File - Elkhorn City Area Observer


File - Elkhorn City Area Observer
Elkhorn City Area
Issue 16
April 2014
Page 1
EC’s Next Mayor Gets A Pay Raise
At Elkhorn City’s March Council Meeting, the
council voted 3 in favor and 2 against a pay
raise for the Mayor of Elkhorn City.
increasing the amount of hours they get to work
a month and thus increasing there pay check. He
also stated that he gave them Health Insurance
as well, and the monetary value of that was very
The pay raise for the Mayor will not take
effect until after the next election. Whom ever
wins will start their term off at $1000 a month,
instead of the current $50 a month that Mayor
Mike Taylor will continue to receive until the
end of his current term.
The second no vote came from Councilman
Danny Matney, who in comments before his
vote also stated that the current pay of $50 a
month was too low. He then explained his no
vote was based on the amount of the pay raise
proposed, stating he thought it was too much of
a raise for a the class of city we were.
Mayor Taylor, as well as most of our council
members have stated on other occasions that
$50 a month was not nearly enough for what a
city mayor has to do.
Two council members voted no to the raise,
both Butch Cure and Danny Matney stated that
the office of the Mayor, and in particular Mayor
Taylor deserved much more than the current
$50 dollars a month. However both were
concerned with the amount of the raise, and
voted no after making comments supporting the
idea of a raise for the mayors office.
Elkhorn City’s current Mayor, Mike Taylor
Mayor Taylor commented on Councilman
Councilman Butch Cure was the first to vote
Cure’s statement saying that the city employees
no, and stated his reasons, one of which was
had received a raise and that he (Mayor Taylor)
that it did not seem fair to Councilmen Cure that had himself given it to them. The mayor went
the city give a raise that large to the mayor
on to explain that he had not given a monetary
when there were other city employees who had hourly or salary pay raise, but instead moved
not received a raise in over 3 years.
the city employees from part-time to full-time
Elkhorn City is currently designated as a Class
4 City, and the average pay for a Class 4 City in
Kentucky according to the League of Cities is
approximately $24,000 a year ($2,000 a month),
and even higher if the city has been designated
by it’s city council as a “Full Time” mayor.
Which is something that Elkhorn’s city council
has never done.
The pay raise that was approved by the city
council will at $12,000 a year be a substantial
raise, but it will still only put Elkhorn City at
about half of the Kentucky Average for mayor
pay through out the state. If the city council
ever votes to designate the Mayor of Elkhorn
City as a Full Time Mayor, then a state law sets
a minimum pay of over $27,000 a year.
Elkhorn City Prepares For The Future
arranged for a survey to be conducted in town.
250 residents were visited to give new census
data for the process of allowing a more accurate
accounting of our income data in order to
qualify for funding for the sewer update plan.
At last months council meeting, the second and
final reading of the latest annexation ordinances
were read and voted on. By unanimous vote the
annexation was approved, and now all of the
land near the US460 highway project is in the
city limits with the exception of the houses at
Beaver Bottom. (The City has no current plan
to annex Beaver Bottom.)
The city is continuing ahead assuming all goes
well with the highway project, and all
indications are that it will. The bridge across
Route 80 has been put back into the 6 year plan,
and is scheduled to be completed and in use
sometime in June or July of 2016. (The section
of the new highway from Marrowbone towards
Pikeville and US23 is scheduled to be in
operation this summer.)
And our new community center is still on track
to be built were the current swimming pool is.
The city has already had an electrician come out
Work and progress continues as Elkhorn City current system, and the project needs to be
and look at the building for re-use and all is
prepares for the future. A lot is going on, by the completed in order to ensure the city can
fine, Summit Engineering has been consulted
City and Mayor’s office as well as local
continue to meet it’s current needs.
and there will be an architect come and work on
residents and organizations.
the plans to build it using the existing building.
One of the problems facing the city are the
The city is working hard on updating it’s water results of the last census, which claims that
And the city is looking now at appropriating the
and sewer systems so that we are able to handle Elkhorn City has a majority of high income
necessary funding to pay for the community
future growth. The city is currently running at
residents and therefore makes us unqualified for
Continued on Page 2
maximum capacity which takes its toll on our
funding. In order to correct this Mayor Taylor
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
race starting and ending at the ball
park in Elkhorn City. This will be a
100 mile long foot race event over
Pine Mountain, (See separate
article in this issue), Susan Howell
Continued from Page 1 is planning and coordinating the
center project. The plan is to do
race which is hopefully going to
some work on the adjacent park at become a yearly event, bringing in
the same time as well as
hundreds of people into town for a
resurfacing the walking track that
weekend long event. For more
encircles the area.
information you can visit the
website at;
The city is also gearing up for
events to take place in town this
This event is expected to bring in
between 175 - 200 participants the
Friday, April the 4th will be the
first year, from all over the country
first monthly “Cruize-In” held by
and some from other countries.
the Elkhorn City Cruizers, weather And being a 40 hour event, that
permitting of course.
means visitors to our city as well as
the participants.
The Apple Blossom Festival is
scheduled for the 16th and 17th of
There are also future plans being
May. The city is attempting now to
talked about with the Breaks
get a carnival to come in. The
festival may have to be moved back Interstate Park. Although these
this year to the ballpark because the plans are all still in the discussion
stage and tables we use on pine and phase, they are exciting and offer
main street location will not be
the possibility of even more growth
available this year due to them
as a tourist destination for Elkhorn
being used for a horse show. This is
City in the future.
still not confirmed.
Page 2
Elkhorn City
Prepares For The
There is also talk of moving
Apple Blossom later in the year. If
it is done it will not be moved this
year, but in the future. The reason
for the proposed time move is to
have the festival on a payday
weekend, to allow for people to
have money to spend at the festival.
Among these ideas are a park
entrance from Elkhorn City. Also a
horse stable in the Carson Island
area, allowing for horse riding
along some of the most beautiful
scenery in the world.
There is also discussion to
implementing something along the
lines of a proposal submitted by the
On May 24th is what would have
Elkhorn City Heritage Council
been the “Bushwhacking on the
years ago, the creation of a
Russell Fork”, but this year will be
“Pioneer Village” in Potter Flats
with live actors demonstrating what
life was like in the days of the early
The Heritage Council is still
having a festival but it will not be a pioneers.
large civil war re-enactment.
We will of course keep you
Instead it will be more of an arts
updated as soon as there are any
and crafts festival. There are
developments on any of these
several reasons for this, one main
reason is that the person who
coordinates the big battle can’t be
here due to a 150 year civil war
anniversary event someplace else
this year.
at the ball park where there will be
food, games and music, and where
friends and family will be eagerly
waiting for their runners to come
across the finish line.
Kentucky is one of the few states
in the U.S. that has not hosted a
100 mile trail event. And while
many people might think that
running 100 miles on dirt paths is
unthinkable, the overall number of
trail races of all distances around
the world has skyrocketed in the
past few years.
Some people consider trail
running nothing short of
revolutionary, as many runners are
giving up the hard, unforgiving
pavement in cities and towns and
moving over to dirt trails in the
woods. Trail running is easier on
the back, feet and knees, since dirt
is much softer than pavement, and
it is easier on the lungs, because the
air is much cleaner in the woods,
away from traffic.
run up, up and up - toward Coffee
Pot Flats and Goldfish Pond, where
the 25k turnaround is located.
The longer distance courses
continue on the Birch Knob Section
of trail toward the Birch Knob
Observation Tower and US 23 at
Pound Gap.
The 100 mile racers will find
themselves negotiating all of the
Red Fox Trail and then running
along several miles of the Highland
Section toward Box Rock before
they turn around and head back to
Elkhorn City.
There will be several aid stations
manned with volunteers along the
way where runners can rest and
refuel with plenty to eat and drink,
and porta johns and first aid
supplies will also be provided.
Anyone interested in fast hiking
any of the shorter distances is also
welcome to register, but all
participants must be finished by
Kentucky’s First
100 Mile Trail
Details are still being worked out,
look for more information in our
By Susan Howell (Reprinted from
next issue of the Observer.
the Heritage Recorder)
And new this year and hopefully
part of our future from now on, we
have a couple of race events
coming up.
Runners from as far away as
California and Texas are expected
to arrive in Elkhorn City and its
environs during early October to
participate in a new and exciting
event - the Cloudsplitter 100. This
will be Kentucky's first 100 mile
trail race, and it will take place on
the Pine Mountain Scenic Trail
during the weekend of October 4th
and 5th.
The first one will be the 1st
Annual Artists Collaborative
Theatre 5K Run/1 Mile Walk on
Saturday, on June 28th. This will
be a foot race/walk through
Elkhorn City, for more details or to
register to enter look them on
Elkhorn City will be hosting the
weekend long event at the ball park
Facebook or stop by the theatre.
in town, where the start/finish line
And coming in October, the
will be located. Residents of the
community are invited to come out
“Cloudsplitter 100”, a 100 mile
and join in on the fun and festivities
In addition to the 100 mile
distance offered, there are shorter
races to choose from as well.
Runners may register for the 100
kilometer distance (62.2 miles), 50
kilometers (31.1 miles) or 25
kilometers (15.5 miles).
midnight on Sunday, which is the
cut off for the 100 mile race (40
All finishers will be awarded a
custom made medal for their
After starting at the ball park in
For more information on the
Elkhorn City, all runners will make Cloudsplitter 100, visit the race
their way through town to
website at:
Kentucky 80 and then down to
Carson Island where the trail head
is located. Once on the Pine
Mountain Scenic Trail, they will
Continued on Page 4
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 3
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Kentucky’s First
100 Mile Trail Race
During the meeting, an overview
of the park’s mission statement,
goals and objectives will be
Continued from Page 2 provided. These were developed by
the Breaks Interstate Park Advisory
Committee, which was formed to
assist with the master plan. The
The race is also featured on a
committee is made up of local
Facebook page called Cloudsplitter residents and park users from both
100. Volunteer opportunities are
Virginia and Kentucky.
open for anyone interested. Please
contact Susan Howell, Race
The committee and planners with
Director, at:
the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation will, or call recommend appropriate amenities
her at (502) 724-1136 to volunteer, for the park, based on site analysis
or for more information on
and public input. A second public
registering for the event.
meeting will be held later this year.
Public Input Is
Sought For
Interstate Park
Master Plan
A public meeting to gather input
for the Breaks Interstate Park
master plan will be held April 14,
at 6 p.m., at the park’s conference
center, 627 Commission Circle,
Breaks, Va.
The master plan is the long-range
plan for infrastructure, amenities,
roads, funding and staffing at the
park. The plan is updated every few
Coffee Mugs
EC Souvenirs
The 4,800-acre park is off State
Route 80 on the Virginia-Kentucky
state line, located in Pike County,
Ky., Dickenson County, Va., and
Buchanan County, Va. As a bi-state
park, it receives support from
Virginia’s DCR and the Kentucky
Tourism, Parks and Heritage
State Highway
Workers Directed
To Remove
Signs Posted
Illegally On State
Right Of Way
Page 4
they create safety problems, such as
sight distance issues, and it is our
responsibility to make the roads as
safe as we can. They interfere with
mowing and litter pickup, and
recently have interfered with snow
and ice removal.”
Warmer weather means that
maintenance crews will be cleaning
out ditch lines and replacing cross
drains. Illegal signs interfere with
this work, too.
“In the interest of safety and
maintenance, our crews have been
directed to remove all illegal signs.
We have had a few blitz programs
in the past, warning people in
advance and then spending an
entire week or more taking down
signs. By now, though, people
should know that putting signs on
state right-of-way is not
permissible. Now we take them
down as we see them.”
It is illegal to place a sign on state
right-of-way. It is also illegal to
attach a sign to a structure already
installed on state right-of-way.
Highway workers in the seven
counties of KYTC District 12 have
an ongoing directive to remove
such signs from roadsides and
intersections. District 12 includes
the following counties: Lawrence,
Johnson, Floyd, Martin, Knott,
Pike, and Letcher.
Westfall-Holbrook said signs will
be at the nearest maintenance
facility for about a month in case
the sign owner wants them back so
they can be put on private property.
“We don’t have to keep them or
return them, so when we clean out
the lot, they will be destroyed,” she
cautioned. “We are not responsible
for damage to any sign or sign post
that we remove, since they were
installed illegally to begin with.”
If people want to remove their
own signs, rather than run the risk
they are damaged or destroyed
when the state removes them, that
is their choice, Westfall-Holbrook
said. “We aren’t trying to sound
The park is managed by the
mean about this. It is simply part of
Breaks Interstate Park Commission.
our job, and something we take
As examples, Westfall-Holbrook seriously. We really believe that
cited sale signs for a business and most taxpayers would rather we
For more information about the
master plan process, contact DCR those advertising a number to call spend our time patching potholes or
park planner Lynn Crump at 804- about jobs. “Even posting a sign for cleaning out ditch lines instead of
a yard sale, taped to a speed limit
786-5054 or
taking down signs that shouldn’t be
sign or a stop sign is illegal,” she
there in the first place.”
“There are more political signs
this time of year than any other
type,” said Mary WestfallHolbrook, Chief District Engineer.
“But the only signs allowed on
state property are state signs.”
People sometimes put a lot of
money and work into such signs,
she noted. “The fact is, though,
Christian Gifts
Bible Covers
Books by
We also carry Electronic Cigarette Batteries,
Flavored E
E--Juice, and Accessories
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Elkhorn City
Ladies Hit The
Big Apple
Upon arriving in Pine Grove, PA
(which is approx. 1.5 hrs. outside of
NYC) around 10pm that night they
learned they were too late to visit
the Hershey Factory as promised.
At that point, they went onto the
Comfort Inn where they stayed for
A very nice group of ladies from the next for two nights. The next
Elkhorn City and the surrounding
morning they got back on the bus at
area were ready for a break from
7:00am to be driven into New York
the winter doldrums and decided a City. They were told they should
trip to New York City was just
have arrived around 8:30am but
want they needed to from being
instead arrived at 10:30am, and
cooped up all winter. A total of 24 were instructed to meet back at
ladies, with 8 of those being Sisters Times Square at 9:00pm. This was
-In-Christ from Ferrell’s Creek
not the 12-hours that they were
Church of Christ, the group ranged promised when they purchased
in age from 10 to 70. We had a
their ticket, as some ladies
wonderful time here at the
disappointedly stated. It appeared
Observer as we interviewed about the bus didn’t travel as fast as most
half of those that went on the trip. of them would have hoped, during
We selected ladies from every age the interview one lady said she told
range and that went in different
her neighbor she thought she saw a
directions once they arrived in
couple of turtles pass their bus and
her neighbor told her to hush she
was going to make her pee on
They started out the trip being
picked up in Pikeville by the tour
company in the Walmart parking
Page 5
Do you want higher
property taxes?
Do you want higher
garbage bills?
Do you want an
occupational tax?
If your answer is no then
vote for me
Tuesday, May 20th
Not in order; Vickie O’Neill, Rhonda Blackburn, Rita Cure, Anita Rowe, Janice Clevenger, Standa
Blackburn, Beverly Lester, Emily Lester, Becky Cure, Amelia Cure, Robin Wright, Leah Salyer, Carol
Ford, JoAnn Belcher, Carol Ratliff, Dorothy Coleman, and Kaitlin Coleman, Kristin Thacker, Stancy
Wright, Wanda Ramey, Patricia Anderson, Miranda Cure, Melissa Thompson, and Melissa Cantrell
lot on Friday morning at 9:00 am.
On the way there some of the ladies
stated that they enjoyed chatting
with their neighbors, good
fellowship, and singing, while
others took naps.
Once the tour bus dropped the
ladies off in Times Square
everyone split up into different
groups and went in different
directions. They were told they had
less than five minutes to unload the
bus and move out of the area. We
were told that the traffic was
The 64th ECHS Alumni
Committee wants to
invite all that walked
the halls of Elkhorn City
School to come and join
in on the memories
being a Cougar.
We want to invite and
honor the present and
past principals, assistant principals, past and present
teachers of our great elementary, middle, and high
We welcome all class reunions to come and enjoy
your classmates. Tables will be provided for you.
The dress is casual. The fun and memories will last
April 19th, 2014
—Elkhorn City Elementary School
Come and show your cougar pride!
For more information contact Butch Clevenger, at (606) 754
When the ladies were asked where
they would recommend anyone
going to NYC to see the 9/11
Memorial & Museum were the 1st
place named by the group. It was
amazing listening to the awe and in
some cases a moment of silence as
the ladies were attempting to
describe what they saw and
experienced. They told us as soon
as they got off the bus they went to
the Millenium Hilton across the
street from the Memorial to get
their tickets. Some were lucky
enough to get tickets to get inside
the gates and others didn’t, but
went anyway to see it close as they
could. The ladies that got to go
inside the gates to visit the
Memorial stated that the group they
were with didn’t utter a word for at
least the first 10 minutes or so, they
were so speechless.
something else, apparently it has a
little more traffic than our little
town does. Here is where all the
fun and their different stories begin. 9/11 was a defining moment in
We hope you enjoy them as much America's history and the images
as we did.
are etched into most of our
memories. The ladies stated that in
One of the ladies told us,
place of the North and South
“Everyone was so friendly; we
Towers two of the most enormous
asked so many questions and didn’t fountains, mark the footprints of
have one person snub us like in
the fallen towers with plunging
Pikeville. They are not friendly
waterfalls. These are surrounded by
other than maybe a few in
bronze parapets, engraved with the
Pikeville, I’m telling you, and it’s names of those lost, and built in
true. You know I’m telling I’ve
honor of the nearly 3,000 people
always heard that people in New
killed. The names of every victim
York are awful. You know, oh no
of the attack is inscribed in panels
they were friendly as could be, and alongside twin reflecting pools,
absolutely go out of their way to
which are each nearly an acre in
help you. If you smiled at them
size and feature the largest manthey would smile back at you. I
made waterfalls in North America.
hate it when I smile at somebody
The ladies stated that the day they
and they don’t smile back, I want to were there the sun was shining and
spank myself.”
they noticed that everywhere they
looked in both fountains they saw a
They saw and experienced so
rainbow. They stated “that it was
many different things from what we awesome the way something so
are used to, for example how they utterly devastating could be turned
park cars in their Business District. into such a beautiful Memorial”.
They use forklifts to stack cars 4 or We were also told that there were
5 high. Upon arriving in NYC a
survivors there signing the 9/11
Port Authority Police Officer
Memorial books that were being
advised several of our ladies to
remove their coats and place their
purses across their shoulder then
put their coats back on.
Continued on page 10
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 6
Opinions and Editorials
Your Right To Be
The Editor of the “Observer”
would like to take this opportunity
to point out that articles, opinion
pieces, and editorial stories do not
necessarily reflect the views or
opinions of the “Observer” or any
of the staff, or other contributors.
We believe in everyone's right to
be heard, and that this newspaper
should be the voice of the people
that read it. In that spirit we will
print almost anything sent in to us,
unless we believe it to be
copyrighted material.
If you read something in here that
you agree with and want to add
something or just let folks know
that you agree, send it in and we
will do our best to fit it into the
next issue.
Along the same line, if you read
something you disagree with, feel
free to write in and voice your
opinion and we will do our best to
fit in the next issue as well. Just
remember to not attack the author,
we encourage discussion of what
we publish in the paper but not
personal attacks.
A Few Words
From the Editor
We hear a lot about the “War on
Coal”. We see the t-shirts and
bumper stickers, and the pictures on
Facebook with the catchy slogans.
“Coal Keeps the Lights On”, “Stop
the War on Coal”, “Got Electricity?
Thank a Coal Miner”, and my
personal favorite “Legalize Coal”.
And of course the “Friends of
Coal” logo is everywhere. Which is
understandable, the coal industry
has been a part of our lives for
My dad was a coal miner, retired
from the UMWA. Everyone one of
his brothers were coal miners.
Everyone around here has been
touched by the coal industry in one
way or another. For most of us, at
one point or another in the past coal
was what put food on the table and
paid the bills. But that’s not the
case anymore.
Times have changed. We as a
nation and the state of Kentucky
export and produce more coal
today than we did 20 years ago in
my dad’s time as a miner. But we
have less miners than we did then.
The industry has changed.
New and bigger equipment means
more production with less miners.
And with a surface mine even less
people are required to move the
Photo courtesy of Picture Perfect Photography
same amount of coal.
beautiful scenery in the world here.
Our area is also great for fishing,
Yes, it does appear that there is a hiking, hunting, camping, and
war on coal, being waged via the
rafting. With those resources
Received in US Mail, Facebook,
EPA and the current administration
Email, face to face, and through
in Washington DC. But in reality it
our website.
is actually a war on small coal
industry shouldn’t be too hard, it
was started for us years ago when
The EPA comes out with more
“Have you guys heard any
the Breaks Park was created. That 
regulations that the mines must
word on when the last day of
gave us one tourism attraction, we
adhere to. The coal companies at
school will be?”
just need to capitalize on it and
each mine have to decide if it is
worth it for them to spend the
Yes, Keith Hall stated on March
Cloudsplitter 100 annual race that
money to come into compliance
that the last day of school in
is starting this year.
with the new regulations or not.
Pike County will be June the 6th.
Often it isn’t. The amount of
The city and the area need to get
money they would have to spend
“I just heard Elkhorn
would make it hard if not
behind these and other events and 
Ambulance has shut down and
impossible to remain profitable. So start capitalizing on them. Local
they shut down and lay off 400
is out of business, is this true?”
entrepreneurs should as well. We
need business that works with these
Yes and no, it is a temporary shut
A bigger operation then picks up things, such as a store that sells
down, for more information read
the load and hires about 40 miners fishing gear, bait, hunting supplies the story on page 15 of this issue of
etc. We could also use a nice hotel,
for the extra work needed to
the Observer.
produce and sale the same amount tourist need places to stay in order
of coal the mine that just shut down to spend their money in town.
was producing. In the big picture,
coal sales don’t go down and coal
And there are other options as
production doesn’t go down. The
You can send submissions on
well, lot of usable land in John
only thing hurt is jobs. More and
anything to us at;
Moore’s branch area when the US
more miners end up out of work,
smaller mines and companies shut 460 project is done. The city has
down, but the bigger companies get already started calling that area an
Elkhorn City Area
bigger and make even more money. industrial zone, but we need to get
an industry in there. One option I
PO Box 516
It would appear that we all need to have heard talk of lately is a food
face the facts, the coal jobs that we distribution center. A place right off Elkhorn City, Ky
have lost are not going to come
back. In fact it seems pretty
reasonable to assume we will lose groceries to grocery stores in our
Or on Facebook,
area and stores further away. I used
even more.
to work for one of those and they
our website
It is past time that we all came to hire a lot of people.
the conclusion that our area needs a
With the coal industry doing away
different industry or industries if it
or email at
with job after job, and it doesn’t
is to sustain our population and
appear that those jobs will be
keep our area from becoming one
coming back, Elkhorn City has to
of the poorest in the nation.
Or stop in and see us at
grow in order for any of us to
152 West Russell Street
Tourism comes to mind pretty
survive and prosper.
in Elkhorn City
easily. We have some of the most
Letters To The
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 7
In– and Outpatient Rehabilitation
Mountain View Health Care Center offers a number
of services for the comfort and convenience of our
residents. These services include:
* Post-op
* Skilled and intermediate care
* Respite services (short-term stay)
* In- and outpatient rehabilitation
* Orthopedic and neurology capabilities
* IV therapy
* Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
* Wound management
* Active volunteer programs
* Podiatry services
Life can deliver some unexpected twists: accidents,
sudden illnesses or emergency surgeries can happen
when you least expect them. And in the aftermath of
such events, your energy is focused primarily on
recovery - trying to also find the best available
resources for help can be pretty challenging.
We understand the intense desire to recuperate and
get back to normal as quickly as possible. But
serious illness or trauma can sometimes force you to
relearn even basic functions. The struggle to regain
those lost capabilities while still recovering is
frustrating and often overwhelming.
Our skilled therapy services can hasten your
recovery, help return lost skills and bring back
strength and mobility. Our caring professionals work
tirelessly with our patients not only in physical
areas, but also by constantly supporting and
encouraging them emotionally.
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 8
Elkhorn City Area Calendar
Elkhorn City Town Council Meeting
Second Tuesday of every month at 7pm,
at Elkhorn City Town Hall
Elkhorn City Cruisers Meeting
First Thursday of every month at the
Elkhorn City Town Hall
Elkhorn City Area Heritage Council
Third Thursday of every month at 7pm,
At Tim Belcher’s Law Office
Elkhorn City Area Women’s Club Meeting
Fourth Monday of every month at 7pm
Elkhorn City Town Hall
All Women Welcome
United Daughters of the
Meets 1st Saturday of
every month at the
Elkhorn City Library,
“Keeping an Eye on things.”
Elkhorn City DAV
meets on the first
Friday of the month at
6PM at their Elkhorn
City Meeting Hall.
Elkhorn City Cruisers
Elkhorn City Area Homemakers Club
First Friday Evening of every month
(weather permitting)
Come out and join us and see some great cars
and trucks, Starting April 2014.
Third Saturday of every Month at the Elkhorn
City Library at 10am
Observer’s Word Search
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Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
An Illustrated Tale by Christopher Epling
Page 9
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Brooklyn, Queens, New Jersey, the
Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge
and Central Park instead of going
inside to the viewing area. She
stated that there were security
guards everywhere, and they were
not able to stay very long outside
Continued from Page 5 because it was so windy.
Elkhorn City
Ladies Hit The
Big Apple
The ladies told us of so many
things that impressed or fascinated
them, and we don’t want to leave
them out. The St. Paul Chapel of
Trinity Church, which was
damaged during the 9/11 attack, but
only had some of its windows
broken. The church was used as a
rest area for rescue workers. From
the ground looking up, Freedom
Tower looks like it is swaying and
on a clear day you can see the
clouds reflected back on the
building. There will be a new 9/11
Memorial Museum opened in
April, 2014.
The 2nd thing everyone
recommended if you are visiting
NYC is to do the “Hop On and Hop
Off Tours” which are conducted on
a double decker bus. The price of
this varied depending which tour
you took but most of our ladies
took the one that gave you 3 tickets
to use as you wanted. The Hop On
& Hop Off Tour Company had a
huge list of places where the tickets
could be used. This is much
cheaper than paying the individual
entry prices into some places. One
of the ladies stated she got to see
the building where the movie
Spiderman was made.
Times Square placed 3rd as the
place to see. Everywhere you went
there were large lines and people
were in a rush. A few of the ladies
commented on how surprised they
were by the number of people they
saw out walking dogs on leashes. A
couple them stated that they saw
the Naked Indian but he wasn’t
totally naked. He wore tight brief
underwear & a big head dress, he
was moving fast. Almost all the
ladies expressed disappointment in
how small the New Year’s Eve ball
at Times Square was while also
commenting on how beautiful the
city lights were at night.
Although China Town was the
main reason for some of the ladies
to take the trip it actually tied 3rd
place as the spot to visit when
going to NYC. We were told that
when the tour bus pulled into
Times Square the ladies going
shopping in China Town were gone
before the rest even managed to get
off the bus. I guess you could say
they were really serious about their
One lady stated they started out
their shopping trip fast paced to
insure they would have enough
Amelia Cure and Emily Lester in New York City on the “Hop On and
Hop Off” double decker bus.
The Statue of Liberty tied with
second place as must see, although
none of the ladies went to the actual
statue, some got to see Lady
Liberty when they were on the
Harbor Tour, and they were awed
by her. They stated to take the
actual tour to Ellis Island was 4
hours and they felt they just did not
have enough time on this trip.
The Empire State Building also
tied for 2nd place as the tourist
attraction to see and they stated that
it was very beautiful. One of the
ladies on the trip stated she stood in
line for a while only to realize once
the elevator started it only took 1
minute to get to the 86th floor
(which is 1,050 feet). They decided
to stay on the outdoor open-air
deck and view Manhattan,
time to see everything and meet
some of the other ladies back at
Cake Boss.
Page 10
Sisters Salon
Elkhorn City, Ky
Louella Hamilton & Annetta Fields
and that the vendors would
compete for your business. “You
saw a lot of scarves, sunglasses,
purses, jewelry, and t-shirts with
vendors inside and outside eager
for your business and willing to be
very competitive for it, with most
of them having the same stuff just
different quality”. It is our
understanding that one of the ladies
haggled so much she made a
vendor upset and he told her no and
offered the purse to someone else
with her for the same price. We
were also told that cash was the
only payment accepted and that
they loved ones and small bills.
Some of the ladies rode the
Harbor Cruise using one of their
Hop On & Off Tour tickets, and
suggested it as something to do
when visiting NYC, making it tie
for 3rd place. It was a 90 minute
harbor cruise that all ages loved.
We were told that they had a very
good tour guide that knew a lot
about the history and was able to
tell them where everything was
from the Brooklyn Bridge,
Manhattan Bridge, Queensboro
Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis
Island, Financial District, Canal
Street, Greenwich Village. They
were also shown the Bronx housing
which seemed liked it went on for
miles. They were all impressed that
the particular ferry that they were
riding on was one that assisted in
rescuing the passengers from the
plane that crashed in the Hudson
River. They also saw Pier 54,
where the ship “Carpathia”, loaded
with lifeboats and survivors from
the Titanic disaster was unloaded.
someone taking a picture and
apologized only to realize it was a
wax statue. They loved everything
from the Marvel Superhero Cinema
4D Experience, being able to sit
behind the wheel of a real New
York cab, and climbing into the
head of the Statue of Liberty. They
saw statues of the Beatles, the
Kennedy’s, Amelia Earhart, George
Washington, and Helen Keller, the
Hulk and Taylor Lautner of the
Twilight Saga.
Some of the younger ladies went
to FAO Schwartz and stated they
loved it although it was expensive.
They both stated they loved the
movie “Big” starring Tom Hanks.
They told us that they even got on
the piano that Tom Hanks played in
the movie. They added that you
could also find Lego Statues,
Jumbo Nerds and huge stuff
It seems that Cake Boss was the
meeting place for most of our
ladies while waiting on the bus to
arrive to pick them up at the end of
the day. Several of the ladies had
seen the show and commented that
the store front was much smaller
than it appeared on tv. All agreed
they loved it although one ERHS
student stated that her Strawberry
Shortcake was “to die for”.
It truly is a small world sometimes
because some of the ladies that
We were told China Town had
went to China Town were headed
everything that you could imagine
to Cake Boss when one of the
in their fresh fruit, vegetable and
ladies that had been sightseeing all
fish market, making for a very
day touched her on the shoulder,
interesting mixture of spells. Since
surprising her. She stated, “Oh no, I
one of ladies commented on it
thought someone was going to try
several times we feel we should
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum to take my purse.”
mention that the fish had their
tied for 3rd as the place to visit. It
heads, tails, and EYES intact and
has more than 220 lifelike models
As some of the ladies were
that was how they were being
in the heart of Times Square. It can sampling goodies from Cake Boss
displayed on the tables for sale.
also be used as one of the tickets on while waiting for the bus to take
(Emphasis on the word EYES). She the Hop On and Hop Off Tours,
them back to the hotel, they started
went on to say that the vegetables
several ladies that picked this as the receiving text messages from a
and fruit were not the kind that we ‘must’ place to visit, managed to
concerned husband. One of the
are used to around here and that she work their way through the
ladies got separated from a
had “never seen them before.”
complete exhibit. One of the
different shopping group and had
younger ladies stated that she
texted her husband, who was now
We were told that it was very busy accidentally stepped in front of
Continued on page 11
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
them. The tour guide went into the
Gift Shop and came out with a
large Candy Kiss for some of the
younger ladies to make up for the
fact they did not get to spend very
much time here.
Elkhorn City
Girls Hit The
Big Apple
Continued from Page 10
in a panic and wanting the other
ladies to go find her. But New York
is a big place and they had no idea
where to go look for her at, nor did
they have the time without missing
their bus. But all is well, in a few
short minutes she arrived where
they were and in plenty of time to
catch the bus.
Factory. It was also said that they
were told that on the way there they
would get to eat at least one meal at
a good restaurant. Instead they only
ate at Truck Stops and were told to
get snacks to hold them over until
they could find the next place to
During our conversations, quite a eat. Others said that the schedule
few of the ladies were slightly
was thrown off because the bus had
upset with the tour company stating to keep making stops because some
that they were off schedule a lot.
passengers were suffering from
Some of them said that instead of
motion sickness. Finally the tour
using Saturday to fuel the bus for
guide moved them toward the front
the trip back home the tour
of the bus and that seemed to help.
company used their time on Sunday
Some of the ladies rode the
subway and loved it, stating it was
very clean and they would do it
again. We were told that they
talked to a lady on the subway who
told them the City of New York has
done a lot in the last few years to
make them safer and to clean them
up, she stated that even her
grandmother rode it. The fare was
$2.50 per person which was
cheaper than riding in a taxi.
everything they wanted to see they
needed more than 1 day, they
would need at least 3 days. They
said that anyone going to NYC
needed to know that everything is
very fast paced, there is no public
restrooms nor benches on the
streets to rest if you get tired.
Robin Wright of Elkhorn City
asked us to place some information
in this article about the cost of a 1
day trip, which would be $300 for 2
people per room, $275 for 3 people
per room and $250 for 4 people per
room. They are looking for 50 local
area people. She asked for people
to contact her if interested, and said
that everyone would know how to
reach her.
The trip truly was a family affair
where mothers, daughters,
grandmothers, granddaughters,
sisters and friends traveled with
each other. While there were others
that traveled as acquaintances but
came back with new friends, and all
came back with a life time of
memories. This sounds like the
kind of trip anyone would want to
take…a trip full of lovely and
friendly ladies, where you can leave
hardly knowing anyone, and yet
you can fully expect to come back
with a lot of new friends. That’s
our Town.
Several of the ladies rode a
Bicycle taxi that was allowed to
weave in & out of traffic which
could get around much faster. They
all stated that it was very fun and
they would do it again even though
one lady stated she was nervous at
first and kept asking the driver for
proof of insurance in case of an
accident, because she knew he
would be killed and she couldn’t
ask him then.
On Sunday morning everyone
went to the Hershey Chocolate
Factory in Hershey, PA. But the
visit had to be rushed because snow
was being forecast for home and
the bus driver wanted to beat it.
Once in the factory, Singing Cows
explained how to make milk
chocolate, as everyone was leaving
they were given a small pack of
Rolo’s and some samples of new
Hershey kisses with coconut in
Page 11
WORD Focus
By: Jason Johnson, Pastor of the
Elkhorn City Baptist Church
Lost and Found (Part 2)
If you had the opportunity to read
the article from last month’s issue,
you will remember my favorite
little friend “bear bear.” If you did
not, let me tell you a little bit about
him. My little friend I liked to refer
Of course there were some
to as “bear bear” was a small
complaints about the trip. Several
stuffed animal I had as a young
of ladies stated that before the trip, child. The fact he was so small was
the tour guide told them that by the the real issue, because in the middle
time they arrived in NYC they
of the night it was really easy to
would have known the name of
lose him. Needless to say, I would
every place between there and here. wake up and the great search would
But the ladies had to keep asking
begin. This little friend was
where they were at before the tour important to me, and I would do
guide would tell them. Although
anything I could to find him when
the trip was booked in advance no he was lost.
written schedule was given to them.
Whenever they got back on the bus As I type the words to this article,
the tour guide would tell them to
the news is on the television. The
check their neighbor to see if
reporters are sharing about the
everyone was back on the bus
Malaysian Airlines flight 370 that
instead of having a list or anyway
has been lost for some two weeks.
to tell who was missing. Others
There are multiple countries that
commented that the tour guide told are looking for this plane and great
them not to use the restrooms on
efforts are being made to find this
the bus unless it was an emergency plane. Of course, this is
because it would not be emptied
heartbreaking to all of us to think
until they arrived back from the
that over two hundred people are
trip. But most Rest Areas have a
lost at sea. One of the most
bus/RV hook-up so the restroom
difficult things to watch are the
tanks can be emptied and several of cries of the family members that do
the ladies knew this.
not know where their family
members are. They are now lost
But, all in all the ladies that went and they want them found.
on this trip had so much fun they
came back planning their next
I think we would all like to think
excursion trip to NYC. Most of
if we were lost, regardless of the
them stating that to truly see
Continued on page 12
Emily and Amelia meet the Incredible Hulk at Madame
Tussauds Wax Museum
to fuel it. Perhaps if they had refueled on Saturday a little more
time could possibly have been
spent at the Hershey Chocolate
St. Joseph Community Closet/
Thrift Shop
Elkhorn City, Highway 80E Beaver Bottom
FREE: Two cases of Child Size Catheter Kits. They
are sealed in individual packages marked, Unisex,
8FR Vilna.
Come in and see our new
supply of Spring Apparel.
Browse through our aisles
of new and used Children,
Men, and Women’s clothes,
shoes, and various other
We are open from 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday
through Friday.
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
done was not enough to make them
acceptable before God. One can
sum up both groups like this:
Continued from page 11 WITHOUT JESUS WE ARE
situation, someone would be
looking for us. As we looked at the One of the main differences
parable of the lost sheep found in
between the lost sheep and the lost
Luke 15 last month, we are
coin is the fact that the sheep made
reminded that each sheep was
a decision to wander off, but a coin
important to the shepherd. In fact, cannot make that decision. A coin
he would even leave many of his
is an inanimate object that has no
sheep for a time to go out and find capacity to decide to wander off,
just one lost sheep that was in
but it makes it no less lost. The
danger. Many would say that it
point of this parable is that all those
was dumb sheep’s own fault that he who are lost are important to the
was lost, but it didn’t matter to the Lord.
shepherd. The shepherd loved his
sheep, valued the life and
In Jewish culture, the coin could
protection, of his sheep, and as
have possibly been part of a
soon as he found him great
wedding chain that would have had
rejoicing began.
several coins attached together. If
you have ever been around a lady
We now found ourselves looking that has lost a diamond out of an
at a whole different lost object. In engagement ring you would
fact, this was one is not even alive. probably have a good idea what a
Why would Jesus shift from a live lady that had lost a coin would have
sheep to an inanimate object like a been feeling. She did everything
coin? Jesus said in Luke 15:8-10: she could to find this coin.
Page 12
Word Focus
"Or what woman, having ten silver
coins, if she loses one coin, does
not light a lamp, sweep the house,
and search carefully until she finds
And when she has found it, she
calls her friends and neighbors
together, saying, 'Rejoice with me,
for I have found the piece which I
Likewise, I say to you, there is joy
in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents."
Remember the audience that Jesus
spoke to included people who were
sinners, and those who were very
religious. Without Jesus, both were
lost. The first group, referred to as
sinners never claimed to have done
anything “religious” to make them
right with God but they came
because they were curious what
Jesus had to offer. The other
group, who were very religious,
had done everything they needed to
do to be right. They were very
confident about this. In fact, they
were so confident about this that
they criticized the message Jesus
had to share. After all, they had
worked really hard to achieve this
religious status. Something Jesus
would share with them on many
occasions is that religion is not
enough to take a person to heaven,
but rather people must come to
Him. That’s right. They must
come to Jesus and the religious
people of the day hated him for that
message because that meant
everything “good” that they had
If we are honest with ourselves,
Keep in mind that in the days
we realize we need to be cleansed
Jesus was writing these words that as well. In light of the Word of
a floor in a house would have been God, it is clear that all have sinned
very dirty. Considering there
and come short of the glory of God
would have been livestock outside as found in Romans 3:23. We need
and that you would have had to
cleansing. We need forgiveness.
walk through what they left behind We can’t do it on our own. So how
would give you an idea about how can we be clean?
dirty the floor would be. The
longer the coin stayed on the floor,
There is a familiar song that is
the dirtier it became. The same
sung in many churches that share a
thing is true with those who are
great truth. The lyrics go like this:
lingering in the filth of sin.
“What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
So if something is lost, what do
This is supported by the Word of
we use to find it? Of course, the
God in the following two passages.
answer is light. If you have ever
Hebrews 9:22 (NKJV)
lost anything behind the couch or
“And according to the law almost
the washer/dryer, the first tool you
all things are purified with blood,
get out is a flashlight. Why?
Because it exposes where the item and without shedding of blood
is. Spiritually speaking, the same is there is no remission.”
Isaiah 1:18 (NKJV)
true. Light reveals sin. That is
"Come now, and let us reason
why so many people would rather
together," Says the LORD,
live in darkness. When do most
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
crimes occur? At night, because
light exposes a thief’s crime. Jesus They shall be as white as snow;
said that He was the light come into Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.”
the world. While one group were
admittedly sinners, and the other
The song never said “What can
group was religious, the reality is
that both of them were lost. When wash away my sins? Good works.”
It is only the work of Jesus Christ
they were in the presence of
on the cross that can save a sinner.
someone that lived a perfect life,
Jesus, there is no comparison. (By His shed blood was the payment,
and the only payment, that needed
the way, Jesus is the only one to
to be paid for all our sins. When
have ever lived a perfect life)
He was on the cross, I was on His
mind. Many people believe that
John 3:19 (NKJV)
Jesus came to condemn us and to
“And this is the condemnation,
show us that we are sinners. They
that the light has come into the
believe that there is no way they
world, and men loved darkness
could be loved by the God that
rather than light, because their
created the whole universe. They
deeds were evil”
believe there is no certainty about
their eternal destiny. Please
D.L. Moody, once a prominent
preacher in Chicago, once said that remember what Jesus said in the
Gospel of John:
“the Bible will either keep you
from sin, or sin will keep you from
Luke 19:10 (NKJV)
the Bible.” The reason is that
“for the Son of Man has come to
God’s word will expose your
sinfulness. The same is true of the seek and to save that which was
lost coin. While the light will help lost."
the lady to find the coin that was so
The reality is still the same. All
valuable to her, it also exposed the
filth that needed to be cleaned off. people are either lost or found.
People often think that God,
especially in the Old Testament is a
God of judgment and
condemnation. He cannot, and will
not ignore our sin because He
cannot accept it nor allow it to
come into His presence. However,
shortly after Adam and Eve sinned
in the garden of Eden, God reached
out to people. He asks them
“where are you?” This seems
simple but it is the greatest message
we could hear. These were God’s
words that invite us to come to Him
because He is reaching out for us.
Remember that God loved you so
much that He sent His only Son to
the world to save us. It is the
greatest love that anyone can have
for us. It is the greatest message of
all times. This is why we celebrate
as Christians.
John 3:16 (NKJV)
“For God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have
everlasting life.”
The Millard Jr.
Beta Members
Help The
“Backpacks for Students” has
been a great success for needy
children to take a bag of food home
for the weekend. It is a rewarding
and wonderful program!
This program is sponsored by
local churches and other area
businesses. The food substances are
such items as cereal, crackers
(nabs), Ramen noodles, Vienna,
instant oatmeal packets, fruits
(apples & bananas),pudding, fruit
cups, cups of apple sauce, chips,
packets of hot chocolate, fruit
Continued on page 13
Issue 16
The Millard Jr.
Beta Members
Help The Backpack
Continued from page 12
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
home. A huge boulder of coal sat
between the sign and a miniature
structure of a church and marble
statue of Jesus. Riley let out a deep
sigh, as he sat there waiting for the
light to change. For how long a
coal miner’s home, he wondered.
A pink slip burned a hole in his
pocket. How in the world was he
Page 13
(606) 831-4343
Left to Right: 8th Graders: Jacob Daniels, John David
Maggard, Devin Keene, Megan Bannerman, Alyssa Coleman,
Luke Sanders, and Roxanne Justice .
drinks, and cans of food products
that do not have to be heated. The
idea behind the program is to give
those students something to eat that
they can fix for themselves.
going to tell Marie? What were
they going to do? He looked back
to the statue of Jesus, and bowed
his head to pray.
“God, I’m sorry that I seem to be
The Millard Jr. Beta members put forgetting you in my time of
the back packs together every
trouble, but this trouble is about to
Friday and deliver the bags to each overwhelm me. I know that I need
classroom teacher so the students
to try to remember all the things
will have the food over the
which I do have in this world, and
weekend. Each week, Beta
to be thankful. Please, please give
members have the opportunity to
me strength to do that very thing,
participate in this program and it
and please give strength to all the
shows in their sense of pride in
other miners like me. It’s going to
helping other. They enjoy putting
be a long haul. Pray we weather the
the food together. The number of
storm. Amen.”
students participating in the
program is growing. The need for
He looked up. The light changed,
this program is great. If you have
and he pulled out, passing several
any questions please contact Sheila small businesses. Most had been
there since he had been a boy.
Some had changed hands, while
Anyone interested in helping us
others were now in the threat of
get more food substances for our
foreclosure as one mine after
kids call 432-3380.
another shut down. It wrenched his
gut, and sent a home sick feeling
The Millard Jr. Beta Co-sponsors deep inside him. He passed the
Carolyn Allen and Scott Daniels
local high school and elementary,
oversee this program.
and thought of his kids inside. He
let out another deep sigh.
make it. As long as we have each
other, and the kids, that’s the main
trailed after Drew as he took one
last bite of cornbread, and started
gathering up his gear.
“And what about a roof over our
heads?” he laughed roughly with
very little humor.
Drew gave them both a quick hug,
and then pounded out the door.
They watched him pull out of the
Marie shook his arm, and made
him look at her. “Hey, our
grandparents lived through the
depression. Remember all the
stories they told us? I’d like to
think we’re tough, too, and that we
have a little grit. They had faith,
and they never quit. It was hard,
terribly hard for them. I won’t
white wash it, but we’ve got to
believe in God, and hold on, hold
on tightly. You hear me?”
“Time enough for all the bad
news, tomorrow.” Marie placed an
arm around Riley’s waist, as she
leaned into him.
He hugged her tightly. “Yes, I
suppose so.”
The next morning Riley sipped his
coffee, dreading the talk he was
going to have with his son after
breakfast. He could smell the
Riley tried to smile back. “Yeah, I wonderful aroma of frying bacon,
hear you. And here, all along, I was and biscuits and gravy, but truth be
worrying about you falling apart.” told, he didn’t have much stomach
“I’ve still got you, don’t I?” she
for anything this morning. Through
smiled shakily, and hugged him to the screen door he thought he heard
her. “You’re the glue that holds me a noise coming from outside. He
together. Remember that.”
stepped onto the front porch.
Drew was getting into his mom’s
He kissed the top of her head. “I
old Chevy car.
Riley pulled onto Pine Hollow
love you, Marie.”
Road, two miles outside of town,
“What are you doing, son? Where
and drove another half mile, till he
At the dinner table that evening,
are you going? Breakfast is almost
The Elkhorn City Area is filled
ran out of pavement, and hit gravel, their teenage son, Drew hurriedly
with talent, from musicians, to
chomped down on his food,
artisans, to writers and poets. For then his drive. His place was the
last. He drove up to the wood trim unaware.
Drew smiled over the hood of the
your reading enjoyment we
“I’m heading out to work. I got
proudly present the following from
at the new Carson’s Hardware
some of that local talent.
turned the engine off. It wasn’t long Teddy and I, and some of the guys store over in Stiles.”
before his beautiful Marie stepped were going to take the 4 wheelers
through the backdoor. When she
over into the Island and ride
Riley frowned. “Since when?”
saw him, she smiled weakly, and
through the mountains on the Spike then he looked to the garage and his
moved through the yard to meet
trail, and see who’s the best.” He
truck. “Where’s your 4 wheeler?”
him at the car.
laughed, “Well, we know who that Drew shrugged sheepishly, and
By: Pamelia Cantrell Cavins
is, don’t we? But got to prove it to walked over to his dad with hands
“I heard the news. Tara called
some more guys, I guess.”
in jean pockets.
Fading street lights flashed across
when Mickey got home. I was
the windshield of the car as dawn
getting worried about you.” She
“Son, we need to talk. I…” Riley
“I sold it, Dad. I gave mom the
slowly approached. The sun’s
while you were still
orange glow peeped above the
him with each word, but Marie
sleeping last night. I heard what
mountain rim in the distance. Riley perfumed arms around him as he
took the next exit off the freeway, stepped out. “We’ll make it. We’ll stopped him with a look, and slight happened when we stopped at the
shake of her head. Half-heartedly, Mini Mart before we ever went
and descended the curving incline, be all right, hon.”
he smiled, and pulled keys out as
over to the Island. Giles, one of the
then passed through a long stretch
town deputies, has wanted to buy
of road to an intersection. A large
fresh fragrance of her hair. “I’m
out. “Never mind. Just have fun.”
the 4 wheeler for a while now. I
sign in a lush patch of green read,
still trying to figure it out.”
Drew whooped.
went over and talked to him, and
Welcome to Grayson, town of
football, hot dogs, tall corn, fishing
Continued on page 14
“God will show us a way. We’ll
“And please be careful.” Marie
and hunting, and a coal miner’s
Local Talent
Weathering the
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Cook’s Corner
Page 14
Advertise with the Elkhorn City
Area Observer
Southern Fried Squirrel
By Robert Kiser
Get your Ad seen by the people most likely to shop locally.
Ingredients Needed:
1 young squirrel, cut into serving
1/4 cup flour
Our Rates:
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2x5 Inch Ad = $25
2x10 Inch Ad = $50
5x5 Inch Ad = $50
10x10 Inch Ad = $100
Full Page Ad = $150
Full Page Ads and the 10x10 Ads are limited, due to space
Page 3 Ads are on a first come basis
Your artwork or ours
You leave the wording to us, or write your own
If you need a picture, our photographer can take it for you
There is no extra cost for ad work we do for you
Place flour, salt and pepper in a brown paper bag.
Drop 2 pieces of squirrel into the bag at a time and shake to coat the
After all the squirrel pieces have been coated, place in hot cooking oil
that should be 1/2 inch deep in a heavy skillet.
Brown meat on all sides, then reduce heat and cook meat for 20 to 30
culinary masterpiece ,a place where
we also bought; baseball cards, GI
Joe parachute men, rubber band
wooden air planes, sugar babies,
wax pop bottles, lemon head
candy , and glass playing marbles.
like the time of our youth that is
“Yes, what a fine man; just like
now forever gone . I glanced back
his daddy.” Said Marie quietly,
one last time at the buildings
“We’ll pray, and keep faith, and
victimized by age and vandalism
hold on. That’s what we will do.
standing in a lonely time worm of
Continued from page 13 There have been rough times
graffiti and shattered glass. For a
before, and there will be rough
brief moment in a decaying
sold it.”
times after, but we will make it.”
While peering through the dusty
carbuncle, we seem to have
glass windows looking down a
resurrected at least in part of
Riley’s heart filled, and so did his “Pray Jesus watch over us and
dark, dank , empty hallway of the
illusory a timeless architecture in
eyes, though he tried to hide it.
give us strength, and show us the
elementary building, I Imagined the history, a place that was clearly and
way.” They squeezed each other’s soundless echoes of children
impressionable and important time
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
hands and prayed, “Together, God, talking and their unconstrained
in our lives, now existing mainly in
we’ll weather the storm. Amen.”
laughter. Remembering one of my the archives our most fondest and
“Yes, we both know I should
favorite teacher's Ms. Jettie , who
cherished memories of the "Old
have. How could I ride it anyway,
had the sweetest most infectious
Elkhorn School ".
Dad, knowing you got laid off at
smile ever.
work? I’d feel like a real heel. I’m
By Deborah Tackett Taylor
not so childish or selfish as I used
Next, we strolled down the broken
to be.”
sidewalk near the band prefab room
A few short years ago, my
where we recalled the honks and
Have a submission for the
“No,” Riley placed a hand on one husband and I decided to take our
toots of flutes and other horns
granddaughter, Zoe on a tour of the along with the beating drums
of his slim, muscled shoulders,
“You’re suddenly all grown up on place where we attended school at during the crazy daze of "Proud
You can submit stories, articles,
the Elkhorn City Elementary and
me. You’re a man. And when did
Mary" often performed at the high
notifications, announcements,
High school . We were planning to school's football games.
you get the job?”
for inclusion in the next issue
do a video/documentary of the
of the Observer.
buildings and grounds and share a
“Funny about that, too,” Drew
Looking into one of the shards of
few fun childhood memories . We broken glass , I suddenly noticed
smiled, “One of Teddy’s friends
All submissions and
parked in the back near the
works there. He told me about an
my own aging reflection gazing
are welcome and
sidewalks that once led into the
back at me ,somehow looking for
school's lunch room . With video
the little girl that’s reimprisoned
camera in hand the three of us set
All Riley could do was nod his
still searching for lost companions
Currently there are four (4) ways
out on foot to comb the abandoned and lost dreams . Upon completion
head, and look at the ground, all
to reach us;
grounds (that was before the no
choked up.
of our video, Zoe and I walked
trespassing sign and new apartment hand in hand like childhood class
Facebook: (Elkhorn City Area
Drew suddenly gave him a huge
mates through the tall weeds that
bear hug. “I love you, Dad. Don’t
was the school yard play ground.
As we walked by the lunch room , Once filled with swing’s, monkey
worry. Things will get better.”
my mental capacities only
Then he let go, and turned away
bars, and a merry go round . A
quickly. “I’ve got to go. Don’t want recollected the food aromas of
place where many lifetime
to be late on my first day.”
friendships were formed and
muffins, or Friday's hot dog days . bonded such as our own. Apart
My husband added to the memory from the old worn out chalk board
“Be careful.” Riley was barely
of the cost of a pint of milk back in eraser, we found and kept for a
able to voice, and with a wave,
Regular Mail:
then . Looking across to the side of souvenir, we left with our selves
watched him drive off.
City Area Observer
the hill where T'O Merits Store
the simple artifacts of the era . As I
Box 516
used to be and wishing I had a
He felt Marie come up behind
slowly drove away, I watched in
KY 41522
dollar for every cherry coke and
him. He reached for one of her
my rearview mirror the orange and
succulent hamburger grilled that
hands and clasped it to his chest.
red autumn leaves that were
All submissions must contain authors
was grilled to perfection during
“You were right. God has blessed
swirling behind us, blowing
name, however you may remain
us plenty. What a fine boy he gave lunch hour. At T'O classic chili
aimlessly and effortlessly in the
anonymous, just be sure to tell us that
burger was in my observance a
you want your name withheld.
wind then fading from our view
Weathering the
The Old School
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 15
NEW House For Sale
Brand New Build
435 E Russell Street, Elkhorn City
3 Bedrooms
 2 Baths
 2 Walk In Closets
 Laundry Room
 Hot Water Heater
located in a Separate
 Maple Kitchen
 Appliances Included
(including a Dishwasher)
 Hardwood Floor and
 Double Hung Windows
 1200 Square Feet
Asking $100,000
Brand New 2 Story Home with Carport
Vinyl Siding
Carrier Heat Pump with a 10 Year Warranty
Contact: Stephen Sanders 794-2368
Elkhorn Ambulance Service
(EAS) Temporarily Suspended
EAS has spent the past nine
months attempting to reorganize
through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy
case which remains active at this
time. Despite EAS’s efforts to
recover from the financial
difficulties brought on by events
occurring during the tenure of our
“Elkhorn Ambulance Service
(EAS) has temporarily suspended
former director, current financial
operations effective March 29,
conditions have necessitated at least
2014. During the past year, the
a temporary suspension of
Kentucky State Police has
operations. EAS has sought to serve
uncovered substantial misconduct the best interests of the people in
on the part of former EAS director our service area, as well as our hard
Mary Morton, including forgery
working and dedicated employees
and theft from EAS, that has
and we sincerely apologize for the
hardships that this suspension of
resulted in her indictment in Pike
Circuit Court. The case against Ms. operations places on our
Morton is ongoing, and EAS will
employees, as well as the people in
have no further comment as the
our service areas.
case remains pending.
Any further questions regarding
The following is from a prepared
written statement given to us on
behalf of the Elkhorn Ambulance
Service (EAS) and prepared by
their attorney, Noah R. Friend.
EAS can be directed to Noah
Friend, bankruptcy counsel for
EAS at (606) 437-2217 or email at”
Issue 16
Elkhorn City Area Observer - April 2014
Page 16