Thank you to our 2014 Sponsors... 24th Annual Golf Tournam ent
Thank you to our 2014 Sponsors... 24th Annual Golf Tournam ent
Haverhill Golf & Country Club, Haverhill, MA August 31, 2015 Name: _____________________________________________ Company: __________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ 58 Brickett Lane, Haverhill, MA Payment type: Check Credit Card Bill Me Credit Card #: __________________________ CVV Code_____ Expiration Date:______________________________________ Name on card: ______________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ 11:30 AM Registration | 1:00 PM Shotgun Start Name: Phone: Email: Name: Company: Phone: Email: Name: Company: Phone: Email: Name: Company: Phone: Email: Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce 8o Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor Haverhill, MA 01830 Company: Your Invitation: 24th Annual Golf Tournament Please Return this form along with payment to: Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce 80 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor, Haverhill MA 01830 (978) 373-5663 Fax (978) 373-8060 Thank you to our 2014 Sponsors... CORPORATE Sponsor: $5,000 The 24th Annual Golf Tournament is expected to sell out. Please fill out this form and return it to the Chamber at your earliest convenience to secure player slots. To redeem Early Bird Special, players must pre-pay no later than July 15th. Early Bird Pricing (until 7/15): ___ $190 pp ___ $750 foursome After 7/15: After 7/15: $200/pp, $800/foursome ___ $200 pp ___ $800 foursome Featured Foursome: ___ $1,000: Includes a foursome, 1 tee sponsorship, 1 flag sponsorship, acknowledgement at tourney dinner Fees include: Golf with carts Lunch at check-in Thank-You Gifts Golf Gloves for every player! Goodie bags: Each player will receive a goodie bag with snacks, gifts, coupons and more! Cocktail hour Tournament dinner Awards ceremony and prizes BUSINESS Sponsor: $2,500 ___Tee Sponsors: $100 ___Flag Sponsors: $200 ___Tee & Flag Sponsors: $250 Please note: Flag sponsorships come with special presentation at tournament dinner. Tournament also includes: Complimentary snacks! Competitions! Networking! Raffles: last year included golf foursomes, premium golf balls, gift baskets, electronics, restaurant gift certificates and more! Auction: last year included sports tickets and packages, sports memorabilia and wheelbarrows full of liquor & wine. For more info on our sponsorships, contact the Chamber office at or 978-373-5663 ASSOCIATE Sponsor: $1,000 Not a golfer? Busy during the day? Attend our awards dinner for great food, cash bar, networking, silent auction and raffles! ___ Dinner Only: $40 pp ___I would like to donate a raffle prize to be used at the tournament awards dinner Value: $ Description: Please see reverse for payment and registration information.
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