Galanin Expressing Leptin Receptor Neurons and Their Role in Anorexigenic Leptin Action Yan Zhang1, Amanda Laque1, Miro Faouzi2, Gwendolyn Louis2, Rebecca Leshan2, Gina M. Leininger2, Justin C. Jones2, Christopher J. Rhodes3, and Heike Münzberg1 1Pennington Biomedical Research Center and Louisiana State University System 2Internal Medicine/MEND, University of Michigan, 3Medicine/Biological Science, University of Chicago Leptin Glucose homeostasis Reproduction Thermoregulation Physical activity Immune Function Linear Growth … Leptin target sites express LepRb Leptin ob/ob +/+ Satiety Food intake Adipose tissue Montague CT et al, Nature 387, 903-908 1997 LepRb expression in the CNS Behavior Myers MG, Jr, Munzberg H, Leinninger GM, Leshan RL, Cell Metab 9:117-123, 2009 POMC neurons AgRP neurons 3V ARC + Leptin POMC↑ CART Activity (cFos)↑ NPY↓ AgRP↓ Activity (cFos)↓ Galanin GalaninTgGFP mouse, IHC: GFP Orexigenic neuropeptide (29 AA) specific induction of fat intake Orexigenic action proposed to be mainly mediated via action in the PVN DMH LHA/ PFA fx VMH ARC Literature on interaction of leptin and galanin system very controversial with regard to LepRb/galanin co-localization. Leptin induced pSTAT3 as a marker for LepRb Saline Leptin LHA Fasted wt mice 30’ treatment DMH VMH 3v ARC IHC: P-STAT3 E. 500 400 300 200 100 0 exPFA Double colocalized cells /pSTAT3 cells% exPFA Number of LepRb(Gal) neurons LepRb Neurons in exPFA and NTS Co-Express the neuropeptide Galanin 70 NTS 55% 60% ExPFA NTS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LepRb(Gal) Neurons are Distinct from Other Orexigenic Neurons Known in the Perifornical Area DMH exPFA orexin GFP (Galanin) pSTAT3 (LepRb) fx DMH exPFA MCH GFP (Galanin) pSTAT3 (LepRb) fx Unilateral cannulation of the exPFA to measure anorexigenic leptin effects GalaninTgGFP mouse 1μg 100ng 10ng 1μg 100ng 10ng A. PBS injection leptin *** -2 24h food intake (g) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 day 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 PBS injection leptin -2 -1 0 1 * ** ** 2 3 Leptin injection into the exPFA reduces food intake 20ng leptin 1ng leptin 8 8 7 ** * Body weight changes (g) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 Leptin injection into the exPFA reduces body weight 1ng leptin 20ng leptin B. C. ** 24h food intake (g) Body weight changes (g) Leptin Action in the exPFA Regulates Body Weight and Food Intake 7 D. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * 4 day - Conditional Tracing: Viral cre/loxP System – Do exPFA LepRb Neurons innervate the PVN? PVN stop 1. LepRbCre 5’ PmeI IRES LepRb ex. 18b Terminal fields NheI cre LepRb pA neo 3’ other stop 2. galCre 5’ gal PmeI IRES NheI cre pA neo 3’ Cre recombination at loxP sites CMV A. Ad-iZ/EGFPf B. Ad-iN/Wed DMH C. Ad-iN/Ted β-geo-pA loxP loxP loxP EGFPf pA 3’ WGAEGFP DsRedf pA 3’ β-geo-pA loxP ARC TTCEGFP DsRedf pA 3’ β-geo-pA loxP loxP exPFA Cre-expressing neurons LepRbCre LepRb specific: EGFPf expression only in cre-expressing neurons Site specific (e.g. exPFA): stereotaxic injections Visible dendrites and axons: Farnesylated EGFP LepRb Neurons in the exPFA vDMH LepRb neurons project to the PVN * IHC: GFP PVN * DMH fx VMH 3V ARC ME LepRbCre mouse PFA LepRb neurons * Ipsilateral injection site * * PVN DMH fx 3V VMH ARC ME LepRbCre mouse Summary Autonomic Neuroendocrine Behavior Energy homeostasis 1. LepRb(Gal) neurons describe a confined neuronal population within the exPFA, as well as the NTS. 2. LepRb(Gal) neurons in the exPFA are distinct from well characterized orexin and MCH neurons. 3. LepRb neurons in the exPFA mediate anorexigenic leptin action. PVN exPFA NTS 4. LepRb neurons in the vDMH and PFA innervate the PVN and likely regulate neuroendocrine, autonomic and behavioral PVN outputs. DMH Future Directions: fx = LepRb(Galanin) neuron exPFA 1. Conditional LepRbKO in galanin neurons will identify the physiological role of LepRb(Gal) neurons in anorexigenic leptin action. 2. Investigate if galanin (mRNA or release) is regulated (inhibited?) by leptin action. Leptin 3. Discriminate between LepRb(Gal) function in exPFA and brainstem. Acknowledgement PBRC Yan Zhang Amanda Laque Hans-Rudolf Berthoud Randy Mynatt Jingying Zhang Chris Morrison Rick Rogers Gerlinda Herman COBRE Tom Gettys Internal Advisors: Leslie Kozak Jackie Stephens External Advisors: Barry Levin Richard Hanson University of Michigan Martin Myers and Lab Members University of Chicago Chris Rhodes Columbia University Streamson Chua Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Ctr (MMRRC) Funding AHA (Scientist Development Grant) COBRE (1 P20 RR02195) Conditional LepRb deletion in Galanin Neurons: Generation of GalaninCre Mice GalCre/+, RosaYFP/+ GalTgGFP Classical retrograde tracing experiments: Confirmation of DMH LepRb Projections to the PVN and BST IHC: pSTAT3/Fluorogold Injection site with Fluorogold PVN DMH 3V fx PVN = paraventricular nucleus 3V = 3rd ventricle DMH = dorsomedial hypothalamus Location Might Encode Function and Neuronal Population Endocrine System (e.g. thyroid) Autonomic System Behavior PVN 3V Satiety AP NTS DMH 3V cc LHA/PFA fx VMH Mesolimbic Dopamine Sytem Hedonic Food Intake/Addiction Thermoregulation Glycemic Control ARC ME Reproduction