 63 8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 63 8.2 Setup.................................................................................................................................. 63 8.3 Static Channel Tests.......................................................................................................... 64 8.4 Dynamic Channel Tests..................................................................................................... 65 8.5 Output Report .................................................................................................................... 65 8.6 WingTV measure results: .................................................................................................. 66 9 Conclusions............................................................................................................................... 68 References ....................................................................................................................................... 69 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 8 (8) CELTIC Wing TV project report Abbreviations ACI Adjacent Channel Interference AWGN Additive white Gaussian noise BB Base Band BER Bit Error Rate C/N Carrier to Noise ratio CCI Co-Channel Interference DUT Device Under Test DVB Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting - Handhelds DVB-MUX Digital Video Broadcasting - MUltipleX DVB-SI Digital Video Broadcasting - Service Information DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial EIT Event Information Table END Equivalent Noise Degradation ESR Erroneous Second Ratio ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FEC Forward Error Correction FER Frame Error Rate FFT Fast Fourrer Transform FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array GI Guard Interval HP High Priority bit stream ICI Inter-Carrier Interference IF Intermediate Frequency INT IP/MAC Notification Table IP Internet Protocol IPE IP Encapsulator IT Interoperability Tests LP Low Priority bit stream MBRAI Mobile and Portable DVB-T/H Radio Access Interface Specifications MCP Multimedia Car Platform MER Modulation Error Ratio MFER Multi Protocol Encapsulation frame Frame Error Rate MFN Multi Frequency Network MIP Mega-frame Initialization Packet MPE Multi-Protocol Encapsulation MPE-FEC MPE Forward Error Correction MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group MUX MUltipleX NIT Network Information Table OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex PAT Program Association Table 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report PER Packet Error Rate PID Packet IDentifier PL Physical Layer PMT Program Map Table PSI Program Specific Information QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QEF Quasi Error Free QoR Quality of Restitution QPSK Quaternary Phase Shift Keying RF Radio Frequency SDT Service Description Table SFN Single Frequency Networks SI Service Information SI/PSI Service Information / Program Signaling Information TPS Transmission Parameter Signalling TS Transport Stream UHF Ultra-High Frequency (300 MHz to 3 000 MHz) VHF Very High Frequency (30 MHz to 300 MHz) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 9 (9) page 10 (10) CELTIC Wing TV project report Definitions FER/MFER The TU6 propagation channel lead to a QEF criterion instability. Because of this instability, it is very difficult to get a reliable measurement with the BER before Reed-Solomon decoder. It is preferable to use the FER (Frame Error Rate) for DVB-T system and the MFER (MPE Frame Error Rate) for DVB-H system. This criterion detects errors after complete demodulation and decoding, i.e. after Viterbi and Reed-Solomon decoding for DVB-T and Viterbi/Reed-Solomon/MPE-FEC for DVB-H. This detection is realised by monitoring the error flag in the header of each demodulated TS packet. A threshold of FER/MFER = 5%, i.e. 5% of erroneous frames on the total received frames is considered to be the limit of an acceptable quality of image. This threshold is called FER5 for DVB-T and MFER5 for DVB-H. Doppler frequency shift The Doppler frequency shift is the offset between the emitted frequency and the received frequency when the receiver is in motion compared to the emitter. This frequency shift depends of the relative speed between emitter and receiver. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 1 page 11 (11) Introduction In WING-TV project, WP4 is in charge to coordinate all the laboratory tests produced during the project, including common laboratory test sessions and individual tests campaigns. The purpose of this document is to compile the work and results of laboratory tests from individual companies during the Wing-TV project These individual laboratory tests campaigns have assessed the following points: RAI laboratory test: Evaluation of DVB-H receiver’s performances with hierarchical modulation. Nokia laboratory test: Complete results from the first common laboratory session (Turin) in order to estimate the relation between the different DVB-H modes. Ericsson laboratory test: Evaluation of an algorithm for ICI cancellation in an FPGA, and measure the performance. TeamCast laboratory test: Assessments the performances of a transmission using DVB-H with a bandwidth shrunk to 1.75 MHz. DiBcom laboratory test: Test and validate the DVB-H receiver in pure SFN environment. Mier Comunicaciones laboratory test: Evaluation of on-channel repeaters in DVB-H transmission environment. Sidsa laboratory test: Design of an automatic test bench in order to estimate the relation between the different DVB-H modes. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 12 (12) CELTIC Wing TV project report 2 Wing TV laboratory trials at Rai 2.1 Measurements on hierarchical modulation 2.1.1 Introduction Hierarchical modulation allows for the transmission of two streams, having different bit-rates and performance, in the same RF channel. The sum of the bit-rates of the two streams is equal to the bit-rate of a non-hierarchical stream using the same modulation (even if the net data rate is slightly lower, due to the double MPEG-2 TS overhead). As regards performance, the better protected HP stream has about the same noise sensitivity as a standard QPSK stream (an α factor of 2 can be chosen to improve the noise sensitivity of the HP stream), with an impairment of 1-2 dB due to the “noise-like” presence of the LP stream; the LP stream has the same noise sensitivity as the overall scheme in case of α=1, and slightly impaired in case of higher values of α. DVB-H networks will be designed for different reception scenarios (i.e. portable, indoor, mobile, etc.) with respect to fixed DVB-T reception with roof antenna. Therefore, thanks to hierarchical modulation, it is possible to compensate the differences in the coverage areas of the two streams, i.e. [1]: • DVB-H on HP (i.e. for indoor coverage) and DVB-T on LP (i.e. for fixed reception), • DVB-H on both HP and LP, with different robustness and coverage areas. 2.1.2 Preliminary laboratory tests on DVB-T receivers Investigations made on some commercial DVB-T Set-Top-Boxes showed that, unfortunately, many of the consumer equipments currently available of the market are not able to correctly decode hierarchical modulation streams: generally, only the HP stream is decoded, and not the LP stream. This in principle could be a problem in case of introduction of hierarchical modulation for DVB-H services sharing the same RF channel of DVB-T services. However, according to the manufacturers, a software upgrade of the Set-Top-Boxes should be sufficient. Among ten DVB-T receivers tested at Rai-CRIT, only two of them were able to receive both LP and HP streams. The following Table 1 summarizes the results for these receivers for hierarchical and non hierarchical modes. Table 1 Laboratory measurements on commercial DVB-T receivers with hieararchical modulations 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 13 (13) Mode Constellation QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK in 64QAM QPSK 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM Useful bit Reference (2) rate C/N LP HP C/N LP C/N HP C/N LP C/N HP C/N LP HP 16.3 8.8 14.8 7.9 14.6 8.9 17.8 7.1 16.5 6.3 16.3 6.5 12.06 6.03 20.8 5.7 19.5 5.5 NA NA 18.7 8.8 17.3 7.9 16.9 8.9 20.4 7.1 19.0 6.3 18.9 6.5 16.09 6.03 23.7 5.7 22.7 5.5 NA NA 19.9 8.8 18.7 7.9 18.6 8.9 22.0 7.1 20.6 6.3 21.0 6.5 18.10 6.03 25.5 5.7 24.8 5,5 NA NA 5.7 4.6 3.1 6.03 14.6 12.7 14.4 18.10 16.0 16.5 24.13 17.5 19.0 17.7 18.0 27.14 STB 1 (1) α 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 x x x x Rate Rate LP HP 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 1/2 2/3 1/2 2/3 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 3/4 STB 2 (1) (1) = Threshold Of Visibility. (2) = Values referred to QEF threshold for Gaussian channel and do not consider the implementation margin [2]. In HP (Figure 1), the loss due to hierarchical modulation varies from -3.3 dB (with α=1) to –0.9 dB (with α =4) In LP (Figure 2), considering the 64-QAM 2/3 as reference, the loss due to hierarchical modulation is (negative means loss, positive means gain): • 64-QAM ½ hierarchical: from +1.2 dB (with α=1) to -3.5 dB (with α=4) • 64-QAM 2/3 hierarchical: from -1.3 dB (with α=1) to -6.7 dB (with α=4) • 64-QAM ¾ hierarchical: from -2.7 dB (with α=1) to -8.8 dB (with α=4) QPSK 1/2 vs Hierarchical modes NML (Hierarchical-Non hierarchical) 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 -1,5 -2,0 -2,5 -3,0 -3,5 QPSK in 64QAM, 1/2, a=1 QPSK in 64QAM, 1/2, a=2 QPSK in 64QAM, 1/2, a=4 Figure 1 Loss in the HP stream with respect to non-hierarchical modulation (DVB-T signal) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 14 (14) CELTIC Wing TV project report NML (Hierarchical-Non hierarchical) 64QAM 2/3 vs Hierarchical modes 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -7.0 -8.0 -9.0 QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in QP SK in 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 64QA M 1/2, a=1 1/2, a=2 1/2, a=4 2/3, a=1 2/3, a=2 2/3, a=4 3/4, a=1 3/4, a=2 3/4, a=4 Figure 2 Loss in the LP stream with respect to non-hierarchical modulation (DVB-T signal) 2.1.3 DVB-H laboratory tests: performance evaluation DVB-H performance with respect to non-hierarchical modulation has been evaluated on Gaussian channel by means of laboratory measurements, using the Teamcast/DiBcom Showcast receiver. The DVB-H stream was included in the HP stream (QPSK ½, MPE-FEC ¾). The C/N values for MFER = 5% are reported in Figure 3. The losses due to hierarchical modulation are reported in Table 2 (compared with simulation results coming from DVB-H VTF) and Figure 4. Non Hierarchical vs Hierarchical modes C/N@MFER<5% 7 6 C/N (dB) 5 4 3 2 1 0 QPSK 1/2 QPSK 1/2 in QPSK 1/2 in QPSK 1/2 in 64QAM 1/2, a=1 64QAM 1/2, a=2 64QAM 1/2, a=4 Figure 3 C/N for DVB-H signal in the HP stream Table 2 Loss in the LP stream with respect to non-hierarchical modulation (DVB-H signal, QPSK ½ in 64-QAM) Laboratory measurements DVB-H Simulation Task Force α=1 -4.1 dB -5 dB α=2 -2.6 dB -3 dB α=4 -1.6 dB 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 15 (15) Non Hierarchical vs Hierarchical modes NML (Hierarchical-Non Hierarchical) 0 -0,5 -1 -1,5 -2 -2,5 -3 -3,5 -4 -4,5 QPSK 1/2 in 64QAM 1/2, QPSK 1/2 in 64QAM 1/2, QPSK 1/2 in 64QAM 1/2, a=1 a=2 a=4 Figure 4 Loss in the HP stream with respect to non-hierarchical modulation (DVB-H signal) Such values can be useful for planning purposes, evaluating the reduction of the coverage area with respect to non-hierarchical modulation. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 16 (16) CELTIC Wing TV project report 3 NOKIA laboratory tests 3.1 Purpose of the test The laboratory measurements performed by Nokia in the Nokia laboratory were direct continuation of the work done in the common laboratory session in Turin. As time did not allow all the agreed measurements to be done in the Turin laboratory it was agreed that the measurements will be completed at home. 3.2 Tests done The performed tests were according the agreed Turin test plan: 1. Performance with top 22 modes in AWGN, Rayleigh and TU-6 channel ( Fdmax, C/N at Fdmax/2, Fd at 3dB, C/N at 10 Hz and 2 Hz) 2. Effect of the FFT-Size with 2k and 8k 3. Effect of the guard interval 4. Effect of the Burst Length 3.3 Test bed The test bed was a similar R&S SFQ, which was used in Turin. The device was first calibrated, so that similar C/N values were obtained as in the Turin measurements with the same receiver. The tested receiver was the Nokia receiver with MPE-FEC simulation. MFER 5% error criteria was used throughout the testing. 3.4 Results The results for the Top 22 Modes are shown in the following table. Table 3 Top modes results "Top modes" 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 AWGN Rayleigh Fd Max Fd Max / 23 dB 4.1 dB 6.8 dB 105 Hz 9.0 dB 100 Hz 4.3 dB 7.2 dB 105 Hz 9.5 dB 95 Hz 4.3 dB 7.1 dB 100 Hz 10.0 dB 95 Hz 4.4 dB 7.4 dB 100 Hz 11.0 dB 90 Hz 4.4 dB 7.5 dB 95 Hz 11.0 dB 90 Hz 6.0 dB 9.9 dB 95 Hz 12.0 dB 90 Hz 6.0 dB 10.0 dB 95 Hz 12.5 dB 90 Hz 6.0 dB 10.0 dB 90 Hz 13.5 dB 85 Hz 6.0 dB 10.1 dB 90 Hz 14.5 dB 85 Hz 9.4 dB 12.0 dB 90 Hz 14.5 dB 85 Hz 9.5 dB 12.0 dB 90 Hz 15.0 dB 85 Hz 9.5 dB 12.1 dB 90 Hz 16.0 dB 80 Hz 9.6 dB 12.2 dB 85 Hz 16.5 dB 80 Hz 11.7 dB 15.6 dB 85 Hz 18.0 dB 80 Hz 11.8 dB 15.7 dB 80 Hz 18.5 dB 75 Hz 11.9 dB 15.7 dB 80 Hz 19.5 dB 70 Hz 11.9 dB 15.9 dB 75 Hz 20.5 dB 70 Hz 14.0 dB 17.4 dB 70 Hz 21.5 dB 65 Hz 14.1 dB 17.4 dB 70 Hz 22.5 dB 60 Hz 17.5 dB 22.2 dB 60 Hz 25.0 dB 50 Hz 17.6 dB 22.2 dB 50 Hz 25.5 dB 45 Hz 17.7 dB 22.3 dB 45 Hz 27.0 dB 40 Hz 10 Hz 9.5 dB 9.5 dB 10.5 dB 11.0 dB 11.0 dB 12.0 dB 13.0 dB 13.5 dB 14.5 dB 15.5 dB 15.5 dB 16.5 dB 17.0 dB 18.5 dB 19.0 dB 19.5 dB 20.5 dB 21.5 dB 22.5 dB 25.0 dB 25.5 dB 27.0 dB 2 Hz 10.0 dB 10.5 dB 11.0 dB 12.0 dB 12.0 dB 13.5 dB 13.5 dB 15.0 dB 15.0 dB 16.5 dB 16.5 dB 17.5 dB 18.0 dB 19.5 dB 20.0 dB 20.5 dB 21.0 dB 22.0 dB 22.5 dB 25.5 dB 26.0 dB 27.5 dB Results of the FFT Size test are shown in the table below. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 17 (17) Table 4 FFT-size results Effect of FFT-size 2K 1/4 QPSK 2K 1/4 16QAM 2K 1/4 16QAM 2K 1/4 64QAM 4K 1/4 QPSK 4K 1/4 16QAM 4K 1/4 16QAM 4K 1/4 64QAM 8K 1/4 QPSK 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 16QAM 8K 1/4 64QAM 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 2/3 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 AWGN Rayleigh Fd Max Fd Max / 23 dB 4.3 dB 7.2 dB 410 Hz 10.5 dB 380 Hz 9.4 dB 12.0 dB 360 Hz 15.5 dB 340 Hz 11.8 dB 15.5 dB 330 Hz 18.5 dB 290 Hz 17.5 dB 21.7 dB 215 Hz 24.5 dB 180 Hz 10 Hz 10.5 dB 15.5 dB 19.0 dB 24.5 dB 2 Hz 11.5 dB 16.5 dB 20.0 dB 25.0 dB 4.3 dB 9.5 dB 11.8 dB 17.5 dB 95 Hz 85 Hz 75 Hz 50 Hz 10.5 dB 15.5 dB 19.0 dB 25.0 dB 11.0 dB 16.5 dB 20.0 dB 25.5 dB AWGN Rayleigh Fd Max Fd Max / 23 dB 4.3 dB 7.2 dB 410 Hz 10.5 dB 380 Hz 4.2 dB 7.2 dB 450 Hz 10.5 dB 420 Hz 3.9 dB 6.8 dB 470 Hz 10.0 dB 450 Hz 3.6 dB 6.5 dB 500 Hz 10.0 dB 470 Hz 11.8 dB 15.7 dB 80 Hz 18.5 dB 75 Hz 11.6 dB 15.5 dB 90 Hz 18.5 dB 80 Hz 11.2 dB 14.9 dB 95 Hz 18.5 dB 85 Hz 11.0 dB 14.7 dB 100 Hz 18.0 dB 90 Hz 17.6 dB 21.4 dB 55 Hz 24.5 dB 45 Hz 17.5 dB 21.4 dB 60 Hz 24.0 dB 50 Hz 17.0 dB 20.7 dB 65 Hz 23.5 dB 50 Hz 10 Hz 10.5 dB 10.5 dB 10.0 dB 10.0 dB 19.0 dB 19.0 dB 18.5 dB 18.0 dB 24.5 dB 24.0 dB 23.5 dB 2 Hz 11.5 dB 11.5 dB 11.0 dB 11.0 dB 20.0 dB 20.0 dB 19.5 dB 19.0 dB 25.5 dB 25.5 dB 25.0 dB 7.1 dB 12.0 dB 15.7 dB 22.2 dB 100 Hz 90 Hz 80 Hz 60 Hz 10.0 dB 15.0 dB 18.5 dB 25.0 dB Results of the Guard Interval test are shown in the table below. Table 5 Guard interval results Effect of Guard Interval 2K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 2K 1/8 QPSK 1/2 2K 1/16 QPSK 1/2 2K 1/32 QPSK 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 2/3 8K 1/8 16QAM 2/3 8K 1/16 16QAM 2/3 8K 1/32 16QAM 2/3 8K 1/4 64QAM 2/3 8K 1/8 64QAM 2/3 8K 1/16 64QAM 2/3 8K 1/32 64QAM 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Results of the Burst Length test are shown in the table below. Table 6 Burst length results Effect of burst size and length 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 3.5 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 Rows Length PID AWGN Rayleigh Fd Max Fd Max / 2 3 dB 20 Hz 1024 500 1003 9.7 dB 12.4 dB 85 Hz 16.0 dB 75 Hz 16.0 dB 512 250 1002 9.7 dB 12.5 dB 85 Hz 16.2 dB 75 Hz 16.2 dB 256 125 1004 9.7 dB 12.4 dB 85 Hz 16.2 dB 75 Hz 16.3 dB 1024 250 1005 9.7 dB 12.4 dB 85 Hz 16.2 dB 75 Hz 16.2 dB 512 125 1006 9.7 dB 12.5 dB 83 Hz 16.7 dB 75 Hz 16.9 dB 256 62.5 1007 9.6 dB 12.4 dB 83 Hz 16.6 dB 75 Hz 16.9 dB 15 Hz 16.0 dB 16.2 dB 17.2 dB 16.2 dB 16.8 dB 16.9 dB 10 Hz 16.2 dB 16.5 dB 17.1 dB 16.4 dB 17.0 dB 16.9 dB 7 Hz 16.5 dB 17.0 dB 17.4 dB 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 5 Hz 17.0 dB 17.0 dB 17.3 dB 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 17.1 dB 2 Hz 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 17.3 dB 1 Hz 17.2 dB 17.2 dB 17.3 dB 17.2 dB 17.3 dB 16.9 dB Analysis The results in the top 22 modes have mainly been used to find out how the MPE-FEC code rate affects the C/N performance in the TU-6 channel. The purpose of this was to be able to extend the “Typical” reference receiver presented in the DVB-H Implementation Guidelines. Currently this includes only MPE-FEC code rate ¾. To see the effect of the code rate the following deltas were calculated from the results. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 18 (18) CELTIC Wing TV project report Table 7 MPE-FEC code rate influence Mode 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K Delta Fd Max / 2 3 dB 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 10Hz 2Hz -1 -0.5 0 1 1 5 0 0 -5 -5 -1 -1 0 0.5 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 1 1 -0.5 0 1 2 0 0 -5 -5 -1 0 0.5 1.5 0 0 1.5 1.5 -0.5 0 1 1.5 0 0 -5 -5 0 0 1 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 -0.5 0 1 2 5 0 -5 -5 -0.5 0 0.5 1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Based on this table the following extended reference receiver was created. Table 8 Reference receiver "Typical" Reference Receiver Guard interval = 1/4 Modulation Code rate Bitrate [Mbit/s] QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 16-QAM 64-QAM 64-QAM 64-QAM 64-QAM 64-QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 13.27 13.27 13.27 13.27 14.93 14.93 19.91 19.91 19.91 2k MPE FEC CR 1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 7/8 5/6 7/8 2/3 3/4 5/6 Bitrate [Mbit/s] 2.49 3.32 3.74 4.15 4.36 4.43 4.98 5.53 5.81 6.63 7.46 8.29 8.71 8.85 9.95 11.06 11.61 12.44 13.06 13.27 14.93 16.59 Speed at Fd3dB [km/h] 4k Speed at Fd3dB [km/h] 8k Speed at Fd3dB [km/h] C/Nmin Fd3dB 474 698 C/Nmin Fd3dB 474 698 C/Nmin Fd3dB 474 698 [dB] 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 12 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 15.5 16.5 17.5 18 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 25 25.5 27 [Hz] 400 380 380 360 360 360 360 340 340 340 340 320 320 320 320 300 280 260 240 200 180 160 MHz 911 866 866 820 820 820 820 775 775 775 775 729 729 729 729 684 638 592 547 456 410 365 MHz 619 588 588 557 557 557 557 526 526 526 526 495 495 495 495 464 433 402 371 309 279 248 [dB] 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 12 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 15.5 16.5 17.5 18 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 25 25.5 27 [Hz] 200 190 190 180 180 180 180 170 170 170 170 160 160 160 160 150 140 130 120 100 90 80 MHz 456 433 433 410 410 410 410 387 387 387 387 365 365 365 365 342 319 296 273 228 205 182 MHz 309 294 294 279 279 279 279 263 263 263 263 248 248 248 248 232 217 201 186 155 139 124 [dB] 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 12 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 15.5 16.5 17.5 18 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 25 25.5 27 [Hz] 100 95 95 90 90 90 90 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 75 70 65 60 50 45 40 MHz 228 216 216 205 205 205 205 194 194 194 194 182 182 182 182 171 159 148 137 114 103 91 MHz 155 147 147 139 139 139 139 132 132 132 132 124 124 124 124 116 108 101 93 77 70 62 Next the measurements with different Guard Intervals were analyzed to understand the effect of the Guard Interval and to be able to apply this in a standard format to the proposed extended reference receiver. The relative Doppler performance of the receiver with different modulations is shown in the following picture. As can be seen the drops with increased GI in a rather regular manner. Thus it was possible to propose a standard behavior for the GI versus Doppler. This is shown in the following table. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 19 (19) GI-effect in Doppler 1.0 1.00 0.95 0.9 Fd/Fd(1/32) 0.90 0.8 0.80 QPSK 16QAM 64QAM 0.70 0.60 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 Figure 5: Guard interval effect in Doppler Table 9 Guard interval effect GI 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 Fd/Fd(1/32) Fd/Fd(1/4) 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.000 1.125 1.188 1.250 When this is applied to the GI=1/4 extended reference receiver it is possible to get a full set of performance figures for all Guard Intervals. From the FTT-size measurements it can be seen that the expected theoretical effect of the FFTSize is verified, thus it is possible to have the 2/2/2 relation in the reference receiver tables. The burst length measurements were mainly done to study the effect of C/N increase in the low Doppler frequencies in the TU-6 channels. There the theory is saying that the increase will happen at different Doppler frequencies depending on the burst length, which roughly corresponding the interleaving depth. The results of this test are shown in the picture below. This zoomed picture shows the bend of the curves at different frequencies as expected. The overall increase in the C/N is rather small, in the order of 1 dB. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 20 (20) CELTIC Wing TV project report Burst Size and Length 20.0 dB 19.0 dB 18.0 dB 17.0 dB 1024-500 512-250 1024-250 256-62.5 C/N [dB] 16.0 dB 15.0 dB 256-125 512-125 14.0 dB 13.0 dB 12.0 dB 11.0 dB 10.0 dB 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Fd [Hz] Figure 6: Burst size influence 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 4 page 21 (21) Ericsson laboratory tests The report of the Ericsson laboratory tests is extracted from a Master Thesis report. The scope of the Master Thesis was to implement an algorithm for ICI cancellation in an FPGA, and measure the performance. Special attention was paid to the possibility to use a (non-rectangular) window function in case the delay spread of the channel was (considerably) smaller than the GI, to further enhance the performance. Concerning the theory, reference is therefore made to a paper that has been accepted for presentation at VTC 2006 Fall [4] 4.1 Implementation In this chapter the implementations of the three different units needed for effective cancellation, in the DVB-H prototype, are described. Starting with a short introduction of the basics of design strategy and hardware design methodology. This is followed by an overview of the design and a more detailed description is then presented along with simulation results explaining the choices made during implementation. 4.1.1 System Design When designing a chip, design strategy is an important issue, especially when the system has many design constraints. The major design constraints are functionality, speed, area, power consumption, and cost. The goal of the designer is to find an optimal point in the design space, i.e., sufficient throughput at minimum power consumption and area requirement while keeping the functionality intact. However, optimizing the design takes a great deal of time and work effort and thus cost starts to increase rapidly. Therefore a designer, to keep the costs at reasonable level, often settles for a sufficiently good point in the design space which meets the requirements. In this thesis work, the most important criterion is to prove functionality for the ICI reducing algorithm. The power aspect of the design is more or less disregarded. There are consequently no power saving measures taken, such as turning off inactive parts or running a high speed design at low voltage and speed. Area and speed, on the other hand, could not be disregarded completely. First, the design had to fit the FPGA without causing routing or speed problems. Second, the design also had to meet the speed requirements of the receiver and be able to finalize all calculations for one OFDM symbol before the next arrives. The cost being time as the design had to be verified during the thesis work. 4.1.2 Design Methodology In Figure 7, a simplified design flow is depicted, where the major design steps are shown. First, a floating point model is derived according to specifications. When functionality has been verified, a fixed point model is implemented. These models are implemented in a suitable programming language, e.g. Matlab for floating point and C/C++ for fixed point model. With the fixed point model, it is possible to determine word lengths needed to meet design constraints. From these models test vectors are extracted, which are to be used in later steps for verification. During the second step, the system’s design criteria have to be taken into consideration as the architecture will depend on these. For example, if there is an area constraint, a time-multiplexed architecture would be preferred whereas, if high throughput is desired, a parallel architecture would be beneficial. The architecture is described in a hardware description language, such as VHDL or Verilog. After the design is implemented, its functionality is verified with the previously generated test vectors. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 22 (22) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 7: Schematic illustration of the design flow Next, the design is synthesized into a netlist of components. These components are, in most cases, taken from a standard library containing arithmetic, logic, and registers. However, in some cases, the need to implement custom components can arise when the design constraints are hard to meet. The netlist is then downloaded to an FPGA and the functionality can be verified. Every step in the design flow must often be iterated several times before a fully functional design, that reaches all requirements, has been derived. For this design there was no fixed point model derived, as the cost probably would be too high, i.e., too time consuming. The floating point model implemented in Matlab was used for verification. 4.1.3 Overview Figure 8 is an overview of the top level. Data flows in one direction and is processed by one algorithm after the other. Output samples from different blocks are accompanied by a valid signal and are in most cases assumed to be correctly received by the following block. However, there are exceptions from this, for example, memories which use an acknowledge signal when receiving a sample. The different blocks have been designed with this in mind. As the design should be incorporated with an existing DVB-H receiver implementation, wrappers were developed for the different blocks containing interfaces to the surrounding blocks. This allowed fairly independent development of the different parts. The transmission parameters most likely to be used for DVB-H in Sweden are 8K transmission mode and 16-QAM. Further, the carrier frequency will be located in the TV frequency band (470862 MHz) and probably use an 8 MHz channel. Only the 8K mode is implemented in the prototype ICI canceller. The major reason for this is that only this mode is implemented in the DVB-H prototype. Also, only a CP of ¼ is considered. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 23 (23) Figure 8: Schematic overview of the design. Grey blocks were implemented during the Thesis work Window Unit To reduce the ICI level, the distortion free part of the CP is used for windowing, as described in [4]. The unit applies one of four different window functions available to the incoming OFDM symbol. The complex baseband samples from the CP are stored in a memory and are then weighted together with the corresponding part at the end of the symbol. The result is then passed on to the FFT. It is possible to apply one of four different stepped window functions with equal step lengths and heights and a maximum window length corresponding to 75 % of the longest CP. Channel Estimator Doppler shift severely degrades the performance of a channel estimator operating in time direction. For a system using 8k FFT and CP = ¼, the Nyquist frequency is at 111.6 Hz. As the existing channel estimator in the DVB-H prototype receiver implemented time then frequency interpolation, a new channel estimator was developed which only operates in frequency direction to be able to handle higher Doppler frequencies. This, on the other hand, results in a receiver with worse performance regarding channels with large delay spreads. Seven different cubic (third order filter with four filter taps) interpolation filters are implemented. Six are Wiener filters and one is a Lagrange filter. The results from incoming OFDM symbols processed by the FFT are stored in a memory which the channel estimator reads pilots from. With these pilots, interpolation is performed and the resulting estimates are stored in another memory from where the ICI canceller then fetches the channel estimates. ICI Canceller The unit that requires most computational resources is the ICI-canceller, as divisions have to be performed to retrieve the sent data symbols needed in the cancellation. The current implementation tries to cancel the ICI introduced to a sub-carrier from the two neighbouring sub-carriers. The design also incorporates the channel equalizer. The unit is implemented using a pipelined structure to achieve high throughput, and this also results in fairly simple control logic. 4.2 Detailed Description The following sections give a detailed description of the different implemented blocks. There is also simulation results presented along with discussion of choices made during implementation. All simulations are made using a cubic Lagrange interpolation filter in the frequency direction only and windows of 1563 samples length, unless otherwise stated. The simulations are made using 8K mode with a CP = ¼, 16-QAM, and a convolutional code rate of 1/2. The byte error rates are calculated after the Reed-Solomon decoder. Window Unit As the window is located prior to the FFT, special care must be taken when performing calculations regarding operations such as rounding. If there is a bias in the rounding this will be accumulated as a DC offset and might cause overflow and error propagation to other frequencies. Due to this 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 24 (24) CELTIC Wing TV project report effect, all calculations performed in the window unit is rounded to nearest even, i.e., perform a rounding that is symmetric around zero. As described in [4],, the task of windowing is to combine weighted samples from the CP with the corresponding weighted samples at the end of the OFDM symbol. Figure 9: Schematic layout view of the window unit, where the RTNE denotes round to nearest even As seen in Figure 9, the window unit consists of three major parts, a memory, a calculation unit, and control logic. The length of the window can be set from N = ¾ CP down to N = 0. The first quarter of the CP will never be used due to distortion from the channel impulse response. If the channel impulse response is estimated to be longer than a quarter of the CP, the window length can be shortened as described above. The estimation of the impulse response length is outside the scope of this thesis work. The window unit actually implements all three transmission modes, although only the 8K option is used. The only difference between a window in 2K and 4K is the length. In 2K the CP is one quarter of the length of the corresponding CP in 8K, and half the length in 4K. Therefore, the window length and step size only has to be divided by two (4K) or four (2K) and this is easily performed by a right bit shift. From system simulations of the complete receiver, see Figure 10 and Figure 11, it looks like the impact of the number of steps is not that large. It rather seems that more steps in the window worsen the performance of the receiver. Despite of this, windows with 1-4 steps with equidistant step sizes and heights are implemented. C/N = 25dB Brickwall 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 511 steps Triangle −1 Byte error rate 10 −2 10 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Doppler (Hz) Figure 10: Simulation results for different window functions when no ICI cancellation is performed 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 25 (25) The window unit starts to fill the memory with the incoming complex data samples where the real part is stored in the high bits and the imaginary in the low bits. It continues to do so until it receives a sync signal, i.e., the first sample in the OFDM symbol r(0) arrives. In 8K mode using a CP of ¼ there are 10240 samples arriving during the OFDM symbol duration 1.12 ms. As the receiver runs on a 36~MHz clock, this results in approximately one sample every fourth clock cycle. For this reason, the window calculations are performed in a time multiplexed fashion. First sample $r(-n)$ is retrieved from the memory and the real part of $r(-n)$ and $r(N-n)$ is then multiplied with the corresponding weight, $w(-n)$ and $w(N-n)$. The results are added together, rounded to the nearest even, and stored in a register. The same operation is then performed on the imaginary part and the resulting windowed sample, $r_{w}(N-n)$, is sent to the FFT. The weights of the different available window functions are located in a small LUTaccessible by the controller. C/N = 25dB 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 511 steps Triangle −1 Byte error rate 10 −2 10 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 Doppler (Hz) Figure 11: Simulation results for different window functions when interference from one sub-carrier on each side is cancelled Channel Estimator During channel estimation the interpolated values in the central interval of the interpolation polynomial, i.e., 0 < t <= 1, are the interesting ones. As the interpolation is performed in a discrete (digital) environment t = k/M, where M is the number of interpolation points in the interval, thus k takes the integer values from 1 to M. Knowing this, the interpolation can be viewed as a discrete filter, and this task can be solved by a FIR filter. Therefore, the channel estimation can be performed by a simple structure, see Figure 12, using a FIFO, a FIR filter, a LUT with filter coefficients, and control logic. Further, it can be seen that the unit is located between two memories, one containing the received samples, R, and the second one where the estimated channel responses for different frequencies, H, are stored. In these memories, the samples are stored in the same fashion as in the window unit with the real part in high bits and imaginary in low. Figure 12: Schematic layout view of the channel estimator unit 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 26 (26) CELTIC Wing TV project report The DVB-H standard provides pilot signaling. Of the two different types of pilots the most common is the scattered pilots, which are evenly distributed in the time frequency grid. The scattered pilots are separated by 12 steps in the frequency direction and four in the time direction in a staggered fashion. This dense and even distribution makes the scattered pilots suitable for channel estimation. As explained before, to benefit from ICI cancellation a channel estimator that operates in frequency direction first is needed. Therefore, no virtual pilots will be calculated in between the actual ones, but instead the channel estimation is performed by directly interpolating in the frequency direction. Interpolation FIR filter The implemented cubic FIR interpolation filter is depicted Figure 13. The four filter taps use complex multipliers and adders as all calculations are complex valued. Prior to the FIR filter a FIFO of length four is located. These registers hold the four scattered pilots, P, used during the filtering process. Figure 13: Schematic view of the cubic interpolation FIR filter The interpolation coefficients are stored in a LUT and this makes the structure versatile as it is possible to realize different filters by changing the coefficients. In the current implementation, the LUT contains filter coefficients for linear filters of lengths M=3, 6, 9, and 12, a cubic Lagrange filter of length M=12, and six cubic Wiener filters of length M=12. To calculate H one should use ¾ * P as the pilots are sent with boosted power level. This is, however, not done as it only results in a scale factor and this is instead handled later in the receiver chain. Memories Both memories R and H, see Figure 12, are addressed with row and column, where a column is of the same length as the information part of an OFDM symbol. For 8K transmission mode there are 6817 sub-carriers, in one OFDM symbol. Instead of using two-port memories for simultaneous read and write, one-port memories with a two-port wrapper are used. The wrapper translates the row and column addresses for the memory and handles a simultaneous read and write request according to a priority rule, where one port has higher priority than the other which has to wait. The reason for using one-port memories with a wrapper instead of two-port memories is that a two-port memory is considerably larger and consumes more power than a single port memory. As there are three units which need access to the R memory, the channel estimator and the ICI canceller share one port and the FFT uses the other one. This works fine as ICI cancellation is not performed until channel estimation is finalized. In the current implementation, the H memory holds the estimates from three OFDM symbols as this is the number of symbols needed to perform the estimation of the channel derivative, H’. Controller The task of the control logic is to retrieve the pilot values from the memory containing the received OFDM symbols, feed the FIR filter with the appropriate coefficients and write the result to the memory containing the channel estimates, H. These tasks are performed by two controllers; one that fetches the pilots from the R memory and another that handles the coefficients for the FIR filter and writes the result to the H memory. The first controller addresses a unit in the receiver to determine if a sample in the symbol is a pilot or not. This unit contains counters for the two different pilot types which are decremented for every frequency that is stepped through. When a counter reaches zero, the unit flags the event, and thus telling when a certain pilot is reached. For the scattered pilots the counter is set to either 3, 6, 9, or 12 at reset and every time it becomes zero it resets to 12. With this information the controller can retrieve the pilots and switch the sign if necessary and store it in the FIFO. As the FFT has the 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 27 (27) highest priority to the memory the channel estimator controller has to stall until the memory is available, when a collision occurs. Now the controller signals which filter to use, starts the second controller and continues to step through the frequencies to retrieve the next pilot. At the beginning of every OFDM symbol the FIFO is empty and the first pilot is only switched in and sent to the H memory. When the second pilot arrives linear filtering is started, the length of the filter, either 3, 6, 9, or 12, depends on where the first scattered pilot is located in the symbol. For the third pilot either a linear filter of length 12 or a cubic filter of length 12 is used. The same applies for the last three pilots in the OFDM symbol, for all pilots in between a cubic filter will be used. Which cubic filter to use is determined by the user, i.e., external control signals. The second controller fetches the interpolation coefficients, q, from the LUT according to the filter used, and writes the result to the H memory. ICI-Canceller The ICI cancellation unit and the equalizer are closely interlinked, see Figure 14 and Figure 15, and are implemented as, more or less, one unit. Figure 14: Schematic overview of ICI cancellation unit and channel estimator From system simulations, it is seen that the number of neighbouring frequencies canceled has a low impact on the performance. Therefore, the major benefit from ICI canceling is achieved by removing the interference from the closest sub-carriers. For this reason the ICI cancellation unit only tries to remove the interference from the closest sub-carrier on each side of the active carrier. Figure 15: Detailed schematic view of ICI cancellation unit The pipelined structure of the unit can be seen in Figure 15, where the samples are shifted into registers and the result then propagates through the design. FIFOs of different lengths are used to ensure that data and control signals arrive at the correct time. This structure makes it easy to extend the implementation to cancel the ICI from more sub-carriers. Controller The ICI cancellation unit controller has a very basic control sequence as the design is pipelined. Most of the work consists of handling memory locations for all the different samples needed in the ICI calculation. When a calculation is started the data and control signals ripple through the design and FIFOs of different length are used to ensure correct timing. When the unit receives a go signal 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 28 (28) CELTIC Wing TV project report from the channel estimator the controller starts to retrieve channel estimates and received data samples. The unit has to stall if the FFT writes to the R memory as the FFT has the highest priority to this memory and the sequence therefore takes four or five clock cycles to complete. If the current subcarrier contains a continual or scattered pilot, instead of estimating the sent data symbol, the actual known value is switched in to the corresponding FIFO. The controller also retrieves the modified folding factor coefficients, to be used in the calculations according to the window function used. These modified coefficients are stored in a LUT and cover the same window types and lengths as the window unit. Derivative estimation To estimate the derivative, or rather the change of the channel during the OFDM symbol, it is assumed that the channel has changed in a linear fashion from the previous symbol to the next. The channel estimates for the previous symbol and the next one is therefore used to estimate the derivative, see [4] for a more detailed description. ICI calculation The ICI is calculated using the (possibly) estimated signal sent on a sub-carrier, the estimated channel change, and a weighting function, which depends on what window shape is used. See [4]for a more detailed description. 4.3 Measurements This chapter begins with a short description of the laboratory equipment used for measurements in followed by a section where the actual results from the measurements are presented. Two different measurements were performed, one with a pure frequency offset applied to the signal and one using a time-varying channel. 4.3.1 Laboratory Setup The digital DVB-H baseband prototype decoder runs on an Altera Stratix FPGA, the laboratory setup is depicted in Figure 16. In addition, a second board containing an Ethernet circuit is connected to the main FPGA board. This allows for Ethernet signaling at 100 Mbps with a PC. To generate the radio frequency signal needed for measurements, an I/Q modulation generator, AMIQ-B3 model 04, together with a vector signal generator, SMIQ03, are used. Both instruments are from Rhode & Schwartz. The tuner board consists of a Philips TU1216 tuner module and a discrete analog to digital converter. From the PC, via a RS232 serial interface, it is possible to set control bits in the receiver and ICI canceling units, e.g. which interpolation filter to use, the number of steps in the window and also the length of the window. Figure 16: Schematic overview of the laboratory setup used for measurements Reference information used for measurements is generated in Matlab. This reference sequence is then transferred to the AMIQ, which plays the sequence repeatedly. The SMIQ converts the baseband signal to radio frequency, performs channel modulation and adds noise. The radio 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 29 (29) frequency signal is then translated to intermediate frequency by the tuner board, which is fed to the DVB-H receiver. The output from the receiver is sent to the PC over the Ethernet interface and is compared to the reference sequence. The functionality of the receiver has also been verified by real-time reception of a live DVB-H broadcast transmitted by Sony Ericsson. This was done using the radio part of a DVB-T set-topbox from Nokia. 4.3.2 Measured Results Two different measurements have been performed. The first one where a frequency offset was introduced to the signal and a second one with a time-varying channel causing Doppler spread. The measurements are performed using 8K mode with a CP of ¼, 16-QAM, and a convolutional code rate of ½. The byte error rates are calculated after the Reed-Solomon decoder. Frequency Offset The frequency offset is imposed by multiplying the time domain signal by an exponential. A frequency offset can be viewed as a special case of a time-varying channel, where the variation consists of a phase change. The theoretical gain than can be obtained by using a one-step window with and without ICI cancellation is shown in Table 10. Excess window length does in this table refer to how much of the GI that is used for the windowing. Table 10: Ideal improvement by using a one-step window with different lengths with and without ICI cancellation No ICI canceling Canc. one tap on each side Excess window length: 0 0.00 dB 4.07 dB Excess window length: N/32 0.41 dB 5.13 dB Excess window length: N/16 0.84 dB 6.21 dB Excess window length: N/8 1.73 dB 8.16 dB Excess window length: 3N/16 2.65 dB 9.12 dB The corresponding measured gains obtained in case of a frequency offset are shown in Table 11. Comparing with the ideal gains presented in Table 10, it can be seen that the gain obtained by employing a window function agrees very well with the theory, whereas the gain obtained by canceling is considerably smaller. As an example, using a 1024 samples long one-step window, this would ideally lead to an improvement of 1.73~dB in 8K mode. As the ICI is proportional to the frequency offset squared, an increase of the frequency offset by about 22% would be possible to achieve by using such a window. Table 11: Measured improvement in dB by using a one-step window with different lengths with and without ICI cancellation when a frequency offset is applied No ICI canceling Canc. one tap on each side Excess window length: 0 0.00 dB 1.28 dB Excess window length: N/16 0.82 dB 2.19 dB Excess window length: N/8 1.50 dB 2.77 dB Excess window length: 3N/16 2.16 dB 3.20 dB In Figure 17 through Figure 21, the measured performance in compared for different choices of window function with and without ICI cancellation. Since the MPE-FEC is not implemented, the performance is determined as the byte error rate at the output of the RS decoder. The line at 6.1% byte error rate at the output of the RS decoder, corresponds to MPE-FEC error rate of 5% if the rate of the MPE-FEC is ¾ and it is assumed that the errors are independent. Of course, one should 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 30 (30) CELTIC Wing TV project report not use the figures to compare with other implementations where the MPE-FEC is implemented, but merely to estimate how much larger frequency error can be handled. C/N = ∞ dB 0 10 Byte error rate Brickwall Brickwall, ICI cancel 1 step, 1024 samples long 1 step, 1024 samples, ICI cancel −1 10 −2 10 180 200 220 240 260 280 Frequency error (Hz) 300 320 340 360 Figure 17: Measured result when a frequency offset is applied to the signal using brickwall and one-step window with and without ICI cancellation C/N = ∞ dB 0 10 Byte error rate Brickwall 1 step, 1024 samples long 1 step, 1536 samples long −1 10 −2 10 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 Frequency error (Hz) Figure 18: Measured result when a frequency offset is applied to the signal using different lengths in a one-step window and no ICI cancellation is performed 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 31 (31) C/N = ∞ dB 0 10 Byte error rate Brickwall 1 step, 1024 samples long 1 step, 1536 samples long −1 10 −2 10 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 Frequency error (Hz) Figure 19: Measured result when a frequency offset is applied to the signal using different lengths in a one-step window and the ICI from the two closest neighbouring sub-carriers are cancelled C/N = ∞ dB 0 10 Byte error rate Brickwall 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps −1 10 −2 10 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 Frequency error (Hz) Figure 20: Measured result when a frequency offset is applied to the signal using different number of steps in a 1536 samples long window function and no ICI cancellation is performed C/N = ∞ dB 0 10 Brickwall 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step −1 Byte error rate 10 −2 10 −3 10 220 240 260 280 300 Frequency error (Hz) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV 320 340 360 page 32 (32) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 21: Measured result when a frequency offset is applied to the signal using different number of steps in a 1536 samples long window function and the ICI from the two closest neighbouring subcarriers is cancelled Doppler Spread The theoretical improvements (in dB) by using different lengths of a one-step window with or without ICI cancellation are the same for time-varying channels as for frequency offset. The corresponding measured results are given in Table 12. Table 12: Measured improvement in dB by using a one-step window with different lengths with and without ICI cancellation in a time-variant channel causing Doppler spread No ICI canceling Canc. one tap on each side Excess window length: 0 0.00 dB 1.22 dB Excess window length: N/32 0.46 dB 1.67 dB Excess window length: N/8 1.77 dB 3.12 dB Some measured results are given in Figure 22 through Figure 25 for a TU6 channel. −2 Byte error rate = 6.1 ⋅ 10 28 Brickwall 1 step, 256 samples long 1 step, 1024 samples long 27 26 25 24 Required C/N (dB) 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Doppler (Hz) 140 160 180 200 Figure 22: Measured result when a Doppler spread is applied to the signal using different lengths in a one-step window and no ICI cancellation is performed −2 Byte error rate = 6.1 ⋅ 10 28 Brickwall 1 step, 256 samples long 1 step, 1024 samples long 27 26 25 24 Required C/N (dB) 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 0 50 100 150 200 250 Doppler (Hz) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 33 (33) Figure 23: Measured result when a Doppler spread is applied to the signal using different lengths in a one-step window and the ICI from the two closest neighbouring subcarriers is cancelled −2 Byte error rate = 6.1 ⋅ 10 28 Brickwall 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps 27 26 25 24 Required C/N (dB) 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Doppler (Hz) 140 160 180 200 Figure 24: Measured result when a Doppler spread is applied to the signal using different number of steps in a 1024 samples long window function and no ICI cancellation is performed Byte error rate = 6.1 ⋅ 10−2 28 Brickwall 1 step 2 steps 3 steps 4 steps 27 26 25 24 Required C/N (dB) 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 0 50 100 150 200 250 Doppler (Hz) Figure 25: Measured result when a Doppler spread is applied to the signal using different number of steps in a 1024 samples long window function and the ICI from the two closest neighbouring subcarriers is cancelled 4.4 Conclusions and Improvements First, in this section, conclusions are drawn and problems encountered during the thesis work are listed. Then, suggestions for improving the design regarding complexity, functionality, power consumption, and speed are given. 4.4.1 Conclusions During this thesis, most problems that have arisen are related to timing of either data and/or control signals. It gets especially problematic when there are a lot of data being shuffled between memories, as in this design, which requires many control signals. Finding what causes these problems can in many cases be very time consuming and a major part of the design time is spent on implementing and testing controllers. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 34 (34) CELTIC Wing TV project report Even tough wrappers were used and the interfaces to the surrounding blocks in the DVB-H receiver were, more or less, ready the incorporation of the units encountered more problems and consumed more time than expected. One reason for this was that control signals regarding pilot positions were for a channel estimator working in time direction first and was slightly askew for the new estimator working in frequency direction only. As this thesis has shown, it is possible to implement an ICI canceling algorithm at low complexity and achieve good performance by using a window function and cancellation of ICI on one subcarrier from two adjacent sub-carriers. The complexity can be reduced further, by implementing some of the suggestions in the next section. The functionality of the ICI canceling algorithm has been proved using both frequency offset and a time-variant channel causing Doppler spread, with good results. It is seen that the best result is achieved by using a one-step window function and measurements show that the performance is very close to the theoretical improvement. This gives that an improvement up to 2.65dB, i.e., 35% higher Doppler frequency, is possible to reach using only a one-step window function of 1536 samples length. This is a very satisfying result as the simple unit works close to its maximum performance. According to theory, ICI cancellation should give a large improvement of 4.07dB when the ICI from two adjacent sub-carriers are cancelled. Unfortunately, the measured performance of the implementation is far lower, about 1.2dB, this is, however, still an improvement of 15% and higher than the expected outcome from simulations. The reduced performance is probably due to that the sent symbol and channel change are estimated. Thus, to improve the performance of the ICI cancellation, the quality of these estimated values has to be improved, and as both values depend on the quality of the channel estimates, the channel estimation has to be improved. Further, it seems that the performance of the ICI cancellation is increased when used together with a window. This as the channel estimates become better when there is less ICI remaining. This increase in performance is, however, only seen when using a channel causing Doppler spread and not when a frequency offset is applied, where the performance is actually decreased when the longest window is used. Using both a long window and ICI cancellation an improvement of about 55 % is expected and Doppler frequencies well above 200Hz can be handled without a too high required C/N, which correspond to a receiver speed of at least 250km/h at a carrier frequency of 862 4.4.2 Improvements In a mobile terminal, where a DVB-H receiver is likely to be found, power consumption is one of the most important design criteria. In most cases, lower power consumption comes at the expense of larger chip area. As this implementation more or less disregarded the power aspect, there are quite a lot to improve. Since this prototype was implemented to prove functionality, no word-length optimization was performed. Therefore the area and the power consumption of the design could be reduced by reducing the word-lengths. The channel estimate uses 16 bits and after the channel equalization a resolution of six bits is believed to be sufficient, so a word-length of 8-10 bits will probably be enough. The large word-length is to ensure that noise is caused by the transmission and not truncation errors. All word-lengths can easily be changed by a constant in a configuration file. All complex multiplications BD)+j(AD+BC). are implemented straightforward as E=(A+jB) (C+jD)=(AC- This multiplication could be optimized by using a distributed arithmetic approach and give a significant improvement in both speed and power consumption. As discussed, a real implementation should cover all three transmission modes. The parts that have to be extended are the channel estimator and the ICI cancellation unit. This is on the other hand easily obtained, with some additional logic in the controllers, as the only difference between 2K, 4K, and 8K is the length of the OFDM symbol. Pilots have the same location in all three modes. Therefore, adding logic that handles different symbol lengths is the only thing necessary to make the ICI canceling compliant with all three transmission modes. In the ICI unit the folding factors are scaled. This scale factor depends on the different modes and CP used. To solve this, the derivative estimate can be scaled according to the mode and CP used with a multiplication or have different sets of coefficients. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 35 (35) Window Unit As seen, the best performance is reached using a one-step window function and that the performance is close to the theoretical limit. By only implementing a one-step window the window unit could be simplified, this as no step sizes has to be calculated and the weight would be ½, i.e., a right bit shift. It will also reduce the size of the LUT containing coefficients in the ICI canceller. In the current implementation, the length of the window is set by external control signals. To make this unit independent the length of the channel impulse response needs to be estimated. If the window is placed to early, the output from the FFT will be phase rotated and this will affect the channel estimate and thereby the ICI cancellation. The window position optimization is, in the current implementation, done manually, i.e., there is a need to implement adaptive control for the window position. Channel Estimation As seen, the improvement from using ICI cancellation is far from the theoretical. One reason for this is that the sent values, S, has to be estimated and to improve the estimates performance of the channel estimator has to be improved. This can possibly be achieved by longer interpolation filters and implementing this can be done by adding more filter taps to the interpolation filter and at the same time increase the length of the FIFO holding pilots. Additional control logic is also necessary to decrease the order of the interpolation filter at the edges of OFDM symbols. There is also a possibility to apply a filter in the time direction to increase the tolerance toward delay spread. Another way of improving the tolerance towards delay spread is to implement pre-rotation. Delay spread will have the same effect on the signal as a too early placed FFT window, i.e., a rotation of the different sub-carriers dependent on their position. In pre-rotation the output from the FFT is rotated backwards according to the estimated rotation caused by delay spread and/or incorrect window placement. The rotation can be estimated by summation of phase differences between pilots from which the rotation can be calculated. ICI Unit As seen in Figure 14, and earlier mentioned, the design uses two equalizing units. Remembering the control sequence used, by the ICI controller it is noted that the first equalizer only starts a calculation every fourth (or fifth) clock cycle. It would therefore be possible to use only one equalizer to perform both divisions. This improvement would decrease the area of the ICI cancellation unit significantly, approximately 25% as the two equalizers make up for about 65% of the total area in the ICI canceller. The pipelined structure of the ICI canceller makes it possible to start a new calculation every clock cycle. This makes the H memory a bottle neck as there are three different values that need to be fetched, and this takes three clock cycles. One possible way to speed up this is to have three small memories containing one symbol each instead of one large holding all. Thus, enabling access to all three samples in one clock cycle and a new calculation could be started every cycle, unless the R memory is accessed by the FFT and one has to stall until the memory becomes available. This would speed up the calculations considerably and the unit would be inactive longer, thus saving power. Combining this with the improvement proposed above, one could start a new ICI calculation and channel equalization every other clock cycle. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 36 (36) CELTIC Wing TV project report 5 TeamCast lab tests 5.1 Purpose of the test Teamcast with the DiBcom collaboration would like to experiment in its labs in Rennes, the performances of a transmission using DVB-H with a bandwidth shrunk to 1.75 MHz instead of 8 MHz. The purpose of this internal test is to evaluate the DVB-H in comparison to DAB (T-DMB) in the same configuration. DAB transmission uses a 1.536 MHz signal bandwidth broadcast in a 1.712 MHz channel. To adapt the DVB-H signal in such channel, while optimising channel usage and broadcast bitrate, the “7 MHz bandwidth” DVB-H mode has been selected as a starting point. The 7 MHz system clock (8 MHz) has been divided by four (2 MHz) in order to produce a DVB-H signal having a 1.66 MHz bandwidth, fitting in the 1.712 MHz DAB channel. Accordingly, the effective DVB-H bandwidth is 1.66MHz instead of the DAB 1.536MHz. The performed tests have tried to evaluate the impact of the bandwidth shrinking in 3 domains: 1. Impact on the maximum Doppler, 2. Impact on the C/N, 3. Impact on the receiver consumption, 5.2 Test bench presentation The automatic test bench is very close to the test bench built in Rennes session. It mainly consists of an IP Encapsulator, a DVB-T/DVB-H modulator, a channel simulator and a receiver under test. All equipments are controlled by a computer running a special software. Teamcast and DiBcom have modified respectively the modulator and the receiver to accept the new bandwidths. 5.2.1 Synoptic The test bench is composed of five main elements: • A Sidsa DVB-H IP encapsulator. It performs two tasks. It plays a video file to generate an IP stream with VLC software. Then this IP stream is converted to a MPEG-TS stream adding MPE-FEC table and using time-slicing. MPE-FEC code rate, table rows and time slicing parameters are fully tunable. Output of this IP encapsulator consists of an ASI link. This equipment is not controlled by the test bench software. Manual operations are required to set IP encapsulator specific parameters such as time slicing or MPE-FEC code rate. • A Teamcast modulator. It is fully tunable for DVB-T and DVB-H modulation. It allows setting bandwidth, FFT size, native or indepth interleaver, guard interval, code rate or constellation. Input consists of an ASI link provided by the IP encapsulator. Outputs consist of two analog signal in band de base, I and Q. The modulator has been modified to support 1.75MHz, 3.5MHz, 5MHz, 6MHz, 7MHz and 8MHz channel bandwidth. • A Rohde&Schwartz SFU channel simulator. It includes a fading simulator, a noise generator and a Doppler frequency shift generator. Frequency, bandwidth, output power and C/N are finely tunable. For tests, standard channel profiles can be applied: AWGN, Rice, Rayleigh or TU6 for example. Other custom profiles can be fully defined. For mobile tests, a Doppler frequency shift can be added to output signal. This equipment outputs a ready to use signal at 666 MHz at an output power about -40 dBm. • A DiBcom receiver under test. It is able to handle either DVB-T or DVB-H signal. Monitoring parameters are obtained USB interfaces. Parameters include FER (Frame Error Rate) and MFER (MPE Frame Error Rate). The receiver has been modified to accept different channel bandwidth (1.75 to 8MHz). 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report • page 37 (37) A computer runs a software written with LabView allows setting modulation parameters, propagation channel characteristics and getting monitoring information. This software implements the measurements method described bellow. DVBDVB-H IP encapsulator (SIDSA) TS DVBDVB-H / DVBDVB-T Modulator with BW shrunk (TeamCast) TeamCast) I/Q Channel Simulator (Rohde & Schwartz) RF (666MHz) WING TV WP4 TEST BED Control Software (Thales & TeamCast) TeamCast) DVBDVB-H Receiver Custimized with BW shrunk (DiBcom) DiBcom) Figure 26: Test bench synoptic 5.2.2 Method The measurement method is illustrated by the fig 3. Four points have to be determined to build the characteristic curve. The automatic test bench processes as following: 1. The C/N is set at a high value (40dB). The Doppler frequency is adjusted to reach the FER5/MFER5 criterion. This allows determining the first point. 2. The Doppler frequency get in (1) is divided by two and fixed, and then the C/N is adjusted in order to reach the FER5/MFER5 criterion. 3. The C/N level get in (2) is increased by 3dB and the Doppler frequency is adjusted until reaching FER5/MFER5 criterion. 4. Finally, the last point is get by setting frequency Doppler at few hertz and the C/N level is adjusted to reach the FER5/MFER5 criterion. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 38 (38) CELTIC Wing TV project report The same process is run twice, once to get the DVB-T curve with FER5 criterion, the second time to get the DVB-H curve with MFER5 criterion. DVB-T / DVB-H Mobile Performance (C/N versus Doppler) DVB-T @ FER5 DVB-H @ MFER5 40 1 30 2 4 20 3 10 0 1 10 TU6 100 1000 Figure 27: Mobile measurement result (sample) Test process is quite long: the FER5/MFER5 criterion requires waiting at least 40 frames to be measured. Getting a curve takes roughly 1 hour either manually or with an automatic test bench. Precision on these measures is 0.5 dB for C/N and 5Hz for Doppler frequency shift. All tests have been performed at 666MHz in single antenna reception (no diversity) with a constant input power of -40dBm. 5.3 Results For all measurements, the IP encapsulator is configured with rows=512 and FEC=3/4. 5.3.1 Mode 2K Table 13: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=2K in DVB-T (FER criteria) FER FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 5 Doppler 6 Doppler 7 Doppler 8 C/N 5 C/N 6 C/N 7 C/N 8 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 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Wing TV project report page 39 (39) Table 14: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=2K in DVB-H (MFER criteria) FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 1 Doppler 2 Doppler 3 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/4 1/16 indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth indepth native indepth indepth indepth native indepth QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 72,5 60,0 60,0 75,0 70,0 62,5 60,0 72,5 72,5 55,0 60,0 70,0 70,0 60,0 60,0 70,0 50,0 60,0 60,0 65,0 60,0 55,0 62,5 140,0 110,0 110,0 140,0 135,0 105,0 100,0 135,0 115,0 100,0 80,0 130,0 115,0 110,0 100,0 115,0 95,0 110,0 115,0 110,0 70,0 90,0 100,0 5.3.2 MFER Doppler 4 C/N 1 145,0 120,0 120,0 150,0 140,0 125,0 120,0 145,0 145,0 110,0 120,0 140,0 140,0 120,0 120,0 140,0 100,0 120,0 120,0 130,0 120,0 110,0 125,0 8,5 5,5 9,5 8,0 12,0 11,0 13,0 13,5 13,5 13,5 14,5 14,5 11,0 12,0 11,0 12,5 15,5 17,0 15,5 18,0 18,5 18,5 18,5 C/N 2 C/N 3 C/N 4 7,5 9,0 9,5 9,5 11,0 10,5 14,0 12,5 11,0 14,0 16,0 12,5 12,0 13,5 15,0 13,5 19,0 19,0 16,5 19,0 17,5 20,0 17,5 10,5 12,0 12,5 12,5 14,0 13,5 17,0 15,5 14,0 17,0 19,0 15,5 15,0 16,5 18,0 16,5 22,0 22,0 19,5 22,0 20,5 23,0 20,5 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 Mode 4K Table 15: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=4K in DVB-T (FER criteria) FER FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 5 Doppler 6 Doppler 7 Doppler 8 C/N 5 C/N 6 C/N 7 C/N 8 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 25,0 22,5 27,5 27,5 30,0 22,5 25,0 27,5 27,5 22,5 22,5 27,5 30,0 22,5 25,0 25,0 27,5 22,5 25,0 27,5 22,5 17,5 20,0 20,0 45,0 40,0 50,0 50,0 55,0 40,0 45,0 50,0 50,0 40,0 40,0 50,0 55,0 40,0 45,0 45,0 50,0 40,0 45,0 45,0 40,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 50,0 45,0 55,0 55,0 60,0 45,0 50,0 55,0 55,0 45,0 45,0 55,0 60,0 45,0 50,0 50,0 55,0 45,0 50,0 55,0 45,0 35,0 40,0 40,0 12,0 9,0 11,0 10,5 14,0 14,0 13,5 13,0 16,5 13,5 7,5 16,0 16,5 16,0 16,5 15,0 20,0 19,0 19,5 19,5 19,0 22,0 22,0 24,5 13,0 10,0 11,5 11,0 16,0 14,5 16,0 14,5 17,0 16,0 19,5 16,5 17,5 18,5 17,5 17,5 21,5 19,5 21,0 20,5 26,0 24,0 24,0 25,0 16,0 13,0 14,5 14,0 19,0 17,5 19,0 17,5 20,0 19,0 22,5 19,5 20,5 21,5 20,5 20,5 24,5 22,5 24,0 23,5 29,0 27,0 27,0 28,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 Table 16: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=4K in DVB-H (MFER criteria) 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 40 (40) CELTIC Wing TV project report FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 1 Doppler 2 Doppler 3 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 4K 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth indepth QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 37,5 27,5 32,5 30,0 35,0 27,5 27,5 30,0 32,5 27,5 32,5 32,5 35,0 27,5 27,5 30,0 32,5 27,5 30,0 32,5 35,0 27,5 30,0 30,0 65,0 45,0 55,0 55,0 65,0 50,0 50,0 55,0 60,0 50,0 60,0 60,0 60,0 50,0 50,0 40,0 55,0 45,0 50,0 45,0 40,0 35,0 50,0 40,0 5.3.3 MFER Doppler 4 C/N 1 75,0 55,0 65,0 60,0 70,0 55,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 55,0 65,0 65,0 70,0 55,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 70,0 55,0 60,0 60,0 9,0 6,0 9,5 9,5 11,0 10,0 12,5 12,0 14,5 7,0 6,5 14,0 14,5 14,0 11,0 13,5 12,0 14,5 12,0 14,5 13,0 18,5 14,5 16,5 C/N 2 C/N 3 C/N 4 9,0 9,0 9,5 7,5 13,0 12,5 11,0 12,5 14,0 14,5 19,0 14,5 13,5 13,5 14,5 12,0 16,5 16,5 16,5 14,5 15,0 17,5 17,5 16,5 12,0 12,0 12,5 10,5 16,0 15,5 14,0 15,5 17,0 17,5 22,0 17,5 16,5 16,5 17,5 15,0 19,5 19,5 19,5 17,5 18,0 20,5 20,5 19,5 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 Mode 8K Table 17: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=8K in DVB-T (FER criteria) FER FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 5 Doppler 6 Doppler 7 Doppler 8 C/N 5 C/N 6 C/N 7 C/N 8 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/32 1/4 1/32 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/32 1/4 native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 17,5 15,0 17,5 17,5 17,5 15,0 17,5 17,5 15,0 17,5 15,0 5,0 17,5 12,5 12,5 7,5 5,0 30,0 25,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 25,0 25,0 25,0 20,0 30,0 25,0 5,0 25,0 15,0 20,0 10,0 10,0 35,0 30,0 35,0 35,0 35,0 30,0 35,0 35,0 30,0 35,0 30,0 10,0 35,0 25,0 25,0 15,0 10,0 10,0 10,5 11,0 9,5 13,0 13,0 22,0 16,0 16,0 15,0 13,5 27,0 14,5 19,0 19,5 22,0 21,0 13,0 12,5 11,5 12,5 15,5 15,5 22,5 18,5 17,0 18,0 19,0 30,0 21,0 21,0 21,5 23,0 21,5 16,0 15,5 14,5 15,5 18,5 18,5 25,5 21,5 20,0 21,0 22,0 33,0 24,0 24,0 24,5 26,0 24,5 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 Table 18: Numerical values for BW=1.75MHz and FFT=8K in DVB-H (MFER criteria) FFT Guard InDepth Constellation Code Rate Doppler 1 Doppler 2 Doppler 3 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 8K 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/32 1/4 1/32 1/4 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/32 1/4 native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native native QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 16 QAM 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 20,0 17,5 20,0 20,0 20,0 17,5 20,0 20,0 17,5 20,0 17,5 7,5 20,0 17,5 17,5 20,0 17,5 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 10,0 30,0 25,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 MFER Doppler 4 C/N 1 40,0 35,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 35,0 40,0 40,0 35,0 40,0 35,0 15,0 40,0 35,0 35,0 40,0 35,0 8,0 7,5 6,5 5,5 11,0 11,5 8,5 12,0 11,5 14,0 12,5 14,0 11,0 15,5 16,5 15,5 19,0 C/N 2 C/N 3 C/N 4 9,0 10,5 10,5 7,5 12,5 14,0 14,0 14,5 16,0 12,0 13,5 25,5 15,0 13,5 16,5 19,0 20,5 12,0 13,5 13,5 10,5 15,5 17,0 17,0 17,5 19,0 15,0 16,5 28,5 18,0 16,5 19,5 22,0 23,5 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 40,0 5.4 Analysis of the DVB-H in 1.75MHz bandwidth 5.4.1 Comparison with the 7MHz bandwidth All measurements are been done with the automatic test bench. Then, some results should no accuracy, but it is possible to extract some general trends. The maximum Doppler is approximately divided by 4 in comparison to the 7MHz due to the intercarrier spacing is also divided by 4. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 41 (41) In the same line, the guard interval duration is multiply by 4 in comparison to the 7MHz. Then, the echo delay acceptance is also multiply by 4. Regarding the Doppler criteria and the SFN criteria (cell size), 2K in BW 1.75MHz seems equivalent to 8K in 7MHz One interesting point concerns the power consumption of the receiver. The power consumption is nearly divided by 4 in comparison to the 7MHz (measured without time slicing – continuous power) • With 7MHz bandwidth : 200mW • With 1.75 bandwidth : 60mW 5.4.2 Comparison with DAB standard The following table shows that the mode 2K in DVB-H is similar to the mode I of DAB: the carrier spacing is approximately 1kHz. Table 19: Frequency domain parameters for DVB-H in 1.75MHz bandwidth and for DAB DVB – T/H DAB Frequency Domain Parameters 8K 4K 2K I IV II III Channel Bandwidth 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 1,712 MHz 6 817 3 409 1 705 1536 768 384 192 Number of carriers K Value of carrier number Kmin Value of carrier number Kmax Carrier Spacing 1/Tu Spacing between carriers Kmin and Kmax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 816 3 408 1 704 1535 767 383 191 244 Hz 488 Hz 977 Hz 1 000 Hz 2 000 Hz 4 000 Hz 8 000 Hz 1,66 MHz 1,66 MHz 1,67 MHz 1,536 MHz 1,536 MHz 1,536 MHz 1,536 MHz The two following tables show that the mode EEP 1/2 of DAB should be compared with the mode QPSK 2/3 of DVB. Table 20: DVB-H bitrate in 1.75MHz bandwidth without MPE-FEC DVB-H bitrate with MPE-FEC = 3/4 Guard interval Guard interval Code rate 1/4 QPSK 16-QAM 64-QAM 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/2 1,09 Mbps 1,21 Mbps 1,28 Mbps 1,32 Mbps 0,82 Mbps 0,91 Mbps 2/3 1,45 Mbps 1,61 Mbps 1,71 Mbps 1,76 Mbps 1,09 Mbps 1,21 Mbps 1,28 Mbps 1,32 Mbps 3/4 1,63 Mbps 1,81 Mbps 1,92 Mbps 1,98 Mbps 1,22 Mbps 1,36 Mbps 1,44 Mbps 1,48 Mbps 5/6 1,81 Mbps 2,02 Mbps 2,13 Mbps 2,20 Mbps 1,36 Mbps 1,51 Mbps 1,60 Mbps 1,65 Mbps 7/8 1,91 Mbps 2,12 Mbps 2,24 Mbps 2,31 Mbps 1,43 Mbps 1,59 Mbps 1,68 Mbps 1,73 Mbps 1/2 2,18 Mbps 2,42 Mbps 2,56 Mbps 2,64 Mbps 1,63 Mbps 1,81 Mbps 1,92 Mbps 1,98 Mbps 2/3 2,90 Mbps 3,23 Mbps 3,42 Mbps 3,52 Mbps 2,18 Mbps 2,42 Mbps 2,56 Mbps 2,64 Mbps 3/4 3,27 Mbps 3,63 Mbps 3,84 Mbps 3,96 Mbps 2,45 Mbps 2,72 Mbps 2,88 Mbps 2,97 Mbps 5/6 3,63 Mbps 4,03 Mbps 4,27 Mbps 4,40 Mbps 2,72 Mbps 3,02 Mbps 3,20 Mbps 3,30 Mbps 7/8 3,81 Mbps 4,23 Mbps 4,48 Mbps 4,62 Mbps 2,86 Mbps 3,18 Mbps 3,36 Mbps 3,46 Mbps 1/2 3,27 Mbps 3,63 Mbps 3,84 Mbps 3,96 Mbps 2,45 Mbps 2,72 Mbps 2,88 Mbps 2,97 Mbps 2/3 4,35 Mbps 4,84 Mbps 5,12 Mbps 5,28 Mbps 3,27 Mbps 3,63 Mbps 3,84 Mbps 3,96 Mbps 3/4 4,90 Mbps 5,44 Mbps 5,76 Mbps 5,94 Mbps 3,67 Mbps 4,08 Mbps 4,32 Mbps 4,45 Mbps 5/6 5,44 Mbps 6,05 Mbps 6,40 Mbps 6,60 Mbps 4,08 Mbps 4,54 Mbps 4,80 Mbps 4,95 Mbps 7/8 5,72 Mbps 6,35 Mbps 6,72 Mbps 6,93 Mbps 4,29 Mbps 4,76 Mbps 5,04 Mbps 5,20 Mbps Table 21: DAB bitrate according to mode 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV 0,96 Mbps 0,99 Mbps page 42 (42) CELTIC Wing TV project report DAB bitrate Data DAB MODE Code rate with EEP I 1/4 DATA with EEP FIC TOTAL MULTIPLEX IV 0,80 Mbps II 0,80 Mbps III 0,80 Mbps 0,80 Mbps 3/8 0,98 Mbps 0,98 Mbps 0,98 Mbps 0,98 Mbps 1/2 1,15 Mbps 1,15 Mbps 1,15 Mbps 1,15 Mbps 5/8 1,44 Mbps 1,44 Mbps 1,44 Mbps 1,44 Mbps 3/4 1,73 Mbps 1,73 Mbps 1,73 Mbps 1,73 Mbps 1/3 0,032 Mbps 0,032 Mbps 0,032 Mbps 0,043 Mbps 1/4 0,83 Mbps 0,83 Mbps 0,83 Mbps 0,84 Mbps 3/8 1,01 Mbps 1,01 Mbps 1,01 Mbps 1,02 Mbps 1/2 1,18 Mbps 1,18 Mbps 1,18 Mbps 1,19 Mbps 5/8 1,47 Mbps 1,47 Mbps 1,47 Mbps 1,48 Mbps 3/4 1,76 Mbps 1,76 Mbps 1,76 Mbps 1,77 Mbps Moreover, the DVB-H standard offers multitude of combinations of modes regarding the DAB standard. The guard interval should be reduced to increase the bit rate. The constellation should be rise too (QPSK to 16QAM). To finalise this analyse, the mode EEP 1/2 of DAB should be measured with the same condition: TU6 with the MFER5% criteria. Table 22: Analyse DVB-H in comparison to DAB in TU6 Standard DVB (2K) GI 1/4 1/8 MFER QPSK 1/2 10Hz 60 Hz 110 Hz 120 Hz 8 dB 9 dB 12 dB 40dB QPSK 2/3 10Hz 60 Hz 100 Hz 120 Hz 11 dB 12 dB 15 dB 40dB 16QAM 1/2 10Hz 55 Hz 90 Hz 110 Hz 13 dB 14 dB 17 dB 40dB 16QAM 2/3 10Hz 50 Hz 90 Hz 100 Hz 16 dB 18 dB 21 dB 40dB QPSK 1/2 10Hz 65 Hz 120 Hz 130 Hz 8 dB 9 dB 12 dB 40dB QPSK 2/3 10Hz 65 Hz 110 Hz 130 Hz 11 dB 12 dB 15 dB 40dB 16QAM 1/2 10Hz 60 Hz 100 Hz 120 Hz 13 dB 14 dB 17 dB 40dB 10Hz 55 Hz 100 Hz 110 Hz 16 dB 18 dB 21 dB 40dB 10Hz TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 40dB 16QAM 2/3 DAB (mode I) 1/4 EEP 1/2 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 6 page 43 (43) DiBcom lab tests DiBcom would like to test and validate the DIB7000 receiver, in pure SFN environment. These measurements have been performed using NIM7000-SD2 ref. board and the software SDK5.0. The tuner used is the MC44CD02 Freescale. It gives the performances for various modulation parameters (constellation, size FFT, code rate Viterbi and guard interval). 6.1 Pure SFN : 2 paths channel 6.1.1 General In SFN network, signal transporting useful information can come several sources. In order to have a simple model of this kind of network, the channel used is a 2 paths channel defined by : the delay and the loss between these 2 paths. Two kind of tests have been performed, using the same failure criteria : Quasi Error Free. QEF is the limit, for which BER Ratio is lower than 2e-4 (after Viterbi treatment), and lower than 10e-11 at the input of the MPEG-2 multiplexer (after Reed-Solomon treatment). 6.1.2 Paths channel without added noise In this test, we measure for one delay the minimum loss between the 2 paths in order to reach the QEF. For DVB-T/H modulation, it provide maximum delay without loss between the two paths, allow to correctly demodulate the signal (QEF) which is in general, equal or near (superior) to TIG Time duration of the Guard Interval. In addition, this test allows to know the maximum echo amplitude possible for a desired delay. The figure below explains this principle. Figure 28: 2 paths channel curve In fact, the measurement consists to measure the maximum delay between the 2 paths channel for a loss of 0dB, while QEF reception is reached. Then, the attenuation between 2 paths channel increases up to QEF reception is reached again. And so on. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 44 (44) 6.1.3 CELTIC Wing TV project report Paths channel with added noise The same measure and methodology is applied for a second test, which describes performances of receiver when noise added. The added noise is carrier-to-noise used (C/Nused) which is defined as follow : • We measure the C/Nrequired which the maximum C/N value for QEF reception when the delay is included between 1.95µs and 0.95*guard interval and echo attenuation is 0dB. • C/Nused = C/Nrequired + 3 dB. 6.2 DiBcom results 6.2.1 8K FFT mode Legend : • Blue : Guard intarval : 1/4 => 896*1/4 = 224µs • Pink : Guard intarval : 1/8 => 896*1/8 = 112µs • Cyan : Guard intarval : 1/16 => 896*1/16 = 56µs • Black : Guard intarval : 1/32 => 896*1/32 = 28µs Modulation Mode : 8k, QPSK, CR 1/2 Figure 29: Curve without noise added in 8K, QPSK, CR 1/2 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 45 (45) Figure 30: Curve within noise added, C/N = 9.5 dB, in 8K, QPSK, CR 1/2 Modulation Mode : 8k, 16-QAM, CR 2/3 Figure 31: Curve without noise added in 8K, 16QAM, CR 2/3 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 46 (46) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 32: Curve within noise added, C/N = 19.7 dB, in 8K, 16QAM, CR 2/3 6.2.2 2K FFT mode Legend : • Blue : Guard intarval : 1/4 => 224*1/4 = 56µs • Red : Guard intarval : 1/8 => 224*1/8 = 28µs • Green : Guard intarval : 1/16 => 224*1/16 = 14µs • Pink : Guard intarval : 1/32 => 224*1/32 = 7µs Modulation Mode : 2k, QPSK, CR 1/2 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 47 (47) Figure 33: Curve without noise added in 2K, QPSK, CR ½ Figure 34: Curve within noise added, C/N = 9.7 dB, in 2K, QPSK, CR 1/2 Modulation Mode : 2k, 16-QAM, CR 2/3 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 48 (48) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 35: Curve without noise added in 2K, 16QAM, CR 2/3 Figure 36: Curve within noise added, C/N = 20.4 dB, in 2K, 16QAM, CR 2/3 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 6.2.3 page 49 (49) Comparison between Guard Interval Figure 37: Curve standardizing (delay / each IG) for 8k 16QAM CR 1/2 all IG While standardizing delay by guard time, we can observe that the curves are not superimposed. This below figure shows the authorized going beyond of time, in percentage by ratio to symbol duration time. With : Equalisation time limit where the modulator to operate correctly : ETimeLimit = 7 / 24 * TU Out time interval equal : Out time [% TU] = ( ETimeLimit − IG ) / TU 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 50 (50) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 38: Curve standardizing for going beyond of guard time (8k 16-QAM CR 1/2 all IG) With following curve, we notice that there are not effect between 8k and 2k FFT modes. We can think that the 4k FFT mode do not should also pose effects. Effect for various bandwidths is also no one. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 51 (51) Figure 39: Curve standardizing for going beyond of guard time (2k & 8k 16-QAM CR 1/2 all IG) 6.2.4 Code rate influence for SFN mode However, the difference between the C/Nrequired (in QEF reception) for 2 successive values of code rate is larger and not constant when we measure in echo mode that in gaussian mode. Finally, for large values of code rate, the modulator has a lot of difficulty to operate. With echoes operating, the code rate does not have to exceed 3/4. The below DiBcom results realized in 8MHz 8k/2k 16-QAM IG 1/4 various CR show that. Table 23: DVB-H Performance according to pure echoes and modulations 6.3 Conclusion The C/Nrequired (in QEF reception) for weak code rate is strong. Use of code rate 3/4 and 5/6 is not adapted in pure SFN mode. This receiver is not sensitive to the 2 paths channel if the delay between these 2 paths is less than the guard interval. There are not notion of pre-echo or post-echo in these results (the curve a symmetrical around 0). Even with a delay higher than the guard interval the demodulation is possible. For instance in 8K FFT mode 16-QAM CR 1/2 & GI 1/16 => GI = 56µs the QEF is reach for 100µs delay between the 2 paths with the same loss (0dB attenuation), and a delay of 150µs is possible with a loss of 3dB between the 2 paths. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 52 (52) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 40: 8k mode 16-QAM 1/2 all IG Figure 41: 8k mode 16-QAM 1/2 IG 1/16 We observe that the absolute value for which the maximum attenuation echo is reach is the same (+/- 300µs). Then, the echo is regarded as a constant noise. The break-point corresponding at 7/24 * TU can be noticed. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 53 (53) These curves show that the conclusion points is correct, like the curve symmetrical or the possibility of leaving of the guard interval while keeping a correct operation. The 4K mode has not been measured because of our test equipment which can not generate 4K mode + SFN channel. However, in 4k mode FFT, the expected value is proportional with a ratio 2 between 2k-4k and 4k-8k FFT modes. Thus, we can easily to found the limit guard interval values, like the following instance, with 16-QAM CR 1/2 & GI 1/16 : • • • In 8k FFT mode => the QEF is reach for 100µs delay between the 2 paths with the same loss (0dB attenuation). In 2k FFT mode => the QEF is reach for 25µs delay between the 2 paths with the same loss (0dB attenuation), corresponding to a ratio 4 (2*2). In 4k FFT mode => the expected value is 50µs. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 54 (54) 7 CELTIC Wing TV project report Mier Comunicaciones laboratory tests Mier Comunicaciones laboratory tests are focused on the analysis of on-channel repeaters (also known as gapfillers) as source of DVB-H signal. The results obtained on these tests are used on the work done at Task 5 of Work Package 2: The usability of repeaters in DVB-H networks at reference document [1]. This SFN repeater, featuring as an easier deployment and lower cost equipment, has the problem then of transmitting at the same frequency in which the signal is received, so a feed back from the transmitted signal is induced at the input of the repeater. B Feedback Path (i.e. Antennae Coupling) RF Received Signal A Delay RF Output Signal Gap-Filler Figure 42: On-channel Repeater diagram This situation limits the operation gain (i.e. output power) depending on the installation conditions (antennae coupling). The operation and limits of on-channel repeaters with DVB-H technology are one part of the work done on these laboratory tests. An improvement to the limitation of on-channel repeaters has been the use of echo canceller devices. The use of this solution is proved and already working for DVB-T on-channel repeaters, allowing the deployment of this repeater on DVB-T networks. But repeaters for DVB-H networks will move from the typical broadcast sites on rural or mountain areas with static environments to urban sites with dynamic environments. Tests simulating these new situations have been performed to on-channel repeaters with standard echo canceller device. Previously, and in order to simulate these different coupling profiles for an on-channel repeater on laboratory, a RF multipath generator device have been designed. So on the work done has been split and is presented with the following points: 1. WingTV laboratory trails at RAI: a conventional on-channel repeater is simulated and tested with a DVB-H receiver. 2. Design of a multipath generator RF input / RF output: in order to simulate different coupling conditions for on-channel repeaters on DVB-H networks. 3. On-channel repeater with standard echo canceller laboratory tests: This equipment is tested for different conditions expected for repeaters on DVB-H networks. 7.1 WingTV laboratory trails at RAI 7.1.1 On-channel repeaters test at RAI A specific test for on-channel repeaters was defined at laboratory trails at RAI, with the objective to test the performance of a DVB-H receiver with this transmitting equipment. The operation point for the on-channel repeater was set at the maximum safe point specified on the DVB-H Implementation Guidelines [7]. So on it was simulated an on-channel repeater with an operation gain 10 dB below the feedback coupling (the operation gain is defined as the difference between desired emitted power and power received by the repeater). The performance of the DVB-H receiver with this signal is compared from other different SFN profiles signals defined (situations where more than one signal is received). 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 55 (55) The configuration for the lab test bench in order to simulate the on-channel repeater system (i.e. a feedback of the transmitted signal to the receiving) is detailed hereunder, based on the use of the Elektrobit Dual Channel Simulator. ELEKTROBIT CHANNEL SIMULATOR COFDM Modulator IF/RF CONVERTER CH 1 TU6 PROFILE EFA Test receiver DVB-H RECEIVER CH 2 10 dB ATTEN. 5 us DELAY Figure 43: Lab test for on-channel repeater simulation The Channel #1 of the Elektrobit channel simulator is used for the TU6 generation (i.e. the degradations from the mobile channel model), and the channel #2 is used for the on-channel repeater model (i.e. a delay and a relative attenuation for the fed back signal at the repeater). The feed back impulse response of the on-channel repeater is shown on next figure, where multiple replica signals are transmitted. Figure 44: Simulated On-channel repeater response A 5 us delay has been used as typical delay value (see DVB-H Implementation Guidelines [7]). One screen shot of the global impulse response for this system is shown below. The receiver sees multiple replicas of the TU6 profile with the convolution of the multiple signals transmitted for the on-channel repeater. Figure 45: Receiver input impulse response The test has been performed with one modulation parameters. • FFT: 8K • Guard interval: ¼ • Modulation: 16QAM 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 56 (56) CELTIC Wing TV project report • Code error rate: 1/2 • MPE-FEC: ¾ • Rows: 512 • Burst length: 250 ms Further work will be done with different modulation parameters. 7.1.2 Results The results obtained are attached on the following table. Table 24: Comparison of performance for different SFN profiles (1 to 3) and the on-channel repeater (gapfiller) SFN-Profile1 SFN-Profile2 SFN-Profile3 SFN-Profile4: Gapfiller Rel. Level -15,5 dB 0 dB 0 dB Delay 179,2 179,2 6 us Fd Max 120 Hz 130 Hz 125 Hz -10 dB 5 us 120 Hz MFER 5% Fd Max / 2 3 dB 13,0 dB 120 Hz 12,0 dB 130 Hz 12,0 dB 125 Hz 13,5 dB 120 Hz 10 Hz 13,0 dB 12,5 dB 12,0 dB 13,0 dB The SFN profiles from 1 to 3 refer to the reception of two signals with the relative level and delay specified. The SFN profile 4 is the profile defined by the special lab test bench for on-channel repeater (gapfiller). The receiver performance is checked in these profiles with the MFER 5% error criteria with the following situations: C/N need at Fdmax, C/N need at Fdmax/2, Fd at 3dB, C/N need at 10 Hz It can be concluded that from the table of results that: • Similar values for the different situations are obtained, so receiving from an on-channel repeater is not different from receiving to other SFN conditions. • The safe operation margin recommended for a conventional on-channel repeater (this is with non echo canceller device) at DVB-H Implementation Guidelines [7], where an operation gain 10 dB below the isolation is specified, is checked as a value not to be surpassed. 7.2 Design of a RF multipath generator A RF COFDM Multipath Generator has been designed and mounted. This equipment is able to emulate, in laboratory conditions, of any coupling channel between the transmitting and receiving antennas that could be seen by an On-Channel Repeater (OCR) in a real site. In other words, it emulates the echoes generated by the OCR when “passed” through the site-scenario. Therefore, it is a very useful tool for evaluating the performance and limitations of the device under test, being it a conventional or an OCR with an echo canceller device. The following figure shows the block diagram of the COFDM Multipath Generator. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 57 (57) COFDM MULTIPATH GENERATOR Down-converter Up-converter DSP RF RF RF Input RF Output Figure 46: Block diagram of the COFDM MultiPath Generator A very low phase-noise, high stability reference oscillator is used for the internal synthesis of the Local Oscillator, which is used both for the down-conversion and up-conversion. Therefore, the output RF frequency is exactly the same as the input frequency. The COFDM Multipath Generator designed takes a DVB-T/DVB-H input signal and generates multiple time-delayed replicas of such signal at exactly the same frequency. Path #n Path #(n-1) Useful signal Paths #1 to #n Path #1 Rx COFDM Path Generator Tx On-Channel Repeater OCR in a real site: n coupling paths between Tx and Rx antennas Useful signal On-Channel Repeater (D.U.T.) RF Coupler Dummy Load OCR in Laboratory: emulation of n coupling paths between Output-Input Figure 47: Using the COFDM MultiPath Generator to emulate real-site echoes Each path can be configured individually to be static (constant amplitude) or dynamic (time-variable amplitude). When configured as dynamic, the speed with which the amplitude changes can also be programmed. There is also the possibility to emulate signal fading, that is, the speed with which all the paths change their amplitude can be programmed. The following figure shows two impulse response examples that can be generated (the impulse response shown is the one of the MultiPath Generator) (A) (B) Figure 48: An example of some of the impulse responses that can be generated In the first profile (A), the MultiPath Generator acts as a single path. This could be used to emulate only the direct coupling between the transmitting and receiving antennas in a OCR. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 58 (58) CELTIC Wing TV project report The second profile (B) is a combination of paths with different amplitudes and delays. It emulates the antenna coupling channel that could take place in urban sites, where there are multiple echoes caused by the buildings around the OCR. The COFDM Multipath Generator can also be used to emulate the signal that would see any receiver in a real SFN network. In SFN networks, the received signal is a combination of several time-delayed components with different amplitudes each one (one component from each transmitter): Reference signal COFDM Path Generator D.U.T. Figure 49: Using the COFDM MultiPath Generator to emulate SFN reception components The following figure shows two examples of the kind of receiving signals that can be generated. Figure 50: Two examples of a receiving signal, generated with the MultiPath Generator 7.3 DVB-H On-channel repeaters with echo cancellers laboratory tests As it has been seen on the laboratory with the on-channel repeaters tests at RAI, the safe operation point (gain 10 dB below the isolation) should be respected on DVB-H technology. This restriction affects the deployment of this equipment on field as the output power is limited depending on the installation conditions. In order to improve this restriction, echo cancellers have been used in DVB-T On-channel repeaters, allowing the deployment of this equipment to extend coverage on DVB-T networks. But the use of this solution on DVB-H networks has to deal different environment conditions from the DVB-T ones, as repeaters will be mostly moved to urban areas. So on the following profiles are proposed to simulate different environment conditions to test standard echo canceller devices for on-channel repeaters performance: • Profile #1: Rural or mountain profile. A single echo that simulates the direct coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas. This profile is corresponding to the typical broadcast site on a mountain area. • Profile #2: Static urban profile. Multiple echoes with different amplitudes and delays. This profile would be corresponding to urban areas, where objects (buildings…) around the on-channel repeater reflect the transmitted signal, and therefore multiple coupled signals are present at the input of the on-channel repeater. • Profile #3 Dynamic urban profile. Multiple dynamic echoes with varying amplitudes. It’s the same as profile #2, but non static reflection objects (vehicles…) are added. Therefore multiple coupled signals are present at the input of the on-channel repeater with varying amplitudes. The results for an on-channel repeater without (left part) and with (right part) standard echo canceller device are attached for the different profiles defined. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 7.3.1 page 59 (59) Profile 1 This profile simulates a single echo. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Figure 51: Standard echo canceller performance with profile #1 (Impulse response and spectrum, without (left) and with (right) echo canceller device) It can be seen on the measurements the cancellation of the echo on the time domain (upper measurements) and the elimination of the ripple on the spectrum (below). This performance allows improving the restriction on the gain (i.e. output power) for on-channel repeaters. 7.3.2 Profile 2 In this profile multiple echoes are considered, and they are transmitted multiple times as they are feedback through the on-channel repeater. 1st 2nd 3rd 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 60 (60) CELTIC Wing TV project report Figure 52: Standard echo canceller performance with profile #2 (Impulse response and spectrum, without (left) and with (right) echo canceller device) In this situation it can be seen on time domain measurements (above) that standard echo canceller only eliminates part of the echoes. Specifically, it cancels the first part that corresponds to the direct path signal from the transmitting antenna, but it doesn’t cancel longer distance (time) signals. On the spectrum domain (below measurements), with this profile peaks on the signal appear added to the ripple, but doesn’t disappear also with the use of a standard echo canceller. So on with the performance observed on this profile the use of a standard echo canceller practically doesn’t improve the limitation of the on-channel repeater and the use of this equipment will hardly depend on the environment conditions of each site. Enhanced Echo Cancellation techniques should deal with this multiple echoes environment. 7.3.3 Profile 3 Respect to the previous profile the multiple echoes are now amplitude varying. Figure 53: Standard echo canceller performance with profile #3 (Impulse response without (left) and with (right) echo canceller device) Practically there’s no difference with the operation of a standard echo canceller with this profile (as even the first part of echoes is not cancelled). The processing time that the echo canceller takes to calculate the cancelling values is too large, and the conditions have changed then. Enhanced Echo Cancellation techniques should deal with this time variable multiple echoes environment. 7.4 Conclusions From the work done on these laboratory tests with on-channel repeaters and standard echo cancellers devices for on-channel repeaters it can be concluded the following: • DVB-H conventional on-channel repeater (this is with non echo canceller device) will be output power limited depending on the installation conditions, as it happened on DVB-T networks. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 61 (61) • In general DVB-H repeaters will be installed under different environments than DVB-T repeaters, as they will move closer to urban sites. This provokes that conditions for onchannel repeaters will be harder, and so on advanced profiles to simulate these conditions should be considered on laboratory to test this transmitting equipment performance. • The improve with standard echo cancellers have been tested under different simulated conditions for on-channel repeaters on a DVB-H network, showing limitations due the multiple objects and variant conditions of urban areas. • Advanced echo cancellers should be considered to manage these harder conditions. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 62 (62) CELTIC Wing TV project report 8 SIDSA SuperLode automatic test tool 8.1 Introduction SIDSA has developed the SuperLode application to perform automatic lab measures. The SuperLode is an automated measuring tool coded in Borland Builder C++ for the R&S SFQ and DVB-T/H receivers. Its functionality encompasses both static and mobile channel situations. -4 For static channels, SuperLode’s objective is to obtain the minimum C/N for a QEF BER of 2 x 10 . Channels supported under this category are Gaussian, Rayleigh, and Ricean. On the other hand, for mobile channels the criteria changes to MFER 5% and the objective is to find Fdmax, C/Nmin at Fd3dB, and C/Nmin at 2Hz, 10 Hz, and at Fdmax/2, printing the final results and drawing the MFER 5% curve. The figure below shows a running static test. Figure 54: SuperLode user interface 8.2 Setup The SuperLode Setup is based in the SFQ. The interface with it is done through Serial port. Commands are sent to change the channel characteristics, as well as the modulation parameters. The SuperLode program also monitors the SIDSA receiver console output to check the reception quality. The setup is as follows: 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 63 (63) Figure 55: Test synoptic 8.3 Static Channel Tests SuperLode is very versatile and open to several configuration options for static channel tests. The bisection algorithm for finding the minimum C/N is very fast and straight forward, although several configuration parameters have to be set. For example, capture time lets you define the time in seconds you want SuperLode to read C/N statistics before deciding to go to the next step. Normal capture times are between 5 seconds and 10 seconds. The Delta variable giver the tolerance of the search algorithm. Within that tolerance, the result is taken as good enough and printed. The main test variables are set on an .ini file and has the following structure: [Main] Title="Loren 3.0 (Internal ADC)" Std=DVB-H [Test1] Title="8K 16QAM 2/3 1/4" Type=Static Freq=666000000 Level=-30 Mod=16QAM FFT=8k Guard=-100 HP_Rate=2_3 LP_Rate=2_3 BW=8 Channel=awgn Alpha=0 IQ=normal The first section called [Main] gives general information about the tests to be performed. This is just for reporting purposes. The next section called [Test1] shows the test variables to be used for this 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 64 (64) CELTIC Wing TV project report test: frequency, power level, modulation, FFT, guard interval, high and low priority code rates, bandwidth, channel type, hierarchy and IQ swap. If a sweep needs to be done on any of these variables, a -100 has to be placed as shown for the guard interval case. 8.4 Dynamic Channel Tests Dynamic tests also have several configuration options to take care of. For example, the user has the choice of entering the PID service to be used for statistics, the maximum doppler starting point, the number of frames to get statistics from, and the MFER delta which sets the tolerance of the error to be taken. The procedure is similar as with the static channel tests, and only the ‘Type’ variable in the .ini file has to be changed to ‘Dynamic’. The algorithm starts with a bisection to find the maximum doppler for C/N of 50 dB (maximum SFQ C/N), then it moves down to get the minimum C/N for 2 Hz, 10 Hz, and Fdmax/2, and finally it looks for the doppler at Fd3dB. 8.5 Output Report SuperLode is able to report in three different formats: • Straight text • RTF • HTML The HTML output is shown below for a dynamic channel test. It shows the main test parameters, then gives a small table of results, and finally shows the MFER 5% figure. For static channels, the output is set to table format. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report page 65 (65) Figure 56: Report page sample 8.6 WingTV measure results: Static: The static results are: CN for post Viterbi BER=2e-4 (dB) BW GI Mode Modulation QPSK 8MHz 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 2k 4k 8k 16QAM 64QAM CR Gaussian channel FPGA SNR 25 dB Theory MBRAI Loss 1/2 3,9 3,5 5,6 0,4 2/3 5,7 5,3 7,4 0,4 3/4 6,7 6,3 8,4 0,4 1/2 9,7 9,3 11,3 0,4 2/3 12 11,4 13,7 0,6 3/4 13,3 12,6 15,1 0,7 1/2 14,7 13,8 17,0 0,9 2/3 18,1 16,7 19,2 1,4 20,2 19,4 20,8 0,8 3/4 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 66 (66) CELTIC Wing TV project report CN for post Viterbi BER=2e-4 (dB) BW GI Mode Modulation QPSK 8MHz 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 2k 4k 8k 16QAM 64QAM Gauusian channel CR FPGA SNR 25 dB Theory P MBRAI Theory Loss with Loss with P P6 P6 1/2 7,2 5,9 7,9 5,9 1,3 1,3 2/3 10,4 9,6 10,9 9,9 0,8 0,5 3/4 14,3 12,4 13,2 13,6 1,9 0,7 1/2 13,4 11,8 13,8 11,8 1,6 1,6 2/3 16,8 15,3 16,8 15,8 1,5 1,0 3/4 19,8 18,1 19,4 19,4 1,7 0,4 1/2 18 16,4 18,7 16,7 1,6 1,3 2/3 23 20,3 22,1 20,9 2,7 2,1 3/4 27 23 24,8 24,4 4,0 2,6 Doppler: FFT GI Modulation Rate Burst MPE Rows Length -FEC (ms) "Top modes" MFER 5% AWGN Rayleigh Fd Max Fd Max / 2 3 dB 10 Hz 6,7 dB 107 Hz 9,0 dB 105 Hz 9,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 1/2 512 250 3,2 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 2/3 512 250 3,2 dB 6,8 dB 107 Hz 9,0 dB 100 Hz 9,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 3/4 512 250 3,3 dB 6,9 dB 99 Hz 9,0 dB 100 Hz 9,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 5/6 512 250 3,3 dB 6,9 dB 99 Hz 10,0 dB 95 Hz 10,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 1/2 7/8 512 250 3,4 dB 7,0 dB 98 Hz 11,0 dB 93 Hz 11,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 2/3 2/3 512 250 5,2 dB 9,9 dB 97 Hz 11,5 dB 93 Hz 11,5 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 2/3 3/4 512 250 5,2 dB 9,9 dB 97 Hz 12,0 dB 93 Hz 12,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 2/3 5/6 512 250 5,2 dB 10,0 dB 97 Hz 13,0 dB 90 Hz 13,0 dB 8K 1/4 QPSK 2/3 7/8 512 250 5,3 dB 10,1 dB 96 Hz 13,5 dB 90 Hz 13,5 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 2/3 512 250 9,1 dB 11,3 dB 96 Hz 15,0 dB 90 Hz 15,0 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 3/4 512 250 9,1 dB 11,4 dB 96 Hz 15,5 dB 90 Hz 15,5 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 5/6 512 250 9,2 dB 11,4 dB 94 Hz 16,0 dB 87 Hz 16,0 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 1/2 7/8 512 250 9,2 dB 11,5 dB 92 Hz 17,0 dB 85 Hz 17,0 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 2/3 2/3 512 250 11,3 dB 15,2 dB 87 Hz 18,0 dB 83 Hz 18,0 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 2/3 3/4 512 250 11,3 dB 15,2 dB 86 Hz 18,5 dB 80 Hz 18,5 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 2/3 5/6 512 250 11,4 dB 15,3 dB 82 Hz 19,5 dB 78 Hz 19,5 dB 8K 1/4 16QAM 2/3 7/8 512 250 11,5 dB 15,3 dB 75 Hz 21,0 dB 75 Hz 21,0 dB 8K 1/4 64QAM 1/2 5/6 512 250 14,1 dB 17,5 dB 70 Hz 22,0 dB 70 Hz 22,0 dB 8K 1/4 64QAM 1/2 7/8 512 250 14,1 dB 17,6 dB 70 Hz 23,0 dB 65 Hz 23,0 dB 8K 1/4 64QAM 2/3 2/3 512 250 17,4 dB 22,5 dB 60 Hz 25,0 dB 50 Hz 25,0 dB 8K 1/4 64QAM 2/3 3/4 512 250 17,5 dB 22,5 dB 50 Hz 26,0 dB 50 Hz 26,0 dB 8K 1/4 64QAM 2/3 5/6 512 250 17,5 dB 22,6 dB 45 Hz 29,0 dB 40 Hz 29,0 dB 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV CELTIC Wing TV project report 9 page 67 (67) Conclusions In the Wing-TV project, the work package 4 has been in charge to coordinate all laboratories tests, common and individual. Several partners of this project have performed many laboratories tests which have confirmed DVB-H receiver performances during the three common laboratories tests. But, these tests have allowed to investigate others parameters of DVB-H receiver in mobile environment. The same measurement methodology has been used in all laboratories tests (common and individual) based on the document “Validation task force report” and Wing TV D8 report. Thank to the same methodologies, all results should be compared and analysed. The RAI and NOKIA tests are the continuity of the common laboratories tests in order to complete and to confirm the DVB-H receiver performances (C/N and Frequency Doppler) with the TU6 profile in the different DVB-H modes. An analysis has been realized to determine the influence of each DVB-H modulation parameters and, then, to help the user to choose the best DVB-H mode according to this application. The Ericsson tests have permit to evaluate a new ICI canceller algorithm at low complexity and achieve good performance by using a window function and cancellation of ICI on one sub-carrier from two adjacent sub-carriers. The functionality of the ICI cancelling algorithm has been proved using both frequency offset and a time-variant channel causing Doppler spread, with good results, very close to the theoretical improvement. The TeamCast tests are a first approach of the bandwidth shrinkage effect in a context no DVB-H standardized but compatible of the T-DMB (or DAB) standard. The performances are consistent between 1.75MHz and 7MHz: Maximum Frequency Doppler four times lower, receiver consumption four times less important. The remaining work consists to evaluate DAB modulation with the same methodology. The DiBcom tests have consisted to validate their DVB-H receiver in environment combining SFN and mobility. This receiver is not sensitive to the 2 paths channel if the delay between these 2 paths is less than the guard interval. There are not notion of pre-echo or post-echo in these results (the curve a symmetrical around 0). Even with a delay higher than the guard interval the demodulation is possible. The Mier tests have permit to evaluate the effect of a mobile channel profile on a gap-filler including a standard echo canceller. This research shows the mobile transmissions are difficult to the echo canceller. But, the improve with standard echo cancellers have been tested under different simulated conditions for on-channel repeaters on a DVB-H network, showing limitations due the multiple objects and variant conditions of urban areas. Advanced echo cancellers should be considered to manage these harder conditions. 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV page 68 (68) CELTIC Wing TV project report References [1] Wing TV: “Wing TV Network Issues”. D11. June 2006. [2] CEPT-EBU: "Report on planning and Introduction of Terrestrial Digital Television in Europe", December 1997. [3] G. Faria, J. A. Henriksson, E. Stare, and P. Talmola, ”DVB-H: Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices,” Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 194-209, Jan 2006. [4] M. Faulkner, L. Wilhelmsson, and J. Svensson, “Low-complex ICI cancellation for improving Doppler performance in OFDM systems,” Accepted for presentation at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2006 Fall, 25-28 Sept. 2006, Montreal Canada. [5] ETSI EN 300 744: Framing structure, cannel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial television. [6] ETSI TR 102 401 v1.1.1: Validation Task Force report. [7] ETSI TR 102 377 v1.2.1: DVB-H Implementation Guidelines 2006 CELTIC participants in project Wing TV