Where The Shows Are!!! Fall 2009 Edition
Where The Shows Are!!! Fall 2009 Edition
!! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 1 Presents The 2009-2010 Schedule... 2009 Schedule Nov. 14-15 Prime Outlets Art & Crafts Show - 5th Ann $165.00 Nov. 21-22 Jacaranda Crossings Arts & Crafts Show $160.00 Dec. North Ft. Myers Christmas Festival $165.00 Naples Holiday Art & Crafts - 4th Ann $165.00 5-6 Dec. 12-13 Naples, FL - Prime Outlets of SR 951 Venice, FL - Jacaranda Crossings Plaza North Ft. Myers, FL - Sams Club Plaza Naples, FL - Prime Outlet Mall !!$165.00 ! e r A s w o h S e h Jan. 16-17 r Show Y $165.00 e T Crossing Art & Crafts P e Merchant h O C W E L P Jan. 23-24 Lover’s Key Art A & Crafts Show $165.00 M S L A TI Crossings Arts & Crafts n o i t Jan. 29-31 Show $165.00 i PARJacaranda d E l l u F e Festival - 8th Annual 3$165.00 h T Feb. 6-7 Gamble Plantation t e G 7 $165.00 1 To 0 8 2 Feb. 13-14 North Port Art & 6 Crafts Show 4 ) 8 3 ( l l m a Outlets Art & Crafts rShow o$165.00 c . Feb. 20-21 CPrime -t7th Ann s f a c d n a t Feb. 27-28 Sunshine Plaza Art & Crafts Show $165.00 r www.a 2010 Schedule Jan. 8-10 Art & Crafts in Gilchrist Park - 4th Ann Punta Gorda, FL - Gilchrist Park North Ft. Myers, FL - Merchant Crossing Fort Myers Beach, FL - Lover’s Key Park Venice, FL - Jacaranda Crossings Plaza Ellenton, FL - Gamble Plantation North Port, FL - The Shoppes at Plantation Naples, FL - Prime Outlets of SR 951 Mar. 6-7 Bonita Springs, FL - Sunshine Plaza Art & Crafts in Gilchrist Park - 4th Ann $165.00 Mar. 13-14 Venice Arts & Crafts Show - 18th Annual $165.00 Mar. 20-21 Prime Outlet Mall Art & Crafts - 5th Ann $165.00 Mar. 28-29 Ellenton Prime Outlets Arts & Crafts Show $165.00 Aug. Mountain Shelter Arts & Crafts Show 7-8 Punta Gorda, FL - Gilchrist Park Venice, FL - Jacaranda Crossings Plaza Naples, FL - Prime Outlet Ellenton, FL - Ellenton Prime Outlet Mall Blairsville, GA - Meeks Park Sally Mere $165.00 MY Promotions 100 E North Shore Ave. Ft. Myers, FL 33917 (239) 707-3467 Phone/FAX: (239) 995-9549 For updates, visit us online at: www.mypromotions.com See Our Show Listings for More 2009 - 2010 Events! 2 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 $20.00 Deposit required for each show. Remainder due one month prior to show !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 3 !! ! e r A s w o h HERE’S HOW IT S WORKS ... e h T e Y r P O C Whe E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Once you’ve purchased our book, you can receive a $5.00 credit toward your renewal for every person you recommend to us, who also subscribes for a full year. To qualify, the person subscribing must send us a subscription form with your name on it along with payment. Additionally, the person subscribing must be a new applicant and have never purchased our book in the past. In the event of any discrepancy as to who gets the credit, the decision of our management staff will be binding & final. In this guide you’ll find several subscription referral forms. Feel free to copy them as much as you’d like or ask us for additional copies. Make sure to put your name on the form. Once we receive payment, we’ll credit your account with the $5.00. Send us just eight people who subscribe... and your renewal is FREE !!! It’s that simple. If you have any questions, just call us and ask. Otherwise, start working toward your subscription renewal right away !!! 4 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 “Where The Shows Are !!!” EASTERN EDITION The Professional Guide To Art And Craft Shows Volume 18 Issue 4 Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Table of Contents Introduction / Table of Contents ............................Page 1 How To Use Your Guide ......................................... Page 2 The Arts & Crafts Showcase Feature Articles “Looking at the Big Picture”.................................... Page 10 How to deal with the current economic slump. !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T P heMyreWork?”................... O “Did Someone Copy Page 32Y C W E L P M A Is this a rip-off, a compliment or learning experience. S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h The G Listings T 3 7 1 To et 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( 2009 - 2010 Show Planning a Calendar ...................... Page 36 om l l C .c s t f A quick reference for dates you need to knowc about a r d .....Page 38 n a t DISCOUNT COUPONS - SAVE $100.00 r a . w wparticipating Save on show feesw from sponsors! Bits & Pieces” .......................................................... Page 14 News & Reviews about shows you may want to consider. Index of Professional Promoters ............................Page 39 Listing of professtional promoters The Markets ..............................................................Page 42 Daily, Weekly or Monthy Shows Location Cross Reference.........................................Page 44 Shows listed by state and then by city Shows At A Glance ....................................................Page 60 A quick look at shows happening weekly in all states THE SHOWS ..........................................................Page 75 Detailed information on show in the EASTERN USA Deadline Alert ...........................................................Page 151 Stop missing those deadlines !!! (includes all states) Copyright 2009 “Where The Shows Are !!!” © Eastern Edition All rights reserved. COVER: The sea ammonite jewelry on the cover this issue is the work of Lori Kay of Kay’s Creations. This picture was taken at the Temple Terrace Art & Crafts show that takes place in November of each year. Digital photo by Dan Lewis. “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 1 g n i e b r o f s k y l n i a m h a T f r u o f o ! s t r r e a b p i r c s b u s f o W hen we started the concept of publishing a guide to the art & craft shows over eightteen years ago, we envisioned a book that would be the result of a vast networking of exhibitors. It wasn’t to be any one person’s idea of what a guide should be. After all, who knows your work and it’s market better that you... the person who is “in the trenches” every week... talking to customers... listening to stories... dealing with inclement weather... tolerating unreasonable show sponsors and a whole slew of other things that it takes to succeed in this business. Over the years we’ve heard many of your suggestions and if you’ve been a subscriber for more than just a couple of years you’ve seen us implement many of your ideas. We’ve seen this publication transform from something that resembles our flyer... into one of the more influential guides on America’s eastern coast. We’ve grown from a circulation that included a few friends... to one that numbers in the thousands... and we’re read by even more! God willing and with your support, we hope this growth continues... but most of all, we hope to continue to be one of the most useful tools you have in your quest to have your own business grow with the same good fortune we’ve had. Here’s some information you ought to know. !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a HOW & WHY WE PUBLISH EVERY THREE MONTHS... We publish four times per year... Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall. Each time we publish, we list events for up to one year in advance. The reason we do that is because in order to get into many of the larger events, you have to send your application in several months before the show to be considered. For most events though the planning is only done a few months before the event and of course we can’t publish information if the event sponsor hasn’t even set a date. That’s why every three months or so we delete everything that’s already happened and then put in all the updated information that has just become available. That’s good news because most exhibitors don’t have the funds to book so many events so far in advance and even if you did, the chances of being accepted to every event you apply for are minimal. Everyone’s schedule usually consists of a few shows booked months in advance and then some they book only a couple weeks beforehand. Every three months you’ll get a fresh batch of shows and a new opportunity to book events! 2 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 The Broken Mold “Promoters of Indoor & Outdoor Shows Throughout Florida” Tel/FAX Joan/ Dick Bartfay: (772) 336-0606 Christmas in the Park Vero Beach, Florida Dec. 5 - 6 St. Augustine Winter Show Art in the Park - 16th Ann. !! Feb. 6-7, 2010 ! e r A s w o h S e h Shows! T Two NewLocation! Y P O C Where One Great E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m all o C c . s t f a r c Bluffs Square Las Olas Riverfront d n a t r a . www St. Augustine, Florida - Francis Field Stuart, Florida Nov. 28 - 29 The New Port St. Lucie Civic Center Plaza Harvest Art & Crafts Show Nov. 7-8, 2009 Spring Art & Crafts Show Mar 6-7, 2010 Jupiter, Florida Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Oct. 24-25 Nov. 21-22 Jan. 23-24 Feb. 20-21 Mar. 27-28 Art & Crafts Jan 16-17 Feb. 13-14 Mar. 13-14 Apr. 3-4 New Locations & Dates Are In The Works! Our schedule is constantly growing and throughout the next year will include a lot of new possibilities for you. Contact us or check our website at www.brokenmold.com for the newest information. 2888 SE Pace Dr. Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Visit our website at www.brokenmold.com for schedule details & applications Email us at: info@brokenmold.com Mailed Requests For Show Lists Should Include a S.A.S.E. (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 3 Virginia Show Productions, Inc. presents award-winning shows! Visit our Web site www.vashowsinc.com for map, details & discount coupons 23rd Annual 22nd Annual November 1-4, 2007 March 12-14, 2010 Richmond, Richmond, VA VA The Showplace Exhibition The Showplace Exhibition Center Center !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n RTI o i t i PANovember d E ll 2010 u 4-7, F e March 7-9, 2008 h T t 3 7 1 To GeRichmond, VA 0 8 2 Center 4 ) 6 The Showplace Exhibition 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r and c d 22 Years of Experienced n a t r ww.a Show Management wProfessional 21stAnnual Annual 25th + + + + + + + + + Multi-Media Advertising 100% Indoor and Climate-Controlled No Rain-Outs or Product Damage RV Parking on Premises Easy Set-Up the Day before Shows 24-Hour Security Free Customer Parking Paid Admission Excellent Attendance – Proven Sales For more information, contact: Virginia Show Productions, Inc. P.O. Box 305 • Chase City, VA 23924 Ph: (434) 372-3996 • Fax: (434) 372-3410 E-mail: vashowsinc@aol.com Photos from prior shows. 4 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 HOW THE BOOK IS ORGANIZED The book is divided into five sections. The “Art & Crafts Showcase” is the first section. Here you’ll read articles about improving your business, show reviews, advertising to help you learn more about specific events and business opportunities, show reviews, a listing of professional promoters and much more! The second section is called “Shows At A Glance.” Here you’ll have the ability to see a quick overview of the shows taking place each week. They are organized first by date, then by number of days and then by city and show sponsor. You’ll be able to see enough information about each show to find it in the main listing section of the guide which 34th Annual PIONEER DAYS ~ CELEBRATION ~ Downtown Historic High Springs Saturday April 24th & Sunday April 25th One of North Central Florida’s largest events! Over 150 Vendors ~ 10,000 Attendance ~ Space Fee Only $140+tax ~ Deadline March 15th ~ Apply Online! Kids Korral ~ Heritage Village Sponsored by High Springs Chamber of Commerce PO Box 863 ~ High Springs, FL 32655-0863 ~ www.highsprings.com (386) 454-3120 ~ Fax (386) 454-5848 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 For2 Artisans and Crafters 8 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a own separate section. The idea behind the information we present here is to give you enough information about each event to see if it meets your criteria for an event you’d like to participate in. Since the very nature or our work is so unique, what works best for one exhibitor may be a terrible situation for another. After all, if the same thing worked we’ll talk about in a few moments. The third section is the “Location Cross Reference.” In this index we break down the state into seven regions, alphabetize the cities and then tell you want’s happening in each city throughout the year in date order. This is handy when you’d like to find shows to participate in that are close by or if you hear about a great event in a specific city and want to find out the details. The fourth section is named “The Shows.” This is the main listing section of the guide where you’ll find complete details about each event. If you’ve been a subscriber for very long, you’ll see that we’ve incorporated a new organization in this section. As we’ve expanded the coverage of our guide, finding shows exactly where you want them has become a bit more difficult. So, for those of you who only want to participate in certain regions you’ll now find all the shows separated by state... and then by dates within each state. We hope this will help you spend time looking exactly where you want to look! We now include information for shows in all the EASTERN United States, you’ll find shows in each state listed in theri Eastern Edition Why do Huff’s Indoor Mall Shows? • • • • Best regional malls offered No weather concerns Air conditioned for your comfort Hassle-free set-ups • Florida • Pennsylvania • Ohio Huff’s is proud to offer opportunities to showcase and sell your unique creations to mall shoppers! Shows January thru December. Unique benefits Huff’s offers! • • • • • for everyone, there would only be a handful of shows each week and everyone would be creating the same thing. Luckily for all of us that isn’t the case. No one could possibly participate in 4000 shows throughout the year, but by having a great number of choices at your fingertips, you stand a lot better chance of making a good match between your work One time deposit secures all shows No prepaid show fees, pay during show Show fee discount offers Applications accepted until full No additional application or electric fees SNEAK PEAK Mall at Robinson, Pittsburgh, PA (Jan 21- 31, 2010) Avenues Mall, Jacksonville, FL Westfield Countryside, Clearwater, FL Westfield Broward, Plantation, FL 2010 Show Schedule announced soon. Visit often at www.huffspromo.com (330) 493-4130 shows@huffspromo.com Full list of malls will be released soon. Quality Handmade Art & Craft Shows Art & Craft Showcase Spring Fling Art & Craft Show John S. Knight Center, Akron, OH Spring 2010 Art & Craft Marketplatz Home For The Holidays Art & Craft Show Akron Home & Garden Show February 26-28, 2010 Columbus Oktoberfest Contact (330) 493-4130 or visit www.huffspromo.com Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH September 24-26, 2010 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Canton, OH Stark County Fairgrounds Canton, OH October 30-31, 2010 Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 5 and the market you’d like to exhibit in. Additionally, no one knows your work and your market better than you do and no one can make a better decision on which shows to participate in than you can. Usually if you do well at a show, you’ll do well at other events that have similar characteristics. This information gives you the ability to put The 2010 Ruskin Tomato & Heritage Festival Sat. May 1st & Sun. May 2nd For applications go to: www.ruskintomatofestival.org Food, Fun Entertainment Art & Crafts Kids Activities, Plant & Garden Show And More! FREE PARKING 12’X12’ Outdoor Crafts Space Fee: $80.00 12’X12’ Outdoor Plant & Garden Space Fee: $80.00 !! ! e r A s w o h Ruskin Tomato & Heritage Festival S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( mworld’s fun Insuring the o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a For more information please call: (813) 645-6028 PO Box 549 Ruskin, FL 33575-0549 Sponsored by: Ruskin Community Development Foundation, Inc. (501.c3) your knowledge to work and make informed decisions about the shows you choose. The final section is “The Deadline Alert.” If you’ve never missed a deadline, you probably haven’t booked too many ® At K&K we offer superior liability insurance for vendors and concessionaires participating in craft shows and other events. Coverage is also available for special events, festivals, and event planners. • Easy applications • Competitive premiums • Credit card payment option • Superior claims handling • No charge for certificates of insurance Sports | Leisure | Entertainment 800-328-2317 www.kandkinsurance.com 6 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 shows! We’ve all done it. And usually the one we’ve missed is an event we’ve been dying to try. Once again “Where The Shows Are!!!” comes to the rescue. Not every show has a deadline date, in fact many just keep taking applications until they are full. Quite a few however require that your application be received by a specified time. Here you’ll find all the shows with deadlines listed first by the actual deadline date, then the date of the show and then you’ll see enough brief information so that you can locate the show in the main listing section of the guide. Check this section weekly and you’ll avoid the disappointment of missing the deadline date! !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT? There are over 1200 shows listed in this issue of “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” and certainly not all of them will be right for you. Make sure you personally call the sponsor of each show you are interested in to get the most up-to-date information on that particular event. Our listings come from a wide variety of sources and we do everything possible to be as accurate as possible. However because we are human, we make mistakes once in a while Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 7 and we can not assume responsibility for any inconveniences this may cause. However if you let us know of any discrepancies, we will correct the error in our next issue. No matter how hard we try, there are some shows that we miss, and don’t include in our guide. And it never fails, that as soon as we print an issue, someone calls us with a show we never even thought of. Remember this guide is designed to be of a benefit to all who use it. So if you see missing shows, please let us know and we’ll verify all the details and include it in our next issue. Your help, will help a great many others!!! We’d also like to ask you to be fair with yourself and with us... Since the intent of our guide is for individuals to use for the express purpose of investigating arts and craft shows per se, any other use, copying, reproduction in any way or selling of the information we provide is strictly illegal without the express written permission of “Where The Shows Are !!!” Whether you’ve purchased a quarterly or an annual subscription, you can always add to your subscription by just sending a check to: WHERE THE SHOWS ARE Our rates are $49.95 for a year (four issues published quarterly Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall of each year.) “Where The Shows Are !!!”, Daniel F. Lewis or any other representative shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages arising from the actions of circumstances whatsoever relative to this publication. This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any warranty or merchantability, fitness or purpose, or warranty of quality, whether expressed or implied, and of all other liabilities and obligations on the part of “Where The Shows Are !!!”, Daniel F. Lewis and/or any other representative. !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a WE’RE ALSO ON THE INTERNET AND IT’S INCLUDED WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TOO ! The internet has allowed us to provide even more up-to-date service for you than we ever originally dreamed would be possible when we began compiling information. To make sure you always have access to the newest information we maintain a subscriber only site. To access the complete information you’ll need a user name and a password which you can obtain by going to our home page at www.artandcrafts.com, scrolling down the left hand side of the screen to the place where it says “GET PASSWORDS HERE” and then filling out the form creating your new user name and password. Each day we check to see who has signed up... we’ll make sure you’re a paid subscriber and then we’ll approve you. You will then receive an email indicating you’re approved. You have the opportunity to go online and check this out anytime your subscription is active. Here 8 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 again we ask that you keep your password to yourself. Obviously if everyone just accessed the information without paying to get it we couldn’t continue to provide the service and at that point we’d all loose out. Our system is pre-programmed to disable any accounts that show abuse or multiple logons. If you’ve experienced trouble with the site, just give us a call or send us an email message and we’ll investigate the logs to determine the cause of the problem and then re-set your account for you. You’ll also receive emails from us occasionally when there is important new information we feel would be valuable to you. Normally when we send a message you’ll see “Where The Shows Are!!!” in the subject line. If you have spam filters it would be a good idea to set them properly so that you’ll get the full value for your subscription dollars! If you do change your current email address please let us know right away so we can adjust our records. We also provide a social networking website. This service is a cooperative effort between our staff and readers. We provide feedback on current shows and other concerns and we ask you to submit your experiences as well. You’ll also find this is a great chance for you to get rid of things you no longer need for your work or to maybe find just what you’re looking for in the way of a used canopy or tool you’ve been looking for. Visit us at www. wtsanetwork.com OUR EXPANDED COVERAGE HELPS YOU MAKE MONEY ... ALL YEAR LONG ! Anyone who’s been through even one season in the SOUTHEAST can tell you that summer sales can be slow. Sure there are a handfull of good shows, but the reality is that there just aren’t enough to go around. That’s why we expanded to the rest of the EASTERN USA. Now you’ll be able to take advantage of shows in a much larger area! In the new version of our guide we list over 4000 shows throught the year. So in addition to what you normally expect from us, you’ll now find events in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New England & more! Now there’s no excuse for not making a living all twelve months of the year! February 2 7 & 28, 2010 MOST IMPORTANTLY, GOOD LUCK !!! HAVE FUN!!! AND WE’LL SEE YOU..... AT THE SHOWS !!! ! !27,000 ! e r attendees A s w o h S e Free admission h T e Y r P e h O C W E L P M A S L Fine Arts & Fine Crafts A I T n R o i t i PA d E l l u F e Exhibitors from across h T t e G 3 7 the country 1 To 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( l l m o Multiethnic food court Ca c . s t f a r c d n a t r a . Family friendly www Do you need online access? Just sign up and get your password at... www.artandcrafts.com 7KHWK$QQXDO%UDGIRUG&RXQW\ Children’s Alley 6WUDZEHUU\ )HVWLYDO $SULOWKWK 'RZQWRZQ+LVWRULF6WDUNH)/ $WWHQGDQFH 2YHU([KLELWRUV %RRWK)HH &RQWDFW'HDQQD$GDPV 0DLQ6WUHHW6WDUNH,QF (&DOO6W6WDUNH)/ Pets welcome Music Free Parking for artists South Miami Rotary Art Festival Download Applications at www.southmiamiartfest.org 305-769-5977 ZZZPDLQVWUHHWVWDUNHFRP Located in Downtown South Miami Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 9 g n i k o o L at the . . . e r u t Big Pic !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T t e G 3 7 o 1 T 0 The 59th ANNUAL 8 2 4 ) 6 8 y B 3 ( “UNDER THE OAKS” m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r a . w ww Fine Arts Festival March 12-14, 2010 Riverside Park Vero Beach, Florida Among the Top Rated Shows Over 80,000 Attendees Beautiful Park Setting Behind Canopy Parking Overnight Security DEADLINE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 For more information: download our application at... www.verobeachartclub.org Vero Beach Art Club 3001 Riverside Park Dr Vero Beach, FL 32963 (772) 231-0303 Email: vbac@vbmuseum.org 10 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 I Dan Lewis ’ve been told that maybe a guide to art & craft shows is not the place to discuss the economy. We may better spend our time discussing display setups or what gossip was happening at the last show. The only problem with that thinking is that while we’re sitting there with sales down 50 or 60 percent, we’re ignoring the reason why. Sure we can say the show promoter didn’t advertise well... and that’s possible. We can point to show fees and say they are so high it’s just impossible to make money... and in some cases that’s happened too. Our display may be a bit amiss... our sales techniques come up somewhat short. While some of these may be valid reason for slow sales... reasons we have to constantly be aware of... they may also be excuses. Determining the difference requires an objective evaluation of what we do and under what circumstances we are selling. In reality our performance in sales is a result of a combination of factors. I’ve written plenty of articles dealing with how we can control things like our display, sales technique or even a mediocre product. The economy and it’s effect is much more complicated and although my background is primarily that of an artist, not an economist... I believe many of the “complications” presented to us from those who would make a science out of the economy unduly create those complications so they have a job and sound knowledgeable. It seems relatively simple and what you’re about to read is my take on things. Maybe I’m crazy... maybe I’m not, you be the judge... Just the other day I was in the grocery store looking around for whatever dinner would be that night. After being shocked at the price of beef I knew that was out of the question so I wandered over to the seafood section with high hopes of finding what I needed. After some consideration I decided that at $5.99 per pound (normally $8.99 per pound) the shrimp was the bargain I was looking for! I noticed that right beside the shrimp I was buying was another pile of the same size for $8.99 per pound (normally $11.99 per pound). Now my “knee jerk” reaction was to always buy the less expensive shrimp because the quantity of food was the same. But I asked a bit more about the pricier shrimp to see what the difference was. Of course the species was a bit different... but it turns out that the real difference was that the more expensive shrimp were caught locally and the less expensive shrimp were from Thailand. After a bit of consideration, I decided that although the local shrimp cost a bit more, they were really a better deal for me. Why was that? Simple... the chances are no one who lives in Thailand will probably ever buy my show guide. On the other hand, someone from Port Canaveral Florida may very well purchase the guide. I’d rather put the money into the hand of someone who may put money back in mine! I got to thinking... maybe this is one of the problems with our economy. We aren’t thinking about the overall good of our society, we’re thinking about just that moment. What appears to be such a great deal on the surface is not really the bargain we originally thought it to be. That same thinking process has come back to haunt us before in other areas. Remember when dumping garbage in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New Jersey seemed to be the most cost effective way to get rid of residential and commercial waste? Of course when hypodermic needles and other miscellaneous trash started washing up on the beach it didn’t seem to be such a good idea. Draining the Everglades in Florida seemed to be “gigantic steps toward progress” in the early part of the last century. I watched a 1940’s documentary on it not long ago. They told of how turning “wasteland” into usable land was the best idea anyone ever had! Today we know that the idea didn’t take into consideration any of the problems that drainage would generate. At the turn of the !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition last century the steel mills of Pittsburgh, PA dumped millions of gallons of polluted water into the nearby rivers and their smokestacks belched so much soot and carbon into the air that it coated just about everything in the city with a black, greasy film of filth. That’s part of the reason they are completely silent today. It appears to me that “economic pollution” of this century is much like the ecological pollution of the last. Just as our resources are finite and you can’t just dump garbage and pollutants without having some long term effect... you can’t constantly take money from an economy without putting some back in. Any farmer knows that formula well. How long can you continue to expect a great harvest from a field you don’t re-nourish with fertilizer? Sure you’ll have a couple of great harvests with a fantastic profit... but it won’t last long and before you know it the land won’t even grow a meager crop. Short term thinking has destroyed our ecology the way that it is now destroying our economy. We must switch our thinking to a more long term mode. What worked in the late 70’s, the 80’s and the 90’s can’t continue because the consumers who made billionaires of people like Waltons of WalMart is unsustainable. From our automobile manufacturers... to our textile industry... our steel making companies... to electronics “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 11 Presents Their 2009-2010 Show Schedule December 5-6 “The 26th Annual Holiday Craft Fair” March 6-7 “The 24 Annual Spring Craft Fair” th May 15-16 “The 19th Annual Summer Craft Fair” October 16-17 been easier to make! The only problem is... who are we going to sell all these goods to? This whole strategy is based on the idea that everyone here in the USA has a great paying job and with lower costs of the products we consume... our buying power is substantially increased. Unfortunately all those “great paying jobs” for the average citizen are fast disappearing. How many workers have taken pay cuts so they can remain at a job threatening to leave the country? How many other jobs have just simply disappeared only to surface in China or Thailand... or even Vietnam? A generation ago we were obsessed with the threat of Communism and these people were our “mortal enemies.” Today they are our “best buddies” all because of economics. The people are no different... business has forced the transformation. The real threat to the USA is not an ideology... but the economy... and the proof is manifesting itself in what most of us are experiencing right now. Recessions or depressions have always been subjective sort of things. If you still have a job... it’s still paying well... you still have benefits and live is continuing as normal... then although you read the headlines in the newspapers, it’s all theoretical. You’re still paying your bills, putting food on the table and driving a new car. In fact, things are actually GREAT because there have never been more bargains out there. Wonderful opportunities exist for real estate, luxury items like boats and airplanes and even places like restaurants and hotels have held the line on price increases in order to try to capture business from those whose pay have diminished. On the other hand if you’re one of the thousands of people who have lost a job to a factory in China... or have taken a substantial pay cut because the other people who have lost their jobs are not buying (like many of us who depend on the art & craft shows) then this depression is not a theory... it’s what we live with every day. The unfortunate part of this equation is that in many cases those people who could actually make a change... the politicians, business leaders in banks and industry... are not motivated to do anything because they are the one reaping the benefits of the stalled economy! What does all this mean to us... as individuals or owners of small business? Well in general we’re probably the ones most likely to be experiencing the reality of depression rather than the theory of it. And as usual... we’re the ones who have to initiate the changes because we are the ones most motivated to create change since the “big guys” don’t have any particular reason to do it other than their “theoretical concern” for a “theoretical situation.” Every time a job is shipped overseas or wages are cut or people are terminated these “leaders” demonstrate their real concern. And, all the power these !! ! e r A s w Visit www.cocoavillage.com for more information o h S e h and show applications T Y P O C Where E L P M A Cocoa Village Craft Fairs S L A I 32923 n PO Box 1 Cocoa o i ARTFlorida t i PVillage, d E ll u F (321) 631-9075 e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a “The 30 Annual Fall Craft Fair” th For information and an application contact: and more... everything is being moved to overseas manufacturing where some third world country can do it cheaper. When those products are brought back here to sell in the US, markups are in the thousands of percent not the hundreds. Money had never 2010 Indoor Mall Schedule... Shows in throughout the Mid-Atlantic Area January 21-24 February 4-7 11-14 March 4-7 11-14 25-28 May 20-23 June 3-6 July 1-4 River Ridge Mall Art & Craft Show Lynchburg, VA Frances Scott Key Mall Art & Craft Show Frederick, MD Cary Towne Center Art & Craft Show Cary, NC Berkshire Mall Art & Craft Show Wyomissing, PA Concord Mall Art & Craft Show Wilmington, DE Magnolia Mall Art & Craft Show Florence, SC Valley View Mall Art & Craft Show Roanoke, VA Cross Creek Mall Art & Craft Show Fayetteville, NC South Park Mall Art & Craft Show Colonial Heights, VA For more information and to apply to our shows please contact... Babs Murrell Murrell Promotions 4127 Parmele Rd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (910) 675-2697 E-mail: murrellpromotion@aol.com 12 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 $230 $230 $230 $230 $230 $230 $230 $230 $230 Fine Arts & Fine Crafts Shows You can always find show applications and our most up-to-date schedule on our Web site: www.communityaffair.com. SW FLORIDA Marco Island, YMCA Sarasota Downtown March 3 & 4, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Dec. 26 & 27, 2009 Sat./Sun. $195; corner $35 Sarasota Downtown Marco Island, YMCA March 6 & 7, 2010 Sat./Sun. $195; corner $35 Dec. 29 & 30, 2009 Tues./Wed. $195; corner $35 Fort Myers/Sanibel Tanger Outlet Siesta Key Beach, Sarasota March 9 & 10, 2010 Tues./Wed. $195; corner $35 . Fort Myers/Sanibel Tanger Outlet March 11 & 12, 2010 Thurs./Fri. $195; corner $35 Punta Gorda Gilchrist Park March 15& 16, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $295; corner $35 Jan. 6 & 7, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Punta Gorda Gilchrist Park Naples Fleischmann Park Jan. 13 & 14, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Naples Italian American Jan. 19 & 20, 2010 Tues./Wed. $195; corner $35 Lido Key Beach, Sarasota March 17 & 18, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Coquina Beach, Bradenton Beach March 24 & 25, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Marco Island, YMCA GEORGIA Sarasota Downtown May 9 & 10, 2010 Sun./Mon. $195; corner $35 Coquina Beach, Bradenton Beach Jan. 27 & 28, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Feb. 3 & 4, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Feb. 8 & 9, 2010 Mon./Tues. $195; corner $35 Savannah !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P for one of the area’s best attended M A S L “Sign up now A n o i t i PARTI and widely d promoted arts and crafts shows E l l u F e h T and community events in the Greater Tampa Area” t e G 3 7 o 1 T 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( Main Street Holiday Celebration m o Call c . s t f 11, 12 & 13, 2009 a r c December d n a t www.ar (Application Deadline 11/15/09) Feb. 13 & 14, 2010 Sat./Sun. $195; corner $35 Punta Gorda, Gilchrist Park COASTAL SOUTH CAROLINA Coquina Beach, Bradenton Beach Charleston Feb. 17 & 18, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 Feb. 24 & 25, 2010 Wed./Thurs. $195; corner $35 “leaders” have is not taken from us... we give it to them. We give it every time we buy supplies marked “made in China”... every time we buy a piece of equipment made in Taiwan and yes... the shrimp that comes from Thailand. The best way to fight back and attempt to restore our economy so we can all make a living is to “consider the bigger picture” and think of the long term effects of our actions rather than the immediate one. Buy your Christmas presents this year from someone at a show who actually makes their own work. Purchase your food from someone who actually grows it themselves. Make it a point to look at labels in the stores and purchase those things made in America... when labels aren’t available then ask. Avoid stores like Wal-Mart, Home Depot & Lowes whenever possible. Don’t use the selfcheckout lanes at stores who would replace workers and customer service with a machine. Remember that your purchase can be an investment in your own future... not just an expense today. When you buy from someone who will not put money back in your pocket... THAT is an expense! When you purchase goods or services from someone who will or could eventually buy from you... THAT is an investment in your own future. If all of us do more investing and we systematically avoid “expenses” the short term may cost a little more... but the alternative is far more costly in the end. Eastern Edition May 13 & 14, 2010 Thurs./Fri. $195; corner $35 12’ X 12’ Outdoor Space - $50.00 “Be A Part Of The Celebration!” Located 35 miles north of Tampa on Florida’s Gulf Coast, New Port Richey offers a charming downtown setting and easy access to one of the state’s largest population centers! Call (727) 842-8066 for applications OR get your application online at www.nprmainstreet.com Greater New Port Richey Main Street, Inc 6231 Grand Boulevard New Port Richey, FL 34652 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 13 I t seems to me that every year I wind up going to a lot of the same shows. Whether the show is great... or just another dud... it seems as though I go back more out of habit than anything else. The show is familiar, the parking is easy, I know places I can eat along the way, I know the sponsors... I go there for many of the same reasons you do. This season I’ve certainly hit a few of the “old favorites,” but I’ve also made it a point to get out to some new events and let you know what’s happening at some shows you may not have thought to do. As you might expect, some were a very pleasant surprise and of course others might be best avoided. For those of you who have been doing the circuit for some time there may be a few of these events you’ll want to consider... for exhibitors who are just starting out or course everything is new so you may want to make a little note by the shows as to what we said here in our review. I’d also like to take a moment to extend to all of you an invitation to contribute to this section of the show guide. These don’t always have to necessarily be my opinions or my “Bits & Pieces”... they can be yours too! If you decide to write, just send your article to dan@wheretheshowsare.net. We’d like to invite you to take advantage of www.wtsanetwork.com . There is no fee to join and it’s open to anyone whether you’re a subscriber or not. We’ve had the system up for ! ! ! s ! w e e r N A & s s Show Review re The Show Y P O C Whe E L P M A S L A I T n o i t i PAR d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 Protect 8 3 ( m all o C c . s t f a r c your home d n a t r .a w w w business… at home, away and in transit. RLI Home Business Insurance meets the many different needs of home-based business owners. Your business is covered while you exhibit at trade shows … when you’re traveling for business … and even at a second location such as a storage facility. Most homeowner policies do not provide this level of protection for home-based businesses, if any. With RLI — a top-rated insurer* — premiums for a year of coverage are similar to the cost other companies charge for a single show. Call us to get the protection your business needs at a price you can afford. ® HOME BUSINESS INSURANCE Call 1-866-741-6560 and in just 10 minutes you could have the coverage you need. Or visit www.insuremyhomebiz.com for more details. RLI Home Business Insurance is underwritten by RLI Insurance Company. *RLI Insurance Company is rated A+ “Superior” by A.M. Best Company and A+ “Strong” by Standard & Poor’s. 14 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 e Shoppers th to s w o h S e “We Bring th w Jersey“ e N & rk o Y w e Throughout N Total Rent for a FOUR DAY Mall Show is $360! Most Spaces are 10’X8’ Including Electric. www.mallcraftshows.com www.nassaucountycraftshows.com INDOOR CRAFT & GIFT SHOWS (Select Space is Still Available This Holiday Season!) Nov. 5 - Dec. 27 Nov. 5 - Dec. 27 Nov. 11 - 15 Nov. 27 - Dec. 24 Nov. 30 - Dec. 6 December 19-20 Source Mall, Westbury NY Jefferson Valley Mall, Yorktown Heights NY Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY (SOLD OUT) Sunrise Mall, Massapequa NY Roosevelt Field Mal, Garden City NY (SOLD OUT) Old Bethpage Village Restoration, Old Bethpage NY January 14-18 January 14-18 February 11-15 February 11-15 February 11-15 February 11-15 March 18-21 April 22-25 May 1-9 May 5-9 May 5-9 May 5-9 May 27-30 June 10-13 June 17-20 June 17-20 June 17-20 September 2-6 Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove NY Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove NY Walt Whitman Mall, Huntington Station NY Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove NY Walt Whitman Mall, Huntington Station NY Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove NY Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Walt Whitman Mall, Huntington Station NY Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Introducing the most effective and cost efficient way to be face to face with over 100,000,000 million shoppers annually! September 2-6 October 7-11 October 7-11 October 7-11 October 7-11 November 3-7 Nov. 6 - Dec. 24 Nov. 20 - Dec. 24 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 26 - Dec. 24 Nov. 29 - Dec. 8 Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove NY Walt Whitman Mall, Huntington Station NY Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City NY Jefferson Valley Mall, Yorktown Heights NY Walt Whitman Mall, Huntington Station NY Newport Centre Mall, Jersey City NJ Menlo Park Mall, Edison NJ Sunrise Mall, Massapequa NY Roosevelt Field Mal, Garden City NY !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T e r PY e h O C W Phone Toll Free: 1-888-959-7467 Email: P Alan@nassaucountycraftshows.com E L M A S L A I T n o i t i PAR d E ll u F e h T t 32nd Annual 3 7 1 To GeThe 0 8 2 Crescent City 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Art & Crafts Show OUTDOOR CRAFT & GIFT SHOWS April 24-25 May 1-2 September 4-5 September 11-12 September 25-26 Merrick Festival, Merrick NY Christopher Morley Park, Roslyn NY Eisenhower Park, East Meadow NY Waterside Festival, Bayville, NY Merrick Festival, Merrick NY one year now and several of you have joined. Of course we have room for a lot more so if you haven’t been by for a visit... please do. AND... make sure to tell any of your friends. Whether you want to discuss the last show you participated in, you have some leftover supplies you need to sell, you’re getting rid of an old canopy or you just want to show off some pictures of your work... then this is the great way for you to communicate with your fellow exhibitors! Now with those important pieces of information out of the way... lets take a look at some of the shows we visited over the last couple of months. Westfield Brandon Mall Art, Craft, & Lifestyle Show Brandon, FL July 30 - August 2, 2009 Kelly Locker Huff’s Promotions, LLC 4275 Fulton Rd NW Canton, OH 44718-2821 330-493-4130 www.huffspromo.com Show Fee: $250.00 Eastern Edition April 2 & 3, 2010 Friday 5-8pm Sat 9am to 5pm For an application visit: www.floridacatfishfestival.com OR Email us at: catfishin434@hotmail.com Deadline: March 15, 2010 (386) 698-1289 Our Festival’s sole purpose is to raise scholarship monies for our local youth. Presented by the Crescent City Rotary Club PO Box 67 Crescent City, FL 32112 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 15 Two Great American Craft Shows in Florida This Season Outstanding Events Both in West Palm Beach! n th i s a m t Chris llage Vi ican r e m A t a The Greaft Show Cr December 11-13, 2009 January 15 - 31, 2010 e Yesteryear Village West Palm Beach, FL South Florida Fair West Palm Beach, FL Last year’s attendance: 598, 268 guiding the company for the last year or so. Changes like this bring both good and bad so we’ve waited to say much so we could observe the results of the change. After going to a few shows and talking with Kelly on the phone quite a bit over the last year I can report to you that she is both competent and very professional. As I had hoped, Kelly has also given the company a much needed !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a For more information please call: MWX Marketing 865-453-0074 Email: MWXmarketing@aol.com Website application download: www.MWXmarketing.com Click on Great American Craft Show Summer in Florida does not scream “Atrt & Crafts Show!” There are some going on... but not a lot. The major exception to that of course are the various fairground shows and of course the indoor mall shows which are dominated by Huff’s Promotions. Our history with Huff’s goes back a long way to the early 90’s when they were one of the first advertisers in our guide. It’s hard to believe, but we’ve been listing their shows and running the ads for almost 20 years now! For those of you who don’t know or maybe haven’t talked to anyone at Huff’s lately, there has been a big management change at the company. Wendy Bourne who was with the company almost since the beginning has retired from active participation and Kelly Locker, another long time veteran has stepped up to the helm and has now been “breath of fresh air” that has resulted in a more aggressive and progressive attitude toward both getting exhibitors in the show and customers through the door! The Westfield Brandon Mall was the target of my visit here in August and quite frankly I didn’t know what to expect. Once there though I was pleasantly surprised at the 16 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 VENDORS WANTED De 45 th FESTIVA L FEB. 26 - 28, 2010 ART & C R S FT AND NAUTICAL MARKET D R OO A BOAT SHOW LAND O UT EIGHTH ANNUAL KEY WEST Outdoor Art Festival Crafts & Juried Art March 27 & 28, 2010 !! ! e r At A s w o h S e h T e Earl Brown Park Y r P e h O C W E L 305-393-6099 AMP S DeLand, Florida L A I T n R o i t i PA d E l l u F e h T t e G 3 7 o Awards 1 T 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 Best in Show $1500 ( l l m o Ca c . s t f Award of Excellence $1000 a r c d n a t Award of Distinction $750 www.ar Applications are available online at: www.keywestboatshow.com info@keywestboatshow.com number of customers and the quality of work being exhibited. I got to visit with quite a few people I normally see in the regular outdoor shows during the normal season and then I also got to talk to several people I hadn’t encountered before at the regular shows. Overall the exhibitors seemed to have a very positive report to make regarding the way they were treated by Huff’s Promotions and the sales they were making. A mall show is a real “double edged sword.” There are plenty of customers compared to what you might find in an outdoor craft show, but then again there is plenty of competition from retailers working with gigantic marketing budgets. As you might imagine that creates some very one sided competition. Luckily the people at Huff’s Promotions are well aware of this potential conflict so the process by which they select the work you exhibit is critical... AND MANY MORE!!! For More Information... Visit Us at: www.delandoutdoorartfest.com Or Contact: July 2010 Gatlinburg, TN Anna Pascoe 16 thru 20 21 thru 25 October 2010 Gatlinburg, TN 7 thru 12 13 thru 18 19 thru 24 225 South Brooks Ave DeLand, FL 32720 (386) 734-3243 Tom & Patty Clausen (386) 717-1888 Email: jclausen2@cfl.rr.com Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 17 The St. Augustine Lions Club Presents Their... Seafood Music 29th Annual FESTIVAL Arts Craf ts Show and they seem to do a great job at carrying it out! Both the careful selection of just the right exhibitors along with good promotion and quality work combine to provide some pretty decent sales on an early August long weekend. By the way... one more thing Huff’s have done recently in some of their mall shows is to let you do just the weekend if you prefer. Not everyone who would like to participate has the capability to stay all four days. Then again if you can do all four it’s not a bad bargain. The four day show costs $250.00 while doing two days will cost you $200.00 for the entry fee. Don’t let the summer heat keep you away from a show if you need the business and can’t travel. This one is well worth giving some strong consideration! Buckler Promotions Summer Shows Lakeland, Melbourne & Tampa August & September 2009 Margaret Buckler Buckler Promotions 1697 Doyle Rd Deltona, FL 32725 386-860-0092 www.bucklerpromotions.com Show Fee: $195.00 - $225.00 since the very beginning of our publication. Over the years we’ve been to so many Buckler shows that I couldn’t even begin to count them. We’ve seen some shows so good you wouldn’t want to even mention them to your best friends! And of course it’s inevitable some were barely adequate. Through it all... winter, spring, summer & fall... just about every month of the year... every year... you’ll find Margaret Buckler and her staff working diligently on whatever the next show is on the schedule. In fact, whether the show is great or just good... whether she’s signed up 50 exhibitors or 600... I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who personally works harder or more consistently than does Margaret. She always has billboards, newspaper advertising, coupons for discount admission to her shows, a big email list and just about every other trick there is to have up her sleeve in order to attract both exhibitors and customers. The shows we visited this summer Lakeland, Melbourne and Tampa are all representative of the quality and the work the Bucklers bring to the table when they put on a show. Anyone who’s been through the !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f Friday March 12 a r c d n a t r Saturday March 13 www.a Here’s another show sponsor we’ve known for a long time. And again someone who has be listing and advertising with us Sunday March 14 Applications available online Visit us at: www.lionsfestival.com E-mail: exhibitors@lionsfestival.com St. Augustine, Florida Francis Field - Visitor’s Center 12’ X 12’ Space $140.00 Deadline: 2/15/2010 For more information call: (904) 829-1753 All Proceeds Benefit Lions Club Charities 18 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 APRIL 10 & 11, 2010 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A I 46th Annual dition PARTThe E l l u F e h T t e G 3 7 o 1 Old Florida T 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call Celebration c . s t f a r Arts c d n a t r of the www.a circuit more than once knows how hard it is to bring out the customers in the summer. But with a bunch of effort Margaret does just that and usually has a respectable show. And at a time when others have raised their fee to new heights, Buckler Promotions has held Downtown Cedar Key, Florida April 24-25, 2010 (Application Deadline February 15, 2010) $20,000 cash & purchase awards Juried Show Maximum 130 Exhibitors Fee: $125.00 Space: 10'X10’ For Information & Application Contact the line and hasn’t had a substantial increase in years. Just to check out that theory I went back into our old records to see what was being charged. You have to go clear back to around the year 2000 to see and significant difference in the cost of an entry fee. Now that’s representative of someone who has carefully watched the market and has worked with exhibitors to continue to produce shows in an affordable way. Of course you can’t compare these Eastern Edition Festival Committee PO Box 298 - Cedar Key, FL 32625 (352) 543-5400 l.com www.CedarKeyArtsFestival.com ZAPPLICATION AVAILABLE Made possible through funding provided by Levy County Tourism Development Council, Cedar Key CRA, & the Cedar Key Arts Center. “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 19 just north of Okeechobee and other than Rt. 27 & Rt. 70 the biggest problem it has is that short of arriving by private airplane there just isn’t any good way to get to the place Spring 2010 Art & Craft Shows January 16 & 17 The Art League of Marco Island Fine Crafts Show $200.00 21 & 22 St. Marks Episcopal Church Arts & Crafts Festival $200.00 Winterberry Drive 350 S Barfield Dr 10 & 11 February St. Marks Episcopal Church Arts & Crafts Festival 350 S Barfield Dr 13 & 14 Sunrise Rotary Craft Festival Veteran’s Park - Elkcam Circle West 6&7 March The Irish Heritage Celebration - 2nd Annual Veteran’s Park - Elkcam Circle West $200.00 $175.00 $195.00 17 & 18 St. Theresa’s Art & Crafts Show $200.00 20 & 21 Marco Island’s Seafood Festival $200.00 25 & 26 St. Marks Episcopal Church Arts & Crafts Festival $200.00 St. Theresa’s Church - North Ft. Myers that doesn’t involve a lot of hours behind the wheel. I’ve made the drive several times in the past and it always seems that somehow I get behind farm equipment or maybe a slow truck hauling oranges... you name it... chances are I’ve followed it to Lake Placid. The nice thing though, is once you arrive you’ll be impressed buy what a nice little town this really is. It’s definitely rural Florida... but I mean that in a very good way. A large portion of the local residents are involved in either the traditional business of orange groves or more recently the growing of caladiums. In fact, ninety-nine percent of !! ! e r A s w o h S e Pam Patullo (732) 682-3230 h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Veteran’s Park - Elkcam Circle West 350 S Barfield Dr For More information and an application contact... PO Box 671 Manasquan, NJ 08736 Email: pam@kraftfairs.com Download an application at www.kraftfairs.com summer events to fall shows... that would be an unfair comparison. But I’ve been up the coast and back again in the summer... and these shows are worth considering. AND... since they all take place inside with air-conditioning and protection from the rain, the only thing I’ve seen stop Buckler’s shows from happening are the hurricanes we occasionally experience. These shows are definitely craft shows. I’ve seen some fine art from time to time... but crafts are what sells at the Buckler shows so make sure that’s what you have to offer. When you’re putting together your schedule this upcoming year make sure to take a look at all they have to offer. OH... and for those of you who don’t know... Buckler Promotions is now handling THE HARVEST in Miami. This event continues to draw great crowds every year and offers an outstanding opportunity so sell in South Florida. Caladium Festival - 19th Lake Placid, FL August 28-30, 2009 Marjorie Callas/Eileen May Caladium Arts & Crafts Coop 18 N Oak Ave Lake Placid, FL 33852 863-441-0585 www.visitlakeplacidflorida.com Show Fee: $100.00 Lake Placid, Florida is a long drive from just about anywhere in the south. It’s located 20 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 the world’s caladiums are grown here, making this small rural community the Caladium Capital of the World! This festival celebrates that achievement. Well now that you know the history of caladiums and how hard it can be to get to Lake Placid... lets talk a bit about the show. The first thing you need to know about this event is that it seems regardless of how The Venice - Nokomis Rotary Club Presents the 18th Annual... 33rd Annual Leesburg Fine Arts Festival January 16 & 17, 2010 Venice, Florida Cash Prizes of $4000 March 6 - 7, 2010 Juried show Fine Arts, Fine Crafts Fee: $233.20 For more information contact: Venice-Nokomis Rotary Art Festival PO Box 1761 Venice, FL 34284-1761 $7,500 Plus Advance Purchase Awards Postmark Deadline November 30, 2009 (941) 468-1254 V-NRotaryArtFest@comcast.net well the show goes each year, it usually sells out by the deadline date. In fact, if you’d like to participate it’s smart to get your application in as soon as possible because I know that in the past they’ve had so many applications that the event was actually closed out before the deadline date! I don’t know how fair that is... but I know it did happen. The rather “off the beaten trail” location make the town difficult to reach... but at the same time it also means that it’s difficult for the locals to get to other places too so as you might imagine, the turn out is usually very good for the show. This last summer was no exception... crowds were good while we were Located in Historic Downtown Leesburg, Florida Convient reserved artist / RV parking. 24 Hour Security Artist Awards Reception Extensive Marketing Campaign Application on-line (address below). there and several exhibitors told us they had been good for the last couple of days. Many of those same people had done the show for several years and they also told us that sales we substantially off this year as compared to previous events. The bottom line is that the show is usually well worth doing... in fact you’d probably usually call it excellent for a summer show in Florida. This year several people told us it was only marginally worth the drive. In all fairness... we are in a depression... and I’ve heard the same story over and over again at many of the events we’ve attended. The problem really is that you just can’t fairly !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll Bartow’s 39th Annual u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a BA www.LeesburgArtFestival.com For more information: 352-365-0232 PO Box 492857 - Leesburg, FL 34749 LeesburgArtCenter4Arts@earthlink.net loomin’ rts F E S T I V A March 6 & 7, 2010 L ( Application Deadline December 31, 2009 ) $15,000 Prize Money and Purchase Awards Best of Show - $2,000 Best Overall - $1,000 Fine Arts and Crafts 150 Outdoor Spaces, Juried by 3 Slides of Artwork Plus 1 of Display $130.00 Including $15.00 Jury Fee. Contact: Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce (863) 534-1877 PO Box 632 Bartow, Florida 33831 Send SASE for Application www.bartowchamber.com Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 21 Cocoa Village Fall Show Cocoa, FL October 17 & 18, 2009 Catherine Sligh Historic Cocoa Village PO Box 1 Cocoa, FL 32923-0001 321-631-9075 www.CocoaVillage.com Show Fee: $137.00 We’ve been to the Cocoa Village shows many times over the years. During that time we’ve both participated as exhibitors and visited as publishers of our guide. And we’ve seen the full gamut of results with the show. Over all those years there have been a surprisingly few “changes of the guard” for the event. Initially we dealt with JoAnne Gunn... known for her strong handed approach to show management. Then the baton was passed to Jack Wharton who stumbled a bit in the beginning but turned out to be an excellent show manager. Next we answered to Lorena Palmero and during her “reign” we saw some decline in both quality of exhibitor as well as attendance at the show. In all fairness though, she did take control right at the beginning of a serious recession... it may !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T THE 26TH ANNUAL HERNANDO C OUNTY 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r Art, Craft &wMusic ww.aFestival compare your sales three or four years ago during some of the best years we’ve ever seen, with those you’ll experience when some people are more concerned with paying their mortgages than they are about buying your work at a show. In any case... this year excepted... the Caladium Festival is a summer event well worth considering. Get your application in early... and lets hope by next year we’re well on our way to getting out of the current economic problems! Art in the Park May 1ST 2ND, 2010 & Brooksville, Florida CASH AWARDS at Tom Varn Park OF OVER $6400 Juried Fine Art & Separate Crafts Section 160 Exhibitors 10,000+ Attendance $115.00 Space Fee includes Jury Fee Food Concessions: $265.00 Hernando County Fine Arts Council PO Box 1998 Brooksville, Florida 34605 artist & food applications available at www.hernandoarts.org (352) 754-4788 Application deadline: April 4, 2010 22 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 have been difficult to keep up the pace under those circumstances. This now brings us to the new “master of ceremonies” Catherine Sligh. You’ll notice as soon as you hear her accent that she’s not a native of Florida... or for that matter of the USA. She comes to us via Ireland and the story of how she wound up in Florida is interesting. Catherine took over just a few weeks Flagler County Home & Lifestyle Show January 16-17, 2010 Only 115 fine artists and crafters accepted 772.334.3444 Exhibit Space Application www.JensenBeachFlorida.info 9 Flagler Palm Coast High School Campus Saturday, January 30st, 2010 Sunday, January 31st, 2010 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturday & Sunday ach e few Florida. Florida. a.info before the Fall Show and had her hands full right from the beginning. Lorena had taken all the show records with her when she unexpectedly left the position so Catherine was faced with not only running a show within a couple of weeks but also reconstructing the missing records as well. To make matters worse there was a malfunction of the office phone system that took a few days to straighten out and then her husband and oldest son came down with the swine flu! Can you Anticipated Attendance to Home Show/ Service Fair/ Art Show 25,000 Limited Indoor & Outdoor Exhibit Spaces Booth Fee: $65.00 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll 89 Annual u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a For more information call (386) 446-7612 Or visit our website www.flaglerhomeshow.com Presented by Flagler County Schools Adult/Community Education Dept Daytona Beach News Journal, and the Flagler/Palm Coast News Tribune th think of many more challenges to meet at a new job? We heard a few complaints from exhibitors... but in all honesty if you know all the circumstances then I’m sure it’s easy to understand a bit of confusion. Even without taking into consideration all the initial problems... the show actually came off pretty well. There were plenty of exhibitors... lots of customer and aside from a couple of misunderstandings about booth assignment I’d say this was a job well done. I’ve talked to Catherine since and she has quite a few good ideas designed to both enhance the attendance by shoppers and to Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 23 This Year, 23 Scidoo To Sebring's 27th Annual 20's pretty much describes this north Florida event. Located “around the sink hole” in High Springs the show feature a nice selection of crafts, a pleasant shopping experience for people attending, convenient parking, good Arts & Crafts Show February 13, 2010 In Historic Downtown Sebring !! ! e r A s w o h S e h ENJOY THE 1920'S Te HEME ,T GREAT FOOD, e Y r P h O C W E THE ENTERTAINMENT ALONG WITH SOME OFM L P! A S L BEST ARTS & CRAFTS IN CT ENTRAL F LORIDA A n o i AR I t i P d E ll u For Space Reservations & Information Contact: F e h T Get 3 7 Robin oHinote 1 T 0 8 SEBRING CRA 386) 42 l ( FL 33870 fts.com 368 S. Commerce Ave. CalSebring, a r c d n a t (863) 471-5104 www.ar Space Sizes 10'X14’ Show Fee: $60.00 increase the quality and quantity of exhibitors. It appears to me she brings some good, fresh ideas to the table along with a new enthusiasm for the event that has been missing for a while. I’m sure she’s open to your ideas too if you www.merchantassociates.us Accept Credit Cards � Increase sales 40-60%! � Fast & easy to get set up! Digital & Mobile Units Available, No Phones nes or Electricity Needed! ed! No Monthly Minimum! mum! No Contract! Call Today! 1-800-799-0500 Merchant Associates, Inc.. Specializing in Artists & Craftsmen,Homebased & Mail Order 24 signage to attract customers and a very visible location... a nice balance of all things that make for a decent show. I don’t think anyone got rich selling their crafts at this show... but there were quite a few bags leaving the event too. Not every craft show has to be a gigantic production to be considered successful. In fact, even in a have them and they are constructive. The show has had a couple of lulls in the past... but the new optimism for the future is infective and we look forward to some great shows over the next few years. High Springs Fall Festival High Springs, FL October 10, 2009 High Springs Chamber PO Box 863 High Springs, FL 32655 386-454-3120 www.highsprings.com Show Fee: $60.00 This is a nice little craft show. That “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 very large show with thousands of customers and hundreds of exhibitors you’ll find that the actually number of sales you make is proportionately quite small. A successful show can be more about balance... the number of exhibitors compared to the number of shoppers... and High Springs offers just that in this low key event. I wouldn’t drive 200 miles to be in this show... maybe someday that will be the case... but not yet. If however I were anywhere in the area I’d definitely consider participating. In fact, this would be a fantastic starter show for a craftsman who had limited inventory and needed exposure and a few sales. I really enjoyed visiting the show... it brought back memories for me about how I got started in some of the nice , smaller shows. I met some of the friendliest exhibitors here in High Springs an under the right circumstances I’d definitely recommend considering this show for next year. Pioneer Day - 30th Annual Mayo, FL October 9 & 10, 2009 Cheryl Hollis Lafayette Chamber 116 SW Monroe Ave Mayo, FL 32066 386-294-2705 www.lafayettecountychamber.com Show Fee: $50.00 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 Expand YourTo Get 7 1 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( Art Into m o Call c . s t f a New Marketswww.artandcr If you live in northern Florida or southern Georgia... and you sell crafts... and you enjoy a real “down home” sort of craft show, then this is the event for you! Decorated apparel is a hot market that allows artist to showcase their work on multiple garments at a price that is affordable for their customers. Call today toll-free 1-800-872-1555 to learn more about this profitable business opportunity. www.pantograms.com Eastern Edition Art_Craft_ad.indd 1 Embroider Digitally Pr or Your Artw int on Apparelork . I haven’t been to Pioneer Day in probably close to ten years or so... but aside from the faces of the exhibitors... and a name change from Mayo Pioneer Days to Lafayette County 6/2/09 3:04:47 PM “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 25 Maitland Spring Festival of the Arts Application Pioneer Days things haven’t changed all that much. In addition to some great crafts, there is a full entertainment schedule, local civic groups with all kinds of food, a nice exhibit of pioneer life and an enjoyable atmosphere Saturday & Sunday April 17 & 18, 2010 On the shores of Lake Lily Cash Awards www.maitlandchamber.com Application Instructions Fees: Each application must be accompanied by a check for $225 ($40 nonrefundable jury fee plus $185 space rental). Check will be deposited upon receipt. Make check payable to Maitland Area Chamber of Commerce. Artwork: A total of THREE (3) slides, photographs or electronic files must be submitted including one of the display setup. These should reasonably represent the applicant’s style of work. Print name clearly on each side and indicate top and front. Acceptance: Applicants a pioneer type of festival. The people who attend are mainly from the surrounding little towns and there are no major metropolitan areas nearby. Attendance is very good though and the people who come do spend a fair amount of time and part with a fair amount of money buying from a nice selection of exhibitors. I would say for the $50.00 entry fee this is a very good investment in an early season show. Sales were decent according to most people I spoke with and most indicated they would return next year. Tarpons Springs Sponge Docks Tarpon Springs, FL September 3, 4 & 5, 2009 Terri Rudzitis TNT Events PO Box 623 Inverness, FL 34451-0623 352-344-0657 www.tnteventsinc.com Show Fee: $185.50 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a will be notified as soon as possible after the deadline. Please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope (with sufficient postage) for notification of acceptance status and to return slides if not accepted. Accepted artists’ slides will be returned on opening of show. You MUST be in conformance of juried work. A submitted application is a commitment, NO REFUNDS will be made. that is infective to both exhibitors and shoppers alike. I saw quite a few familiar faces as I walked through the show and spoke with exhibitors... and this was balanced by a fair number of new exhibitors too just “stretching their limbs” a bit and starting to learn the business. Probably the most unusual aspect of this show is that it’s a Friday & Saturday show, not the ususal Saturday & Sunday arrangement. So when you see it in our I’ve been to a few TNT shows over the last few years and for the most part they we OK shows. You spend your money and you Entries should be submitted to: Maitland Area Chamber of Commerce 110 N. Maitland Ave. Maitland, FL 32751 Complete the application and sign the General Release. Name: Address: (Artist Name Only) City: State: Zip: Phone: I do hereby and forever discharge the Maitland Chamber Arts Festival Committee, the Maitland Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Maitland and their guests, employees or representatives, Maitland Civic Center and sponsors of from any and all actions, suits, damages, claims and demands whatsoever in law or equity from any loss or damage to the undersigned’s property while in the possession, supervision or auspices of the Maitland Chamber Spring Festival of the Arts Committee and the City of Maitland, Florida. X 26 (Applicant’s Signature) listings and you think we made a mistake... we didn’t. As I said earlier... this is a craft show, hands down. And at that, it is primarily a country craft show as you might expect at “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 can expect enough sales to justify coming back again. Terri and her husband are always pleasant, the show goes on as planned, customers show up and sales are made. Judging by the fact that she has quite a few exhibitors returning each year it’s obvious they must be meeting with a reasonable degree of success. You can imagine my delight when I decided to go to the Tarpons Springs Labor Day show and when I got there it Proceeds benefit the community Now accepting applications for Fine Artists Proud Sponsor of the Fine Art Show January 9 & 10, 2010 *22nd Annual * Held in historic downtown Crystal River Juried Fine Art Show Free Continental Breakfast Walking Distance to Amenities FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT SUZANNE AT THE CITRUS COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (352) 726-2801 EMAIL : ccommerce1@tampabay.rr.com www.citruscountychamber.com was actually difficult to get a good parking place! By contrast... whenever I go to a show and parking is absolutely no problem at all... I’ve got to be prepared to hear a lot of complaints. Of all the shows that have taken place there over the last bunch of years I had actually never been to the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Spring before. I can see right from the start why this is a desirable location. You have a natural flow of tourists looking to take in the local ambiance and when you combine that with the shoppers drawn by the show all on relatively narrow walkways the impression of a really nice crowd is definitely enhanced. This impression then leads to even more people and it also slows the customers down and that leads to more buying. Ironically I Presents !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI 24th Annual Safety Harbor, FL d E l l u F e KIWANIS MAIN STREET h T t e G 3 7 1 FESTIVAL To 0 8 2 4 ) 6 May 16, 2010 OTEECallIVER (38 m o c . s t f a r c d n SEAFOOD FwESTIVAL ta& r a Selected Arts & Fine Crafts . w w C 29th Annual Safety Harbor, FL SAFETY HARBOR KIWANIS HOLIDAY FESTIVAL December 13, 2009 R BOAT SHOW May 8th & 9th, 2010 Downtown New Port Richey, Florida On the Gulf, just 30 miles north of Tampa ART & CRAFTS - Highlighting handmade nautical & natural work BOAT SHOW KIDS ACTIVITIES GREAT FOOD BLUES BY THE RIVER CONCERT NAUTICAL DISPLAYS & MORE Be a part of the fun this year ! 12’X12’ Space $100.00 Named “The most outstanding special event in the State of Florida for 2001” “Top Twenty Special Event in Southeast 2004” A popular show attended by 10,000 patrons Download Artist & Exhibitor applications www.SafetyHarborKiwanis.org P.O. Box 312 Safety Harbor, Florida 34695 727-726-4830 Fax 727-726-6378 For an application contact: Greater New Port Richey Main Street, Inc 6231 Grand Boulevard New Port Richey, FL 34652 727-842-8066 www.nprmainstreet.com Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 27 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Celebrating American Made Work Since 1989 was very minimal here and it was clear Terri was selective about those she accepted for the show. Overall I’d recommend this show. There were a fair amount of sales, a good crowd, a nice location and a fair entry fee relative to the quality of the show. !! ! e r A s w Suncoast Art & Craft Festival o h S e h T Clearwater, FL Y P O C Where E L October 3, 2009 P M A S L A Bridget Hartwick n o i t i PARTI d E ll Hospice Of Florida Suncoast u F e h T 2675 Tampa Rd 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 Palm Harbor, FL 34684 2 4 ) 6 8 727-586-4432 m o Call (3 c . s t f a r www.thehospice.org c d n a t r Show Fee: FREE www.a don’t think I spoke to one exhibitor who was complaining about sales... what a nice treat! And of course as nice as that was for me... it was even nicer for the exhibitors parting with merchandise and putting cash in their pockets! If you’re considering this event for 28 Labor Day next year... and you really should give it some thought... you’ll want to know what was selling. Although there were a few people selling some fine art... primarily what you’ll see walking out the door in bags are quality crafts. Although there was some buy/sell as you’ll see in most any show... it “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 There just aren’t too many shows out there that are free... but this is one of them! Well it isn’t exactly “Free...” but there is no set fee, it’s simply a donation to this worthwhile Two Great Shows This Year! The 9th Annual Englewood Winter Fine Arts Festival December 5 & 6, 2009 Fine Art & Fine Crafts Best of Show $1000.00 2d $500.00 3d $500.00 First, Second & Third Place Winners in 9 Categories Extensive Advertising Englewood, Florida on West Dearborn Street Exhibit Fee: $150.00 ($175.00 after 10/15/2009) plus $15.00 jury fee Application Deadline: October 15, 2009 The 29th Annual Englewood Spring ! ! ! e r A s w o h S Arts Festival e Fine h T e r he COPY cause and that is based upon your generosity. I don’t know what many of you know about Hospice, but this is an extremely worthwhile organization that provides care for those people who are terminally ill and are doing their best to be comfortable in their final days. This location like others I’ve seen is peaceful W E 2010 L P M A March 27 & 28, S IAL n o i t i PARTBest d E of Show $1000.00 ll u F e h 2d $500.00 3d $500.00 T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Englewood, Florida In the heart of Olde Englewood Village First, Second & Third Place Winners in 9 Categories Extensive Advertising Exhibit Fee: $150.00 ($175.00 after 2/1/2010) plus $15.00 jury fee Application Deadline: February 1, 2010 For information or an application contact: The Rotary Club of Englewood Fine Arts Festival PO Box 176 Englewood, FL 34295-0176 (941) 286-3870 www.englewoodfineartfests.org All Proceeds Benefit The Englewood Youth Foundation, Inc and other Rotary Projects and serene as you might expect. The staff is respectful and understanding. The lifestyle those in need are given is as good as you might expect under the circumstances. I don’t know many people who are happy about their eventual demise... but once they accept the inevitable, what’s left of life can be spent with a fullness not usually available. Eastern Edition It’s clear I personally am thankful such a place exists. But regardless of cost... which under any circumstances is reasonable in this case... we still have to make money to continue to be in this business! One nice thing here is that even though the advertising seems to be minimal, there were a fair amount of people wandering around making purchases. I’m sure the event was well publicized to the families and friends of current residents as well as to those families that have been served in the past. The type of work and the level of work varied widely from some very good photographers I’ve seen at quite a few events to a couple of women doing “handicrafts” from kits they purchased at Michaels craft www.merchantassociates.us Accept Credit Cards � Increase sales 40-60%! � Fast & easy to get set up! Digital & Mobile Units Available, No Phones nes or Electricity Needed! ed! No Monthly Minimum! mum! No Contract! Seasonal Accountss Call Today! 1-800-799-0500 Merchant Associates, Inc.. Specializing in Artists & Craftsmen,Homebased & Mail Order “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 29 store. No one appeared to be making major purchases but I’d say most exhibitors left the show with between $100.00 an $300.00 in sales. Nothing to set the world on fire... but if you live nearby, don’t have a show already anyway and want to do something with next to no risk then this may be the event for you. Ironically I’ve been to shows that charged $100.00 or more for an entry fee and had less customers and less sales. I wouldn’t recommend traveling from very far or taking expensive pieces to this show... but it could work out to be worthwhile under the right circumstances. Exhibit at the St. Augustine Art & Craft Festival Sat. & Sun., April 10 & 11 ENTRY DEADLINE: January 31, 2010 ONLINE APPLICATION: staart@bellsouth.net • Over 50 years of festivals! Two Annually— Thanksgiving weekend and the weekend after Easter • Juried Fine Art & Craft Show • Located at Francis Field next to Visitor’s Center and multi-level parking garage • Easy Friday setup • Extensive advertising & promotion 22 Marine St. St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-824-2310 www.staaa.org Deland Rivertown Show Deland, FL September 26-27, 2009 Virginia or Sandy Mainstreet Deland Assoc. PO Box 3194 Deland, FL 32721 386-738-0649 www.mainstreetdeland.org Show Fee: $85.00 VENICE FLORIDA AIRPORT FESTIVAL GROUNDS Are!!! s w o h S e& CRAFTS PY FOOD FOSSILS ARTS h T e r e h O ENTERTAINMENT C W CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES E L P M A S L A I 18 ANNUAL T n o i t i PAR d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a TH festival APRIL 9, 10, 11, 2010 Accepting 110 Artists & Craftsmen Booth Fee: $135.00 Application Deadline: April 1, 2010 Extensive Advertising & Community Support Call: (941) 412-0402 www.sharkstoothfest.com 30 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 The Deland Rivertown Festival is a nice season opener for what is normally mostly crafts. I’ve attended this show more times than I can count and everytime I go... I look forward to coming back again next year. Although sales did seem a bit off this year compared to others... this festival is always well worth considering. The committee is very careful in selecting a group of quality exhibitors and the work is a nice mix so everyone has a good chance to sell. Of course like any other early season show the weather can play a critical role in the show’s outcome. Although as I said sales seemed to be a bit down this year (as in most shows this year... welcome to a slow economy) they we still steady and in fact a few exhibitors told us they had a really great show! One of the problems of being a publisher of a show guide is that the people who are having a very slow show are the ones who have plenty of time to talk to you and the exhibitors who are actually doing quite well have no time at all... so of course the impression one gets can be somewhat off as to the real results of the show. As an exhibitor chatting with other participants about events they’ve attended you have to be aware of the same issues. Everyone wants to tell you about the show that was a real nightmare, but they won’t hardly speak a word about the event where they really cleaned up! Of course the reality is that they don’t want the competition. Arts,Crafts,Parades and Festivals,in Davie Florida The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the third annual 2009 - 2010 Shows � Holiday Craft and Plant Show, November 21 & 22, 2009 � SW Green Fair (Green vendors only), February 6, 2010 � 73nd Annual Orange Blossom Parade, Rodeo, Crafts and Fine Arts Street Show, February 27 & 28, 2010 � Independence Day Crafts and Fireworks, July 4, 2010 � Labor Day Splash & Crafts Show, September 6, 2010 � Free General Admission � All Day Entertainment Town of of Davie Special Town Davie SpecialEvents, Events, Davie DavieFlorida Florida Call(954) 797-1163 ororvisi www.davie-fl.gov Call (954) 797-1163 visit www.davie-fl.gov While we were at the show we didn’t see nine out of ten people carrying work back to their cars, but it did seem as thought there was a relatively steady stream of buying customers. And it was hard to lay a hand on exactly which category of work was on the way back to the area homes. With Stetson University located just down the street from the location of the show, you always have a well educated, culturally oriented group of shoppers and that opens the door to not only quality crafts... but to art as well. In fact, later in the fall the Deland Fall April 10TH & 11TH, 2010 (Application Deadline 2/28/2010) ! Shops at Wiregrass !The ! e r A s w o Wesley Chapel, Florida h S e h T Y Over 55,000 P O C Where E L P M A Attendened Last Year S L A I T n R o i it PA d E l l u F e h T t e G 3 7 1 To 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r Entry Fee: $125.00 www.a “Extensive advertising including a radio partnership, major and local newspapers, multiple web sites, magazines, banners, posters, fliers and more.” (before 2/28/2010) Entry Fee: $150.00 (after 2/28/2010) February 20 & 21, 2010 Eastern Edition Art Show always draws a nice crowd and decent sales. Next year when you’re getting ready to dust off that canopy and break out the display for another year... you owe it to yourself to give this show a call and see if you might fit in. The fee is reasonable, the setup is easy, the sponsors always do a great job of advertising and since the location of the event is right in the middle of town you can’t be missed by just about anyone passing through. Some years are always better than others... but as far as I can see... and obviously by what so many returning exhibitors we see each year can tell you... this is an event you’ll want to give some serious consideration to including as a starter next year. This event is sponsored by... The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce 29142 Chapel Park Dr Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 For information or questions, please contact Laura at (813) 382.8412 or Cindy (813) 505-3065 Download an application at: www.wesleychapelartshow.com “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 31 Central Park Copying... WINTER HAVEN, FLORIDA Downtown on the Park Fourth Street and Central Avenue Is it a Rip-off? !! ! e r A s w o h Compliment? S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d Or E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( ll m Experience? o CaLearning c . s t f a andcr MARCH 20-21, 13-14, 2010 2004 MARCH j j $11,000 $11,000 IN Purchase Awards & AWARDS Cash Prizes * Free Admission * * Student Exhibits * * Art Available for Purchase * * Great Food * * Free Entertainment * Application deadline 1/31/2010 Artists wishing to participate should contact: Christy Hemenway Ridge Art Association Chain of Lakes Complex 210 Cypress Gardens Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 Phone: 1-863-291-5661 E-Main: office@ridgeart.org t www.ar T hose of us who have been on this earth for any length of time have had someone at some time copy us. Mostly it’s something like a hair style... an article of clothing we’ve selected... maybe they’ve even picked up on a saying we use in conversation or a mannerism we’ve exhibited when around friends. For the most part we’ll just smile, or chuckle to ourselves. But when someone copies the work we present at a show, that’s an entirely different story! Although there are really very few new ideas under the sun, a direct copy is at the very least an unethical act. Now there’s Beach! e h T n O k c a B e We’r for our 30th Annual Festival of the Arts Food Vendors should contact: Rick (863) 289-5657 January 30 & 31, 2010 Information and registration are now available Judi Stanich Deerfield Cultural Committee 150 NE 2nd Ave Deerfield Beach, FL 33441-3598 (954) 480-4433 Sponsored by the City of Deerfield Beach www.deerfieldbeachfestivals.com 32 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 nothing wrong with looking around at other people’s work to get some novel ideas of your own or even if you modify someone else’s Winthrop Rotary Art Festival Riverview, Florida on Winthrop Main Street May 1 & 2, 2010 (Deadline March 15, 2010) Entry Fee: $130.00 Jury Fee: $30.00 (Entry Fee $175.00 after deadline date) “A Juried Fine Art & Fine Craft Show in an Upscale Area $7000.00 in Cash Awards & Patron Purchase Awards.” CHILDREN’S ART & CRAFTS TENT CHILDREN’S STAGE ENTERTAINMENT CONCERTS ART PAINTING LESSONS Download an application at www.winthropartfestival.com EMAIL: marymboor@verizon.net (813) 484-6886 PO Box 718 Brandon, FL 33509 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e The 12th Annual h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a theme substantially, but an out and out rip off is something to be avoided at all cost. If it’s ever happened to you, it’s hard to believe that old fairy tale... “imitation is the highest form of flattery!” There are a million ways to get an idea for a product or other piece of work you want to present at a show. Personally I like to walk through several shows and see what kinds of things are selling best. Are fabric items doing well... are large wood items a good seller or are small ones in greater demand. Do I see more customers buying jewelry or is pottery leaving in the bags of more shoppers. This “market research” will help point you in a general direction and at the very least, in the direction of things people are buying. Another idea for coming up with an idea is to go through old magazines and look at the ads and articles. Although I don’t think I’d start mass merchandising hand cranks for Model T’s, there are lots of things our great grandparents used in everyday life that have been forgotten over time but are still quite a good idea today! For instance, the headbands “flappers” used in the 1920’s reappeared a few years ago as “hair twisties.” Lots of crafters made a good deal of money off the idea whose time had come eighty years ago. As I go through shows I see wooden ironing Juried art and high-quality fine crafts March 13 & 14, 2010 10am – 5pm at the Pembroke Pines River of Grass ArtsPark at I-75 and Sheridan Street in Pembroke Pines 10‛X10‛ space: $175.00 Jury Fee: $20.00 SAVE $50.00 BY SIGNING UP BY 12/1/2009 For art show applications call (954) 986-5027 or log onto our website @ www.ppines.com Presented by: The City of Pembroke Pines Arts and Culture Advisory Board Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 33 Apopka’s 49th Annual Art & Foliage Festival April 24 & 25, 2010 Presented by the GFWC Apopka Woman’s Club PO Box 378 Apopka, Florida 32704-0378 For More Information Contact: Millie McBee (407) 884-7203 mmcbee3626@aol.com 12’ X12’ Space - $135.00 $8,100 in awards Juried Show Fine Arts Creative Hand Crafts 37,000 Attended Last Year Applications available at: www.apopkawomansclub.org boards, wash boards, antique looking dolls, timeless pottery designs and much more. Another idea along this same line is to visit a museum. Many times it’s even better than looking in a magazine because you can actually see and examine work that was popular years ago. When you walk through stores or even when you’re walking down the street make sure you’re as observant as possible. Some of the best ideas for fine art or crafts have come from items these places just throw away. I know you’ve seen old advertising turned into an artistic collage... bent spoons that have been turned into rings... old kitchen tools that have been turned into a stunning “still life”... how about the old palates that are !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T Juried Fine Art Festival t e G 3 7 o 1 T 0 January 30 & 31, 2010 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( ll along the afts.com CaPark, Picturesque Riverside r c d n a t stunning intracoastal waterway, r .a www New Smyrna Beach CALL FOR ENTRIES Florida’s East Central Coast A 34-year history of Artistic excellence, Offering $100,000 in prize and patron’s monies. IMAGES: A Festival of the Arts 214 S. Riverside Drive New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386.423.4733 images@imagesartfestival.org www.imagesartfestival.org APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY OCTOBER 17, 2009 34 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 TNT Events FINE ART & FINE CRAFT FESTIVALS 2009 & 2010 SHOWS now those cute little signs with all kinds of sayings on them... or a sculpture made from cast off metal parts... the list is endless. Junk is recycled into art work and into quality craft more often than you ever thought. Just as old music makes its way back into today’s sounds, old artistic techniques allow us to explore new dimensions into today’s fine art work. The use of “violent” composition technique like the work of Jackson Pollack, the impressionist work of Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Sept. Oct. Nov. 7-8 14-15 21-22 5-6 9-10 16-18 30-31 6-7 13-14 20-21 27-28 6-7 13-14 27-28 10-11 17-18 4-6 16-17 13-14 Roser Park Art Festival - 6th Ann. Anna-Maria Island Show - 2nd Ann Palm Coast Art Festival Marco Island Art & Crafts Festival Historical Downtown Clemont Fest Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks Cagan Crossing Town Center Lady Lake Art in the Park Anna-Maria Island Show - 3rd Ann St. Augustine Pier Art & Crafts Fest Palm Coast Art Festival - 2nd Ann. Palm Harbor Mainstreet Art & Crafts Marco Island Art & Crafts Festival Cape Canaveral Art Festival - 4th Anna-Maria Island Show - 3rd Ann Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks - 3rd Lady Lake Art in the Park - 5th Anna-Maria Island Show - 3rd Ann St. Petersburg, FL Holmes Beach, FL Palm Coast, FL Marco Island, FL Clermont, FL Tarpon Springs, FL Clermont, FL Lady Lake, FL Holmes Beach, FL St. Augustine, FL Palm Coast, FL Palm Harbor, FL Marco Island, FL Cape Canaveral, FL Holmes Beach, FL Tarpon Springs, FL Tarpon Springs, FL Lady Lake, FL Holmes Beach, FL !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r .a Lake Farmer’s Market every Tuesday wwwLady Phone: (352) 344-0657 Fax: (352) 344-0652 PO Box 623 Inverness, FL 34451 www.tnteventsinc.com tnteventsinc@embarqmail.com Edouard Manet, the surreal scenes Salvadore Dali brought us or the abstract work of Picasso all serve as tools and the basis of our own expressions. Imitation of these techniques is a great way to learn and as you learn, gradually blend the ideas together... throw in a idea or two yourself... all the time creating your own style. This imitation and variation technique Eastern Edition is as old as the hills and is a great way to develop your skill and to expand the range of your work. Take the time to read as much as you can about the art or craft you’re most interested in. Go to a bookstore, check out the library, read the art and craft magazines at the grocery store... in short, immerse yourself in the vast sea of knowledge that exists. In a short time you’ll be just buzzing with ideas and techniques. The question won’t be... “what can I do,” it will be... “with so many choices, which do I choose!” Now is the time to take action. Don’t worry about how bad your first attempts are and don’t be too critical of yourself. Just experiment... a little bit of wood, a touch of Have you moved recently? If you have, please Let us know your new address. The post office won’t generally forward your new show guide! “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 35 15th Annual Flower & Garden Expo April 17-18, 2010 St. Augustine, Florida Celebrate Spring in the Nation’s Oldest City! We are looking for crafters with a focus on items for the garden and patio or items that bring the garden inside. For more information, email: teresa@epiccommunityservices.org or call (904) 829-2273 surprised at just exactly how much you can do! I always remember a phrase one of my teachers in college told me... good artists are born, but great artists are made! Practice really does make perfect and the great masters in every field started with the first step... now is the time to take yours. Not only will this practice allow you to perfect your own work, it makes a great starting off point if your work begins to get stale. Getting back to the basics of how you created your style often times will lead down a new path that hadn’t seen the first time you came to a “fork in the road.” Creativity is always 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration and it’s a long way from the “flattery” of the rip-off artist or craftsman. Anyone can be trained to copy... don’t allow yourself to be confined by mere training... prove your talent and “create”... the effort is well worth the reward! !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Do you need online access? Just Y P O sign up and get your password at... C Where E L P M www.artandcrafts.com A S L A I T n o i t i PAR d E l l Fu e Join Us For The 21ste Annual h T t 3 7 1 To G 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r w.a 5th & 6th Winter Haven, FL wwDecember fabric... maybe a little bit of Salvadore Dali mixed with Edouard Manet... chances are you’ll be quite impressed with yourself and Carols in the Park Application Deadline: October 30, 2009 Estimated attendance of 25,000 Continuous Entertainment Both Days Space Limited to 220 Artists & Craftsmen One of the Season's Finest Shows !!! Show Fee: $100.00 For More Information and Application Contact: Little Joe’s, Attn: Joe Al-Mallah - Arts & Crafts Co-ordinator - 2622 Beach Parkway W Cape Coral, FL 33914 Download your application at: www.littlejoesspecialevents.com 36 Sponsored in part through the generosity of “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 2009 S M T W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 S M T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 S S F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 W T T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S M T W 2 9 16 23 30 S M T W T S M T W T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S S M T T 2 9 16 23 30 F F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 S M T S M T W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 S 4 11 18 25 M T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 W T F W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S M T W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 W 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S M T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 S W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 S W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 S F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S M T Eastern Edition F 3 10 17 24 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 2 9 16 23 M T T 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E l l u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 2010 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a M T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 T 3 10 17 24 M 2 9 16 23 M T M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 “Where The Shows Are !!!” T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 37 SAVE $100.00 IN SHOW FEES WHEN YOU USE THESE VALUABLE COUPON FROM THE PARTICIPATING SHOW SPONSORS! The following terms and conditions must be met to use the show fee discount coupons included in this edition of “Where The Shows Are!!!” 1. The coupons are only valid for the original purchaser of this show guide. Verification with “Where The Shows Are!!!” is at the redeemer’s discretion. 2. Subscribers may only use one coupon for each participating show sponsor per quarter. 3. Coupons may NOT be used as a deposit for a show. 4. These coupons have no actual cash value and may not be included as any part of a refund. 5. When a coupon is used, all show fees must be paid in full at the time of application 6. All shows for which a coupon is being used must be completely paid for at least one week in advance. 7. This coupon can not be combined with any other coupon or discount. 8. “Where The Shows Are!!!” assumes no legal or financial responsibility for the redemption or use of these coupons. !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll SAVE $20.00 CALL TODAY... u F e h T The Broken Mold (330) 493-4130 3 7 1 OFF ANY ONE To Get 0 8 2 SHOW #1 Mall Promoter 4 ) 6 8 3 (772) 336-0606 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a SAVE $20.00 OFF ANY ONE SHOW t r www.a Tel/FAX Joan/ Dick Bartfay: Over 30 Years Experience 2888 SE Pace Dr. Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Visit our website at www.brokenmold.com for schedule details & applications COUPON EXPIRES: 2/15/2010 COUPON EXPIRES: 2/15/2010 SAVE $20.00 OFF ANY ONE SHOW Arts & Crafts Shows COUPON EXPIRES: 2/15/2010 (352) 344-4696 SAVE $5.00 OFF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL EACH TIME YOU REFER A FRIEND! THERE’S NO LIMIT TO HOW MANY TIMES YOU CAN GET THIS CREDIT! AND NO TIME LIMIT! GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FREE WITH 10 REFERRALS 38 See our new schedule online at: www.huffspromo.com Email us at: info@brokenmold.com “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 4275 Fulton Rd NW Canton, OH 44718 S1959UNSET BOULEVARD P34240 ROMOTIONS R G C S ,F OLLING REEN IRCLE PHONE: 941-379-0951 ARASOTA LORIDA FAX: 941-379-3305 SAVE $20.00 OFF ANY ONE SHOW COUPON EXPIRES: 2/15/2010 “Where People Are At Heart” See our ad for a complete schedule or visit us at: www.mypromotions.com Call (239) 707-3467 (239) 995-9549 SAVE $20.00 OFF ANY ONE SHOW COUPON EXPIRES: 2/15/2010 Professional Promoter Alphabetical Index A to Z Crafts Beverly Zienda PO Box 342 Thurmont, MD 21788-0342 Phone: 301-271-4432 FAX: Ballantine Management Group David Kerper 2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy Fredericksbrg, VA 22401-4973 Phone: 610-336-9100 FAX: 540-548-0552 Craftproducers Tim Cianciola PO Box 300 Charlotte, VT 05445-0300 Phone: 802-425-3399 FAX: 802-425-3711 Acanthus Leaf Productions Mary Murans 10424 Ridgeview Cir Fishers, IN 46038-2085 Phone: 317-417-8326 FAX: 765-739-8551 Broken Mold Dick & Joan Bartfay 2888 SE Pace Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34984-6219 Phone: 772-336-0606 FAX: 772-336-0606 Crafts & Artisan Society of Florida Netti Harblin PO Box 7298 Hudson, FL 34674-7298 Phone: 727-869-9884 FAX: 727-869-9884 Allman Promotions LLC Judy Allman PO Box 470 Clayton, NY 13624-0470 Phone: 315-686-5789 FAX: 315-686-4633 Margaret Buckler Buckler Promotions, Inc. 1697 Doyle Rd Deltona, FL 32725-8523 Phone: 386-860-0092 FAX: 386-860-6157 Cropper Promotions Janice Cropper 10223 Golf Course Rd Ocean City, MD 21842-9719 Phone: 410-213-0735 FAX: 410-213-1715 American Concern for Artistry & Crafts Raya Zafrina PO Box 650 Montclair, NJ 07042-0650 Phone: 973-746-0091 FAX: 973-509-7739 Carolina Concepts Frances Delk PO Box 750 Lenoir, NC 28645-0750 Phone: 828-758-0877 FAX: 828-754-6007 De Pasquale Enterpirses PO Box 278 Selden, NY 11784 Phone: 631-846-1459 FAX: 631-285-1511 American Craft Endeavors Darrin Alan 9695 W Broward Blvd Plantation, FL 33324-2321 Phone: 954-472-3755 FAX: 954-472-3891 Carolina Shows, Inc. Allison Garner PO Box 853 Matthews, NC 28106-0853 Phone: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 Donald’s Duck Shoppes, Inc. Donald Hastings 10549 Sussex Rd Ocean City, MD 21842-9149 Phone: 410-524-9177 FAX: 410-524-1394 Artisan Promotions Florence Flynn 83 Mount Vernon St Boston, MA 02108-1336 Phone: 617-742-3973 FAX: Castleberry Fairs & Festivals Terry Mullen 38 Charles St Rochester, NH 03867-2925 Phone: 603-332-2616 FAX: 603-332-8413 Events Management Group, Inc. Denise Olsen PO Box 909 Virginia Bch, VA 23451-0909 Phone: 757-417-7771 FAX: 757-417-7772 Artrider Productions, Inc. Laura Kandel PO Box 28 Woodstock, NY 12498-0028 Phone: 845-331-7900 FAX: 845-331-7484 Cleveland’s Christmas Connection Ginger Palmer PO Box 45395 Westlake, OH 44145 Phone: 440-835-9627 FAX: 440-356-1091 Family Festivals Association Debbie or Dave Stoner PO Box 166 Irwin, PA 15642-0166 Phone: 724-863-4577 FAX: 724-863-5427 Autumn in the Woods Lana Tipton 217 State Route 7 Columbiana, OH 44408-9600 Phone: 330-550-4190 FAX: 330-482-0215 Community Affair Steve Levin / Layne Morgan 1524 W Pittsburgh St Scottdale, PA 15683-2826 Phone: 508-737-0998 FAX: Gaffer District Festivals & Promotions Casey Weakland 114 Pine St Fl 2 Corning, NY 14830-2654 Phone: 607-937-6292 FAX: 607-936-3112 B & H Promotions Amy & Bob Hastings 31 Harold St Windsor, NY 13865 Phone: 607-739-6054 FAX: Country Folk Art Shows, Inc. Office Staff 15045 Dixie Hwy Ste A Holly, MI 48442-9660 Phone: 248-634-4151 FAX: 248-634-3718 Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair Sam or Tracey Large PO Box 70 Gatlinburg, TN 37738-0070 Phone: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 39 Professional Promoter Alphabetical Index Gilmore Enterprises, Inc. Jan Donovan 3514 Drawbridge Pkwy Ste A Greensboro, NC 27410-8584 Phone: 336-274-5550 FAX: 336-274-1084 Leisure Time Unlimited Kelli Bates PO Box 332 Myrtle Beach, SC 29578-0332 Phone: 800-261-5991 FAX: 843-626-1513 MY Promotions, Inc. Sally Mere 100 E North Shore Ave N Ft Myers, FL 33917-5324 Phone: 239-707-3467 FAX: 239-995-9549 Handcraft Unlimited Bill Shumate PO Box 758 Brownstown, PA 17508-0758 Phone: 717-656-3208 FAX: 717-656-3565 Looking Upward Gloria Davis/Nichole Smith PO Box 4289 Middletown, RI 02842-0289 Phone: 401-849-0290 FAX: Northeast Show Promoters, Inc. Brenda Ladd 12 Avis Dr Ste 12 Latham, NY 12110-2607 Phone: 518-786-1529 FAX: 518-786-1716 Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festiva Dave PO Box 2648 Bluffton, SC 29910-2648 Phone: 843-757-2583 FAX: Marketing Solutions Ami Hastings 9005 Whaleyville Rd Whaleyville, MD 21872 Phone: 410-352-5851 FAX: 410-352-3608 Ocean Promotions Mike / Starr PO Box 486 Ocean City, MD 21843-0486 Phone: 410-213-8090 FAX: 410-213-8092 Hot Works, LLC Patty Narozny PO Box 79 Milford, MI 48381-0079 Phone: 248-684-2613 FAX: 248-684-0195 Meet the Artists & Artisans Denise Morris Curt 41 Green St Milford, CT 06460-4709 Phone: 203-874-5672 FAX: Paragon Art Events Bill Kinney 1 Pueblo Ave Centerport, NY 11721-1411 Phone: 631-421-1590 FAX: Howard Alan Events, Ltd. Darrin Alan 9695 W Broward Blvd Plantation, FL 33324-2321 Phone: 954-472-3755 FAX: 954-472-3891 MH Martin Productions Michele Martin 540 Riverside Dr Coral Springs, FL 33071-7049 Phone: 954-979-0712 FAX: Paragon Fine Art Events Bill Kinney 1 Pueblo Ave Centerport, NY 11721-1411 Phone: 631-421-1590 FAX: Huff’s Promotions, LLC Kelly Locker 4275 Fulton Dr NW Canton, OH 44718-2821 Phone: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 Mike & Pat’s Crafts Fairs Patricia Kalinowski 13 Grove St Baldwinville, MA 01436-1307 Phone: 978-939-2317 FAX: 978-939-8786 Performance & Event Management Kathi Danielson PO Box 7002 Erie, PA 16510 Phone: 814-899-5177 FAX: 814-480-8686 Huff-Burch Promotions LLC Barb Huff-Burch 4275 Fulton Rd NW Canton, OH 44718-2821 Phone: 330-494-0578 FAX: 330-494-0578 Millennium Craft Shows Janet Souza 11 Farwood Rd Tewksbury, MA 01876-3571 Phone: 978-758-6196 FAX: 978-455-5814 PJ’s Promotions Pat Tita 134 Sebastian Ct Hillsdale, NJ 07642-2313 Phone: 201-666-1340 FAX: 201-666-1575 JC Management 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6A Long Beach, NY 11561-5201 Phone: 516-442-6000 FAX: Mountain Top Promotions Pat Fay PO Box 246 Elk Park, NC 28622-0246 Phone: 828-733-0675 FAX: 828-733-0675 Preferred Promotions PO Box 701 Sayville, NY 11782-0701 Phone: 631-563-8551 FAX: 631-567-3423 Key West Promotions Inc. Erick Adams 422 Fleming St Key West, FL 33040-6529 Phone: 305-849-2706 FAX: 305-296-6844 Murrell Promotions Babs Murrell 4127 Parmele Rd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Phone: 910-675-2697 FAX: Premier Promotions Sally & Ed Kaczynski 4310 Tillson Rd Wilmington, NC 28412-8242 Phone: 910-799-9424 FAX: 910-799-9424 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 40 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Professional Promoter Alphabetical Index Professional Show Mgmt Juliet Michael 1000 E Atlantic Blvd Ste 217 Pompano Beach, FL 33060-4001 Phone: 954-946-6164 FAX: 954-946-6202 Springut Group, Inc. Lyn Rosen 97 Park Ave Ste C Rochester, NY 14607-2431 Phone: 585-244-0951 FAX: 585-473-6177 Project Marketing David Erickson PO Box 220510 Hollywood, FL 33022-0510 Phone: 954-926-3377 FAX: 954-926-3371 Steinhauer Productions Sundra Steinhauer 16471 Highway 40 Folsom, LA 70437-5705 Phone: 985-796-5853 FAX: 985-796-5040 Quail Hollow Events Scott Rubinstein PO Box 825 Woodstock, NY 12498-0825 Phone: 845-679-8087 FAX: 845-246-3568 Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. Maxine Murray 200 Orchard Ridge Dr Ste 215 Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1978 Phone: 800-210-9900 FAX: 301-253-9620 Raab Enterprises, Inc. Sharon Raab Hasek PO Box 33428 North Royalton, OH 44133 Phone: 440-237-3424 FAX: 440-237-3424 Sunset Boulevard Promotions Carmen Lambert 1959 Rolling Green Cir Sarasota, FL 34240-9313 Phone: 941-379-0951 FAX: 941-379-3305 Renaissance Craftables Marcy / Barbara Boroff 638 W Sedgwick St Philadelphia, PA 19119-3441 Phone: 215-843-4462 FAX: 610-688-7128 Sunshine Promotions Jim Hand PO Box 637 Inverness, FL 34451-0637 Phone: 352-344-4696 FAX: 352-344-8981 Rose Squared Productions, Inc. Howard Rose 12 Galaxy Ct Hillsborough, NJ 08844-3836 Phone: 908-874-5247 FAX: 908-874-7098 TNT Events Terri Rudzitis PO Box 623 Inverness, FL 34451-0623 Phone: 352-344-0657 FAX: 352-344-0652 S & L Productions, Inc. Jon Plummer 1916 Crain Hwy S Ste 16 Glen Burnie, MD 21061-5572 Phone: 888-532-3669 FAX: 410-863-1187 Venues Event Palnning LLC Susan Amen/ Robin Conte 4212 Salerno Rd S Jacksonville, FL 32244-2352 Phone: 904-509-9234 FAX: SIK Promotions Suzanne King PO Box 530234 St. Petersburg, FL 33747 Phone: 727-322-5217 FAX: Virginia Show Productions Patricia Wagstaff PO Box 305 Chase City, VA 23924-0305 Phone: 434-372-3996 FAX: 434-372-3410 SLS Productions, Inc. Stephanie L Seidner PO Box 443 Gwynedd, PA 19436-0443 Phone: 215-699-8117 FAX: 215-699-7476 Virginia Shows LLC Bill Wagstaff PO Box 305 Chase City, VA 23924-0305 Phone: 804-253-6284 FAX: 804-253-6285 Washington Sq Outdoor Art Exhibits, Inc. PO Box 1045 New York, NY 10276-1045 Phone: 212-982-6255 FAX: 212-982-6256 Visit our website online at www.artandcrafts.com and www.wtsanetwork.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y You’ll find a P O C Where E L P M A S L A n wealth of inforo i t i PARTI d E l l Fu e h mation along with T t e G 3 7 o 1 T -0 a constant source 8 2 4 ) 6 Call (38 crafts.comof updates. d n a t r a . AND... now we www Eastern Edition even feature applications online. No more wasting time an effort with the mail when you can apply instantly! “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 41 Daily, Weekly & Monthly Markets throughout the East. These events consist of arts markets, farmer’s markets, green markets and more... that include art, crafts or both as at least a part of the overall activities. MARKET NAME: Art in the Park LOCATION: Vero Beach, FL - Humiston Park MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: AREA: FL1 CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Vero Beach Art Club STREET: 3001 Riverside Park Dr CITY: Vero Beach, FL 32963PHONE: 772-231-0303 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 40 ATTEND: ADMISSION: CATEGORIES: Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Must be member w/ volunteer hours FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Commission on sold items. Call For Details WEB PAGE: www.verobeachartclub.org MARKET NAME: Evening on the Avenues - 12th Annual LOCATION: Lake Worth, FL MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 5pm AREA: FL1 CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Chamber of Commerce STREET: 501 Lake Ave CITY: Lake Worth, FL 33460PHONE: 561-582-4401 FAX: COST OUT: 30.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 30 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: lwchamber@lwchamber.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $30 COMMENTS: Roving musicians, vintage car club, etc. WEB PAGE: www.lwchamber.com MARKET NAME: Lake Placid’s Saturday Morning Market LOCATION: Lake Placid, FL - Stuart Park MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: By 7:30am AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Mary Tanner ORGANIZATION: Lake Placid’s Saturday Morning Market STREET: 18 N Oak Ave CITY: Lake Placid, FL 33852PHONE: 863-465-4331 FAX: COST OUT: 10.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 40 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts, Local Fruit & Vegtables, Wine, AWARDS: None EMAIL: chamber@lpfla.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 3 Month Contract Required FOOD INFO: $10 COMMENTS: $5 a Month for Members WEB PAGE: www.visitlakeplacidflorida.com MARKET NAME: Art Walk On Flagler LOCATION: New Smyrna Beach, FL - Flagler Ave MARKET TIMES: Every 4th Saturday SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: By 10:00 AREA: FL3 CONTACT: Leslie Morris ORGANIZATION: Gallery Group Of Flagler Ave STREET: PO Box 2149 CITY: New Smyrna, FL 32170PHONE: 386-428-1770 FAX: COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 30 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Yes EMAIL: info@flaglergallerygroup.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only FOOD INFO: None COMMENTS: Application available on website. WEB PAGE: www.flaglergallerygroup.com MARKET NAME: Farmers Market Days at Lady Lake MARKET TIMES: Every Teusday LOCATION: Lady Lake, FL - Historic Log Cabin Rt 441 & 27 SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: AREA: FL3 CONTACT: Terri Rudzitis ORGANIZATION: TNT Events/Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 623 CITY: Inverness, FL 34451PHONE: 352-344-0657 FAX: 352-344-0652 COST OUT: 30.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Plants, Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: tnteventsinc@embarqmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.tnteventsinc.com MARKET NAME: First Saturday Festival LOCATION: Dunnellon, FL MARKET TIMES: 1st Friday of each month SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 7am AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Viola Soffe ORGANIZATION: Stich Nitch/First Saturday Festival STREET: 20782 Walnut St CITY: Dunnellon, FL 34431PHONE: 352-465-8000 FAX: COST OUT: 10.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 35 ATTEND: 700 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Collectibles AWARDS: None EMAIL: stitchniche@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: MARKET NAME: Carolina First Saturday Market Live LOCATION: Greenville, SC MARKET TIMES: First Saturday of each month SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: AREA: SC CONTACT: Morgan Cox ORGANIZATION: City of Greenville/Parks & Rec Departmen STREET: PO Box 2207 CITY: Greenville, SC 29602PHONE: 864-467-4494 FAX: COST OUT: 25.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Plants, Produce AWARDS: None EMAIL: mcox@greenvillesc.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - $75 (one time banner fee) FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: $600 for full season (22 weeks) WEB PAGE: www.saturdaymarketlive.com MARKET NAME: First Fridays in Florence - 3rd Annual LOCATION: Florence, AL - Downtown Court St MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 8’ X 8’ SETUP: Before 5pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Carolyn Waterman ORGANIZATION: First Fridays in Florence STREET: PO Box 431 CITY: Florence, AL 35631PHONE: 256-765-0365 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@firstfridaysflorence.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.firstfridaysflorence.com MARKET NAME: Main Street Marketplace LOCATION: Columbia, SC - Columbia Museum of Art, Hampton St MARKET TIMES: Every Friday in September & October SPACE: 12’ X 16’ SETUP: before 10am AREA: SC CONTACT: Nicole Grubbs ORGANIZATION: CarterTodd & Assoc./City Ctr Partnership STREET: 1233 Washington St Ste 101 CITY: Columbia, SC 29201PHONE: 803-779-4005 Ext 2042 FAX: 803-978-7543 COST OUT: 25.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 1,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, & Plants AWARDS: None EMAIL: nicole@cartertodd.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: free (20 spaces) COMMENTS: Every Friday in September & October WEB PAGE: www.citycentercolumbia.sc MARKET NAME: Clematis By Night LOCATION: West Palm Beach, FL MARKET TIMES: Happens every Thursday SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: FL1 CONTACT: Katrina Robinson ORGANIZATION: City of West Palm Beach STREET: 340 Clematis St CITY: West Palm Bch, FL 33401PHONE: 561-822-1515 FAX: 561-653-2620 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 22 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: krobinson@wpb.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - 6 month contract required. FOOD INFO: 6 month contract required price varies. COMMENTS: $650 for 6 month contract. Happens every Thursday WEB PAGE: www.clematisbynight.net MARKET NAME: Friday Fest LOCATION: Ft. Pierce, FL MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 4:30pm AREA: FL1 CONTACT: Susan Garrigus ORGANIZATION: Friday Fest Committee STREET: 3509 Southern Pines Dr CITY: Fort Pierce, FL 34982PHONE: 772-466-9638 FAX: COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 35 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Rain date the following Friday. WEB PAGE: MARKET NAME: Market On Main Street LOCATION: Brooksville, FL MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 15’X15’ SETUP: 6am AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Evelyn Duncan ORGANIZATION: Brooksville Again STREET: 31 S Main St CITY: Brooksville, FL 34601PHONE: 352-796-4001 FAX: COST OUT: 15.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 30 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: n/a COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: 42 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 MARKET NAME: Riverside Arts Market LOCATION: Jacksonville, FL - Fuller Warren Bridge MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 7am AREA: FL5 CONTACT: Tony Allegretti ORGANIZATION: Riverside Avondale Preservation, Inc. STREET: 2623 Herschel St CITY: Jacksonville, FL 32204PHONE: 904-389-2449 FAX: 904-389-0431 COST OUT: 36.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 16.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 160 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts & Farmer’s Market AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@riversideartsmarket.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Weekly Market FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: Reduced fee for multiple weeks WEB PAGE: www.riversideartsmarket.com MARKET NAME: Sunset Celebration LOCATION: Key West, FL - Mallory Square Dock MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 6’X8’ SETUP: right before event AREA: FL1 CONTACT: Dave Del Rosso ORGANIZATION: Sunset Celebration STREET: PO Box 4837 CITY: Key West, FL 33041PHONE: 305-292-7700 FAX: COST OUT: 10.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 45 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: sunmail@sunsetcelebration.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - send photos or slides FOOD INFO: $10 COMMENTS: event takes place 7 days a week 365 days per year WEB PAGE: www.sunsetcelebration.org Could you use more exhibitors in your show? Would you like more variety... Maybe you need to rotate exhibitors a bit to keep the public interested in your event. WE CAN HELP! DISPLAY ADVERTISING A display ad in “Where The Shows Are!!!” is an extremely cost effective way to reach exhibitors with your message and it gives you a chance to tell a lot more about your event than a simple show listing. ...AND prices start at just $245.00. !! ! e r A s w EMAIL o h S e h T can email your show Y P information to thousands of O C Where We E L P M potential exhibitors at a cost so affordable you’ll be A S L A I T o i you don’t don it several times a year! t i PAR wonderingFwhy d E l l u e DIRECT3MAIL h T t e G 7 1 To 0 8 2 4 ) select exactly themexhibitors you need 6 With our ability 8 3 ( l l o put your application Ca from our list ofcover .cWe’ll 37,000... s t f a r d hands of the best potential participants! n directly into the a t r a . www MARKET NAME: Sunset Magic at Fort Pierce City Marina LOCATION: Fort Pierce, FL - Marina MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 3:30pm AREA: FL1 CONTACT: Ericka Byfield ORGANIZATION: Sunset Magic STREET: 100 Avenue A Ste 2c CITY: Fort Pierce, FL 34950PHONE: 770-465-4654 FAX: COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: erica@cometcreation.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 10% discount if 1 month is paid in advance FOOD INFO: $100/week or $400/month COMMENTS: Specialty Food & Drinks, youth performances WEB PAGE: www.gosunsetmagic.com MARKET NAME: Tuesday Morning Fresh Market LOCATION: Gulfport, FL - Sidewalk Paver Event MARKET TIMES: SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 8am AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Leslie Gilchrist ORGANIZATION: Gulfport Merchants Association STREET: 3007 Beach Blvd S CITY: Gulfport, FL 33707PHONE: 727-343-5962 FAX: COST OUT: 25.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: gilchristleslie@gmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: 10 consecutive shows $150 WEB PAGE: www.gulfportma.com zz zz zz Would you like to list your market? Give us a call at (386) 428-0173 OR email us at shows@artandcrafts.com Eastern Edition POSTCARDS One of the most proven, time tested methods of stimulating the interest of potential participants in your show... is now also one of the most affordable! You can do the mailing yourself... OR we can do the mailing for you using our list, your list or a combination of the two. Prices start at just $299.00 for 6”X4” postcards... two sided printing, four colors on both sides AND UV coating. Call us today at (386) 428-0173 and we can start helping you right away! “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 43 Location Cross Reference Arranged by state and then alphabetically by city (Florida additionally incorporates seven distict regions) Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY Alabama Shows Athens, AL - Athens Bible School Atmore, AL - Tom Byrne Park Atmore, AL - S Pennacola Ave Auburn, AL - Kiesel Park Bay Minette, AL Birmingham, AL - Jefferson Convention Complex Birmingham, AL - Preserve Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL - Linn Park, Downtown Birmingham, AL Birmingham, AL - Jefferson Convention Complex Brewton, AL - Burnt Creek Park Cullman, AL - Civic Center Cullman, AL - Civic Center Demopolis, AL - Public Square Park Enterprise, AL - Ozark Community College Eufaula, AL - Historic N Randolph Ave Fairhope, AL - Downtown Fairhope, AL - Downtown Fairhope, AL - Downtown Florence, AL - Downtown Court St Florence, AL - Downtown Court St Foley, AL - Heritage Park Guntersville, AL - Guntersville Recreation Cen Hamilton, AL Huntsville, AL Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Monroe S Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Monroe S Huntsville, AL - Civic Center Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Monroe S Jackson, AL Loxley, AL - Loxley Municipal Park Mentone, AL - Brow Park Mobile, AL - Greater Gulf States Fairgrounds Mobile, AL - Abba Shrine Temple Monroeville, AL - Old Courthouse Square Montgomery, AL - Ren. Convention Center Montgomery, AL Moulton, AL - Lions Club Fair grounds Orange Beach, AL - Waterfront Park Peterman, AL - Railroad St Springville, AL Springville, AL Springville, AL Springville, AL Troy, AL - Court Square, Downtown AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 05-07-10 05-01-10 10-23-10 04-24-10 12-04-09 11-04-09 11-07-09 03-05-10 04-23-10 05-15-10 11-03-10 06-19-10 12-04-09 12-03-10 12-05-09 03-27-10 04-09-10 03-19-10 03-19-10 10-16-10 11-06-09 12-04-09 11-06-09 04-17-10 03-06-10 11-20-09 12-04-09 03-19-10 09-17-10 12-03-10 11-07-09 04-10-10 05-15-10 11-11-09 11-13-09 02-27-10 12-04-09 05-28-10 04-10-10 03-13-10 11-21-09 11-06-09 05-07-10 10-01-10 11-05-10 04-24-10 Pleasanton, CA - Alameda County Fairgrounds Turlock, CA - Stanislaus County Fairgrounds CA 11-20-09 Country Folk Art & Craft Show CA 11-13-09 Country Folk Art & Craft Show Homespun Arts & Crafts Show - 30th Annual Mayfest - 37th Annual Williams Station Day 19th Annual Auburn CityFest Arts & Crafts Festival - 10th Annual Christmas Fest Christmas Village Festival - 28th Annual Moss Rock Festival Cottontail’s Village Arts & Crafts Festival - 22nd Annua Magic City Art Connection - 27th Annual Birmingham Art Fair at the Summit - 2nd Annual Christmas Village Festival - 29th Annual Alabama Blueberry Festival - 30th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Fair on the Square - 20th Annual Piney Woods Arts Festival - 36th Annual Eufala Pilgrimage Art Shows - 17th Annual Outdoor Art Show - 38th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival - 58th Annual Grand Festival of Art - 29th Annual First Fridays in Florence - 3rd Annual First Fridays in Florence - 3rd Annual Heritage Harbor Days - 9th Annual Art on the Lake - 49th Annual Jerry Brown Arts Festival - 8th Annual Delta Zeta Marketplace - 41st Annual NEACA Christmas Craft Show - 37th Annual NEACA Spring Craft Show - 37th Annual NEACA Fall Craft Show - 37th Annual NEACA Christmas Craft Show - 37th Annual Jackson Fall Festival Baldwin County Strawberry Festival - 23rd Annual MAPA Rhododendron Festival - 28th Annual Christmas Jubilee - 25th Annual Winter Holiday Show - 36th Annual Heritage Arts Festival - 14th Annual SAC Christmas Art & Craft Show - 30th Annual Jubilee City Fest - 35th Annual Alabama Chicken & Egg Festival - 6th Annual Festival of Art - 19th Annual Peterman Station Arts & Crafts Festival - 26th Annual Christmas in the Country Spring Festival Harvest Festival Christmas in the Country Troyfest - 8th Annual !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a California Shows Connecticut Shows 44 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 TOTAL # DAYS Location Cross Reference 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 3 3 2 5 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY 11-07-09 02-18-10 07-15-10 11-13-09 12-04-09 03-26-10 11-29-09 11-21-09 TOTAL # DAYS Brookfield, CT - Whisconier Middle School East Granby, CT Guilford, CT - Guilford Town Green Hartford, CT - Expo Center Hartford, CT - Expo Center, 265 Reverend Moody Hartford, CT - Expo Center Southington, CT - Convention Center Westport, CT - Staples High School CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT Festival of Crafts - 18th Annual Connecticut Flower & Garden Show - 29th Annual Guilford Craft Expo 2010 - 53rd Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Castleberry Christmas Craft Expo Sugarloaf Craft Festival Aqua Turf Arts & Crafts Show 13th Annual Westport Creative Arts Festival - 34th Annual Washington, DC DC 05-22-10 National Harbor Art Festival 2 DE DE DE DE DE 3 1 2 4 3 Washington DC Shows Delaware Shows Dover, DE - Legislative Mall Harrington, DE - Delaware State Fairgrounds Newark, DE - University of DE Wilmington, DE - Concord Mall Wilmington, DE 04-30-10 11-07-09 11-21-09 03-11-10 07-31-10 Old Dover Days - 77th Annual Dover Officers’ Spouses’ Club Craft Show - 24th Annual Fall Craft Show Concord Mall Arts & Crafts Show Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 4th Annual 1 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 Florida Location !! ! e r A s w o h S e h eT r e Cross Reference h W TIAL SAMPLE COPYn o i t i PAR d E l l Fu e h T t e 3 7 1 To GLocation Cross)Reference 0 8 2 4 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a (Florida incorporates seven distict regions) Altamonte Springs, FL Apalachicola, FL - Battery Park Apollo Beach, FL - South Shore Community Cente Apopka, FL - Kit Land Nelson Park Apopka, FL - Kit Land Nelson Park Avon Park, FL - Main St Barberville, FL - Pioneer Settlement Bartow, FL - Downtown Area/Historic Courthouse Bartow, FL - Downtown Area/Historic Courthouse Bayonet Point, FL - Parking Lot Beulah, FL - Escambia Co Equestian Ctr Big Pine Key, FL Big Pine Key, FL Boca Raton, FL - Royal Palm Place on Federal H Boca Raton, FL - Shops of Boca Cnt on Military Boca Raton, FL - Mizner Park Boca Raton, FL - Royal Palm Place on Federal H Bonifay, FL - J Harvey Etheridge St Bonita Springs, FL Bonita Springs, FL - Promenade Center Bonita Springs, FL - Sunshine Plaza Bonita Springs, FL - Promenade at Bonita Bay Boynton Beach, FL - Church hall Bradenton Beach, FL - Coquina Beach Park Bradenton Beach, FL - Coquina Beach Park Bradenton Beach, FL - Coquina Beach Park Bradenton Beach, FL - Coquina Beach Park Bradenton, FL Bradenton, FL Bradenton, FL - Coquina Beach Park Bradenton, FL - Lakewood Ranch Bradenton, FL - Old Main St Bradenton, FL - Manatee Civic Center Brooksville, FL - Sertoma Youth Ranch Brooksville, FL Brooksville, FL Brooksville, FL Brooksville, FL - Tom Varn Park Bunnell, FL - Flagler/Palm Coast High School Eastern Edition Location Cross FL3 11-21-09 FL7 11-06-09 FL4 03-13-10 FL3 03-11-10 FL3 04-24-10 FL4 03-26-10 FL3 11-07-09 FL4 11-14-09 FL4 03-06-10 FL3 02-27-10 FL7 03-19-10 FL1 12-05-09 FL1 01-23-10 FL1 01-02-10 FL1 01-09-10 FL1 02-06-10 FL1 01-01-11 FL7 03-20-10 FL2 11-14-09 FL2 01-16-10 FL2 02-27-10 FL2 03-13-10 FL1 11-13-09 FL4 01-16-10 FL4 02-03-10 FL4 02-24-10 FL4 03-24-10 FL4 01-23-10 FL4 02-13-10 FL4 03-06-10 FL4 03-20-10 FL4 03-26-10 FL4 04-10-10 FL4 11-05-09 FL4 11-21-09 FL4 12-19-09 FL4 01-16-10 FL4 05-01-10 FL3 01-30-10 Reference Art on the Boulevard in Uptown Altamonte 2 Florida Seafood Festival - 45th Annual 2 Apollo Beach Manatee Arts Festival - 18th Annual 2 Apopka’s Old-Fashioned Fair - 9th Annual 4 Apopka Art & Foliage Festival - 49th Annual 2 Springtime On The Mall - 31st Annual 2 Fall Country Jamboree - 33rd Annual 2 Downtown Bartow Craft Fair - 18th Annual 1 Bartow Bloomin’ Arts Festival - 39th Annual 2 Health Fair & Craft Show - 1st Annual 1 Beulah Fest - 24th Annual 3 Big Pine Island Arts Festival 1 Big Pine Nautical Flea Market 1 Boca Raton Fine Art Show 2 Boca Fest - 23rd Annual 2 Boca Museum of Art Festival - 24th Annual 2 Boca Raton Fine Art Show 2 Bonifay’s Down Home Street Festival - 1st Annual 1 Coconut Point Fall Art Fair 2 Bonita Springs National Art Festival - 11th Annual 2 Bonita Springs Arts & Crafts Show - 5th Annual 2 Bonita Springs National Art Festival - 9th Annual 2 St. Thomas More Arts & Crafts Show - 23rd Annual 3 Coquina Beach Winterfest - 5th Annual 2 Coquina Beach Snowbirds Fine Arts & Craft Show 2 Coquina Beach Fine Arts & Craft Show 2 Coquina Beach Spring Fling Fine Arts & Craft Show 2 Buckler’s Winter Craft Fair - 17th Annual 2 Downtown Bradenton Craft Festival 2 Coquina Tides Arts & Crafts Show - 14th Annual 2 Fine Arts Show - 10th Annual 2 De Soto Seafood Fest - 28th Annual 3 Buckler’s Spring Craft Fair - 19th Annual 2 Riverhawk Music Fest - 8th Annual 4 Market On Main Street 1 Market On Main Street 1 Market On Main Street 1 Hernando County Art, Craft & Music Festival - 26th Annua 2 Creative Arts & Crafts Show/Home Show & Service Fair 201 2 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 45 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY Bushnell, FL - Sumter County Fairgrounds Cape Canaveral, FL Cape Coral, FL Cape Coral, FL - Main Street Cape Coral, FL - Jaycee Park Cape Coral, FL - German-American Club Casselberry, FL - Lake Concord Park Cedar Key, FL - 2nd Street, Historic District Christmas, FL - Ft. Christmas Historical Park Citra, FL - Community Center Clearwater, FL Clearwater, FL - Heritage United Methodist Chu Clearwater, FL - Coachman Park Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Kings Ridge Club House Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Montrose & Clermont St Clermont, FL Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Clewiston, FL - City Park Cocoa Beach, FL - Downtown Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Coconut Grove, FL - Downtown Coconut Grove, FL Coconut Grove, FL - Church Grounds Coral Gables, FL - University of Miami Coral Springs, FL - The Walk on University Dr Coral Springs, FL - The Walk on University Dr Crescent City, FL - Eva Lyon Park Crescent City, FL - Eva Lyon Park Cross Creek, FL - County Park Crystal River, FL - Citrus Ave Crystal River, FL - Crystal Street Crystal River, FL - Downtown Dade City, FL - Downtown Dade City, FL - Museum Grounds Davie, FL Davie, FL - Bergeron Grounds Davie, FL - Bergeron Grounds Davie, FL - Flamingo Gardens Davie, FL - Pine Island Park Davie, FL - Pine Island Park Daytona Beach, FL - Riverfront Marketplace Daytona Beach, FL - Daytona International Spee Daytona Beach, FL - Daytona International Spee Deerfield Beach, FL - on the beach Deland, FL - Volusia County Fairgrounds Deland, FL - Downtown Deland, FL - Volusia County Fairgrounds Deland, FL - Earl Brown Park Deland, FL - Volusia County Fairgrounds Delray Beach, FL - Atlantic Ave & Pineapple Gr Delray Beach, FL - 4th Ave & Atlantic Ave in D Delray Beach, FL - Atlantic Ave Delray Beach, FL - Downtown Delray Beach, FL - 4th Ave & Atlantic Ave in D Delray Beach, FL - Downtown Delray Beach, FL - Morikami Museum Delray Beach, FL - Downtown Delray Beach, FL - On 4th Ave off Atlantic Ave Dunedin, FL - Highlander Park Dunedin, FL - Main Street Dunedin, FL - Main Street in Downtown Dunedin, FL - Main Street in Downtown Dunedin, FL - Highlander Park Dunnellon, FL - Willfest - Withlacoochee Eagle Lake, FL - City Hall Complex Eatonville, FL Edgewater, FL - Edgewater Methodist Church Ellenton, FL - Gamble Plantation Ellenton, FL - Ellenton Prime Outlet Mall Englewood, FL - W Dearborn St Englewood, FL - Tringali Center FL4 02-26-10 FL3 03-27-10 FL2 12-05-09 FL2 01-09-10 FL2 03-13-10 FL2 07-10-10 FL4 04-10-10 FL6 04-24-10 FL3 12-05-09 FL5 03-20-10 FL4 11-05-09 FL4 11-07-09 FL4 11-15-09 FL3 11-13-09 FL3 11-14-09 FL3 12-12-09 FL3 01-09-10 FL3 01-30-10 FL3 02-19-10 FL3 03-13-10 FL3 06-18-10 FL3 11-12-10 FL3 12-11-10 FL1 04-24-10 FL3 11-28-09 FL3 12-05-09 FL3 03-06-10 FL3 05-15-10 FL3 10-16-10 FL3 12-04-10 FL3 03-05-11 FL3 05-21-11 FL1 02-13-10 FL1 02-13-10 FL1 02-13-10 FL1 01-09-10 FL1 03-20-10 FL1 03-20-10 FL5 12-04-09 FL5 04-02-10 FL5 11-21-09 FL4 11-07-09 FL4 01-09-10 FL4 01-09-10 FL4 01-30-10 FL4 02-06-10 FL1 11-14-09 FL1 11-21-09 FL1 02-27-10 FL1 04-03-10 FL1 07-04-10 FL1 09-06-10 FL3 11-07-09 FL3 11-26-09 FL3 03-26-10 FL1 01-30-10 FL3 11-05-09 FL3 11-21-09 FL3 02-06-10 FL3 03-27-10 FL3 05-01-10 FL1 11-28-09 FL1 12-26-09 FL1 01-16-10 FL1 02-12-10 FL1 02-27-10 FL1 03-13-10 FL1 03-20-10 FL1 04-09-10 FL1 05-29-10 FL4 11-07-09 FL4 11-21-09 FL4 01-09-10 FL4 02-20-10 FL4 11-06-10 FL4 03-12-10 FL4 12-10-09 FL3 01-28-10 FL3 12-12-09 FL2 02-06-10 FL2 03-27-10 FL2 12-05-09 FL2 03-13-10 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 46 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 TOTAL # DAYS Sumter County Fair Cape Canaveral Art Festival - 4th Annual Holiday Festival of Lights - 5th Annual Cape Coral Festival of the Arts - 25th Annual March in the Park - 2nd Annual MangoMania Tropical Fruit Fair - 14th Annual Casselberry Celebrates Arts, Crafts, & Music Old Florida Celebration of the Arts - 46th Annual Cracker Christmas - 30th Annual Citra’s Spring Festival - 2nd Annual Westfield Countryside Mall Art, Craft, & Lifestyle Show Fall Festival of Arts & Crafts - 23rd Annual Christmas Under The Oaks - 33rd Annual Holiday Open House - 19th Annual Royal Harvest Market - 13th Annual South Lake Animal League Arts & Craft Show - 21st Annual Historic Clermont Downtown Winter Festival - 5th Annual Cagan Crossing Town Center Winefest XIX Lakeridge Wine & Seafood Festival Harvest Festival - 20th Annual Holiday Open House - 20th Annual South Lake Animal League Arts & Craft Show - 22nd Annual Sugar Festival - 24th Annual Space Coast Art Festival - 46th Annual Cocoa Village Holiday Art & Craft Fair - 26th Annual Cocoa Village Spring Art & Craft Fair - 24th Annual Cocoa Village Summer Art & Craft Fair - 19th Annual Cocoa Village Fall Art & Craft Fair - 30th Annual Cocoa Village Holiday Art & Craft Fair - 27th Annual Cocoa Village Spring Art & Craft Fair - 25th Annual Cocoa Village Summer Art & Craft Fair - 20th Annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival - 47th Annual First Stop In The Grove - 5th Annual St. Stephen’s Art & Craft Show - 22nd Annual Beaux Arts 59th Annual Festival of the Arts Coral Springs Festival of the Arts - 6th Annual Coral Springs Street Arts & Craft Festival - 6th Annual Olde Fashion Christmas Festival - 16th Annual Catfish Festival - 32nd Annual Cross Creek Festival - 4th Annual Stone Crab Jam - 2nd Annual Florida Manatee Festival - 23rd Annual Manatee Festival - 23rd Annual Kumquat Festival - 13th Annual Farm Fest & Quilt Show - 19th Annual Benefit Flea Market Winter Holiday Country Craft & Plant Show Orange Blossom Craft & Fine Arts Show - 73rd Annual Orchid Bromeliad Expo & Sale Independence Day Crafts & Fireworks - 21st Annual Labor Day Splash & Craft Show Halifax Art Festival - 47th Annual Daytona Turkey Rod Run - 36th Annual Spring Daytona Beach Car Show & Swap Meet - 21st Annual Deerfield Beach Festival of the Arts - 30th Annual Volusia County Fair & Youth Show - 64th Annual DeLand Fall Festival of the Arts - 17th Annual Buckler’s Winter Craft Fair - 20th Annual Deland Outdoor Art & Crafts Festival - 45th Annual Buckler’s Spring Craft Fair - 12th Annual Downtown Delray Beach Thanksgiving Weekend Art Festival Downtown Delray Beach New Year’s Weekend Craft Festival Downtown Delray Festival of the Arts - 21st Annual Delray Beach Garlic Fest - 11th Annual Downtown Delray Craft Fair - 13th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Party - 42nd Annual Hatsume Spring Festival - 31st Annual Delray Affair - 48th Annual Downtown Delray Craft Festival - 13th Annual Art Harvest - 46th Annual Downtown Dunedin Craft Festival - 17th Annual Downtown Dunedin Street Art Festival - 13th Annual Downtown Dunedin Craft Festival - 18th Annual Art Harvest - 47th Annual Will McLean Music Festival - 21st Annual Mistletoe Market Place of Eagle Lake - 16th Annual Hurston Festival of the Arts & Humanities - 21st Annual Christmas Under The Palms - 16th Annual Plantation Festival Arts & Craft Show - 8th Annual Ellenton Prime Outlet Mall Arts & Crafts Englewood Winter Fine Arts Festival - 8th Annual Englewood Art Center’s Fine Arts Show - 43rd Annual Location Cross Reference 9 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY Havre de Grace, MD - Tydings Memorial Park Laurel, MD - Deerfield Run Community Center Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean City, MD - Roland E Powell Convention Ce Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean City, MD - Roland Powell Convention Cent Ocean City, MD - Convention Hall Ocean City, MD - Roland E. Powell Convention C Ocean City, MD - Roland E. Powell Convention C Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean Pines, MD - White Horse Park Thurmont, MD - in the park Timonium, MD - State Fairgrounds West Friendship, MD Westminster, MD - Downtown Westminster, MD - Downtown City Park MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD 08-14-10 11-08-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-27-09 01-16-10 01-16-10 03-19-10 04-02-10 05-22-10 05-29-10 09-03-10 08-07-10 10-09-10 04-16-10 11-06-09 05-08-10 09-23-10 TOTAL # DAYS Havre de Grace Seafood Festival - 30th Annual Holiday Craft Fair - 34th Annual Fallfest of Fine Art - 13th Annual Christmas Craft Expo - 13th Annual Holiday Shopper’s Fair - 27th Annual Nautical & Wildlife Art Festival - 25th Annual North American Craft Show - 23rd Annual Home, Condo, Garden & Art & Craft Show - 26th Annual Easter Art & Craft Fair - 11th Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Show - 10th Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Show - 10th Annual Labor Day Weekend Art & Craft Show - 17th Annual Pine’eer Arts & Crafts Festival - 33rd Annual Catoctin Colorfest - 47th Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Howard County Craft Spectacular Westminster Flower & Jazz Festival Westminster Fallfest - 32nd Annual Michigan Shows 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 4 Alpena, MI - Bay View Park MI 07-17-10 Art On The Bay - 33rd Annual Big Rapids, MI - Hemlock Park MI 09-06-10 Labor Day Arts & Crafts Festival - 42nd Annual East Lansing, MI - Downtown MI 05-22-10 East Lansing Art Festival - 47th Annual MI 07-07-10 Elberta Art & Craft Fair - 20th Annual Elberta, MI - Gymnasium Flushing, MI - Riverview Park MI 06-05-10 Art in the Park - 43rd Annual MI 06-19-10 Frankfort Craft Fair - 14th Annual Frankfort, MI - Market Square Park Frankfort, MI - Market Square Park MI 07-04-10 Fourth of July Art in The Park - 10th Annual MI 07-07-10 Frankfort Summer Art & Craft Fair - 19th Annual Frankfort, MI - Elberta Watefront Park Frankfort, MI - Market Square Park MI 08-20-10 Frankfort Art Fair - 34th Annual Ludington, MI - Downtown Park MI 07-03-10 West Shore Art & Craftsmenship Fair - 42nd Annual Marshall, MI MI 06-05-10 A Gardener’s Extravaganza - 2nd Annual MI 07-10-10 Cornwell’s July Arts & Crafts Show - 34th Annual Marshall, MI MI 09-18-10 Cornwell’s September Arts & Crafts Show - 34th Annual Marshall, MI Marshall, MI MI 10-02-10 Cornwell’s Fall Festival & Arts & Crafts Show - 10th Ann Midland, MI - Midland Center for the Arts MI 11-21-09 Holiday Art Fair 2009 MI 06-05-10 Summer Art Fair 2010 - 44th Annual Midland, MI - Midland Center for the Arts Orchard Lake, MI - Orchard Lake/W Bloomfield A MI 07-30-10 Orchard Lake Fine Art Show - 8th Annual South Haven, MI - Stanley Johnston Park MI 08-14-10 Blueberry Festival Craft Fair 2010 South Haven, MI - Stanley Johnston Park MI 09-04-10 All Crafts Fair - 34th Annual MI 05-29-10 Shoreline Arts & Crafts Show - 18th Annual Tawas City, MI - City Park Tawas City, MI - City Park on the Beach MI 07-31-10 Tawas Bay Waterfront Fine Art Show - 50th Annual MI 09-04-10 Labor Day Arts & Crafts Show - 20th Annual Tawas City, MI - Tawas City Park Warren, MI - Halmich Park MI 07-10-10 Art In The Park - 30th Annual Ypsilanti, MI - Riverside Park MI 08-20-10 Ypsilanti Heritage Festival - 32nd Annual 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Biloxi, MS - Gulf Coast Colisium Biloxi, MS Carthage, MS Jackson, MS Lucedale, MS Pass Christian, MS Pelahatchie, MS Picayune, MS - E & W Canal St Picayune, MS - E & W Canal St Vardaman, MS - Main St Vicksburg, MS !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T et 3 7 1 To GMississippi 0 8 2 Shows 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 11-14-09 12-05-09 05-15-10 12-05-09 11-14-09 04-10-10 09-11-10 11-07-09 04-10-10 11-07-09 12-05-09 Christmas City Gift Show - 26th Annual Christmas in the City Square Affair Chimneyville Crafts Festival - 32nd Annual Gingham Tree Arts & Crafts Festival Art in the Pass Muscadine Jubilee - 29th Annual Picayune Street Fair - 14th Annual Picayune Street Fair - 28th Annual Sweet Potato Festival - 36th Annual Holly Days Arts and Crafts Shows - 1st Annual 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 11-07-09 05-01-10 11-21-09 05-06-10 06-05-10 10-14-10 11-27-09 05-29-10 02-11-10 09-23-10 10-22-10 10-23-10 11-07-09 09-18-10 11-27-09 03-13-10 06-03-10 11-27-09 06-05-10 11-06-09 11-27-09 Ansonville Homecoming Celebration/BBQ - 51st Annual Peak Fest - 30th Annual Jumble Sale - 15th Annual Lake Eden Arts Festival - 15th Annual Black Mountain Arts & Crafts Show - 13th Annual Lake Eden Arts Festival - 15th Annual Christmas Show in the Mountains White Squirrel Festival - 7th Annual Cary Towne Center Art & Craft Show Festival In The Park - 46th Annual Christmas Made in the South - 30th Annual Charlotte Fine Art Show - 3rd Annual Western North Carolina Pottery Festival Centerfest - 37th Annual Eastern Carolina Craftsmen’s Christmas Festival - 34rd A Eastern Carolina Craftsmen’s Spring Festival - 35th Annu Cross Creek Mall Arts & Crafts Show Smokey Mountain Mistletoe Magic - 4th Annual Fuquay-Varina Celbration of the Arts - 7th Annual Craftsmen’s Holiday Market - 20th Annual Craftsmen’s Christmas Classic Arts & Crafts Festival - 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 1 3 3 North Carolina Shows Ansonville, NC Apex, NC - Historic District Beaufort, NC Black Mountain, NC - Camp Rockmont Black Mountain, NC - Downtown Black Mountain, NC - Camp Rockmont Boone, NC - Boone Mall Brevard, NC Cary, NC Charlotte, NC - Freedom Park Lake Charlotte, NC - Cabarrus Events Center Charlotte, NC - The Park(Formerly Merchandise Dillsboro, NC - Downtown Durham, NC - Downtown Fayetteville, NC - Agricultural Expo Bldg Fayetteville, NC - Agricultural Expo Bldg Fayetteville, NC - Cross Creek Mall Franklin, NC - Community Bldg. Fuquay-Varina, NC Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Coliseum Eastern Edition Location Cross Reference “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 55 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY TOTAL # DAYS Lake Junaluska, NC - Haywood County Fairground Maggie Valley, NC - Festival Grounds Maggie Valley, NC - Festival Grounds Midland, NC Raleigh, NC - Raleigh Convention Center Raleigh, NC - Downtown Robbins, NC - Downtown Seagrove, NC - Seagrove Elementary School Southport, NC - Franklin Square Park Thomasville, NC Wilmington, NC - Downtown Wrightsville Beach, NC - Municipal Park NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 07-03-10 07-10-10 10-16-10 11-07-09 11-19-09 05-15-10 08-06-10 11-21-09 04-02-10 09-25-10 04-07-10 11-28-09 Freedom Festival Arts & Crafts Show - 25th Annual Maggie Valley Summer Art & Craft Show Maggie Valley Fall Art & Craft Show Rocky River Vineyard’s Fall Festival A Carolina Christmas Show - 33rd Annual Artsplosure - Spring Art Festival - 31st Annual Robbins Farmers Day - 55th Annual Seagrove Pottery Festival - 28th Annual Southport Spring Festival - 28th Annual Everybody’s Day NC Azalea Festival - 63rd Annual Holiday Flotilla Festival In The Park - 26th Annual 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 Nashua, NH - Crowne Plaza Hotel Salem, NH - Rockingham Park Salem, NH - Rockingham Park Wolfeboro, NH - Downtown on waterfront NH NH NH NH 11-29-09 11-13-09 12-12-09 08-18-10 Holiday Shoppers Arts & Crafts Gift Show New England Craft & Specialty Food Fair - 14th Annual New England Holiday Craft Festival - 10th Annual Artists in the Park - 31st Annual 1 3 2 1 Cape May, NJ - Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Cape May, NJ - Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Cape May, NJ - Cape May Elementary School Clark, NJ - Oak Ridge Park Edison, NJ - Convention & Expo Center Edison, NJ - Convention & Expo Center Edison, NJ - Menlo Park Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Margate City, NJ - Margate Community Church Montclair, NJ - Brookdale Park Montclair, NJ - Brookdale Park Morristown, NJ - Morristown Armory Morristown, NJ - Armory New Brunswick, NJ - Rutgers University Ocean City, NJ Ocean City, NJ - Boardwalk by the Sea Princeton, NJ - John Witherspoon Middle School Robbinsville, NJ Rockaway, NJ - SS Peter & Paul Church Roslyn, NY - Christopher Morley Park Somerset, NJ - Garden State Exhibit Center Stone Harbor, NJ - 80th St. & the beach Upper Montclair, NJ - Anderson Park Verona, NJ - Verona Park NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ 11-07-09 11-27-09 12-05-09 06-05-10 12-04-09 01-29-10 11-20-10 02-11-10 05-05-10 06-17-10 09-02-10 10-07-10 11-20-10 08-07-10 06-19-10 10-16-10 12-04-09 04-09-10 04-24-10 11-21-09 08-06-10 11-21-09 03-20-10 12-05-09 05-01-10 03-12-10 08-07-10 09-11-10 05-15-10 Fall Arts & Crafts Festival Holiday Crafts Fair Crafts at Christmas Spring Fine Arts & Crafts at Oak Ridge Park Country Folk Art & Craft Show Country Folk Art & Craft Show Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Antique, Arts & Crafts Show - 15th Annual Spring Fine Art & Crafts at Brookdale Park - 21st Annual Fall Fine Art & Crafts at Brookdale Park - 11th Annual Holiday Crafts at Morristown - 19th Annual Spring Crafts at Morristown - 20th Annual New Jersey Folk Festival - 36th Annual Christmas Spectacular of the Finest Arts & Crafts Boardwalk Art Show - 48th Annual YWCA Princeton Crafter’s Marketplace - 36th Annual 100% Handcrafted Holiday Bonanza Craft & Gift Fair Outdoor in The Parks Sugarloaf Craft Festival Art & Craft Show - 48th Annual Fine Art & Crafts at Anderson Park - 26th Annual Fine Arts & Crafts at Verona Park - 24th Annual 1 2 1 2 3 3 28 5 5 4 5 5 18 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Batavia, NY - Centennial Park Bayville, NY - Waterside, Ranson Beach Park Buffalo, NY - Allentown Historic District Canandaigua, NY - Mansion Grounds Cazenovia, NY Central Square, NY - Goettel Community Park Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Eisenhower Park Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Greene, NY Hamburg, NY - International Agri-Center Hamburg, NY - International Agri-Center Herkimer, NY - Community College Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 12-07-09 02-23-10 09-21-10 10-26-10 12-06-10 07-04-10 09-11-10 06-12-10 11-13-09 07-03-10 09-25-10 11-11-09 11-30-09 01-14-10 02-11-10 03-18-10 04-22-10 05-01-10 05-27-10 06-17-10 09-02-10 09-04-10 10-07-10 11-03-10 09-25-10 11-05-09 12-05-09 11-14-09 02-11-10 Holiday Northeast Art & Craft Show 5 Winter Northeast Art & Craft Show 3 Fall Northeast Art & Craft Show 3 Thanksgiving Northeast Art & Craft Show 3 Holiday Northeast Art & Craft Show 5 Picnic in the Park - 32nd Annual 1 Craft & Gift Fair Outdoor in The Parks - 6th Annual 2 Allentown Outdoor Art Festival - 53rd Annual 2 Christkindl Market - 16th Annual 3 CAVAC Craft Fair - 35th Annual 2 Lioness Club of Central Square Apple Festival - 27th Ann 2 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 7 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 4 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 4 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 9 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 4 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 4 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 Craft & Gift Fair Outdoor in The Parks 2 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 4 Apple Fest - 24th Annual 1 Christmas in the Country - 25th Annual 4 Yuletide in the Country - 15th Annual 2 Herkimer County Arts & Craft Fair - 33rd Annual 2 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 New Hampshire Shows New Jersey Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r w.a York Shows wwNew 56 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Location Cross Reference Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY TOTAL # DAYS Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman Islip Terrace, NY - East Islip High School Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall Lockport, NY - Kenan Center Arena Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall Merrick, NY - Municipal Parking Lots Merrick, NY - Municipal Parking Lots Montauk, NY - Village Green Morrisonville, NY - Fairgrounds New Paltz, NY - New Paltz Middle School New Paltz, NY - Ulster County Fairgrounds New Paltz, NY - Ulster County Fairgrounds Northport, NY - High School Old Bethpage NY - Old Bethpage Village Restora Oswego, NY - City Parks Plainview, NY - Old Bethpage JFK High School Plattsburgh, NY - Field House Poughkeepsie, NY Rochester, NY - Highland Park Rochester, NY - Highland Park Rochester, NY - Park Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY - Samoset Middle School Speculator, NY - Speculator Ballfield St. James, NY - Deepwells Historical Mansion St. James, NY - Deepwells Historical Mansion Stony Brook, NY - U Sports Complex Syracuse, NY - State Fairgrounds Syracuse, NY - Empire Expo, State Fairgrounds Tarrytown, NY - Lyndhurst Estate Tarrytown, NY - Lyndhurst Estate Troy, NY - Hudson Valley Community College Troy, NY - Hudson Valley Comm College Vestal, NY - Binghamton University - West Gym Westbury, NY - Parking Lot At The Main Enteran Westhampton Beach, NY Westhampton Beach, NY Westhampton Beach, NY White Plains, NY - Tibbits Park Yorktown Heights, NY - Jefferson Valley Mall Yorktown Heights, NY - Jefferson Valley Mall NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 05-05-10 06-17-10 10-07-10 11-20-10 11-21-09 01-14-10 02-11-10 05-05-10 06-10-10 10-07-10 06-04-10 11-27-09 11-26-10 11-29-10 04-24-10 09-25-10 08-20-10 07-20-10 12-05-09 05-29-10 09-04-10 12-12-09 12-19-09 07-22-10 12-05-09 11-21-09 11-28-09 05-15-10 05-22-10 08-07-10 12-06-09 08-12-10 11-28-09 12-05-09 11-14-09 12-04-09 02-05-10 04-30-10 09-10-10 11-20-09 03-26-10 11-28-09 11-05-09 06-05-10 08-07-10 10-09-10 06-05-10 11-05-09 11-06-10 Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Holiday Craft & Gifts Fair Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 100 American Craftsmen - 40th Annual Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Merrick Festival - 20th Annual Craft & Gift Fair Outdoor in The Parks Fine Art Show on the Montauk Green - 16th Annual Clinton County Fair Unison Holiday Fine Arts & Crafts Fair - 19th Annual Woodstock-New Paltz Arts & Crafts Fair Memorial Day - 29 Woodstock-New Paltz Fall Arts & Crafts Show Fair - 30th Holiday Craft & Gifts Fair Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls At Old Bethpage Villa Oswego HarborFest Arts & Crafts Show - 22nd Annual Holiday Craft & Gifts Fair Plattsburgh State Fall Arts & Crafts Fair - 40th Annual Holiday Craft Fair - 38th Annual Lilac Festival Arts & Crafts Show - 25th Annual Lilac Festival Art In The Park - 25th Annual Park Avenue Summer Art Fest - 34th Annual Holiday Craft & Gifts Fair Speculator Twigs Craft Fair - 33rd Annual Holiday Boutique Holiday Boutique Autumn Stony Brook Art & Craft Festival - 15th Annual Holiday Craft Spectacular - 27th Annual Country Folk Art & Craft Show Spring Crafts at Lyndhurst - 26th Annual Fall Crafts at Lyndhurst - 24th Annual Country Folk Art & Craft Show Capital District Garden & Flower Show - 23rd Annual Holiday Traditions Craft Show Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Greater Westhampton Chamber of Commerce Arts & Craft Sho Mary O. Fritche Art Show - 39th Annual Greater Westhampton Art & Crafts Show on the Green - 39t White Plains Outdoor Arts Festival - 49th Annual Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 5 4 5 34 2 5 5 5 4 5 3 28 28 9 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 52 2 2 2 2 52 48 Akron, OH - John S. Knight Center Akron, OH - E.J. Thomas Hall Canton, OH - Cultural Center for the Arts Canton, OH - Westfield Belden Village Canton, OH - Stark County Fairgrounds Canton, OH - Cultural Center for the Arts Chagrin Falls, OH - Riverside Park Cincinnati, OH - Coney Island Cincinnati, OH - Coney Island Park Cleveland, OH - IX Center Columbus, OH - Easton Town Center Columbus, OH - Ohio Expo Center Waynesville, OH - Main Street Westerville, OH - Heritage Park/Everal Barn OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 02-26-10 12-03-10 11-13-09 12-12-09 10-30-10 11-12-10 06-12-10 05-07-10 06-04-10 11-20-09 06-25-10 09-24-10 10-09-10 07-10-10 Art & Craft Showcase Akron Home & Flower Show Christmas Arts & Crafts Show - 30th Annual Christkindl Markt - 38th Annual Rudolph’s Runway Holiday Show Home For the Holidays Art & Craft Show Christkindl Markt - 39th Annual Art by the Falls - 27th Annual Appalachian Festival - 41st Annual Summerfair - 43rd Annual Cleveland Christmas Connection - 24th Annual Easton Art Affair - 11th Annual Columbus Oktobertfest Ohio Sauerkraut Festival - 41st Annual Westerville Area Chamber Music & Arts Festival - 37th An 3 3 3 5 5 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Allentown, PA - Fairgrounds Altoona, PA - Blair County Convention Center Altoona, PA - Penn State Altoona Altoona, PA - Lakemont Park Beaver, PA - Seven Oaks Country Club Bethlehem, PA - Main & Spring Sts Bethlehem, PA - Main & Spring Sts Bethlehem, PA - Main & Spring Sts Bethlehem, PA - Main & Spring Sts Blue Bell, PA - Montgomery County Comm College Boyertown, PA - Boyertown Area High School Cranberry, PA - Pittsburgh N Marriott Ebensburg, PA - Downtown & Memorial Park Ellwood City, PA - Ewing Park PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 11-27-09 11-14-09 05-15-10 09-10-10 11-20-09 11-27-09 12-03-09 12-10-09 12-17-09 10-16-10 11-27-09 11-13-09 09-25-10 07-03-10 Handcraft Unlimited Christmas Craft Show Heritage Holidays in the Alleghanies Craft Show - 5th An Blair County Arts Festival - 43rd Annual Altoona First Festival - 37th Annual Holly & The Ivy - 20th Annual Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem - 17th Annual Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem - 17th Annual Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem - 17th Annual Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem - 17th Annual Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 27th Annual Der Belsnickel Craft Show - 39th Annual Holly & The Ivy - 20th Annual Potato Fest - 19th Annual Ellwood City Arts, Crafts & Food Festival - 30th Annual 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 3 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c Ohio Shows d n a t r www.a Pennsylvania Shows Eastern Edition Location Cross Reference “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 57 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA Charlestown, RI - Ninigret Park RI 08-06-10 Charlestown Seafood Festival - 26th Annual 3 Wild Rib Cook-off & Musical Festival - 20th Annual Celorons Wild Rib Cook-off & Music Festival - 5th Annual Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Christmas Extranaganza - 4th An Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival - 35th Annual Hanover Dutch Festival - 27th Annual Central Dauphin Band Booster Spring Craft Show - 20th An Art in the Wilds - 4th Annual Apple Festival - 39th Annual Lancaster Arts & Crafts Christmas Fest - 1st Annual Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 15th Annual Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 16th Annual Antiques & Arts Festival - Lansdale Day - 33rd Annual Spring Crafts Festival - 23rd Annual Fall Crafts Festival - 24th Annual Antiques on the Diamond - 23rd Annual Summer in Ligonier Arts & Crafts - 19th Annual Antiques on the Diamond - 23rd Annual Fort Ligonier Days - 51st Annual Heart of Lancaster Arts & Crafts Show - 23rd Annual Penns Woods West Folk & Arts Festival & Business Expo Victorian Weekend - 22nd Annual Greater Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Holiday Spectacular - 1 Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Spring Fever Festival - 11th An Mt. Gretna Outdoor Art Show - 36th Annual Mount Pleasant Glass & Ethnic Festival - 24th Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Sugarloaf Craft Festival Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show - 33rd Annual Artisans’ Row at Suburban Home & Flower Show - 16th Annu Rittenhouse Square Fine Arts Show - 79th Annual Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Arts - 6th Annual Monroeville Mall Arts, Craft, & Lifestyle Show Mall at Robinson Art, Craft, & Lifestyle Show Central Pennsylvania Sidewalk Sale & Exhibition - 44th A Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival - 69th Annual Heritage Day - 35th Annual Bershire Mall Arts & Crafts Show SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h Y re T Island Shows P O C WheRhode E L P M A S L A RTI CarolinallShows on i t i PASouth d E Fu e h T t e 3 7 1 To G 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Abbeville, SC - Historic Abbeville Square Down Aiken, SC - H.O. Weeks Center Bennettsville, SC - Bennettsville Community Ce Charleston, SC - Mullet Hall Equestrian Center Charleston, SC - Exchange Park Charleston, SC Charleston, SC - Exchange Park Columbia, SC - State Fairgrounds Daufuskie Island, SC - Freeport Marina (ICW 36 Florence, SC Florence, SC Florence, SC Gilbert, SC - Community Park Greenville, SC - Carolina First Center Greenville, SC - Downtown Main St & Falls Park Greer, SC - Downtown Hardeeville, SC - City Hall Hilton Head, SC Hilton Head, SC Little River, SC - On the Waterfront Little River, SC - La Belle Amie Vinyard Manning, SC - Downtown Morning McCormick, SC - Dairy Barn Mt. Pleasant, SC Murrells Inlet, SC - Belin Memorial United Met Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Myrtle Beach Convention Cen Myrtle Beach, SC - 3200 S Ocean Blvd Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Valor Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park Myrtle Beach, SC - Valor Park North Myrtle Beach, SC - Main Street North Myrtle Beach, SC - Main Street Pelion, SC - Pelion Community Club Pendleton, SC - Village Green Rock Hill, SC 58 06-02-10 06-09-10 12-04-09 07-01-10 07-31-10 04-10-10 06-26-10 11-07-09 11-13-09 11-14-09 11-13-10 06-05-10 05-01-10 09-25-10 06-12-10 07-23-10 08-28-10 10-08-10 09-04-10 02-13-10 07-17-10 11-20-09 03-26-10 08-21-10 09-24-10 11-06-09 03-19-10 11-11-09 02-18-10 06-04-10 09-17-10 11-12-09 01-21-10 07-08-10 06-18-10 09-25-10 03-04-10 TOTAL # DAYS Erie, PA - Park & Streets Erie, PA - Park on the shoreline of Lake Chaut Greensburg, PA - Behind Westmoreland Mall Greensburg, PA - Twin Lakes Park Hanover, PA - Downtown Harrisburg, PA - Central Dauphin High School Kane, PA Lahaska, PA Lancaster, PA - “New” Lancaster Convention Cen Lancaster, PA Lancaster, PA Lansdale, PA - Main Street Lebanon, PA - Cumberland St Lebanon, PA - Downtown Area Ligonier, PA - Downtown Ligonier, PA - Downtown Ligonier, PA - Downtown Ligonier, PA - Downtown Manheim, PA - Roots Country Market Mercer, PA - Mercer High School Mercer, PA - Mercer Courthouse Monroeville, PA - “New” Monroeville Convention Monroeville, PA - Monroeville Convention Cente Mt. Gretna, PA - Park Mt. Pleasant, PA - Veteran’s Park Oaks, PA - Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Oaks, PA - Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Philadelphia, PA - Covention Center Philadelphia, PA - Expo Center Philadelphia, PA - Rittenhouse Square Park Philadelphia, PA - Rittenhouse Square Park Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA - Mall at Robinson State College, PA - Downtown State College Wellsboro, PA - The Green Wrightsville, PA - 4th & Locust Streets Wyomissing, PA 04-30-10 12-04-09 11-21-09 11-07-09 12-04-09 05-13-10 12-03-10 04-10-10 11-07-09 11-07-09 03-25-10 04-24-10 07-04-10 12-03-09 05-07-10 04-30-10 09-17-10 04-24-10 05-29-10 11-28-09 05-15-10 04-24-10 06-19-10 06-05-10 05-01-10 11-07-09 11-12-09 12-04-09 04-17-10 04-24-10 06-19-10 10-09-10 11-06-10 11-13-10 03-13-10 05-08-10 08-06-10 04-03-10 12-04-09 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Abbeville Spring Festival on the Square - 28th Annual Christmas Craft Show - 39th Annual Jubilee Arts Festival - 34th Annual Harvest Festival - 8th Annual Christmas Made In The South - 17th Annual Charleston Tanger Art & Craft Show Christmas Made In The South - 18th Annual Columbia International Festival - 14th Annual DauFusKie Autumn Festival - A Celebration of DauFusKie - Pecan Festival - 6th Annual Magnolia Mall Arts & Crafts Show Arts International Lexington County Peach Festival - 51st Annual Holiday Fair - 39th Annual Artisphere - International Arts Festival - 6th Annual Greer Family Fest - 26th Annual Hardeeville Catfish Festival - 11th Annual Art Market at Historic Honey Horn - 11th Annual Hilton Head Island Art Festival at Shelter Cove Harbour Little River Christmas Market - 4th Annual Little River’s Blue Crab Festival - 29th Annual Striped Bass Festival - 31st Annual Dairy Festival - 17th Annual Sweetgrass Culture Art Festival Blessing of the Inlet - 14th Annual Art in the Park - 37th Annual Dickens Christmas Show & Festival - 28th Annual Springmaid Beach Resort’s Winter Arts & Craft Show - 23r Art in the Park - 38th Annual Art in the Park Valor Park - 38th Annual Art in the Park - 38th Annual Art in the Park - 38th Annual Art in the Park - 38th Annual Art in the Park Valor Park - 38th Annual St Patricks Day Festival - 22nd Annual Mayfest On Main - 5th Annual South Carolina Peanut Party - 28th Annual Historic Pendleton Spring Jubilee - 33rd Annual ChristmasVille - 4th Annual Location Cross Reference 4 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 11 4 2 1 4 Location Cross Reference LOCATION / CITY Rock Hill, SC Salley, SC - Fairgrounds Society Hill, SC - Old St. David’s Academy St. Helena Island, SC Summerville, SC - Azalea Park TOTAL # DAYS SC SC SC SC SC 04-15-10 11-28-09 11-14-09 11-13-09 03-26-10 Come-See-Me Festival Chitlin’ Strut - 44th Annual Catfish Festival Penn Center Heritage Days Celebration - 27th Annual Flowertown Festival - 37th Annual 10 1 1 2 3 TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 07-16-10 07-16-10 07-20-10 10-07-10 10-07-10 10-12-10 10-18-10 05-22-10 Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual Log Cabin Days Fine Art & Craft Fair 5 9 5 5 17 6 6 2 Altavista, VA - Stanton Riverfront Park Berryville, VA - Downtown Berryville, VA - Clark County Fairgrounds Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center Chesapeake, VA - Lakeside Park Chincoteague Island, VA - Chincoteague High Sc Chincoteague Island, VA - Chincoteague Center Chincoteague, VA - Community Center Clarksville, VA - Virginia Avenue Colonial Heights, VA - Ft Clifton Park Colonial Heights, VA - South Park Mall Dungannon, VA - Main St Fairfax, VA - High School Fairfax, VA - Historic Downtown Fairfax, VA - High School Fredericksburg, VA Harrisonburg, VA - Rockingham Fairgrounds Harrisonburg, VA - Rockingham Fairgrounds Herndon, VA - Historic Downtown Leesburg, VA - Ida Lee Park Recreation Center Leesburg, VA - Ida Lee Park Recreation Center Lynchburg, VA - River Ridge Mall McLean, VA - Community Center Monterey, VA - throughout Highland County Monterey, VA - throughout Highland County Newport News, VA - 60 Travedrse Rd Norfolk, VA - Stockley Gardens Park Norfolk, VA - Stockley Gardens Park Portsmouth, VA - Waterfront Richmond, VA - The Showplace & Annex Richmond, VA - Dulles Expo Center Richmond, VA - The Showplace Richmond, VA - Richmond Raceway Complex Richmond, VA - Byrd Park Richmond, VA - The Showplace & Annex Roanoke, VA Staunton, VA - Gypsy Hill Park Strasburg, VA - King & Holliday Streets Vienna, VA - Church St Virginia Beach, VA - Virginia Beach Convention Virginia Beach, VA - VA Convention Center Warrenton, VA - Main Street Waynesboro, VA - Main Street & Wayne Ave Williamsburg, VA - Historic Area VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 06-04-10 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-13-09 12-11-09 01-29-10 04-24-10 04-02-10 04-10-10 07-23-10 07-15-10 05-08-10 07-01-10 11-21-09 11-21-09 10-09-10 11-20-10 11-07-09 12-05-09 03-27-10 06-03-10 12-05-09 03-06-10 01-21-10 12-04-09 03-13-10 03-20-10 11-06-09 05-15-10 10-17-10 08-28-10 11-05-09 11-06-09 03-12-10 03-26-10 05-01-10 11-04-10 05-20-10 05-29-10 05-14-10 05-29-10 11-27-09 03-19-10 05-15-10 10-09-10 10-03-10 Uncle Billy’s Day - 61st Annual Berryville Barns Main Street Holiday Market - 9th Annual Country Peddler Craft Show Northern Virginia Christmas Market - 16th Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Sugarloaf Craft Festival Chesapeake Arts Show - 6th Annual Easter Decoy & Fine Art Festival - 31st Annual Daffodil Festival - 9th Annual Blueberry Festival & Craft Show Virginia Lake Festival - 33rd Annual Fort Clifton Arts, Music, & Crafts Festival - 35th Annua South Park Mall Arts & Crafts Dungannon Christmas Parade & Holiday Fest - 4th Annual Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 22nd Annual Fairfax Fall Festival - 34th Annual Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 23rd Annual Fredericksburg Craft Show - 37th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Show & Sales - 34th Annual Spring Arts & Crafts Show - 23rd Annual Herndon Festival - 30th Annual Holiday & Hometown Arts & Craft Show - 20th Annual Hometown Arts & Craft Show - 12th Annual River Ridge Mall Arts & Crafts Show McLean Holiday Crafts Show - 27th Annual Highland Maple Festival - 52nd Annual Highland Maple Festival - 52nd Annual Holiday Craft and Greek Food Show - 9th Annual Stockley Gardens Spring Arts Festival - 26th Annual Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival - 26th Annual Seawall Art Show - 40th Annual Virginia Christmas Show - 24th Annual Craftsmen’s Christmas Classis Arts & Crafts Festival - 3 Virginia Spring Show - 23rd Annual Spring Market - 17th Annual Arts In The Park - 39th Annual Virginia Christmas Show - 25th Annual Valley View Mall Arts & Craft Show Art in the Park - 44th Annual Strasburg Mayfest - 28th Annual Viva Vienna - 28th Annual Virginia Beach Christmas Market - 28th Annual Virginia Spring Craft Market - 24th Annual Old Town Warrenton Spring Festival - 32nd Annual Virginia Fall Foliage Festival Art Show - 39th Annual An Occasion for Arts - 43rd Annual 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 Rutland, VT - Main St Park/Junction of Rt 4&7 Rutland, VT - Main St Park/Junction of Rt 4&7 VT 08-14-10 Art In The Park Summer Festival - 49th Annual VT 10-09-10 Art In The Park Fall Foilage Festival - 49th Annual Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Pikeville, TN - McBay’s Log Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Cabin Village Tennessee Shows Virginia Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Vermont Shows West Virginia Shows Beckley, WV - Raleigh Co Armory Paw Paw, WV - Avalon Clothing-Optional Resort 2 2 WV 08-27-10 Appalachian Arts & Crafts Festival - 46th Annual 3 WV 08-13-10 AvalonFest ‘10 - Music, Arts, & Crafts Festival - 13th A 3 “You got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there” Yogi Berra Eastern Edition Location Cross Reference “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 59 Shows At a Glance A quick look at what’s happening for all the events listed in the show guide regardless in which state the are taking place. To find the complete details about the show you’re interested in, refer to the state section for that particular event. !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATE #DAYS NAME OF EVENT 11-01-09 1 Monty Tech Arts & Crafts Fair 2nd Annual 7 Sunset Celebration 11-02-09 1 Tuesday Morning Fresh Market 11-03-09 11-03-09 1 Farmers Market Days at Lady Lake 5 Christmas Village Festival - 28th Annual 11-04-09 11-05-09 52 Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 52 Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls 11-05-09 25 National Juried Fine Arts Exhibition - 23rd Annual 11-05-09 11-05-09 12 Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair - 55th Annual 11 Volusia County Fair & Youth Show - 64th Annual 11-05-09 11-05-09 11 North Florida Fair - 68th Annual 4 Riverhawk Music Fest - 8th Annual 11-05-09 4 Christmas in the Country - 25th Annual 11-05-09 11-05-09 4 Virginia Christmas Show - 24th Annual 3 Westfield Countryside Mall Art, Craft, & Lifestyle Show 11-05-09 11-06-09 3 Christmas Festival - 22nd Annual 3 Heritage Harbor Days - 9th Annual 11-06-09 3 Craftsmen’s Holiday Market - 20th Annual 11-06-09 11-06-09 3 Pineapple Festival - 22nd Annual 3 Christmas Made in the South - 17th Annual 11-06-09 11-06-09 3 Sugarloaf Craft Festival 3 Old Farmhouse Christmas Arts, Crafts, & Antiques - 17th An 11-06-09 3 Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival - 37th Annual 11-06-09 11-06-09 3 Craftsmen’s Christmas Classis Arts & Crafts Festival - 30t 3 Christmas in the Country 11-06-09 11-06-09 3 Howard County Craft Spectacular 2 Florida Seafood Festival - 45th Annual 11-06-09 11-06-09 2 St. Simon’s on the Sound Craft Fair - 34th Annual 11-06-09 2 Holiday Craft and Greek Food Show - 9th Annual 11-06-09 1 First Fridays in Florence - 3rd Annual 11-06-09 1 Friday Fest 11-06-09 1 First Friday Art Walk - 16th Annual 11-06-09 1 Evening on the Avenues - 12th Annual 11-07-09 3 Washington Wilkes Fall Art Festival - 7th Annual 11-07-09 2 Giant Omelette Celebration - 25th Annual 11-07-09 2 Fall Country Jamboree - 33rd Annual 11-07-09 2 Berryville Barns Main Street Holiday Market - 9th Annual 11-07-09 2 Country Peddler Craft Show 11-07-09 2 Moss Rock Festival 11-07-09 2 Halifax Art Festival - 47th Annual 11-07-09 2 Art Harvest - 46th Annual 11-07-09 2 Estero Fine Art Show - 4th Bi-Annual 11-07-09 2 Buckler’s Annual Holiday Craft Fair - 17th Annual 2 Lake Mary-Heathrow Festival of the Arts - 23rd Annual 11-07-09 11-07-09 2 Citrus County Festival of the Arts - 38th Annual 11-07-09 2 Apple Festival - 39th Annual 11-07-09 2 Mount Dora Plant & Garden Fair - 15th Annual 11-07-09 2 Art in the Park - 37th Annual 11-07-09 2 NARFE Arts & Crafts Show - 3rd Annual 11-07-09 2 Fallfest of Fine Art - 13th Annual 11-07-09 2 Christmas Craft Expo - 13th Annual LOCATION OF EVENT Fitchburg, MA - Monty Tech Key West, FL - Mallory Square Dock Gulfport, FL - Sidewalk Paver Event Lady Lake, FL - Historic Log Cabin Rt 441 Birmingham, AL - Jefferson Convention Com Westbury, NY - Parking Lot At The Main En Yorktown Heights, NY - Jefferson Valley M Douglasville, GA Jacksonville, FL - Fairgounds Deland, FL - Volusia County Fairgrounds Tallahassee, FL - North Florida Fairgroun Brooksville, FL - Sertoma Youth Ranch Hamburg, NY - International Agri-Center Richmond, VA - The Showplace & Annex Clearwater, FL Boston, MA - Sealport World Trade Center Foley, AL - Heritage Park Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Coliseum Jensen Beach, FL - Downtown Macon, GA - CentrePlex Oaks, PA - Greater Philadelphia Expo Cent Pensacola, FL Pensacola, FL - Seville Square Richmond, VA - Dulles Expo Center Springville, AL West Friendship, MD Apalachicola, FL - Battery Park Ft. Walton Beach, FL - St. Simon’s Epis. Newport News, VA - 60 Travedrse Rd Florence, AL - Downtown Court St Ft. Pierce, FL Gulfport, FL Lake Worth, FL Washington, GA Abbeville, LA - Magdalen Square Barberville, FL - Pioneer Settlement Berryville, VA - Downtown Berryville, VA - Clark County Fairgrounds Birmingham, AL - Preserve Daytona Beach, FL - Riverfront Marketplac Dunedin, FL - Highlander Park Estero, FL - Miromar Outlets Ft. Myers, FL - Lee Civic Center Heathrow, FL - Oval Park Inverness, FL - Courthouse Square Lahaska, PA Mount Dora, FL - Simpson Cove Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park North Port, FL - North Port Healthpark Ocean City, MD - Convention Center Ocean City, MD - Convention Center 60 Shows At A Glance “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 ****** Shows at a Glance ****** DATE 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-08-09 11-09-09 11-10-09 11-10-09 11-10-09 11-11-09 11-11-09 11-11-09 11-12-09 11-12-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 #DAYS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 1 1 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NAME OF EVENT Fiesta in the Park Picayune Street Fair - 14th Annual Harvest Art & Craft Show Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6 Weekends Ruskin Seafood & Art Festival - 21st Annual Million Pines Arts and Crafts Festival South Miami Art Festival - 38th Annual Roser Park Art Festival - 6th Annual St. Petersburg International Folk Fair - 35th Annual Art Arbor Festival The Villages Craft Festival - 13th Annual Toccoa Harvest Festival - 33rd Annual Venice Art Festival 2009 - 22nd Annual Ansonville Homecoming Celebration/BBQ - 51st Annual Marist Holiday Traditions Arts & Crafts Show - 28th Annual Bostwick Cotton Gin Festival - 20th Annual Festival of Crafts - 18th Annual Mule Days - 36th Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Festival Harvest Festival - 8th Annual Fall Festival of Arts & Crafts - 23rd Annual Stone Crab Jam - 2nd Annual DauFusKie Autumn Festival - A Celebration of DauFusKie - 5 Western North Carolina Pottery Festival Granite City Fall Festival - 10th Annual Pecan Festival - 6th Annual Fredericksburg Craft Show - 37th Annual Dover Officers’ Spouses’ Club Craft Show - 24th Annual Depot Day in Hartwell - 4th Annual Jackson Fall Festival Riverside Arts Market Rocky River Vineyard’s Fall Festival Molena Fest Deer Festival - 43rd Annual Calhoun County Harvest Festival - 17th Annual First Saturday on the River - 28th Annual I’d Rather Be in Tignall Fall Festival Sweet Potato Festival - 36th Annual Zephyrhills Harvest Festival - 6th Annual Holiday Craft Fair - 34th Annual Sunset Celebration Ocali Country Days - 19th Annual Tuesday Morning Fresh Market Farmers Market Days at Lady Lake Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show - 33rd Annual Christmas Jubilee - 25th Annual Dickens Christmas Show & Festival - 28th Annual Monroeville Mall Arts, Craft, & Lifestyle Show St. Thomas More Arts & Crafts Show - 23rd Annual Christkindl Market - 16th Annual Christkindl Markt - 38th Annual Northern Virginia Christmas Market - 16th Annual Holiday Open House - 19th Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Hudson Seafest - 25th Annual Festival of the Masters - 34th Annual Lancaster Arts & Crafts Christmas Fest - 1st Annual Winter Holiday Show - 36th Annual New England Craft & Specialty Food Fair - 14th Annual Christmas Made in the South - 21st Annual Telfair Art Fair - 15th Annual Country Folk Art & Craft Show Holly & The Ivy - 20th Annual Mt. Zion Craft Show - 24th Annual Richland Pig Fest Penn Center Heritage Days Celebration - 27th Annual Sunset Magic at Fort Pierce City Marina Craft & Plant-A-Palooza - 2nd Annual Heritage Holidays in the Alleghanies Craft Show - 5th Annu Christmas City Gift Show - 26th Annual Coconut Point Fall Art Fair Covington Three Rivers Art Festival Downtown Festival & Art Show - 28th Annual Herkimer County Arts & Craft Fair - 33rd Annual Camelot Days Anna-Maria Island Art & Crafts Show - 2nd Annual Old Homosassa Arts Crafts & Seafood Festival - 35th Annual Holiday Craft Festival on the Ocean - 8th Annual Lakeland Art Festival - 2nd Annual LOCATION OF EVENT Orlando, FL - Lake Eola Picayune, MS - E & W Canal St Port St. Lucie, FL - Civic Center Plaza Robert, LA Ruskin, FL - E.G. Simmons Park Soperton, GA South Miami, FL St. Petersburg, FL St. Petersburg, FL - Tropicana Field St. Petersburg, FL - Boyd Hill Nature Par The Villages, FL - Lake Sumter Landing Mk Toccoa, GA Venice, FL - Main Street in Downtown Ansonville, NC Atlanta, GA - Marist School Bostwick, GA - Downtown Brookfield, CT - Whisconier Middle School Calvary, GA - Intersection GA 111 and 179 Cape May, NJ - Our Lady Star of the Sea P Charleston, SC - Mullet Hall Equestrian C Clearwater, FL - Heritage United Methodis Crystal River, FL - Citrus Ave Daufuskie Island, SC - Freeport Marina (I Dillsboro, NC - Downtown Elberton, GA Florence, SC Fredericksburg, VA Harrington, DE - Delaware State Fairgroun Hartwell, GA Jackson, AL Jacksonville, FL - Fuller Warren Bridge Midland, NC Molena, GA Monticello, GA - Crossroads Trailhead Morgan, GA Savannah, GA - River St Tignall, GA - Old Tignall School Grounds Vardaman, MS - Main St Zephyrhills, FL - Zephyr Palms Events Cen Laurel, MD - Deerfield Run Community Cent Key West, FL - Mallory Square Dock Ocala, FL - Silver River Museum Gulfport, FL - Sidewalk Paver Event Lady Lake, FL - Historic Log Cabin Rt 441 Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall Philadelphia, PA - Covention Center Mobile, AL - Greater Gulf States Fairgrou Myrtle Beach, SC - Myrtle Beach Conventio Pittsburgh, PA Boynton Beach, FL - Church hall Canandaigua, NY - Mansion Grounds Canton, OH - Cultural Center for the Arts Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Hartford, CT - Expo Center Hudson, FL - US 19 Lake Buena Vista, FL - Downtown Disney Lancaster, PA - “New” Lancaster Conventio Mobile, AL - Abba Shrine Temple Salem, NH - Rockingham Park Savannah, GA - Int’l Trade & Convention C Savannah, GA - Telfair Square Turlock, CA - Stanislaus County Fairgroun Cranberry, PA - Pittsburgh N Marriott Marietta, GA Richland, GA St. Helena Island, SC Fort Pierce, FL - Marina North Ft. Myers, FL - Grace Community Cen Altoona, PA - Blair County Convention Cen Biloxi, MS - Gulf Coast Colisium Bonita Springs, FL Covington, LA - Columbia St Gainesville, FL - Historic Downtown Herkimer, NY - Community College Hollywood, FL - Topeekeegee Yugnee Park Holmes Beach, FL - Events Field Park Homosassa, FL - Mason Creek Road & HCC Pa Jupiter, FL - Juno Beach - A1A Lakeland, FL !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition Shows At A Glance “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 61 ****** Shows at a Glance ****** DATE 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-15-09 11-16-09 11-17-09 11-17-09 11-19-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 11-21-09 62 #DAYS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 NAME OF EVENT Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 15th Annual Christmas in Lithia Art & Crafts Festival - 24th Annual Festival of Trees Marketplace - 25th Annual Calico Holiday Arts & Crafts Show - 18th Annual Prime Outlets Art & Crafts Show - 5th Annual Flamingo Follies - A Holiday Art Show - 19th Annual St. Brendan’s Womens Club Art & Craft Show - 4th Annual Art In The Park Goes Green - 43rd annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 2nd Weekend Autumn Stony Brook Art & Craft Festival - 15th Annual November in Tampa Cancelled... New Tampa Arts Festival - 4th Annual Temple Terrace Community Arts Festival - 35th Annual Fall Fling 2009 Fine Art & Fine Craft Event - 5th Annual Sugar Day Festival - 14th Annual Downtown Bartow Craft Fair - 18th Annual Royal Harvest Market - 13th Annual Benefit Flea Market Meadowcrest Arts & Crafts Show - 39th Annual Riverside Arts Market Lake Placid’s Saturday Morning Market Wine Festival & Market Gingham Tree Arts & Crafts Festival Holiday Boutique Old South Day - 33rd Annual Great Day in the Country - 36th Annual Pioneer Heritage Day - 32nd Annual Catfish Festival Thibodeauxville Fall Festival - 17th Annual Sportsman’s Family Festival Christmas in the Country Craft & Gift Fair Christmas Under The Oaks - 33rd Annual Sunset Celebration Tuesday Morning Fresh Market Farmers Market Days at Lady Lake A Carolina Christmas Show - 33rd Annual Christmas Made in the South - 23rd Annual Cleveland Christmas Connection - 24th Annual Sugarloaf Craft Festival Delta Zeta Marketplace - 41st Annual Greater Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Holiday Spectacular - 12t Country Folk Art & Craft Show Country Folk Art & Craft Show Merry Marketplace - 35th Annual Holly & The Ivy - 20th Annual Christmas Creations - 32nd Annual Sunset Magic at Fort Pierce City Marina Evening on the Avenues - 12th Annual Westport Creative Arts Festival - 34th Annual Art on the Boulevard in Uptown Altamonte Mistletoe Market Winter Holiday Country Craft & Plant Show DeLand Fall Festival of the Arts - 17th Annual Downtown Dunedin Craft Festival - 17th Annual Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 22nd Annual Holiday Craft & Gifts Fair Morocco Christmas Arts & Crafts Show - 18th Annual Bluffs Square Sidewalk Art & Craft Show Longwood Arts & Crafts Festival - 33rd Annual ArtWorks of Eau Gallie - 13th Annual The Ramble - A Garden Festival - 69th Annual Harvest - 36th Annual Holiday Art Fair 2009 Fall Craft Show December Fine Art & Craft Show - 5th Annual Christmas Spectacular of the Finest Arts & Crafts Palm Coast Art & Craft Fest at Palm Harbor Plattsburgh State Fall Arts & Crafts Fair - 40th Annual YWCA Princeton Crafter’s Marketplace - 36th Annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 3rd Weekend Downtown Sarasota Fallfest - 1st Annual Seagrove Pottery Festival - 28th Annual Fall Harvest of Art by Spring Hill Art League - 36th Annua Craft Art 2009 - 12th Annual Fall Harvest - 4th Annual Venice Art & Craft Show - 3rd Annual Historic Downtown Winter Garden Arts Festival - 8th Annual Lions Arts & Crafts & Seafood Festival - 28th Annual Jumble Sale - 15th Annual Jubilee Arts Festival - 34th Annual LOCATION OF EVENT Lancaster, PA Lithia Springs, GA - High School Melbourne, FL - King Center for Performin Moultrie, GA - Spence Field Naples, FL - Prime Outlets of SR 951 New Smyrna Beach, FL - Flagler Ave Ormond Beach, FL - St. Brendan Church So Plantation, FL - Liberty Tree Park, Bigge Robert, LA Stony Brook, NY - U Sports Complex Tampa, FL - Parking Lot Tampa, FL - Tampa Palms - City Plaza Temple Terrace, FL - Riverhills Park Wellington, FL - Community Center Alexandria, LA Bartow, FL - Downtown Area/Historic Court Clermont, FL - Kings Ridge Club House Davie, FL Greensboro, GA - County High School Jacksonville, FL - Fuller Warren Bridge Lake Placid, FL - Stuart Park Land O’ Lakes, FL - Florida Estates Winer Lucedale, MS Lutz, FL - St. Timothy’s Church Hall Ochlocknee, GA - Old school grounds, Spen Oviedo, FL - Lawton Elementary School Plant City, FL - Community Center Society Hill, SC - Old St. David’s Academ Thibodaux, LA - Downtown Warrenton, GA - Downtown Winder, GA Clearwater, FL - Coachman Park Key West, FL - Mallory Square Dock Gulfport, FL - Sidewalk Paver Event Lady Lake, FL - Historic Log Cabin Rt 441 Raleigh, NC - Raleigh Convention Center Augusta, GA - Civic Center Cleveland, OH - IX Center Gaithersburg, MD - Montgomery Co. Fairgro Huntsville, AL Monroeville, PA - “New” Monroeville Conve Pleasanton, CA - Alameda County Fairgroun Troy, NY - Hudson Valley Community Colleg Valdosta, GA - James H. Rainwater Confere Beaver, PA - Seven Oaks Country Club Pensacola, FL Fort Pierce, FL - Marina Lake Worth, FL Westport, CT - Staples High School Altamonte Springs, FL Blairsville, GA - N GA Technical College Davie, FL - Bergeron Grounds Deland, FL - Downtown Dunedin, FL - Main Street Fairfax, VA - High School Islip Terrace, NY - East Islip High Schoo Jacksonville, FL - Shrine Auditorium Jupiter, FL Longwood, FL - Historic District Melbourne, FL - Highland Ave Miami, FL - Fairchild Tropical Garden Miami, FL - Miami-Dade Co Fair & Expo Cen Midland, MI - Midland Center for the Arts Newark, DE - University of DE Newton, MA - Cultural Center Ocean City, NJ Palm Coast, FL - Palm Harbor Shopping Vil Plattsburgh, NY - Field House Princeton, NJ - John Witherspoon Middle S Robert, LA Sarasota, FL - Main St & Pineapple/Five P Seagrove, NC - Seagrove Elementary School Spring Hill, FL - 1202 Kenlake Ave St. Petersburg, FL - Central Ave & 5th St Tarpon Springs, FL - Downtown Venice, FL - Jacaranda Crossings Plaza Winter Garden, FL Yankeetown, FL - Riverside Drive Beaufort, NC Bennettsville, SC - Bennettsville Communi !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Shows At A Glance ****** Shows at a Glance ****** DATE #DAYS 11-19-10 11-20-10 11-20-10 11-20-10 11-20-10 11-20-10 11-26-10 11-26-10 11-26-10 11-29-10 12-03-10 12-03-10 12-03-10 12-03-10 12-04-10 12-04-10 12-04-10 12-06-10 12-11-10 12-11-10 12-11-10 12-11-10 12-12-10 01-01-11 02-05-11 03-05-11 03-12-11 05-21-11 3 34 28 18 2 2 28 3 3 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 NAME OF EVENT Christmas Made in the South - 22nd Annual Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 23rd Annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 3rd Weekend Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Christmas Made in the South - 22nd Annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 4th Weekend Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls Christmas Arts & Crafts Show - 30th Annual Christmas Made In The South - 18th Annual NEACA Christmas Craft Show - 37th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Cocoa Village Holiday Art & Craft Fair - 27th Annual December Fine Art & Craft Show - 6th Annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 5th Weekend Holiday Northeast Art & Craft Show South Lake Animal League Arts & Craft Show - 22nd Annual Anna Maria Island Winterfest - 23rd Annual Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6th Weekend Christmas Arts & Craft Festival - 19th Annual Safety Harbor Kiwanis Holiday Arts & Crafts Show - 30th An Boca Raton Fine Art Show Rockledge Art & Craft Show - 3rd Annual Cocoa Village Spring Art & Craft Fair - 25th Annual Anna Maria Island Springfest - 23rd Annual Cocoa Village Summer Art & Craft Fair - 20th Annual LOCATION OF EVENT Savannah, GA - Int’l Trade & Convention C Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman Edison, NJ - Menlo Park Mall Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall Fairfax, VA - High School Robert, LA Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall Jacksonville, FL - Prime Osborne Robert, LA Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall Akron, OH - E.J. Thomas Hall Charleston, SC - Exchange Park Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Mon Cullman, AL - Civic Center Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Newton, MA - Cultural Center Robert, LA Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza Clermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Holmes Beach, FL - City Hall Park Robert, LA St. Simons Island, GA - Neptune Park Safety Harbor, FL - Main Street Boca Raton, FL - Royal Palm Place on Fede Rockledge, FL Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village Holmes Beach, FL - City Hall Park Cocoa, FL - Cocoa Village !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( Detailed event listings Carolina, llfor Florida, Georgia,afSouth m a o C c . s t r east coast shows. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisianan and select c d a t r This section of the guide isw arranged by state, then by dateonly” within each state. .a listings You’ll find additional onand the “subscriber ww internet The Shows For example:portion Alabama is listed Winter to Fall... then Florida is listed Winter of our website www.artandcrafts.com to Fall... Georgia is listed Winter to Fall etc. If you’re looking for dates in a particular state that you found in the “Shows at a Glance section, make sure to turn to that states segment here in the “SHOWS” section. Alabama Shows DATES: 11-04-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Village Festival - 28th Annual LOCATION: Birmingham, AL - Jefferson Convention Complex SPACE: 10’X10’ - 10’X40’ SETUP: Assigned by location AREA: AL CONTACT: Wendy Melvin ORGANIZATION: Christmas Village Festival STREET: PO Box 101441 CITY: Birmingham, AL 35210PHONE: 205-836-7178 FAX: 205-836-5610 COST OUT: IN: 410.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 400 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: Y $10 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: 4 Free Booths for mos EMAIL: cvfest@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 1 photo display, work in progress & 4 FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Call for details. WEB PAGE: www.christmasvillagefestival.com Eastern Edition Shows At A Glance DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 08-01-09 NAME: Heritage Harbor Days - 9th Annual LOCATION: Foley, AL - Heritage Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Thursday 8 am - 4pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Kathy Danielson ORGANIZATION: Foley Convention & Vistors Bureau STREET: PO Box 448 CITY: Foley, AL 36536PHONE: 251-943-1200 FAX: 251-943-1222 COST OUT: 125.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 60,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: $1,000 EMAIL: foleycvb@gulftel.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 3 photos of work & 1 display FOOD INFO: $300 + $75 Electric COMMENTS: Wooden Boat show, Carnival, Midway & Big Name entertainm WEB PAGE: www.heritageharbordays.com “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 75 DATES: 05-15-10 TO 05-16-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Birmingham Art Fair at the Summit - 2nd Annual LOCATION: Birmingham, AL SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Sat 5am AREA: AL CONTACT: Darrin Alan ORGANIZATION: Howard Alan Events, Ltd. STREET: 9695 W Broward Blvd CITY: Plantation, FL 33324PHONE: 954-472-3755 FAX: 954-472-3891 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 15.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: 40,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@artfestival.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send 3 slides/photos work, 1 of display & s FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artfestival.com DATES: 10-01-10 TO 10-03-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Harvest Festival LOCATION: Springville, AL SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Thursday after 12pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Terri Goforth ORGANIZATION: Homestead Hollow STREET: PO Box 190 CITY: Springville, AL 35146PHONE: 205-467-2002 FAX: 205-836-9482 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: terri@homesteadhollow.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $285 + 15% of sales COMMENTS: Send 3 photos work, 3 work in progress, & 1 display, S.A WEB PAGE: www.homesteadhollow.com DATES: 12-03-10 TO 12-04-10 DEADLINE: 10-31-10 NAME: Christmas Arts & Crafts Show LOCATION: Cullman, AL - Civic Center SPACE: 8’ X 8’ SETUP: Th 12-8, Fri 7am AREA: AL CONTACT: Karen Seybold ORGANIZATION: City of Cullman STREET: PO Box 788 CITY: Cullman, AL 35056PHONE: 256-734-9157 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 45.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 106 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: karens@cullmanrecration.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade FOOD INFO: None COMMENTS: No Food Items WEB PAGE: DATES: 05-15-10 TO 05-16-10 DEADLINE: 03-01-10 NAME: MAPA Rhododendron Festival - 28th Annual LOCATION: Mentone, AL - Brow Park SPACE: 12’ X 15’ SETUP: Fri evening AREA: AL CONTACT: J.P. Nation ORGANIZATION: Mentone Area Preservation Association STREET: PO Box 50 CITY: Mentone, AL 35984PHONE: 256-634-8245 FAX: COST OUT: 45.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N None CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only FOOD INFO: $55 COMMENTS: Kick Off Bonfire at 7pm Fri and Sat WEB PAGE: www.mentoneareapreservationassn.com DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Grand Festival of Art - 29th Annual LOCATION: Fairhope, AL - Downtown SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 5pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Robin Fitzhugh ORGANIZATION: Eastern Shore Art Center STREET: 401 Oak Ave CITY: Fairhope, AL 36532PHONE: 251-928-2228 FAX: 251-928-5188 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: $3000 Total. Best of EMAIL: esac@esartcenter.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - $25 late fee after deadline FOOD INFO: $300 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.esartcenter.com DATES: 12-03-10 TO 12-05-10 DEADLINE: 11-15-10 NAME: NEACA Christmas Craft Show - 37th Annual LOCATION: Huntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Monroe St SPACE: 10’ X 12’ SETUP: TBA AREA: AL CONTACT: Elizabeth Crum ORGANIZATION: Northeast Alabama Craftsmen’s Assoc STREET: 23740 Holt Rd CITY: Elkmont, AL 35620PHONE: 256-423-4312 256-882-0725 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 210.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@neaca.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade only FOOD INFO: $210 COMMENTS: $20.00 gift cert. every 3 hrs WEB PAGE: www.neaca.org DATES: 05-28-10 TO 05-29-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Jubilee City Fest - 35th Annual LOCATION: Montgomery, AL SPACE: 12’X10’ SETUP: Fri 6am AREA: AL CONTACT: Kay McCreery ORGANIZATION: Jubilee City Fest STREET: 416 N Mcdonough St CITY: Montgomery, AL 36104PHONE: 334-834-7220 FAX: 334-834-7226 COST OUT: 75.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: Best of Show, Best Di EMAIL: kmccreery@mongomeryal.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for Details FOOD INFO: TBD COMMENTS: Historic Tours, TeenFest, KidsFest & more. WEB PAGE: www.jubileecityfest.org DATES: 10-23-10 TO 10-23-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Williams Station Day 19th Annual LOCATION: Atmore, AL - S Pennacola Ave SPACE: 14’X14’ SETUP: AREA: AL CONTACT: Sheryl Vickery ORGANIZATION: Atmore Chamber of Commerce STREET: 501 S Pensacola Ave Ste B CITY: Atmore, AL 36502PHONE: 251-368-3305 FAX: 251-368-0800 COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: $1500 cash & $10,000 EMAIL: atmoreal@frontiernet.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $250 COMMENTS: Childrens Art Activities, Hay Rides, etc WEB PAGE: www.atmorechamber.com DATES: 06-19-10 TO 06-19-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Alabama Blueberry Festival - 30th Annual LOCATION: Brewton, AL - Burnt Creek Park SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: fri after 12pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Judy Crane ORGANIZATION: Alabama Blueberry Festival STREET: 1010b Douglas Ave CITY: Brewton, AL 36426PHONE: 251-867-3224 FAX: 251-809-1793 COST OUT: 85.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: Y None CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jcrane@brewtonvhamber.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Call For Details COMMENTS: Childrens games, Live bands and singers WEB PAGE: www.alabamablueberryfestival.com DATES: 11-03-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Village Festival - 29th Annual LOCATION: Birmingham, AL - Jefferson Convention Complex SPACE: 10’X10’ - 10’X40’ SETUP: Assigned by location AREA: AL CONTACT: Wendy Melvin ORGANIZATION: Christmas Village Festival STREET: PO Box 101441 CITY: Birmingham, AL 35210PHONE: 205-836-7178 FAX: 205-836-5610 COST OUT: IN: 410.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 400 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: Y $10 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: 4 Free Booths for mos EMAIL: cvfest@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 1 photo display, work in progress & 4 FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Call for details. WEB PAGE: www.christmasvillagefestival.com DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Country Folk Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Turlock, CA - Stanislaus County Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ and up SETUP: Th 1p - 5p F 8:30a - AREA: CA CONTACT: Staff ORGANIZATION: Country Folk Art Shows, Inc. STREET: 15045 Dixie Hwy Ste A CITY: Holly, MI 48442PHONE: 248-634-4151 FAX: 248-634-3718 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 40.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@countryfolkart.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.countryfolkart.com DATES: 11-05-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas in the Country LOCATION: Springville, AL SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Thursday after 12pm AREA: AL CONTACT: Terri Goforth ORGANIZATION: Homestead Hollow STREET: PO Box 190 CITY: Springville, AL 35146PHONE: 205-467-2002 FAX: 205-836-9482 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: terri@homesteadhollow.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $285 + 15% of sales COMMENTS: Send 3 photos work, 3 work in progress, & 1 display, S.A WEB PAGE: www.homesteadhollow.com DATES: 11-20-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Country Folk Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Pleasanton, CA - Alameda County Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ and up SETUP: Fri 8am - 4pm AREA: CA CONTACT: Staff ORGANIZATION: Country Folk Art Shows, Inc. STREET: 15045 Dixie Hwy Ste A CITY: Holly, MI 48442PHONE: 248-634-4151 FAX: 248-634-3718 COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@countryfolkart.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.countryfolkart.com DATES: 09-17-10 TO 09-19-10 DEADLINE: 08-01-10 NAME: NEACA Fall Craft Show - 37th Annual LOCATION: Huntsville, AL - Civic Center SPACE: 10’ X 12’ SETUP: TBA AREA: AL CONTACT: Elizabeth Crum ORGANIZATION: Northeast Alabama Craftsmen’s Assoc STREET: 23740 Holt Rd CITY: Elkmont, AL 35620PHONE: 256-423-4312 256-882-0725 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 210.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: crumwllm@ardmore.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade only FOOD INFO: $210 COMMENTS: $20.00 gift cert. every 3 hrs WEB PAGE: www.neaca.org 78 !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T YCalifornia P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll Shows u F e h T t e 3 7 1 To G 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 California Shows Connecticut Shows DATES: 12-04-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Castleberry Christmas Craft Expo LOCATION: Hartford, CT - Expo Center, 265 Reverend Moody Ove SPACE: 10’X6’ & 10’X10’ SETUP: Thurs 2-8pm/Fri 6am AREA: CT CONTACT: Terry Mullen ORGANIZATION: Castleberry Fairs & Festivals STREET: 38 Charles St CITY: Rochester, NH 03867PHONE: 603-332-2616 FAX: 603-332-8413 COST OUT: IN: 425.00 ELECTRIC: 85.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $8 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: terrym@worldpath.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - American made only - no imports! FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Food Sampling, Craft Demos, Live Music. WEB PAGE: www.castleberryfairs.com DATES: 05-22-10 TO 05-23-10 DEADLINE: NAME: National Harbor Art Festival LOCATION: Washington, DC SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Sat 5am AREA: DC CONTACT: Darrin Alan ORGANIZATION: Howard Alan Events, Ltd. STREET: 9695 W Broward Blvd CITY: Plantation, FL 33324PHONE: 954-472-3755 FAX: 954-472-3891 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 15.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@artfestival.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send 3 slides/photos work, 1 of display & s FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artfestival.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Festival of Crafts - 18th Annual LOCATION: Brookfield, CT - Whisconier Middle School SPACE: varies SETUP: AREA: CT CONTACT: Stacey Olszewski ORGANIZATION: Brookfield Historical Society and Museum STREET: PO Box 5231 CITY: Brookfield, CT 06804PHONE: 203-270-9461 203-740-8140 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 50 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $5 adults, Children under 1 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Call for details. WEB PAGE: www.brookfieldcthistory.org DATES: 02-18-10 TO 02-21-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Connecticut Flower & Garden Show - 29th Annual LOCATION: East Granby, CT SPACE: SETUP: AREA: CT CONTACT: Kristie Gonsalves Harrington ORGANIZATION: North East Expos, Inc STREET: 66 Heather Ln CITY: North Granby, CT 06060PHONE: 860-844-8461 FAX: 860-844-8457 COST OUT: IN: 600.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: CATEGORIES: Garden related items AWARDS: None EMAIL: kristie@northeastpromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.ctflowershow.com DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Sugarloaf Craft Festival LOCATION: Hartford, CT - Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thu. 10:00-8:00 AREA: CT CONTACT: Maxine Murray ORGANIZATION: Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. STREET: 19807 Executive Park Cir CITY: Germantown, MD 20874PHONE: 800-210-9900 301-990-1400 FAX: 301-253-9620 COST OUT: IN: 495.00 ELECTRIC: 70.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 13,000 ADMISSION: Y Adults $8.00 / Children Fre CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Maxine@sugarloafcrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Space Prices Vary to $1395 Electric to $170 WEB PAGE: www.sugarloafcrafts.com DATES: 03-26-10 TO 03-28-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Sugarloaf Craft Festival LOCATION: Hartford, CT - Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thu. 10:00-8:00 AREA: CT CONTACT: Maxine Murray ORGANIZATION: Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. STREET: 19807 Executive Park Cir CITY: Germantown, MD 20874PHONE: 800-210-9900 301-990-1400 FAX: 301-253-9620 COST OUT: IN: 495.00 ELECTRIC: 70.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 225 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adults $8.00 / Children Fre CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Maxine@sugarloafcrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Space Prices Vary to $1395 Electric to $170 WEB PAGE: www.sugarloafcrafts.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 04-15-09 NAME: Dover Officers’ Spouses’ Club Craft Show - 24th Annual LOCATION: Harrington, DE - Delaware State Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 5pm/Sat 5am AREA: DE CONTACT: Kim Landis ORGANIZATION: Dover Officers’ Spouses’ Club STREET: PO Box 02069 CITY: Dover Afb, DE 19902PHONE: 302-677-6032 FAX: COST OUT: 140.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 15.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 3,500 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: dosccraftshow@msn.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade by vendor only FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.doverosc.com DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: 07-01-09 NAME: Westport Creative Arts Festival - 34th Annual LOCATION: Westport, CT - Staples High School SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri afternoon AREA: CT CONTACT: Laura Kandel ORGANIZATION: Artrider Productions, Inc. STREET: PO Box 28 CITY: Woodstock, NY 12498PHONE: 845-331-7900 FAX: 845-331-7484 COST OUT: IN: 495.00 ELECTRIC: 30.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 45.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: Y $9 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: crafts@artrider.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 5 Slides work/ 1 Booth FOOD INFO: $150 plus 15% commission COMMENTS: Handmade in North America WEB PAGE: www.artrider.com DATES: 07-15-10 TO 07-17-10 DEADLINE: 01-11-10 NAME: Guilford Craft Expo 2010 - 53rd Annual LOCATION: Guilford, CT - Guilford Town Green SPACE: 10’X10’ & 20’X10’ SETUP: Wed evening /Th Morn AREA: CT CONTACT: Laura Kandel ORGANIZATION: Artrider Productions, Inc. STREET: PO Box 28 CITY: Woodstock, NY 12498PHONE: 845-331-7900 FAX: 845-331-7484 COST OUT: 625.00 IN: 600.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 40.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 175 ATTEND: 14,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: crafts@artrider.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Handmade in the USA only WEB PAGE: www.artrider.com DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Fall Craft Show LOCATION: Newark, DE - University of DE SPACE: 10’X10’ - 10’X40’ SETUP: Fri 12-6 Sat 6:30a AREA: DE CONTACT: Bill Shumate ORGANIZATION: Handcraft Unlimited STREET: PO Box 758 CITY: Brownstown, PA 17508PHONE: 717-656-3208 FAX: 717-656-3565 COST OUT: IN: 305.00 ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@handcraft-unlimited.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send photos of work & display or website li FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.handcraft-unlimited.com Delaware Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 11-29-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Aqua Turf Arts & Crafts Show 13th Annual LOCATION: Southington, CT - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 6’ SETUP: AREA: CT CONTACT: Patricia Kalinowski ORGANIZATION: Mike & Pat’s Crafts Fairs STREET: 13 Grove St CITY: Baldwinville, MA 01436PHONE: 978-939-2317 FAX: 978-939-8786 COST OUT: IN: 140.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adults $2.50 Children under CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: webmaster@newenglandcraftshows ELIGIBILITY: Open - www.aquaturf.net FOOD INFO: Call for Details COMMENTS: Extra Ft = $20 Table = $10 WEB PAGE: www.newenglandcraftshows.com Connecticut/ Eastern Edition District of Columbia Shows DC/ Delaware DATES: 03-11-10 TO 03-14-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Concord Mall Arts & Crafts Show LOCATION: Wilmington, DE - Concord Mall SPACE: 8’X12’ & 10’X10’ SETUP: Wed after mall close AREA: DE CONTACT: Babs Murrell ORGANIZATION: Murrell Promotions STREET: 4127 Parmele Rd CITY: Castle Hayne, NC 28429PHONE: 910-675-2697 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 230.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 15 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: murrellpromotion@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 79 DATES: 04-30-10 TO 05-02-10 DEADLINE: 04-15-10 NAME: Old Dover Days - 77th Annual LOCATION: Dover, DE - Legislative Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Before 8am AREA: DE CONTACT: Robin Coventry ORGANIZATION: Old Dover Days/Kent Co. Tourism STREET: 435 N Dupont Hwy CITY: Dover, DE 19901PHONE: 302-734-4888 FAX: COST OUT: 105.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 180 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Antiques AWARDS: None - Space prices $ EMAIL: rcoventry@visitdover.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - DE Business License ($25) FOOD INFO: $150 10ft - $10 each additional ft. COMMENTS: Large Parade, Dancing, Childrens Activities, Carnival Ri WEB PAGE: www.visitdover.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: 08-01-09 NAME: North Florida Fair - 68th Annual LOCATION: Tallahassee, FL - North Florida Fairgrounds SPACE: 8’X10’ in/10’X10’ SETUP: Tues/Wed/Thurs AREA: FL7 CONTACT: Kim Scherer ORGANIZATION: North Florida Fair Assn. STREET: 441 Paul Russell Rd CITY: Tallahassee, FL 32301PHONE: 850-878-3247 FAX: 850-942-6950 COST OUT: 750.00 IN: 425.00 ELECTRIC: 75.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 84,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts (many other activities) AWARDS: Ribbons, Trophies & C EMAIL: northfloridafair@comcast.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - outside $50 per foot - 15 foot minimum FOOD INFO: $68 per foot - 15 foot minimum COMMENTS: Carnival rides, midway games, commercial displays, etc. WEB PAGE: www.northfloridafair.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 05-15-09 NAME: Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival - 37th Annual LOCATION: Pensacola, FL - Seville Square SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before AREA: FL7 CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival STREET: PO Box 10744 CITY: Pensacola, FL 32524PHONE: 850-934-8485 FAX: 850-469-0786 COST OUT: 250.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 30.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 220 ATTEND: 150,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: $25,000 EMAIL: info@ggaf.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - see website FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.ggaf.org DATES: 07-31-10 TO 08-01-10 DEADLINE: 01-15-10 NAME: Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 4th Annual LOCATION: Wilmington, DE SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: DE CONTACT: Mindy Kline - Nick Mohler ORGANIZATION: PA Guild of Craftsmen STREET: 252 N Prince St Ste 1 CITY: Lancaster, PA 17603PHONE: 717-431-8706 FAX: 866-628-2685 COST OUT: IN: 425.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 190 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Fine Crafts & Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: nick@pacrafts.org ELIGIBILITY: Call for info - Membership required FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Seminars, demonstrations, music & more WEB PAGE: www.pacrafts.org/summer DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 10-05-09 NAME: Riverhawk Music Fest - 8th Annual LOCATION: Brooksville, FL - Sertoma Youth Ranch SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Fri 8am AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Mitch Lind ORGANIZATION: Lind Entertainment STREET: PO Box 694 CITY: Polk City, FL 33868PHONE: 863-984-8445 FAX: 863-984-9750 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: 5.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 20 ATTEND: 2,800 ADMISSION: Y varies CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Music, etc... AWARDS: None EMAIL: riverhawk@ij.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - send 3 slides/photos of work FOOD INFO: Varies - Cart $225, 1-3 items $350, Full Menu $500 COMMENTS: Hot air balloons, hang gliders, jumpers, etc. WEB PAGE: www.riverhawkmusic.com & www.wingsandstrings.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 09-30-09 NAME: Florida Seafood Festival - 45th Annual LOCATION: Apalachicola, FL - Battery Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before AREA: FL7 CONTACT: Monica Lemieux ORGANIZATION: Florida Seafood Festival STREET: PO Box 758 CITY: Apalachicola, FL 32329PHONE: 888-653-4720 FAX: 850-653-2232 COST OUT: 110.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: Y $5.00 on Saturday CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts, Commerical AWARDS: Cash Prizes EMAIL: floridaseafoodfestival@gtcom.n ELIGIBILITY: Open - call for details-prices vary FOOD INFO: per front foot COMMENTS: Parade, Red Fish Run & many other activities/ Comm. - $2 WEB PAGE: www.floridaseafoodfestival.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Westfield Countryside Mall Art, Craft, & Lifestyle Show LOCATION: Clearwater, FL SPACE: 10’X10’ & 5’X10’ SETUP: Night before 9pm AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Kelly Locker ORGANIZATION: Huff’s Promotions, LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 COST OUT: IN: 275.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: none EMAIL: shows@huffspromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: No Space Available COMMENTS: Sat & Sun only $225 WEB PAGE: www.huffspromo.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: St. Simon’s on the Sound Craft Fair - 34th Annual LOCATION: Ft. Walton Beach, FL - St. Simon’s Epis. Church SPACE: 8’X10’ SETUP: AREA: FL7 CONTACT: Barbara Bethea / Penny ORGANIZATION: St. Simon’s Episcopal Church Festival STREET: 28 Miracle Strip Pkwy SW CITY: Ft Walton Bch, FL 32548PHONE: 850-244-8621 FAX: COST OUT: 160.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@stsimons-fwb.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for Details FOOD INFO: no food vendors COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.stsimons-fwb.org DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: 10-01-09 NAME: Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair - 55th Annual LOCATION: Jacksonville, FL - Fairgounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ 10’ X 20 SETUP: day before AREA: FL5 CONTACT: Jeannie Wells Young ORGANIZATION: Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair STREET: 510 Fairgrounds Pl CITY: Jacksonville, FL 32202PHONE: 904-353-0535 FAX: 904-353-5458 COST OUT: 850.00 IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 400,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 adults/$5 children CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, & Commerical AWARDS: Yes EMAIL: jw5112@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: call for details COMMENTS: $150 deposit returned after 3weeks WEB PAGE: www.jacksonvillefair.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 10-09-09 NAME: Pineapple Festival - 22nd Annual LOCATION: Jensen Beach, FL - Downtown SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 9am - 4pm AREA: FL1 CONTACT: Ronald Rose ORGANIZATION: Jensen Beach Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 1536 CITY: Jensen Beach, FL 34958PHONE: 772-334-3444 FAX: 772-334-0817 COST OUT: 125.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: Y $12 gate ($10 advance) CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - After Deadline $50 late fee AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 2 S.A.S.E. and 2 photos of work, 1 dis FOOD INFO: $850-15’X15’ /cart $500 COMMENTS: national entertainment, amusement rides WEB PAGE: www.pineapplefestival.info DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: First Friday Art Walk - 16th Annual LOCATION: Gulfport, FL SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 4pm AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Suzanne King ORGANIZATION: SIK Promotions/Gulfport Merchants Associ STREET: PO Box 530234 CITY: St Petersburg, FL 33747PHONE: 727-322-5217 FAX: COST OUT: 25.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: SuzFest@gamil.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - $100 for 5 Consecutive Art Walks FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Show hours 6pm - 10pm WEB PAGE: www.SuzieKing.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Volusia County Fair & Youth Show - 64th Annual LOCATION: Deland, FL - Volusia County Fairgrounds SPACE: 8’X10’ SETUP: by 12pm on 11/3 AREA: FL3 CONTACT: David C. Viers/Thom Giordano ORGANIZATION: Volusia County Fair Association, Inc. STREET: 3150 E New York Ave CITY: Deland, FL 32724PHONE: 386-734-9514 FAX: 386-734-7176 COST OUT: 900.00 IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 55 ATTEND: 185,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 Adults / $4 Children CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - PRIMARILY A FAIR AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@volusiacountyfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Carnival, Livestock exhibits, & more WEB PAGE: www.volusiacountyfair.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Old Farmhouse Christmas Arts, Crafts, & Antiques - 17th LOCATION: Pensacola, FL SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Thurs 8am AREA: FL7 CONTACT: Alta Brown / Edie Skillen ORGANIZATION: Old Farmhouse Christmas STREET: 9615 N Loop Rd CITY: Pensacola, FL 32507PHONE: 850-492-7502 850-492-0220 FAX: COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, & Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: edieskillen@cox.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $150 COMMENTS: Cow tours, pony rides, airwalk & more WEB PAGE: www.oldfarmhouse.vze.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 10-15-09 NAME: Fall Country Jamboree - 33rd Annual LOCATION: Barberville, FL - Pioneer Settlement SPACE: 10’ X 12’ SETUP: Fri 12-5 /Sat 6-8:30 AREA: FL3 CONTACT: Harriet Bolin ORGANIZATION: Pioneer Settlement for the Creative Arts STREET: PO Box 6 CITY: Barberville, FL 32105PHONE: 386-749-2959 FAX: 386-749-2087 COST OUT: 70.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 for adults/$4 6-12ys; un CATEGORIES: Arts and Crafts - no commercial items AWARDS: $2,475 Total Ribbons EMAIL: events@pioneersettlement.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - call for application, Higher fee after dead FOOD INFO: $500 COMMENTS: Excellent show with an outstanding reputation WEB PAGE: www.pioneersettlement.org !! ! e r A s w o h S e h FloridaWhere T L SAMPLE COPY IA T n R o i A t i P d E Shows ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 80 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Florida Shows DATES: 03-12-11 TO 03-13-11 DEADLINE: 11-04-10 NAME: Anna Maria Island Springfest - 23rd Annual LOCATION: Holmes Beach, FL - City Hall Park SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Fri 1p-4p/Sat 7:30a AREA: FL4 CONTACT: Joyce Karp ORGANIZATION: Anna Maria Island Art League STREET: 5312 Holmes Blvd CITY: Holmes Beach, FL 34217PHONE: 941-778-2099 FAX: 941-778-2099 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Cash awards totaling EMAIL: amiartleague@verizon.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send slides & S.A.S.E. FOOD INFO: call for details - % of sales COMMENTS: Artist’s breakfast, continuous live music, etc. WEB PAGE: www.islandartleague.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 10-01-09 NAME: Bostwick Cotton Gin Festival - 20th Annual LOCATION: Bostwick, GA - Downtown SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 6am AREA: GA CONTACT: Angie Howard ORGANIZATION: City of Bostwick/Cotton Gin Festival STREET: PO Box 66 CITY: Bostwick, GA 30623PHONE: 706-342-0182 FAX: COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 80 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Antiques, limited Commercial AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: 10’X15’ - $100 COMMENTS: Higher fee after deadline. WEB PAGE: www.cityofbostwick.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Deer Festival - 43rd Annual LOCATION: Monticello, GA - Crossroads Trailhead SPACE: 10’X12’ SETUP: Sat 4am AREA: GA CONTACT: Nancy Wood ORGANIZATION: Monticello-Jasper Co Chamber STREET: PO Box 133 CITY: Monticello, GA 31064PHONE: 706-468-8994 FAX: 706-468-8043 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 7,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jasperchamber@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - 2 - 3 photos of work and display FOOD INFO: Call for details $250 10’X12’ COMMENTS: Handmade and original only WEB PAGE: www.historicmonticello.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 09-30-09 NAME: Mule Days - 36th Annual LOCATION: Calvary, GA - Intersection GA 111 and 179 SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: Chamber Staff ORGANIZATION: Calvary Lions Club/Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 387 CITY: Cairo, GA 39828PHONE: 239-377-MULE FAX: 229-377-3901 COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 500 ATTEND: 75,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - anything goes AWARDS: Cash & Ribbons EMAIL: calvarylions@windstream.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - $125 after deadline FOOD INFO: cost is a percentage of gross COMMENTS: lots of mule activities, parade at 11am, lots of food WEB PAGE: www.calvarylionsmuleday.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Calhoun County Harvest Festival - 17th Annual LOCATION: Morgan, GA SPACE: 15’ X 15’ SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: Dave or Carol Walters ORGANIZATION: Calhoun County Harvest Festival STREET: PO Box 166 CITY: Morgan, GA 39866PHONE: 229-849-4375 FAX: 229-849-4656 COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: 9,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $45 15’ X 15’ COMMENTS: Carnival, Custom Car Show, & more WEB PAGE: www.calhouncountyharvestfestival.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-30-09 DEADLINE: 09-11-09 NAME: National Juried Fine Arts Exhibition - 23rd Annual LOCATION: Douglasville, GA SPACE: 12’ X 12 SETUP: Fri 3pm AREA: GA CONTACT: Lisa Dunlap ORGANIZATION: Cultural Arts Council STREET: PO Box 2018 CITY: Douglasville, GA 30133PHONE: 770-949-2787 FAX: 770-949-5788 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 40.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 65 ATTEND: 1,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art Only! AWARDS: Purchase $1000, 1st 5 EMAIL: cultureadmin@earthlink.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - slides, photos, digital FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: 25 day gallery show 25% commission WEB PAGE: www.artsdouglas.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 11-02-09 NAME: Granite City Fall Festival - 10th Annual LOCATION: Elberton, GA SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 7am AREA: GA CONTACT: Phyllis Brooks ORGANIZATION: Elberton County Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 537 CITY: Elberton, GA 30635PHONE: 706-283-5651 FAX: 706-283-5722 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 90 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Commercial AWARDS: None EMAIL: chamber@elbertga.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $60 - $80 COMMENTS: Childrens activities WEB PAGE: www.elbertga.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 10-10-09 NAME: First Saturday on the River - 28th Annual LOCATION: Savannah, GA - River St SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 6:30am to 9am AREA: GA CONTACT: Kenny Hill ORGANIZATION: Savannah Waterfront Association STREET: 404 E Bay St CITY: Savannah, GA 31401PHONE: 912-234-0295 FAX: 912-234-4904 COST OUT: 95.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 55 ATTEND: 85,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@riverstreetsavannah.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only! FOOD INFO: $250.00 plus DHR cost COMMENTS: limited electricity WEB PAGE: www.riverstreetsavannah.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 17th Annual LOCATION: Macon, GA - CentrePlex SPACE: 10’X10’ & 10’X20’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 300 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Depot Day in Hartwell - 4th Annual LOCATION: Hartwell, GA SPACE: 14’X10’ SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: Jane Leverette, Kathy Neal ORGANIZATION: Pilot Club of Hartwell STREET: PO Box 1284 CITY: Hartwell, GA 30643PHONE: 706-376-2838 706-491-0833 FAX: COST OUT: 30.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - $25 non-profit FOOD INFO: Call for details - $30 14’X10’ COMMENTS: Inflatable maze, train rides, & more. WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 10-15-09 NAME: I’d Rather Be in Tignall Fall Festival LOCATION: Tignall, GA - Old Tignall School Grounds SPACE: SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: Gloria Ware/Carolyn Gammon ORGANIZATION: City of Tignall/N Wilkes Sterring Commit STREET: PO Box 218 CITY: Tignall, GA 30668PHONE: 706-285-2058 706-285-2736 FAX: COST OUT: 10.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts (Covered pavilion $25) AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $25 COMMENTS: 706-6778-2013 WEB PAGE: www.washingtonwilkes.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 04-30-09 NAME: Marist Holiday Traditions Arts & Crafts Show - 28th Annu LOCATION: Atlanta, GA - Marist School SPACE: 9’X9’in & 7’10”X12 SETUP: Friday after school AREA: GA CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Marist Holiday Traditions/Marist Parents STREET: 3790 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE CITY: Atlanta, GA 30319PHONE: 770-457-7201 ext 5599 FAX: COST OUT: 145.00 IN: 195.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 15.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 230 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $2 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - No Tents allowed. AWARDS: None EMAIL: maristholidaytraditions@gmail. ELIGIBILITY: Open - Must donate 1 raffle item ($25 Value) FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: About 30 spaces change each year. WEB PAGE: www.marist.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Molena Fest LOCATION: Molena, GA SPACE: 15’ X 15 SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: Helen Beckham/Marsha ORGANIZATION: Molena City Hall STREET: PO Box 247 CITY: Molena, GA 30258PHONE: 770-884-9711 FAX: COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: molenacityhall@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for details FOOD INFO: $45 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Million Pines Arts and Crafts Festival LOCATION: Soperton, GA SPACE: SETUP: AREA: GA CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Million Pines Arts and Crafts Festival STREET: PO Box 135 CITY: Soperton, GA 30457PHONE: 912-529-6611 FAX: 912-529-3433 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@millionpines.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Call for details & application WEB PAGE: www.millionpines.com Georgia Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Georgia Eastern Edition Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 115 DATES: 09-18-10 TO 09-19-10 DEADLINE: 06-04-10 NAME: Festival 2010 - Artist Market - 47th Annual LOCATION: Dalton, GA - Creative Arts Guild SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri pm/Sat 8am AREA: GA CONTACT: Leanne Lawson ORGANIZATION: Creative Arts Guild STREET: PO Box 1485 CITY: Dalton, GA 30722PHONE: 706-278-0168 FAX: 706-278-6996 COST OUT: 75.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 7,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Craft AWARDS: $600 EMAIL: cagarts@creativeartsguild.org ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $150 and up COMMENTS: Children’s area WEB PAGE: www.creativeartsguild.org DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 08-27-10 NAME: Golden Isles Art Festival - 41st Annual LOCATION: St. Simons Island, GA - Pier Village Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: F 12-6 / S morning AREA: GA CONTACT: Charlotte Zell ORGANIZATION: Glynn Art Association STREET: 319 Mallery St CITY: St Simons Is, GA 31522PHONE: 912-638-8770 FAX: 912-634-2787 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: Cash & Ribbons EMAIL: glynnart@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - New Applicants 3 slides/photos work & 1 for FOOD INFO: $300 COMMENTS: Beautiful ocean front park is setting of show. Some elec WEB PAGE: www.glynnart.org DATES: 11-05-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 18th Annual LOCATION: Macon, GA - CentrePlex SPACE: 10’X10’ & 10’X20’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 300 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com DATES: 09-25-10 TO 09-26-10 DEADLINE: 05-15-10 NAME: Duluth Fall Festival - 28th Annual LOCATION: Duluth, GA - Downtown Festival Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: sat by 9am AREA: GA CONTACT: Kathryn Willis ORGANIZATION: Duluth Fall Festival, Inc. STREET: 3585 Abbotts Bridge Rd CITY: Duluth, GA 30096PHONE: 770-476-3405 FAX: 770-476-2114 COST OUT: 175.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 70,000 ADMISSION: N None CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - $350.00 double spaces 20’ X 1 AWARDS: None EMAIL: kwillis@parsonsgifts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 3 photos/handmade only FOOD INFO: call for details COMMENTS: 5K Road Race, Parade & more WEB PAGE: www.duluthfallfestival.com DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-16-10 DEADLINE: 08-16-10 NAME: Harvest Square - 34th Annual LOCATION: Marietta, GA - Glover Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Sat 6am AREA: GA CONTACT: Maggi Moss ORGANIZATION: Marietta Parks & Recreation STREET: PO Box 609 CITY: Marietta, GA 30061PHONE: 770-794-5609 FAX: 770-794-5635 COST OUT: 50.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: Yes EMAIL: mmoss@mariettaga.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - Must be made by Artist FOOD INFO: No Space available COMMENTS: No ceramics, commercial or resale. www.mariettaga.gov WEB PAGE: www.mariettaga.gov DATES: 11-12-10 TO 11-14-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 24th Annual LOCATION: Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena SPACE: 8’X10’, 8’X20’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 340.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 300 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com DATES: 10-02-10 TO 10-03-10 DEADLINE: 08-01-10 NAME: Cotton Pickin’ Fair - 39th Annual LOCATION: Gay, GA SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: GA CONTACT: Ellen McEwen ORGANIZATION: Cotton Pickin’ Fair/1911 Society, LTD STREET: PO Box 1 CITY: Gay, GA 30218PHONE: 706-538-6814 FAX: 706-538-6888 COST OUT: 175.00 IN: 205.00 ELECTRIC: 20.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 325 ATTEND: 40,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 adults/$3 child 4-12/3 & CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts, Antiques AWARDS: $2,500 - Creative exc EMAIL: info@cpfair.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - 2 photos of work/ 1 of display FOOD INFO: $625 COMMENTS: Demos by artists, blacksmith,Childrens Activities WEB PAGE: www.cpfair.org DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: 03-31-10 NAME: Georgia Apple Festival - 39th Annual LOCATION: Ellijay, GA SPACE: 15’X15’ SETUP: 9am - until done AREA: GA CONTACT: Scott Sharp ORGANIZATION: Georgia Apple Festival STREET: PO Box 1225 CITY: Ellijay, GA 30540PHONE: 706-636-4500 706-635-7400 FAX: 706-635-7410 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: 200.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 50,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: gaapplefestival@ellijay.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $200.00 + $25 electric COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.georgiaapplefestival.org DATES: 11-19-10 TO 11-21-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 22nd Annual LOCATION: Savannah, GA - Int’l Trade & Convention Center SPACE: 10’X10’ & 10’X20’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 380.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 320 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-09-10 DEADLINE: 08-01-10 NAME: Lilburn Daze Arts & Crafts Festival - 37th Annual LOCATION: Lilburn, GA - Park SPACE: 15’X15’ SETUP: Fri 10-7pm Sat 6-8am AREA: GA CONTACT: Jackie Thornberry ORGANIZATION: Lilburn Woman’s Club STREET: PO Box 54 CITY: Lilburn, GA 30048PHONE: 770-921-3242 FAX: 770-921-5339 COST OUT: 60.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Late Fee $25 AWARDS: None EMAIL: jthornbe@gmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - limited electricty FOOD INFO: $75 COMMENTS: Commerical $100 WEB PAGE: www.lilburndaze.org DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Mossy Creek Barnyard Arts & Crafts Festival - 31st Annua LOCATION: Perry, GA SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Carolyn Chester ORGANIZATION: Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival STREET: 106 Anne Dr CITY: Warner Robins, GA 31093PHONE: 478-922-8265 FAX: COST OUT: 90.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: Y $5.00 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: echester@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mossycreekfestival.com DATES: 12-11-10 TO 12-12-10 DEADLINE: 11-12-10 NAME: Christmas Arts & Craft Festival - 19th Annual LOCATION: St. Simons Island, GA - Neptune Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 12-6/Sat morning AREA: GA CONTACT: Charlotte Zell ORGANIZATION: Glynn Art Association STREET: 319 Mallery St CITY: St Simons Is, GA 31522PHONE: 912-638-8770 FAX: 912-634-2787 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 80 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - After Deadline $225 AWARDS: None EMAIL: glynnart@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - New Applicants 3 slides/photos work & 1 for FOOD INFO: $300.00 COMMENTS: Good sales for holiday decorations & gifts. Good Show WEB PAGE: www.glynnart.org DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 03-31-10 NAME: Georgia Apple Festival - 39th Annual LOCATION: Ellijay, GA SPACE: 15’X15’ SETUP: 9am - until done AREA: GA CONTACT: Scott Sharp ORGANIZATION: Georgia Apple Festival STREET: PO Box 1225 CITY: Ellijay, GA 30540PHONE: 706-636-4500 706-635-7400 FAX: 706-635-7410 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: 200.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 50,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: gaapplefestival@ellijay.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $200.00 + $25 electric COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.georgiaapplefestival.org DATES: 10-29-10 TO 10-31-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 20th Annual LOCATION: Columbus, GA - Convention & Trade Center SPACE: 8’X10’, 8’X20’, 8’ SETUP: day before AREA: GA CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 320.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6.00 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Georgia Eastern Edition Shows Illinois Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 121 DATES: 06-19-10 TO 06-20-10 DEADLINE: 05-01-10 NAME: Custer’s Last Stand Festival of the Arts LOCATION: Evanston, IL SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 6pm Sat By 9am AREA: IL CONTACT: Leeann ORGANIZATION: Evanston Festival Theatre, Inc STREET: PO Box 6013 CITY: Evanston, IL 60204PHONE: 847-328-2204 FAX: 847-328-2295 COST OUT: 275.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 450 ATTEND: 70,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@custerfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.custerfair.com DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: 10-30-09 NAME: Sugar Day Festival - 14th Annual LOCATION: Alexandria, LA SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 7am AREA: LA CONTACT: Elizabeth Smith ORGANIZATION: Kent Plantation House Inc STREET: 3601 Bayou Rapides Rd CITY: Alexandria, LA 71303PHONE: 318-487-5998 FAX: 318-442-4154 COST OUT: 50.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 25 ATTEND: 1,200 ADMISSION: Y $3 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: elizabeth@kenthouse.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade articles only FOOD INFO: $50 COMMENTS: Call for Details WEB PAGE: www.kenthouse.org DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 4th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 07-10-10 TO 07-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Art Fair - 49th Annual LOCATION: Skokie, IL - Village Green, 5211 Oakton SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 8am - 10am AREA: IL CONTACT: Barbara Willerman ORGANIZATION: Skokie Art Guild STREET: 6704 N Trumbull Ave CITY: Lincolnwood, IL 60712PHONE: 847-677-8163 FAX: 847-677-8163 COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art AWARDS: $3,000 Cash Prizes, M EMAIL: skokieart@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 18 and older FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.skokienet.org DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: 11-06-09 NAME: Thibodeauxville Fall Festival - 17th Annual LOCATION: Thibodaux, LA - Downtown SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: 5:30am AREA: LA CONTACT: Rhonda Dempster ORGANIZATION: Thibodeauxville Fall Festival STREET: PO Box 467 CITY: Thibodaux, LA 70302PHONE: 985-446-1187 FAX: 985-446-1191 COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 160 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: rhonda@thibodauxchamber.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - hand-crafted or fine quality FOOD INFO: $200.00 - $250.00 Electric $20 COMMENTS: Corner Space $125.00. Car Show, 5k Run, Duck Race. WEB PAGE: www.thibodauxchamber.com or www.thibodauxville.com DATES: 11-28-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Cajun Christmas - 13th Annual LOCATION: Lafayette, LA - Heymann Convention Center SPACE: 10’X10’,10’X15’,10 SETUP: noon - 8pm AREA: LA CONTACT: Sundra Steinhauer ORGANIZATION: Steinhauer Productions STREET: 16471 Highway 40 CITY: Folsom, LA 70437PHONE: 985-796-5853 FAX: 985-796-5040 COST OUT: IN: 200.00 ELECTRIC: 30.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 175 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: steinhau@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: 10’X15’ $300 10’X20’ $400 WEB PAGE: www.steinhauerproductions.net DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: 06-02-09 NAME: Covington Three Rivers Art Festival LOCATION: Covington, LA - Columbia St SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Sat 6am - 9am AREA: LA CONTACT: Joanne Gallinghouse ORGANIZATION: Covington Three Rivers Art Festival STREET: PO Box 633 CITY: Covington, LA 70434PHONE: 985-871-4141 FAX: COST OUT: 175.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 35.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Yes EMAIL: threeriversart@gallinghouse.co ELIGIBILITY: Open - Zapplication FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.threeriversartfestival.com DATES: 12-04-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Extravaganza - 24th Annual LOCATION: Covington, LA - Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’X10’ - 10’X30’ SETUP: noon - 8pm AREA: LA CONTACT: Sundra Steinhauer ORGANIZATION: Steinhauer Productions STREET: 16471 Highway 40 CITY: Folsom, LA 70437PHONE: 985-796-5853 FAX: 985-796-5040 COST OUT: 270.00 IN: 320.00 ELECTRIC: 30.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 600 ATTEND: 40,000 ADMISSION: Y $5.00 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - prices vary to $960 AWARDS: None EMAIL: steinhau@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by exhibitor only! FOOD INFO: $400 - $800 COMMENTS: Demos, pony rides, play area, bands & more WEB PAGE: www.steinhauerproductions.net DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 10-01-09 NAME: Giant Omelette Celebration - 25th Annual LOCATION: Abbeville, LA - Magdalen Square SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 11am - 5:30pm AREA: LA CONTACT: John Boudoin ORGANIZATION: Giant Omelette Celebration STREET: 107 N Young St CITY: Abbeville, LA 70510PHONE: 337-385-2182 FAX: COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 80 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Fine Craft, Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: johnb23@cox.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade items only! FOOD INFO: please call 337-898-1709 COMMENTS: 80-100 vendors WEB PAGE: www.giantomelette.org DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 2nd Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 5th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6 Weekends LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 3rd Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 12-12-09 TO 12-13-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org !! ! e r A s w o h S e h Y re T P e h O C W E L Louisiana TIAL SAMP n o i AR t i P d E ll u F Shows e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 122 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Louisiana Shows DATES: 03-20-10 TO 03-21-10 DEADLINE: 01-31-10 NAME: Spring Arts & Crafts Festival - 19th Annual LOCATION: Vacherie, LA - Oak Alley Plantation SPACE: 15’ X 15’ SETUP: Fri 9am - 6pm AREA: LA CONTACT: Connie Becnel ORGANIZATION: Oak Alley Plantation STREET: 3645 Highway 18 CITY: Vacherie, LA 70090PHONE: 225-265-2151 800-442-5539 FAX: 225-265-8298 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 30.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 170 ATTEND: 13,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: cbecnel@oakalleyplantation.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Corner Booth $250 FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, Euro Bungy Jumping WEB PAGE: www.Oakalleyplantation.com DATES: 11-13-10 TO 11-14-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 2nd Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 05-01-10 TO 05-02-10 DEADLINE: 12-15-09 NAME: Fest For All - 33rd Annual LOCATION: Baton Rouge, LA - Downtown SPACE: SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge STREET: 427 Laurel St CITY: Baton Rouge, LA 70801PHONE: 225-344-8558 FAX: COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art AWARDS: $8,000 Cash Prizes EMAIL: sandy@acgbr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Application done by ZAPP WEB PAGE: www.artsbr.org DATES: 11-20-10 TO 11-21-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 3rd Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-01-09 TO 11-01-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Monty Tech Arts & Crafts Fair 2nd Annual LOCATION: Fitchburg, MA - Monty Tech SPACE: 8’ X 6’ SETUP: AREA: MA CONTACT: Patricia Kalinowski ORGANIZATION: Mike & Pat’s Crafts Fairs STREET: 13 Grove St CITY: Baldwinville, MA 01436PHONE: 978-939-2317 FAX: 978-939-5099 COST OUT: IN: 100.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 100 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adults $2.50 Children under CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: webmaster@newenglandcraftshows ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Call for Details COMMENTS: Extra Ft = $12 WEB PAGE: www.newenglandcraftshows.com DATES: 05-27-10 TO 05-30-10 DEADLINE: 03-01-10 NAME: Mudbug Madness Festival - 27th Annual LOCATION: Shreveport, LA - Downtown SPACE: 10’ X 20’ SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Melanie Bacon ORGANIZATION: Downtown Shreveport Unlimited STREET: 401 Edwards St Ste 205 CITY: Shreveport, LA 71101PHONE: 318-222-7403 FAX: 318-222-3731 COST OUT: 600.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 14 ATTEND: 125,000 ADMISSION: Y $3.00 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: mbacon@downtownshreveport.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $1,000 10’ X 20’ or 20’ X 20’ $1600 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mudbugmadness.com DATES: 11-26-10 TO 11-28-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 4th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Festival - 22nd Annual LOCATION: Boston, MA - Sealport World Trade Center SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Thurs 1-8pm AREA: MA CONTACT: Florence Flynn ORGANIZATION: Artisan Promotions STREET: 83 Mount Vernon St CITY: Boston, MA 02108PHONE: 617-742-3973 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 545.00 ELECTRIC: 100.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 31,000 ADMISSION: Y $12 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@bostonchristmasfestival.c ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Gingerbread house competition WEB PAGE: www.bostonchristmasfestival.como DATES: 07-01-10 TO 07-04-10 DEADLINE: 06-01-09 NAME: Mandeville Seafood Festival - 31st Annual LOCATION: Mandeville, LA - Fontainebleau State Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before AREA: LA CONTACT: Karen Brumfield/Bill Dobson ORGANIZATION: Greater Mandeville Seafood Association STREET: PO Box 1000 CITY: Mandeville, LA 70470PHONE: 985-624-9762 FAX: COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $10 adults, Children under CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@seafoodfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Jury by photos FOOD INFO: $1000.00 10’X10’ space COMMENTS: Higher fee after deadine. WEB PAGE: www.seafoodfest.com DATES: 12-04-10 TO 12-05-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 5th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: 10-16-09 NAME: December Fine Art & Craft Show - 5th Annual LOCATION: Newton, MA - Cultural Center SPACE: 4’X8’ 4’X11’ 10’X1 SETUP: Fri11-4 or Sat 7:30a AREA: MA CONTACT: Judy Thanas Anderson ORGANIZATION: Newton Pride Committee/Cultural Center STREET: 225 Nevada St CITY: Newton, MA 02460PHONE: 617-527-8283 FAX: 617-527-8233 COST OUT: 90.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 38 ATTEND: 800 ADMISSION: Y $8 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: janderson@newtonma.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open Spaces $90-$250 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Amusement rides, kids activities WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-06-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6 Weekends LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 12-11-10 TO 12-12-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Louisiana Renaissance Festival - 6th Weekend LOCATION: Robert, LA SPACE: Varies SETUP: AREA: LA CONTACT: Rick Hight ORGANIZATION: Louisiana Renaissance Festival STREET: PO Box 220 CITY: Robert, LA 70455PHONE: 985-429-9992 ext 203 FAX: COST OUT: 650.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y Adult tickets are $12.00 Ch CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Rick@la-renfest.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space price varies $650-$1000 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Camping, insurance, and electric are offered WEB PAGE: www.larf.org DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Country Folk Art Craft Show LOCATION: Sturbridge, MA - Host Hotel SPACE: 10’ X 10’ and up SETUP: Th 6p - 10p F 8a - 1 AREA: MA CONTACT: Office Staff ORGANIZATION: Country Folk Art Shows, Inc. STREET: 15045 Dixie Hwy Ste A CITY: Holly, MI 48442PHONE: 248-634-4151 FAX: 248-634-3718 COST OUT: IN: 460.00 ELECTRIC: 60.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 7,500 ADMISSION: Y $6 / Good for all 3 days CATEGORIES: Art & Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@countryfolkart.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Prices Vary on Size, Free Parking WEB PAGE: www.countryfolkart.com Massachusetts Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Massachusetts Eastern Edition Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 123 DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-28-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Old Deerfield Christmas Sampler LOCATION: West Springfield, MA - Better Living Center SPACE: 10’X10’ - 10’X20’ SETUP: Fri 8am to 3pm AREA: MA CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Assoc STREET: PO Box 323 CITY: Deerfield, MA 01342PHONE: 413-774-7476 ext 17 or 14 FAX: 413-774-5400 COST OUT: IN: 335.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 335 ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: Y $8.00 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: $1,100 EMAIL: info@deerfield-craft.org ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Space Prices vary WEB PAGE: www.deerfield-craft.org DATES: 07-04-10 TO 07-04-10 DEADLINE: NAME: July 4th Open Air Market - 27th Annual LOCATION: Newton, MA - Halloran Field & Sports Complex SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 8am AREA: MA CONTACT: Judy Thanas Anderson ORGANIZATION: Newton Pride Committee/Cultural Center STREET: 225 Nevada St CITY: Newton, MA 02460PHONE: 617-527-8283 FAX: 617-527-8233 COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts & Commercial AWARDS: None EMAIL: janderson@newtonma.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open spaces run $65-$300 FOOD INFO: $125 to $250 - must be city approved COMMENTS: Amusement rides, kids activities, & Fireworks WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: The Original “Castleberry Fair” - 14th Annual LOCATION: Wilmington, MA - Shriner’s Auditorium SPACE: 10’X6’ & 10’X10’ SETUP: Thurs 1pm AREA: MA CONTACT: Terry Mullen ORGANIZATION: Castleberry Fairs & Festivals STREET: 38 Charles St CITY: Rochester, NH 03867PHONE: 603-332-2616 FAX: 603-332-8413 COST OUT: IN: 375.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: terrym@worldpath.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - American made only - no imports! FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Food Sampling, Craft Demos, Live Music WEB PAGE: www.castleberryfairs.com DATES: 07-09-10 TO 07-11-10 DEADLINE: 07-03-10 NAME: Whaling City Festival - 41st Annual LOCATION: New Bedford, MA - Buttonwood Park SPACE: 20’X20’ SETUP: Fri 6am AREA: MA CONTACT: Sandra Ferraz ORGANIZATION: Whaling City Festival Inc. STREET: PO Box 40696 CITY: New Bedford, MA 02744PHONE: 508-996-3348 774-930-1943 FAX: 508-990-2367 COST OUT: 250.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 220 ATTEND: 200,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts & Flea Market vendors AWARDS: None EMAIL: badazcnb@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $1300 COMMENTS: Custom Car & Truck Show, Motorcycle Show, Rides WEB PAGE: www.whalingcityfestival.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Howard County Craft Spectacular LOCATION: West Friendship, MD SPACE: 10’X10’ 12’X12’ SETUP: AREA: MD CONTACT: Beverly Zienda ORGANIZATION: A to Z Crafts STREET: PO Box 342 CITY: Thurmont, MD 21788PHONE: 301-271-4432 FAX: COST OUT: 185.00 IN: 295.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 3 day pass $6 under 12 f CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@atozcrafts.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.atozcrafts.net DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: 11-01-09 NAME: Northampton Winter Craft Fair - 29th Annual LOCATION: Northampton, MA SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 6:30am AREA: MA CONTACT: Emily Ferron ORGANIZATION: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire Co STREET: 70 Boltwood Walk CITY: Amherst, MA 01002PHONE: 413-253-2591 FAX: 413-253-0124 COST OUT: IN: 175.00 ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 89 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: bbbshc@chd.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade only FOOD INFO: $350 COMMENTS: $200 for corner booth WEB PAGE: www.bbbshamp.org DATES: 07-24-10 TO 07-25-10 DEADLINE: 04-16-10 NAME: Fine Art & Quiality Craft Fair - 23rd Annual LOCATION: Lenox, MA - Lilac Park SPACE: 11’ X 11’ SETUP: Sat 6-9:30am AREA: MA CONTACT: Carol Powell ORGANIZATION: Church on the Hill STREET: 55 Main St CITY: Lenox, MA 01240PHONE: 413-442-1057 FAX: 413-637-3395 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ucclenox@rnetworx.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by exhibitor FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.churchonthehilllenox.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Fallfest of Fine Art - 13th Annual LOCATION: Ocean City, MD - Convention Center SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri noon/Sat 8am AREA: MD CONTACT: Donald Hastings ORGANIZATION: Donald’s Duck Shoppes, Inc. STREET: 10549 Sussex Rd CITY: Ocean City, MD 21842PHONE: 410-524-9177 FAX: 410-524-1394 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: Y $5, $4 AARP & Students 13-1 CATEGORIES: Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: shop@donaldduckshoppe.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for prices. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: In conjunction with the Christmas Craft Expo WEB PAGE: www.donaldsduckshoppe.com DATES: 12-06-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Inn Art & Craft Show 17th Annual LOCATION: Mansfield, MA SPACE: 8’ X 6’ SETUP: AREA: MA CONTACT: Patricia Kalinowski ORGANIZATION: Mike & Pat’s Crafts Fairs STREET: 13 Grove St CITY: Baldwinville, MA 01436PHONE: 978-939-2317 FAX: 978-939-8786 COST OUT: IN: 120.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $2.00 adults/under 12 free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: webmaster@newenglandcraftshows ELIGIBILITY: Open - www.HolidayInnMansfieldMa.com FOOD INFO: Call for Details COMMENTS: Extra Ft = $15 Table = $10 WEB PAGE: www.newenglandcraftshows.com DATES: 10-17-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Harvest Fair - 32nd Annual LOCATION: Newton, MA - Newton Centre Green SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 7am AREA: MA CONTACT: Judy Anderson ORGANIZATION: Newton Pride Committee/Cultural Center STREET: 225 Nevada St CITY: Newton, MA 02460PHONE: 617-527-8283 FAX: 617-527-8233 COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: janderson@newtonma.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open $60-$300 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Amusement rides, kids activities WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Craft Expo - 13th Annual LOCATION: Ocean City, MD - Convention Center SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri noon/Sat 8am AREA: MD CONTACT: Donald Hastings ORGANIZATION: Donald’s Duck Shoppes, Inc. STREET: 10549 Sussex Rd CITY: Ocean City, MD 21842PHONE: 410-524-9177 FAX: 410-524-1394 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: Y $5, $4 AARP & Students 13-1 CATEGORIES: Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: shop@donaldduckshoppe.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for prices. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: In conjunction with the Fallfest of Fine Art WEB PAGE: www.donaldsduckshoppe.com DATES: 05-02-10 TO 05-02-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Kids FunFest - 32nd Annual LOCATION: Newton, MA - Newton City Hall SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: 8am AREA: MA CONTACT: Judy Anderson ORGANIZATION: Newton Pride Committee/Cultural Center STREET: 225 Nevada St CITY: Newton, MA 02460PHONE: 617-527-8283 FAX: 617-527-8233 COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 40 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: janderson@newtonma.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open Spaces $65 - $300 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Amusement rides, kids activities WEB PAGE: DATES: 12-04-10 TO 12-05-10 DEADLINE: NAME: December Fine Art & Craft Show - 6th Annual LOCATION: Newton, MA - Cultural Center SPACE: 4’X8’ 4’X11’ 10’X1 SETUP: Fri11-4 or Sat 7:30a AREA: MA CONTACT: Judy Thanas Anderson ORGANIZATION: Newton Pride Committee/Cultural Center STREET: 225 Nevada St CITY: Newton, MA 02460PHONE: 617-527-8283 FAX: 617-527-8233 COST OUT: 90.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 38 ATTEND: 800 ADMISSION: Y $8 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: janderson@newtonma.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open Spaces $90-$250 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Amusement rides, kids activities WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-08-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Craft Fair - 34th Annual LOCATION: Laurel, MD - Deerfield Run Community Center SPACE: 8’X8’ SETUP: 8:30am - 10:30am AREA: MD CONTACT: Diane Sills ORGANIZATION: South Laurel Recreation Council, Inc. STREET: 8710 Granite Ln CITY: Laurel, MD 20708PHONE: 301-776-2805 FAX: 301-377-7801 COST OUT: IN: 30.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: artsills@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - TTY 301-445-4512 FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Free shuttle bus service, bake sale, food WEB PAGE: www.southlaurelrecreationcouncil.org Maryland Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 124 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Maryland Shows DATES: 06-12-10 TO 06-13-10 DEADLINE: 04-01-10 NAME: Heritage Days Festival - 42nd Annual LOCATION: Cumberland, MD - Washington St Historic District SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: am of event AREA: MD CONTACT: Gayle Griffith ORGANIZATION: Heritage Days Festival STREET: PO Box 6349 CITY: Cumberland, MD 21501PHONE: 301-722-0037 FAX: 301-722-8344 COST OUT: 75.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 20.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: bkcenter@pennswoods.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - 3 photos work/ 1 display FOOD INFO: $75 plus Commission COMMENTS: $50.00 for one day fee $85 after 4/1/10 WEB PAGE: www.heritagedaysfestival.com DATES: 10-02-10 TO 10-03-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Brandywine Lion Craft Fair Festival - 35th Annual LOCATION: Cheltenham, MD - Cherry Tree Crossing SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 8am - 8pm AREA: MD CONTACT: Donna / Whitey Roberts ORGANIZATION: Brandywine Lions STREET: PO Box 250/11501 Cherry Tree Crossi CITY: Cheltenham, MD 20623 PHONE: 240-416-5219 301-782-7900 FAX: 301-627-0659 COST OUT: 175.00 IN: 175.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 5,500 ADMISSION: Y $5.00 CATEGORIES: Art, Crafts, Fine Art, Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: craftfair@brandywinelions.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 3 photos of work FOOD INFO: 15% of sales COMMENTS: 80% return each year - waiting list kept WEB PAGE: www.brandywinelions.org DATES: 05-29-10 TO 05-30-10 DEADLINE: 01-31-10 NAME: Shoreline Arts & Crafts Show - 18th Annual LOCATION: Tawas City, MI - City Park SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 3p - 8p Fri/7a - 9a AREA: MI CONTACT: John Sellinger ORGANIZATION: Tawas City Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 608 CITY: Tawas City, MI 48764PHONE: 989-362-8643 800-55-TAWAS FAX: 989-362-7880 COST OUT: 80.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: john@tawas.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Crafters own Original work - Proof FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: $100 after deadline. WEB PAGE: www.tawas.com DATES: 08-07-10 TO 08-07-10 DEADLINE: 08-06-10 NAME: Pine’eer Arts & Crafts Festival - 33rd Annual LOCATION: Ocean Pines, MD - White Horse Park SPACE: 11’X11’ or 9’X9’ SETUP: 5:00am AREA: MD CONTACT: Margaret Long ORGANIZATION: Ocean Pines Pine’eer Crafts Club STREET: 32 Newport Dr CITY: Ocean Pines, MD 21811PHONE: 410-208-0606 FAX: COST OUT: 50.00 IN: 60.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 175 ATTEND: 2,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Handmade only AWARDS: None EMAIL: boc2638@msn.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send S.A.S.E. for application FOOD INFO: $85 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 04-30-10 NAME: Catoctin Colorfest - 47th Annual LOCATION: Thurmont, MD - in the park SPACE: 15’ X 10’ SETUP: day before AREA: MD CONTACT: Carol Robertson ORGANIZATION: Catoctin Colorfest STREET: PO Box 33 CITY: Thurmont, MD 21788PHONE: 301-271-7533 FAX: COST OUT: 225.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 100,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@colorfest.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for prices FOOD INFO: Call for prices COMMENTS: very well attended - several spinoff shows WEB PAGE: www.colorfest.org DATES: 06-05-10 TO 06-05-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Art in the Park - 43rd Annual LOCATION: Flushing, MI - Riverview Park SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 6:00am AREA: MI CONTACT: Carol Skinner ORGANIZATION: Flushing Women’s Club STREET: 410 Dutch Mill Ct CITY: Flushing, MI 48433PHONE: 810-659-1276 FAX: 810-238-9008 COST OUT: 65.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: $200/$150/$100 - Best EMAIL: gfwccarol@comcast.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $75.00 COMMENTS: Children’s booth, play area, bounce house WEB PAGE: !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C WhereMichigan E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI Shows d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 08-14-10 TO 08-15-10 DEADLINE: 03-15-10 NAME: Havre de Grace Seafood Festival - 30th Annual LOCATION: Havre de Grace, MD - Tydings Memorial Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: by 10am AREA: MD CONTACT: Lori Maslin ORGANIZATION: Nilsam, Inc. STREET: PO Box 391 CITY: Hvre De Grace, MD 21078PHONE: 410-939-1525 FAX: COST OUT: 80.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 80 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts & Commercial AWARDS: None EMAIL: seafoodfes@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Call for information COMMENTS: 10 min off I-95 WEB PAGE: www.hdgseafoodfestival.org DATES: 06-05-10 TO 06-05-10 DEADLINE: 06-05-10 NAME: A Gardener’s Extravaganza - 2nd Annual LOCATION: Marshall, MI SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: F 12p-8p S 7am-9 AREA: MI CONTACT: Celeste Briegel ORGANIZATION: Cornwell’s Turkeyville STREET: 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd CITY: Marshall, MI 49068PHONE: 269-781-4293 800-228-4315 FAX: 269-781-1209 COST OUT: 30.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: celeste@turkeyville.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by exhibitor only FOOD INFO: No food allowed COMMENTS: Dinner Theatre, Ice Cream Parlor WEB PAGE: www.turkeyville.com DATES: 09-03-10 TO 09-05-10 DEADLINE: 07-15-10 NAME: Labor Day Weekend Art & Craft Show - 17th Annual LOCATION: Ocean City, MD - Convention Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thurs 12-8pm AREA: MD CONTACT: Ami Hastings ORGANIZATION: Marketing Solutions STREET: 9005 Whaleyville Rd CITY: Whaleyville, MD 21872PHONE: 410-352-5851 410-524-9177 FAX: 410-352-3608 COST OUT: IN: 250.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ahastings@ocshows.info ELIGIBILITY: Open - Must Be Handmade Photos Required FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: electricity is free WEB PAGE: www.ocshows.info DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: 08-28-09 NAME: Holiday Art Fair 2009 LOCATION: Midland, MI - Midland Center for the Arts SPACE: 8’X7’, 9’X6’, 10’X SETUP: 6am - 9am AREA: MI CONTACT: Emmy Mills ORGANIZATION: Midland Center For The Arts STREET: 1801 W Saint Andrews Rd CITY: Midland, MI 48640PHONE: 989-631-5930 ext. 1401 FAX: 989-631-7890 COST OUT: IN: 130.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 85 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: Y $4 1day $6 2day pass CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: mills@mcfta.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - reduced fee for members FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Children’s corner, Santa, Sweet Shoppe WEB PAGE: www.mcfta.org DATES: 09-23-10 TO 09-26-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Westminster Fallfest - 32nd Annual LOCATION: Westminster, MD - Downtown City Park SPACE: 10’X10’ - 15’X10’ SETUP: Sat 7am - 9:30am AREA: MD CONTACT: Jennifer Mellor ORGANIZATION: City of Westminster/Fallfest Committee STREET: PO Box 804 CITY: Westminster, MD 21158PHONE: 410-848-4883 FAX: 410-848-8310 COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 40,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Crafts & Commercial AWARDS: None EMAIL: jmellor@westgov.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $300 - $400 COMMENTS: Space prices $40 - $250/Carnival rides & more WEB PAGE: www.westminsterfallfest.com DATES: 05-22-10 TO 05-23-10 DEADLINE: 01-31-10 DATES: 06-19-10 TO 06-19-10 DEADLINE: 05-01-10 NAME: East Lansing Art Festival - 47th Annual NAME: Frankfort Craft Fair - 14th Annual LOCATION: East Lansing, MI - Downtown LOCATION: Frankfort, MI - Market Square Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 6am AREA: MI SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: Fri 2-8pm Sat 7-9 AREA: MI CONTACT: Corinn Van Wyck CONTACT: Joanne Bartley ORGANIZATION: East Lansing Arts Festival ORGANIZATION: Frankfort-Elberta Chamber of Commerce STREET: 410 Abbot Rd STREET: PO Box 566 CITY: East Lansing, MI 48823CITY: Frankfort, MI 49635PHONE: 517-319-6804 517-337-1731 FAX: 517-337-1607 PHONE: 231-352-7251 FAX: 231-352-6750 COST OUT: 250.00 IN: ELECTRIC: COST OUT: 60.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 30.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 220 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 70,000 ADMISSION: N ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: $5,000 cash awards EMAIL: cvanwyck@cityofeastlansing.comAWARDS: None EMAIL: fcofc@frankfort-elberta.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - $40 jury fee after 11/31 ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: n/a local only FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Music, performances, emerging artist program COMMENTS: Antique Vehicle show WEB PAGE: www.elartfest.com WEB PAGE: www.frankfort-elberta.com 126 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 DATES: 06-05-10 TO 06-06-10 DEADLINE: 03-08-10 NAME: Summer Art Fair 2010 - 44th Annual LOCATION: Midland, MI - Midland Center for the Arts SPACE: 10’X12’ SETUP: 6am AREA: MI CONTACT: Emmy Mills ORGANIZATION: Midland Center For The Arts STREET: 1801 W Saint Andrews Rd CITY: Midland, MI 48640PHONE: 989-631-5930 ext. 1401 FAX: 989-631-7890 COST OUT: 175.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 130 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Fine Craft AWARDS: 1st Place $500 2nd Pl EMAIL: mills@mcfta.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - reduced fee for members FOOD INFO: $300.00 COMMENTS: Children’s corner, entertainment & more WEB PAGE: www.mcfta.org Michigan Shows DATES: 09-18-10 TO 09-19-10 DEADLINE: 09-18-10 NAME: Cornwell’s September Arts & Crafts Show - 34th Annual LOCATION: Marshall, MI SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Fri 12-8 AREA: MI CONTACT: Celeste Briegel ORGANIZATION: Cornwell’s Turkeyville STREET: 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd CITY: Marshall, MI 49068PHONE: 269-781-4293 800-228-4315 FAX: 269-781-1209 COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 2,500 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: celeste@turkeyville.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by exhibitor only FOOD INFO: No food allowed COMMENTS: Dinner Theatre, Music & More. WEB PAGE: www.turkeyville.com DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: 10-15-09 NAME: Gingham Tree Arts & Crafts Festival LOCATION: Lucedale, MS SPACE: 9’X9’in 10’X10’out SETUP: Fri 4pm Sat 6am - 8: AREA: MS CONTACT: Audra Rouse ORGANIZATION: Gingham Tree STREET: PO Box 534 CITY: Lucedale, MS 39452PHONE: 601-947-4542 601-947-2755 FAX: COST OUT: 50.00 IN: 60.00 ELECTRIC: 5.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: ginghamtreearts@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Audra Rouse 601-947-4542 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: DATES: 04-10-10 TO 04-11-10 DEADLINE: 12-01-09 NAME: Art in the Pass LOCATION: Pass Christian, MS SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 1p-5:30p Sat 7-9 AREA: MS CONTACT: Julie O’Brian ORGANIZATION: Art In The Pass STREET: PO Box 747 CITY: Pass Chris, MS 39571PHONE: 228-452-2360 FAX: COST OUT: 125.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 85 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts - $25 Late fee after d AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@artinthepass.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 6 photos of work & S.A.S.E. FOOD INFO: $150 + $100 deposit COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artinthepass.com DATES: 10-02-10 TO 10-03-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Cornwell’s Fall Festival & Arts & Crafts Show - 10th Ann LOCATION: Marshall, MI SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Sat 7am AREA: MI CONTACT: Heather ORGANIZATION: Cornwell’s Turkeyville STREET: 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd CITY: Marshall, MI 49068PHONE: 269-781-4293 800-228-4315 FAX: 269-781-1209 COST OUT: 60.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: turkeyville2002@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by exhibitor only FOOD INFO: No food allowed COMMENTS: Dinner Theatre, Pie Baking, Lumberjack Demo.’s WEB PAGE: www.turkeyville.com DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas City Gift Show - 26th Annual LOCATION: Biloxi, MS - Gulf Coast Colisium SPACE: 10’X10’/10’X20’ SETUP: Fri 8-5/ or am of sh AREA: MS CONTACT: Ron Meyers ORGANIZATION: Cross 2 Success Ministries/AFR STREET: PO Box 7021 CITY: Gulfport, MS 39506PHONE: 228-831-3020 FAX: 228-831-4540 COST OUT: IN: 300.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 11,000 ADMISSION: Y $6.00 for adults CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: Best Decorated Booth. EMAIL: ron@waoy.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send pictures FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: larger booths available WEB PAGE: www.christmascitygiftshow.com DATES: 04-10-10 TO 04-11-10 DEADLINE: 02-01-10 NAME: Picayune Street Fair - 28th Annual LOCATION: Picayune, MS - E & W Canal St SPACE: 10’X20’ SETUP: Fri 7pm AREA: MS CONTACT: Reba Beebe or Ina Legg ORGANIZATION: Picayune Main Street Inc STREET: PO Box 1656 CITY: Picayune, MS 39466PHONE: 601-799-3070 601-347-9630 FAX: 601-799-3070 COST OUT: 85.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 275 ATTEND: 60,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, & Collectibles AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@picayunemainstreet.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - No Flea Market - Call for prices FOOD INFO: $300 + Electric COMMENTS: Childrens activities, helicopter rides WEB PAGE: www.picayunemainstreet.com DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-05-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas in the City LOCATION: Biloxi, MS SPACE: 10’ x 10’ SETUP: Fri 5pm, Sat by 9am AREA: MS CONTACT: Kay Miller ORGANIZATION: Mainstreet STREET: PO Box 253 CITY: Biloxi, MS 39533PHONE: 228-435-6339 FAX: COST OUT: 50.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Antiques AWARDS: none EMAIL: kmiller@biloxi.ms.us ELIGIBILITY: By Invitation Only - Send photos via e-mail FOOD INFO: $65 early bird / $85 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mainstreetbiloxi.com DATES: 05-15-10 TO 05-15-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Square Affair LOCATION: Carthage, MS SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 6am AREA: MS CONTACT: Renodda Dorman ORGANIZATION: Leake County Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 209 CITY: Carthage, MS 39051PHONE: 601-267-9231 FAX: 601-267-8123 COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: director@leakems.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $100 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.leakems.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Sweet Potato Festival - 36th Annual LOCATION: Vardaman, MS - Main St SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: MS CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Vardaman Sweet Potato Festival STREET: PO Box 213 CITY: Vardaman, MS 38878PHONE: 662-682-7559 FAX: COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 225 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: sweetpotatofestival@hotmail.co ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $50 COMMENTS: 5K Run/Walk, Sweet Potato Tasting/Eating Booth WEB PAGE: www.vardamansweetpotatofestival.org DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-05-09 DEADLINE: 09-01-09 NAME: Holly Days Arts and Crafts Shows - 1st Annual LOCATION: Vicksburg, MS SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: AREA: MS CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation STREET: 1302 Adams St CITY: Vicksburg, MS 39180PHONE: 601-631-2997 FAX: COST OUT: 50.00 IN: 50.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Crafts AWARDS: none EMAIL: info@southernculture.org ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Christmas Parade of Lights at 5pm WEB PAGE: http://www.southernculture.org/ DATES: 09-11-10 TO 09-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Muscadine Jubilee - 29th Annual LOCATION: Pelahatchie, MS SPACE: 10’X12’ SETUP: By 8am AREA: MS CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Muscadine Jubilee STREET: PO Box 229 CITY: Pelahatchie, MS 39145PHONE: 601-854-5224 FAX: 601-854-5266 COST OUT: 30.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 64 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: Y $2 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: pelahat@bellsouth.net ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $125 15 spaces COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.pelahatchie.org/muscadine.php DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 09-01-09 NAME: Picayune Street Fair - 14th Annual LOCATION: Picayune, MS - E & W Canal St SPACE: 10’X20’ SETUP: Sat before 7:30am AREA: MS CONTACT: Reba, Eileen, or Ina ORGANIZATION: Picayune Main Street Inc STREET: PO Box 1656 CITY: Picayune, MS 39466PHONE: 601-799-3070 FAX: 601-799-3070 COST OUT: 85.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 50,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Collectibles AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@picayunemainstreet.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - No Flea Market FOOD INFO: $300 COMMENTS: Children Activities, Chili Cook-Off, & more WEB PAGE: www.picayunemainstreet.com DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: 08-25-07 NAME: Chimneyville Crafts Festival - 32nd Annual LOCATION: Jackson, MS SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri am AREA: MS CONTACT: Julie Dailey ORGANIZATION: The Craftman’s Guild Of Mississippi STREET: 950 Rice Rd CITY: Ridgeland, MS 39157PHONE: 601-856-7546 FAX: 601-981-0488 COST OUT: 295.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 35.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 Adults Kids 12 years and CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Must Be A Member of The Guild FOOD INFO: No Food Venders COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mscrafts.org !! ! e r A s w o h S e h eT r e h W Mississippi IAL SAMPLE COPY n RT o i A t i P d E ll Shows u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 128 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 North Carolina Shows Mississippi Shows DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Maggie Valley Fall Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Maggie Valley, NC - Festival Grounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 12-6p AREA: NC CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Maggie Valley Visitors Bureau STREET: PO Box 279 CITY: Maggie Valley, NC 28751PHONE: 800-624-4431 828-926-1686 FAX: 828-926-9398 COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 6,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: cmaggie@maggievalley.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Spaces $100-$125 FOOD INFO: call for details COMMENTS: Chainsaw Artist WEB PAGE: www.maggievalley.org DATES: 11-29-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Shoppers Arts & Crafts Gift Show LOCATION: Nashua, NH - Crowne Plaza Hotel SPACE: 8’X8’ SETUP: 7am AREA: NH CONTACT: Janet Souza ORGANIZATION: Millennium Craft Shows STREET: 11 Farwood Rd CITY: Tewksbury, MA 01876PHONE: 978-758-6196 FAX: 978-455-5814 COST OUT: IN: 125.00 ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 80 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: janet@millenniumcraftshows.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.millenniumcraftshows.com DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Spectacular of the Finest Arts & Crafts LOCATION: Ocean City, NJ SPACE: 6’X9’,12’X9’,10’X1 SETUP: Fri 4-6pm Sat 7-9am AREA: NJ CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Jersey Shore Artisans Guild STREET: PO Box 1700 CITY: Ocean City, NJ 08226PHONE: 800-822-4112 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 160.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $3 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Call for details WEB PAGE: www.oceancitycraftshows.com DATES: 10-22-10 TO 10-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made in the South - 30th Annual LOCATION: Charlotte, NC - Cabarrus Events Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ or 10’ X SETUP: AREA: NC CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: 310.00 IN: 620.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 300 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Craft AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com DATES: 12-12-09 TO 12-13-09 DEADLINE: NAME: New England Holiday Craft Festival - 10th Annual LOCATION: Salem, NH - Rockingham Park SPACE: 10’X6’ & 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 3-8 Sat 6am AREA: NH CONTACT: Terry Mullen ORGANIZATION: Castleberry Fairs & Festivals STREET: 38 Charles St CITY: Rochester, NH 03867PHONE: 603-332-2616 FAX: 603-332-8413 COST OUT: IN: 300.00 ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts(10’X6’ - $200) AWARDS: None EMAIL: terrym@worldpath.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - American made only - no imports! FOOD INFO: Call for Details COMMENTS: Food Sampling, Craft Demos, Live Music WEB PAGE: www.castleberryfairs.com DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: 05-22-09 NAME: YWCA Princeton Crafter’s Marketplace - 36th Annual LOCATION: Princeton, NJ - John Witherspoon Middle School SPACE: varies SETUP: Fri afternoon AREA: NJ CONTACT: Jenn Attridge ORGANIZATION: Princeton YWCA STREET: 59 Paul Robeson Pl CITY: Princeton, NJ 08540PHONE: 609-497-2100 ext 380 FAX: 609-683-5674 COST OUT: 180.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 130 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: Y $6, $5 seniors & children 6 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Free coffee coupons a EMAIL: cm@ywcaprinceton.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 3 slides of work & 1 display FOOD INFO: YWCA does the food - On Site. COMMENTS: Space price varies $180-$395. Fundrasier for Bates Schol WEB PAGE: www.ywcaprinceton.org DATES: 08-18-10 TO 08-18-10 DEADLINE: 05-01-10 NAME: Artists in the Park - 31st Annual LOCATION: Wolfeboro, NH - Downtown on waterfront SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 6am AREA: NH CONTACT: Debbie Hopkins ORGANIZATION: Governor Wentworth Arts Council STREET: PO Box 1322 CITY: Wolfeboro, NH 03894PHONE: 603-569-4994 FAX: COST OUT: 100.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 15.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 41 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Original Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: muddywheel@metrocast.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 3 mages, jpeg FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Wednesday show. mickgene@metrocast.net WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-28-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Crafts Fair LOCATION: Cape May, NJ - Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Hal SPACE: 10’ X 8’ SETUP: 8am - 10:45am AREA: NJ CONTACT: Ann Fitzsimons ORGANIZATION: Mid Atlantic Center For The Arts STREET: PO Box 340 CITY: Cape May, NJ 08204PHONE: 609-884-5404 Ext 152 FAX: 609-884-2006 COST OUT: IN: 150.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 41 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: Y $1 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Table Rental $5 WEB PAGE: www.capemaymac.org !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 10-23-10 TO 10-24-10 DEADLINE: 05-01-10 NAME: Charlotte Fine Art Show - 3rd Annual LOCATION: Charlotte, NC - The Park(Formerly Merchandise Mar) SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 8:30am - 5pm AREA: NC CONTACT: Patty Narozny ORGANIZATION: Hot Works, LLC STREET: PO Box 79 CITY: Milford, MI 48381PHONE: 248-684-2613 FAX: 248-684-0195 COST OUT: IN: 525.00 ELECTRIC: 75.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 30.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 adults / 12 & under Free CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: (2) $500 Purchase (5) EMAIL: patty@hotworks.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Zapplication, Juried Art Services, or Manua FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Promoter 25+ years experience. Lots of media behind even WEB PAGE: www.hotworks.org New New Jersey Hampshire Shows Shows DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: New England Craft & Specialty Food Fair - 14th Annual LOCATION: Salem, NH - Rockingham Park SPACE: 10’X6’ & 10’X10’ SETUP: Thurs 3-8pm/Fri 6am AREA: NH CONTACT: Terry Mullen ORGANIZATION: Castleberry Fairs & Festivals STREET: 38 Charles St CITY: Rochester, NH 03867PHONE: 603-332-2616 FAX: 603-332-8413 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 23,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: terrym@worldpath.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - American made only - no imports! FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Food Sampling, Craft Demos, Live Music WEB PAGE: www.castleberryfairs.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Fall Arts & Crafts Festival LOCATION: Cape May, NJ - Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Hal SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 7am - 9:45am AREA: NJ CONTACT: Ann Fitzsimons ORGANIZATION: Mid Atlantic Center For The Arts STREET: PO Box 340 CITY: Cape May, NJ 08204PHONE: 609-884-5404 Ext 152 FAX: 609-884-2006 COST OUT: IN: 60.00 ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 41 ATTEND: 1,600 ADMISSION: Y $1 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Table Rental $5 WEB PAGE: www.capemaymac.org New Hampshire Eastern Edition Shows DATES: 12-04-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Country Folk Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Edison, NJ - Convention & Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ and up SETUP: Th 1p - 5p F 9a - 3p AREA: NJ CONTACT: Staff ORGANIZATION: Country Folk Art Shows, Inc. STREET: 15045 Dixie Hwy Ste A CITY: Holly, MI 48442PHONE: 248-634-4151 FAX: 248-634-3718 COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: 60.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 9,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 / Valid for all weekend CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@countryfolkart.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for details FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Prices Vary on Size, Free Parking WEB PAGE: www.countryfolkart.com DATES: 12-04-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: 07-01-09 NAME: Holiday Crafts at Morristown - 19th Annual LOCATION: Morristown, NJ - Morristown Armory SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 7am - 4pm AREA: NJ CONTACT: Laura Kandel ORGANIZATION: Artrider Productions, Inc. STREET: PO Box 28 CITY: Woodstock, NY 12498PHONE: 845-331-7900 FAX: 845-331-7484 COST OUT: IN: 475.00 ELECTRIC: 65.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 45.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: crafts@artrider.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 5 Slides work/ 1 Booth FOOD INFO: $100 + 15% Commission COMMENTS: Handmade in North America WEB PAGE: www.artrider.com “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 131 DATES: 08-07-10 TO 08-07-10 DEADLINE: 07-15-10 NAME: Antique, Arts & Crafts Show - 15th Annual LOCATION: Margate City, NJ - Margate Community Church SPACE: 10’X10’out & 8’X4’ SETUP: 7am AREA: NJ CONTACT: Bill Crimbring ORGANIZATION: Margate Community Church STREET: 8900 Ventnor Ave CITY: Margate City, NJ 08402PHONE: 609-822-1347 FAX: 609-822-5974 COST OUT: 60.00 IN: 90.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 90 ATTEND: 2,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Antiques AWARDS: None EMAIL: billcrim@msn.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $60 - $100 COMMENTS: Cabanas for rent $25 WEB PAGE: DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Fall Fine Art & Crafts at Brookdale Park - 11th Annual LOCATION: Montclair, NJ - Brookdale Park SPACE: 10’ X 12’ SETUP: Fri 12p-6pm, Sat 6:3 AREA: NJ CONTACT: Howard Rose ORGANIZATION: Rose Squared Productions, Inc. STREET: 12 Galaxy Ct CITY: Hillsborough, NJ 08844PHONE: 908-874-5247 FAX: 908-874-7098 COST OUT: 330.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 160 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@rosesquared.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send 3 slides/photos & 1 of booth FOOD INFO: 20% commission COMMENTS: No silk flowers WEB PAGE: www.rosesquared.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 12-27-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Westbury, NY - Parking Lot At The Main Enterance SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 8am AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 1,050.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space prices very on the days you want FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: $120 per day WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 08-07-10 TO 08-08-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Art & Craft Show - 48th Annual LOCATION: Stone Harbor, NJ - 80th St. & the beach SPACE: 8’X12’ or 10’X10’ SETUP: varies AREA: NJ CONTACT: John Atwood ORGANIZATION: Borough of Stone Harbor STREET: PO Box 274 CITY: Stone Harbor, NJ 08247PHONE: 609-368-4112 FAX: COST OUT: 250.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 316 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Space Price Varies to $350 AWARDS: None EMAIL: shacshow@gmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only! Send 7 photos FOOD INFO: $600 COMMENTS: Include S.A.S.E with Application request WEB PAGE: www.shacshow.com DATES: 11-20-10 TO 12-08-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NJ CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TBA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 12-27-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Yorktown Heights, NY - Jefferson Valley Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: 8am AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 1,050.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Space prices very on the days you want FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: $120 per day WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 09-02-10 TO 09-06-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NJ CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 360.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: ***Show Will Happen Upon Approval WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-20-10 TO 12-18-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Edison, NJ - Menlo Park Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NJ CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TDA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-11-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: night before AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 09-11-10 TO 09-12-10 DEADLINE: 09-01-10 NAME: Fine Art & Crafts at Anderson Park - 26th Annual LOCATION: Upper Montclair, NJ - Anderson Park SPACE: 10’ X 12’ SETUP: Fri 12p-6pm, Sat 6:3 AREA: NJ CONTACT: Howard Rose ORGANIZATION: Rose Squared Productions, Inc. STREET: 12 Galaxy Ct CITY: Hillsborough, NJ 08844PHONE: 908-874-5247 FAX: 908-874-7098 COST OUT: 330.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 160 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@rosesquared.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 3 slides/photos & 1 of booth FOOD INFO: 20% COMMENTS: No silk flowers WEB PAGE: www.rosesquared.com DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Jersey City, NJ - Newport Center Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NJ CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: ***Show Will Happen Upon Approval WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com New York Shows DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 09-01-09 NAME: Christmas in the Country - 25th Annual LOCATION: Hamburg, NY - International Agri-Center SPACE: 10’X6’ - 20’X10’ SETUP: Wed 9am-7pm AREA: NY CONTACT: Sally & Ed Kaczynski ORGANIZATION: Premier Promotions STREET: 4310 Tillson Rd CITY: Wilmington, NC 28412PHONE: 910-799-9424 866-969-7736 FAX: 910-799-1209 COST OUT: IN: 450.00 ELECTRIC: 70.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 55,000 ADMISSION: Y $7.00 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: wnypremier@ec.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 4 slides work/1 display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Space fees vary to $1170 WEB PAGE: www.wnypremierpromotions.com New York Eastern Edition Shows DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: 05-30-09 NAME: Christkindl Market - 16th Annual LOCATION: Canandaigua, NY - Mansion Grounds SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri morning AREA: NY CONTACT: Edthe Gansz ORGANIZATION: Granger Homestead & Carriage Museum STREET: 4148 County Road 16 CITY: Canandaigua, NY 14424PHONE: 585-394-5385 FAX: COST OUT: 275.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 90 ATTEND: 5,500 ADMISSION: Y $6 (Children under 12 Free) CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: Best Holiday Decorati EMAIL: egansz@rochester.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $400 COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.grangerhomestead.org DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Herkimer County Arts & Craft Fair - 33rd Annual LOCATION: Herkimer, NY - Community College SPACE: 10’X6’ SETUP: F 5pm - 9pm AREA: NY CONTACT: Jan Marie Fuhrer ORGANIZATION: Herkimer County College Foundation STREET: 100 Reservoir Rd CITY: Herkimer, NY 13350PHONE: 315-866-0300 FAX: 315-866-1706 COST OUT: IN: 145.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 145 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: Y $4 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Crafts - 2nd phone ext 8269 AWARDS: Ribbons EMAIL: fuhrerjm@herkimer.edu ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Easy access off NYS thruway - exit 30 WEB PAGE: www.herkimer.edu/alumni/foundation/events.htm “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 133 DATES: 09-25-10 TO 09-26-10 DEADLINE: 09-18-10 NAME: Craft & Gift Fair Outdoor in The Parks LOCATION: Merrick, NY - Municipal Parking Lots SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: 175.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: $25 Late Fee After Deadline WEB PAGE: www.nassaucountycraftshows.com DATES: 10-26-10 TO 10-28-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Thanksgiving Northeast Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza SPACE: 10’X10’,10’X15’,10 SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: Brenda Ladd ORGANIZATION: Northeast Show Promoters, Inc. STREET: 12 Avis Dr Ste 12 CITY: Latham, NY 12110PHONE: 518-786-1529 FAX: 518-786-1716 COST OUT: IN: 190.00 ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 9,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Space Prices vary to $335 AWARDS: None EMAIL: neshowpro@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 2 photos/slides of craft & 1 display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Tuesday - Thursday show WEB PAGE: www.northeastshowpromoters.com DATES: 11-29-10 TO 12-08-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TBA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-03-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Garden City, NY - Roosevelt Field Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 360.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 12-06-10 TO 12-10-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Northeast Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza SPACE: 10’X10’,10’X15’,10 SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: Brenda Ladd ORGANIZATION: Northeast Show Promoters, Inc. STREET: 12 Avis Dr Ste 12 CITY: Latham, NY 12110PHONE: 518-786-1529 FAX: 518-786-1716 COST OUT: IN: 310.00 ELECTRIC: 35.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 9,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Space prices vary to $565 AWARDS: None EMAIL: neshowpro@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 2 photos/slides of craft & 1 display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Monday to Friday show, NY tax # required WEB PAGE: www.northeastshowpromoters.com DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-06-10 TO 12-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Yorktown Heights, NY - Jefferson Valley Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TBA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Lake Grove, NY - Smith Haven Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-20-10 TO 12-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Huntington Station, NY - Walt Whitman SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TBA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: 03-10-09 NAME: Christkindl Markt - 38th Annual LOCATION: Canton, OH - Cultural Center for the Arts SPACE: 8’ X 10’,8’ X 15’ SETUP: Thurs 8am - 8pm AREA: OH CONTACT: Carol Paris ORGANIZATION: Canton Fine Arts Associates STREET: 1001 Market Ave N CITY: Canton, OH 44702PHONE: 330-453-7666 FAX: 330-453-1034 COST OUT: IN: 290.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 4,800 ADMISSION: Y $5 advance & $6.00 Gate CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Yes EMAIL: carol@cantonart.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 photos/slides of work & 1 booth FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: 8’X15’ - $430 WEB PAGE: www.cantonchristkindl.org DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Greater Westhampton Art & Crafts Show on the Green - 39t LOCATION: Westhampton Beach, NY SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 7am - 11am AREA: NY CONTACT: Elise Collins ORGANIZATION: Greater Westhampton Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 648 CITY: W Hampton Bch, NY 11978PHONE: 631-288-1559 FAX: COST OUT: 150.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: elise.collins@verizon.net ELIGIBILITY: Juried Send 3 photos FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Held in conjunction with Octoberfest. WEB PAGE: www.whbcc.org DATES: 11-26-10 TO 12-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Craft & Gift Show Inside The Malls LOCATION: Massapequa, NY - Sunrise Mall SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: NY CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: JC Management STREET: 750 Lido Blvd Apt 6a CITY: Lido Beach, NY 11561PHONE: 516-442-6000 888-959-7467 FAX: COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Com AWARDS: None EMAIL: nassaucraftshows@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Price TBA WEB PAGE: www.mallcraftshows.com DATES: 11-20-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Cleveland Christmas Connection - 24th Annual LOCATION: Cleveland, OH - IX Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Tues & Wed AREA: OH CONTACT: Ginger Palmer ORGANIZATION: Cleveland’s Christmas Connection STREET: PO Box 45395 CITY: Westlake, OH 44145PHONE: 440-835-9627 FAX: 440-356-1091 COST OUT: IN: 475.00 ELECTRIC: 75.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 900 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: Y $10 adult CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, Collectibles, Antiques, Commerc AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: n/a COMMENTS: Santa, kids world, sports figures & more WEB PAGE: www.christmasconnections.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y Ohio P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E Shows ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a 138 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Ohio Shows DATES: 12-12-09 TO 12-13-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Rudolph’s Runway Holiday Show LOCATION: Canton, OH - Westfield Belden Village SPACE: 10’ X 10’ or 5’ X SETUP: Night before 9pm AREA: OH CONTACT: Kelly Locker ORGANIZATION: Huff’s Promotions, LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@huffspromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Early Bird discount available. FOOD INFO: No Space Available COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.huffspromo.com DATES: 06-25-10 TO 06-27-10 DEADLINE: 03-15-10 NAME: Easton Art Affair - 11th Annual LOCATION: Columbus, OH - Easton Town Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Th night Fri 8am - 3 AREA: OH CONTACT: Barb Huff-Burch ORGANIZATION: Huff-Burch Promotions LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-494-0578 FAX: 330-494-0578 COST OUT: 300.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 48,000 ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts - HANDCRAFTED ONLY AWARDS: $2000 Cash Awards EMAIL: bhuff@eastonartaffair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open- no imports, no mfg items, no clothing FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.eastonartaffair.com www.huffspromo.com DATES: 11-12-10 TO 11-14-10 DEADLINE: 03-10-09 NAME: Christkindl Markt - 39th Annual LOCATION: Canton, OH - Cultural Center for the Arts SPACE: 8’ X 10’,8’ X 15’ SETUP: Thurs 8am - 8pm AREA: OH CONTACT: Carol Paris ORGANIZATION: Canton Fine Arts Associates STREET: 1001 Market Ave N CITY: Canton, OH 44702PHONE: 330-453-7666 FAX: 330-453-1034 COST OUT: IN: 290.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 4,500 ADMISSION: Y $5 advance & $6.00 Gate CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Yes, Best Booth in Sh EMAIL: carol@cantonart.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 photos/slides of work & 1 booth FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: 8’X15’ - $430 WEB PAGE: www.cantonchristkindl.org DATES: 02-26-10 TO 02-28-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Art & Craft Showcase Akron Home & Flower Show LOCATION: Akron, OH - John S. Knight Center SPACE: 8’ X 12’ SETUP: Will advise AREA: OH CONTACT: Kelly Locker ORGANIZATION: Huff’s Promotions, LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 COST OUT: IN: 395.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@huffspromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: No Space Available COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.huffspromo.com DATES: 07-10-10 TO 07-11-10 DEADLINE: 02-20-10 NAME: Westerville Area Chamber Music & Arts Festival - 37th An LOCATION: Westerville, OH - Heritage Park/Everal Barn SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: Fri 3-7 AREA: OH CONTACT: Lindsay Brown ORGANIZATION: Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce STREET: 99 Commerce Park Dr CITY: Westerville, OH 43082PHONE: 614-882-8917 FAX: 614-882-2085 COST OUT: 125.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: Y $1 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Cash: Best of Show, 1 EMAIL: lbrown@westervillechamber.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send 4 slides of work & 1 display, S.A.S.E. FOOD INFO: $650.00 COMMENTS: Local & National Musicians - childrens activity tent & M WEB PAGE: www.westervillechamber.com DATES: 12-03-10 TO 12-05-10 DEADLINE: 03-30-10 NAME: Christmas Arts & Crafts Show - 30th Annual LOCATION: Akron, OH - E.J. Thomas Hall SPACE: 90 - 110 sq ft SETUP: Fri 7am AREA: OH CONTACT: Sharon Raab Hasek ORGANIZATION: Raab Enterprises, Inc. STREET: PO Box 33428 CITY: N Royalton, OH 44133PHONE: 440-237-3424 FAX: 440-237-3424 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 15.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 107 ATTEND: 4,500 ADMISSION: Y $4.50 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: raabshows@wowway.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Must Be Handmade FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: Local Highschool Choirs, Bell Choir, & Santa WEB PAGE: DATES: 05-07-10 TO 05-09-10 DEADLINE: 01-08-10 NAME: Appalachian Festival - 41st Annual LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH - Coney Island SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: OH CONTACT: Linda Schroeder ORGANIZATION: Appalachian Festival STREET: PO Box 141099 CITY: Cincinnati, OH 45250PHONE: 513-251-3378 513-681-8864 FAX: 513-251-3377 COST OUT: 300.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 40,000 ADMISSION: Y $8.00 Aduts $4 55 & Up $2 4 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@appalachianfestival.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - $50 late fee after deadline. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: 800-430-3070 $10 Table, $4 Chair WEB PAGE: www.appalachianfestival.org DATES: 09-24-10 TO 09-26-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Columbus Oktobertfest LOCATION: Columbus, OH - Ohio Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Day Before & Day Of AREA: OH CONTACT: Kelly Locker ORGANIZATION: Huff’s Promotions, LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 COST OUT: IN: 250.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 80 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@huffspromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Contact 614-444-6808 COMMENTS: Separate Commerical Area call 330-493-4130 WEB PAGE: www.huffspromo.com DATES: 06-04-10 TO 06-06-10 DEADLINE: 02-01-10 NAME: Summerfair - 43rd Annual LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH - Coney Island Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thurs 1-5/Fri 8am-1p AREA: OH CONTACT: Sharon Strubbe ORGANIZATION: Summerfair STREET: 7850 5 Mile Rd CITY: Cincinnati, OH 45230PHONE: 513-531-0050 FAX: 513-531-0377 COST OUT: 375.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 30.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 21,000 ADMISSION: Y $10 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: $10,000 In Cash Award EMAIL: info@summerfair.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - all work must be originals FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: visa/mc available, Free Parking, and no commission WEB PAGE: www.summerfair.org DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Ohio Sauerkraut Festival - 41st Annual LOCATION: Waynesville, OH - Main Street SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Friday after 5pm AREA: OH CONTACT: Barb Lindsay ORGANIZATION: Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 281 CITY: Waynesville, OH 45068PHONE: 513-897-8855 FAX: 513-897-9833 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 20.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 459 ATTEND: 340,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: waynsville@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handcrafted only! FOOD INFO: Local non-profit groups only COMMENTS: Applications are juried as soon as received WEB PAGE: www.waynesvilleohio.com DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Sugarloaf Craft Festival LOCATION: Oaks, PA - Greater Philadelphia Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10 SETUP: Thu. 10:00-8:00 AREA: PA CONTACT: Maxine Murray ORGANIZATION: Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. STREET: 19807 Executive Park Cir CITY: Germantown, MD 20874PHONE: 800-210-9900 301-990-1400 FAX: 301-253-9620 COST OUT: IN: 525.00 ELECTRIC: 70.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 300 ATTEND: 16,000 ADMISSION: Y Adults $8.00 / Children Fre CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Maxine@sugarloafcrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Space Prices Vary to $1495 Electric to $170 WEB PAGE: www.sugarloafcrafts.com DATES: 06-12-10 TO 06-13-10 DEADLINE: 02-20-10 NAME: Art by the Falls - 27th Annual LOCATION: Chagrin Falls, OH - Riverside Park SPACE: 10’X10’ 10’X15’ 10 SETUP: Fri 8am AREA: OH CONTACT: Ann Chaney ORGANIZATION: Valley Art Center, Inc. STREET: 155 Bell St CITY: Chagrin Falls, OH 44022PHONE: 440-247-7507 FAX: 440-247-5803 COST OUT: 205.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts - Space prices vary AWARDS: Best of Show, 1st, 2n EMAIL: director@valleyartcenter.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - NO Kits, Send 4 slides of work. FOOD INFO: $400 COMMENTS: 10’X15’ $308, 10’X20’ $410 Childrens Booth, Wine Booth WEB PAGE: www.valleyartcenter.org DATES: 10-30-10 TO 10-31-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Home For the Holidays Art & Craft Show LOCATION: Canton, OH - Stark County Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Day Before AREA: OH CONTACT: Kelly Locker ORGANIZATION: Huff’s Promotions, LLC STREET: 4275 Fulton Dr NW CITY: Canton, OH 44718PHONE: 330-493-4130 FAX: 330-493-7607 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 150 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N Free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: shows@huffspromo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: No Space Available COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.huffspromo.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 07-28-09 NAME: Apple Festival - 39th Annual LOCATION: Lahaska, PA SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 8am AREA: PA CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Peddlers Village STREET: PO Box 218 CITY: Lahaska, PA 18931PHONE: 215-794-4000 FAX: 215-794-4001 COST OUT: 75.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 20,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@peddlersvillage.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 12% commission on sales FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Send 3 photos/slides work, 1 of display & S.A.S.E. WEB PAGE: www.peddlersvillage.com/appleFest.html !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Pennsylvania Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E Shows l l u F e h T t e G 3 7 o 1 T 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Pennsylvania Eastern Edition Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 139 DATES: 09-25-10 TO 09-25-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Heritage Day - 35th Annual LOCATION: Wrightsville, PA - 4th & Locust Streets SPACE: 10’X12’ & 10’X24’ SETUP: 6am AREA: PA CONTACT: Carol Reinhold ORGANIZATION: Historic Wrightsville STREET: 714 Locust St CITY: Wrightsville, PA 17368PHONE: 717-252-9133 FAX: 717-252-3542 COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 5.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - no flea market or yard sale items FOOD INFO: $75 COMMENTS: Museum & diorama open - $50 double booth WEB PAGE: DATES: 10-08-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 03-31-10 NAME: Fort Ligonier Days - 51st Annual LOCATION: Ligonier, PA - Downtown SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: AREA: PA CONTACT: Rachel Roehrig ORGANIZATION: Ft. Ligonier Days STREET: 120 E Main St CITY: Ligonier, PA 15658PHONE: 724-238-4200 FAX: 724-238-4610 COST OUT: 350.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 30.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 160,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Battle reenactments, parade, kids corner WEB PAGE: www.ligonier.com DATES: 08-06-10 TO 08-08-10 DEADLINE: 06-30-09 NAME: Charlestown Seafood Festival - 26th Annual LOCATION: Charlestown, RI - Ninigret Park SPACE: 10’X10’ & up SETUP: day before AREA: RI CONTACT: Heather Paliotta ORGANIZATION: Charlestown Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 633 CITY: Charlestown, RI 02813PHONE: 401-364-4031 FAX: 401-364-8794 COST OUT: 300.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 200.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 165 ATTEND: 38,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 adults/under 12 free CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: heatherpaliotta@earthlink.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - space price varies FOOD INFO: $800 to $1000 COMMENTS: Carnival rides, rock wall, face painting, car show & mor WEB PAGE: www.charlestownrichamber.com South Carolina Shows DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Art in the Park - 37th Annual LOCATION: Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 10am AREA: SC CONTACT: JoAnne Utterback ORGANIZATION: Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild STREET: PO Box 1595 CITY: Myrtle Beach, SC 29578PHONE: 843-448-7690 FAX: 843-448-9967 COST OUT: 95.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jutterback@sc.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Please Call FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artsyparksy.com & www.wacg.org DATES: 11-12-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Dickens Christmas Show & Festival - 28th Annual LOCATION: Myrtle Beach, SC - Myrtle Beach Convention Center SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Wed 8am - 6pm AREA: SC CONTACT: Kelli Bates ORGANIZATION: Leisure Time Unlimited STREET: PO Box 332 CITY: Myrtle Beach, SC 29578PHONE: 800-261-5991 FAX: 843-626-1513 COST OUT: 270.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 350 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts, Fine Art, Antiques AWARDS: Costume Competition - EMAIL: dickensshow@sc.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Costumes from 19th Century FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Many Christmas activities & displays WEB PAGE: www.dickenschristmasshow.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 10-16-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: 01-15-10 NAME: Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 27th Annual LOCATION: Blue Bell, PA - Montgomery County Comm College SPACE: 11’X12’out 8’X10’i SETUP: Friday AREA: PA CONTACT: Mindy Kline - Nick Mohler ORGANIZATION: PA Guild of Craftsmen STREET: 252 N Prince St Ste 1 CITY: Lancaster, PA 17603PHONE: 717-431-8706 FAX: 866-628-2685 COST OUT: 375.00 IN: 475.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 120 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Fine Crafts & Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: nick@pacrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Call for info - Membership required FOOD INFO: Call for info $450 - $600 COMMENTS: Seminars, demonstrations, music children’s activities & WEB PAGE: www.pacrafts.org/fall DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Harvest Festival - 8th Annual LOCATION: Charleston, SC - Mullet Hall Equestrian Center SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: 7am - 10am AREA: SC CONTACT: Matt Rosebrock ORGANIZATION: Charleston Co Park & Recreation STREET: 861 Riverland Dr CITY: Charleston, SC 29412PHONE: 843-762-8061 843-762-2172 FAX: 843-762-2683 COST OUT: 50.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 30 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: rendall@ccprc.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $75 COMMENTS: Childrens activities & more WEB PAGE: www.ccprc.com DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Penn Center Heritage Days Celebration - 27th Annual LOCATION: St. Helena Island, SC SPACE: 10’X15’ SETUP: 6:00am AREA: SC CONTACT: Rosalyn Browne, Walter Mack ORGANIZATION: Penn Center, Inc. STREET: PO Box 126 CITY: St Helena Is, SC 29920PHONE: 843-838-2474 843-838-2432 FAX: 843-838-8545 COST OUT: 400.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts($250) AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@penncenter.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Call for prices FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Parade, Gullah film series, children’s activities WEB PAGE: www.penncenter.com DATES: 11-13-10 TO 11-14-10 DEADLINE: 01-15-10 NAME: Pennsylvania Guild Fine Craft Fair - 16th Annual LOCATION: Lancaster, PA SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: PA CONTACT: Mindy Kline - Nick Mohler ORGANIZATION: PA Guild of Craftsmen STREET: 252 N Prince St Ste 1 CITY: Lancaster, PA 17603PHONE: 717-431-8706 FAX: 866-628-2685 COST OUT: IN: 395.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 25.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 150 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 CATEGORIES: Fine Crafts & Fine Art AWARDS: None EMAIL: nick@pacrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Call for info - Membership required FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Seminars, demo’s, music, children’s activities & more WEB PAGE: www.pacrafts.org/holiday DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 11-03-09 NAME: DauFusKie Autumn Festival - A Celebration of DauFusKie LOCATION: Daufuskie Island, SC - Freeport Marina (ICW 36) SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: AREA: SC CONTACT: Robin Townsend ORGANIZATION: DauFusKie360 LLC STREET: PO Box 646 CITY: Valle Crucis, NC 28691PHONE: 843-647-1008 843-842-7792 FAX: COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 10 ATTEND: 300 ADMISSION: Y $5 adults Free for children CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: Best of Show (Vendor EMAIL: info@thebinyahfoundation.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Load in by ferry boat only. Hilton Head SC FOOD INFO: $35 - Can’t sell drinks COMMENTS: Grand finaly - evening bon fire, & more. WEB PAGE: www.daufuskie360.net DATES: 11-14-09 TO 11-14-09 DEADLINE: 10-16-09 NAME: Catfish Festival LOCATION: Society Hill, SC - Old St. David’s Academy SPACE: 12’X12’ SETUP: Sat 7am AREA: SC CONTACT: Jean Reynolds ORGANIZATION: Society Hill STREET: 280 S Main St CITY: Society Hill, SC 29593 PHONE: 843-378-4681 888-427-8720 FAX: COST OUT: 35.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 5.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 75 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jrsochill@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $50 (40 spaces) COMMENTS: Parade, 5k, entertainment WEB PAGE: www.visitdarlingtoncounty.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 10-01-09 NAME: Pecan Festival - 6th Annual LOCATION: Florence, SC SPACE: 12’X10’ SETUP: 6am - 9am AREA: SC CONTACT: ORGANIZATION: Florence Downtown Development Corporatio STREET: PO Box 467 CITY: Florence, SC 29503PHONE: 843-665-2047 FAX: COST OUT: 60.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 160 ATTEND: 45,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $200 18’X20’ COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.florencedowntown.com/pecan-festival.aspx DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-21-09 DEADLINE: 11-05-08 NAME: Jubilee Arts Festival - 34th Annual LOCATION: Bennettsville, SC - Bennettsville Community Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: AREA: SC CONTACT: Ivy McLaurin ORGANIZATION: Marlboro Area Arts Council STREET: PO Box 765 CITY: Bennettsville, SC 29512PHONE: 843-479-6982 843-479-7385 FAX: 843-479-6982 COST OUT: 40.00 IN: 50.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 60 ATTEND: 7,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Crafts & Childrens Art & Crafts AWARDS: Best of Show $300, Pu EMAIL: jubilee@marlboroarts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.marlboroarts.com Rhode Island Shows South Carolina Eastern Edition Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 143 DATES: 08-06-10 TO 08-07-10 DEADLINE: 07-01-10 NAME: South Carolina Peanut Party - 28th Annual LOCATION: Pelion, SC - Pelion Community Club SPACE: 12’ X 12’ SETUP: AREA: SC CONTACT: Ann Smoak/Susan Enlow/Shirley ORGANIZATION: SC Pelion Peanut Party STREET: PO Box 386 CITY: Pelion, SC 29123PHONE: 803-894-9536 803-606-9522 FAX: COST OUT: 75.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 25 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: asmoak@scpeanutparty.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - No Items Pertaining to alcohol or drugs FOOD INFO: Call For Details Susan Enlow senlow@scpeanutparty. COMMENTS: Parade, entertainment, car show, carnival & more WEB PAGE: www.scpeanutparty.com DATES: 09-17-10 TO 09-18-10 DEADLINE: 09-01-10 NAME: Hardeeville Catfish Festival - 11th Annual LOCATION: Hardeeville, SC - City Hall SPACE: 15’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 12pm AREA: SC CONTACT: Renee Pendergrass/D Sue Coulter ORGANIZATION: Hardeeville Chamber of Commerce STREET: PO Box 644 CITY: Hardeeville, SC 29927PHONE: 843-338-6759 843-784-2821 FAX: 843-784-6384 COST OUT: 50.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N None CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: reneep@hargray.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade Only FOOD INFO: $130.00 COMMENTS: Parade, car show, fireworks, kid rides, live band. WEB PAGE: www.hardeevillechamber.com DATES: 12-03-10 TO 12-05-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Made In The South - 18th Annual LOCATION: Charleston, SC - Exchange Park SPACE: 8’X10’ SETUP: day before AREA: SC CONTACT: Allison Garner ORGANIZATION: Carolina Shows, Inc. STREET: PO Box 853 CITY: Matthews, NC 28106PHONE: 704-847-9480 FAX: 704-845-9226 COST OUT: IN: 330.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - Other size spaces available. FOOD INFO: Outside $220 COMMENTS: www.carolinashows.com WEB PAGE: www.madeinthesouthshows.com Tennessee Shows DATES: 07-20-10 TO 07-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 250.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Deadline when full. AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Bluegrass & Country music. WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-11-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: Day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 80,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Country & Bluegrass show WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 09-30-10 NAME: Art in the Park - 38th Annual LOCATION: Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: SC CONTACT: JoAnne Utterback ORGANIZATION: Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild STREET: PO Box 1595 CITY: Myrtle Beach, SC 29578PHONE: 843-448-7690 FAX: 843-448-9967 COST OUT: 105.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jutterback@sc.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Please call FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artsyparksy.com & www.wacg.org DATES: 05-22-10 TO 05-23-10 DEADLINE: 04-30-10 NAME: Log Cabin Days Fine Art & Craft Fair LOCATION: Pikeville, TN - McBay’s Log Cabin Village SPACE: 20’X20’ SETUP: Fri AREA: TN CONTACT: Betty Legg ORGANIZATION: Log Cabin Days/A.H.O.S.T. STREET: PO Box 1149 CITY: Pikeville, TN 37367PHONE: 423-949-6100 423-533-2732 FAX: 423-949-2601 COST OUT: 40.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 20.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 4,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Art & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: ELIGIBILITY: Open - must be handmade FOOD INFO: Call for details COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.logcabindays.org DATES: 10-07-10 TO 10-23-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: Day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 1,000.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 80,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Country & Bluegrass show WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com DATES: 11-06-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: 10-30-10 NAME: Art in the Park - 38th Annual LOCATION: Myrtle Beach, SC - Chapin Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: SC CONTACT: JoAnne Utterback ORGANIZATION: Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild STREET: PO Box 1595 CITY: Myrtle Beach, SC 29578PHONE: 843-448-7690 FAX: 843-448-9967 COST OUT: 105.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 70 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jutterback@sc.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Please call. FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artsyparksy.com & www.wacg.org DATES: 07-16-10 TO 07-19-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 250.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Deadline when full. AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: $200 COMMENTS: Bluegrass & Country music. WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com DATES: 10-12-10 TO 10-17-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: Day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 80,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Country & Bluegrass show WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com DATES: 11-13-10 TO 11-14-10 DEADLINE: 10-30-10 NAME: Art in the Park Valor Park - 38th Annual LOCATION: Myrtle Beach, SC - Valor Park SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Friday AREA: SC CONTACT: JoAnne Utterback ORGANIZATION: Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild STREET: PO Box 1595 CITY: Myrtle Beach, SC 29578PHONE: 843-448-7690 FAX: 843-448-9967 COST OUT: 105.00 IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 70 ATTEND: ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: jutterback@sc.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Please Call FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.artsyparksy.com & www.wacg.org DATES: 07-16-10 TO 07-24-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - Deadline when full. AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Bluegrass & Country music. WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com DATES: 10-18-10 TO 10-23-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair - 35th Annual LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN - Convention Center SPACE: 8’ X 15’ SETUP: Day before AREA: TN CONTACT: Sam or Tracey Large ORGANIZATION: Gatlinburg Craftsmen’s Fair STREET: PO Box 70 CITY: Gatlinburg, TN 37738PHONE: 865-436-7479 FAX: 865-436-4583 COST OUT: IN: 350.00 ELECTRIC: 80.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 200 ATTEND: 80,000 ADMISSION: Y $6 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: office@craftsmenfair.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Country & Bluegrass show WEB PAGE: www.craftsmenfair.com 146 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Tennessee Shows DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Country Peddler Craft Show LOCATION: Berryville, VA - Clark County Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Fri 12-6pm/Sat 6:30a AREA: VA CONTACT: Bill Shumate ORGANIZATION: Handcraft Unlimited STREET: PO Box 758 CITY: Brownstown, PA 17508PHONE: 717-656-3208 FAX: 717-656-3565 COST OUT: IN: 305.00 ELECTRIC: 25.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 100 ATTEND: ADMISSION: Y $4 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@handcraft-unlimited.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send photos of work & display or website li FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.handcraft-unlimited.com DATES: 11-27-09 TO 11-29-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Virginia Beach Christmas Market - 28th Annual LOCATION: Virginia Beach, VA - Virginia Beach Convention Cnt SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: 12pm Wed & 6am Fri AREA: VA CONTACT: Denise Olsen ORGANIZATION: Events Management Group, Inc. STREET: PO Box 909 CITY: Virginia Bch, VA 23451PHONE: 757-417-7771 FAX: 757-417-7772 COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: 85.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 275 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 ($.50 off w/ canned food CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@emgshows.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 3 slides of work/ 1 display FOOD INFO: $500 Gift Packaged Food Only! COMMENTS: Handcrafted by artist; no buy / sell WEB PAGE: www.emgshow.com DATES: 11-05-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Virginia Christmas Show - 24th Annual LOCATION: Richmond, VA - The Showplace & Annex SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before 9am - 8pm AREA: VA CONTACT: Patricia Wagstaff ORGANIZATION: Virginia Show Productions STREET: PO Box 305 CITY: Chase City, VA 23924PHONE: 434-372-3996 FAX: 434-372-3410 COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: 45.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 450 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 adults/$1.50 children (2 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts, Crafts & Specialty Food Shops AWARDS: Best Display EMAIL: vashowsinc@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 photos/slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: $400 for specialty food shops COMMENTS: Photos with “Sgt. Santa” www.vashowsinc.com WEB PAGE: www.vashowsinc.com DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: 10-01-09 NAME: Berryville Barns Main Street Holiday Market - 9th Annual LOCATION: Berryville, VA - Downtown SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Fri 3-6 AREA: VA CONTACT: Sue Ross ORGANIZATION: Berryville Main Street STREET: PO Box 372 CITY: Berryville, VA 22611PHONE: 540-955-4001 FAX: COST OUT: IN: 95.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 45 ATTEND: 500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@berryvillemainstreet.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade itmes FOOD INFO: N/A COMMENTS: Fundraiser for Barns of Rose Hill renovation WEB PAGE: www.berryvillemainstreet.org DATES: 12-04-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: 06-01-09 NAME: McLean Holiday Crafts Show - 27th Annual LOCATION: McLean, VA - Community Center SPACE: 9’X9’ SETUP: Fri 8am AREA: VA CONTACT: Sam Roberts ORGANIZATION: McLean Community Center STREET: 1234 Ingleside Ave CITY: Mclean, VA 22101PHONE: 703-790-0123 FAX: 703-556-0547 COST OUT: IN: 200.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 5.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 70 ATTEND: 3,000 ADMISSION: Y $2 CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: sam.roberts@fairfaxcounty.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - made by exhibitor only FOOD INFO: no space availalbe COMMENTS: Santa, local choral groups, cafe, etc. WEB PAGE: www.mcleancenter.org DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday Craft and Greek Food Show - 9th Annual LOCATION: Newport News, VA - 60 Travedrse Rd SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thurs 3p-8p AREA: VA CONTACT: Athena Savvas ORGANIZATION: Daughters of Penelope Elem STREET: 60 Traverse Rd CITY: Newport News, VA 23606PHONE: 757-599-8455 FAX: 757-596-2967 COST OUT: IN: 50.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 2,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts, Crafts, & Collectibles AWARDS: None EMAIL: asaccents@cox.net ELIGIBILITY: Open - No Commerical vendors FOOD INFO: Done by the church COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-13-09 TO 11-15-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Northern Virginia Christmas Market - 16th Annual LOCATION: Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: Th 3pm-10pm AREA: VA CONTACT: Denise Olsen ORGANIZATION: Events Management Group, Inc. STREET: PO Box 909 CITY: Virginia Bch, VA 23451PHONE: 757-417-7771 FAX: 757-417-7772 COST OUT: IN: 500.00 ELECTRIC: 95.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 12,000 ADMISSION: Y $8 ($1 off w/ canned food d CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: info@emgshows.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - 3 slides of work 1 of display FOOD INFO: $500 Gift Packaged Food Only! COMMENTS: Handcrafted by artist; no buy / sell WEB PAGE: www.emgshows.com DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Christmas Arts & Crafts Show & Sales - 34th Annual LOCATION: Harrisonburg, VA - Rockingham Fairgrounds SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: F night 6-8/S morn. AREA: VA CONTACT: Leann Cloud ORGANIZATION: Shenandoah Crafts STREET: PO Box 65 CITY: Dayton, VA 22821PHONE: 540-879-9417 FAX: 540-879-9417 COST OUT: IN: 130.00 ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 125 ATTEND: 6,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: lcloudlegacy@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade by the exhibitor FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: 1st time exhibitors send pictures WEB PAGE: DATES: 11-06-09 TO 11-08-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Craftsmen’s Christmas Classis Arts & Crafts Festival - 3 LOCATION: Richmond, VA - Dulles Expo Center SPACE: 8’ X 10’ & up SETUP: Thurs 3pm-8pm AREA: VA CONTACT: Jan Donovan ORGANIZATION: Gilmore Enterprises, Inc. STREET: 3514 Drawbridge Pkwy Ste A CITY: Greensboro, NC 27410PHONE: 336-274-5550 336-282-5550 FAX: 336-274-1084 COST OUT: IN: 450.00 ELECTRIC: 50.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 330 ATTEND: 25,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 adult/$1 child CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts, Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: gilmoreshows@triad.rr.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - send S.A.S.E. FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: traditional to contemporary crafts WEB PAGE: www.craftshow.com DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-21-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Dungannon Christmas Parade & Holiday Fest - 4th Annual LOCATION: Dungannon, VA - Main St SPACE: varies SETUP: 9am AREA: VA CONTACT: Travis Perry ORGANIZATION: Development Commision STREET: 344 Phoenix St Ste 101 CITY: Dungannon, VA 24245PHONE: 276-467-2665 276-467-2306 FAX: 276-467-2665 COST OUT: 5.00 IN: 5.00 ELECTRIC: 5.00 JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 30 ATTEND: 1,500 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Anything Goes AWARDS: None EMAIL: travis@ddcinc.org ELIGIBILITY: Open FOOD INFO: $5 COMMENTS: Same day as the Santa Train. Carnival, Games, & more WEB PAGE: www.ddcinc.org DATES: 12-05-09 TO 12-06-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Holiday & Hometown Arts & Craft Show - 20th Annual LOCATION: Leesburg, VA - Ida Lee Park Recreation Center SPACE: 10’X7’ SETUP: Sat 5am AREA: VA CONTACT: Linda Fountain ORGANIZATION: Town of Leesburg Parks & Recreation STREET: 60 Ida Lee Dr NW CITY: Leesburg, VA 20176PHONE: 703-777-1368 FAX: 703-737-7165 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 90 ATTEND: 5,000 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: lfountain@leesburgva.org ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade items only! FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: Space prices vary / Call for details WEB PAGE: www.idalee.org DATES: 11-07-09 TO 11-07-09 DEADLINE: 06-19-09 NAME: Fredericksburg Craft Show - 37th Annual LOCATION: Fredericksburg, VA SPACE: 8’X10’ SETUP: Fri 5p-8p & Sat 7 - AREA: VA CONTACT: Sarah Byrne ORGANIZATION: Fredericksburg Parks & Recreation STREET: 408 Canal St CITY: Fredericksbrg, VA 22401PHONE: 540-372-1086 ext 215 FAX: 540-372-3475 COST OUT: IN: 80.00 ELECTRIC: 10.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 35 ATTEND: 1,400 ADMISSION: N CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: fredprpf@fredricksburgva.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - Handmade items only FOOD INFO: no space available COMMENTS: WEB PAGE: www.fredericksburgva.gov DATES: 11-21-09 TO 11-22-09 DEADLINE: 03-14-09 NAME: Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 22nd Annual LOCATION: Fairfax, VA - High School SPACE: 10’X6’, 11’X9’, 10 SETUP: 6:30am AREA: VA CONTACT: Leslie Herman ORGANIZATION: Fairfax Parks & Recreation STREET: 10455 Armstrong St CITY: Fairfax, VA 22030PHONE: 703-293-7119 703-293-7119 FAX: 703-246-6321 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 252 ATTEND: 10,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: lherman@fairfaxva.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade items only made by the artist! NO FOOD INFO: call for information COMMENTS: space prices vary, photos with santa WEB PAGE: www.fairfaxva.gov DATES: 12-11-09 TO 12-13-09 DEADLINE: NAME: Sugarloaf Craft Festival LOCATION: Chantilly, VA - Dulles Expo Center SPACE: 10’ X 10’ SETUP: Thu. 10:00-8:00 AREA: VA CONTACT: Maxine Murray ORGANIZATION: Sugarloaf Mountain Works, Inc. STREET: 19807 Executive Park Cir CITY: Germantown, MD 20874PHONE: 800-210-9900 301-990-1400 FAX: 301-253-9620 COST OUT: IN: 595.00 ELECTRIC: 70.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 250 ATTEND: 15,000 ADMISSION: Y Adults $8.00 / Children Fre CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: Maxine@sugarloafcrafts.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: COMMENTS: Space Prices Vary to $1745 Electric to $170 WEB PAGE: www.sugarloafcrafts.com Virginia Shows !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Virginia Eastern Edition Shows “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 147 DATES: 11-04-10 TO 11-07-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Virginia Christmas Show - 25th Annual LOCATION: Richmond, VA - The Showplace & Annex SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before 9am - 7pm AREA: VA CONTACT: Patricia Wagstaff ORGANIZATION: Virginia Show Productions STREET: PO Box 305 CITY: Chase City, VA 23924PHONE: 434-372-3996 FAX: 434-372-3410 COST OUT: IN: 400.00 ELECTRIC: 45.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 450 ATTEND: 30,000 ADMISSION: Y $7 adults/$1.50 children (2 CATEGORIES: Fine Arts, Crafts & Specialty Food Shops AWARDS: Best Display EMAIL: vashowsinc@aol.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send 4 photos/slides of work & 1 of display FOOD INFO: $400 for specialty food shops only. COMMENTS: Photos with “Sgt. Santa” www.vashowsinc.com WEB PAGE: www.vashowsinc.com DATES: 11-20-10 TO 11-21-10 DEADLINE: 03-12-10 NAME: Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - 23rd Annual LOCATION: Fairfax, VA - High School SPACE: 10’X6’, 11’X9’, 10 SETUP: 6:30am AREA: VA CONTACT: Leslie Herman ORGANIZATION: Fairfax Parks & Recreation STREET: 10455 Armstrong St CITY: Fairfax, VA 22030PHONE: 703-385-7949 FAX: 703-246-6321 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: Y JURY FEE: 10.00 ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 241 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: Y $5 CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Arts & Crafts AWARDS: None EMAIL: lherman@fairfaxva.gov ELIGIBILITY: Open - handmade items only made by the artist! NO FOOD INFO: call for information COMMENTS: Space prices vary, photos with santa, Business Expo WEB PAGE: www.fairfaxva.gov West Virginia Shows DATES: 08-13-10 TO 08-15-10 DEADLINE: 08-01-10 NAME: AvalonFest ‘10 - Music, Arts, & Crafts Festival - 13th A LOCATION: Paw Paw, WV - Avalon Clothing-Optional Resort SPACE: 10’ X 10’, 10’ X 2 SETUP: 8am AREA: WV CONTACT: Donna Beadley ORGANIZATION: Avalon Nudist Resort & Community STREET: PO Box 369 CITY: Paw Paw, WV 25434PHONE: 304-947-5600 FAX: 304-947-5579 COST OUT: IN: ELECTRIC: JURIED: N JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 50 ATTEND: 800 ADMISSION: Y $140/weekend(includes camping) CATEGORIES: Arts & Crafts - (Free tent camping) AWARDS: None EMAIL: musicfest@avalon-resort.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - space prices vary. FOOD INFO: N/A (Provided by Avalon) COMMENTS: Music, dancing, resort access, etc. WEB PAGE: www.avalon-resort.com !! ! e r A s w o h S e h eT Y r P e h O C W LE Vermont Shows P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d to sell n a t r a Would you like . www DATES: 08-14-10 TO 08-15-10 DEADLINE: 03-31-10 NAME: Art In The Park Summer Festival - 49th Annual LOCATION: Rutland, VT - Main St Park/Junction of Rt 4&7 SPACE: 10X12 & 20X12 SETUP: Fri 3-7/Sat 7-9:30am AREA: VT CONTACT: Sherri Birkheimer Rooker ORGANIZATION: Chaffee Art Center STREET: PO Box 1447 CITY: Rutland, VT 05701PHONE: 802-775-8836 FAX: 802-773-0672 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 45.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 7,000 ADMISSION: Y voluntary donation CATEGORIES: Fine Art, Fine Craft, Cottage Industry(up to AWARDS: None EMAIL: beyondmarketing@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - $50 discount for commiting to both shows by FOOD INFO: $320 COMMENTS: Space prices range to $340/Electricity limited to 5 WEB PAGE: www.chaffeeartcenter.org DATES: 10-09-10 TO 10-10-10 DEADLINE: 05-31-10 NAME: Art In The Park Fall Foilage Festival - 49th Annual LOCATION: Rutland, VT - Main St Park/Junction of Rt 4&7 SPACE: 10’X12’ & 20’X12’ SETUP: Fri 3-7/ Sat 7-9:30a AREA: VT CONTACT: Sherri Birkheimer Rooker ORGANIZATION: Chaffee Art Center STREET: PO Box 1447 CITY: Rutland, VT 05701PHONE: 802-775-8836 FAX: 802-773-0672 COST OUT: 200.00 IN: ELECTRIC: 45.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: Y SPACES: 100 ATTEND: 8,000 ADMISSION: Y voluntary donation CATEGORIES: Fine Arts, Fine Crafts, Cottage Industry(up t AWARDS: None EMAIL: beyondmarketing@yahoo.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - $50 discount for commiting to both shows by FOOD INFO: $320 COMMENTS: Space prices range to $340/Electricity limited to 5 WEB PAGE: www.chaffeeartcenter.org 150 DATES: 08-27-10 TO 08-29-10 DEADLINE: NAME: Appalachian Arts & Crafts Festival - 46th Annual LOCATION: Beckley, WV - Raleigh Co Armory SPACE: 10’X10’ SETUP: day before event 9am AREA: WV CONTACT: Ellen Taylor ORGANIZATION: Chamber of Commerce STREET: 245 N Kanawha St CITY: Beckley, WV 25801PHONE: 304-252-7328 877-987-3847 FAX: 304-252-7373 COST OUT: IN: 45.00 ELECTRIC: 5.00 JURIED: Y JURY FEE: ENTERTAIN: N SPACES: 135 ATTEND: 7,400 ADMISSION: Y $4 adults/$3 children & sen CATEGORIES: Fine Arts & Fine Crafts AWARDS: Best of Show Ribbon EMAIL: ellentaylor@suddenlinkmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Open - Send photos of work FOOD INFO: $45 + 16% on sales COMMENTS: 16% commission of sales - Part of Taste of Beckley WEB PAGE: www.appalachianfestival.com “Where The Shows Are!!!” at your shows? We Should be talking! Please give us a call at (386) 428-0173 today... “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Vermont / West VA Shows ****** DEADLINE ALERT ****** DEADLINE 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-01-09 11-02-09 11-02-09 11-03-09 11-04-09 11-05-09 11-05-09 11-05-09 11-06-09 11-06-09 11-06-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-07-09 11-08-09 11-10-09 11-10-09 11-11-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-13-09 11-15-09 11-15-09 11-15-09 11-16-09 11-16-09 11-17-09 11-17-09 11-18-09 11-20-09 11-20-09 11-23-09 11-23-09 11-23-09 11-24-09 11-25-09 11-25-09 11-26-09 11-27-09 11-28-09 11-29-09 11-30-09 11-30-09 11-30-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-01-09 12-03-09 12-05-09 12-06-09 12-07-09 12-09-09 12-11-09 12-12-09 12-13-09 12-14-09 12-15-09 12-15-09 12-15-09 12-15-09 EVENT DATE 11-13-09 12-04-09 03-19-10 12-05-09 01-30-10 01-09-10 02-27-10 03-13-10 11-07-09 12-05-09 11-28-09 03-13-10 11-07-09 11-07-09 03-13-10 11-07-09 11-14-09 12-05-09 11-21-09 11-07-09 11-14-09 11-14-09 11-28-09 12-04-09 11-14-09 11-21-09 12-05-09 11-21-09 11-27-09 02-06-10 11-21-09 11-26-09 12-05-09 12-11-09 12-04-09 01-30-10 12-12-09 11-28-09 02-05-10 11-28-09 12-04-09 11-27-09 01-28-10 12-12-09 11-28-09 12-11-09 12-12-09 11-28-09 12-26-09 01-16-10 12-03-09 12-29-09 12-12-09 03-06-10 12-03-09 12-04-09 02-27-10 03-12-10 04-09-10 01-16-10 02-13-10 12-10-09 04-17-10 12-12-09 02-20-10 03-20-10 04-10-10 04-10-10 12-11-09 01-06-10 12-12-09 12-26-09 05-08-10 12-26-09 01-13-10 03-26-10 01-15-10 02-27-10 02-12-10 05-01-10 NAME & LOCATION OF EVENT Winter Holiday Show - 36th Annual Mobile, AL - Abba Shrine Temple NEACA Christmas Craft Show - 37th AnnualHuntsville, AL - Von Braun Center 700 Monroe Outdoor Art Show - 38th AnnualFairhope, AL - Downtown Woodstock Arts & Crafts Festival - 29th Annual Sunrise, FL - Welleby Park Deerfield Beach Festival of the Arts - 30th Annual Deerfield Beach, FL - on the beach Cape Coral Festival of the Arts - 25th Annual Cape Coral, FL - Main Street Celebrate the Arts Marco National Fine Art & Craft Festival Marco Island, FL - Winterberry Park Bonita Springs National Art Festival - 9th Annual Bonita Springs, FL - Promenade at Bonita Bay Stone Crab Jam - 2nd AnnualCrystal River, FL - Citrus Ave Northampton Winter Craft Fair - 29th Annual Northampton, MA Holiday Flotilla Festival In The Park - 26th Annual Wrightsville Beach, NC - Municipal Park Gulf Breeze Celebrate The Arts - 16th AnnualGulf Breeze, FL - High School Granite City Fall Festival - 10th AnnualElberton, GA DauFusKie Autumn Festival-A Celebration of DauFusKie-5thDaufuskie Island,SC - Freeport Marina (ICW Anna Maria Island Springfest - 22nd Annual Holmes Beach, FL - City Hall Park NARFE Arts & Crafts Show - 3rd Annual North Port, FL - North Port Healthpark St. Brendan’s Womens Club Art & Craft Show-4th Annual Ormond Beach, FL - St. Brendan Church Social Holiday Hoopla!Gulfport, FL - Beach Blvd Fall Fantasy Craft ShowRoyal Palm Beach, FL - Veteran’s Park Fall Festival of Arts & Crafts - 23rd AnnualClearwater, FL - Heritage United Methodist C Thibodeauxville Fall Festival - 17th Annual Thibodaux, LA - Downtown Holiday Boutique Lutz, FL - St. Timothy’s Church Hall Swine Time Festival - 34th Annual Climax, GA Springmaid Beach Resort’s Winter Arts & Craft Show - 23rd AnMyrtle Beach, SC - 3200 S Ocean Blvd Benefit Flea MarketDavie, FL Fall Harvest of Art by Spring Hill Art League - 36th Annual Spring Hill, FL - 1202 Kenlake Ave Holiday on the River & Lighted Parade - 33rd Annual Savannah, GA - River St Fall Harvest - 4th Annual Tarpon Springs, FL - Downtown Florida Keys Art Guild Art Festival - 8th AnnualMarathon, FL - City Events Field Pigeon Key Art Festival - 16th Annual Marathon, FL - Community Park MM49 Fox Lake Festival of Crafts - 16th Annual Titusville, FL - Fox Lake Park Daytona Turkey Rod Run - 36th AnnualDaytona Beach, FL - Daytona International Sp St. Cloud Craft Festival - 31st Annual St. Cloud, FL - New York Ave Main Street Holidays Celebration - 10th annual New Port Richey, FL - Downtown Olde Fashion Christmas Festival - 16th Annual Crescent City, FL - Eva Lyon Park Hoggetowne Medieval Faire - 24th Annual Gainesville, FL - Alachua County Fairgrounds Glascock County Winterfest - 5th Annual Gibson, GA - Downtown Festival of Lights & Christmas Bazaar - 29th Annual Lake City, FL - Downtown Olustee Park Hoggetowne Medieval Faire - 24th Annual Gainesville, FL - Alachua County Fairgrounds By the Mall - 4th AnnualPort Richey, FL - US 19 & Jasmine Christmas Fest Bay Minette, AL Christmas Show in the MountainsBoone, NC - Boone Mall Hurston Festival of the Arts & Humanities - 21st Annual Eatonville, FL Hawthorne Christmas Festival & Parade - 27th Annual Hawthorne, FL - Downtown - Johnston St Little River Christmas Market - 4th Annual Little River, SC - On the Waterfront Greenville Country Christmas - 24th Annual Greenville, FL - Haffye Hays Park Holiday Spirt Tampa, FL - Parking Lot Chitlin’ Strut - 44th AnnualSalley, SC - Fairgrounds Sarsota Downtown Holiday Art & Craft Show Sarasota, FL - Downtown Jensen Beach Art & Craft Show Jensen Beach, FL Hometown Christmas - 6th AnnualWarrenton, GA - Downtown: Courthouse & Groun Marco Island’s Fine Arts & Crafts Show Marco Island, FL - YMCA Marco Island South Lake Animal League Arts & Craft Show - 21st AnnualClermont, FL - Lakeridge Winery Leesburg Art Festival - 33rd AnnualLeesburg, FL - Historic Downtown Leesburg Holiday Fair - 39th Annual Greenville, SC - Carolina First Center SAC Christmas Art & Craft Show - 30th AnnualMontgomery, AL - Ren. Convention Center Top of the Lake Art Fest - 4th Annual Okeechobee, FL - Park in the Main St Area Under the Oaks - 59th Annual Show Vero Beach, FL - Riverside Park Delray Affair - 48th AnnualDelray Beach, FL - Downtown Venice-Nokomis Rotary Art Festival - 18th AnnualVenice, FL - NE corner of airport Osceola Art Festival - 43rd Annual Kissimmee, FL - Valencia Community College Mistletoe Market Place of Eagle Lake - 16th Annual Eagle Lake, FL - City Hall Complex Mainsail Art Festival - 35th AnnualSt. Petersburg, FL - Vinoy Park, Waterfront Christmas in the Heart of Downtown Harlem - 7th Annual Harlem, GA - Main Street Fireside Craft & Art Show - 35th Annual Helen, GA - Unicoi State Park Calico Spring Arts & Crafts Shows - 17th Annual Moultrie, GA - Spence Field Art in the PassPass Christian, MS Santa Fe Comm College Spring Arts Festival - 41st AnnualGainesville, FL - NE 1st St Southern Pines Blues & BBQ Festival - 3rd AnnualPerry, FL - Forest Capital State Park Snowbird Fine Arts & Crafts ShowSiesta Key, FL - Siesta Key Beach Park Fanning Springs Festival of Lights & Boat Parade - 20th Ann Fanning Springs, FL - City Park Half Past ChristmanTarpon Springs, FL - Downtown Antique Distri Bethesda Fine Arts Festival - 7th AnnualBethesda, MD - Bethesda Place Plaza Florida Keys Art Guild Art Festival - 8th AnnualKey West, FL - Bayview Park Sanibel Tanger Outlet Fine Art & Craft Show Ft. Myers, FL - Tanger Outlet Flowertown Festival - 37th Annual Summerville, SC - Azalea Park Art Deco Weekend - 35th Annual Miami Beach, FL - 5th - 15th St on Ocean Dr Grant Seafood Festival - 44th AnnualGrant, FL - Festival Grounds Olustee Battle Festival Arts and Crafts Show - 32nd Annual Lake City, FL - Marion St, Downtown Fest For All - 33rd Annual Baton Rouge, LA - Downtown !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a Eastern Edition Deadline Alert “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 151 Accept Credit Cards Increase sales 40-60%! Fast & easy to get set up! Mobile & Radio Units Available, No Phones or Electricity Needed! No Monthly Minimum! NOTES. . . Call Today! 1-800-799-0500 3CraftShowCalendar:artclayworld.qxd Merchant Associates, Inc. 10/20/2008 9:04 AM Page Specializing in Artists & Craftsmen,Homebased & Mail Order Vist our new subscriber only site at www.artandcrafts.com 100’s !!623CraftShowCa ! of Shows listed e r Visit our website onA s w o h Sbook for Yline e at www.artandPage 3 h T in one e r P e h O C crafts.com W E L P M A the Mid-Atlantic TIAL S Region n oYou’ll find a wealth i AR t i P d E l l Fu To order call: (610) 640-ARTS e h T t e G 3 or email: rbfinkel@erols.com. of information along 7 o 1 T 0 8 2 4 Craft Show Calendar, P.O. Box 424, Devault,6 PA 19432 ) with a constant 8 3 ( l l m o Ca c . s source of updates. t f a r c d n a t r a . w AND... now we even ww Crafters, Artists, and Artisans!!! Are you planning a trip to the Midwest? Order a copy of The Michigan Crafter Magazine The 2010 Edition Contains over 550 Michigan Shows!!! Or Order a Copy of The 2010 Midwestern Crafter Magazine, covering the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, & Wisconsin!!! To order visit my website: www.michigancraftshows.com call me at (586) 726-1125 or send a check to: George Walker Publishing PO Box 183206 Shelby Township, MI 48318-3206 156 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 feature applications online. No more wasting time an effort with the mail when you can apply instantly! Need a password? Just email us: shows@artandcrafts.com SAVE BIG !!! Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. Name Address Email Address City State Telephone Zip Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 !! ! e r A s w SHOWS ARE o MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE h S e h T shows@artandcrafts.com Call us: (386) 428-0173 Y re email: P e h O C W E L P visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll !!! u F e h SAVE BIG T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s Name t f a r c d n a t r Address Email Address www.a (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. City State Telephone Zip Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE SHOWS ARE Call us: (386) 428-0173 email: shows@artandcrafts.com visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 157 "Where The Shows Are !!!" Show Listing Information Form (Please Print or Type Information - REPRODUCE THIS FORM IF NEEDED) SPONSOR'S NAME & ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME:__________________________PHONE:_________________FAX:___________________________ SHOW DATES - FROM: ____________ TO ___________ APPLICATION DEADLINE: _____________________ NAME OF SHOW: ______________________________________________________ # YEARS HELD: ____________ LOCATION (City, State): _____________________________________________________________________________ SITE OF SHOW (mall, park, street, building name, etc.): __________________________________________________ TYPE OF EVENT (See Checklist): ________________________________________ SPACE SIZE: _______________ SETUP TIME: _____________________________ CHECK ALL THAT APPLY Arts & Crafts Fine Art Fine Crafts Collectibles Antiques Dolls Quilts Rock & Minerals American Indian Limited Media Event Toys Flea Market Items Commercial Displays ------------------------------Festival Fair Carnival Rides Midway Games Demonstrations !! ! e r A s w o h S e h T Y P O C Where E L P M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll u F e h T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . s t f a r c d n a t r www.a HOURS OF THE SHOW: ________________________________________________ COST INDOOR: ______________ COST OUTDOOR: _____________________ COST FOR FOOD VENDORS: ___________________________________________ IS ELECTRICITY AVAILABLE: ________________________ COST: __________ IS THIS A JURIED SHOW (Y/N): _______ JURY FEE: _____________________ TOTAL NUMBER OF SPACES IN THE SHOW: _________________________ ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR: ______________ # OF EXHIBITORS: __________ DO YOU HAVE ENTERTAINMENT:___________________________________________________________________ WHAT ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES WILL BE TAKING PLACE: __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT AWARDS OR PRIZES DO YOU OFFER: ________________________________________________________ ARE THERE RESTRICTIONS TO ELIGIBILITY: ______________________________________________________ DO YOU CHARGE ADMISSION ?: (Y/N) _____ HOW MUCH ? ________ EMAIL:_______________________________ WEBSITE ADDRESS:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Feel free to reproduce this form. Use one form for each show submitted. FOR EACH EVENT LISTING, please include a listing fee of $25.00. For this fee, your show will be listed in each edition of "Where The Shows Are !!!" until the event takes place starting with the issue being prepared at the time of reciept that covers events in your geographical area as defined by our management staff. Listings in additional guides for other geographical areas can be requested, however the inclusion of your event in those guides is solely at the discretion of the management of "Where The Shows Are!!!". This form must be returned to us no later than 20 days prior to publication of the issues in which you'd like to be included. OUR SOUTHEAST GUIDE IS PUBLISHED in January, April, July and October of each year. RETURN THIS FORM TO: "WHERE THE SHOWS ARE !!!" - P.O. BOX 434 - EDGEWATER, FL. 32132 Phone: (386) 428-0173 FAX: (386) 426-2419 EMAIL: shows@artandcrafts.com 158 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 SAVE BIG !!! Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. Name Address Email Address City State Telephone Zip Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 !! ! e r A s w SHOWS ARE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE o h S e h T shows@artandcrafts.com Call us: (386) 428-0173ere email: Y P h O C W E L P visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll !!! u F e h SAVE BIG T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . Name s t f a r c d n a t r Address Email Address www.a (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. City State Telephone Zip Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE SHOWS ARE Call us: (386) 428-0173 email: shows@artandcrafts.com visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com Eastern Edition “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 159 SAVE BIG !!! Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. Name Address Email Address City State Telephone Zip Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 !! ! e r A s wSHOWS ARE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE o h S e h T shows@artandcrafts.com Call us: (386) 428-0173 ereemail: Y P h O C W E L P visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com M A S L A n o i t i PARTI d E ll !!! u F e h SAVE BIG T 3 7 1 To Get 0 8 2 4 ) 6 8 3 ( m o Call c . Name s t f a r c d n a t r Address Email Address www.a (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 Subscribe now to “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE!!!” EASTERN EDITION and save almost 50% while getting “THE BEST HELP AROUND” finding shows. City State Telephone Type Craft or Art Referred by: EASTERN EDITION One year subscription $49.95 ( 4 issues ) 3 month trial subscription $26.95 (includes $2.00 Shipping) Mail to: “WHERE THE SHOWS ARE” P.O. Box 434 Edgewater, FL. 32132 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WHERE THE SHOWS ARE Call us: (386) 428-0173 email: shows@artandcrafts.com visit our website: www.artandcrafts.com 160 “Where The Shows Are !!!” Fall 2009 to Summer 2010 Zip