“ADVENTURE RAID” from Bélézy to drive the 2cv from Bélézy to the


“ADVENTURE RAID” from Bélézy to drive the 2cv from Bélézy to the
Fédération française
de naturisme
Club Naturiste de
Bélézy Provence
Domaine Naturiste
de Bélézy
“ADVENTURE RAID” from Bélézy to drive the 2cv from Bélézy
to the 21st world meeting of 2cv
at Toruń in Poland
or how to share the values of naturism across Europe with a coated 2CV
Contact : Annick MOLINA, Les hauts de Bélézy, Bastidon 306,
260 chemin de Maraval 84410 Bédoin
+33 603 74 81 27 / +33 413 07 03 35
You can follow our project and our journey on http://cnbp.eu
Being together to do something together:
As representatives of the values of naturism, the members of the Club Naturiste de Bélézy
Provence meet regularly to practise various activities. I n Summer the Domaine de Bélézy
welcomes them, thus allowing them to take advantage of its equipments in a beautiful
site nested in the foothills of Mont Ventoux. The club and the domain have been
collaborating harmoniously since 1970.
The knitting workshop:
Its purpose is to bring together knitters of both
sexes for a common purpose leading to a
collective work.
In 2014 an exceptional work was carried out: a
"coat" was knitted for the 2CV of Pascal and
Madelon Leclère, who run the Domaine de
The coat of the 2CV (or "of the deudeuche", as
we say in French!)
Over 120 different people have taken part in
this work. 250 different pieces were knitted, 8
kgs of wool were used – the equivalent of 160
balls of wool.
All the holiday-makers in the Domain w ere
inv ited to join in, irrespective of whether they
were club members or not.
Many gave wool that they no longer needed,
thus giving it a second lease of life. Others
bought balls of wool and gave them to the
While the coat was being made, the interest
for this project never decreased at Bélézy. The
2CV being gradually coated was a focus point
for all; innumerable smiles, countless photos
and numerous words of encouragement bear
testimony to this.
The result is absolutely spectacular!
Spreading the naturist word:
The coated 2CV was exhibited twice in
the v illage of Bedoin, where it became
a focal point for all and made it easy
for us to start talking about naturism.
On those occasions we were able to
explain the reasons for naturism, to
describe our naturist values, and to talk
of the Fédération Française de
Naturisme, of our club, and of the
Domaine de Bélézy.
The Club Naturiste de Bélézy Provence,
helped and supported by the
Domaine de Bélézy, hopes to take
adv antage of this interest in order to
spread the naturist word beyond the
borders of France.
The coated 2CV as an ambassador of
naturist values:
The club and the Domaine de Bélézy,
with the support of the Fédération
Française de Naturisme, are jointly organizing an adv enture-raid in 2015
which will take the 2CV to Torun, Poland, for the I nternational Meeting of
2CV Friends. The car will be our ambassador to those who love the 2CV, a
car whose values are close to ours.
For the motto of 2CV lovers is that the
2CV is not only a car, but a style of life.
Naturists can recognize themselves in
this motto, since naturism too is a lifestyle.
A human adventure:
So as to establish links betw een a large number of
European naturists we wish
to stop overnight all along
the 4,000 km of our journey
in naturist clubs or resorts.
Welcome us:
We are hoping to be accommodated every night
in naturist structures. After
contact was established by
the Fédération Française
de Naturisme or by the International Naturist Federation, some have already
agreed to accommodate
us. But we still have not arranged accommodation
for some of the nights.
Please get in touch if you
are willing to accommodate us, and thus be part
of this great adventure.
Join us:
This journey is not only for members of our Club. You can
join us to accompany the 2CV either for the whole of the
journey or for part of it, and thus take part in this human
adv enture. Let us know if this is of interest to you. You can
either help to drive the 2CV or travel independently in your
ow n vehicle. We will come together at meeting points for
unique moments of sharing and being together around
the 2CV. We already have a number of people who are
ready to drive the 2CV: please register quickly, and follow
the list of those who are registering, at: http://www.cnbp.eu/
pages/voyage-a-torun-pour-la-2cv-de-bel ezy/
The cost of the journey:
We are paying for the expenses of the drivers of the 2CV
(one driver and one co-driver), but other participants are
expected to cover the cost of their own journey (fuel, accommodation, food etc.). We are unable at the moment
to say how much accommodation w ill cost, as this will depend upon the offers made by the clubs and resorts that
welcome us.
1 euro = 1 km
Support us:
This adv enture-raid is a participatory project.
Money is tight. We need the help of naturists
from all over the world in order to be able to
make it. Any help will be welcome.
For our part, we will be carrying wine from
our beautiful home region at the foot of
Mont Ventoux so that we can share a drink in
a friendly atmosphere every night.
We need between 4 and 5,000 euros to cover the costs: registering with the I nternational
Meeting of 2CV Friends, fuel for the 2CV, food and accommodation for the driver and
co-driver of the 2CV, wine to be shared on the way, telephone bills, internet, promotion,
insurance etc.
We wish to thank those who have already helped financially: the Domaine de Bélézy
Provence, the Cave Coopérative de Bedoin, the Fédération Française de Naturisme,
France 4 Naturisme, Patrick Llorca, the Garage des Lavandes in Bedoin.
We still need money. We have therefore launched a campaign, and we thank those
who have already participated. You can send cheques (French cheques only) to CNBP,
and post them to our postal box (CNBP, BP 20012, 84410 Bedoin, France), mentioning on
the back of the cheque "projet 2CV".
Bank transfers should be to IBAN FR08 20041010 0815 7647 8C02982
You can see see how much money the campaign has brought in at:
Day 1) Friday 24 July: 210 km, 4 h; from Bélézy; visit
of Vienne, an old Gallo-Roman city, or of the archeological museum at Saint-Romain-en-Gal; accommodation at Domaine du Grand Bois.
Day 2) Saturay 25 July: 400 km, 6 h 45; from Domaine du Grand Bois; visit of the Brou church at
Bourg-en-Bresse; accommodation at Club du Soleil
de Mulhouse.
Day 3) Sunday 26 July: 320 km, 5 h: from Mulhouse, across the Black Forest: accommodation at
BFFL, Stuttgart, Germany.
Day 4) Monday 27 July: 240 km, 3 h 30: from Stuttgart to Rothenbourg (150 km, 2 h,) visit of the medieval city of Rothenburg, then to Nürnberg (86 km, 1 h 30); accommodation at the Sportgemeinschaft Sonnenfreunde of Nürnberg, Germany .
Day 5) Tuesday 28 July: 310 km, 3 h 45: visit of the old city and the museums of Nürnberg, the
capital of Franconia; then from Nürnberg to Dresden: accommodation at Waldteichfreunde of
Dresden, Germany.
Day 6) Wednesday 29 July: 340 km, 5 h 45: visit of Dresden, "the Florence of the Elba", a city of art
and culture; from Dresden to Poznan; accommodation in Poznan, Poland.
Day 7) Thursday 30 July: 160 km, 3 h: visit of the restored old city of Poznan; then from Poznan to
Torun, Poland.
From Thursday night 30 July to Sunday morning 2 August: 2 days , 3 nights in Torun (no naturist accommodation); International Meeting of 2CV Friends; visit of Torun, a medieval city.
Day 10) Sunday 2 August: 435 km, 5 h: from Torun across rural Poland to Cracow ; hotel accommodation in Cracow, Poland.
Day 11) Monday 3 August: 125 km, 1 h 40: day in Cracow ; from Cracow to Bielsko-Biala; accommodation at the naturist centre Cezar at Bielsko-Biala, Poland.
Day 12) Tuesday 4 August: 230 km, 3 h: from Bielsko-Biala to Kretinka; accommodation at the KNK
club naturisti at Kretinka, Czech Republic.
Day 13) Wednesday 5 August: 320 km, 4 h 30: from Kretinka to Zdikov across Bohemia; accommodation at the naturist camping site Mlecna Draha at Zdikov, Czech Republic.
Day 14) Thursday 6 August: 265 km, 3h: from Zdikov for Munich;
visit of Munich; accommodation in a naturist club near Munich.
Day 15) Friday 7 August: 435 km, 4 h 30: from Muni ch to Mulhouse, possibly via Lake Constance or via the road of the German Alps: accommodation at Club du Soleil de Mulhouse,
Day 16) Saturday 8 August: 465 km, 8 h: from Mulhouse to Valence; visit of Besançon, the capital of French clock -making;
accommodation at Club du Soleil de Valence.
Day 17) Sunday 9 August: 135 km, 2 h 45: from Valence to
Bedoin. Arrival at Béléz y in the afternoon.
* Please rememb er that this is only what we are planning: the actual journey may be slightly different. See our website at http://cnbp.eu