A2 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks - Gamewell-FCI
A2 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks - Gamewell-FCI
E3 Series® and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide Document 9021-60764 03/23/2016 P/N 9021-60764:A2 Rev: A2 Fire Alarm & Emergency Communication System Limitations While a life safety system may lower insurance rates, it is not a substitute for life and property insurance! An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, and a fire alarm control panel (FACP) with remote notification capability—can provide early warning of a developing fire. Such a system, however, does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire. An emergency communication system—typically made up of an automatic fire alarm system (as described above) and a life safety communication system that may include an autonomous control unit (ACU), local operating console (LOC), voice communication, and other various interoperable communication methods—can broadcast a mass notification message. Such a system, however, does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire or life safety event. The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detectors be located throughout a protected premises following the recommendations of the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72 (NFPA 72), manufacturer's recommendations, State and local codes, and the recommendations contained in the Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no charge to all installing dealers. This document can be found at http:// www.systemsensor.com/appguides/. A study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (an agency of the United States government) indicated that smoke detectors may not go off in as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system may not provide timely or adequate warning, or simply may not function, for a variety of reasons: Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. A second-floor detector, for example, may not sense a first-floor or basement fire. Particles of combustion or “smoke” from a developing fire may not reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because: • Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, chimneys, even wet or humid areas may inhibit particle or smoke flow. • Smoke particles may become “cold,” stratify, and not reach the ceiling or upper walls where detectors are located. • Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air outlets, such as air conditioning vents. • Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching the detector. The amount of “smoke” present may be insufficient to alarm smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at various levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not created by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the detectors will not go into alarm. Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limitations. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing chambers tend to detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, which have little visible smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type sensing chambers tend to detect fast-flaming fires better than smoldering fires. Because fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, neither type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detector may not provide adequate warning of a fire. Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warning of fires caused by arson, children playing with matches (especially in bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent explosions 2 (caused by escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, etc.). Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm only when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined rate or reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this reason, the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once per year by a qualified fire protection specialist. Heat detectors are designed to protect property, not life. IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room as the control panel and in rooms used by the system for the connection of alarm transmission wiring, communications, signaling, and/or power. If detectors are not so located, a developing fire may damage the alarm system, compromising its ability to report a fire. Audible warning devices such as bells, horns, strobes, speakers and displays may not alert people if these devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or are located on another floor of a building. Any warning device may fail to alert people with a disability or those who have recently consumed drugs, alcohol, or medication. Please note that: • An emergency communication system may take priority over a fire alarm system in the event of a life safety emergency. • Voice messaging systems must be designed to meet intelligibility requirements as defined by NFPA, local codes, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). • Language and instructional requirements must be clearly disseminated on any local displays. • Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in people with conditions such as epilepsy. • Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear a fire alarm signal, do not respond to or comprehend the meaning of the signal. Audible devices, such as horns and bells, can have different tonal patterns and frequencies. It is the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and other training exercises to make people aware of fire alarm signals and instruct them on the proper reaction to alarm signals. • In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. A life safety system will not operate without any electrical power. If AC power fails, the system will operate from standby batteries only for a specified time and only if the batteries have been properly maintained and replaced regularly. Equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible with the control panel. It is essential to use only equipment listed for service with your control panel. Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premises to a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily disabled. For added protection against telephone line failure, backup radio transmission systems are recommended. The most common cause of life safety system malfunction is inadequate maintenance. To keep the entire life safety system in excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer's recommendations, and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum, the requirements of NFPA 72 shall be followed. Environments with large amounts of dust, dirt, or high air velocity require more frequent maintenance. A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the local manufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be scheduled as required by National and/or local fire codes and should be performed by authorized professional life safety system installers only. Adequate written records of all inspections should be kept. Limit-D2-2016 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Installation Precautions Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability: WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all sources of power before servicing. Control unit and associated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or inserting cards, modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is energized. Do not attempt to install, service, or operate this unit until manuals are read and understood. CAUTION - System Re-acceptance Test after Software Changes: To ensure proper system operation, this product must be tested in accordance with NFPA 72 after any programming operation or change in site-specific software. Reacceptance testing is required after any change, addition or deletion of system components, or after any modification, repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. All components, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper system operation verified. This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (noncondensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F. Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indicating device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more than a 10% I.R. drop from the specified device voltage. Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to lightning induced transients. Although no system is completely immune from lightning transients and interference, proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended, due to an increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the Technical Services Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered. Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards. Failure to do so can damage circuits. Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, reaming, or punching of the enclosure. When possible, make all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifications, verify that they will not interfere with battery, transformer, or printed circuit board location. Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs. Overtightening may damage threads, resulting in reduced terminal contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal removal. This system contains static-sensitive components. Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before handling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies removed from the unit. Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and programming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment. FACP operation and reliability depend upon proper installation. Precau-D1-9-2005 FCC Warning WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which is designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when devices are operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense. Canadian Requirements This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du Canada. eVance™ is a trademark; and Acclimate®, FocalPoint®, Gamewell-FCI®, FAAST Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology®, Intelligent FAAST®, SmartScan®, SWIFT®, Velociti®, and E3 Series® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Chrome™ and Google™ are trademarks of Google Inc. ©2016 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 3 Software Downloads In order to supply the latest features and functionality in fire alarm and life safety technology to our customers, we make frequent upgrades to the embedded software in our products. To ensure that you are installing and programming the latest features, we strongly recommend that you download the most current version of software for each product prior to commissioning any system. Contact Technical Support with any questions about software and the appropriate version for a specific application. Documentation Feedback Your feedback helps us keep our documentation up-to-date and accurate. If you have any comments or suggestions about our online Help or printed manuals, you can email us. Please include the following information: •Product name and version number (if applicable) •Printed manual or online Help •Topic Title (for online Help) •Page number (for printed manual) •Brief description of content you think should be improved or corrected •Your suggestion for how to correct/improve documentation Send email messages to: FireSystems.TechPubs@honeywell.com Please note this email address is for documentation feedback only. If you have any technical issues, please contact Technical Services. 4 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Table of Contents Section 1: Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations .............................................................. 6 1.1: E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA1 Cabinet Ordering Information .............................................7 1.2: E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BA2 Cabinet Ordering Information ................................................8 1.3: E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-FLUSH-LCD Cabinet Ordering Information..................................9 1.4: E3 Remote Annunciator, E3BB-NGA-FLUSH Cabinet Ordering Information..........................................10 1.5: E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA with E3ID2-A Inner Door Cabinet Ordering Information...11 1.6: E3 Series Remote Annunciator, RAN-7100 Cabinet Ordering Information ...............................................12 1.7: KDU-Retrofit Cabinet Ordering Information ..............................................................................................13 Section 2: E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations .......................................................... 14 2.1: E3 Series B-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information.........................................................................................15 2.2: E3 Series “B” Size Cabinet Ordering Information ......................................................................................16 2.3: E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information ......................................................................................17 2.4: E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information ...................................................................18 2.5: E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet Ordering Information......................................................................................19 2.6: S3-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information .......................................................................................................20 Section 3: Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification Cabinet Configurations.......... 21 3.1: E3 Series ACU “C” Size Cabinet used for Combination Fire/MNS System (NGA Display) Ordering Information .........................................................................................................................................................22 3.2: E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet used for Combination Fire/MNS System (NGA Display) Ordering Information .........................................................................................................................................................23 Section 4: Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification LOC Configurations ............... 24 4.1: E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console Ordering Information ................................................................25 4.2: E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console Ordering Information........................................................26 Section 5: Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations .......................... 27 5.1: E3 Series INX CAB-B Cabinet Ordering Information................................................................................28 5.2: E3 Series INX CAB-C Cabinet Ordering Information................................................................................29 5.3: E3 Series INX CAB-D Cabinet Ordering Information................................................................................30 Section 6: E3 Series Classic Bulk Audio Cabinet Configurations ..................................... 31 6.1: E3 Series Classic, SBB-C4 Cabinet Ordering Information .........................................................................32 6.2: E3 Series Classic SBB-D4 Ordering Information .......................................................................................33 Section 7: Retrofit Kit Cabinets ............................................................................................. 34 7.1: IF600-Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information ...........................................................................................35 7.2: 600XL Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information..........................................................................................36 7.3: 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size Backbox Ordering Information ........................................................................37 7.4: 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size Backbox Ordering Information ........................................................................38 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 5 Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations Section 1: Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations 3 8¾ E3BB-BAA1 10 3 1 3 ¼ L C D E 3 1 0 L C D S L P E3BB-BA2 3 1 3 ¼ L C D E E3BB-FLUSH-LCD 1 0 3 L C D S L P 4½ 13¼ 15¼ 12 R P T -E E3BB-NGA-FLUSH 3 -U TP 10 4 1 /2 1 9 L C D - E 3 E3BB-BAA/E3ID-2 1 / 4 1 0 L C D - S L P /2 2 1 1 0 RAN-7100 5 1 /4 R A N 71 00 KD U KD U KDU Retrofit RA N71 0 6 RE TR O F IT BA CK BO X CO VE R 0 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA1 Cabinet Ordering Information Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations 1.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA1 Cabinet Ordering Information The E3BB-BAA1 model is a single module remote annunciator cabinet that houses any one of the following: • NGA • ASM-16 • Microphone Table 1.1.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the E3 Series Remote Annunciator E3BB-BAA1 cabinet. Figure 1.1.1 E3 Series Remote Figure 1.1.2 E3 Display Remote Annunciator with NGA Display Annunciator with ASM-16 Figure 1.1.3 shows the E3BB-BAA1 cabinet installation configuration. 3 8 3 /4 10 Figure 1.1.3 Qty Part Number E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BAA1 Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X Cabinets Dimensions: E3BB-BAA1 8 3/4”W x 10”H x 3”D Enclosure, black, “AA1” with key lock E3BB-RAA1 8 3/4”W x 10”H x 3”D Enclosure, red, “AA1” with key lock Shipped with 1 slot Inner Door Modules X 1100-0505 NGA NGA, Network Graphic Annunciator X RPT-E3-UTP Repeater Network Repeater, unshielded twisted pair 1100-0455 ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module 1100-0452 MIC INCC-MIC, Paging Microphone FSL-E3 Fiber module Single mode fiber module FML-E3 Fiber module Multi mode fiber module 90492 90492 Thumb lock Thumb quarter turn latch Optional Components E3-TRIMKIT-A1 Trim Ring Kit Table 1.1.1 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BAA1 Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 7 Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BA2 Cabinet Ordering Information 1.2 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BA2 Cabinet Ordering Information The E3BB-BA2 model is a single module remote annunciator cabinet that houses either the LCDE3 or the LCD-SLP. Table 1.2.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the E3 Series Remote Annunciator E3BB-BA2 cabinet. NOTE: In the E3BB-BA2 cabinet, you can install either the LCD-E3 or the LCD-SLP display. Figure 1.2.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator with LCD-E3 Display Figure 1.2.2 E3 Series Remote Annunciator with LCD-SLP Display Figure 1.2.3 shows the E3BB-BA2 cabinet installation configuration. 3 1 3 ¼ L C D E 3 1 0 L C D S L P Figure 1.2.3 Qty Part Number E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BA2 Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinets 1 Dimensions: E3BB-BA2 13 1/4”W x 10”H x 3”D Enclosure, black, “AA1” with key lock E3BB-RA2 13 1/4”W x 10”H x 3”D Enclosure, red, “AA1” with key lock Shipped with 1 slot Inner Door Modules X LCD-SLP Display LCD Touch screen display unit LCD-E3 Display LCD keypad display 90492 Thumb lock Thumb quarter turn latch Optional Components 90492 E3-TRIMKIT-A2 E3 TRIMKIT Trim Ring Kit Table 1.2.1 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BA2 Cabinet Ordering Information 8 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-FLUSH-LCD Cabinet Ordering Information Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations 1.3 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-FLUSH-LCD Cabinet Ordering Information The E3BB-FLUSH-LCD model is a single module flush remote annunciator cabinet that houses either the LCD-E3 or the LCD-SLP. Table 1.3.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the E3 Series Remote Annunciator E3BB-FLUSH-LCD cabinet. NOTE: In the E3BB-FLUSH-LCD cabinet, you can install the LCD-E3 or the LCD-SLP display. Figure 1.3.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator with LCD-E3 Display Figure 1.3.2 E3 Remote Annunciator with LCD-SLP Figure 1.3.3 shows the E3BB-FLUSH-LCD cabinet installation configuration. 3 13¼ LC Figure 1.3.3 Qty Part Number D- 10 E3 LC D- SL P E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-FLUSH-LCD Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet X Dimensions: E3BB-FLUSH-LCD 13 1/4”W x 10”H x 3”D Flush Enclosure, black, with key lock Modules X LCD-SLP Display LCD Touch screen display unit LCD-E3 Display LCD keypad display Optional Components Table 1.3.1 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-FLUSH-LCD Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 9 Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations E3 Remote Annunciator, E3BB-NGA-FLUSH Cabinet Ordering Information 1.4 E3 Remote Annunciator, E3BB-NGA-FLUSH Cabinet Ordering Information The E3BB-NGA-FLUSH model is a single module, flush remote annunciator cabinet that houses the NGA. Table 1.4.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the E3 Series Remote Annunciator E3BB-NGA-FLUSH. Figure 1.4.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator with LCD-E3 Display Figure 1.4.2 shows the E3BB-NGA-FLUSH cabinet configuration. /2 4 1 ” 1 3 1 /4 ” 15 ¼ ” 12” RP NG T -E A 3 -U TP 10” Figure 1.4.2 Qty Part Number E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-NGA-FLUSH Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet 1 Dimensions: E3BB-NGA-FLUSH 13 1/4”W x 10”H x 4 1/2”D Flush Enclosure, black, Modules X 1100-0505 NGA Annunciator Network graphic annunciator X RPT-E3-UTP Network repeater Network repeater, unshielded twisted-pair FSL-E3 Single mode Fiber loop module, Single mode FML-E3 Multi mode Fiber loop module, Multi mode Optional Components Table 1.4.1 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-NGA-FLUSH Cabinet Ordering Information 10 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA with E3ID2-A Inner Door Cabinet Ordering Information Basic E3 Series Remote 1.5 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, E3BB-BAA with E3ID2-A Inner Door Cabinet Ordering Information The E3BB-BAA with E3ID2-A Inner Door model is a double module, remote annunciator cabinet that is used for display and control. It houses the LCD-E3 or LCD-SLP and an ASM-16. Table 1.5.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the E3 Series Remote Annunciator E3BBBAA cabinet. . NOTE: In the E3BB-BAA-E3ID2-A cabinet, you can install either the LCD-E3 or LCD-SLP. Figure 1.5.2 E3 Series Remote Figure 1.5.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator with LCD-SLP Display and Annunciator with LCD-E3 Display and ASM-16 ASM-16 Figure 1.5.3 shows the E3BB-BAA with the E3ID2-A inner door cabinet configuration. /2 4 1 1 9 L C D -E 3 1 /4 L C D -S L P Figure 1.5.3 Qty Part Number 1 0 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BAA with E3ID2-A Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. 1 Cabinets Dimensions: E3BB-BAA 19”W x 10”H x 4 1/2”D LOC Enclosure, black E3BB-RAA 19”W x 10”H x 4 1/2”D LOC Enclosure, red E3ID2-A Modules X LCD-E3 LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP LCD Touch screen display 1100-0455 ASM-16 programmable switch module Optional Components 90492 Thumb latch Quarter turn thumb latch E3-TRIMIT-A Table 1.5.1 E3 Remote Annunciator E3BB-BAA with E3ID-2 Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 11 Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations E3 Series Remote Annunciator, RAN-7100 Cabinet Ordering Information 1.6 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, RAN-7100 Cabinet Ordering Information The RAN-7100 model is a double module, remote annunciator cabinet that is used for display and control. Figure 1.6.1 illustrates the remote serial annunciator, LCD display for the Gamewell RAN retrofit. This model is installed in the GWRAN2-BB backbox. Figure 1.6.1 E3 Series Remote Annunciator, RAN-7100 Display Panel Figure 1.6.2 shows the RAN-7100 cabinet installation configuration. ” 2 ½ 10 RA N71 0 0 5 ¼ ” Figure 1.6.2 Qty Part Number E3 Remote Annunciator RAN-7100 Cabinet Configuration Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinets Dimensions: 1 RAN-7100 10”W x 5 1/4”H x 2 1/2’D 1 GWRAN2-BB Remote Alpha-numeric display Backbox Module Optional Components Table 1.6.1 E3 Remote Annunciator RAN-7100 Cabinet Ordering Information 12 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 KDU-Retrofit Cabinet Ordering Information Basic E3 Series Remote Configurations 1.7 KDU-Retrofit Cabinet Ordering Information The KDU-Retrofit model is a single module retrofit cabinet that houses the LCD display for the Gamewell RAN, FCI KDU retrofits. Figure 1.7.1 illustrates the KDU-Retrofit cabinet configuration. 2 5/8" 18" 6" Figure 1.7.1 KDU-Retrofit Remote Annunciator Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Kit includes the following: 1 Cabinet Dimensions KDU-RETROFIT 18”W x 2.5/8”H x 6”D Includes the mounting plate for the existing remote KDU backbox. This Kit requires the following: 1 RAN-7100 Annunciator Remote serial annunciator, LCD display Optional Components Table 1.7.1 KDU Retrofit Remote Annunciator Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 13 Section 2: E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations LC D- IL IL I I - M B 95 -M -E 3 / BE3 E3 LC - AC POW E R ON POW E R FAULT ALARM ACKNOWLED GE E3BB-RBSLIM ME NU GROU ND FAULT TROUBLE ACKNOWLED GE SYSTE M TR OU BLE ALAR M SIGNAL SILENCE BACKSPA CE/ EDIT SUPERVIS O RY SL P PM P M -9 / -9 G SYSTEM RESET/ LAMP TEST OK/ ENTER LC KE D-E3 YP AD E3BB-BB “B” CAB D- SYSTE M SILENC ED AS M16 CABINET B ILI ILI9 -MB5-M E3/ B-E 3 DA CT -E3 RP T-E 3 PM PM -9/ -9G CA IN BIN NE E R TB DO , OR BA TTE RIE S DA CT -E LC KE D-E 3 YP AD AS M-1 3 RP T-E 3 IL ILI9 I-MB 5-M -E3 B-E / 3 6 PM BL E3BB-BC/INCC “C” CAB AN KP LA TE IL ILI9 I-S-E 5-S 3/ -E 3 BLA PLA N K TE -9/P M -9 G IL ILI9 I-S-E 5-S 3/ -E 3 BA DA NG A CT TT IL IL I9 I-M B 5 -M -E 3 BE3 -E 3 RP T -E ER CA IE S BI NE T C 3 P P M M -9 / -9 G - E3BB-BC/INCC “C” CAB AUDIO TE LE PH ON IN IEB O VG X AM -5 0 SE R IE S CA E X B IN E TE ND T C ER P A S E M -5 0 R IE S DA LC D IS D -E PL 3 AY AS M -1 C T- E3 RP PM 6 IL I- T -E LA TE 3 -9 /P M - -9 G S -E 3/ O R IL I95S -E AN X 3 IL I-S -E 3/ O R IL I9 5-S AN X -E 3 E3BB-BD/INCC “D” CAB IL I- D A C T -E 3 R P T-E 3-U T P S -E 3/ O R IL I9 5S- E AN X 3 ” 4½ 1 4 1 /8 " S L C -P M L C D -S L P S LC -P M /S L C 95-P M #1 S LC -P M /S L C 95-P M #2 S L P -E 3 S3 SLIM CAB 2 0 1 /8 " F L P S -7 14 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series B-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations 2.1 E3 Series B-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series B-Slim Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 2.1.1 illustrates the E3 Series, B-Slim Cabinet configuration. Table 2.1.1 lists the E3 Series, B-Slim cabinet ordering information. IL ILI I-MB 95 -E -M 3/ BE3 LC DE3 - AC POWE R ON POWE R FAULT GROU ND FAULT ALARM TROUBLE ACKNOWLED ACKNOWLED GE GE ME NU SUPERVIS SYSTE M ORY SILENC ED SYSTEM RESET/ LAMP TEST SIGNAL SILENCE BACKSPA CE/ EDIT SYSTE M TROU BLE ALAR M LC DSL P PM PM -9/ -9G OK/ ENTER Figure 2.1.1 E3 Series, B-Slim Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. Cabinet Dimensions: E3BB-RBSLIM 20 1/8”H x 14 1/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3BB-RBSLIM Enclosure, Red, Narrow ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI95-S-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display X 2 Batteries DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communiocation Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel 90516 7 A/H Seismic 7 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 90517 12 A/H Seismic 12 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 75687 Cable 20” Repeater Cable needed for RPT-E3-FO 75687-A Special Order Cable X Modules X Optional Components Table 2.1.1 E3 Series, B-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 15 E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations E3 Series “B” Size Cabinet Ordering Information 2.2 E3 Series “B” Size Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series “B” Size Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 2.2.1 illustrates the E3 Series, “B” Size cabinet configuration. Table 2.2.1 lists the E3 Series, “B” Size cabinet ordering information. LC KE D-E3 YP AD CA INN BIN ER ET DO B, OR AS M16 DA CT -E3 CABINET B ILI ILI9 -MB5-M E3/ B-E 3 RP T-E 3 PM PM -9/ -9G BA TT ER IES Figure 2.2.1 E3 Series “B” Size Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. X X Cabinet Dimensions: E3BB-BB 19 3/8”W X 19 3/8”H X 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Black, “B” Size E3BB-RB 19 3/8”W X 19 3/8”H X 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Red, “B” Size E3ID2-B Inner Door Inner Door, 2 Slot, “B” Size LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display Modules X X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board X 2-Batteries Maximum 18 AH Capacity Optional Components 1100-0450 Inner Door Blank Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of three Plates) 1100-0455 Switch Module ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module (max-1) DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel 90518 7 A/H Seismic 7 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 90520 18 A/H Seismic 18 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit E3-TRIMKIT-B E3 Cabinet B, Trim Rings Table 2.2.1 E3 Series “B” Cabinet Ordering Information 16 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations 2.3 E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 2.3.1 illustrates the E3 Series, “C” Size cabinet configuration. Table 2.3.1 lists the E3 Series, “C” Size cabinet ordering information. DA LC KE D-E3 YP AD AS M- CT -E3 RP T-E 3 16 PM -9/P BL AN K PL A TE BL A PL NK AT E CA IL ILI I-MB 95 -M -E3/ BE3 IL ILI I-S-E 95 -S 3/ -E 3 BI NE TC M-9 G IL IL I I-S-E 95 -S 3/ -E 3 BA TT ER IE S Figure 2.3.1 E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. X Cabinet Dimensions: E3BB-BC/INCC 30”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Black, “C” Size E3BB-RC/INCC 30”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Red, “C” Size X E3-ILI-CPLATE Used for FACP Intelligent Loop Module Mounting Plate X E3ID2-C Used for LCD-E3 Inner Door, 2 Slot, “C” Size E3ID3-C Used with NGA Inner Door, 3 Slot, “C” Size LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display Modules X X X X 1100-0505 NGA Network Graphic Annunciator PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Inteligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-2) ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI95-S-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-2) 2-Batteries Maximum 18 AH Capacity Optional Components E3-BP Inner Door Blank Plate Double Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of one Plate) 1100-0450 Inner Door Blank Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of three Plates) 1100-0455 Switch Module ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FLS-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel 90518 7 A/H Seismic 7 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 90520 18 A/H Seismic 18 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit E3-TRIMKIT-C E3 Cabinet C, Trim Rings Table 2.3.1 E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 17 E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information 2.4 E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series “C” Size Cabinet is used to house the components and amplifiers that support the E3 Series Fire and Voice Evacuation Systems. Figure 2.4.1 illustrates the E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size cabinet configuration. Table 2.4.1 lists the E3 Series Fire/Audio, “C” Size cabinet ordering information. IL IL I I- M B 95 -M -E 3 BDA E3 CT CA -E 3 NG RP A T -E BI NE T C 3 P P M M-9 -9 / G - TE LE PH ON IN EB O I- V G X AM -5 0 SE R IE S CA E X B IN E TE ND T C ER P AM S E -5 0 R IE S LA TE Figure 2.4.1 E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note 1: X represents required components. Note 2: If you use the AM-50 Plate, you must install a separate battery box to house the system batteries. Cabinet E3BB-BC/INCC E3-INCC-C PLATE E3ID2-C LCD-E3 LCD-SLP X 1100-0452 1100-0455 1100-0451 X ILI-MB-E3 ILI95-MB-E3 X PM-9 1100-1323 X 1100-1324 X AM-50-Plate 1100-0456 AM-50-70 Optional Components X X X X Dimensions: 30”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D Mounting Plate 2 Slots Door Display Display MIC ASM-16 INCC-TEL System Sensor Apollo Sensor Power Supply INI-VGX-FO INI-VGX-UTP AM-50 Extender Plate AM-50-25 70V Amp 90521 E3-TRIMKIT-C DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP FSL-E3 Line Filter DACT Networking Card Fiber Networking FML-E3 E3-BP 1100-0450 Fiber Networking Inner Door Blank Plate Inner Door Blank Plate Enclosure, Command Center Black, “C” Size Command Center Mounting Plate, “C” Size Inner Door, Command Center, 2 Slots “C” Size LCD Keypad Display LCD Touchscreen Display INCC-MIC, Paging Microphone Programmable Switch Module Command Center Firefighter Telephone Module Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board 9 Ampere Power Supply Transponder Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Transponder Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Wire Amplifier Extender Plate (Supports One AM-50) AM-50 Watt Amplifier (max-1) 70V 50 Watt amplifier (max-1) AC Line Filter Required with 70V Amplifier Trim Ring Kit Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair Wire Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber,1 Channel Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Double Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 1 Plate) Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) Table 2.4.1 E3 Series Fire/Audio “C” Size Cabinet Ordering Information 18 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet Ordering Information E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations 2.5 E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 2.5.1 illustrates the E3 Series, “D” Size cabinet configuration. Table 2.5.1 lists the E3 Series, “D” Size cabinet ordering information. DA C E 3 TRP Y T -E 3 PM P M - 9/ -9 G LC D I D -E3 SP LA IL ILI9 I- S - E 3 5 S E -S -E , O R R IE 3 AN S X IL IL I I- S - E 9 3 S E 5- S- E , O R R IE S 3 AN X IL I LI I- S - E 95 3 S E - S- E , O R RIE S 3 AN X Figure 2.5.1 E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. X Cabinet Dimensions: E3BB-BD/INCC 41”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Black, “D” Size E3BB-RD/INCC 41”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3 Enclosure, Red, “D” Size X E3-INCC-D PLATE Back Plate used for FACP or Command Center X E3ID2-D Used for LCD-E3 Inner Door, 2 Slot, “D” Size E3ID3-D Used with NGA Inner Door, 3 Slot, “D” Size LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display Modules X 1100-0505 NGA Network Graphic Annunciator X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Inteligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-6) X ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI95-S-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-6) 2-Batteries Maximum 18 AH Capacity Optional Components E3-BP Inner Door Blank Plate Double Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 1 Plate) 1100-0450 Inner Door Blank Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) 1100-0455 Switch Module ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber,1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber,1 Channel 90518 7 A/H Seismic 7 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 90520 18 A/H Seismic E3-TRIMKIT-D 18 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit E3 Cabinet D, Trim Rings Table 2.5.1 E3 Series “D” Size Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 19 E3/S3 Series FACP Panel Configurations S3-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information 2.6 S3-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information The S3-Slim Cabinet is used to house the modules that support the S3 Series Small Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel System. Figure 2.6.1 illustrates the S3-Slim cabinet configuration. Table 2.6.1 lists the components that can be ordered for the S3 Slim cabinet. DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP ” 4½ 14 1/8" SLC-PM LCD-SLP SLC-PM/SLC95-PM #1 SLC-PM/SLC95-PM #2 SLP-E3 20 1/8" FLPS-7 Figure 2.6.1 S3 Slim Cabinet Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X X X Cabinets Dimensions: SLP-BLK 14 1/8”W x 20 1/8”H x 4 1/2”D Smart Loop Panel Addressable FACP in black enclosure. SLP-RED 14 1/8”W x 20 1/8”H x 4 1/2”D Smart Loop Panel Addressable FACP in red enclosure. SLC-PM System Sensor SLC module Velociti SLC loop 318 devices. Requires 1 or 2 devices used for SLC loops. SLC95-PM Apollo SLC module Apollo SLC loop 126 devices. Requires 1 or 2 devices used for SLC loops. LCD-SLP S3 Main Display LCD Touch screen display unit (shipped with SLP-BLK). FLPS-7-RB 7 amp Power Supply Power Supply unit (shipped with SLP-BLK) 2 Batteries 12 A/H Batteries Optional Components DACT-E3 Dialer Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network repeater, unshielded twisted-pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 channel Table 2.6.1 S3-Slim Cabinet Ordering Information 20 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Section 3: Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification Cabinet Configurations IL ILI I-MB 95 -M -E3 BE3 DA CT -E3 RP T-E 3 NG A E3BB-BC/INCC “C” CAB COMBINATION FIRE/ACU CA BI NE T C P PM M-9 -9 / G - TE LE PH ON EB OX INIVG SE RIE S AM -50 CAB EX INE TE ND T C ER PL AT A E S M-5 ER 0 IES DA C TE3 RP N G A TE3 PM-9 / PM E3BB-BD/INCC “D” CAB COMBINATION FIRE/ACU -9G IN S E I- V G RI E S IL I- E S E 3, I L RI I E 95 AN S O E3 R X T EL BO EP HO X NE IL I- E S E 3, I L R IE I 9 S AN E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 X 5O R E3 21 Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification Cabinet Configurations E3 Series ACU “C” Size Cabinet used for Combination 3.1 E3 Series ACU “C” Size Cabinet used for Combination Fire/MNS System (NGA Display) Ordering Information The E3 Series ACU “C” Size Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Combined Fire/Mass Notification System. Figure 3.1.1 illustrates the E3 Series ACU “C” Size cabinet configuration. Table 3.1.1 lists the E3 Series ACU “C” Size cabinet ordering information. IL IL I I-M B 95 -M - E 3 BDA E3 CT E3 NG A RP T -E CA BI NE T C 3 P PM M-9 -9 / G - TE LE PH ON IN IEB OX AM -5 0 VG SE R IE S CA E X B IN E TE ND T C ER P AM S E -5 0 R IE S LA TE Figure 3.1.1 E3 Series ACU “C” Size Configuration List Price Qty Part Number Model Number Description Note 1: X represents the required components. Note 2: If you use the AM-50 Plate, you must install a separate battery box to house the system batteries. Cabinet E3BB-BC/INCC E3-INCC-C PLATE E3ID3-C Modules X 1100-0505 X 1100-0452 X 1100-0455 1100-0451 X ILI-MB-E3 ILI95-MB-E3 X PM-9 1100-1321 1100-1322 1100-1323 1100-1324 1100-1325 1100-1326 Optional Components AM-50-Plate 1100-0456 AM-50-70 90521 90492 E3-TRIMKIT-C DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP FSL-E3 FML-E3 E3-BP 1100-0450 X X X Dimensions: 30”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D Mounting Plate 3 Slots Door Enclosure, Command Center Black, “C” Size Command Center Mounting Plate, “C” Size Inner Door, Command Center, 3 Slots “C” Size NGA MIC ASM-16 INCC-TEL System Sensor Apollo Sensor Power Supply INI-VGC-FO INI-VGC-UTP INI-VGX-FO INI-VGX-UTP INI-VGE-FO INI-VGE-UTP NGA, Network Graphic Annunciator INCC-MIC, Paging Microphone Programmable Switch Module Command Center Firefighter Telephone Module Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-2) 9 Ampere Power Supply Command Center Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Command Center Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Transponder Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Transponder Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Wire Classic Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Classic Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Wire AM-50 Extender Plate (See Note 2) AM-50-25 70V Amp Line Filter Thumb Lock Amplifier Extender Plate (Supports One AM-50) AM-50 Watt Amplifier (max-1) 70V 50 Watt amplifier (max-1) AC Line Filter Required with 70V Amplifier Thumb Quarter Turn Latch Trim Ring Kit Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Double Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 1 Plate) Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) DACT Networking Card Fiber Networking Fiber Networking Inner Door Blank Plate Inner Door Blank Plate Table 3.1.1 E3 Series ACU “C” Size Cabinet for Combination Fire/MNS System Ordering Information 22 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet used for Combination Fire/MNS System (NGA Display) Ordering Information Basic E3 Series 3.2 E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet used for Combination Fire/MNS System (NGA Display) Ordering Information The E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Combined Fire/Mass Notification System. Figure 3.2.1 illustrates the E3 Series ACU “D” Size cabinet configuration. Table 3.2.1 lists the E3 Series ACU “C” Size cabinet ordering information. DA C T- N G A E3 RP T- E3 PM9/ P M -9 G IN S E I- V G RI E S IL I- E S E 3, I L I RI E 95 AN S O E3 R X TE BO LE P HO X NE IL I -E S E 3, I L R IE I 9 5 AN S O R E3 X Figure 3.2.1 E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet E3BB-BD/INCC E3-INCC-D PLATE E3ID3-D Modules X 1100-0505 X 1100-0452 X 1100-0455 1100-0451 X ILI-MB-E3 ILI-S-E3 ILI95-MB-E3 ILI95-S-E3 X PM-9 1100-1321 1100-1322 1100-1323 1100-1324 1100-1325 1100-1326 Optional Components 1100-0456 AM-50-70 90521 90492 E3-TRIMKIT-C DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP FSL-E3 FML-E3 E3-BP 1100-0450 X X X Dimensions: 41”H x 19 3/8”W x 4 1/2”D Mounting Plate 3 Slots Door Enclosure, Command Center Black, “D” Size Command Center Mounting Plate, “D” Size Inner Door, Command Center, 3 Slots “D” Size NGA MIC ASM-16 INCC-TEL Loop Interface Loop Interface Loop Interface Loop Interface Power Supply INI-VGC-FO INI-VGC-UTP INI-VGX-FO INI-VGX-UTP INI-VGE-FO INI-VGE-UTP NGA, Network Graphic Annunciator INCC-MIC, Paging Microphone Programmable Switch Module Command Center Firefighter Telephone Module Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board XP95 Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental XP95 9 Ampere Power Supply Command Center Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Command Center Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Transponder Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Transponder Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Wire Classic Voice Gateway Fiber-Optic Classic Voice Gateway Twisted-Pair Wire AM-50-25 70V Amp Line Filter Thumb Lock AM-50 Watt Amplifier (max-1) 70V 50 Watt amplifier (max-1) AC Line Filter Required with 70V Amplifier Thumb Quarter Turn Latch Trim Ring Kit Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Network Repeater Twisted-Pair Wire Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Double Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 1 Plate) Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) DACT Networking Card Fiber Networking Fiber Networking Inner Door Blank Plate Inner Door Blank Plate List Price Table 3.2.1 E3 Series ACU “D” Size Cabinet Combination Fire/MNS System E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 23 Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification LOC Configurations Section 4: Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification LOC Configurations IN I LOC -V G SE RI ES N GA LOC-TEL 24 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console Ordering Information Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification LOC 4.1 E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console Ordering Information The E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console is used to house the components that support the remote audio modules of the E3 Series Combined Fire/Mass Notification System. Figure 4.1.1 illustrates the E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console cabinet configuration. Table 4.1.1 lists the E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console ordering information. IN I -V G SE RI ES N GA Figure 4.1.1 E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet Dimensions: X E3BB-BAA 19 1/4”W x 10”H x 4 1/4” D Enclosure, Black, “AA” Size Cabinet X E3ID3-A 3 Slots Door Inner Door, 3 Slots Modules X 1100-1321 Voice Gateway INI-VGC, Voice Gateway X 1100-0452 MIC INCC-MIC, Paging Microphone X 1100-0455 ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module X 1100-04-5 NGA NGA, Network Graphic Annunciator LOC Lock-out Addressable Output Supervised Relay Optional Components AOM-2SF 90492 Thumb Quarter Turn Latch E3-TRIMKIT-A Trim Ring Kit Table 4.1.1 E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 25 Basic E3 Series In-Building Mass Notification LOC Configurations E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console Ordering 4.2 E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console Ordering Information The E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console is used to house the components that support the remote audio modules of the E3 Series Combined Fire/Mass Notification System. Figure 4.2.1 illustrates the E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console configuration. Table 4.2.1 lists the E3 Series LOC Local Operating Console ordering information Figure 4.2.1 E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet X E3BB-BAA X E3ID2-TA X 90510 Modules X 1100-0451 X 1100-0455 X AOM-TELF X 1N4006 Optional Components 90492 E3-TRIMKIT-A Dimensions: 19 1/4“ x 10”H x 4 1 /2”D 2 Slots Door AOM-TEL PLATE Enclosure, Black, “AA” Size Cabinet Inner Door, 2 Slots for INCC-Tel KIT, AOM-TEL Plate, E3 INCC-TEL ASM-16 Monitor Module Blocking Diode Firefighter Telephone Module Programmable Switch Module Telephone Monitor Module Thumb Lock Thumb Quarter Turn Latch Trim Ring Kit Table 4.2.1 E3 Series LOC-TEL Local Operating Console Ordering Information 26 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations Section 5: Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations INXCAB-B CA BI NE TB INI -VG X AM SE -50 RI ES INX-Transponder CAB-B AM SE -50 RI ES BA TT ER IES DA CT -E3 RP T-E 3 IN SE I-VG RIE S INX-Transponder CAB-C AM SE -50 RIE S AM SE -50 RIE S INX D CABINET, E3-INX-D PLATE DA CT -E3 RP T-E 3 BA TT ER IES IL ILI9 I-MB-E 5-M 3/ B-E 3 PM -9/P M-9 G INISE VG RIE S INX-Transponder CAB-D AM SE -50 RIE S AM SE -50 RIE S BA TT ER IES E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 27 Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations E3 Series INX CAB-B Cabinet Ordering Information 5.1 E3 Series INX CAB-B Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series INX CAB-B cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Voice Evacuation and the Combined Fire/Mass Notification Systems. Figure 5.1.1 illustrates the E3 Series INX CAB-B cabinet configuration. Table 5.1.1 lists the E3 Series INX CAB-B cabinet ordering information. IN X C A B -B CA IN I-V BI NE TB GX AM SE -5 0 R IE S A S E M -5 0 RI ES BA TT ER IE S Figure 5.1.1 E3 Series INX CAB-B Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X Cabinet Dimensions: INX CAB-B 19 3/8”W x 19 3/8”H x 4 1/2”D 1100-0460 Cabinet Enclosure, INX CAB-B, “B” Size Modules X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X 1100-1323 INI-VGX Voice Gateway NOTE: Only one type of 50 Watt amplifier may be connected to the INI-VGX (25V or 70V). 2 1100-0456 AM-50-25 25 Volt 50 Watt Amplifier AM-50-70 AM-50-70 70 Volt 50 Watt Amplifier AC Line Filter AC Line Filter, Required with 70V Amplifier 90518 7 A/H Seismic Kit E3 CAB-B 7 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 90519 12 A/H Seismic Kit E3 CAB-B 12 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit 18 A/H Seismic Kit E3 CAB-B 18 A/H Seismic Battery Bracket Kit Batteries 18 A/H 90521 Optional Components E3-TRIMKIT-B 90520 Trim Ring Kit Table 5.1.1 E3 Series INX CAB-B Cabinet Ordering Information 28 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series INX CAB-C Cabinet Ordering Information Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations 5.2 E3 Series INX CAB-C Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series INX CAB-C cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Voice Evacuation and the Combined Fire/Mass Notification Systems. Figure 5.2.1 illustrates the E3 Series INX CAB-C cabinet configuration. Table 5.1.1 lists the E3 Series INX CAB-C cabinet ordering information. DA CT -E 3 RP T-E 3 IN SE I-VG RI ES AM SE -50 RIE S AM SE -50 RIE S BA TT ER IES Figure 5.2.1 E3 Series INX CAB-C Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X X X X X Cabinet INX CAB-C E3BB-BC/INX E3-INX-C Plate 90375 Modules PM-9 1100-1323 1100-0456 Dimensions: 19 3/8”W x 30”H x 4 1/2”D INX, Cabinet INX-C Plate PM-9 Adapter Plate Enclosure, Transponder, Black, “C” Size INX-C Mounting Plate PM-9 Adapter Plate Kit, Hardware, E3-INX Power Supply INI-VGX AM-50-25 9 Ampere Power Supply Voice Gateway 25 Volts 50 Watt Amplifier NOTE: Only one type of 50 Watt amplifier may be connected to the INI-VGX (25V or 70V). AM-50-70 90521 2 Batteries Optional Components ILI-MB-E3 ILI95-MB-E3 DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP FLS-E3 FML-E3 E3-TRIMKIT-C 90518 90519 90520 AM-50-70 AC Line Filter 70 Volt 50 Watt Amplifier AC Line Filter, Required with 70V Amplifier 2-18 AH SLC SLC DACT Networking Card Fiber Networking Fiber Networking Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board XP95 Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Trim Ring Kit E3 CAB-C 7 A/H Seismic Battery Kit E3 CAB-C 12 A/H Seismic Battery Kit E3 CAB-C 18 A/H Seismic Battery Kit 7 A/H Seismic Kit 12 A/H Seismic Kit 18 A/H Seismic Kit Table 5.2.1 E3 Series INX CAB-C Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 29 Basic E3 Series Audio Transponder Cabinet Configurations E3 Series INX CAB-D Cabinet Ordering Information 5.3 E3 Series INX CAB-D Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series INX CAB-D cabinet is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Voice Evacuation and the Combined Fire/Mass Notification Systems. Figure 5.3.1 illustrates the E3 Series INX CAB-D cabinet configuration. Table 5.3.1 lists the E3 Series INX CAB-D cabinet ordering information. INX D CABINET, E3-INX-D PLATE DA C T-E 3 RP T -E3 IL ILI9 I-MB5-M E3/ B-E 3 PM -9/P M-9 G INI S E - VG RIE S AM SE -50 RIE S AM SE -50 RIE S BA TT E RIE S Figure 5.3.1 E3 Series INX CAB-D Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X X X X Cabinet INX CAB-D E3BB-BD/INX E3-INX-D Plate Modules PM-9 1100-1323 1100-0456 Dimensions: 19 3/8”W x 41”H x 4 1/2”D INX, Cabinet INX-D Plate Enclosure, Transponder, Black, “D” Size INX-D Mounting Plate Power Supply INI-VGX AM-50-25 9 Ampere Power Supply Transponder Voice Gateway 25 Volts 50 Watt Amplifier NOTE: Only one type of 50 Watt amplifier may be connected to the INI-VGX (25V or 70V). AM-50-70 90521 2 Batteries Optional Components ILI-MB-E3 ILI95-MB-E3 DACT-E3 RPT-E3-UTP FSL-E3 FML-E3 E3-TRIMKIT-D 90518 90519 90520 AM-50-70 AC Line Filter 70 Volt 50 Watt Amplifier AC Line Filter, Required with 70V Amplifier 2-18 AH SLC Card XP95 SLC DACT Networking Card Fiber Networking Fiber Networking Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board XP95 Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair Fiber Network Module, Sing-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Trim Ring Kit E3 CAB-D 7 A/H Seismic Battery Kit E3 CAB-D 12 A/H Seismic Battery Kit E3 CAB-D 18 A/H Seismic Battery Kit 7 A/H Seismic Kit 12 A/H Seismic Kit 18 A/H Seismic Kit Table 5.3.1 E3 Series INX CAB -D Cabinet Ordering Information 30 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Section 6: E3 Series Classic Bulk Audio Cabinet Configurations S B B -C 4 A C T1 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-125 R-18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R- 125 R-18 Bulk Audio SBB-C4 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-18 R- 125 B a tte ry C h a rg e r F C I-L L B BATTERY BOX S B B -D 4 A C T1 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-125 R -18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-125 R -18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-18 R-125 Bulk Audio SBB-D4 A A- 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-18 R-125 B a tte ry C h arge r F C I-L L B BATTERY BO X E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 31 E3 Series Classic Bulk Audio Cabinet Configurations E3 Series Classic, SBB-C4 Cabinet Ordering Information 6.1 E3 Series Classic, SBB-C4 Cabinet Ordering Information The E3 Series Classic, SBB-C4 Cabinet houses the components that support the bulk audio amplifiers required for the E3 Series Fire and Voice Evacuation Systems. Figure 6.1.1 illustrates the E3 Series Classic SBB-C4 cabinet configuration. Table 6.1.1 lists the E3 Series Classic SBB-C4 cabinet ordering information. S B B -C 4 A C T1 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R -125 R-18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-125 R -18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R -18 R-125 B a tte ry C h a rg e r F C I-L L B BATTERY BOX Figure 6.1.1 E3 Series Classic, SBB-C4 Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X X Cabinet Dimensions: SBB-C4 24 W X 37 1/8 H X 5 1/8 D Backbox, Accepts 3 Chassis, Black FCI-DR-C4B Blank Door Blank Door, Lock & Keys, for 3 Chassis Backbox Modules AA-120 Bulk Audio Amplifier 120 W Amplifier 25 V RMS AA-100 Bulk Audio Amplifier 100 W Amplifier 70.7 VRMS X ACT-1 Audio Coupling Transformer (one required) X FCI-CHG-120 Battery Charger, 25-120 A/H Gel Cell X FCI-LBB Large Battery Box Optional Components MCH-6 MCH-6 6-Unit Mounting Chassis MMO-6SF Multi-Module Output, Relay Table 6.1.1 E3 Series Classic SBB-C4 Cabinet Ordering Information 32 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 E3 Series Classic SBB-D4 Ordering Information E3 Series Classic Bulk Audio Cabinet Configurations 6.2 E3 Series Classic SBB-D4 Ordering Information The E3 Series Classic, SBB-D4 Cabinet houses the components that support the bulk audio amplifiers required for the E3 Series Fire and Voice Evacuation Systems. Figure 6.2.1 illustrates the E3 Series Classic cabinet configuration. Table 6.2.1 lists the E3 Series Classic Bulk Audio cabinet ordering information. S B B -D 4 A C T1 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R - 125 R -18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R- 125 R -18 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R -18 R - 125 A A - 1 0 0/ A A 1 2 0 R-18 R - 125 B a tte ry C h a rg e r F C I-L L B BATTERY BOX Figure 6.2.1 E3 Series Classic, SBB-D4 Cabinet Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. X X Cabinet Dimensions: SBB-D4 24” W x 45 7/8” H x 5 1/8” D Cabinet Backbox, Accepts 4 Chassis, Black FCI-DR-D4B Blank Door Blank Door, Lock & Keys, for 4 Chassis Backbox Modules AA-120 Bulk Audio Amplifier 120 W Amplifier 25 V RMS AA-100 Bulk Audio Amplifier 100 W Amplifier 70.7 VRMS X ACT-1 Audio Coupling Transformer (one required) X FCI-CHG-120 Battery Charger, 25-120 A/H Gel Cell X FCI-LBB Large Battery Box Optional Components MCH-6 MCH-6 6-Unit Mounting Chassis MMO-6SF Multi-Module Output, Relay Table 6.2.1 E3 Series Classic SBB-D4 Cabinet Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 33 Section 7: Retrofit Kit Cabinets Retrofit Kit Cabinets DA CT -E 3 RP T-E 3 LC D-E 3 POW ER FAUL T AC POW ER ON ALARM ACKNOWL EDGE IF600 Retrofit ME NU GRO UND FAUL T TROUBLE ACKNOWL EDGE BACKSP ACE/ EDIT OU SYST EM TRO UBLE ALAR M SIGNAL SILENCE SUPERVI SORY SYST EM SILEN CED SYSTEM RESET/ LAMP TEST PM -9/P M9G OK/ ENTER 60 TE 0XL R D OO R 60 0X L R ET R IN NE OF IT R D DO LC O R IS P L D -E 6 00 600XL Retrofit XL AS RE M -1 TR 3 600 IL I DA AY OF IT 3 -B AY AS IN N ER DO OR 72 00 CA R B IN N E T R IN E T B ER OF , D O IT O A R SM -1 6 60 72 AD 00 C AB SU APT IN E E BT AS R P SE LA B, M B TE DA LY CT -E 3 RP T -E PM P M -9 / -9 G FCI 7200 “B” Retrofit IL I 72 00 R C O U ETR AB -C TE O R D F IT OO R LC D- E3 AS -S - 0X S -E 3 /I L L B A BO I9 5 - -E 3 -E 3 RP I9 5 CK SE T -E 3 - S -E 3 PL AT X RI ES E 72 00 C BA AB C K IN E BO T B , X E3 72 0 BA 0 CA CK B B O -C X CT -E 3 RP T FCI 7200 “C”Retrofit 34 CK -E 3 - / IL CT 3 M16 DA PM 72 00 CA R IN N E T R B IN ET OF ER D O IT OR BA IL I- M -1 6 AD FR F FO AS M -1 R B RON ONT 6 T P AT TE CO V LATE R IE E S ( R 12 A /H ) 00 CA R O U E T R B IN E T B TE O R D F IT , OO R XL PM P M -9 / -9 G 6 DE 72 IF6 00 BA -RET CK RO BO FIT X ILIMB -E 3/IL I95 -M BE3 -E 3 -9 / PM IL I9 IL 5 -S I-S E3 / OR E3 S A N E R IE X IL I IL I -S -S -E 3/ OR E3 S AN ERI X IL I -9 G S 95 ES IL I -S -S -E 3/ OR E3 S AN ERI ES X 95 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 IF600-Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information Retrofit Kit Cabinets 7.1 IF600-Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information The IF600-Retrofit backbox is used to house the components that support the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 7.1.1 illustrates the IF600-Retrofit backbox configuration. Table 7.1.1 lists the IF600-Retrofit backboxordering information. DA CT -E3 LC DE3 POW ER FAUL T AC POW ER ON ALARM ACKNOWL EDGE ME NU GRO UND FAUL T TROUBLE ACKNOWL EDGE SYST EM TRO UBLE ALAR M SIGNAL SILENCE BACKSP ACE/ EDIT SUPERVI SORY RP T-E 3 SYST EM SILEN CED SYSTEM RESET/ LAMP TEST ILI -M BE3 /IL I95 -M BE3 IF6 00 BA -RET CK RO BO FIT X PM -9/ PM -9G OK/ ENTER Figure 7.1.1 IF600 Retrofit Backbox Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. X Cabinet Dimensions: IF600-RETROFIT 20 1/8”H x 14 1/8”W x 4 1/2”D E3BB-RBSLIM Door, Red, Back Plate Modules ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) X ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) X ILI95-S-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communiocation Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Repeater Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair RPT-E3-FO Repeater Network Repeater, Fiber-Optic 75687 Cable 75687-A Special Order Cable 2 Batteries Optional Components Table 7.1.1 IF600 Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 35 Retrofit Kit Cabinets 600XL Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information 7.2 600XL Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information The 600XL Retrofit backbox is used to house the components that supports the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 7.2.1 illustrates the 600XL Retrofit backbox configuration. Table 7.2.1 lists the 600XL Retrofit backbox ordering information. OU 60 TE 0X L R D OO R 60 0X L R E IN T R O NE R F IT D D IS LC O O DR PL E3 600 XL AS RE M -1 TR XL IL I DA AY BA CK -E - 3 / IL CT OF IT 3 -B AY IN N ER DO AS OR M -1 6 AD FR F FO AS M -1 R B RON ONT 6 T P AT TE C O V LA TE R IE ER S( 12 A /H ) I L I- -E 3 60 0X S -E BO I9 5 - -E 3 RP PM P M -9 / -9 G 6 DE 600 3 /IL L B AC I9 5 T -E -S - X SE R IE S 3 E3 K P L AT E Figure 7.2.1 600XL Retrofit Backbox Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents required components. Cabinet Dimensions: X 600XL RETROFIT Gamewell IF 602XL, IF610XL, Includes Inner Door for the LCD-E3 and a Plate for IF632 Cabinet Retrofit Kit for three ASM-16s. E3 Series Upgrade Also includes a Dead Front Cover, Cabinet Mounting Plate for an E3 C-Size Plate. X E3-ILI-CPLATE Used for FACP Intelligent Loop Module Mounting Plate Modules X ILI95-MB-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI95-S-E3 Apollo Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display X PM-9 E3 Series Power Supply X 2 Batteries X 9 Ampere Power Supply Maximum 18 AH Capacity Optional Components 1100-0450 Inner Door Filler Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (pack of 3 plates) 1100-0455 ASM-16 ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communiocation Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel RAN-7100 Remote Serial Annunciator Installs on GWRAN2-BB Table 7.2.1 600XL Retrofit Backbox Ordering Information 36 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size Backbox Ordering Information Retrofit Kit Cabinets 7.3 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size Backbox Ordering Information The 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size backbox is used to house the components that upgrade the 7200 System to the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 7.3.1 illustrates the 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size backbox configuration. Table 7.3.1 lists the 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size backbox ordering information. 72 72 00 C RE ABI OU TR N E T TE O R D F IT B , OO R 00 C RE ABI IN N T R N E ER OF T B , D O IT OR A SM -1 6 72 AD 00 C A S U A P T B IN ER BET AS SE PLA B, M B TE DA LY CT -E 3 RP T -E PM P M -9 / -9 G IL I -S - 72 00 C BA AB C K IN E BO T B , X 3 E3 Figure 7.3.1 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size Backbox Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet Dimensions: X 7200-B-RETROFIT FCI 7200 B Size Backbox Retrofit Kit for E3 Series upgrade Includes Outer Door, Inner Door for LCD-E3 & ASM-16, Cabinet Mounting Plate for E3 C-Size Plate X E3-ILI-CPLATE Used for FACP Intelligent Loop Module Mounting Plate ILI-MB-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X 2 Batteries Modules X X Maxium 18 AH Capacity Optional Components 1100-0455 ASM-16 ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter RPT-E3-UTP Repeater Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel 1100-0450 Inner Door Blank Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) Table 7.3.1 7200 Retrofit Kit “B” Size Backbox Ordering Information E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 37 Retrofit Kit Cabinets 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size Backbox Ordering Information 7.4 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size Backbox Ordering Information The 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size backbox is used to house the components that upgrade the 7200 System to the E3 Series Fire Evacuation System. Figure 7.4.1 illustrates the 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size backbox configuration. Table 7.4.1 lists the 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size backbox ordering information. 72 0 RE 0 CA OU TR BC TE O R D F IT OO R LC D- E3 AS M- 72 0 BA 0 CA CK B B O -C X 16 DA CT -E 3 RP T -E PM IL I9 IL I9 00 CA R IN N E T R B IN ER O FI ET DO T OR IL I9 -9 /P IL 5 -S I- S E3 -E OR 3 S / A N E R IE X M- 9G S IL 5 -S I- S -E OR 72 3 -E 3 S 3/ A N E R IE X S IL 5 - S I- S -E -E 3 OR 3 S / A N E R IE X S Figure 7.4.1 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size Backbox Configuration Qty Part Number Model Number Description List Price Note: X represents the required components. Cabinet Dimensions: X 7200-C-RETROFIT FCI 7200-C-Size Backbox Retrofit Kit for E3 Series upgrade Includes Outer Door, Inner Door for LCD-E3 & ASM-16, Cabinet Mounting Plate for E3 D-Size Plate X E3-INCC-DPLATE Used for FACP Intelligent Loop Module Mounting Plate System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Mother Board (max-1) Modules X ILI-MB-E3 ILI-S-E3 System Sensor Intelligent Loop Interface, Supplemental (max-1) X LCD-E3 Display LCD Keypad Display LCD-SLP Display LCD Touchscreen Display X PM-9 Power Supply 9 Ampere Power Supply X 2 Batteries Maximum 18 AH Capacity Optional Components 1100-0455 ASM-16 ASM-16 Programmable Switch Module DACT-E3 DACT Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter 1100-0450 Inner Door Blank Plate Single Size Inner Door Blank Plate (Pack of 3 Plates) RPT-E3-UTP Networking Card Network Repeater, Unshielded Twisted-Pair FSL-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Single-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel FML-E3 Fiber Networking Fiber Network Module, Multi-Mode Fiber, 1 Channel Table 7.4.1 7200 Retrofit Kit “C” Size Backbox Ordering Information 38 E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 Manufacturer Warranties and Limitation of Liability Manufacturer Warranties. Subject to the limitations set forth herein, Manufacturer warrants that the Products manufactured by it in its Northford, Connecticut facility and sold by it to its authorized Distributors shall be free, under normal use and service, from defects in material and workmanship for a period of thirty six months (36) months from the date of manufacture (effective Jan. 1, 2009). The Products manufactured and sold by Manufacturer are date stamped at the time of production. Manufacturer does not warrant Products that are not manufactured by it in its Northford, Connecticut facility but assigns to its Distributor, to the extent possible, any warranty offered by the manufacturer of such product. This warranty shall be void if a Product is altered, serviced or repaired by anyone other than Manufacturer or its authorized Distributors. This warranty shall also be void if there is a failure to maintain the Products and the systems in which they operate in proper working conditions. MANUFACTURER MAKES NO FURTHER WARRANTIES, AND DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS, TRADEMARKS, PROGRAMS AND SERVICES RENDERED BY MANUFACTURER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, INFRINGEMENT, TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH WHICH MAY ARISE IN THE COURSE OF, OR AS A RESULT OF, PERSONAL, COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. This document constitutes the only warranty made by Manufacturer with respect to its products and replaces all previous warranties and is the only warranty made by Manufacturer. No increase or alteration, written or verbal, of the obligation of this warranty is authorized. Manufacturer does not represent that its products will prevent any loss by fire or otherwise. Warranty Claims. Manufacturer shall replace or repair, at Manufacturer's discretion, each part returned by its authorized Distributor and acknowledged by Manufacturer to be defective, provided that such part shall have been returned to Manufacturer with all charges prepaid and the authorized Distributor has completed Manufacturer's Return Material Authorization form. The replacement part shall come from Manufacturer's stock and may be new or refurbished. THE FOREGOING IS DISTRIBUTOR'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IN THE EVENT OF A WARRANTY CLAIM. Warn-HL-08-2009.fm E3 Series and S3 Series Building Blocks Reference Guide — P/N 9021-60764:A2 03/23/2016 39 Gamewell-FCI 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 USA 203-484-7161 fax 203-484-7118 www.gamewell-fci.com
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