May-June - The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham


May-June - The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
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The Arc Advocate
May-June, 2015
Our Redesigned Website Is Ready For Your Visit
And more content is on the way!
The Arc Advocate
Helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live A Life Like Yours
Volume 42, Issue 3
May-June, 2015
The Great Arc Art Event 2015
We’re On Twitter!
here was snow on the ground March 6, the date that The Great Arc Art Event was
going to unveil a new format, expanding on the art contest that The Arc has
hosted for many years. This was most inconvenient, but what can you do? And so
we changed the date to March 27, still in National
Development Disabilities Awareness Month, but also
right on the cusp of Spring Break and the week before
Easter, when almost everyone, it seemed, had other
Slowly they trickled in, and we were grateful
for them. They were from Goodlife, Pleasant View,
The Arc, JMU’s Rotaract Club, and the Thomas Harrison
Middle School Builders Club who sponsored the event by
raising $100 in support of it.
By the end of the evening, 33 artists in 3 age
groups and 9 artistic media had been awarded ribbons,
and another 13 received Certificates of Participation.
KC Werner, a landscape artist and owner of Seven Bends
Studio in Luray, judged the contest and presented the
Judge’s Choice Award to
Roger Lam. Laura Evans,
President of the Board of
Directors of The Arc,
Art Judge KC Werner presents Roger
announced the People’s
Lam with the Judge’s Choice Award
Choice Award, which went for his collage titled The Good Life.
to Meghan Garber.
The music portion
of the evening was introduced by Dr. Paul Ackerman from
the JMU School of Music, who accompanied the Rocktown
Singers in several songs while Terri Gibbs, The Arc’s
Director of Day Support Programs, conducted.
Sincere thanks are due to Fr. Daniel Robayo and
Emmanuel Episcopal Church for allowing us to use their
Parish Hall, the JMU Rotaract Club for helping set up, the
Thomas Harrison Middle School Builders Club for
sponsoring the event, Dr. Paul Ackerman for making it
possible for the Rocktown Singers to perform, the
Rocktown Singers for their musical contribution, KC Werner
The Arc’s Board President Laura
Evans announces Meghan Garber as for being our art judge, all of the artists who participated
and those who provided transportation, and the many staff
the recipient of the People’s
Choice Award for her painting Tree. and Board members of The Arc who assisted.
Coming Up
Teen/Adult Canteens
April 24
6:15-8:30 p.m.
Baseball Game
Veterans Memorial Park
May 15
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Westover Park Shelter 1
Faith & Light Services
Sponsored by Pleasant View
In Harrisonburg
7:00 p.m.
Trinity Presbyterian Church
725 S. High St.
May 22
In Broadway
7:00 p.m.
Zion Mennonite Church
3260 Zion Church Rd.
April 17
May 8
Blossoms of Springtime Geranium Sale: Back by Popular Demand!
620 Simms Ave.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
If Delivery, Recipient Name:
Pick up at The Arc:
9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
620 Simms, Harrisonburg
 5/6  5/7  5/8
Free delivery in
Harrisonburg or Rockingham Co.
 5/6  5/7
Proceeds benefit The Arc of Harrisonburg
& Rockingham, helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live
“A Life Like Yours”.
The Arc, 620 Simms Ave., Harrisonburg, VA
(540) 437-9214
(Keep this section)
Blossoms of Springtime from The Arc, 2015
These hanging baskets of beautiful red geraniums are lovingly tended by participants in The
Arc’s Day Support Programs. Your purchase helps people with intellectual and developmental
disabilities live “A Life Like Yours”. Order online at or
return your check with this form. Please let us receive your order by May 1st so we can be sure
to have your basket ready! $20 per basket. Thank you!
Non-Profit Organization
US Postage
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Permit #36
Return Service Requested
Page 2
The Arc Advocate
The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
protects and promotes the human rights
of people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities and actively
supports their full inclusion and
participation in the community
throughout their lifetimes.
Laura Evans, President
James Ward, Vice President
Cheryl Henderson, Secretary
Jan Rhodes, Treasurer
Betty Jo Acker
Jennifer Bridges
Chris Bryant
Neil Hall
Patty Knicely
John Krall
Linda Magalis
Dick Simon
Carroll Ward
Shea Godwin, Executive Director
Dianne Fulk, Administrative Director
Terri Gibbs, Director of Day Support Programs
Amanda Brothers, Director of Resource
& Respite Services
Patricia Dunn, Administrative Assistant
Dick T. Simon, Office Assistant
Rebecca Wiggins, Op Shop Coordinator
Shasta Rasnake, GOLD Program Coordinator
Beverly Mahood, Direct Support Professional
Gayle Peterman, Direct Support Professional
Emily Shifflett, Direct Support Professional
Lori Yost, Direct Support Professional
The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
620 Simms Ave.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter
or are receiving duplicate copies, please call The
Arc office at (540)437-9214, x130, email us the
correction at, or mail the address
page back to us marked “remove” or duplicate”.
May-June, 2015
Page 3
The Arc Advocate
JMU Greeks Honor The Arc
Save These Dates!
uring JMU’s annual Greek Week, April 6-10, all eyes
were on The Arc. For the third consecutive year,
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) chose The Arc as
the beneficiary of its Greek Week fundraising activities
and invited attendance by the agency’s participants at the
festivities. Throughout the week, a display board let
people know about our mission, programs, and services.
Among the events was an old favorite, Greek Sing.
Members of sororities and fraternities
prepared theme-based skits and
demonstrated their talent and
creativity. The contest was judged
by two staff members of The Arc
Donna makes some new
(Terri Gibbs and Dianne Fulk), and
friends at the Field Day.
attended by some of the Op Shop
In addition to the proceeds from Greek Sing,
students raised money from a penny drive, collecting 4,110
pennies. They also held a supply drive, and collected and
donated 100 much-need items. In-kind donations like
paper products, cleaning supplies, and snack items
dramatically reduce
Roger enjoys a
conversation at Greek Sing. expenses for The Arc.
Other nonfundraising activities during the week
included an egg hunt, an Instagram photo
challenge, and a Field Day, the latter
attended by several Op Shop participants.
The closing ceremonies were held on
April 10th. Executive Director Shea Godwin
was invited to speak, and brought The Arc’s
Office Assistant Dick Simon and participant
Donna Jenkins to share their appreciation for
FSL’s generosity and describe how it helped
them have “A Life Like Yours”. When all was
A huge check for $5,400 from our generous
said and done, Shea, Donna, and Dick were
friends at JMU Fraternity and Sorority Life.
presented with an oversized check for $5,400!
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about
waivers, but didn’t know who to ask!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (Free Pizza at 6:00!)
Rockingham County Admin Building
20 E. Gay Street, Harrisonburg
IMPORTANT: Please RSVP to: Faith Hottle,
564-1983, Rockingham County Schools
Saturday Sessions From The Arc of Augusta
April 18: The Historic Olmstead Decision & the ADA
May 16:
Employment Rights for People with Disabilities
Rachel Loria, disAbility Law Center of Virginia
Programs are 10 a.m.—Noon
1025 Fairfax Ave., Waynesboro.
Seating is limited. Please RSVP at least 3 days in advance
to or by calling 540-943-1618.
Thanks to Our Generous Donors & Members
Stephen Boots
Larry & Jennifer Bridges
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 4150
J.D. & Becky Glick
Robert Harper
Headwaters Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalist Program
Patricia Hilbert
JMU Fraternity & Sorority Life
Mrs. Iva Kenney
Jan & Ted Rhodes
Bob & Mary Sease
Shenandoah Valley Autism Partnership
Nicholas Swartz
THMS Builders Club
Thomas Jefferson Civitan Club
Jackie Thomas-Suggs
Joe Trout
Carroll & Lee Ward
Memorials and Honors
UVA Health System Ob/Gyn Dept.
in memory of Barbara Ward
Bill & Debra Zwanzig in memory of Russell
In-Kind Gifts
Dianne Fulk
Shea Godwin
JMU Fraternity & Sorority Life
Jackie Thomas-Suggs
KC Werner
Presenting the Rocktown Singers & Band
Recent Renewals (Thank You!)
partnership with the JMU School of
Music is bearing musical fruit for
individuals supported by The Arc.
With direction from Music therapist
Brianna Priestly, participants are
exploring new technologies for making
music, including iPad instrumental
applications. Dr. Paul Ackerman and Dr.
David Stringfield provide technical
support and supervise students from
JMU’s Music and Human Services minor
who work with participants as well.
As a result, the Rocktown Singers
The Rocktown Singers prepare to take a bow
and Band are enjoying opportunities to
after performing at The Great Arc Art Event.
demonstrate their talent and what they
have learned in public venues. The
as part of
The Great
Arc Art
Event on
March 27th.
The Singers
and Band
were part
of Very
Special Arts
at Westover
The Rocktown Singers and Band. From left: Roger, Todd,
DSP Becky Wiggins, Dick, Kelly, Hope, Charlie,
early in
Program Director Terri Gibbs, Music Therapist Brianna
Priestly, Justin, Angela, Hazel, and Tim.
May-June, 2015
J. D. & Becky Glick
Patricia & Jerry Hilbert
Mrs. Iva Kenney
Bob & Mary Sease
Nicholas Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. William Zwanzig
Recently Expired
John & Connie Stiles
Memberships Expiring in May
2015 Legislative Forum
September 24,
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Blue Ridge
Community College
Plecker Workforce
Development Center
Jodie & Jim Anderson
John & Marian Bartenhagen
Jim & Evaline DeStepfani
Dee & Martha Floyd
Barbara & Vincent Harkins
Maxine Magri
Joahanna & Doug Mitchem
Tom & JoAnn Tigert
Carroll & Lee Ward
Memberships Expiring in June
Chris & Jennifer Bryant
Mrs. Denise Whitman
Philip R. Fawley, uncle of DSP Shasta Rasnake
Family and friends of Sandra Jean Miller,
former participant in the Op Shop