Poster runoff processes
Poster runoff processes
Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia (MoMo) Runoff generating processes in the forest-steppe ecotone of the Khentii Mountains in northern Mongolia KOPP J. BENJAMIN1, BENTS MATTHIAS2, LANGE JENS2, MENZEL LUCAS1 1Institute of Geography / Department of Physiogeography, University of Heidelberg 2Institute of Hydrology, University of Freiburg In this study about regional hydrology, which is part of the IWRM Project „Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia (MoMo)“, we investigate hydrological processes in a headwater area of the Kharaa River. The aims of this study are the identification and quantification of relevant runoff generating processes in the forest-steppe ecotone which remained mostly uninfluenced by direct human activities. In this region, characterized by permafrost free, steppe vegetated south-exposed slopes and permafrost underlain, taiga vegetated north-exposed slopes, the hydrological behaviour differs fundamentally. Forest fires, both natural and human induced, occasionally occur during dry periods and have the capability to change the hydrological system immediately and on the long-term. North-exposed pristine taiga Figure 1: Pristine taiga forest during the summer months. North-exposed burned taiga Figure 2: Hillslope runoff in the pristine taiga during the summer months. Figure 5: Burned taiga forest during the summer months. Figure 6: Hillslope runoff in the burned taiga during the summer months. • Vital trees, vital organic surface cover (0.15 ± 0.04 m) • Dead trees, mostly dead organic surface cover (0.03 ± 0.02 m) • Insulation of the soils (albedo↑, shadowing↑, thermal conductivity↓) • Soil warming (albedo↓, shadowing↓, thermal conductivity ↑) • Permafrost in shallow depths • Permafrost degrades to deeper depths • Cold, moist soils, evapotranspiration by trees and organic surface cover (1) • Warm, very moist soils, small evapotranspiration following forest fire (1) • Good storage function → slope runoff was observed only after a relativly high increase of the soil mositure • Loss of the storage function → slope runoff was observed almost immediately after precipitation input Figure 3: Water temperature (°C), water level (level) und relative increase of the soil moisture (d SM) following selected precipitation events in the pristine taiga. Figure 7: Water temperature (°C), water level (level) und relative increase of the soil moisture (d SM) following selected precipitation events in the burned taiga. • Flowpaths are controlled by the position of the permafrost • Relocation of the flowpaths after the degradation of the permafrost (2) → mainly as matrixflow in the organic surface cover and as pipeflow in the interface between surface cover and the mineral horizon (2) → partly as matrixflow in the mineral horizon (2) h Figure 4: Schematic flowpaths in the pristine taiga, visualized with brilliant blue. high fraction of event-water with high water temperature Literature South-exposed steppe • dry, warm and silty soils • High rates of evapotranspiration (3) • Very low surface infiltration rates (1) • Surface runoff during precipitation events with high intensities; surface runoff fraction of stormflow is up to 70% at the beginning of the event 31% of the total event Figure 8: Schematic flowpaths in the burned taiga, visualized with brilliant blue. → partly as pipeflow between the dead organic cover and the mineral horizon → mainly along an effective network of deep flowpaths above the permafrost cold pre-event water is replaced by event water characterized by higher temperatures Figure 9: Two component hydrograph separation using δ2H. • (1) Kopp JB., Menzel L., Minderlein S. (in preparation). Effect of exposition, vegetation and wildfire on soil moisture distribution in a mountainous headwater area in the discontinous permafrost zone of northern Mongolia. • (2) Kopp JB., Lange J., Bents M., Menzel L. (in preparation). Effects of wildfire on summer runoff processes in a mountainous headwater area in the discontinous permafrost zone of northern Mongolia. • (3) Minderlein S., Menzel L. (in preparation). Evaporation and energy balance dynamics of a grassland and shrubland in a semi-arid forest-steppe ecotone, northern Mongolia. Contact: